0 Si 1 n 0 1 W2 EU IPs I i: Miff 3EU THE MORNING OEEGOXIAX, MONDAY, v 3IARCH .24, . 1919. -N. 3. aw a i r MonsieurVivaudouHas ReMrmdfrom France This is his message to you -3 During the pasf year you may have fiad difficulty ui buying JVlavis products even, perhaps, in the last six weeks you have hot been able to secure them at all because, our. factories havej, 'pade no shipments 'To be frank, the unusual demand For Mavis Was Unexpected I did not know that Mavis would be so truly 'irresistible, 1 have just returned from France. There I secured the necessary ingredients and ships to carry them to you; and now I can say to you, who delight in using Mavis, and to you who serve the publia by selling Mavis -you will hare, all ihe Mavis productsyou want, This I guarantee personally, cIt is you 'who have made Maws so eminently successful .And. $0 it is you whom I thank sincerely.. Now that it is again avail able, I know that you will continuejo useMayis: he. Mavis thaf quality has made 'irresistible ?t . .". . 3Talc, EacePowder Toilet Water Perfume Sachet Cream, .Rouge, Soap: - 13 IS 1.1; . . ? Vou already know Mavis Perhaps you do not know so well Vivaudou's Lady Mary, "the fashionable fragrance." Mon-, gieur Vivaudou will be glad to send you a generous sample of either of these delightful perfumes m return for 15c. Don t fail to write at once, enclosing stamps or coin. Address ivaudou,- Dept, JL15., Times Building, NewYork, . lR 11 iWilA 7;iJ Z;UAV 7AfiM AlK! J!SW JfilK 2 H . .yv. TWV. V I HH til N irgsCTi : -ggal IIIIEi n 1 i "i It 1 ilHu j 5 : g S p 8 t. ' - 91 5 a ii ! r'ls ; 1 , J - ! r ;ty vff w imm miifra 3 1