Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 24, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Original Paper to Be Replaced
' by New Issue.
Member of High Commission Con'
Xcr With Bankers; Clearings
figures Show Increase,
Coupon bonds of the fourth liberty
loan have been furnished to the banks
through which the subscriptions were
made, to be supp.led to purchasers.
These bonds will replace the bonds first
issued and to which only four Interest
coupons were attached. As the various
Issues of liberty bonds came along
it was a physical Impossibility to print
the complete bonds In time for dis
tribution. Announcement also is made
by the Federal Reserve bank that reg
istered bonds will be ready for de
livery to purchasers by April 3D.
Desire of the French government
to purchase needed supplies of lumber
and other forest products, as well as
needed stocks of foodstuffs from the
Pacific northwest was emphasized by
Lieutenant Maurice Boyer of the French
high commission, while in Portland. At
a conference with Oregon bankers dur
ing his visit last week. Lieutenant
Boyer told of the financial situation
of the French government and the
necessity of obtaining credits in order
to buy goods for import, and assured
the bankers there is no safer credits
than those asked by his countrymen.
In France the disgrace attendant upon
failure to meet obligations is such that
very resource of the individual is be
hind agreement., and in case of em
barrassment, relaties and friends go
the limit to uphold the person who
has assumed responsibilities in busi
ness transactions, he said.
Portland clearing house banks on
Saturday cleared 4. 448. 035. 17 with cash
balances of 1503. 439. For the cor
responding day of 1913 clearings were
3.011.363 92 and cash balances $787.
i'OOJ. The total for the week was
J31. 472.820.01. cash balances J5.939,
43 IS. compared win JJ0.853.S90.3O and
S 1.(93.354. 39 for the tame weel. of 1918.
financial conditions of the north
west country are shown to be mo?t
favorable by the statements of the
conditions of banks on March 4 in re
sponse to the calls of the controller of
the currency and state superintendents
of banks. What usually is regarded
as the quiet period of the year in busi
ness, the months of January and Feb
ruary, has been a season of uninter
rupted commercial activity. With es
tablishment of trans-Pacific shipping
lines, restoration of steamship service
interrupted by the war and new in
dustries springing up. the outlook for
all lines is most promising.
The bond house of Freeman. Smith &
ftmp company has removed to com
modious quarters on the second floor of
the Northwestern National bank building.
F. A. Freeman has Just returned from a
business trip through eastern Wash
ington and Oregon and reports the
business outlook exceptionally bright,
with Improvements planned or in prog
ress in many of the towns and cities
visited and great enthusiasm in the
various good roads movements that
are being vigorously prosecuted.
"Over the Trail" is the title of an at
tractlve little publication Issued Jointly
by the Livestock tate bank and Port
land Cattle Loan company. North Port
land Tnlon stockyards. It is artistic and
most interesting in text, carrying to the
people interested in the livestock in
dustry "a srreetlng. a visit and a bit
cf information." Leading articles In
this number deal with the future of
livestock values, the Peninsula indus
trial district and C. C Colt writes an
illuminating article on "What Will the
J'ost-Bellum Cattle Market Be?" E. W.
Humble, late manager of the Columbia
Basin Wool Warehouse rompnny. con
tributed an article on. "The 1919 Wool
Clip," which was among his lat activi
ties before being suddenly called.
Clark. Kendall & company, dealers
lit bonds, has removed to new offices
vt the corner of Ftfth and tark streets,
f-round floor. The quarters formerly
occupied by the Spokane. Portland &
Seattle Railway company local ticket
office has been leased and fitted up
for the convenience of the firm.
Morris Bros., Inc.. Is offering the pub
lic 4S percent highway bonds of Doug
las county at a price to yield 4.90 per
rent Interest. The same firm Is offer
ing two Idaho Issues of Improvement
bends at a price to yield 5fj per cent
The Lumbermen Trust company Is
fferlng diking improvement bonds of
district No. 7. Cowlitz county, Washing
ton; street Improvement bonds of the
city of Woodburn; similar brnds of
Bend, and an issue of Port of Nehalem
Manager Fred Glenn of Koeler Eros,
has added to his force of salesmen
Lieutenant Russell Hall, Marshall S.
Wright and Warren L. Starkcy.
Having traveled In the last tws
months through all states in the union
' except those of the southeast, Henry
N. Teague. field agent for the United
(States department of labor, reports
that Industrial and labor conditions
fchow a marked improvement during
the last 60 days. This results. In Mr.
Teague's opinion, from the fact that
rtate and municipal authorities have
come to appreciate the necessity for
ffer employment for labor and the
possibilities of stimulating business
through extensive public improvements.
"There is to be a great deal of public
building during the next six months, 1
m m convinced the public improvements
programme for' 1919 will equal that of
any five years In the country s History
end the road-building activities from
tue Atlantic to the Pacific, once under
way. are to be tremendous.
"1 have been much surprised to find
the scope of improvement work in the
west larger than In the east. Perhaps
this may be accounted for In the fact
that the west needs more improve
ments than the east. It is a newer
country. The governors and mayors of
An Economical Food
A Wholesome Food
A Building Food
A Convenient Food
the west, almost without exception,
realize the prudence of going in for
publio improvements as a source of
buffer employment for labor and a
means of stimulating general business.
The west, too, is much interested in
reclamation and Is anxious to make
land, heretofore arid and waste, avail
able and suitable for farming by such
former soldiers as -wish to go back to
the soil."
Sergeant Frank Qnlnn, Minos One
Leg, Tells of Some Battles.
TACOMA, Wash- March 2 (Spe
cial.) With his right leg off four
inches below the knee. Sergeant Frank
Quinn is on a furlough at his mother's
home here and Is bubbling over with
praise for the men of the 91st division.
Sergeant Quinn of company I. 361st
Peter Phillip Gonlet.
SALEM. Or.. March 23. (Spe
cial.) Peter Phillip Goulet. who
died at his home here March 14,
was a pioneer of 1859. in which
year he arrived In the Oregon
country after crossing the plains.
He was born in Monroe, Mich.,
September 21. 1S45, and leaves
his widow and two sons, Romeo
and Homer Goulet of Brooks,
Or. After many years of farming
on the original Goulet homestead.
Mr. Goulet retired, eight years
atro, and made his home at Salem.
The funeral services were hold
from Rigdon's undertaking par
lors and at tt.e mausoleum last
Saturday. Mrs. Carlton Smith was
the singer at the services.
infantry, was wounded while going
over the top in the Argonne forest on
September 23. Bursting shrapnel
pierced his leg and ' tore it to the
"The bravery of those men was won
derful." said Sergeant Quinn. "The
way they went over and at the Ger
mans showed what these men of the
Wild West division were made of. Not
a man faltered: every one fought on
and on without a whimper." "
Sergeant Quinn will go to Letter
man general hospital.. San Francisco.
for further treatment before ha is
Business Men, Farmers and Stock
men Organize.
WOODLAND, Wash.. March 23. (Spe
cial.) Business men of Woodland met
Friday with farmers and stockmen
of Lewis river. A new organization
was formed to promote the interests of
Lewis river, to succeed the Woodland
Commercial club, which ceased activi
ties at the entrance of America into the
war. Dr. C. J. Hoffmann, a former
president of the Woodland Commercial
club, was chosen president. J. D. Oli
ver of Woodland, A. S. Kincaid of
Clarke county and H. E. Dart of Cow
lits county are vice-presidents. D. W.
Whitlow, former secretary, and Ben
Barr. former treasurer of tlrS Woodland
Commercial club, were also named for
their old places.
Sixty-six names were added to the
roll of mer-bership, and it is fully ex
pected that the membership will be not
leas than 100.
Acting Mayor Lane Stopped From
Signing Bonds.
SEATTLE. Wash.. March S3. (Spe
cial.) Further Indefinite delay in the
deal by which the city proposes to ac
quire the street car system for J15,
000.000 In public utility bonds devel
oped Saturday morning, when acting
Mayor W. D. Lane announced that a
stop had been put to his signing the
bonds in the absence of Mayor Hanson,
who will be away from the city for one
. Mr. Lane, who has been signing city
bond Issues for several days past, was
about to start work on the 15.000 bonds
for 11000 each Involved in the' deal,
when A. W. Leonard, president of tne
Puget Sound Traction. Light & Power
company, notified him that he had
failed to secure sanction for this pro
cedure from the company's directors In
New Class Formed for Young Wom
en In Ilome Economics.
Corvallis. March 23. (Special.) Some
thing new for young women in home
enonomlcs at the college will be a class
In meat Judging under E. L Potter,
professor of animal husbandry, to be
given In the spring term. It has been
arranged especially for advanced home
economics students and will Include
a study of types of cattle with refer
ence to meat qualities, types of meat,
meat Judging, inspection and sanita
tion. Arrangements have been made for
Inspection of some of the Corvallis and
Portland wholesale and retail markets.
De&n A. B. Milam expects the course
to be of much value, and Is encourag
ing the girls to register for it. A
course in camp cookery has also been
Picture of Mount Hood From Larch
Mountain to Be Made.
EHERTDAV, Or.. March IS. (Special.)
J. D. Montgomery, a logger of this
place, whose proclivity for doing off
hand pen work of Oregon scenery has
riven him a wide reputation, announced
today that he was planning his bifrget
effort this coming summer, when he
expects to do Mount Hood from Larch
mountain, near Bridal Veil.
This pen picture will ba S6 inches by
IS inches. He has recently completed
some Columbia river scenes while log
ging: at Bridal Veil.
PhOM your want ads to the Oregx
Blan. Phone Main 7070, A 6095. -
Stockholders for Association
Object of Clean-Up.
5Imbers of City's Leading- Business
Clubs Assigned Quotas; 413
Boosters Are Enlisted.
More than 400 well-known Portland
men, recruited from tha membership
ranks of the city's most important bus
ness clubs, and organized into teams of
ten men each, will comprise the big
sales force which will, during the com
ing week, under the direction of Henry
E. Reed,' district manager, make a sys
temattc city-wide drive for stockholders
In the Pacific International Livestock
In order that the large subscriptions
expected from the banks, department
stores, hotels and big Industries might
be secured In advance of the general
drive, the field has been given over,
throughout Uie past week, to the "fly
ing squadron" division of the campaign,
In charge of E. G. Crawford, vice
president of the. United States National
bank. Mr. Crawford and his aides now
are completing a vigorous and thor
ough canvass of the city's big financial.
industrial and business institutions
which it is expected will have brought
In at least 50 per cent of Portland's
3125,000 quota by Monday night. The
other half or the city s quota will be
the goak of District Manager Reed and
bis big sales force.
Big Rally Scheduled.
"We will begin our drive for stock
holders with a rousing rally of all
colonels, captains and team workers at
Library hall, Yamhill entrance of the
public library, on Tuesday evening at
w v ...w..... uu.u ..... . . - jcoiai uaj.
"The stockmen, farmers and business
men of Oregon, outside of Portland,
nave oeen prompt In taking up our
challenge to match, dollar for dollar.
all subscriptions made, outside the city.
toward a iz& fund for establishing
a Dig ia-acre livestock exposition cen
ter. V. e expect to get the rest of Port
land's 3125.000 worth of the stock placed
within a week.
At Tuesday night's meeting Mr. Reed
will explain the details o the drive
plr.n. and will assign districts to the
sir colonels who will in turn allot terri
tory to the team captains under them.
Team Workers Assigned.
The six business clubs of the city
have been apportioned quotas of -team
workers and allotments of stock to sell
n proportion to their membershlD. The
colonels and their quotas of stock and
workers are announced as follows
Ad club. Colonel Charles F. Berg. Ill
workers, 120,525 stock: Progressive
Business Men's club. Colonel H. It. Blau-
veit. Ill workers. $20,325 stock: Rotarv
club. Colonel B. .THunttngton, 78 work
ers, $13,950 stock; Realty board, Colonel
Leo Friede, 56 workers, 310,200 stock;
R.iwanis cmo. col-inel H. G. Colton. 34
workers, 36375 stock: East Side Busi
ness Men's club. Colonel M. O. Collins,
zj womers, 3S.'o stock. Total number
of team workers, 413; total stock, 375,
000. Official Casualty Report.
ASHIXGTOX, March 23. The
weekly revised summary of the
total casualties to date showing the
changes made necessary by the daily
list of corrections published. It followsr
Killed In action (fneludlcg 3S1 at sea) 31.H22
Liled from wounds 13,35-'
Died of disease 21,8-6
Tiled from accident and other causes 3,0-5
Wounded in action (over S570 re
turned) 183,584
Mlsslnir In action fnot including pris
oners and ruturned 5,405
Total 69.714
Today's list contains 176 names, . 9
died from wounds. 94 of disease, 13
wounded severely, 5 degree un
determined, 45 slightly and S missing
in action.
rued of disease
Hlli. John K. (cook). Malaga, Wash.
Wounded severely
Pooie, Kalpa K., Valley. Wash.
Died of disease
Conrman. Willis. Fttipatrick. Ala.
Crocker, Jose, Cullman, Ala.
IHed of disease
Garvin. J. Little Rock. Ark.
Died of dlaease
Jackson, Andrew, San Francisco, CaJ,
Died of disease
Coagrove, E. J., Bridgeport, Conn.
Died of dlnease
Dingier. Q. P., Woodrow, Fla.
Taylor, W. E., Wlnterhaven. Fla.
Died of disease
i-'hoarnoufe, K. .V. (Cpl. ). Marlow, Ga.
Earneit. M. J. (Wi ), Donaldsville, Ga,
Kimble. Orle. Hatcher Station, Ga.
Fielder. O. F,, Tecumfeh. Ga. f
Youmans. F. L.. Norristown, Ga.
Turk, Otis, Atianta, Ga.
Died of disease
Gunler, C. E. (bgt.). Decatur, 111.
Dalton. Claude cook), Paris, 111.
Hurel. Arthur. Chicago, IIL
Dohlen. G. G.,' Mount Morris, 111.
Held, James, Chicago.
Gates, M. K.. Chicago.
Died of wounds
Tiarney. M. G. T. (Cpl.). Chicago, 111.
Williams. J. L., Farmer City, 111.
Died ef disease
Mon&aan, J. L. b'hertdan. la.
Miller, G. L., Cedar Rapids, la,
Died of disease
Swam. W. M. (Cpl.). Arcadia. Kan.
MillerClayton C. (Cpl.), Wichita, Kaja.
Died ef disease
Barker, Luther C, Green. Ky.
Lan rence, Harvey, Louisville, ))!,
Died of wounds
Died of disease
Diefi of wound
Farreli, J. J., Kumford, Me.
Died of disease
Weason, J. s.. Baltimore, Md.
Co 'wj". Dorchester, Mass.
Burnham, H. E. (Wag.), Watertown,'
Jones. H. B., War ham. Mass,
Cross. C L.. Webster. Mass.
Died of disease
Theisen. Len, Detroit. Mich.
Died of weundfc
Hove;, Charles, Paavola. Mich.
Died of disease
Dies mi WMtintia
Trebeach. Albert. Sleepy Eye, Minn.
Died of disease
Jackson. JSVi: lie. Shelby, Miss.
Daniel, L, Jackson, Misa.
Died of disease
Daley, W. u., iiadison. Mo.
Daniels, Mrnroe, Charley. Ky.
Died ef disease
Turner, R. B.. Eunlca, La.
Died of disease
Clark, J. B. (sgu). Dear Ladfe, Mont.
insure you
, sound sleep
or we pay you
Proper breathing is tire secret of restful
a little KONDONS snuffed up each
nostril at bedtime, clears the head, relieves
that stopped-up feeling and sound, refreshing
sleep is apt to follow.
Get a tube from your druggist. Try it If it does
not do all we say, we will pay you your money back, n
m not do all we sav. we will pay you your money back. . EJ
I a . Whenever you brush your teeth, clear out your
bead by snuffing a little Kondon's up your nose.
VWv is guaranteed not only by us, but by 29 years a
V. service to millions of Americans. If Kondon's R
' A tin
enough for
cations) wi
you free of
of your
Died of wounds
Dasch. O. H. (Wag.), Red Point, Mont.
MacDoucal, J. A.. Phllllpsburs, Mont,
French, J. B., Great Falls, Mont.
Fairgrieve, J. It. frgt., Washoe, Mont.
Died of disease-
Davis, G. T.. Jr.. New York.
Moraa, Fred, Stanley, N. T
Died of disease
Conlon. J. B.. Newark, N. J.
Bladenthal. Jacob, Atlantic City, N. J.
Drostal, Edward, Newark. N. J.
Vanmarter, K.-H., Trenton, N. J.
Died of disens
Ryder, G. A.. Hanover. N. H.
Died of disease-
Downs, J. B. (Cpl.). Ashvllle, If. C
Lawrence. Andrew. Weldon. N. C
Godwin, M. A., Salem, N. C.
Died of disease
oucek. I,. J. iSgt.). Cleveland, O. .
Hussey. WV J. (Cpl.). Rudolph, OhrB.
Brown, L. (Cpl.), Chllllcothe, Ohio.
Dunbar. G. 8. Cpap.), Toledo. O.
Dunmire. G. F., New Philadelphia, O.
Relchender, George, Columbus, O.
Murphy, H. H.. Cleveland. O.
Moose, It. J., Newark, O.
Died of disease-
Weathers. Bennie. Welty, Okla.
Died of disease
Ottenbaclier, C. (Cpl.), Bouth Bethlehem, Pa.
Mortimer. G. W. (Cpl.). Falo Alto, reu
Haas. T. H. (Cpl.). Easton. Pa.
Cirr. W. E. (Cpl.), Phoenix, Pa.
Burkhouse. John A., Beaver Township, Fa.
Leo. W. J., Philadelphia. Pa.
Hostetter. D. C. Belleville. Pa.
Honeywell, E. F-, Plymouth, Pa.
Dooling, P. J., Shenandoah, Pa.
McNeils. J. J.. Philadelphia. Pa.
MuGoldrick. P. E. M.. Scranton. Pa.
McCutcheon. James, Philadelphia, Fa,
Dint of wounila
McNulty, Andrew J., Preeland, Pa.
Died of disease
Heath, Elder, Parlers. S. C
Died of disease
Sparks. L. E.. Knoxvllle, Tenn.
Steel. Romie, Nashville, - Tenn.
Poorman, Alfred, Memphis, Tenn,
Died of disease
Lee. G. B.. Trinity. Tex.
Cram-ford. Buster, Corsicana, Texas.
Wastley, Will, Houston, Tex.
Died of disease
Mitchell, C. J., Prove, Utah.
Died of dlseasei
Barrett, J. P. (6gl.). Rutland, Vt.
Died of diseased
Johnson, F. G. W. (Wag.), Eperryville, Va.
Collins, H. C, Longsper, aa.
Fields, John, Boyklns, Va.
Farmer, W. V. A Sycamore, Va.
Meador, C. F.. Glen Allen, Va. '
Died of disease
Ehrader, H. F., Harrlsvllle, W. Va.
Died of disease
Shielis, . E. (Lc). Wauwatosa, Wis.
Bergner, E. C. (Sgt-), Pulcifer, Wis.
Erlckson, B. A.. Arkdale. Wis.
Whitman Society May Be Admitted
to Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity
Wash., March 23. (Special!) Whit
man's application for & chapter of Phi
Beta Kappa, the oldest national honor
ary fraternity, has been unanimously
Indorsed by . the senate of that organ
ization. Furthermore, it was recom
mended to the council, which meets
next September, to grant charters. '
The local organization which is pe
titioning for a charter in Phi Beta
Kappa is known as the "Society X" and
was founded in 1914 by a group of
members of the national fraternity,
botb in the faculty and in the com
munity. Its petition has been indorsed
by all the chapters in the west and
many in the middle west and east.
Employes of Baker Loan & Trust
Company Enjoy Treat,
BAKER. Or., March 23. (Special.)
One of the finest banquets given in
Baker in many years was tendered by
President William Pollman last evening
to the officers and employes of the
Baker LoXh & Trust company the
Geiser Grand hotel. About 50 people
were present, including guests from
the officers of other banks of the city.
Thei Baker Loan & Trust company,
a state bank, was organized in 1906,
and a few years thereafter Mr. Poll
man promised the officers and em
ployes that when the Institution reached
the $1,000,000 fiarlc he would give them
the best banquet they ever attended.
x aoes nr. aa wonders lor voui luiu. smccjiik, , i
VUV. ache, sore nose, etc. we u pay your n
P NSik. money back. Address ' ffi
large XS. Catarrhal Jelly
20 appli- Minneapolis, Minn. j&?Y
ill be mailed to C9
charge on receipt SSSSXrSZSSSS
name ana aaaresa,
this will
cough, chronic catarrh, nose-bleed, head- B
Theinillion dollar mark was achieved
this month.
History of Soldier's Experiences in
Front Lines Complete.
" SHERIDAN, Or.. March 23. (Spe
cial.) Lloyd Chapman, a graduate of
Oregon Agricultural college at Cor
vallis, and up to his enlistment in the
offensive gas regiment of the A. E. F.
a chemist in a copper mine at McGill,
Nev., has returned from France with
a complete daily diary written by him
while spending three months in the
front lines.
Some pages of the diary were writ
ten while under shell fire, one was
written when he was gassed, and an
other shows the hard bumps he was
having while riding in a boxcar with
troops taken from the front to Brest.
His description of Brest condemns the
so-called rest camp most decidedly.
More Than 2000 Persons Tate Out
Licenses for 1919.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. March 23.
(Special.) Owners of automobiles,
trucks and motorcycles are flocking to
the office of the county auditor these
days and approximately 2000 have al
ready made contributions to the state
highway fundL under the new Jaw. It
has -een 4mfi()f mary for licenses to ex
plre v March tj, but the legislature
Subject f Childbirth Discussed by
Women of Experience.
Women everywher"tli their friends how.
through the use or Mother"! Friend, the
wonderful penetrating external application.
they avoided suffering and distress before
the advent of nature's most wonderful evo
lution. Mother's Friend Is a remedy which
spreads its Influence upon the cords, nerves
and ligaments involved, rendering them
pliant to readily yield to nature's demand
for expansion. The nerves, cords, tendons
and ligaments expand without that peculiar
wrenching strain, and nervousness, nausea
and unreetful sensations- are naturally
avoided when the nerves and-muscles ars
relieved and thus are not torn and drawn.
Bv rpenlar use. the lower abdominal re
gion expands with ease when baby is born,
the hours are less at the crista, and pain
and danger is naturally less.
Yon can obtain Mother's Friend from anv
drug store. It has been used by women for
over half a century, and Is Just as standard
as anything you can think of.
Write the Brad field Regulator Company.
Dept. H, Umar Building, Atlanta. Georgia,
for their Motherhood Book, and get a bottle
of Mother's Friend today, and thus fortify
yourself against pain and discomfort.
!Always Ask for Genuine
j!!Ber Tablets of Aspirin"
Only Aspirin Tablets with the safety
"Bayer Cross" on them are genuine
Baver Tablets of Aspirin," ownea ana
made by Americans and proved safe by
millions of people. Unknown quanti-
ties of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets ware
sold recently by a Brooklyn dealer
which proved to be composed mostly of
Talcum Powder.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should
always be asked for.- Then look for the
safety "Bayer Cross" on the package
and on each tablet. Accept nothing
else! Proper directions and dosage in
each Bayer package.
Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of
Salicylicacld, A4v.
Drying Up of Turkey Shows Seven j
Last Plagues Near, Says Bible
Judgments Foretold in Prophecies to Be Real, and Will Be
Poured Upon Those Who Willfully Disobey 3C
God, Declares Evangelist Dickson.
That the drying- up or tha dismem
berment of the Turkish empire, which
has been going on for some time is
given as a sign of the -jiear approach
of the seven last plagues of Bible
prophecy, which will be world-wide In
extent, the falling of which will mark
the end of mercy for the unbelieving
and disobedient, were among the dec
larations of Evangelist L. K. Dlckeon
last night in Christensen's hall, Elev
enth street, between Morrison and
Yamhill, where he spoke to a - large
audience upon the prophecy In the
scriptures relating to the "Seven Last
vfe- x r
Evangelist Dickson.
Taking for his text Rev. 14:9-12 and
referring to his lectures of the past
few weeks in which he dealt with the
symbols of the beast, the image and
the mark of thevbeast. the evangelist
said in part as follows:
"It is evident that the unmingled
wrath of God, or the seven last plagues
(Rev. 15:1) could not be poured out
while mercy etill lingers for the sin
ner and the unbeliever. For when
the unmineled wrath of God' Is poured
out there will be no mercy mixed with
these judgments of the Almighty. The
work of the gospel in warning men
of the wrath to come and pointing the
way to eternal life will have closed
and the world must stand upon the
decisions which have been made for
or against the message of truth which
God so graciously sends to the world.
This laet warning message Is now
going to the world, being carried by
only one organized body, and the world
has not yet been fully covered in its
onward sweep. The falling of the
plagues spoken of here and also in
the sixteenth chapter of Vlevelation is
still in the future, and therefore it is
but common prudence upon the part of
the Bible student that he studies into
the question with a view to preparing
himself to meet that day when they
shall begin to fall, and when that de
cree spoken of in Rev. 22:11 shall have
gone forth. That day wherein mercy
may not be found for the sinner was
referred to by Christ in his teachings
when he said (Luke 13:14-28) 'Strive to
enter in at the strait gate: for many,
I say unto you, will seek to enter in,
and shall not be able.' After the first
vial of God's wrath is poured out, no
sinner will ever find pardon. Jesus,
our greAt high priest, will have fin
ished his mediatorial work and the
door of salvation will have been for
ever barred. This may be known by
a comparison of Isa. 6 and Hen. 4:16
with Rev. 8. N
"There is no spparent reason why
these plagues should not be regarded
as strictly literal, for they are almost
identical with those which God in
flicted upon the Egyptians as ha was
about to deliver his people from the
yoke of bondage, the literality of
changed the law and licenses are now
due April 1.
Owners of machines last year will be
permitted to operate them up to April
1 on the 1919 license, but after that
date they must have a 1920 license.
Hog Raisers Organized
DTTFTTR. Or.. March 23. (Special.)
:&rrvr .rrL liar
Phone Your Want Ads to
Slain 7Q70 : A. 6095.
which is seldom if ever called In ques
tion. God is now about to crown
his people with their final deliverance
and redemption, and his judgments
will be manifested in a manner no less
literal and terrible.
"According to Rev. IS the plagues
are given as follows: 1. 'A noisome
and grievous sore' (Vs. 2) or ulcer.
(The Greek word from Vhlch 'sore' is
translated Is set over almost literally
into the Latin as ulcus.) It will be.
then, a malignant and deally uloer
deeply imbedded, severe,- and corrupt
ing and which will not relieve its
victims by ending their pains with
death; for while the fifth plague is
falling, it is stated that men bias
phemed God because of their 'sore
Perhaps it may be similar to the
parallel plague which fell upon Egypt
(Ex. 9:8-11).
"2.' The seas will turn to blood , of
a dead man. Vs. S. '';
S. Vs. 4-7. This is the description
of the terrible retribution for the
'blood of the saints' shed by violent
hands, which will be given to those
who have done or wish to do, such
deeds. The question asv to who are
the saints may be answered by notlo-
lng Vs. 12 of Rev. 14. for hers we find
that the saints are commandment
keepers who have been cleansed
through faith in Jesus Christ. '"
"4. Great heat from the sun (Vs.ST
The Greek conveys the Idea of heat
increased to fire. Such unusual heat
extends its desolation all around.
Fields as well aa men are seared'.
Beasts share with human beings the
suffering caused by this burning heat.
(Joel 1:1-3, 15-20.) (
"5. Gross darkness covers the earth.
An illustration of this vial may -he
found in Ex. 10:21-23.
"6. The final drying up of Turkish
empire, or that power which will be
controlling the valley of the Euphrates
at Jiat time. This one plague may
be said to be symbolic, as there is no
literal explanation for it, because of
the fact that the rivers of the earth
will all be dried up before this time
comes, through the work of the sec
ond, third, fourth and fifth plagues.
Water stands for peoples, nations and
tongues (Rev. 17:15). Therefore, this
plague must be interpreted as we have'
just mentioned. For many years flib
Turk has been diminishing In territory
and in every other way, and this very
fact constitutes a great sign t the
nearness of the seven last plagues, for
she comes to her end under the sixth
plague, at the time of the great battle
of Armageddon (Vs. 16), and the won
derworking of demons.
"7. The seventh plague is made up
with the destruction which will attend
the second coming of Christ, for the
words go forth, 'It is done.' and n.
mighty earthquake and great hail do
their awful damage and men cry for
mercy, and for the rocks to fall on
them to hide them from the face" of
him that eitteth on the throne (Rev.
"Now is the time to make our prep
aration for the coming of. the plagues
and the end of the world. The right
eous will be fully protected In that
day (Isa. 32:18-19; 33:16; 41:17; Psa.
91; Joel 3:16)."
The subject for next Sunday nlghfrf
lecture will be "The Unpardonable
Sin." The pamphlet containing "The
Peace Table in the Light of Bible
Prophecy" and three other lectures
may be had by sending -10c and post
age to Evangelist L. K. Dickson. SflS
E. Everett St., Portland, Or. This ".is
one pamphlet, not four. Adv. "-
Many hog raisers of this county met
here yesterday and organized the Wasco
county Duroc Jersey association. C. R.
Doyle, of Dufur, was elected president
and A. K. Chase, secretary-treasurer.
The number of pure bred swine of this
breed is Increasing In this county. i j
Milk and Toast About All He
Ate for Two Years Before r "
Taking Tanlac.
"When a man has had to live for al
most two years on such things as toast
and milk on account of stomach trou
ble, and then finds a medicine that
fixes him up in a month's time so he
can eat anything he wents, I think It, is
time for him to talk for the benefit of
others. Well, Tanlac has done all this,
and more, for me, for I am now eight
pounds heavier than I was before I Ue-
gan taking it and am feeling stron.gerj
and better than I have in yeirs."
The above remarkable statement was
made by William Lee, engineer at -the
Wlllard Hotel, Seattle, recently.
"My stomach never re med to be able
to digest anything, scarcely," he con
tinued, "and I as so weak and upset
that I could haraly retain any of the
little I did eat. I have often felt
empty and hungry and ordered a big
meal, but after taking a few bites I
would become co naiLseated that ' T
would have to leave the table. What
I did manage to keep down felt like
lead in my stomach, and the gas from
it would cause a burning sensation and
pains that I cculd hardiy stand. I Was
also troubled with rheumatism in my
joints. My knees, especially, wdtrld
get so stiff and painful that I coyld
hardly bend them. I lost weight all
the time and, really, if my work had
been very hard I couldn't have stood it.
"I was under treatment several
times and spent over two hundred dol
lars trying to get relief, but nothing
ever helped me until I got Tanlao:
Tanlac was my last resort, for I bad
tried everything else, and tho three
bottles I have used up to this time
have done me more good than every
thing else I have tried combined. My
appetite is just great and my stomach
is In such a good condition that I can
eat just anything, and it certainly Is a
pleasure to eat what I want without
suffering afterwards. I sleep as sound
as a dollar every night and am gain
ing in weight all the time. When I
first started on Tanlac I weighed only
one hundred and twenty pounds, but
now I tip the scales at one hundred and
twenty-eight. Tanlac has certainly
been a wonderful success In my case.
My rheumatism, like the stomach trou
ble, has every bit disappeared, and. I
simply feel like a new man." ,-. .
Tanlao is sold in Portland by the 0'l
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