TITC MORNING OREGOXIAX, MOXDAY, MAIICTI 24, 1919. IS CREVISTOW LOWERS i iVIOTORGYGLE RECORD j i BEAVERS FROM tenth Lay walked, Boldt singled and both advanced on Hues' error. Stoloff singled to right, scoring Walters. Lay pitched good ball in the last four frames. Portland I Halton-Dldlert , BHOAW B H OAK Boldt.l... S 3 4 0 OIBankh'd.m 2 1 1 00 Stoloff.8.. 4 1 3 2 0 HBlster.3.. 4 0 0 1 0 Penner.2. 6 15 1 O'Gadsden.l. 4 S 2 on Old ham. r. 3 0 3 1 0 Ilani!f.l-p 4 2 10 2 0 Coen.S 3 0 110 KHhul'n.c. 5 14 10 Wlrts.m.. 4 0 1 0 0 Conire r.a. . 5 0 S St Walt era. 1 4 3 5 1 0 Davis. r... 2 1 1 00 Dorman.c 3 17 1 OiKuds.r. ... 2 0 101 Morton.p. 3 11 3 O'Chalse.2. . 3 0 3 5 0 Lay.p.... 0 0 0 0 0!Pruiett,p.. 3 10 40 Laird.l. ..1 1 3 00 Totals. 36 10 30 10 01 Totals.. 35 10 30 16 2 Portland 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 4 Hits 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 10 Halton-Didlers ....0 02 1 0000O 0 8 Hits -v 0 0 4 2 1 0 0 1 1 110 Runs, Wlrts. Walters, Martin. Lay, Bank head, Gadsden, Davis. Three runa. 7 hit. 27 at bat off Morton in 6 lnnlnra: three run. 7 hits, 25 at bat off Pruett In 8 Innlnsa. Credit victory to Lay. charse defeat to Danzig-. Stolen bast. Danzig. Home runa. Gadsden. Morton. To-base hit. Bankhead. Sacrifice hits, Dorman, Heister. Stoloff. Sac. riflce fly. Bankhead. Flrt base on called balls, off Pruiett 1, Danzig- 1, Lay 1. Morton 2. Struck out, by Pruiett 3. Danzig 1, Mor ton 4, Lay $. Hit by pitcher. Bankhead by Morton. Double play. Chaise to Conger to Danzig. Time. 2:00. Umpires, Kissea and Baumgarten. WRESTING CARD ANXOUXCED THAT GUILTIEST FEELING BY BRIGGS. Jime for Five-Mile Straight away Is 3:15 2-5. Score of 4 to 0 Gives Visitors Big Surprise. 25,000 WITNESS CONTEST PITCHERS ALLOW 2 HITS Jfarlon, Ind., Professional Leads McCredie's Men Go Through Nine Innings Without Error; Ben ham Is Hit Hard. Held at Meet on Base Line Road. ..!. White Leads Locals. " f " f I UrJOERSTpoD Tboff ' WLL TOSX TmoOSHT l it 16 SAr H LBXT W . I'D LOOK OV6R MY OUTP.r- ( WTERtSiT J otf - ff . W HR THAT- WHAT'J l7 T I oZckB OP J . Tm USe OF LeTTwS THe" I I m FLAYirJC J CLUBS (Sex ffuSTY and J H I , J- ml Iff $mk Loose - - ILL TAKE"f?iM J TO- 1 Iff XWN UP To Tne CLUB mO 5g J, J 'Iff H 'zf fir i m r BT IIARRT 3t GRAYSON". "Here he comes!" shouted an en thusiast at the finishing- line of yes terday's five -mile championship straightaway motorcycle raei. 'There lie goesT" yelled the rabid one's com panion. This tella in the best fashion how much one could see of Ray Crevis ton when he smashed the world's five mile straightaway motorcycle record on the Base Line road yesterday. He sped like a phantom, did this Marion. Ind., professional, who made the distance in 3:15 1-5. From all that local dealers can ascertain, the best previous straightaway mark is 3:21. negotiated at J'alm Beach. Fla.. back in un. It is estimated that 23.000 people lined the sides of the course and com menced falling in at their respective Places as early as 11:30 o clock A. M. Tne course extended from 200 yards ast of the Oregon Water Power ItaJl- way company s crossing to the Ray Barkhurst sign 100 yards east of the Hussellvllle schoolbouse. Loving rap Is m. By his feat Creviston cops the J. Chand ler Ecan loving cup and J225. Ray Barkhurst, who sponsored the event, under the auspices of the Rose Citv .Motorcycle club, put up 1100 for the winner, while the other J125 comes from the American Tire & Rubber company and was offered to anyone smashing the record. E. L. White re ceived 137. SO, prize set up by the American Tire & Rubber company for the fastest time by a local rider. White mounted a Harley Davidson ind swept over the course In 3:26 2-B. The first relay of the Ray Barkhurst five-mile championship straightaway motorcycle race was under way at 1:13 o'clock P. M. Machines were mounted at the 12-mile comer and were coin;; at a terrific rate of speed when the starting point was reached. ( E- R Clement served as referee and announcer at the. finishing line. ieorge- Parker. Ted White. George T. Strine and Frank Callahan held the etop watches. Joe T. Shantin. Ted Gil bert. Fred Thomas Merrill and Fred Wyatt were starters. Not an accident marred the beautiful . spring afternoon. V. C. Short, riding Louis Carl Rose's Ex.-elsior. blew a tire at the Mount Hood Railway company's . rrnaxinr inH nlthmifrh I. ,,..!. ,. i. whole road in stopping did not spill. Jl. Newman, after getting two miles under way, quit on account of his mag neto going dead. Ken Altnow. aboard the East Side Motorcycle company's special, dropped out after three miles of great speed because his motor froze. Monk McMoran. scheduled to start, failed to do so, figuring he had no chance against the array of talent. Meet Is Saactloned. Crevlston's record will stand as traightaway mark, for yesterday's meet was sanctioned by the Federation of American Motorcyclists. According to tne rues or this federation. t:.e saucer board track five-mile record held by a chap named Humiston. who made the distance at Los Angeles on December 30. 1912. in 3:06 4-5. Yester days straightaway time made by the Marlon youth Is remarkable. It is equal approximately to 92.1 miles an hour, and has never been equaled by automobile or motorcycle in the north west Many a thrill was dished out at the Mount Hood Railway company's cross ing where an incline of about three feet In 20 caused the speed merchants to leave the pavement for a number of feet. Some of them did not make any Jump at all. while others virtually flew through the air for a distance. Creviston is a professional rider for the Hendee Manufacturing company. which makes the Indian motorcycles. He and Mrs. Creviston will leave for tan Francisco the first of the week. Here axe the results: Relay No. 1 Bd Berreth. Excelsior, 3:."1 3-5; "Red" Cog-burn, Merkle. Seattle, :'J 3-6. Kelay No. 2 B. W. Rice. Indian. 3:5 3-5. Relay No. 3 Bob Perry. Harley-Uavld- Ofl. 3:47. Relay No. 4 V. C. Short. Excelsior did aot finish ; Mickey MrlnaTd. Imlian. 3:44. Relay No. E. I.. White. Harly-Dvld-son. false start; Helral Bacon, ILarlcy-David-son. 4:20. Relay No. 6 Ray PrevlMon. Indian. lnnnn. lnd 3:15 2-5 I world's S-mlle straightaway record); Ed Berreth. Cyclone, false start. Kflav No. T Pustin Famum. Indian, 3 U 3-5: Ed Berreth. (Tetone. 4:1.1 1-5. Relay No. S E. L. White. Harley-Davld-son. 3:26 OUTDOOR PRACTICE HELD MCLTNOMAH CLUB ATHLETES TURN OUT IN' FORCE. Baseball, Track and Other Sports Are Represented; Promising i , Material Is Available. The Multnomah Amatettr Athletic club track and field squad was origi nally slated to Journey out to the Co lumbia Coliseum yesterday morning for several hours' grind on the indoor track, but the weather was so good that those on hand decided to take a fling at the preliminary conditioning training on the Multnomah club track. Vere Windnagle. "Moose'1 Sayne. Jtck Grant. Sam Bellah and George Philbrook spent a strenuous two hours either running, taking the starts or instructing the Winged M track aspi rants. Dick Grant was not expected to com pete for Multnomah club this year, and, sis he said yesterday, may yet have to forsake the cinder path this season, as tie has the oppoortunlty to become a valmon king in Astoria this year. whioTl Grippe Germs ToLaccoIeM CIGARETTES 1 All Druggists 20c Smoked Out 1ff I' units- ml U m am B W V"' - would kill his chances to run for M. A. .V. C. About. 20 athletes were out on Mult nomah field yesterday basking in the sun and limbering up their muscles. Many of the baseball enthusiasts at Multnomah club who will play on the various Sunday morning house club league teams took advantage of the 'balmy breeze" and sping weather to stop a few hot ones and chase files on tho club diamond. The outlook for a crack club first team is the most promising in many seasons at Multno mah club. Another Al twirler devel oped in the person of Carl Knudsen at vesterday's practice. Knudsen was the leading high school pitcher for several seasons while at Lincoln, ana also pitched some great nrlependent ball, His younger brother. Ralph Knudsen, who pitched for Lincoln last year and played in the house league at Multno mah club last season, is also out again this year. Harry Fischer was on deck for the first call and speared some Texas leaguers. w HEN everything is in readiness for making the stroke the player should take a last look in the direc tion of the hole to satisfy himself about what it is exactly he wants to do and to make a final mental note of the dangers that are in front of this tee shot When About to make the stroke the eyes should have ceased to regard that point in the distance to which it is Intended to dispatch the ball and should have settled down to looking at the ball itself. This brings one naturally to a repetition of the most justly celebrated maxim in golf "keep your eye on the ball." There is no other rule half so valuable and nec essary, because if you do not keep your eye on it from the moment the swing is commenced until it haa been sent from the tee no good can come of the stroke. Even players of long experi ence sometimes, as the result of over confidence, get Into the way now and again of temporarily allowing their eyes to wander and the result is that their strokes go wrong. Hawaii Will Enter Games. HONOLULU, T. II.. March 23. fSpe- cial.) Honolulu will send a Chinese baseball team for a total ot 13 games Manila, where the far eastern Olym pic games will be held in May. A ca blegram arrived here today making an offer of a guarantee of more than ex penses and the offer was accepted. Some of the players wno toureo me United States with the all-Chinese team some -years back will make the Manila trip, leaving here early next monm. 12 Motorcycle Events Listed. C E. B. Clement of the Rose City Motorcycle club announced last night that 12 events will be run off under the auspices of the club at the Rose City speedway on Decoration day. May 30. Twenty-five riders will be entered and the 25-mile championship of the northwest will be contested for. There ill be one, two, three and iive-mue events and other features. This will mark the annual meet of the club. Seattle Shooters Score 115. SEATTLE. March 23. Competing with Spokane in the northwest telegraphic tournament, the Seattle Gun club scored a team total of 115 points today, as fol lows: M. Grossman, 24: F. Ulvestad, 23; J. H. Hopkins. 23; R. S. Searle. 23; W. H. Cardtens. 22. Lipton Bound for America. MARBLE HE AD. Maes.. March 23. A cablegram was received by the Corin thian Yacht club yesterday from Sir Thomas Lipton stating that he was sail ing on the Aquitania and would reach the United States about March 26, where he will confer with American yachtsmen about the resumption of in ternational yatcht racing. Wind Interferes With Shoot. ABERDEEN'. Wash., March 23 The Aberdeen trapshooters scored a total of 112 targets today in the northwest telegraphic tournament. The individ ual scores were: Charles Pratsch. 24: Wallace Pratsch, 22; Kred Pratsch. 22; J. G. Weatherwax, 2: W. E. Myers. 22. High northwest winds made shooting difficult. Morrlssey to Box Tucker. YAKIMA. Wash, March 23. (Spe cial.) Lee Morrisey, former boxing in structor at Camp Sam Houston, Tex, is to box Frank le Tucker. Pacific coast lightweight champion. . here soon, ac cording to announcement by the pro moters of the contest. St. Louis Beats San Antonio. SAX AXTOXIO. Texas, March 23. The St. Louis Americans yesterday de feated the local club. 6 to 2. Score: R. II. K. R. H. E. Saa An f 8 4 St. Louis... S 7 1 SAIiT LAKE MANAGER IN" "EED OF NEW MATERIAL. Outrirld In Need of Strengthening and Manager of Bees Is Worried by Delays. BY JAMES J. RICHARDSON. PITTSBURG. Cal.. March 23. (Spe cial.) Two hundred and thirty-five pounds of good-natured, red - headed beefage is Eddie Herr, manager of the Salt Lake club and former major league procurer of "bush" ballplayers, who is here trying to mold a ball team of ability to mark his entry into the Pacific Coast league, and Herr cither is going to do it or ruin his reputation in the attempt. Herr has been chasing over the country gazing upon ivory-domed and other varieties of minor league and "bush" ballplayers so long that he has . become hardened to the game so that when he told me that he never predict ed the winning of pennants or made pre - season speeches regarding the ability of his warriors. I took it for what it was worth and started lamping the 18 players Herr has in camp. To begin with, Herr is troubled with a bunch of holdouts. Most of the Salt Lakers who refuse to affix their John Hancocks to contracts are players whom Herr needs, and needs badly, if he wants to make any kind of a show ing in the Pacific Coast league race, which promises to be the best this class AA circuit has put on for many sea sons. Buddy Ryan, who hits .300 year after year, is one of the holdouts. Herr does not know exactly whether Ryan is a holdout or whether he means to retire from baseball, but we who have watched the red-faced infielder year after year know that Buddy wants more coin to cavort in the outer gar den, hence the fact that he Is secluded at a farm on the outskirts of Denver while the Salt Lake team is doing its best to get into shape for the coming season. Ryan has a bum pair of props, but still travels at a pretty fair gait chasing balls in the outfield and drops a chance about as often as Jack Fahle buys you a cigar. Herr needs Ryan and needs him badly. The other Salt Lake players who are sitting on the holdout fence are Billy Orr. shortstop; "Lefty" Leverenz. southpaw pitcher; Carl Crandall, third sacker, and. while "Butch" Byler, catcher, Is among those here in camp doing his best to get into shape, it is being whispered that he, too, has re fused to sign a contract until Salt Lake raises the ante. Herr is for his players. He is will ing to go to the bat for any of them if he thinks they are of the right sort and appreciate a favor. Herr talked the Salt Lake directors into giving Earl Sheely, efficient first baseman, a 50-a-month increase over last year's salary. Herr has only six twirlers in camp, but momentarily expects a few former major leaguers to hop off the rattler and help start the games going in regular style. Joe Willett and "Dude" Molyneaux, former Boston pitcher, are the two experienced slabsters Herr has on the Job at this writing. Alley, a slim-looking lad, is trying for a place as a regular, and so is Conkwright, who was with the Bees last year. Cal dera and "Ocean" Schorr are the two southpaws working out. Conkwright looks good and if he gets control will make Herr a good pitcher. Markle is coming here from the majors and Bob Steele, former Pitts burg and New York National left hander, is also on the way. If Lever ens decides to come into the fold Herr will have a fairly good bunch of pitchers. "Tub" Spencer is In good form and will make the Bees one of the best catchers in the league. Byler, former University of Washington backstop, is showing up well and will land the second-string job. A lad named Hinkle is trying for a back-stopping job but is too green. . Earl Sheely at first base is the best in the Pacific Coast league. Sheely and Spencer look like the two best bets on the Salt Lake club. Krug at second looks to have the edge on Gts lason. Krug looks awkward, but is a smart ballplayer and hits hard. With Orr a holdout. Ernie Johnson is holding down the shortstop job. Ray French steps around lively and looks like a million dollars, but may have to take a back seat. French was recom mended by Fielder A. Jones and played with Cornfoot last year. Heinie Sands, in the absence of Carl Crandall, is playing third base and hit ting the ball on the nose. He plays a nice third sack and Walter McCredie sure boosted Heinie's stock to Herr. Sands will make the utility job if Cran dall reports and manages to crowd him off third base. Herr is worried about his outfield. At present he has Rumler in right and Mulvey in center. Starasinich, a busher from Oakland, is playing left. Mulvey vutTH YOUR. GAMe Vbo ToCD ALL YbuR PftLS Vlayij- oip FoBewetj, nckaj ccxvtes a WICE UMRM DAY AMD Yt?0 HAUL OUT Tne OLD WAR CLUB5 AJX ALJO COMEi Tn Iesire To Try out Vcxir " form" brmars rue layoff; and Rumler came here from the St. Louis club. Mulvey hits left-handed and cracks the ball hard and on a line. Rumler is a right-hand hitter. Neither of them looked good chastng balls in the outfield, but they probably are not yet in shape. Herr will have to get some more talent before his club will figure in the race and he'll do it or break the Salt Lake treasury in the attempt. While here I met Bill Bloomfield, who pitched for Portland in the old Northwestern league. He has a ranch at Antioch and also is interested in the barge business on the San Joaquin river. He piloted me around in a Haynes ' roadster and said he might make a trip north this season. A number of Pittsburg residents In quired about Walter Hippler, now in Portland, and who was associated with the Columbia Steel company here. Pat Casey in particular was the most per sistent one asking about Hippler. Salt Lake has an excellent ball park to train in and the players reside at the Los Medanos hotel, one of the best hostelries we ever have been In. Bill Steen, who twirled for the Port land Beavers when Vean Gregg and Gene Krapp were on the job in the pennant winning days, is manager of the Pittsburg team and works in the big steel yards. Steen's salary Is said to be J4000 a year. He rides around in a Hupmobile and says no more pro fessional ball for him not while he draws 4000 in tho steel plant. ATHLETES HRE OVERSEAS GREAT PREPARATIONS BEING MADE FOR COMING MEET. General Pershing, In Letter to T. M. - C. A. Secretary in France, Outlines Plans. PARIS, March 23. With the arrival of a dozen athletic experts to join the force of more than 300 Y. M. C. A. phys ical directors who are co-operating with 1700 athletic officers in the Amer ican expeditionary forces, and the re ceipt of sport supplies valued at $419,- 730, the great programme of recreation and competition which General Per shing has outlined for officer and doughboy alike is assuming definite form. Preparations for the construc tion of the great Tershing stadium at Joinville are keeping pace with the development of the rest of the pro gramme. F. L. Kleeberger or tne-universiiy oi California and Lieutenant L. C. Schroe der, formerly athletic officer at Mitchel field. Long Island, U. S. A, headed the party of recent arrivals. Both are to be assigned to the French army and doubtless will take an active part In the development of men to take part in the inter-allied military Olympic games late in the spring. The others are to go into the American expedi tionary forces as requested by General Pershing In the following letter to E. C Carter, chief secretary of the Y. M. C. A ln France: "I am now most anxious to encour age in every way possible the athletic side of our training, both as a means of keeping the personnel wholesomely and enjoyably occupied during the pe riods not needed for other military du ties and as a means of keeping them in the state of physical and mental fitness which is so necessary to the morale which breeds contentment. "Your organization has already ren dered to our expeditionary force great and most useful assistance in athletic activities, and I assure you that I thor oughly appreciate all that has been done and the spirit back of the self sacrificing services of yourself and of the members of your staff of athletic directors. Because of this and because of my confidence in the desire of all of you to help in every way, I am writing to ask you to continue your assistance at this time, when expert athletic direc tion is so vitally necessary, by arrang ing to keep at least one of your best fitted and most competent men with each of the divisions in the American expeditionary force, to co-operate with the divisional athletic director." The Y. M. C. A. war work -council will provide not only the expert or ganizers and directors necessary for the success of the programme, but has undertaken to supply all the athletic equipment required. Since the armis tice was signed the "T" has sent from America supplies valued at $837,000. From July, 1917. to December 1. 1918, for purposes of comparison, the total in the department has been $831,000. The combined total of $1,668,585 is Increased to more than $2,000,000 by the addi tion of supplies purchased In England and bats and baseball gloves made by the French from American models. King Guest of Pershing. CHAUMONT, March 22. King Al bert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium spent the nignt at the headquarters of Oeneral Pershing and left this morn- ing by automobile for Brussels. SHOOTERS TIE FOR FIRST MARK RICKARD AND J. A. TROEH SCORE 49 OUT OF 50. Twenty-four Marksmen Take Part in Event at Everding Park; Five Tie for Second Place. Mark RIckard, well-known Corvallis trapshot, and J. A. Troeh tied for high honors in the 50-target practice shoot at the Portland Guri club yesterday, each shattering 49 out of 50 tar hawks. Dr. C. F. Cathey, Frank Troeh. C. J. Hamilton, Charles Leith and J. Blaine Troeh were bunched for second honors, with 48 out of 50 down apiece. Frank Riehl, veteran Tacoma pro fessional, also bagged 48 out of Ell targets. All of those at the traps yesterday registered good scores, which prom ises well for the big shoot next Sun day in honor of John G. Clemson. Twenty-four trapshooters In all were on hand yesterday at Everding park to take part in the practice event. Fol lowing are the scores: 15 1.1 C. B. Prton ..........1.1 13 .1. S. Crane 11 IS Mrs. E. K. Young 1J 13 C. J. Hamilton .' 14 1.1 J. Reld . 13 14 Dr. C F. Cathey 14 13 H. Riehl 14 14 Kd Morris 13 1.1 H. B. Newtand 8 n J. Blaine Troeh 15 l:t E. K. Keller j:i is F. M. Troeh 1.1 R. Thompson 5 F. Van Atta .....13 F. H. Peterson 14 14 11 14 1.1 14 14 15 14 14 15 11 14 12 A. A. Hoover ................... .1.1 Mark Rlrkard J. A. Troeh .15 Oharles Irfith .. W. S. Short K. H. Riches ... E. Lans A. L. Zachrlsson Dr. U. E. Loot . . 14 13 11 12 ....12 14 20-saas'e. SHIPS GIVEN AUSTRALIA Epidemic Kills 31 Animals in Tcl lowstone Park. LONDON. Six destroyers and six submarines of modern type have been presented to the commonwealth of Aus tralia by the British government, ac cording to a dispatch received from Melbourne by the Australian Press bu reau in this city. The bureau also says that the Aus tralian government haa sold 12,000 tons of wheat to Sweden at $1.37 a bushel, t o. b. Waikikl Beach to Be Improved. HONLULTJ. O. T. The board of har bor commissioners has approved plana for the improvement and beautifica tion of Waikikl beach at an estimated cost of $250,000. It is proposed to build a promenade park facing a section of the beach and to dredge out the coral from the shallow pools. The terri torial legislature, now in session, will be asked to provide the money, zmeant shrdlu cmfwyp shrdlu cmfwyp h I I. Jv Each year the un varying goodness of the Gordon hat has added strength to the foundation of confidence on which its popular ity is based. Sole Agents BY JAMES J. RICHARDSON. CROCKETT, Cal., March 23. (Spe cial.) After having defeated Bill Rogers' Sacramento raw-meat eaters last. Sunday. 7 to 2. Cliff BlankenshiD's Maryland bowlers from Oakland vis ited Crockett today and, with Artie Benham pitching, endeavored to south paw the Portland Beavers into sub mission, but Cliff and his warriors were treated to a rude surprise. McCredie's hopes plastering a beautiful coat of whitewash to the visitors. Score, 4 tb 0. Blankenship brought up a number of former coast leaguers with him, but it made no difference to McCredie's two pitchers. Tommy Lukanovic and Guy Cooper, who let Blankenship's boys down with a total of two hits, both of them doubled. Lukanovic worked five innings and retired In favor of CooDer. who was getting along nicely until he had two men down in the ninth inning when Maggart, former San Francisco and Los Angeles outfielder, hit the apple to right center for what would have gone as an easy out had not Dick Cox, stepped into a hole and gotten his feet tangled, the clout going on the books as a two-base hit. That was the extent of the visitors' offensive. But getting back to the Beavers: They looked pretty nifty out there to day. They went through nine innings without making a boble and were "heads up" and full of jazz every sec ond. The Beavers had their batting eye with them and proceeded to take a fall out of Benham in the third inning. They gathered 14 bingles off his de livery. They started in the third inning when Baker doubled and Lukanovic singled; that was as far as the Beavers went that inning, the next three batters going out via the infield route. Portland scored its first run In the fourth inning when, with two down. Cox tripled to center and scored when Mitchell booted Ritters grounder. The Beavers hit Benham hard and often. In the fifth period, with one gone, Bogart tripled to center and scored on Fuller's double to left. Blue singled to center and Fullar was out at home on a relayed throw, Blue taking sec ond on the throw in. Farmer singled, scoring Blue. Walker crashed down the third-base line for a single, scoring Farmer. Cox flew to Beeson for the third out. Dell Baker was cutting up behind the box all during the game. He picked Hal Maggart off first' base in the sixth inning and turned back two other runners at second base. He grabbed three hits out of four trips to bat. Blue retired in the sixth Inning after Maggart accidentally spiked one of his toes while trying to get back to first. Dick Mitchell played the bag after that with a right-hand glove and got away good. Cliff Blankenship was much Im pressed with the Beavers players. He thought Blue was the best first-sacker he has seen for some time. Walker, Ritter, Bogart and Fuller also attracted Blankenship's attention. Although Ful ler is not keen about playing shortstop, he handled five chances around short patch without a bobble and looked good. If Siglin comes to terms Fuller would like to play second base and let Siglin cavort at shortstop. Score: Maryland Bowlers I Portland B H O A E! B H O A E Galino.l.. 4 Holland'r.s 3 Mag'art.m. 3 Oiskin.2.. 4 Beeson. 1. 2 O'Brien.o. 2 H.Mitc'1.3 3 McDuras.r 2 Benham.p 3 2 OiBogart.3.. 4H Fuller.a.. 1 OiBltie.l 0 0! Karmer.m 0 niwalker.l.. 4 OlCox.r 1 lRitter.2... 0 OBaker.c 2 OiLukano'cp ;D.MItch'1.2 0 6 0 0 ICooper.p. . 1 Totals. 26 2 24 14 21 Totals.. 32 14 27 13 0 Maryland 0 0000000 0 0 Hits 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Portland 0 0 0 1 :t 0 0 0 4 Hits 0 0 2 1 5 2 2 2 14 Runs, Bogart. Blue, Farmer, Cox. Two base hits. Giskln. Maggart. Baker. Fuller. Three-base hits. Cox, Bogart. Stolen bases. Walker, Ritter. Double plays. Blue unas sisted. Benham to Beeson. Bases on balls, off Lukanovic 2, Cooper 3, Benham 2. Hits, off Lukanovie 1, runs, none in 5 Innings. Struck out, by Lukanovic 6, Cooper 2, Ben ham 2. Umpire. Connors. BEATER YAXS WIN IX TENTH Morton and Lay, Pitchers, Show Ex cellent! Form. ALAMEDA. CaU March 23. fSpe cial.) Walter McCredie sent a flock of his Portland Beavers here from Crockett and they are now on their way back to tell the boss that they won, 4 to 3, In ten Innings from the Halton Didlers. Morton pitched the first six innings for the ducks and was relieved by Heine Lay. Morton homed in the third. In the fifth, for Portland, Wirts was safe on Conger's error, Walters singled, and Dorman sacrificed. Morton was an infield out. Boldt beat out a hit to short, both runners scoring. In the KSESSSZ A MATTERS- 286 Washington Street Mike H. Bntlcr Secures Prelimina ries for Wednesday's Bout. Mike H. Butler last night announced the two preliminaries which will pre cede the main event of his wrestling show to be staged Wednesday night at the Rose City Motorcycle club. Tenth and Stark streets. George Robinson and Billy McNlchols will tangle at 158 pounds, while Steve Weyand and Nick Miller will meet at 175 pounds. The quartet are local men. Ray McCarroIl, the Pendleton cow puncher, who meets Atlas in the main number, will arrive in the city today or tomorrow. Reports from Pendleton are to the effect that McCarroIl is in ex cellent trim and expects to defeat But ler's protege. Atlas is working ont at Ad Garlock's school in the Columbia building. He says that although he expects a hur ricane match with McCarroIl, the lat ter will travel back home a defeated warrior. The main entrance to the Rose City Motorcycle club Is at 391 'j Stark street. YAKIMA LEADER IS SIIOOT Total of 1 24-Registered Cndcr Per fect: Weather Conditions. SPOKANE, March 23. Takima scored highest in the northwest telegraphic shoot tournament today. The day was ideal for the shoot. Following are the scores: Spokane (against Seattle) Floming 24. Reuger 24, Richard 23, Blosser 22, Markham 22; total 115. Pendleton (against Bellingham) Bowman 24, Colble 24, Spangle 23, Stillman 22, Matlock 22: total 115. Yakima (against Lewiston) France 25, McDonald 25, Steffen 25, Shuk 25. Campbell 24; total 124. Wallace-Kellogg (agains: Boise) Scott 25. Mackey 24, Flohr 23, Morrow 22. Ruebke 21; total 115. Boise (against Wallace-Kellogg) Grico 25, Stewart 24, Keister 24, Staf ford 24, Humphrcye 23; total 120. Kalispell bye. Inland Weather Ideal. SPOKANE, March 23. Ideal weather conditions marked the Inland Empire telegraphic trapshooting tournament today. The scores follow: Waitsburg, 111; Kellogg, 123. Colfax-Palouse, 125; Wallace, 115. St. John, 113; Garfield, 113. Oroville, 125; Sunnyside, 119. Odessa, 114; Spokane No. 2, 104. Wenatchee, bye. Bellingham Score Is 122. BELLINGHAM. Wash., March 23 Shooting against Pendleton in the northwest telegraphic tournament, th Bellingham Gun club today, scored a team total of 122, with the following individual scores: George Miller. 25: Arnold Rathman, 25; W. P. Anderson, 24; Joe Garlick, 24; Ed Brackney. 24. Lewiston Shooters Break 12 0. LEWISTON. Idaho, March 23. Lew iston Gun club members broke 120 out of a possible 125 targets in the match today against Yakima in nortnwest telegraph tournament. The shooters and their scores roliow: a. k. jonnson, 25; Charles Hahn. 25: Guy Chlesman, 4; L. A, Drumm, 23; Tip HamDlin, Zi. Chicago Starts Training. PASADENA. Cal., March 23. Mem bers of the Chicago National league baseball team who arrived here last night from Chicago underwent the first session of their spring training sea son at Tournament park here this morning. Albany Five Defeats Silverton. ALBANY. Or., March 23. -'(Special.) The Silverton high school basketball team, "which had a long string of vic tories prior to its participation in the recent high school state tournament at the University of Oregon, was defeated by Albany high school in a fast game here Friday evening. The score was 24 to 15. Switzerland Grants Asylum. COPENHAGEN, March 23. The Vien na correspondent of the Berlin Vos sische Zeitung says Colonel Strutts, who was stationed at Ekartsau by the British government to watch the treat ment accorded former Emperor Charles, had doubts as to the safety of the one time monarch and obtained the consent of Switzerland to grant him asylum without consulting Charles. Sole Agents