VOL. L.VIII. XO. 18.200. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HUNGARY TO OPET MR 1 EifllE Signing of Proclamation Reported in Progress, PfiDLETARIATS IN CONTROL Czecho-SIovak Government Is Preparing to Order Mpbili- zation of Troops. SOVIET ALLIANCE IS SOUGHT Vorkers and Peasants Urged to Join Arms Against Aris tocracy and Dynasties. COPENHAGEN, March 23 The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger's Budapest cor respondent says an army of 70,000 men has been formed secretly under the command of Major Georgey. The correspondent adds that the non-socialists and the rural populations are supporting the new government. LONDON, March 23. The Buda pest government is reported to be signing a proclamation acknowledging a state of war between Hungary and the entente, says a dispatch to the Ex change Telegraph from Vienna. The dispatch adds that the Czecho slovak government is preparing to is sue a mobilization order. BUDAPEST, March 22. (Havas.) The Hungarian cabinet, headed by Count Michael Karolyi, has resigned, leaving the government to the prole tariat. This action was taken after Count Karolyi had communicated to the cabi net the entente note outlining the new boundary between Hungary and Rou- Gorbai Assumes Presidency. After advising Colonel Visa, com dander of the French troops of occu nation, of the decision of. the cabinet. Count Karolyi then resigned in his turn. COPENHAGEN3Iarch 23. Alex ander Gorbai has assumed the presi ' dency of the revolutionary govern ment of workers, peasants and sol diers' councils, according to a dispatch from Budapest filed Saturday. ' Bela Kun has become foreign commissary and Joseph Pogan war commissary. It is rumored that Kun has applied to Lenine for armed assistance. News papers in Budapest have ceased pub lication. PARIS, March 23.- (Havas.) The proclamation of the new Hungarian government invites the workmen and peasants of Bohemia, Roumania, Ser bia and Croatia to form an armed al liance against the aristocracy, land cwners and dynasties. Workers Urged to Organize. It requests also tliat the workmen ef Austria and Germany follow the lead of Hungary in breaking off rela tions with the Paris peace conference. They are required to rally with the Moscow government and constitute a soviet republic and to resist, arms in hand, the "imperialistic conquerors." The proclamation says the govern ment will organize an army which will enforce the proletariats' dictates against Hungarian land - owners and capitalists, the Roumanian aristocracy and the Czech bourgeois. The document ends by urging each workman and peasant to work in, or der to produce or to enlist in the army. . COPENHAGEN7March 23. (By the Associated Press. )-r-The new Hun garian government has proclaimed sol idarity with the Russian soviet gov- eminent and an armed alliance with the proletariat of h-ussia. according to j a dispatch from Budapest dated Sat urday. Industries Are Socialized. A dispatch received from Budapest dated Saturday gives the proclamation of the new Hungarian government as follows: "The proletariat of Hungary from today has taken all power in its own hands. By the decision of the Paris conference to occup Hungary, pro visioning of revolutionary Hungary becomes utterly impossible. Under these circumstances the sole means open for the Hungarian government is a dictatorship of the proletariat. "Legislative, executive and judicial authority will be exereicd by a dicta- iCoacluded oa F . Culuma S.) OIEARY JURY FAILS TO AGREE ON VERDICT ACOCTTTAI, VOTED OX FOUR COCXTS OF IXDJCTMEX'T. Three Charges Eliminated by Court and Last One of All Causes S4 Honrs of Deliberation. NETV TOItK. March 53. After delib erating 54 boom aid failing to reach verdict, the jury which heard the case of Jeremiah A. O'Leary. charged with violating the esnlonage law, was dis charged bT Federal Judge liana at 5:55 o'clock today. Of the eight counts in. the indictment, three had been eliminated by the court The Jury reported that It had acquitted O'Leary, former editor of the a.ntl- British magaxine. Bull, of four of the remaining counts, but had been unable to agree on the last. The same was true In the ease of the Bui) Publishing company, and Amer ican Truth society, co-defendants with O'Leary, but Adolph Stern, business manager of the magazine and the third co-defendant, was acquitted on all counts. It was announced an applica tlon for CLeary's release on bond would be made tomorrow. THREATS SENT EX-KAISER Armed Guards Around Castle Alert Day and Night. AMERONGEJC. March II. (By the Associated Press.) There was a state of extreme alertness around tve Vou Bentinck castle throughout the night and this morning in consequence of the receipt by the former German emperor last evening of two violently threaten ing letters, one emanating fr. -n Am sterdam and the other from th Bel gian frontier, and also a telegram - torn a friend, warning him of menacing peril. All the Dutch gendarmes watching over the ex-emperors weiiare wers kept on duty. This morning all the garden paths In the neighborhood ot the shed where William llohenxollern was engaged In sawing wood were con stantly patrolled by armed guards, while outside the walls of the castle gendarmes were carrying loaded rifles. JAPAN IS ADVISING CHINA Negotiations arly Completed for a Loan of 100,000,000 Yen. PEKTN. March 2S. (By the Asso lated Press.) Japan officially is ad vising China not to touch the 17.000, 000 yen unpaid balance of the' war par ticipation loan. Meantime negotiations have nearly been completed bet een the Okura company and the Chinese war ministry for a loan' of 10,000.000 yen. the security for which Is to be the Feng Huang Shan iron mines and con siderable of the surrounding country. The plan Is to organize a Chlno-Japa-nese company, which will give the Okura company first call on all Its products. The company offers an Im mediate advance of 30.000.000 yen. The war minister is being urged to accept this deposit. SUNSHINE JS WELCOMED General Outdoor Revelry Indicates Spring lias Come. Spring tripped it over the green when yesterday was young, and kept up her frolic the livelong day to such effect that Portland's parks were the most popular places in town. The benches were full of folks, soaking In sun shine, and the acres of new grass were plotted with playing children. It was "some day." Highway traffic felt the same po tent spell. Along the Columbia high way the chain of autos was endless, while drives of lesser note were al most as rife with the vehicular prorne naders. Most everyone in Portland held it to be "too fine a day to stay In doors."' 18 GERMAN SHIPS CLEAR Many Other Vessels Coaled and Ready for Voyage. BERLIN', March 22. '3y the Asso ciated Tress.) Up to7 o'clock this evening 18 ships had cleared from Hamburg, including the Patricia, Santa Cruz. Cordova, Kigoma Klevelena and Cap Finisterre. Many other vessels are manned and coaled and ready to sail Sunday. The example of the Hamburg seamen in proceeding to sea, it Is believed here, will have a good effect on the other Hanscalic and Baltic seamen. EGYPT SITUATION BETTER Bedouins Attack British Detachment In Fa yum, Province. LONDON. March 23. Reuter's agency says It learns that telegrams received , up to Sunday evening show a continued improvement in the situation In Egypt, but that the delta region is still dis turbed Bedouins attacked a detachment of British troops In the province of Kayum. middle Egypt, but were re pulsed with losses. PROPERTY TO BE SEIZED Vienna Council Will Take Over Es tates of Royalty. BASLE. March 2J. (Havas.) Advices received here from Vienna are to the effect that the council of ministers has decided to seize provisionally for the purpose of state administration the real and personal property of the reigning families in Austria and also of the arch dukes living abroad.. The incomes from the real estate re ceived will be paid the owners, , BUM'S ACT TO HASTEN PROBE Postoffice Investigation Is Assured. CONGRESSMEN UP IN ARMS Democrats, as Well as Repub . licansShow Resentment. - WIRE SEIZURE DENOUNCED Charge Made That Western Union and Telephone ' Companies Faced Financial Crisis. OREGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU, -Wash ington, March 23. The. removal of the chief officials of the Postal Te:egraph & Cable company by Postmaster-Gen eral Eurleson yesterday assures an in vestigation of the postoffice department from top to bottom as soon as congress convenes, it was said in political cir cles today. Democrats as well as republicans showed resentment at Burleson's action, and reiterated, that there never was any valid excuse, for taking over the wyes. Senator King, democrat, or Ulan, said: "I have always considered the taking over of the wires as unwar ranted. I cpoke against it in the senate. . Financial Crisis Alleged. The purpose of the Investigation will be to ascertain if possible to what ex tent personal influences of officials of the Western Union Telegraph and the American Telephone & Telegraph com panies were responsible for Burleson's radical action in taking over the wires at a time when It could hardly be said that a war emergency existed, which is especially true of the cables taken over alter tne armistice naa oeen signed. It is charged that the taking over ot the wires was not to satisfy any emer. gency need of the government, but in stead was to bridge a serious" financial crisis of the Western Union and . the American Telephone & Telegraph com panies, which, because of mismanage ment or for other reasons, were get ting to the point where- they must either have more capital or be permit ted to raise their rates. Rates Had to Be Rained. The Bell Telephone company bad thrown away millions of dollars in wrecking the plants of independents to destroy competition, with the result that their rates, already high for the service rendered, had to be raised. Mil lions more had been sacrificed in the forced sale of the telephone properties at the time that the supreme court 'or dered the dissolution of the big wire rust, which combined as one great sys em all the telegraphs and cables of (4'oncluded on Page 2. Column 5.) THE IX IX 191 THEY ABE AL FRESCO MARRIAGE WITNESSED BY 1500 CAPT.MX W. B. ATOIiCOTT AXD ciS. JUNE SLUSHER WED. Ceremony at ' Multnomah Falls Presence of Company A, Ore gon National Guard. In -The wedding of Captain William B. Wolcott,' commander of company A, provisional third regir.ent, Oregon na tional guard, to Mrs. June Slusher, Portland muisician. which took place yesterday at 8 o'clock at Multnomah Falls, was witnessed by his entire com pany and many others, approximately 1500 in all. ' Members of his company with their friends gave Captain Wolcott and his bride a dinner in Forest hall, just south of Bridal Veil, immediately following the ceremony. ' About 100 guests were seated about tables. Toasts and wishes for life-long happiness were made Cap tain and Mrs. Wolcott by a number of officers speaking for the entire organi zation. Mrs. Slusher wore a gown of brown taffeta combined with georgette crepe with slippers and-hat of bronze, and carried an immense bouquet of bride's roses. The double ring ceremony was performed. by Rev. W. E. Brinkman of the St. John's. Lutheran church. War ren G. Erwin, tenor of the First Pres byterian church, sang Cadman's "Love Like the Dawn Comes 'Stealing" and "Morning." Lieutenant Harry Sewall sang "Because" and "Oh, Promise Me." At the dinner Mrs. Wolcott was pre sented by company A with a beautiful set of silver, while Captain Wolcott was given, a gold-mounted initialed cane. ", Mrs. Wolcott is known throughout Portland m'uslcal , centers as a pianist of especial talent. Captain "Wolcott has been . prominent ' in patriotic and military affairs of Portland and the state. He is connected with the Meier & Frank department store. CAPTAIN .BRAVES SHARKS Sonoma Officer Who Dives Into Sea to Repair Rndder Rewarded. HONOLULU. T. H.. March 14. (Spe cial.) When things went wrong with the starboard crankshaft while the steamer Sonoma was plying through the South ' seas. Captain J. H. Trask, commander, dived over the side into the snarK-iniested waters and after con siderable difficulty repaired the pro peller sufficiently to allow the ship to return to Sydney.- For his brave act the passengers clubbed ' together and presented him with a solid silver tea set.! .The? So- Lnoma, is now en' route to.San'Francrscb", having left this .port, yesterday. SYRIANS TO FILE' PROTEST Sending of - Commission of Inquiry Will Be Opposed. PARIS, March . 22. (Havas.) The council of the national Syrian com mission has decided to .present to the peace conference a protest against the decision of the conference to send a commission of inquiry . to Syria, Otto man Asia. Surprise is expressed at the decision to delay the attribution of mandates to European powers and the conference is asked to hasten the giving of a mandate to France,, to "put an end to the occupation by the Hedjaz which di vides the country and provokes reli gious exaltation." PRESIDENT'S FOURTEEN POINTS. tOmijrUlit: 11: By John T. MeCatclieon.1 1818 THEY SOAKED THE GERMAN MORALE. PROTECTING THE GERMANS FROM PDnCCPIIBnCllTQIMiHORNIBROOK JOINS IN UllUUdUUiuiLUiuiiii PEACE RIVER LOOM Progress in Treaty Work Is Greatly Impeded. WILD RUMORS HIDE TRUTH Likelihood of Vast Recovery From Germany Lessens. POLISH CLAIMS AT ISSUE Certain Members of Conference, Faced by Sharp Issues, Seek to' Temporize. BY HERBERT BAYARD SWOPE. fdnvrfcht bv the New York World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) PARIS, March 21. (Special cable.) As the end of preparations for peace draws near difficulties multiply, and thev are exaeeerated by rumor and gossip, which tend to obscure the truth. It may be said that cross-currents in the peace stream are so many and so diverse that progress has been im peded in the last three days. Those responsible for the blocking tactics seem to feel that final differences will center on points outside their immedi ate concern. Certain members of the conference when faced by sharp Issues, seek to temporize and to straddle the issues, in the opinion of. thos'j who wish to move ahead, and the worry and disturbance of the ensuing delays have served to benefit Germany. Baseless Reports Circulated. As an example of the baseless re ports that have been circulated may be mentioned the tale that Premier Clemenceau had threatened to resign his office and to withdraw from the conference if. his views concerning the Rheinish provinces were not accepted. Nothing of the sort ever .occurred While questions have arisen on which there were initial differences of opinion, such differences have always been eventually' composed. There was a meetine ot. neutrals' to- -consider the league of r-natVons plan , this afternoon. resulting in discussion " and proposed amendments. Judging from the atti tude of the British and American dele gations, nothing seriously affecting the plan has been submitted, and it is doubted if any of the new suggestions will have material weight at the meet ine of the full committee tomorrow, when President Wilson will preside. , The only new point to which impor tance is attached bears on the clause relating to sovereignty, " which was treated in these dispatches previously. The Japanese seemingly have given as surances to the conference that they are not disposed to press their objec tions against racial discrimination. At any rate, no trouble is feared on that score. A meeting of equal importance with (Concluded on Page 3. Column 2.) BEING SOAKED. MOVE TO OUST CLARK OREGON DEMOCRAT SEES NEED OF PARTY HARMONY. Report Indicates That President, on Return From Abroad, Will Crush Insurgency Plan. OREGONTAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, March ,23. Democratic in surgents in the- house, who have started the. fight to unseat Champ Clark as democratic floor leader in the next congress are jubilant today over re ceipt of an indorsement of ' their ef forts by Will Hornibrook, democratic national committeeman for Oregon. The democratic reorganization com mittee as the insurgent leaders call themselves exhibited a letter today from Hornibrook, (n which he says: "In my judgment some such plan as that outlined is necesary if the party is to present a united front to the opposition. It strikes me that the method of selecting a minority leader as suggested in your communication is fair and that in the future there should be a greater degree of harmony be tween the democratic members of both houses and the executive branch of the govepnment." 1 A report is in circulation that Presi dent Wilson, as soon as he has a min ute off from the peace confab, will put his foot down on this insurgency move. It is not because of any sym pathy of his for Champ Clark, but be cause he feels it would be a serious back-seUfor his administration to have this fight made and lost. The overwhelming defeat by the re publicans last November in the face of his appeal for a democratic congress, it is acknowledged by his friends, has made an alarming dent in his prestige and defeat within his own party, such as Clark's re-election meajis, would be more discomfiting, if not humiliatin There is no doubt that Clark will win. JO DANIELS ARRIVES IN BREST Men Prominent In Military Circles Welcome Secretary. BREST, March 23. The American transport Leviathan, with Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels on board, arrived at Brest at 10:50 this morning. Secretary Daniels was received by the American naval attache. Admiral Mor- eau, maritime prefect, and Rear-Ad miral Alexander S. Halstead, U. S. N., district commander at Brest. A de tachment of marines with a band acted as a guard of honor lor tne secretary, who went to the prefecture where he will stay, during his visit to Brest. . Secretary Dani,els this afternoon, was the host .of Major-General Ely A. Hel- mick, . commanding at Camp . Ponta nezen. CHIEF YEOMAN IS ACCUSED George Brownlee Is Charged AVith Making Away AVith $7686. PORTSMOUTH, N. H., March 23. Lieutenant -Commander Thomas Mott Osborne, commanding the naval prison here, has made public a report charg ing Chief Yeoman George Brownlee, who disappeared more than a month ago. with the theft of J7686. Brownlee is still at large. RADICAL ACTIVITY ON WANE Bolshevik! Still In Control of Bol- shota. and Ozera. ARCHANGEL, March 21. By the Associated Press.) The bolsheviki still are holding uoisnota ama uzera, dui yesterday displayed no further activity in that sector. At allied headquarters the situation elsewhere was reported unchanged. NDEX OFJODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 57 degrees; minimum, 40 degrees. TODAY'S Pair and cooler, moderate west erly winds. War. Official causalty list. Page 13. . foreign. Hungary to open war on entente. Page 1. Monroe "IjctHne not menaced, says Mr. Greg ory. Page 2. Germany drifting toward Bolshevism, says Oswald G. villara. rage u. Cross-currents in psace stream Impede progress in treaty. i"age j British companies to delay bi'ildir.g of liners. Page 6. Italy declared hungrier than during the war. Page J. Much news from Mexico declared to be tainted. Page J. Reactionary press bitter at leaders. Page 2. National. Hornibrook joins in move to oust Clark. Page 1. Burleson act In seizing wires assures post office probe, say congressmen. Page 1. Sixty-fifth congress without parallel In na tion's history. Page . America may lead on sea, declares Mr. Hur ley. Page s. Domestic. O'Leary Jury fails to agree on verdict. Page 1. United States force routs border, bandits. Page 1. - Sports. Creviston breads record for five-mile motor cycle straightaway. -age iz. Beavers defeat Maryland Bowlers, 7 to 0. Page 12. Btate trapshooters to meet in Pendleton in May. Page is. Pacific Northwest. Girl slayer held in detention home. Page 7. No laxity of duty shown at prison camp before Bed rtupert s escape. fa.eo- 7. Portland and Vicinity. Captain ' W. B. waleott and Miss June blusher wea ai flutinomHa laiis. rage X. Final clean-up drive for livestock associa tion to open Tuesday. rage 15. Methodists aid in rebuilding Europe. Page 16. . , - Everett Ames, well-known business man. Is pneumonia victim- r-age l. Mrs. Scott to form league of women. Page 14. Coupon bonds are received by Portland banks. . fage lo. Presbyterian new era campaign launched. Page 18. Robert E. Twohy dies at San Francisco. Page JO. Portland Shriners determined to capture 19-0 convention, i-age u. U.S. FORCEROUTS BORDER AH Cavalry Crosses Line and Assails Marauders. FIVE KILLED IN SKIRMISH Hot Trail Into Mexico Taken by Americans Leads to . Enemy Rendezvous. FIRST VOLLEY IS EFFECTIVE None of Americans Hurt in En gagement; Cattle Stolen Are Returned to Ranch. MARFA, Texas, March 23. Troops of the 8th United States cavalry, un der Captain Kloepfer, returned here, early today from a pursuit across the border of Mexican bandits, bringing with them 35 cattle and two horses which had been driven from Nunez by the raiders yesterday. Captain Kloep fer reported that he had overtaken the Mexicans 18 miles south of Ruidosa and that five of them haj been killed in the resulting skirmish. None of the Americans was hurt. Two Mexicans were wounded in the' fighting, making the casualties among the cattle thieves seven of the total number of 12. Captain Kloepfer re ported to Colonel George T. Lang home, commander of the district, that he recognized the voice of one of the; . men as tha(f of Eugenio Garcie, a for-: mer Carrahza captain in the vicinity of Ojinaga, opposite Presidio, Tex. . Troops' Work Effective. Maj'or-General de Rosey C. Cabell,, commander of the southern depart ment, who was here to make an in-' spection of the Big Bend district, con gratulated Captain Kloepfer and his troops for their work in overtaking' and defeating the Mexicans who crossed the Rio Grande into the Chinat mountains, east of Ruidosa ford, stole a number of cattle from Nurlez ranch and drove them into Mexico. The raid on the Nunez ranch, near the river and on the American side,' was reported to Captain Kloepfer yes terday afternoon He communicated with his sector and with the district commander by field telephone, at the same time sending Troop M of the 8th cavalry to the scene of the crossing, where the trail was clearly marked in the mud. This was reported to Colo nel Langhorne at headquarters, troops were sent from Presidio, Indio, and other border stations and Captain Kloepfer was given orders, to follow the "hot trail" into Mexico, which was done late yesterday. First Volley Kills Five. Kloepfer's troops returned at 2 o'clock this morning, bringing with them the 35 head of cattle which had been driven into Mexico and two stolen horses. Captain Kloepfer's report to head quarters stated he crossed th river seven miles below Ruidosa ford, came into contact and engaged the band 18 miles from the river crossing and, just at nightfall last night, opened fire on the bandit band. Five were killed in the first volleys inter the rendezvous of the Mexican cattle thieves and two wounded. None of the American cav alrymen were wounded. The Mexicans had killed one stolen steer and were cooking it for supper when they heard the hoof-beats of the American cavalry horses approaching through the darkness. They took po sitions on a high hill overlooking the trail and attempted to outflanlt Kloep fer's troops. Several of the cavalry men's horses fell over the steep em- bankment in the dark. After the bandits were routed, the dead were buried and the wounded given first aid treatment. Bandits' Meal Confiscated. The American cavalrymen, who had had nothing to eat since noon, com pleted preparation of the bandits' evening meal and ate it before start ing back to the border with civilian packers herding the stolen cattle. En route to the border a torrential storm broke and the men were forced to ride all night in a blinding dark ness punctuated with sleet and rain. Troop M was supported by Troops I and L and the regimental machine gun troop, H7 in-7 nl