VOL. LIX. XO. 18,199. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, 31 ARCH 22, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ITALIANS THREATEN TO DESERT-ALLIES WOBBLY 'ATTITUDE OF KAISER COSTS THRONE CHANCE TO SAVE GERMANY BY STAYING IX BERLIN REFUSED. GIRL SLAYER SOFTLY IN BAKER ACCUSED OF ASSISTING I.I 1 MACY WAGE SCALE ' EXTENDED 6 MONTHS SHIPYARD HEADS AND LABOR REACH AGREEMENT. MAYOR INDICTED BY LOS-ANGELES JURY ALLIES LOOKED ON TO AID RUINED BELGIUM T COUNTRY'S EXISTENCE SAID TO DEPEND ON PROMISES. Fiume Demanded on Pain of Quitting Conference. DALMATIAN COAST WANTED Clash With Jugo-Slavs Forced ' to Issue by Latins. E. M. HOUSE IS ADJUSTER American Iclcgate Announce lo Premier Orlando That He Has Solution of Racial Quarrel. PARIS. March 51. (By the Associated Tresa.) The Italian delegation to the peace conference has unanimously de villed to withdraw 'rom the conference unless Flume is assigned to Italy con temporaneously with the conclusion of The decision was reached at a meet ing today or the full delegation presided over by Premier Orlando. It was imme diately communicated to the powers. E. M. House of the American mission has promised Premier Orlando to present within a few days, a project concerning ilie Italinn-Juo-Slav frontier which he hopes will satisfactorily settle the dis putc. The decision of the Italian delega tion as reported from Paris apparently brings to a head the bitter controversy between Italy and the new Jugo-Slav Hate over the disposition of land along the Adriatic formerly belonging to the Ansi rn.llnnrian empire, which both nationalities claim. Claim la Miar? C natraat. Italy's claims originally included vir tually tlio entire Italian coast, wim Tricst and Flume, which latter city is tiic second principal seaport on the eastern side or tne iiornm. ivct,.! reports have been that the Italian rep resentatives were manifesting a dispo sition to make important concessions regarding the land along the Dalmatian coast, provided that the city and harbor of Fiume remained lo Italy. J ne Jugoslavs, however, have been insist ent that this port be allotted to mem, claiming It to be a Croatian city. on the other liaud. there has been no disposition on the part of Italy to yield her points so far as Fiume Is con-. L'rnetl. Her attitude was stated by Premier Orlando in addressing the Italian cham ber on March 1, when he declared that while Italy remained faithful to the spirit of conciliation which inspired the treaty upon which Italy entered the War. tlli'l oMl noi mean mt hmv tv.u iv. remain insensible to the appeal reach ing her from the Italian town on the Uulf of yuarnero (Fiume). which was exposed to the loss of both its nation- lity and Independence. we do not think,'" added the premier, trial mis possible at the very moment the world may be redeemed from a memory of violence done to the rights of the peoples." PARIS. March 21. "The first result to be obtained is peace and the oulck- peac possible." said David Lloyd George, the British prime minister, in a statement printed in today's Issue of the Excelsior. Farly Peace Oealrew. All internal events in every country. allied or enemy. coimnucu me pre mier, "are dependent upon that peace, w hich we expect and desire to come at tbe earliest possible moment. Pending this, every one Is living in a state of expectation and uncertainty. Com merce and industry are kept in a kind of stagnation, w hich can only engender tiisordcrs. I shall, then, remain in Taris unless something unexpected arises until the text of the peace preliminaries are definitely drafted and ready for sub mission to the German delegation, not let me say, fer discussion, but simply lor signature." After completing the examination of the first 10 articles of the draft of the league of nations covenant yesterday tiie representatives of the neutral states, in conjunction with a committee if the league of nations commission. had before them for examination today the remaining articles of the covenant. Aaaeadaieata Are Offered. The first It articles were passed by v ithout suggestion of material amend ment. Among pending amendments is on. giving the neutral states a repre sentation of eight members on the ex- :utive council and another y Switzer land relative to the Monroe doctrine nud the safeguarding of national sov e reignty. "The Rhine is our only good line of defence. I do not demand annexation. out If we do not secure that military frontier we will hava fought in vain." : statement made by Marshal Foch. quoted In un interview printed in the Matin tod ;;.. In discussing the last days of the war. the m--irual says: "It was the woi.derful soldie-rs who fjv us victory. My only merit was to hate had faith and never to have oe.-paired. We i-gned the armistice in snite of the certainty of crushing the German armies, to avoid killing one more ma.l and because it gave us everything necessary to a French vic tory. PARIS. March II. .lavas.) tCwawudi-d ua l'.. 3, Cvlunia Ex-Chancellor Maximilian Expected to Reply fo Hindcnbiirg's De fense of Emperor's Flight. I BERLIN'. March II. (By the Associ lated Press.) In Field Marshal von Ilindenburg'a statement explaining and j justifying the flight of ex-Emperor j William there was a sharp criticism of Prince Maximilian of Baden, the then chancellor, for publishing the facts of the emperor's abdication without the latter's p.ssent. It is expected that this will evoke a sharp rejoinder from friends of the ex cliancellor. who are already pointing out that the emperor left Berlin on October 31. without consulting or no tifying the chancellor, who vainly at tempted at the last moment to induce the emperor to stay in Berlin, and later unsuccessfully urged him to return to the capital in order that he might form his ow n judgment as to the extent of the crisis and the advisability of, abdi cating. "Prince Maximilian had long been convinced of the inevitability of the abdication of the emperor and the re nunciation of the throne by the crown prince." says the Tageblatt. It was hoped by this means to save Germany from a" complete debacle and revolution. The emperor went to great headquar ters to escape such advice and to seek a more congenial atmosphere. He dal lied with the thought of abdication in these surroundings until too late to save the throne for a possible succes sor." RAYMOND MILL DESTROYED Fire Causes Heavy Property Loss at Coals Plant. RATMO.N'D, Wash.. March 21. (Spe cial.) The Coats shingle mill was burned to the ground this afternoon. The entire mill, dry kiln and several thousand shingles are a total loss. The fire broke out at the noon hour, and had such a start when it was dis covered that the mill could not be saved. The Raymond fire department was rushed to the scene and made heroic efforts to save the dry kilns, but was unsuccessful. The mill was not running today, and only two men were em ployed there. They were eating their lunch when they discovered the fire. . S. Coats, owner of the mill, is away, and the amount of the loss and insur ance could not be obtained accurately. though, the estimate of the loss is $75,000 to $100,000. SLAVS IN U. S. MAY LEAVE Steamer Line Formed to Take Russ Workers Back to Native Land. XEW YORK. March 21. The execu tive committee of the second all-Russian colonial convention today an nounced the incorporation of the Svo boda sicamship line, the purpose of which company would be to charter or nurrhase steamers for the transporta tion of 1.000.000 Russian workers, bol shevik and others, to Russia. The main reason for the movement. according to the announcement, is the dissatisfaction of Russian workers wim economic conditions here. They say that employment is lacking in this cduntry. The new sieamsnip nnc ) been incorporated in Delaware. MILLS TO REDUCE WAGES North Bend Plants Adopt Scale of j Other Concerns. NOKTH BEND. Or., March 21. (Spe- ci:ll.) Following recent action of the Bay Park and North Bend mills, the . Buehuer Lumber company has an nounced that beginning April 1 a ma terial reduction In the wage scale wili J be made. The company haa maintained) a minimum wage of $ a day up to the I . present time. It is reported, that this I will be cut to 3.zv, tne acaio unuci which other mills on the bay are now operating. Proportionate cut will be made in the wages of skilled labor, in the plant. More thau 200 employes will be affect ed by the revised wage scale. MRS. THOMPSON TO MOVE Wonmn legislator to Locale in Port- land About April 1. TIIE DALLES. Or.. March 21. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Alexander Thompson, who has served this district as representa tive in the legislature for two succes sive terms, will remove from The Dalles to Portland April 1. Mrs. Thompson, who enjoyed the distinction of being the only woman legislator In the state, has been a resident of this city since 1911. and during that time has taken a leading part in club and civio circles. Her friends predict that she will con tinue to figure prominently in politics. i: OYSTER OUTPUT GROWING Seed Product at Washington Re serve Biggest Yet Known. SEATTLE. March 21. Over 5000 sacks of seed oysters will be taken off the state's reserves In Oyster Bay near Shclton, Wash., during the com ing season, according to word brought here. In past years the highest yield haa been 2200 sacks. The big increase in the reserve's pro duction is due to the completion of a diking system that covers between 12 and 13 acres. Six years ago but an acre and a hair were diked. Moat of the state's oysters are sold to oyster trow via. Pacifists Invade W?a Je- partment, is Uivie.' t t a , e. SECRET ORDERS ic' QUOTED Conscientious Objectors Pro tected, Says ex-Officer. . SLACKERS GET SYMPATHY Under Bnker Rule, Major Foster As serts, Refusal to Serve Put Fer- son In Objector Class. KANSAS C1TT. Mo., March 21. Per fection of a pacifist organization in such a clever manner that It has reached "the foundations of the most active department of the government the war department," was charged ii an address today by Major Dick B. Fos ter, member of a courtmartial at Camp Funston, Kan., that tried 135 alleged conscientious objectors. He accused Secretary of War Baker with "intentionally or unintentionally aiding and assisting the I. W. W., in ternational socialists and humani tarians in their programme of blocking construction of the army by extending and perverting the acts of congress for the protection, comfort and solace o- these obstructionists." Peraonal Reaaona Denied. "In giving you this story of conscien tious objectors I want to assure you I have no personal reason for doing so." .Major Foster declared. "I am an American citizen, an cx officer of the United States army, and as such feel that every American is entitled to know conditions which sur rounded the induction into the army of trie true conscientious objectors and the false conscientious objectors, which included Industrial Workers ' of the World, international socialists, an archists and slackers. "The gravity of the situation is realized by the American people." The speaker then charged that secretary of war rfad "given aid not the to" the objectors and then read paragraphs from what he declared were official orders that all those having "personal scruples against war should be con strued as conscientious objectors.' " Meanlaar of Ontera Told. "Let me impress upon you what these secret orders mean," Major Foster con tinued. "It meant that every soldier in the United States army could have at any time gone to his commanding officer and upon stating that he was opposed to war, taken off .his uniform and refused to do military service." The officer related how objectors w ho were in the guardhouse awaiting trial would refuse to line up- for mess, throwing themselves upon -the ground, ll'onclutled on Page 3, Column Five Employers and Five Employes to Constitute New Board on Pacific Coast. - That the existing wage scale and working conditions of the Shipbuilding Laborft Adjustment board, also known as the Macy scale, will remain in ef fect until October 1, under an agree ment between shipyard managements and international officers of labor bod ies, by which the control will be vested In a board of ten men on the Pacific coast, five to represent the employers and five the employes, was the news re-1 ceived yesterday from Washington, where delegates from both sides are Jin conference. The plan was adopted yesterday and the delegates are to start for home today. Arthur W. Jones, assistant examiner here for the board, received a telegram from Judge McBride, examiner for the northwest, who is in attendance at the conference, to the effect the scale would be continued six months and that. the joint board would take the place of the government commission, which ends its worlf March 31. The decision to recog nize the same rates of pay and working conditions means there will not be a strike April 1, as was voted ou recent ly by all bodies affiliated with the Pacific Coast District Metal Trades council, which convened here in Feb ruary. The vote results were not given out and labor men say the reason was that it was deemed best for representa tives of their organization's to go to Washington with no ultimatums. The assumption1 here is that one em ployer and one labor member were to be picked from Los Angeles, San Fran cisco, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle so as to constitute the board of ten. As the industrial relations division of the shipping board is continued in force, the offices of the examiners and as sistant examiners throughout the Unit ed States will be maintained as before. Mr. Jones is attending to details in. both wood and steel plants here since Joseph Reed resigned as assistant ex aminer of steel plants, and it is under stood only one assistant examiner will be employed in the future. BRITISH STRIKE DEFERRED Mine and Transport Workers Agree on Negotiations. LONDON", March 21. The triple al liance, railway men, miners and trans port workers at . a conference tonight reviewed the whole position of the mine, railway and transport workers and passed a resolution recommending that the railway men continue at work pending further negotiations with the government with a view to removing the deadlock. This action is interpreted to mean that there will be no strike before next Wednesday. ITALY GETS MORE U. S. CASH Loans, to Entente Allies Now. Total Nearly Nine Billions. WASHINGTON. March 21. An addi tional credit of 75,000,000 was given taly today by the treasury department. bringing Italy's total credit up to $1. 19S.300.000 and the total to all allied nations to $8.932.4 10.60. WAITING FOR THE SECOND TABLE. Copyniht: 1019: By John T. "UCutcheon.l F. T. Woodman' Charged With Receiving Bribe. VICE PROTECTION IS ALLEGED Executive Accused of Agreeing to Jake $25,000. ARREST WARRANT ISSUED Two Others Indicted on Charge of Giving Bribe; Attorney Asserts That Mayor Is Innocent. LOS ANGELES, March 21. Mayor Frederic T. Woodman of Los Angeles was indicted by the county grand Jury here tonight on a charge of receiving a bribe for the protection of vice. George Brown and George Henderson were in dicted on a charge of giving a bribe in connection with the same transaction. The indictment against Mr. Wood man, stripped of its legal verbiage. charges him with "the crime of asking. receiving and agreeing to receive a bribe," a felony. Money Transaction Alleged. The Indictment then recites that on or about January 1, 1919, the mayor agreed to accept from George Brown and George Henderson the total sum of $25,000 in monthly payments of $2500 each, and that $2000 was actually paid to an ex-newspaper man for the mayor, the payments being in return for pro tection to Brown and Henderson in un lawful sales of liquor, in conducting houses of ill-repute without interfer ence and in conducting gambling places and games. The indictment goes into detail as to how the mayor was to furnish the protection alleged ; to have been se cured. . The bond of each of the defendants. Mayor Woodman, Brown and Hender son, was fixed at $10,000. . Brown and Henderson already were in jail, Brown being held on a previous indictment charging him with intimidating a wit ness before the grand jury, and Hen derson having been held without the filing of a formal charge,' pending ac tion by the grand jury. Warrant la Issued. Thomas Lee Woolwine, district attor ney, said tonight that a warrant had been issued on the indictment for the apprehenstoti of the mayor and that it was in the hands of officers for ser vice. Belief was expressed about the grand jury room that the mayor would appear tomorrow morning with bonds men and submit to arrest. The mayor was in seclusion tonight and declined to be seen or to make any comment, on the action of the grand jury. Captain John D. Fredericks, attorney (Concluded on 3, Column 1. t I J j Premier Delacroix Says Germans Owe Ten Billion Francs for Requisitions of Cash. . .- BRUSSELS. March 21. In introduc ing the budget for 1919, showing a deficit over 600,000,000 francs, which it is proposed to cover by the income tax and taxes on inheritances, tobacco, beer and spirits, M. Delacroix, the premier. said yesterday. "The liquidation of the cost of the war sums up formidably, and we will need 10,000,000,000' francs. The exist ence of the country is at stake, but our great allies are undertaking the task of rebuilding Europe ih a spirit of great generosity. Our national exist ence depends on promises made us, and t think I can confidently tell you they will be kept." Germ.iny'3 debt to Belgium for requi sitions of cash made by the Germans and other money transactions alone ag gregates 10,000,000,000 francs, of which 5,000,000,000 francs represent German marks, circulating in Belgium after the armistice and taken up by the Belgian Banque Nationale, and 2,000,000,000 francs confiscated by the Germans from the Banque Nationale and Societe Gcn erale during: the occupation. The bal ance is made up of fines and monthly payments levied upon towns, cities, provinces and public institutions. These figures were made public to day by the Belgian finance committee on reparation: , U. S. WATCHED BY WILSON President Notes Situation Among Executive Departments. PARIS, Maroh 21. (By the Associat ed Press.) President Wilson is keeping n close touch with his private secre tary, Joseph P. Tumulty, and Secretary of the Treasury Glass regarding the sit uation In which the executive depart ments at Washington have been left as a result of the failure of congress to act on several of the great annual ap propriation bills. President Wilson has satisfied him self that for the present, at least, there is no imminent danger of the suspen sion of any vital government activities and already has authorized measures to met emergencies that have arisen. FARM LABOR IN DEMAND Wasco Ranchers Pay From $60 to $65 a Month and1 Board. THE DALLES, Or.. March 21. (Spe cial.) With the spring work now open ing up on ranches of this and adjoining counties, the government employment bureau here is unable to fill the de mand for farm hands. Wages for la borers, which a short time ago was $2 a day, have increased until ranchers are paying from $60 to $65 a month and board. Herders and lambers are receiving from $75 to $90, according to their ex perience. As the supply here is lim ited, frequent calls for men are being sent to Portland. UNIONISTS T0MAM SHIPS Organized Labor Reaches Agree ment With Vessel Owners. LONDON, March 21. The Hamburg seamen's union, after a discussion with the shipowners and the Hamburg sen ate, has agreed that half of the crews on ships transporting foodstuffs to Ger many should be recruited from the union providing that the transport union recruited the other half, a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam says. , The seamen decided that they would not man ships carrying entente troops. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTERDAV'S Maximum temperature, 68 decrees: minimum, 43 degrees. TODAY'S Fair: moderate northeasterly winds. War. Official casualty list. P---o 13. Foreign. Allies expected to aid Belgium. Page J. Wobbly attitude of Kaiser costs throne. Pasc- 1. Italians make threat. Page 1. German revolt said by Maxmilian Harden to be sham. Page 4. United States' policy on Hun warships an nounced. Page -. Killing of Villa leaders in battle is con firmed. Page 10. Allies worried over Ukrainians actions. Page -. More active fighting reported in northern Russia. Page 3. Seamn halt delivery of German ships to entente. Page 3. Pershing pays tribute to American army of occupation. Page 5. National. Coast trade with orient may revive shortly. Page 4. Domestic. Fliers to patrol Mexican border, says Secre tary Baker, rase ti. Baker accused of aiding I. W Loa Angeles mayor indicted. W. W. Page 1. Paga 1. Sports. Crompler. sensational pitcher. Bigned by Portlana magnate, rage x-. Multnomah club to give annual Bhotv at Auditorium tonight. Page 12. Five players alated to go from Crockett training camp Monday. Page 12. Pacific Northwest. Girl slayer sobs softly In court. Page 1. Aut- drivers' union wins point at Seattle Page . Commercial and Murine. Mohair shearing is general in Western Ore gon. Page 19.. Steel advances to within smallest fraction of par. Page 10. Bulge in rye market lifts corn prices at Chi cago. Page 39. Loading of flour delayed by lack of in structions. Page IS. Portland and Vicinity. Roosevelt highway campaign outlined. Page -'0. Macy wage scale to continue six months. Page 1. Filing of briefs will end rate hearing. Page 13. WiiatUcr rupQi.t, and Xoiecasi. rate Week Given Ruth Garrison to Enter Formal Plea. MURDER COMPLAINT IS READ "Will He Be There?" Asks Girl Before Arraignment. CROWD CLEARED BY COURT Prisoner. Weakening on Way to County Building, Half Carried Up Stairs by Detectives. SEATTLE Wash., March 21. Spe- cial.) rWeepIng softly, Ruth Garrison appeared in Judge Taliman's courtroom this afternoon to answer the charge of murdering Mrs. Grace ICllzabeth Storrs. Through her attorney, Thomas M. Ask ren, a week was given her in which to enter her pica, and she was then taken to the county jail. IU custody of Detectives H. M. Bar ton and C. L. Toms and Deputy Sher iff McCormack, Miss Garrison was tak en from the city jail to Judge Tall man's court. She was escorted through the base ment and garage of the police station to the Fourth-avenue exit, past a bat tery of photographers and into the park side entrance of the county-city building. With lowered hat-brim, eho walked, showing no signs of agitation except a slight drawn appearance about her lips. CurionM Crowd Cleared. "Don't you think you'd better hold your head up, Ruth?" asked Detective Barton. "I don't want my picture taken," she declared emphatically. Taken into the county-city building, she was escorted up the stairs to the third floor. It was just as she had passed the landing of the second floor that she began to weaken. Calling to Mr. Toms to take her oth er arm, Mr. Barton led, almost carried, the girl to the third floor. The corridor was filled with curious spectators, the overflow of the court room. Calling "gangway, gangway," the at tendants cleared an aisle for her. She was led into the main office, through a small passage and into the ante-room of Judge Taliman's court. Girl Weeps In Courtroom. Attendants almost resorted to. force to keep some of the sightseers from crowding into the room after the girl. Reporters were forced to show their credentials and Judpe Tallman issued immediate orders that the room be cleared of all but police and newspa permen. Ruth took a seat at a small desk next to the wail, whtn the broke down. Hiding her face under the wide brim of her black straw hat, she wept quiet ly for a spell. Finally she regained control of herself and asked Detective Barton to help her ft) a chair near the window. This was done, but Mr. Bar ton, fearing that she might be tempted to leap from the window to the court yard below, stood between her and the glass. She sat huddled up in her chair, u pitiful, crumpled girl, occasionally dab bing at her eyes. "Will He Be There!" Aska Girl. Just after they had left the elevator In the police .station she turned tu pealingly to the detectives. "Will he be there" she asked. "No," the detectives replied. Just before she entered the crowded courtroom she .seemed to recover her balance, but she remained huddled up in the chair the detective had placcil tor her. She was dressed in the same brownish colored suit she wore at the time of her arrest, a wide, floppy brimmed black, straw hat, silk hose and neat black pumps. Deputy Prosecutor Carmody read the information, charging Ruth with kill ing her rival in love by "causing Grace Storrs to take a certain poison, strych nine, as a result of taking which poison, she, Grace Storrs, then am', there died." Formal Complaint Read. Ruth was standing, head down, be fore the judge. When she heard the words "muriic; in the first degree" she looked up. Her "hand went to her cheek. She stepped back slightly, then regaining her self- control. "Are you her lawyer?" Judge Tall man asked Attorney Askren. "Yes," Your Honor," he replied. "How long do you wish to taku 10 enter a plea; "One week, may it please, loir: Honor!" , "You may have it." Turning to the deputies. Judge Tall man, said: "Take her out." The party then went to the county jail. Girl Is Not Heartless. Miss Garrison is not heartless, but' is very keenly alive to the situation," said Attorney Askren, after spending an hour with his client. "The girl is not herself at this mo ment. All the apparent cheerfulness and spirit of semi-recklessness is the effect of sedatives. Without these she would have collapsed long ago. In this way a false impression ha3 been created abroad." Storrs In jail here toUay said: . "I want to help that littic gill out .1 Conceded ou Pass 2, Culurai 1.)