18 tiie aioRyiyo oregoxiax, fridat, march 14, 1910. PJWTI5AH TALK DEPLORED XEAGUE OF NATIONS CONTRO VERSY IS DEPRECATED. Charles E. Hughes Asserts "Gener alities" Are Absolutely Neces sary in a Constitution. NEW YORK. March 9. VThat he characterized as "partisan discussion" of the league of nations covenant waa Ueplored by Charles E. Hughes, in an address last night at the "victory din ner" of the New York County Lawyers' association. "I never believed in call ing names in political discussions," Mr. Hughes ?aid. "I deprecate this league of nations controversy, with imputa tion of unworthy .motives by one side to the other." Mr. Hughes urged that the proposed covenant be studied carefully, assert in i? that "whatever we do we must make no engagement which we do not understand." He asserted a ' certain number of generalities" are absolutely necessary in a constitution and declared that, al though the framers of the constitution of the United States could not interpret till its generalities, "there were prin ciples to be applied, and we have had el most astounding success under that constitution." "There was no reason, however," he continued, "for saying every ambiguity is to be defended." Mr. Hughes eaid he believed In an Snternational court with machinery for conference and in the organization of some conciliatory body. Franklin D. K.osevelt, another speaker, asserted the .United States ehould adopt "some form of national service" regardless of the outcome of jUie peace conference. IDAHO MINE OUTPUT BIG Operation Conducted With. Smaller Crews Due to War. BOISE, Idaho. Despite several causes vhich retarded production, the mineral output of Idaho mines during the year 1S18 was not so far below previous 3 ears as had been expected, says the unnual report of Robert N. Bell, state inspector of mines, just issued. The Blackened output started with the early months of the year when severe floods Jn the Coeur d'Alene district inter rupted railway transportation for two or three weeks and partially destroyed several miles of track on two impor tant railroads. The slack market for zinc ore, and the extreme scarcity of Jabor, especially good miners, the re port says, together with influenza troubles and the sudden collapse of the lead market in. December, resulted in a. decided decrease in total mineral yield for the year which aggregated, in gross metal contents, according to estimates, as follows: Lead, 290,843,425 pounds: silver, S, 572,214 ounces: zinc, 61.691,000 pounds; copper, 5,210,400 pounds; gold, 36,307 ounces. Total gross value, J37.320.000. These figures compare with the record output of 1917 as follows: Lead, 395, HOO.OOO pounds; silver, 12,496.000.ounces; zinc, 96,000,000 pounds: copper, 7,282. 000 pounds; gold. 53,000 ounces. Total gross value. $56,292,210. Several of the mines operated with greatly reduced crews, dut to army drafts, enlistments and war industries. As a result of this labor shortage, the report continues, dead work develop ment progress suffered seriously. "With returning soldiers and war industry workers, together with the sudden drop in lead values, immediate ly after the armistice was signed," Inspector Bell says, "which continued to recede to the end of the year, to gether with the still prevailing high operating costs, the labor situation has not only eased tip but men are avail able in excess of requirements and the industry is decidedly upset, with a plutted market for lead metal, curtail ment of output was necessary and the reconstruction period is likely to in volve sacrifice of a rather serious na ture, of all interests involved in the industry, including employer, employe and contingent community business." Lead is the chief metal output of Idaho, the slate ranking second only to Missouri. There were 4500 men employed in the mining industry during the year 3918. embracing both underground and eurface workers. Out of this number of men engaged, in what is known as p. hazardous occupation, there were 19 fatalities in the 12 months, as com pared with 21 in 1917. A tribute to the adventurous young miners who took their part in the Kreat war is paid by Mr. Bell, who states that Shoshone county "was par ticularly responsive in man power, which proved to be a heavy drain on the mines of their most effective operatives." PEARSON PRAISES AMERICA lillnd Publisher of Kn gland Itcturns After Speaking Tour. SEW YORK. Sir Arthur Pearson, Ttlind publisher and philanthropist, who bas been on a speaking tour through the United States and Canada in behalf of the blind, left .New York for Liver pool on board the Baltic, of the White SStar line. He will establish in England a. college for blind girls, the first insti tution of its kind in the world. Many American girls are expected to attend, he said. The building is ready now, about 00 miles outside of London. Its opening had been prevented by the war. "I leave this wonderful country with the firm conviction that efforts will be made in many directions to assist blind people to help themselves in a more thorough and practical manner than lieretofore," he said. Sir Arthur ex pressed gratitude "to American publish ers and editors for their co-operation in placing his views on blindness be fore the public. Colonel Harry Cutler, of Providence, Ti. 1., chairman of the Jewish Welfare board, also was a passenger, to inspect the field work of his organization iibroad, and, as one of the nine dele pates elected at the recent Jewish- American congress in Philadelphia, to represent American trewry.at the peace conference. Louis Marshall, New York lawyer, iind Judge Julian W. Mack, of Chicago, also delegates, took with them a so called "bill of rights." adopted at the Philadelphia congress, which they will urge upon the peace conference. Felix Frankfurter and Howard Ganz, representatives of the Zionist movement in America, also were passengers. Sir Oeorge 5!cL. Brown. European general manager for the Canadian Pacific rail way, and T. J. Smith, JCuropean freight manager, returned to their posts. The Baltic had a total of 350 first class passengers, 130 second-class and 150 third-class on board. PEASANTS HATE RED GUARD Uolslieviki Shoot Hundreds of Per sons for One Murder. VLADIVOSTOK. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The Russian peasants hate the Red Guard a hundred rimes more than they ever hated the ngents of the former Russian emperor, according to a travelrr from Moscow as quoted in the Omsk newspaper Slovo. perhaps, the traveler says, this may ac oqunt for some of the fierceness and ruthlessness of the bolshevik rule. Under the emperor's regime, he says, the murderer of a village constable would have been shot and the execu tions would have stopped there; but the bolshevik! will shoot scores of peasants for the murder of a Red Guard. All the way from Moscow to Tambov could be seen people called "sack car riers" men and women who. had left their towns or villages in the hope of finding elsewhere bread or wheat. The t bolsheviki had orders to shoot all sack carriers women, children or old men whether they were in quest of bread for themselves and their starving families or to sell at higher prices. And they were shot. The traveler claims to have seen some of these people running along the tops of railroad cars, jumping from one to another, with the lied Guards shooting at them from the plat form. The moanings of those struck down were heard far into the night. The train passed Tambov Atakar. Balasher, all situated in a fertile corn country. But nowhere was there bread even for the Russians who had raised the corn. It had been exported, nobody could say where. A student member of the committee to fight counter revolution, who was on the same train, admitted that he and his friends knew that the social revo lutionaries, as well as the menshiviki. were not counter revolutionists, but the committee, he-said, was obliged to view them as such if they wanted to continue to fule. "If communism." he said, "will not fit the Russian people, we shall have to abandon the power; but in that case we shall act in a fashion to be remembered for a long time." The train passed military trains go ing to the front. The soldiers appeared gloomy and sleepy, principally sleepy. The traveler saw some looking for a place to lie down, but an officer carry ing a whip motioned them out. Their grumblings were silenced by the whip or by the sight of a bayonet glistening in the hands of a sailor who accom panied the officer. Trofessor Takes First Leave. LARAMIE, Wyo. Professor Justus Freeland Coule, who is the second old est member of the faculty of the Uni versity of Wyoming, coming to that institution when it was started in Sep tember, 18S8, was absent on account of sickness for the first time in his career while ill during the recent influenza epidemic. Only a few days older than he in point of service with the uni versity is Dr. Aven Nelson, the presi dent. Thone your want ads to the Orego nian. Phone Miin 7070. A 60S3. AMUSEMENTS. THEODORE KOSLOFF And lliii Kuolan Italic. Rockwell Ac lui: Win. Ie Forest & rOstelle toilette: Vincinia Lewis Mary Whit I'aul and Mae Nolan: Kate & Wil.-.v; Orpheltni Travel IVeekl': kinu IfriiriiK. FLANAGAN & EDWARDS In Off and On S Nichts Son., Mon., I'uex. 10c to Jt.00 4 Mat. Sun.. Hon., Toes.. Wed. 10 to .5j r 1- i JIAKlit IN MAT, 6AT., 25c famous Stock Company In tbe Blseest Laughing Bit of the Season. The Blue Why to Many T Envelope3 Utvorcc? Here is the answer to most of them. Evenings, 25c. 60c. Mats. Wed.. Hat.. 83c Next week. "TIIE OLI HOMESTEAD." Photoplays The Selected HJnd mm 0DR0ME Vaudeville Alwft'.vM (ivod, Most limn threat. Sunday Concert SIXTH POPULAR CONCERT. HIPPODROME SUNDAY FEATURE 12:30 P. M., Sharp. Doora Open 12. 26 Piece Orchestra 26 S. "V. Roxebrook, Conductor. PROGRAMME. " (a) Hungarian Rhapnody Vo. 1 Llazt The Letter of Manon Uavlx h) Serenade Ilrrhrrt c Sonic Till Trah .Ma.chcroni W. J. Elliott, Soloist. d) Cherry Blownoma Ivahu and Raymond c) 'Cbong-' Anatin fANTAGEQ MAT. DAILY 2:30 The Marvel of the Orient. The Imperial Pekinese Troupe Offering the Rare Mysticism of the Far East 6 OTHER BIO atTS 6 Three Performances Inlly, Kight Curtain at 7 and M. TODAY ONLY. DOROTHY DALTON in "GBEEN KTES." Also Christie comedy, "'A Seaside Tangle," and Official War Review. CIRCLE THEATER X'ourtli at 'Washington, ..iu--l .i ! j mnjT.ai.. ii uaajamu mi h J. WARREN KERRIGAN M; M '"THE DRIFTERS" M K.'-I TOMOHROW '' I. 1 M'HB L , I HEART OF RACHAEL" J t ; J KATHtF.HV XORRIS. " I AMl'SEMEXTS. I Kv.nt Extraordinary I ! Tickets otw SrlllnK 1 T T T? T T T " Broadway at Taylor. t- i. i-LltM. VJ Mala 1 and -A TONIGHT, 8:15 ' TOMORROW MliHT SI'KCIAl. PRICK Mat. Tomorrow 2:15 "WILLIAM FAVERSHAM MAXIXE ELLIOTT ADABCKLLET COMPANY I "LORD AND LADY ALGY " A SPARKLING COMEDY MY It- C. CARTON. EVE'S Floor. S2.B0; Balconv. 5 rows 12, 9 rows SI. 50. 8 rows (1; Gal lery, 75c. oOc SAT. 3IAT. Floor. J2; Balcony, 5 rows fl.SO. 9 rows ?1, 8 rowa 73c; Gallery, 75c, 50c. ,'CITY RECDNOW!. HEILIG NEXT WEK I rn"trN!GHTS, MCH. 20, 21, 22 Popular Price Mat. nt. Fane-inn tine Comedy ucceiui. Kji ky V m U iM - 13 1 7 t TLFTxrrr& splendid Cant and Production. EVE'S Floor, $2, last 3 rows J1.30: Kulcony, r, rows $1.50. Inst 17 rows $1; Gallrry, reserved. 50c SAT. MAT. Floor. Jl; Balcony, $1. "nr. Address letters, checks, post office money orders to V. T. I'anele. Add 10',r war tax price of ticket desired. Include self - ad dressed stamped envelope to help insure safe return. nnpiiniinninn n i irrra I x f : I LAST DAT I : V f. WILLIAM ; I f FARNUM V S i I i In t I t "-the J i MAN llCNTER," ,1 y J I j I i ' f TOMORROW I ;j r t DOROTHY GISH Itt fi " ' BOOTS " I f I " J I Mm oily id MORRISON AT HTM PLAYS THAT PLEASE A l.llll'I'IM. 1'l.AV OK YES'I'EKOA V nintr AM TIIIIDIinilW, IIOS'T MISS IT NIGHTS -'. ROo. OOc. ALL MATS. -."ic. NEXT "MADAINIE X" LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Mntinee Dally, 10c Only. DILLOX & FRANKS fMiko iind Ike). Tlie itoscbuti Chorul In iEI.I.E OF PORTLAND. CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST TONIGHT OAKS ROLLER SKATING RINK KOW OPEN Largest and finest Skating Bink in the Northwest. Perfect Ventilation Health and Exercise. Afternoon and Evening. Cars First and Alder. Bate for Classified Advertisements La The Oregonian. lsaily anil bundM Per Hn. On line l'fl Two conrutive tlmre ............. TUree coniciitive times ......30 hix or Kfven ruimrutive times 5oa The folio win i-lattif iratlona excepted, (be rute oa wbicli in o er lioe per lmyt bituutlnii mntei Male, biluat.on I'rivate Families. Board and Uoonu Private k ami lirt. llotiMekeeplnic Kooma Private 1- ami lien. No ad taken for leit tban two line. Count alx Morels to the line. AJ vertiauieota (except "Per sonal") will be taken ever the tele phone If l be advertiavr la a subscriber to either phone. o pricm will be quoted ever the phone, but statement ill be reudcred the following day. Advertlo uietiti are taken for The Dally Ore- onian until P. hi. I for The bun day Orriconlan until 6 P. M. Katutday. - MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND LODGE NO. r,.".. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this ( Friday) ev n Ing. 7 o'clock. Masonic temple. AV'ork In F. C decree. ibituu? lirethren welcome. Bv order JL. J. HOVOHTON, Secretary. ALBERT PIKE LODGE. NO. HVJ., A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening. March 14. 7 :3' o'clock. Vifciting brethren welcome. Ci. W. C'UuK, Secretary. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 160, A. F. AND A. M.. K. 4.ld and bandy blvd. Special communi cation this evening, 7:3o. K. A. degree. Visitors welcome. IT. F. C1IAFIX, Secy. MTRTLK CHAPTER NO. 15. O. E. S. Repular meeting this (Friday) evening in Masonic temple at X o'clock. Social. All J. L. S. Invlfd. Bv order W. M. JENNIE li. GALLUWAY. secretary. MEETTNO NOTICES. EVIiEKA COUXCIL NO. 2W. K. AND I OF S. Bl maxqurrade ball Monday fvenlnu. Mar. 1 7. .east .Id. W. O. W. hai:. Eat Sixth and A!dr. Six fine prizes fur lt drtsiieil, t.eet .UHtaltird char ctr and mn.-t comic char aeters. Admixsion. ladlca S3 n". fnu 00 ccnu. G R AND MASQUERADE "ALL clvn by MooMehart I.rcion or tb World. St. Patrick-, day. March 17. .Mihim hall. 4tn and Taj lor u; 6 prlxea. SirLINOMAn CAMP. KO. hall. fca.t Sixth and Km Alder streets, every Friday evening; at o o'clock. Visit Ins; neighbors always Wei cume. J. o. WIUOX. ClerH. Will meet this (Friday) even. lnr at 7:3i o'clock at 1W0 Alder St. Special drill in the Initiatory work. The team and officers are requested lo attend. All memlM-r. of th. order havu a special InvlLi- HAS SAID iao i ion. J. I. DAVEM'i iRT, X. O KKE1) i-QZEXS. Ree. Sec ATTENTION. MKVHKR3 OP TITP pnt. STATIC ORUKR KMiillTS F- KHOltAS SAN On account of the death of Druther James U. Avher. treasurer of th temple, the ceremonial which was .j be held on March la la Indefinitely postponed MARTIN C. LAKSEX, R. V. WKBFOOT CAUr, NO. 63. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday nlsnt -t W. a. W. Temple. 18 Uth .tr.st. Aa members welcomo. Kum to Kamp Frtdaf aisau 11. 1- DjOiauii, Clerk. rRIEDUXDERn or todc. embl.caa c.aas pins and xa.daia. 310 Wasalastaa iu -t1wlrr. button, eharras, pis B.w dtinni. Jseg.r Bros, lil-a 6th it. DIED. ; mj' ,. iieiinisn, sk.! 41 ?-T . OT)to i3 Jayp. h,.ov..d wif- of harlea Hellrnao unci mnth-r of ChnrrM. .;'""rv Mur- -fc-'lard an.l Albert Hoiiman. I- PrT rar,orir- OI Wiihams avenue, r unrai annouDcement later. DAKKFt At the famllv renliience. 6--l Sth nve. S. K.. Henry itkhmond Bnker, spe 4. years beloved liu.st.and of Mrs. Ida Waker Kemalns ore at the funeral rr lor of A. U. Konworthy A- Co.. &s.o-(i- JJd st. S. K., in Unn. Kuneral notlca later. FABKR At the family residence. 452 ROth . c uaoy raoer. or loved infant duah lc of Mr. and Mrs. OcorRe W. Fnb-r. R--inlns are at the funeral parlors of A. I Kcnworthy & Co., 0bo-04 bt. 6. K.f in jUenta. ASH EH In thin city. March in, Jnmei l Ai-h.-r. ai?d i3 yenrs. late nf Koae-Iu-.vn avunue, huiitmnd of Mrs. A it i v u. Asher. The r-mjiln are -at Kinifv'n. Mont pomery at Fifth. Notice of funtrul herc af ler. CAN" OK In this city. ?arch 12. Elixa E. l.anoe. aefj C4 yearn, wife of 11. 1 Oanoe. The remains are at the ron fcervatory chapel of K. s. Dunning. Inc.. 414 Kast Aldur at., corner Kant bucth U Jvolice of funural in a later Isaue. l-"r.v 1" tl-ls city. March 1". G-orit Thomas I ny, ased "i years, late of 74 1 5 Sixt founn av-nut- Southeant. The r.-malnn uro at Kin)-'s. MontK'imcry at Fifth. .Notice of funeral hereafter. PKECEKVI.L In this city. March 1.1. at the residence of her father. S. Peereful of 3lltv :,5th at., 8. K . Clara leeceful. aireci im yearn. Annouiu-ement of funeral later by the Kricson Undertaking company. GIIsT.TAK In Warnaw. Ind.. RJrhnrd r. William, aire !'! years. He leaves a wife. Olive Witlu-e ;illtun. of Portland. Or. ; a a. mother, two sister and brother, of War saw, Ind. HAIA'ORSKN Tn this city. Marrh 7. Charles llalvnravn. aced .' years. The ro mains a re at t he I 'iinnii.ff & McEntee funeral pftrlora. Broadway and Ankeny vtreet. FUNERAL NOTICES. POWERS At the residence. ft7 Borthwlek St.. March 11l!. phin H. Powers, H?ed 4 yearn. 7 im-nOia and 4 days, beloved father of Mr. K. li.-cget of this cltv and H. W. Powers of Kalama. Wju-h. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at ITolman's funeral parlor at 2 P. today (Fri day, March 14, 1019 Interment River view cemetery. NKI.SE.V At Spokane. Wash.. November 11. Mrs. Annette .Vinen, ase .0 jt-Hrn, wif of Rev. H . X. leen. furm.-rlv pastor of the First Norwegian Munich M. K. church. IMh utij Hoy i i.ts. Funeral services wi'l be held lAmorrovr (Saturday). March 1 . at '1 : 0 P. M . . from the above M. K . church. Funeral arrangement in care of the Kricson Undertaking company. JOHNSON At the family renl.lenee. 22 Knst l.'.th Mreet. March l'J, Antoinette Johnson, ase ." years, wife of .Tame Johnson. Fu neral services will be held tomorrow (Sat urday). March 15, at 3 P. M. at the rhaprl Mt. Scott Park crematorium. Take Mt. Scott car. Remains at the chapel of Br'-ez 6t Snook, lieltnont at 30th, until 1 P. M. BRNSON In this city, March 1.1. DpT-ohs Henson. a tze Hi years. ifo of Itay Ren son. 1 30 Kant 3(M h ft. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Sn rtinlay . March IV at 10 A. M. nt the Portland Crerna torlutn. Take Sen wood car. Rmaiiis at the par lorn of Tlreeze V tjnuok, licliuont at a.'Kh. until b:3 A. M. ROYKR The funeml srvlcs of the late Phche Royer. beloved wife of .fostah Jtoyer, will be held today Friday). March 14. at "' P. M.. at the renulence. 4rt1 2 Seven ty-third street. Sout h-ant. Inter ment nt the Multnumsh Park cemetery. ArranK-meiits in care of Milter 6c Traeiy. GOODMAN In this city. March 1., Florence May CDoilman, asjeil 4 years, wife o' Leonard K. Hood rn a n of Rainb-r. Cr. The remains will- le forwarded tods y t Frldn v by J. P. Finley & S.n to nncouver. II. O.. where services wi.l be hcid and la te rm en t niaile. GCMPKRT The funera! sem-leea of the late r re'terick O um pert will he held totl.iy (Friday st J o'clock P. M at the Port land crematorium. J our teen in and Tty be st reets. r riends invited. J. P. Ftn.cy V Son, directors. ADAM.5 Private funeral services for the Into Re rt h a Adams, a ired f0 ye a rs. will be conducted today (Friday. 1 A. M , Ii the Jjunninir & McLnue chapel. Broad ay and Ankeny. WKIR The funeral services of the 1st W. J. elr will be held tomorrow (Saturday i March !.", at 2 P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Trncey. Incineration at .the 1'ortland crematorium. LAISIN The funurnl services of the late John S. laiam will be conducted today (Krijay, at i . M.. in the uunnlriK v McKntee chapel, Rroad way and Ankeny street. Interment Multnomah cemetery. RICE The remains of the late Richard Henry Rice of 4.'1 Fast Kverett street, were forwarded yeuterday to Kali lot us. Mash., by lJunnii-K A McFntec. ITVERAL PIRFCTOR9. VILS0N & ROSS EAST 7TII ANI MILTNOM.V1U 1'ortlund's Most Progressiva FUNERAL DIRECTORS FAST Bl C 3163 II0LS1AN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1S77. Third and Saimon streets. Jktaln Lit". A 1511. lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Services for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wl.h. st bet. Jilth and lt. Weal Floa. Main ZUUl. Lady Assistant. A Tbbj. J. P. Finley & Son rBOGRESSlVE JTSERAL Dlltl-.l y no. Alain V. . 3IUlUB'l"iei . M.ii. xmrf..t-t ..ri-kLp. Txr&onal direction. ire. u.a of floral chapel and auto equipment. DL'NNlNli Ac McENTEE, funeral dlrectora. Broad ny nd Tin. street. Phon. Broadway 4:10. A 4..0S. i-ioy u.uo.i. - ...... .i' l ii i y I i Ti " Fu- neral servlry. lau " r T T TT-PfTT V"1 lltn an ,"'yS1 P. Ll. LllliKUXl Ka.t 781. B 1HSH. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison streets. Broaaway s.... A. ti.. JLtLLlLtlZilk. VjJ. Kast loss, c loss. A n K KN'U OHTiir CO.. r.S02-04 9Jd St.. I.ents. Tabor 5C87. BREEZE & SNOOKrlK'aSSB0 Sm KEWt- UNDKRTAKING POMPASf, d oud Cloy, ill In llj, A -U:i. i.ad". aaaUtaai. Ill I Ml ! JITSTmm'rrri: 1 nrrnr rhtfTTTTVTTfrT r i rrT:trrT,TTrr: rnTii trttinj , I ? A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by 4he month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7U70 or A 6095, House 2U. At t OUIHON l-I.KAMNU. II t.Ms 1 ITt II 1. PLtl AT skirt, any styic. 1: hcui.ulch- ug luc pvr ii. ; buttuiia co.vrtd. l.itT!i Xvelty Alfi; Co.. C. - lb at. lii. JW. At lOl TA I S. AU'ViU KAl'LK.NiJlt Income lax re turn, prepared, li.-ticral accuuuttne. audit -ns. Maraua..! ...L l.ai.v.-vy 1.- At. A IK K 1 It Hri A.NU Utti. Jt. tl KKK. JtlV LLK1" and waii-u rn it... -' cr a. Wa.h. .1.. Majcjtlc ttieJtcr bldtf. AttA UML, OKUtMl IKIU. HAY. WALTEi'. Sfut'f. iluard of Irude. AMAtKS AM ANAL1MS. MONTANA A.-SAV uKKlt'li. 1- ticcund Oold. al:cr mid pluttuuui Uou.uu MOIlRIo A. tiuLU.IElN, ptactlce IB court.. 02 N -n tin itutn ii.n. blUS- CtRfKr 'I KAMU. PUfJC Tau kind that wear the beat are nUUw tnado from rour wornout carpets by Tha Nortlia-e.t Ituc Co. tlormer addreaa. l:a Unlun t.. i. ltc rues vbo.sa .1. .iza. Carpt cliauinsr. rcillllutf .na re.tsiiiic. Mali ordcis .u.i H.d. i- k.t i-i.uia. 1'HONE EAST a.is-i. H 1:m). CAKPKT YVrAYINO. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rues, all sizes; carpet cleaning, etc. LaJl otdi-t. p loin pi. Send Tor bockl-'t. Th.31 NORTHWEST KLTJKF KfG CO R4-r. Vnlon ac. N. fnonm. I 173. CANtKH T K KA I'M KM. U M. JuNfcS. M. U. CANtftli TlitsArtU. aiorc-tn bin a-. Martliall 01 1 J. ( Kl.l I I.O ItlTTei. TUB IKWIN-auDUN COMl'ANY. Vifhirnm. Hr.aday -4ot. A 1-54. ( KM KM rOMK.UTOK. CtMI.NT conU;c;or and buii-s?ra: beat o reff rf ncr; all work uaranted. IUte Con at ruction Co. l'hone Kast 44i. CHIKOI'KACTOK. 30.000 KNOW MiMahun, HO.'r chiropractor. 1 nroUK' pronuuuctn treatment tu.ai, btet. pcrniMiicnt, J1 "ireit" $15. 1 e . lUKOI'OIHT AIU Il M'KCIAMVr. WILLIAM. tHirlltf and Klorelio Da Ven, t..e only nclnir ic chiropodist and arch ape clHiista in the city. I'uJ-lortf JOJ Oerlliiic--r blda.. tKiuthwrst corner .cuad td Aider. Phone Main L'oOl. riRCl IAR I.KTTKK! CKAXE LKTTKIt CO., ilU-1 1-IZ Uoyal bide-. Mir. M ult tKraptiiOK. niiiuu Tr.ph and niuil advert. ttiK 4 LI.Kl TIONS. OLl bilin. rof-s, t-., --! d at rennonnh,.' i tt s. I'liono or wrile lor pa r: ii-u: a r. , . li:ine "olU-rtion Agency, if- p.. id.n bl.lu. M;i:n Hli. NKTU CO.. "Worcester bid. Main No collection. ni cuurre. baiaDusnea jjw uamim; M US. ltATHS U.in. n.ff Academy. ..un-ll Lckum bldrf. I5tjt tns;ruct..rp. ltKlnn.r c.aM Tu . 'Ve.. cla party Kri. Lt -pott fl i v ;inl tve. by uppt . M In 1 " A.LL-KV Uancing Academy. Private tn.ttruc- I or a uy anu tf ii i i k ij-u'vb i if"; nil.?. -U lU'T J-V i l. tJ sjma,. -. W" MKS. Kl.Ki'K'S Al'APKMY, H. -'J1- i(--,l- room ami hi ape i.in-tiiK ' - . - - eve.; hildreu ie.iHlt y . IMj.ni lliuo. BKKKEI-KY Uanclnic School. 4th JVlHtn 33IH. Mr. r-ummra. i sr. i k-oih vy uppt-; pcryoT)nl attention. Uunrfg Wt-d. UAXCt; orchestra. "Cnion."' Violin repaired. M AD CAT HOSPITAL HOS .'IT A I- Ir- ; hman. vctcrtna- rUn. 41. l--uHt 4 m r..- i-t. Kl KCTHICAI- 1IKPAIK hltOP. II. M. II. ELECTRIC CO. 31 North First St.. Portland. Or. Kewlndlns; and Klectrlcal Kcpslr- or u.cl motors. B.lwy. .(.. A lotii k KVK, KAR. OKK AM 1 II KAT. iJr. K. K. -"usday, Fpe'l 1 1st : R ias-c fl t tA. OO E. IiuriiKWlf. cor. -ut ii. li i..... r-. WHOLESALERS AND A l TO Tor.. Dl'liRl'lI.LK HlT.riY TOP CO, nth nd Q. DIIY UUUDS NOTION!. LDlNKELSPIELC0.5iNk-;rn. OKAIN MKKCIIANTS. 1-AI-1K1C GUAIN . Hoar.l of Tr.il. I'.Mj iiXt. a 1 'A Vs. T1I.NIHU'--".K II AT Co.. IH)I r.WAKk IIKK. KA1IN H1IU . I"j frunt S!rcrl. f-AIN T-T AMI I I IIHII ATlMi VI I.I.I II ''.I , U- Ii nr;d 1 nimTS. L.LUI-1M.U. n.oruaT. DlTTNfTIVt; 1 Lull tl. TRIBUTES. Wrralh. ai low .9 It. .pra. $2. Tort'all Mnr.l. I'lionw Maryhall 7 MAKl'lN A- 1-MHIil.S CO.. k:oi.s:s. SjI Wu.hlnrlon. Main A l-o:. KiOW.rs f..r all occasions art 11 iai:r arranitpd. CLAUhK J3'.'S.. Kl"rlls. -I Morruort L M.-lln or A l- . r in Mn.tri uu i.ui.i rl.lirn. No lTtn-li .tnrti. 1'tOl'l.KS Kl.oriAU fllol'. !!. AUl-r. How. rr.. nnl (l-.tRiii ry r;ts"n:Mi. Mar. 6'--t- lltVIXiiTUN I'AUK KIHtAI. CO.. 4l(l and Yamhill- Funeral d I K II -ry '. low. -at prices. MAX M. SMITH. Main ; bulldln.. lh and Aid" Jl.'-. A 31-1, bclllo. TVNl-KTU KL.OKAI. C, -1 Waslilnstoo St.. lt. 4th and olh. slain ilOU. A ll'll MOM'MENTS. PoKii.A.Ni- AlAKHI.K AVOltKS. -Jllt-l't-.n 4th St.. oppostle City Hull. Mala SOU, r'lill.ip NT.u hnm, for memorials. HA BLAESING GRANITE CO. ITX THIHO AT MADISON STREET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Boom 16S C'ourUiouM. 6tkt 8U Phono from S lo o. AImih 3Tft. Homo Phono A ZJZS. IS ixlit coii a-XLer wfXUo houm. XVooa mmn 74. Kkpoi t mil caea or cruelty to tho obovo address. Electric lethal chamber far a mo. onJmala. Morao ombulanco for sick aQd dia atid anlmois at a wumeota notice. Aajr one desiring dog or other pet corn utlnl cato with ua. Ca..l tor all loat or a. rayed atock, aa w look after th Itnpouuuiai. There la no mora city pound. Junt Ortgva Humane (Society. NEW TOUAV. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved rlty and farm propertj Idmi all meat repayment prlvllrc tf pre! erretlf prompt, re lift lile rrlre. A. H. BlliRELL GO. S17-21 Vorlbtrr.trrn Hank nnlldln-. Maoraball 41 14. A 41 1H. Mortgage Loans SY2 EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. TTXITKI STATUS I1ANK III II.IIINC. JOHN B. COFFEY MOUTGAliK L.OA.VM. Insurance, Surety Bonds nns wii.rox iii.li.; Mala TO-. A 3TO: 3 6 MORTGAGE MONEY on realifenco property. 10 y re. to repay In eaey monthly . piymi-nt. proiectd by life Insurance in ljui table Life of N. It. No comm. anion. Fur information m KH) it. 1STKONU. ao OtYtonian Ttnllding. MORTGAGE LOANS OX BtSIKH AM nKriUE.NCU PKlll'KKTV. nonK.HTMis- a i-:,vif!. US I MCTII ll- K. A'XiitiT-CI-ASS MAN Lliii. L W N T.ABCF OT SMALL l.or-S. K!T lfc.MIIT( IIIS. K. t-TK I'll A N, hvii.atiliti.ni.. tai.ipm. CoruioU :-! P-Ht. ou::oi. rovrtru. m t Ufdrrc lt I-lltok b.. ilrOMuy 1 " H 13 M ST IT M I N't; and ii.t. A II ti'if i. iM.mfr Svw it. k Mt h. t o.. itk k'U.r J V.,-:i HOT A I K 1 KNACK. fcTALJt. diy a.r tiua nio.t and by our prrrci. Kooai 4v I N. b:.B. .Mun-iiH.; r.'.lo IM'OUK TAX KKTl KNf. i.'4Jilli lax rcluru frvparcd : .". ranutna ii.ujj , M..u i-." pvu l.ifcltli. LUIL. rilll-.LIlOUN. i,ia VIO IN. I'Uito. lt-illtiti:, t,Jil.ir. liidUaUoa. butlj a. K o UITOMI.I K1M ANI OI'IU l.N. tiLAM.S ATA f-Wl.Nti. Mr.ui of ... : i U biiioniL A Opl---niitrit. Moti.-O). Main -V-4. PATKNT ATTOKNK.S. tX.L'ON01.LaMA.N K M. XLwCK Ci. L.x. reiii.ed iiiiul a;;oracy. iftui Avon k'iit.e, Pliti.ion, D. C. Jn- V Moll r J tar-' cxpeticlico U. and 1 ur vii;u :tvi-n ;s. tM.-1 JL'c k um bide COLPliKKlt, U Woicrtcr bid. M fin MClANS. UK. Iw II. WATTLiiS. ouo Nel and bldR. One increased ctiic.cncy drug Uaa 0U O iratm-ni, p.u rv. parulj oia. bd oi he, appvouiui. i-r. kidnt. Uit. lv. A. I- -m... i,iu-0.iy ti. Ithcuniatljini. Icii-al" d.sn-rdtTr-, iin tro i bU, ml imach, liver, kMm a, . Pow .a. throat. c ttre. t a.p. IdRh biood j-rvnui. I'H MUlNlt M I TI IV. 1'LIMUI.NO iL Tl'LIKii at bolik.le t ruu fctark-L-vis Co.. -I- Third. Mum 7'Jl. 1'IUN J IN4i Kt'YoroMi IJK.M? J. K. 1'rir.ttr.c and linotyping, corr.rr iStarK.- Mam or A Oantt-ub-In. M;.'. 1 1'" 'a i- ruot w DDIUTIU F. V BALTE5 & COMl'ANY. M.l In 1-i '. A IMi-'i KAZOK HLAIfKH. SL'HK SHAItP MIOF 4M WavhuiKtoii toi.. will sharpen razor blades on "Vtlet Luuo" iiiut tune. SM OMMIAMr POItK. LKV1N UAi:LW.KK V "- UN IT Liit tU J I Krunt f trt'L Wo buy ai.d t-t-ll rvctj t Iilnp In the hiiM ware and tun. Uur Unc. Moa '.;.'. A 717L I'KANM KB AM SKIKU.R. OKKUON TI'. N i-- i'K tl CO., 44 i.'.ia nt.. corner of 1'itii. T.-thoiie liroad w a y Ul or 1HV. Vc own and opf ral- two laricn clan "A warehouses on tr:iiinil trick. I,u.-!t lusutaiu'v r.; ch in the city. 1XTKRSTATE THA.NjKER. Furniture and ".-t-ral II.iu.intr. TR-asonable rat-M. Minno Wood ' h n LAIUiK truck. rca!otiabN" rate, lone; dintaru ha u line. Uall v triv.- to a 1 1 iaiti tit the city; lljcht truck. l'hone MaJn L'tLt Salmon it. FIREPROOF STORAGE r. m. oi.sk ti: wsKKf: ro ptvfi. MA!l?l N -NT. I -' i W A 1 1 K 1 1 ol S ! : UK' lift-, Madi.-ion r-t. (Jcnrt.il nifciiamliM a. ii d f.-rw.i rd niK a cc n p. I ' (mne Maui 1 "'. 1 . I'A-'KINO MuV I NO S TOIil SC. FHCrKITi' STuHAOlv; A T i i A N Kfc It r-. lo.'i I'urk t. .Main M :-". A H'.M CLAY S. Voi;m; Ino. TRACKAOK. STOIIAOK. TUANSFER. 4t-4".i ;ii!.in m. Fl'LTON Plora K A.- SuNS Hactai: room. Kat 4'o. i m ovine and ,"i0 lla wt home. V A I I l l.KAN INO. Kl.KCTltlO 3' tiuiti :.,- n rn r. -"arl. c'.a:ilii-j in our bwUatt, W A14 II 1 IKIMi. HH;ili;ST prl- paid old wat-h- and J". -el'v, CondttP-n no oh;ett. Ilejal rpe-ri.-.ltv. i:..trl-r liy Cn . 4 S"ah. nt JIANUFACTURERS ! 1.NTS. Oil S AM t.l.Ar.". h MI-si:n a c. nti.l t.i ;..r i"l I':, I-II-K rlTVIM. AM A I . K. M. I. KI.IXB. Ct-K Krunt Mr.-.t. I'l l HitlMi AM. i K. m i rn n.s M 1.. K1.1NK. rr..m I." i r..t. I'KOIII K I IIVI1II ION l t II) II lT A KA K I! Kl.l . 1 Hi I r..tu M r KOI-K. AN IIINDKI. TH I NK. jvTTT Ml AMI. IM.OK. AMI t.l.A-... W. 1'. ITI.1.KI1 CM. ., ai-i ..iv .. A 1,1. I- 1-K.K. M'.jih; an wat.i i ri:i! MW TOlV. Send Us Your Old Carpets M Knr nl M onlen l-.thinr. We Make Kr-rille. lluud-wrn FLUFF RUGS Thry Wr.r I.lkr Iron. Mail Onlrr.. I-n.l for nnoklrt. Kaaj Rut. Wr. All ir. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rusts Steam Cleaned $1.30 WMfRN 11.111 Kit. .. 54 Tnlon A.rnti. N. V.ul tiAlM. It 117V n j f-:--i:--v.rr. Atkcjr SI. rasa. llrosMtnajr 140. Sam Coanell Lumber Co. FLUFF RUGS l- rom old carpets. Carpet clnnlpp and rexittit.fr. JtaiC ruca woven, nil jjizca. Mail oriitT-t o'ioitorl ORTIIi:ST Kl.l KF KI U (O Former adtiret-s 1C3 L'uiun Ave EAST 3580 e1;:,. B 1280 RKtL ESTATE. SACP.iFicr F"rrrn pale. MUST HAVK Mi.XEV. SO acres rear i ;.;d .. rui.i : i. AA'.lh., 11 cr.i il..ire(l. tiui!i in v;i : 1 'r riil':ion f.-.-l lirnbt-r: timb-r ai.n. mt Into wou.l wilt l.rin .iniii on crmind; w.irr.tnlv ilvd f.,r 1 . J. II. V.) .or, CiO lKU at . Port land. Or. LIST Vul'K I'linl'KSTV 1I SM.l: .! KXniAXfiE Willi IS. 444 IAVLOK ST. MAIN '-'IT.-.. I-'fr Sale -Luis. LOTS Kull f.xl.i:. " l.vel lots at :;lft and Kll.katn. cl.ar of tlrlit : Villi st. I rltcili. or liad.- f.ir 1 lot In Ir.tnj-lon or L.ur. Ihui st. r lor i-quliv in l'unL;alow In cit lu-r . Ulslnet. W 1, i.Tfconiiin. FlU: SAI.K I."t .-.ili". 11. k., I. lock south of Alt.rtM, s.MMI. l.-rm. j. Ki... u..-. 4I Mi'-k Kxrn. M1. Main .".To HAVK nl.-e lot in A b.rt.. for ai .,, paid y:irsii'-o. Ca.l efnillKS aft.-r O..;o. Ful( SAI.K Knxloii, N". W. .rn-r Aiisnortli and Hoston oventi.-s. S.HM-. only jr.O -jiMh W. "W. l'aynr. 1 7 1 1 Cherry. Ar-i-.-l- KOlt SALK K!ne lt in Irvington. to f.-rt above pra1c. -al facing, ehudu treea. Khonf K 1 - 3 3. Klt SAI.K 1 nlo l"f n W. lih n...r -t.-l ah ipvar-1. 1 ".. rash, t-n lanr fiiv (.rum. !OH V. Il'ih t-t.. V.tnriMiver. W.fh. IKVINTiT-'N"! cli-iU-rat home p(f-a. caaU r terms T'l'on e own r. Kast ". j T TWO coo l tmil. .ir lots for eale. cheap for CHih Tabor 1 7"H. 1 1 V 1 l.tt. I r i n tt t o.ri i rt I ! I'-hal- BEAT, FSTATK. l or VmI e lota. I'HulCK HAK'IAI.SS. 4"-Tloi K.-rn I'ark, c-niftit walks, abun dn " of iru:: tr.-f. .... , ,,r t ,vmr.t walki and curb, Zt- ti and Ti. i mi -ok ; .. ."",Utt. t-. r.K-k; c-Tti-nt wa'k and curb. 2n.i--.td Mrcvt", "'1"". a', i-i e-i imp, in and paid, ow tji I iiv i,..,r aloft. 1-"'1", V lute- t'uv l'ark. Cfm'nt w.t'ka an.l , tiri- in and p;d; 7.,'d unJ c'ljckama, . iiin t v in . j"ihi ,.txiiM, n.m:i Mt. T..ror. cemtrnt wjUka and t )rin. H1"'. uiy t rnn. ;.oloo. on .at i'..U'-h. nrjr ?4th: ccmer.t w k ;i i; d -ur;i, ir.tn Jiu a : recta a.. .n l p ii.i ; l"'x -o. l tMiiiula, cor. Hunt and Chae: 1 i on. s.i't hn. ore land, cement w a.k& and euro . 1 .'a.x;t. Pt-.tiiitL.a. cor. Cl-.bort and liocli tt'r. 'uo. Tontca:r. roruftlt w.iiV and rti rn in -nd i-id ; S; a t., nca r Miii'it; Jt..'."-: i. -rn.P. 4. 1 Jfaw-thorne d .strict. at!i ave rl . 1 t . imi ." J 1 7. It.r-. c- Ad! . at Ttock'.cy ft. on f.-i;.fa". .:'..; 7o t-rm. .'" I I H.tw, i !'-r:.e tiirtt. ll atrcet in. i in and p . d ! r . SI.'." ; t-r ?n. ''.'.m l;..c Civ I'arik. all ;-t Irnr. In and iM.a, cor. 4.n and ..ndy b'.vd.; i.-.;.4i WATOII OT IC API vt: OKT KEtL'LTS. - A U A T. 1 INLK. nii Ti".::. i.uu k at c" . A I. A M KT. r ARK. 10-ioi. i ,r,i uri . e. r-rwrr. pld- alV. paid, a d nd n-rtur; vnl II r-cht r Uh'l" f.r h-.i.-c ;,n.t piv -lff fretn-r. cT.K KI M It VK i;-IiKM t:i:N CO., 1 H I SOTt V M ,iiv -Ty r a-oT.a . . ir 'i f 4 - ! m. . ) a - -I ca t-' in. aMo our !ot now ; inj Jour t-.t-n;.' rn a K. I- MKI'i. tVw-.ctr '.run r.d t-or..ert. K n t. M.i mon. S ioki ou. andv to Pvincfn ec-ot rr I n iw hoTi-. iiuv 1 I Mttn -.it l-ir coat; ti d t.u t o'l v .ir . r. A a i. :. K.i l f-M. Ii SAl.H -L T 1 1 1 Five y.'i.'.o ..t ynrx pajm-r.t en rxravNtinc a:.d ctmetit work. VI d-7, 'rceorii n. I'-' t - j ..r quitk l. iM 111. IJ r So It -IS-eanrh Irop-rrt m mm fr,.nt n .-.irh.irt . fwrniehvd or u;: f u. -i!:f,t, A II 77. t 'f-cn.urt. 1 or .-i l- - 1 1 Oil. ITS. . m r. am. .ti;s. mM !;si:i:ki:h. Ju-i .r.,.k i i -it 1.".. u :i ii 7 -r.rn bun p.il'W :n t hr ti. '.i citi f 1.1 Hj:hiiTf t ' l t : h jr.j - um . .i, , . .rt t-t : rotm-lf iv f urnhc-l. f -p osi-nsc:- muioni -t'itc in ...... or.iy $1........ I', m'uui r-it.ii'Mn hunolow. fumisl.rd. f -T"-p .iCt-. m t i. n : f r-u i ct r . n t o W n v -i -1:,, i, in on. i Cii-iru t ; only f :.'M'u, f u-naur.' 1m. .. -l-riMuii hutit,a-M : plrtMrlc lichls. s.i.. full h.ij.4 inorit : nil -e lo;a. l.osc to ci, tfrff. t-t.- . on . 1 vti,t. I h.'ixo m.ir.v nt in it- from $jooo t J''--0--U r.f h hikI tan qunU' a lionafi cktf t-ry iura.Mi.- pri. , a .in i terms. -V IV ! I.;K , .k. U-l'ir. I'anan.a bK m:a k j kkkkkon h i;m. 1 mm. nii.n.j Vo.''.on. No nu.runcf. , $ j-m. hi. a ji i.- r.v.Mn. "-t .r ti..mt in f:i.- trttnlnMii. fiirnacr, full lj-. tin nf . ;. i ru- tz bt s, k-i., rr p. pi. Omuviu- t.i i. Wins. n. an-l Mis. av.-. t h ntr uii fr-b'tleu . WW .o.Hi htiif an.l to inll tl.:a v h ii. ot li. r hoin iii av a! .a b Its i.l ii'.ik- i tmv .T A. A K'KMA.V O.. Hv. Kh bblq. Mutt St i'k f tw .-n A I 'M IN IS TK Mill's S XI.?:. $l-.ioo i:m . i . s v ur.', i. . nkw- I.V-I'AIN I'l'l) AM K Xi'Tl- A l.I.Y N'W HI.K. N l Kum: CITY CAIt AT J0TH M. : M l .' .K'ln;HN i oN V . I'll is is f if r.-.1 :i l k i 'H t r--.iu.-l ion - oiu-T to y ' in- soTtir- u H to Ihiuh'.i : e tU'b'.a i'f "..-..'.i..'d. Sttm trrnia mi ia ni U. t. c. c M-LMii.Kr.. 21 ." - 1 ii A .limit -n 1- sz. 1 s t. "::. Y.:irs in r.rt i mi1 Miin 4vil JF.SI r-.-T. llul'K. (7.io.l f i v . -r-.i. in imu-.' ml - (-rcn ar f.4pit.tT ix.r--ht's. Villi .-!.' n h- HshtH. t an-iii-. i urMins. lioiiM. ban l..h. r'.rrxr c .isCiitH. ..icin.!it it t : .t In line ii-pllt .on ; l.-i is ;.itlon. iT li.its nil panl; M-.m.- fnju. a n ru bi.f - : .i r.i u . on .1 -. it p. mis: r.ist iif Cm.-.i a-. I'm-. $'J'..'"; el'O c..-a Ultl f.T MV T"."TtT, 'i-. ; i; r I ,v uk.nn ltt. nt Ttoar.i of Tra-i-. Vain 74V.V i; H'-M fin i: w 5 n;.o. Fine -r. hu:iicat.. arl l-n; f ir-pi.r. flf.-t . La i h. i-t-i?.. r.l . n.-iit. In urn! ry P.ivg: Ll r. I "-. r-ast f rot : . a mI r-ti--. : .-i.il :t 1 rt'v Ii-iij in and p.-:-.; ii it-.- ilisirn i, on i;. "m n i-t., rr ir lii.to a. I 'r. $:: 1 .". ft-TO (.nil, ba i. piT ilia., i iK-r t t :iilSST t llKWETT. It 1 1 of Tn.i.- ' . i . VHin T-i r..o cxn $;i:.o Mrf-t h. a.H iful nrr in Mt. S.-ott i!i-t . with f.-rtn. him,; rtiatr.! pt inn bt n n . I't'i'. Si ij p " U. ; -i ii:n i i: I'.. Ai;iNr-T'N' v.t.inj. "Z: c.i 3 i:i 1 'rt.ani." M.t.n 4"".1. AI.WIHI'V IMKK WuKTii m';k than xx k ask. Tbt it flit- t.f In f mot 7 r.M.iii boiir- In A I ain-'l.i lti k. nnl h tij a b-.-lut-!y ev n v m-.i rn run on i- in- ; i I it r tr. h-.f t. nr ami in t irst con-Jition. l'nt MiH'ti At b:i-t JtJMH ra-li. IIKI.IA HI.K IN KTM KT CO . T-n-t oK sr. iilt A I XX'. Y 411 ST. JOHNS ill -Mi; SACIUFICK. 1 O-iitiini liou.-.- 4.l iiiflll r b-t b t Wfc'rl fnain ln:i-.n.-s fir. .-f ; n ! I nl it rtu 1 n.n t r i. t ; iiiu1-! I" -ml id K'ltV i t' jlr. Cr cf r . -l u.-. l to 5 1 7-m fr tut.-k h - t Th m j. i immi low tai a.at-. S. . 11. M. iirow :., u Itu M'.II.AV A- PA n K II t I.I. TT I.iii.ii...rm.n- l-hlir. .-th n.l Sa-ic h'. i I . K I V SN X C jri .-..w i ; . -;.t i :.o I T. ..- pt i.t.t : I v iif . t potucr, t .ii-obl-r. e.- liulf. a'ttr-; p.i rt .-i.; ew ,-r t:.l w x. s 1-4.1.1. Must ha.e ....o c; i). lao. ili i. C. Crtt.ri:nrm, Abinstn I?h!r 1 . .hi in l.ri:.in.l." .Mj:n 4-".V i .-.o -T kum s c 1 :.o. r.-rni. a 1 1 .n-t i . l-n i -;a . . I n't, enm p utnlci:, .: ul cou.. it'xl'-O cor., - u s r.t..i xui i irr.M con tht: vonlv. m:ak 4ji am- im.wkii.. ti. A FIN''. I N" HT.PG. Y.;ii ;n Con n M :n ln.t. :.-.Tl ST. fN A I. lOOxltl: Ini pro ni r- l-anl: 4', b'ork! from (Mr, a J. .n! f rot. . f:if lo- T Ion fr I -tl! : .1 ! tic . K 'ol !:.- r-b n roil ; $ I Oal. f l-i p. r p.-. 1 K. STKAUNS. - - XX j . o Illo. l?i .1 .XX t l Frautifiil lir: lo-. 1 7 . wfh rom - f cr t . I1' mull htMifit. n on- f ne ba rp a in ; flown, baiaff-. $ 1 niinih. In.-l ml i n c 1'ii'pl. You w iU lav e to Rft busy oa i hi- oi-. ;l o t Monp.K CO. iooT -n PMc. in; tun S.x-'lil icii, fi-IUH HCNli.Xl.oxV. Strbtly iii.Mit-rn In rt-ry 1til. Kull 1o. nafhir". If fu uant a r-a I una p. b' aure ar-1 -.- thl-.. lr. Jl.VMi. JlMto cash, HKUAULB lNYt-ST.M KNT ft-., ntr. Si. lirouduHv 4IX MT. .H'OTl' CAK W-m. ft. room.. 4 ilo nft.iirif want two partly fir.tli-.l up.itaiTa; f.n f eiit. t-n nia-l.m-li-.l Mfcr. has a para ir. und fa t- uipt-l it h t'lfiriuity, g;us, ptu.nUin;, etc. ; easy ; Ki T M-MirtK rvi.. 17 Toon PTdff. MT. S uTT CAIt 7."mi. Irnnt 1 1 ul Ic.t . 1 "x 1 4"J. -n ruft tre-. im .f b!a. kb rrlV. i m-pbrrie nm c.i h.-r f-nmll frjii ; hiumII hous--. but tonif orla-bic ; : !-v t mi to r 1 1 h t pa.r 1 ;f.u T. M- h -t: K i'O.. i'H7 Teon Kid?. SI N N YSI I K Jti'Mi a ron.s, bat.'i. lull b.st mr nt, paved at., one b!o- k from S. S. car, nt-ar JC. oath b'..; f,'T tTin? ;;o. t mohrk CO.. 1A7 Teon TVdtr. i-u M hou., ba t h, t .. t . tMrmcn!. v ooshr-1 : ba 4.".."t'. Hour -t h at. Prico n ' y f 1 m0 ; terina. Kast Sitio. Co iu-.i tier t rstIo AI.I.KV A- AT.r.EN. Stock Kxrbnr.c- XX -OlH.AXX N HIN'iAU'W - tH -. "ry mv IntU' 4-rotm bitnpalow with flr-pi.i e. buil t - In f i iurr. r-lc, cloie lo car. Ur on'y $J-0. on ternia i;i:o. T. MiH'itK t.'.. l'Ht7 Venn Hldtr. It' SK CITY I'AUK. r.-rn'm bun cab- . m rb t ly mo1ern es. -rpt 1 ii mat c. Oi-tt ; C4ui st.. near achool nnl paik. ;i:o l voohk CO, ioi.T Toon Tl.dir. li ! .-i. bv t-w ii. 0 rooms and bath, in Moil i.l Tabor vi.l. w"l takt- l'.i;. JJub k -ar uf p. i t ravnir-n-, full liroadway 14.0. M r. H M I 'vr.M.i'l. 2 IHH'SKS N ON!i lAT. lnr"nn (j5 p r month: iis ei'.e o? Tvoise Cl: I'ark. S:.ap tor JJMKt. easy terms; sKf-AbMiRR AT r.M-; rnvru BLTVl. vjlAl.l. H 'I'SK ana Jmi caj-h, I -i.t-o e J 1 JO frms. 1 . innuica tar. KM-ritii.". K. XX'. Ctiry. V.am 1377. MlT r ti.- Hmm iniint-cllatt'lv ; arly new itr.rtlv mb-rn 6-r.Mm buugnlov' SoinC' to- j. Tabor ::M. Al.AMKUA 7-KOuM HOISK ANU 5- i;.t;i:. ti:rms for lo DA vs. KAST 4l:. NO A-W.NTS. 4-1.1 M hnii--. M t. null. Tabnr '2' ott. 1 biotk io LAVKKIJH :ST. by ow nrr. f.-7- qiiitv , f:n 7-roni r. ; no Hitrntt. T.bor !.7'4 7 It-M.XIS. untvi -uie. Uriee iitpirK porcu. rtioii-rn In evry r-pt. T.iltr r.nr.. ti-Kt T-- X ) ujr for -1. i-ksr payment. Sfrtj n!"n'l. I'. Co r t-1 1 bide INUT" N. tn.t-rn 7 - mom Ixintiln . 0..U ul Ki-oU. iTl0. JLcci aa. 45J 1