THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCIT 1J, 1919. WHEAT CROPS ABROAD ARE M FAIR SHAPE Conditions in France Are Re ported as Favorable. WEATHER IN ENGLAND GOOD Acreage in Italy Reduced, bat Plant Makes Satisfactory Growth Out look in Spain Is Bright. $4.7535 In Columbus. Shipments were light both from New York and the west. Xew York Baldwins A 2'4 were at slapping points moving slowly at a steady range of $9.5010.50 per barrel In moFt leading markets, but advanced to $10t?H in Chicago and ruled $11 in Columbus. EGG MARKET COXTTNCES hH'lALL CLASSES ARE STRONG BIG RUX AND GOOD DEMAND AT STOCKYARDS. FIRM Small Margin Between' Buying and Selling Quotation ft. Egs continued firm with buyers generally paying country shippers 37 V cents, deliv ered, and selling on the basis of 38 cents, case count. Local receipts on Saturday were 795 cases as follows: Origin Express Oregon 677 Washington l'J 3 Wheat crop prospects in Europe are, on the whole good. In Russia and Roumania, ihowever, there has been no Indication of Improvement. In his weekly cabled crop review Broomhall says: United Kingdom Weather conditions are fairly good, but farm work Is backward. Seedinga, however, are considered generally favorable. It Is officially reported that consumption of native wheat now on a liberal scale. France Crops are reported as favorable Heavy rains, have been experienced In this country recently. Wheat crop had a strong plant when the wintry weather set in and the preesnt position of the crop can be considered satisfactory. General complaints about the difficulties of transportation have been noted, but in spite of this the mills appear to have a sufficient supply of grist and there la a steady supply of flour for the wants of consumers. Roumania Seed grain is wanted urgently. Reports regarding food supplies are varied. Supplies, however, are generally considered short. Italy Crop condition is average. Weather has been fine and cold. Wheat crop re ceives favorable mention, but it is reiter ated that there is an appreciable reduction in acreage. Supplies of bread are said to be of good proportions and the quanlty Is giving satisfaction. Spain According to latest reports the condition of the new crop is very good. Present supplies of wheat are abundant, and although some growers refuse to sell at the maximum quotation, the lowest cur rent prices are about 2s per quarter below that figure. North Africa Seasonable weather, with good rain. Is reported from Tunis. Russia Latest information emphasizes the desperate straits of the people of the northern and central regions, where starva tion Is .more or less general. DEMAND FOR BARLEY IS STRONGER Three Hundred Tons Are Sold on Local Board at J?2 Advance. There waa a stronger demand for barley arid also more inquiry for oats In the local market yesterday. One hundred tons of March brewing barley were sold at the exchange at $47 and -00 tons of April feed barley at $46, both prices being $2 better than was bid on Saturday. Olfers for clipped oats were raised 50 cents. The corn mar ket also averaged 50 cents higher. - Weather conditions In the middle west. as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg clear, 10 above. Minneapolis part cloudy, 40 above. Iuluth cloudy, cool. Chicago snowing, cool. Peoria drizzling. 32. Kt, Louis clear, 38. Kansas City, raining, 40. Topeka clear, 23, Omaha clear, 30. Forecast, rain snow and cooler." Goodman of Chicago says of the govern ment report on corn: "Figures on corn re serves exceed my report by 56.000,000 bush els of which 51,000.000 bushels are ' in the south and east of the Mississippi river and unavailabta. In the eight surplus states there is a total of 49S.000.000 bushels, ver sus 740,000.000 bushels last year, and hogs are 2,600,000 more on the government re port. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats H Total 696 09 Egg receipts at Portland last week were 3193 cases, for the previous 2000 cases, and since March 1, 3641 cases. The poultry and dressed meat markets were lightly supplied and firm at last week's prices. Iecreae In Visible Supply. The American wheat visible supply stat ment compares as follows: Bushels March 10. 1019 II.Y.VJU.OOO March 11. 191 S S.72l.ioo March 12. I'.HT 43.137.00(1 March 13. 1110 3.snri.(H0 March 15. 1915 45.326.000 Hogs Are Dime Higher With $17.60 as Top Best Lambs Again Bring $16.50. There was a strong market all around at the stockyards yesterday, with a large run of 02 loads. The cattle market was In good out-of-storage movement amounted to 60,- I S5S pounds; U2-score, 5c. New York Heavy deliveries which were anticipated Saturday, after a decline of 2c, did not materialize today. Dealers reported that their receipts today were only mod erate. There was active demand for the finer grades and also some further reports of export Inquiry. Prices were advanced lc, which were easily sustained. It Is reported that the light deliveries are due mainly to the freight congestion on the other aide of the river. The market is very firm, buc buyers are taking on goods cautiously. Re ceipts Saturday amounted to Ml6 tubs. Storage holdings were reduced about itjoo tubs, while the reported street stocks this morning were about fitioo tubs lighter than Saturday morning; 92-score. 59c. Fruit Crop Pronpects Bright. MOSCOW, Idaho, March 10. (Special.) "There Is a bright prospect for a big fruit CORN HAS BIG ADVANCE PROSPECT OF HIGHER WHEAT SENDS CHICAGO VP.- .i,i i.h .h. h... .i.r. hrinclm 13.60 ! "P 'his year i e future of the fruit ., , , - . o 'Industry of the northwest is encouraging." Decrease. 2,lil0.n0 7','rt.ono l,77!.0t)0 342. ooo 2.353.000 Increase. The corn vlsfble decreased 47.OO0 bushels and the oats visible decreased 213.000 bush els. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities vesterday were as follows: Portland J4.040.170 $ 857.971 Seattle 4.!H'J..r19 l,3o."i,S33 Tacoma , 5!J.4n 1S.-..213 Spokane 1.S2S.3I7 4u7,7aa Portland. Mon. 28 "Year ago Season to date.R4:3 Year ago 3047 Tacoma. fcat 14 Tear ago 8 Season to date. 4.12 Year ago 3iy5 Seattle. Sat.... 1 Tear ago 0 Season to dae.4S40 Year ago 3725 1 1 2S6 I 65 2 fill 7 8 1093 I'M 13 1018 131G 19 805 1132 137 220 1 1 511 042 POBTLAJTD MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. -Bid- May. $45.."0 45.00 45.50 53.50 D4.00 March. April. Barley Standard feed $44.7,0 I45..10 standard "A" 4U.OO 40.00 Kastern oats and corn, bulk: Oats 3S-!b. clipped 45.50 45.50 Corn No. 3 yellow 05.50 55.50 ro. 3 mixed 54.u o-i.u WHEAT Government basis. S2.20 per bo. FLOUR Patents. 11.03 per bbl. ; bakers'. $10.70910.85: whole wheat. 9.8510; gra- fcam, $9.6569.80. whole wheat. SD.bdOiv.dO. MIL.L.FI Mill run. f. o b. mill, canon S40 Der ton: mixed cars. 140.50: ton lots or over, $42; less than tons. $43; rolled barley. io'Hao-l: rolled oats. d3'tfdd; around oar.ey. S52-5 54. CORN Whole, ton. 104 S 60; cracKea. oo 08. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; Eastern Oregon timothy. $30j32 per ton; alfalfa, $25.50; valley grain hay, $20; clover. $26&27; straw. 910. Dairy and Country Prftdnrs, BUTTER Cubes, extra, 61c lb.; prints. parchment wrappers, extra, box lots. 6-c; cartons, 63c, half boxes, tec more: less than hair boxes, lc more; butteriai. no. x. o-c v G3c per pound, station. EliUS Oregon rancn. case count, on, candled, 39c; selects. 41c CHEKSE Tillamonk. I o. b Tlliamooa: Triplets, 30c; Young Americas, 31c; Coos and Curry, f. o. b.. Myrtle point, triplets, 29c; loung Americas. oOc; longhorns. JUC. POULTRY Hens, 304132c; roosters. ISc: stags, 21c; ducks and geese, nominal; tur keys, live, "4'35c; dressed, 41 45c VEAL ancy, 22ic per pound PORK Fancy. 22VjC per pound. to $14 and top-grade cows selling at $1 Hogs moved a dime higher with tops bring ing $17.00. The strength of the Iamb mar ket was shown by the sale of a small lot at $16.50. Receipts were 1430 cattle. 100 calves. 24S0 hog3 and 4320 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: 16 cows. . . 3 cows. . . 8 cows. . . G cows. . . 25 cows . . . 22 cows. . . 1 cow 26 rows. . . 6 cows. . . 27 cows. . . 30 cows . . . 23 cows. . . 13 cows . 23 mixed. l'J mixed . 7 calves. . 13 calves. . 43 calves. 1 steer... . 13 steers. . 7 steers. . 26 steers. . 25 steers. . "' steers. . 27 steers. . 1 bull 1 bull. . . . To lambs. . 14 lambs. Wt. Prlce.l Pt'4 $ 9.75 124 hogs. . Poo 7.5o 1 hoga. . . 722 11.5o.:4 hoKB. . . 8u:i ti.5o 23 hns. .. 47 1O.00: 2 hogs. . . -22 .no: i:j hues 1040 .7."!20 hogs 1246 12.00:20 hoes. . - hnil KOO'27 steers. . J28 7.10 21 steers. . 47 S .50! 1 steer. .. lono 10.75 2S steers. . 1020 11.25 26 steers. . !"2 10.3.", 20 steers. . 745 9.35 24 steers. . 200 14. 0i'i;22 steers. . 210 14.50127 cow s Wt. Price said Professor C. C. Vincent, head of the department of horticulture of the University of Idaho, who has been making a study of fruit conditions in northern Idaho. Mr. Vincent visited the fruit districts about Lewlston and examined the trees of all va rieties of fruit and says he found conditions very good. I'll WALL STREET IS BULLISH 2u. 143 29 17.00 15.50 1 5.73 HIS 13.60 895 11. on 10.IMI 14.0 s::4 1 1 1027 12.50 820 11.00 915 12.75 10(12 11.50 950 13 25 9.50 9.00 970 921 170 13.25 19 cows. t30 6.5017 cows 1025 12.00 725 O.ooi 1 cow 710 5.00 927 lO .-.o: 4 cows... S97 Ron 1113 13.3.11 2 cows... 1O-I0 1O00 110S 120! 3 bulls... 16'.5 7.50 1090 13.601 3 bulls... 776 8.50 1091 13 651 2 bulls 1000 7.00 1570 8.501 Hull.... 1230 6.00 1440 8 001 1 bull.... 1100 10.00 58 14.751 lbull.... e'JO 6 50 80 10.50! Locsl livestock quotations follow: Cattle Price. Best steers $13.50314 50 Good to choice steers J1.75'u 12.75 Medium to good eteers 10.75 'a 1 1.75 Fair to good steers 8.5010.J Common to fair steers 8.50 9.30 tnoice cows and heifers 10. .o tt 1 j.uu Good to choice cows, heifers. .. 8.7&f 9.75 Medium to good cows, heifers... Fair to medium cows, hellers... Canners ulls alves Cockers and feeders Hogs Prime mixed ....... ... Medium mixed ........ Icough heavies PiS . ...... a ...... theen Prime lambs ai.- to medium lambs earllngs . Wethers ............. wea ORIGIN' Shipments to the Leading Markets of the Pacific Northwest. State origins of decks of livestock loaded March 9, 1019: Cattle, Horses. Mxd. calves Hogs Sheep mules stock. For Portland Montana 4 ......... .... .... Oregon ....... 1 .... .... .... 1 Washington ... 3 2690 1704 1043 1395 6 3 5269 2054 INQI'IRY FOB POTATOES IMPROVES Bettor Prices Are Quoted by Shippers. Heavy Movement In East. The wire inquiry for potatoes is improv ing slightly and buyers quote cash to growers for wagonloads at country points, 91 115 for sacked Burbanks. with a few purchases of extra fancy at $1.25. The local Jobbing market has not Improved much. Most of the business was done at $1.50 for the best stock, with poor to ordinary grade bringing $1.25 1.35. Oregon potato ship ments were three cars to Stockton and one to Redding. In the east, the heaviest shipments of the year were reported, the movement from "Wisconsin and Minnesota being particularly heavy. Producing sections showed little ac tivity, no noticeable price changes occur ring. Northern sacked stock was weak in the Chicago carlot market, jobbing about steady at $1.751.90 in most other middle western markets. Bulk New York stock de clined to $1.856 2.10 In eastern markets, and . Maine Green Mountains also weakened to $2 2.20. Colorado sacked white stock was stronger at $1.90 carlots In Fort Worth. Mixed Vegetables Come from South. Two cars of mixed vegetables. Including lettuce and cauliflower, arrived from Cali fornia. Lettuce was firm at $45, and cauliflower steady at $2.75 Ifi 3.25 for stand ard, and $1.50(1.75 for fancy crates. One car of southern cabbage was received. With the quality better the demand improved. Flat Dutch was quoted at $1.75:5.2.25 and Winningstadt generally at $3.00, with re trimmed bringing $3.50. WEAKER TOSE IN BITTER MARKET Cubes Sell Half Cent Lower Than Saturday. Print Trade Only Fair. The cube butter market shows signs of weakening. Extras sold half a cent lower than Saturday at 61 cents. A few sellers asked 61 cents, but no sales at that price were reported. Prints moved fairly well, but the demand was said not to be brisk. Portland butter receipts on Sunday were reported by the bureau of markets as follows: Origin Pounds California - 3.066 Idaho 2.S!2 Oregon ,.. 5.06.S British Columbia 6.300 Fruits and Vegetables. Local lobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, navels, $4.75 6.25: lem ons, $4.25&5.75 per box; bananas, 8Hi-9c per pound; apples, $1. idf.4 per box; grape, fruit. $3.73 SxS. VEGETABLES Cabbage, $1.75 a 3.50 per 100 pounds; lettuce, $4.00-85.00 per crate peppers, 45c p;r pound; celery, $9&10 per crate; artichokes, 41.50; cauliflower. $1.50 it 3.50 per crate; squash, 3Vsc per pound; ueeis. 12. 2d per sack, carrots, per sack turnips. $2&2.25 per sack: cucumbers, $2.2$ per dozen; tomatoes, $3.50 per box; spinach. $1.60 per box; peas, i-'uc per pound. i-UTATOJia coegon Buruanks, graded. $; Yakimas, $1.3d'!4 1.5u; sweets. d 5 h-i 1-. ONIONS Oregon, Jobbing price. $304 pet sack- Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Frdlt and berry. $9.55; beet, $u.25; extra C. $9.15; powdered in barrels. $10.25; cubes .a barrels, $10.45. NUTS Walnuts, 27(fr35c; Brazil nuts. 32c filberts, 28c: almonds, 24&3oc; peanuts, 15c SALT Half-ground, IdOs, $15.90 per ton; 50e. $17.25 per ton; dairy. $l!d per ton. RICE Unbroken, 9 11c per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices: White. 8ft 10 c; colored, otfllc. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 2540& f revisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice, 36 ft 37c; stan ard, 35 ft & 36c; skinned. 34c; picnic 25c. cottage 1 oil. 3c LAUD Tierce basis, 2SVic; compound. 23ftc. LihV SALT Short, clear backs. 27&33c plates. 23(8 25c; exports, 3oc BACON Fancy, 49 ((idle; standard, 42 3 45c; cnoice, dd(u-uc. Hops, Mohair, Fti. HOPS Oregon, 1918 crop, 380 40a per pouna: iui coutiacLs, due per pound. AloHAlH Long staple, 30c; short staple. 20c, burry, iuio-idc TALLOW No. L 60 per pound; No. 2, 4 per pouna; grease, xo. x, ac; fto. z. 3c pel pound. CAbCARA BARK 13c per pound. Oils. GASOLINE Bulk, 21c; engine distillate, bulk. 13ftc; kerosene, bulk, llftc; cases, 21 Wc. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, $1.80; case, $1.90;, barrels, !.-. cases, $1.92. TURPENTINE in tanks. S'dc; cases. 99c Hides and Pelts. H1PE3 No. 1 salt-cured hides, 30 pound and up, 13c; No. 1 part-cured hides, 30 pounds and up, llfec; No. 1 green hide, 30 pounds and up, luc; No. 1 salt-cured bulls. 50 pounds and up. 10c; No. 1 part. cured bulls, dU pounas ana up, cftc; No. green bulls, 00 pounas and up, 7c. The nric on No. 2 hides is la per pound less than fo No. 1 of same kind. No. 1 cairsklns up to 15 pounds. 33c; No. 2 calfskins up to 15 pounds. lc; No. 1 Kip, 10 to du pounas, .l&c; No. kip. Id to 30 pounas. lOc; dry flint hides. 7 pounas and up. tc, ary unit calf, unde nounus. 21c; ary salt niaee, i pounds UP. 2ic; ary salt can, unuer 1 pounds, 32c dry cull hides, nan price; ary Hint stags or bulls, lbc; ary can stags or bulls. 12c dry cull stags or buils. half price; dry horss hides, accoruing to size ana taae-otl, $1.50 to $2.50 each; salted horse hides, $3 to $5. PELTS -ry long-wool peits. per pound. 20c; salted long-wool pelts. 15oy2 0u each, dry long-haired goat skins, per pound. 20c: dry short-haired goat skins, each. 356 to 75c Total 17,926 Includes 16S0 pounds received March 6. Total receipts last week were 45,914 pounds against 38.273 pounds In the pre ceding week. Total receipts since March 1 were 59.100 pounds. Portland cheese receipts Saturday were 6S90 pounds, total lor last week 37,013 pounds, previous weeic 30,141 pounds, and March 1. 55.642 pounds. OF LIVESTOCK 1.7.SW 8.75 6.00 4S 7 C 3.50 a 3 00 000 80S 9. OO w 14. BO 17.253ll7.fi0 IT.OUVIT.ZJ 15.25 4f 15.30 13. 00 4 15.O0 15.0OS16 50 13 00 n 14.0.7 lO.OO'n ll.OU . a.ooeioos 6.50 a 8.7$ LOADED DEALINGS REACH LARGEST VOLCME IX MONTHS. Specialties Figure Heaviest In Trans actions Reactions in Final Hour, bat Closing Is Strong. Totals One week ago. . t our w'ks ago. One year ago . . . ror Seattle Oregon Wanington ... 6 14 Totals 1 .... 12 .... One year ago.. 4 ..... ror r-pokane Washington 2 .... .... Totals 2 One week ago. 3 Loaded for all American markets- Totals March 9 1022 679 112 63 One week ago....... 750 442 37 43 l our weeks ago 1269 796 157 40 One year ago los 629 S37 82 6 42 53 119 NEW YORK. March 10. Bullish market letters circulated by commission houses over the week-end. supplemented by further en couraging events io the fields of finance, industry and commerce, gave fresh stimu lus to the stock maiket today, dealings swelling to the largest dimensions in several months. At no time since the signing of the armis tice has Wall street manifested such a de gree of confidence and exuberance. The great bulk of the day's operations oc curred in the first two hours, later deal ings being marked by caution and realis ing which provoked variable recessions and a few net losses. United States Steel and some of the stand ard rails yielded to a greater extent than specialties and speculative shares as a w hole In addition to United States Steel, a very considerable proportion of the dealings com prised allied Industrials and equipments, shippings, motors and their accessories, cop pers, tobaccos and oils. Sales amounted to 1.250.000 shares. Bonds failed to keep pace with the rapid movement In stocks, the tone as a whole being irregular, both for domestic and for eign issues. Total sales, par value, aggre gated $11,250,000. Old United States bonds unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Rales. Hlrh. Low. Kul. Am Beet Sugar 3.soo 7.vs 73a 734 Amer Can 16.200 69- 4- 4'3 Am C & Fdy... 3.1100 n:s !: 9:;. Am Locomotive 5.3oo 6M74 67 ft 6S Am Sm & Kfg. 12.700 71ft 69ft 70ft Am Sgr Rfg 120'i Am Tel c Tel. 3.800 lnsft 107ft 1004 Am Zinc, L. & 8 2O0 13 12T 12ft Anaconda Cop. 3..iOO 63 61 T 62 Atchison 13,200 I4 92 ft 93 ft A. j & W I S L 6. 2O0 lollft lo7ft lOS'i II & Ohio 7O0 4SJ 47. is 1.000 Soft 19ft 20 1.5UO 27 ft 27 ft 27 ft 1.4O0 163 ft 162 162 6.50O 6ft 67 ft 67 2.5oo 59 ft 58 39 10.300 ;;n Sim 37 ft 7.MIO 97 05 ft hi; ft i;.dM 3.400 35 H 34 V 2.4O0 42ft 41ft 2t.5oi 49 ft 49 ft 24.400 4.9O0 26.0HO 4.2oo 3oil 17.590 2.60K Market Closes Strong With Net Gains Ranging Vp to 4 Cents. Oats Also Higher. CHICAGO. March 10. Authoritative sug gestion that wheat might command as high ' as $3.50 a bushel gave the corn market to- day a forcible upturn. The close was strong -t 2ftc to 4ftc net advance, with May $1.53ft to $1.35 ft and July $1.29 ft to $1.29ft. Oats gained ft to 2c and provisions 50c : to $1. Buying of corn took on Immense propor tions, chiefly as a result of a statement from llnov.r s,r the inter- i silled relief organization as to the prlre 1 effects of greater European needs than had ; been expected. Bullish sentiment was pow- J erfully stimulated also by announcement of l , the allied agreement to fefd Germany. Oats were strengthened decidedly by the same influences that affected corn. Provisions Jumped quickly to the maxi mum limit. Big clearances from New York spurred the market upward, and so, too. did higher prices for corn and hogs. Loading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. .11. "t $1.36ft $1.3.1 . 1.27H 1.30ft 1.27H OATS. . .2 .64 .82 . .62 .63 .62ft PORK. 44 OO 44.00 41 Oft 40.93 LARD. 26 62 26 2 23.97 23.97 RIBS. May July May July May July May July .44.00 .41.00 . .2. H 2 ..23.97 Close. 135ft 1.29 ft .ft .63 44.00 41. OS 2.2 25. 87 May July . .24 27 , .23.00 23.00 24.57 23.02 Chicago Livestock Market, CHICAGO, March 10. (United States bu reau of markets.) Hogs Receipts. 56.000, murket strong, mostly &c higher than Sat urday's average. Bulk of sales. $18.70 18.90; butchers, $lS-80'ffi8; light, $18.25) 18.90; packers, $17.75(u 1S.75: throw-outs. $ 1 1 'n 17.75; pigs, good to choice, $16.50 . i . Cattle Receipts. 21, OOO, choice beef steers and best grade butcher cattle steady; others slow to 25c lower; calves 25c lower. Feed ers clow. Beef cattie, good, choice and prime, $16.:',o'a 20; common and raedluirf. $ 10. 50 16.35 ; butcher stock, cows and heif ers. 7 'a 15.25; canners and cutters. $5.75 (a 7; stockers and feeders, good, choice and prime, $11 i 14.75; inferior, common and medium. $811; veal calves, good to choice, $17.50 tr IS. Sheep Receipts, 22,006, market opening slow but steady. Lambs, quality poor. Lambs. choice and prime. $19.40 19.50: medium and good, $1841.19.40: ewes, choice and prime. $13. soft 14; medium and good, $ll&13.5u; culls, $069. 23.0: Cash prices were as follows: Corn No. 8 yellow. $1.45 ft: No. 4 'yellow. $1.39tll.41: No. 5 ye:iow. $1.37 if 1.38ft. Oats No. 8 white, 6tft(r62ftc; standard, 03i 6:1 ft c. Rye No. 2. 114SJ150. Ilj.rlcy 87 00c. Timothy $7,50 9 10.50. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. ' ' Lnrd $27 12. Ribs $24.6o 25.38. Minneapolis Grain Market- MINNEAPOLIS. March 10. Barley, 80 9 92c. Flax, $3,681? 3.70. Grain at San Franrlaro. SAT FRANCISCO, March 10. Flour. $11. 30 per barrel. Grain Wheat, federal basis. $2.20: white feed oats, unquoted; California yellow corn, $ 2.65: barley, feed. $1.87 ft b 1.92 ft. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats. -'0j22; tarn eoats. $21 f 23.30: barley. $16918: al J falfa. $16'ut l9: barley straw, SOJilOc. Meals Alfalfa, 32aa34c: cocoanut. un quoted. H & Sup Cop Cal Petroleum Can Pacif ic . . . Central Leather Ches Ohio .. C. M & St P... C & N W C. R I dfc P ctfs. Chlno Copper . . C F A Iron. .. . Corn P Rfg Crucible steel . . Cuba C Sugar. . Dist Sec Erie (Ten Electric . . Gen Motors ... Gt Nor pfd (It Nor Ore ctfa I6.6011 III Central .... 400 Insp Copper .. ll.Hiio I M Marine pfd 33. 600 Inter Nickel .. .",.500 Inter Paper ... 4.600 K C Southern., l.loo Kenn Copper... 7. loo I. & Nash ' 200 Maxwell oMtors 800 Alex Petroleum. 75.400 .Miami Copper. Mis Pacific ... ev Copper ... y Cen N Y. N H & II. or western or Pac ...... ennsylvania . . ittsburg Coal . Ray Con Copper Meaning BOXED APPLES ADVANCING IV EAST Winesaps Sell Up to $5 at Col um bun Local Market Finn. The local apple market wnsj strong with supplies light and a go-d dftmand for good stock. Extra fancy Wtnesapa were quoted at. $3.75 4? 4, extra fancy N'ewtowns at $3.50 3.75, fancy at $3.23(5 3.5'. choice at $2.75fcr 3, extra fancy Staymens at $3.50 and cookers at $1.73 "3 2.25. One car of Oregon apples was shipped to Chicago. Northwestern extra fancy Wlnesaps were steady at a general range of $4? 4.60 !n leading jobbing markets and advanced to Coff-e Futures Steady. NEW YORK. March 10. Th'e market for coffee futures showed renewed steadiness today on covering by near month shorts and a moderate trade demand for. la.ter delivery. Closing bids: May, 15.35c; July. 14.69c; September, 14:J3c: October, 14.25c; December. 14.0c; January. 14.03c; March. 14.03c. Part of the trading was in ex changes of May for December at 13 points and of July for December at 60 points. Spot coffee firm; Rio 7s, 16c; Santos 4s, 21ftc . Eastern Eggs and Cheese. N"EW YORK. March 10. Ecgs Unsettled; fresh gathered extras, 43ft'i44e; fresh gathered regular packed extra firsts, 42ft fa 43c: ditto firsts. 41 ii 42c. Cheeee Strong: state current make spe cials, 32c; do, average run, 31 ft tj 31 c. CHICAGO, March 10. Eggs Steady; re ceipts, 15,480 cases: firsts, 38fl"3Sftc; ordi nary firsts, 3 1 ft 'ft di c; at mark, cases included, 3 1 ft 41 3c. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW Olth, March 111. Evaporated p- nlaa H,ilt- fate 17C fi Ifl Prnn.i flwwn' California, llft-320e; Oregons. lO 18 ftc! Peaches, offers small; choice, lsuloftc; fancy, 20 33 21c Hops at New York. NEW YORK. March 10. Hops steady: state, medium to choice, 30'4On; 1917. 20' 22c; Pacific coast, 1918, 3743c; 1917, 23 ft 30c. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. March 10. Hogs Receipts. 15,- 500. steady to 10B15c higher. Heavy. $17 73 4i 18.15; mixed, $17.5UU18: light, $ltvl8; pips. $12'K16; bulk of sales, $17. 60 'tf IS. Cattle Receipts, 8200. steady to 10 15c lower. Native steers. $13& 18.75: cows and heifers. $7.50itr 14.25 : western steers. $10(j 16; Texas steers. $915.50; range cows 'and hei'ers, $712.50; canners, $6dZ'7; stockers unl feeders, $7$ 15.50; calves, $SJ?14. Sheep Receipts, 5000, steady. Culls, $6 ; wethtrs, $13915; ewes, $10wl3.25: lambs, $18ifr 19; feeder lambs. $10(117 50- ycarlings. $1U'ii 17.30. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. March 10. Hogs Receipts 1225: market firm with 20-cent advance. Prime, $17.75 !$ 18. 10; medium to choice, $17.50 ?r 17.05; rough heavies. $15.5010.10; pigs. $15. 5(K 17.50. Cattle Receipts 541; market steady. Best steers, $11,500.14.00; medium to choice steers. $lo.30'a 1 1.00: common to good steers. $7'tlo; best cows and heifers. $.Stfll; com mon to good cows and heifers. $57.50; bulls. $5ii 8; calves. $712. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. ' SAN FRANCISCO. March 10. Eggs Fresh extras, 40ftc; fresh extra puliets, 37ftc. Cheese New firsts, 30ftc; Oregon Young Americas, 41c. Poultry Hens, large. 3637c; small, 39 40c; young roosters. 39f41c; broiiers, 57fcr 5Sc; fryers, 60 a 61u; turkeys, dressed, 42i 44c: geese, 29i31c; pigeons, $2.25(0(3.00; squabs, 0(65c. Vege'sbles Asparagus, S0(ii38c: celery, $8 OS..i'j; squasn, cream, idc(a$i; rhubarb, 11.1,1V:; eggplant, auiuc; p.-ppers, oeli, 20 25c; chile. 25030c; tomatoes. No. 1. d94; lettuce. Los Angeies. $33.25; potatoes. Salinas. $2.753: rivers, $1.50O 2; sweets, $3ti3.25; dry onions, $44f4.25; fcreen. $1.25 oox : garlic. 3O40c: - cauli flower. 50ij.75c; beets, $1.30ir 1.75; carrots. $1.50-il.d; turnips, $1.50& 1. 15; green peas. 11 4f 12c; rhubarb. $313.30; mushrooms. 23 tb.'Oc: Drusbe.i, apiuuis. IIVRc: cucumbers $4'p 4.50: spinach. 3&5c; cabbage, early flat uutcn. bOrg6dC. I- ruit Lemons, $3'94.25; oranges. $3.50Jf 4.75: tangerines, and mandarines. $2,500 B.d; grapefruit. $J.50(4: bananas, oftw ftc; pineapples. $2.50(j4; apples. New town Pippins. $:i.2-'f 3.50; Oregon Spltzen- oerg. v.ei ...m: pears, winter Nellls, $3&4 loquats. lo'y 20c pound. Receipts Flour, 9800 quarters; beans, 35tfc5 sacks: potatoes, 8S25 sacks: onions, 776 sacks: hay, 470 tons; hides, 376; wine, 6d.oH gallons. Iron & steel 17.600 Shat Ariz Cop. Sou Pacific ... Sou Railway . nude c orp ex as Co niun Pacific . U S Ind Alco. S Steel S Steel pfd tah Copper . Western Union Westing Elec Beth 11 TJ S ref 2s reg do coupon . . U S 3s reg... do coupon . . U S 4s reg do coupon . . A ten gen 4s . . . D & R G rcr 5s NYC deb 6s. . P 4s P 3s Pac T & T 5s.. Mining Storks at Boston. BOSTON, March 10. Closing quotations: Alloues 40jOld Dom 33ft Ariz Com lu lOnreola 4U Calu Aria ... OSftiQulncy Ml al llecla. . . .4os superior cntennlal 13 Sup & Boston... 2ft Cop Range . 41ft;Shannon 2ft :at Hutte .... "'.l,i tan (.on " Franklin 3ft Winona SS sle RoyaTle ... 4 t oiverine ...... if ,ake Copper ... 4 ioranoy con .... 70 Mohawk o3 ft 'Greene Can ..... 43ft North Butte ... loftX PORK PRICES HIGHER. We pay 22c for top block pork. "We pay 22c for top quality veaL We never charge commission. Frank L. imith Heat Co., "Fightlncr the Beef Trust." 228 Alder St., Portland. Or. COAST AND EASTERN D.VIRT. PRODUCE Butter Market Conditions , Leading; Dis tributing Pol- ts. Eastern and San Fran .isco trade reports received by wire yesterday at the local of llee of bureau of markets: San Francisco Trading was fair today aia prices generaMy unchanged, with th exception of a decline of ft c on 93-score butter. The tone of the market Is slightly weaker and the maintenance of presen prices is wholly dependent on the contlnu anne of low receipts and outside demand which has been heavy during the previous week. Because of favorable weather condl tlor.s at present, many dealers look for in creased receipts this week, and their In tention to keen stocks on Soors reduced t minimum requirements is ijticed. Saturday receipts amounted to 78.822 Ins j 93-scorc 56c. Chicago Very little tradtsy took place today with some uncertainty shown by a few dealers, but generally a firm condition prevailed, with prices unchanged on the majority of scores. Orders remain good and fresh slocks continue to be reduced. Production Is reported to be very light In the weft. FreHli cars of centralized sold at 5757ftc. and storage cars at 5ti ',i c The 1.4O0 S.800 700 4. POO 9.300 1.200 3.100 6.000 1.700 3.50O 25. not) 18.700 6.4O0 1S.7O0 i.i roo 11.600 8.3flO 120.900 40il 10.600 200 10.SO0 87.500 97 26 35 ft 42ft 49 ft 6S ft 24 ft e:t is 156 60 95 ft 41 ft 90ft 41ft losft 26 ft 4Sft 2o (ft 32 ft 115 36 ft 199 ft 23 ft 25 ft 16 ft 76 ft 34 ft 1115 ft 94 ft 45 ft 4l(ft 20 ft 85 ft 85 10 ft 62ft 23 ft OO ft 17ft 156 157 84ft 40 ft 99 47 106 35 47 ft 20ft 31 ft 113 3 01 Oft 23 ft 24 ft ltjft 32 ft lo5 93 ft 44ft 4Sft 20 81 ft 81 ft lOft 611 ft 29 ft 60 ft 193 129 118ft 90 114ft 29 ft 62 ft 197 ft 131 ft 121 ft 97 ft 1142, 74-ft 89 ft 89ft 46 ft 45 ft 70 ft 69 ft BONDS. ..97 ft Pa con 4's . 85 ft ..97 ft 1 1: P 4s sti-ft ..! IU S Steel 3s lOOft ..8 S cv 5s 111:1 ft .l4ftlAnglo-Fr 5s 97ft .lOiftlU S Lib Sfts 9N.64 41 ft 4ft 6s ft 23 ft 62 17 Vs 156 158 14 94 ft 41ft 99 ft 47ft 107 25 ft 47ft 20 ft 31ft 11.1 36 ft 1M 23 ft 10ft 75 ft 32 ft 10.1 94 45 49 20 84 ft 83 IO ft 61 29 61 ft 195ft 130 119 96 114ft 83 1 89 ft 45ft 70 ft MILLERS TO GET WHEAT GKAIX CORPORATION- WILL BE GIN RESELLING MARCH 15. 83 49 88ft 83 ft 59 ft 62 ft do 1st cv 4m. . .94.41) do 2d 4s 93.62 do 1-t cv 4fts.94 56 do 2d cv 4 ft s. 93. 94 do 3d 4ft s 95. U2 do 4th 4ft s . . .94.00 Money, Exchange. Etc NHW YORK. March 10. Mercantile pa per. 5ft and 0ft per cent. Sterling. GO-day Dills, i.i(i:a; commercial, 60-day bills on banks, $4.7275; commercial, 60-day bills, $4.7250; demand. $4 7573: ca bles. $4.76 7-16. francs, demand. 5.49; bles. 5.48; guilders, demand. 41ft; cables. 41 5-16; lire, demand. 6.3650; cables. 6.35. Mexican dollars. 77H-C. Time loans eaaier: 60 and 90 days. Aft and 5ft per cent; six months, SV& and 6ft per cent- Call money steany: nign. n per cent; low. 4ft per cent: ruling rate, 4ft per cent; clos- ng bid, 4ft per cent; ollered at a per cent; last loan. 3 per cenL LONDON, March 10. Money. 3ft per cent. Discount rates, short bills and three month bills, 3 17-3-' per cent. Copper Market. VRW TORK. March 10. Conner aulML Electrolytic. 14ft wise. Iron quiet- No. 1 Northern and No. 1 Southern. $34; No. 2 Northern and No. 2 Southern, $32.25. Lead easy." Spot, $5.205.35; March, 5.1545.30. Spelter easy. East Bt- 1-outs delivery, spot. $6.1066-25; March, $6 10 (u 0 20. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March 10 Spot cotton quiet. Middling, $27.15. Duluth Linseed Market. rni'TH. March IO T,nee.1. 3 70 Basis "iVIll Be 14 Cents Over Cor poratlou's Buying Scale for Wheat Put F. O. B. in March. The following notice to millers was issued yesterduy by M. H. Houser. zonal agent of the cereal division of the Food Adminlslra' lion Grain corporation: Commencing March IS, 1018, and daily thereafter--to the extent of the unsold hold ings of the grain corporation of any pj tlcuiar vnrlety of wheat at any point at which the grain corporation maintains stocks, the grain corporation will resell wheat to milters or agents of millers for bona fide milling. The vice-presidents will require, in their ludfcmcnt. such evidence or assurance that these purchases are made for actual milling and to actual millers, or proper assurance that purchases made by distributors In an ticipatlon of actual milling sales will be o such limitations snd under such considers tions as are approved by the vice-president. Basis will be fourteen 14c cents over grain corporation buying scale in effect a that point for wheat, put f. o. D. in .Murcli adding one cent per bushel for each 10 days or part thereof until actually loaoea. No contracts will be considered that eon template delivery beyond April 30. except a lake points, where contracts will be made at seventeen H7cl cents over for delivery f. o. h. vessel within 15 dayi after the open In e of navigation. Ituver must assume all rtsa or aclay in nulling f. o. b. and If for any reason f. o. t. deliveries are not made within a given period of time, the higher scaie for later delivery will be applied, according to date of actual loading. At certain points, be cause of peculiar local conditions, buyers may take delivery in store elevators, out his will be a matter 01 special stipulation In each case and arranged in tne aiacretion of the vice-president In charge at that point. When any particular class or variety lias been stipulated by the miller in his appli cation, the grain corporation reserves 1 ne right to deliver ."N o. 1. .-o. or .o. granes of that class or variety at the market dlf- erences. ai certain points mere sre stocits or sample wheat of particular varieties which will tie sold at ineir relative vaiuf, out l.ia will be arranged only by special ne gotiations with the vice-president In charge. In the case of sample wheat acceptance or rejection must be provided by buyer's rep resentative as wheat Is placed f. o. b. point of shipment, and provision win be maae ty the vice-president in cnarge ior arriving with the buyer at a isir reiiecuon 01 any variation In quality. Mills msv nrcscnt tneir requests ior wnest at any office of grain corporation controlling points of supply irom wnien hit iiuus sire to draw, regaraiess as to wnetner (mi office Is the general omce 01 ue iu which the mill l actually located. Grain corporation will retain rniy oenem. of transit rates. It being umierslooc. mills will purchase on expectation such purchases costing basis of local or reshlpping rate from point or supply. What is the Market Going to do Now? Which Stocks Should Be Bought at This Time? Ask for our opinion, given free of charge, with latest copy of our semi-monthly publication, "Securities Suggestions' Frem on reotzesf. Amk for 25 "Q" R.c.MEGARGELC cd, 27 Pinm Street New York INVEST for LIFE BIT Mt.MClPAt BONDS For the man who wants to ret ahead In the world and at the same time lay aside his savinirs. so re may enjoy the fruita of his labor during; the coming: years, there isn't a better, surer or safer way than to invest every cent he possibly can In Municipal Bonds It is the impulse of most men to want to speculate. They think that fortunes are made over nlpht by puttinjr their money Into soma big: promotion proposition. Occasionally for tunes are made that way, but usually a man loses all he puts in. To Invest for life is one thing-; to speculate for fortune is another. Investing your money in Municipal Bonds such as offered by Morris Brothers. Inc. means that you are building for the eventually "rainy day which comes In every man's life. To work and save is a blessing; to invest in Municipal Roads is foresipht. ASK ABOUT OTTR PARTIAL, PAYMENT PLAN Safe Deposit Boxes Our fire and burglar-proof safe deposit vaults are " the last word in vault construction. Keep your valuable papers in one of our Safe Deposit Boxes. Liberty Bonds If you must sell your Liberty Bonds, sell to ns. If you can buy more Liberty Bonds, buy from us. We buy and we sell Liberty Bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER OV MAY DO WORSE On Monday. March 10, we paid the following prices for Vnited States Government Liberty Loan Bonds, which were the closing: New York prices plus the accrued Interest: SUg 1st 4s 4s 1st 4 is 3d4s J1 4 Vis 4th 4 Vis 99.44 95.36 94.91 95. SS 95.31 97.30 95.62 In purchasing Libertj- Bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 Bond and $2.50 on a tlOPO Bond. In selling Liberty Bonds we charge the f'ew York market price plus the accrued interest. Morris Bros., Inc. ThV lremlfr Msmlrlpal Bo ad House Cktahllwltr-d Over S3 Yeara SOO-3 11 STARK. ST.. BET. 5TH AM) 6TH (CROIND FLOOR) Telrpaoae Broadway 211 pnwrlrvd. 0.1S; fin uranuUtd nJ dia mond A, $9; confectioners' A, $$.90; No. I. arat fUore. c;.l, Murvh 10. Tunntine 2? Hnrr.!n: rptTt"i .. hnr- SAVANNAH ftr-m. t4r: irW re. a. shipment. 313 barrels; stork, 23. OH) barrela. Roi:n, nominal : &, none; receipts. 21 4 barrels; shipments. 1X12 harreis: stfwk. 2 barrels. Quote: H. fl:i.l: D. K. i:.K.; F. $1,120; SI 3. H. $1 SO; I. S 13.60; K 2.V x. w? ?l :iO: vw i; ?v New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad (The Nickel Plate) Second and Improvement Gold 6co Bonds Due May, 1931 Net earnings fiscal year ended December, 191S Three times interest charges Price 94 and Interest to Yield 6 Details on Application LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS BU1LDINO FIFTH AND STARK CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON 6 IMPROVEMENT BONDS Exempt From Present Income Tax GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD F.l.Devereaux company ijMillne orders must be riven with the urchtn. or immediately on rxjuet of the vioe-preMdcnt. Offi. lal rfitlflote of weight nd icrado an loanpa out nnm. It in the Intention to rontlnne sale affr March 1" on this foam aw ion an eunaoi ur.Hold ntorks are available, but the sraln corporation resorvea the rKtht to terminate at sny time without notice Its offering of renal. Should requets filed by the buyers on Marrh 13 exreeti tne iojui amount un able In any particular varieiy or po.iin.n. the vice-president In charca will alloraio amonK the different buyers In his Judgment. taking Into consiaeraiion i i,.ir pant millinir records and the loeal eon dltlons aff.-ctlnB the milling of sny proa- .....I.-,, timer. l'aymeni mum - .. ner aa to pay cash ror tnia wneai wnen pm f. o. b. outsoinn car or vowi, muu k cnrpnmtton reaervra ine nm., ' of such pavment oeiore mains iiifta. All requeata for resale will be under stood as soverneo. uy ino ohu, wu.,. -" luted in this notloe Tirxr Tork Sugar Market. NBW TORK. Mar-h 10. Raw aiia-nr steady. Centrifugal. S7.20: refined ateady; rut loaf. l0.r: rruhed. 102S; mould A. ,V- . nhe. ? 75: XXXX powd-red, ! 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1012 Ground Floor Wells-Farco Buildinc HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SELL Railroad Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELDING 5 to 7 Foreigm Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Bldg. Portland, Or. (( Zn!!?Li V The New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad W"e hare prepared a booklet pTing a brief history of this important southern railroid, recently acquired from British owners by the SouQicrn Rail way System. Copies sent to those interest ed upon request. Ak ft BtrC or-sio The National City Company Crrrcipowdrnt Ofictt a JJ Citwj Portland Ry. Kvrhsnge Bldg. Te'. Main ti"li CLARK. KENDALL & CO. Muwtt i..i4 m ceamjtfv Kan . Second Floor NORTHWKSTKTtN BANK BLIL.DINI. Portland, Oregon. We recommend and Offer to inventors carefully selected GOVERSMFNT. Ml'NICT i'AX. and CORPORATION bonds. Denomination!" $50, J 100. titlu. 1000. 31 tit mm r-ifV rt T mum BANK BY MAIL. 1CAN SECURITY or Vancouver. Was a. F t Bowman. -e3r V Clara ttxfm DtCanst C.r I a y rorti s , f MVINSC ACTOUMTS 70,000 In Use PLAY SAFE ORDER AN Indiana Silo rROVFA IlIGIIT BT TEST. SPAULDING LOGGING CO. Salesa. Or. V ' I I all II .1 i awxj TR TKI- BS f.MPK. AUSTRALIA l 1 Honolulu. Suva, Nw Zealand tmniM lusTniusi.i rotal mail i7 LrxL, Ti tnt bt-q nipped rttmtrl For fur ami Mtltnrs rply Rll wtvr. AA Third M Portland, or ferr-tornl gnl 440 bcjauHir ststtvoaker. &.