TTIE 3IORXING . OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919. XEW TODAY. INVESTIGATE THREE RIVERS IRRIGATED. THE DISTRICTS IP" YOU WA'T A REAL. IRRIGATED FARM. One that will produce eix tons of alfalfa hay per acre, 20 tons of rtrsjar beets per acre, bringing 51D to $12 a. ton; $300 to 1800 from fruits and ber ries, and just the place to make big money on hogs and cows, call or write for information. WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES CO. 211 Railway Eichmc Balldinc. FOR LEASE THE ST0NEBR00K HOTEL 865 FOURTEENTH, XEAR JEFFER SON. IXfttIRE OF A. B. STEINEAGH 15 COEBETT BIILDI.VG. :,-o FLUFF RUGS l'rom old carpets. Carpet cleaning and refitting. Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Slail orders solicited. NORTHWEST FLUFF RI G CO., Former address 153 Union Ave. EAST 35B0 E B 1280 MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property, installment repayment privilege if preferred! prompt, reliable atervice. A. H. B1RRELL GO. 217-219 Northwestern Dank BuUdlnff. Miunbnll 4114. A 4118. CZ:6 MORTGAGE MONEY 13 on residence property. 10 yrs. to repay in easy monthly payments, protected by life insurance in Equitable Life of N. Y. No commission. For information see 1KEI) II. STRONG, 303 Oresronian Buildin?. Mortgage Loans Sl2 EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. ITXITED STATES BANK Bl'ILDIXC. JOHN B. G6FFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds COS WILCOX DLDG. REAL ESTATE. .THREE kts heart of east Portland, fina epartmfrit or garage site ; near proposed new Hawthorne school; 4 houses on prop erty, ali rented; 710 ascnis. Call Eaat 1226. IRVINGTON lot, between Thompson and Brazee and 2tith. East o!40. lor Sale Lots. EASTMORSLAKD. TWO BLOCKS REED COLLEGE. $1400, EA;?Y TERMS; lot 10, block 37, 50x100, bttwjen Carlton and Toleman ave nues on o2d et. ArMrefs F. T. Young; 35i'3 lth ave Seattle, Wash. LOTd FOR SALE. 2 level lots at wist and Kllekatat, clear f debt; will sell cheap, or trade for 1 lot In Irvington or Laurelhurst, or for equity in bungaiow In either district. W IS. Ofegonian. FOR SALE 80x100, N. W. corner Ainsworth and Boston avenue, $900, only $50 cash. W. W. Pay no, 1719 Cherry, Los Angeles. i BLOCK central ea;t side, walking dis tance, very cheap; fine for building bunga low. East 2r,sy. FOR SALE Fine lot in Irving-ton, two feet above grade, east lacing, shade trees PhoneEast1233. IRVINGTON'S choicest home sites, cash or terms. Phone owner. East 3225. FIXE level lots, all sizes and prices. Geo W. McCoy, end of Mt. Tabor car line. FOR SALE cbap, lot in lrvington district Call Tabor 7502. For Salc-r-Beacli Property. FUHNISHED cottaso at liockaway Beach; a bargain, labor 6312. For Sale Houses. WE HAVE THE KOI-LOW1.NU HOMES FOR SALE: o0 homes In Rose City Park district. 10 homes In Laurelhurst district. t0 hom:-3 In Sunny bide, Haw tliorne and M.L. Tabor districts. , , 40 homes Alberta district. 42 homes in Albina district. 22 homes in Wooulawn district. 25 homes m central E. Portland district. 30 homes In Hoi laday-irvingt on district. . 4u homes in Peninsula district. , ilS homos in Waverly-RU-hmond district. 4 25 homes in Ml. Scott district. 4 H homes in Woodstock district. j r homes in Kenton distric?. ; 15 homes In Piedmont district. j 24 homes in Sollwood district. , ;i5 homes In West Siie district. 25 homes in Mnn ta villa district. , I have personally inspected and ap praised these houses. Photographs of each housu in our display room. You are in vited to come in and look over the photos; I'jven autos at your service. OHicc open evenings and Sundavs. See FRANK L. McOIlKE, 1 Successor to II. D. Mrduirft Co. Est. 1SS4. To Tiuy Your Home. Abington Bhlg. Main 5158. $3750 HOSE CITY DIST- $S7o. VnusjaMy at tractive six-room modern hungalo'-v ; combination living room and dining room, fireplace, built-in bookcases ard buffet, hardwood floor?, woodn ork fintvhed in old ivory, Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms and sleeping porch, full cement "basement, furnace, laundry trays, fruit closet ; this bungalow has a home-like at mosphere that will appeal to you ; Stan ton street, near E. 40th; if you are look ing for a home in Rose City, we have a list of over liu homes lor salo in this dis trict. Sfi FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abingdon Bids. Main 1009. Main 158. Office open evenings and Sundays. Sir.75 READ THIS PI 373. S Mocks to Jefferson high. 2 blocks to public library. 4 blocks to Piedmont-cn r barns. 1 4 blocks to Peninsula park. 100 feet paving in and paid. Good, substantial 4 -room bungalow cottage; cement basement ; bath, toilet, electricity and gas. Total price only $i:;75; terms. A wonderful bargain a chance to make a good profit ; act quickly. Autos At your service. Pee FRANK L. MrGriRE, Successor to H. D. McGulre Co., Est. 1SS0. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bid-g. Main 1008, Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $.2500 ADJOINING LAURELHURST $2500. 7-room modern bungaow, 2 blocks west of Laurelhurst park; good basement ; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas. You couldn't build the house for $000. Unusual bargain. House like new. Total price 52500. Only $200 down, $25 per month. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Successor to H. D. McGuire Co., Est. 18S0. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10. S, Main 5156. Offico Open Evenings and Sundays. $2150 HOME ROPE CITY HIST. $2150. $200 DOWN, $25 PER MONTH. On account of business reasons will of ff.r my 0,-room modern home at a sacri fice: living room, dining room and kitchen; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; 3 bedrooms. Act quickly. See my agent. FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main lutiS, Main 51CS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $5250 ROSE CITY HOME $5250. Here is an unusual opportunity to buy a, real home; best material and workman ship ; very modern, every convenience ; a home wirh character and refinement. On East 47th, close to car. Let us show you this. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. '3 Years of Service." Ablng-ton bldg. Main 5156, Main 106?. $ 1 500 A RTISTIC BUNGALO W $ 1 5 0 0 Here is a neat bungalow home, full lot. Rose City Park district; has living room with fireplace and bedroom with fireplace, combination kitchen and dining room, electric lights and gas, white enamel plumbing; terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abinrton Bldg. Main lOiiS, Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 5-ROOM FfNE BUNGALOW $.150 "Fine 5-r. bungalow and den; fireplace, elect.. nice bath, cement basement, laundry trays; lot 50x100, east front; paved street and all city liens in and paid; nice district on E. octh st., near Clinton. Price $3150, $670 cash, bal. $20 per mo., 6 per cent. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31 "Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK. 3300; 502 E- 44th N. ; 5-room house In the fireDlace: built-ins: st. Imp. Included; must be sold to close estate. Drive by and If it suits you see us. Some term a. J. A, WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 383. . Stark, between 3d and 4tii, REAL ESTATE. For iale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $3350 C-room bungalow, sue room, fire place, built-in effects, east front, paved street. $35005 rooms, oak floors, furnace, fire place, modern throughout. This piacH la "below the hill," close to Sandy blvd. $3300 5-room bungalow, modern in every way. It will pay you to see th is place as It is lr-sa than 2 years old. $3900 5 rooms, breakfast nook, oak floors, larga living room. $35005 rooms, finished room in attic, oak floors, ail built-in effects. $1000 5-room, largo attic, this is a mod ern home and can be had at a bargain. I have a large list of Rose City Park bungaion a, let me show you around this beautiful residence section. Auto at your service. F. Vanduyn. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. Office open even in??. A SPLENDID BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK Occupied by owner; exceptionally mod ern in every respect; hardwood floors throughout; large rooms with large sleep ing porch glassed, and screened ; alt rooms on one floor ; lovely large bedrooms with large closets, entrance hall with wrap closet: charming buffet and bookcases; cozy fireplace; built-in effects in kitchen; cement basement and real furnace; ot level with street; natural trees in yard ; extra deep lot ; little over block to car; high-class district near Rose City Park ciub. f:".4 E. 57th st. N. ; terms half cash; 3 blocks to public school, 4 blocks to Catholic school and church. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? If so, would you be Interested in a mod ern houseboat, furnished or unfurnished ? I have with me Burt A. Doremus who is well versed on the value of house boats and who will have charge of this de partment. We have them ramring In price from $150 to $lS00. furnished or unfurnished. Bull Rua water. electric lights, gas, bath, oak floors; In fact, as modern as the average bungalow ; come in and let us ex-plain the houseboat ques tion. Ask for Burt A. E) ore in us. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1M55. Office open evenings. READ EVERY WORD Clone to Union ave., a large 7-room modern house, with full cement basement, furnace, largo fireplace, two toilets, etc., full 50x100 lot. improve ments all in and paid;-paved street; only 2 blocks from Union avenue, with a street car every 3 minutes ; house only about 6 years olef ; upstairs alone now renting for $25 ; downstairs will easily rent for $30. This snap must go this week, owner leav ing. Price is only $3000, a real sacrifice; $sf0 cash will handle if you hurry. Mc CORMIC, 418 Kenton bids. $6500 LAURELHURST, 7 ROOMS. 1 blk. from c?ir, modern and complete ; cement garage with tank and pump; large rec. hall and living room; dining room, kitchen and 4 bedrooms ; lid w. floors throughout; splendid view; all improve ments in and paid; clear of all Inc.; $1000 cash, bal. easv terms. CLKVELAND-BA RR-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $2500 B-roora corner home, fruit, berries, house has 3 rooms down, 3 up. gas, electric lighta, full line of plumbing ; terms. $2300 0 rooms and den, sewing room, fur nace, full cement basement, full lot, Vz block to A berta car on 12th' st., terms. A pleasure to show vnu. J. A. YJCKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Stork, between 3d and 4th. Main 5S3. ROSE CITY FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN $3500. Modern ' 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bedroom finished in white enamel; paved streets below the hill ; completely furnished. If you want this one call now. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main, C752. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW for sale: 5 rooms, living room 14x20, two large, airy bedrooms, dining room and kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, con crete basement, fireplace, nicely finished, just what you have been looking for; owner leaving city, will sell ; requires $JO00 cash, 7 per cent interest on bal ance. Phone owner. Tabor -t?7! FINE C-room home In Piedmont, high-wade plumbing, nice built-in bookcases and buf fet, fireplace, furnace, oak floors, bed rooms, finished in white enamel, lot LOx 100 with alley, street paved and paid, near 3 car lines; price only $40it0. $;.0 cash, balance to suit: JOHNSON-DODSON (j., 63 4 N. W. Ba nk bldg. 6-ROOM house. E. 34th st., near Yamhill, only $2000 : easy terms. 7-room house, all modern, full lot. paved st.. west front; E. 5th, near Haw thorne car line; $4500, $1000 cash; bar- CailU T. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL. $3200 5 rooms nnd sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, fire place, wash tubs, near Alberta st. Screened windows, hardwood floors. Phone Main 3513 or call room 1 Worcester building:. SNAP $2000. E. 34th and Gladstone ave., full corner lot, on carbine, neat 5-room modern home, newlv painted and in fine shape; has built-ins. full basement, wash trays; cosh $tMt, balance like rent. East 2871 or call Dove & Gardner. sTrOOM house, bungalow type; sewing room. 2 bathrooms, 2 lots. 1 blocks from Mt Scott car, Mvrtle. Park; outbuildings, garden, fruit, chicken run ; want 5 or 6 rooms. p:i od dist. Call at 5031 42d ave. Tabor 7lS e venin gs. 1V -STORY, G-room house on 50x100 lot, full plumbing, cement basement, double con structed, furnace heat, lot improved with fruit, shrubbery; price 2700, $..00 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON ro H34 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY CAR. Pretty little bungalow on good 50xln0 lot with street improvements all paid; price $1"50. S300 rash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. Bank building. . NICE little Rose City Park home, furnished, finished in white enamel throughout, part, electric lights; price $140O, including: furniture- reasonable terms. JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 034 N. W. Bank bldg. FORCED SALE S rooms, modern; cement basement, furnace, garage. workshop, chicken house, 50 ornamental trees, rose bushes; lot 175x150, 6 blocks to car; will sacrifice. 460 S2d st. SE. STRICTLY modern 5-room hotiEe. sleeping porch hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays; easy terms; by owner; immediate possession. 60 E. oth St. N. Tabor ::t35 33O0 STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow. Fox furnace, hardwood floors, ivory wood work, fireplace, built-ins. large floored at tic; best bargain in Portland; no agents. Phone Tabor 1607. ; MODERN 4-room bungalow, large porch, fireplace, beautiful lawn, shade trees, fruit roses, etc.; Reed College district; $ld0. $750 cash, baL $25 per month. F. K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg 8rn NEARLY FURNISHED $S50. $150 CASH REST LIKE RENT. 4 rooms, water, lights. gas, fenced, chicken lftuse. Phone Tabor 5116. In nuire 04-35 Rlst St. S. E. 6-ROOM bungalow and garage, 50xl00-ft. corner lot; hard surface streets: fireplace, furnace, cement basement, trays; hard wood floors in 5 rooms. Phone owner, Tabor S0-S1; terms. ASNAP For sale bv owner 5-room bunga low; sleepin- porch, garage, $10O0; small pavment $25 per month; furniture for Lie 5712 30th ave- SE. Mt. Scott car to Archer Place. GOING to build or repair? G"t my ideas and estimate. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Mam S3L Res. phone. Tabor 104. LAURELHURST home, 7 large, airy rooms and sleeping porch, modern, located in the best part of Laurelhurst; price $5750. F. F Turner, 312 Henry bldg. Main 5S12. LARGE 12-room frame house in the Waver-ley-Woodstock district, suitable for apart ment house: must bo moved to make room forjnewjjuilding. Marshall 6080. FOR SALE $3S00, modem 7-room house: oak floors, fireplace, hot water heating piant. built-in conveniences; fine garage, terms. 500 oins st. Phone Wdln. .".JL'p FOR SALE 5-room bungalow and fine view lot, 912 E. lth N.. 3 blocks from Irving ton car. Wdln. 3t48. BARGAIN IN COLUMBIA PARK. My beautiful modern 6-room house: fire place, hardwood floors, etc Col. 66. ACRE, small furnished house. 12 block's to car, $2'o eafrh, balance $650 terms. Phone R. W'. Cary. Main 1377. TWO houses. Park district. and 8 rooms. Rose City I Tabor 1152. . IRVINGTON HOMES. East S04. R. T. STREET. IRV. AGENT. MODERN 6-room bungalow. 544 E. 36th st, $3250. 2 ACRES, good house, Lenox road, $2000, $700 cash. McFarland, 6i2 Yeon building. InvTNGTON Will sell my delightful 7-room home at a bargain. East 23 S. DELAKUNT. IRVINGTON HOMES. EAST 1347 HAVE once. 5 and 6-room house ; must sell at East 1S00 or call SCO East Salmon. 4-ROOM bouse. Mt Scott. $300 cash. Tabor 2752. FOR SALE 5 paved street. rooms, large lot. close in, 314 Marguerite ave. FOR SALE Cottage. 14x30, near shipyardb, cheap, $100. Phono Main 21'j'j. BAL ESTATE. For Sale House. - LOw-pnrosn new bungalows ROSE CITY PARK $500 dOAn. We have for sale a num ber of bungalow NOW UNDER COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION that, w.ih weather permittm.r, will he finisned in about tio days. Let us show you the plans and the ones now under construction. The bungalows should appeal to you. They to ri paved si reel s and sewer. J. 1. HA HTM AN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bid,;., 4tU and Stark. Main 2y A-2050. ACRE TRACT 72 BEARING FRUIT TREES 2-ROOM HOUSE Parkrose. 4 blocks aouth of Sandy blvd. and car - iine; sidewalks, pressuro water, gas and electricity In house ; chicken pen and bouse, all kinds of berries, ground in fine state of cultivation. The house is only temporary, but the grounds and im provements are undervalued. Prtco $2150, $050 down, $5 mmith, interest included at 0'. J. L. HAETMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4ta and Stark. Main 20S, A 2050. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $5000 6 rooms and breakfast room, all on 1st floor; attic for storage; fire place, furnace, hardwood floors throughout, finished in solid ma hogany; every door 4s a single panel mahogany door, mahogany buffet, French doors, exquisite electric fixtures; a triple-constructed house, garage. . Imp. streets ; a real home thut you can be proud of. A pleasure to show you. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg., Stark, between 3d and 4 tli. Main 5-3. HUAR Y 1 1 UR R Y HURRY. It will pay you to hurry. This Is a real snap in a beautiful 6-room bungalow, with modern plumbing, gas and light s, full basement, big corner lot l'ox 100, with all kinds of bearln g fruit, berries and good garden : chicken houie and yard, cement sidew a Iks and cur tun g : handy in car, school and college; owuer leaving city snd is in a hurry to sell. Price only $3U0, $05O cash, balance like rent. My auto is at your service to show you. E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Phone Main 2S58. HOT WATER HEAT. Almost new 8-room Laurelhurst home, very choice location, 4 block from car, extra large living room and dining room, beautifully finished in old ivory, 4 extra large bedrooms and family sleeping porch. Easily worth $10,n00. I want an offer. Seen by apopintment only. MR. DELAHUNTY, Main 170(1. or evenings, East 20$fl. $3500. A 5-room modern bungalow, aouth of Sandy boulevard and east of 4."tU street. Has fireplace, furnace, built-in conven iences, full cement basement, hardwood loora in living and dining rooms, Iu ten kitchen. Come out to Laurelhurst Tract office. East 3!'th and Oilman streets, and see MR. BROWN. Phone eves. Tabor 59. $4500. A perfectly mod- rn 5-room bungalow In most desirable location in Rose City Park. Hardwood floors in all rooms, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitcheu. etc. House built only 2 years. Come out to Laurelhurst Tract office. East 5wth and Glisan streets, and see MR. BROWN. Phone evenings. Tabor - HANDSOME COLONIAL HOME. I want to sell Immediately my Laurel hurst home. It ia & years old. not a scratch on it, choice location, only one block from car. This is very choice prop erty; $1500 cash will handle. SEE MR. D E LA HUNTT. 270 '.i Stark st., or phone Main 1700. Even ings. East 20&6. $3200. An 8 -room modern bungalow, with fire place and furnace, built-in conveniences, 4 blocks to school, 1 block to car, east of Laurelhurst park. Come out to Lau relhurst Tract office, East 3'Jtb. and GH san streets, and see MR. BROWN about this. Phone evenings. Tabor 59. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Located on E. 20th near Klickitat. Has 8 rooms. 2 baths, tiled ; hot water heat, Ruud fit ater, hardwood floors throughout, garage, etc. Built before high prices ; a fine buy for $T5oO. Owner been In serv ice ; house mearly new. Call for appoint ment, 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. MT. SCOTT CAR $1400. Six rooms ; four nicely tmished rooms downstairs, two partly finished "upstairs; water, gas, electricity, plumbing; faces east ; $l'JO down; easy t erms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. lu7 Yeon Bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Incomt' We design and butid apartments, garage, residences anything. Furnish plans aai finance. Established 10 years. We offer fcECUKlTY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. contacting archi tects, b24 N. W. Bank bldg. GOOD 2-story, 8-room house, on 112x125 lot ; house well constructed and con venient, grounds nicely improved with 26 bearing fruit trees, choicest mses; also building suitable for garage on place ; price 32oo, 7i0 cash, balance $25 per month, including interest. JOHN SON -DODSON CO., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. VERNON AVE. $2100. ONE BLOCK IRVINGTON CAR. Four rooms with extra room upstairs : bat h, pas. electricity, etc. ; Improved street ; $300 down; ba lance terms. GEO T. M'HjRE u , inn7 Yeon Bldg. $;j,-rt0 Six-room modern house with all im provements in and paid; lot 5xl00; fruit tree -5, 2, 3 piar, 1 plum ; lots of rosea.1 This s a nice home for someone; f iii3 "location and close in, one block to car ; also furniture for sale. Owner, lb4 E. 20th st. N". Terms. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 3 dandy good bu& 5-room bun jTtSmi gaTbws, one with garage. This is $33O0 a beauty. . . All street liens paid In full. 9 MR- D ELA HUNT Y, Main 1700. Evenings. East 20S6. ATTORNEY instructs us to sell modern 0 room home on large lot. 75xlOO, in Ar lcta Park, close to Union avenuo car. at the ridiculously low price of $5ou to close estate. Terms $50o cash and $' per month. See Atchison 4o4 Piatt . bldg. "iIAWTHOrJe DIST., 35TH ST. $2650. Five large rooms, well lighted for dark days, store room ana oasement, large lot, open view, room for garage; choice roses, vacant. Owner. Tabor S24. BY" OWNER 7-room bungalow, modern, ex cent furnace; Dutch kitchen and garare. $;tA: $3'0 cash, balance easy terms. See "at once. Also some furniture. 6U3 Sherett ave-SellwoooU WILL sell or trade at a bargain 6-room house on corner lot 100x100. barn, chicken house, fruit trees and garden apace, be tween Williams and Union ave. Call Woodlawn 1332 or Broadway 700. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. If you want to build a new home we can serve you to the very best advantage. "We can furnish you with a loan and have a crew of the best mechanics. Rice Construction Co. Call East 4545. " IRVINGTON. A choice home of 11 rooms with 2 bath rooms, 3 toilets. Hardwood floors on 2 stories; lot OOxloO. on carline; price $10. 000, $4500 cash will handle. For appoint ment address E 512, Oregonlan. OWING to sickness will soil my equity in 5-room house, 3 blocks car line, same dis tance grade, high school, pavement one side, electric lisjnts, bath, gas pled to lot. No reasonable offer refused. Call at 316 Princeton st. $450 CASH, $50 MONTH. $4300 Walnut park home, 6 nice rooms, very conve nient, near high school, i erects paved ; will take smaller house in exchange. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 634 N. W. Bank building. FOR SALE By owner, modern 5-room bun gaiow, large rooms, attic and basement, either one or two lots. Two blocks from Mt. Tabor park. No incumbrances. No a gents. Tabor 1S51. BEAUTIFUL 4-room bungalow in good part of Rose City district ; bookcases, buffet, plumbing, lot 40xl0o; price $-ioo, ;oo cash, balance monthly. JOHNSoN-DOD-SON CO., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. BY OWNER 7-room bungalow, modern, ex cept furnace; Dutch kitchen and garage, $200 $3oo cash, balance easy terms, bee at once. tAlso some furniture. 6'JJ Sherett ave.. SelTvood. EAST BROADWAY" Good 7-room house on a quarter block, northwest corner E. 17th 1 st. and Broadway, in the heart of Irving ton ; a bargain at $'J750. k. J. O'Neil, owner, 717 Board of Trade bidg. 6-ROOM modern house, 50xl lot: cost $55 K; will sell for cash. 54500. Owner Tabor 6704. 400 E. 44th st. N.. bet. Broad way and Hancock. BARGAIN 6-room house. basement, gas, plumbing, corner of 70th and East Ash Owner leaving town. Tabor Gj52. $30o cash, terms. C-KOoM cot ; age. partly furnished and 2 lots at Woodmere station. $2700. easy terms. Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill t. $1750 FOR good modern 5-room cottage; gas and bath, cement basement, paved a tree t, west side. Marshall 32. MY lrvington bungalow cottage, corner lot. close in, shrubbery and garage; furnished or unfurnished. East 7065. 5-ROOM bungalow, cement basement, fur nace. at'Jc. central east side, walking dis tance. 62 Eut 20tb, cor. Oak. East 2G&3. REAL ESTATE. t ree exhibit -v'o photographs - Humes for sale. Each home i:j personally inspected and appniifoJ by an expert appraiser and pho tograph, arranged in its rctmectiv district, with price, terms, etc.. on ih wails of our display room. You are invited to call and lti.-iM t th' .sj photographs; some wonder ful bargains; compare them with other houses that have been o fercd you bi--fi-ro making a decision. Six automobiles at your service th-mld ou tare to tee any of t h.te home. Wo sold over luO homrs in the la t . GO days and over $5(to (too worth In Pjis because w liave the bar gains. Sre FRANK L. McGTTRE, Successor to H. D. McG-uire Co. Est. 1SS0. To Buy Your Home. Abincton bldg. Main SI 56. Main 1063, Office Open Evenings un Sunday. $200 DOWN. $2150 NEW FEN1NSCLA BUNGALOW. 5 - roo m , n e w , a 1 1 ra e 1 1 v e home; white enamel plum bin g; elect rJc lights nd gas ; bin i t-ins ; in thu hrart of 1 be pen ins o in district. 2 blocks from St. Johns car; $2"0 will handle. 1 will help you make your fir!t payment if nec-ssary. We have a In rge list of homes for alc In peninsula. Photographs in this office; autos at- your service. Seo I RANK L. McGUIRE, Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Est. 1S50. To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Matn M5H. Main 106S. Office Open Even In r?s and S'lminjs. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 7 TH AND M A SON. l ine cotiHce; Ieetrict3 gas, bath, fine cement basement, furnace ; all large airy rooms; a fine corner lot; $lt00 worth of city liens pa id ; p.ived street ; some fine fruit, shrubberv and r8-i. Price a snap, $3o00; $3no ciifh and $25 a mo. GRUSSI At BENNETT. 31S Board of Trado Efdg. Main 7-52. BUNGALOWS I own 2 very attractive 5 room bungalows, one In Richmond district. N. E. cor. 3th and Cnruthcrs. ,"'.5tl, tiou c.ih; on.'? E. G:is.m, o;nj. near Mth. -5.".o, $250 cash ; both ac a nt. walk in ; hot h on paved street and in line neighborhoods, near carl in es and in fine eomutlon. .vee th.-m and phone mo In forenoon. Tabor K54. Prices are right. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3300 5 rooms and attic; furnace, fireplace. bookcases, beaut If ul buf i et ; finished t hroiifc hout in ivory enamel ; hdwd. floors throughout except kitchen; full line of plumbing. J. A. W lev MAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 5S3. Stark, between 3d and 4th. HAWTHORNE HOUSE $ 5 00 CASH. Nice 6-room house ; furnace, fireplace, electricity, pas. cement basement; lot 47V x 1 "0; pa veil btreet : tins all paid : a de cided bargain at y37'"; $500 bal ance easy; on E. 31st, between Hawthorne and Main. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade- Bldg. Main 7452. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 2200. Five rooms, bat h. paved street and sewer; close to school and car: street improvements paid; it will take $100 to handl-i this proposition. GEO. T. MOOHE CO., 1007 Tcon Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $40O DOWN. Modern 5-room bungalow ; hard wood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, buftet and bookcases; big lot; fruit trees; near 30th and Hawthorne; paved sta. . -i LEVELAND-BARR-ITENDnnsON CO., 21 -J Railway Exchance Bldg. Main Q752. MT. SCOTT CAR $750. BeautituI lot 128x142; 2 fruit trees, lots of blackberries, raspberries and other small fruit; small house, but comfortable ; easv terms to richt parties. GF.o. T. MOORE CO.. lobl Yeon BIrfg 705 EAST SA LMON ST. 25 minutes' walk from west side; $1300 will handle ; 6 rooms, bath nd 3 attic rooms, furnace, laundry tubs, fl.cplace. gas and electricity; $u:iOO. brl $10O every 3 months. 7 per cent on deferred pay ment s. Your rent buys this home; between 2 carline; fine e'.ovation. By owm-r. WOODLAWN $2100. Five rooms, both, electricity, gas, 50x100 lot ; one-naif block from car; close to school- $5ou down, balance monthly. GEO T MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Rldg. A REAL BARGAIN. Modem 0-rm. residence; furnace, fire place. Dutch kit ch au ; room for gara go; corner lot; both streets paved; neur i::ith and Oregon. Price $33m0; terms $i00 cash. GODDARD & W1EDRICK. 243 Stark st. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern bungalow. 5 rms. and attic: fur nace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen; modern house adjoining; pavement paid $o400. GODDARD -WTEDRICK. 243 Stark at. Price TWO houses In good condition; on Mt. Scott line, two blocks from Arleta station Phone Main S3i2. BY owner, 5-room bungalow, lot 100x100. flreolace, fine garnge, sewer; lots of roses. Phon Sell wood 611. Suburban Homes. $250O BUYS 2 acres. Just outside city lim its, -with good 4 rooms and attic larg enough for 2 more rooms; nlco ly f ininhed Interior, all plumbing roighcd in, but no fixture; hou.e in eis painting, but la a bargain ; $;;00 down and balance to suit. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Fxch. B!dg Stark, between 3d and 4'h. Matn 5S3. 2 Ar"RES of choice gardening ground; some orchard and small fruit: ."-room house, with Bull Run water and electrie Hants; cloe to Multnomah, at the intersection of two Improved county roads ; 2'.50. Wi; 1 sell half of the place at a proportionate price. For particular call 4VM Piatt bl!. " HOM ES1TESN3 $40 down, for 150x2UO. cultivated and fenced, balance $ 1 u per mom h. Conven ient for N". W. Steel shipyard workers. iwner. 5no Concord hjiltf. 2d and Stark. MCLTNoM A H STATION modern bungalow, with gar a go nnd chicken -houae. Hearing fruit trees. Close to sta t Ion ; $3"0 cash and monthly payments. See Atchison. 401 Piatt 1'IUg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, mell located, near car line, train $IS0U up. Inquire third boune north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." 11-5 ACRES. Lake Grove cottage: garden, electricity ; $1 lOO. McFarland. 602 Y'eon bKg. For Sale Business Property. 100x200 East half covered with good four- lory brick buiidlng on N. l.'Kh st. track age, rental from which earns interest on investment; some Income also from houses on west half; now is the time to buy for future nctds of expanding husincf. In (;uiro R. J. O'Neil. attorney, 717 Board of Trade bldg. COST $ 40.00O. PRICE TODAY. $31,300. MONTH; T INCOME. $300. EELLWOCD 140. 3-STORY modem brick, covering quarter block, centrally located, $55.0u0, worth double. K 65. Oregonlan. For Pule Acreage. 3 8-10 ACRES AND HOUSE, $1100. All cultivated except . acres, all fenced, good well, acre beaverdam. drained. 8-room houae, nice chicken house. 12 fruit trees, f ruit cellar, near paved road : at Trece station, near Tlgard. on west aide, on Oregon Electric; price $lltio. nome ter.a. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Foard of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 23 ACRES, south of Reedvllle. part culti vated, mal! houne and barn, good soil, fine view of Tualatin valb-y; $30uO, terms. 120 acres, near Witch hazel, about 14 miles west of city; f ine land, living stream; $0 per acre, bargain. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber 6f Commerce. SACRIFICE IJt autiful. c ultivated 10 acres ; 6j commercial o. chard; good buildings; near Eugrne; $35oo. 15 near Vancouver, 14 S cul ti vated ; necessary buIM in pa ; ex ce: ient ne: g hborhood ; $.i500. Footnt! I . old buiUJings. $l6tn. Adjoining 40. $!0-0. Dandy 2M. some lmprovtmni9; at rcf n, pear electric. $.;00O, ery terms. Owner af t"r 2 ::!. Birney, 303 Stock Exch a n r. 6000 ACRES In Southwest Waihlnnon for ale to settlers outy. easy termi, to prices, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bondi accepted at par. Write fur map showing !ocatlon. termi, etc. TIMBF.R COMPANZ Ttcoma Bid g.. Tacoma. W agh, 26 ACRES, best soil in Oregon: aM In culti vation; on electric line at Hillshoro. on Pacific highway: paved road to Portland thl year; fair buildings; 6 acres apple orchard. Wiil sell for less than worth. O w n e r. Tab or 67 '4 CAN YOTI BEAT IT? Five big acres for $70, with electric sta tion almost at your door- and convenient for N. W. Steel shipyard workers. A small payment gives you possession. Own er. 50o Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. -ACRE sacrifice by owner at Garden Home; near station: fine soil; enough lariie tref i for wood: small str-am; $750 cash, bal ance mortgage $1000; must bo sold this week. East 7401. FOR SALE 10 to 40-acre tracts; cleared or uncleared; excellent soil, especially good prune or walnut land; 1 ml!(s from Spring brook, 2 miies from paved highway. W. E. Burke. Sherwood. Or., Route 3. NINE acres, all cleared, house, H miles out, small payment down, yearly payments on balance, 5 per cent. Draper, 40a- Board of trade. 10 ACRES of land; good orchard, house, ail outbuildings. Bull Run water; located jut south of Lents. 6131 lf2d sU 8. E.. Thorn as Allen. " TWO ACRES clear, outside city limits; 6c fare. Call at Harness Shop. Lents. SO ACRES, Lewis river. $25'0; house, beirn; $1500 cash. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. KLAL FSTATE. I or Kale -I anna. ACROSS FROM HoOO RIVER-80-4t.cre fruit ranch ; SO acres In New town, Spit zen here. Rom Driutl-a and Kinfr apples, besides D'AnJou ana Bartlctt pears from 40 14 yeara old; five rm.m plastered bungnlow, with bnth and to I let ; cost $ ISiMi; 25tm box apple and other outbuildings, running water in bouse and baru ; located three miles from Whi ie Salmon, Wash. ; his is not aa abandoned run-do n plate, but an up to-dae, well-kept. paying fruit ranch, which Is just now beginning to pay and be a paving proposition; p. ace has cost owner over $21,i00; we are authorised to rell it for $14.ou0; $40Oo cash. balan- lo suit purchaser. Fred W. German, 732 chamber of Commerce. H IGIILT I M PROY EDpTaEAT CORN ELI UP. 23 miles west of Portland, 4i acres rich, deep soli, all cleared and under ml ttvaiton. Six-room modern house, gas. eUjctric lights, city water. stdc ai k snd a M city con eniencci. located S blocks from st orf s. 3 blocks frcm s. hool, oppo site nice oak grove. Chicken-house, root house and outbuildings, young fa mlly or c:ard, part bearing, berries, also doiens of roes and shrubs. Price $:jooi. Terms (inoo down, balance 5 years at 5 per cent. Immediate potbttaion. Take So. Pac. Oc. at 4th-sr. station. Inquire at Cor nelitis State Bank for Pherbrooke place. GO'D BUY A NO SAKE INVESTMENT. 4 4 j acres. S miles from Roaeburg on good auto road; about 2fi5 acrea cultivated, good 7-room house and outbuildings; rood s:ie running creek; land slopes enough for perfect d ratnage ; uncleared land in small oak and good for pasture In Its pres-nt state. This farm la suit able for dairy, stock, grain and fruit. Absolutely the lowest priced farm In thai neighborhood. Worth looking into. Pnc $16,000. Ti rms. E. A. Llndgren, Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank BTdg W ILL SACKIFIOK MY RANCH. Must move to Canada this month and will have to sacriflre my highly- improved. 20-acre ranch, I miles f vom Va?couver. ail go d, level soil ; good house, barn and Silo, fences, water. American neighbors and achool; ercellnt dairy, hog and poul try prnpofi ; Ion ; bargain for someone; $3000. half cash, balance long time; easily worth $.'.i'0. Address owner. 00 East bin st.. Portland. Phone East 1375. VOTH choice out of three farms. 40 acre-. t acres, f0 acres, ail to town: xooJ land with stock or wl t hout. for sale b owner ; two places must be sold , gooc terms; take part liberty bonds, C. A. 1-tr.tndt. Kalama. 105-ACRE stock and dairy farm for s.ffr l mil -s to depot and bo j. i landing. mile to p hool. This place will run 40 head of stock; can also run sherp; will take $53ou. Write to 1. O. box 3"d, Kajama. Wasli. BE Xt TIFl'L 40-arre farm, all In cultiva tion, right at Sprlnrwater. Or. ; a bar gain on very easy terms. For part .cuiara see or write owner. 100.1 East luth st. N. CHICKEN. " FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; beat soil. Farms for sale, all aiaea, McFarland. 6Q2 Yeon blue. Portland. 30 ACE ES. house and barn. 100 fruit trees ; would cons m or Portland property in ex- cl'.aug" if f-e of incumbrance. Inquire C.N4 57th ave. Phone Tabor 2531. FIVE acrea. near Wlilamlc.a. level, cleared, fenced, house, well, chicken house. $ luo down. $10 month. J. R. Sharp. S3!a 3d st. SO ACRES. 15 acres e'eared. house, barn, as sortment fruit. $1300. Ford part payment. Matters. 40l Hoard of Trade. SNA P. 40 acres, Tillamook, $750: easily worth $1000. F. K. fi learns. 2QJ Wilcox b!dg. LOGG ED-O FF lanoi, $ lu acre up. running Ater, good oil, a tillable, employmeot, cacy terms. Jese R. Sharp. S3V, 3d at lOO-ACRE farm. Chanpteg. M arson Co. good county road, near good graded school. m:le from river, k ti 4. tjn-ttoniiin. 10 ACRES Tualatin valley ; ho me timber $1500. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. ITANTfl) REAL ESTATE. WANTED. NEW TODAY". Want 1 to 5 acres close tr Port land und paved road, prefer with Kood itn prove me nta. will pa.y up to 5u00. Have client for 3H to 3 seres with bearing fruit and no bulla In s, not more than 3 miles from Woodstock. Want 1 or 2 acres near Oswego with water view, prefer no lmprove-m-- nts WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board-of Trade Bldg. B L N G A LO W S WANTED We have levorii clients who want modern 5 or 6-room bur as low a in Rose City. I .an rcl hurst. It ingion or some other good uis: net. up to -touu; xor resuiis list wun ua wnne selling is good. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 31 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. STRICTLY' modern rsldenca, furnihed or unfurnished. 2 bedrooms : of f r aa first payment all or any part of 4 acres at $"0 per acre, br.lance gooa monthly payments. Box S14 Y. M. C A., vuicw action. FKANK L. MrOl'IUK WANTS a six-room, good modern house, neighbor hood of 1 tan croft ave.. Soui h Portland, go us high aa $4250. Kood down puyuiettt. 414 Abington bldg. M:tin lO.v WANTED- 5 r 6-room modern house, not over II tt.ov.ks from Piedmont n r bar Will ma ke good payment down. Call Woodlawn 4 03 J. Pear! oN.ll. w a N T 1:1 Modern home In I rvtngton. I .:i uret hurst or Rose City worth $7oot or f siiii in c change fr smaller home, free from Incumbrance. f s. 1 , Oregon : ti. WANT EI Home In Hawthorne. Suiinynd , Tabor If you are ready to sell at renson- atiie rtirure we cau ucut at ouce. (ip'K'inian. L.oKiXG for A suburoan liumi on good electric line, that can be rented or bought on small payments; no agents. H y, oie cor.ian AM M.I. HOUSE WANTED. Havo cash customer for a h:uall cheap hon with lnr?' lt ; give full particulars. GEO T. V.oi'KE CO., 10o7 Yeon likit.-. WANT modern Union North bldg. bungalow preferred. cottage 414 Ocr! pear inger WANTED Small place. 1 to 3 acres, part in cultivation, with house and fruit tre. Price must be reasonable. Woodlawn f'200. W ANTE L Portland real estate. What have you to trade for TsComa real estate? Sco Loudon 1 'arley, I jnpertal hotel. V A N T ini proved acreage ; give attract tv e 5-room bungalow and tl'-sirable lot. owner a'ter 2:.''. Bar'n-y. rto.t sinck Excliane. f M I ST locate at onc. I want 6 to 8-rooin ho;ijc in IMedmont district; give terms and p r 1 in fir st letter. V 126 . Orcgoninn. WILL pa $ imt a pot cash for lots in A 1-b-rt a. Wood 1 a wji. etc. B P-'O, Oregon ! an. WANTED Four or R acres of ground, close in on railroad. SO Third st. Farms Wanted. WA NT ED 10 acres fruit land in N. W. What have you? Describe. Will buy this spring. Box 351, Twin Falls, Idaho. H. K. Butler. Wanted to Bent Farms. W' A NT ED To rent in Clarke county. Wah.. small farm on good road. Write W. H. Gerta. 410 Fremont st or call Fast 5711. TIMBER LANDS. 80 ACRES conveniently located timber for groceries or residence equity. G 10, Ore gonian. 4ooO C0RD?J cordwood eiumpane. good truck haul. Hillyard & Wcicn. Estacado, 1 feKiin. GKU1. OAK wood on car at Marlon. Or., $".50 per cord, C. M. Smith, Jefferson, Oregon. , looo TO L'iOO cords Al first-growth fir wood, piled on boulevard. $5 per cord; 12Vj-inilo haul; soil by the load. Main 25oj. WANTED 2oO or 3on mil lion feet fir um ber well located. F. D. Warner. E.bcrton hotel. McMinnville. Or. 20 MII.LTON on R. R., 50 miles Portland, $1. At 1 57. Oregonlan. OM growth cord wood. 40 acres, near Scap- poae; bargain. J. R- Sharp. 3d st. rOR RENT FARM! FURNISHED ranch for lease. 40 cows, work t-mu. wagon, l.arncss; all necessary eqummci.t; cheese factory on place; f-1iooI ami' i-ostoffico f minutes; sitnatid on roast: 3-ycar lease for aa.le, $350. AV ?:ti. Oregon I n. TO EXC n A N G Tj R KX L KST A TE. 22."io0. ooy FEET fir. on 4S0 acns, f-room modern homo. OokIOi. for wheat or stock ranch: must show $37,500 value, F. K Hi earns. 2"lr Wilcox bldg. RE 1 DENCE eastern Kansas, and lot Km n s ta Cttv. Mo., for Portia nd property. T'tber 2700. X .";:. Crezontan. 10" 100 12 room, 2 sun porches, modern, near car. H. school, ex. vacant lots or im prove d Hcrnasc. At' 3V Prcgon'an. MO DERN home, ha t acre. 7t h st. S. E.. for house closer In; pay some cash dif ference. BC 845, Oregonian. . iy YOU art in the market to bu v or to ex change realty send to Box 275. Salem. Catalogue cfpropcrty listing free. FOR SALE or exchange. 160 acres of yellow rune in Wheeler county tclear). Call W 00 d 1iwn 253n. 4-KOOM house for acreage with house, close in. Tabor 2752. TO tXCHANGE REAL STATE. PEAVEKTON ACREAGE WANTED " Mode ru double bu nga low in Rose c; t v Paik. prce i5oO. of Inc.. reined for $rt5 per mo. Our client wants iin--or unitrp. lard within 3 milci f-out h ir S. E. of Ben . rtt-n. K AS Kit iV RAINEV. 823-26 Gns o R d F Marb:til 31-'S. FR SALE or t-a !e for hi.r--i or lot: t-Miil; Kt'lund p."Cf rii. or 1 auto an imM Payment; .S av'a ;m! cuJtt -t bn : 5-inm buim.ilow, barn. cHick'ti Iwi-e ai-d Wood shed; all bui.dmgs new. ..n gootl eri vl ro;id; , in J I - iro-P town, T.'i ir.llvs south rf Poi'laud; prlct; $2.m.u. Pliant Marshall 5o.,Y WANT nm.if rn beue In exchange for 1270 aeri land all in Lambert rhf rrm and D'Anou pears, on P.cif;c biKhway. b t. McM:invtIie an-1 Dund".. with good hour", ba rn and chicken noose. F-u ; i fcts T oi l: vc -i;. nt soi;: price $4t-o per acre. Goddard A V'"!'t'-k. 2 1 S-.a- ft. BARG A INS I ui proved 10 4. ro best po.1. r.ear r' trie. ro 'ir r - con City. 17 cu' t i vated. bo i d in ks. 2.n.ooi t im her. ex c ; Vn : ror lwon'1 p rn pni ion, iVoo ; c-ot reMd-nce oner after 2.5t'. Barmy, 3i ; Sto k Kc!ianv.-e. 3-IlOM house, close in on the east side ; K.U t'arv j'liinbmt. electri-? li hs. cr-iind fi5x!2 feet, on prorrivent street, maradain; concrc ie . S I 2' . Uii-T !en :r. g tAa; will ii ut a biirsain. For particu lars ervll 404 plan bl-!a. II L s. 1 1 or t r.iuc. m eiiii'.y m good acre ranch, 3 tnllea from Portland and 3 miles from R. K.. or trade for good s.w timber: $.ioVi with stoek and nr. pit-men P. or $Ut,t Without. For p.irnculars. write J;ini s T ('cut n. Fsndv. t r. 1IAV II I0O aerrs unVr, f.r.ti-prowth, ellow ptii. Oar of to exchange for Miuiiy in homo i'.i restricted dtnet: must Iue galiiK- and bu modei n in v erv apect; owners only. tcicphonu V.'ooulawn 4 $.'.ii Hl'YS $5oo e,u'tx -n 5-rom house .ti St. Johns, or wlil trade for a lot 1:1 I'ort hi r.'l , or a light car w nd c i e rf.f f cr i-v.e. r. . : k 2 i h st. s s -: ! w o o ;i 717. WHAT have you to trsde for my equity in two floe lota? X 470. uresoal.''n. TO rCH NfiK MlSCEM-AXOrS. TO TliADE lcFiraMe lot f-r Rjnimer cot tage, near oocin. at Nye F.caeh. Newport. 'r., for good pony t m, hiiKcv and h:tr-ne-s. Dr. H. J. MiMltum, Newport. lr. EXCii A NGE Fl r.l -c! : ss dental work !--r tai:on:i or kaiscmining. ' 0oi, Orc;u- man. 40-lRAi'K ET c i -i. era. Frt? b. n 10 t 5?4rt. to t ra i!e for f oldi a? roiTi 1 13. i WiLL (akv cm'J work hordes or cattle for my Studet-aker truck. Strata. 2-S Alder t FOR SAIT- HoriH eh idea. I.ive-tock. TWO bite l"S or lumber teams w Rh In a y harness; 1 general-purpose team and har ness. ug a ti to s ; liray and light farm w HKnim, Kood rubber-t ired I'Upcy and sin gle liariULs; pu.irantceol and trial aitoww. VhiH si ii! f m ti v tc sol d at oace. Come and make oi f.?r. .4 Nort l.rup mt. 10: ii st. or N. and S. car north. TEAM weighing 22i0 pour.'!', 7 and e. r oo!, mare snd geMing, 1 1 h light harness. 12'.. 4 horses weigh! tig a round 1 500 '!.. 5 to S earn !'.!. $1 oO to $123 each . also 20 bend of ! ti "iervr.t sized h oi ss f "r s:i ir at reason lido prices at East 1'Lh and Plunder :s. Fl Vil head mules, with harness : fat snd sound. 130o to 15oi ,bs ; uii k.nd, k I am uals: harm ss. wagon. plo. -ri ii t tot h harrow . potato diaper. tiear-to?-Batn w h s on. 3 4 - inch. t'a.l Mul'o Mabtv, lit h and Jf'iiTtrn sts. HORKS WJSNTET. Just rrceiv-'d a carload of cood yoijrc bres and mares weicht from 12'.' to 17i; all and found: a. I Imrs Ruar arionl as reprsectd. I". Siabie.1-. J iS Froft st. 15- D. iliaJtm. T Jersey cows, jusr fresh with calf. kv ine oer 3 bhJ.. v0 eicli; also you or 1 1, I stein cow, heavy nulkvr. at E:tbt Vt h nnd Ulnndcrs. NOTICE Carload Eastern Orecon borei. marcs ; tv eight 12ui. 140. an - s 4. 6 l broke and a4l guaranteed. Stables Iast tith and t:iay aU. "MHi-PDl'Mj ten m a ii J ham ali and a horse, w-'iwlit about J-iO pounds; nc reasonable offer will oc relusv.i. Knott st. HORSE, harness, linh t s;rii waon ; horse will plow, work any place; price riKht, qunk stile. 1 2S E. 71 st. $1 TEA M and hame-s ; 7 and S years old 23 oo b ; work slnsjie or double. Y ood yard. Foui th and Clay st;. WILL T R A lE $o"i etj l. it tn 5-rooin house for horses or vows. t2 E. 2Sth st. S. Phone Se.i w -ood 717. FOR SALIC Oeni: lamlly cow. Jersey. frea In few da va : bird calf ; r h uii.ker. llf f ord. HiMverton. 'r. Fo it SALE 1 !ors. s ar.u l.arn-. ropiaci nc them who p. u:o trucks. Helecr Bros. Tran fer Co.. 4 North l?t st. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid fo (jeai cows and crippled horses. Pbous Miiwauk:e 9J tor re5iilti. WAN TEO Price on n-i 11 CO to 1250-pound Iwu-se. h'tck. IvinifbS and ladd.e. James Walsn. iohicnctie. W:sh. DEAL and attlmais nauied away freei. l ')rt!nd 'l-ndprins Co. Cail Woortinwn 2 275 HuKllli ST. South Pot Hand tar. CuW nrd cs I f . It s'i d eow s. oil tt ani pray mans. 2Hji llt , and u ss. S- e M cCrosk . 4112 ILvwt horn ha:- LEAI holies mken quickly: cows and cri;'pl-d honr: cash p;ud for Tabor l-'o.i. KitKSIl milk coats. 1215 Hals Piano, Orstans and M uaitwl I nsi ru me I a. SECURITY STORAGE 0. c'oslnir out used Pa nor Or ft n.s, $25 and $ 5 cash ; so uai e r in no. $ 15 to ti5 . h ; upr: ht pian..s. f '15. JT.. f nsri. uprights. Kood as n w. $ 1 ;;5, $ 1 OJ. 51'' cash . uprit hts. new, etored. $'.". :. .i75 cash ; p!a er piano n-w . $ .'. $.U5, cusa. Par; casti. bon-Uan-I o i: r s-c iiritles ac.epted. Pianos bouKl.t and rotti fur ruh on.y. Storage 5ic month ly. l'!one Main 5:;2.t. 1V 4th St.. taaV Ll'- Pnono;rjphs. ama:;. $11 rwnu $15 esch; Edion ryuml'T phonoicrn pha. la' ce. $21 and $.". each; new phoiiot;rapiis. $21 to $ll.. $5 or $10 in recjrus purrhaa d s-.n.- borne nv new model, 50c. 75c. $1 und $1.25 week .v t the Scl.wau I'tauo Co.. Ill ti st., at W!nr.Cton st. " PIANO V A NT El . We pry the hlshcFt c;.n pri-e posib.e for u--t p'.MM1. Let us ipixe yo-.i our p;i.e. SEIliERLlN;-LL'CAS MCSIC CO. 12a 4th M . .Mam V.oV aa i O $ I 0 mvpJ bu it.ff pin noa during lactory clearance aaie ; cash or ternie. $ 15 or $25 cts!. $S, $1. 10 or more montn.y sce our iii;'liy jilvrr!if:r,( ni or ci I at Sc h w an !'.- no .". . Ill 1- c u ; t h at , a t a t AN V1SELI-, Kood lone $ I rtT Ki( her ijm.i: upr.iit i7 btnnwav nke new $io0 HAKoLU S. ulLHEUT. J?s4 Yamld.l. Will pay cash for used pianos and band ins ! rl ments, seihekling- Ll'CAS MUSIC CO. 125 4TH Bl. Hh'dl "R A DE mahogany piano . w ill sell $20 cash or Li bert y bonds. l'hone Maiu oNT.O. 72 Fla nde: a st. WANT TALK INC MACHINES OR R?!C- ORDS. 12t FIRST, MAIN 4493. TABOR 71H FoR RENT Cabinet rrafono a wit E :n p ire Transfer. Rlw y. 155. a with recorua. PIANOS tuned, $1. Oeorce I Heck. Tabor b54. Grad. New r.nir. Conservatory. $loi CASli pa. J you for your o d uprljiht 'piano. Clt iUnha: 532:t. s-cunty ttora Co.. In'- 4th st-. at Washington. WANT mohns, banjos, pui ara. ma ndoltns, brass lnirum?nu Ntwma.ii, 12S Firs;. .Mln 4 It 5. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANoS HAROLD S. till.llllHT. 3S4 Yamhlil st. $61.75 COLL Mi; I A jsra;c:iola out tit Otk a r.ewi, a55. Harold S. tiilbcrt. U-4 Yamr.t i. PIANO wante.l. Pay cash, but must bo bar Marrhiill J517. FR SALE Decker A- Son phi no, fine ton-, ma h ok any finish ; reasonable. K:tM Mi1. FumTture for Sfite YOU'LL AFP 1 1 1 : i 1 A T E Till S UN USUAL OFFER. Rrand new two-inch cnnti'iuous post BtM beds, with heavy Inside filler: n n v mior and sire; the kind ou i-av $11.51 for uptown. our price this- onl f 1 1 .fM. New springs. Sl.75; 40-pnoiuI re lmhlo fe!t m a t nsrs. bt:t.t of clastic f--'.t bats. inca.ed in b aMtl.ul a rt ti k. with roil-;op ednitity. others ask $20 for Mich r mattress, here in w-ek lor $11.45; and to top t.ff the.-e unusual values c offer our repular $ com tort k. madt? of pi:re aof t coit'oa In hiteh-crade fancy t ickinir. for $o. 75. Now Ls the c banco to pet that bed t'n hiRh prices kept you from buying, and with hous-M-leaninc da Jut around the corner, t ::nf :y lmvt iff will tve this their prompt attention, your oid bc.i taken pan rnvmtni. 1I1MI Fl RNMLRE t;o, ISS-lf'O First St. uKKIi'K f urn It ure for ss le. coin pie te t w o rooni oflice outfit coi;sistinc of new. up-to-date. hirih-Krado. ex pent! v i uart r rawed oak material. Floors covereti with new rubber cork carpet Inc. Of f . e can he I cased from bitlld !t at reasons be rent if d. -sired. Phone Mun 271 or call at 07 Tile A: Trust bbiu. FURNITURE, tur'ains, rugs. In 5-room house ; a so fold in n bahv ca rri 1 re : must je'l this month. go;ng Address P. o. Hnx Portland. r 60LI D oak dlnlns tsble. cook stove with coil, j East Mill st. tl chairs, couch, ill for $.55. 5o7 FURNITURE for snle: clre wrs, dinirs room snd librarv tables f.,r sa.e cheap. Pacific !v4 Aoxs XiO-li- Is; st. ros SALE- r urnlt ure for Salo. FOR SALE. 1 Singer sew in it No. te. nearly :cw . iir p - read s: o. $25 ; 1 mahogany bather euJnon Mores chair, 4 ma- 1 mu; ii; v tan-.fif-n,-,i dn ine room chairs. , 1 e.ich. Piione labor 5.2. Dogs. KOolt. B.rd. Pet Stock. AT ?Tl" L, ' Tar.iee-a ij!t t Charley C hap ten 11: cn'v r.;-h -cas oaons m-iil r 1 n.-d. t'e c-ia r. ntceti s:rv :. Wi'.t be p.ii...J to show la s itttle 13-!b dog. 141 tlih and A.der. Itroadwav 2106. m 'K S l.E 1 b. r '!ky brooJer sio e. 01 burner. ;:most new; e;innnlv V0 to 100 cnuKs. (;oic Thompoii, Route 2. Fort !.tnd. Or. THE PA PKRBW SK I C A TTERT. At Mud. rhaleb iplentlor. orarce Tabby I'T'ian. be-t blood line;-. Eat 3:t. !ii.hall tioHi Vr( Rtt.ifird. AT i-Tl" 1 . Stark Sidney Roslou Terrier. East 31M.7. W ANTED ri:u;. ea. : ir.iif; iiuuae-brekt u. lor ti pet v : v j iTr i.n . C i f ' I' " E (r niA 'e . x n 11 ,es. ready for natin s. 7.' to II c 27ii. or. Phone East l'oult ry. WHITE Lfcl'1 HORNS are t&e most profitable broed of poultry. If you are in the buai neM for profit you wlii event uatiy bava ih-m. Early brullera. early layers, earr PROFITS. We sell only WHITE LEG HORN BABY CRICKS !rorn heavy lay ing HOG A N 1 ZE D bens. Sale delivery of fuU-comt lle ctiick cuarameed. I'rice per 10u: February, $1; March. $14; April. $12 30. The Pioneer Hatchery. 02 6lh aL, l'f.aluma, C-. PO " L T IUY B AFv GAI N S. 6 Flack Orpingtons and. cock. $27 50. 11 K. I. Red pullets and cockerel. $ 1 5. .V. H li tred Ro;-V and cockerel. $10 ou. 12 '. A. C. White 1-cghorii pulltta and Co Uerels. $20 5o. All biootied sto-k guaranteed as re pre -sented or muacv r-fu.i-Vd. H C. LI MR. Rout e 3. box Lents St .Mon. Portland . V A N T El "I brec of ttur b: onie hen lur ki ) s . also I l-j dozen White W andotte or Rhode lsiand Rod 2-year-old hens; cj'iote pru p deiiered In l'ortiand. A R . r'Cn la n. BABY CHICKS FOR PAI.K. Leghorns. Reus. Hoiks, Mtnorcaa. best a: ock. S:t . deli v cry i ran teed. Iriccs T'-asor.ab e C. N. Need ham. box 412. t"a.e:n. r. Foli SA LE Black Minorca cga. Mar- k n all ; l. LE .tit T:. bo RN chit ks for sa.e and fertile ecss. laiinrhm and Boat. 5-R i ' t M com p.'ic.y fu:ri!! ea houselKut , iio.r m'n th:s. lac:icu,jirs, phone v 1 -2V CAN'E W A N"7 . . D. W U.L RA Y CASH. MARSH ALL 1 ? prwrurrt RENT a Remir.s ton . spet ;al rates to sta- den :s. I'.u our a.- w K niiu; : a now ; !mrndlai rtfihfry. ratonubt Icrma R-:i'. inji.m T pe w nter Co m pa a y. Vl"AuANTKHi) lac tor reDuili t pew rit-rs. ALL MAl- US. k3id on molality paymrns. ! J for price li;. The n hokA A y p w nter Co. retail drp:.. 31 Mash st. Foil R EN x Unilerw ood l pewrRer : (ood condition. Empire Trttusfr c cfiurMe Co. Uroauway lOi. NEW. rebuilt. eioad-hinrt rentals at c; raten r. l. Co. 2S1 S;a.K st Main 147. REBUILT typewriters and supplies, Coroaa d'airs E. xv. tae c. lin Sixth at. WE will buy ojr oid typewriter and pay ..V.!'1'.. c.r T ren ritr Co.. 14 r ina ALL maa-s tjpewriiers rcntca dm repaired. Orou Tvpewruinn Co. 4 tth. Main an. Kacblnery, SPECIAL. 1 Mrshnn hrrnonu; ai! reiaw. I No i.A2 Her in baud rrs'. I pr. 11S Am- s twin engines 1 pr. I4i M. S. & t;. iw ,u rRina AiSo ALL KINPS OF KLliUli-T bEC ONU M M) MVCHiNKHY. THE J. E .MARTIN CO.. s; Firat st . Portland, or. F R V 1 1..- E L E N 1 J N E S. HOT SERF- AC E OIL. OAS or to TEAM entities and bUlL- LRS FP.OM 1 H. P. TO 10.000 H P.. SEE R A N I L E S. 1' 2 1 Oregon b . u . Bd wy H7. Ltt your boats and set oud-hand -rt.Klncs with us for ?aie. a-F'T Koehnnc concrete mliT, $27; Cood run inn c rler. ALurthn 1 1 5 lf!7 Mivrllatieouk WASHI.Nit M V CHINES I am the beL and cheapest clothes wunher 1 can solve our servant proo-1-ni. Mv un.ti la the TH oR EL EC 1KU' W ASH INC MACHINE. oa can ieurri about me by telephoning Snd! h-Mocoy Electric Co.. ridy bEVlN macDin, new and second-band. Vd for lea, ro aceo's employed; com -pii-te iine of parts lor ail makes, machiass rcpatrsj ana rcuttd. Main 94SI. blirtlNJ MACHINE hlMPOKlUlt ll,l ad. near Ta lor atreei. Ft J R S ALE V 1 N 1 To W SASH . 2 and $2 .Vi eath: lumber ot all kinds new. Hiol Itniihrr that been used and us as p-t. $lo a tui up; bt us build tour hoii?.' and furnish our lumber. fice U 1 dr.tud :i c Ru on.. Ea.-i MMU bAFES. tie r and avcona-nand. at mai prices PACIFIC SCALE SUPPLT CO.. 4tl Front at reel. Port I .inn. Orejoo. 1'Iioiie iiroadw ay HH43. PIKE and i-urcn iJ r1rh.ti.4cd. proof sales iount. so a Uom expert work aJ NlRRlS SAFE i LOCK CO.. 105 su 1'l.i.nt ain 2. 1AYTN o'l'M'U'ir? M-alc calt r-Klstc,-. 1. ;u i up. orrit'i"" 'i"!i tloor rae. counter c es. t h - eutttr, (m-I i -on -tMire oil tnk, K'.ts jars. .-ate. C. H. Tut aer, 57 12 oULi ice SE. Mi. t-u c;ir. ALMOST new luinopower M l;is w.,-hini; iiia. nine, bus Oeeii tie d on i v a few nnji Ehm 5n: or ca.i ot 11 E. I'l h et. .voui n. mornings. Al'T i.M'.'Bl EES o erha uled. let us e c you a price -a our reuair wiotk. a.l woik C ua i . i. ( eed. liein ph.l : 1 s Trude Schools. 70 Haw thorite ne. Phone East S"tiS. lll7l tl ;'i:7m'':" H .M'A'.LY C'lllKfT'T. Nr.W ;.! TIRES; C R EXCELLENT i .V EV FRY DETAIL; $7;: t 'AMI FOR t.'. I' K SALE .;t'l. -R E'li N I AN. NEARLY new S'io bicycle. $40; equipped with cl.-'-irir Ush i. Kiax'.n carrier. ;und. t w -m e d scar, doubtu bar. lion -t kid tirc, etc. K:.M 51'I. HoT ttnter tanks, all f!eJ, In rood, service ul'.e .uiwliti. u. 3U-Kal., $7; 4)-cal.. $. 2ol Avium st., Cjit eitU steel bnae. l'hun Fat .-..I'.. Ft'R SALE W.ckcr b;by bupy. K:mh KM, st s- ll 15: Ualjy bed, $4. h'ovti unit ruucli. l.ut C b6. ti bal 2ftih iU et North. t OK iALE or rent, iog;Ini; and botatlas r nclnee, ail kinda nutamrry, rails, eara Rail way Kuu:pm-nt Co . 135 Stara st. iiiLLl ARI and pocket billiard tables, show cuses and wancsea, fixtures; aav tar ma. W. J. wmjliey, 227 First. Malo otfOft. EXCH A NC.B First-class dental work for t .t lor ins: or kaiomimn p. V orego- n i m n . SA i- E, in first-class condu ion, for sal cheap. For all parucuiara address O 70. uieKonlan. A LAUNDRY stove, a doctors table, a small is; t. iltA IN'tj pbrturo macl::r. f.ims, atcreop ticona for sv-.iiooia. etiu relies and lodges. Service Film & Supply Co.. .if a tiak at. CHEAP if ta n at once: Ruje tiny, h;cli- T SU.kV, S Otd and P.-i"- T bor 1 Ui. i-N 1 LIIMAN S i.,. , t'-t k von. st :, 5'h -3 r-:ude n.l-woo! Pintn ioM 45. for ATM. Apt. t 6- oOT "Walker" i.oda lounii & and car h.:retc i . I ir bt-clas condition, coaipleta. f2'U. 260 Alder .L ISA R RER TOWELS laundered, f0e doa.; lnasK:.f,e iuw .., $1.2U dot. Sti 6th St., nt.r ,-tark. IRENCH p'ato mirror for sale cheap. Port land Cui.try and Barber t-upp!y. hd 6th si. HAMILTON LEACH New Life Vibrators at i u u d p-i . s. SO t: h st . l.U T-T"U flor 2-1--j 2d st. case, marble bae. N W if tho time for and paper- baiicinff. Oet an estimate. Tabor ti73ti. l l R SALE di'ion. Tat'or wood ranRf. fine cou- tni E it A L s jod second-hand safes at the r'fcht prUe, 45 Front st liroadway 1966. YACUU51 clcuners sold, reraired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main tt&eS. CHOICE potatoes. $1 75 sack delivered. CaTl Broadway 454; evenings call SelL 23. LM'KUT e piumbm; prts all makti f!ovr, rai'jres: repHirins. East 27. Co s A " KS Es r y I;oee pot a toes. 1's eta io ".('. E. W s!i net on. v'm. Re id. bA F t and cath register for sale, oregonian. P e44. Sl'LENT'IT Monrrch fcteel ranse Xor sale at CHILD'S bed hair niaurr.s cost M,. sell M;-. hucgv Ml. romper $2. NO. 325 IStJa. 0-ri'KN ER gas rsnae half price. 2S 1 Coi 1 pe at. ONE wood or coa I runs, cne w ood haavi ei . 47 E. Couch. Call Sunday. A" SNAP Diamond rinc for sale at 24 Par tei et., apt. 10, tall after Sunday.