T17E 3IORXIXG OJTEGOXIAN, SATURDAY, 3rARCn 1, 1T1D IT WANTED TO RtM. Houses. D1SCH AKGKD ARM V OFFICER AND RESPONSI BLE BUSINESS MAN desires to lease strictly motirn ti or 7 room hous'i with gaiuge; bunt'alow pre ferred ; must be ckan and wilt keep it so. ("all Marshall 1-41. .VANT to lease small modern house, prefer ably furnished, large garden, city or sub urban; might buy. 444 Courthouse. Alain 7051- Residence. B 169ft. A partraeots. ICJiSPOXSiBLE parties want for period of J months or lonper 5 or ti-room modern and completely furnished apartment, fl-';& or bungalow ; will give substantial refT erence and absolute guarantee as to care of your property if desired. AO 13, Ore gonian. 'A.TED Furnished 2 or 3-room apart ment, flat or house, cfoae in. witli Rarage near by; responsible party ; permanent if reasonable. AO 24, Orconian. WANTED Nice L'-room apartment for a dy and her daughter. AR 201, Ore gonian. WANTED Furnished ape. flat or small house, by couplo with 3-year-old child. Tabor 77'J5. VANTKD by 30th of March, 5 to 7-room unfurnished fiat, close in. Phone East 30.i 2 at ter 6 o'clock. Rooms. ETC AM heated room, hot and cold running water, walking distance, wanted by single gentleman ; references. AP boo, Oregonian. JsEAT housekeeping room wanted In walk ins distance. B.J 26.j, OrefTonlan. . Rooms With Board VAN'TED Young lady, employed, wants board and room, private home; walking distance preferred; reasonable. J 567, Ore gonian. V'A N T to board in good, clean family, a G-months-old, strong, healthy ba by ; mother is now sick wit h . pleurisy ; will pay well Phone Main 1 u.Vj.f or call 4SS Columbia st. li IjH school Btudent would like board and room in prlva te f ami ly, nea r Washington high achool. Cull Tabor 4."'j.t. Business Places. LOCATTOM1 FOR AUTO REPAIR SHOP 33V ESTABLISHED rONCKKX; HTATE LOC AT J ON AND PRICE. AK bU, OREGOXIAX. Tloaekeepinsr Rooms. "WANTED Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Call East j7..". WANTED H or 4 light hoti.sekeeping rooms, .nM,in A tu,n f ..,.1.1 tn-n 'I'.iI.ap uTWi MlM-ellane'ous, WANTED To rent a piano from private party. East 1270. FOR RENT. CHESTER BURY HOTEL, 20th and Kear nej st& -Room with board, very attractive rates. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel or Merit. HOTEL, CLIFFORD, i East Morrison and Ease Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side Hotel and la a hotel of dignity and re finement. Daily rate $1.2a up; two in room. 91.75; weekly rates $d and up. KORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or slngie, with or without board, for families aod business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a borne. Iteaaon able rates. AXSOXIA HOTEL. 124 14th et.. at Washington. Rates, $5 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spot It-a rooms, close to amusement and chopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet. NEW PERKINS HOTE L. Fifth and Washington Streets. . Right In center of Portland's activities. Let us show you our accommodations. Rates $5 per week up. PALACE HOTEL, 440 Wash. St.; downtown location ; respectable and strictly modern ; steam heat; rooms larsp, clean. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st., at 10th Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4..0 up; running water; free phone and bath. ROOMS, strictly modern, down town, day or week. 3t2Va Alder. Main 6727. fWALDA Hotel, 341 Ankeny St., downtow n location, steam heat; rates 50c day up. V ii furnished Rooms. JOUR unfurnished connecting rooms. J2, i3 and $4 per room Oiot modern). 120 Knott St., near Mississippi ave. JiEFORE renting see large rooms, 167 1 at, near Morrison. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. TO GENTLEMEN Beautifully furnished front room, opening on porch, hot water heat, student lamp, library table, easy chairs, fine bath, always hot water; three adults in family: no other roomers. Phone A 4r,Sf. or call .25',-j Montgomery at. & A MONTH, sunny, small front room. larj;e ciusets, dec. lights, phone, bath, 13 blocks to old P. O., west side; desirable, quiet, restful place ; to pa rty employed through the day. 4 1 r W. Brondway. LA K1E elegant front Weil room. running water, 2 closets, in steam heated apart ment; prefer lady or man and wife. Main 4;;to. CICELY furnished front room in private apartment for gentleman, private entrance to room, near Portland hotel ; reference. Main o2iS. FOR RENT Nice (rout bedroom in private Janiily. good home for right party. In- quire ofUVa Mississippi ave., cor. .Monroe street. HO LEAD AY ADDITION Pleasant front room, modern home. 15 minute's to Third end Washington. Call East 4411. FOR RENT Tn o furnished modern rooms, with board ; suitable for four gentlemen. 16 N. 21st st. TWO pleasant bedrooms with breakfast priv ilege, walking dipt;mcc ; business ladies. Phone Marshall 4065. WELL furnished room, steam heat, bath ; In wept side apartment; walking distance. Broadway 471. LOVELY sleeping rooms with parlor, five gentlemen, f 14 each; private residence. 32-1S 13th. LA RGE we 11 -furnished room with board in private family, reasonable; . a Ik ing dis- LARGE, modern front room, reasonable, suitable for t wo ; seven blocks south of postoffico. Marshall 339. FIRST-CLASS bedroom, suitable for one or two gentlemen, walking distance. 455 Mar ket. Main 1 737. ilEAL'TI Fl " LL Y furnished room. sleeping porch, running water, shower bath. ti5 Everett. lOL'XG lady, employed, to share 4-room home with mother and daughter, west side, walking distance. T 45. Orcgonian. LIG HT housekeeping room, mu only, em ployed. 455 13th st. Main 7212. Mar. 14 "2. FURNISHED room in private family, west si ile. w a' king distance. Marshall OotS. ItOOM with modern conveniences; board If df aired. East 3h".2. PLEASANT room with bath. 595 Davis. Broadway 431 7. COM FORT A BEE room In Irvington, 1 block from car line. East 7200. IRVINGTON New, modern home. 1U blocks to "I" or "B" car; breakfast. East 41!. LARGE room with a leove, two beds; suit able for men. 300 E. Broadway. 26t 14TH STREET. Choice furnished rooms. Walking distance. Main 3(j3. ROOM for young man, private home; W. Park, near Market. Mar. 4215. PLEASANT room with bath. Bdwy, 4317. Rooms TVUh Board. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SS0 10th st. For business girls and stu dents: reasonable rates. Margha'l 1251. ROOM and board for business girls: ait mod ern conveniences; walking distance; $4 pet week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. ROOM and board for centleman, $7 per w k. 7 1 nine privileges. wain. 3 v.T. Rooms With Board In Private Family. I HAVE rooom fnr two more soldier boy shipyard workers In my private bnardina house; heated rooms, hot snd cold water, excellent table board, walking distance to city and Albina yards; also auto service to and from the Northwestern and Columbia. Home privileges at reasonable rates. East 743. RoOM and board In private family for re fined couple; home privileges: convenient location. Phone Wood lawn 241?. LARGE front room and board for two men to occupy the same room ; close in. 4oti Jcf ferso 1 1 st. A BEAUTIFUL front room with sing'e beds and board in an exclusive home. 143 N. Hth st. Phone Broadway 4::i4. WILL board 1 or old. Main 1394. children, 3 to 5 years WANTED Children to board home. Phone East 2146. in private FURNISHED room, private family. 2 meals if desired. East 234Q. ROOM and board, home privileges, for 2 gentlemen. East S74S. BBAUTIFruLV furnished room with private bath and board for 2. 4fi9 Clay st. IRVTNGTON. 2 car lints, breuk-fasL East 1276. with or without FOR RENT. Rooms WHh board in Private Family. TWO newly furnished rooms, with board, in private family; furnace heat; a home place for two or three business peopie, 1" minutes from city. 503 E. Couth st. T:ke Rose City car to E. 12Lh. Phone E. 4:;r,s. Furnished Apartments. COMPLETELY furniwhed modern. clean. JiKht, 3-room apartment, first rloor. adults only. East lSuS or East S754. 1 'JO East Ankeny, ATTRACTIVE LY furnished 5-room apL, - Rose City Park. Aduits. References re quired. 730 E. 00th N. FOR R EXT 3-rooni apartment, $12. SO per month. 307 E. 3'Uh st. Call cor.. Liberty bakery. GKOYER APT'., 1 and 2 rooms, 5 minutes' walk N. W. steel. 1S1 Grover st, N. S. car. Main f0."i. PORTNOMAH rooms, walking distance; adults. liUO E. 13th. 6W.FLAXDEK6 3-rin. fur. basement apt., 2 1.50; ref. req'd. ; po children; after 10. TWO and 3-room apts., $4 to $3 per week. 372 Hawthorne. 3-KOOM APT. 6U4 EVERETT. MARSHALL. 1432. 2-ROOM apt., mod., central, lovely furni ture. 43, inc. light, heat. 325H 13th. Kl'RXISHED 2-room apt. in modern R. C. P. house, home privileges. Tabor 1854. 3-ROOM apt, $40. including lights. The Belknap apts., 1S7 17th, near Yamhill. Unfurnished Apartment. 3-ROOM modem Wood lawn 5404. apartment with bath. Flat. FOR RENT Modern five-room flat. In- ' quire 426'fr 6th st. Furnished Flats. FOR RENT 5-roora fur. flat, with garare; adults only. East 19SS after 10 A. M. Sa t u rd a y. LOWER floor residence furnished; suitable for 2. 243 E. 17th St., cor. Main. HonsekRepinr Rooms. 40 V EAST Morrison, cor. E. th. furnished 2-room H. K. apt. and sleeping room. 'X Wo furnished housekeeping water, close in. 323 Main st. rooms, hot Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. ONE front room, closet, small d inlng room, kitchenette, use of bath, phone, light, hot water, linen furnished, suitable for em ployed couple ; walking distance, reason able; no phone calls. 54 o" E. Alder between 12th and 13th. THREE nicely furnished b. k. rooms, walk ing distance, private bath, heat, water, light and gas furnished. 375 Vancouver avf., 1 block off Broadway. VulING lady of refinement wishes roommate in largrc, well-furnished room. separate bed; excellent meals. Main 9325. o47 Gth st. TWO large furnished H. K. rooms, close in, also one sleeping room. 325 Broadway. Main r.jr.o. -ROOM fur. apt., heat, electricity, gas, running water, use of phone. 1S1 17th St., cor. Yamhill. NICELY furnished housekeeping room, rea sonable to desirable tenant. Gb7 Taylor st. THREEdslrable H. K. rooms, 2 or 3 adults. "r.5 Yam hiil. M sin 4415. TWO rooms for light housekeeping. S90 East First st. North. TWO rooms and kitchenette. alBO single room, employed persons only. 150 X. 21st- HOUSE KEEPING room for rent; no chil dren. S." 1 Thurmnn. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 321 Wasco st. East 6771. FURNISHED room with board, home. East 2119. private TWO nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms In modern home. Tabor 2024. llouaem. 3-ROOM cottage on Oswego electric, near river. 25 minutes from city ceate-r, carfare 6c: electric light, gas for cooking, garden, plenty water, chicken hotises and runs. Ad dress Mrs. W. L. Philp. Oswego. Home phone B 6161. FREE RENTAL BUREAU. We list and rent houses. No charge. NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO, 202 Wilcox Bldg. $25 TAKES strictly modern G-room house, garage, chicken house ; house nearly fur nished : party ren ting must buy furni ture; prie $300: close In. East t4."i. INSPECT 1000 East Washington st.. Sunny side: nine rooms, partly furnished. $30. Owner, 141 East 6Uth North; Montavilia fa r. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway BS0. A 6747. 3-ROOM house, - electricity, gas, bed, wash trays, bath. 6 fruit trees. $13.50. block and a half to Alberta. ibl E. J Mh su No. Wood taw n 237E. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. RESIDENCE sill table 2 families. 8 rooms, large lot, fruit, clof in St. Johns. In quire 2d st. Main 45i. 6-ROuM house, basement, attic, law n. South Portland; rent $35. 403 Slock Exchange. Allen & Alicn 10-ROOM house, well located, electricity, furniture for sale. .102 Dekum bldg. $35 ELE i V NT LY f urni.-hed j-rootn home; adults only. 404 E. 11th N. 5-ROOM cottage -with garage, $35. 321 Gienn ave. Would K-ae for year. 5-ROOM house and furniture for sale; a great saving. 1st. -ROOM modern house. 104 6Mh su North. Take Montavilia car. $3. 6-RoOM, clo.-e In; best of condition. R. W. Fisher. 415 Stock Exchange. fr tirnKTied Ronsrm. SCENIC LODGE cottages. 524 Heights terrace; 2, 3, 4 rms., fine view of mts.. city; tub shower bath, wash trays, gas; 20-min. walk to tl. office. Don't m iss it, make reservation for sum mer; cheap rent. Hall-st. car. g-t off 13th. 5 ROOMS, modern, furnished, $30; 2 lots, garden, chicken yard, fruit ; don't answer .nles can care for place. No. 55 E. 87th N, Tabor 1Q3S, 3"3 McKay bldg. WANTED Furnished hour-e from 4 to 5 rooms, anvwhere. but prefer South Port bind. Tabor STOKE building on 84th and Yamhill, two livinc rooms down and 6 up, $25. Phone Woodlawn DjO STORE room with living rooms overhead; fine location. Broadway 4683. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms suitable for licht manufacturing; off tea building accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co.. 615 Dekum bid-. 3d and Washington. FIVE offices, including light, heat, service, auto parking nearby. Stock Exchange bldg. BIP1XEPH OPPOHTl'MTIES. BAR RLOR chairs. Koken and Koch makes; hydraul ic, pedestal base; great sacrifice. Sti 6th st., near Stark. OA RAGE, doing- fine repair and business. Fr-d S. Ashley, Enterprise, Or. CIGAR ptand, stock and fixtures invoice about $900; low rent. Worcester bldg. SNAP in a small restaurant if taken at once. V H3. Oregonian. THREE hundred dollars buys three-chair birhfr shop. 245 Burnil1 nt. BUSINESS OPrOKTUMTIKS. PACIFIC AGENCY. I NT., 512-13-14-15 Swetland bitig. Buyers' headquarters for Grocery stores. Cigar store. Confectioneries. Garages. Hardware stocks. Hotels. Restaurants. Poolrooms. If It Is anythlnr in business line, see us. Our list Is complete. We buy merchan dise stocks. If you want to sell, come in and talk it over. PACIFIC AGEXCT, INC.. 512-13-14-15 Swetland blag. OPPORTTJNITY. WW give 1-3 of crop from 640 acres wheat, mostly under government Irriga tion, with guaranteed water, to party who will put in $5000. This offers reasonable assurance of profit to you of at least $5ito0 to as much as $15,000, and I will guaran tee you can't lose principal by giving A-l security and crop mortga e for return of $5000 and Interest September besides your third. and 1 pay all costs. 1 need this money to increase my acreage and take advantage of last year of government guaranteed $2.26 wheat. Have finest and complete power equipment from tractors to threshing machine; am thoroughly respon sible; located this district majiy years. Lo cated rich, fertile valley near town, eleva tors and government agricultural experi ment station. Will stand most careful in vestigation and don't lump to t-onclusion this offer is too good to be true till you get the facts. Give telephone if po?lbie. AO 2S. OREGONIAN. WITH NATIONAL PROHIBITION FROM North Pole to Mexican border, the soft drink Industry Is In its infancy. Owner formula for highest grade kola syrup for fountains and bottlers, which product con tains no cocaine, no caffeine, no alcohol nor an v other harmful or habit-forming drug, desire to sell for cash and royalty formula privileges to embrace territory In I'nited States west of Mississippi river, also Canadian privileges. Territory eartt of MisslHsippi is sold to a corporation, its customers numbering ISi first four months, including United Cigar Stores com pan v. whose initial order was for FIVE THOrSAXD GALLONS. L. S- How bert. box 436. Roanoke. Vs.. TT. 8. A- INVENTORS Our factory has automatic s-rew machine capacity for manufacturing smail articles up to one inch diameter. If you own patent on such article with possibilities, write us. Will buy outright if vou have right article. Send full de scription to F. H. Wellington, 1055 River side drive. South Bend, Ind. IF YOU are an experienced groceryman here is the store for you. A fine stock In the best loeatlon on the east side, will invoice near $3500, $2500 will handle, balance terms. Call Mr. Ieonard at 775 I'nion ave. N. Phone Wdln. 514. Please do not call Sunday. I WISH to purchase garage with storage and repair shop. West Side; can turn in close-in acreage- for part or will pay all cash If price Is right; give price, loca tion and terms of lease first letter. BJ 2v, Orei-onian . , WANTED Representatives. all parts of the United btates for an absolute auto mobile lock; golden opportunity. See demonstration at auto show, Portia rd. Able Mfg. Co., 731 Folsom St., San Fran cisco, Cal. FARMERS. ATTENTION! Have for sale patent of hayrake which gathers all alfalfa, etc. For more informa tion call Woodlawn 2736. Call aftr 7 P. M. at 1000 Grand ave. N. Phone Woodlawn 2736. WANTED Small tie mill. Parties who own small tie mill to cut ties on your ow a timber, we to purchase tie or pay for saw ins when ties are cut. Tripp-Pow ell Lumter "o., Eugene. Or. FOR SALE At a bargain, on easy terms, large, rich, well developed mining prop erty in center of Bohemia mining d is trU t, Lane county. Oregon ; good promo tion proposition. Herbert Leigh, box 314, Eugene, Or. OLDEST established bakery and ice cream business In Bend, the most up-to-date and fastest-growing city in cent ral Ore gon. Big returns, books open ; mut sac rifice on account of sickness. See owner here st 0SI Thurman st. FOR SALE Good paying elrar and eonfee- tionery store, with billiard room In con nection: this store w as established eight years ago and is etill in the hands of the original owners. B.I 2S2, Oregonian. ONLY hotel, Incl. real estate, 30 rooms; live country town, big payroll; cheap sect, sickness. $3000 will handle, ba.. U per cent, long term. Inquire 406 Railway Exch. bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, gt advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. WANTED Partner who can drive and lake over part interest in an established bust refts; inquire at place of business, 354. E. Hurnsidw st.. East :t .":;. AI'Tt) garage In excellent loeatlon, mnt s ll on account of sickness; have acency for a popular enr, can do a big business; only M500 required. Room 40:t Dekum bldfc. OPPORTUNITY for reliable man to tend store as partner, owner will teach you the business: $250 required. Call 511 Railway Exchan ge. WANTED To meet party interested In Northern B. C, able to finance expedition to locate gold placer ground. AH 272, Oregonian. $1000 BUYS first-claps short-order restau rant, dotng good buiinees, clearing $40 monthly; have other buslnes. so will sacrifice. T IW. Oregonian. FURNITURE hospital and delivery car. old established, doing good bun in ess, will sell at sarri f ice; account sickness. AP Js6S. OregoniHli. CHEESE factory, situated If the finest dairy section in Southern Idaho. App.w box 493. Twin Falls. Idaho. FOR SALE OR LEASE Blacksmith shop and implement business in Willamette val ley town. A V 718. Oregonian. WANT live partner for going grocery; bent corner in city; $2000 required. AP b3 Oregonian. GARAGE and repair business in suburbs, a desirable plare: $2500, some terms. Call Ml Ral I w ay Exchange. GROCERY for sale with livlnr rooms. $ltK) day sales; can try It until satisfied. Room 4"3 Dekum bldg. WE sell all klnos of barbers supplies. Agents fee Koken's bs-ber chairs, Kemp Barbers Supply Co.. 271 Washington st. FOR SALE or exchange. 2d-hand store for auto truck or horse and wagon. 85 N. 3d st. GROCVRY, good east side location, the price Is right. all 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE iirar store. Washington st comer: price 1500. Phone Broadway 51 4A, Vor it's AIL ctfi 1 1 1 V 6 I OWNER of old-established meat market getting old, wishes to retire; only mar ket in busy suburb of Portland, doing fine cash business, fully equipped wit li refrig erating pi;tnt and showcases, scales, safeit, etc. Complete rendering and luusnee shop with eiectric motor, grinding machine, etc. Over $35o0 outfit: sale price l ."(; sivo long lease on building at :i0 per month, epjlendid opportunity. gee 11. Atwaier. 24H Stark St. A GOOD investment, fcee this; in two valu able patents worth $So.u00 each: take one for $10u0 cash or property. luoO Mis sissippi ave. Woodlawn 5730. GARAGE, good agency for cars, lotn of worn, good tire and accessory dept.. well equiped, bet location on Pacific highway. X 420. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in general merchandise business. Did $45.o0u last year; $lo. out; to $15,000 necesHa: y. A V 673, Ores on! an. FOR SALE Confectionery; full line of stock; good fixtures; no opposition. See owner. 248 Page st. FOR S K EE Cl gar, confectionery, fruit and sot t drink place, doing a good business la quire 307 1st st. NOTICE. General mrrhBndlm store for na's at bariraln. W. Butler, Skamania. Wn. SMALL grocery nnd confectionery, doing good business. Osborn. 742 Spslding bldg. HALF of my gold discovery for 100 feet of work. W 8 5 a . o re g o n . a n. BILLIARD parlor: best in city: lease, long ewtab; tghed. Apply 447 Washington st Business Opportunities suited. WANTED to contrsct for 100O or more cvmi of No. 1 fir wood to be shipped on S. P. or O.-W. R. . N-. will advance som money on same. Address letters to loud Schuyler su, or phone East 455 after 6 P. M. $2500 FIRST mortxage and cash for clean stock of groceries. M. S. COBB. MarshalOTS 4"i Swetland WANTED To buy garage on went side, storage and repair shop ; will not deal through agent. A. It. Klein. 363 6th st. Phone Main 5406. HAVE several thousand dollars to invest with services In legitimate manufacturing or commercial business ; only responsible parties; no agents. BJ 244. Oregonian. YOU NO hutnw-i man has $5O0 to invest with services in proposition of merit. AV 679. Oregonian. W A X T K D -To buy small cash grocery in Portland suburbs from owner. Box 1252, Wena tehee. Wash. HAVE cash buyers for stores $30 to $3itH. Osborn. 42 Spalding bldg. WANTED Grocery or confectionery; no agent". 155 Rodney, call evenings after 7. Hotels and Rooming House. BEST HOTEL PROPOSITION IN CITY. 7H-room hotel, with 4 baths, furniture, carpets and all equipment in good A-l condition, larse groimd floor lobby, very centrally located. Ions leae, cheas rent. This hotel has cleared over $som net the past year. Will stand close investiga tion; on account of sickness will sacrifice. $10,000 cash will handle iU M bt5. Ore gonian. FINE lti-roorn house. all l.ousekeeplng rooms, well furnished, always fu.l, ood locality ; takes In $ 1 45 month ; Rood place for wife to take car of while h usband works; two fine rooms for own use. I'rice $10,"0; will take Ford auto or Rood motor cycle as part payment, some terms on balance. Sec owner at 26S Muntgomcty st., room 6. IF TOU WISH TO BUif OK SELL a Business, ilotei. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see x F. Rierdon, WATCH OUR ADS. W E GET RESULT. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 103-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg, ALL HOUSEKEEPING. 16 rooms; rent $45; rtuht down town; nets tl:5 month: Price -lC.O: m0 rash. Here's a place to fix up and gut a better price. SEP; MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. li"'7 Venn Bid g. FOR SALE Hot-l Iri new railroad town where large irrigation project is now be ing constructed, this notel )s now paying $4O0 per month without use of dining room; can be increased to S3ut or $Oon per month. ror full particulars addrcs B. a. Cook, 602 Stock Exchange bldg. 26 RouM.S. well furnished, steam heat, run ring water, doing good busine ; cheap for cash. See owner, 411 Main St., Van couver, v Dsn. FOR LEASE, restaurant, full equipped, only experienced and financially responsible pa r ties will be considered. Appiy Carlton hotel, 14th snd Washington. FOR SALE by ow ner, l'i-room, i i rst -class rooming house, piano and tnrnlture tirt rlass ; good location : l-aso ; net $ .n ; sell $:;ioo. some term?. D7 1 i r gonia n. Kuh uest bargain in rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Ystes Realty CoH 1! 4 i 4th st MARY E. LENT. HOTEL APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR SALE 1 3-room apt. house, rent $25 per month, net Income $70 p-r month; must sell; $.V0 cash. 370 12th st. RENT or trade furnished hotel ; f ir- ulley town. Mr. Morris, Broadway 3 125. FOR SALE lH-room transient hous. Price $1. Inquire 23U Grand nv. Some terms WANTED Rooming house ; no aaents. .Mrs. Allen, 210 13th st., evenings after 7. WANTED Rooming house. 10O-l. rooms: no agents. ftroadway 2740, room 31U. FURNITURE of 10 rooms, furnished for 11. K. See at 291 3d su Rent bouse. LOVT AND FOUND. LoST February 21. at Hazel wood eream ery. S. . filling station at 4th and Pine or downtown streets, $35 currency. 1 $! arid 5 $5 bills, folded; reward. Sell wood 1G. LOST A black purse, papers of value ontv to owner; also money, bet ween 4th hhI Yamhill and lOth snd Hall; reward. M-tin svi;. Mr. Pol.in. 405 DM h st. - FEMALE Boston terrier: brindle with whii face. Return to 64 tith at. for reward. Phone B 3H1H. FINDER of brown leather hmsr containing personal card of Mrs. Percy W. lewis call Tabor 733u; reward. LOST OR STRAYED Boston terrier, brown with white marking!, answer to Poky. Finder please phone Muln K4QQ. LOS1' One diamond and one lace gold hand nnc. liberal reward. F. A. Daly. '-2 Fust r tret. LOST on Washington. Fi f t h or Alder, sum of money. $25 reward; no questions askrd. K 44 . Oregonian. GENTLEMAN who took vercot by mistake 'J'htirsday st liaxewool. pleas' rail at u3 I'-inbaiian Bldg.. or cat I Mam LOST A magazine and waist between Rich mond enr on Slat and 127 12. Kelly. Sell wuod 72.1. LOST Friday afternoon, little-finger stiver ring with 3 green tones. Reward. Tabor h2H!. HAND grip, containing wearing appuiel. Finder please notify Northwest Auto Co. ltrtadwav 14'iO, LOST Ladv's gold watch and Pin. between S2 East 10th st. atid Grand ave. Reward for return to shove address. LoST Wednesday In shopping district, lady's open face watch with Initials J. H. F. on back. Reward. Tabor 4"75. Lost Lady's- purse with key. Call Main 821 1. LOST Gentleman's tan grip with letter ing. Joe A. Wls. Phone Bdwy. 1572. LOST Thursday evening, lady's silk um brella irnm auto; reward. 1. o. bix ."!. POLLY AND CoAAt. Th rti BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. tPMiTTtD HT'lMPPfcUiA "THa-f 1 isdiORtL. ' Copyright. 1919. br Nawoor Fttturt SarrU. Inc. 5TILI. AIJTT MAGC.fK ItETAIXS A SOCVEMn BY CI.IFP 3TERRETT. LOST AM FOUND. THE fowoutni? urticlrs have beta found on cars of the Portland Rallwv. Light A. Power Co., Feb. 1:7. 1!f.: 4 pur-s, 1 comb. 1 key, 1 pr. plyvrs. 1 check. 1 bunch keys, 4 gloves. 1 pin, 5 books. 5 p.n kage. 1 ba p. 1 pr. rubbers, 3 pieces timber, 1 coat ha n err. 6 lunch boxes, 4 suitcases. 1 bag grain. umbrellas. I n tb may obtain property at First and Al-der-tj-et station. LOST Purtte on Ent 47th St., between Ifaw I home and Harrison, containing liberty bond, receipts to C. C. Aiathna. Cray. Oregon; also $25 in currencv. Tabor 4977 or Mrs. J. W. Mathena, 375 E. 47th st. Lt T Lady' black parse. Tuedty morn, inir, containing money and diamond rime. Ll ier rew mt.1 of f-red. Mrs. Zldell, V4 6th st., Eroadwsy 57;i7. SPF.CIAL NOTICES. XOTlcE TO THE PUBLIC There are a good many people of the public wunderlng where thev cn jet a lirft-clnss tailor to do first-class work and make perlect-f itting clothea If you waft lo know where oj can find an ex pert tailor who guarantees firsl-c!as workmanship snd atlf action, you art cordially Invited, at your earliest oppor tunity, to Inspect the newest colorings, deMKnw and weaves. I 'rices reasonable. Dou t mlbs yjur T-hsnre to cume. M. WEINSTEIN. Tailor to Men and Women. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 4in Ftark St.. Bet. loth and 11th. Portland. NOTICE. Above all things patents are something of a 1ok. but 1 have what you would un doubted y call an Invention and will ac cept sU'.uoo for 15 per ent interest in my patented invention, a device which Is well worth far more than $I.mhM'mi. I can show you at least 15' 0 per cent Interest on your Investment lor 17 ers. whb h would estimate $75.00o yearly roya'ty. This Invention wis! .tu be placed on the mar ket bWtre: l.2u. lil accept two parties at L"' each for same. & .-. oregonian. Proposals Invited. BIT'S for the rcP-nr of the Time Ball Sys tem Branch 1 1 . dro raphlc t f f ice. Navy Iepartmrnt. 4;; Customhouse. I'ort'anil, Or., or in case sa:l factory repairs can not be made, for the Installation of a complete new sys em will be received up to and including March 10. 1 A .1 in formation regarding the nature ot t work to be done may Ue ie-eived from the undersigned by sPPAlnc at 40.1 Cut torn house. Port I an 1. Oregon, between t no hours of 1I A M. and 4 P. M. dally Win. E. GiDbons, ensign. United Slates Ny. SEA LED proposa's for purchase of one 1 tm g.ioiine rivt-r beat and other con struction plant wUI be received st 1". S. En i ncer office. Burke bio g Satt le, W ash., unt ii noon. March IK and then opened. Information on application. M isrrllanroiih. THE Portland A- Oregon City Railway Co. bore bv gives not !ce that from this date it will not be responsible for any contracts or debts created by Stvphi-n Carver. 7hir office is neing located at rom 41 l.utit berrneni buill:ng. port'snd. .)r., where all 1 is Pus-nesa wl.i be transacted. Dafd February 24. l!19. Portland a- okegoN citt raii WAY COMPANY. By F. M. OARR. Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE Is hereby given we have purchased th restiiursuf at No. Ill Not m Jifcy st. known as Nlcho's' Restaurant, and as sume no liabilities for bids contracted by William Nlchois, former owner. Schlesser Bios. FINANCIAL. We SELL and BUY LHKKTY KONDS. $100.23 for first lib-rty 3' $H'0 bnd :m.4u ror second liberty !7 :t. for third liW-rty 4 $i5 5 si f r fourth liberty A SUM! bond. Sl'Hft b.-nd. Imi bond. $.". bonds or.e-half of above prices. New York prices i which we paid, plus accrued interest, le?s usual brokcraKei. F'ridiiy. with interest added, were as above indicated. We loan on iibvrtys up to ho'f of their face value. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT SUBSCRIBERS. If you will tear this out. sign your name below and mail to us with your re ceipts enclosed . we will complete your pay ments nnd Immediately reimburse you ut the New York market price lens amount necessary to compieto your paym-nt. Brokerage charges: For each $5u or $100 subscription. $ I. Our Referenee : UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK. I hereby asi gii alt my rights to rceipt No and the subscription re ferred to therein to EI wood lies Company. Pisn Here EL WO 'D WILES CO M P A N Y , Stock and bond.. 2"1 I. S. National Bank Bldg. DO YOU NEED MONEY? WE M K K S i'E l . r v t K LOWS ON AUTOMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES. If your payments on contract are to largo'wo will pay it up and you ran pay u h in stnall amounts to suit your con enience. ALSO on FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROT.Af. etc.. without removal. Small wrtkly or monthly payim nis as desired. LOANS made to SALARIED PF.OPI.K on (heir own note, without security of any kind HATKS H E St X A H 1-K. NO DF. LA Y I'IMVATK OFFICES. AH bustness C N FI DENTI A I. milTLAND IJAN CO. Lirensrd. 30-3i iK'kum Hls. Marshall 321. LIBERTT BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or seMlng get our Quotstiona E- L. DEVEREACX ft COMPANY. Government snd Munlrlps! Boods. t7 Fixth Street. Beta oca fctaik and Oak. BOND3 BOUGHT. CPOT CASH. POT CAf IL CASH FOR TOUR RECEIPTS. Coma Lo 725 Gsco blcg 5ih and Alder, MAIL BONDS to us. We wUI remit by retain uiail. send us our receipts. CUT THIS advertisement OUT and KEiP IT, for you will soon went to BUY Bonds or sU A our bwaus or Mil your liLCLlPTS. Remember the pi sea. Gskco b.dg., 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MUR TON CO. 733 CASH LI EE RT Y BONDS. If you cannot pay balance of the 4th loan subscription, bring in your receipts and realize something. DNAI.D MACLEOD. inn; Pps'dtng Bictg. rid ani Washington, " WfcJ Bi: Y LIBERTY BONDsT Also equities In liberty bonds, bring re ceipts and get the cash, open eveulngs and Sundays 2"S Abincton bldg. MORTGAGES and sellers equities In real ee tatw contracts bought. Oregon or W ri property. It. K . Not'e. ?t 1 rt L'mbm's b ag HER PALS I 1 r ( iT'.'fT . I So. all -r AioT o's ao txA4vr lAioTiceiA VyVisTTfentj I nr. Smli Vd MB y3 FIN A NCI A 1 LIBUKTY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty Ponds, y'l to us. If ou ct n buy mot e Liberty llo.is. buy from us. Wt buy and wo aU Li'oriy Bonds at tae market. VOU CANNOT DO HFTTKii YolJ MAY DO WoiiSK. On F r d s . Fe hr n a -v -J . we pad t h e fo" low n g urices tor I n it. d Sta'.es ;.- Ci n nu ni Liberty Iaun H iu,a. li.ch w . i t ',e closing New Yora liiaik-t prices plus the accrued Interest. t'0 lt-tl.i. 34i Ji-"i j- 1st 4s t 4 4 t 2d 4s Jft 4,r J'.'i .m; 2.1 4 3d 4-,s P7 ...! 4th 4 S .. In purchasing Liberty Ponds w. dednet from the aoove pMfes 37c oil a but.u and $2.50 on a $ln'Q bond. In selling Liberty Bon;!s we charge the New York market pru'f pus t!i aururvl int'TCkt. liurfclar and fireproof safe d"po?lt vaults. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. MORRIS nrCTHKK INT.. The Premier M in:nia! liord House. Ktbl.shtd er ITi 1 i.i 509-311 Stark :.. b. t. ..t h and 0th. (Uroutd Floor. Telephone LroaiAM 2151. LIBERTY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUE OP iiONDS FULL MARKET FRlCE. BOND RECEIPTS BOUGHT. WILL CASH YOUR RECEIPTS VOU, PARTIAL PA Y SI K NTs t S BoN DS AT FA lit All DO NOT SACRIFICE Y'i;i; RECEIPTS WHICH KEl'iwEEN i i.uLU 1'OI.LAhb AO lu'J. see e. bui? k itt. st'creta ry. ohi.t.on Bond m-rtgagi: co . 512 SELLING Bl.lKi ..-LOOM' FLmi.: CO K.N L R fclATli AND ALDER tl'c LIEERTY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD T DAILY MARKET. PRICE:.-. CALL OR WRITE US FOR QUOTATIONS. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 80 FOURTH ST. BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. IT. S. BOND DEALERS. If you need money und mu.t sell your bond.-, sell to U.t. We buy nil and l a:i isu-s at the market . plus an rued iatt-r -at. less omatl commlwlon. We need $ I d 2d 4s: $3700 3d 4 a, and $1"MI 4:h 4' at on.e ItrinR or mail your binds. We mall rli-rk to out -of-tow a eel lcm day bomla are rceeil. Null'i'HU KSTKU 1 I; I "ST COMPANY. Sccoiui f itor W licox nuig. 6th and V ash ing ton. Es : i-i c 1 1 OOa. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. CASil 1'AID FOR A.N Y ISSUE OP BONDS. WE PAY CASli FOR 1'A.iiTL V PAID BONDS. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL DAILY. ALSO KltoM 2 TO 4. St'.NDY. KL'MMEU.. L74 STALK ST. LIBERTY BON Da. Also partly paid contracts bought: odb tlli ;30. DORCAS DORCAS. P20 N. W. Dank Mt:g.. rt; h an l Morrison Money to l-otiii on Iteal l-ttate. OUK lnitalltnnt p. an is tne beat and surest method or pMlnic a loan. $ .2-6 per month f r 3d months, or $21 24 per mvnih for ttu monMia, or $151 for P montbs pas a, $looo loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We Ionii on Improved tity property. No rommisi.on charred. EWL'ITABl fc. cAVLNS A: LOAN ASS N, -4J Mark St.. I i.ri ami. or. ii EsiDLNcI; loans! ' Frorn 6'i. to ti t for fie yenrs. YbU MAY PA 1 $100 or any amount on print ipal and rtuuee Intern:. ALaOLUTULl" NO CllAt;GE TO A I PL1CANT. Alio ace us for owct interest rates on bubinesa proptM-t y. Mortgage loan compant. Prion Mam 2511. 1524-23 Yen bldg. mortgage loans. Anjr amouni. low i:ts. promptly e'osej. Attractive ep.i jt.g j : ivia xei. A. H. liliiKi.l.L t o.. 217 Nortiiu v atcrn Link Gldg. alaisUa.l 4114. A 4ila. FARM LOANS. Tnsoranee company m.n--y to loin lowent rurrenl r.. i . on w: amrtte Val'u farms No cammiss'on. No p.iv. DE EKE A C Moi TG Ai ; E CoM PAN Y, Hi Sixth St., Portia nu. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS, snad on luipoved city property; prompt action, no ue.aya Portland trust co. oir or eg on. North wcatttn Ink Build, ng. vortgacv: I.oa.NM. FARM A.Mi CITY 1 UOriiKIV. 5 PER CENT. i I'Eiv CRN P. 7 I Ltt CL.Ni. UMO.N Ii - T K ACT CO, Coru-t B-tlK. 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE MoN i-l V on Portland I on.-s. lo r to r. pay In moii n- ij inenis prmn uy iniui.nce Hi r.tju.tdW' i."n J t . U .OIIIfl-th Of!. FRED II. STito.Nt .i'd ore(t.-rii.n ilUNK Y Tu LOAN On linprovcu r at t.4ii security at j j.ni rale of Interest. OTTo a. IIAUKSCN HKAi.TV CO. 41-1 On n t.- r of C--m mrce $a''0. $lou0 AM) upward Ca nipruvc.l rai ! il-. I taui L-a.n. HiMUae, vrt:ou, :c ttnic. la vora l in i crn.s . n. cr , n, b:- I ti - c an-l t h t rvpra -1 . c in diy. Dr. Mar erae. John i"i:i. .'u7 spa : - u. . b . . . c ; . - r i 1 t-t . aW Kind t dg. Main 176j $jT0 40. $.".t.tl. ?;;.u. $;. SloAHi A N Ij cc", rTl - . R. l.i:.cl.i, Stor.iuai St. lent, i lowrM rlr; ju" k ni'Jion Grlon In- ' i" t-Vr 1 u.isi. I"l j'ynousti i'.cg. vestment Co. fti 1 Cb. o! Com. M.tin 1 J 0- ' i t. 1 Ui.PA PALM, loim.riy ca'.'ed Bam of $2o.w(0 TO LoAN In sums to sou. Lui.ui - ' F.i.s 4 F. ;-..sd. Se:,ood 2213 morninfrix i. . " i.i m . - -l-.U o. iv'i lip at iurlt 7a2 Ch. of C' Main fell. LoANS oq cit an-l farm propcri), 5 per oat Up. F. Fuc ha. 4-'o Chan, of Cum. TU $l0.tuO TO L AN. NO C O JJ a 1 J"- MON. P. O. !' X S71. fc.EE UfcJ TuJAV; lonns. any smoun:. S-; - CELLA RS - M U ilTf.N C .. 7 -j Gaacu Did. MoiilGAGE L'AN, b AND 7 Pr.it Tn T Lt -CIS S A Lo.M t N A CO 4-s tr.iinc P.i! i-E OK Et it N 1Nv! V mXRTgXgE Co". 22 Uhamter of Commerce. 4ili arid Stirk! Mull i'GAGE loans. iuweat rate.x i. liar din k. 31 2Ra li ay L v hi r. ije. IN VESTMENTS. Ia ns. not. s. F. 11. Lewis. 3f.l Lewis b OK. tn'.rt.if. Mir. l..i. MoNEY TO LOAN nn l.irm .ind Improv. d ri;) property. K. K. Baxter. 7't4 Soa'din biu Money to Loan battels and .Salaries. MON E Y to i oan on i...itr. jewrlrv; rIt ral'-i; a'l articles held a )ar; rn.-ih;itud since US Dan Marx. 2".i Wa sr. ! 1.5 1 on. 1 j I AlA Bl)ILT That vxa-1 Great Britain Right, KerreL Rcgiatercd in U. S. Patent OAto. FINANCIA1 Money lo I nun 4 battels and NalaHea. PORTLAND REM! DIAL LOAN Jl&SH. I hone Broadway 110. 304 Stark Street. Near 10th. Lons on liamnnds. watches, victredaa, pi-uii:. kodMks. hotuns. furni'UTC, ntui .al :iibtru:n. ms ar.u anything of value. I " T A B T T S H E D r.Y THE PFOPLB OF Portland to pi;Otlct ibu ix)k- l.tiW Eli. City and county warrants cashed for fact vi lue. CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN". Manager. SALARY. U'AX S. CU ATTEL. WE LOAN MONET en short r.i-tica to sa aried or working mm on li.e.r own notea Wtek'y, se mi ni or, t h :y or luonihly paymeaia. Aac tr.ii1(i.H iion 'lr..::y confident. al. no vii ti; Ti;At;i;s. so ivdorser. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. W a o lon on hou-hold turnltarsw pi-Ue?. e:., wuJiout rcmovat. CAUL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DiSCvU'S r COMPANY I-1CEN.-ED. 21j FaK.ag Bauding. 0 loan on snt.i:ng of Iu, iegsl 1 ! arue'ri hid or.e year. Panama f b e. M Tt.iril. near Oak. r.t- . 1 .Ml i.' MAK V,;V lA'V.VS .Vu.K oNHOU.-K-"o. LEGAL KATls, TABuK GEO. HAKVKT loans money oa Lous bold g..ob. legal rates TiIkt 3tQl. M'Nt. Y l -a:ied on pianos and furniture W A . i 1 j t ha a a v. room oi Wah. b'dg- Ttinifo. WANT lo b.rro- dnet from o.vner $5Vo Icr one r more e.irs. pr cent, with p. rrentace o er profits or bonus ssck tn-.r-.t I t: op. -s. v t juFTif o.-nsio r- a-inn frun .! man; security f:rt-clas . ran t afford It. turn th;s Conn. LJ - -1 . It. ton i n. I L '.--al f r;n rrqulrea $5000 te ' ' ,vr. 10 percent. Our security fa r -n bank au-ts. Pot!sy ro r sk. ha- .: r o n mon; ;i ug explain ' i ' ' N J '.. O -. - p : ri n t y. i . e r i ..rt ' r. -a . : on fjoe farm 0 per cent. Ad- 1 p? $!,.,.. Tvi UAN at once. Phone Scllwood- OIlK.ii t .1 ! 'i N IN A: M OR TG Ati E C 0 of Commerce. 4th and Stark. TKRVONAL HAIu ;i LOWEST PRICES. I-imh w.t vt.:rh, 3 sp $14 Aii-ar. unu I ra nfonn.tt ion i's jlajr drrss:i.g. h.tmpoo.ng. face maasage. hair biioinK. manicuring. 5c. Hair re moved ty t ecinc n-rd.. switch xriAe of cjy.H'tv e, jc. t n . ; r par. ara. 4l0-4 1 2 I ' u :n I- : ti and Wash. M.rhal 1 70 . AN i i 1 1 .-ki luen and women to take ba: !i at F. La l"l:u s si; it. lous itiinerai '- i lis . open f..r buf ines under i.ew man agement. Kusiaii ;eaut ba t it. wwtnen Sun ua orm 12 to t p. aj. ; nieu t ruUy noon t- S m. i.iy iio,ui ; r:ow or. tub and pluute 'vy i-ketung. 5i5 Front St.. 1L 1L M ;t i : In. pr .;v WILL the lady who wants a suit. cost, dress. w air t or pet t ;coa t at ho r.i prices Ca-1 at lVirun Man ul act u :cr" OutletT tt.CO.ND l.tM .i TAKE El LVATOIt, 2U5 II4TOCK BLOCK. Mail o:ue;a ATomn.y Fliled. M' i iJ. pbiaie a revft, use "Spring 1 U . ut ' - l.csh and e ebrow iirow er; it !.- iv el cr s e e : allies ; tiiaii'-d posl I'u.d eti rvitipL ot $1. Lad b a' Improve i i-?.t (-..p. t.L,uie amenta toi nurLUwcst, r.jo t':.t.:i si. s-a'.tle. NA1UKE WILL RESTORE HEALTH, II tie c.:e ot uiMaw is nntoved. We r etin j t ii e ciiite 1 rtiiii.ae Institute, 3-1- C: i u-. it. b.ova. Electric cabinet baths Mi.d n..:-e.t c. virnnuate nuiau asiataatab l'intie iirj.iaH.v 31J. $1 WILL ; botn your feet fixed up cood at or. Li.-ri t'to nlropodlst Mho doeaa t hurt oj, l .ars In Tf. t-xanu free. oob "i eater bii)K liihand ati. Hro wy.-"J4. N ' I l'A Mb-nrl's enlarccd glands ol Lne link, at in lor iiUTniurf . aavtce free; lu .Hi) ai'i lt' d. hariulr.sj to tbe i.kin. Al-tiie- V. .. box U.'m, Spokane, Wah. aiiS. M. t- LAMA L. 2.a JTU 61. SPIRITUAL AUVISEK. Iufctru ii.-:is in tne luMr of ncaltb, suc- r--p .en . i '. .. iiiw . uiv.v .a er Portia nd s re- i,own-U ti.tiutr ol pa.mistry ana crystal fc-m i.as trys.a. lor sale. a. so her uun, ""Pa jn Is i iy Mavie Las) ." J7a Taylor. tl. rKt'TIVK. I nit. d Service Detective bu ii hi. i-niy cvperienred operatives em j' t.-S stotk Lxcnaiito bicfc. Maia . ti. I' a x , i.uUT, a til Uf Mi( a u d luUK- makw:a. titijt atovk human bar ,uvaa, li.vir.ir. tsmi;, uiaiitcai :n c, face aud a . p t n.i : im.-i. Aider. Main i4rt. WAN rED- 1 he add-es i-f Ms I;. Guun. t ,. at, y w ... i an t:i. urojii "1 rec hotel at t, ..r,!.., ..ii. .ast March. Write A L 7Jt. .'i. . I'llUi- l.l 't S li.ti: l' trtd forever by m u. t . pie !' 'C met hod. iHi.ul fcti by ph -!..! ."" Sve, and I'ldrf. GKiv I'Kl 1'U DAN1E1.S. superfluous fea.tr i-j.t ( ,al ft. tiialjit.uru.rf. face and acatp. 1 i.nluiT bitirf- tiroadv y t'J2. 11L. EI.NA St'RL.Ni-EN. .'.OS I'auaxna bld. Lt'i.i. nieiht'Un. Stotnat.ii. kicnf i. rbeu- Riu : i a -ii. count l pa t joU. Lvy. by apojutm' L 1 't . 1 l. liu' tic. its iuinuao, etc iu.at J to i vr by aptintmt.at Phwoe N...: i utter C. od. i t 1 jjULuLb hall. uiOit-'S. Warts reiQovJ b jo-nt-e.l.o incii.d. tilal free Jc. Flu ,, U14 D-' x Liiiif J)!Jg,dili tt4. Ki.t:. l i:i biaok.-L trt-aitiient ill cure ou. 1 v u :i ( oui ii . pit ii a ud Womvu. l'lioue i7J." lor a :ion t niv. .it. uui l l.W, enl.isid clatidi. cur yourself pr ii. .uriii.v. A. it- LXavU an. Route liiiia- Ij-.i o. Ot fgi'O. TTT . i i I'l . i . a s.iO:V , .. ,r-r,- -...i k t , ,, , ,u tia. l;.fi.icn. - milh medv. ilsr- i i . a . 1 ;3S, 1 A. M. I h P. M . aul'lij A L. t.t'ouuouK h i lv.fr. 1 L.t . Pi ... K P M. apliitual adlsr. .u Vaiahail 2.v. ii. w. L 1 1 1 m.l.c W A "i . lhiioprcior and ot her druf ie.s me: hod. o3-7o Dua 1 , ; Nt : .o 4 i.i.i i-' s.. Woo.aWI h I 7 2. i i..,; ,i.i.M.'.N lU re to'n. Ounons, in ro i L'ikum bfdC 1 i-l: i a ll te cu cd wn . Iitiosi r--Mt ti.: :n-i. ut cpcrstloln or v. o. box no;.. i'cHSN T Twin. 1'irK or Harry pay you 7 toe icreck, ctdlet. uons. Dekum bide F.DlsM trejtnirTits for rlicumetiim. Room 4 14. I k'.im i.n e. Ol.M 1M'. M c kican chill and ts in a Tea Jul N. Hux'l piofi It road way Ci.ilH. GURM"-5 lurk In dust; reT-t a Hoover vacuum, sut riMui- tr'i. M:rfthail i.'.Jp CM'i:.NTK TION taucrtt. Main t2J. Ma- Va bbiR. 4( AS - l V A N E r- m1 . f. I - K -1 1 I 1 X red in the pre para : ion 1 1 en,.-i p M arch ., ; i 7;i M 1 -s ol-l F. A. I.o CG 1 : F V, p CMM eall Chas. c.i.Ti. :!-.. RJw t;7t Dnportan. LA I Y H KRVI SS:,e 1 ."., hair cut 2tV. fi- r'.iM" ii''' Gi ma, cor f'h. m v : ru' M Y t, 1 : 1 1 V K I 1 . r. U- . s it chtn s -:U. d j :id FACE M SSGE. 2ru Flle:,t.r bT.K. ANDRi:WS. 4. r .up 7" r-hren-.lopiNt nd carl ! 22 Par Tkyt. i