16 TTIE MORXPaC OREGOXLVX, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 191!. " - , roa somob, ron Mc,. j.o'o e ivm j , ..mr.v.r. f ,,,u. f m,HMW, .w- I . ' -"Hotorcj .'ICS. I I CT-t t I . . - . I ' . r-n t .WILLYS OVEKLAXD PACIFIC CO. EXCEPTIONAL. OFFERS. 191S OVTSRLAXD 5-PASSENGER. This is a listat car with a special finish; fegistercicl 3.319; good tires, bumper. lo Cy $700. JIODEIj S3 OVERLAND. Here is a car run just a short time, tire equipment Is good and first-class mechan ical condiUun. $00. OVERLAND, T-PAS3EXGER. This car has 5 good tires, pood up holstering; in fact, first-class in every way. lours lor $000. WILLYS SIX. This car has nevr been sold. T'sed short time as demonstrator. Has an extra special finish; sood tires. Cannot tell it from a new car. Jloi o. 1017 FORD DELIVERY. Good tires, demountable rims. Rood body, good mechanical condition. $11UU. 191S FORD TOURING. SEVERAL CHEVP.OLETS, FA7COX5 end oroe other makes, all ready to go. Trices from $450 to $000. ' WILLYS? OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. Broadway and ravis. Broadway 3000. FtTLTON MOTOR TRUCK-1H-TOS. Triple heated gas-unit power plant. Internal sear rear axle, economical in operation. Saves gas and oil. 32 to 30 miles on a sallon. at a speed of 18 to as miles an hour. Call and see it. DVSTELS PALES AGEN"T. INC., DISTRIBUTORS. 84 BROADW AT. rr.AKKI.IS TOUR. CAR, BOUGHT LAST MAY PRCTICALI.Y NEW, ONLY RUN 8W MILKS AND THAT ON CITY ?T? AND VICINITY. NEVKR TOCRED: THIS fR CAN BE BOUGHT AT BARGAIN IK TAKEN ON OR BEFORE MARCH 10. OWNER, MAIN S10S. 1917 BUICK ROADSTER. In perfect condition,- high-class tlnlsh, cord tires, regular roadster top; also a Los Anpeles Victoria top. w.tl. veral other attractive features and rrZ ment. 120 lx.wnsdale at., corner loth and Washington sts. BUICK LTGTTT SIX This car has be-n overhauled In every respect, 32x4 tires. ' Certainly is a dandy. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. 1017 CHEVROLET, all good tires, newly painted and overhauled. Can be seen at 125 Lownsdale street., corner loth ana "Washington. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES. Insure jour tires now against blow cuts and punctures with our Kuar-tnt-ed reiinera. Phone East 13!3. We will rail. WION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 4S8-4110 ITnion Avenue N. 1917 FOKD SNAP. Am forced to sell this car at once, just completely o". crliauled. Call Mr. Mourtou, Broadway SH27. . 191S FORD roadster In perfect condition, all eood tires, finished like new. 4.i if talsen at once. 125 Lownsdalc, corner loth and Washinston. 1MB GRANT STX. "Brand new battery, (rood tires; ready to rive awav. Price only $r"u. Tj WARREN MOTOR. CAR CO. Main 7 SO. OS X. S.lri St. 1317 "-PASSENGER, 6-f'YT.. STUDE BAKER roadster. In Al condition; no reasonable terms refused. Call Broadway Oo27, ask for Mr. Kipper. CHALMERS late '12 model, practically new rubber all around, new paint, just over hauled; no reasonable cash, time or trade offer refused. Phone SclI-.ood 246 about 6 P. M. 1917 MAXWELL in perfect condition. Will sacrifice If sold this week. Call 125 Lownsdale St.. corner 10th and Wash. DODGE tenrinc. late model, like new; run about 0800 miles; cord tires, extra tires, bumper, engine tire pump, e-potlieht: also other extras. $900. Phone "Woodlawn 1007. KISSEL KAR, 0-passenaer, 10o-point six model, looks like new; oversize tires, bumper, snubbers, motor meter, ypotlipht; perfect condition: $UW. terms if wanted. Phone Main 1100. ON ACCOUNT of ftoing east will sell my car, which is almo3t like new: cur and extras -would cost you $i00 more new than I am offerlne mine for. Wood lawn 8f,6P. JfOR SALE By owner, practically new 0 pas. Overland car, wit it new t ar Ruaran tee; S100 extra equipment. Price ""1U0O. Phone Marshall lttOo and let me show you this bargain. ONE Pope-Hartford at a real bargain; four cord tires, one spare fabric tire? car is in Al shape; will demonstrate. Tabor 32;tl. Division and East 4::.i sts. 1017 FORD, cheap for cash: good tires, ex tras. B 2223 after 5 P. M. $4.""0 BUYS a liH" Chalmers, in first-class shape, pood rubber; worth JS1O0U. Air. Campbell, 203 E. tlth St. N. i'hoiie East -i::is. 1W18 5-PASSENGER OVERLAND, with ex traF; going to Canada March 1; car can be seen at 48 North 23d st., cor. Wash ington. $400 DOWN BUYS ISIS CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR. Al CONDITION: RUN'S AND LOOKis LIKK NEW. CALL EAST 1962. 1 CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVSOLKTOR MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL ADIO. MOBILE. CALL TABOR MOO. AMERICAN touring car, excellent mechan ically: leaving town; make quick cash offer to Akin or Mourton. 42 North Broad way. HUDSON 6-40. $000; fine mechanical condi tion. also hotel bun top cheap. Hawthorne Garage. 44o Hawthorne ave. AMERICAN touring car. excellent mechanic ally: make quick cash offer to Akin or Mourton, 42 N. broadway. CHEAP 1 good delivery car in fine repair. Inquire Gunther & Ilickey. -lid and Mar shall sts. FOR SALE Hudson .Super Six. J1I00. Ask to have it demonstrated. Phone Tabor 74 an. 117 CHEVROLET, in good condition, price .42.". Call Sunday, East S435; weekdays, Kant 67S. I-'OR SALE Small Saxon roadster; make me a reasonable cash offer. Broadway 0d. 191 PAIGE fi-cvl.. 5-pasn. : 2 new Royal cords, 3 good fabric: spotlight and bump er; tor quicK sale, i.i. riast ".'L'lH., D. & W. AUTO hospital. Repairing of ali kinds.- expert electricians; all work guar anteed. 808 Union ave. Woodlawn f. IF sold Sunday, $40i will buy l;17 Dort. just overhauled; "lo6 Graflex, $70. East 7078. 18 OVERLAND, model OO, touring, good condition, sell or exchange for cig- stand or grocery; g00; snap. B.I -til, Oregonlan. D. & W. AUTO hospital. Expert electric repairing. Our prices can't be beat. S5S XT-iion ave. Wcodlawn 9. FOR SALE or trade. Ford runabout, o with detachable delivery body. Main 371tj A 1, irt ' 191H FORD coupe. If you want a classv car . this Is a real buy. No dealer. "Maai ' Zwart. Angela Hotel. 300 DOWN BUYS 1918 MAXWELL TOUR JNG CAR; REPAINTED, AO. CONDITION. I tUAXJU TABOtt 6S0. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. WB WILL. TAKE YOUR OLD CAR A3 PART PAYMENT AND YOUR LIBERTY BOND AT FACE VALUE. HERB ARE A FEW WE OFFER FOR YOUR APPROVAL: 3918 Overland, 5-passenger chummy.. $ S"" 1918 Overland. -passenger touring... 800 1917 Overland, 5-passenger touring... 700 1916 Overland, 5-passcnger touring-.. 700 1018 Mitchell. 0-paseenser. 6-cyl..... lloO 3:18 Mitchell. 7-passonger, 6-oyl...... 320O 3918 Chandler. 7-passenger. 6-cvIL. 1400 "Uiltf Oldsmobile, o-passenser efV'i 3913 Cadihac. 5-passeneer R.10 1912 Mitchell. 5-paesenger. 6-cyl 1:50 1018 Ford sedan. f,-passenger. electric lights and starter 850 ioj.x nerce-Arrow. model 36. electric lights and starter 1200 Used Car Department. MITCHELL. LEWIS &. 6TAVER CO. East First at Morrison St. Phones East 7272. B 1218.' BUGS. BUGS. FORDS. 6EE OUR CLASSY BUGS. PALACE GARAGE CO.. Authorized Ford Dealer. 12th and Stark Sts. Broadway 1572. 2 TRUCK BARGAINS. Ford delivery, extra nice, panel body. suitable for grocery or bakery.... $ 400 Overland delivery, express body, top, curtains, overhauled: runs f:ne.... 400 Ford 1-ton. worm drive, with extra good body, almost new, with good , tire eauipmeiit 630 Buick. 1-ton, fast deliver?-, express body, good tires, overhauled - 750 Republic fi-ton, lust like new, guar anteed, overhauled, repainted, .etc. S25 "White Cfe-ton. good condition...... 1200 Denby lJfc-ton , overhauled, new tires, a splendid buy..' 141)0 TERMS, BONDS OR TRADES,., ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO IXC. 75 N. Park St. . REPUBLIC DISTRIBUTORS. Broadway 1309. A 13S0. . DEARBORN" TRUCK. ATTACHMENTS Convert any make of car Into an EFFICIENT ONE OR TWO-TON TRUCK AT 40 PER CENT C the cost of a new truck. Be aure and see us before buying. FOR SALE NOW. A new two-ton attachment on a CADILLAC ENGINE, (1050. CUTLER MANUFACTURING CO.. 351 East 10th St. East 7333. USED CAR BARGAINS at LONG cfc SILVA. 462 Hawthorne ave. 1 Maxwell '18 ; 1 Maxwell 1 Chevrolet Baby Grand 1 Chevrolet No. 490 2 Ford touring, each............... 1 Ford del......................... 1 Reo, 1914 1 Studebaker ...................... 1 Studebaker 1 i-ord truck, ton 1 Wiley Overland, ton . 1 Leppert Stewart, ton 1 Reo. 2-ton Scleral cars from $00 to $170 each. 6V 520 600 f, l :ioo 20O 300 120 4110 too looo HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Cord tires, spotlight. 2 bumpers, cur tains attached to doors. CAR IS LIKE NEW. Must sacrifice on account of leaving city. 125 Lownsdale, corner "Washington. MY BEAUT Ic'CL CHALMERS SIX. late model, louring car; looks like new; tires excellent condition; am leaving city. Price reasonable: terms if desired. Sec "it today, down town. Owner. Main 7414. 1918 CHEVROLET, looks lik new; terml given. 12 Grand ave. North. Aotoinoblles Wa DT rfl. W ANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? YOU CAN SURE ENOUGH GET THE MONEY OUT OF IT J'I"KLY. .11 ST GI'.V IV TOUCH WITH TUB DEA4.ERS" USED OAR CLEARING HOUSE. YOU" 1,1. BE ON YOn: WAY TO THE BANK "WITH THE "JACK- IN SHORT ORDER NO FOOLIN""." WE SELL IT RIGHT OFF THE "REEL." RING US UP ANY WAY OR BETTER STILL, SEE US PERSONALLY. IT'LL PAY YOU-. PHONE EAST 7S10. GRANU AVE. AND STARK. WANTED FORD CARS. Will pay cash for your Ford car. TALACE GARAGE. 32th and Stark Sts. Broadway 1572. A 21- IF you really "want to sell your car we can do It. wuick action uaa--antecd. 6MITII AUTO CO, 1'aik and Couch. LONG ft SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cam and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send In the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought recardless of condi tion. Phone East 6S40. 4112 Hawthorne ave. I WANT a Ford, Dodge or Chevrolet. IJrice must be right. K 546, Orego nlan. CASH for cars; bring any late model tour ing or roadster; I will pay cash: no wait ing or stalling; bring them here and get the cash. 020 Aider si. Al Auto Works A- Painting Co. AUTOMOBILES OVERHAULED. All -work guaranteed; let u give you an estimate on your repair work. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 70" Hawthorne ave. East S"1. CASH for cars: bring any late-model tour ing or roadster, I will pa cash: no wait ing or stalling; bring them here and get the cash. 020 Alder sl, A3 Auto Works A- Puinling Co. We BUY. sell or exchange any kindofautos or trucks; armature and electrits work. S. W. cor. 17th end Alder. Broad. yJUK. THREE lols on E. 72d et. S. K., value $110 and $100 in cash for an auto, owner. Main .V.177. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. WANT late model Dodgo or Buick for 40 acres timber laud. Lane to, and some cash. AK 66. Oregonian. "WANTED To rent truck with trailer. equipped to haul logs. Call 008 Lurnber- mens exenange o,qg.. a and Mark. city. WAslHiO ior casn loqay. uodge rodtcr: must be in first-class condition: 1917 or 191. not ouier. woodlawn 1087 FORDS wanted for cash. Brine them here .. 1 a. r- . . .1 .1 , . . l " 1 . o , . acu l uaii. i nukv 11 v, iva Oi rSitll ing Co.. 020 Alder st. FORDS wanted for cash: bring them here and get casn. At .Auto works Ac Paint ing Co., 020 Alder St. WANTl'.D Chummy roadster or coune In exchange for Hudson Super 6. AH 44, Ore- LET US SELL YOUR CAR. WUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES CO.. ST H AND COUCH.. WANT second-hand auto. First. Main 3710. 114 SPOT CASH FOR 1917-18 FORDS. WARD A WF.lNBEl'.U. 404 Railway Exch. WILL pay cash for late model 5 or 7-passe ger car. Apply 10 Front st. GOOD dividend paying slock and cash lor light, late model auto. Scllwood 1192. CHAR lot to tradta for any 1313 await car. JSat 2533. ' HAItl.LY DAVIDSON with side car. $200 casu or liberty bonds. Call 2t E. Kllpat 11. k su from 7 A. M, to 1 P. M. E. Max f icid. -""PJ"-LD Harley, good condition, tandem. Ignt und speedometer, cheap for cash. Call at 1032 E. 22d sl. X., between 10 and - riw-H cvnuav WILL trade Chevrolet, value JOOO. for mo torcycle, balance cash or bonda. -181 -napman st., o to 8 evenings FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6180. INDIAN mnorc'!f only $:;o for quick sale. 21.. Ablngion bldg. Main 4103. Pop ' SALE Indian motorcycle $120. 84 North 6:h. T.i J9 Cleveland motorcycles; terms. ( all 40.. Madisonorphone Marshall 3398. Auto Tires and Accessories. MODEL 53. Overland touring, overhauled. painted, new top. tires, electric lights. storage battery, guarantee no worn out Parts, trade in on later model. Stanley .... ,.IT-i trgirrt!fi. v aneouver ave GENERA I, repairing, best Ford mechanic In city; all work guaranteed; keep on band all Ford parts, open on Sundays, liaw thorne Garage. 44.1 Hawthorne ave Foil SALE One model IS Indian sidecar good as new. Call at 201 Ash St., ask for Allen. ONE new 33x4 Silvertown cord tire, never been used; for sale. $40. Woodlawn 5997. Automobiles for II re. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage. ' - " ' . nrotfuway O 'J. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. X. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2629, BROADWAY 2629. ALTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR IHRS. COUCHMAN ft SULLIVAN. MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 12.10. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3047. WANTED M 1 S(- F: I . I.A N KOIH. $7.50 AND UP $7.50 for second-hand suits. J. Meier, the tailor, pays the highest price for suits, overcoats, shoes, etc We wiil call anywhere In the city, day or evenings. Call Marshall 122K or aiauison st. HIGHEST lIUCES PAID. X buy ail eeoond-nand clothes, especially ladies and gentlemen's suits, dresses, ete. New buyer. Try me before you call others. Phone Broadway 245 iiuruslde, be tween 2d and ad. OI R specialty is buying men's cast-off cloth lng. Highest cash, pries paid. Will Call Cay or nigh. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. Marsha;: 3220 or 200 Madison St. WANTHD ROW RO AT , suitable for salmon trolling at Jennings Lodge or Oregon City. Phone Main 33S1. or address H a96. Oregonian. OVER THE TOP. $7.00 AND UP. for suits, overcoats and shoes. We pay more than any dealer fur 2d-hand clothes. MAIN 738. jill COm biliat iOtl WOnri :.n,l r.iul cook stove cheap for cash. Phone Tabor 36.".1 Sunday from 8 A. M. 'to l P. 51 weekd;is after 0 P. M. WANTED Men to sell their discarded and misfit clothes for liberal appraisement and spot cash. Phone Main 17ijl. WANTED Cash register, showcases, safes ar.d other store x.xtuies. 17 J-.rsr. sl. Main 4234. WANTED An eiectric sausago and ham burg. r machine. Ladd Urocury, 11th and Hawthorne. East 978. VVAJs'TED Men to sell toeir discarded and misfit clothes for liberal appraismeui and pot cash. Phone Mais 61OI. b El ON D-H AN D CLOT 1 1 1 .NTJ BU Y E R. We need the clothing and pay all it is worth. Call Main 734. W" ANTED Small safe with burglar-proof cheat, in good condition, for caah. All --. oregoman. WANT second-hand electnc motor. 3716. 114 First. Meun SAKE wanted, small slgc, cheap; -stale size. price, etc. AH 29. Oregonian. W'ANTKD 2d-hand trunk; mu&t be in good condition and reasonable. E. 7141. WILL nay cash for a 16-lnch laths. Boa 581, Walla Walls, Wash. WINCHESTER. Remington automatlo aod pump shotguns wanted. Hochleld, 85 ad. BICYCLE WANTED. PAT SPOT CASH. 12S FIRST. MAIN 4195. TABOR 78. WANTED To buv cheap lor caali. a black fox fur. Main 6361. WANTED STOCK SADDLE. A R 206. OREGONIAN. WANTED A second-hand baker's oven. F Oregonlan. WANT talking machine, also records. Main 4495, Tabor 673-). 128 First, near Aider. Furniture Wanted. WE want Tour used furniture, rugs, stoves. ranges. 1001s. etc. we witi pay the high est cash prices for same. We pcciali;:e in buying -and selling household goods, and therefore cau pay more. Call Marshall ls37 and our courteous buer w-iil cail at once, tee tis before you sell. PORTLAND SALVAGE CO.. tLcvln Bros.) Office: , Salesroom: 207 Railway Exchange. 232 Front St. WE WANT USED FURNITURE. BUGS. c iui 11 uia. PHONE MARSHALL 68SL Nothing too large er too small fcr ns te "handle. Office furniture, rooming-houses, hotels. We will buy lor cash any quan tity. Phone us at once and you will be courteously and promptly attended to. iJon't loiget toe nunibec PHONE MARSHALL 89SL GEVUHTg FTTRNITUR'S COM PA NT. READ IMPORTANT rlEAD We carry a greater varied assortment ef new and used merchandise than sny store In the city. There is hardly an Item ws do not buy and eell. We specisllz 1q shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, houeehold goods, offics furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone. MAIN 07;. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE i FUKNITUR1S CO, 221-3-0 Front 11.. cor. Salmon. BEFORE lOLi SELL YOUR 1TIIRN1TURE SEE US. We ars in need of all kinds of used fnr-rltur-, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges all kinds of gas stovss and nfflcs furni ture, and we will pay absolutely ths loo prices for same. Call MARSHALL GST, snd 00 r bot.r will call . at ones with the cash. OUVCRTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 snd 207 First St, Between Taylor snd Salmon Sts. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. VUUR CALL WILL BitlNli THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINK'S FURNITURE STORE, lai! FIRST ST. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 303. USED FURNITURE WAKTKD. You will De surs to get the test possible value fur your used furniture, etc. at this Store. Kautern Furulturs Co, 184 Fust st. Main 1374. I WANT used furniture: casn will be nald for stoves and ranges and ail kinds of; household goods. Call us for one article ! or a houseful and a Competent, courteous iujvi wiii i.iu Aidiiiiaii 'c.o. tmwil. NOTICE to hotel proprietors: Have our furniture retouched: made like new; in expensive. A K" 03. Oregonian. I WANT used furniture; will pay as mucb ss any dealer can pay. East 6117 M. H. Calef. d'.aler. 54Q W llliama ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE ef any aettcrlption; have the ready cash. Phone touay. Main 4627. or 204 First st. GOOD second-hand piano; state price and make; will pay cash. AC "138, Ore gonian. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAiN SM2. - FOR cash, from private parlies only; will pay all it is worth. Main 21 IT. IF YOU have something goud at a 1 eaoon abie price call Main 2117. WE PAY top prices for furniture, rugs, stoves and ranges. Main 3249. 1 AM In the market for used furniture. Main 3249. HELP WANTED MALE. ATTENTION! Meh in uniform, we need 5 good hustlers on a big money-making proposition. Call 302 Spalding bldg., morn lugs. WANTED Upholsterers, steady work. Ap ply Klopstock Bros, 3320 ISth St., San Francisco. WANTED Pair discharged soldiers or sail ors: good pay. See Mr. McDonald. Mult nomah hotel. 10 to 12 and 5 to 6. WANTKD First-class Brockman, Upstairs bid g. bushelman. Fahev Clothlers. Raleigh GOOD opportunity for boy to learn iiaxd--d are bojiaess. 71 61b, ALL MEM seeking employment or ambitions to do bigger things are Invited to consult the employment secretary at Lbs 7. M. C. A. Wo have constant demand for men In all clerlc.- technical and commercial lines. Why nakia your efforts when a special membership costing only 55 gives, along with other privileges. EMPLOY MENT INSURANCE for one year. Put your case In our hands and we will multi ply by one thousand your OPPORTUNITY. - Our record for past years: Calls for men 0.841 Positions secured lo,i MOLLDl.Nt, and frame factory machine man. capaole grind fcrmn for and s. t up mould era; file saws for cut-off. rip and dado machines: must be thoroughly familiar Willi window and door framn and factory work, as It p.rtalns 10 keeping up those machines, including glue jointers, bench " etc. Wages $0 00 for -hour day. 1 ermancnt position. Prefer married man. Write, stating experience and references, to Crossett Western Lumber Cornwall). Mauna. Or. $6i CONTRACT snd 3-jtar lease of ranch, c. earing and leveling laud for Irrigation: located In the east foothills of the Cas cades w her wood, uwer and nieat are flee. House furnished. If vou can de liver the goods, writs fully. Then Hubbard, Metollus. or. SALESMEN and agents wanted to sell our teas, col fee and spices and extracts to our old customers on established routes, on commission and salary. Write for our proposition anil samples. C L. Staples Co.. D-pt. 31. Clinton. la. WANTED KxDt-rlence.l aainmnliil. r-hun,A well versed in automobile engines. Must be good Ignition and electrical man. Pre fer married man: good, sieady Job. None but experienced man need apply. RaJstoa Motor company. Albany. Or. WANTED Mechanical draftsman: .inr'e army man preferred: steady work to risMl man: wages $5. s hours. State age. ex perience and where obtained. Address by maii only. Draftsman, care oregouiau agt Oregon City, or. WANTED. AT ON'"E Open-shop grsy iron, steel snd brass foundry moulders for out-of-town work; Slaty scale of wages. 48 hours per week and steady work to com petent men. 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and eak fts. WANTED 2 experienced automobile sales men; una for used car dept.. one for new car dept. Give reference with your an swer. AG 7119, oregonian. MAN- and wife on a big farm; 2 general farm hands; one handy man on farm: one carpenter on larm: one hookon man In city; 2 millyard men in ctty; 6 yard men out of town: one chaser: vac farm team eter. Call 43 X. 2d REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED. One with a machine to show rlty property RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 3i oak Si. Hroadway 4111. THE OLDS. WORT MAX & KING STORE re- iwnios 01 morougmv experi enced shoe salesmen. Applv superinten dent a office to 10.30 A. M. WANTED Experienced stock clerk for wholesale grocery; prefer young man with office experience; must write good plain huud; splendid opportunity for advance ment. H 115. Oregonian. PRICE and uuotaiion clerk." by wholesale plumbing an. I heating supply house: ex perience in plumbing and heating supplies absolutely necesary. Address N. O Nel son .Mfg. Co. Salt Lake City. Utah. 20 YoUNG men for p:e.i.sant outside work: salarv and com.: discharged soldiers and sailors given Piererence. 621 Henry bids , WANTLD First-class edgermali for shift commencing rt I'. M. until 3 A. At. Aj.piv the Weslport Lumber Company, HuO 11, , na ianK oing. W A.N Tl'.D . Young man about 16 years, liv ing with parents; opportunity to learn lumber business. Reply in own handwrit ing. BJ 21-0. Oregonian. U'J Y . tr '-ung man to help In cafeteria during noon and ufter school for board pay for Saturday; busineso college student W h, can place 4 discharged soldiers in tirv profitable employment. The liova now working for us are making from $0 to f - ".. wii n. i"s Washington st. A.MUITIOLS soldiers. sailors. m-n and wmen. investigate our proposition: use your spare time, good money; respect a b:. worlt. 2i'S Stock Exchange bitig. before 8:.'.'); after 5. WANTED Experienced lulling machine op erator for shipping department wholesale grocery: prefer oung man with r.ulroud office experience: good opportunity for advancement. H 114. Oregonian. A - WIDE-AWAKE, energetic man to sell Wire rope and logging supplies; must be a hustler; salary dependent upn ability to show results: slate lull qualifications, a.e and experience. H s;:t. oregonian W ANTED Experienced gardener lo take care of country place: one who has had experience with flowers snd v ge t aides ; must have references. AK 52. orego nian. WANTED Dairv lunch manager, night work: excellent opportunity offered man of ability, not afrmd of hard work; small cai.ri security or bond required. Call Main 1 9U9. horse collar .maker wanted one who can thong on. I run National sen Ing machine. Steady work. W. Davis & Sons. 333 Mnrkct St.. San Franciseo. W A X TED First-class ear vahcr and garag man: must understand washing cars. Braly Auto Co., 13th and Waslnng ton. EX I' Kl; I ENCKD voting man. shipping and invoice clerk, lumber companv. 1ui miles from Portland Call at 304 Concord bldg. I'lione Main 636. W A STKD Experienced solicitor for dye and cleaning plant: steady work and good sal ary: must drive Ford car. Call 1224 Sandy bou levard. WANTED Sample dyer and cleaner. Per manent position and highest wages to ex pert workman. Parisian Die Works. Yaki ma. W'Bsh. WANTED At on-, a firet-elas "rd cook; also flrt-ci:tss nirht ehef. Write lo C. A Jolly. Steward Hotel Spokane. Do not reply unless f irst -cla ss. WANTED At once. 4 f ir l -cla r- co'orea walt.rr. Write to Wm Soede head Walt er. Silver Grill. Spokane, Wash. Do nut reply unless Itrsl-cl.-i.-a. EXPERIENCED hole porter for night d ior Mut be able to drive motor bus and fur n..h reference'. Salary $60 and meals. Il'itf I Marion. Salem. WA NTED .Man with team to skid ,.g. close in; $7.00 a day. Butts & Oaae. 217 Hyrn.Nidc. MAN and wife wanted for lanitor and chamber work In hotel; Scandinavians pre frred: room In hotel. 2" liroadway. WA.NTKIl Man for farm work. Sieady j(,b year around. Plione llillsboro. lo It 2 x; .1. M.. Cornelius. Or. WANTED Al once. ! men lo learn automo bile rej. Hiring and tractor engineering. Cail at 4".2 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Experienced men wanted tor field grafting in nursery. Villa Nursery I'houe Tabor 31.:. WANTED Experienced Janitor for night ork. See head Janitor Oregonian bids., room 1 tM Ml. WANTKD Experienced door Hatches I f.lece worki: slso dowel door machine har.da AV 671. QregMnian TRAVELING salesman, experienced in hour and cereal lines; references required. T 4 1. oregoniun. WANTED Klrst-clsss Job primer. Inde pendent Printing Co., 2S Alder. TEAMSTERS snd heavy teams for logging. Cail Main 2467: write AK 6!. oregoulri 11. w anted to learn trade. Wm. Klump . 1 t lOih W ANTED nursery -Hoy. i.1 to 17 Tabor 431. years, to work in BOY wanted to deliver, and feed pruning press AK M4. oregontm. FIRST-CLASS Siark et. coat maker wanted. JAN'lTolt. experienced only, applv Yenab.e Hotel. 3d and Main, bet. 12 and'.l P. M. ALL-AROUND tailor wanted. Call Tabor 4.Vi. JANITOR at the 1'enrope apartments., cor. Grand ave. and Ftelmont. THE Oregon Veteran wants several live wires in uniform. 2'H Stock Exchange. liARlIEK wanted for Saturday. 26U Burn side. MAN with team to dig small basement. Young. Marshall 6000. Mr. CARPENTER 10 contract labor on smatl cottage. Mr. Young. Marshall ",n.',n. WANTED First-class Goodnough bldg. OPERATOR-PRINTER: good combination man; union. Dally Post. Idaho Falls. Idaho. WANTED Elevator boy. Apply Clyde hotel. 1'th and Stark. WANTED Painter for Inside painting. Main 1 3 . BARBER wanted, 304 Burnslde. for Satur day. Kelp Wanted Salesmen. SIDE LINE men with car to handle high class candy specialty. Addruts Laytuun Caady Co.. Denver, Co.o, THF: Kfrnper-ThorriM Co.. of CtnclnnaM. w ishes lo frt In communication vlt h the liichcttt grade sM-voiaitv uCkinan horns noiico t5 utirartPd lo thia ad. Our line Is inoi-t popular tth the trart', but rro uirrs Intel Uh'vut handliatf. Order lik.-ra arc out of tho question. Products oonsitt I Mfch art In ex clusive caipnuar UefisiiM, la connection With tlie vnapplcst and in oat extensive line of advertUiug specla.Uiea u cloUi. leather, liber, et. aiualle coa-nt tTtitory la pen to the live r who U able to chow u. Ot)r district sale manager wl!l be in Portland early in March to attend cor respondence and lntrvitw9. Address V. W. MLKKI.VM. District fates Manicr, Flaat Madison et.. Fortland. urrROti, AAA TUB MfCASKRT BE5GISTER COM PANT has an opvnmi; in th-ir Portland territory and thir Po atello, lditho. terri tory for BU'Tfs-f u ma 'eaincn capable of larrA earnitiKs on a very satisfactory com iiittion arrunr -merit. herein commission in advanced week ly. t handle rt-itihier.-, srsI-p-T-br-mka and .ei. This in a splendid op port unit y to one pa?fmmz the necet-i"-ry jti:ilif irttttons to increase hta famines by bvconunc a metnbr of one of t he larjr-wt and moat efficient National ellinff orifeinixa t ion.i. In wntinir dcsrrlbe fully e-pir.enc. are and quatllf lrations and if pomble. enclose a pofti-ard photo to the McCakey Regtiter C-.. 3.M PhUn bide . KraiK-lM o, C L bAl.Ks.MKN dfiroui of ta.rtin( thir uvn permanent bustnrps havr th opportunity in handling a womierful patented machine, universally used; wtt;hs 3 Iba.; no compe tition; saves bic money frr (arms, stnp yardn. contractom. manufacturers. Karasea, stores o( all kindn : no scheme; exclumve territory free; lariee profits: small capital sufficient. 4-'. Chunbrr of tommTce bulfi. 1-1VK SALESMAN WANTED to cover Port land and vicinity with well-known line; mum know grocery and drug trade and fiivo A I references; sia.ry and expenses. , A V 67 . (r-contan. W A NTi-HJ A ttrst-cia mtmtn to aeil lujtfiinr enulpm-ni. Southern Washinston and Oregon territory; do not appty unles ou a re w I' linjj to work and know you can ncll rnocgh to warrant a cood valnry; no experiment wanted. M -. Oreffnian. HA I.KSMAN anted for a local market hy estabihed Seattle hotel supply houfe. Jti-nnon hotel. A pply -aturd-y morn in c at H;is IT A T F n A C EVTS. Fuv Kill N K i equal lo casoUn at 5c a fa lion s-ali'.'-men and ascitis w-infd; x cluMve territory granted ; po-a erine is C'iarante-i-d to b' harmlf-w, to run1" and prevent carbon; doubling the life of all Caroline motors, na v tr.c repair, adding snap, eprr-d and power; an an.ouni equal to 'JO gallons of garnline be sent to any address in tie I". cha rrea prepaid, fur fl. V. lortcr liarucs, laia, Hofet. al. lcpt. C a. T 1 1 K West i'o.ist 1-ife can ue a scrral acont at EnRcnc Medford and Biker t"lt. Or. Spienlid frst yeiar's commission and an a 1 1 ra c t i ve rTi e wa I con tract. It mljcht pay i ou to investigate. Address 0u-6 r.npro bldg.. Portiand. Or. WAil UK-iTOKV and 1looeiis Histo.-y. A Kent n can maVe St to 1 dally selling wir book, .lust out, retail - for GOO pages. ClJ V coil bidif. A G-Lton boHcltor can make quick. ood and honest tnoi.ry among his or her friends and neighbors. ia' 1 room ftead bote. V it M A N experienced wellinc business chance-. -tiM-to. Railway Bxhanc. AGENTS at once tell Juc per nionih hos pital tickets. :06 Corbett bldg. EXPERTHNCHH oprstor on bmtltchinr mm hiii'. Apply employment manager. 6:h floor. Meier t t rank, Co. 1 WANT a. oma.n Iio m neat houaekeep-r and not afraid of ork. to take cre of email aparttnnt houst-; must be iMnuie and wtihouL family; -will provide aiemiy em plovmiit. to right partf-. -Call 00 J Couch bldg. WANTKD Kxperienced womaji operator for hemstitch machine: $15 per week to Mart. Apply between S and 10 A. M.. or and 6 P. M. Kustern Novelty Manufacturing Co.. v. '-a r.th wt. VANTK1 Lady who haa had experience iieratln p.itenK-r elevatfra in public of fice bulldmK. fhort hours. Rood wages and no undav work; gtve phone number and-istato -xvirieTice. W "i. freRonian. Tu 1 1; I- attending Inch frhool off'r p!en- dl home with -opfi-ieratlons to u.siM in ainaU family. Lurel hurst ; t h is will prove nit ecepllonal opport un 1 1 y. Tabor 4tHS. W A N'TKI K xpr n-ncei w oman h"lfn ape A and ri." for genr-r: I houwork on rani-h; must be sood cook. tali Pabor V-i'l'NCi lady with exp-ren-e to work at -offee and lunch counter. 12 a week and n i c1h. Central Coffee hop. Central nur kct bldg.. Vmnliil'i. AN KM'.. cotii-ient tr.ich'r will Kif P"no lo.-i..ut- In L'X'. liaiiKf f'r a'url;ty clMrin. 4 room". Call at 1047 K. Inlanders, or phone Tabor 'J.'iOl. m TWO l.i d w all i e.-es. mill hoi el. $T . a mo., less board, : nd tne :n bid le-grd lady t- help around lio!l. a monl it. leas board. Putts A H:tk. '-Mi Iturftode yt. i"7a 1 l IIS. otitnt'le work, reixtlves of sol diers preferred. Oresun Veteran. fcHuck Kx chance. OPt'oK'l PNITY for ambitious girl to uter sa;-s force of Cranu le: tcr Co.. Ilo al ANY girl in need of a inend apply to the Pa'vatlon Army Heiicue Horn-. 202 East 1 M h St. N.. or phone East 1-3. Tlio oid. oriifinnl home remedy Vlvi p re vent p opera t irfns; compete n t wo ma n need ed. 4L" Pit toek block. Hroad w;.y Co S. A tdRU inu-l be experienced in mixing foM drtnka: P- a week, eight houm a day. 13o'r North 6tb at. AN epcrenc il fire inn iranr al enoirra pb t. 10" ; e.x perlenced blller. bookkeepers. $7't lo $1'mi. 3t N. W. Hank bldg CUMI'KTKNT lady a.- housekeeper in mod ern home; good wap. p!c..nt home lo ritchl purty. Phone Tabor 7VHI. PI KST- "I-Ac-S rho olat tltpper: good wn i'ro.-lv rand) Co. Croaby at. Phone Ka-t 770. LAIMKS ftir needlemork at home; god pay. expcrini-e unn-ctiuiry. 13J l'Jth st.. room "u.'i. Hour. r-4. evt mtiSF 7 - GVI pl-niel, f p.rienced pla)! pt'Lura; tai salary and reference-. N o IO. ure pnnian. tLI'KKLV i;idv. for lichl ork l;i Mini; family, for room, board and tma.l s sea. .'4 K S:h ft. f. LA I V lt ri at le.-isi. htgh-?-hool -edurat.on for dm-lor's of f i. e. Call h:U0 to 1 1 A. -M.. klli Jou rnal bide. 1.X . riiamkrinxiil and wait rffhf In town and out. Hansen' tinploj ment. 3-7 W ah. Ft.. riin ".!. W A NTK1 A n e perierH. --d cook for tmiall private ho-TP f l- tili l.nvf ioy Ft fc,XPKni KN K1 aurek3. Maxalhon rcalau r.itit. T.J Tlitrd Kt. W AN TKI Transient trim n town position. Apply -r for out I'ncur: -It ' CiiOKt'S til UI-t H I e het wage-. o.ig en ga sentent. no tr-a ellng Caaino '!. eater iiX PK Kl KNi I telephone operators may be obtained by calling M.-in 10-. A -Qti7. W N TK I ( perators on o . erul .f. A pu.V H lr.rli- Vf(H Mfg. Co. ?A Hurnid m. t'lHST-i'l.ASi finisher wanted. bia bid g. Cu.utn- WANTKU at once neaily appearing .ls-. 1 n -t Apply in pcr.nun. pa !1 in c b'd 3 W A ITit KSSKS wanted, out of loan; good n h c? "all 43- N. I'd Ft. V A NTK I Young cirl m att re-F. N t ion a I Tfstmirant. lot N Sd anrl t- lund'-rn M. fct'l.K'IT.fil for income insurance. I v j i 1 w j y Kv-'hii nr. i-,.P. PoW Kit maciiiue op-raiar?. HantH DomrM tea. WANTKD Kx lerincjd nomsn or for goners! housework; wages $ ' ; residence, Med ford. Or.; expenses paid. Call bet ween 7 and S P. M. Mrs. K. Corninc .Hemy. 742 fiverfon at.. Jortlind. W A N TKl House keeper by widomer; no chlblren; ,or,d. permanent home to rirht party; no ob taction to one hlld. Ad f 1 re FY a n k Pnyn'. Th 1'alloi. Oregon. KM" K K I NCtl second fiirl wanted for ditw n.sial.-s work. irid aag'-F. Appl jnornln gs bctnetn S und lo. Main 7: A 01!M WANTKU ti 1 1 t f .I'lH OI CI Kb to do light work in e hange for good home and small wagca; Trvington district. Ki.sl 7 M. WANTKD Expenenc.d girl for genera! housework and cooking; no washing- h-1 K . Mat n. F:aFt Hmo. V ANTtD tJirl for general housework: peed not be experienced cook. Cajl.Maan :;i-'4 Saturday or Sunday. WANTKD Kiirl to do irciieral housework and a.-ist In cooking; family of '2, Apply 7.".." Movt at. WANTICL A houekeeicr to keep hotiK-e for me here In Hend. For particulars address Walter A. Jacobs. Itend. lr. fcv'l IulI-C IRL desiring good home cal Ta bor itwl7. M 1 DDI.K-AOKD wonan to housework, no children. 4 n-iit m lulu First Ft GIRT for general houFcwork; 3 in family. 7,1 Main, near Vlta. GIRts to assiFt with l:cht houaewoik and wMidrcn. IdUoj; ilTO, A .MAJO to aMM uh Renc-rul housework; god wages l Wt-tover road. frrr.p ivantkiwmai.k or i km ai i; Al.l.-AHul Nit man ir on.in f-r c'e.m.nc houst. p: in t inn. cookinx. h-lptng in pFt -office. Write f u : iv how many of a ;ov v kinus of ork you can do. N. P.ui3. 1'iTn- lr. Or. ilAN and wife ior ranch 30 mi lea from Portland ; free buuc wood, milk, e, fruit and garden; aiato airy ejected. V urf.oi.ian. -MAN and wife for pla.-e neiir cily. Steady Job for reliable pcopi-. V W3. urrgunuii. FIHCATIONAI, TTKMPH 1 MOTOR tClUOLS. W I ' I I each you a u l om obi !e. gs uafi or. automobile c '.ectricii 1 en g ineerln g a nl bat tery rebuilding: pccial ti er Us' eoura; now atrt inc. a i I t.r w rite i cm pli 11 l"a Tmdo StliOt';. Main office 1-4 N. b.h Ft. tr;ichea at Winnipeg, Canary. Kdmonton. Kf'inn. I-ethbrttljie. aucouer, Ai. C-. V ooaejn w. Portland. Or. LEARN AUTOS AN I TRACTOK KIVK UAVd KRKt! TklAL. PAV TClTiON WHK.N SATlaPIED. We teach Auto. Tractor. Uan Knclne nd Auto Clecirical Work. BI.". 1K-PAG15 CATALoii KREi:. Address Adcot Auto A Tractor SchooL. lept. K. Union ma and Wafro st.. Portland. Or. Phone aat 744V pi rr h'cuouis ok iut;.M aking i vr merly of 1'iltFbiirg. !... icti'-hes UeFtgmtig, rutting, fitting; briny: materia If ant mk your own garment m while IcMrnlng. com plete course In G weeks; enrotl any time, iay and evening olaum, i-toiiu 47. iju-ah -ft l.ane bldg.. Hroa.lav and Alder. POSITIONS ASMRED SVKRY CltAICAT if Bt;nNi.t-vvAUki;u Business College. Portland. Enro'.l any time. Telegraphy, stenography, bank Ins. bo o kkee p :t,g . secretarial. Kvo cataivg. TA I.Oll-KA ITU Bin sh olleg' Hej-t b- cauc Comptet'st. Spnit-h. hr'iu-h aid Kugliah. commercial ruins; corn p: ous ter, an. J auoinfi n.aclilnt-5, C04 bicvrus bldg.. t Park and asn.ngion. iTCK S eEl. P It I V A T iTIl I s I N K S S bClloOU Lumixrint-ni bldg., rUi and Stark. 1'hona Xid. kti-l. Miss K. Huieil. prinrlp!. DAY HOOJ, NltjllT .--OIU'L MISS PKCKER'S FRH'ATI-. Bl'MNK.-S COl.LROR 6Pt;ciA cocrttb: in coMi-ioMerEr. Aliaky bidg.. 3d a:u iiorri.n. LUARN TEI.UiKArilT Toung m-n and women wanted. Call ?1S Ttailway Kxchanare Hldg. bplemitd oppor tUiilty to learn a weii-i-aid j.rofM.on. ree booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. HOLER ItARBKR COIXKGK pays you m hite learning ; gi ve you a set of tools. Positions secured stend for .a logue. :3t 1-iuriiaide. Brdwy. 1731, a4N. W O M N, learn taroer trade free, wages wh.-e U-ariiing; position guaranteevL. Oregon p:irher Col.ege. Maanon 1 1. XiuACillNU positions se.-ured. free registra tion. Phone A;a.ia 4&5. Jrak Tea. hers' A genry. TA i UOK FAITH Husln-sa College and .School of linx uages : hus . Fpun.. c'rencU. UU4 evena b.tig.. W. Park and Wash. PO KT A ND BARB KU. Ol-LK ; t" lexers trade i.i Kii p v whil learning; po sition puarantred. :.4 Couch at. M1S MATTINOLY 6 fcnoithand. Tpewrlt ing bcliooU day. evening. ti inonih. 14 th. near Jet f erson. Main Z&J3. KH KV Mol'NTAl N TKACHKHS1 A t. N ' V . Krank K. Wein-s. rx-aMt. ( j'.r sup;.. mrr., ?ort !and. .. p:irrn t-achen bHoRTH AND. typewriting sen no I. .1 liar ileld ava Wdin. H4. tal. Un. O Neil. baioKTH AN I. ii month course Mia. Han num'a i'IohjI. Kat . ; Ti.iamook. YATfc.":-KllliH TKACH KRS' Kree regtst"n. !11 lty. bb!g Ail bNC Y. 1 m. ;j7 Til K Internaikoual Corrc;Midcnc can rajsa your axlary. Bro-ad MTVATIONS nANTEI) Ml T. AKM i officer. ho for 7 jnoiii' s bits been a-tt ached to spruc divi5iuu he.idtjuartcrs in 1'ortland. trainyfiTred lo WatHhiiip'.on. D. .. (Iciiri s to ret urn to the exact and enter civil i 1 f e, h ;ia bad many years e -peril-net- as an exuuiuc. ofTie manager, credit manager and arcoonunt, will ie glad to enter into negotiations witli a view of making connect ain;. M s,.7. Oregon i.ti. t'lRb r-t'LASS farm hand, ood with to k of any kind : an A -1 horseman and can bandiu tru k or tr.i. tor, w le-ues su artv work on general farm ir mm h: t frt Wages and c.can. comf orta hie living con ditions with room to msvl: ; able to take charge, but lim-; f r. o by jmdd'-u t.f month. W ,.', i tremor uin. CO.MPKTKNT. c nerc t.c ' aounlai.t. boon ke pep ami crcdi. man. .;'., now w it h lare manufact urtn g oncer n oing out of busi ny, (ietroa position. Pi. one ca)liir. Mar shall WANTKD A pr-it-uot. ah for.-man or me chanic In Karc. c;(pub;o of laKin? cha r to of repair wm k or ul---nnlr.li c ilant; l t of letrrcnecF. 'a?l "..,st -T.m:! MAN and w if.. e pcri.-n e.l m l anon, and stock raii-mg. c t. can drive amo. wue good cook. iBiMblu of takitiH full cliaigts. " I'". OivRrtni,m, TW O wt -ks m. tirk w ai l'-'i b out I ma n -t i a's !d : mht manaiier MaMl 7 mofitli.s. can do p. at work; be! references. An 1 1;, II A 9 W ca rd gone, ii, k Rl:h tfi and orcso- Yul'Nti man. ''. d hance for adanc. sotuu culi;t edut na n. Mr- s ii. i"it) w or iiunt; h'gn ?). li.uii. Ali 2u. I'll.A. DI;lVlK. derrn k. d r.-d .oinv pee; ir ciameh-i.. cr.-mc cncnur; i .-am w it h laet com paliy ; plicing. 1 "ho tie .M.tiii Y . H "N i.; ilia ii w i h e in p toy m - nt w i i in .. r ble or tiie cmpan. is wn c t n.-n. .d liMiprr: will work in or out of town. AN Oregon'. n. Y Cd " Nil in n n w it n sm- r. per ie nr i a rel'air shop v.i.hr a Jolt In garaiT shop. Writw S. IV. ' ah s: foo;i or phone a P it. u t o WANTKD Work for new tru k und uriei would be erv reaoriah- in pn -e I 1 . c u n c-ol Contract. Cail tcllwod 107 time. liX I'K U I KN' " KD yoiin; man watt wo-k. gargle, .ii nia-l man. t'ali Wood aw i liX I'Klll KN "I'D Kumley r. tr oM TA(.r uhlirs i-l -oni'-ner job. Vrri-d rn.-n in gie best of r--f Tn ea. P.I -NT. trr gon lan. KXTKl'IKN-'Kh -rew iiMlutT and d-M..it-siratmg sisiesinati. ruv position rrit-rf-; no trf ,f m ionnl"rrl. P 7i. t e- - , n n . YUl ' N r tn n. who ha le--rn in liii"in-. if looking for portion; cau gno referencci. X 4al. OrgoTiiari YOl'N'i man. roiig. c.t pab t ion, w ould like inf.":tioit. it. J Lliing. .d OlAI'l r Kl'K P rnmni' real car. or'Tinun, Al rt.'iri-iu A XI K D A p.it in a ffird'-n. r, p : a .c piare; r.in nii.k ai.d handy around houi . T Ur-t-i-iiun. WANTED position a. aret.ker of ni ii or ot her scant property ; an w here. X 4 1 3 re g--r t n l l.SRK in Flore or office. 1 1 mek eepi r g. booi- keepinc or rhipping; city or country. 737 Y M A. lK Al t ill r.-M N snd field man wants poM t.on; vmn" experience in Irrigation and r?! AN r. eon n M A K 1:1 KD man perienec cf!ii desires to chnT 4o. l.a-ng y.ars -r I : f in 11 Tit nee com pan y , Co. A?! i-. un foiuan. It A K V. R S iieir wnt Fit . city or Kri.it bemhman. bread or cl-e; I iunlr ; "ij ex- jx-nence. Henry K. IIaoy. I -'' l W li K. as ba kc-r a b- pe r. or n' tnsi -f work. it v or country pr ferrrd. AK 7o. Orcgoniiin. Yi.l"Nt7 married man w a posit .on ; Mian no obje erenceF. Ad .Ire. 7-7 Mlvi 11 : F-a i-niii(.h:n s i a r l , rr 1 - Y l .. N m ti with .o:iio c p rt-:ice in auto repair fhop wi'heF a job 1 n garage or r--n.i ir ehop. a II Tc lwr v7.T7. Yori man of - driving for prtvi .. Oregon ian. X pen.- nee tfMrri pot u- puny; ref i-rejica. li V V K new trutk. want moot lily eor.t ra. t haulmff for wlole-aic home; will work r-aoita bly. Mai Fha H 1 o. MAN p-l middle ag wr-h.-F position. ,nv kind of liicht work. in c.uti:-- or iwn. or tan! or'F hlpe. A K .'!. i -egon t n n. KX i'l ;ii.I KNi'KI ta.icman w a His T 4-. treg.inian. E.n".HIKNCKU retail cigar clerk. fl 4 lio-1--1 Morri. KX PKRIKNi'KO - offtee man and Falesman can u-e K'ird car. WoMlJwn -"l. Al.L-.r. 'I ND s.'sii Ji d do.r best of refer. n.-r. A I ii. r. g.n ia n. t'A RPKNTh.lt, lobbing, any kind. Iirat-iai work man. V oodla n lt 4 I. CA Rl'KNTK R wilt take m-rc h n nd i-e or liU erty bonds aa pay. Phorc tu.it 67-74. HA C LINO contracts w anted. .T ' . -ton trucaL fhone H -.'rt. o r h t .'.11 K. l-'t"h t-r . n . WORK wanted for two Ji-ton Iruiki: (a. tract preferred. Van Wiener. Kant I'PJ PUrMBKR: repair tank, toiletn. stoptd pipts. gas; -c hour. M -Curdy. Ma r V Z i a . 4 A V K o-toti trut k: w tii hire iy tlie day or make contrict. Alt -.:. Ori- n KX PtiRT p;iper hung ing. ing; rea.-onsbie price-. h .rrh-claw decora t T:tlor 4-M4. l-UMkkeper. StenogrHpiier. Of Tire. KX PKRI KNCKD bookke,per. doing account ant work, good office man. marri.-j and hull ed uc ati'n. r-li po-U ion with .1 re liable firm; firs'--c .sas rcf cieucca. AK 75 J t.a I - I.A S da ir man. alnclf. rt.i e t rt "ra-1' , a" kinds of vegetable, b.-ts aria kale. dF4rr.s poMtlon on dairv and bay larm wl-i. h can be rent d later. Don t auawcr thi unle.. you are m need of thorough. y txperienced man and have wn- at- ''rk. r,a ""frouiiuau to do "KKKsroNPKNT. experience,! rurr l-Mn- nd claim adjuMinc. f t H sV"1" VJ ciahie lk-TiT fu.l charge of offur; now employed. Wit g.ml rc,.n for making change If you ?lt;7 lun"v,a rctu.i. phono Maa-hail Vr'JJ.V' officer dtr.3 -po-ltlon aa trarri- manacer w4th romv reliable Port- e, k tI,r0f,ll,nt m handluiK freight rat.s bookkeeping. tvpewrlting. corrr- c-(-v...-a- .. cen,-ral -ffi w ork ; beat of r-fer- ai; ?'s. o- V NTm V '.-t 1, vou for a ). 1 ,7,Te,-:!",r? M'"'"- Or,t B.r ... Iv' iri"---.-- I"- of O. law schoci: ami E-ra! clerical ork: ahllltv l kta A l t . t rr n n i j n PpVrVlAi,iKI mrl' kn0H - 1 ort land, wouid be ,mf JO a t,art, nlr '"a":' h-- or dry r.,od bui M m- "ee at Naarre Hotel. J . ('rfinian, Yt'l NC. man. d. charged from ry. w ThTs Job as bakers helper or well qualified. al,.o experienced in w hole-ale cwe-rv.-Call Past s:.;t. nr. Wi'son. LXI KK I KN t i K9 tractor ope-ntor anl rpirmai mm position witt, ga tractor or nu:n truck company. v- ..t -it.!-. or w ri:. I.. K. ray. ' - 1 - II 'home sve. LXTKRIKNCM army avaior. graduate in Ftructor K Hrooka field. dr;re, portion a piot Mnd fiying inMrjt ior; e aJtubi tlori n specie H C -Ul. Orconian. DlS.'HAR--a:D Fol.1-.er. Al chef, m lfche pv Fition n rt--:aurant or cafe-eeta. Addrxsa It C. Houito'. room oil P.ur hotel. YnfXO MAN r. lfaf d from f.-i vice. scn- ;nog eviert. n. e. waniF poF.iiott with re - A ."-3. i rr con.in. Yul'NC MAN mlon a- aj" 1 -"-"I from naj wan-.s to m eman. Ai . Oregoms. DI-H AKiil.l. ...olor warns truck or otneP -JX2!LSLS- 1 ' ,ir'xr- T' tregonIan. SITTATIONS AN KX I'Kli I K.. T:i .niiir Tfn with h.ati e .to.. rni f.-nool mid umtriiv tratu li.g dire. i...M..,n teacher. roveenerS or i-.:tMrj)..; w .Mild trei; woud accept Tutive portion, hei rcf-renres. Ad-dr-?- H. . t,aT ;;or. n. A lrt!n.i. Pho ire- rta rt 4 4 TM I", "l.ottsi- ho.l t- sc'iinerv " will be kept in order. our rhiMrm conscientious' v cared for by a eoinp-tcn; ieron during your ab eenre evenings or afternoons. Kefs. Mar Fha I ' LADY wiiiits Ivi.iM r fining or other work hour. ds; s-1 .ai action guaranteed. Broaa- KtSITIoN In creer store bv experien.-eA k. r. ; can gi refer-, n res: w est s;de pre fTred t 11 M r-f i) ft 1 1 1 4 tk".. T ounf ;m lei. want w A I 1 Orec-' h ; tend tt. g bus mes c-o! rvenings and taturday a. W A N T D I : t r. n e x p. - r : e n ced mot her. t car, i.r rhi 'dr. n afternoons or evrnirjiu A k .7. Oi f.viun. WANT pi ace to ;ay with hiMren even in C whl.e paren's aic out. !."c an hour. BO 7 'i. . r-gon fa n Ul"IKSS wom-i!' deFirea Pos.non whe-a meeting the pii'dir and Fatesmanshtp abli "V u eFseni al. lli. trnhn. Yol'N; Udv, tvptrienccd. wants pcsi.lon as casJiPr or in candy store. T oo. Urt- iti M N K.-S io;;lf;r Kir; w ishes light hous-c-w.rk in m !-a-ir for loom and bo-.rd. 'hf.n" fact :; lOlX 1 iiea t ial wi or pw . pos. .ion as ui-hcr in liow. Cail Mam 4;-U l'i.KIK'rkf woman oc.-ircF act as com ;-anton t. lady or ctit.d trateiinc cast. H . Ib'-x :.o? U. A W T!a)-To t.i h.ih .ors apis. S."..1'. reg--m.tn. ke by '.ire of widower's or tho day or hour. W liic.fi and M-hool girl w iFhes work after school aturda Tabor 4'3J. MIDL'U.'-.U.KD ;dy w:thea chamber work in it 1 1 i e hot .!. V l4. .regoni a n . want-: " 7- .'ooking for pariiea only. Cail Hookkrpeis. stenographers. Off lc. MR. LMl'LOYKK Wliv not ca.l T'.e Noisc le, ! T ;i mrhtr Employ ment Department. Main iil4. bii in need of stenographer or bofkKe per . We are In a position to furnish rompcient help. ANTI:d Pof!ioii s asFitant bookkerper h v" out i c l:uly; cs n op-ji te .Uurrouchs ndding ina Hire. T i 1-"77. K Pi;u II ' ,i ' 1. 1 fu noj i pher and ,cnerl off.ee work; fire insurance preferred. S "L'7. viom in. Y N i .!- wi -I'f- p!ltio'i mm t pi; t or c ii. r.! c-fire work: know of bookkeeping. ll'I.". Pirt Ft . II til Lorn, tr. AN i vii. ri.-no il mii de-dr. s pTinanen rumii'uni rtenograper P'-t.-li ton. Marshal! Hk K K V.KPKR ami st .-ncri pher. perince. L"t f referenfe-s. M PI 11.1. ' Fienos sona hie nt--.. rr openirg o'fice; ra llrnry bidg. Main -rt:d. ro-ncod in fU te r, a ' t M a rn."! wif h I OH I . Prrmakerk l'IRT-Cl AiS drtMinaktr; bur 7'. reference a, Ta - .A-SS dreF-'naker wlo Phone Mon-iM -4 inn. work by pt. i.v Nur TIilNKD nias. uf- and Toeiin I gymnus. crMduat- d from hr(M lanla. Norwav. w i.-hi position. Dr. recommendation. V K rr son tan. BY" ouiik woman, work in ro-tur's or den t fi's .ff'ce or biismess office w here ii t tn m.k be genTa'ly useful. Csn T...et iiic pub.ic and use lypewriicr. Matin VERNON JdlTKIINITY M(ME. 10-2 VerL ro ave. Wood swa 4-72, Nlta i-rglia Ai'nn K. Kirteh-- A "i; l.I.I i.i-" n jr.T. ready f.r another case; con ii-ni iouf und 1epnd a t!e ; rnnvalfl ..-nt-. p--'. rrrri KrTi M orhn'l ryi, tit 1 pi aciiea.1 nu"c w an ts w ork. Tabof AY w or or pr Kn-t . H7 ica. njrs.r.g. reia. Phono ,M. nu T o.'r wants to lake care oC l.XI MUKN work oy KD i.-a . A I- 4h. l;al iiurn, regonisn. t ! i ri n ".pt nonce; ta Uufliw para. NK A 1" oun g la d v v f o toi:wtrping for mrt; one with own rot w s nt to lriv l WMttem. Cr. De:. or to g.r.t mi- p-ef.rrt d : d x Addr- W I W A N V K I p.,i.l..n. P . j our, c the c re of wonian as a com -a homo. AO 4. Cre- W AN 11.11 loit.o-i v-n - ii t n w It Ii ;t - t .-- nf houFe keeper g rl. Main Dai. 5YATn TO UK-NT. II ousee. ili'Thl.l. ani gr.vn Foil d;rc c.l-Iur ntshe.i. than, eh.erfui. four or f ive-rotti lotting.. ,r rmuil apArtmer.t in de.-orabiw iieighlMrlood ; references and good care of proper; y. l'hone T bor i"l WANTKD To rent unfurnished o-iooi-n. house- motln, p. rmanent. 3 adulu; w: t pav t yrars in pient loeaibm; pref- cabiy in Alberta or llawthome districtx Ta bor 7;nV N NTKD To rent lu.-nifhrd oe .-roorn t referenee-e; n0Ue. c'ose In: can give Lt Ft p i:o chl.drcn. Cail Taor betwevn 0 M'd .1. IT RNI.-HKD suburban hmif not more than Tai mintitea taned bv adults: Fta;e Icrn-F. D.t ".. 1 'rrcviman. of . or 6 nnt., irom the city, particular and WANT to ieaFf or rent (.bout ft room, suburban boujpe with garuin; wi:i take g.tod care; by smatl family. N G'-O. Orcgo tu tn. V. AN Kit A 0 t S-room (urnliH arart nieii:. or a to -rom tun.?id hou,-c. 011 wrel ide: w ould consider bu ing. Jt'Ioae M a r?htil I ..l:," or Hroad w ay 2 l. A ANT l .l 'J to T-r.om houM or bnntsiotii inp'l-rn. by married -oipie; no children. I'oor.e Mam R7-'. a-k for Nf-s rondnn. W'ANTKD Dy reFon5:ble coup.. with thn-i cliilur- n. "-room tnor.- ni home; witt pay up to rei.t. A' 1". Orernlan. W aNTKL or ti-rooni n rid iv modern, w e'1- furmhed houhf. cio.e to school; good dia trirt. Phone Tabor rultT. t'Ol I'Lt; wfth one cnlM w isrt s.na.l 4 or r. -roooa ftpri: ished bouse In good location. Phuae 'om .". i u'. ; nomah ho:et. WANTT;;i Hv March I.V A-rom modem bo us... 1 t-.lr(Km first t :oor; prefer wit a g;ra ge. Tabor 1 7 7. WANTICD To rent modern or T-rooai liout-o and garage by r-esponM h'e party; a mna.l chl-dren. Phone Taoor -S412. W A NTKl 4 or &-room house, modern. W V. V l.t'-egi-.ri.l :i U Ti ."-room furnished house : P ir men 1 : W. snie. Mai f lower f.at or all iiio. IT' KN If hou HF.D four Main r..-.si. to aix-room modem 4 i'R ."-room furni-hel hroir- with ard. and. near school. MarrhaU ."4".. liv'l'Sij; of or i roynu, govl Condi -icxu 5. PiiJu -X ii-J 1