12 THE 3IOKXING OREGOXIAX, SATUIiDAY, MARCH 1, 10 W. S ULL VAN DANIELS i TRADED FOR PITCHER Carson Smith of New Orleans, Latest Acquisition. RED OLDHAM IS SECURED Portland Magnate Making Plans to Get Proper Start in Opening Games of Season. BT JAMES J. RICHARDSON. Carson "U. S." Smith, right-hand pitcher, has been added to the Port land club's already formidable pitch ing staff. The big twirler comes from . New Orleans in a trade for Outfielders John L. Sullivan and Bill Daniels. Smith pitched for New Orleans last year, working in 16 games, winning eight and losing six for a percentage of .571. He twirled 99 innings allow ing S5 hits. Wnen the Southern league went up in smoke last season Smith drifted out to Salt Lake and pitched three games for the Bees, winning all of them. A few days before the Pa cific coast league suspended Smith got into an argument with Vmpire Frary and hit him on the nose with the ball, spectators at the game claim. Smith came west with Chicago Americans a number of years ago on a training trip. A few days before the White Sox were ready to start back east Smith pitched an exhibition game and was taken out of the box. The fans started kidding him and he re marked: ""I'll soon be starting back for the United States." The day the SSox left for Chicago Smith was turned over to Vernon and the fans nicknamed him "United States" Smith which has hung to him ever since. McCredie thinkswell of Smith's abil ity.' The Portland chief had other chances to trade Sullivan and Daniels, but was anxious to land Smith. New Orleans needed two good outfielders, hence the trade. Oldham Is Secured. With the addition of Smith and "Red" Oldham, Detroit southpaw, to the Port land club pitching staff, most Port land fans are laboring under the im pression that Manager Walter Mc Credie has the niftiest aggregation of hurlers in the league, but the elongated pilot is not altogether satisfied with his lineup in the hurling department says he's not even contented and that he is now trying to purchase one of the best pitchers in the International league and if successful will have what ought to prove the best minor league pitching staff in captivity. The sale of Oldham by Detroit to the Portland club gives McCredie a stellar array of slab artists. With Pennington, Smith Penner, Lewis, Jones, Lay. Shoup, Morton and Mitchell bending 'em over from the right side of the rubber and Oldham, Rapp, Schwartz and James working on the opposition from the port side, it gives McCredie an aggravation of slabsters that will be hard for any minor league club to stack up against and walk away with the long end of the score. The International league twirler Mc Credie is after has Just received his discharge from the army and tele graphs he will affix his signature to a Portland contract if one or two slight differences are fixed up by the Mc Credies. The Beaver boss expects to announce the player's name within the next few days. Third Bairmin Needed. "While dur present roster looks to be the class of the league, I am hot on Ihe trail of a good third baseman and will purchase or make a trade for any player I think will strengthen the Portland club," said McCredie yester day. "There are always some disap pointments in the training camp. All ball clubs have their troubles in the spring. No matter how capable the players are that a person has -signed there are always a few who con't make the grade. "I aim to carry seven pitchers the first part of the season. The league says we must cut down to 15 players after the first 30 days and from the present outlook I am going to have a corking good bunch of pitchers. The going gets mighty tough at the start and we have two hard series right off the bat away from home. When I start the season I want enough pitchers so that I can shove one in there as soon as the fellow in the box starts wob bling. The pitchers are not all in the best of shape until the season has gone at least a month." Walter McCredie plans on leaving for San Francisco and Crockett about Thursday night. He took inventory of his baseball supplies at the ball park yesterday and there is a defici ency of bats, balls, uniforms an' every thing. From San Francisco McCredie will go up to Crockett and be on hand to welcome any players who might arrive shead of schedule time, Tuesday, March 11. Eddie Bogart, well-known Portland ballplayer, who cavorted around third base for Aberdeen last year, has ac cepted terms with Portland and will sign a contract today. Bogart played 67 games in the Pacific Coast Inter national league last season and hit the pellet at a .311 clip. The writer saw and talked with Earl Coen in Tacoma Thursday and the recent acquisition to the Beaver in field closely resembles Bobby Davis who formerly played with Portland. Coen is said to be a speedy infielder with a very accurate peg to the bases and if he can hit up to Coast league requirements, might settle a huge problem for the McCredies. Lyle Bigbee. former university of Oregon star football, basketball and baseball player, was a Portland visitor yesterday. Bigbee twirled for Spo kane last season and later with one of the Seattle shipyard teams until he went into the army. I expects to sign a Seattle contract. WIXXER TO MEET CARPEXTIER Beckett and Goddard Will Determine Right to Challenge. LONDON, Feb. 2S. The announce ment made by the Central News that W. O. W. Beckett of Southampton, who knocked out Bombardier Wells last night, would jneet Georges Car pentier, the French heavyweight cham pion, is not confirmed as yet. Sporting writers in the morning newspapers say that the winner of the fight between Beckett and Frank God dard will meet the Frenchman. Salem Plays Albany Tonight, j -ALBANY, Or., Feb. 28. (Special.) The high school basketball teams of Salem and Albany will play in this city tomorrow evening in the first inter scholastic contest of the season in Al bany. The game will be played in the gymnasium of the junior high school here MOVIE : MR- SPSTTS You arS f"l WISH PEOPLE AELL WELL - WftNTED OfJ Tr J 1 WfiucD fcERFlAlM l " HVT IS IT ! ? I l SJ VTpply j BeeiO PAPA'S Mtce Kjy-r om I KISS PsR PAPA? L I (TTi MAM ToPAVf) ( That ' PoPSr COMft ? j Boy?- kiss t I voo op I V rS cNpy A ' 9- ' ' J ' ; '0' FRESHMEN, IN DISGRACE, FIND ALLIES IN UPPER CLASSES. , Dismissal of Students Who Took Part in Parade May Lead to More Serious' Woes. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal.. Feb. 28. (Special.) The row at Stanford overthe Washington's birthday parade of the freshmen took on a more serious aspect today, when it became known that is freshmen may be expelled and several of the fraternities may lose their charters as a result of the holi day demonstration. A strike of the upper classmen is threatened. For years the freshmen have staged a parade on Washington's birthday, and each year the affair has become a little more daring and a trifle more risque. This year's parade is generally characterized as "the limit." and protests -by the dozens have poured into the faculty from men and women students. Campus gossip has it today that two more "frats" are likely to have their charters revoked and that 75 to 100 freshmen may be expelled. Nor is this all. The upper classmen declare that they are at least par tially responsible for the affair, and say they will not stand for a revoca tion of the fraternity charters and the expulsion of freshmen. SCHEDULE CHANGE OPPOSED National League President Says Con fusion Would Result. NEW YORK, Feb. 28. President John A. Heydler of the National league stated today that he did not believe the agitation for a 154-game schedule would result in a change in the 1919 season plans. "While it would be an easy matter from a physical standpoint to change the schedule at this time." said Presi dent Heydler. "the result would be both far-reaching and confusing. The return to normal conditions throughout the country has been more rapid, per haps, than was foreseen at our annual meeting, but any attempt to readjust our schedule now would produce com plications which would offset any ad vantages to be gained by the additional 14 games. "The various clubs of the league have completed th;ir sprir.g training plans, made dates for numerous exhibition games, r.nd otherwise assumed con tractual obligations which it would be hard to rearrange. Furthermore, we are finding it difficult to secure the early release of players now In govern ment service and need the additional time to complete the team rosters." COLUMBIA IS RULED OUT ALSTOCK FOUND INELIGIBLE BY ATHLETIC ASSOCLVTION. Railsplitters Are in First Place, With Six Victories and No Defeats as Result of Decision. BY RICHARD R. SHARP. At a meeting of the Interscholastic Athletic association directors yester day, Francis Alstock. Columbia uni versity basketball team forward, was pronounced ineligible to play with the Columbia team this season, having played in parts of several games with the Christian Brothers team last year, so all of Columbia's games played this season will automatically be thrown out. Lincoln high school was the only one to protest Alstock and the basket ball team of that school is the only aggregation interested in whether he is ineligible to' play this season. Columbia has been the only team able to defeat Lincoln this season, trimming the latter, 19 to 13, two weeks ago. Coach Dewey of the Lin coln team entered a protest Just be fore the game. The board's action in declaring Alstock Ineligible puts Lin coln in the lead again with six vic tories and no losses. Jefferson has been tied with Lincoln, having won six games and lost one. Jefferson de feated Columbia, so will not benefit by the latest action. Lincoln defeated Jefferson early in the season, so It looks as though the Railsplitters will walk away with the title this season again. Jefferson has yet to play a fast team in James John, while Lincoln's only hard game left is with Washington. James John and Jefferson are on an even footing and neither team looms up as the favorite. Both quintets have been traveling -along at a fast gait. OF A MAN TALKING TO HIS YEAR-OLD CHILD ON THE PHONE If Washington can play as fast and hard against Lincoln as it did against Columbia three weeks ago, the result of the game is very much in doubt, but the Washington squad has been playing such an in-and-out game this year that it is hard for the fans to warm up. The eligibility of post-graduate stu dents in the local high schools was also brought up at the meeting of the principals, but no actoin was taken on the question. A number of other sub jects relative to interscholastic ath letics were talked over, but nothing was acted upon. S. F. Ball, principal of Franklin high school, who is president of the Interscholastic Athletic association, will call another meeting of the principals in about two weeks, when plans for the year will be mapped out. TILDEN WINS FROM RICHARDS Philadelphia Tennis Player Becomes Middle Atlantic Champion. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 28. William T. Tilden II, Philadelphia, captured the middle Atlantic indoor tennis cham pionship by defeating Vincent Richards, New York, in the final round of the senior singles here today, 4-6, 6-3, 5-7, 6-2. 7-5. Tilden gained the victory by his bril liant playing in the last two sets. His spectacular smashing and volleying at tack, coupled with great court covering and sensational "gets," stood out con spicuously. He used his straight bullet delivery to advantage, and varied this with his tremendous reverse twist, which proved too much for Richards. The court was wet for the start of the match, but later dried off. Handling himself better on the slip pery footing. Richards won the open ing set. 6-4. but in the second Tilden broke through his opponent's service on the fourth game and won the set on his own service, 6-3. In the third set Tilden once more broke through Rich ards' service on the fourth game, but the youngster came right back and smashed through Tilden's twisting service, eventually taking the set, 7-5 Tilden hit up the pace in the fourth set and romped away with it, 6-2. With sets two all, Richards led in the fifth set, five games to one. In the seventh he had Tilden at 30 love and needed only two more points to win the match. At this point Tilden rallied and displayed one of . the most spec tacular smashing and volleying attarks seen in this section for years. The New York lad fought desperately to stave off defeat but was unable to stem the tide. CLATSKANIE PLAYS PARKWAY Fast Basketball Teams Will Meet Tonight. CLATSKANIE, Or., Feb. 28. (Spe cial.) The fast South Parkway basket ball team of Portland il i meet the Clatskanle alumni five on the local floor Saturday night and a great game is expected. The alumni has not played many games this year, but has been practicing faithfully for months against the high school and Is in shape to give the visitors a real battle. The Portland squad Is the fastest in dependent team of that city. Manager Larson reports a huge advance sale of tickets and the Clatskanle boys will have plenty of support. MORTON LOSES TO ALLISON McAndless Defeats Trump In Balk line Billiard Tournament. CHICAGO, Feb. 28. IL C. Allison of Detroit won from J. E. C. Morton of Philadelphia, 300 to 243 in 30 Innings, and David McAndless of Chicago, de feated Percy P. Trump of Pittsburg. 300 to 123 in 25 innings In today's play in the annual national amateur balk line billiard tournament. High runs: Allison, 54 and 34; Morton, 35 and 37: McAndless, 63 ajid 25; Trump, 25 and 17. .Averages Allison. 7 34-28: Morton. 6 15-38; McAndless. 12: Trump, 4 23-25. LEONARD AND DUFFY SIGNED Match Will Be Staged in Buffalo in Last Week In March. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Feb. 28. Bennv Leonard, lightweight champion, will box Jimmy Duffy in Buffalo. N. Y., the last week in March, according to an nouncement by Billy Gibson, his man ager, here tonight. Gibson said be also had accepted an offer for Leonard to meet Joe Welling in Newark, N. J., at an early date. ' No suitable boxer has been found here to meet Leonard, Gibson said, so the champion and his manager will leave Los Angeles Sunday -or Monday for Salt Lake City without a bout here. Martin McKee, a coal miner at Spring field. III., won a wager of t by eating at one sitting 25 big pickles, weighing aiiogetu im aau, ouc-lia.il pounds. TMPfflEN SHOOT SUNDAY PORTLAND TO COMPETE SEATTLE EVENT. IX Special 750-Target Match Against Green Lake Club Arranged for Tournament. A number of Portland's best known trapshooters will go to Seattle tonight with the Portland Gun club team, which is billed to shoot a special 750 target match against a picked team of the Green Lake Gun club of Seattle. Sunday will be the opening day of the Washington State Trapshooters' association shoot, and many of the Portland scattergun artists will remain over for the entire programme. The men shooting on the Portland team are Frank Templeton, state cham pion; J. W. Seavey, former state cham pion: E. H. Keller, Frank Van Atta and Jess B. Troeh. The Portland team defeated the Seattle five here two weeks ago at Everding park by 44 tar gets, and the result of the return match on the Seattle team's home grounds is awaited with interest by followers of ihe trap game here. Among the members of the Portland Gun club who will accompany the team will be A. K. Downs, J. C. Morris, Ab ner Blair, A. A. Hoover, Fred H. Peter son, C. B. Preston, R. Thompson and Frank Troeh. For the benefit of the shooters who will remain in Portland, a special mer- chandida shoot has been arranged for l-veruing park tomorrow. BENSON BEATS BROTHERS MARGIN OF FIVE POINTS GIVES VICTORY' TO POLYTECHNIC. First Half Ends With Score of H to Five in Favor of Losers, but Lead Is Lost. Ioterscholastie Raokethall League Standing. W. I- Prt.l . W. I.. Pet. 3-ttmon ft 1 James Johii.. 4 3 ..'.71 Lincoln 6 1 .H..7 Hill J . .JH WaahitiRton. ." 2 lommfrr. . . 2 A Krankllii 4 a ..i7i;'h l n liros.. 1 fi .lrttl Columbia.... 4 3.671Urnaon 1 H.ltR! In one of the most exciting basketball games of the season the I'.enson Poly quintet defeated the Christian l".thers basketball team. 21 to 17, yesterday aft ernoon at the Franklin gymnasium. It was the first victory of the season for the Benson team. The Christian Brothers' team wm in the lead, 14 to 5 points, at the end of the first halt and the outlook was not any too promising for Benson. How ever, the team staged a real comeback and won out, 21 to 17 points. Ferguson and Scott starred for the winners, while Shaw tthowed up to the best advantage for Christian Brothers. The lineup: B;non ;i). Ch'st'n. Brni 17. Ktohela (4 ..,.....F (SI Shaw FYrsuaon (9) K (2 Trhdn Lennox O Mi Bren Scott 8) 2 Funrltrhlda Baker U l.aniran L.ln4 Spare T.avarnlcn Hefrree. Leon Kbm Jr.; timer, 'liabe" Thomas; scorer, TV Kiln. OREGON DEFEATS AGGIES CORVALLIS BOYS CLOSE TO NET MISS 19 SHOTS. - Durno, University Forward, and Reardon, Corvallls Guard, Perform Best of All. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON", Eugene. Or., Feb. 28. (Special.) The Univer sity of Oregon crack basketball five defeated the Oregon Agricultural col lege quintet here tonight, by the score of 34 to 17. The game was not excep tionally fast, as both teams playld cau tious basketball and took few chances. The Oregon team went well at all stages of the game and showed itself to be the best of the two teams. Oregon held the Aggies to one field basket in the first period. The. Aggies missed 19 shots at the basket when they were within a few feet of the net. The best playing of the evening was done by Durno, Oregon forward, and Reardon. Aggie guard. Reardon guard ed the Oregon wizard In fine style and he slipped over only three baskets on the O. A. C. veteran. In the second period the Aggies showed signs of lifo and- made the game inure luteieuting, although they BY BRIGGS. did not at any time menace Oregon's lead. Durno shot eight out of 11 fouls, and with the six points secured on field baskets, was high-point man. McCart played the best game for the Aggies. The lineup Orrcon 131). Accirs M7. ... li) Arthur Kliual.l ... MoC.rt - K i k I m a n . J Krynolda TVirno (Ml .... K ler 4 . . . . JncubbfrKer l-l I. In. I ) llrandnn . .F. . . . . K. .. . . K. .. Cbupmnn lfi ..:... itleree, tit'or Anderson. Portland. FRESHMEN DEFEAT CORVALLIS Oregon Quintet Trlumps by Score of 3 2 to 24. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Or., Feb. 28. Special.) The Oregon freshmen won over the O. A. C rooks here tonight by the score of 32 to 24. The Oregon first-year team had the edge on the contest at all stages, but appeared to lose some of the pep on the later stages of the game and al lowed the rooks to catch up. "Skeet" Manerud starred for the frosh, scoring 12 poihts for his team. Marc Latham, freshman center, also played a. nice game and gathered four field baskets. For the Aggie first-year team, Schrocder, forward, played the best game, followed by Ikrman. center. Ore gon is now one game ahead on the series and the two teams will clasb again tomorrow afternoon. The lineup: tirunn Krh. (321. O. A. C Hooks I4l. Manerud 112) K (Ill .-ch roeder Watch rti V i4i McIMnald Latham il i? ii n.-rmann Bcllnrs 14 l I'loiiRh V. .lacobbcrcer 2..; 4i McUlu Iteleree, eUorse Anderson. Portland. SKI JUMP RECORD IX DANGER Lars Hansen Qf st. Paul Unable to Retain Balance. STEAM BOA ' SPRINGS. Colo.. Feb. 2S. The world's record rki jump of 203 feet came near being broken today when Lars Hatigcn of St. Paul. Minn., Jumped 209 and 212 feet but was un able to retain hia balance and fell In each instance. He did not win the professional event, however, at the annual ski tournament here with his 343 points, his brother. Anders Haugen. also of Minnesota, getting 349 points. al:o covered more than 203 feet, but he. too. fell after a jump of 205 feet. He won on points, however, hy remain ing on his feet after a shorter junto. Nels Jensen of the Great Lakes naval training station won the amateur event with 2U5 points ami a Jump of 1 1 S feet. Edward Trinder of Steamboat Springs wb second and E. Hood of Chicago third. JUNIORS ISSUE CHALLENGE Hollaiiay Five Desires Game Willi Columbia Juniors Team. The manager of the Holladay Juniors basketball team Is hot on the trail of the Columbia Juniors. It seems that the Columbia Juniors played the Holladay Midgets last week and de feated the latter team. In turning In the report of the game, the manager of the Columbia Juniors stated that hia aggregation had defeated the Holladay Junijrs Instead of sayinz the Holladay Mldsets. Now the manager of the Holladay Juniors wants to straighten the tangle out by getting a game with the Co lumbia Juniors and Is open to meet the latter team at any time. The Hol laday .Juniors are claiming the 110 pound' champlcnship of tho city. WILLES LOSE TO STING AREES Score of -I to 3 Results I'roru Hard Fou;;!it Contest. The-Stlngarees water polo team de feated the Whales. 4 to 3. In the Mult nomah club tank last night. The game was one of tho best played In the Mult nomah clubhouse water polo league, so far. Ed Leslie and McHale starred for the Slingirees, while Doc Roller, Wtl raot and Adamxon played in the lime lieht for the Whales. The summary: Patterson F Hnford I-elle K Perry McHale O Holler HucWley i; TVIimot Mallet Goal Adanmon (Joala Leslie 2. Roller 2. Wllmot. Mcliale 2. Timer. E. Koiier: coal tenders, Ralph Knudsen, Frank O'Hrlen. Matt Stanley Passes On. Word has been received from Los Angeles of the death of Matt Stanley, former Sacramento. Seattle and Spo kane catcher. Stanley was 111 for many years, having left Portland In ISIS for Los Angeles in an effort to regain his health. After Stanley's baseball-playing days were over he worked for A. o. Spalding & Bro., athletic goods manu facturers, and was employed by the Portland branch. While in Los An geles he worked for the Los Angeles baseball club and was in charge of the grounds. Read The Orcgurwaa tlatsilicd ads. E OBJECTOFfJEWCOOE State Warden Pleased With Provisions of Act. SPORT AFFECTED LITTLE Uniform Deer Season, Shortening of Fishing Season Are Among; Important Changes. STATU CAPITOL. Salem. Or, Feb. (Special.) "The fish and game code as passed by the lcstslature just closed Is the greatest piece of game conservation legislation ever put over In the state of Oreiron." wa the dec laration of State .?ame Warden Carl Shoemaker, who was here today check ing over ihe accomplishments of the session along fish and game lines. A number of important changes are contemplated In the new game coe. Among these is the repeal of the con rumers' lirens law. which imposed a licence of 50 cents upon abutting prop erty owner-, md allowed them to fih In the stream flowing past their prop erty for home consumption. This law had been derl.--.red unconstitutional bv Circuit Judite n:sley. but all doubt a to its validity is now settled by its repeal. One of the most Important powers ,-onferred upon the fih and game com miwion by the act is that extending to the fi.-h and game commission the authority to close a stream to commer cial fishinir. but to leave 1t open to angling. This does not conter upon the commission the power to open a ftrea.n in disregard of the provisions of the stjtu'w. but il may close it as It sees fit, regardless of statutory regu lation.t. Ieer Sruoa t nlforaa. The fish and game code also makes t!ie deer season uniform throughout the state, being open from September 1 to October 31. Inclusive, with a bag limit of two Jeer with horns, there be ing no chans in the limit. The duck reason under the act Is to extend from October 1 to January IS, inclusive, and In all counties in west ern Oregon, with the exception of Clat sop, Columbia. Multnomah and Tilla mook, open from October li to Febru ary 13. Inclusive. In the four counties named the season will he from Sep tember 13 to liecen-.ber 31. This Changs In the season. In par ticular as It affects the four counties named. Is of wide significance to the lovens of sport, as It is believed in t'nis Is found a satisfactory solution of the Juck bailing question. vhlch has arisen from time to time to con front the various legislatures. In fact, this provision In the act was reached' as a compromise on the .luck baiting eubject and caused the duck baiting bill to die a natural death In committee without furtlier discussion. Uiid.r the arrangement reached, the duck hunters who bait their game along the Columbia and Its tributaries will have cleaned up their shooting by December 31. and this will allow Ihe birds to drift on down into Ihe Willamette valley counties in search of better feeding grounds. It is be lieved this will obviate the contention that has been kept up by Willamette valley sportemen that duck baiting practlcaly kills the sport in the val ley. female Illrds Allowed. Another change of prime Importance Is a provision a I low i tip- the killing of three female Chinese pheasants out o a bag of ten. State Game Warden Shoe maker declares that this Is one of the best moves taken for the conservation of the birds, iniutmuch as now. when a female pheasant is killed. th hunts man throws it Into the brush. By legalizing the killing of a limited num ber he believes that it will be for the best Interests of the pheasant shooter. One other feature of importance which was ;li-:ei In the la at the Inst minute was a clot-ed season of four months on trout. As it now stands, the feeason will be closed during Ie cember, January, February and March. The act originally provided for a closed season for Jauuarv, February and Manh. "We have tightened up throughout the act. and the code will go a long way toward consering game and will not materially interfere with the sportsman." Is the declaration of Mr. Shoemaker. Montana Retting mil Passed. HELENA. Mont.. Feb. 2S. The bill to permit bettlnir on horse races under GAME CONS RVATON iiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiu! Get Your Tires Ready for the Wet Street Do It Now RETREADING When a tire has reached the. retreading stage, an other day on wet streets might ruin it. f 'J . OUR METHOD IS DIFFERENT We build the new tread bv hand, wrap it by hand and COOK IT in A LARGE OVEN all at the same time. Every inch is cooked like every other inch. No over-cured spots. No under-cured spots. A TREAD PUT ON THIS WAY wears practically as long as the original tread P if the carcass is good. NON-SKID, RIBBED OR SMOOTH Oregon. The Tire Shop 333-335 Burnside, Near Broadway Phone Broadway 379 jiiuiinuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitniiiiiiiiiiuiniiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiim The Gi'eat Return Our soldier boys are streaming: back to us God bless them! Indus try is for ettinff the feverish days of war contracts for some and of no materials for others. Business is re turninpr to natural, healthful activity. There is plenty of coal for the fur nace and plenty of sugar for the cof fee and plenty of clothes for every body. It is the quality, however, more than the quantity that concerns this company. Exclusive Acents for "Sampeck" Clothes for Younp; Men and Their Fathers, Too. Washington at Sixth the pari-mutuel system at state and county fairs for periods not longer than six days parsed the senate today by a vote of 26 to in. and. halng pre viously passed the house, now goes t WELLS LOSES IX FIFTH ROUND English Champion Knocked Out by W. O. W. Ilcckctt. LONDON. Feb. 2S. In a 20-round boxing contest at the Holbern t-tadlum Thursday night J'.;.:::'.ir'i!er Wells, the Kritish heavyweight rhampion, wu knocked out in the fifth round by W. O- W. Heckett of Southampton. Interest attaches to the bout inasmuch as the winner now will fitht Frank tloddard for tho honor of meeting the French heavyweight champion, tieorges Car pentier. The Frenchman witnessed the contest tonight. Heckett fought for the air service In the recent Albert hall tournament, where he defeated the American. Joe Cox. Tonight's contest was tense and ex citing. It soon became apparent, how ever, that Wells was suffering from "nerves." He went to the floor re peatedly, yet he fought with great skill and had things his own way in ih second and fourth rounds. Neverthe less lie was counted out in the fifth. Read The Oregonl.in classified ads. H 1 i