Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 01, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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United American War Veter
ans Under Scrutiny.
Men at Head of Proposed Associa
tion, W ith One Exception, Said to
. Have Seen "o Overseas Service.
ueep -waters are about the "United
American War veterans," otherwise the
"World War Veterans of Oreiron " in
the investigation which is under way
' determine the merits of their organ
ization, and of the men who are head
3ng it. Officers of the newly-formed
""U ha-ve solicited iunds in the local
Tien for the payment of salaries and
uitanizauon expenses, and the ques
tion of propriety has been raised.
It is further declared that the men
who have assumed leadership of the
organization have not seen overseas
service, and that it is unfitting that
an association be attempted until the
boys come back from France to deter
mine for themselves upon such an or
ganization and its commandere.
Report Is In sued.
Midway In an investigation of the
"United American War Veterans." the
better business bureau of the Portland
d club has issued a report of its find
ings, through Charles W. English, eec-
retary of the bureau. The report in
part lollows:
"An investigation has been made by
the better business bureau of an or
ganization which Is at present headed
y William L. Jieauveau, Major C. A.
.ismes, j. w. TVaterhouse, Captain S. C.
1 romley and B. C. Gordon.
"Thet-e men, with the exception of
JJ. C. Gordon, arc either drafted or en
lifted men who served in cantonments
or government offices in the United
States. Air. Gordon is the only man
who has seen overseas service.
"The organization, according to W.
ij. Reauveau, who claims to have orig
inated the idea, is to further the in
terests of the soldiers who have par
ticipated in the world war. Mr. Reau-
veati styles the organization us th
vorid ar veterans of Oregon, yet
tne solicitors are using advertising lit
rature and soliciting donations for the
organization under the name of the
United American War Veterans. Mr.
Reauveau has stated that the local or
ganization was affiliated with a na
tional organization known as the Unit
ed American War Veterans?, while Ma
jor James states that they are not af
filiated in any other organization and
that there is a possibility that they will
remain an independent organization.
I. arise Fund Is Sought.
incy are endeavoring to raise a
fund of $10,000, through donations
from business houses, the sale of ad
vertising in a dance programme, and a
dance which was given on February
22. This money is to be used for the
purpose of organization, with the ex
ception of 30 per cent, which is to be
placed in a reserve fund."
At the request of officers of the
"United American War Veterans," but
wholly without nomination by those in
charge. Mayor Baker recently appoint
ed a special committee of investigation
consisting of Franklin T. Griffith
chairman; Everett Ames. John Clark
Burgard. Charles Berg and Emery Olm
Head. The committee has not et re
O O O & O O O V O tst
c orBett 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 i I , 1 1 1 1 i i hx
gH7Ciii i.II:. .ill.. LI ilii i LlVva,
U 5 0 Tons of Ordnance Scheduled to
Pass Through, Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Feb. 28. fSne-
eiaL) About 150 tons of ordnance for
tne westport fortifications will pass
through Aberdeen about April 15, ac
cording to Major Walter S. Pollitz of
Seattle, who was in Aberdeen yesterday
arranging transportation details. The
guns probably will come from Puget
tound by rail, and will be loaded upon
scows here. The guns weigh between
25 and 50 tons each.
A number cf guns already are on
the site of the fortifications at West
port. When completed and garrisoned,
the post at Westport will be the head
quarters of two companies of coast ar
tillery, consisting of from 250 to 300
Aviators Halted by Storm.
VANCOUVER, B. C Feb. 28. W. E.
Boeing, Seattle aviator, and his mech
anician. Eddie Hubbard, arrived here
today by airplane from Seattle. The
two left Seattle yesterday, but were
forced by a storm to stop for the night
at Anacortes. Wash.
1 LiAMk
FJIatlm From Corn
A ,vt,-NT of more than passing
interest is the luncheon and meet
ing: of the Association of Collegi
ate Alumnae which will be held at 1
o'clock today in the University club.
A number of reservations have been
made for the affair and it promises to
be notable in many respects. Dr. W.
W. Willard will be the speaker, and
a playlet will be given by the associ
ation. Airs. Otis F. Lamson, a charming and
popular matron of Seattle, will speak
on the Armenian -conditions, to assist
in the drive that commences Monday
for the Armenian relief, and she also
will be the guest of honor at the re
ception which will follow the luncheon.
The executive board will meet in the
Library Monday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock in the children's story-hour
room and all members are urged to be
A charming affair of mid week was
the party given by Mr. and Airs. Hans
Jewell on Wednesday evening at their
home. 774 East Fortieth street. The
affair was to celebrate the birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Jewel. Flags and
tlowers deckedthe rooms and the even
ing was passed with music and games.
Refreshments were served. The guests
included: Mr. and Mrs. P. Galle, Mrs. J
Bakke, Mr. and Mrs. Rower, Walter
Hamann, Mr. and Mrs. Lui Petersen
Mrs. R. A. Schade, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Chambers, Andrew Olsen, Miss Abie A.
Jewel, Master H. R. Jewel. Mrs. A. Ip-
sen ana Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jewel
A charming dance in which the sub
debutante set was interested especially
is tnat given last night by Miss Dor
othy Shea at the residence of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Shea.
Ihe charming young hostess was
sisted in receiving her young guests,
who numbered about 30, by her mother.
The drawing-room and ballroom were
adorned artistically with a profusion
of pastel-toned spring flowers and
Mrs. C. R. Brlnkler entertained
Thursday afternoon with an informal
tea complimenting Mrs. J. H. Fisher,
who soon will leave for a few months'
visit with her parents in Nashville,
lenn. The guests included close friends
of the guest of honor.
Airs. William Everett Knouff left
Thursday to meet her husband, who
has returned from France. After visit
ing relatives in Ohio and Chicago they
will return to their home in Portland.
Lieutenant Byron A. Stover, who
served in the 9th artillery corps over
seas, spent yesterday in Portland en
route from Bend to Seattle. Lieuten
ant Stover has been visiting: friends in
bend for several weeks.
The Oregon field artillery auxiliary
to batteries A and B. 147th rteiment
will-give a dancing party this evening
in tne n,ast bide Business Men s club
Members and their friends are re
quested to attend, as the proceeds from
tne aance wui oe used to give a rous
ing reception to the men of batteries
A and B, who are soon to return home,
The following committee is in charge:
airs. it. ij. Adams, chairman; B. How
atson, floor manager: Aliss Hazel Mc
Crum. Miss Alabel Wheeler. Miss Flor
ence Warren and Miss Eda Patterson.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae asso
ciation will meet today with Mrs. Theo
dore G. Williams, 962 East Ninth street
North, at 2:30 o'clock. All members are
urged to be present. (Alberta car or
W oodlawn car to Going street.)
The Knights of Columbus entertained
Wednesday evening in the grill of the
Hotel Portland with a dinner in honor
of James K. Flaherty of Philadelphia
supreme knight of America, and A. G.
Kagley of Cincinnati, traveling secre
tary for the overseas work of the
li-nights. Covers were laid for 40. Pat
rick Bacon acted as toastmaster and a
number of addresses were given.
m m m
Portland society is reioicln- nvir the
fact that Mr. and Airs. William C.
Knighton, formerly of Salem, are going
to make their home in this city. For
the present they are domiciled at the
Campbell hotel.
Dr. C. L. Booth was host Fridav
evening at a delightful dinner party
given in the grill of the Hotel Port
land in honor of several members of
the medical profession who recently
returned from overseas service. Covers
were laid for eight, as follows: Major
i nomas ai Joyce, Major Robert L. Ben
son, Captain G. N. Pease, Captain Frank
re. jiienne, captain James Convill. Dr.
Harold Myers, Dr. Horace Fenton and
the host.
Employes of Blumauer-FrBTiV Tt-i,o-
company are anticipating eagerly the
aance to De given them this evenlno-
uy i ne management, in tne ballroom of
Multnomah hotel. An interesting pro
gramme has been arranged by Walter
Davis, who Is in charge of arrangements.
The Waverly Country club'e dlnnor-
dance, which was scheduled for last
night, has been postponed until after
The proposed dinner-dance which hud
been announced for the Waverley club
for tonight has been postponed till
after Lent.
makes delicious.
toast. Make
Women's Activities
By Helen V. Driver.
tle, a native Armenian who Is
speaking In Portland Mi the interest of
Armenian relief, made her opening ad
dress yesterday afternoon at a meet
ing of the Portland Woman's club held
at the Alultnomah hotel. Slight and
young, of a rarely beautiful type; great
dark eyes under whose sweeping lashes
burn the beauty and the suffering of
the little nation which has been crushed
under the Turkish heel. Airs. Lamson
held her audience with a dramatic ap
peal for the bondaged boys and girls
of- Armenia in whom lies the hone of
the nation freed.
"Armenia stands before us as the
heroine of the world," said Airs. Lam
son. "Moribund, wounded, starving
she proclaims the invincibility of her
soul by retaining her religion her
language and her racial traditions out
of the awful torturing which she has
endured at the hands of the Ottoman
government since 1375.
"Armenia's sorrows in defense of the
Christian religion have paid the toll in
martyrs throughout every century of
the Christian era. Thirty millions of
my people have given their lives in de
fense of Christianity. To us there is
no peace until every Alohammedan
house is opened and made to give over
every Armenian boy and girl who has
been bound into a slavery which in
many cases is worse than death.
"We ask your money not to save the
old people. They have gone, defending
their Christ; but we must save these
children to people the Armenia which
shall be free forever of Turkish and
Prussian dominion."
Following Airs. Lamson's address
Lucien Becker, pianist, and Mrs. Her'
man Politz, soprano, gave a muslcn
programme which was greatly enjoyed.
jar. cccrci piuyea a group or old fa
vorites, the Aloskowsky "Valse de Con
cert," the Liszt arrangement of the sex
tet from "Lucia," and a "Valsette" of
his own composition. Airs. Politz was
in splendid voice and jang Massenet's
Elegie," Scott's "Winds in the South."
Lieurance's "By the Waters of Minne
tonka," Gertrude Ross' "Dawn in the
Desert," and .a group of lighter num
bers in a charming manner. Both mu
sicians were warmly applauded and re
sponded generously to the repeated en
cores. Airs. Charles Boss had charge of the
programme for the day. - -
The Overlook Woman's club enter
tained recently for members of their
families at the home of Airs. W. R. Min
singer. A programme arranged by
Mrs. Jessie Orton Stickle contributed
largely tQ the pleasure of the evening.
Numbers were given by Aliss Cornelia
Slinsinger. Miss Alargaret Stickle, Aliss
Myrtle Clausen, Aliss Martha Engle
hardt. Miss Ena Pullin; Aliss Bowers,
pianist; Mrs. C. G. Anderson, contralto
Mrs. AI. Gabriel Pullin, soprano. Rev.
Robert Alurray Pratt gave a reading,
The Alothers club will meet at Neigh
borhood house this afternoon at
o'clock. The newly elected officers are
President. Airs. T. Narod; vice-president
Airs. M. Berenson; secretary. Mrs. J. D,
Daugoff, and treasurer, Mrs. S. Conn
The "50-50" club was entertained at
dinner last Saturday evening at the
home of Mrs. E. E. Aiorgan, J15 North
rup street. The guests Included Dr.
and Airs. Ralph Davis. Allen Aiorgan
Davis, Air. and Mrs. T. T. Geer, Air. and
Airs. Charles Aloores, Air. and Airs. W.
H. H. Dufur, Colonel and Airs. Rober
A. Miller, Air. and Airs. Harry Cook
Aliss Stevens, J. D. Lee and Airs. E. T.
Weatherred. An informal evening of
dancing was enjoyed.
Dr. J. Campbell White of New Tork
city will address a mass meeting o
women Monday at 2:30 in the Kirs
Congregational church on "Foreign
.Missions as Related to the Inter-Church
World Movement," Dr. White is ac
counted an authority on foreign mis
eions and is one of the strongest plat
form men in America. Aliss Ida V. Jontz
general secretary of the Toung Wom
an's Christian Association and the only
woman member of the general inter
church committee for Portland, heads
the committee on arrangements for this
meeting. Other members are: Airs. D
L. Brace, Airs. James F. Ewing. Airs. J
K. Faust, Airs. George W. Lilly and
Mrs. fa. L. Lock wood.
The Aleier & Frank Girls' Reservs
club or the Toung Woman's Christia
Association enjoyed tho first of a series
or iour splash parties in the association
pool Wednesday evening, with 24 in at
tendance.. Miss Atillie Schloth. swim
ming instructor at the Couch and Shat
tuck schools, and two of her star pupils
gave aemonstrations In fancy diving
swimming and life saving. They were
Elizabeth uirlsman and Bertha Gro
ver, aged 7 and 8 years, respectively
Aliss Ludgate, the T. W. C. A. instruc
tor; Miss fatone, Attso Scott and Misa
iuanany assisted In making the affair
a success.
The girls enjoying the eveninir were
Allsses Grace Smith, Augusta Burnick
Thelma Llndall. LaVeta. Holman. u m
Laughtin, Lura Robinson. Phillis Hardp.
son. Elizabeth Makclaar, Sara O'Malley,
AL Evans. Golda Copeland. Gladys Bud-
long, Orra Alahany, Alexie Pigney. Rose
Aleduna, Daisy Hendricson. I.olah stn.
wunams. tdlth McManania
Grace Scott, Julia Davis. Bertha Hart-
wig, G. Strejo.
Women of Company F. lfi'd Infamy
auxiliary, gave a surprise to Airs. Alav
t er no me in Alberta last Tuesday
evening. A pleasant evening was en-Joyed.
napter j;. f k. o in)i,i..j
friends Thursday afternoon at the home
of the president. Airs. C. F. Wright. A
unarming programme of folk music
vb arrangea Dy Miss Bessie Mickey,
who interspersed her numbers with u
talk on folk lore and r 1 H thim.a xf-.
wra .cess beeberger sang a group of
songs in the original Russian, Spanish
and French, giving translations of
each, followed by a group of negro.
Welsh and Scotch numbers. Aliss Jean
mcivercner played her accnmnsinimn
miss Mickey later played Coleridge
jayiors "tiamDoula Dance" and "A
iresiae -lale" by MacDowelt Mp
Christensen Peterson, a guest of the
ciud, gave a charming interpretation
oi ievine s ' Hutnoresque' and the
itacninaninof r "Prelude.
Florence A. Bateman Placed tJndcr
Arrest and Later Released
Upon $500 Bail.
As the outcome of a chance meeting
ana a remark by an array caDtain at
Camp Lewis last year, Florence A.
Bateman, alias Florence K. Davis, is
awaiting trial in federal court on a
charge of receiving under false pre
tenses government funds allotted to
soldiers' dependents. Mrs. Bateman
was arrested yesterday by federal of
ficers and later was released after
furnishing bonds of J500.
The soldier said to be implicated In
the case is Victor A. Davis, who was
drafted into the army.
Mrs. Bateman met Davis in San Fran
cesco last spring, she told Depoty
United States Attorney Reames. who is
handling the case. Later he came to
Portland, where he was inducted into
the army and sent to Camp Lewis.
Mrs. Bateman visited Davis at Carol)
Lewis last fall and he is said to have
introduced his companion as his wife.
Why don t you get an allotment for
yonr wife?" the captain is said to have
asked Davis upon being introduced.
Accounts have it that Davis needed
only the preliminary suggestion to
push the matter to completion.
Whether Mrs. Bateman was an un
willing party to the fraud or whether
she was an accomplice in getting the
money has- not yet been disclosed.
Airs. Bateman's husband, to whom
she was married several years ago. Is
said to have been a shipworker in
Portland. She has not lived with her
husband since meeting Davis, it is said.
A 4-year-old child adds to the compli
cations oi me case.
Resolution to Evict Members From
Union Is Introduced.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 28. (Spe
cial.) A resolution aimed at the evic
tion of all "reds" from the Central
Labor council was introduced at a
meeting of the organization of the
Butter. Egg and Produce Workers'
union yesterday. The proposal would
remove all delegates who. In addition
to being members of the American Fed
eration of Labor, are also allied with
organizations such as the L W. W. or
other dual bodies.
Alleged bolshevists took umbrage
when the resolution was read on the
floor, but were quickly stilled.
Heated argument on the measure Is
forecast for next week's meeting by
both radicals and conservatives.
Castle Rook Boys Return.
CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. Feb.
ii icy
ILy vL hy JUL
1feh 1
hk r
SERENADE" ; , Pierne
(Special.) Some of the boys who have
received their discharge papers and
returned borne ar Waltr H. Bingham
and Clere Westfall, of the marines:
Krnest Seivers, Erwln Rice. Roy Ger-
mand, Nick Steinbach and Ernest Feist,
nfantry and artillery ana Emory Fuller
of the navy.
Pasco Votes on Candidates.
PASCO. Wash- Feb. 28. (Special)
Edward A. Davis and E. W. Landt have
announced themselves a candidates
for election on the school board for
the one and three-year terms respec
tively, at the school election to be held
on Saturday, March 1. Both of these
gentlemen sr now members of the
Del Coronado
Coronado Beach, California
American Plan
Bay and Surf Bathing,
Boating;, Golf, Tennis
Motoring, Polp
Climate the Most Equable
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Buy Your Ticket to
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John J, Hernan, Manager
board, both having been elected to fill
unexpired terms. They are the only
candidate thus far to have announced
Tn heart of Greenland Is said to
consist of a block of ice covering 00,
000 square miles, and averaging a mile
ana a nair in tnlrknesn.
Dorit worry about that
skin trouble
will heal it
Onrr those who hare really suffered
from malignant skin disorders can un
derstand the mental and physical dis
comfort that such affections bring.
People avoid you your best friends
are ashamed to be seen with you and
In general, yoor life is made really
Yet it is a consolation to know that
even serious and long established trou
bles of this kind are generally overcome
promptly and completely by the use of
Resinol Ointment.
Quicker results as a whole may be
obtained by first bathing the affected
parts with Resinol Soap and hot water.
RewWd OmumM and Raatnol Soap mxmj b pmfw
cnttd at ail drauub.
While you're breakfasting this
morning, seven Columbian stores in
seven cities will be opening their
doors for business.
During the day many persons will
telephone these seven stores and ask
for lens replacements "in a hurry."
Not one of them will be disap
145 Sixth Street
Floyd F. Brower, Mgr. Thoue Marshall Hi
1 1 -