THE HORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1910. 21 BUTTER TRADE GIVEN IEPORT FIRST HEM Dairy Products Division Starts Portland Service. L. M. DAViS IN CHARGE HERE Advance of One Cent In Local But ter Market Effective This Morn ing; Conditions in East TL dairy products division of the Port land office- of tba bureau of market, which Is In chare of L. 11. Davis, Issued Its first daily bulletins yesterday devoted to general market conditions of butter, cheese and egffs. The report flealt with conditions and sta. t .at ics of the San Francisco and leading eastern markets. The butter bulletins will le found elsewhere oa this pass. Within a fexr tlys Mr. Davie will Include the Port land market In hin service. Despite some feeling of weakness east yes- t-rWay. the local butter market was firm. City creameries announced an advance of 1 cent In prints today, making the quantity price in plain wrappers 53 cents. The buy ing pric of butter fat will be raised 1 cent ao. Cubes were In demand on the street with sales of extras at 49 and 49 V cents to the local trad and 50 cents for shlp- xnent to Seattle. Throughout the east during the past week a. firm market prevailed with a steady In crease In pries at all markets. Increased consumption, a falling off of production and the placing of orders for the food ad ministration's butter, which was first re ported to have been returned to dealers. caused a feeling of confidence to exist hlen quickly developed Into a firm mar ket. Daring the first part of the week the iiiot demand was for the higher scorei However, as demand Increased, other scores I'Wame well cleaned up. During the week prices Increased 3 cents at Boston, 6 cents rt Chicago and Philadelphia and 7 cents at New Tork. Receipts of ftv markets for the week of February 10 to 15, Inclusive, amounted to 114. SOT tubs as compared with 33-.10& for the week previous, or a decreaM of IS.'t tubs from last week. Cold storage holdings on the five markets show a de crease of 1. 133.738 pounds. Dealers fresh p'.ocks Monday morning, February 17, show 2w?6 tuns less than .Monday of the previous eek. The closing price on J -score butter aturriay. February 15, was SI cents at Bos ton. 31 cents at Chicago, Co cents at Phila delphia and 56 cents at New Tork. Stocks of butter held in storage In the TTnited States by the army, navy and allied governments on February 1. 1919, are report ed to the bureau of markets as 13,790,934 pounds. The holdings a year ago were much umaller and are estimated roughly as S.Wt.Ooo to 4.UOO.0OQ pounds. The total stocks of creamery abutter In cold storage reported to the bureau of markets for the entire country February 1, 1919, amounted to ;.S15,793 pounds as compared with 6,725, 913 pounds last year. Arordlng to these fig ures, the amounts of butter held In cold storage aside from the holdings of the army, navy and allied governments are substan tially the same for the two years. ported on the street at 39 40 cents, case count. 42 cents candled and 43 cents for selects Poultry was in moderate supply and rather weak, 30 cents being the top quota tion on hens. Dressed veal was firm aad pork, which was In large supply, was easier. AO Apple Markets Firm. There was no change In losal apple pjrices, the demand being good and prices firm. Ore gon shipments were eight cars to New Tork, one to Baltimore and two to Spokane. Ths Eastern markets were firm with ex tra fancy WinesaDs ranzine from 3.75 to $4.25 at Important points. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearinsa. Balances. Portland sj.4X4.ihh t 7iii.t."2 Seattle 4.1l';.ti.-.7 1,10.999 Tacoma V7.m4 140.9SU bpoaane - l.&4.u 4uy,i'50 SPECIALTIES ARE HIGHER GAIXS OF 2 TO 1 2 POIXTS ARE SCORED IX WALL STREET. ' Ralls and Shippings Are Backward and Steel Is Irregular Until Near Close of Market. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Floor, Feed. Etc No sesslou Merchant, Exchange. Bid Barler Mnrih Anrll Standard feed S4:;.oo j-i;ui0 Standard "A" 44.50 44.00 fcastsra oat, and corn, bulk: Oats 33-p.jiind clipped white 42.50 42.00 Luru No. 3 yellow ; BS.0O B2.30 No. 3 mixed OJ.UO 51.00 WHEAT Government basis. 11.20 per bu. XLOL'K Patent.. SU AS nrr bbl haWnt- S10.70W 10 8.-.:; whole wheat. 10: era ham. I9S.5 ,3 SO; corn meals. .ll.JU if 10.30. .MILLFEKD Mill run. I. o- b. mill, cariou 43 per ton: mixed cars. $43.50; ton lots or over. X4u; lesa than tons. S4o: rol ed bariev. 13-054; rolled oats, S035a; (round oartey. CORN Whole- ton. SS4S6: cracked, sea e. HAT Buying- prices, f. o. b. Portland; Eastern Oregon timothy. $3033 per ton: alralla. $i'o 2S.S0: valley grain bay. clover. J6U27; .trair, $9 3 10. CHAIN MARKET IS DCLL BUT STEADY Bkk for February Delivery of Any Ce real mm Loral Board. Tellow com and cllppod oats were SO C'nts blghT on the local board, but the market was lifeless. No bids were received for sacked or eastern wblts oata or for fpbniary delivery of any cereal. Weather conditions In the Middle West, at wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg, clear to cloudy. 19 above; Minneapolis, cloudy, 3: Omaha, clear, fine; Iulutb. cloudy, SO, looks like snow; Chicago, clear, fine; To peka. ctear, 3-: Ohio valley, clear, fine. Z- to 37." Farmers' reserves of what In the United States are estimated by the New Tork Time, at " I0."oo.o0 bushels. Melbourne advices say Australian wheat pool statistics covering the operations of th: thrt-s pooling seasons show that 404 WHO bushxls of wheat and ZT.VOO.UOO bushels of flour were sniped abroad and P ln.v0O bushels of s hat were sold lo cal. Shippers hold H4.7u0.0oo babels of wheat. Argentine weathrr ron:lnues fine ami all accounts nMik favorably of the outlook. The tonnage situatiou Is stil unsatU'fac torv. T-rmlnal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Kxchange as follows: Wh-at. Barley.Ptour.Oats.Bar Fertlan,!. "Wed. J 3 11 2" 17 Year as 4 1 7.... 4 r..n lo date. . -'' 1777 .' " " ' Y-ar ago 30!:: -iH tiJS lolo 1413 T.i-m, Tu--s.. 3 .... .... T-ar ago 7 .... 13 k.,.iq tit da;. 4t.ti r .... I:t3 loott ear ago SuaJ 74 .... 13.1 flattie. Tiki.. .... 4 1 14 Yar ago in .... a 4 .1 t--Mn to da.e.47-.'l r.4 B7 2174 Year ago 3.VH ::: t32 i'373 Dairy and Conntry Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 485T30c: prints, parchment wrappers, extras, box lots. 53c; cartons, 34c; hall boxes, c more: lesa than half boxes, la more; butterlat, No. 1, 503? olu per pound, station. Oregon ranch, case count. 39f 40c: candled, 41 C 42c; selects, 43c per dosen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook; Trlpleta. 28c; Toung Americas, 29c. POULTRY Hens. 30c; roosters. ISc; stags. :c. ducks, nominal; geese, nominal turkeys, live. 33c: dressed. 41c. VEAL Fancy. 24c per pound. PORK Fancy, 20Hr21c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. I-oral Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, navels, 1494.50; lem ons. $3 fee per bos; bananas, oijve per pound; apples, 31.2563.50 per box; grape Irult. S3v?.f0. VEGETABLES Cabbare. 2.50S3.30 net 100 pounds; lettuce. $3.5004.25 per crate; peppers, 25c per pound; celery IS.50 5D per crate: eggplant, l.,i2oC per pound; artl. chokes, I-75: cauliflower, SL75&3 per crate; game, nnc per pound; squash, 3c per lb. beets, 2.25 per sack: carrots. S3 per ssck turnips, $29J.2S per sack; cucumbers, $2.25 per aozen: sprouts. 13c oer nound: tomatoes. $4.50 per box; spinach. $2.25 per box; peas. ic per pound; beans, 2uc per pound. POTATOES Ore con Burbanks. araded. tl.u0tjl.75; Yaklmas. I1.70&1.75; sweets, 4 '! 4 -il c. OMO.NS Oregon. fl.30t2 per sack. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basts: Fruit and berry. $9.53: beet, $u25; extra C. $9.15; powdered in barrels, sio.25; oubes In barrels. $10.45. i ts v,ainuts, Ji3.c: Brazil nuts. 82c filberts. 28c: almonds. 24r?30c; peanuts, 15c Bali nan-ground, loos. sio.ttu per ton: 50i, $17.23 per ton; dairy. $25 per ton. KltE Lnbroken, Virile per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices: White. ts 104c; colored, b9c COr FEE Roaated. In drums, 23 40c Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice, 3H037c: ctand rd. 35 4 if 36c; skinned. 34c: picnic. 25c: cottsge roll. 83c LARO Tierce Basis, 2Vic; compound, :3'5c BACO.V Fsncy. 49651c: standard. 42 O 43c: choice. 32 40c DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 27633c; plates, 24 ta 20c Hides and Pelts. HIDES No. 1 salt-cured hides, 30 pounds and up, 14c; No. 1 part cured hides. 80 pounds and up. 12',ac; No. 1 green hides. 30 pounds and up. lie; No. 1 salt-cured bulls, uO pounds and up. 11c; No. 1 part cured bulls, CO pounds and up. 9 be; No. 1 green bulls. 50 pounds and up. 8c. The price on No. 2 hides Is lc per pound less than for No. 1 of same kind. No. 1 calfskins up to 13 pounds. 33..-; No. 2 calfskins up Co 13 pounds. 31c; No. 1 kip. 15 to 30 pounds. 17c; No. 2 kip. 13 to 30 pounds, l.c; dry flint hides, 7 pounds and up, 2Sc; dry flint calf, under 7 pounds. 3c: dry salt hides, 7 pounds and up. 22c: dry suit calf, under 7 pounds, 32c; dry cull hides, half price; dry flint stags or bulls, ISc; dry salt stags or bulls. 12c: dry cull stags or bulls, hslf price; dry horse bides, according 4o size and take-off. $1.50 to $2 50 eath: salted horse hides', $3 to $5. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound. 15r; salted long-wool pelts. $1.25 to $2.50 each; dry long-hair gout skins, per pound, 20c: dry short-hair goat skins, each 35c to 75c NEW TORK, Feb. 19. Pools, syndicates and professional operators as a whole monopolized the broader and more active trading on the stock exchange today, the movement in the main comprehending many specialties at higher levels. There were several 'notheworthy exceptions to the general advance, however, rails and shippings making Indifferent response, while United States steel was irregulsr until the close when heavy accumulation caused a one point gain. Much bullish enthusiasm was attributed to the reported attitude of congress towards the terms of the "victory" loan, the pro posed substitution of short term notes of several classes being viewed with marked favor. Kelly-Springfield Tire overshadowed the entire list at an extreme gain of 13'points, nearly all of which It held; United Cigars rose 5 points; Texas Company and Mexican reiroieuin 1 to I points ana Industrial Al' conol 4 points. Pressed Steel Car, Baldwin Locomotive and Oeneral Electric strengthened on re ports of forthcoming domestic contracts, Na tional Enameling made a further gain on declaration of the dividend for the year ana leading metals improved moderately. oios amounted to ob,uuo snares. Bonds were steady, all liberty Issues . cept the 8s gaining from 4 to M per cent ana z-ans os rising per cent to 100 ?, high record. Total sales, car value, ssrirre. gated $14,350,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closin sales. High. Low. bid OSi, J.II'U 4i-?s i,tlUi Fair to good steers 9.5010.T5 Common to fair steers 9.50(6 10.75 Choice cows and heifers 10.00W11.00 Good to choice cows, heifers, S. iota) v.i Medium ta mrtii enwa. heifers 7.75 8.7 Fair to medium oows. heiters.'. . 6.00(9 7.00 Canners 3.50 9 5.00 Bulls 6.00 4 9.00 Calves 9.0013.oi Stockers and feeders T.OU 310.00 Hosa Prime TnlveA 1 S. 60 9 1 . R Medium mixed ..6 l.8r 10.60 Rnnirh hfuvle 14. liO fi 1 5. 2.1 PiRs 12.50014.50 sneep Prime lambs 14.0OflT14.B0 Fair to medium lambs io.i" i;.ou Yearlings - 10.00 11.00 Wethers .00'.i 10.00 Ewes 8.o0s 8.7 ORIGIN'S OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the Leading Markets of the Pacific Northwest State origins of livestock loaded February IS, 1919: Cattle, Horses. Mixed Calves. Hogs. Shecp.Mules. Stk. For Portland Oregon 8 Washington 4 Totals Portland. 12 One week ago Four weeks ago One year ago. .. For Seattle Idaho ......... Oregon Washington .... 3 8 Am Beet Sugar. American Can... Am Car & Fdry American Loco. :!.:mii i:j24 Am Sin & Keif. 3,300 6o! Am Su?ar Reig. oo Amer Tel A Tel. 7l0 lo3 Am Z L & 8m.. . 5no Anaconda Cop. 3t2oo Atchison 5oo A O & WISSL 200 Bait A Ohol Bethlehem B... 2.700 B & S Copper . . 200 California Petrol 9,io0 Canadian Pacif. 200 Central Leather 1,200 dies & Ohio ... 2,000 Chi II & St P . . 3O0 C It 1 & P ctfs. 1,800 Chino Copper .. 1,000 Colo Fu & Iron. 200 Corn Prod Re:g. 4.300 Crucible Steel . . G.5M0 Cuba Cane Sug. ttoo IJIstlll Securities K.000 Erie 1.300 General Electric General Motors.. 11,400 Gt Nor pfd 200 Gt Nor Ore ctfs. 9,400 Illinois Central.. 300 Inspir -Topner . . 300 lnt M M pfd . . . T.K0G Inter Nickel ... 2.500 Inter Paper .... 8,500 K C Southern . . 2o0 Kennecott Cop.. 1,800 Louis & Nash .. Maxwell Motors. 500 Mitican Petrol.. 25,200 51) V4 !I2 U7 "oi 17'.s 20 loois 01 57 30H 24 V, 33-74 30 4X3i 54 16 iii'vj 112 40 97 44 H 101 43' IT'S 29 ':isU lTSli 22 i, 24 " 10v 74 44 SS V, 113 i 63 V, I"). 102 "-si 01 97 " ill) "4 24 U loo'j 55 3(1 V4 23 T, 33 U 3'A 48 , 57 VI 21 H 55?, 16 ii1'4 02 6,2 43 '4 9!Hj 26 r. 41'i 17'., 29 i, 33 173 22 24 4. 10, 73 U 27 10(1 u, 11H. 44 41! Mil; 74 ;i 10 loiS 54 i 101 123 105 02 HI'S, 67 Vi UO U3K 11TK ao;i 11 50 is 97 47H 01 1 lliOVa lit SO', 484 16V, J. 139 '4 B2 H 3H 90-4 44V4 lot 20 4;t . 17H 294 aJ4 33 5774 22 24 16 '4 73 Vi 27 ill f 92 44 Hi SO 74 10 Miami Copper . . 400 Missouri Parffic 1.000 Nevada Copper.. S00 X Y CentrrU ... 500 rs 1 H di 11.. HHi Norf & West ... 3'0 107 Northern Paclf. 4ir0 Pennsvlvania Itoo 44 Pltisiurff Coal.. ano 40 Rav Consol Cop. 400 ihMaJ Rending T-itoO SI Rep Ir & Stee'... 6.700 74?i Shat Ariz Cop.. l.l'iO 11 Southern Pacif.. lS.UOO 30Jfc Southern Ry ... 2.ioO n7 9i studebaker Cor. 6.100 Texas Co 2,400 lt lTnlon Pacific li.ioo 1304 U S Ind Aicohol 14,100 V S Steel t0,."i00 do pfd "rt 11t rt.-.h CoDDer ... 1.400 St Western L n.on.. Westing Electric 4,500 2 :4 42 U BONDS. rt s ref 2.q rear. . fl7U!Penn con 41s U S ref 2s cou. ft7iUnion Pac 4s.. IT S ret? "w u S eei ..s... TT S la rnil S9 f-OU PaC CV OS. tt s 4 si rpc . . . . in Anaio-r rencn ;s rr s 4 cou 1041; U s lib 3. . ijs. . 44 Atch General 4s S2VU S lib 1 con 4s. 9:184 r a r g rer r.a ivi u t no 4s.. s V Y Cen deb Cs OM'A USlihl con 4 Sot Pac 4s 8:;'IT S lib 2 con 4 Us 14.1 Pac T & T 58.. 3 iU S lib 4th 4'is. 04.14 l iit ios'4 114?, S7 100 102-4 Bid. POTATO MAKkET JALLS V Mr Prim Ar Ky, Bat l MaUrUMr LT for Mrrk. The potato market wa caajr. with Orvton Murbanks ilinc t l SOirl.7, and 1k1ma OiiM at 1.7ou1.7i. Shipments of s'rfso.i potatoes r two cars to Ualt and mi one to San tirgo. Iloldem of ptato stocks have lt hrav I'y in the puJt week from dcitne of 10j jnt cu la all parts of th country. Jn w Tork City. Nr Yorit round whites are iak at f l.tKVtt - and Mains Green Moun tains are ctmmiDdinr at the best hers ths top was a week ago. In Chicago. Wisconsin and Minnesota round whites, sacked, la car lota, have dropped from a nines of $1.0091.70 to 15ol &J. I At Fort Worth. Colorado and Idaho round ! epln whites ars now stlllnr $1.70if a declins 1 Uutch. tiOf of IViC durinr th pait month. The Jobbing prices hart slumped heavily also. At New cleans, where ths range was $2. 25 p i4Q mt week, tt is now lili2.23 for best Bur anks. Th Pacific Coast markets are ;oost:y weak with slow movement but have jo: actually test In price. Ths shippers from Stockton. CaL, ars re teivinic ths same prices of 91.75 ut. 90 per tt-. but declines ars recorded In ths other t'tstricts. Idaho russets ars now t0c(r$l at idano halls and Ruraia 75 SOc. At ireeley. Colo round whites are mostly 90c nd Bed River Ohios at Moorehesd, Minn.. nnc the same nnce. Waupaca. Wis., prices tor round whites In bulk dropped from 91.20 v- ?i annnr the week. I Shipments for ths week were 2277 cars. 4-Uno r..pped 10S California 105. Wash .V.gtwa 7S. Xevada 27 end Oregon 24. World hhipmeats of W beat. 1 World shipments of wheat la the past lard former former weeks were: Wk. ndv Wk. end'f Wk. end'c 1. Keb. I.V Feb. . Feb. Irt.'lS I and Can. o.y2.oo i..WTOie 9,749 oov krrent:na ... 'l.ftO 11 IT ., 71 u trails .... l.TO-.-O 1.544.WO .Ti5.u0 . l.ou L Total 8.1i,w0 10.6OI.00O 4.&53.000 Shipments f-tr ths seassa to data com ir as follows: . Total since Same per?od I Juiy l.'is. :t Mn V- 9. and Canada... 3 C.owj 17,31 ; vo arrentina I . 1 l..4.(HKi .uatral:i. 4.41.t0 IV 4. ".7.100 i'iia ............... .4t;i.ovo ia.eo.oou Total l.tKHl .355,000 Bajlttft- Pricw r Kcss Reduced. Whiis tbo et market was reported t aker, tii ere was aot much chaus la local rrtoes. Csish buyers put out d-livercd quo V-ious of . is to -i's ccuia. ialcs a are rc- Ilops, Mobsir, Ktr. HOPS Oregon. I'.llS crop, .19 40es per pound: It'll contracts. 24 i L'5c per pound. MUH.MK Isonsc staple. 20c; short staple, 20v; burjy. lu' 1"'C TAI.IaOW No. 1. Sc per pound; Xo. 2, 4o per pound; crease. No. 1, 3c; No. 1!, 3c per pound. CAriCARA BARK I3c per pound. Oils. C1ASOMNB Bulk. 21c; engine dint Mists, bulk. 1-r: kerosene, bulk, 10c; swres, 20c . LINsKED OIL' Raw, bnrrets. 11 M0; casss. 91.M: boiled, barrels, 91.&2; esses 91.92. TIKPENTlNfc. In larks c; cases ttUC, SAX FRANCISCO I'KoDlCB WiBirri Prices Carrent Ecr Vecetahlea. Freeh Fruits. Ktc.. a Bay City. SAX rRANClsco, Feb. if Ktrps Fresh ! extras. 3Uc: fresh extra pullets, S.Tsc. Chocs New flrsis. 2tl c; Oregon younc Americas. 4t4, pou.try Hens. 38 37c. lars;e:' 5&40c, mall: younf roosters. a7Cc; broilers and frers. 5w 55c; turkeys, dretiftrd. 41Mc: ree, 2UVlc; pigeons. 92.253; squabs, 94 U 4 50. Vegetables Asparsfrus, 40c; celery, 93 S 0.50: siuash. cream, 75c 'ti f ; hubhard. 91..HHI i.i: cespiajii, it iu ; peppers, uc.l. 10 a 25c; cul.e. 25 Q r.c . tomatoci So 1. (ov4; lettuce. Los Ans;eies. 92.u2.75: potains. Kalinas, 9.75 v. riven. 91.50 & 2: iwVc-S. 9:t-25a3.5u; dry onions, 91.5011.5; green, 91-0rtF 1.50; larltc. So-40C; cauli flower. T5 3J0C; bts, 91.50ul.76: c.rrni. Jl Jitfl SO. turnips. S125 9 1.5J; ren pas. 10Wl2jc; rhubarb. 923.25: mushrooms, 25 ,VK" ; brusseis sprouts, on Sc; cucumbers. sen, tube; cabbage, early flat c. Fruit Lemons. 92.50 jM.7-V o ran sea. as k ft 4 50; tanKerincs and mandarines, 2.5u tf 3.25; grapefruit, 92.50fi3.5u; bananas, ttu ic; pineapples, 92.60.i4: apples, Newtown Pippins. 92. Aug 2.75; ore son Spitzenbcrss, 9J 11 .1. 2". : W:ter Nellls pears. 92.503. Receipts t lour. Joi: quarters; barley, 34.-3 centals; beans. 1;K2 sacks; potatoes, 3K13 sarks; onions. 2S sacks; hay, 154 tons; hides, 1U01; wine. 114. &0 ftallona. Money. Ex mange. Etc. NEW YORK. Feb. li. Mercantile paper unchanged. Sterlmc day hills, unchan(red: demond. 4.754 ; cables. 4.7o 7-1 U, Francs, unchanged. Guildrs, unchansed. Lire unchanged. Mexican dollars, unchanged. Tims loaus, unchanged. Call money, at rone:; high, 6 per Cent; low. 5 per cent; ruling rate, 5 per cent; closinc bid, 54 per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan, 6 per! csnu LONDON, Feb. ia. Money and discount, unchanged. January Record Export Month. WASHINGTON. Feb. UK January exportg from the I'nlted States, valued at tf.23.0O0, VOO. wero announced by th department of commerce today as exceeding any previous month In the history of American commerce. They compare with 95o5,uoimh)0 for January, 1!1. and 9"-'.0K.0iK for December. li18. Imports during January were valued at 9213.tH,o.OOO, th report said, leaving a net trade balance in favor nf the United States lor tha month of 94 10.000.010. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 1. 6pot cotton quiet. Middliufi. 25 :h-. Mtnlns; Stock at Boston. BOSTON. Feb. la. Closing Quotations: AIIoucj! 41 H 'North Butte 0T4 Ariz Com 11 Old Dominion... 3:. Cal & Ariz i'J (Usoeoia tTal & Hecla....42. IQulncy 07 tntrnnial 12 J ISuperior 4 Cop U Con Co 4oi Sup & Bos Min.. 2; K. Hutto cop i. 4 snannon Franklin 3 ITtah Con 7 llo Roy (Cop.). 24jVlnona 1 l.ak Copper ... 3 !! Wolverine 17 Mohawk T7 U.4r-ene Cananca. 4114 Coffee Futures Market Dull. NEW YORK, Feb. 11. The market for enfiee futures was extremely quiot today. There was a little buying believed to bo for Kiircpcan account at tlie opening, but othcr wife no tra'litiB leaturc developed and trans actions were xaid to be the smullext re ported sttH'e the reopen ins: of the exchange. Tim opening was unchanged to 7 points higher and the close was net unchanged to 13 points hipher. with May c41ing at 14.35c and December at l:..40e. May 14.3SC, July KOSc. September 1ft. eJc, October 13.55c, December 13.3frc. January l"..(0c. Spot coffee dutl, Rio 7s, 13fcc; Santos 4s, 21l,c. No c ha up was reported in the cobt and freight market. The official cables showed an advance of 75 rets at Rio and 100 reis in Santos spots. Santos futures were unchanged to 25 reis l.ssrer. Brazilian port receipts, 35,000 sacks. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Oa., Feb. 11. Turpentine dull. tfrtH;c; sales, none ; receipts. 50 bar- rein; shipments, 14 burrels; stocks, 30,049 barrels. Robin Inactive; sales none; receipts, 42ft barrels; shipments. 151 barrels: stock. 74,510 rrols. Quote: Is, 91; l. 91 :...; k, 913.15: F. 913.20; G, 913.25; If. 913.30; I. 913 65: K. 915.75; M, ? 10.5; N. WO, 910.30; WW, 916.05. New York Eggs and Cheese. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. Eggs Weak, lower; fresh gatnereu extras, 45 n 4Sc; fresh gathered regular packed extra firsts, 44''f45c; ditto firsts, 43ft44c. Cheese I rrejiulur; state current make specials, 30431; ditto average run, 29 &3oc. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Feb. 10. Evaporated apples dull but firm. Prunes scarce and strong-. Peaches steady. Du.uth Linseed Market. DULCTH. Feb. Linseed, 93.53. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Feb. li. Sugar, unchanged. Totals Seattle. One weekTago. . . Four weeks ago. One year ago. . . . For Spokane Idaho Washington ..... Totals Spokane. 5 Oue week ago.... 1 Four weeks ago. 4 One year ago. . . . . 1 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Feb. 10. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Hoes Receipts. 31,000; market generally steady with yesterday s average. Light hogs lacking quality hard to move Bulk of sales, 917.4017.05; butchers, 917.50 Id 17.75; lights, 910.75(tf'17.50: packing, 916.75 inrow ouis, io,uwau.iui " good to choice 9l4.2ulb.o0. Reteints. &000: beef steers open Ins- slow at yesterday's low time: she atnlr clmri tr- ralvB .".n to 50c hi r her. Feed ers, steady; beef cattle, good, choice and prime. 91G.50(f20: common and medium. sift .".o-JTio 50: butcher stock, cows and heif ers, 97.6013.50; canners and cutters, 96.35 T.bO; stocKers and teeaera, guoa, cuuwo fancy, 911.25 15; inferior, . common ana medium, 98.25-11.25; veal calves, good and choice, 9iflflG.7o. Sheep Receipts, booo; mafKet acuvs auu big, 25c higher. Lambs, choice and prime, SlS.25fflS.35: medium and good, 916504) 36 1S.25; culls, 91415.50; ewes, choice and -- 1 nrime. ftr ii?.r,n : medium ana guou, .iow .2; culls, 95.0O (go-OP. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Feb. 10. Hogs Receipts, 21, 00; market, 15c to 25c lower. Heavy, 917.15 fr 17.60; mixed, 917.10 17. Ji; iisnt, 916.00 17.40; pigs, 910(15; bulk of sales, 917 17.30. . . . CattltJ Receipts, uuu ; marxet aicau v easier. Native steers, 9l2.o01filS.oO; cows and heifers, 97.50&14; western steers, 910 1C; Texas steers, 9913; cowb ana neiier, x7ii v' 50: canners. 96 7: stockers and leea- ers. $715.50; calves. 9S.5013.75. Sheep Receipts, aou; marxei, iuc 10 om higher. Culls, 959; wethers, 91-1; ewes, atito-fi 11.50: lambs. 915.50 1 : feeder lam bs, 9 10 vp x a.iiu; yeariinga. j.- Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Feb. 19. Hogs Receipts 140. strong. Prime hogs, 9iiv-'iFi..u; meaium to choice, 9l0.75ioio.yo; rougn neavies, j.o 15.90; pigs, 915W10.40. wattle txeceipts, su. dci BLccto, av.w fif 14 ; medium to choice, 910.00 1 1 , com mon to good, $g9.50; best cows and heif ers. 98.50 10.50; common to medium, 95Ci 7.50; bulls, $5(&S; calves, $712.50. 1 Metal Market. NKW YORK. Feb. 19. Copper, unsettled. Electrolytic, lUtDS4c. The copper market closed nominally. 10Ctl7c. It was reported one of the .argest producers was offering under 17c. Iron, lead and spelter, uncnanged. Chicago Egg- Market. CHICAGO, Feb. 19. Eggs Lower. Re ceipts, 10.737 cases; firsts, 38e; ordinary irsts, 6t a c; at marit, cases .nciuueu, 7 38c. COAST AND EASTERN DAIRY PRODCCE CORN MARKET UNSETTLED CHAXGE IX PROVISION SHIP MEXTS CAUSES SETBACK. Withdrawal of Government Help in Exporting Offsets Early Strength Oats Are Sold for Holland. . CHICAGO. Feb. 19. Notice that rovern ment help in the export of packing; house products was about to be withdrawn did -a good deal today to nullify strength In the corn market. Closing prices were unsettled. c net lower to 24o advance, with May and July gl.16 to fl.lti. Oats finished He off to hio up, and provisions 15 to 7uc down. Export sales to Holland made oats steady. Provisions, like corn, rave way owing to the altered position of the government con cerning foreign business of packers. leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. .. 1.1054 1.18 OATS. .. .58 7, .! .. .37 .5Si MESS PORK. May July May July Low. 1.15 .5SH .56 Close. f 1.20 .68 .57 V May July ..39.90 40.50 39.40 39.65 37.50 May July May July 24.33 23.40 22.05 21.00 LAUD. ..24 50 24..-.T 24.30 ..23.53 23.70 23.40 SHORT RIBS. ..22.20 22.45 22.00 21.47 2U.95 Cash prices were: Corn No. 3 yellow. SI. SO: No. 4 yellow. Sl.2ue1.28tt; No. 5 yellow. $1.2501.26. Oats No. 3 white, .iSUoDhic; standard, 59'i 's-UOc. Rye No. 2. si. 331.30. Barley 88 a Otic. Timothy S"10. . Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $23.50. Ribs $24.00023. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 10. Barley, 78 91c. Flax, $3.56 3.58. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19. Flour, $11.53 per barrel. Grain Wheat. Federal basis. $3.20: whit. feed oats. unouotedl'California yellow corn, $2.50j2.73; barley, feed, $2.0254 '2.07hi. llay Wheat or wneat and oats. ,js,; tame nnfn. 121. uflifi23.50: barter. SltiOls: alfalfa, $1019: barley, straw. 30 80c aleaja Ailaiia. salvos; cocoauuw unquoted. AIRSHIP TO CARRY 30 TONS New British Super-Zeppelin Able to Make Non-'ytop Transatlantic Trip. (Copyright by the New York World. Pub lished by Arrangement. j LOXDON, Feb. 19. (Special cable.) The first details of the construction of the British euper-Zeppelin which. her builders assert, is capable of a non-stop transatlantic voyage, are pub lished in the Daily MaiL She was built secretly. The ship's length is 670 feet and her diameter is 79 feet. Her weight in flying trim will be more than 600 tons, including a carrying capacity of be tween 27 and 30 tons. For war pur poses she was . to have carried fou 580-pound and Eight 250-pound bombs, also 'machine and other guns fore, aft and on top. STEADY MARKET T MEDS GOOD -LOCAL DEMAND FOR HOGS AND CHOICE CATTLE. We pay S4o for top quality vaL "We pay Slo tor top block pork. We never charge cominteMon. FiUVaNK I SMITH MEAT COMPANY. MKifchtintc the Beef Trust." rS Alder street, Portland, Or. . Adv. Butter Market Conditions at Leading DU- tributimr Points. San. Francisco. There Is little change in market conditions today and dealers gener- ly report a good demand and movement f the finer scores of butter. Outside buy ers are taking- care of most of the surplus f local dealers and a rather arm reeling is pparent. Receipts yesterday amounted to 7.11.. Doumis. stocKs on aeaiers xioors are 14.500 pounds heavier this moraintf. but are considered under normal, vo score, oic Boston. ttaere was little wholesale inter est manifested today and the decline on other markets had served to check all desire for butter for the present. Prices were aried and the dealers quoted a wide range, but they were lower, however, on all-grades reuorted. Trading was confined to small lots of 8S-IH) ecore butter at 474e4lc, and there as little trading above Or below these fig- res, earn were one ring ai wun omy one sale mporteu at to at price, out mis icomed extreme hi view of the difficulty in moving goods. The market was barely eady at the close, and there was some ln- lination to , easiness, with dealers selling ulte freely. 1U score, ylc Chicago. The market was weaK toaay, 1th a decline of lo ou 0l!-score butter. An unsettled feeling existed and dealers gener-. l!y did not force sales at the new quo ta lons. Carlots of 'centralised eold y ester- ay at 43c and today the majority or sales ported were at 47c, while one car was sola 4UC. score, Mc. New York. There was very little activity on the market today. Demand, which was litrht, was mostly for the finer grades. While 03 score is quoted at 53c, there was a number of lots of this grade sold at 53c There is practically no movement of "cen-tralized"-cars or long lines. Offerings of 89-. point butter cars are freely made at 47$?48c, and there Is considerable difficulty locating buyers who will even show interest. A large DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 19. Maximum tern perature, 41 degrees; minimum temperature, I; decrees. River readme-. i A Al.. reet change in last 24 hours, 0.5 foot fall. Total rainfall fa P. M. ta 5 P. M.. .112 inches: to tal rainfall since September 1, 1918, 27.U9 inches: normal rainfall since September a.U0 inches; deficiency of rainfall since September 1, 1918, 2.81 inches. Sunrise 7:07 Jl. M.; sunset, 5:43 P. M. ; total sunshine, nnne rrRsib!e sunshine. 10 hours '6G min utes. Woonrise, 11:03 P. M . ; moonset, 8:4G A ir. Barometer reduced sea level . P. M., 30.05 inches; relative humidity at noon, uo per cent. THE "WEATHER. STATIONS. "3 : S Wind State of Weather. Baker -aBoiso .Boston Calgary . . Chicago Denver Dea Moines Kureka . . . . Galveston . . Helena tJuneau Kansas City Ios Angeles Marshfield . Med ford ... -Minneapolis , New Orleans.. New lork . North Head North Yakima. Phoenix Pocatello ..... Portland Rose burg Sacramento . . St. Louis Salt Lake .... San Diego . ... San Fran Cisco. Seattle , Sitka Spokane 12, 20,0.001. .NW a-' tiS'U.UII . . 1-a 20 a4(0.O0l2U NW 4UU.0U JOIN aoiO.toii,K 26(0.18 . . NTS 440.00 .. B 60;U.O. .NW O- U.rti stilts 14 48 34 0.001. .,vr ;;i;, .;se 061 540.00lSiE 46 4f0. 00I10.SK 400.18..SW 4l"0.00. ,NW 3lo.oo:iivsK 6li:0.10i2'SE 3SiO.UU:30:NW Winnipeg Tii nn ma. part of the present accumulation is com- Tatoosh Island posed of under grades, or wnicn there is rvamez practically no movement. There Is a barely Walla Walla.. stnadv fecllntr on the market at the present asnington time. Receipts yesterday amounted to 815:. tubs. Storage holdings decreased about 1100 tubs, while the reported street stocks were increased almost .1000 tubs. 92 score, 62 c. Philadelphia. Trading was light today and was mainly on the finer grades. Pres sure to sell loweived the price on upper scores a full cent. There was little demand for the lower scores, but they are being; held at the prices quoted. Dealers' stocks this morning showed a decrease of 945 tubs. Storage holdings decreased 52 tubs; Receipts yes terday were 216.1 tubs. 92 score, 53c 40j0. 54,10 40 0.011. . 5410.041. . 30j0.00l. . 1(0.22 .. 4410.12 . . 50 0.0OI14ISE 46;0.00jl4jE NWi S B I NWi NWi S SS.O.OOI 60)0.00 58 0.00 20 4Ui0.20ilO 4410.00 3810.00 42i0.18, 42 0.321 320. 00 40'ft.00l 26 40:0. ooj ltfl 260.00! -to; xw sw NW N SE B N NE W NW Cloudy Cloudy iClear Cloudy Clear Snow Pt. cloudy nam Ham Pt. cloudy Ha in Cloudy cloudy Rain Rain Cloudy Rain jClear Cloudy Snow Cloudy Pt. cloudy ttain Rain Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Rain Cloudy Rain Clbudv Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear jSE (Cloudy tA. M. today. P, M. report of preceding day. COVE TEACHER IS HONORED Educator Receives Autograph Copy of "The Liong, Long Trail." COVE. Or., Feb. 19. (Special.) An autograph copy of "The Longr. Long Trail? mounted on cardboard, was re ceived In Cove this week by Professor J. W. L. Kaufman, principal of Cove public schools, from J. N. Darling, with whom ho worked on the New Vork Tribune. The note says: "Thank you for your note of appreciation of 'The Long-. Long- Trail.' I was glad to get a word from the back trail. It seems a lonsr time ago that you end I collaborated in our first venture in the publishing business. Please accept the enclosed reproduction with the compliments of the New York Tribune. Very truly youre, J. N. Darling. FORECASTS. snd vicinity Rain; moderate Portland westerly winds. Oregon Rain west, rain or snow east por tion; moderate westerly winds. Washington Fair west, rain or snow east portion; gentle northerly winds. Idaho Rain or snow. FRANK G1LL.AM, Meteorologist. Dallas Cadets Are Victors. DALLAS, Or., Feb. 19. (Special.) The Dallas Cadets defeated the Maroon "Fs," a team composed of graduates from the Franklin high school In Portland, by a score of 22 to 8. The Dallas high school second team also defeated an organization from the Only Six Loads Received Daring Day Buyers Pay $16.83 for Bulk of Hogs. wane prices were not strong at tne yards i . r as s tii f a - n n r- n e nrrr yesterday there was, nevertheless, a good UMATILLA FARMERS MEET steaey marxeu nusiness was uoc large, however, as only six loads were received. Trading was mainly In the hog division, wher. the bulk ot sales were again at S1C.S5. Receipts were 142 cattle and 442 hogs. The day's eales were as follows; VVt. Prii e 1 cow 100 S O.-jr, J hog 1 cow 1J10 9.5U 1 steer... 4 cows !::2 S.0'1 1 cow 2 cows.... 15 y.ouj lcow.... 6 cows... .-Oim l.l"l 2 cows... lcow 1040 ti.wul lcow.... 2 cows... .ins. T.r.'t. 2cows... 2 bulls.. ..1UIU 7.S0I lcow.... 1 bull Sw0 t)oi)' lbull.... I'S hoirs.. . . lrt.V7n hogs.... S hogs.... 1S5 1U.7."' .! hogs.. .. 2t hogs.... 1T0 !..". 12 hogs.... 17 hogs.... 1S4 13.C0 3S hogs.. .. shofs.... 17 ia.7u.lo hogs.. .. Local livestock quotations follow: Csttle Price. Bst steers J1.1.P0S 14.00 Good lo choice stfers . ..... 11.7." n 12.".", alcdluin to OOd steers l'.'.ii Hi 11.75 Wt. Price. VM 114.7.1 77U 7.50 rt 10.00 T-i 5.00 Sf-O 7. 50 : S.uo siio a.50 B i 0 .1.00 202 38.85 22 lli.UO :,12 1.1. oa 242 18.75 -10 10.70 Demonstrations and Lectures Fea ture Institute Programme. HERMISTOX, Or., Feb. 19. (Spe cial.) The farmers and dairymen of this part of Umatilla county are hold ing an institute in the Carnegie li brary here. Lectures and demonstra tions are be-lng given by E. B. Fitts and E. I Westover, of the Oregon Agricultural college; II. K. Dean, of- the local experiment station, and R. W. Allen, of the government reclamation , service. A co-operative bull association or ganized in 1915 has brought to this section seven registered Jersey bulls. George A. Cressey is president of the bull association and is chairman of the institute. Bonds Secured by 834 IV-iles of Railroad SECURED by an absolute first mortgage on the main line of the Chicago Division of the Canadian Pacific System In the United States, the 4 bonds of the Wisconsin Central Railway Company due July 1, 1949, are a highly safeguarded investment.- Price to yield about 5.50 Send today for Circular OK-207 TheNationalGty Company Crrrlitcndcnt OJicts in 35 Cities Portland Hallway E. Bids. Alain. $180,000 City of Edmonton Province of Alberta " Gold Notes Dated February 1, 1919 Due Serially as Follows: $20,000 5 Gold Note, due February 1, 1927 PRICE: 93.72 and interest to yield 6 $160,000 6 Gold Notes due February 1. 1924 PRICE: Par and interest to yield 6 Denominations $1000 Interest Payable 1st of February and 1st of August -Each Tear. Principal and Interest Payable in Cold in Toronto. Edmonton or in New Tork City. Financial Statement Assessed Value of Property on which Taxes are Levied. . .$100,308,760 Value of Property Exempt from Taxation. . .$11,519,980 Net General Debenture Debt, which Includes City's Share Local Improvement Debentures 20,943,109 Less Net Public Service Debenture Debt Included Above: . Waterworks .1 Electric Lights and Power I Street Railway j $7,927,229 Telephone System.... J Less Net Local Improvement Debt (Rate Pay er's Share) Net Debenture Debt Value of Municipality's Assets. .$3,120,376 $ 11,047,505 .$32,108,413 .$ 9,895,604 Subject to the Approval of Malone, Malone and Long, Attorneys Toronto LIBERTY BONDS If you must SELL your Liberty Bonds, SELL to US. . IP you can BUY more .Liberty Bonds, BUY from US. We buy and sell Liberty Bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. The closing prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday, February 19, were as follows: 3s S8.46 1st 4s 92.84 4s 92.78 1st 4Hs 95.01 2d 4s 94.13 Sd 4i s 95. 54 4th 4 Us 94.14 Burglar and Fire-Proo. Safe Deposit Vaults. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Morris Brothers, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House Established Over 25 Years 309-311 Stark St., Bet. Fifth and Sixth (Ground Floor) Telephone Broadway 2151 Monmouth high school. The score was 13 to 6. A dance was given by the Cadets at the ciise of the game. , Elma Depot Bobbed. HOQUIAM, Wash., Feb. 19. (Special.) The Northern Pacific depot at Elma was burglarized last evening while the agent was absent for supper and mail. Returning sooner than was his custom he frightened the men away after they had rifled the cash drawer of a little change and before they could finish the job of safe cracking on which they had started. 6 Gold Bonds Columbia (Municipal) Irrigation District Benton County, Washington Denominations $100 $500 Dated Jan. 1, 1919 Due Serially Jan. 1, 1930-39 The district contains 11,500 acres within the Kennewick' section of the rich Yakima Valley. The public lien securing these bonds ranks ahead "of first mortgages including mortgages securing Federal Land Bank bonds. Price $100 and Accrued Interest to Yield 6 Federal Income Tax Exempt 77ie organization of the district and bond proceedings have been confirmed tj the Superior Court of Benton County, Washington, Complete details on applirjs.tios. LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS UILDINO FIFTH AND STARK We advise the purchase of United States Government Bonds And are prepared to buy or sell in large or small lots F. I. Devereauxo: company Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building 87 Sixth Street - Broadway 1042 Three Promising Low -Priced Oils He Future of toe Oil bdiutrr ' American Lissnd Com pair Tie Question sf Railroad Control FHtrigbtrj Market Asaijsit These subjects, as well as other financial topics, are covered in our semi-monthly publication. "Securities Suggestions" Frcst oa Rsqisast Wrihwtfor "B. P. R.C.MECARCELCO. Z7 Pine Strt-fea Turk I Phone your want ads to the Oregro nian. Phone Main 7070, A 095. ORDER NOW Save Money on Your INDIANA SILOS Discount to Early Buyers SPAULDING LOGGING CO. Salem, Or. TRAVELERS Ol'IDE. HONOLULU Suva, Naw Zaaland, Australia C1N1DI1K AUSTRALASIAH ROYAL MAIL LINE Lai-gelt, newest, beat-equipped steamer. tor tare and sailinc apply i'aav Kae. Hall way 66 Third &t., I'urtland, or General o.tfut, 410 bvjawut bU. Yaucoavor. 1. C