Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 18, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Great City Turns Out en Masse
to Greet Jroops.
Every Effort Made to Give Battle-
Scarred Veterans Warm Re
membrance of Day.
ContlniK-l From First Pise l
dows of UuUdings along the line of
All in all. Portland ptuf out her hand
and showed herself promd of her same
lad nii it aDoeared to be a 50-50
nrnnnaition i one giu-.ed upon the
puffed chests of the bo- in olive drab,
for ihev. too. were piowd of the old
home town.
Mayor Baker. Emery Olrastead.
chairman of the general -reception and
welfare committee: Brig-.idier-General
Charles F. Beebe and Mrs. Vern X.
Walton boarded the first section at
Bonneville. General Beebe. national
guard of Oregon, represented Governor
Withvcombe. while Mrs. Walton is the
wife of Lieutenant "Walton, battery C.
a Portland man. Mayor Baker handed
Colonel Kerfoot the key to the city.
A large committee appointed by the
general reception and wedfare com
mittee, the Red Cross, war camp com
munity service and the -anteen service
greatly assisted the men who did not
have friends or relatives here to meet
Portland Accords Ovation Like
Nothing Ever Before GEven.
Just such an ovation has Portland
never accorded any band of men
that encountered by the sturdy, awing
inir bovs of the 63th from Lhe time
thev passed beneath the "welcome
arch fronting the union station at Irv
ing and Sixth streets until tney swun
into the municipal auditorium.
Through humanity-lined avenue
resonant with cheers, fluttering th
loved colors, snowed with confett
they marched. Bells rang and whis
ties shrieked, yet it wasn't a clamor
ous welcome.
It wasn't a vociferous welcome. Port
land's vocal faculties well, it's, not
surprising that they displayed a bit
hoarseness. But exultant hearts were
back of the ovation, 30.000 or more
them, and the home-clasped veteran
knew it. They felt it.
It was an hour and a day too deeply
etched in the memories of those 94
marchers ever to be effaced. For them
the cheers rang out. for them V ictory
Way was brilliant, for them the flag
were flaunted, for them the eyes were
misty. It was a royal, a glorious wel
It was the sound or the old familiar
bugle call of "assembly" and "first
call" that broke the spell of that glad
hour of embraces and at 4:4a the pro
cession of stalwarts began to form be
fore the station on Sixth street. At a
few minutes past 5 o'clock the tri
umphal march began. Heading th
columns was the escort of the chiefs
police car. followed by the commander,
Colonel Kerfoot. flanked right and left
by Mayor Baker and Mayor C. K. Gates,
the mayor of Medford. Proudly front
Ing the marchers then came the
colonel's staff. Next came the regi
mental band those players left with
the contingent.
Headquarters company and supply
company were followed by batteries
C and D. Leading batteries K and F
came the Multnomah Guard band
which bad discoursed martial strains
as the troop trains emptied their smile-
wreathed passengers at the station.
Bringing up the rear of the columns
came a company of overseas men. from
both army and navy, organized by Cap
tain James O. Convill from among
Portland's returned warriors.
Under Mrs. Ferdinand E. Reed as
commander, there marched three -fine
lines of Red Cross canteen members,
especially invited into the parade by
Captain Martin W. Hawkins, member
of the regiment, whose sister serves
with the canteen. At the rear swung a
long line of Salvation Army women
and lassies. Conspicuous in the, pa
rade. as members admitted through
-pecial courtesy of the officers, there
Joarched William Reidt. "father" of the
old third Oregon, and Captain William
Hardy, navy veteran, of I'erry expedi
tion fame.
The parade passed up Sixth street,
which was decked out for the occasion
as never before with pennants of the
national colors, bunting, banners, spe
eially designed shields, topped with
flag festoons on white-garbed lamp
posts. It was truly Victory Way, as
the street has been named for the
home-welcoming occasions. Before
Liberty temple, at Morrison, the pro
cession crossed on Morrison to Third
and thence made its way to the audi
Silently the marchers paid tribute as
they made the turn before Liberty tern
pie. For there stood the temporary
monument, erected in memory of the
brave boys never to return from the
fields of Mars. Garlanded with flow
ers, banked about with greenery and
guarded by a soldier and a sailor, the
emblem was eloquent in its symbolism.
At interval along the line of march
the proud watchers tossed out flowers
and confetti. From the Meier & Frank
store great quantities of pure white
confetti was tossed over the marching
It was one of the greatest crowds
that ever gathered in the city along a
mile stretch of street that greeted the
returning boys. Sidewalks were
jammed to point of suffocation. Win
dows and doors were alive with citi-
ina of every age and nationality.
Koof tops by the score were festive
with spectators. And all these were
repaid for the minutes and the hours
they waited by the thrilling, the In
spiring, the emotion-gripping view
that was theirs. Even as early as 2:30
o'clock the throngs on the Victory Way
had begun to gather. Some of the on
lookers wore badges bearing the in
scription. "We're glad you're back."
and countless others carried flags In
their hands.
Never has the city witnessed a bet
ter arranged or better conducted pa
rade. Iue credit reflects on the spe
cial committee which planned this fea
ture of tho demonstration. It was
headed by Robert Krohn. Other mem
bers were R. W. ChiUis. H. A. Biaes
unr. C. S. Loveland and W. J. Roope.
Hundreds of relatives and warm
hearted friend.- came to Portland from
.v,-r the state to participate in the
demonstration. Transportation lines
feit the burden of bringing them in and
hotelsfourd it bond tlieir ability to
are ftr the visitors.
lour Arr from rortUntl and Six
From Other Oregon Towns.
Officer cf t tlih who arreniianM
tae iwo ifatUaUoiiA tq thi c-ty re:
Photo by Martin.
EUGENE. Or.. Feb. 16. (Special.) Eastern Lane county enjoyed all of the thrills of a real old Tennessee mountain
moonshine still raid, just such as are told of in tales of the "beyond-the-bluegrass" country, Wednesday, when Sheriff
red Stickles and officers of the Internal revenue department raided a cleverly hidden still and arrested its operators
n a ravine in the .hills three miles northeast of Coburg. Acting on a chance remark dropped by a drunken-man arrested
y the sheriffs deputies, the officers went to the Coburg neighborhood Tuesday and, after a search, located the still by
following a small stream from which the alleged distillers, Virgil Clover and H. W. Buchingham, secured the water
necessary for their operations. The arrests followed.
Colon &1 Bttr.jamin H. Kerfoot, command
ing. whoo home in in Kansas City, Mo.
Captain 1-id ward AT. Howelt adjutant,
Ietroit. Milch.; Captain Martin W. Haw
kins, coniinandinar 2d battalion. Port
land, Or.; Captain Edward W. Van Horn,
battery E, Hood River. Or.; Capta.n
William F. 'Marquat, battery C, Seattle,
Wash.; First Lieutenant Philip F. Mur
ray, battery L. Cleveland, O. ; First
Lieutenant Charles S. Greenwood,
Cameron, Mo.; First Lieutenant Howard
R. yehroyer. battery C. Portland, Or.;
First Lleutemtnt Vern N. Walton, Port
land. Or.; First Lieutenant Albert, R.
DeBursh, sufply company, Portland,
Or.; First Lieutenant Frederick W.
Steiwer, Pendleton, Or., battery F; First
Lieutenant Fned D. MacDonald, Ster
ling. Kan.; First Lieutenant Jesse W.
Drain. Bellingham, Wash., assistant
adjutant; First Lieutenant Herbert V.
Mellenger, commanding medical de
tachment. Berkeley, Cal.; First Lieuten
ant John B. Haines, medical detachment.
Philadelphia, P. First Lieutenant
James K. Buchanan, adjutant 2d battal
ion, Dillsboro. C.; First Lieutenant
Alfred C. Oliver, chaplain. Ocean City,
X. J.; Second Lieu'tenant John Ferguson,
personal adjutant. Marshneld, Or.; Sec
ond Lieutenant John F. Munro, com
manding headquarters company,' Los
Angeles, Cal.; Second Lieutenant Clyde
P. Cowglll. Topeka, Kan.; Second Lieu
tenant James C. lvoepke, Eugtne, Or.;
Second Lieutenant Charles Walker,
Creswell, Or.; Second Lieutenant Elmer
A. Rose. Roswell, N. M.; Second Lieu
tenant Charles W. Herbert, adjutant 3d
battalion, Washington, D. C. ; Second
Lieutenant Alexander T. Schick, Post
Falls. Jdaho; Second Lieutenajit Ha Ft
Blackman, Weather ford, Tex.; Second
Lieutenant Robert R. Strehlow, Wau
paca, Wis.; Second Lieutenant Arthur
C. Parker, Flint, Mich.; First Lieuten
ant Benjamin C. King, Cottage Grove,
Or.; Robert Hower, Y. M. C. A. representative.
Members of 65th Artillery Will Be
SEATTLE, Feb. 17. All Seattle pre
pared today to welcome home tomor
row 40 officers and 900 men of the
iilth coast artillery regiment, organ
zed in the Puget sound district, upon
their rettlrn from overseas service.
Breakfast service for men arriving
early will be provided, with & luncheon
for the entire contingent at the Ma
sonic temple.
A parade througH the business
streets by the artillerymen with wel
coming bands and other units is sched
uled for noon. Automobile ridea in the
afternoon and theater attractions at
night will be provided, with a dinner
under auspices of the National League
for Women's Service, and a grand bail
The artillerymen will leave Seattle
Wednesday morning for Camp Lewis,
heir demobilization point.
Several- Thousand Welcome Soldiers
and Red Cross Canteen Busy.
PENDLETON. Or., Feb. 17. Special.)
Several thousand people stood In
rizzling rain here this morning wait-
ng to welcome the heroes or the both
artillery en route home. Though Colo
nel Kerfoot had promised a short pa
rade here, the order was changed be
cause so much lime had already been
The first section stopped about 10
minutes, arriving at 7:30. but the sec
ond section, which arrived, at S:55, re
mained for half an hour.
The Hed Cross canteen section
erved sandwiches, cofle. fruit and I
igarettes to the boys who mingled
with the crowd. Lieutenant fcteiwer
as joined by his wife and little
aughter who accompanied him tu
Vancouver Citizens Participate.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 17. (Spe-
lal.) .Many from Vancouver today
went to Portland to take part in the
celebration for the reluming heroes to
be held there this evening. There are
uite a number of Vancouver and
larke county young men in the divi-
ion returning. George M. Davison of
his city was a classmate of Colonel
Benjamin H. Kerfoot in Kansas and
both enlisted in the Spanish-American
war. but Mr. Davison was rejected on
account of physical disability.
Huntington Giles Midnight Lunch.
HUNTINGTON. Or, Feb. 17. (Spc-
al.) An elaborate programme of re
ception was planned by the Httntlng-
on people, but as the first section of
the i.-th' train did not reach there
ntll 11:45 o'clock tfundsy night, when
ost of the boys were "in the hay."
ne eastern lregonians were aoomcd
disappointment. The second section
ulled throuch Huntington two hours
trr. The few men m-ho remained out
1 bed partook of th midnight lunch
Phone your want ads to lhe Oi c-
niaUi. i'bou ua 10 A fSUHi,
PORTLAND welcomed but two bat
talions of the 65th, coupled with
the headquarters company, th
supply company and the band. The
other battalion of the regiment, num
bering 400 men, switched off at Kansas
City for Camp Kearny, which is 15
miles north of San Diego.
In the 12 months that the regiment
has spent since leaving Oregon it has
traveled some 18,000 miles.
Many mayors of various Oregon cities
were here yesterday to greet the troops.
Mayor Baker teleraphed most or them
personal Invitations and made it gen
eral by asking them through the press
to come to Portland.
The trip across the continent from
Camp Dix lrightstown, N. J.) has
been one uninterrupted joy procession.
Until the regiment left Kansas City
there were three sections, and in every
city and town where the trains were
scheduled to make etops of any dura
tion the men were feted.
In Kansas City, Mo., Colonel Kerfoofs
home, the regiment received an ovation.
There it paraded and afterward was the
guest of the city in its two best hotels.
From there west and especially through
Oregon nothing has been too good for
the officers and men. "If they didn't
have a cast-iron digestion they would
all be dead," remarked Colonel Kerfoot
last night.
A well-known Portlander who served
efficiently in the Spanish-American war
watched the lithe, rugged artillerymen
threading their way into the waiting
arms of loved ones at the station. "My,
what a fine bunch of men!' he ex
claimed. "They look better than we did
when we came back and I don't know
but what they are better. In condition
and physique they certainly are."
"I want lo get away from here I
can't stand it." It was not the remark
of some impressionable woman, but
that of a prominent military man of the
state, whose name is known to every
one, as he watched the greetings of
relatives and sweethearts, clasping
forms in khaki to their breasts at the
station. He was addressing the mayor,
and it is no reflection on the city's
chief executive to say that his eyes
were dimmed with a mist as ne wenaeu
his way through the throngs.
Going to Montfaucon, Corporals Rob
ert Case, Portland, and Walter E.
Church, now a chief gunner discharged
at Camp Dix and who hails from Eu
gene, stood in the cathedral where the
then crown prince of Germany directed
the operations in which he lost so
heavily at Verdun. They also observed
the American doughboys pushing back
the pretzel kids at the first Argonne.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roach and a sis
ter greeted Hal Roach, Kindorf Road,
bents, as lie hopped off the train. It
was a happy quartet that had dinner in
their Lents home last night.
His sister, Mrs. W. H. Eggleston.
Mount Tabor, was overcome with joy
at seeing R. E. Simpson, battery C. "My
big hero," was all that she could say.
One of the happiest families in the
world was the Cowan family, 693 East
Couch street, last night. For was not
D. C. Cowan on the train? He was met
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cow
an, thre sisters and a brother.
'Spike" Franz, battery C, Eugene, had
a stovepipe in his pack at inspection
one day abroad. This is a favorite story
among the boys for they kidded "Spike"
for many days afterward about the
extra police duty he was forced to do
as a penalty.
Lester Smith. Eugene, has a six
months' old boy waiting to be in
troduced to him when he gets home.
The boys all say that Smith has been
practicing carrying babies on tha other
side so that he will be accustomed to
it. Mrs. Smith is in the Lane county
e .
Missing from headquarters company
for four days during the Verdun en
gagement was Sergeant Horace Joiner,
Seattle. A full pack, rifle and eats
were jrlth him and when he did report
back the story broke that he had vol
untarily gone over the top with the in
fantry, -v -
7 .
C. R. Dunn. - Battery C, Portland,
spent five weeks in Germany with the
Ciith Brigade. 14th Field Artillery,
Third - arm of the army of occupa
tion. "
s a barber. Wagoner Waller W.
Abbey. Eugene. Is a good blacksmith,
says Corporal Lynn G. Slark, Iattery
C, Ashland. Wagoner Abbey com
menced "cutting" the latter'8 hair at
Arlington and The Dalles was reached
before he finished. Corporal Slark
shrieking like a sparrow in a gray
owlet's beak H the while. It finally
took half A liuiuii colored iorlcrt Ui
pull Wagoner Abbey off. "He's a wag
oner, all right," asserted Corporal
Bob Hower, transportation depart
ment headquarters of the Young Men's
Christian Association, accompanied the
first section across the continent. Har
ry Allen, of the same department, cam
with the second train. Both hail from
New York and will remain with th
65th at Camp Lewis until It is mus
tered out. Mr. Hower has been doing
xouirg Men's Christian Association
work for the navy department
New York for the past 16 months. Both
congenial chaps, they kept the boys in
high spirits always. The secretaries
saw to it that both officers and men
obtained baths at Pocatello Saturday.
War camp community circulars were
also passed out by Colonel Campbell,
on which was printed the fact that the
service extended a most cordial wel
come to the boys and invited their par
ticipation in all of this society's activi
ties. They urged that the men make
their headquarters while in Portland
at the soldiers' and sailors' club and at
the B'nai B'rith club, Thirteenth and
Market streets.
They advised the boys to call at the
Liberty temple and at the Red Circle
information bcJoth, Sixth and Washing
ton streets, for all information of the
city and explained that a hot meal
would be spread at the soldiers' and
sailors' club with an appetite the only
George Dick, 172 East Sixty-ninth
street north, was met at the station by
nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dick.
Young Dick, battery D, spent five weeks
in Paris attending a French automobile
and tractor school. He graduated with
a mark of 98 per cent. While working
with the transportation corps carrying
ammunition for the 5th army artillery
ne was cited for distinguished service
by the American General Alexander.
who commanded the 5th army artillery
Dick was hit with mustard gas at
Verdun on October 25 and as a result
spent a month in the hospital, getting
out in tne way of a Thanksgiving cele
oration, tie nas a brother in the navy
at .Bremerton and a sister in Portland.
Lieutenant Phillip F. Murray, battery
u, ana lieutenant King" Schroyer,
the Sultan of Algiers," are the proud
owners ot copies of a German propa
ganda sheet dropped over the Amer
lean lines at Auzville, where the 65th's
regimental headquarters were estab
lished for a time.
A large trendh rat was discovered
on the first section Sunday night. Two
of the men were munching on a sand
wich and chewing tha rag with a por
ter, when the "veteran of Verdun"
pranced across the aisle. It was quite
laite and rather than disturb the sleep
ing artilleryman the men did men did
not search for their pet, but insist
that he is their mascot which followed
them from war-torn France. A thor
ough search failed to uncover Mr. T.
Rat yesterday morning.
news from their home town. The war
is over and the task which they were
given is completed. For ever since the
urmistice was signed. November 11,
their chances for further service have
been nil! and their every thought has
been of home and what was doing.
First copies of yesterday's Oregonian
were obtained when the trains reached
The Dalles and Jhfe men were pleas
ingly delighted while once again perus
ing the newspaper which contained
news from home.
The frame of mind of the boys is
strangely, remindful of the old story
about the little chap, aged 7, who ran
away from home in the morning,- but
decided to return that night and, as he
entered the kitchen, remarked to his
mother, I see you've got the same old
cat ma, gee but be looks natural."
Jt would be humorous if it weren't
so tragic. The men of the regiment
went away boys. It has only been a
year this month, but in that time they
haye seen things that have made them
men. They haven't forgotten how to
play, but they have been so close to
life and death that they have 4 differ
ent perspective.
Corporal Benjamin G. Flcischman
asked if it were true that Portland was
to "have- a club in the Pacific coast
League, and before he could be .
answered. Gunner Homer II. Bowden
asked about Muff Bronson, the boxer,
and with two questions in his mind to
answer, the correspondent filed a third
when Gunner Eruan Turner asked if
hockey' was played in Portland this
Most of the boys have a Cortina
French-English military dictionary
which greatly assisted them at "ogg
wawing" with their best French "soils."
Colonel Benjamin H. Kerfoot
Served in Philippines.
Commanding Officer Makes Per
sonal Inspection of Positions In
jSach of Five Offensives.
An interesting passenger on the
train was Edward R. Wong, thorough
bred Chinese and mighty proud of it.
His mother, Mrs. Wong Toy of Port
land, greeted the scrappy oriental as
he stepped from the train. Wong
brought home a German officer's belt
and helmet. He was born in Port
land 22 years ago and resides with
his sister, Mrs. Miguel Morales, at
370 tA North Twenty-third street. Wong
formerly attended the Ladd, Atkinson
and Couch schools, and has spent two
or three fish cannery seasons
It brought tears to the eyes of those
who saw this greeting: Hally A.
Wltherwox, 709 Williams avenue, was
embraced by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Wltherwox, and his two sisters
when lie first placed foot on the depot
platform. "Mother, dear, I Tan t be
lleve it's you," said Artilleryman
Witherwox. as his mother threw her
arms about him.
"Champion pie-eater of the 65th," is
the non de guerro planted on Private
JJames "G-l" Garvey, Colonel Ker
foofs regular army orderly. All the
colonel has. to do to keep his orderly
satisfied is "to supply him with pie and
he's not particular whether it's peach,
apple or mince. "Where are you go
ing?" asked the colonel, as Private Gar
vey was "shoving away" from the de
pot yesterday afternoon. "For a piece
of pie. sir." Private Carrey shot back.
For breakfast Garvey has coffee and
pie: for dinner, pie and coffee and for
supper just plain pie.
"I suppose Portland grown quite a
bit." soliloquized Sergeant Roy F.
Crim, of Portland, as he finished shak-
ng hands with his many friends at the
union station.
The many questions asked the men
and tha soliloquies are alt indicative
of the frame of niir.d the boy of the
tiaUi Ute In. Xhe were starved for
Gunner Hower Bowden, 5735 60th
avenue Southeast, was smothered with
kisses by Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Bowden,
his parents, three older brothers and
three sisters. The youthful Bowden en
listed April 9, 1917. He is with bat
tery C.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fleischman could
hardly be kept from jumping on the
incoming train. For was not their boy
Ben among the brave home-comers?
Ben has two brothers in the service.
The family is domiciled at 617 Van
couver avenue.
Mayor C. E. Gates and Mrs. Gates of
Medford were in the city to greet their
son George, who arrived with the 65th.
Mavor Gates wns honored by being
asked to march beside Colonel Kerfoot
at the head of the procession.
"Back in dear old Portland and real
thankful, too," chirped Tim O'Leary,
battery E, a Portland boy, who for
merly worked for Jones' cash store.
Front and Oak streets. "We were the
first regiment to come back, and when
w stpameri un the Delaware river aim
into Philadelphia we were given a real
rocontinn hut nothing like this one
I'm feelincr like I'm walking on air.
We'll sure . remember this reception
until our dvine day. You can't imagine
how we feel to be back in our own 'hum
town.' It doesn't seem real. J.nis con
lurfort Tim's remarks, for Just then i
bunch of husky Front-street merchants
carried the lad to a quiet corner, wnere
they could have him lor yiemseives.
Thousands of out-of-town people
wt- in the citv. They came from all
parts of Oregon and Washington. Ho-
tclo rpstnnrAnls ana ineaLeia w w c
"Camo Dix is a real place," asserted
Privatt Harrv W-. Moss, Portland man.
"It has wooden barracks, hot and cold
howr.s. beds and mattresses tsome
thine we didn't have for a year), paved
streets, street lights, stores, theaters,
Knights of Columbus quarters, Young
Men's Christian association halls and
ball fields, in fact, it is a real military
citv. It even has a jitney line, i m so
happy to be home that I simply cannot
tell you arjout it.
Brigadier-General Charles F. Beebe
brought from the Arlington club to
Bonneville invitations to all officers
of the 65th extending the privileges of
the club during their stay in Portland.
Commenting on the "killed in action
at Brest" editorial which appeared in
The Oregonian yesterday morning, of
ficers of the 65th nintea tnai conai
tions were miserably poor there, al
though all cautioned The Oregonian
reporter not to quote them. It seems
that all officers have been warned not
to mention Brest to the American
However, tne oiticers say mm it is
a fact that 3000 American, soldiers died
there as a result of improper housing
and unsanitary conditions. They say
that Brigadier-General Smedley D.
Butler. United States marine corps,
who some time back took charge of
Camp Pontanezan, Brest, is doing his
utmost to clean the place up.
Where there is fighting, there also is
Colonel Benjamin H. Kerfoot, the regu
lar army officer who brought Oregon's
prize regiment t!:e 65th through 70
days of intensive fisnting at the front
and now has returned the men to their
homes from a battlefield more than
7500 miles away.
Colonel Kerfoot is a veteran of two
wars and claims the distinction of hav
ing befn in every engagement partici
pated in by the units to which he was
assigned in both instances. He was a
member of Funston's famous "20th
Kansas" in the Philippine insurrection
and the name of Colonel Ben Kerfoot
is written in big letters wherever the
65th has been in the European con
flict. That Colonel Kerfoot took good care
of the men while they were in service
is evident in the fact that in each of
the five offensives in which the 65th
was engaged the colonel inspected each
battery position to personally criticise
the camouflage and other protebtion.
One of the colonel's most insistent re
quirements while the regiment was in
action was that food should be plenti
ful and inspecting officers have often
remarked regarding' the sanitation and
plentiful stores in the organization's
culinary department.
Colonel Native of Kansas.
Colonel Kerfoot is a native of Kan
sas and was educated in that state,
later moving to Missouri. While a stu
dent at the University of Kansas the
colonel began his military career. After
an unsuccessful attempt to join the
21st Kansas regiment because the
ranks of that organization were filled,
ne could not resist the desire to en
gage in the Spanish-American war and
enlisted in the 20th Kansas, the regi
ment which later distinguished itself in
the Philippines.
At the battle of the Rio Grande the
colonel was given a commission for
meritorious service and since that date
has been doing things in army life
wnicn have made him one of the most
popular officers in the service today.
uuring the insurrection he fought
19 engagements, being one of the two
men in the company who witnessed the
entire campaign.
When the European war broke out,
Colonel Kerfoot was serving as a cap
tain at Fort Casey, in the coast de
fenses of Puget Sound. Orders cre
ating the-65th made him an officer in
the regiment and before the organiza
tion left for overseas on February 27,
1918, he was given his majorship. Be
fore the Northern Pacific landed at
New York, on the first half of the
Journey, he was 'made lieutenant
colonel and arrived in France second
in command of the 65th.
.Regiment Is Divided.
During the training period at Limo
ges, France, Colonel Kerfoot was one
of th'e most active officers in the regi
ment aAd to him is due much credit for
the training and discipline of the regi
ment. When the 65th was billeted near
Limoges the size of the regiment made
it necessary to divide the men Into two
sections. Colonel Kerfoot trained the
first and third battalions at Nixon,
while the second battalion learned its
big gunnery at Pierre Bufierre.
When the regiment started for the
front ColDnel Kerfoot was second in
command of a groupement and spent
most of his time supervising the in
stallation, camouflage and general ad
ministration of the batteries of the
regiment.- When Colonel James F.
Howell was relieved to be placed In
command of the brigade the 32d
Colonel Kerfoot's eagles aiighted and
he assumed command of the regiment.
That was immediately after the sec-
ond engagement at the first Argonrvu
offensive had been completed ond the
.colonel took the organiation throuRlr
tne intensive fightinyr at Verduu uiul
the second Argonne under his com
manii. So well did the regiment per
form for its commander that it was
called "Kerfoot's Hell-Raising Howitz
ers" by both officers and men with
whom it came in contact. The achieve
ments of the regiment are known lo
Oregon followers of the fortunes of the
65th and further elaboration would be
- Nothing Is Impossible.
One of Colonel Kerfoot's fundamental
principles in life is that "nothing is
impossible." 'When the outlook seemed
blue for the allied cause the colonel
was the greatest optimist in the Ameri-'
can expeditionary force. When they
suggested making the big 9.2-inch
howitzers offensive weapons and called
for rapid movement and installation of
the bulky pieces a feat which was
never before accomplished the colonel
was in favor of the idea, and his per
sonality and energy did much toward
making this very thing possible. There
were many occasions on which the
proposition in hand appeared doubtful.
but there was never a time when the
colonel doubted.
One of the things which instilled con
fidence in the men of t lie 6Cuh was the
fact that the colonel was always around
when the big shells were, bursting most
rapidly. Due to the excellent camou
flage and wonderful discipline of the
regiment, the effect of Fritz's big- stuff
was negligible. However, the boche
knew that somewhere in the vicinity
were the "licll-raising howitzers" and
he often tried a chance shot at them.
There is one story told on Colonel
Kerfoot which shows somewhat liih
temperament uirder fire. The colonel
was in his post of command dugout
just outside of erdun before the
Douamont tort wncn tne uerman.-i
started dropping big shells in the vicin
ity. Although others evinced concern,
the colonel did not mind until bedtime.
Suddenly he remarked to liis adjutant:
iliK tiuuu Do Work,
'Gu-ess I'll my friend. Colonel
Chamberlain, shut those fellows up," he
remarked. "I can t Bleep a wink. And
accordingly he telephoned to the bis
railroud guns, sonio many miles in tlio
rear, giving the approximate location
of the enemy battery.
A short time later there were a num
ber of successive blast3 in the vicinity
and the colonel remarked casually:
It's kind of handy to have those bis
fellows behind you at that, isn't it:
Guess Fritz won't bother us any uioru
Everybody slepH peacefully alter the
colonel's reassurance, but the next
morning the adjutant explored tint
vicinity and found five large craters
just to the roar.
"Knew it all the time," the colonel
said, 'but I couldn't sleep with .voir
fellows awake. Honestly, you make
more, nojse and disturbance than thu
The colonel was cue of the first
artillery officers to cross no'man's land
at St. Mihiel immediately after the
infantry had advanced. He took a pariy
of officers on a reconnoisance of new
positions. Strict ObedHrnce Demanded.
While the colonel is always the first
to appreciate a gnod joke, he is pos
sessed with a - determination which
makes those who 6erve under him ap
preciate that he wants things done ex
actly as he directs- Lieutenant Jesse
Drain, Bellingham, Wash., assistant ad
jutant, tells one on the colonel which
demonstrates this. The colonel went
into a French storo to purchase some
grapes and as it is an unusual thing
to find an English-speaking clerk in a
small French town he 'asked in per
fectly good French for two "liters" of
grapes, and as it is an unirssal thing
The young woman spoke good Eng
lish, however, and she smilingly asked
the colonel:
"You want two quarts, don't , you, --
But the colonel was not to be bettered
in the argument, so he fired back:
"No, by George, I want liters.
Colonel Kerfoot is married and has
one daughter. Mrs. Kerfoot and Miss
Margaret Kerfoot live at Fort Worden,
Wash. The colonel's mother and sister
live at Kansas City, Mo.
Mining; Convention Abandoned.
SPOKANE, Feb. 17. Definite aban
donment of this year's convention of
tli Northwest Mining association,
scheduled to be held here next month,
was announced here today. It had
been twice postponed on account of
the influenza situation in the northwest.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Phone Main 7070, A 6095.
Wife of Goth's Commander Tele
graphs She Will Meet Him
on Arrival in Seattle.
who savs a traveling salesman
. . . - . I . . 'J
worries aoout nis wne uu laimij ;
What about an army man's wife?"
With this hurried shot at tne news
hounds gathered in the vicinity, Colo
nel Benjamin H. Kerfoot, commandinj
officer nf the 65th regiment, coast ar
tillery corps, commenced to search for
his wife and daughter immediately
upon alighting from the first section of
the train which oarried tne uregon
bovs home.
The colonel was a bit disappointea.
but felt somewhat better a few seconds
later when he was handed a telegram
from Mrs. Kerfoot saying that it was
mposslble for her to make the journey
to Portland, but that she expected the
colonel in Seattle today so that they
could celebrae the 16th anniversary ot
their wedding. Nearly a year ago Mrs.
Kerfoot and her little daughter said
goodbye to Colonel Kerfoot.
, Colonel and Mrs. Kerfoot were mar
ried on, February 18, 1903, in Kansas
City, Mo. Mrs. Kerfoot was Miss Rob
erta Adkins, daughter of Judge Robert
Adkins of Kansas City, before her mar
riage. The pride of the Kerfoot family 13
Miss Margaret Kerfoot, 14 years old.
Little Margaret was born at Fort Co
lumbia, Wash.
Mrs. Kerfoot and her daughter are
domiciled at Fort Worden, Wash.
Oregon Cily Boy in Line.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Feb. 17. (Spe
cial.) Oregon City was well repre
sented in Portland this evening, when
many motored and others went by elec
tric car to witness the parade of the
soldier boys just returning from
France. One of the Oregon City boys
accompanying' the 65th coast artillery
was John Rayl, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Rayl of this city. The young man has
been iii several of the largest -fights
and has been over the top. His parents
were among those greeting the young
man as the train pulled into Portland.
A Woman's Health
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To build up, strengthen and cure
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You can write Dr. Pierce, Pres. Invalids' Hotel, in full confidence
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Baker Is Disappointed.
BAKER, Or Feb. 17. (Specials-
Baker was disappointed by the late
arrival of the trains. Big doings were
scheduled there. The first section
steamed past Eaker at 2:20 A M. to
day, ' . .
The Best Cough Medicine
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