o TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY', FEBRUARY 18, 1919. HIGHWAY BOND BILL i nr Anr-niai r r"rt MM bftulAL UKUhHi Booth of the highway commission are f expected in Salem today to consider business matters with State Enginee .Minn. House Will Take Up Measure This Morning. SENATE PLEDGES PASSAGE Uornoj -General to Rc Dim-led to Investigate Validity or BHu- lithlc Patcmrnt. STATE CAPITOU SJalcm. I-eb. 17. (Special.) As a pcial order or bust ne:-s the S10.000.0u0 bond bill will be considered by the house Tuesday morn ins. By night It undoubtedly will have pas.cd that body unless sometning un foreseen .occurs. In the senate a con stitutional majority have already pledged themselves to pass it. accord ing to gossip. Senate bill ST. over which the sen ate wranirled for a day and a half will be automatically eliminated if a new bill by the house roads and highways committee la passed Tuesday. This new measure goes straight to the heart or the patented pavement question and is supported hy almost the unanimous !ouse membership. In brief, the com mittee bill directs the attorney-generna to investigate the validity of the bitu lithic paving patent. If the 'nveslisatlon satisfies me at torney-genoral. that the patent issued in 1901 to Frederick J. arscn has ex ulrrd or that the patent can be beaten i e is to .ntorm the state mgnwa com mission and the .latter can hold as blameless contractors who lay bitu- .ithic and Infringe on the alleged pat tnt and the commission and oitorney trcneral will fight It out to the court f last resort. Expense lor mvesu tion and suits can be taken from the ttatc highway funds. ' prrta1 Order Made. If this bill is unacted It will not only discard senate bill 7. but It will also eliminate part of section 1 In the bond bill and for this latter reason the com mittee bill has been made a special or der for the house five minutes before the time set for the bond bill special order. The committee bill popped up soon as the house opened for business Mnndav mornine when Graham, of "Washington, offered the ieasure on behalf of the committee. The commit tee, explained Oraiiam, is not in sym paihy with senate bill 67 and wants to put it to sleep, but at the suggestion of Representative Bean tne uiii. maning it obligatory on the attorney-general to. Investigate the validity of the patent, offered the most logical solu tion to the paving problem. If the patent is valid, the royalty must be paid, and if the patent is not valid, then the state can lay bviulithic when It wants and there will be no further contention. Mr. Graham sug gested that the bill be given its first and second readings on the spot and ihen brought up for third reading and final passage or rejection. This was the programme agreed to by most of the members, and the bill was read first time and was read second time under suspension of the rules and would have gone to third reading had rhe committee Insisted. However, on motion of Hare it was made a special order. Only the voire of K. K. Smith was raised against it. and he objected to suspending the rules and sending it to second reading. Hare Waal feltlrmeBt. In urging expediency on the bill, hare contended that the question oi tne pat entcd pavement should be determined ..ncc and for all. It should be dis covered whether the Warren Construc tion company is sitting in the game with a pair of deuces or pot : .or whether ihe comnanv mas gold-bricking the peo pie of Oregon or whether it has a valid patent. Knactment of the hill, he caitl. would clear the atmosphere for the oasage of the bond bill. E. K. Fmith argued that the question at issue does not center on the validity of the patent, but on the method by hich road contracts have been let tn the oast. He charged that the commif- tr. bill would befoe- the issue and he wanted senate bill 7 brought out and diciiFsed. To this Hire answered that nothing Is more fundamental than the chance to .ve SL-aoo a m'le royalty on paving and he said this vu a committee bill and no one will get any political glory cit of it. Free- remprtitloa Waed. Mr. Dennis, chairman of the roads and highway committee, answered that the committee has from the first aimed to safeguard the road funds and to secure pen and free competition. He asked 'or the safe, sober and sane consider ation of the committee bill, saying it Is not sky-rocket legislation, such as the .-enate has had for spectacular effect, nor a rubbish of words which no one can understand. How the house stands on the subject can be deducted from the vote to sus pend the rules to place the bill on sec ond reading when of the 56 members present were for suspension. The bill could have been passed on the 'spot, had the road committee wished to press their case. . Over in the senate a quiet organiza tion process i under way and members are signing up to support the bond bill, irrespective of what happens to senate bill 67. Senator Vinton, presi dent of the senate, obtained small con solation from his mass meeting at Mc .Minnville t-unday. He informed the gathering that he was there for in structions, but none were given, o laatrartlona ;lvea. Presumably. Schurbel of Clackamas 'so( went to the Yamhill county meet tng'for instructions, for he accompa nied Vinton. .Messrs. Dennis and Haines were also there. There was a strong objection against the paving people by the mass meeting, but that was aside from the senate bill 67 proper, and neither Vinton. S.-huebel. Dennis nor Haynes received instructions. R.th Conimissioners Thompson and EIGHTEEN" BILLS PASS HOCSE Measure Standardizing Salaries of Multnomah Deputies Included. STATE CAPITOU Salem. Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.) The following- bill. patosed the house today: S. B. 11. by Ebtrhard Uniform tales act. (bill later recalled by senate). j S. B. 17. by judiciary committee To pro- nitMl operations of ambulance cnasers. S B. 10J, by Handiey Repealing act pro- rifiinx for port of Tillamook. a. B. 50. by Eddy Relating- to sitting- of supreme court. S. B. lus. by Smith Coo) Reiatinr to assignment or DanK stock. a. B. by Handley Empowering- coun ty courts to buiid monuments for soldiers. 5. H. 0.1. by Hurley A bollshlnjc office of superintendent of water division o. 1. B. 107. by Bell Fixing- salaries of or; leers or Ln county. B. 14. by Bit lie r Fixing salaries of o: i leers or i matins county. J. B. by Multnomah delecatlon Mandardizinc; salans of deputies and as sistant s in Multnomah county offices. i?. B. 743. by Multnomah delecatlon Re lating to Jury lists in justice courts , of I Multnomah county. - s. B. 164, by Multnomah detention Re lating to jury lists In diitrict courts of I Multnomah county. S. B. In, by commutes on assessment and taxation. Relating to exemption of prop erty from taxation. ft. B. J SI. by committee on assessment and axatlon Relating to delinquent tax no tices. H. B. 10. by committee on Jisherle Rocue rivrr fish bill. U. B. 16. by Schuebel increasing license I fees of certain domestic corporations. H. B. 14. by McKarland--Creatlng- city I box in g commission?. H. B. oM. by Mrs. Thompson To pre vent pollution of aonrces f municipal water supplies. LEGISLATURE HITS T mm Difference of Opinion on Meth od Is Delaying Action. 2 QUESTIONS ARE RAISED Six Per Cent Limitation and Neces sity for Special Election Dis cussed a,t Conference. STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Feb.. 17. 'Special.) Should the legislature make appropriations beyond the sum which can be raised under the 6 per cent limitation, or should various measures calling: for these appropria tions be submitted to the people at a special election to be held In June? These questions were the subject of a conference tht afternoon in the exec utive offices and no settlement has been arrived at. Opinion Is divided. Governor "Withy- combe rather criticised the chairman of the senate and ways and means com mittee for not proceeding and-making: the appropriations which fall under MfLTXOMAH SALARIES SETTLED the general title of reconstruction bills. This was resented by Chairman J. C Smith, chairman' of the senate commit- I tee, while Chairman Gordon of the house committee asked for further light. In the minds of one or two of the legislators In the conference, it was construed that the legislature was ex pected to disregard the 6 per cent lim itation. Small Balance Remains. The legislature ooencd with what looked like a million-dollar deficit, but the ways and means committee has taken care of the essentials and' the main needs of the state institutions, and there is now a margin of about 1 1 00.000 left on hand. This sum insufficient to carry out any general, reconstrution plan. Whitney L. Boise favored borrowinir t30,000 from the $100,000 appropriated lor the relief of soldiers and sailors. HOOD RIVER OPPOSES MERGER the money to be used in working out the land settlement bill. John H. Burgard and Frederick W. Mulkev of I'roposea creation or une ureal ron i the commission offered no strenuous objection to the Boise suggestion, but TTT9 g- SAMPLE -.". 360 Morrison Street, Southwest Corner Park Street G UesimHui House Passes Bill. Standardizing I Deputies' Pay. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or, Feb. 17. (Special.) The question of salaries for deputies and assistants in the county offices for Multnomah county will no longer bother the legislature. as the bouse passed & bill today tand ardixing the salaries for such posts an) giving ine county commissioners power to fix such salaries between specified minimums and maximus for the various offices. This bill hr.d already passed the sen ate. Two other senate bills from the Multnomah delegation also passed the house., these relating to jury lists, in the Justice and district courts of that county. 19 Xot Approved. HOOD RIVER, Or., Feb. 17. (Spe elal.) Although sentiment aroused in other parts of the state seems to have ended the proposed move to pass a Din in the legislature for merging into one port all communities bordering on the Columbia river. Hood River men have been made wary, and any further ef fort to arouse sentiment for the merger will meet w ith a strong opposition from here. Hood Elver men as a unit are opposed to such a move, which they say may re sult in a heavy tax for Hood River without commensurate returns. they made it clear thai they wish to use a considerable part of the relief money for some method by which the sightless and maimed soldiers can make a living. The land settlement bill Is. aimed to show that farming can be conducted on business principles and be made a success, but each farm unit requires considerable financing, and only a handful of soldiers would be directly benefited. TUITION REPORT IS Passage of Patterson mended to House. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) Despite stiffest opposition from the Lane county delegation, the house this afternoon adopted a. majooity report of the educational committee fa voring passage of the Tatterson bill. which makes the high school tlution fund law applicable all over the state. Lane county members insisted the bill would wipe out the rural high schools which have been established under the county fund law. LITIGATION" BILL IS PASSED Senator Eddy's Measure Acted Cpon by House. STATE CAPITOU Salem. Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) Delays In litigation caused by a tie among the members of the supreme court, etrch as tied up the Mvcrs ill case, from 1'ortiand, ror over four years, will be obviated in the fViturc. hs the house today passed Sen ator Eddy's bill, which provides that in case of uch a tie it shall work as an affirmative of the decision of the lower court. Limit Acts aa Brake. It Is within the province of the legis lature to make unlimited appropri ations, but there is a limit as to the amount of funds that can be raised hv ADOPTED I taxes, and there is the 6 per cent limi tation, which is a brake on obtaining unlimited funriji In m o t imlimil. an- Bill Recom- I propriations. If the legislature nas bills appropriating money for $500,000 or $1,000,000 for reconstruction enter prises the money will not be in the state treasury to meet them. Of course, the first warrants recei-ed will be paid, but eventually will come a time when warrants will have to be stamped, "Not paid for want of funds." That is one chapter of the situation. There ia the proposal to submit to the people at a special election the various measures which call for an appropri atlon. This would mean a delay of quarter of a year or more at least be fore the machinery could ,get into action, and there is also the prospect or tne people voting down the meas ures. Prompt Aetloa Necessary. inis question or nnancing a recon struction programme is now up to the point where something must bo done quickly. There are. as indicated, two viewpoints, and the task next is t harmonize or to compromise these con tentions. Public Institutions hare been cared for, but the rpecial demands have not, ana ine reconstruction work comes under the head of eperial demands. WHEN WE BOUGHT THE CRESCENT CLOAK & SUIT CO.'S BIG STOCK AT 20 Ceiits oil the Dollar and advertised it for sale, we well knew that the public would buy the cream of the stock and the balance would be left. . ' But we arranged so that nothing would be lef t'of the Crescent stock. So all the best and highest-priced garments weresent upstairs to our mezzanine floor to be un packed as soon as room would allow us in our main store. Now that we have sold most of the downstairs garments, we will place the balance of the MOST BEAUTIFUL LADIES' APPAREL IN PORTLAND to be Positively Closed Out Regardless of Price And remember, this is the best part of the stock, the cream of the Crescent Cloak Co., absolutely To Be Sacrificed Only 4 More Days Sale Starts Today 9:30 A. M Ends Friday S12.95 Plush Coats All sizes up to 38, at only $12.95 and $14.95. Long velour tvitb fur trimming, up-to-date, all high-priced coats, up to $40,00, at only. and 95 Liberty Bonds taken at full value, change given in cash. WAISTS $1 Silk and Georgette Crepe Waists at 95 Children's Coats Mostly Samples, up to $2.50, at $6.95 TWO HOCSE BrLLS PRESKXTED Care of Soldiers Suffering With Tu berculosis Provided. STATE CAPITOU Salem. Or., Feb. IT. (Special.) Two new bille were in-T troduced in the house today as follows: H. B. 4M, by Dedman Providing1 for car Inr for tubercular itoldierB. H. B. 4. by Martin (Sabatltute for H. B. 41l. by Kequest) Providing for Oregon on Oregon canned fruit and vegetables. Public Hearing Called. STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or., Feb. 1". -(Special.) Important reconstruction measures will be gn'en a thorough consideration at a public hearing to be held at the capitol tomorrow even, ini? by the joint house and senate re construction committees. Chairman Eddy of the senate committee an nounced that a delegation of Portland men will be here for the session on be half of the movement for an early spe cial election. HOME MADE TEA FOR CONSTIPATION House Passes Monument Bill. STATE CATITOU Salem, Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) County courts of each of the counties of the state may appropri ate j000 from the general fund of the county for the purpose of erecting monuments in honor of the soldiers who participated In Ue great world war, under terms of Senator Handley a bill, which passed the house today. It is understood a number of the counties will take advantage of the provisions of the act. I it is possible to figure out increased revenue sufficient to meet the recon struction needs, the legislature Drob ably will pass the necessary measure. The state treasurer and other officials are now trying to ascertain how much of an increased revenue may be count ea on. ONLY ONE PfllEOS MIEN GCXSEB - CHTOCH OF ET7GEXE SHARES EV ITXIQCE HONOR. Opportunities for 3Ien of Artillery Corps to Make Captures Are Indeed Rare. Reform Commission Proposed. I I'sed by Entire Families Because It Is Purely Vegetable. Does the Work and Costs Very Little. Why pay liich prices for Liver and Towel remedies when none are better than Dr. Carters K. and B. Tea. which is purely vegetable, can be brewed at home, and a mall package will last a ioi.g time? Thousands of old people will tell you they have been drinking it for years, and after tiic liver and bowels have been put in fine condition In a few days by a before bedtime cun. that only an occasional cup is afterward recessary to keep one feeling fit and fine. People who drink a cun of Dr. Car. ter's K. and B. Ten once In a while, sel dom, if ever, have any bilious attacks, stck headache r sallow skin. It's good for boy and girls, especially those who sre peevith and fretful. Druggists have been selling it lor many years. Adv. STATE CAFITOL, Salem. Or., Feb. 17. (Special. A non-salaried commis sion to investigate plans for legislative reform and place the same on the bal lot in X9i'0 for consideration of the people is incorporated in a resolution introduced today by Representatives Childs and Graham of Lane. The com mission would Include 14 members, rep resenting various phases of activities in the state. To Lieutenant Phillip F. Murray, Cleveland. O., and Master-Gunner Church. Eugene, goes the honor of capturing the only prisoner taken by the 60th. Artillery finds it hard to take prison ers because they always go forward after the enemy has evacuated. Lieu tenant Murray, who has Just been given command of Battery D. rode on the first section. Gunner Church was a corporal when the capturing stunt was pulled off. He was discharged at It was at St. Georges that Lieuten ant Murray and Corporal Church went out to do some reconnoitering work preparatory to moving the guns for ward. It was during the Flavel drive of the last attack of the second Argonne. "Fifteen minutes after the In fantry had gone over the top we came upon an overturned German baby tank on top of. a treueh," said Lieutenant Murray. tioing Into the trench we found a 20-year-old German boy shot in the side. We took his glasses, pocketbook and other souvenirs while he was shouting Kamerad' and when the stretcher carriers came up, turned him over for medical attention, something that Frits didn't do for us." Ambulance-Chasers Jolted. STATE CAPITOU Salem, Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.) Ambulance chasing claims adjusters are put out of busi ness by Senator Eberhard's bill, which makes it unlawful for any person to solicit personal injury business and which passed the house today. House Passes Vniform Sales Act. STATE CAPITOU Salem, Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) The house this morning passed the uniform sales act coming from Senator Eberhard and which had passed the senate. This measure has been adopted by a great majority of the states of the Union. . Bead The Orcgoman classified ads. Sidelights of Legislature. STATE CAPITOU Salem, Feb. 17. (Special.) A certain public utility lobbyist, notorious for his tightness, horned in at a table at the Marion where several members of the legisla ture were having lunch. The members hinted that it was a very dry session, etc, and the lobbyist rose V the oc casion. "I bought a esse for $150 in Pert land last week," said the lobbyist, "and if any of you gentlemen want, I will give you the name of the bootlegger." There Is one lobbyist who Is repre senting five different clients and his total compensation is estimated at JS000 for the ettlon. with $10 a day SUITS To Be Sacrificed All highest-priced suits, all shades and sizes, some in this big assortment run up to $55.00. To be closed out at only $14.95 and. $18.95 Liberty Bonds taken at full value, change given in cash. DRESSES All high-priced silk dresses, serge dresses and many Jerseys to be positively sacrificed at only $10.95, $8.95 and $6.95 Crescent Suit and Cloak Stock on Sale at Less Than Half Price. Hundreds of New Models in SPRING HATS will be included in this sale. Some in this lot run up to $18.00. To retail at only $3.95 and $2.95 During this sale Blank's will exchange all goods and your money back if not satisfied within 24 hours of purchase. Liberty Bonds Taken at Full Value, Change Given in Cash from each of the clients. His chief trouble is in preventing his clients from discovering tnai working for their exclusive and he is in constant dreaa oi crui..b his wires. on of the hospital association . nnn , - V. n e his TflfTC 311 PCr l- llu 14 n .rt.nits that he eneaged in a foolish i..n.,inn with another fellow who ay or may not have neta live aceo, Jnsenr, E. ForesteL of the Union Meat nmntinv i here keeninc an eye on the nienmm-irarine bill. Alma Kats, who doesn't want oleo mentioned in. ine same breath with cow butter, nas aio been scouting around. A senate joint memorial has Just been r,A!l In the house from senator J. Smith. In regard to unequal representa- tinn for negroes id the south. "Tt seems to me that this is a airecx star. In the face for the present na tinn.l administration," asserted Mrs. ThnmnmlL I vote aye, then, snouiea repre sentative allasher. - Representatives today made their way outside of two boxes of apples presented by the Dufur Orchard com pany, of Wasco county, mrougu xven resentative Bolton. Dr. Owens Adair 2appeared on the scene ncain today In defense of ner steriliation act, which is threatened by rnul hv a bill of Senators IJimicK ana Hurlev. Dr. Adair is moving toward her 80th milestone, but is as active : lobbyist for her Jet as ever. The mother of tne steruiaiion om is the eoitaph which she desires to have placed on her tompstone. E WAR EXPENSES MAY TOTAX 182,000,000,000 FKAXCS. With Exceptional Xeeds in Sight, Prospect Is for Deficit of at Least Fifty Billions. PARIS. Sunday, Feb. IS. The finan- ial situation of France is being given erious attention in the chamber of eputies, where it will be the subject f an interpellation at an early date. Frances war expenses are expected to reach a total of 182,000,000.000 francs. with resources to meet it of loS.OOO,- 00.000 francs, showing a deficit ' of 4,000,000.000 francs. In addition to the 24,000.000,000 der- cit, there are exceptional expenses. such as compensation o civilians for war 'damages, which is placed in mod- rate estimates at lO.lwo.ooo.ooo francs; the cost of exchanging the German mark currency of Alsace-Lorraine, 500.000,000 francs; the repayment of bonds issued in liberated regions. 500.000.000 francs; demobilization bonuses, estimated at between 2,000.000- 000 and ,000-.000,000 francs, together with other exceptional expenses, which will bring the estimated total to 26,- 000.000.000 francs and make the total deficit 50,000,000.000. Largo Prune Orchards to Be Planted SHERIDAN, Or., Fob. 17. (Special.) With the coming sprinff a large acre, are of prune trees will be planted on "Successor to Quinine" OF the heights above the town. On of the largest will be the orchard to be planted on the tract owned by A. J. Bewly of this city. There will be about 25,000 trees planted on this tract. Many walnut sro-es also are expected to spring into beinqr this year and MASTER "Bayer Tablets of Aspirm" are now depended upon by millions of people, instead of quinine, because they are more efficient and offer relief without the discomfort and distress. Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds ' Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with water, anytime. If nec essary repeat dose three times a day, after meals. - Proved safe by millions But only "Bayer" packages. "Bayer f Cr0S9". foAVERji on genuine r g l Tablets. V R . ASPIRIN Aspirin is tne trade mar It of Bayer Manufac ture ot Monoaceticaciaester ot aaucyiicacia Ask for and Insist Upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." American Owned, Entirely. 20 cent package Larger sizes also. THE SPRINGTIME TONIC For Nervous, Weak Men and ' Women Is CADOMENE TABLETS Sola by All Druggists. CYSTITIS-KIDNEYS Cystitis oftentimes begins with a chilly sensation, a slight fever, loss of appetite., sleeplessness, nervousness, ir ritability or a feeling of depression. Frequent urination, but voided slowly with burning:, scalding spasm-pains in region affected; the pain of dull charac ter, at times becoming sharp and agon izing. Don't rest until treatment of is in your possession. Take as directed. and you should find immediate benefits 24 hours. Tried and Reliable. YOU NEED THEM Sold by all druggists. Adv. DON'T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Go After It With Sloan's Liniment Before It Gets Dangerous. Apply a little, don't rob, let it nene trate. and good-bye twinge: Same for external aches, pains, strains, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises. Instant relief without mussiness or soiled clothing. Reliable the biggest selling liniment year after year. Eco nomical by reason of enormous sales. Keep a big bottle ready at all times. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. 30c. 60c, 1.2u. Hry??MH-. J hone Your, Want. Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 'A 6095 many of those already planted will be bearing in the fall. KMC YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel young to do this you must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in your face dull eves with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from in active bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a veeetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to ma patients ior years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clear ing the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab lets by their olive color. . 10c and 25c pel box. All druggists. Notice to Nervous Women Mm. Sribert Telia How You Can Over come Nervona Condltlona. Louisville, Ky. "I suffered badly from nervousness, a run-down condi tion, no appetite and pains In my back until I just had to give up. A friend told me about Vinol and I felt better after taking the second bottle. Now I have a good appetite and am feeling: fine, strong and healthy In every way." Mrs. L F. Seibert. The reason Vinol was so eucceasful in Mrs. Seibert's case is because It con tains the very elements needed to buitd up a weakened, run-down system, make rich, red blood and create strength. The Owl Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. P. S. For Skin Troubles. We guaran tee our new skin remedy, Sazol. Adv." Stop Itching. Eczema Never mind ho w of ten you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying Zemo fur nished by any druggist for 35c Extra large boftle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not greasy and does not stain. When others fail it is the one dependable treatment for skin troubles of all kinds. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. I