THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1919. TO XC H.VM.K KKAL f .sTATP- it; . kt i -om e. N ET I N' 'i -M K. NET" IN-'OME. O MIT IN'"" M K "mi . KT IN OM K. Ml-jrlii' r.t nd hU'i"1" e.. - locations. o.'. ooo to 25.wu. J.mi'ihmi ii de to J-;."... 'mm,, trad- to ftfHMHHt. tra.!' to S'.OVO. r'iiiv rn''ha:iS'-S only. i ' Etra No. No. .No. pn---I. price i it;s i- KEK. Kills. M rha !T SO AI:s. f H nice. Ivel land, near ;rams rvw. yr.. on the Pacific highway; ((nut 6 f-vs in t ultivai ion, - acres of h arine fr"ti. barn, rhu ltcn houae and other with million and m ha-f feet of av timber, with crek of watT on the place, of all rood mh !.;. vni!: ni I iX'uncc nr ron."i pr.p-ry and al1'"1 I,and . 3"3-5 MO'-'k Main T'T"k New York Exchange bids- CO ACRKS of land mii-i irom amo ; round. S'- tn cultivation. 4 acres to hay.) TO more almost ei-ared. all fenced, ?o"'l hai'v1" cod ii.,s!o"rlio-1. rlow'to ho.,r! 1 inilo "f Lwi-tlle store; Rood trading Ine $.-. S2 di4 3.; will trade mv eauttv for a small houpe out tn sub- horh:ii uarL ..f F'.Ttbn'l. or might rnl )' If tli at T.h HunrO' k B- , Call B'Al'TIFT'I- M : h-ni.-e: ouarff cultivated, nr efe-tri. n n I n'u inhered. Aim v... flr-r i -on i ttv 17 ul 1 1 a tcl ; bui id inc." or-hard. J.n.Mi.)Mwt t iniix r ; ev. client -rr'"w .! prt.p-5it :ti: 5iiN. I I'o;k f not hill S". old bu:liinc. '."."; hotin for i r "ir. net. jftvr .od. Barnvy, 40 A-'HKS. M cul'iv-4twd. "!k rtias county, value 5i'MM. :iii rr. olrn bun ca low. Port land, value for -ale. easy term, or m ul "exvhiincc ruber or loth fr pa inn .'iburo".n home. .Slate prp. and location, f AJ I'Oi. "r-iuan. 2 f.OOll lots. .VtHK ea--h. pond location. 3 hln-ks from .vch..ol and car. on the lt. rk Utnd Stock Hiihang blOK- Main jur-Kll I'irv 6 ro..m K.iM-Mde rei-,lptH- with rirnc; l' mm. drive frrn wet t-iic buin" center. Kc ha nice for L' lot in tcood r-Mlene li.-tn.-l. Preirable in R. C. P.. Irvmcton. liurelhur&t or A 3m"J.i. Phone M.nn 7?t 8-KOM r-aidciice. clear; pitnd:d location. e.t .il'b-. do.-, a!, car. JW fprson hiKh -riool and tiie comittfi Croat itiduatnal cen ter, ttlll constat r K-unp bustnt-as up to jTMo vnr. T .". . rjE' V ANTKh-S;u: a bit- lor rulii ip I jnu. or urn rnprox suil v .t nn. in i-xrhanx-- for lvo Mt.r.ti.) f.-t of tini er, lani iivti.r. TJ'J U. 5. Lank bide TWO lots in Edmonton. Canada, for sale or trade for oni property in or near Port land. Or. P. O. Box .IL'I. TEN lots, tn fruit, nifhed. in Fa i ad is-, ' f ront M. houM. ail fur J a int. Spencer, TO FACHANCE MISCELLANOrSt 1 WiLL takt- jrot.-d wrk horses or cattle for my Sludebak-r truck. Smith. "JS Alder t. N KV OKA I ONULA Ford. C.U Maui Jl to exchange for rOK SALE. Hnrse. Vehicles, Livestock. J L sT recceiwd, arload of 011n5 mare-. Trorn 4 to tl ears o!d ; iRiiins from l'Joi to 14 Ins.; xcry btocky built, heavy boned; nioat of tht-e niar-a are Brlciatm, some with fa': ail well bruke and Ruar anteed. '4 Front 31. U. a. Stables. G. D Williamson. CUWS. Just co:ninn iresh; o just iresh, uith calf by trade for dry cow. -Id Main. niilker. 1 cow her side: 111 E. StU, corner 13O0-POUND black hors-e. 7 years old. sound and u orks in;le or double; one spotted pony. 4 yrs- o:l : ortt Jersey cow. jfl Rals., tuberculin tested. WoodyarJ, 4th and Clay. SEVERAL good work hoiff. harnes-s and farm wa.u.s at less than half their value; must be sold : guaranteed; trial allowed. io4 Northrup si. N and S car nort h. BUVi brown mare, uoiks single or double, ape 10 yrs., weight 117U; also hav 3 -inch, wide tire n a icon. Tabor KtiGL uoJ4 E'oth st.. Mt. Scott car. ii A V K iohk ptmd co a s u ith caiv es that an heavy m.ikers, also some very pood spring rrs com mg I rt,n soon. k-.i&. 'Jin Flandc rs. nd 10-((VLIt. MARE, buppy and hHrms. cheap; also cow jui fre.-n. 3 gal., OO. Wood yard, 4th and Clay M.-. 6MALL team, true to work single or dou ble. Sunny.-;do Ice Co., between 34th and 3th on East Yamhill st! ONE light buggy team. IOH pounds 8Piee. Heavy team, three horscj, about 1150 lbs. apieie. 14 4 I'mght -t. XKAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cohj and crippled horos. Phone Milwauk: 6!.l for results. DEAD horts and anim.tls hauled away free Portland 'tendering Co. Call Woodluwn 20. DEAD horc taken quick, cows and cnpplrd hordes. cash paid for Tabor 420:1. 2 WILL tak good work horses or cattle for my Stud.baKT truck. Smith. 228 Aider st. ft HKAD fr-sh d.!ry and f.uiiliy cows, 5 head he-tvy pr: n ;;. 7" I K:i.-t Ash. LAR;K SPAN of horses food jobs go with ih'-m. Cj.I Tabor 2 !:!. rhino. Organ and Mimical InMrunient. SECURITY STORAGE CO. Clearance Sale.' A.: "stored vi-d pianos and organs. Parior orjtjni for $j.. 35 and...$ cji!i Upright p anes $'. $i5 and 05 casn 1.50 Storey & Camp. Urg.: upright 110 casn ..7i Bradt'ord. am ill upr:cht Ittdcash '$."T5 l.y-n a- lira v. maii. upright Itiicash $l.i Mandard, I rge upri9-lit lM cash J.'..'-'n;r1 vva'nu.. uprittil 2l5c4sri Itr.uord. Lemih oak up'uht 2H0 ca-b $!.". Thctnpon. m.ilu.g.iny up'nt cash il'.'i S.-hi.nii A. ot:. al. Ul'tfiit Cilh $!.) ;.c Suocd up.icht p:anot... l'?Hcah l'.'l me.;, i M.-r upriglit... o:5casl nioaci p dr piano 30j cash $7.a PU'.t tiiciit-l p acr piano 4. c.s.r I art casi. ioni9 ana 01 ncr sccurti-s accrptcd. Piano? Poushi and sm'd lor cas.i on . sioraij.: OtH: nionth.y. Phone M-iQ .Vi.' l. l""J 4th st . at t ashntd'on si. EKi.l'U K 17." phonok-raph. latest mod' V lare l.iufful cat'inci in mahogany, lelt rec'T'l f'itne o.K-ni. pia.- a!) makes of rfior.l. ithom changiriB reproducers, it ciuilnitE 12 ionn of 1 M-oroj. for !.( O" cui K lifd Mom. House. 2S7 W;-h- t. PIANO W N ri.D. U be tore disposing of our uf d I'a l.S l'0?MOiC .d .-r.lP:ni.ING & I.-:. 4tn -t. LUCAS MIP Main :-s6. .1 ISv N d :imrnl pc-' n : in.-- rumcnt. u-cd eiy liitl" and in p-'rfcft ton.lition. with fding i.ibin.t, capacity for lis record?. ;nci udlti g o do; n records. - ry special. .ii urrsi'n Lilcrs M.Uvic Houjc, 27 W5h ir g n t VICTKtl.A and records, nearly new, $SO. Ki.iib.tll (UiH'Ji, $"3. Stcinway squar t u-u 1. l-J; $2.'0 p.aola and 50 rolls (fine hap.-, $-'i. HAROLD S. GILBLR. 31 VA-nr.iil M. r:; t -ii vm 1; PIANO r t .a and records : A. LL C S Jl Vj;n S- ii. 1.. fav.-'-y C e or $JJ U9 fe our -it fchn I'... tu 1 n p,.mcs d urtr. j trt.-e riie. ash or terms. ?lj i. . tio or more month. pi ay idw-n .iomi-nt or Ca.i at no Co. til f ourth t at Wasti. PIANO BARGAINS. See us. a have c v ei a I c.. :.' an! u!. SKlKr.Ul.lNc LLCASMI SI I ft. Mai to . 8 '6. .bm- t phono era ph. slightly i;acd. ii'l otidi t l.:i. with 12 Crtions i-s. vi ry j-pc-h' f.-r . r gon In.-;. M' 27 W .t-liin-ion -t. p', ."tn ' ph and r cin;. ci : k ( ti-i.-. ;. Ni.i s..! for L. ciin. 1 1 1 : 1 V ILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND bAM I NSTKU M EN I s. SKI PEKLING LUCAS MI SIC CO. 125 4TH ST. CASH for Ytiirola, p.anos and player pianos. FOR SALE A good pi-ro. $150 cash, ;56 Amherst St.. 5"t. Johns car. CASH p-i:l for the p ayr rolls you are tired of tigroid S. Gilbert. 3M atnhil L i'l WO humcU. pay cah for bargain. Mar- :a.l 15' 7. HE bu v us.-.! p'.tno- for cath. Call !'. -I.2 'or .i;o;arto!i.. NOW .lines. aio records. Ma. a 1 First, near Alder. .ai'or o. PIANOS tuned. $-V ieorg- T. Peck. Tabor S57. Grad. Nt-w Eng. Conservatory. SET 1 1- I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3M Yamhill st. ABINET FOR 12. FIRST. SPi.-O.N L'i A M ND DISC l SALE. MAKE O F F E K . 1 ANTrlD can be o.d but good tone. r. ., ijin ... U"ri ht. vn no JIimmi. ,'or piacr piano or P,ti.'i;r,iu.i t-r I-;!!. K I". 0:conl;n. 7--' l"TK L . p-a. ?i- shy brand new!. $:... I'1' af-er n .av. Ki.: ."7TO. Pii K i'li tii-c "o" iimbia; good cotiui Uon. $12 0". I2o l:h st. t crnitiire for ?ale. A SNAP In dming-room and library tabiesv Pacific Salvagt? Store. 1 40-M2 First st. IF Vol" ant a snap in furniture call at Pacific Salvage Store. 140-112 First sL FOR SALE. Furniture for !vle. JI'ST TTAI.F PRICE. THIS EXTRAORDINA KT oKKKR TS WELL WOUTH1 OF YOUR PROMPT. ATTKXTloN. 9x12 grass rugs in brown, h!ue or green, with beautiful, artistic borders; sold all over f.r 23. ."in; pcia.l while they last at $11.75; . ut $7.50. There will bo a great ru."h for these rues. Come quif-k and avoid disappointment, tay terms. MISH FI'llXTTURB CO.. 1fe-U' First St. OXK lady's bamboo des-k, $4; one white rn nip dresser, larsc mirror. 510: while en ai baby bed. high chair and nurs-ry hair, all for $10; large trunk. $3; fmo leather seated rocker, patent rocker. $.; weathered oak table. $5. Tabor 5722. O-KoOM apartment house for rent and fur niture for ule, :so Columbia victroia. Ill 2"'ds t FURNITURE for sale at a bargain. Call S49 ' y - ' ' " 1 J- KI RNITI RB apt. hou.c. Suitable for j tnarrieii couple, SI' Madison. Mar. 4.5o. $7o NKW home nta- hin- half price; on'y ud one 3 car for sale- at Tubor r.7"J. Doc . Rabbltw. Birds. Prt Stork. 1'On fALK Boston lerri;r. Jinx A. K. C irli. l."i months; diini Lady Flash, sire Stuart McGregor; bent type dog in city. lir 11th St.. Aidtrr and .Morri son. Bradi ay l-'Ol. AT iTL'D and for -x. Mark s Sidney, well marked. Lcht w icM. pood serenr tail, per-f'-tly our.d In very way; stud ft-e $10; ca 9 prhe $!"': Pacific ELLPT' N" " Kennel boards Fin.tll Aokp anJ toy breeds by the day, oek or month; puppies hunso broken. Kant -'"M. CM" dCE van. isfth rim the ("finarv Bird Shop. 1 1..1 K. 2th N. C 1J17. V A NTKD- Female foj terrier puppy. Call Lor eventnsri. I HAUTZ MTS. female canaries, fc .til yrlion. f I. ."."7 K. 10th at. fine stork, N. E. 2 !.". j JJ stud. l.ntir Charley d Alder. Chaplin the -d. 141 till a i HKi.;i.N hares. I buck two docs; sell t-hewp. 70-.' K, 10th So. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profitabl b-ed of pouUry. If you are in the bual nsa fur profit you wili eventually have thfin. Early broilers, early layers, early PROFITS. We only WHITE LEG HORN HAEY CHICKS from heavy lay inK H OO AMZED hens. Sale delivery of full-count liw cnlcka guarantee8. Price per I0O: February, fi.i; warcn, n; April, Sl'j.0. The Pioneer Hatchery, 40? 6th St.. Petaluma. Cal. WMITK LEGHORNS. O. A. C. strain, hatch ins ess, per Hi delivered. 11. C. 1 .11 h r. Kou i 3, Box -5S. Lenta Eta tio Portland. BART CHICKS L irhcrns. Red?, Rocks, -Jino:-c.ia ino egsa f crown birds). Prices reaionat)fe. j. rn. recanam. ox J Salc.u. Or. BARRED ilock. wtMnsi of 1. ). A. C. strain. M7 E. l:h X. epgs $J..TQ East 1;1.".8l Machinery. ilAI.L bras speed lathe, Belgian hand made, with too!.-, cheap, and misc. tele phone apparatus. l.lo Belmont st. Launches and Boatft. CuZY 4-room houseboat, furnished, lights, pa., water. Apply No. Willamette M ooxu Re. V ANTED nll Sell. ,Medium-si2td rowboat or skiff. :it after ti P. M. 1 y pe writer. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu--nients. Buy your new Kcmingt-.-n now; immediate delivery. reasonabTd tcrma. Remington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED Jactory rebuiit typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly -jaymenta: send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail dept.. 321 Wash. St. NEW, rebuut, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st- Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters nd supplies. Corona O-alers. t;. v . J'ease to, llu fclxtn bl. WE vtill buy jour old typewriter and pay you casn. oregen '.typewriter to., v riitn. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriting Co.. 04 5th. Main 366a. Mittreila leonn. MOIST AIR HEALTHFUT SAVE DOCTOR BILI-S AND FUEL. Half of Portland homes use hot-air fur' naces. We have discovered a system of circulating double amount of moisture, doing away with dry,- unhealthy, debili tating air. bringing a healthy, invigorating, purfied atmosphere, besdes saving 15 per cent of fuel. Indorsed by leading physi cians. In order to quickly introduce this Ti'-w system will install same for small sum of $10 fnr fint 25 order!. Jin MOi'K EXCHANGE. MAIN 2411. LUMBER. LUMBER. LUMBER. FOR SALE. 500.000 feet 2x416 .-.00.000 feet 1x1216. Large timbers 10x10 30. Large timbers S1D -30. Large timbers 1012 30, And all other sizes, $! per M., f. o. b. Vancouver, Wash at tut up plant. Pee our man on the around or call Tabor 7741. at S2d and ftu-nside. ROOFING PAPER, ALL NEW. 1- ply S .95 2- piy . 120 3- p:y L45 Nails and cement, 2c per rod extra. Smooth surfac- No cheap sanded stock. M. BRDE A SONS. INC. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. PORTLAND'S ONE BIG SUPPLY HOUSE. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for lests; no scents employed: com plete line of parts for all niaks: machines rc-paireu ana rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. n"ar Taylor street. FiRE and burglar proof safes oought. so and exchanged. Lock expert work ao rcpafrmg. NORRIS SAFE tc LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. SA KF.S. new and second-hand, at righ pncc. 'ACIFIC SCALE SUPPLY CO.. 46 Flout Mi-ret. Portland. Oregon. Phono B roa d w a y 1 !66. Ci I ii P Joi ng away. 6-holc coa 1 or wood r;tngc. hich warming cloyet. nearly new- wit 1 1 wa 1 -r col W. large feather bed. sol oak Mand. 4-hole rs range, some kitche: tinner. 7MJ ri. loth st. So. Fl"I SALi; 3 oil wagons. compartmen tanks. 350-gallon capacity, suitable fo farmers or country store. Apply George ri;ace. 'm4 rj. ttn st., nortn. A 3-BURNER Kloreme automatic oil range. with oven, jrood condition, reasonable price. .11 foot of st, 3d north. Mrs. r lien. HOT water tarks. all sizes, in good service able condition. 30-gal.. $7; 40-ga... $'J. 2 Adams st.. east end steel bridge. Phone E. 816. ARE a 5 1-nt. 1 for the famous Rambler ok ji l' s at a 3d st ; nave some barga ins In good bicycle line that we are closing SCRAP wood. $1 per wagon load. $2 per truck tcad. See superintendent, Portland I r"in stockyards o.. North Portland, tr. ;,o-;ti.n .SAVAGE rifle, new, four boxes c a ri ridges, rod a nd case, liberty bond or c .sh. 0J T- tirarid ae. Apt. o. SAVE CAHIXBT. I rnce sue, two 5 ears old: reduced price. Leaving citv. Call N. W. Bank bldg. Ji;22 RtH BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering p lain 1 r ono orners aeii vcrea promptly. t'orthir.a Jcfe .-ur.Hery- laoor L'.Ni; Poo: I'iX'.I. h ip. ( o.umoiA Eil tt:h si. rfect conaicon, J'jrior, Ii7 "j FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, an kinus macninery, rails, ears. Hallway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark st. BILLIARD and pocket Millard tables, show rusts ana waiicas's. 1 ixtures: ea.y terms W. J. Wuigley, ... f irst. Main ihS'Jv. wt.o.l snd gas rcstauranr ranci sptcndld condition. 24 Russell en: one -half r-f my h. -tro n h.itr. For forthc to H I. Oregonian. NEW Singer se Ing machine- for re dMverr-d. $1 pfr week. $3 pr month. Iy3 4:h st. EXPEl'.T slot e plumbing; parts for all makes ci stoves and range; repairing. La 3t 2S7. ONK 5-barrel gas tank and pump. Rod bam A- Voiium .Auio Co., 93 N. Park st, cor. Vandcrs. FoR SALE Cah register, safe, adding ma- i nine ana snowcasc. 1.4 1st st., corner Yamhill. SEERAL gcHd second-hand safes at the r;i;ht pru-e. 46 Front t. Broadway 1066. the time for tnting and paper-it-. Tabor 67II6. ':ns:ug. tie: an et:i KITCHEN cabinet in very good' condition cheap. Woo.!'iwn 60M. of black lyux furs for sale. Wood lawn SAK KS one larije and one sinail. in perfect cond tlon. K S2i. Oregoninn. VACUUM cleaners old. repaired, rented, ex- changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 85a2. CHOICE potatoes, $1.75 sack dellvered.Call Broadway 454; evenings call SelL 2S39. LEADER pays highest price for gents' and !- ii.s' clothes, specialty. 5lain 2874. VETCH and c.oxer e ii for sale, el. or. - J. W. Klner. Mt. Ang yl'tK SALE-R. autiful Woo-fjwft 4."2. mink fur. Phone CHOICE Burbank. high land potatoes, from Grower. $1.75 sack dllv. Mar.hall 1874. ELECTRIC coffee mills for sale cheap. Pa cific Salvs$ Store, 110-142 First il ' A FOR SALE. Mifecel laneoiia. MARCH'S authentic history: The War be tween the Allies and the iuus. . Write 326 Railway Exchange. Portland. Phone Tabor if i3u. All representatives will call immediately. Authentic introduction bv Oeneral Peyton C. March, chief of staff, highest officer United States army. BEAUTIFUL pink Summer hat, Bon Ton corset, 1 pair wiitw? satin slippers. Phone Tabor 6l'7S. C l7Ti. FOR 6 ALE AUTOMOBILES. DEARBORN TKUCK ATTACHMENTS Convert any make of car Into an EFFICIENT ONE OR TWO-TON TRUCK AT 40 PER CENT of the cost of a new track. Be aure and see us before buying;. FOR SALE NOW. A new two-ton attachment on a CADILLAC ENGINE, $1050. CUTLER MANUFACTURING CO.. 301 East 10th St. East 7331 V - PRICES. ARE AT THEIR LOWEST. JN FACT. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. IRIS MAXWELL, A1 S673 i:17 GRANT SIX 675 MODEL fM) OVERLAND 1 730 1JII7 DORT "Al" 675 MODEL S3 OVERLAND . 500 FORD TOURING , 375 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 5 27 WASHINGTON ST., WHERE WASHINGTON AND BURNSIDE MEET. REBUILT TRUCKS. lli-ton worm-driv Federal, in excellent condition. Federal 3 -ton, late moflel, rebuilt, re painted, new tires. ."U-tun Kissel, In fine shape. 7-ton Federal tractor, like new; trailer. Studebaker delivery; electric light, starter. Ford 1 -ton chain-drive; throughly re built. White 3-ton. 'ready to haul anything. 5-ton Reliance; good buy. EAST TERMS. WILLIAM L. HUGH SON CO., 0 N. Broadway, at Davis st. Bdwy. 321. 1K1S CHANDLER, cloverleaf roadster, for sale by army officer who nas just re ceived discharge; run only on pavement ; looks like new ; perfect mechanical con dition, five practically new Goodyear cord tires. A bargain for the first man to make reasonable cash offer. Telephone Captain Freeman. Main 69S0 week days, Main 3677 evening?. '17 FORD louring car; lots of extras. Pierce-A rrow, 1 -paasencer. Velie. 5-passengcr, fine condition. Cadillac roadster. Chevrolet. 5-passenger. THE Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder Pt. LIGHT 5-passenger. 4-cyliuder Case. Electric eouiDment tnrougnouu tires iirat-uiaas, top and curtains, excellent seat covers, robe rail, license bought: a dandy cheap buy for somebody; price with terms $5o0. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co., 5S N. 23d st. Main 7S0. $160 BUYS team and harness, weighing 2400 lbs. Grain fed. not lame, work single or double ; will sell separate ; 3-i farm wagon cheap. Mr. Scott car to 9th ave. sta . one biock east to S5th St., No. S-o 85th st. - TRADE. Bring in your old cars and we will be glad to make you a liberal allowance on any used car in the house. Jake, 323 Alder st. Phone tsroaaway FOR SALE One 4-pass. Pope Hartford, . liohn cinrtsi. nnri c-fnerator. battery. 4 cord tires, one spare tire; wil demonstrate. Tabor 1231. See car at and Division. t r -t 1.' i nt t T.ittl Si. .1-nassenKer tourin good tires, extra tire, good mechanical con ,iit inn- sacrifice for $000: car can b' wn t Edwards Tire Shop. 84 North Broadway. HUDSON sliper-six: run only 0000 miles anH rnna like new: ir you want classv car this is a REAL BUY. " Jake. 523 Aider. Broadway 2102. 4 PPF.RSOV. nnod tire?, 'self-starter, perfect cond tion. $400 takes it; terms. Jake, 523 Alder. st. Phone Broadway FORD. ROADSTER. A dandv '17, all equipped for SALE M AN' S CAR. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. iQia nvr.Rt.A'n tnuriiisr. looks like new- fine mechanically, bumper, spot light unce,tnfnrtor 1 vtr tire. 2 tunes; mu; ut once: $950 cash. Call East I3:i0. 1018 LIBERTY. Perfe.-t condition, cord tires, 1 extr; cord. This is no repaint job. See Jake, ,-: Alder st. Phone Broadway 2412. 1!17 MAXWELL. New tires, good condition, new paint, This is a nifty car: easy terms. Jake &2. Alder st. Phone Broadway 2492. t. x tit model 4-Dass.. 4-door auto, jus rnlnted and new seat covers: cost $3400, will sacrifice. L. B. Barde, Front and Main sts., Main 663. DO YOU WANT TIIE BEST BARGAINS IN TO vv N 7 'J'ML. SI'K. DODGES FORDS BUTCKS AT AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axies; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co. North Broadway and Flanders. I CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET OR MAXWklLL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 3019 M AA a,L.L auiu MOBILE. CALL TABOR 630. ini7 LIBERTY. 4-PASS. Run 3000 miles, at a sacrifice. We will guarantee it. AUTO PALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH, ii7 RR1SCOK chummy roadster, self-starter, electric lights, good tires. win ban. 11- . Portland Motor Car Co.. lOih and Rtirnside. Rdwy. 521. 2-TON TRUCK. This truck has lust been overhauled Tires almost new. Easy terms. Jake, 523 -Alder st. Phone Brojiday FDR HALE 1017 Ford, good condition. $325 cajth: can be roem cor. nt and Hoyt. Phone Broadway ..014. von SALE One SO0-Ih. Overland deliver Al condition; new iires; ov: i can De seen cor. 5th and Hoyt. Phone Bdwy. 3014. FOR SALE Ford bug. good tires. $275 cash; ran bo seen cor. otn ana fioyu I'lione Broadwav 3014. t00 DOWN Bl'YS 11S MAXWELL TOUR; INii Unit; ' - r. t A I - i J- J-. VU4UlilU.l CALL TABOR 630. FR A N KLI N. 1010. 4-c Under, light w eight. economical car. o-pass. ; gooa tires, o new. Pbooe East 3021. $2-0. YOU PAIjE one 101 R five-passenger Ford car; tires in excellent shape and all in good condition, a pargain. can Bdwy ,r4. DO YOU WANT A SQUARE DEAL? THAT'S WHAT WE GIVE. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCtJ. $200 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING L AK, C J-x Ji 1 lJ. JA uvuu XVUX- BE EL CALL EAST 1062. BARGAIN IN 1018 CHALMERS SIX. RUNS AND J-ilvE. AAUUK FOR SALE r trade. Ford runabout, or with detachable delivery Doay. 3iatn 3716. 114 Ftrst. r FOR gooseneck wagon, suitable as wagon or auto truck body. Green Tran. Co.. 2024 Alder. PREMIER, latest model, perfect condition. 5 wire wheel ana cora iires. oo Boston ice bldg.. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. DANDY Ford for a bug, $200, terms. Grand ave. N. OAKLAND LIGHT SIX. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. TWO-TON TRUCK In good condition. icap. for cash. 2il r.. Water st. jl c H EV RoLET touring for saje cheap. i erms given. 1L' urana ave. . 1018 FORD TRUCK, brand new, cheap. 314 Burtuude. BUICK liirht Six, tn fine nit-. iianical shape. rt v niie, 4.1 Burnsiae. ctawy. oi. LATE model Ford at a bargain price, terms. 1 uratta ave. DODGE TOURING good tires snap. AUTO SALr.S K. KJ.. Win A." J uti. FOR SALE s-ton Republic truck, cheap. See owner, jrr . tin st. MAXWELL touring, best of condition, $200 down. laoor wiv. STUTZ auto, excellent mechanical condi tion. See Larimorc. :43 starn st. 17 GRANT SIX. first class condition, 5 new tires. jiu casn. cast jooa. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each, vul canized L'c ; tire repairing. ui Jtaaison. REAL bargain Regal 5-passenger, $1$0; can De Binppeu. wan fv( vi cuu FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. VSKD AUTOMOBILES. ' , " TERMS GIVEN. ' We take your old car as part payment and your liberty bonds at face value. Large stock of lato models to select from. Here are a few we offer for your approval : 1018 Ford. 5 -pass. , Sedan, electric lights a,nd starter. -mis Mitchell. 5 -pass., fi-cyl. If Hi Oldsmobile. 5-pass.. 4-cyI. 1017 Chandler. 7-pass.. 6-cyL 18 Overland. 5-pass., model I0. 1JH7 Overland. 5-pass model S5. 3f1t Overland. 5-pass., model 83. 1HI.1 Overland.. 2-paps. H'13 Cadillac, 5-pass. I'.'lo Mitchell, 6-pass., 6-cyl. 1R14 Mitchell, 7-pans.. 6-cyl. 1I2 Mitchell, 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1 ! 1 4 Michigan. 5-pass. 31 1 5 Keo, 5-pass. 1011' Pierre-Arrow. 5-pass.. 6-cyl.. modef J 3n. Al condition. 5 cord tires, one- j man top. electric lights and. starteu 1318 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyL 1 :1 4 Ha ynes. 5-pass. See our stock of used cars before you purchase. We can save you money. Prices . $200 and up. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVE R CO.. E. First, at Morrison St. PHONES EAST 7272 B 1216. FOR SALE Seven passenger Packard touring car in first-class condition, five excellent tires; just the car for passenger hauling. This fs a bargain. Terms reason able. Call Bdwy. 354. TRUCK BARGAINS. Ford delivery, extra nice panel body, suitable for grocery or bakery.... $ 400 Overland delivery, express body, top, curtains, overhauled ; runs fine. . . . 400 iord l-ton, worm drive, with extra good body, almost new, with good tiro equipment 650 JuicK l-ton. last delivery, express body, good tires, overhauled 750 xtepuDMc -ton, just line new, guar an teed, overhauled, renainted. etr. White 3'-ton. good condition 1200 uenny l', -ton, overhauled. new tires: a splendid buy at 1400 IKKAIS, BONDS OR TRADES. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INC. 75 N. Park St. REPUBLIC DISTRIBUTORS. Broadway 136. A 1380. FULTON MOTOR TRUCK IK -TON. Triple heated gas-unit power plant, internal gear rear axle, economical in operation. Saves gas and oil. 12 to lo miles on a gallon, at a speed of IS to 22 miles an hour. Call and see. it. DANIELS SALES AGENCY. INC., DISTRIBUTORS, 84 South Broadway. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Dodps $725 1 Overland. No. 90 650 1 Maxwell, 1018 700 1 Maxwell. 1016 523 1 Chevrolet baby grand 630 1 Chevrolet, No. 490 500 3 Fords, $250 to 300 1 Studebaker ". 225 1 Reo 250 1 Oakland 175 Several cars from $50 to $200; three 1- ton trucks, $250 to $400; one 2-ton truck. 9 1 UoU. LONG ik SILVA, 462 Hawthorne Ave. $100 GUARANTEE that 1 quart of Speed oline will give you a saving of 53 gallons of gasoline, remove carbon and increase your motor eiiiciency. JAMES. BASCOM & COMPANY, AGENTS, 902 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 2675. THE ACME AUTO CO.. 531 ALDER ST., IS THE PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR.' WHY? COME IN AND SEE. REPAIRING AND STORAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 2706, SEE US. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. WE STAND BEHIND EVERY CAR WE SELL. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. LATE model Maxwell, just like new. electric starter and light, in first-class mechan ical condition; a very quiet motor; your neighbors won't know it from brand new. Forced to sell for cash, $565. Phone Sell wood 1850. CH ANDLEK You can buy tnis car $1.0 cheaper now than if you wait until Spring opens. This car is in fine condition and a soap if you buy it now. $850 cash, or will give some terms to responsible party; car can be seen at my residence, 663 Wasco St.. or call 1233 N. VV. Bank bidg. BUICK 1918 fjve-passenger, like new, driven on jy 4U(.iw nines on paveu e tree is. excel lent mechanical condition; for quick sale will sell for $V50 ; terms to responsible party. Call Frank Smith, Monday. Bdwy lUift. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES. Insure your tires now against blow outs and punctures with our guaranteed reliners. Phone East 1303. We will calL UNION AVENUE TJRE SHOP, 514 Union Avenue N. 1917 5-PASS. FORD $385 1914 Ford . . 225 1017 Ford truck. Dearborn chassis 400 1018 Case. 4-cyl., 5-pass 1050 1915 Rejjol 225 USED CAR MARKET. W. Park and Stark. TRUCK BARGAIN. Studebaker, half-ton, paneled body, late model; electric lights and starter; splen did condition ; good tires; too largo for owner's work; price $550. Phone Sunday. Tabor 7341. week days East 6748. 1000-LB. HLECTRIC BUS, equipped with Edison batteries, ten-passenger hotel bus. Can be made into truck. - Good condition. Batteries alone worth price of car. Hotel Lenox. SNAP BUYS. Abbott-DetroR $2 Jackson. 4-pass 2 AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. NO GUESSWORK. MORIN, AUTO TROUBLE SHOOTER. Woodlawn 1340. 043 Uantenbeln Ave. $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAK. Al CUNDlilO.N; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1062. 1013 CADILLAC, electric .lights and starter. new cora iires ; excellent conamon., will sell cheap, or trade for lighter car. R 323, Oregonian. PRIVATE owner must sell late 1017 Chal mers, car has been thoroughly overhauled and is in first-class condition. Call East 3s58. 1017 OIJ3S S TOURING. PTNE MECHANICAL CONDITION. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. 1918 BUICK, 5-pasenger. private owner, run 40(H) miles. See this car demonstrated be fore passing it up; $1300. Tabor 7429. M AX W E LL ROADSTER. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. Automobiles Wanted. AUTO WANTED. $500 lot and payments for late model car up to $2000. Mr. Long, Bdwy. 2460. WANTED To buy for cash, a 5-passenger stanaara mue car in ai condition. Ap ply to R. J. Hanson. 203 Burnslde, Tues day. February 18, after 9:30 A. M. SPOT CASH for 10c8 Dodge. I am a private party and want to deal direct with owner; quick action desired. Phone Broadway 421. ILL exchange good first mortgage on 40 acres of land for good light auto; must be in A-l condition. Prentiss, 505 Corbett bldg. 'WARRANTEE deed to 10 acres of land r j , -mo - -i iiu iw v;isu iur x o j u uposcuBci i Jk - well or Chevrolet; no junk. Barnard, 21 North 2d st. EITHER Cal. or Wyoming oil refining stocks or Aberdeen res. lots for auto in good condition. AHX862. Oregonian. WANTED Ail makes F. roa d w a y 2707. of cars for cash. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH.. LET ME SELL YOUR CAR. L. E. OBYS. BROADWAY AND COUCH. WANT second-hand auto. - First. Main 3716. 114 CLEAR lot to trade for any 1918 small car. aat 3536. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? TOU CAN SURE ENOUGH GET THE MONEY OUT OP JT QUICK. JUST GET IN TOUCH WITH THE DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. YOU'LL BK ON TOUR WAV TO THE BANK WITH THE "JACK" IN SHORT ORDER. "No FOOLIN." WE SKLL IT RIGHT OFF THE "REEL." RING US UP ANYWAY OR BETTER STILL, SEE US PERSON ALLY. IT'LL PAT TOU. PHONE EAST 7S10. ' GRAND AVE. AND STARK. "Frank" "Charles" RODHA1M VOLLUM AUTO CO. HUPMOBILE EXPERTS General Auto and Truck Repairing 03 N. Park st., cor. "Flanders Phone Bdwy. 600. LONG & SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send tn the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos boucht. regardless of condl- tlon. Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne ave. FITI,L value for your car and 35 per cent profit ; preferred mining stock, par value. si. redemption Donus ;c. oearinp per cent int., authorized security $3, 500, 000. accrued, value $1.35 per share; exchange at par for good auto. Phone Sellwood 1032. apt. E. . WTLL trade good lot In Rose City Park, 50x100, 2 blks. from fireproof school house, improvements paid, cost '$050. for -Dodge car; will consider Maxwell or Chevrolet. 2034. WILL pay spot cash for your Ford and any late-model, light-weight car? bring your car hero and get the cash; no waiting. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING Co., 525 Alder St. AUTOMOBILES OVERHAULED. AH work guaranteed; let us give you an' estimate on your repair work. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. East S068. HAVE several prospects for good used cars; no junk wantni. What have you. P. O. box 556. Newberg, Or. AUTOMOBILE WANTED to $1600 value: young bearing orchard in exchange; give or take difference. AP 883, Oregonian. Motorcycle. FOR SALE Harley-Davis motorcycle; can get it at your own price; make an offer can be seen cor. 5th and Hoyt. Phone Broadway j;i4. A SNAP Harley-Davidson single, tires, car rier, all in Al condition, $40. Tabor 7828. 250 Kast 80th St. "WANTED To buy Henderson motorcycle, 1018 or H10 model. Anderson, Brdwy. 2125. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3 D ST. MAIN 6139. Auto Tires and Accessories TWO 1018 Cleveland motorcycles. Marshall 33!JS, or call at 403 Madison st. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. COUCHMAN & SULLIVAN, MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1230. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th st. Broadway 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2629, BROADWAY 2620. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP $7.50 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer, the taiJor, pays the highest price for suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We will call anywhere in the city, day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison -st- HlGHESf PRICES 'PAID. Iruy ail second-hand clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's suits, dresses, etc New buyer. Try me beroro you call others. Phone Broadway 3032. 245 Burnside. be tween 2d and 3d. OUR specialty is buying men's cast-off cloth ing. Highest caah price paid. Will cali dav or niebL PEOPLE S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison St. BELT-DRIVEN PUMP, 400 TO 500 GAL LONS PER MINUTE. HEAVY DUTY MAIN 1212. BURKE MACHINERY COM PANY. 523 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLilliUl.Mi. WANTED Egg shippers; can handle 10 to U cases every week, nignest prices paid, Settlement every week; references. Penin sula National oanK. Harry liranam, in Philadelphia st., St. Johns. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ANY KIND OF JUNK, FURNITURE, ODD CLOTHES, SHOES. ETC CALL BROADWAY 2846. WANT SHOTGUN. RIFLE. VIOLIN, guitar. mandolin, cornet, tromoone, va.ise, irunii, suitcase, tent and everything. Main 44i5. Tabor 6708. 12S First. OVER THE TOP, $7.50 UP. Spot cash for second-hand suits, over coats and shoes. Main 733. WANTED Second-hand Corona typewriter, script type preferred. Must be cheap lor cash. AB 134, Oregoniam WANTED Cash register, showcases, safes and other store Lstures. x4 t irst sl Main 4234. WANTED Men to sell their discarded and misfit clothes for liberal appraisraent and spot cash. Phone Main 6701. WILL oay cash for a 16-inch lathe. ooi, vana wana, w asn. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic and pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld, $5 d. WANT second-hand electric motor. 3716, 114 First. BICYCLE WANTED, PAY SPOT CASH. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4405, TABOR 6798. WA NTED Good trunk, suitcase, valise. satchel. Main 44:o, labor 4 WANT talking machine, also records. Main 4405, Tabor 128 1- irst, near Aider. WANT electric washing machine, in good condition. Bern hard. Mmvaukic. Or. WANTED Used gasoline dragsaw. Address .. cook. 4o -z orana ave. Furniture Wanted. WE WANT USED FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES. RANGES. f PHONE MARSHALL 5981. Nothing too large or too small for us to handle. Office furniture, rooming-houses, hotels. We will buy for cash any quan tity. Phone us at once and you will be courteously and promptly attended to. Don't forget the number. , PHONE MARSHALL 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store in the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialize. In shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone. MAIN 9072, A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front SL. cor. Salmon. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUK FURNITURE s.t us. W aro In need of all kinds of used fur niture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and office furni ture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices for same. Call MARSHALL 587, and our buyer wiil call at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205 and 207 First St, Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL W ILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONET. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 102 FIRST ST- NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and ail kinds df household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will calL Marshall 2603. Crown. I AM in the market for furniture from pri vate parties only. Main 3240. Pacific Salvage Store, 140-142 First St. BEST prices paid for household goods; buy and sell anything. 203 3d sl. Call Graham, Marshall tiu. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 6417 M. H. Calef, dealer, 540 Williams ave. FURNITURE WANTED Will pay all -hat it is woteh. Main 324 Pacific Salvage Store, 140-142 First sL FURNITURE WANTED Will pay all that it is worth. Main 3249. Pacific Salvage Store. 140-142 First" st. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First sL I AM in the market for furniture from pri- vale parties only. Mam 3240. cilic Salvage Store, 140-142 First st. I AM in the market for furniture from pri vate parties. Call Main 2117. HIGHEST cash prices paid for used furni ture. Main 1633. 214 First st, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH- MJlIU 3333. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Furniture Wanted. USED FURNITURE WANTED. Tou will be sure to get the best possible vaiue tor your use a rurntture. etc.. at thi fctore. Eastern Furniture Co, 184 First St. Mam li 4. HELP WANTED MALE. ALL MEN seeking employment or ambitions to do bigger things fere invited to consult the employment secretary at the T. M. C. A. We have constant demand for men tn all clerical, technical and commercial lines. Why waste yourv efforts when a special membership costing only $5 gives, along with other privilege. EMPLOY MENT INSURANCE for one year?. Put your case in our hands and we will multi ply by one thousand your OPPORTUNITY Our record for past years: Calls for men Positions secured 20.342 16,610 KU.BOURNE & CLARKE MFG. CO of Seattle, can use a number of first-class machinists on U. S. N. urgent contracts; model plant and ideal, working conditions: preference given to returned, soldiers anil sailors. Appiy by letter or in person. WANTED A thorough, modern sheetnieta worker, well experienced in me nanunn nf man as fnrnlan of a larce sbOP. annweriiiz. xiatp experience and re erences from past employers. Applican must h noal Piiftrcftiic and thorough! versed in manufacturing goods at the low est. noMihle manufacturing cost. 11 do not have these qualifications, do no1 answer. AY 648. Oregonian. WANTED Married man to drive small aut truckand make self useful around hard ware ana ca-uie piace, niui we. amr t read and write and know streets, docl- and freieht houses and be abie to repai machine; must be able to sell hardware aisn: must have hardware expenen references required. Apply J. Lebe, 18! Front St.. between Yamhill and Taylor. HTfJ-W nrhnol and Reed College student lonklne for naoer routes during the com ing school year wlil do well by applying YOUNG man to work on farm, must under. Rtanri marhinerv. esDeciallv easoline en gine; 12 cows, 3 horges to care for; I want a man vho knows plowing, seeaing. cic, asd is willing and dependable; good place and good wages to rignt party. an is. Jennie Kuhn, box 26, Tenino. Wash. SALESMEN and agents wanted to sell our teas, coffee and s Dices ana extracts nor old customers on established routes. on commission and salary. Write for our proposition and samples. C. L. Staples &. Co., Dept. 31, Clinton, la. ENERGETIC man for tea and coffee route permanent employment, pleasant outside work; . bond and reference required; must have car or willing to pay for one. renta payment plan. Apply Grand Union Tea Co. C. D. Morrison, Mgr. EXPERIENCED hardware salesman for cnpral retail hardware line: no farm ma i chinery handled. Write experience and salary expected. The Grand view Leader, Grand view. Wash. AN elderly man to care for eld gentleman in country. Must ao own jooting. uooa home for right man. Plen y fresh milk, butter, eggs. Small wages. 10U4 bth st. Oregon City. WANTED Al automobile salesman, Clack amas county territory. Must Duy own demonstrator. See W. T. Schwock, Ore gon City Auto Co.. Oregon City, Or. WANTED Butcher for country town, three hours ride irora portiana. .Must oe iirst:- class all-round man. State wages. Av 637, Oregonian. ONE reeawyer, accustomed to running large Allis Chalmers horizontal resaw; good wages to first-class man. Apply J4JJ6 Northwestern Bank bldg. MEN WANTED. Two first clas sraders. behind fast feed flooring machine: good wages. Apply 1406 Northwestern BanK oiag. EDGERMEN, pine timber, $5. 1 trimmerraan, $5. White pine grader, $115 month. HOSM EK & WHITE, 35 N. Second. WANTED To instruct several men ir acetylene welding and cutting of metals, good demand for this work. BF 141. Ore gonian. WANTED Handy man with experience in blacksmlthing, wagon and carpenter work. Must be quick and accurate. Fred Dun dee. Broawway and Flanders. WANTED Girl for hand washing, one not afraid to work: good wages. ryia.i t-auu-dyr E. 21st and Sandy road. Rose City car. WANTED A good edgerman, $3 East in the pine belt. Apply at side st. per day. 247 Burn- DISCH ARGED soldiers and wailors (in uni form), can make $10 a day. Call 10 to 12, Multnomah hotel, ask for Mr. "McDonald. WANTED Mm to wear uncalled-for suits and overcoats at $:;.50 and up. Orpheum Cieaners. U55 Stark st. WANTED Several men for good-paying proposition: no experience necessary. Kin ney, New Perkins hoteh BOY wanted to learn the bakery trade; sood J nlni-A for advancement; miiFt oe over yrs. 91 30 Foster road. Len ts. Tabor 644 TO EMPLOYES. The Westport Lumber company expects to start its mm .Monday, i-eo. 37. WANTED Shoemaker, steady work, good pay. Appiy iviitaa, xvvt ain st., van couver, Wash. WANTED Party to contract to cut 500 cords of. .wood, inquire at isiar wood & Coal Co., 34 st. EXPERIENCED advertising ' solicitors, permanent employment; uig money, hob son. 207 Stock Exchange building. OFFICE boy over 16 years, good chance of advancement; give pnone number and references. G 882, Oregonian. WA NTED Experienced men to graft nursery stock. Benedict Nursery Co. Phone Tabor 431. - MAN to fire furnace before and after day's work, in exchange tor lurnishea room. 300 Williams ave. East. MEN wanted to sell war books, hire agent" Salary guaranteed. M 0l, Oregonian. WANTED First-class machinist : must I expert lathe man. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. BOY about 18 to drive delivery wagon, pire Market. 203 1st St. EXPERIENCED man wanted o: farm in city. G 890, Oregonian. GOOD all-around laborers wanted who can drive truck. b2o vv asniugton. .vtar. r.. PRESSER wanted at ! 0th st. Bdwy. WANTED Experienced steam fitter, in the city. Call 43 N. sa st. - WANTED Two or three discharged soldiers or sailors. 203 Lumber Lxcnange oiag. WAITER, out of town, $10 week. Lew is Employment Co. WANTED Two men for soda fountain work, discharged Foldiers preferred. Perkins ho tel pharmacy, uth ajif Wash. CHEF wanted. Apply St. Nicholas cafe teria. 125 6th st. BOY wanted. 6th st. Max M. Smith, florist. 141 OFFICE boy for wholesale house. . 34 North Front, corner Couch st. Apply WANTED First-class auto washer. Apply 1U9 11th. City Auto Laundry. TAILOR and buslielman wanted; inqikire S:30 A. M. Koom ;!. JJ,ort:anq notei. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALHSM EN desirous of starting their ow n permanent business have the opportunity in handling a wonderful patented machine. universally used; weigns a ids, no compe tition; saves big money for farms, ship varris. contractors, manufacturers, garages. stores of all kinds; no scheme; exclusive territory free; large profits; small capital sufficienL Call 425 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EXPERIENCED salesnjcn covering regular and Montana calling on hardware, general merchandise, grocery and drug trade. Established specialties of merit, lisht sam ples. References required. Prefer U. C. T. or T. P. A. members. B 122, Oregonian. SALESMAN wanted by manufacturer to handle high-grade made to measure rain coats. Liberal commission in advance. No delivery or collecting. Liberty Raincoat Co., Cappet bldg., 127 S. Ludiow St., Day ton, Ohio. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, good, live sales men in and out of city. New -featured and meritorious investment. Good commission. Prospectus ready. Write or call at 826 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Portland. RELIABLE, nerfyetic, traveling salesman to sell Jogging supplies. Must be wide-awake and a hustler. State age, experience, sal ary expected and general qualifications. P 744, OregDniaa. SALESMAN to sell Chevrolet automobiles; liberal commission to party who finances his own demonstrator. Independent Garage, Oregon City. WANTED At once, men and women to call on business men; good pay, city or trav eling. 210 Stock Exchange. WANTED First-class salesman with good car. Goddard & Wiedrick, 243 Stark st. f WASTED AGENTS. AGENCY managers, to tmMm olurg of out ness in two of the best districts la Oregon. $50,000,000 company. 20 years old. Ad dresj 719 Pekum building, Portland, Or. WANTED Men everywhere to make $100 per week selling a new fuel saving device: one that is :i la!tite!y practical and ot' great merit. 28! Union ave., Portland, Ov. WANTED Canvasser or solicitor for high grade institution doing business with -'job-bers, manufacturers, etc. AC 431', Os gonlan. AGENTS at once. Sell 5(c per month bos Pital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. EXPERIENCED millinery saleswomen for Spring season. Permanent positions in other department at clos of season. Ap ply Employment Bureau, 6ih floor. Meier &. 1? rank Co. YOUNG ladies wanted. Improved wapo schedule. Call at telephone company, room b0o, 6th floor, Park and Oak sKreetk HOUSEKEEPKR, unincumbered, cood cook. lor gentleman and little girl; pleasant. w;eii furnished, 5-room bungalow on cast side; suite uagos wanted, etc. BF 147 FINISHER for ladies' tailoring. Only firnt class experienced help need apply. Steady B?ock 000(1 wascs' ANlJy "lti p"ock WANTED Girt for housework for family of t on chicken ranch; steady job: fare paid. State ffSgcs wanted. E. K. Wells, Prosser, Wash. HOME for high school girl in exchange for help and company: outi-ide of school hours Call at !SS K. Sherman. Richmond or Hawthorne car to ::4th. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking anfl downstairs work. Call Tabor ISuO. or call at gs:; :. Taylor sl. corner E. 20tli St., mornings. WANTED A strong, healthy woman to tnk care of baby in sick family; middle-aged woman preferred. Call after 9 A. M. 4SS Columbia st. WANTED Experienced operators on hem stitch machines; $tiO a month to start ; also apprentices. Appiy bet. S and in. Eastern Noveltv Co.. U. 5th st THREE active young ladies, by the Chicago Portrait Company; call on homes; exp. not reqilired; weekly salary. Applv 10 to IS, room 204 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. GIRLS to learn manufacturing jewelry; good chance for advancement ; some ex perience preferred. Between 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. noi Globe bldg. LADY printer wanted at once who can , pet ads, job work, feed press and assist in news gathering in first-class country office. Journal, South Bend, Wash. GIRLS from 17 to 25 to Icarn comptometer: means meai worn ana gooa salary. L'afl 0 A. M. 313 Morgan bldg. See Mrs. Thomp son. WANTED A first-class corset woman, one who understands medical and general fit ting; must be thoroughly competent. Ad dress The Mode. Boise, Idaho. WANTED Experienced marker: permanent work, good wages. Yale Laundry, .500 E. Morrison st. WANTED Experienced chamber maid: will give room and board. Victoria Hotel. Broadway and Gltsan. WANTED Experienced millinery makers ana trimmers tor out-of-town positions. Apply Lowengart & Co.. II N. Broadway. WANTED Experienced millinery makers and trimmers, also apprentices. Apply Lowengart & Co., 11 N. Broadway. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the aaivation Army rescue Home, ot aa: 15th st. N., or phone East 123. WOMAN cook for ranch in Eastern Oregon; Sou, room and board. Hosiner & W hite, 35 North Second. BOOKKEEPER, $75; stenographer. $75; bookkeeper and stenographer, $100. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WOMEN" wanted to book orders and hire- agents for pure food products. Salary guaranteed. M 000. Oregonian. YOUNG lady ay assistant bookkeeper for permanent position in large store ; state experience. G Oregonian. WANTED Reliable woman to sta y with baby evenings; refs. Call Alain 4u Mon day. LADIES to do needlework at home by piece or dozen, good pay. us loth st., room 205. Hours 0 to 5. WANT experienced stenographer; state be ginning salary; must oe accurate in fig ures. W 8!t6, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED or young woman to cook. and keep house for small family; good room. Call East 4602. WANT experienced insurance stenographer; one capable or running oitice. v 4i, ure- goniaiu OUNG lady to assist on books in mercan- le office; state experience. L tl, Ore onian. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en- agements, no traveling. Casino Theater. MIDDLE-AGED woman for chamber work. Dayton Hotel, 1st and lay lor. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may bo obtained by calling Main 102, A 2!bi. IK L to assist in general housework, st., near 20th. a vier EXPERIENCED millinery makers. Apply at Portland Emporium. 1 26 Sixth street. DENTAL assistant with business college ed ucation. 351 ', Washington St., room 2. WANTED A dining room girl. 1751 Derby st. Wnodlawn 2H15. WAITRESS w-.!mI Lewis restauranL 113 North Sixth. Camp Girl for general housework, good all after .". P. M. Wnodlawn 42tit. nil hold. $-"U Employment HOUSEKEEPER on a farm nc Write Rohren Bros.. Coring. WANTED -.lonason. - Experienced nkirt 308 Stearns hid. sr. W A N T E D Wa i t ress. N. 5th st. Wanted Domestics. COMPETENT girl for general housework; in Hood River valley: wages $"(); meet Mrs. A. W. Peters between 2 and 4 s t Portland hotel ; no cooking for outside, help. FAMILY of three adults wants experienced girl for general housework; no furnace fires; good wages. 197 North 25th. Phono Marshall 4107. COMPETENT girl for general housework: .1 in family, no washing, best wages. Mar shall 410. WANTED Girl for second work in private family; references required. Call 121 Vista ave. Main 4339. COM PETEN'T girl for cooking and (low ti stairs work; small family; wages $50. Phone Main 4207. COMPETENT girl or general nousework: 2 adults in family; references required, all Kearney. Phone Main 2665. WANTED "-Girl for cooking and downstairs t work; no laundry; good wages. 1'ortland Heights. Phone Marshall 1S70. GIRL for general housework; one wanting a permanent ptace; no cntinren; wages fair. Phone Tabor 14:!5. after 0:.-:0'A. M . WANTED Girl to assist with light house work, good home, good wages. 230 p.. 24th. Phone Marshall 1321. WANTED A girl for general housework. Phone Marshall 1010. Call 1108 Westover road. GIRL for general housework, good salary; n washing. Appiy at ievit s store, tn ana Wash. Mr. Levitt. GI RL for general housework, good salary. o washing. Apply L. strn. GI RL or woman to assist w it W . care of two children; some housework. East 72flj. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. sma 1 1 fa nniy. '.-room house. Alain 6:.T0. WANTED Experienced cook, small family. Phone East i Wi. WANTED Competent cook by Best wages. Call Mar. 1867. Mafcb CONGENIAL housekeeper, good home, 4 adults. l20 E. Main st. WANTED Second maid. Apply to Mrs. Uurrell. 82S Hawthorne ave. Phone East 37. WANTED Experienced cook; references. Phone Main 7I-1S. GI KL to assist in general housework, luo" Savier st.. near 20th. GIRL or wom'in for general honsewor. good wager. 675 Brazee, East 40S5. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. RAILWAY mail Clerks wanted; $1100 year; Portland examinations March 15th. Sanipis questions free. Franklin Institute, Dtp. 376M, Rochester, N. Y. EDUCATIONAJU. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $6 month, 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3803. SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 051 Gar field ave. Wdln. 1424, cal! Mrs. O'Nell. SHORTHAND, 3 months' course. Mrs. Han num's School. East 860. 2:i0 Tillamook. YATES-FISHER TEACH-ERS' AGENCY. P'ree regist'n. 011 Bdwy. bldg. M. 62T4. THE international Corresoondence Schc44 can taise your salary, 101 Broad t-jlt.