' T1TE MORXIXG OKEGONIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1919. 13 OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST WASHINGTON". Feb. 17. Today's casualty lists, in addition to cor rections, contain 1631 names: 17 killed. :i .lied from wounds, 1'2 of accident, S3 .f 'li.-ease. li wounded severely, J2 tleu-ree undetermined, 70 slightly and 4 mis.inK-. Followins Is total of all cas ualties reported to date: I ;!!. J Kt:.-ii in action . ar S"a I t .if w ounos , a....I ..' tits-.! . li-t ..t acc.ti'-ut Rcpnr:-t. To'!ay. Jo'1'.- .. 1M..17 4 ... .''lti .'.11 if .inU-d .r?s ns and pr.onfr. ,- Tj:a: cas'.jaltis l .-. : 4i 4 5l,'. .Ill J:.m;j 1h.-;7 174. n: 7.7S7 00S 248.62: OREGON'. 413 East Stephens street letl of fHra C. rvr-. iscar W 6 ..ri .and. Or. WfMinded erelT Taart i,. Rov W.. WilIiamF. Or. V itt.iT'nr, Pouglas. Itii Kaal Davis street, I'.'n.anti. t'r. . . Krlnrnrd lo duly (prcTIotttly reprteo U .n r: L. iCrl . F-.lverton, Or. M oundetl undetermined W.iiKr. '! ver 1!.. Keeusport, Or. tlmiixlrd .liKtitl H-,;;.t. n-iun, East Tenth street. I- .rr :...!.!. "'r. , I'.-j.!- s-anley C. I-a Orande. Or. Il.rr. lira J. S anfleld. Or. t lr:l U. Kcho. Or. WAMUNOTOJf. Killed In action K..m ,i!io-i. V. K.. Seattle. Wash. IVouoded weerel r Wv-th. Hy. William C'pl.. Puma liniL'-ihnr. r. James II.. Seattle. Wash. j:r-.i. Hjrrv, Hi. urn, law. ta?!i. .'.."tn--. t.laar.1 SC. (Capt.), Tacoma. Wash. Mains' in action a --. nii I' l-eatl e. Wljn, Krlurnrd In duty (preiouly rrpnrted nnwlRU ..Ki:r .-. Herh-rt M-. KverTt. Ta.h. 1'rii.i. Kranklin Frultvale. Wash. Killed in action reionly reported wiiutMlrd. decree nndetennined) l-rcti-.ii. Ar.ilrew. Norman. Wna. Uunmled Oleicre ondelemilned I ;.... i:. njr.M W.. ulympia. Wash. ,.:f.v'. Joi-yhi M.. Okanoran. Wash. Harm. J 'hn W. Vancouver. Wash. WwlHlel .liclillj rvi ii. ManiK in V., Woodinvi'.le. Tan. Ia:t..n. A-thur W . Seattle. W.h. ;ml.rie. Krnett K-. Wenate he. Wash. Cro.s. orlem W. LL). Walla Walla. Wash. ItiAHO Hied tnnt nreWent and other ennsea ( rxilv reported died from wonndsl Kii-i'hke. rternhard H.. Payette. Idaho. l otimld wwdetermlned r.r.-r...n. W4lUra B.. Hurler. Idaho. Tarncr. John W.. lialley. Idaho. ,...-..- T.rv ii't l Weler. Idaho. ii..ir. .nrtl u'm. ct.. Ilaielton. Idaho. tain. Joun i". 4"pl . B le narraeks. Idaho. I.aur-r..-.. Lu-r tr ). Idaho Falls, luaho. Mounded aluhllt ra . l:.bert Ii., Woodland. Idaho. l;irn.. l.ewt American Valla. Idaho. Kul - eln. Jay (Cp..). Hammett. Idaho. ALABAMA. Died or dlaea r-a- . J K. l..-t.(. Ceoruisns, Ala. -roat.-::. A eta, Troy. Aia. A K KANSAS, flied of dien J..-. II. Marianna Park. Ark. .tan. llert. fort tomlth. Ark. rAi.iroKNiA. Tiled of woood Enm. ArIto. Oakland. CaL llled f tlteae s-irf n. J. n"i.. Purlinrame. cal. rs. Rum.'.I p. . i on J. si. 111. iont. J. 1'.. S.in Krancisro. Lai. MrtaTow. A. ?.. Vacavl.le. Oal. .-parks. C. San Franciaco. roLOK.lUO. Killed In netlon Banner. It. it., fcada. Colo. CONN KtTIClTT. Wed of disease aApp.ehy. T. 1-yna. Conn. n.OKIDA. tied of disease Ciice. A.tua, Uauchala. Kla. GEORGIA. TMed of wnwIi Ttotmon. J. A.. UowdoD. Ca. IMel of nceldent Heiime. A. L. i.-et.). Atlanta, Ca. tlir.1 of diMeaae Lmioii. ii. j: Ackworth, Ca. ILLINOIS. Died of wonnoa Ti-Whf, Tlieefil. Ohlcaeo. IIL Hied of aeeident aair.o. Oliver. Oranite City. O' ' i-e'e. Tliomas. Clltcago. 111. Died of dineae i..?. K. '. ti-'p... CMcaco, 1:1. H. ttiBon. o':ar. I'fiicaco. I'.ii.y. K. .v.. Clucaao. !;..rt. Krlili.-. DixAn. M. .hl--nin. I"red, Itarrmrton, ITI. INDIANA. Dirl of wotmdw T.iiieiday. O. t.. Ulkhart, Ind. IOWA. Dieil of dieaae I. ii. . A. Ii. . winiarr.sbiirc. Is. '...ik. A. K-, Cambridge, la. KANSAS. llled of aceidenl anil other cai r.i ii. H. I:.. Knit colt. Kan. Died of dineu S.i in) - n. O. W. Ilavn. Kan. r.o .l'i. I.. Ii. W I. hita. Kan. KKNT14KV. Died of aeeident l: II W. iCpl.l. Sparta, Ky. Died of dteaae Mi.. K. M . 1- ri. dor.a. Ky. liaiiiTlt. lAercr. Kurnart1. Ky. I.OCISIANA. ied of neeidenl 2v-r"-. Mnm.. .M aiidr!a. I-a, Died of dieae i'ir. Jmt-a. K-u hyt!'e. 1. MAIt LAND. Died of wonnri Wheeler. J. W., 1'iioeTii.x. aid. M A--S AC II lfcTTS. Iied of liieae Ki-ii-jn. Wa t.r. 1 i.-r. h-atrr. Mjm. itii k-i'v A. !., r'tir.ii'imn. Mass. WiMin, 11. O.. I':an:... Mass. MICHIGAN'. Died of wound Vr.i':k i-. ;..eno. nrtroi. Mien. Died nf arellent I i moil. w. ll. i.ict.l, rviroit. TI-h. K..'ert. Harry uadai-r. Detroit, Mtvli. MINNESOTA. Died of dieae M a; lr ; . .1. J-' . Verdi. Minn. J.ilinaon. O. C. r.upsc.l. Minn. MississirrL Died of diweaae I Ar:nur M pl.. rtoarvi:;r. M.ss. M - i:. O. l.-i:t.), M-n.phis. Misa. u - r. 11.. 'rtle. Aliss. m-i. Ii.m k. Fan.jn.:i. Mi. a. I.iaiiau:. 1. W., tin U'rpr .e. Miss. MIOlKI. Died of wound r.i '. w. i."p!.. Brookfiell. Mo. lied of arrldenl - i. n. '. t'pl.. St. Louis. Ma. Died of tlieae u- k. !.. i: It. i. pi i Lupus. Mo. I.-f . :r. L". A. lUas . Sainie Otncvlere. 3 MONTANA. Died of dieae l: .n . . Si. J., .u. l -h. M..HU MBK.IMLL Ihed of dine a IT.- i 'Wiri. OtiiI i V..K NEW VORK. Killed in action Cunningham. J A CpI), Brooklyn. N. T. Iied of wouoda Smith. J. K. P.. Brooklyn. K. T. shoerena. Iaaac tCpl.). Rochester. M. T. Phillips. 11. h.. Kane, Pa. Died of areldeni Fempel. Fred. Urook'rn. Jf. T. Teraiillr. J. K.. Mlddleton. N. T. Weiss. Frank. New York. Whipple, u m.. Ravens. N. T. Died of d i ru r - Ciarke. c. H. (l.t.), Larrhmont. N. T. -quires. Lee (Was.). Hunter, N. y. Vanschack. J. B. clv.). Huntington. N. T. Orei.el. c. l. (i-dt.U Brooklyn. N. Y. i i " Stephen (band leader). New York. "'"""'. i., Cumstock. N. 1. McDarby. Harry, Hudson, N. Y. Hayes. R. J., Brooklyn. X. Y. Warner. A. it., .lyrscu.e, -V. Y. Pempie. A. V., Brooklyn. N. Y. Osbourne, E. W'., Union. N. Y. NEW jEttser. Killed in arlion McKensie. J. j. (Lt.), Jersey City, N, Died of mounds Chnatensen. .l c.. Perth Amboy, N. J. "" os aeeraenl noleton. A. J. ,l.t.), Wenonah, N. J. Died of diseaar Sownhuijt, Philip (Cpl.1, Pouth River, X. J. " j . v., c . 1 1 i wati-r. r. J Philklll. A. I.. Putstown X J Armstrong. J. w., Newark. N. J. NEW MEA.1CO. Died of wounds Wailing, J. M., Gallup. N M Died nf dlM-ae DeHalle, Auk-ustine. Bernalillo. X. M. NOBTH DAKOTA. Died of dlseatr Spa nicer. J. Mielby. X. C Loston, Wright, l olloiksvillo, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA. Died of disease EUlngson, c. V. tt-p!.), neynolds, Jf. D. OHIO. Killed In aetwin Katx. Joseph, Cleveland, O. Kowalskl. B. J . Cleveland. O. Died of wounds Zaroeostas. D. C. Akron. O Died of arrldent Bartlett. E. L. (Cpl ). Bedford. O. Beamish. Harry Cpl.. Cleveland, O. Died of disease Watrerson, o. it. (I.L), Cleveland. O. Remhard. J. L. (Cpl.). Coliunbus. O. Rader. It. Ji.. Lancaster. O. Johnson, J. J.. Portsmouth. O. Gone. p. L.. .Vaumee, O. Furrier, Carl, Liorset. O. OKLAHOMA. Died of wounds Hlgniirht. E. K. (Sgt.). Ardmore, Okla. I'lea or disease W-ymer. K. ti. (set.. Tulsa. Okla. Gumm, J. SI., Cleveland, okla. PENNSYLVANIA. Killed, in action Cole. E. n , t'mmerslay Fork. Pa. Colella. Vtnnenso. NewcAstle, Pa. Cowman, frank. Mooalc, i'a. Iied of wound Credo. C. W. iMech.l, Wllkinsburg. Fa. Krebs. C- V.. Harriiihuorir. I'u Cllchrist. AlexandT. I'hltadelnhia. Ta He. kman. R. L.. Greenville, I'a. Ihed of disease Armiironr. A. G. tLt.t. VranlrMn t Gibson. Edrar tigt ). Klttaninr P. Kaybould. U. W. iSm. . Phiiadelphii Pa. debater. O. D W.ll.or I. I. ins. !. W. E.. Greensbtiir. Pa. Knepsnider. J. O., Freed. Ps. McCrory. Samuel. lliUM.t-inKia t. Bennett. B. E.. Jai-kann Hummil T- " f.aniawarf. G. J.. Lansford. Pa'. Pealessandla. Guisi-nnf Phi'a.i. rhi. t. Cougiilln, T. J, Erie. Pa. Carr. B. A.. Philadelphia. Ta. RHODE I-iLA.ND. Killed In a.t inn Cronk. C. V., ITovldenrs. R. L HOl'TII CAROLINA. Died of wound Temples. A. O. ICpl). Batesburg. S. C. Died of disease Burdell, J. A. iSiti. I.ueorf. s f SOl'TII DAKOTA. Died of rilaeaae Barke. W. ii., 1-airfax. R. D. TENNESSEE. Died of wnnnitk Fhllllpa. o. K. (Wag.), Xorcross, Tenn. - " " KTIUrilf ole, J. W".. lieiis. Tenn Wilkes. J. X., Whltevllle. Tenn. We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Stamp Books Are Redeemed on the Fourth Floor Wilbur Methodist Church Auxiliary and Ladies of Eastern Star Will Meet for Red Cross Work Tuesday in Auditorium, Fourth Floor Nestle Hair Waving This wonderful method gives a permanent wave to the hair that cannot be distinguished from the natural wave. Hair Dressing Parlors, Second Floor. The Standard Stort of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Mail Orders Filled by experts and forwarded lame day as received. City and out-of-town people are invited to make full use of this special serv ice at all times. Shop by mail. GREAT STOCK-REDUCING SALES Throughout the Store and Advance Showing of the NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE TEXAS. Died of disease- Gardner, C. C. (Op!.). Osceola T., i-TAir Died of riiaj. Johnaon. A. E.. Provo City. Utah. YIRr.IVI l Died of irnniiil Jenninc. N". It., Toano. Va. Died of arrldent Wiley. P. C. (CDl.l. Fllherl V. Died of dlaeau Tyrkie. J. X.. Lnnramir V. Jones. Charles. B.arkatone. Va. Johnson, Clarence, iioaelsnd. Va WEST VlfU.INia ' Killed In arlion i ' O Bnen, W. 11., Mont (rnmery. W. Va. Hitchcock. J. W. Wheelin w a-. Dietl of aeeident Wright, Alex (Cpl.). Norfolk. W. V. U'l.srnvsiv Killed In action Punk. K. K . Hausan. Wis. Died of cliaeMMr Wo.nf, J. (i. HVac.l. Finnrhlnn tri. Whitney. E. is.. Uaunar., vi I. ' lirtii. H. vi-.. Milwaukee. Wis." FtlMonio. Cfsare. Knol.j i- Bates. C. F.. Eau Claire. Wl. DISTRICT tvilled in action Green. J. D., K ashlncton. r. f Disjl of disease Caiutrt, llouard. Wasliinmon. D. O Featuring New Spring Arrivals in Women's House Dresses Second Floor These new frocks are so fresh and Spring-like you will want to take home more than one of them! Dresses at $30 Attractive Dresses in neat fitted style with short 6leeves, wide belts and large sailor collars. Made up in blue and white or gray and white striped ginghams trimmed with plain chambray. Full range of sizes. flQ Cfl Moderately priced at tDOoOU Dresses at $5.00 At this price we show one ex ceedingly pretty model made up in fancy striped gingham. This has elastic waistband, fancy pock- a ets trimmed with white pique, j loose belt, pique collar; ff ' 111 III long sleeves. Priced Dresses at $5.00 These Dresses are of excellent quality chambray in pink or blue. Styled with deep plaits, wide belts, long sleeves, pointed collar and deep cuffs of white poplin. One of the new Bilhe Jfr (f Burke models. Priced 3VJJ Exclusive Portland Agency for I Betty Wales Dressy Dresses at $7.50 Fancy Plaid Gingham Dresses in 'popular Billie Burke model with deep yoke front and back, wide belt, large square, pockets and roll collar. Trimmed with white pique. All sizes (grr et in the lot. Priced at D ' Women's Winter Coats h Price! $28.50 Coats at $1425 $4710 Coats $23.75 Second Floor Can you afford to overlook this chance to buy a good practical coat for all-season wear at just half regular price? We have an . excellent assortment of smart models, especially for misses and for little women made up in most desirable fabrics; all wanted colors to be closed out at just HALF PRICE $28.50 COATS $14.25 $30.00 COATS $15.00 $33.75 COATS $16.88 -$37.50 COATS $18.75 $40.00 COATS $20.00 $42.50 COATS $21.25 $45.00 COATS $22.50 -$47.50 COATS $23.75' Odd Lines Embroideries Half Price Main Floor Embroidery flouncings headings, bands,, allovers and insertions great assortment of designs suitable lingerie, dresses, baby and children's frocks. Fine grade nainsook, cam bric, voile and organdy materials. Many pieces are embroidered in colors. Hundreds of yards J ()ft in this sale Tuesday at I "A'- Dress Trimmings ' and Laces V2 Price edges, 4 L in a fSrp for AvJl Spring White Goods OUR NEW 1919 stock of White Goods in the largest and most complete stock we have ever had. Women who are planning the Spring sewing will find it to their advantage to make selections while stocks are new and fresh. NEW FLAXONS a favorite fabric for waists and dresses. Linen weave, linen finish. Checks HAWAIIAN CLOTH, water shed finish, priced yard, at 05 Wash Messaline, S5 to $1.50 ORGANDIES and Voiles, plain and embroidered, 25 fj to $2 yard. PEARLINE CLOTH, 45-65 EMBROIDERED Voiles and Organdies $1.25 to .$3 a yard. GABARDINES, 50 to $1.50 PLISSE CREPES, colors, 50 stripes, plaids, plain, 35, $1 yd. NEW CLOTH, at yard, 25f Best. Grade Eastern Hams 39c lb. Fourth Floor 2500 pounds best grade Eastern Hams 8 to 12 pounds each, on sale Tues- QQ day at special, the pound VAN CAMP'S Baked Beans special, 2 cans for M0N0P0LE canned Tomatoes special, per can PREFERRED STOCK Catsup, special, the bottle Annual Sale of Wilton Rugs A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! Third Floor War work forced the mills to discontinue making a large number of patterns, and this is one of the few stores to have the opportunity of disposing of the makers' surplus of these designs. Finest quality Wilton Rugs in 9xl2-foot size choice assortment of patterns to choose from on sale this week at GREAT REDUCTIONS. Note These Great Savings SPECIAL $75.00 high-grade Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 ft. Vari ous colors and pat- C?I4 FTfl terns, in the sale at tDO.Jl SPECIAL $110.00 high-grade Wilton Rugs, size 5x12 ft. Good range of patterns. CWQ fjrt Priced special, only OlisUU $125 Wilton-Rugs 9x12 Ft. Special $87.50 a,rr7l'ainri7,ia.'rl7a"a i i'n."i'''.ilZa Sale of Bed Spreads Main Floor 72x90-inch White Satin Bedspreads in beautiful patterns. Scalloped and cut cor ners. Regular $5.00 ff grade. Priced special DrraUU $7.00 White Satin Spreads of good heavy quality with pretty raised patterns. These are large size. Scalloped and cut (ppr AA ;orners. Priced special tOtlaVlv Hemstitched Huck Tow- QQ, els; good size; special at OOV (prevlonslr reported Okla. reported Or COLIMBIA. CORRECTIONS. se.rreay (previously reported reported reported reported reported TODAY'S AID TO BEAUTY M.i.r m by far th nio.t conspicuous ! hiii j; .it-out and i$ probacy t he :t..'.-.t tUMly dnmaped b had or iare V. t-catmeru. It are very careful n Iiair nahintr. e will have irtual!y r.o hfr troubles. An especially fine .-hampoo for this weather, one that Vnr.cs out all the natural beairty of tie hetlr; that dissolves and entirely remove all d:ir.druff. excess oil and l;-t; can e-.ii'y b ucd at trifling" ex i -ne by simply iisoIvinjj a tea-spoon 1 of canthrox t-..' h yoa can cet at c.rupcii'?r in a cup of hot water. T! i j make; a f 1 cuj of shampoo .; u iI enoup h o it Is ea.-y to apply 1 w!l the 'hair insead of just the t.-p or th head. This chemically di:s j.. vivos .VI impurities ar.d creates a ( h inir, . oo.ii;? lather. Ktnfns ic..vcs t iio svalp spotlessly clean, soft it d pliant, wlnlo th hair takes on tr.c lossy richnsa of natural color, a:, a. f!uffmcia wticli makes it seem :;iuch heavier than it i.-. After ran throx yhtmroe arraririns the hiiir in a !!. a;-:c AJv, M o untied kiiirti a. Jotin, Wi'k5harre, Pa. Hoiimlffl. undetermined .nrvvimi ported killed) "orr;i, W. .1., Kannipoll?, X. C. t'roi-co, JoBcph, New llavtin. Conn, furran. f. K., 8an I'ranciMCO. M-trhall. it. C., Hentis. C. Wl.Ws, KJwIn. Parkrj Ppn1rt Vin nnurnra oi iiiiiv nriiiikiir . j v mi.i . "J-vnru IJndiix. O. C. RrabA. Ark IviriiLf. John. Clarion. Kan. Dieil of diaeuM lurntinus.lv pi.nraJ i as.lrn.in. huvfof .Cdi.. Vr YnrV Doh.-r.y. V. K. pK . Mflton. Mum' Wounileil. undeterniined I Drt-viniiiw ported died from wutuidM - t-.e:!!-, t . t.. il-t. ). Con' ord Junction Mm nnumffl to riul v i nrfvinn.lv t .... ' - - fr. cw Loc rr. Willinm. J'tsbur. Pa. KtUed Id art Ion i.revtoiJ- died, 3Ii'i-ric;!. B. H., Palissatlof Colo. Ket umed to duLr irTiaurT df ml l KillrMl n iietion irevloulr mounded, uiiiietrrniined) 'lorn an. 1'aui. lit. Curmel, Pa. Kn-.Minier:c. C. A.. Upton. Wyn. Killeil in art iuii ureviou.lv niUiriv l.s'win. .Vos csart . Dorchester. M.ts. farter. M. K . Il.tvrtord. Pa. r. K. K.. Oui ford. Me. randa.i. Erwin. Kock Kim. fMmondsoo, U. F.. liidgt-. Tex. hrunm. J. J., fc.!niore, jlinn. t;rot. Sherman, oliton. tkla. Kiue. A. G.. Cinclnniatl, O. .McXeelr. J. loiran. V. Va. Moit. K. J . Brook yn. N. V. Pl.i.Ilpi, Henry. Markion. Pa. an:TR. Joii ph. liut.ano. 1 :. Yet k. y. C. L... Whs- tnie. V. n. Iil 4preiouly reivorletl mitfainit' i.r.iiiLiri . An iv pi, ii.:iron, . . iJ. I':narii. I'mbert. Clinstophf r. III. Kii 'in. . V t'ir jrwaier, S. (". .Ml ham. I. r., Kaiumaw. Mich. Krmneuuoty rr,ortcl killed lo anion K t2. Jos p:i. N York. :t:tir. . J., P::tJo;if:. Pa. l.rroneonly reported died from wound i M!:. he;!. Josoph, Nvai k, N. Y . IV - z. Jnfj. anta Fo. N. M. t-rroneouitly reponed died of disease- Scl.r. A. r iCpi, t i he fiun. Ia. Uoofii. K L.. MarcuhA. Pa. kiel of biinil (previously Miled Hw.Ird, O. P., Wanr-aca, l jIi;oi:, I-. C. H ,n;wh k, Vl lird of dtseatve (prr"ionly Kiiiru l Jl-iTnap!i. P. S . Pirtiurc. Pa. Min1M. undetermined prevfoiBsly port-l killel fu-k-r. Vlojf!. n. X. C. W"cnd,;n . J. H.. ;-:.ni.ra. N. T. Ket iirned to dut y pre iouslr killed) ia itj;. P.. A. " p I . V . Monr.s. Man,. .lon- V ll.ia-ii. Sar, Antonio. 'Jx. '. V . prir.ffftr.d. O. Wounded lihtly tpre.iouly reported died frin notiul I;. J.i', lukon. W. "n V oiinll, iinrtetermine! (preioaIy re porteil died from wounriM lioddy. Henry ic'pi.r. Hioomf :e;d, X. J, Ardt-Tion. J. C. Ksiciiir. Wu. Kf turned to duty (pretiotuly reported died from wound- Ket-:h, 1- fnlumbm. O. rj(.enbors. ..l m St . Hrook.VD, K. T. 1 it . i i . K'vlm' . , Kit i iron. I. V i. i j.an. J. A, ockLuii, Cs. reported reported repined Keturned to duty died of diea) Kenny. K. W. (L.t.). Elackwell, Kiiey. j. p., Albany, js. y. JCeturned to duty (prevlonalr died from airplane aeeident)- terry, w. J . (Sgt.), .rtetn.ehem, r. Killed in aetlon (prerloubJy reported died from accident) Petree. H. K. (Lt.i, ureron, aio. Keturned to duty (previously reported filed Barnes. E. J. CpM. New HaveW: Conn. Killed in net ion ( previously reported wounded slightly) tohi-f S. i.. .Marvdel. Md. K i I1h1 in avc tion 4 pre vionsly reported misfsinjf) Ayers. T. W. (Tpl.), Ashland, Ga. Veyir;indt. H. V. CpL), Mendota, 111. Bockenhauer. B. K.. Grand Marias, Minn. Itrevmaier, V. F., Kort Hecovery, O. Lake, M. II.. Lakota, Va. MtOarnck. William, Elmira Heights, N. T. Morgan, D. D.. Ammonsk. Ky. dstrowskl. Joseph. Cleveland, O. Padeti. W. K., Princeton, 111. Pnmwl. Wilson. Vernon. Ky. lied from wounds (previously reported miHHins) HisRins. K. J. (Cpl.. Newbera, N. C. Ricr rt. r. Planberrv. Mo. lHed of disease (previously reported miMriinc) i-tvrd Hnrvev K.. Centrahoma. Okla. Hied from aeroplane accident (preriooBly reported niissiiia;) Kobcrts. I. 1. iLt.), South Lee. Mass. Iied (previoUHl- reported missing) Klackburn, D. K. U'pl.), Biackourn, Me. Schmaal, Arthur, Madison, Minn. Harrv New Haven. Conn. Schlese;, R. iSgt.y, Benton Haroor, iuicn. Stephens. K. L.. Blalrsvlile, Ga. Krroneouoily reporteu KUiea in scon Pmipr T t Pnrrv. Ok! a. KrroneousJy reported died from wounds Langendorf. c haries. cnicapo. channel. The Coos bay commercial bodies have not yet outlined their needs, but these will be duly discussed and decided upon within a few weeks. OREGON CITY BOY IS DEAD THREE SPOKAVE IXSTITCTIOXS MAY BE CONSOLIDATED. Aim Is to Hays' One Large and Well- Equipped School Instead of Several Small Ones. SPOKANE, "Wash.. Feb. 17. (Spe cial.) Consolidation of Whitworth. Spokane college and Spokane univer sitv. threo denominational educational institutions of Spokane owning more than 370 acres of land, the land and buildings of two of which and the buildinps of the third are said to be worth $315,000. i under consideration, according to information obtained from representatives of two of the institu tions today. The aim is to present a unitea iront raise a larpe endowment fund to put the institutions on a sound iinan- rial bAsis and to have one larpe insti- ution of learning Insteaa oi tnree small ones, it was said. A committee has been appointed by the Whitworth board of directors con- isting of A. L. White, Dr. X. Ia. An- hony and others to investigate ine proposed plan, and a meeting of the committee probably will be called soon consider the project. Walter Leo Kelly Succumbs to Pneu monia at Camp Meade. OREGON CITS". Or., Feb. 17. (Spe cial.) Walter Leo Kelly, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kelly, of this city, died of pneumonia at Camp Meade, Md., February 14, according to a tele gram received by the parents. About, two months apo their second dntiirhter decision Mrs. Louis Barry, died from influenza in this city. Walter Kelly was born in Oregon City, October 19, 1895, and resided here all of his life except for the time he was in the service. Besides his par ents two sisters, Mrs. L. G. Ice and Mrs. Lloyd Bernier, of this city, sur vive him. LUMBERMEN GET ALLIES Box Manufacturers to Join Big Coast Organization. CEXTRALIA, Feb. 17. Special.) A to organize a box manufac turers branch of the West Coast Lum bermens' association was reached Fri day at a meeting" of northwest spruce men held in this city. The mat ter will be acted upon at the next meeting- of the trustees of the lumber men's association which already in cludes 89 per cent of the lumbermen of Washington and Oregon. At the meeting yesterday the advis ability was pointed out of exploiting the spruce industry of the northwest and capitalizing the world-wide repu tation that it gained during the period of the war. here have sent President Wilson a broom made of broom straw three feet long to "sweep the whole world into permanent peace, now and forever." Read The Oreconian classified ads. Wilson Sent Xew Broom. WIXCHESTKR. Til. Broom makers Eiffssisftii i.iMii'riT'i'l yiARSHFIELD WANTS VISIT Expense of House 'Tal Committee Guaranteed by Chamber. MARSH FIELD. Or.. Feb. 17. (Spe- iaL) The Marshfield Chamber of Commerce has declared its willingness nd desire to provide for the expense f brincinc the house naval committee to Coos bay at the time-oi its visit to he Pacific coast and has informed rortland of its attitude. In the past Coos bay has been unable to obtain isits from national committees al- houeh always ready to receive them and submit such information as re- uired. The expected visit of the national ouse committee on naval affairs is nticipated here as likely to result in htaininjr harbor Improvements which ( trc unattainable through any othci ' Vt Contents 15Iluid rraohr y Ai.r-.rfflOI.-a PER CEST. AVcefabtePrepafationfirAs-i! ; tintlicStomacIisandBggjstf S Chcerfulnessand&stCanlattS neither Opium, Morpnine n Mineral. Not Xahgotic 1 bcitlie&tt AniaSttd- hint Sd ClairfudSage? V AhelpMRemedyfcr S f ConsUpaUon ana ih' and FevCTisnness inttnp Sleep FarrSinuleS'jnatcrecr TUE CITATO GOMW am vm mm For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears Sigm fn Use For Over Thirty Years .a a the X of fiAltr (V- 11 IhT i Ur,mx i v Exact Copy of Wrapper. tmc esarraua aesisasnr. (tew voaa cmr. Looking After Your Teeth IS A DUTY-AND SHOI T.D BE A n.EASlTlI5. Good teeth mean good looks, good dipestion and pood health. Have us attend to them. Honest work makes our success continuous, rainless extraction. Partlcnlar attention paid in nlnteg and trid crework, rVORKHKA MT( KSSFI 1.I.V TREATED. EXAMINATION F-KEE Iloarsi Ss.-SO lo S P. M. Phone 31. US 1 ears la Portland WISE-DENTAL CO. Sll F-ILIfi Blll.nlVi;. THIRD AD fl JHlTO!(, S. E. CORNER. EMRAME D. THIRD STREET. Anderson Restored to Health After Suffering for Twenty Years. "I don't know why I shouldn't give you a statement indorsing Tanlac, for it has certainly relijved me of a trouble that bothered me for twenty lonK years and, besides that, it added twenty- three pounds-to my weight," said Swan Anderson, a well-known carpenter who lives at East Forty-third street, Port land, the other day. I have been troubled for a long time," he continued, "with indigestion and stomach trouble, but during the last two or three years it seems to have grown very much worse. I suffered great aeai with gas torming on my stomach and bloating me up. There was hardly anything I could eat without suffering tortures from indigestion for hours afterward I was badly consti pated all the time and often had the worst sort of headaches and could feel every day that my strength and energy were gradually leaving me. I fell off in weight from one' hundred and seventy to one hundred and fifty pounds. Then I got so nervous I couldn't sleep well, and would have night sweats some thing awful, and a cold, chilly feeling would follow. All these troubles Just took about all the strength and energy I had, and I finally got so weak and run down that I was hardly able to get about. "I had tried so many different kinds of medicine without getting relief un til I was about disgusted with the whole business, but there was so much talk going on about the good Tanlac was doing I decided to try one more time. I believe Tanlac is the best all round medicine made, and I have faith fully tried about all of them in the last twenty years. I am now a well, strong and happy man and have regained all my lost weight and more. 1 never in my life had such an appetite and, al though I eat three, big, hearty meals every day. I never suffer a bit from indigestion or any kind of stomach trouble. I am free from constipation and never have those bad headaches any more, 'and feel full of life and en ergy all the time. I am more than glad to recommend Tanlac to everybody. Tanlac is sold in Portland by the Owl Drug Co. Adv. TO THE KIDNEYS Take a Tablespoonful of Salts if Back Hurts or Bladder . Bothers. W are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric ucid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard acalnet kid ney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating ucid, but become weak from the overwork: they get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. " When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of load, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is ir ritable, obliging you to seek relief dur ing the night; when you have severe headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheuma tism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes ahd lemon juice, combined with lithia. and has been used for generations to flush and stim ulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little oc casionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. Adv. HILDREN Should not be "dosed" for colds apply the "outside" treatment ESI fAPORU "YOUR BODYGUARD" -30?. 60720 Phone your want .ids to the Orego riian. I'hone Main 70 7", A 095. Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints Drives Out Pain You'll know why thousands use Mus terole once you experience the Klad re lief it gives. Get a iar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! Musterole is recommended by manv doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles. bruises, chilblains, frosted feet; colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50