Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 18, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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TAe connoisseur always demands the best
riy EdfMr Main -AT. A
6ti?idy Editor Mafn "OT, A tOi.
Advertisinr Impairment . .Main 770. A flOJVi
b u pr In lead en t of Building. Main u.u. A 0Wj
ORPHELM (B.nidir at Ty'r Vaude-
.ile. Ihia Xternovo and toaiEiiU
BAKKR Braart way. nur Morrison) Faker
fiayera in "The Tr-li ol the Lonewmi
Iine. Tonishu
HCAZAR Otfnrrisaa at ElereniM Aleanr
fayrs In Th Lion and the Mouse."
PA VTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vauft'e
Mila. Ihrca ibom dally. 2:30. 7 and 9.03.
HI PPODROME 'Broadway at Tamhlli
audeviii and moving ptciur, 'Z to ..
:4. to li p. n. Smturdavn, Sundas and
hjiida continuous. to 11 I. it.
I7RAND fWanMnicton itret. between Park
and West Park Vaudcvlll and moving
pictures, continuous,
I.YRIC rFourth and Sark Lrrie company
Jn "The Quakers." This a lie moon at 2.30
and tonisnt at 7:30,
On Sal at
Bos! nan Office. Orccontaa.
Store os Foster Ho ad Looted. Au
tomobile bandits looted the Ftore of C.
A. Norwood, 5907 Foster road, earlv
yesterday, nd escaped with 1S00
worth of sporting goods, automobile
tires and extras, which they carried off
in their machine. They left behind a
note thanking the proprietor for the
stolen goods and signed 'The Three
Diamonds." The thieves entered the
.store by breaking a back door. Their
!oot included 10 salmon reels, four
email fish-reels. 14 fishing rods, 10
outer casings for automobile tires, and
24 inner tubes, besides eight flashlights,
t hree automobile spot-lights, and 1
rolls- of silk fishing lines. In
spectors Snow and Tackaherry in
vestigated. Automobile tires and other
articles valued at $".00 were stolen
early yesterday from the V. J. Cronin
Company, 129 First street.
Legislative Measure Interests.
Merchants and business men are inter
ested In senate bill No. 254, designed
to compel collection agencies to file a
bond of J 3000 with the secretary of
state as a guarantee of faithful service
and making returns on collections
promptly. The bill is now before the
judiciary committee of the senate and
will be supported by petitions signed
by about 400 retail merchants, tfank-,
t-rs. business and professional men of
the city. It has tbe Indorsement of the
retail merchants' associations of the
state aad of Portland.
Mr. Haoexbruch Would F.e Mr.
Hagkx. Frank Frederick Hairenbruch
says that the German-sounding ter
mination of his name is a source of
humiliation and financial loss to him,
as he is taken for a Teuton, while, in
- reality, an American citir.en. lie asks
permission of the county court, in a
petition filed yesterday, to change his
name to Hagen. Chance acquaintances
now Invariably preaun. he is German,
and moreover, he says, his name is too
long for people to remember easily, in
juring bis business as a salesman. Is Gorxo Ahead. Building
In Portland is picking up. according to
I. Watts of the building permit bureau
in the city hall. Last year there was
an exceptionally small amount of
building in the city, but indications are
that this year there will be more and
by next spring Portland will again be
normal. The majority of permits Is
sued lately are for garages. There
have been few homes of any consid
erable tsixe erected during the last year,
according to Mr. Watts.
Jom T. Bates Passes Away. John
T. Bates, a veteran of the civil war
and a member of the G. A. R-. died at
the home of his daughter. Mrs. Charles
Prince. 4-3i Forty-eighth avenue. S.
K.. yesterday, aged 7$. His widow and
Mx children survive. The latter are
Walter L Bates and Mm. Prince, of
Portland; Mrs. K. F. Keir. of Phoenix,
B. C. and Wesley F, Karle M. and
Arthur G. Bates, living in Saskatche
wan. Canada.
Rot or 17 Sues. Miles A. Eckeraon.
aged 17. through his guardian. J. W.
f Kit-hards, filed suit in the circuit
court yesterday against Roy Kendall,
ounty jailer; Shen f f Hurllurt. A. A.
Ratify and A. M. Garlanc for damages
of $1000. Kckerson was arrested by Ju
venile authorities and held for Investi
gation in the county jail for six days.
I le alleces Incarrerat ion In a solitary
i-ell on October 17. 131. with no light
or heat and a continual stench about.
'Htrno Firm Sef:ks Cemktert Data.
Information as to the cemeteries in
this section of the country which are
cither bmg destroyed or are in no
loncer use is drsircd by John Western,
president of the Modern Cemetery &
M.tuseleum company, C ? South Ia
Salle street. Chicago, according to let
ter received at the city auditor s office
FT. E. Kraemer MrsTERKo Out.
Captain R. K Kraemer has been mus
tered out of the army and returned to
his former position a, chief of the
bureau of construction of the city de
partment of public works, lie enlisted
about four months ago and was at
'amp Humphries. Va.. in the engineers
training camp when the armistire was
1xn.rv.xzA Nearlt Disappears. Cov
ering the entire period of Saturday
evening. Sunday and .Monday until late
yesterday afternoon, but nine new
cases of influenza were reported to the
city health board. One death was re
ported, that of an 11-year-old boy. In
fluenza 'is not subdued, but virtually
wiped out, members of the board be
lieve. Contractors Show Interest. A
number of large contractors are show
ing interest in the proposed Sixty-third
and Halsey streets trunk sewer to be
constructed in the Rose City Park ad
it t : ion this spring. The estimated cost
of the sewer will be $43,000. but bids
w:ll not be opened until the last of
the month.
first pests. eat side. Baker Drug
Company, Fifth and Kurnside sM. The
only drug stor north of Washington
M.. open all night. Prescriptions com
pounded; sickroom necessities; most
convenient to Broadvt ay. Steel and
Burnside bridges. Adv.
City Haul Ornrr.s Ct.oE Karly. To'
enable city hall employes to do honor
to the ."th artillery as it arrived at
the union depot yesterday afternoon
orders were given to r!oe all offices
early. The entire building was closed
at 4 o'clock.
Another Sewkr w anted. A peti
tion was filed es:erday with the city
auditor to construct a s?er in Matte
sen avenue and Sixty-ninth street from
Fast Stark to Fast Davis street. The
petition was sinned by onrers of 20
lots in the Morningside addition.
French Class to Meet Tuesday.
The commercial French class of the
Fniversity of Oregon extension course
will meet Tuesday evening at ?:?) in
the governors' room of the Oregon
building. Visitors are invited.
HT THE Mtl.K CURE?-Ask the
Mor sanitarium, an institution de
voted to doing one thing well. Phone
K-47. Office SOS SeUing buildlog. Main
"!. Adv.
Dr. c. Ulysses Moore has returned
after li months" work with European
,'hfuiren. 91 i Corbet; b!dg. Main -loo.
Razors Honed, safety blades sharpened.
Portland Cutlery Co.. t ith, near Stark.
Soldiers dance and entertainment.
Come and welcome the soldiers. Cotil
lion hall. Thurs, evening. Feb. 20. Adv.
Reveille dance. Victorian jazx or
'hestra. Wednesday night. Special
prices. Adv.
TDr. Towxlet. Returned. 02 MedU
cal bldg. Adv.
Dr. J. S. Stopp has returned. Adr.
Spring isn't quite here, but
quite a number of the new-Spring-
styles in men's suits
are. In them are to be seen
the military waist-line effects
that will be particularly popu
lar with men who have been
in the service, and the young
fellows in general. -
Snappy models, snappy
Conservative models and
materials as well.
"House of Kuppenheimer '
Suits represented in these new
Spring styles. - -
Wide Range of Prices
$35 to $63
New Ttpe of Car Satisfactory.
Operation of the new type of one
man crew cars on the IrvinRton-Jef
ferson street li:.e of the Portland Rail
way, Lipht & Power Company, is prov
Ins satisfactory, according to officials.
fc-ijrht cars are necessary to perform
"rrjing bervico equal 10 live Or in
larger cars, but at the present tlm
ten are used on tne line. These are
what Is called th. Birney safety car,
ana cannot start until the door 1
closed, and will promptly come to
stop when the door ia opened. Control
of power Is In a lever that will u
tomatically stop the motor unless the
band of the operator is upon It.
Assistant Employment Director
Named. Frederick E. Harlow, who has
been Identified with the United States
government employment service in
Portland and Oreiron since March
last year, beinc- office manager for the
state and acting; federal director dur
in the absence of Wilfred F. Smith
has been appointed assistant federal
director. Director Smith has created
this new office for Mr Harlow, a -well
known Portland man who has proved
particularly efficient in government
employment work. yir. Harlow Is a
native of Portland, the son of John
Harlow, an Oregon pioneer of 1851.
Loss of Weight of Cattle Cacses
suit. Rough handling, lack of water.
delay In shipment and other improper
care caused 19,000 pounds shrinkage In
31 cattle on the way from Stanfield
to Chicago, alleges R. X. Stanfield in a
suit against the Oregon-Washington
Railway & Navigation company, filed
yesterday In federal court. He claims
damages amounting to $4035 resulted.
Of the amount J1S30 was due to shrink
age, $976 to decline In appearance
$;'7S to decline In value from date of
sale, and $:!.i3 for extra feed along tbe
way, the petition states.
Tale Peax Talks to Military Stu
dents. Dr. Charles R. Brown, dean of
Yale School of Religion, . addressed the
cadets of Hill military academy yes
terday morning. Dr. Brown told of the
aims of the league to enforce peace
and oX the moral results of the war.
He wis Introduced by Joseph A. Hill,
principal of the academy, and was
greeted by several Tale men and by
friends who formerly attended Dr.
Brown's church when he was pastor of
the First Congregational Church in
Oakland, Cat
Fire Marshal Issuks Warning.
Fire Marshal Grenfell issued warnings
yesterday to persons who attempt to
smoke smelt or other food products in
the city. The warning followed the re
port of a small fire at the northwest
corner of Larrabee street and Broad
way caused by A. M. Terrlll smoking
smelt In an old stable. The place he
had equipped was not according to the
specifications of the building code for
smokehouses it is stated. Kvery year
a number of small fires are reported
caused by unsuccessful smokehouses.
Richard Lombard Gviltt. Richard
I,ombard pleaded guilty to passing spu
rious checks to the total of several
hundred dollars on Portland business
colleges. In the circuit court yester
day. He will be sentenced by Presid
ing Judge Stapletoo on Wednesday. He
was arrested in California, shortly
after indictment by the grand jury.
The checks were given in advanced
payment of tuition fees and were for
larger amounts than the fees, the dif- I
ference being received in change. I
In his home at his club in hotel or restaurant he
chooses Del. Monte Catsup as his favorite relish be
cause it adds greatly to his enjoyment of other foods
,' without destroying their natural flavors. There is almost
no food that Del. Monte Catsup will not make more ap
petizing. Its ripe tomato flavor is very distinctive yet de
lightfully delicate. Try it at your next meal and note how
it improves even the most ordinary dishes.
San Francisco, California
It has- that
ripe tomato
Thtre rc tntgrjoo dtt icitus n ewmiems vyx fr $gre
esnned fruits snd vtetbtci in ew nev 4m4"Dil
Monte Recipes or Flatoe." Sent fret if you admrest
Deft. Nt CIifornis PockMg CorjH-ationt F anc jco
Jxquest or Murdered Woman Today.
Inquest Into the death of Mrs. Hans
Tauff, who was shot and killed by Sam
Roll), a suitor, lat week, will be held
t 8:15 P. M. today in the courthouse.
Rolli is In St. Vincent's hospital re
covering- from a self-inflicted gunshot
Student Army Training Corps In
spector Lands University.
MOSCOW, Idaho. Feb. 17. (Special.)
That the University of Idaho handled
the students' army training- corps work
better and more economically than any
school In Washington, Oregon, Montana
or Idaho Is the statement made by W.
Hobson. Inspector for this work who
finished checking up the work prepar
atory to settling with the university
last nipht.
Mr. Hobson was loud In his praises
of the manner in which the S. A. T. C.
was handled here and gave special
praise to Dean M. P. Anpell, who had
irect charge of the work for class A.
He also praised the work of Captain
'Vlker and complimented President
Lindley of the university.
The American Security Bank of Van
couver, Wash., pays 4 per cent interest
on savin ps deposit?.
V. K. BOWMAN' & CO.,
Financial Agknts,
213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
We wish to extend to the many kind
friends our heartfelt thanks and appre
ciation for the beautiful floral offering
and kindness during our sad bereave
ment in the death of our son.
Seasoned slabwood and inside wood,
green stamps, for cash. Holman Fuel
Co.. Main 353. A R3R3. Adv.
Flora Babcock Seeks to Annul Mar
riage to Which She Says Par
cntsGaye No Consent.
The marriage of a lfi-year-old cou
ple at Spokane, Wash., on August IS,
1917, is turning out "poorly, the wife
filing suit for annulment in the circuit
court yesterday on the ground that
her husband is brutal and that the
marriage was consummated without
permission of parents on either side.
The action is-brought by Flora Bab
cock, who desires her maiden name of
Bayless restored, against Norman Bab
cock. She alleges that her husband
twisted her wrist, assaulted her, drove
her from their home, hounded her and
made threats against her life. She has
had to support herself during married
life by working in a laundry. The wife
desires custody of Jack Allen Babcock,
born February 3, 1918.
Krnest E. Nadeau, in a divorce com
plaint, alleges that Laura M. Nadeau
would stay in bed in the morning and
refuse to get his breakfast and that
when he was drafted into the army
she would go with othermen and had
even been ousted from the Ramapo
hotel for misconduct.
One week of married life Jennie
Smith and Sam Smith spent together,
alleges the wife, who now asks a sepa
ration in the circuit court. Alimony
of $50 a month is desired.
Other suits filed yesterday were:
Pearl W. Jeter from R. K. Jeter, de
sertion; Hazel C. Kennedy from Edwin
R. Kennedy, cruelty, and Frank O.
Banks from Helen M. Banks, cruelty.
The first shipment of ore from the
Bush mine will be made to the Tacoma
smelter within a week, and shipments
will come along regularly thereafter.
The Grand Trunk Pacific steamer
Prince John will leave Stewart, B. C,
with the first ore cargo early this
week. The Bush mine is owned by the
Premier Mine company and is located
at the head of Portland canal. The
first ore shipment will be valued at
Bnsh Mine Ships Ore.
TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 17. (Special.)
Assistant City Engineer to Lay Mile
of 12-Inch Pipe.
The only large piece of construction
which will be included in the spring
plans being made by Carl Ross, as
sistant engineer in the city water de
partment, will be the laying of a mile
of 12-inch pipe to reinforce the water
system of St. Johns. It is estimated
the cost will be between J15,000 and
Dismantling of the two large water
tanks at St. Johns has made this work
necessary. In the summer during the
sprinkling season, the tanks have given
an inadequate water supply. As they
are practically dismantled at the pres
ent time and would have to be repaired
or rebuilt, it has been decided to lay
the pipe, which will be permanent.
St. Johns Residents Ask for Street
Petition to repave Jersey street in
St. Johns at the combined expense of
the city of Portland, the property own
ers and the business interests of St.
Johns was fjled with City Commis
sioner Barmur yeterday morning. It
will be presented to the city council
within the next few days.
Subscriptions amounting to J1075, or
one-sixth of the estimated cost, have
been pledged by the business interests,
Xoyai Orecfonians are Proud of this
fynmatcied Record
A h.kvhh amasssa A
f xs 83iq AsUnA ..,. a.f
--- 64.4l.0a LEGAL Act izslzoeooX
f.-Mi 91 Ji9.0t llMF0RCE RESERVE! W 'iswooX
Z6.ss9.oo A f u , A timli 220.133. 00
?r, aiv; f. 314,000 oo fsmS iO,7i3.oo OI-w.'
f-fwiE A wST26?3b?fe feSlM ?. 395.076.00
f'912S .00 fmsTz665 k ft5aV.oo ftg$ 5l3.e78.00 .
f'9li! $ 276 j483 .00 r)iy47570. 605.00 gp,'g l7ola64.oo 913S 645.80O.OO
9f43 311 .956 .00 f 911 is s?22ooo.oo I19"! 64-'8B-Qo W$ " ei6.380. 00
p5? 345.362 .00 fflif&L Zffis ftlVm ffl 98a099.0o
119171$ 47a.o70.00 95's 9. 093.A56.00 9I5IS 7e5.AB.oo 1917 $ 1. 4Q4.788 . 00
119181$ 564.582.00 96i$IO. 502.4AA.0q 96$ 936.376. 00 f918 $ J.689.614.00
1 I 19171$ 12. 64O.922.00 f97 $ . 131. 108.00 V ' 1
jyg$5.488.504.00 119181$ ..390.469.00
Filing Cabinets
The SEWARD la a new, modern an
elegantly appointed hotel, possessing
one of the most beautiful corner lob
bies in the Northwest. Located at
lOtn and Alder sts., opposite. Old.
Wort man & Kings big department
store In heart o retail and theater
district. Kates, $1 and up. Bui
meets all trains. "V" car also runs
from Union Depot direct to Hotal
bttWARD. W. M. Seward, Prop.
who ask the city to duplicate a fimpar
amount. As the estimated expense ot
repavement will be approximately
$6400, this will leave two-thirds of the
entire cost for th jsroperty owners.
No. 1.
One-Minute Talk
Punktal Lenses
they are the only lenses made that are
specially corrected and ground to Rive
clear, sharply defined images to the very
margin in all power They are the
highest type of eye lens yet devised a
great boon to the man or woman who
must resort to glasses to aid tailing eye
sight. We can explain the superior fea
tures of these new lensas. Call on us.
$99.40 for 1st Liberty 3A $100 Bond
993.56 for 3d Liberty 4 $100 Bond
$90.93 for 3d Liberty 4 $100 Bond
$95.11 for 4th Liberty 40 $100 Bond
$-0 Bonds one-half of above price.
New York prices ( which we pay,
plus accrued interest. less usual
brokerage) Monday, with Interest
added, were as above quoted.
Receipts bought on partial paid
bonds, or money advanced to com
plete your payments.
Up to 90 of their face value
loaned at 7 Interest.
Money forwarded by return mail
for bonds Eent us by registered let
ter. Open Saturdays until S.
ii Vj UOT THE JSlciasa
HOTEL if 21 A
FOR YOU" Bid-.
COURTESY, comfort,
homelike atmosphere
at moderate prices,
whether for the day, week
or month.
Abstolntely fireproof.
Centrally located.
Convenient to nil earllnea and
polnta of intercut.
Refined and substantial fur
nlMhlnsa cheerful and inviting,
;len.v b. hite, mgr.
Portland, Oregon.
f n. til' , r: -
446 Washington Street.
Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, ta
heart of retail and theater district. Strictly
modern, absolutely tireproof, clean and quie:
surroundings. Rooms without bath, f 1.00.
Rooms wita Tiatn, ana up. uur
mnm mual to anv SI. 00 rooms In the city.
Our rooms with bath at $l.."0 equal to any
S2 00 In city. Special rates by week or
month. Best rooms in city for the money.
A Moderately-Prleed Hotel of Merit
Fnnt Morrison St. and F.ait Sixth.
$1.2. Per Iny! Two In Room gl.TJE
These Figures Show Our Marvelous and Continuous Growth
All Business Written in Oregon. All Funds Invested in Oregon Securities
Excepting Our Investments in United States Liberty Bonds
f OlSSnllt? Insurance Company is epidemic proof. All war claims paid in
full without extra premiums or deductions on account of war service.
OrC&01lIfe Successful Conservative Progressive
Home Office: J5SS?5TM"S2SS, Portland, Oregon
Prealdeat. Geaersi Wanasrer. Aaalntant Manager. -
323 Washington St., (Near 6th)
Choice Roasts, Steaks, Chops,
Chicken, Fish, Eggs, etc.
lotf, 20S 25
rich hotcakes
crisp Waffles
and all short orders, any time
of day or night
Excellent Chicken Dinner Sunday
Business School
Day and Aight
Business and Secretarial
Course?. Bookkeeping:,
Typewriting-, Shorthand,
Penmanship, spelling.
Arithmetic, and other busi
ness courses.
Soldiers Membership Free
Tuition 50 Off.
Day and IVight
Practical Shop and Labora
tory Instruction.
Soldiers Membership Free
Tuition reduced
Prepare now for Spring
and Summer demands.
Radio Telegraphy
Day and Mglit.
300 men prepared for gov
ernment service last year.
Begin Now.
Soldiers Membership Free
Tuition aDVo un.
rrataloerne on reaae.t.
Add. Dlv. c. C all Room 418
l'bune Main 8700. A 0521
Office Furniture & Appliances
Printing Engra ving bookbinding
.irTH. . OAK STRUT. roMTlAM.. OltEgWI
n .mnwvmiii,,m -
onrier mat
ff makes delicious ' r:
The Original
halted Milk
For Infants and Invalids
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
Mar. 50fl0
i :a SOUOl
or Mr. J. F.Myers
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6095