VOL. L.IX. '0. 18.1T0. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. pacific northwest li riciir nrulTinUQ SEATTLE SHIPYARDS RESUME' WEDNESDAY FOCH REFUSES TO JAPAN'S ATTEMPT TO ,pfjTU T BOYS REACH AMERICA r ul 1 ,ul,u uuilll vsi nun nuiminj E LEAGUE COVENANT PLEASE? "fl.TAFT EIGHTEEN WAR BRIDES ABOARD TRANSPORT LOUISVILLE. WORKERS WILL BE EMPLOYED AT GATES AT OLD SCALE. EXPRESSION OF CONFIDENCE IS , SENT TO DELEGATES. T CONGRESS AISES EXTEND ARMISTICE OREGON Prominent Educators Talk at Opening Session. WAR PREVENTION IS PURPOSE Dr. Lowell Brands Claims of Critics Unfounded. TAFT PARTY REACHES CITY leaders of National Thought Crys tallize Sentiment in League of Nations Ideals. EVETS OF TODAY AT THE SORTHWKSTKRX COXCBESS FOR A IE.UI E OF Jf A T I O 5f S. All sessions of the congress ara open to the public, and citizens are urged to attend. Place the municipal auditorium. Third and Clay street. 9 A. M. State delegates' cau cus. 10 A. M. Open session. Speak ers: William Howard Taft. pres ident of the League to Enforce Peace; Edward A. Filene. cham ber of commerce. U. S. A.; Henry Morgenthau, formerly ambassa dor to Turkey. 10:10 A. M. Dr. A. Lawrence Lowell, at Heed college. Noon William Howard Taft and Frank P. Walsh, at Cham ber of Commerce; Dr. A. Law rence Lowell, Dr. Charles R. Brown and Henry Van Dyke, at ITnlTerslty club; Henry Morgen than, at Benson hotel, Jewish war relief; Edward A. Fllcne, Imperial hotel. Portland Ad Club. J P. M. Open cession. Speak er: Henry Van Dyke, formerly minister to The Netherlands; Dr. George Grafton Wilson, Harvard university: Mrs. Philip North Moore, president American Coun cil of Women: W. J. Kerr, presi dent Oregon Agricultural college. 8 P. M. Open session. Speak ers: William Short, president Washington State Federation of Labor: E. J. Stack, secretary Ore gon Federation of Labor; Will iam Howard Taft, joint chair man war labor board. Cruiser Huntington Roaches Fort AVith 1700 Officers and Men of 41st Division. NEW YORK. Feb. IS. The United sttr cruiser Huntington and the transports Matsonla and Louisville docked here today, debarking 7101 of fleers and enlisted men of the Ameri can expeditionary forces. The steam ers Dante Allghierl with 15SS officers and men aboard, and the Sixaola with 47 reported off the coast by wireless and were expected to arrive tonight. On board the Huntington were more than 1700 officers and men of the 41st division, comprising former national guard organisations from Washington, Oregon, Montana. Idaho and Wyoming. These Included the supply company, machine-gun company, 3d battalion headquarters and companies I, K, L and M of the 163d Infantry of the 41st divl sion; the 1st battalion headquarters and companies A, B and C of the 161st in fantry of the 41st division and the 164th ambulance company. The Louisville brought 1773 troops and 301 other passengers, the latter including IS "war brides" who are wives of army and navy men. The troops included colored national army men of the 92d division and several medical and convalescent detachments and a number of casuals. The wounded and sick of the Louisville numbered 117 officers, men and nurses. The Matsonla brought 3345 officers and men. Including the 68th coast ar tillery, made up of former national guardsmen from Connecticut .and sev eral western states and casual com panies from Illinois, Ohio. New Jersey, New Tork, Iowa. Massachusetts, Wash ington and Alabama. All the vessels reported encountering severe storms. The men of the Hunt ington had the added discomfort of mild influenxa epidemic which sent 45 of their number to the sick bay. Vnqualified endorsement of the leaf ue of nations covenant, as promul gated at the Paris peace conference by President Wilson and his fellow coun cillors of the allies, was voiced last night at the opening session of the northwestern congress for a league of nations, held in Portland for the states ef Washington. Idaho and Oregon. For the purpose of crystallizing nation-wide sentiment in the league of nations ideal, and that comprehensive understanding be afforded of its prin ciples and purports. ex-President Wil liam Howard Taft. champion of the cause, and many other notable leaders of national thoug ht. are in Port land where the two-day congress is held, closinr its se?sions tonight. Leaders Held Innovator. The critics of such a league." de clared Pr. A. Lawrence Lowell, presi dent of Harvard univerMty. in his ad dress before delegates and public, at the auditorium, "object that It is not in accord with the advice of Washington and other statesmen of his day. Thefce men are among the greatest Innovators th world has ever known." pursued Dr. Lowell, "and they looked the facts of their day fairly in the face. We follow their example if we, in turn, are Innovators, and look the facts of our day boldly in the face." Two of the most distinguished edu- j cators tn America addrersed the open- j Ing of the two-day e..ion lr. Lowell I jf Harvard and Lr. Charles K. Brown, j P"iean of the Vale t-ehool of religion, j Their advent in Portland preceded that J of William Howard Taft. president of. the League to Ln force Peace, and other members of his party by a day, Taft Party Ttr - ( . The party of ex-President Taft. who vpeaks at the auditorium this morning and tonight, arrived last night at 7:45 and was met at the I'nlon station by a receptton committee of prominent Port land citizens. Members of the Taft party are Mr. Taft. Kdward A. Filenc. director of the chamber of commerce, U. S. A.: Henry Morgenthau. formerly ambassador to Turkey; Henry van Dyke, formerly minister to The Netherlands; It. George Grafton Wilson, professor of International law. Harvard university; and Mrs. Philip North Moore, president of the Amerjcan Council of Women. Krnk P. Walsh, formerly joint chair man of the war labor board, did not arrive, being called back to Washing ton. Peace Problem Faplatnrat. Following the introduction by Hen ry L Corbtt, chairman of the con gress committee on investigat ion. and who presided last night as a result of a desire on the part of Mr. Taft to spend the evening working on his speech. Pr. tCcocludcd on lag Column 1.) MISSION OF MERCY SAILS Doctors and Belief Workers on Way to Holy Land. NEW TORK. Feb. 16. Sailing as an argosy of life and hope to the four mil lion destitute people of the Holy Land and other regions of the near east, the steamship Leviathan left thjs port to day with the largest contingent of missionaries, doctors and relief workers ever sent overseas at one time on such mission. They will reach Constanti nople, their destination, about Marcb 13. The party, comprising S30 members. chiefly women, has been preceded by equipment for 15 hospitals, food, clotti ng and portable buildings 60 motor rucks and other material donated by the American Red Cross and the Amer ican committee for relief in the near east. The suplies are valued at more than .D00.000. A number of men workers who sailed on three previous ships are already engaged in the relief of thous ands of starving Syrians, Armenians and Persians. All American religious creeds are represented. Real Clin,r Seen in In tef.onal Plan. EX-PRESIDENT GIVES VIEWS League to Enforce Peace Wil Back up Wilson. SENATE URGED TO APPROVE National Drive to Be Made to Arouse Public Sentiment In Favor of Great Document. HORSES ARE SOLD FOR FOOD American Army Animals Supplj Meat to Hungry Germans. COBLEXZ. Feb. 16. (By the Asso elated Press.) Eight hundred con demned American army horses and mules were sold at auction to a Ger man butcher near Coblcnx last week with the understanding that all the animals must be killed to help relieve the meat shortage within the occupied area. All the animals sold had been found unfit for military use. owing to age or because they had been gassed. Inquiries are pouring Into Coblenx from Cologne, Mayence, Frankfort and other cities asking when the next sale takes place. GOMEZ' OVERTHROW HOPED Venezuelan Exiles in "cw York to Foment Revolution. NEW YORK. Keb. 16. A Venezuelan alliance desisaed to work for the re moval of President Gomez of Vene zuela and the establishment of a "true republic' was organized yesterday by Venezuelans who have fled their coun try during Gomez regime. Nlcanir Bolet, former secretary to the Venezuelan legation at Washington, who presided, said the organization would co-operate with similar bodies in Latin-America and other countries, representing more than 15.000 volun tary exiles from Venezuela. SINGER REACHES VICTORIA Madame Melba Arrives From Aus tralia Bound for London. VICTORIA. R. C, Feb. 16. The Canadian-Australian liner Niagara, with General Pau and members of the French commission aboard, arrived at quaran tine last night from Sidney, Australia, and will dock at 9 A. M. tomorrow. Madame Melba. the noted prima donna. Is a passenger on the Niagara on her way to London to sing at the official peace celebration. MILITARY TRAINING FOUGHT Sophomores and freshmen at the Northwestern Vnlverslty on Strike. CHICAGO. Feb. 16. Two hundred and fifty sophomores and freshmen at Northwestern university are on strike in opposition to compulsory military training. They presented a petition to Presi dent Ilolgate asking that the training be made optional with the students. I Tt looks like a covenant with a real clincher in it for a league of nations.' In this manner 'William Howard Taft. former president of the United States and president of the League to Enforce Peace, last night summed up his opinion of the proposed covenant made public at the Paris peace con ference. Mr. Taft gave his Impression of the covenant at the national headquarters of the League to Enforce Peace, which at the time happened to be a special car on the North Coast limited as it sped down the Columbia river bringing a number of world-prominent men to Portland to attend the northwestern congress of the league wnicn Degan last night and will continue through today. Public Sentiment to Be Aroused. That the league will approve the covenant and recommend that the United States senate approve it, and that the league will make a national drive to arouse public sentiment in favor of the Instrument, was the asser tion of ex-President Taft. The league president went directly from his train to his hotel last night to complete the preparation of a speech which will deal exhaustively with the covenant and when it is delivered here will be the first searching discussion of the Instrument since its text was nnounced. The world will hear from Portland the opinion of an international authority. League's Ideas Followed. Mr. Taft declared that the document as furnished the first real basts on which the league to enforce peace could work, and that in many respects it fol lows ideas advanced by the league. Although the covenant does not go as far in some respects as he would like to have had it, it docs go farther than he had even dared to hope for, Mr. Taft said. Unwilling to pass on the respective articles of the measure last night, Mr. ironclud.i on Page 6. Column 0. Owners of Plants Deny Report That Industries Will Be Operated on "Open-Shop" Basis. SEATTLE, Feb. 16. Seattle's ship yards will resume operations next Wednesday after having been Idle since 25,000 metal trades workers walked out on a strike for a higher wage scale January 21. Announce ment to this effect was formally issued tonight by the shipyard owners. The workers will be employed at the yard gates at the same rate of pay as exist ed January 21. The announcement by the shipyard owners followed a conference held Sunday afternoon and It was made the vehicle of an emphatic denial that the shipyards will be run on the "open shop" basie. Men returning to work will have to be re-employed, the ship yard owners holding that they forfeit ed their positions when they went on strike-and this re-employment will be carried out under the federal order of February 2, which terminated the em ployment of men through the regular United States employment bureau. The formal - announcement, signed by the six leading shipbuilding firms, was as follows: "Because of the notice served by the steel shipbuilders to the government employment agency under date or February . 12. that they would employ their men at the yard gates, it has been persistently stated that this has been a declaration on the part of the employ ers for an open shop. This we em phatically deny and wish to advise our employes, as well as the public, that the steel shipbuilders intend to abide by the agreement between the govern ment of the United States and the in ternational presidents of the unions, as expressed by the president of the United States. The shipyards will resume opera tions Wednesday morning at the rate of wage In effect when they ceased operations January 21." BABY STILLS IN DEMAND San Francisco Residents Preparing for July 1 Drouth. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. (Special.) Getting ready for the drouth that is to come on July 1 next, hundreds of San Franciscans are buying small stills. These stills have a capacity of one or two gallons a day. The internal revenue department . nunerto nas not followed ui the ownership of these baby stills. Internal revenue officials yesterday began to study the laws and regula tions to see .whether the holders of the stills can be reached. Boche Given Until Sunday Afternoon to Sign. ALTERNATIVE IS SERIOUS Flat Refusal to Change Terms Made by Grand Marshal. GERMANS GET ULTIMATUM Armistice to Be No Longer in Force if Huns Fail lo Sign hy 6 P. M. on 16th. COPENHAGEN, Feb. 16. Replying to a request by Mathias Erzberger, head of the German armistice commis sion, for a delay in the signing of the armistice terms until Monday noon Marshal Foch declared that the armis tice expired at 5 o'clock Monday morn ing and that the last hour for signing would be 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon order to b eable to issue the neces sary orders to the troops. If not signed then. Marshal Foch said, he would be obliged to leave Treves and the armistice would no longer be in force. No Change to Be Made, Answering Erzbcrger's counter de mands. Marshal Foch said the new armistice terms had been fixed by the heads of the associated governments and that he was unable to alter them. COPENHAGEN, Feb. 16. A Weimar dispatch under date of Saturday, Feb ruary 15, says the German government requested an extension of 24 hours' time in which to reply to " Marshal Foch's proposal for a prolongation of Delay la Forecast. It was pointed out that, owing to the delay in receiving th armistice commission's report a reply could not be returned by 6 o'clock, as fixed by Marshal Foch. LIFE MASKS TO BE MADE Features of Members -of American Commission Perpetuated. PARIS, Feb. 16. (By the Associated press.) The United States government has ordered that life masks be made of every member of the American commis sion to the peace conference. A Hav&s dispatch from Basle Satur day night reported that the armistice had been extended Indefinitely and that the Germans are required to cease their offensive against the Poles and carry out the previous terms of the armistice until completed. LONDON, Feb. 15. The invitation of the peace conference to the various Russian factions to meet at Prinkipo may be withdrawn, as none of the par ties have complied with the condition that they cease fighting each other, ac cording to Reuter's Paris correspond ent. This and other questions, the corre spondent says, were discussed mefore President Wilson left Paris. j Notice of Agreement of Japanese En voys to Publish Secret Documents Is Received With Interest. PEKIN, Feb. 16. (By the Associated Press.) Excitement prevails through out China over reports concerning Japanese efforts to Induce the Chinese government to modify the action of its delegates to the peace conference. De spite the statement of TukichI Obata, Japanese minister to China, that he acted on his own initiative and not on instructions from Tokio, Chinese alarm continues. It has .not been allayed by the declaration of the foreign minister that Obata's visit to him was a friendly one. President Hsui Shih Chang, backed by his premier, has taken a strong stand independently of the cabinet and has telegraphed an expression of con fidence to the Chinese peace delegates. The news that Baron Maklno, of the Japanese peace delegation, has agreed to the publication of secret documents has been received with interest In Pekin, but it is believed here that not all the agreements will be published, as there are declared to be several which the Chinese militarists do not dare dis close. I It is further asserted that others will not be disclosed on the ground that they relate to commercial agreements only. Unless the fullest investigation is ordered, there is a possibility that some of the agreements will remain secret, because Chinese militarists- are deeply involved. It is explained In competent circles in Pekin that: there is a struggle now proceeding between the president, whose aims are democratic, and the cabinet, which has military inclina tions. Ontario People Treat Boys to Apple Feast. HEROES ANXIOUS FOR RETURN Warriors Expected to Arrive at 3 This Afternoon. DEPARTURE MAY BE STAYED Reception Committee Convenes and Outlines Plans for Meeting Unexpected Situation. ' J NOT WISHING ANYBODY ANY HARD LUCK, BUT t I i J I - -I 'fi I ,, , IIIIITT'T .- --. I' PEKING, China, Feb. 12. (By the Associated Press.) Premier Chin Nun Hsun, under instructions from Presi dent Hsu Shih Chang, yesterday sent a dispatch to the Chinese peace delega tion instructing them to disclose to the peace conference the Shantung railway agreement and other secret agreements with Japan. It is reported that the president is encountering opposition from his pro-Japanese cabinet at every step. The Japanese are said to desire the publicity of the Shantung agreement In hope that the conference will recognize its validity while the Chinese hope that as the agreement has not been ratified and it would give Japan a permanent position in Shantung, the conference will recognize its injustice. EISNER DEMANDS CHANGE Suspicion of Allies Expected Unless Old Leaders Go. GENEVA, Feb. 16. (By the Associat ed Press ) Kurt Eisner, the Bavarian premier, on his return to Munich from the recent socialist conference held at Berne, made reply to attacks in the German press concerning his speech at Berne. . Eisner said the Germans did not real ize to what a degree they were isolated from the world and what terrible mis trust there was of German politics out side of Germany. The Germans, he added, did not realize to what extent the allies considered the German revo lution a pure comedy and said that it will be thus while the German leaders remain the same as those who conduct ed Germany's odious war policy. Herr Eisner demanded an entire change of the German government leaders. FRENCH WIRES RESTORED Communication, Suspended Since Opening of War, to Be Resumed. PARIS, Saturday, Feb. 15. Telephone communication between departments of France, suspended since the beginning of hostilities, will be resumed Monday. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS Th Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. degrees; minimum, 44 degree. TODAY'S Rain ; northwesterly shifting to southerly winds. Foreign. Japan s attempt to bridle China alarms. .rage l. Lord Robert Cecil bids for world unity. Page 3. Troops and machine guns rule in Belfast. Page 2. Army on Rhine watches peace conference closely. Page 2. Foch threatens to terminate armistice. Page 1. feared as disturbing nation. Germany Page 3 National, will fight opening shipyard. Mr. Hurley Page 8. Domestic. Pacific northwest men arrive in New Tork. Page 1. Butte quiet; many troops In city. Page 8. Legislature. Session of Oregon legislature may extend Into another week. Page 4. Work of legislative ways and means commit tee about none. Page 4. Bills are passed by both houses of legislature. 1'a.gs 4. Sports, Portland Gun club defeats Seattle, 703 to 603. Three games upset interscholastic basket ball dope. Page 1J. Pacific North weit. Seattle shipyards resume Wednesday. Page 1. Sixty-ftftn heroes cross Oregon line. Fage 1. Port find and Vicinity. Congress Indorses league covenant. Tage 1. Proposed merger of port Interests to be vig orously oppose a. Page 14. Bishop F. W. Keator of Tacoma scores church self-satisfaction. Page ft. . Paris covenant pleases Mr. Taft. Page 1. Portland reconstruction committee approves Senator Eddy s bill. Page 14. Salmon Industry subject of discord between Oregon and Washington, hagc J4, Money rate lower than for past year. Page Uplift of Germ -in national soul declared world a duty, fage . Weather report, dta and forecast. Page 14. BY HARRY M. GRAYSON. NAM PA, Idaho, Feb. 16. (Special.) The first section of the train carrying the 65th regiment, coast artillery corps, reached Nam pa at 8:30 o'clock tonifrht. It will be followed by the second, which is scheduled to arrive at 9:50. Batteries C and D and the headquar ters company are on the first section, making: in all 27 officers and 433 men. Both sections are made up of one ba-g-age car, one kitchen car, one stand ard sleeper and 11 tourist cars. The second section has on board bat teries E and F, supply company and the band, making' in all 13 officers and 467 men. The late arrival here is due to the fact that the first section was held up at Glenn's Ferry, Idaho, for almost three hours for the second section lo catch up. On this account railroad of ficials here announced that the tw trains will find it impossible to reach Portland before 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Trains to Come la Tog-ether. After passing- Huntington where th boys will be given a lunch the first section will be delayed long enough at various points so that the two sections will reach Portland about 10 minutes apart. The first section will reach Ontario, the first stop in Oregon, at 9:25 o'clock where Oregon apples will be given them by the Ontarians, then take an other little jog through Idaho and into Huntington at 10:30 P. M. Home soul-satisfying word! From across the mighty Atlantic they come these Portland and Oregon boys who were willing to make the supreme sac rifice that right should triumph over might. Are their thoughts on victories at Pont-a-Monsson, the Argonno, before Verdun and at Boise de Trayes, or tho discomforts suffered? Perish the thought. When I boarded the first sec tion at Nam pa, Idaho, and commenced to ask them of their experiences "over there," I felt as out of place as a faro layout in a church, for instead of ob taining the information I found myself answering a volume of questions about home. Boys Only Thought Is "Home." First Lieutenant Vern N. Walton, a Portland man with battery C, gives you pretty well the big idea in every man's head when he said: "I've only room for one thought, now I'm going home, going to see my wife and folks dear to me. Been away a year. Seen a lot of country, and, believe me, pal, there's no place like the banks of the Willam ette." Boys as Fresh as Ever. You who have waited so long and so anxiousiy for their coming are wonder ing if the struggle has left its stamp Not a bit of it. As one looks over the ruddy faces of these artillery experts who are as fresh as an apple bloom, listens to their talk and hears their hearty laughter they remind one not so much of war-scarred veterans as of very happy boys released from school to the joys of a well-earned vacation, and they are thinking of you, too. You hear ft on all sides: "Wonder how the folks look?" "Bet you won't know your els," and "Just received a telegram that mother will be at the station." Their great hope is to find you just as they left you when early last year they vanished frpm your gaze like a beautiful dream even to the tears in your eyes, but this time they will be tears of Joy, and pride from a heart overflowing with happiness at their safe return. Men Impatient te Reach Portland. The men are impatient to get to Portland. "Philadelphia and other cities en route have given us a wonderful re ception," said Colonel Kerfoot, "but there's something about the westerner that's different." The men endeavor to analyze tho easterner and the cast and compare with the westerner and the west but find it impossible. "One can't lay his finger on the difference," asserted one youth whose eyes glittered like a bas ilisk's, "but it's there. Maybe it is be cause the west is home." Further Delay Possible. Owing to the late arrival in Warrum the trains will have to make record time to reach Portland by 3 o'clock to morrow afternoon. Officials of the Oregon Short Line here are unable to say how fast the O.-W. R & N. company will hiWKlle the troop trains after Huntington is reached, but it is expected that they will be hurried along to the home coming. Men will be able to have as much time in the Rose City as pofai ble. The general reception and wel- (CoucJuded on Page 7, Column 1.)