Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 13, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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City Editor Main "0T0, A (Wj
fcuiiday liditor Main ToTO, A ic!.",
Advertising t'cparnnent . . Main 770, A ut:T,
oiiierituemicnt of Rulldins. Main itliO. A Oyyj
BAKKR (Broadway, nar Morrison) Baker
1'tajers in "The Trail of the Lonesome
Pine. Tostsht.
Hl.CAZAn CMorrlson at Eleventh! Alcazar
J'la.vert, in "The Lion and the Mouse."
PAXTAGKS (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three tiiows daily. 2:o0, 7 and 8:05.
EtPPODROMK (Broadway at Tamhill)
taudwfllc i-nd movlnc pictures. J to .1.
6:4. to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 1. M.
STRAND (Wakhinston street, between Park
and West park 1 Vaudeville and moving
pictures, continuous.
XTRIC (Vourth and Stark) I.yric company
In "The Quakers." This afternoon at -:u0
and tonight at 7:30.
On Sale at
Business Office. Oresonlan.
Retvbniid Seaman- Dies. Max E'.
Sloan, son of Mrs. Lucie Sloan. 1626
Haven street, died at the family home
last Tuesday. Funeral services will be
held at the funeral parlors of the
Chambers Company, 24S Killingsworth
avenue, today. Mr. Sloan was a sea
man from the Oregon naval militia on
board the United States ship South Da
kota during the war and had recently
been discharged from the service. Mili
tary funeral will be sriven under the
auspices of the Oregon naval militia.
-Many of Mr. Sloan's shipmates are in
the city and they arc. especially re
quested to attend in uniform.
f TtKED Paper Staff Elected. New
fttaff elections marked the appearance
this week of the Kccd college Quest,
a weekly publication devoted to stu
dent affairs at Reed. Miss Adelaide
Morey, 'IS, of Wcnatchee, Wash.,
was elected to fill the vacancy left by
the resignation of the former editor.
Miss Alphild Peterson, whose mother
died recently. Miss Hazel Brown, of
Portland, has been promoted to assist
ant editor and Robert Osborn, of Prine
ville, Oregon, succeeds Herbert Sweet
as managing editor, with Edgar Kline,
a Jefferson high graduate, as assistant.
Birs to Be Received. Scaled bids
for the purchase of the furniture and
office equipment of the Oregon fuel ad
ministration will be received at 1337
Northwestern Bank building up to and
including February 21, according to
an announcement issued Wednesday
through Federal Fuel Administrator
Holmes. The office equipment has
been listed and appraised by the board
of survey and appraisal appointed by
Mr. Holmes and consisting of E. A.
Holmes, B. E. Kennedy and M. B. I
Durning. and no bids for less than the
appraised value will be considered.
Kindness 13 Repaid. While he was
a guest here at the Grand Army of the
Republic convention last August, John
Hennig was shown around the Rose
City. Ho was on the reception commit
tee which met the 60th coast artillery
corps when it reached Philadelphia last
raonVi'and endeavored to show his ap
preciation by doing all possible to wel
come the Oregonians back to the
United States. Mr. Hennig's letter to
Mrs. George L. Williams, president of
the 65th coast auxiliary, tells how he
repaid the kindness shown h,im.
Three Shipworkers Injured. Three
shipworkers were injured in as many
accidents at the Columbia shipyards
Tuesday night. - Morris Oberg, of 313
Front street, suffered an Injured foot
when an angle iron fell on him at 6:30
P. M. David Matheny, 174 East Winchell
street, was struck on the head and
knocked unconscious at 7:20 P. M. Mark
E. Stone, 1S2 Front street, a reamer,
suffered a badly injured hip when he
fell against a corner of steel at 10:30
P. M. All of the men were taken to the
Sellwood hospital.
Notice, Residents of Irvington
Fire recently destroyed our Irvington
pharmacy. Wo will immediately com
mence to refit and install a complete,
new stock. In the meantime all our
Irvington customers will be taken care
of by our Perkina pharmacy. Fifth and
Washington, we having installed an
hourly delivery system. The recipe files
were saved. Phone your requirements
to Perkins Hotel Pharmacy. Phones:
Main 8623 S624. A 3366. Strout-Lyons
Drug Co. Adv.
Oddfellows' Elect Directors. The
annual meeting of the stockholders of
the ' Oddfellows' hall association was
held at the temple. First and Alder
streets, Tuesday evening, at which the
following dirctors were elected: Dr.
Jtyron E. Miller, L. K. Carter, H. M.
" Beckwith, J. V. Swan, T. X Reed. J. F.
Viand and Charles K. Owen. Dr. Byron
.4W Miller was elected president, A. N.
oambell secretary and E. Carter,
Patriotic Entertainment Planned.
A patriotic entertainment in honor of
Lincoln's birthday will be given at the
new Cathedral hall. Seventeenth and
Couch streets, this evening at S:15.
A musical programme will be ren
dered and Rev. Edwin V. O'lTara. who
has recently returned from service in
France as a chaplain with the Ameri
can expeditionary force, will give a lec
ture entitled "With the American
Forces in the Battle Zone."
Lecture Series Opens at Reed.
Following many requests for the con
tinuation of a psychology extension
ourse similar to the one conducted by
Dr. Lindley two years ago. Reed col
ce is offering a new series of "Psy
o'.ogy in Everyday Affairs," begin
f lng tonight at 8 o'clock in library
hall. Dr. S. C. Kohs, professor of psy
chology at Reed, will direct the course,
liis lecture tonight being on, "How the
Brain Works."
"How the Brain Works" Ts Topic.
Samuel C. Kohs, of Reed College, will
deliver the first lecture in his series on
"Psychology in the Day's Work" to
night at 8 o'clock, in library hall, at
the central library. Mr. Kohs' subject
for this evening is "How the Brain
AVorks." This is the first of the exten
sion courses which Reed College is of
fering to the public during the spring
Lecture on the BhagaVad GrrA Set.
Dr. V. B. de Lory will give a series
of lectures on the Bhagavad Gita, every
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in room
E, central library. Each chapter will be
taken separately and read with com
mentaries explaining the meaning of
that book. The lectures are free.
Cadets to Visit Legislature. About
30 cadets of Hill military academy will
visit the Legislature at Salem this
morning. The boys will be accom
panied by Joseph A. Hill, principal of
the academy, and will make the tour as
r feature of their study of civil gov
ernment. George L. Roach has returned and
resumed practice. At request of his
friend- and former professional asso
ciate, the late Judge J. E. Magers, he
will continue the practice of the judge,
at the lattcr's former office, 902 Teon
building. Adv.
Oregon Life Election. In publishing
the list of officers re-elected at the an
nual meeting of Oregon Life Insurance
company, Tuesday last, the names of
Dr. A. J. Giesy, medical director, and
Sanford Smith, secretary, were inad
Y vcrtently omitted. Adv. ,
ft w--Cartozian Bros.' Oriental Rug Sale.
Read our advertisement on page 2.
Every rug reduced. Sale will end toon.
Smelt sale. 3 lbs. 10c: S lbs for 25c.
Municipal Fish Market, 1S7 Third
street. Adv.
Razors Honed, safety blades sharpened.
Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th, near Stark.
De. Calvin S. White. 415 Selling
building. Tel. M. 711. AdT.
Dr. II. E. Shoot has returned; SOS
jaelUnS buildiflo. Alarskall 4371t Adv.
Criticisms of Woman's Parti Re
sented. Criticism of the woman's
party by Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles
president of the general federation of
women's clubs, and her reported as
sertion that this organization caused
defeat of suffrage in Congress is re
sented in Oregon, according to Mrs. L.
W. Therkelscn. "The real cause of de
feat," said Mrs. Therkelsen. "is the ex
istence of the 29 willful, reactionary
politicians elected to the United States
senate to represent the unprogressive
men of their respective states. If the
general and state federations of women's
clubs used the same energy in sustain
ing the various women's organizations
devoted unselfishly to the enfranchise
ment of their sisters instead of pub
licly criticising their methods, the wave
of solidarity of T'Urposc would be too
strong for any defeat.'
Art Entries Are Open. Entries for
the fifth annual exhibition of artists'
work of the Pacific northwest given
under the auspices of the Seattle fine
arts society which will be held in Se
attle from March 15 to May 1, are bein
received now and must bo in before
March 8. They should be sent with
the name and address of the artist to
the society at 1213 Fourth avenue, S-e
attle. Entry cards which include name
and address of artist, titles and values
of works should be made out in dupli
cate. Transportation charges must bo
borne by the artist. The exhibition
will consist of original work in oils,
water colors and black and white, not
before exhibited in Seattle.
Child Welfare Drive Continued.
Owing to tho heavy rains and the ob
servation of Lincoln's birthday anni
versary, it was decided last night that
it would be necessary to continue the
Haoul Pereira.
How times change was recent
ly experienced by Raoul Pereira,
the noted Portuguese violinist,
who appears with his quintet as
a special feature at Pantages this
It was but a few years ago
that M. Pereira was court violin
ist of Portugal and at that time
he composed the now noted cycle
of songs for the late Queen Ame
lia. Turbulent times came to
Portugal and M. Pereira came to
the United States.
Last spring Mr. Pereira and his
sextet was featured at Keith's,
Washington, D. C, and there
President Wilson, Mrs. Wilson
and his official family came to
hear the artist who once played
for crowned heads but who has
since become a favorite of a re
public. to finance the
parents' ewucational bureau through
today. While the women in charge of
the drive reported splendid support, a
large- percentage of the friends of the
bureau are still unreached. Mrs. A. F.
Flegel, "general" of the drive, is as
sisted by Mrs. W. N. Akers and Mrs. J.
F. Chapman as 'major-generals and
the work is carried on further by a
corps of colonels and captains who are
making a canvass of the entire city.
Returning Soldier's Mother Dies.
Just two hours after the death of his
wife, Mrs. Dollie DeCew. following an
illness of several months, word was re
ceived by Charles A. DeCew. of 496
East Fourteenth street. North, that
their son. Lieutenant Lewellyn DeCew,
was en route from France aboard the
steamship Stockholm and expected to
arrive in New York Thursday. The
message of cheer had been hoped for
sincerely by the dying mother. Funeral
services will be conducted immediately
after the arrival of the lieutenant,
who was ordered home by the war de
partment, acting upon the request of
his mother, that she might see him be
fore her death. .
No Influenza Casualties Reported.
No deaths from influenza were re
corded at the city health office yester
day and but 11 new cases of the dis
ease was reported by physicians. Act
ing City Health Officer Abele, in
charge of the anti-influenza campaign,
which will be continuously waged
until the disease has been entirely
stamped out, believes that throughout
the winter sporadic cases will appear
each day. Kr such cases two weeks
of rigid isolation of the patients it is
believed will serve as a safeguard
against the general spread of the
Portland Salesman Awaits Trial.
Richard A. Lombard, alias Walter T.
Moyer, a Portland salesman, who was
arrested in San Francisco recently on a
telegraphic warrant to the San Fran
cisco police from Portland, arrived here
yesterday with Police Inspector Kella-
her and was lodged in the city jail to
await trial. A charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses was placed
against him. He is 2o years of age.
University Instructor Honored.
Feb. 12. (Special.) Miss Lillian Tin
gle, head of the department of house
hold arts in the university, has been
made chairman of the home economics
section of the Inland Empire Educa
tional association, whose convention
will be held at Spokane, Wash., ApriJ
2. Miss Tingle will attend the meetings
adn the programme will include ad
dresses by Miss Ava B. Milam, dean of
Variety "
noon lunch is
W Cha
changed daily; al
ways you come here with
lively anticipation of
new gustatory delights.
11 to 2-50c
Patronized e x t ensively
by business and profes
sional men and women.
c (Oregon
Broadway at Stark
THERE arc some men who
always insist on having their
clothes made to order.
M ad e-to-Measure
Clothes i
fill every requirement in fit
and style for men who are
particularly particular.
Samples of
Imported and Domestic
in large variety of exclusive
novelties now here. Your
early inspection invited.
The Kuppenheimer House in
home economics at the Oregon Agri
cultural college, and Miss Effie I. Raitt.,
head of the home economics depart
ment at the University of Washington.
Rail Line Tp River Prom Pasco
Would Place Resources Wilhin
Reach of This City.
Portland financial and economic in
terests are slow to recognize the great
value of a railroad up. the Columbia
river from Pasco into Wenatchee and
other prosperous points in north cen
tral Washington. This is the opinion
of Rufus Woods, publisher of the We
natchee Daily World, who was a Port
land visitor yesterday.
A 10. 000,000 apple crop In Wenat
chee valley, wide wheat-raising terri
tory and plenty of land for future de
velopment, are the alluring features
that should encourage Portland to
make a strong bid for trade in this
territory, says Mr. woods.
"Portland might handle all thace
products and many more if a railroad
up the Columbia tapped this terri
tory." said Mr. Woods.
'Now we are divided between Spo
kane and Seattle, but to both these
places the railroad must go over moun
tains and other difficult grades. If
the products came down the Columbia
to Portland, they would just set the
brakes and the train would roll down
the gentle river grade no uphill pulls.
'Farmers are paying off their mort
gages and everyone Is prosperous.
Now is the time for Portland to get
in on this opportunity."
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Herrlngton Ef-
: feet Reconciliation.
"It's the old story," was the com
ment of District Attorney Evans yes
terday when he received a telegram
Boise, Idaho. Feb. 12. Have ef
fected reconciliation with my husband.
W. H. Herrington. Will not prosecute.
t is merely a misunderstanding. I was
over-influenced. He left liberty bonds
with me for my use before leaving
Portland. Desire proceedings dismissed
without further action. Mrs. W. H.
Herrington was arrested in Boise for
non-support Tuesday, on a complaint
lodged by Mrs. Herrington in Portland.
Deputy Sheriff Schirmer was despatched
to bring Herrington to Portland. '
With a look reflecting both disgust
and ennui, Mr. Evans called his stenog
rapher. "Take this telegram." he said, and
dictated, "Mrs. W. H. Herrington,
Boise, Idaho. Pay deputy sheriff's ex
penses and case will be dismissed."
Shipbuilding Employe Drowns.
J. A. Nalemborg, an employe of the
Columbia River Shipbuilding corpora
tion, fell into the Willamette river at
dusk Tuesday night and sank . from
sight before companion workers could
rescue him. The body was not recov
ered, and officers of the harbor patrol
think that the man was carried far
downstream by the swift current.
Vogue Patterns. Sold exclusively in
Portland at Lennon's Annex. The Waist
Shop, Portland Hotel Court. Adv.i-
Seasoned slabwood and Inside wood,
green stamps, for cash. Holman Fuel
Co. Main 353. A 3353. Adv.
IT- '.t tr-m mt
Special Luncheon
Delicious Pork Tenderloins,
banked by the tenderest and
best flavored vegetables.
Soup and desert.
rem m rrm r
-1 '
Many Commercial Clubs, Associa
tions and Individuals in All
Counties Join.
John L. Etheridire. state chairman
of the committee on membership, Ore
gon. State Chamber of Commerce, an
nounces the completion of membership
committee in each county, citv and
town In the state. The following
the complete list of countv cluirmm
of each county in the state
Baker. W. E. Meaehr.m Dili..-
A. J. Johnson. Corvallis; Clackamas. L.
Adams. Oreson City; Clatsop. C. I. Barr As
toria; Columbia, S. C. Morton. St. Helens:
Coos. C. A. smith. Xorth Bend; Crook Jay
Upton. Prinevllle; Curry, c. II. Kuf'finir-
ton. Gold Beach: Deschutes, n : lt- ph..r.
son. Bend: Douslas. J. K. McClintock. Kose
burs: Gilliam, tharles H. Hjrner. Condon;
uiaiii, rienry rwuni. canyon Citv: .Warnr-v
W. A. (ioodman, Burns: Hood Riv.r Tn'i.
man Butler. Hood River; Jackson. Will ;
Ste-1, Medford: Jefferson, c K
Madras: Josenhine T I . - n . -
Pass; Klamath. Kred Fleet. Klamath Kails;
Lake. Bernard Daly. Lakevlcw; I.anc. J.
H. Koke, Kugenc: L.lnn. J. M.' Hawkins.
Albany: Lincoln. Tt. K. Jones. Newport:
Malneur. George W. Hayes, -ale; .Marion.
L. Lachmund, Salem: Morrow. W w
Smead, Heppner: Multnomah, K. X. Strong,
x unimiu, ro.R, r. jx. i-iasecKI. liallas; Slier
man, L. Barnum, Moro: Tillamook. . F. C
Baker. Tillamook: Linatilla, J. V. Tallman.
Pendleton: Union. J. G. SnodcrH-.. i.a
Grands: Wallowa. Georre W. Hyatt, Kntr
prlse: Wasco, J. T. Itorick. The Dalles:
Washington, J. . A. Thornburch. Vnrt
Grove; Wbeeler. L." L. Stelwer. Fossil; Tam
hill. F. C. Graham. Cove Orchard.
"The perfecting- of our organization.
the securing- of a live wire for each
county, city and town in the state was
a big task, but as this work has been
accomplished the committee will now
launch a vip-orous campaign for mem
bers," said Mr. Etheridee. "It is the
committee's aim to enroll eat-h and
every Chamber of Commerce and Com
mercial club in the state as members
of the state chamber: also each and
every industrial, agricultural or other
association in the elate not organized
lor private purposes, aa well as a
great number of prominent, active and
influential individuals throughout the
"Although little work has been
done by the committee in an active
campaign for securing members, the
time so far having been largely spent
in perfecting its organization, a num
ber of applications for membershin
tiavs been received, most of which
have come voluntarily. The followine
chambers of commerce, -commercial
clubs. associations and individuals
have already applied for enrollmpnt
?P ft - j
4 .i . m I ' J
11 I
Multnomah Hotel
Announces the Reopening of Its Famous
Arcadian Garden
Saturday, February 15
For Dinner and Supper Only
Dinner Served From 5:30 to 8 P. M. Dancing.
Supper Served From 9:30 to 12 P. M. Dancing.
"Gastronomic Poems" might be a suitable title
for the dishes our Great French Chef, Julius
Schenck, will serve Arcadian Garden patrons on
next Saturday night, and every night thereafter.
Special Entertainment
Six Pieces Victorian Orchestra Six Pieces
. .. " w
V v.
In addition to above production we have
secured MISCHA GUTERSON, director
of the famous Russian Orchestra, who
will personally conduct a large orchestra
during the showing of "Mickey."
r..-.'- . 1 1 II WftMll
" V 1 -r -
and others are being received daily.
This number will be greatly added to
as soon as the active campaign for
membership- is in full swing."
Chambers of commerce and commer
cial clubs:
Oregon City Commercial Club. Pendleton
Commercial Association, The Dalles Cham
ber of Commerce, Marshfield Chamber of
Commerce, Cottage Grove Commercial Club,
Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce, Xew
berg Commercial Club. Toledo Commercial
Club. Warrenton Commercial Club. Albany
Chamber of Commerce, Forest Grove Com
mercial Club. Medford Commercial Club.
Bend Commercial Club. Forest Grove Com
mercial Club, Astoria Chamber ot Com
merce. La pine Commercial Club, Vale Com
mercial Club.
Association memberships:
Salem Fruit Union, Home Industry League.
There is also a large number of in
dividual memberships.
Aberdeen in Honor Class.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Feb. 12. (Spe-
Wellsworth Crookes
lenses cannot be equaled for re
ducing harmful glare. That fact is
now known to thousands. In all
occupations these slightly tinted
lenses will shield your eyes and
give you relief when clear white
lenses fail to do so. Anyhow, if
your eyes bother, you will be well
repaid for attending them.
Edw. W. Wheeler, Optometrist.
Mabel Normand
IT'S THE $50,000
Mack Sennett
cial.) One of the battleships to be
built by the United States will be
named "Aberdeen." Official announce
ment to this effect has been received
by W. J. Patterson from the 12th fed
eral district headquarters.
Valentine Day
"Her" With a
Valentine of
-Beautiful heart-shaped
boxes in red, black with
touches of color and
all the dainty pastel
shades. The boxes may
be filled to your in
dividual order.
Take Luncheon
here today. There
are any number
of specially pre
pared menus that
are sure to please
127 Broadwav
3SS Washington
U-HPJ. "
O 9
The PBWARD Is a. nw. modern an
e'egaiuly appointed hotel, possessing
one of the utot beautiful corner loo
pies in the Northwest. Located at
It'tn and Aldr ts., opposite Olds,
wortmati & King's bin department
store in heurt ot retail and ttecster
district. Kates, fl and up. Bus
meets all trains. W" car also runs
Iroio b'nion Kepot direct to Hotel
bliWAKL. w. JA. Seward. Prop.
416 Washinrtcm Mreet.
L-rs, miry rooms, eloganily furnished, la
heart or retail and theater district. Stiictty
mod-rn, absolutely fireproof, clean and qult
surroundings. Hooms without bath. $l.oo.
Rooms wit.i bath. and up. Our $1.00
roomi equal to any rooms In the city.
Our rooms with bath at Jl.oO equal to tor
V--0O in i-Ity. Special rates by week or
month. Eebt rooms in city for th money.
A ModcrnrI v-rrlcrd Hotel of Merit
IsflMt Morrison St. and Kant Sixth.
gt.2. Pfr Put- 1 wo In Room J 1.7
Business School
Day and Mght
Business and Secretarial
Courses. FookkPcpim,
Typewriting. Shorthand.
Penmanship. Spelling.
Arithmetic, and other busi
ness courses.
Soldiers Membership Free
Tuition 50ri Off.
, School
Day and Xlsht
Practical Shop snd Labora
tory Instruction.
Soldier Membership Free
Tuition rrducrd
Prepare n o w for Spring
and Summer demands.
Radio Telegraphy
Day and MjcUt.
300 men prepared for rot
ernment service lait year.
Begin Now.
Soldiers Membership Free
Tuition 50ro Off.
Cstslesue on reqaest.
Add. niv. . nil ltoom 41
Phone .Main STOO. A 6321
Office Furniture & Appliances
Marshall coao
Infants and Invalids
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infanta, invalids aad growing children.
Pure nutrition. upbuilding the whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers tad the aged.
More nutritious than tea. coffee, etc
Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking.
Substitutes Cost YOU Sams Price
323 Washington St., (Near 6th)
Choice Roasts, Steaks, Chops,
Chicken, Fish, Efrsrs, etc.
15S 20S 2oi
and all short orders, any time
of day or night
Excellent Chicken Dinner Sunday
Wanted Chairs to Cane,
by School for Blind
12' Mr. J. F.Myers
Phone yonr want ads to the Orego
uiaA riiono llaia I0704 A .603.3.
r. ---:
"lis l"l mUtim II. M ' mm'iUmmmmmi