Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 13, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Physician Persuades Execu
tive to Leave Olympia. .
lieutenant Goernor Hart Tempora
rily Assumes Duties of Office.
1 Bills to Hccoinc Laws.
' OLT31PIA. Wash., Feb. 12. (Spe
cial.) Governor Frnest Lister. who
has been seriously ill for several
"weeks, this afternoon was taken in
a steam-heated ambulance from his
home in Olympia to the private resi
dence of Superintendent AY. X. Keller,
t the tVashinirton state hosnital near
Tnooma. On formal request of Gov-
f'lixor Liater. Lieutenant-Governor
Louis F. Hart at once assumed the of
fice of acting governor.
Dr. Keller, as family physician for
Governor Lister, yesterday was called
in consultation while on leave from
the fnilitary medical corps, in which
he has served with the rank of major
during the war. He agreed to resign
his commission and give the case his
immediate personal attention on con
dition that Governor Lister consent
to removal from Olympia at once, in
order to assure absolute freedom from
official concerns, and give himself and
physician every possible advantage.
Governor to Laj Aside Duties
As a trip to California was found
on further investigation to be inad
visable at this time. Dr. Keller insisted
that the governor be taken to the state
hospital, where he could have every
benefit of modern treatment and
nursing. Governor Lister's consent to
lay aside his official duties and submit
to this arrangement was not obtained
until late today, when he was finally
convinced that it offered his only
chance for recovery.
It is understood that he was frankly
told he could not expect to live more
than 10 days under present conditions.
. Dr. Keller was with Governor Lister
in Chicago when the executive was
first stricken last summer and com
pelled to go to a sanitarium. The gov
ernor has had a losing fight since then
to regain his health, due to the fact
that he insisted upon remaining at his
office the customary long hours and
personally attending to executive
Executive Determined to Mork.
The governor was indifferent to med
ical advice. For several months he
steadily lost strength, until at the
opening of the legislature he was tot
tering on his feet, yet still determined
' to do his work. As a forced com
promise he assented to remaining at
his home here, with Dr. Henry Suz
y.allo and Attorney-General "W. V.
Tanner acting as his advisory repre
jsentatatives at the executive offices,
ut retained authority over all ex
ecutive statements and actions and in
sisted upon being closely informed
upon all matters outside of routine.
Jle was especially active prior to and
during the recent general strike, when
he personally directed the machinery
for providing troops and all other
necessary safeguards oC law and order.
These exertions are reported to be
largely responsible for the governor's
present crisis, which amounted last
right to an immediately dangerous re
lapse. Today, however, the governor
appeared cheerfully willing to try to
continue work, and the combined ar
guments of wife, daughter and physi
cians were necessary to induce him to
decide, to submit to temporary retire
ment. Mrs. Lister accompanied him to
the state hospital, and Florence Lister
followed shortly.
Acting; t-ovcrnor Assumes Duties.
Governor Lister's trouble is gener
ally stated as a complication of or
ganic illness carrying diabetic symp
toms, all resulting, it is stated, from
overwork and lack of exercise and re
laxation. He is 4 8 years old and his
t-ix years as governor have been marked
80 Years Old
Attributes Health
To Internal Baths
Mr. D. C. Newcomh, 704 N. 4th ave.,
JAtchison, Kan., writes Tyrrell's Hy
gienic Institute of New Tork as follows:
"My next birthday is July 13th 80
vears old. Have used Tyrrell's 'J. B. L.
Cascade" for more than 20 years. Best
end only remedy that brings relief
without the use of drugs. My experi
ence proved that it always relieves.
No danger , from it. My ailments were
principally Oti.c Acid, Biliousness, Cos
tiveness, etc.'
Wyis is h fo means ,an exceptional
letter for T.fyrell's Hygienic Institute to
receive, as there are now over half a
million Americans using Dr. Tyrrell's
"J. B. L. Cascade" with like results.
Bytho scientific use of Nature's
cleanser warm water it eliminates all
poisonous waste from the lower intes
tine and gives Nature a chance to
work unhampered.
1.'ou will be astonished at the differ
ence in your feelings the morning after
. en internal bath.
The "J. B. L. Cascade" will be shown
end explained to you by Woodard
Clark & Co.'s Drug Stores in Portland,
Oregon, who will also give you free on
request an interesting booklet by Dr.
V'.has. A. Tyrrell. "Why Man of Today
1& Only 50o Efficient."
Get this booklet and know just why
Internal Bathing is so effective in the
promotion of better health. Adv.
Why Stay Fat?
You Can Reduce
The answer of moat fat people is that It
fs too hard, too troublesome and too danger
ous to fore the weight down. However, in
Marraola Prescription Tablets, all these dif
ficulties are overcome. They are absolutely
harmless, entail no dieting or exerciee, and
have the added advantage of cheapness. A
lurjie case is -old by druggists at 75c. Or
Jf preferable they can bo obtained by send
ing price direct to the Marmola Co., S4
"Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. Now that
you know this you have no excuse for be
ing too fat, but can reduce two. three or
four pounds a week without fear of bad
after-effects. Adv.
" Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a
tablespoonful of this hamburg tea, put
a cup of boiling water upon it.' pour
through a sieve and drink a teacupful
at any time. It is the most effective
way to break a cold and cure grip, as
It opens the pores, relieving congestion.
Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking
a cold at once.
It is inexpensive and entirely vege
table, therefore harmless. Adv.
with ceaseless activity. In both elec
tions he was the. only successful demo
crat on the state ticket.
In assuming the position of acting
governor. Lieutenant-Governor Hart
issued the following statement:
"Knowing that I voice the prayer
of all the people of the state in ex
pressing the sincere wish for speedy
and complete recovery of Governor
Lister to his accustomed strength and
vigor, I temporarily assume the duties
of chief executive at a time when
much laborious detail work incident to
a legislative session must of necessity
prevent me from giving deep and con
tinuous study to those grave questions
so important to our state in the re
habilitation and readjustment of af
fairs. "We must all realize that the stu
pendous task of preparing to meet
those questions and handle them in the
interest of the people has undermined
the health of Governor Lister and de
prived the state temporarily of his
sound judgment and well-stored mind."
Bills to Become Law.
"During the time that I am acting
governor, which we all hope will be
brief, I shall meet every question fear
lessly and so far as I have the knowl
edge and ability, carry out the policies
and ideas of Governor Lister, so that
upon his return to active duty he will
find the least possible embarrassment
In effecting and perfecting his policies
for the happiness of our people and the
welfare of the state."
Senator P. H. Carlyon, as president
been signed by the lieutenant-governor
Hart's place in presiding over the sen
ate. Sixteen bills passed by the pres
ent legislature and already sent to
Governor Lister for consideration will
probably become laws without execu
tive signature, since they have already
been signed by the lientenant-governor
as presiding officer of the senate and
cannot be signed again by him in the
dual capacity of acting governor. Gov
ernor Lister is not known to have any
objection to these bills becoming laws,
as he has already approved the impor
tant measures in which he was most
The legislature will convene tomor
row after recess for Lincoln's birthday.
Committee to Draft Constitution and
Articles of Incorporation; Mass
Meeting Held.
PASCO. Wash., Feb. 12. (Special.)
For the purpose of discussing ways
and means for solving the irrigation
water problem now confronting this
community a mass meeting was held
here yesterday.
City Attorney O'Brien outlined his
plan as follows: A company should
be organized with a capital of $50,000,
the stock to be subscribed by the citi
zens of Pasco at $10 a share. A board
of directors should be elected, whose
duty should be to see that the capital
of the company is invested in some
securities which would bring the max
imum of return on the investment and
at the same time assist in the de
velopment of the community.
Mr. O'Brien explained that consid
erable land under the Franklin county
irrigation district was to be sold on
February 21 for delinquent taxes. It
is necessary that these taxes be col
lected so that the district can sell its
bonds to improve and enlarge its sys
tem. The proposed company could
purchase the certificate of sale of
lands, making it possible for the ir
rigation ! district to sell its bonds,
which would in turn make it possible
for it to furnish water for irrigating
lawns and gardens, and as these cer
tificates draw 12 per cent interest, it
would be a paying investment for the
company. This, Mr. O'Brien explained,
is only one of the ways the company
could assist in the development work
of the community and at the same
time make a safe investment for the
It was unanimously agreed that a
committee should be appointed to
draft a constitution and bylaws and
articles of incorporation for such a
J. L. Sparling's Death in Portland
of More Than Usual Interest.
KKLSO. Wash.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
In the death of J. L. Sparling at Port
land Monday, following an operation
for appendicitis, Kelso arid Cowlitz
county lost one of its best nd most
progressive citizens, a mai who had
devoted himself to the upbuilding of
this county and has played an unusu
ally large part in its affairs for the
past 10 years. He came to Kelso about
11 years ago and organized the Granger
Telephone & Telegraph company, which
soon afterwards absorbed the compet
ing Bell system. In addition to his du
ties as manager of the telephone com
pany. Mr Sparling had other business
interests here, and gave much of his
time to public affairs and particularly
to politics.
Mr. Sparling was one of Kelso's most
active boosters, and for years was sec
retary of the Kelso commercial club.
He . was a warm follower of the late
Theodore Roosevelt and was a strong
believer in his political ideals.
Mr. Sparling was 36 years of age.
and is survived by his wife and two
small sons. He came to Kelso from
Denver, where he was a famous athlete
in his high school and college days, and
the body will be taken to Denver for
Aberdeen Prepares List of Persons
Surrendering Citizenship.
ABERDEEN, Wash, Feb. 12. (Spe
cial.) Fifty-five draft registrants in
district No. 2, comprising Aberdeen
and Hoquiam, surrendered their citi
zenship when summoned to service
with the United States, according to
a list just completed. What action
will be taken against the men is not
The list shows that Finns led, 22
of the 55 being of that nationality;
Norwegians, 16; Swedes, 7; Austrians,
5; German, 1; Pruseian, 1; Danes,'
Greek and Hawaiians, 1 each.
Yakima Prisoner Cuts Wrist.
YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. .12. (Special.)
James Carey, a youthful prisoner in
the Yakima county jail, where he had
but seven days yet to serve, cut his
wrist with a razor on Sunday in what
is claimed to have been an attempt at
suicide. Carey was charged with con
tributing to the delinquency of a minor.
While serving his sentence he escaped,
and was recently recaptured and held
to finish his sentence. He inflicted a
severe wound, but dangerous loss of
blood was prevented by prompt atten
tion. Impostors Operate at Hood River.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Feb. 12. (Spe
cial.) Impostors who cheat the public
by an appeal to its patriotism have
made their appearance in Hood River.
After the authorities took cognizance
of their activities two men in uni
form, selling buttons to raise a fund
for the relief of needy returned sol
diers, left the city without ceremony.
Mayor E. L. Schobee has issued a
Rather Than
Men will find in buying" clothes that
it is far better to pay a little more
and get good quality, rather than
less for the ordinary kind.
Let quality be' your first thought:
you'll find that it will more than re
pay you. Our clothes are made to
give lasting- satisfaction and priced
as low as g-ood quality will permit.
New for Spring-.
Suits and Top Coats,
Manhattan Shirts, Dobbs Hats
Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison
Soda Springs Made Coonly ' Seat.
Election to Be Held to Decide
Fate of Townships.
BOISE, Idaho. Feb. 12. (Special.)
The 44th county in this state came into
existence yesterday when Governor
Davis signed house bill No. 4. by White
man, creating the county of Caribou
out of territory now included in Ban
nock county. It is probably the last
new county that will be created by the
present legislature, and is the third,
that has passed both houses, meeting
their approval and that of the gov
ernor. The only amendment to the bill
is that this spring there is to be held
an election to determine whether a few
townships shall vote to go into the old
county or remain in the new. Soda
Springs is made the county seat.
The administration bill proposing a
cabinet or commission form of govern
ment for the state, consolidating many
departments to reduce government ex
penses will likely be passed today. The
joint conference committee reported
the amendment of the house to the sen
ate. In which the senate at first de
clined to concur. The disagreemen
arose over clerical errors and not the
substance of the amendments.
The senate passed more bills yester
day than on-any single day since the
sossion opened. The house also made
a good record in bills passed and intro
duced. Among the more important
measures that passed the house was a
bill that changes the entire state sys
tem for assessing property, requiring
that it be assessed biennially instead
of annually. It was claimed in support
! of this measure that it will save thou
sands of dollars to the various counties,
especially those with timber in the
The house killed the Hall bill, drafted
by the assessors of the state on their
recent meeting here, providing a pen
alty for delinquency in paying automo
bile registration fees. It recommended
for passage the Cowles bill, providing
that only the English language shall be
taught in the public schools of Idaho.
Johnson of Kootenai urged in favor of
extending the power of the act so that
all dead and modern foreign languages
be barred, but the house would not ac
cept the amendment.
The club women's bill, allowing a
homestead exemption, was recom
mended for passage after being i
amended to fix the exemption at JoOOO
instead of $2500. House bill No. 55, re
quiring grain storage elevators to take
out bonds, was the cause of heated de
bate, but was left in committee of the
whole without action.
Trout Lake Residents Move to
Overcome Technicalities.
GOLDENDALE. Wash., Feb. 12.
(Special.) Steps toward the re-establishment
of Trout lake road improve
ment district No. 3, under the Dona
hue law, already have been started by
residents of the Trout lake valley, and
It is not expected that the construc
tion of the concrete highway between
White Salmon and the Trout lake val
ley in western Klickitat county,- upon
which work was discontinued Monday
by order of the- county commissioners,
will be delayed more than 60 days.
Oregon Cheese Wins Prizes.
BOISE, Idaho, Feb. 12. (Special.)
The Cloverdale cheese factory at Tilla
mook, Or., won first place and the
South Prairie factory second place in
the cheddar cheese exhibit at the
western dairy products show. The
Albany farmers' creamery won first
prize on butter, with McMinnville
creamery second. The Portland Cheese
company won first prize on brick
cheese. Eleven states competed.
Kelso Boys on Way Home.
KELSO. Wash.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
Russell Carothers. son of Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Carothers. cabled from Marseilles,
France, Saturday, that he was leaving
that port that day, homeward bound,
with the 63d coast artillery. He is a
Kelso high school graduate and was a
University of Washington student
when he enlisted in the spring of 1917.
In the 69th coast artillery, which is
scheduled to reach an. Atlantic port
about February. 15, are Wayne Pollaiid
and Charles Elliott, Kelso high school
graduates. Lake Davolt and Arthur
Tohill, former local high school boys,
who are with the 65th coast artillery,
are now speeding across country to
Portland, and all these boys will be
accorded a royal welcome on their ar
rival home.
Charge of Having Liquor in Posses
sion Is Preferred. "
KELSO, Wash., Feb. 12. (Special.)
Charged with having liquor in their
possession contrary to the state laws,
Charles Ross, superintendent of the
Kalama sawmill; W. H. Kockritz, pro
prietor of Kalama's leading hotel, a
discharged soldier and men named
Johnson and Stevens were arrested
Saturday night by Sheriff John Hog
gatt, 'of Cowlitz county, and his deputy,
John Taylor.
The men were arrested while on their
way from the mill to Kalama in Kock
ritz' auto, and the officers secured
about 50 quarts of liquor in a suitcase
In the auto and elsewhere following
the arrest.
Kockritz and Ross asked time in
which to make their pleading and were
given until February 2t. The others
pleaded not guilty.
University ot Oregon Record to Be
Prepared in Detail.
Feb. 12. (Special.) Thirty-six assist
ants have been named by .Miss Ella
Dews, of Klamath Falls, newly-elected
university historian, to co-operate with
her in the collection of material which,
in time, will represent a full history of
the university, with a record of its stu
dents and alumni, from the beginning.
The material will be classified by
university departments, such as science,
history, dramatics. A feature will be the
story of the part the university and Its
graduates and students played in the
world war.
Dakota Man Held at Yakima.
YAKIMA, Wash.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
Edward Spoelstra, formerly a pros
perous lumber dealer in Dickey, N. T
has been arrested here and will be
taken back to North Dakota for trial
on a charge of wife desertion. Sheriff
E. W. Christ, of Dickey, who came here
from Spoelstra, says the latter deserted
his wife and children nearly a year
ago. He was found here living with
his wife's Bister. Spoelstra told the
officers that there had been no mar
riage with the woman with whom he
now is living.
Willamette Students to Return.
Or., Feb. 12. (Special.) In company
M, of the old 3d Oregon, which, accord
ing to reports, has arrived safely in
New York, are many former Willamette
students. Since a considerable per
centage of these men were underclass
man at the time of their enlistment.
"" "LIBERTY CORN T ' ""H , j
V" "-LIl" ""-n- -,., jJ
-IimiIm 1- '-iim - - - -- -.
i Allium miwii anil I'llili miliii tiihiim fni m.i"" ; "V " - .. . S.i " ,- . 1 ' "
' -T ' -v -'4r ':v --
if , - Vr - - " " l f' - - - ?
b Vs&. r -?-; ,
i - V TT- ' p'H Always
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I "VL 1 " - ft " - on the
l' " ' ' ' " " "" " ' " i 'ytjff-" ' ' ""r"'' f ' ' ' ' '" " ' " ' """"''JtJ' "S
'One Every Minute" A James Montgomery Flagg Satire Thirty Minutes of It
f-ViiIm f f H
1 1
they are expected to re-enter the uni
versity at the opening of the third
Sheridan Dealer Returns.
SHERIDAN, Or.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
After an absence of over a year, when
he was serving in the hospital corps
of the navy, Fred Thomas, of the firm
of Larue & Thomas, returned Tuesday.
He is an expert embalmer, having
taken that course at the University of
Minneapolis, where he was transferred
by the government. He was also for
a time on board the United States ship
Largest Variety
Finest Quality
Always Fresh
Morrison Street, Between Fourth and
The story of a girl who sells 'em over the counter, prinks her
hair like a prima donna, kids a lot of cheap mashers and shows
the department store smart-alecks where to head in.
Acknowledged the standard Army
on the Coast and small wonder :
"Extra Service Every Step
Comfort Every Minute"
That's why it is being worn by
thousands of men in all walks of
Office Men Hikers Motormen
Attorney Farmers Conductors
Physicians Ordaardists Hunters
Look for the name Buckhecht
stamped on the sole of every Shoe
'liit- ikuvkaevlii Army bboe
Is old in
In Other
1'ortlivnd by C. H. Raker.
Towns by Principal Dealers.
Reliable Dentistry
has made us famous throughout the Northwest. Results are what we guar
antee, without the delays or loss of time tso common with most dentists.
People from out of town know that we can do all of their work in one day
when necessary. Our satisfied patrons everywhere are our best advertise
ment. I'nrtlcolnr attention paid to plates and lirlilirtwork.
Iloerst St.lO to S V. M. Phone
33 lean In Portland
1 1
to $8
M. 2029.
Jl Jdl
Shoe A
fit Cff-i -' J
H 108.2