Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 13, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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vz! United Auxiliaries Reception Committee Entertainment and Dance at Auditorium Tomorrow Night, Benefit Soldiers Tickets 55c Main Floor.
Oregon Boys Reach New York!
So wires Mrs. Alice Benson Beach, attached to our Welcome Home the Boys Bureau in New York.
According to this information" Batteries A, B, C, D, E, F and the Headquarters and Supply Company
of the 46th Regiment Coast Artillery, arrived in New York Tuesday en route to Camp Dix, N. J.,
where relatives are advised to write the boys direct.
Headquarters Company of the 41st Division was due in New York Tuesday night on the Leviathan.
Mail for men in this contingent may be sent care of our New York office, 212 Fifth Avenue.
Hundreds of Good Books
These lofs at half price and some less than half (a few hurt books included) :
For grownups: Standard sets, dictionaries, biography, gift books, Bibles and tes
taments, etc.
For children: Picture books, books of adventure, history, fairy tales, bedtime stories,
etc Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Speeding Ahead! The Most Important Economy Event in Years! Meier & Frank's
Down the Cost of Living
For Our Bringing Down the Cost of Living gales
Our Entire Stocks of Boys'
Winter Hats Reduced
This extraordinary sale includes at great reduc
tions all our Winter hats for boys that have been
regularly priced from 75c up to $7.50. Seven great
groups to choose from a good selection in each
group all at most substantial reductions.
75c Knit Wool Toques 49c
A wide range of colors and color combinations in these good
knit wool toques, the various school colors included.
$1.00 and $1.25 Hats only 75c
Boys' hats in plaids, checks and mixtures in all the popular
colors. Also velvets in plain colors. Sizes 2 to 10 years.
Boys' $1.50 Hats only 98c
Plain velvet and corduriy hats, also plaids
and mixtures. A few tweed hats. Also'
$1.50 and $2.50 overseas caps 98c.
$2.00 Hats for $1.49
Children's hats of corduroy and plain vel
vet, a good selection of tweed hats. All
the desirable colors. Sizes 2 to 10 years. -
$2.50 and $3.00 Hats $1.98
Children's velvet and plush hats in a wide
variety of styles. Black, brown, green, taupe
and gray. Sizes 3 to 10 years.
$3.50 and $5.00 Hats $2.98
Velvet, plush and velour hats in all shapes
and colors. Also a few white hats suitable
for girls' wear. Sizes 2 to 10 years.
$6.50 and $7.50 Hats $3.85
riush and velour hats in black, brown and white and black and white combinations.
Some are fur trimmed. Sizes to 14 years.
Boys' $16.50 ALL WOOL
Trench Overcoats
These all-wool overcoats are made in regulation
officers' style and are just the thing for "little men"
from 2V to 10 years of age.
Full lined overcoats of all wool knit jersey cloth in khaki color.
Smart military model with inverted pleat, half belt and 6lash
pockets. Special today only $11.85.
' Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Second Day of Our
Annual Spring Sale
Notions and Home
Sewers' Supplies
The first day's selling has proved conclusively
that this Spring is going to record the greatest
activity on the part of home sewers. Never be
fore have so many been equipped for the work in
hand. Women, much of whose time in recent
years has been devoted to sewing and knitting
for the boys, are now ready and eager to take up
the long-put-off sewing and mending for the home
We have prepared for this renaissance with
the best stocks of notions and dressmaking sup
plies of all kinds, and, what is especially to the
point, we offer these at
Great Savings
in our Annual Spring Sale of Notions, Home Sew
ers' Supplies and Dressmaking Needs, which con-'
tinues today and balance of week. Whatever
your requirements you will find them here and
in practically every instance at substantially re
duced prices.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
New in Our Apparel Shop
Of course, as many of our patrons know, we are
already making remarkably complete displays, the
earliness of the season considered, of women's and
misses' Spring suits, dresses, coats and capes. Every
one of these displays is well worthy of a special visit
from women interested in the new modes. What
we particularly wish, however, to callto your notice
today are:
New Street and Dress
Skirts for Spring
Hundreds of them already grace our Apparel
Salon. Such materials as serge, poplin, gabardine,
jersey and silk poplin made up in plain, box, cluster
and full-pleated models. Black, navy, tan, Copen,
white, fancy plaids and stripes. Moderately priced
?7.50 to $25.
New Short Velveteen
Coats for Spring
Modish new garments to be worn with the sepa
rate skirts. Self belted and box sport models. These
are priced from 25 to $35.
One skirt and coat illustrated.
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Meier &. Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
New "Welworth" Blouses
Most Attractively Styled
Most Attractively Priced
Women appreciate the advantage of being able
to purchase the very newest blouse creations on
the selfsame day they go on sale in the country's
fashion centers and for the same low price.
Through our close co-operation with the manufac
turer of the nationally famed Welworth blouses
we can offer our patrons new models in these
blouses each week at $2.50 a price made possible
only by unique merchandising methods. We illus
trate one of the models on sale today. ,
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
On the Center Aisle Bargain Square
Main Floor, Fifth Street
$I.00-$I.25 Silks
i. ,i
Silks taken from our regular Second Floor stocks and,
for greater convenience in selection, placed on sale for
one day only on the Main Floor Bargain Square while
quantities remain at 69c yard instead of $1.00-? 1.23.
Hundreds of yards of all-silk taffeta and messaline in
dark stripes and plaids, also black and white stripes and
Remember these silks are on sale Center Aisle Bargain
Square; Main Floor, Fifth Street only.
Continuing Today Our Great February
Bringing Down the Cost of Living
Sale of Furniture
MEIER & FRANK'S is splendidly prepared to fill your
every want in furniture at lower prices than you ordinarily
expect to pay. Now is a good time to anticipate present
and future furniture requirements during our Bringing
Down the Cost of Living Sales we are in many instances
substantially reducing our regular low prices.
Furniture for Every Room in the Home
is included in this sale in all woods, finishes, styles and sizes. Below
we give only a partial list of what this sale brings.
$24.50 Library
Table $16.75
The attractive library table il
lustrated above is in either quar
tered oak wax finish or imitation
mahogany dull finish. Oval top,
measuring 28x47 inches. With
$17.00 Dressing -Table
Oak dressing table in wax fin
ish. Three mirrors.
China Cabinets and Buffets
At Great Reductions
$65.00 Walnut Buffet, William
and Mary design, flMO Kft
priced special tDrkd tlvF
$65.00 Walnut Buffet, William
and Mary design, flJfrV KP
priced special Dt: I tlvr
$65.00 Walnut Buffet, Queen
Anne design, priced CJQQ Kfl
special H)OVDJ
$66.00 Walnut Buffet, Queen
Anne design, priced CJfQ Kfl
special DeU0J
$35.00 Mahogany Buffet, William
and Mary design, pTf
special V
$55.00 Mahogany Buffet, Queen
Anne design, priced QQQ ff
special DOUU
$75.00 Mahogany Buffet, Queen
Anne design, priced fiJfTl fTfl
special tDDt.Oli
$50.50 Mahogany (JJQO fift
China Cabinet D04,JJ
$120.00 Mahogany China Cabinet,
wood doors, priced fl?f?Q flfl
special 500Ul
$215.00 Mahogany China Cabinet,
wood doors, priced Q 00
Make Your Own Terms in Reason
On furniture purchased during this sale as on all furniture
we sell you can, if desired make your own terms in reason.
- Meier & Frank's: Klghth Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
2 Handkerchief Specials
It will pay you to buy in half-dozen lots.
Men's Handkerchiefs at 14 c
Shamrock lawn handkerchiefs with plain and fancy
embroidered initials in white and colored styles. Small and
long letters. Hemstitched edges. Not every initial. 25c
Men's Handkerchiefs at 25c
Heavy cambric handkerchiefs with taped and satin
striped borders. Self-figured designs. These are IM
PORTED handkerchiefs. Excellent for general utility.
Regularly 35c.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
Reliable Makes Alarm Clocks
We carry at all'times a complete, stock
of all the most reliable makes of alarm
clocks, including Westclotf, New Haven,
Ansonia and Seth Thomas.
Westclox (makers of Big Ben), $3. Bingo, $3.50.
Sleep Meter (large size), $3. Sleep Meter (small
size), $2.25. America, $1.50. Many others all
moderately priced.
We also have a large assortment of mantel
clocks, including Seth Thomas, New Haven and
Ansonia makes.
Meier & Frank's, Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Silk Nets
$2.00-$2.25 Values
72-inch silk dress nets in light,
medium and dark shades for evening
85c White Wash
Nets, Yard 50c
72-inch white wash nets for lining
purposes. Yard, special, at 50c.
15,000 Yards Edges,
Insertions 4
Good quality lawn, cambric and
longcloth embroidery edges and in
sertions at, yard, 4c.
. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Children's Tub Frocks
Very Special at
Children's attractive wash dresses
of plain colored, striped and plaid
gingham and chambray. High waist
line style with trimming in white or
contrasting shades. Sizes 6 to 14
years. Regularly to $2.98.
Dresses 59c
A broken assortment of children's
dresses made of serviceable striped
percale and checked and striped ging
ham. Sizes 3 to 5 years and 6 to 12
years. Regularly 98c.
Bloomers 49? ;
Children's black
bloomers in band
styles. Sizes 4 to
larly 75c to $1.25.
and white -ateen
and elasro top'
18 years. Kegu-
Meier & Frank's Second Floor. (Mail Ordm Filled.)
The Universal Cast Iron
Installed Complete
Foi durability and bakincr
qualities this Universal cast
iron range has few equals and
no superiors.
For our Bringing Down the Cost of
Living Sales we've reduced this range
to $76.50 installed complete in your
home. If desired, make your own
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Oriental Cream, $1.35.
Wisdom Robertine, 47?.
Orchard White, 35.
Holmes' Frostilla, 25.
With every purchase of tooth
paste or powder we will sell a
good, substantial tooth Okg
brush at 17
Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder, 23.
Kolynos Tooth Paste, 28.
Pebeco Tooth Paste, 45.
Gold Band Toothpicks, spe- A
cial at, package v
Williams Talcum, violet, carnation
and lilac, 18.
Jergen's Talcum, crushed rose, vio
let and lilac, 18.
Palmolive Shaving Cream, 33.
Mennen's Shaving Cream, 29.
Bath Brushes with long detach
able handles, limited num- OQ
ber, at OVK,
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Decorative Work
of Supreme Merit
is executed through our department of interior decorations.
This implies
Proper Materials, Colors, Styles
Our leadership in the decorative field in value giving,
as well as technical superiority, is emphasized by the
Bringing-Down-the-Cost-of-Living Sales' of high-grade
drapery, fabrics.
Drapery Velours, Yard $2.65.
Drapery Velvets, Yard $2.45.
Upholstery Velvets, Yard $6.75.
Nets and Curtains Reduced.
SAMPLES of linens, velvets and damasks at half and
less than half price. Mostly li-yard lengths.
Wall Papers
are of importance in the decorative scheme. These spe
cial offerings in wall papers for today.
50c-75c Wall Paper, Roll 35c.
$1.00-$1.25 Wall Paper, Roll 65c.
$1.50-?2.00 Wall Paper, Roll ?1.
Approved wall papers in fabric, canvas and tapestry I
effects. All papers for living-room, dining-room and
Meier & Frank's: Snventh Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)