Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 13, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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Standifer Yard Ordered to De
fer Work on Five Vessels.
jbliipping Board Request Said to
Iresage Construction of Greater
v I Jeet of 12,300-Ton Type.
What is accepted as indicating that
the shipping board contemplates laying-
down a greater fleet o 12, 500-ton
reel steamers than was in prospect
last month Is a request reaching the
;. M. Standifer Construction corpora
tion that work be deferred on the last
live of 15 ships under way and that a
detailed report be for.warded of the
amount of material on hand for them.
Of vessels under contract one is in the
water and five are on the ways, with
another about to be floated. Material
is in the yard and on the way that
makes it possible for 13 of the carriers
to be finished.
Of previous suspension orders reach
ing other plants, involving a total of
IS steel ships, they have been modified
jo that six of them were reinstated.
-Of the five at the Standifer plant three
probably will be carried out as orig
inally planned, otherwise the material
and equipment on the ground will be
a loss. '
The Northwest Steel company had
ten vessels involved in the first instructions-,
so with the reinstatements
only eight are not to be built. The
Columbia. River Shipbuilding corpora
tion had eight involved and two were
reinstated, so ix will be lost, while
the Albina. Engine & Machine works
had four suspended, but two were rein
stated. The argument of the shipping
board was that too many 8800-ton ships
and those of emaller size were being
built, and it was officially given out
that the 9500-ton carriers at the Stan
difer plant would not be disturbed.
That announcement, together with
the fact Guy M. Standifer, head of the
corporation, landed in New Tork Tues
day from France, while J. R. Bowles,
president of the Northwest Steel com
pany, and Alfred F. Smith, president
,of the Columbia River Shipbuilding
orporation, are due at Philadelphia
from Portland, is accepted as meaning
important steps are to be taken con
cerning the future steel fleet. For the
past two weeks managers and assistant
managers of the steel ship districts
have been in conference at Philadel
phia, Portland being represented by
Fred B. Pape. assistant manager. Their
discussions are said to have dealt with
changes in the plans to produce larger
vessels. One story afloat is t"hat the
Northwest Steel company and Columbia
River Shipbuilding corporation each
will be awarded five of the 12,500-ton
carriers. The vessels are to be three-
deckers and have reciprocating engines
of of00 horse power.
, The Standifer yard is rated one of
the best on the coast and its force is
said to have attained its greatest point
of efficiency today, so it is reasoned
the shipping board will accord it the
same relative patronage in allotting the
contracts for big ships.
Marine Notes.
In connection with her annual overhaul
in; th steamer GeorRiana has been lifted
on the St. oJlins drydock. When all of
the work aboard is finished she will be
returned to the Portland-Astoria uervice.
In another week the steamer Undine will
t ready to resume service on the lower
river route. Pile is due to be floated from
the ways at the plant of the Portland Ship
Ituildiug company next week. The Portland-
Ktori;i run. as covered by the Harkins fleet,
is being taken care of at present by the
J.urline and Joseph Kellogjr.
"William Eshenbaiiffh. purser on the steam
er Ttuth and one of the best known steam
boat me.i on the river, is temporarily at St,
Vincent's hospital, where he Is beins treated
for an infected foot.
As a quorum is not in the city today th
regular meeting of the commission of pub
lic docks has bf-en postponed until tomor
row morning. The Port of Portland com
mission will convene in regular monthly
session this afternoon. R. I). mroan, presi
dent, and D. C. O'Reilly, treasurer, are in
California; also Captain W. H. Patterson of
Lhe commission. The other members are
Captain J. W. Shaver. Captain Archie Pease,
Captain E. W. Spencer and Robert Strong.
In working the last of her flour cargo
the new steamer West Corum is, due to shift
today from the Fifteenth-street municipal
terminal to the Crown mill.
n,i tuirfnir tha haw viwiil,n steamer Ben-
vola to Astoria the trial-trip crew maintained
by the emergency fleet corporation was in
truded to shift their sea bags aDoara ine
teamer Cotteral and bring her to Portland.
To have a new rudder shipped ana nae
he hull cleaned and painted the salmon
hip St. Nicholas will leave Astoria ror
ortlami tomorrow or baturaay.
Three boilers for San Francisco delivery
ill be loaded aboard the steamer Trinidad,
which comes from Tongue Point today.
fantain W. c. McNanerht. surveyor joi
the San Francisco board of marine under-
riters. left last night for Astoria to mane
further survey of the British barge
Baroda, which returned to the river jvion
day because her deckload of lumber had
worked loose. The deckload Is to be off
today -so- that an examination can be made
around the hatches to determine If any
trouble occurred there.
In tow of the steamer Henderson, rarge
Mo. OP. of the Standard Oil company s tieet
arrived yesterday from San Francisco with
n oil cargo.
It is reported the barge Charles B. Kenny
is en route from Eureka to load a cargo oi
hipbuilding timber on the river lor acuv-
ry at the Itolph yarn at aurcna.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. "12. f Special.) With
a cargo of fuel oil for Astoria and Portland
the tank steamer Asuncion arrived at 10
o'clock this morning from California and
leaves at 9 o'clock tonight for Portland.
The emergency fleet steamer nenvoia re
turned at noon today from her trial run at
sea. '
The tank steamer W. S. Porter is due from
California with fuel oil lor Portland.
GRATS HARBOR, Feb. 12. (Special.)
The steamer Daisy Frogman arrived at -o'clock
this afternoon from San Francisco
via. Astoria and will load a cargo of lum
ber at the Andornon-.Midd!eton rnlll.
The Charles Christenson and the Carmel.
which have been barbound for the past sev
eral days, crossed out this afternoon.
SEATTLE. Wash., Feb. 12. Special.)
With employes at all of the privately-owned
piers insisting on the open shop, the Port
Commission employing anion men only at the
public terminals, and the truckers and steve
dores in disagreement at the longshoremen'a
hall over the method of selection of workers.
tie center of Seattle interest in labor ques
tion today shifted to the waterfront.
All of the piers were !n full poeratlon
today, normal conditions being restored in
sofar as time discharging and loading of
ships was concerned, but it was reported
that the union longshoremen would make an
effort for a return to the closed shop or
The Pacific Coast Steamship association.
which will include In its membership all
owners and operators of steam-propelled
carriers plying on routes from Nome to San
Diego and in the overseas trades from Wash
ington, Oregon and California, is being com
pleted at a meeting in San Francisco, with
officers of Seattle companies in attendance.
according to advices received in this city to,
day from the south. A temporary organiza
tion of the new association which will corre
spond in scope to the Atlantic Steamship as
sociation will be affected within the next
few days.
Dandruff causes a. feverish Irritation
ef the scalp, the hair roots shrink,
loosen and then the hair comes out fast.
To stop falling hair at once and rid the
scalp of every particle of dandruff, get
a small bottle of Danderine at any
drugstore for a few cents, pour a little
In your band and rub It Into the ecalp.
After several applications the hair
tops coming out and you can't find
any dandruff. Adv.
Hurry, Mother! Remove Poisons
From Little Stomach,
Liver, Bowels.
Give "California Syrup of Figs"
at Once if Bilious or
Two Large Mills and Seven
Logging Camps Suspend.
Receivers Announce That Present
Prices for Lumber Do Xot War
rant Operation of Plants.
M. Standifer and Alexander McLeod,
both of whom are In London In the in
terests of the shipbuilding- industry.
Mr. Standifer recently was entertained
at a luncheon in London by Sir John
Esplen of Lloyds and the British minis
try of shipping-, and he is closely asso
ciated with the Italian and French In
terests as well as the British.
Lieutenant Fawcett said that he at
tended the -wedding- of Major Walter
porter on The Oregonian, to Miss Ella
Cammel, in the Redcltff e-square cathe
dral, on Friday, January 17. The -wedding
was attended by several other
Portlanders Miss Diana Erskine and
er sister, Mrs. Horace Seymour. Ma.1
iffard has been in Salonikl for the last
three years, and he will remain in the
British army. His bride visited her sis
ter, Mrs. Frank Wilder, in this city
some five years ago, and she was popu-
ar among the younger set. Major Gif-
fard had a three weeks' leave and he
nd his bride passed it in London. Mrs.
Wilder went to London with her hus
band about four years ago, the latter
receiving- a commission in the British
rmy. He was Killed in action and Mrs.
Wilder has been devoting her time to
ursne and red cross work.
Only 22 vessels cleared Gravs Harbor
with lumber cargoes during January, as
compared with 36 in January, 1918. The
cargof-s during January this year totaled
is.71'a,707 feet, almost entirely to Califor
nia porta.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cat. Feb. 12. tSne-
cial.) After bucking a Kale for two days
the Pacific Mail liner Venezuela. CaDtain
G. W. Yardley, arrived from Manila today.
making the passage in 3:J days.
The Venezuela had the distinction of
coming in as a "dry" ship. There was not
single bottle of wine on board and all
of the cigarettes were also missing. The
latter had been eliminated because of the
brisk demand of the passengers, but the
wine had not bean consumed. At the Si
berian port the 'weather was so cold that
II of the bottles burst and the contents
were lost with the exception of a few bot
tles which had been stored in the furm-re
One of th local California insurance
ship brokers Is happy today because he
failed to replace Insurance on the schooner
Dutard to the amount of ?10.000 two days
ago. The vessel under command of Cap
tain Edmonds arrived here late Tuesday
night wijh 300 tons of copra, 140 days
after sailing from Levuka.
After being stuck in the mud off Rich
mond for several hours the big steel
freighter Karaoset. laden with psnn tons of
flour, r cereals and generaBl goodstnffs for
the navy department, has been pulled off
undamaged. She went aground during a
cmise made to adjust compasses.
Kighty-one days from Sydney, the schooner
George E. Killings, Captain Thompson, ar
rived In port today, bringing copra, cocoa
nut oil and hardwood.
The Japanese motorship Nanbo Maru.
Captain Sakakibara. arrived from Tata-
yama today wibh bOO bags of codtish.
The French auxiliary schooner Justice.
Captain Montcz, put in from Seattle after
passage of 11 days. Kngine trouble made
it advisable to stop for repairs.
The Admiral line steamer Admiral Schley
sailed for Portland today on the maiden
trip to the port recently included in the
schedule of the Pacific Steamship Company.
The Schley will alternate with the Queen,
which will sail six days hence. Both ves
sels will ply through to Southern; Cali
fornia ports.
The schooner Defiance, bound from Grays
Harbor for Adelaide, is here today for re
pairs to pumps and for new libeboats.
After being roughed by heavy weather
along the coast the pilot boat Adventuress
lost her main boom during the storm Mon
day night.
COOS BAT., Or., Feb. 12. Special.) The
steamer G. C. Lindauer arrived . last night
at 7 with a cargo of freight and passengerH.
The ship will load at the Bay. Park saw
mill with lumber for San Pedro.
Arrived this morning at 0 the C. A. Smith
Is shipping a lumber cargo at the Smith
electric dock.
The steam schooner South Coast was an
arrival this morning at 9:30, having called
for a cargo of piling and poles.
The steamship City of Topeka arriced
from San Francisco and Eureka this morn
ing at 8:30, bringing a fair freight cargo.
-0 passengers for Coos Bay and many others
for Portland. She will sail for Portland
Thursday morning at 8:30.
" MARSHFIELD, Or., Feb. 12. (Spe
cial.) What is believed a fight for
possession of the C. A'. Smith interests
in Coos county, was an order issued
today by Receivers Denman and Boles,
of the companies, shutting down every
industry in the concern. The order
includes both Marshfield sawmills and
the seven logging camps at Powers,
throwing 1200 men out of employment.
No definite timo was set for resump
tion of work in any of the plants, al
though some officials connected with
the companies suggested the suspen
sion might not be more than 30 days.
In speaking of the closing, Messrs.
Denman and Boles declared the pres
ent price of lumber does not warrant
the mills and camps running, and it
was added the receivers are not in
command of sufficient funds with
which to finance operations.
Fight for Control Scented.
In view of the situation and the
practical certainty that the matter is
a contest for the control, no resump
tion is expected until the courts ex
haust the fight.
The Mountain States Power com
pany, furnishing power and light for
five towns in the county, have ar
ranged to operate the electric plant at
the large mill where all electricity for
the system is generated. The fur
naces at the mill were recently
changed to oil-burners with the shut
down threatening. The service will
not be interrupted.
Besides the camps and mills, the
Smith company is owner of the C. A.
Smith and -Johanna Smith, steamers
capable of handling 1,250,000 feet of
lumber in one cargo. It was not stated
what disposition will be made of the
vessels during the suspension.
A. H. Powers, head of the Smith
Powers Logging company, was ap
pointed custodian of all the industries
and will be assisted by his eon, Fred
Powers. No help will be kept except
ing sufficient to guard the plants.
Control Shifts to East.
Several years ago C. A. Smith, who
opened the business on Coos Bay, lost
control of the properties to eastern
bondholders, who continued operations
and are claimed to have cleared away
some of the delinquencies under the
direction of John Garriguez and John
K. Lyons. It was said here recently
by a friend of C. A. Smith that he was
now in financial shape to take over
the properties on the basis of agree
ment entered into when the bondhold
ers obtained possession. The receiver
ship followed closely on the heels of
that announcement.
The town of Powers, which made
such a grand record in all the war
drives last year, depends almost whol
ly upon the logging industry, although
having a population of over 2000. The
city will be hard hit if the camps do
not open up again in a reasonable
Record in Vn finished Contest of
Tuesday "ot Broken; Three Tie
for Second In Wednesday's Card.
KANSAS CITT. Feb. 12. Five men
ied for first place here today in the
hoot for the interstate amateur white
flyer cup at the 15th annual midwinter
rapshooting tournament. In the phoot-
ff Charles Watson of Vhiiauelphia
won. Oeorge Mcolal ot Kansas city
won today s 1-a-target race wun iaj
reaks. The 125-target race, unfin-
shed yesterday, was won by Frank
Troeh of Vancouver, Wash., whose 121
remained high.
In the interstate amateur white
flyer event at 15 targets, Watson, A.
H. Winkler. Chicago; F. O. Fuller,
Mukawango, Wis.; W. T. Craig, Jack
sonville. I1L. and G. Mitten of Fort Col
ins, Colo., scored the limit. In the
shoot-off, each shooter dropping out as
he missed a shot, Watson was declared
the winner with a run of 13 straight.
Second place in today's 125-target
race was a triple tie between Harcey
Dixon, Oronogo, Mo.; George Grubb,
Wetmore. Neb., and Frank Troeh. Van
couver, Wash., with 121 each. Billy
Hoon, Jewel City, la., in completing
oday the 125-target race, unfinished
yesterday by 29 shooters, got 24 of his
ast 25 targets, for a score of 123.- He
could have tied Troeh with a run of 25
for first honors.
Jerome J. Day of Moscow Chosen
President of Association.
BOISE. Idaho. Feb. 12. (Special.)
erome J. Day, of Moscow, well-known
public and mining man, was elected
president of the Idaho state mining as
ociation today to succeed Stanley
Easton. Other officers elected were
B. Eldridge, Boise, vice-president;
Ravenal Macbeth, secretary; executive
oard, James F. Carthit, Wallace; I. E.
Rockwell, Bellevue; W. N. Sweet,
In accepting the presidency. Mr. Day
made a ringing speech, pointing out the
mportance of the mining industry to
the state's development.
Dr. E. H. Lindley, president of the
University of Idaho, addressed the con-
ention at the morning session on
Hu-man Engineering." An exhibition
on first aid by the lieckla crew w
given in the lobby of the Owyhee hotel
before delegates and members of the
egislature this . afternoon and was
oudly applaudd.
Look at the tongue, mother! If coat
ed, it is a sure sign that your little
one's stomach, liver and bowels need a
eentle, thorough cleansing at once.
Wheen peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu
rally or is feverish. stomach sour,
breath bad; has stomach-ache, sors
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and In a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of the little
bowels without griping, and you have
a. well, playful child again.
You needn't coax sick children to take
this harmless "fruit laxative;" they
love its delicious taste, and it always
makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist lor a bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs." which
lias directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here.
To be sure you get the genuine, ask to
nee that It is made by "California Fig
Kyrup Company." Refuse any other
Movements of Vessels.
ASTORIA, Feb. 12. Arrived at 10:40
A. M. steamer Asuncion, from San Fran
cisco. Left up at 6 P. M. Steamer Asuncion.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 12 Sailed at 1
P. M. bteamer Admiral Schley, lor Port
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 11. Sailed at H
A. M. Steamer Oleum, for Portland.
POINT REYES, Feb. 1. Passed at 8
A. M. steamer iranK XJ. fctout. Irom Port
land for San Pedro.
OOOS BAY, Feb. 11. Arrived at 7 P. M.
steamer city or xopeKa, from Ban Fran
cisco lor .Portland.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12. Arrived
tleorge J. .timings. rromsnrdluetaoinETAOIN
Steamers Kanlo Maru (Jap), from Yoko
hama;, (jeorge J. Killings, from Sydney
Raymond, from Grays Harbor. Sailed
Steamers Oleum, Admiral Schley, for Port
land: Ulytlieda le, for Honolulu; Girlie Ma
honey, for Albion.
HONK KONG. Feb. 8. Arrived Tenvo
Maru, from San Francisco and Honolulu, via
Yokohama, etc.: Admiral Wainwright, from
Seattle, via .Nagasaki.
MANILA, Feb. . Arrived Caddopeak,
irom. Portland, ur., via San Francisco.
KOBE, Feb. 8. Arrived Costa Rica, from
San IranclHco and Honolulu, via Yokohama
Nanki Maru. from San Francisco. Sailed
SAeamcr Kanagawa Maru, for Vancouver.
NAGASAKI, Feb. 8. Arrived Somme
leduk. from New lork and Balboa, via San
SEATTLE. Feb. 12. Arrived Steamers
Taikai, irom Kobe: President, from San.
liego; barge Acapulco. in tow of tug Ta-
loosh, Irom an l' ranctsco. o sailings.
TACOMA, Feb." 12. Arrived Steamer Cor.
dova, from Alaska: steam schooner Phyllis,
from ban francisco.
Members of Commission at Paris
Rise in Honor of Birlli of
Abraham Lincoln.
TARIS, Feb. 12. (British Wireless
Service). An official statement re
Harding the meeting today of. the com
mission on international labor legts
lation says:
The seventh meeting of the com
mission on international labor lfgisla-
,.-... . .... l . . . l . . . . ; . . ......;. '
n V i, iwn lina iiiui 11111.
"Article IV of the British draft was
carried, providing that at the proposed
international labor conference the rep
resentatives of the governments, the
employers and working people should
be entitled to speak and vote independ
ently without regard to the views ex
pressed by the other representatives of
thir nation, "with power to draw up
conventions binding on the states rep
"Hitherto the delegates present a
such a conference have represented
the governments only and the voting
has always been by nations. It was
felt, however, that in dealing with la
bor legislation the employers and th
workers must be given the fullest op
portunity giving free expression to
their views and that it could not do
this if the delegates of each nation
were bound to speak and vote as
"Article V was also carried, provid
ing that the international labor coun
cil shall meet at the capital of th
league of nations, unless it decides by
two-thirds majority to meet else
"The commission then proceeded t
discuss the artitcle dealing with th
establishment of the permanent inter'
national labor office and the govern
ing body which will direct its work,
It was agreed that the office should
be established at the capital of th
league ot nations as part of the or
ganization of the league and should
be under the control oi a director.
"The commission at the president
suggestion rose in honor of the birth
of Abraham Lincoln."
Kiver X"orecat.
The "Willamette river at Portland will fall
during the next two or three days. The
stage at Portland at 8 A. M. yesterday was
lu.o reet above zero.
Tides at Astoria Thursday. -
High. Low.
10:0 A. M. . .7.B feet (5:0J A. M... 2.4 fee
Guest at
of America
Writes of
"Wedding. .
Lieutenant Roscoe Fawcett, formerl
sporting editor of The Oregonian. now
in France with the air service, h
written an interesting letter to Fort
land friends from Ixndon. The letter
dated January 21, stated that Lleuten
ant Fawcett. who recently was injure
in a fall with his airplane, would sa
in a. day or two for France and thence
to the United States, leaving there
either the latter part of this month
early in "March. Upon his arrival here
he Will be obliged to airaln po into
hospital for three or four months before
his wounds have sufficiently healed to
permit his discharge.
Lieutenant Fawcett has met a niimbe
Thousands Hear Life Story of
Great Emancipator.
Capt. R. V. Dennison Says He Had the "Best Pair of
Shoes in the Armj" and They Were Made
in Portland, in 1917.
12 4 OU TOF POSSIBLE 12 5.
Court Rewards Stepfather for Faith
ful Care Given.
TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 12. (Special.)
Harvey Galbreath won the ripht in
the superior court hero to Rive his
2-year-old stepson, Francis Cameron
Leslie, the name of Galbreath here
after. The child's mother died recently
and Galbreath has been caring for him.
The child showed his love for Gal
breath. The court ruled that as the
mother had surrendered her name -when
she married a second time it was no
fair to have Galbreath assume the cares
of a father without having the boy
bear his name.
William Xeilson, the boy's uncle, op
posed the adoption and wanted to send
the youngster back to Scotland to an
Portland Woman In Philadelphia
Has Inflnenza and Sciatica.
PHrLfMF.LPIIIA, Feb. 12. (Special
It was learned tonight that Dr. Es
ther Lovejoy of Portland has been se
riouslv ill at the Driscoll hotel in this
city for several days suffering from a
complication of influenza, and sciatica.
She was reported Better today. Her
husband, George A. Lovejoy of Port
land, is expected to arrive here tomorrow.
Adjutant-General Beebe Presides at
Gathering of Civil War Veter
ans at Central Library.
Homage yesterday was paid by all
Portland to Abraham Lincoln on the
anniversary of his birth. Special meet-
ngs were held throughout the city at
which school children, army and navy
veterans, members of patriotic, busi
ness, political, religious and civic or
ganizations participated.
Adjutant-General Beebe presided at a
memorial service held in the afternoon
at the public library, -which was at
tended by members of the George
Wright post No. 1, Sumner post N'o. 12,
Lincoln-Garfield post No. 3, Gordon
Granger post No. 43. all of the Grand
Army of the Republic.
Lincoln Greatest of Men, Is View.
"Of special interest to citizens of
Oregon is the fact that Abraham Lin
coln waa offered by President Taylor
the governorship of Oregon Territory,"
said Omar C. Spencer. "It was refused
because of his wife s reluctance to
come west, although Lincoln niniseir
was desirous of accepting it. Colonel
E. D. Bakr, senator from Oregon, in
troduced President Lincoln when he
mad his first inaugural address."
Representing the Grand Army of the
Republic, J. U. Stevens said: "I be
lieve Lincoln to be the greatest of the
four men who stand above all others
in the- world, who are Homer, Robert
Burns, William Shakespeare and Ab
raham Lincoln. Lincoln was a genius
for whom we cannot account nor un
derstand from the circumstances of his
birth, youth and surroundings. When
Lincoln reviewed the 32d New York
Infantry, I saw him as a' man of sor
row, though one of intellect. The next
time I saw htm he was an absurd
figure. He was riding with General
McDowell, his elbows bouncing back
and forth and his plug hat bumping
up and down.
Letter to Mother Read.
Patriotic selections were sung by
Mrs. Fred L. Olson. The Gettysburg
speech was read by Elmer V. Lundberg
and a letter written by President Lin
coln to Mrs. Bixbee. whose five sons
had been killed while fighting in the
union army, was read by C J. Schnabel.
The high school students joined wun
members of the General Compson post
No. 2, of St. Johns, at the memorial
meeting held at the James John high
school. Past Commander Chambers of
the Grand Army of the Republic pre
sided. Patriotic musical selections
were given by the high school quar
tet and prayer was offered by Rev. Mr.
Drew, who was a slave. until the
negroes were liberated by President
Lincoln. Milton A. Miller, collector of
internal revenue, made the principal
"During his administration, Lincoln
was bitterly criticised," said Mr. Miller.
'The critcsm handicapped him. There
is much criticism of the present ad
ministration and perhaps in later years
we will see that criticism of President
Wilson was unjust and unkind. Presi
dent Lincoln made the C'nited States
a place in which we can all be thank
ful to live."
Lite Example to Bays.
In celebration of Lincoln's birthday
Judge Rossman gave an address to the
cadets at Hill Military academy em
phasizing the value of the life of Lin
coln as an example. "There were just
as many swimming holes, just as many
games and entertaining ways of pass
ing the time in Lincoln's day as there
are now," said Judge Rossman. "but
Lincoln never neglected the chance to
study and improve himself. Let's not
forget that, boys. Some men. too, can
take Lincoln as an example and study."
In addition to the address there were
patriotic songs and recitations by the
students. Joseph Dodd of the primary
department gave a reading. Dr. J. W.
Daniels presided.
Brakeman Crushed by Train.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Feb. 12. (Spe
cial.) Barney Balk, a brakeman em
ployed by the Clemons Logging com
pany at Melbourne, fell between the
cars of a logging train yesterday after
noon and was instantly killed. Ho was
decapitated by the wheels of the cars,
Falk was about 28 years old and leaves
a widow in Centralia. The body was
brought here.
Columbia Itlver Rar Report.
NORTH HKAD. Feb. 12. Condition of the
bar At ." P. M. Sea moderate: wind south.
et. is mil-.
Report on Brest Called For.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. The senate
military committee today asked Secre
tary Baker for a report on conditions
at the camp of embarkation at Brest.
France. This camp recently was
severely criticised in the senate and
complaints as to conditions were re
ferred to the committee for inquiry.
Thanks His Friend. Theo. Eerrnnann, for Them Used
Them as a Tillow That They Slight Not Be
Stolen Took Receipt for Them at Hospital
Says "You More Than Did Your Bit."
Unsolicited Testimonials as to Excellence of Bergmann
British scientific meniave succeeded
in preserving soap bubbles intact for
than a month.
Relieve Your Indigestion
With A Laxative
Dyspeptics know that indigestion is accompanied by
constipation, and that until the bowels cm be regulated ao
they will act freely and naturally every day at a stated timr,
swallowing dyspepsia tablets ii ofHttle use.
A great and growing number of sufferers from this trouble
find immediate and then permanent relief by the use of
a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold by
druggists under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
The laxative herbs act on the bowels and the pepsin and ex
tract cm thedigestive tract, forming an crccptiorially effectrvo
It is a combination that has been found wonderfully
helpful in indigestion, constipation, biliousness, beadaches,
bad breath, belching and gas on the stomach. A small dose
is all that is required.
Tho t trill nhind 'jou money f it fail
to do as promised.
Dr. CaldweW
The Perfect iL Laxative
In spire of crestly
In creased laboratory
coats due to the War,
by ascrincins prohtm
nd absorbing war
taxea wa have maio
tained th price at
which thia family lax
attw baa been aoM by
druceiata (or the paat
as years. 1 w
50c and $L0O.
ntKE SAMPLES If ma have
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup TVvaiu send fcr a free trial
bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 468 Waahirt-ss
St., MoBticeOo. HI. If there are babies at borne,
ask lor a copy of Dr. Caldwefl'a book. Tba
Care of Baby."
It is not likely that any other shoe factory In America, has been t-o
highly complimented for the quality of its product as has been the
Berrmann Company. 621 Thurman street, this city, and not in a single
instance has the management solicited these strongly worded testimo
nials. A great number of testimonials have been received by Mr.
Bergmann. one of recent date from Roger Ma.cVelgh. son-in-law of A. L.
Mills, president of the First National bank of Fortland. in which the
Portland-made footwear was spoken of in the most flatterine; terms. And
here is another written by Captain Richard V. Dennison. who has been
in the thickest of the battles, to his good friend. Theodore Bergmann.
head of the Benrmann Shoe Manufacturing company and could any
make of footwear be more heartily praised than that which is spoken of
In the following enthusiastic statement:
Pari. France, January 14,101!).
Mr. Theo. Berarmana.
nrrcmann Shoe .Manufacturing Co.,
621 'I hunnnn Street,
Portland, Oregon.
My Dear Mr, Herrmann :
It liven me arrest pleaaure. even at this late date, to nrll. nnd try 'to
tell you, in my own viay, the fcrrat comfort the Khoes you made for me In
October, 1917. have sriven me durins the wir in France. I bare been one of
the few. darlDe theae many rainy months, who eould hoaat of having dry
feet, many thankn to yonr eare In bulldlns; them for me. They have been
Iheenvyof many. I can a Man re you mo much no that Tram I is-aa wounded In
October I bad to use them mn a pillow in my sleep, until 1 finally reached
the base hoapltal. 202. at Orleann. France, where I earefnlly took n
receipt for them and wan able to wear them on my discharge. And they
are even now in cood an new, aave that they will need a pair of new
nolea In the near future.
My divlalon ban been waiting; for several week to depart for the
States, and the last word in that we will sail on January 17 nnd I can
assure you we all will be very happy to see our native land again, n it
has been a longr pull and everyone Is thoroughly tired out and fed up
on war.
I write this feeling; yon will be Interested In know Ins; you more than
did your bit 1 n starring me off to buttle with the best pair of shoes In
the army, and for when plense accept my thanks.
tratefully yours.
Of course, we are pleased to receive such praise for those who wear
our shoes, knowing they come from men whose hearts speak the things
they write; but we hope it will be understood that the shoes we made
for Captain Dennison were no better than every pair of the 12,000 we
made for the government, not one of which was rejected or even received
unfavorable criticism. Nor were they constructed of a whit better leather
than tho.-e we are turning out every day for our commercial trade, or
have been making for many years. For example, H. S. Harcourt of the
Oregon Journal, in November. 1916. bought a pair of our shoes, and has
worn them constantly ever since. He is on the street every day, and few
men in the city -walk more miles in a year, yet he has had his shoes half
soled but once. Like thousands of others, he swears by the Bergmann
We Buy Xo Inferior Leather. AVe Make No Inferior Shoes. We Produce
Only the Best that Men t an Make From the Beat Stock
Bergmann Shoe Manufacturing Co.
Seattle Demobilizes Extra Police
Force: Open Shop Rule- on
tlic Waterfront.
SEATTLE, Feb. 12. Mayor Ole Han
son and heads or the various city ue
partments tomorrow will decide the
status of civil service employes who re
sponded to the general strike call last
week, according to announcement to
day. Few of the men joined the strike
but it was said these might be dismissed.
Demobilization of the extra police
force, with the exception of about 15"
extra men, began today, rifty emer
gency men are to be retained for each
of the department's three shifts for the
'The open shop rule was being en
forced today on the waterfront except
at the port commission properties.
where only union longshoremen were
employed. Officers of the Waterfront
Kmployers association said the long
shoremen had violated their contract
by joining in the strike and had for
feited their right to the "closed shop."
ence report on the bill providing for
a repeal of J 1 of war ap
propriations and carrying 295, 000. Oct
in deficiency appropriations, was
adopted today by both senate and
house. The bill now awaits President
Wilson's signature.
Head The Oreconian classified ads.
Barber Gives Recipe
For Gray Hair
Jndjre? J. A. Taylor Dies.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Feb. 12.
(Special.) Judge J. A. Taylor, pioneer
ot Portland of 1852 and pioneer mem
ber of Oregon and Washington legis
latures, died today. Judge Taylor was
one of the first subscribers to The
I. W. V. Propagandist Arretted.
NEWARK, N. J.. Feb. 12. Two ar
rests were made here today after a
general order had been issued from
police headquarters to round up all per- j
' i .1 : .:!.-.:.. I t- W '
other radical pamphlets.
Mr A. E. O'Brien, who has been a
barber in New Tork City for many
years, made the following statement:
"Gray, streaked or faded hair can be
Immediately made black, brown or
light brown, whichever shade yois de
sire, by the use of the following rem
edy that you can make at home:
"Merely get a box of Orlex powder
at any drug store. It costs very little
and no extras to buy. Dissolve it in 4 os.
of distilled or rain water and comb it
through the hair. Directions for mix
inif and uc and a gold bond guarantee
come in each box. One box will last
you for months.
"It is perfectly safe, it docs not run
off, is not sticky or gummy and leaves
the hair fluffy. It will make a gray
haired person look twenty years
younger." Adv.
Bill Repeals S I 5.000.000,000.
WASHINGTON'. Feb. 12. A confer-
We are pleased to announce that
we have purchased the entire stock
and structural business of the North
west Steel Company and are pre
nared to furnish all classes of fabri
cated and structural material, bolt- . '
and rivets, we hope to g.ive all or
ders, both large and small.' the same
careful attention and excellent serv
ice of which our predecessors have
been so justly ;-roud.
announces further reduction in rates between:
Francisco, Calif.
Angeles, Calif.
Cheap NIGHT MESSAGE service, permitting the use of
Code language, "15" words for the usual price of "10."
F. H. Barstow, Manager: Telephones: Main 1010, A 4241
kind with contempt.
j iiMi"i"MiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnmiiiinmimiiiiiuimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiinHiHiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiir
& A1...S.8 Xeci 1 6:41 E. HuurV.i loot
of I'oitlauderSj amons. whom are. 4J.U