fUE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1919. 17 A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. Att'Ol.M.VMS. JGH IS. CLAKK, geauial and cost account ant, 402 iiast Washington tu fhona East S1UO. AtCUKUIQ.N I'l.-ATING -M3TlTCfclXit. ACCUhUIO.N PLJiAUA'U. We cut. liem auu p.eit situ to any style. ,1; htmttucturiB. 10c per yard. Eastern Noveuy co.. ho 5th su Broadway auoo GAIH ClXTfaltS AJSD Mili. JEW L.Jls. J-VViKi aua watch repairma. Milter. Hii Wash, su. Alajestic lheatar blug. AXFAi.irA A1EA1., UKULNU rfcbU, UAi, 'WA.LTfc.K SCutT, Board ot Trade. BttBi. AW-KA1SALS. fiXA.ViJAKJ) AtfKAloAL COMPANY. Rail way Ex. bldg. frhone Maranali 2752. ASsAltKS A2sl AALiSlS. HOMA.VA ASSA Oi'ElCE, 14a bacoad lipid, silver and platinum Dought. ATTORNEYS. MOKK1S A. GOiDblKl.V. practice In all courta. 803 Northwcbtern Bank bldg. 15 KICK AJS11 tONCKEXE. ICR brickwork, concrete and cement side walks, call Broadway 3U3. CAKi'fcT tLEAlG. (RUGS The kind that wear the best are lOfldfl frnm Vrtur T3L-rtrnrtit arne.fa hw ortnweut icus ;o. liormor address. 133 Union ave.). Kag rugs woven ail sizes. I trpet Cleaning, iciittiug and resizing, ilail orders solicited. 1SS East Eighth. FfaONg EAST oohll. B lSO. CAltPET WEAV15G. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Rag li'jga, ail sizes. .Mail orders prompt. , Send lor Booklet. UX12 Rugs. Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.50. , T, . I'EUl- b- HUG CO.. 64-58 Union ave. N. East 0516. B 1475. CAXtEK TKEAT.MENT. M JONEi. M. Sj. CAXCKK T HEATED. 813 Aiorgan bldg. Marshall (3143. CELi.UA.011 BCTTOIS'S. THE IRWIX-HODbON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broauway 44. A 1254. ClllKOt'HACTOK. .At K-jW Mc.Manon, l)')irm chiropractor. .Thrones pronouncing treatments easiest, best, permanent. A "treats" 10. Both phones. CHiBoroDisr arch sfeciaxist. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello Da Veny, the only aclentihc chiropodists and arch spe cialists in the city. Par.ors auli tierllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and Aider. Phone Main liiul. C1KCLEAK LETTERS. w CO.. 510-11-12 Royal nii. jo. uimiigrapning, mimeo graph and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. KETH & CO. Worcester blriir. Mki. itoc No collections, no charge. Established luoo. DANCING. ai.no. UAiH b Jjancing Academy, 808-11 cnuiii uiufi. ccbi instructors, eginjiers class Tues. eve., class oanv Krl i sons day and eve. by appointment. Phone BERKELEY Dancinn School 120 A,y. Main 3318. Mrs. Summers, Mgr. Lessons by apt-; personal attention; classes Wed.. Sat. ALltKi Dancing Academy, private instruc tors, day and evening. Classes Fulday eve- mus. i.aor Ansity Diqg. a lessons. $5. MRS. FLECKS ACADEMY. 109 2d St. Ball room and stage dancing. Class Tues., FrL eve.; children especial. y. Main 2100. "VV. I. KING Dance Orchestra; union music; violins repaired. 544 ha Wash. Bdwy. 478. DANCE MUSIC furnished. Main 1803. Call evenings. DANCING ACADEMY. LEARN TO DANCE at Professor and Mrs. Rown's studio; each pupil is givsn per- sonai attention; 12 private lessons, $5; 6 lessons, $3, or 4 for f2; hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 603 Eilers bldg., between 4th and 5th. on Washington et. Main 5004. MRS. M. YOUNG'S dancing classes. Llnnea Hall, 666 Irving, near 21st. Lessons by ap pointment. Personal attention. Advanced dances every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Phone East ol!9. DESIGNING AND DRAFTING. CIVIL, mecanical, architectural and pat ent designing, drafting. Open evenings. 301-2 Spalding bldg. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. HOSPITAL Dr. G. H. rian. 415 East 7th st. Huthman, veterina East 147. B 1962. WHOLESALERS AND ALTO TOPS. PUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 9'.h and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. I nirU CI CDiCI PH Stockroom and Office .. Ul.m.L.UI ILL. UU47 1 I 47 North Fiftn street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GKAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front at. HIDES, WOOL. C A SCAR A BARK. KAHX BROS., 195 Front street, PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. I. FULLER CO.. 12th and lavU aim NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Rngs and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Mall Or1-rs. Snd tor Booklet. Rue Rasa Woven, All Sizes. Carpet . Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN IXtFF RIG CO.. 64 Tnion Ave. N. East 6516, B 1475. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property, In stallment repayment prrvilejte If pre ferred; prompt, reliable service. A. H. RIRRELL CO. 817-219 Northwestern Bunk Building-. Marnball 4114, A 4118. 3 FLUFF RUGS From old carpets. Carpet cleaning- and refitting. Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Mail orders solicited. V'ESTURN FLI FP IllG CO.. Former address 153 Union Ave. EAST 3580 BI28Q JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOAN'S. Insurance, Surety Bonds KEAL ESTATE. A REAL OPPORTUNITY for a man with mall means; 160 acres of good soil. 5 miles N. VV. of Alderdale. Wash., on good county road, 1 mlie to school, 5-room box house, about 140 acres of this- place can oiilt i rri with little work. 80 acres was in wheat a few years ago, but the niiifm nnt hten farmed since. In order to sell quick oner will take $12 per acre. There is a mortgage of .jJ0 against the place. Very easy terms can be had n I, If He,r,d Tucker & Shreck. 1102 X. W. Bank bldg. Main SSI. For stale EVTRIORDINARY SACRIFICE. Non-resident will sell 27 lots fronting on . Glisan and E. Flanders. Just east of Laurelhurst Price for bunch, $8500. Would tak good car or small modern house In part payment. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. WANT A LAURELHURST LOT CHEAP? Come out to Laurelhurst Tract Office, Fail 30th and Glisan streets, today. Now Is the time to secure your lot. Tabor 4S3. or East 2086. eve. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 100x100, corner 20th and Qulmby -sts. Price $5000; all Improvements paid. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. LAURELHURSi lot for sale by owner. Ta bor , ELECTRICAL KEI'AIK SHOP. il. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. ol North Hst u. Portland, Or. ivewinuing ana Eiectricai ttepatr- WifS ins a pwiuujr. aee us auuui newt hi used motors. Buwy. Iu4a. A lu-ttA Eli., Ah. U3b A1 THROAT. ut b J?'. Cabbeuay, speciauMt; glasses fitted. 7ou E. Buinsiuti. coi. 2uth. B lyya. E. 4734. Jc EH.1IL1ZLK. IIKST-CLASS MANURE. ROSES. LAW N, GAxtUEN. LARGS OR SMALL LOADS. EAST 534. 11KMTIKE REPAIRED. 113 GRAND AVE. 113. American Furniture Hospital; furniture repaired, upholstered and reiinished; new and seconu-hand lurnilure bought and sold, feeilwood 2760. 11EMST1TC11ING. K. SIEPMA.N, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordior side pieat, buttons covered, mall order. 219 Putock block. Broadway lo0. HEMSTlTCiilNU and Picot. All work guar anteed. Singer Sewing Men. Co. 402 W'aah. I.AINDRY. CLAYTON'S Laundry. Call Sellwoo,d 728. All BlC. EMIL TH1ELHUK.V. violin .teacher, pupil Sevcik. 2o7 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 16. PAUL F. KISaNEK, violinist. Room 1, 245 Washington. Main 551U. Ten lessons, $15. VIOLIN, piano, harmony. All string. In struments soid. Kol Kenoeck. 40 iamhlll. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASaES AT A SAVING. fcLST-- I solicit your patronage on the Cr basis of capable service. Thou i sands of satisfied patrons. A trial will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, Optometrist. 20i Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. and foreign patents. 001 Dekum bldg. i GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. Main 252o. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. U05 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. 80int creased efficiency; druglesi tr.atmi.nL Lioitre. Daraiysis. neaa ache, bldg. tonsi.ius. Dr. Walters, 40t bwetiana Marsnall 4Sy2. PL CM KING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale pricea Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 797. PRINTING. wrvTHVR PRE.S J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 'A Front it, corner fatark. main or a mo. nrmiTiun f. w. baltes & company, rnirtMilU 1st andOakiu. Main 165. A 1185 SECOND-HAND STOKES. LEVIN HDW. & FURN. CO.. 221 Front Street. We buy and sell everything In the hard ware and furniture line. Phone Main S872, A 7174. SEWING MACHINES. nn CLARK, sewing machine expert. 128 Lownsdale St. Phone Broadway 2083. STOVES. STOVES, furnaces repaired, colls installed. H. J. Seabrook. 269 Salmon. Main 2575. TRANSFER. TRANSFER, heavy hauling, furniture, piano moving; price reasonable. Phone Tabor 8277. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan i -nor nf i:tth. TeieDhone Broadway 1: or 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in tne city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 243 PINE. nlISON'-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE OF fice 189 Madison UL. General merchandise and forwarding agents, rnone Main iohi. ma- K1SC! MOVING STORING. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 105 Park St- main oiiw, a iuoi, CLAY S. MORSE. INC. TRACKAGE, STORAGE, TRANSFER. 448-454 Glisan st. VACllM CLEANING. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home. iuc a ins. -i WATCH REPAIRING. UioHii-T prices paid old watches and jew elry, condition no ODject. itepairs a spe cial t yRalnierJewelryC oI;l49HWashst. WKaEBS. I WRECK OLD BUILDINGS. CALL East 1897. JN1AN U FACT U REUS PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN 6c CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIP-, PIPE PITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINp, 84-86 Front atreet. PLLMBING AND STEAM StPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-S6 Front .treet, - PROUtCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG & FARRELL,, 140 Front street ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO., 12th and Davis sts. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co., 172 First st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st. EEAL ESTATE. Bale - mm. IRvTNGTON. ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE SITE. 100x100. SW cor. B. 18th and Stanton sts. Price $3800. including; all street Im provements. GODDARD & riBDJtlCK. 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON CAR LINE. lOOxlOOL NW cor. B. 15th and Skidmore. eo'nn u,i, site with good view. Price $1-00. all cash and assume baL of bonded liens. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. K'R SALE or trade for a lo- v, 5-room modern bungalow. Sellwood 1183. ' Flat and Apartment .Property. FOR SALE Apartment-house. 16 rooms, al ways full. 288 North 16th it. For Bale Homes. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Foreclosure Sale. Brooms, absolutely modern; magnificent view of mountains and city; close to school and car; large lot; abundance of flowers shrubbery and trees. Must be seen to be appreciated. See Battln, THE FRED. A. .Iinntso -, j i Din street. Main 6869. LAURELHURST. Never Been Offered for Sale Before 7 rooms, absolutely modern, finished In white enamel and mahogany throughout; tiled bathroom: hot water heating plant. Location the best. On corner. See Battln THE FRED A. JACOBS CO , 104 5th Street. Main 6S69. $5500 IRVINGTON SPECIAL $5500 Located between Thompson and Brazes: J rooms, modern; sleeping porch, fireplace Li '.iB oom and upstairs bedroom; lot 65x100. This is really a special and a wonderful bargain. See Battin. with THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. IU Oth ht. Main RSK-l .uuu 4-rm. modern bungalow, ideal loca tion: lot 50x208; all kinds fruit near car: close in: atnnriarsi nimK. ing: clean, neat home; only $400 '..i QOLDENBERO, ABINGTON BLDG. JJ Tear3 in Portland." Main 4803. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern bungalow, large rooms, wood floors. furnace. fireplace. Price reasonable; terms If desired BIrrell Co., 217 N. W. Bank bldg. shall 4114. A4118. B hard attic. A. H Mar. s.Rnni v, . . i o ' : .... p, ... w , . utocas soutn ot Haw thorne; hardwood floors, fireplace, built . in features. Dutch kitchen, concrete base- ? ioik . tray- Terms. Owner 326 6-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished com P ie- "clua'n Piano; Improvements In t.r . " car, hum, 5o cash ?? V. ?" mo.': . '"eluding Interest). i.vc. jimn igjus. 248 Stark. NEW 5-room house In Richmond District paved streets. 1 block to car; a snap at $20jO. Terms. Phone owner. Main 6256 WANTED A 50x100 lot. prefer Sunnyslde or E. Ankeny. improved, 2 blocks from car. Phone Tabor o408. BfclAUTlFUL HOME. Portland Heights, for sale; will consider smaller house in rood location and some cash. Bast 5438. COZY 5-ROOM HOUSE. 2VEAK 3 CAR-X-IXE3, CHAP. WOODLAWIS 3S31. REAL ESTATE. For Sale HoDHf, HERE YOU ARE. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 8-room strictly modem bungalow, lot I COxlOO. Davd Ht all In. nafrl for. This bun galow has everything buiit In, hardwood floors, furnace ha.t. full cement basement in Hawthorne district, at & low price and I reasonable terms or J4000. Also 7-room modnrn house on saved St.. furnace heat, hardwood floors, in fine con- I tlition, walking distance; price. $4000. Also 6-room strictly modern house". 1 paved street, furnace heat, full cement basement, in walking distance; price 3iM. This DroDtrtv xhould b seen to be appre ciated. Call In our office and we will take! our autoH and show you these houses. New I iorK Land Co., 303-5 fctock bxcnariKe Didff. Main 7076. HOT-WATER HEAT IN THIS HOUSE. Not only hot-water heat, but no dirty I coal, wood or briauettes to bother with. Automatic gas heater cheapest of all. 1 Location most exclusive oart of Laurel- hurst. Extra large living and dining I room; 4 large bedrooms; all beautifully I finished in old Ivory and tapestry paper; sleeping porch, fine garage. You must I see this place to appreciate Its superior I Qualities. Come out today. Key at office. East ttuth and, one an sts.. or pnone la bor 3433 or East 2u86 evenings. STRICTLY modern house, large grounds (3 lots); hardwood floors, white enamel finish. 8 rooms and large slewing porch. 2 baths; fine shrubbery; unobstructed view. This is mv home and is all clear of in cumbrance. In a fine neighborhood. I have to move and don't want to rent; ; will sell for 15.000: this is S501H) less than it Is worth; will Bell to responsible par ties on terms to suit and give immediate possession; include draperies and part of iurniture il desired, p. u. oox aoi, rori- land. Or. Slt50 PART cash, party leaving city; C- room House, garage, rree rrom incum brance with full view of Tuaiatin Valley at Counc 1 Crest: double constructed, plas tered, papered, stained and furnished. built-in buffet- paneled, with plate rail, i beamed cnllfnor. hot and cold watfr and bath, full basement, 7 blocks from end of! Council Crest car. Owner. Lewis Theider- I man. Phone Marshall 5459 for directionf A NICE little home, furnished, 4 rooms and bath, fixtures not installed; 8-ru porcn across entire back: finished new last tail; fruit trees and berries, also chicken house and grounds, 35 young hens, 12 oC which are oure-bred K. l- Reus, tnis it not mansion but the cosiest little place you'll find and is priced to sell quick as owner is leaving, we won t quarrel over terms 11 you can make part payment. Call and look it over, lOltt N. Willamette nivci. s-t. jonns. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. NEW. $200 DOWN. $2500 Easy terms, big living room. white entmel bedrooms, bath, white enamel kitchen with all built-in effects. riOxlOO- ft. lot; 1 block to car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th & Stark. Main 208, A 2050. JUST completed, two up-to-date, modern 5-roora bungalows. 50x100 lot. paved st,. double constructed throughout, full cement I basements, fireplace, bookcase, china closets, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, linen closet, attic, shades, screens, fixtures, etc., etc.; on Ivon at., be tween E. 3Sth and E. 39th. 1 block north; Richmond car; back doors open; go look at them. Price $3750; terms. Tabor 1&4 evenings. lRVINT.TO SPECIAL. It la a pleasure to show this lovely I home to critical buvers. Attractive with out, beautiful and homelike within; 7 1 rooms, 3 pleasant bedrooms and sleeping porch, modern. with hardwood floors throughout. Finished in old ivory and real mahogany. Garage also, near Irvington car. Big values at $6500; cash or terms. R. T. STREET, E. 15th and Broadway. East 894, or Tabor 8619 evenings. BEAUMONT HOME. Nice large rooms, sun parlor, large din ing room. Dutch kitchen and breakfast I room, 3 large bedrooms up, oak polished 1 floors, racing south, fireplace ana furnace, 1 lar;re lot, garage, paved tU reels, and all paid. $6100, easy terms. This is really nice home. THE LAWRENCE CO. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A 2815. BUNG A LOWS I have a few bungalows in Laurelhurst I and Rose City Park, modern and In f irat-I class condition; on paved streets and In I desirable locations. The furniture of sev eral can be purchased also if desired. I Reasonable Initial payment and balance! aoour. iiKe rent. MR. BROWN, Main 1700 or Tabor 59 evenings. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE: Owner leaving city, must sell at sac-1 rifice, 5 rooms and nleeping porch, floored I attic, furnace, fireplace, all hard-surface In and paid, for $90. Easy terms. C. A. WA BRINER, RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUNGALOWS AND BUNGALOWS. Laurelhurst, 6 rooms, 2 blocks to car. High, sightly lot. In fine condition. $4loO; ai. improvements paid. $3950 ROSE CITY PARK SNAP $3950. Almost new. 6 rooms, close in. a little gem of a place. See this quick. Take Laurelhurst car to East 39t h st.. apply at office, or phona Tabor 3438 or East 2086 eve. $4500 BRAZES ST. HOME $4500. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, I xirepiace, hard surface sts., attractive lot, 1 biocK rrom car. terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WB GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOW B & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2650. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $650. 5-r. bungalow, full concrete basement. laundry traya, full attic, fireplace, white enamel finish, garage, paved street. Easy terms to responsible purchaser. REMEM BER that complete propositions like this in this district are very scarce. Mar. 3001. Owner, 262 Stark st.. near entrance to Railway Exchange bldg. SUNNY8IDE BUNGALOW. 8 rooms and den, full cement basement, I furnace, fireplace, built-in conveniences. I corner lot, garage, nice lawn ana shrub bery, clear of city liens, 3 blocks from botu a and t cars, i'rice S45UU, terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. t home In noae city. All modern, nevr and up to date; streets Improved; best location in Rose City; leaving state on account of health; big sacrifice; good terms, some cash. Come and se. me at I once. . 3oth st. Hawthorne car. ALAMEDA PARK. 6-room bungalow, brand new. Just be- I Ing completed, hardwood floors through out, private bathroom, furnace, fireplace, garage, price and terms are right. Owner and builder, iaoor tu . BUNGALOW, ON PAVED STREET, $2275. 5 larxe rms.. fireplace, beamed sellings. paneled walls; on carllna in Montavllla; $200 cash, monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. cnam. or com. MULTNOMAH STATION 5-room bunga low, modern, city water, gas and elec tric light. 3 blocks from station; a good buy at $2000. on terms. Sea Atchison at 404 Piatt oiag. S-20OO ALBERTA CARLIXE. 4-r. birnftalow. newly painted and vnt in first-class shape. Easy terms to respon sible buyer. Mar. 3601. Evenings, East 6S45. Ask for Air. iayior. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 4-room cottage, lot 40x100, with alley; has fruit trees and berries: one block to car: $1000: $300 down. Hoatltn Bird, Williams ave. r-ast j. A BIG SNAP. 6-room modern house, close In, paved streets, fruit and flowers, big sacrifice for half cash, owner, 140 . iSumner. Mies. ave. car. V, din. 4458. FOR BALE $2500. BY OWNER Two 4-1 r. "" l m ,..- ... .nri .l.n i-,II 1? if interested, call 400 Fillln.i ' -- z ' $2100 $250 CASH. 5-room bungalow; flreptace; Waverly Addition; near car line; rents monthly. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank bldg. BY owner, three houses, adjoining lots, one I 6-room modern; 5-room bungslow, mod- ern; four-room nouse at L.ents. labor 8472, terms. AP 827, Oregonlan. BY owner. 5-room bungalow. 1154 East Salmon, St., near 3th; hardwood floors. basement, sleeping porcn, Duriet, kitchen; terms. SAVE COMMISSIONS. 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, sewer, hd. surf, street. Close in, near car, $UI00. Tabor no. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, lot 40x100. on 26th st.. 1 block to car, $1800; $40O down. Hiatlin Bird, StKia Williams ava. asi oo. SEE AND MAKE OFFER. 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, electricity. hard-surfaced street. sewer: close in; seme terms; owner. 1 nwir 11a LEAVING town, will sacrifice modern Dutch colonial 7-room house, hardwood floors. Alameda Park corner lot- Call owner. Woodlawn dia. r o traqe acceptaoie. xiv OWXER. now vacant, 12900. 500 cmh balance like rent; nice six-room house, first-ciass condition, near car. 780 Will iams ba NEW 3-room bun ralow, near Piedmont dis trict; ail improvements pan; price iy75 $100 down. Phone owner. Woodlawn 3340 IRVINGTON seven-room bungalow, mod ern, sell cheap, terms. Ieavlnff city. Phone iast BY OWNER 5-room house, modern, 1531 E. 6th N ; take v. car to Stafford st. walk 1 b. S. and 1 b. E; terms if desired. HAWTHORNE Dist. 35TH ST. $2650. 5 large rooms, large lot; room lor garage; vacant, owner, iaoor ost. IRVINGTON HOMES. East SU4. R. T. STREET. IRV. AGEJS'T. EE.ll ESTATE. For ISalr -House. ROSB CITY PARK 94300. TALK ABOUT CLASS. Polka, we have here one of the smart est, best-built, most homelike, bungalows in nose city fark Just arive oui ior yourself and see. Located 1651 Sandy blvd. Don't dlnturb tenant, but if it ap peals t you and It will get In tourb with us and we will show you through. Finished in white throughout, hardwood floors in everv room, beautifully canered. elegant buffet, complete Dutch kitchen with breakfast room; best furnace. The spacious living roenn and interior decora tions win appeal tor you trongiy. xte quires $1500 cash. A. C. tkkPk CO.. 264 Stark street. Near 3d. Main 3516. Branch Office: 00th and Sandy. BROOKLYN DISTRICT. SACRIFICED FOR CASH. ' $;:75u. G a rare. ftinn.f t nnmr all hardwood floors cli)wnr.l.il ra antranra Tiull. (iPTI ilV lug room with beautiful fireplace, bedroom. oatn, tile floor, kitchen, southern expoiure, beamed ce fling dining room, sun parlor, beautiful tile side porch, pergola roof, big front porch. 2 bedrooms upstairs, running water in hall, attic. Bungalow type, brick and stucco. 1 short block to car: this Is as good as It sounds. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerci oiug., 4th Sc Stark. Main 203. A 0.,0. READ THIS A BARGAIN. Com Dlte 1 v f urntfthtfl mrnr. 8-rnnm house, 60x100 corner lot, garage. $350 piano and all furniture roes with Dlace at $2500; $800 cash required; owner has up per xioors rented for $20 montn; win taK auto or truck up to $600; location near Columbia Park. Don't miss seeing this. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Board of Trade Bldg. Alain 4o-'. MT. TABOR HOME $4150. Here -Js a strictly modern 5Tt. Tabor home. 6 rooms and slceninc porch, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement oajemeni, exceptionally well Duiit, grounq 61x147. $1000 cash, balance like rent. This is worth considering. C A . VVAKKl.NK Ft. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODE RN 1 --room. Irving ton residence, fin ished in finest selected mahogany and oak. hardwood floors throughout, 3 artistic fire places, walls beautifully decorated, tile bathrooms, expensive nlumbing fixtures. sun room, sleeping porch, full cement base ment, large ziniehed attic, spacious grounds, rare shrubbery; all materials and workmanship guaranteed first-class; closest inspection invited; reasonable terms ty owner, ti a.M. Qregonlan. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA. Modern 6-room hunialnw with lot 75x100. 4 blocks from postoffice and depot Mod ern plumbing, gas. elec. ; some fruit. Rent ed to first-class tenant at $40 per mo. No incumbrance. Will exchange for modern residence same value in Portland. Las Vegas has sunshine the year around. No tuberculosis, bron c h 1 a 1 or asthmatic troubles there. Price $4o00. Goddard & Wledrick. 243 Stark st. SUNN YS IDE BI'NTiA LOW BARGAIN. $3600 6-room modern double constructed attractive bungalow, exquisite elec tric light fixtures. 50x100 lot. with six large fruit trees. A remark ably good buy; sure hardwd. floors, fireplace, furnace, st. imp. all in and pd. Discount for cash. J. A. WICKMAN, 20 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 5R3. ROSE CITY PARK. $3500. Attractive buy, a m on j- best location In Rose City, only one blocw to car south of hill ; no big expense in future for sewers and other street improvements. Light, cheerful 5-room bungalow: UD-to-date fea tures. Call owner, Broadway 421 or Tabor U.U1CK action, necessary. No agents ptease. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. A beautiful home of 7 rooms and bath with exceptionally large bedrooms, llvln room, also parlor on first floor. Entire house finished In ivory enamel, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; large lot. $05OO. or will retain part of ground and sell for less, jerms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 5S3. ROSE CITY PARK CAR $3300. A truly wonderful little bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, full ce ment basement. lurnace. etc. Near car. Full lot. Owner going on farm and muKt sell quickly. Surely, you will want to see ims. A. G. TBBPB CO.. 264 Stark street. Near 3d. Main 8516. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. $ 2 50 C A S H $2 5 0. BALANCE LIKE RENT. 4 large rooms and bath, full cement basement, full lot, about 16 good bearing fruit trees; 1 block from car; price $16U0. lois is a sap. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldr. SEMI-COLON'L BUNGALOW SPECIAL. $3S(0. Cash 2fOO. High -class build and Interior finish ; f rms. and full-floored, gabled attic. Rec. hall medium living and dining-rm.; tiled bath; Eastern oak firs, throne hout furnar flre-pl. and all high-grade, bullt-ins. etc. A1SO AKA(il; IrJAR CAR. Main 1532 EAST SIDE SNAP. 100x100 corner and 6-room well-built house, several good bearing fruit trees, hard-surface streets; 1 block from R. C. car, $40O0; terms; on 22d st. It is worth your time to investigate thts. C A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE HI-NTS A LOW $4200 7 rooms and breakfast room, fire- Place, lurnace; lull cement base ment. This Is a real home: lo 4ftx!)8; entire house has the indi rect lighting eystem. Term.. A pleasure to show this one. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 8S3. PIEDMONT $3S0O. One of Piedmont's real fine homes i rare bargain. Modern In every wav. I you want a home In this splendid re stricted residential district, let us show you tms truly goon Duy. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main SM8. SOME BARGAIN S2.VHV Go, take a look at 440 East Going, cor. 7th. You would never dream it possible to buy a 6-room house like this with all assts. paid for $2500; lot 75x100. Let us snow you. Act quickly. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 8516. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design snd build apartments, sar.ee. residences anything. Furnish plans snd iinance. r.staonrnea iu years. We offei SECUIHTY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION i.. K. alley Co., inc., contracting arjht ifcii,-w2i iN. w. mnK Diag. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fine attic, whit enameled except living-room and dining room, papered living-room and dtninv room. Dutch kitchen, $'.250; similar house with garage and fin. view. Woodlawn 116 atier o f. i. A BARGAIN $1500. Am leaving town, will sell my 4-room nouse at a sacrmce, lot eoxKO, fruit trees, berry bushes, chicken house, 2 cord wood etc. Have also some furniture and chick ens for sale. Lowzow. 63d st., bet. 66th and 7tn aves. lake ws car. ROSE CITY PARK. $3500 S rooms with maid's room In tl- furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors outlet, Dutch kitchen, full cemen basement, wash U-aya, imps, in ciuaea in price, lenns. Close la. J. A. WlUlvMAS CO.. 204 Railwsy Exchange Bldg. Main 6S3. TINE modern bungalow. Portland Height district, beautifully located, view unob I structed. 100x100 8 rooms, steam hest, rinnh a i a r a r n.niittrii i. flowers and Irult trees. Very low price. WUICK action neaireq. A ' i pjs. .regonlan. LAURELHURST LAURELHURST. The best bungalow in Laurelhurst for sale at a, sacrifice; nas every modem eon venlence: come and see this lovelv homi for yourself, words cannot explain Its st tractlveness: original cost $1000; price ,iii'u. Lull vrtn x eon diqk. $2S0O. 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, gas. elec. triclty, lovely isoms. street Improvements In, limit trees', near ast Ankeny car Darns: v-aw; ,ouu casn, oai. like ren Main T31. BEAT THIS IF YOU CAN. $1600 buys 5-room bungalow, bath, fire place, electric lights, gas; 2 blocks to car. terms: no mortrare. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg, Main 583. Stark, between 8d and 4th. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION l-room modern cottage, full lot, with alley, on hill, close to Albina car snop.: UDerty bonds take as first payment, balance $15 a month. See Atchison at 4U4 Piatt Didg. FOR SALE Lake Grove, neat 3-room rot tare with 1H acres, good soil, attractive surroundings. Darning ana Doating on Lak Oswego, close to eiectnc station; price only tima; terms, rnone .aai ia. MODERN" 8-room house. 100x100 corner fireplaces, garage; nar Sandy blvd. an u. ivin rut a uuu owner. MILWAUKIE, 81-Y. A RUNG ALOW IN ROSE CITY PARK. Irfect In every detail, with hardwood floors In every room ; fireplace; choice neighborhood. paved street. Tabor 59. FOR SALE House and lot, close in. snap near wroauway unaga. inquire at Benton st. s 6-ROOM modern, hardwood floors, good ga rage. Hawthorne diet.; must sell; terms. Call Marshall 9L HOUSE and 2 lots in Montavllla. by wne Auk for Mrs. B. M. Zestad. Fhone Broad' t 14 10. bio Jr lanuers si. REAL ESTATE. Kor eel VERY ATTRACTIVE 6-KOOM HOME. Modern and well-built, nice, large, airy rooms; good neighborhood; reception hall, living room, large dining room, kuchen. 3 nice, large bedrooms ; fine view of moun tain.; 1 block to GUfran St. ear.; cement basement; "Kox" furnace; fine 5OxlO0 lot. Immediate possession. Price for quick sale. $2150; $50 cash will handle. We commend this home as being priced hundreds of dollars below its actual value. Phone for our auto and Inspect this. TUB CROSSLEY-V1GARS CO.. Specialists In Home Properties. 270 fiitark St. Main H052. PIEOMONT SACRIFICE. ANXfOl'S TO LEAVE CITY AT CSCS. 2-story residence. 8 rms., brick base ment, on Mallory ave.; hard-surfaced; 1st floor has rec. hall, llv. rm.. din. rm., li brary, 2 bedrms., 2 fireplaces, kitcneu; 2d ' floor. 2 bedrms. and bath. House Luiit several years and is not modern. Th re in also garage and large number of fi-uit trees, choice varieties, all kinds of berries and ronen; lot UMJxHMi; pavement paid. Price 3oo; term. $1H.V cash. bal. tutw. GOUDAKU c WIEDR1CK. 243 Stark St. BRAND NEW JLTST COMPLETED. ROSE CITY PARK. VERY ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. East 42d st. North; 6 rooms, large 1!t-lng-room, 14x26. finished old ivory, trimmed mahogany, sueil beveled buffet, plate glai windows, brs kf :ist-room. East ern oak floors, solid brass ha'dwart ; for quality and claas investigjite Owner, Ttror I'Jtm. v $350 CASH $2iOO. Sunny side Cottage Neat, attractive 5 rms., basement, mod. Plumbing, gas and elect.; laundry trays; 33 l-3xln0 lot; paving pd.: 2 rarlines. G. C. OOLDENBERU. A B1NGTON BLDG. 35" Years in t'ortland." Main 403. CUM FORTAIil.K i-room modern bungalow, near car. $t00; $..0u wilt handle, bal. $10 a month. Tabor .V4. FOR SALE If you want a home of any kind on easy terms. I can help you. W. C. Johns. Tabor 6645. For Sale -Banlneaa Property. FOR SALE INCOME PROPERTY Bunt n ess property, center of seaport town Coos County, Or. ; population -.)(. Cost $7."i00. monthly income Vo. Kor quick sale will take $4000. Reason, domestic trouble. Address LOCK BOX S. BAXDON. OREGON. 00100 Eat Water, between Morrison and Hawthorne bridKes, on t rack.i se ; reason able terms, by owner. AN too. Oreeonian. AS r SIDE apartments, fine nets 25 per cent. Price $"00. Investment ; Bdwy. ti.U. Suburban Home. HALF-AC RE SI" HI" KB N HOME. Only 10-niinute walk from Ryan Place Ftaiion on Ore ft on -Electric. Has isir 4 room house, ceiled: cood earase and chick en -house, gas and Bull Run water, plenty fruit and berries, t.oon auto road to ga ra e. Price only $ 1 tioo, $ 400 cash. bal. $15 mo., nt fl"r. Phone MrCORMICK. MAIN 031S. SUBURBAN homesite, $350. Nire grove of dogwood, evergreens, water, lights, tele phone; 225x150. If you love outdoor life this will appeal to you. Only 35 down. Owner, 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Uli the best suburban homes and acreage out of Portland come to Alderbrook on Oregon City car, third bousa north of Kialey Station. RYAN STATION SNAP 3-room house with city water. U lots. 15 fruit trees, chicken holmes, close to station : only $1 100. eauv terms. See Atchison at 404 Piatt bldg. F you wunt a suburban home buy one from the owner, nuiit lor a no me. Am moving and will sacrifice. F. N. Wells, Aloha. Or. ACRES, cultivation, modern. 7 rooms, close in. fishing, fruit, berries, on electric. $1400 cabh. AG 840. Oregonlan Homesteads. Relinquishments. Relinquishment 80 acres. 4H miles from fccio; L;au M. tir nmoer; opera mm rani near; t5 acres tillable when cleared; good spring; $350 cash. J. R. Sharp. 3a 3d. FOR SALE ood relinquishment on loO acres. 5 241. Oregonlan. WANT good relinquishment on 160 acres. n 41. uregoman. For Sabs A ere a ge, DEEP-THINKING, f ar-seelng men are now looking to MEXICO, tne war Deins over and conditions settled, and are buving up fine agricultural lands. They predict one of the Kreatest land booms In history will take place In Mexico. You can eeire lands at the light price now and we will contract to farm them for you on shares, weiich will net you approximavely $3Ja per year for an Investment of $500. which Is secured by a deed for land improved and In crop. Terms can be arranged, half cash, balance easy terma How can we do this? Cheap land, cheap labor, splendid transportation facilities Southern Pa cific R R. ; an Ideal climate and high market prices tor our product. Do your thinking uow and write N. B. ANDERSON 800 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. city. SELMA TRACTS. About R0x30 feet each. $300 and up, easy terms; on Base Lino road, hsrd sur faced, and Andrews road : each tract f ac inar road: near electric railway, gas and electric lights; 30 minutes' auto ride or 40 niinutes on streetcar from West fclde buy now and improve at your leisure. AI 83. Oregonlan. SACRIFICE SALE, v v nwner. 1 acre on naved hlchway, 8 miles from center of city, few steps from electric station : cheap for cash or easy terms, or win traae ror automoone In first -class condition. Phone Broad way 4 ISO. 5u00 ACRES in Southwest Washington fox ale to settlers only; easy terms, low prices, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Writer for map showing location, terms, etc. W'EYERH AEL'SBH TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Ticoma, Wash. FOR SALE I have the following parcels of land whicn 1 desire to sc.i at a sacrmre: loo acres f miles from The Dalies; 10 acres 8 miles from McMlnnville: so acres 4 miUs from Lyle. Owner, 350 Morgan bldg. i 2 ACRES of rround on improved county road elosn to Munoma i station on me Oregon Electric, with 8-room house, to be sold for $or0 on terms to suit purcnaser. ror par ticulars call at -tu-t r-iait niug. 10 ACRES of land, two miles from - city ; 4 acres clearea. no nuuaings; an lenceu cost $4500; will sell for $3750; IO per cent cash, 5 per cent interest. Barnard, 21 N. 2d st. ACRE AT GARDEN HOM E. Have flue, siehtly acre, only 5 mm. from station, with gas. water, electricity acces sible. Price only si io, on gooa terms. Mccormick. Main 318. IMPROVED acres irrigated alfalfa; 3 room house, sleeping porcn. 1 arn. A stanchions, chicken house, shed, hogpen ; price $-b0, $2400 cash, mortgage $400. Box 4. lob aioienos. uu TWO acres, choice river front, also river view acreage anu oiner aerease in tne vi cinity of Kisley station. Inquire of owner. H. U. Starkweather, wrj .iwy. Plug. VANCOUVER 10 acres, 2 acres cleared, shack, fenced, a ml. out Pacific Highway $110O. easy terms. 412 West 24th st Vancouver. Wash. $350 5-i ACRES, good soil, no rock, elec trie station, store, pestofflce; near em ploy men t. Masters. 408 Board of Trade. srvF.N acres of cood land at Bellwood sta tion; cnerry orcnaru, smau nouse. at 1150 Taggart. -tione labor O-O-. 1120-ACRE wheat ranch in Sherman Co. for $30 per acre; terms, j o-i. oregonian. TWO acres, clear, outside city limits, tic tare, cjail at narnesa enop, ienia. lor Sale -lirma. 820 ACRES In Morrow County, 2 miles from elevator, new barn. 3-room house, stock and Implements; 240 acres now in crop and remainuer- being prepared for Spring seed in a: will accept improved Portland property in part payment remainder on crop basis; adjoining lands can be rented If desired; see owner. AG 841. Oregonian. 178-ACRE money-making gral.i and dairy farm: 12 acres beaveruam land, well tiled raised 100 bushels corn per acre; 115 acres under cultivation; 60 acres already seeded ; some good timber. Is located on Willamette River. 1 miles from Oregon Electric line. Appiy vu r,. st. FOR SALE or trade for valley farm. 20U-a. stock ranch. io a. cuiuvateu. JO a. al f Mif a. 130 a. Fall gram ; 1 l-room house. good outbuildings, water, wood ; one mile school ana town; ouisiue range; 40 cattle, 15 horses, machinery, inc. $20 per a. Terms. Owner. Box eif. .Mitcncii, or. 150 ACRES About 50 in cultivation ; & rrwtm house, cood barn, two wells, anrlnm 15 acres bearing orchard, mostly peaches; price $7000: will consider Portland home IO i)VW. - is. c mug. 165 ACRES, for farm and stock. 3 houses, one house 8 rooms; 3 barns, one well built; the-very purest running water; one mile from depot and county seat; boat landing. L. ZllliK. Kalama. Wash. DAIRY farm, over &o0 acres. In good going condition, good buildings and pienty of machinery; well stocked and only 15 miles from Portland: will take home In Port land as part payment, AP 715. Oregonian. WE have a large list of wheat and mixed farms for sale on easy terms In the famed Killam district. Larson & MacCullocu, Ltd.. Killam. Alberta. EQUIPPED farm: stock, chickens, etc., near Carrolls, Wash.; will consider good Port land home as part payment. L 746. Ore gonian. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland, $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg., Portland. LoOGED-OFF lands, $lo acre up; running water, good soil, V tillable, employment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. RICH Alberta farm land, part crop pay. mentft. Claud Cole, 213 Lumbermen bldg. REAL ESTATE, Fitr Ssile Farms. A WHEAT FARM of 32 a-ros near Lex.nK ton. practically nli under cultlVHtion. A'.l could be put in wliat this spring; 4-room farmhouse, bunk house, big b.irn, machine hed and set of oinbuKdinttc. Kine weil and pump. Near ichooi. Equipped with 4 horses, 1 John Deere plow, drill, 3-bot. Fang p'ow. weeder. cultivator. 3 v wavon, 3 -sec. harrow, small tools, 4 S'-ts burn-, etc. This farru Is owned by a widow who cannot farm it. S 1 : e will s e I for $ 2 . p e r acre and include equtpnient; "mi cash, bal. Ions time at 6 per cent. Place free of Incumbr.tnt. e. Tticker . Shreck. 1102 N. W. Bank bldg. Mam FOR SALE 40 acres. 20 acres in cultiva tion, good soil, family orchard, good slx room house with gas lighting plant, good burn and outbuildings, .several spring on Piac. water t'tued to house and barn from good well ; daily R. F. i.. school bus to good gra ted i hool, telephone. 3 miles from R. R. station. boat landing. and hi hool. Auto road. 45 mil from Iortland. I'ric $4Uim, no trnde ; will sell jttot-k and too In if desired. Owner. E. E. Gnswold, uxrols. Wn. ii EKP RANCH. BY OWNER One of the best-paying hcep ranches in Southern Ore gun, with 1 :o) head of fine Rmbuillr: f-heep, a!ua ble leaes on pastures and Summer r .in ice rights. Sheep uill pay f-r thcms'Mvcs In a year. Km rm compo5ed o? 1!0 acres, mostly rich river wash foil, . acres lUated alfulla. Water rl:lit paid for. FX: ni $ Ul.om and shep at market pri e. Hig money-maker. W 111 give easy i Tin to responsible parties. Kooiu 1 .. Medmrd Hotel. ,M-dford, Or. FOii. SALE 40 acre- fine, level land, near Pacific Highway, IS miles north of Van couver. Wash.; modern 6-room houe, good barn and outbuildings, nil new ; t acres la cult i". atton. 5 acres "Tine timber, bal ance past tire land : all fenced ; ml. to school, tur.i! rmilf. 2 nil. to Ii tVnter und boat hindlng; 4'i ml. to II. R. : $ii... $mm0 down. bal. eay terms to suit pur chaser. Owner ha asthma, can't live there. Owner. Flora Fowler, The Dales. Or. FOR SALE Stock ranch. lo arrc, adjaeent unlimit ed outrange, for fheep. goats. rattle; brook, three n r-f ailintr princs; 10 mil from Cottage irve. gmid ro.nl; one 4i in paM tire, one 40 most ly second rrw .h fir, one 40 with butldli.Kt. "5 aeres Kail M-fdrd, bM la nee fumtly orchard, clov r. Kr!-n plot;, berry patih, grourtd for Spring pluntinK. 1UX 37. CTTAGB GROVE. OR. CATTLE RANCH. f7. acre.-: 700 level. 250 iu cultivation ; fine stream throuch place, an abundance t,t outran ce : crops raised, wheat, oats, barley, u If a If a. timothy ; S.'.o head of cattle. 3U horsea, sheep and hogs; implements and plenty of feed ; clear of incumbraii. e. Price $S1.00u; rea.-onable pHvment. tomo trade. mortKage la k hr.g time. O. W. Bryan. Mam lVt3. Chamber of Commerce. WILhVll or exchange for Portland hunica low, Kl-ncre ranch In Sotit hern Ore con ; fine hunting and fishing, rich soil, spring water piped Into house: young bearing or chard, nppies. plums, berries and currants; creek Lows in front of house: fine roads year around; four-room bungalow with fireplace, well furnished, ranch well equlp p. d . A ddrera Ranch. .4 Front st. Full 6 ALE acres, 4 under cultivation, rest easy f annr, 1 V4 ml ! from Wil lamette Valley Southern Railroad ; new 4-room box hnuse. o!d barn and other outi'uiidlncs; new bricked well with pump: spring- Am not living on place. bus.n-ss keeps me in citv ; w ill s ll for $.".Mi. half c:ish. Call 174 W. Farragut st evenings. Kenton car. O ACRES 40 acres in cultivation. 20 acres in pasture, has 2 line houses, gooa Darn. 40O bearing prune trees also drier: this place Is a snap for anyone wishing to en gage In the dairy buMre in connection wuh fruit; munt sell on account of sickness- price 6500; easy terms. Louis Schmidt, owner. Castle Rock. Wash. ACRES near Milwauk te, on Oregon trail road ; good level land : some fruit treos. sm:ill house: price $J700. Phone owner, M.lwaukie. M-Y. WAMEIW RFAL ESTATE. SMALL KENTON HOME WANTED. HAVE SPOT CASH. Want 4 or 5-room house or bungalow near Kenton car line: price must be right; can make quick dal if house worth the money; up to $2ooo considered. F Fl'LTON. 3'IW Oak St. Broadway 4133. Ml -ST HAVE Roue City bungalow o $3500. Kxren- tlonHl rltent waitinir: no red tape. sshw me a good, clean, modern place and it's sold. G. C. COLD EN BERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "!S Years In Portland. Main 4o3. SHACKS ,D SMALL HOUSES. Price mii.-t be right und must b easv terms. We hae sold over CuO houses in tbe last ye-ir and If you want action, see us. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. CLIENT wants striclty modern 6-rm. resi- denre with about i a. situatea on nara sur faced road, near G res ham or out Base Line rod, or near Vancouver, Wash., up to JfliMMi. Will pn v all cash. COMDAItO & WlfeiDRlCK. 243 Stark St. V A NTE D Several ciieap Iota, not I ss than 5oiiio, thai m- ne hau on easy terms, t iive full description, lot and block num ber. J. s. Knauss, 416 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 3270. W I LL pay cash for modern 5 or 6-room bungalow- In Hose City I'arK. or in a nice Hawthorne district. Price t."oo to $4..o. Will drive by und look at the place. Ad dress .1 ,', Oregonian. HAVE severs 1 calls for 5 to 10 acres. Must be priced npht and easy terms ; Do til im proved and unimproved. Clients waiting. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY, t 1 3 Chamber of Commerce. CLIENT wants strictly modern 6-rm. resi- 6 rms. and sleeping porcn. up to 5 num. on paved street, near school. W":ll pay f .i 00 dow n. C.oDDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. BEFORE you buv, come to ireshatn. see our small farms, acreage. cr.icK.en ana nerry ranches; close to Portland and paved roans KIUDKR EI.KINGTOX. Gresham. Or. WANTED Rose City Park, from ouer, modern 5-room bungalow; every 1 1 ir.g must he first-class and below ra st. wii.inc t psv what Is right; nothing exorbitant. O jso, uregoman. WE have a buyer for a $t500 bunjtilcv in lrincton or Rose City. Some down. Cood monthly payments. Anno Kealty Co., bo Itroadu ay blug. WANTED Bungalow, must be classy an in good location, about rooms. Aaurcsa ell. Ore noma 11. u i'T,-.l) One to three acres and from 4 to 6-room house, near city limits. Call Broadway 2-rt2- WANT six-room modern bungalow. Rose City Park. Piedmont or Hawtuorne. Own er only. Phone Tabor 6045. WANTED 5 or 6-room houte in Hawthorue district; price $3m0 or les. E. J. GE1SER. 417 Chamber of Com. FIVE or six-room house, $150 dwn, $20 per month. labor 61. L i ACRES fine nut land $1500; close in. F. K. Starns, 2"2 Wilcox b.dg. HAVE buyer for five-room bunralow. under $30t0. owner only, rnona iaoor on-tj. Farms Wanted. WANTED Five acres on the Oregon City electric line, about 10 miles out. with Im provements. 20tf Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1858. CLIENT wants about 160 acres, suitable for hog ana airaua rancn. euntr in upper Hood River valley or near Chehalis valley GOUDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. WANTED About lamette Valley; Oregon Wdg- AO acres improved. In the Wll Address 200 I WANT 40 to 80 acres, with livestock and Implements: will deal with owner only. C 56. Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. FARMERS. ATTENTIO N . I have two thoroughly experienced farmers with cash money ready to buy stock and implements and pay cash for lent and Fall sesding. If any. Send me particulars and I will rent your farm lihn"t dels v. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. HK.NUtK, RITTER. LoWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED TO RENT HOOD RIVER FARM. Have client who will pay cash rent and buy stock, implements and crop. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY, 13 Chamber of Commerce. 10 TO 40 acres wltain land. 629 (.antenbem. 0 miles of Port FOR KENT FARM). FOR RENT. 660 acres, station on place; large dairy barn, fair house; water piped to an Diana, rent $125 per month, lease for 3 years. Personal for sale : 75 head of cattle. U horses. 3 bulls, full line of farm machin ery. Price $.."oo, terms. h.V) acres. 100 acres In cultivation, bal good pasture; 2 barns. large house. Will slve 3-year lease at $S0 per month. Per sonal for sale; 67 head of cattle. 10 horses. all machinery. i-rice snoou. terms. DRYER BLAIR. The Acreage Men, 510 Lewis bldg. 30 ACRES. 15 acres In cultivation, near Woodland. Wash.; good bides. Rent $100. LU BDDK M ANN COMPANY, 91 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LANDS. WANT to buy anv amount from lOO.OoO feet up, second-growth fir. 10 to 16-ln. diame ter. Lar North Bank or Oregon Electric R. R. AB S5. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1O.50O.CO0 fir and cudar saw timber, f.oO.OiKi cedar and tir piling: near river and railway. AS 510, Orcgunian. TIMBER LANDS. CEDAR pours, poies. pi .ing wanted. O. V. Gamble, Gen?nB-r bUig. TO tXriIWGK-RKAI. KSTATB. 10 ACRES Aii'tia tflulicn. '2 iniit-s S. V. of Beuverton. ail unatr cultivation. A-rooin house, barn, chicken douse, hot and cold v ater. tower und tAnk: IS acres mlxisl orchatrd. 3 acres ipjos. Tak good auto v truck. cier lors in Pori.and and $40 c:ich as t;rst pay nient. bal. plenty t lire. Priced at $-i7--.tt. J. S. Knauss, 410 Stock Even. Mdg. Main ::.T0. EXCMANOE. 7-room prac; ich) iy modem house, wit b 2 largo iotf., plenty of fruit and bturriev 3 blocks fiom the school and car. Will trade for acreage close In and assumo some. NEW YORK LAND CO.. rtnn-5 Stock Exrhar.gc 1:-1k. Mam 7Trt. u ACRES. 3i in hearing a??!e trots, bai ar.ve s-"!n ; all tine soil . one of btt iiT rtct in Ore jn ; 1 niiloa i rom sta ti.n; il(l-waik!i within 5 b'oV.?; 5-room houe. good birn. Inrwn a pp le-houe. Wi.l fxcliri;e f-r ritv property or larcer tract of land. Tai:n.ado I.eaUy Co., t10 Henry b:!g. 10 Ai'KKS in Rogue River Vailev. ntvir Medford. Oregon, consisting rf acres orchard 2 acre.- pralr. land, VJ acres as ture. 1'rice $li.uoO. Will take PorC.ir.J residence for jmrt pay ineiit. W. A. HuK. Spirit punl Motel. LA HUE N-room hons-. K. sc st.. lot r.uglixi. Price J.T'Mnt. s r, l put in $m0 Cimh and trnde for t-room bcnc.i'ow In timid s trict. J. S. Kn.us, 416 Slock Excil. blfig. M.i.n e7rt. lo ACRES, improved, 3 ni'.en from Van couver. Prica $2om0. Will rut in $lvH cash and t rade tor good bun gain w in Portland. J. s. Knauss. 416 Stock Exch. bid it. M i;n "7- Ft it S A LE or exrha ne for acr a ge r.ear City, cor-ier lot. Z i". 3-room houife. hot and coM Wat -r, bath, ja. a:ae, clc T-bor 77. 15 ACHlS. Improved tarre.iire, stork, imple mnff. cropK. J i', lor etty incum p'r.p er;les; 2 tIo"i:s frtm Grcnhurc Siation. t regon K'trlc R. K. AK lol. urcgiran. U0 ACKV-S, it .stiy -ov d. located lr one of b.st Kr.-tloiit of oulee country. Wash. W(!1 tons:li-r rsnii!l ntace tr Tort' ind prop-ert-c. v - to ' o. i. ; : 4, r gn : a n. trilAN;K nmd!l Portland hr'nie for u.i:n proved Sfaitlf prperty. Ca 11 Ta tor 1 71. TIMBKR t v.icant h laim. vnhie JXnMt, to trade for '.s, K a:iS. .M- B'-n'au. SELL or trade M lrt. Orerc '-acre South Dakota, ranch. TO ExrHANdE MlSCFLLANOrS. I HAVE J ..' mi apartment - house in .ed ford. Will travlt: it ior m-jdern honu, in Portland. What have you? L. B. BarJe, 24i Front st. I W'IIjJ- take r od work horses or cattle fo my Stutlel.aker truck. Smith. 22S Aider st FOR SALE. 1! orr, ehiclr. Livestock. ON E 275i4-pound farm team of mares, one sound, true 111 uie. one good g ra v fa rm horse. 1 loo; tea ru cf por.l-s. true to wot-: or ride ; all kinds f)f wa coins and harncn-. We take litu rty bonds L face value, lot n and J f 1 erfon. FOR SALE teams, good workers ar d in good sha p. weiuht jiH) lbs. and 23"0 lbs- 3 se: doub.e harness. 3 isecond-haud tarm w a pons ; no rcusonaMe offer re fused. 4 E. SOth sl. Mt. ScOvC car. Tatir PH:t4. CARLOAD ot good blorkv mare and geld ings, 4 to 6 cars oid, li.'O to 14t0 poun.ls; all well brokt-n. from Eastern Oregon. Stabi . East fith and Ciay. J I ST received sinpni n 1 of cow, s with cales; snie ery h-avy milkers; n!.o sonwi extra good Spri t ncrs, cximng qutit; toon. Iimi t:. !th N. Til K EE head of lu-r.-es and ha;fes and w a:,c-n re.i s-onabie price. &U J oh .is 1"4 D.viuht st. Wol'LU like to buy 25 head f Hclstein cows coming fre.-li soon. John Back, gee era I delivery . Portland. Or. OOol gntlj fa m ily ISrse. harness utd spring wagon, suuab! cir country or HgJtt citv i-'lir. 7(1 lnloC vc. Sellwood car. DEAD stock remov d jul.:y. Cash p.-id for t J e co w a and t Milwaokie r.:-j . pil O ho'Sii i ho.ie TEA SW mare and horse. 2 tnKun at lbs., sood workers; lt) it Stable, llnii-n a ce once. L una and E:ist Sa!m DEAD hors-s and animais hauled away free. Portland Rendering v o. tail Woodlawn -w. M 1 Li II 'AT for s i Tabor .Vt'.4 e; wi.l be fresh in to DEAD hordes taken iuick ; cash paid for r 42" 3. ows and crippled horses. Tabo Full SALE Fat hx. n-ady to butcher. grain fed. Phon Woodlawn all3. I'l'JS for sala. 6 weeks to 4 months old. :c.J Miiwauki TWO big t.ims. with Isarn: ill 11 cheap. Woodyard, 4th and Clay fts. ONE Sl-.-KHl!in cow. .ius. fresh. Woodyard, r ourth and Clay Ms. I W ILL tak good work hors. a or cattle for my Mud-bakcr tr k. Mr.ith. 2 Alder t. IManoa, Organs and Musical Instruments SECURITY STuR. C'X CLEARANCE SALE A.i stored uifu pta:ios and oir.s. Parlor orc.ni for $.!. ar.d...$ :;s cish I'priht p;.in.. $T5 and t"iah $:io .-ton y Camp, lurge upright lli raa ;-i7.", Bradford, smail upright I"'' cash $ ;75 Lyon v Hca.y. mahy. upright M' iasd $450 standard, larse upriKht lt-tnH $4"tti S neer, wa'oiit. upriw.it 2l5tash $4'5 Br..t.forii. f:emh oak up'uht iteh $.".o Tho;njson. iim h-o; a ny up'i;l,t cusli $ 4 "' S c h 1 1 i ! r js Sons, wa1. np'itt '" cash $4m pew stored Up; lilt p 1 1 ti ts . . . '0casfl 1:In mode- st- K-T upright... ..'.." c.ish $f.;.ti r.n mod-', player p.ano li'O cni.'i $."o iyp inod'-I p. aver piano 4.." casli Part cash. bom:s and other securias accepted, pianos tmutfht and told for csii on.y. Storag-- 50c uu-nthty. I'hone Maip .".; j:;. D. 4th st . at Wah :n Rt on st. SPECIAL sale of used piuiics. Our space Is limited. Must make room for larte Incoming hipiucnts of tlie famous Wick & Shattuck pianos, t'.ft one ot these bargains whilo taey last. Swick c Co.. amail upright. ebony case .$125 Re mine & Ion g. sma II upright 1 ." Automatic rebuilt piano, go It) en oak 1 7 5 Weiler Boudoir style, mahogany .... 250 Bally b- note Player-piano, uev $750 now 4 50 Genuine Shattuck Piano, fumed oak ;;-4 2 Art style, Louis XlV ;."0 new f.;H All these instraiaents In good order ami are fine pianos, come and look them over. Easv terms. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO, 427 Wash St. FIN E pla-er pis no, standard make, latest style umhoRauy case ; nt a bcrati U ; bo'ugh: . in- a,.is ao. encn ami eoou itiu fcic. Will "ll nt a great reduction. Will also consider terms w.th responsible party. t;ail 142 Broadway. $15 VICTHOL.V and records, nearly new, $m): Kimball tusedi, $'J3; SLcinway square t lined . $ 1-5 : $-5" pianola and 5d rohs fine shapei, $0. HAROLD S. GILBERT, "S4 Yamhill Rt. PIANO WANTED. Will pay higliest cash prle for uaed piano; let us give you our bid before sell ing. Seiberltng & Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main e;b6. $J5 TO $ 50 saved buying pianos during factory clearance sale; cash or terms; $15 or $25 cash. $6. $', MO or more month. See our display aver;isemcnt or call at' Sehwan Piano Co, 111 Fourth st.. at Wash. XitADE our old piano or organ for new phonograph and records; ltber.l allowance made; estimate gladly given. Seiberling 4c Lucas Muic Co.. 125 4th st. Mtin h.'.srt. $75 TAKES an almost new Brunswick cabi net phonoKrsph with 22 gx)d record-. Lowxow. 63d at., bet. C6th and 67th aves. T ake WS cn r WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND B AND 1 N T R L" M ENTS. S E I I? E KLI NG UTS MUSIC CO.. 1J5 4TH tiT. $15 MA HOG AN Y cabinet phonograph in4 about 2J records; price, all. $,o. Can be seen at 106 East 16th st. USE of good piano for storage: give best of ca re ; no small i h i ; d re n. 51 rs. Ueo. W . Brown. 214 E. 3"d st. PIANO, just ured short time, late s;j- e; sell at a big reduction; terms givn. Seiberling A Lucas Music Co., 4ia st. CASH paid for the player rolls you are tired of. Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill. FlANod tuned, $3. O-'ornf T. Peck. Tabor 57 4. . (Irad. New Eng. Conservatory. tlANu w ante priva :e p. rt pay cash for bargain Iroiu t. Marshall 1517. I PAY CASH FOR I'SED PIANOS. HAROLD S. U1LI) ERT. 34 Yamhill rt. MAHOGANY CABINET. EDISON IUSC FOR SALE. MAKE OFFER. 1 2H 1ST S WILL trade upright grand edectric or hand p i a no ior good li ght auto. 3 ' X Oa k . WANTED Piano or player, any condition, f o r c s h . AG MO, O r e k o n i a n. FoR SALE Used p.ano in good condition. Cn!! MQ Morgan b.dg. FOR SALE Piano. Apply 4 N. 2. Id st. $175 Mar for sale cash. Marshall 7'.s. Dog-, Rabbits. Hrds. Pet Stock. CHOICE canaries at the e canary bird shop. C 2217. 1151 E 2hth st. N. FOR SALE Pedigreed Airedale pup. fe m?lf ; reasonable. Columbia lo7. DANDY Aireda.e pups tfomale). 6 mo. o.a $10. AN S02. Or-..n,an. Poultry. FOR SALE Laying pullets and hens. White and Brown Leghorn. 7s7 Orogon., R, c. car. BABY CHICKS ALL LEADING VAIUE TIE? "Right chl:ks at rtght prices. C N. Xeedham, box 412, Salem, Or. i