Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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City Kdltor Main 7070. A fns
runaay Kdltor Main 7"". A "-'
Advertising Ilotinrlinmt. . .Main 770. A 0!"
Superintendent of RuilUinfr. Main 7070. A 6095
rL-BI,TC AUrTTOrtIUM (Third at Clay and
-Mai kt-t) Wrund opera. 'Aliitiame liutler-
ly." Tonight.
BAKER (Broadway, near Morrison) Baker
Players in "Here Comes the - Bride." To-
AI.CAZAR (Mnrrtson at Eleventh) Alcazar
Players in "Broadway and Buttermilk."
PANTAGKS (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily. 2:30, 7 and 9:05.
HrpPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, '2 to 5,
fi:4.s to 11 P. at. (Saturdays, Sundays and
holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M.
STKA.VD ( Wnnhington street, between Park
and West Park) Vaudeville and moving
pictures, continuous.
LYRIC (Fourth and Stark) Lyric company
in "The Mardl Grai." This afternoon at
-:.'30 and tonight at 7:30.
On Sale at
Business Office. Oregontan.
County Fees Tukned Over. Fees
turned over by County Clerk Beveridge
to County Treasurer Lewis for the
month of January totaled $7138.70. ac
cording to statistics compiled yester
day. Circuit Court earned fees totaled
5.i62.35 and recording fees $2272.95.
Fines amounted only to $165. Other
sources of the turnover are: Declara
tions of intention, petitions for citizen
ship, interest on bank balance, Probate
Court earned fees, torrens and record
ing marginals. Probate and Circuit
Court library fees turned over to the
Multnomah County Law Library Asso
ciation totaled $519.50. Fish and game
fes turned over to O. P. lloff. State
Treasurer, totaled $21S.02.
Isaac Marcosson to Speak. Isaac K.
Marcosson, writer of international fame
on industrial and commercial prob
lems of the present day, will speak
under the direction of the Chamber of
Commerce at a joint luncheon at the
I'.enson Hotel Monday noon, February
10, which will be attended by mem
bers of the Chamber of Commerce, Ad
Club, Kiwanis Club and the Progres
sive Business Men's Club. It is ex
pected that the Kotary Club members
and members of the Kealty Board will
also take advantage of tnis opportunity
to Ret the special information on the
industrial situations of the war and
post-war periods whicli have been sur
veyed by Mr. Marcosson in Europe and
Memorial Plans Taking Fhape.
The committee in charge of erecting a
proper memorial for Oregon's war
heroes will soon be called together by
Mayor Baker for the purpose of be
ginning: the work whicli is hoped will
end by the erection of the memorial
scheme planned upon. Under the ten
tative plans which have been approved
by the committee, the Park blocks will
be used as "Victory Mall." Kfforts
will be made to have a central railway
station of proper artistic design erected
at the north end of the Mall. Suitable
arches and monuments will be erected
under the proposed plan and a me
morial hospital will be erected at the
end of the Mall.
Christian Science Lecture. Third
Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city
announces two free lectures on Chris
tian Science by Dr. John M. Tutt. C. S.
., of Kansas City. Missouri, member
of the board of lectureship of the
Mother Church, the First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., in
First Church edifice. Nineteenth and
Everett streets, Thursday and Friday
evenings, February e ant. 7, at
8 o'clock. Doors will open at 7:30. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Opera Association Elects. Mrs. E.
L. Thompson has been elected president
of the Portland Opera Association to
succeed Charles F. Berg, who has re
signed because of other business duties.
Airs. Thompson .was formerly first vice
president of the association, and is an
enthusiast for home opera productions.
Ira L. Riggs has been elected to suc
ceed Mrs. Thompson as first vice-president.
Various voice are now being
'"tried out," to fill leading roles in the
opera "Elixir of Love" (Donizetti),
to be produced early in May.
Chinese Opium Dealer Fined. Ah
Sam, Chinese,, was arrested by Lieuten
ant Thatcher and Sergeant Van Overn,
of the war emergency squad, yester
day afternoon for conducting an opium
joint at 87 Second street. Ah Sam is
tJ5 years old and has been arrested a
number of times before. He appeared
before .Turge Rossman in Municipal
Court, pleaded guilty to the charge,
and was fined $50. He was allowed to
take his money, papers and pipes away
with him.
School Board Meeting Postponed.
The regular school board meeting
scheduled for this afternoon will be
postponed, in all probability, until to
morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The
change has been made at the request
of Director Plummer, who is out of the
city. Among the matters which will
be presented to the board by Acting
Superintendent Grout will be the names
of new teachers eligible for election
to the Portland public schools.
Worker Injured By Fall. Charles
Primp, 43, a laborer at the Columbia
liiver shipyards, suffered a badly in
jured shoulder when he fell from a
scaffold while at work yesterday after
noon. He was taken to the Good
Samaritan Hospital by the A.nbulance
Service Company. He resides at 4235
Fort y-eighth avenue.
Auto Dealer Loses Action. Dam
ages of $225 were awarded Rcy Walters
in a suit tried before Circuit Judge
(jatens yesterday against AV. II. AVall
ingford, auto dealer. The plaintiff
asked for $1500, alleging? that Mr.
Wallingford had sold him a 1917 model
car on the representation that it was
a 191S model.
Ed De Young Is Sentenced. Ed "Do
"Voung convicted in the Circuit Court
of forgery in connection with a real es
tate transaction, was sentenced to from
months to two years in the peni
tentiary by Judge Tucker yesterday.
His case was analogous to that of
3. A. Hatfield, convicted a week prior
to De Young.
Lang Estate Invested. County
Judge Tazwell yesterday authorized
Julius Lang and Isador Lang, execu
tors of the estate of the late Max Lang,
to invest $250,000 of the property in
I'nited States Treasury certificates
of indebtedness. The estate was ap
praised at $265,317, chiefly in promis
sory notes.
Cartozian's Oriental Rug Sale.
R.iising $75,000 from the sale of our
collection of beautiful oriental rugs;
every one reduced. Lowest prices guar
anteed. Liberal credit if desired. Car
toxian Bros., Inc., Pittock Block, 393
Washington street. Adv.
Dr. AVilson oiinston, of the firm of
Doctors Coffey, Jones. Sears, Joyce &
Johnston, has returned and resumed
his practice, 1101 Stevens buildinff.
"V. Kaspar. ladies' tailor, 504 Royal
building. Spring fabrics and styles.
Sold in Portland Exclusively at
Lennon's Annex, The AVaist Shop, Port
land Hotel Court. Vogue patterns. Adv.
Multnomah Elite Dances every Sat
urday night, Multnomah Hotel, Mez
zanine floor. Soldier benefit. Adv.
Razors Honed, safety blades sharpened.
'Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th, near Stark.
Soldier Dance. Cotillion Hall, Thurs
day, February 6. All come. Adv.
Dr. Calvin S. White, 415 Selling
building. Tel. M. 711. Adv.
Dr. Whiteside has returned; 907
Journal building. Adv.
AA'ebb's Dance Orchestra Bdy. 2517.
Dr. T,. O. Rorerts has returned.
HS'i Killineswortn, ave. Ady,
Impostors Deceive Officer. Two
unidentified men secured substantial
meals and a valuable Swiss watch
early yesterday morning when they en
tered a restaurant at S5 North Sixth
street and played the part of pro
prietors and cooks. The place was
opened for business by the intruders,
who played their parts so cleverly that
even Patrolman H. E. Travis, who re
members having stepped into the
restaurant and chatted with the men,
was deceived. Officer Travis says that
the men wore aprons and were cooking
when he called upon them on his
rounds. The truth became known
when the real proprietor appeared at
his place later in the morning.
Fire Prevention Is Topic. Fire pre
vention will be demonstrated to the
residents of Portland through an ex
hibition to be staged at the Audito
rium on Thursday, February 13. The
exhibition is in line with suggestions
made by the National Fire Prevention
Association in an effort to lower the
fire losses of large cities. Motion pic
tures showing fire preventio.. methods
and the disastrous effects of the failure
to adopt the simple preventive meas
ures will be shown. Through the ef
forts of Fire Chief Dowell and Fire
Marshal Grenfell an exhibition will be
staged by members of the Portland
Fire Bureau which should prove inter
esting as well as informing.
Fall Fatal to Shipworker. A. J.
Bidbern, of the Emerson Apartments,
1146 Williams avenue, died at Good
Samaritan Hospital yesterday as a re
sult of injuries received when he fell
from a scaffold into the hold of a ship
under construction at the Grant Smith
Porter shipyards yesterday morning.
He was conscious when brought to the
hospital by the Ambulance Service
Company, but died soon after arrival
there. The remains were removed to
the public morgue. Mr. Bidbern was
24 years of age and is survived by his
motorman Arrested by Police. R.
A'assar, a motorman, was arrested at
Sixth and Washington streets yester
day afternoon for driving a streetcar
in a reckless and negligent manner.
Officer Burkes, who made the arrest,
declared that the speed of the car was
dangerous to the public safety. The
motorman was released on his own
recognizance and will be given a hear
ing today.
Japanese Seeks Divorce. Kikue
Ichimura, Japanese, desires to resume
her maiden name of Konda and a di
vorce from her husband, Xusunosuke
Ichimura, in a divorce suit instituted
yesterday. She alleges desertion.
Other suits filed in the Circuit Court
were: Ned Arnold against Le A'ada
Aronld. neglect, and Ellen C. AVeist
against John L. Weist. cruelty.
Committee 'Will Meet in Olympia on
Friday to Outline Plans for
Meeting Peace Problems.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 5. (Special.)
Governor Lister tonight announced
his appointment of five members of
the veterans welfare commission, cre
ated by recent enactment, and provided
with an appropriation of $500,000 from
state funds to be used at discretion of
the commission in aiding returned sol
diers. Commissioners appointed are: Com
mander Miller Freeman, United States
Naval reserve corps and recent com
mander of the naval training station
at Seattle; Right Rev. Frederick AV.
Keator, Tacoma, Episcopalian Bishop
of the Diocese of Olympia: John H.
Powell, attorney, Seattle; J. K. Mc
Cormack, banker of Spokane; William
Short, Seattle, president of the State
Federation of Labor.
In the same announcement the Gov
ernor requests the newly appointed
commission to meet in Olympia Friday
to organize and immediately begin
work. Attention is called by the Gov
ernor to the fact that one of the com
mission, Miller Freeman, is himself a
veteran, and two others. Bishop Keator
and J. K. McCormack, each have a son
in service overseas. Mr. Short visited
battlefronts during the war.
Oscar Gerhauser Flics Affidavit In
Motion for Xew Trial.
Oscar Gerhauser, witness for the
state in the prosecution of D. A. Hat
field, found guilty of a fraudulent real
estate deal in the court of Judge
Tucker, filed an affidavit in the Cir
cuit Court yesterday denying that he
ever saw or heard of Carl Shieve, one
of the jurors in the case, or that he
owed him any money.
In a motion for a new trial for Hat
field, to be heard Saturday, the attor
neys for the defendant allege, among
other things, misconduct of the jury,
asserting that Mr. Gerhauser owed Mr.
Shieve $800 and that this influnced Mr.
Shieve's vote. The chief basis for the
motion, however, is an affidavit by Ed
DeYoung, who was found guilty of an
offense similar to that of Hatfield, the
week following Hatfield's trial.
It would throw the guilt on another
Barracks at County Hospital Chief
Item of Expense.
The cost of handling the anti-influenza
campaign in Portland under di
rection of Director Sommer reached a.
total of $12,579, according to a report
filed with the City Council showing
expenditures up to January 28.
The principal item of expense was
the erection of barracks adjacent to
the County Hospital, which cost $9000.
Because of the wane in the epidemic
the barracks have not yet been utilized
but will remain ready for use in the
event of a third flareup of the epi
demic. Salaries of employees of the
Consolidated Health Bureau .imounted
to $750, while material for the manu
facture of gauze masks, khich were
not generally used, cost $1408. The ex
pense of operating the consolidated
bureau will be borne equally by the
city, county and school board.
Men Iicavinjr Fire Bureau for Better
Positions Are Barred.
Positions in the. fire bureau were held
open for returning soldiers and men
who left the department to enter the
shipyards and other war industries at
larger salaries will not be reinstated.
This position was taken by the City
Council yesterday following the recom
mendations made by City Commis
sioner Bigelow, who in a report advised
the denial of a petition recently filed
with the Council by the Local No. 43,
International Association of Fire
Fighters asking that all former em
ployees of the fire bureau who had en
tered war industries be returned to
work in the bureau. The recommenda
tion was adopted by the council.
Grand Larceny Is Charged.
CHEHALTS, Wash., Feb. 5. (Spe
cial.) J. E. Keller, formerly well
known Lewis County sawmill man, is
in the Lewis County Jail to. answer
a charge of grand larceny preferred
by AV'iHiam Oliver, of the Oliver Hard-
Here's another tip about cer
tain very timely specials in
Men's Suits and
It may prove a reminder to
you, Mr. Man, to "speed up"
and share in the savings
which this ,
Clean-tip Sale
presents. Really attractive
values are offered in Suits
and Overcoats at
$24 and $34
Some of them bearrnjf the
label of the famous "House
o f Kuppenheimer.".P r e 1 1 y
good assortment of styles and
ware Company. Keller is accused of
buying an automobile from the Oliver
Hardware Company on a contract and
not paying for same, removing it from
the"Btate in violation of his agreement.
Keller has been in court locally on
previous occasions.
Consideration or Bids for Summer
Concerts Delayed.
Soldier musicians who have served
with the army overseas will furnish
Portland its music at the Summer band
concerts, if a suggestion offered by
Mayor Baker yesterday is adopted.
In a report to the City Council, which
was enthusiastically adopted. Mayor
Baker suggests that, all bids for fur
nishing Summer band concerts be re
jected at this time and that the boys
who serves overseas be favored in this
He suggests that the awarding of the
bids for the concerts be delayed until
after the old Third Oregon regiment,
the Oregon boys of the 91st Division
and the 65th Artillery have returned.
At the Theaters.
WHEN Peggy Hyland, English
beauty, is featured in a photoplay
and presented to Strand patrons, the
event invariably proves a worth-while
one in the way of entertainment and
patrons who go to see the vaudeville
part of the bill "stay over" to see the
charming little film star. In her new
est contribution she is featured in "The
Girl of No Regrets," and the story is
a thrilling and instructive revue, just
as the title suggests, of the life of one
girl who has no regrets. The picture is
especially interesting because Its story
carries a sense of the reality.
Through episodes that carry her into
actual participation in underworld life,
and later into a stratum of artificial
social activity, the one girl is carried,
clean and sweet, resisting temptation
and ending the story happy, "with no
regrets" of wrong doing. There is a
melodramatic flavor to the happenings
which makes it all the more of interest.
Topping the list of vaudeville attrac
tions is Billy Caine, who raises Cain
with his audience's affections and
keeps 'em laughing at his droll, new
stories. He sings, too, and his audience
likes all the sparkly, new material he
Caine has a pleasing personality.
A sweet singer is Evelyn Elaine,
whose voice is unusually clear and
bell-like. The audience liked her and
her pretty ways as well as her lovely
From the sawdust ring to the foot
lights have leaped Kquillo and Maybelle,
who present a sensational offering,
featuring a slack wirs novelty of di
verting turns. Kquillo amazes with his
hand jump of six feet or over from a
position in which he hand balances on
the wire.
A musical melange, in which excel
lent piano music is featured, is spon
sored by a talented pair, AVeller and
The Screen Telegram adds current
interest and information.
Commissioner Barbur Insists on
Rcgulir Calendar Course.
"Urgent" matters presented to the
City Council by common consent of the
nembers, but not tabulated on the
weekly calendar, were delayed yester
day by City Commissioner Barbur, who
protested against the presentation 'of
business which the Councilmen had no
opportunity of studying in advance.
Under the rules, by consent of all
members, matters may be considered
even, though not on the calendar. For
some time this class of business has
assumed huge proportions, according
to Commissioner Barbur. and his ac
tion yesterday, he said. H as' aimed to
stop it.
Effective Sunday, February 9,
train leaving Portland at 5:15
A. M., which has heretofore been
scheduled to Cazadero on Sunday only
will hereafter leave at 4:30 A. M. and
run daily to Estacada, arriving at Es-
taeaaa at o:v a. -si. Jn aourtionai train
will leave Estacada daily, affective
February 9. at 6:30 P. M.. arriving in
Portland at 8 P. M. Adv.
Christian Brothers to Play.
The Christian Brothers' Alumni bas
ketball team will play the Silent Five
quintet on the Y. a!. C. A. floor next
Tuesday night. Th Silent Five and
Christian Brothers' Alumni teams met
earlier in the season, the former trnui
winning, after a hotly contested game.
The Christian Brothers" Alumni team is
after a game with South Parkway and
if they defeat the Silent Five they will
claim the independent championship.
Rosenblatt Concert Scat Sale.
Now open at Sherman-Clay & Co.,
Sixth and Morrison streets. Adv.
Seasoned elabwood ana Inside wood,
green stamps, for cash, lioluiaa fuel
Co. Main 3i3, A 3333. Adv.
f" ' mm ' w.,---"-v
.- MM S3 Jfc
' III II I aWWII ' 1 ' ' "V
The. Supreme
of wisdom and experience is
upon the business Avorld at this
Never has there been greater
need of acumen, of keen and dis-
criminating judgment, than in
solving the manifold problems
that have arisen as the result of
the sudden and unexpected end
ing of the Avar.
Many a firm, in times past,
has bridged the gulf betAveen
failure and success through its
connection with a strong, firmly
established banking institution.
Have you carefully considered
the needs of your concern, and
decided Avhether its banking con
nection is adequate?
Ladd & Tilton Bank, pioneer
of the NorthAvest, offers its Avide
'experience, its facilities, its con
nections, home and foreign, to
its depositors.
Army Order Just Issued Gives Re
strictions Regarding AA'caring
of Service Garb.
Private tailors who solicit soldiers
for the purpose of uniforms or who
sell to them violate existing laws and
court trouble for themselves.
As the law stands, returning enlisted
men are to return their uniforms with
in four months from date of discharge,
but a measure before Congress is de
signed to give them their outfits per
manently. Other prescribed orders and
restrictions regarding wearing of the
uniform, of interest to discharged sol
diers, have just been issued.
The Army order follows:
Present luvr authorizes a discharged offi
cer or uoldler to wear hia unirorm from the
place -of discharge to his home, within three
months of the date of his discharge lrum
the service. Thereafter the of l leer may
wear his uniform only upon occasions of
The enlisted man must return his uniform
within four months of date of discharge;
but can wear it as stated above.
An act is row before Conpress which. If
passed, will authorize enlisted men to keep
the uniform which they are permitted to
war hnme. and to wear that particular
College Preparatory
Schools Day
and Night
Offers rapid and thorough
preparation for college to
ambitious young1 men.
Accredited to all colleges
and universities on the Pa
cific Coast.
Registration for Spring
work must be arranged be
fore February 10.
First Year
Business Administra
tion and Accountancy
Night School opened Feb. 5. j
negisi ration closes rcb. 15.
v Will complete course in
time to enter Junior Class
next October.
Business School
Day and Night
Business and Secretarial
Courses. Bookkeeping,
Typewriting;, Short hand.
Penmanship, Spelling;,
Arithmetic. Other business
Salesmanship Class
Auto - Tractor
Day and Night
. Practical Shop and Lab
oratory instruction.
Prepare now for Spring
and Summer demands.
Radio Telegraphy
600 men prepared for Gov
ernment service last year.
New class opens now.
Reduced rates to returned
Membership in Y free.
Addreaa !!. C. Call Room
416, or Phone Main &Ofl,
a o:u
I - - I i " m'
-V II II Til ' Hm
Washington dnd. Third Street
uniform only, provided some distinctive
mitrk or Insignia, to be Issued bv the War
Department, shall be worn.
It will thus be clearly seen that neither
under exiMInc or proposed law will a dis
charged soldier be permitted to ear uni
forms made by civilian or other tailor.
They may legally wear only the particular
uniform which they have been permitted to
Commanding- officers of ramps, posts and
Ftattons will give the widest publlcitv to
this information, both anionic the soldirxs
of their commands and in the local prens.
No person will be permitted to solicit orders
for or deliver uniforms to soldiers about to
be discharged, persons or concerns persist
ing In selling uniforms to such soldiers,
after having been warned not to do so. will
not be permitted o come on or do business
on the reservation.
Oregon Hotel Men Urge Need of
Enacting Road Legislation.
A warm indorsement of the proposed
road legislation for the means it will
be of employing: soldiers was passed
by the Uregon Hotel Men's Association
at Its meeting Tuesday.
The resolution follows:
Whereas. Tt In mnxt npatfl rv fn r-.
fttubiliiy of business in Oregon that labor be !
provided for the unemployed, and believing
that no more practical method can be
adopted by the state iroverninent than is
contemplated by the proposed bill appro
priating $10,000,000 for road construction,
Whereas, In our opinion a Brave emergency
exists because of the unrest recognized as
prevailing in labor circles and for providing
work for returning soldiers, therefore, be it
Resolved. That we urue the Orvgoii Iegis
ltnr speedily to enn-t h bill into law
Take breakfast, luncheon or
fine quality food, excellently
most pleasing; surroundings.
127 Broadway
; fK - . -X . i
Ellison-White Lyscum Bureau pre
eent Irvin P. Cobb, at the Auditorium.
Tuesday evening. February 11. 60c, oe,
$1.00: war tax extra. Seat eale opens
February 7. Slicrman-Clay'a and Meier
&. i'ranKs'. Main Floor.
: - - J -
- 1
5 Vf"? t ' - I
" r -1 1 i . WIN.!
Hi; U'j
' ill: a Ha B
I ' '
and to attach the emergency cl.iu? to t.
beaupe we want the employment for Id le
men now. and believe the emergency Is so
great that the matter cannot be safely de
ferred for the period required to fcubintt the
matter to the people for a vote.
The woman's committee of the Coun
cil of National Defense has adopted the
same health standards for women in
industry as those issued by the Army
ordnance department.
Corner Sixth and Stark
I m
- " . . - AT U . .K mmW ...
Ill l M4 r' -"-VITt- uMlJ
For Valentine Day
the sweetest remembrance of all is
Hazelwood Candy
We have prepared some lovely red
satin boxes in heart shape all packed
with our choicest candies there are
other novel ideas also that will appeal
to you as Valentines.
dinner at the Hazelwood
prepared and served in the
388 Washington St.
Infants d Invalids
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infanta, invalids ! growing children.
Pure n u tri tion . upbui Id m g tb whole bod y.
Invigorates nursing mothers tad the aged.
More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc
Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking.
Substitute. Cost T0U Stmt Piic
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
Mar. MMIO or
HMmt aooo.
Mr .J. F.Myers
fl r .'i in r-i-'li-J
Th REWARD In a new, modern an
e.esanily appointed hotel. posesMnc
one of i Lin uiont beautiful corner loo
bl-s In l lie Northwest. Located at
lotn and Alder sts.. opposite Olda.
Wort man at King's blc department
store in heart ot retail aud theater
dmtrtct. Haifa. $1 and up. Bui
meeti all tralna. ' V" car also rum
from Union lepot direct to Ho tat
biiWAKO. AV. M. Seward, Prop.
446 Uanhinrtnn Mnwl.
Ltrff, ry rooms, elegant y 1 urnlpbctrl. In
heart of retail and iheattr district, strict;
modern, aosolutely fireproof, clean and qu ! -urround
in gs Hoc ma without bat h. ( l.Ort.
Room a wlt.i bath. )l.r0 and up. Our (I 0
rooms equal I a any 91.50 rooms In tiie city.
Our' rooms with balh at $1.?0 fqual to an
$-00 in lty. Special rates by r-k o.
month. Best rooms lu city lor tba xuoneir.
A 1oilrra1eT-Irlrd Hotel of Merit
F.nTt Morrtxon S. and ('. Mith.
Sl.. Per Ifaj. Ino In Hoom Sl.7.
When you think of
Filing and Record
Systems designed,
simplified, installed.
Glass & Prttdhomme Co. j
65-67 Broadway
ere are the maid5
1 chPerv And bright
With neAtejt c&ps
cf snowy white.
In makindflOLSbh
Its pure ernd .oood
Office Furniture & Appliances
HAasxau. coao
JtMAimrrf oAimCmfti
pni om inmt, ninuNt MI4M
323. 'Washington St, (Near 6th)
Choice Roasts,' Steaks, Chops,
Chicken, Fish, Eprfrs, etc.
150, J0, 25p
! and' all short orders, any time
I of day or night
Excellent Chicken Dinner Sunday
t r ft
'- -