TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY C, 1919. REDS FLEE WHEN U. S. MACHINE GUNS PLAY French contemporary artists, -who, with Forain, was one of the originators of the art of camouflage, is to make her home here with her husband at least for a time. She is a daughter of Fran cis Wilson, the American actor-author-lecturer, but her marriage to Baron Huard made her a member of one of France's most eminent families. . Huard and wife are to live in Bev erly Hills, it is stated. They will rest after a long period of war work in France. They are maintaining Aux iliary Hospital No. 232 in Paris, where there are 120 beds for sufferers from shell-shock and head wounds, by the sale of the art works of the Baroness and her husband. The hospital will continue in operation for six months after the signing of peace. The Baroness is on a Nation-wide lecture tour in behalf of her hospital, and is to speak on "My Home in the Field of Honor." RFflS PI AY FflflTRAI I WITH RFWFRfll 'fiHFAIl bTARTS TODAY I I II WbllUIIIII. Nrf IIMIW Bolsheviki in Northern Russia Badly Punished. Korniloff's Body Horribly Mu tilated by Bolsheviki. I? THE MOST ASTOUNDING, UNUSUAL AND UNCONVENTIONAL MOTION PICTURES EVER TAKEN. ALLIED LINE FIRMLY HELD RIENDS WATCH WILD ORGY Tlecent Reverses Said to Have low ered Enemy's Morale; French men, Surprised, Show Spirit. ""- "ubejctv cogNw, zjZr RELIEF AGENCIES MERGED EXPERIMENT IS EXPECTED TO SAVE COUNTY MUCH MONEY. Famous Russian Commander Meets ARCHANGEL, Feb. 5. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Heavy losses were in flicted on the Bolsheviki by the Ameri can forces Tuesday and the enemy was driven back in disorder from the vil lage of Vistavka, on the Vaga. The American casualties were five killed and several wounded.. Many Bolshevik soldiers were taken prisoner by the Americans. The enemy early in the morning be gan a bombardment witti field guns and howitzer and, under cover of a ehrapncl and pompom barrage, essayed a frontal attack with infantry In the Arctic twilight at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The American troops, who were rested after their retirement from Shenkursk and were now estab lished in a good position, poured a heavy fire from artillery and machine guns into the charging Bolsheviki, whose ranks broke and fled into the woods. Flank Attack. Abandoned. Captured Bolsheviki declared that the enemy had planned a flank attack simultaneously with the frontal move ment, but this was abandoned when the Vistavka attempt failed. Chinese and Manchu troops are now Included in the Bolshevik forces oppos ing the Americans on the Vaga. So far they have been held in reserve, but the Americans are preparing a warm reception for the yellow soldiers if they appear in the fighting line, in view of Stories reaching them of the Manchu treatment of prisoners in the Baltic provinces. Yesterday's defeat of the enemy on the Vaga, together with his failure on the Kvina, typified the spirit of the American and other allied troops, who are fighting with the utmost deter mination to hold their position until reinforcements can reach them. These defeats have considerably lowered the enemy morale, but the Bolsheviki are being constantly reinforced and, while their offensive has been temporarily checked, there are indications that it will be renewed when fresh Bolshevik forces reach the line. Frenchmen Show Spirit. Details were received at headquar ters today of the bravery displayed by a little squad of about 15 Frenchmen, who were victims of an enemy raid on the village of Bolshoie Ozero Monday. Mistaking the enemy for returning Russian prisoners of war, the French detachment permitted the Bolsheviki to advance close to their position. They then fownd themselves suddenly sur rounded by a force of 150 of the enemy. Called upon to surrender, the French men refused and tried to fight their way out. Two were killed, threi were wounded and six were unaccounted for for a time. Four of these six turned up today, two of them wounded, ap parently having escaped from their captors. The situation is unchanged on the Dvina and railroad fronts. Allied troops were again forced to retire in the face of Bolshevik attacks along the Pinega River, but the positions of the Americans at the town of Pinega have not Deen attacked. SECRETARY BALFOTB HOPEFUL Military Intervention in Russia on Large Scale Improbable. PARIS, Feb. 5. Military intervention in Russia on a large scale is not to be thought of, declared Arthur J. Balfour, Britisn Foreign Secretary, in an inter view last Hignt. The great powers were doing everything they considered could be done, however, he said, in dealing with what he characterized as a most disquieting situation." As to the general work of the peace conierence. the Foreign Secretary de clared all possible haste was being maae to settle on the peace terms. "Let public opinion be reassured." he said. "The delegates to the peace con ference have no intention of employing dilatory methods. They are using all their energy and skill to attain as soon as possible the Just peace to which the whole world .spires. That is their one aim, their sole ambition." Alliances between the various na tions will not be affected by the .exist ence of the society of nations now in process of formation, said Secretary Jbairour. He was asked the direct ques tion as to whether the formation of the world society would involve the abro gation of alliances. "The constitution of the league of nations, he responded, "will involve no modification of the treaties of alliance previously concluded. "As to the question whether special coalitions of two or several peoples could be formed aside from the league. Mr. Balfour added, "the conference alone can decide. STORE CLUB7YEARS OLD Annual Banquet of Lion Clothing Company Employes Held. The seventh annual get-to-gether Danquet or the Lion Service Club was held last night at the Chamber of Com merce. Twenty-five employes of the Lion Clothing Company were present and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kuhn were hosts. Mr. Kuhn is manager of the Lion etores. W. F. Whitely, of the Income Tax Company, gave a talk on efficiency. jmer speaKers discussed matters per taming to the operation of the store during the coming year and subjects of mutual benefit to employer and em ploye, for which purpose the Lion Club was organized seven years ago. MEETING PLANS DISCUSSED Bend to Entertain Livestock Associ ation in April. BEND, Or., Feb. 5. (Special.) Plan for entertainment of the Oregon Caul & Horse Raisers" Association, which will hold its annual convention here in April, were outlined today by the Bend Commercial Club, and will be an nounced in detail in the near future. A feature of the preparations, it was learned, will be a campaign for new members. BARONESS HUARD COMING Wife of Camouflage Artist to Live in Los Angeles. Baroness Frances Wilson Huard. the distinguished American wife of Le Baron Huard, one of the most famous Under New Plan Case Committee Will Determine Disposition of Doubtful Appeals. Practical abolition of the County Board of Relief in the absorption of its work by the Public Welfare Bureau was decided upon at the meeting of the Multnomah County Commissioners yesterday. The proposition, which Is to prevent duplication of work and ex pense, is a measure which will be given a thorough trial, but if not satis factory the old system can be restored on a 10 days' notice. The County Commissioners and three persons to be selected by the public Welfare Bureau will act as a perma nent case committee to determine the disposition of doubtful cases. Under the new plan the Public Wel fare Bureau will receive and interview all applicants, visit needy families, rec ommend relief, etc. It will furnish outdoor relief in emergency cases where the persons have lived in Mult nomah County more than three months, and relief for all cases where the per sons have resided in this county less than that period. The county will pro ide the relief for the cases of more han three months' residence, except In the emergencies and it will reimburse the bureau for its expense in regard to those. Henry Griffin, chief clerk of the board of relief, will remain In the em ploy of the county and act with the welfare bureau for the time being, at east. The consolidation creates no new positions. ELKS TO OBSERVE VICTORY Dates for Second Annual Convention to Be Fixed Saturday. The selection of a date for the sec ond annual convention of the Oregon State Elks' Association will be made at a special meeting of the officers. committeemen and members of the state -wide organization Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the temple of Portland lodge. Dr. W. S. Kennedy, president of the association, will pre side at this session. In addition to selecting the date of the annual meeting, important busi ness in connection with the coming convention will be discussed. Under present plans the meeting will be in the form of a "Victory celebration and numerous features are already contemplated. The first state conven tion was held in Portland last August. CAMPING GROUND PLANNED Bend to Provide Park for Tourists Along Deschutes River. BEND, Or., Feb. 5. (Special.) Tourists passing through Central Ore gon by auto next season will be offered free camping ground along the Des chutes River. A committee of the council, headed by E. L. Payne, is making arrange ments here to secure the tract of land and to provide free wood and proper sanitation before motor travel starts through Bend in the Spring. FILIPINO MISSION COMING Definition of Future Status of Islands Sought. MANILA, P. I.. Feb. 5. The establish ment of closer business relations with America and a definition of the future status of the islands is to be sought by a mission of 22 prominent Filipino governmental and business men. to be headed by Rafael Palma, Secretary of the Interior, which will leave for Washington at the end of February. The mission will join Manuel L. Que zon, former Philippine Commissioner in Washington. Mission Worker to Speak. Mel Trotter, famous mission worker of Grand Rapids, Mich., is to conduct two meetings in the auditorium of the Portland Y. M. C. A., the first to take place at 12:15 Saturday noon and the other at 3:30 Sunday afternoon. A special quartet accompanies him. The public is invited to both services. Mr. Trotter's headquarters are at Grand Rapids, where he has a large mission, which is known for its efforts in be half of men. Cascade Snowfall Is Heavy. YAKIMA, Wash.. Feb. 5. (Special.) Nine feet of snow is reported at the Cascades' summit, above Bumping Lake, by Jack Nelson, caretaker at the lake. This promises an ample supply of water for that storage unit. Heavy Snow is also reported at Keechelus. Project Manager Tiffany said yester day that the irrigation supply for the valley this season seemed assured. Strike Movement Spreads. PASSAIC. N. J.. Feb. 5. The strike begun by woolen workers here to en force an eight-hour day spread today to include some of the employes of three more manufacturing plants. The employers have offered a working schedule of 48 hours a week, with cor responding overtime pay. if the oper atives will labor o5 hours. Monument to "Ace" Proposed. PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 5 A raonu ment costing $10,000 will be erected to the memory of Lieutenant Frank Luke, Jr.. the Phoenix aviator, who was killed while flying on the western front, if the resolution introduced in the Ari zona House of Representatives today is passed. Luke had earned the title of "ace." Pendleton Seeks Hun Cannon. PENDLETON, Or., Feb. 5 (Special.) The city of Pendleton today received a copy of a bill introduced in Congress by Representative Sinnott directing the Secretary of War to donate to Pendleton one German cannon or field piece captured by American forces. Seasoned slaDwood and Inside wood, green stamps, for cash. Holmau fuel to. aiaia A S56J. ACT. Death When Fighting Against Anarchy Near Ekstcrlnobar. BT LINCOLN EIRE. (Copyricht. 1019, by the New York "World. fuDiisnca Dy Arrangement.; PARIS, Feb. 5. (Special Cable.) After the tragic account of the death of the former Czar of Russia and his family at the hands of the Bolsheviki, comes the description of General Korniloff's vain attempts to restore order in Russia, his fight against the Bolsheviki and the Germans and his death. After his escape from Petrograd when the Bolsheviki took over the power of the Government. General Korniloff left for South Russia, where, with Generals Alexioff, Markoff and Denikine, he organized an army to fight Bolshevik Germanism. Many times during the sanguinary encoun ters between his troops and those of the Bolsheviki. General Korniloff shouldered a rifle himself and fought a simple soldier. He was killed while directing an attack near Eksterinobar by a bursting grenade thrown by a Bolshevik in the hut where the famous General was work ing. Body la Cat to Pieces. His soldiers before retiring, decided to bury the body temporarily, with the intention of coming back later and giving their leader a grandiose funeral. In the meantime the Bolsheviki heard of General Korniloff's death. They sent a special mission to find the body. Having discovered it. tjie Bolsheviki in their mad joy at having got rid of one of their bitterest opponents. fought for the body, which was finally hung on a tree. It did not remain there long, however, for a furious mob of anarchists tore it down, cut it into pieces, and for more than a quarter of an hour played football with the Gen eral's head in the presence ' of the great leader's friends, who had to stand by, vainly trying to persuade the Bolshevists to have more respect for the dead body. General's Clothing Divided. Parts of the General'o clothing were regained and each friend was given a piece. Basile Trachtenberg, who tells the above story, had his piece of the General's clothing with him when he was seen in Paris recently. CANOE UPSETS; BOYS SAVED : CITV GRAPPLEIt AND ENGINEER PREVENT DROWNING. Proprietor Who Rented Boats to Two 16-Year-Old Spokane Lads Is Arrested. Quick action by City Grappler Hugh Brady and Chief Engineer Carl Prehn, of the harbor patrol, saved Frank Beeman and C. Stear, 16-year-old Spo kane boys, from drowning in th Wil lamette River yesterday morning. The boys rented a canoe from the Merrill boathouse at the foot of Mor rison street, and had proceeded down stream as far as the foot of Oak street when the canoe, was overturned in the rough current. Neither of the lads could swim. Members of the Harbor Patrol, situ ated at the foot of Stark street, had watched the boys pass and still were watching them when the boat over turned about 150 feet beyond. They im mediately started in the Harbor Patrol launch toward the struggling lads and reached them just in time to save their lives. Beeman and Stear were visiting in Portland for the day and were plan ning on going to Astoria yesterday evening. After rescue Enginer Prehn pro ceeded to the boathouse where the canoo had been rented and arrested the proprietor, Frank Merrill, on a charge of renting a canoe to a minor. Mer rill was released on his own recog nizance and will be given a hearing in Municipal Court this morning. I.W.W. MEMBER GONVIGTED 1 FINE OF $100 AND 3 0 DAYS IN JAIL GIVEN T. E.MMETT. Prisoner in Municipal Court Sen tenced for Objecting to Speech of "Three-Fingered Jack" Godwin. Thomas Emmett, self-confessed I. W. W.. who was arrested at the Municipal Auditorium Sunday night. where "Three-fingered Jack" Godwin, - open enemy of the l. v. v.. was delivering an address, was sentenced to 30 days in the-City Jail and fined $100 by Mu nicipal Judge Rossman yesterday. Em- ' mett had objected to patriotic remarks made by Godwin and had called him a liar, the police allege. James Burns, who was arrested in company with Emmett. was allowed to go free with out fine. Two hundred and seventy dollars in fines was collected in Municipal Court yesterday from three violators of the prohibition law. isick &iainatogalnes. who was arrested Tuesday as he stepped from a California train at the Union Depot, carrying two suitcases of liquor, was fined ?00 for the atr tempted importation. James O Connor, who was arrested with whiskey in his possession, was fined $30 and A. Barns, negro porter on a fcoutnern Pacific train, was fined $40 for the same of fense. Thomas Troy, another alleged violator of the prohibitoin law. re ceived a preliminary hearing and was turned over to federal authorities as a result. Sale of Cnlforms Prohibited. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. Command ants of all Army camps and posts have been instructed by General March to prevent the sale or delivery of uniforms by civilian tailors to officers and men of the Army to be discharged. Chehalis Hits Mashers Hard. CHEHALIS. Wash., Feb. 6. (Spe cial.) Chehalis" anti-masher ordinance, which also covers a variety of other matters under the general head of dis orderly conduct, has been passed by th City Commission, with an emer DOORS OPEN 10:43 1 . V The brutal chieftain of a murderous tribe, aroused to fury, facing the camera a close-up of the cruelest face you ever hope to see. Rimed irvifxe 5ouf fSe& Jxxrvjlos Among Majveevtmg J&v&tfc .r WRcre Jxck London Got tfL ljfvrill sjd Nakedness Seev&s WiiRoul gency clause attached. slashers are liable to as much as $100 fine and the presumption is that the "vamps" will fare likewise. Palmists, clairvoyants. fortune tellers, those who expectorate on sidewalks and other public pests "are included in the terms of the new law. Alumni to Publish "Who's Who." WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Salem. Or.. Feb. 5. (Special.) The initial number of the Alumni Quarterly of Willamette University contains an ar ticle by Miss Helen Pearce, class of 1915. concerning a "Who's Who in Wil lamette." Miss Pearce is chairman of a committee commissioned to publish a handbook containing information con cerning the entire alumni. Other mem bers of the committee are Professor James T. Matthews." 1889, department of mathematics: Miss Leila Rlgdon. 1910, and Miss Mary Reynolds, 185.0, of Salem. Alumni Issue Publication. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Salem. Or.. Feb. 6. (Special.) The initial number of the Alumni Quarterly of ""VBft..-.. YOU WILL SEE Women who have never worn clothes and who prove and vulgarity are the a prudish civilization. THRILLING EXCITING UNUSUAL Willamette University has appeared. Ernest C Richards, secretary of educa tion, is editor. The current number con tains a picture of Waller Hall, built in 1R6, together with the 'Od to Wll- Carter's little Over Pills You Cannot be Ofrv. A Remedy That Constipated iCrARTf Makes Life and Happy yvii&f Worth Living Saudi Pttl -.,. PILLS. C tos fcra slgfm &?y1?L??ZZL BARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorlea hcM bat ba wll greatly hJp moat pale-faced peopi I fa , . v v SHI A that both clothes PftOTOGBAPMED, AT TttE PISK OF LIFE i lamette." by Perry Reigelman. 191?; an introduction by President Carl J. Doney: a foreword by E. C. Richards and an article by Miss Helen 1'earce. 1915. di m m m it im 'it I'Y V i T i . a: ? WEAKNESS RELIEVED BY I "BALMWORT" Many men and women gain no strength. The least exertion tires them. lull aches, pains like rheumatism, dcpreKsion or "blues' come easily. Ambition and energy are always at low ebb. What ia the cause? The cause may vary, but if the Kidneys and Bladder are not doing their work per fectly you can make a bet that's where th"! trouble lies. This lady suffered 12 years: Mrs. K. Klipp. 644 W. 12th St.. Oak Park. 111., writes: "Your Ralmwort Kid ney Tablets certainly have done wonders for me. I have been ail ing for 12 years with Kidney and T'.ladder weakness, but feel like a, NEW WOMAN NOW." All drug gists sell them. Adv. f )