f 12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, F1215UUAKT G, 191!. CHASE ACQUITTED OF Wager Affecting Result Game Not Established. of Judge McCredie Trades Dau bert for Speedy Twirler. ATONEMENT IS SUGGESTED FIVE PLAYERS ARE SIGNED r . . ............................ ....... .................................... ....... THEY ALL SEEM TO BE GOING IN FOR SOMETHING. r ; : I ' j PENNED ANNEXED TO PORTLAND BEAVERS CONSPIRACY CHARGE Head of National League, Judge of Trial, Hopes Player AVI 11 Take "Work Seriously. KETV YORK, Feb. 5. Hal Chase, etormy petrel of baseball, was cleared today of the charge of "throwing games." preferred against him by the Cincinnati club. Ka was declared "not guilty" by President John A. Heydler, of the National League, who acted as judge, after a week's study of the evi dence for and against him. "It is nowhere established that the accused was interested in any pool or wager that caused any game to result otherwise than on its merits," eaid Heydler in his decision. The charges, filed by the officers of '."the Cincinnati club, including Manager 'Christy Mathewson, were in blanket form, alleging violation of section 40 of j the league constitution, which reads: C'onapirat'7 Among? Charso. "Any person who shall be proved puilty of offering, agreeing, conspiring or attempting to cause any same of "ball to result otherwise than on its i merits under the playing rules shall :be forever disqualified by the presi dent of the league from acting as um 'pire, manager or player or in any other , capacity in any game of ball par ticipated in by a league club." President Heydler stated in a gen- eral way that the actual charges in volving Chase implied that he had bet .on games. In speaking of the rase -after he had read his formal finding he said that Manager Mathewson's af ' fidavit was a more or less general complaint against Chase's conduct and " talk upon the ball field, but that there was little which was specific in Its relation to the real charge upon which the trial was based. Result Held Vnnf fectod. "The testimony showed," said Ileyd ; ler, "that Chase did not take his work seriously and was entirely to blame for the position in which he found himself. 'There was, however, no evidence that "he intentionally violated or attempted ;to violate the rules in relation to tara- pering with placers or in any way en deavored to secure desired results in the outcome of games. "Chase testified that h had bet on the result of baseball games with an other player only twice in his profes sional career. Ine first case was many Reasons ago, when he was a spectator at a National League contest, while a member of an American League team. The other wager was made in a post season series of 1917, where he bet on his club to win a game. A toner cut Is Suggested. "I do not know where Chase will play during the coming season, but I wL to say now that he has been proved not guilty of the charges. I hope the fans and others will give him a fair chance to overcome the unpleasant im pression which has been created. I feel sure that he realizes the position in which his foolish talk and actions have placed him and will endeavor to atone by taking his work seriously and playing the brilliant ball of which lie is capable." Chase refused to talk when informed of the verdict, but his lawyers issued a statement for him which declared that legal action would be continued to obtain "full redress" from the Cin- cinnati club, which caused his suspen- fiion "without cause" and held up pay '. ment of his salary. Heydler Gives Warning. President Heydler said in his findings that "the interests of the public and of the game of baseball are far more im portant than the fate of any individual." He declared he would protect those in terests, "no matter what the effect on players or clubs." Heydler also served warning that any National League player who bets on a game, either for or against his own team or whether or not he plays in the game, will be expelled from the league. DEFEATS 0. II. G. IEAD OF TEX POINTS MAIN TAIXED MOST OF GAME. Team AVork of AValla Walla Players Shows Up Well Clerin High Point AA'inner. WHITMAN COLLEGE. Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 5. tSpecial.) The Whit man quintet defeated Oregon Agricul tural College on the Whitman floor here tonight by the score of 37 to 26. In the first 15 minutes of play the Ag gies managed to keep the score pretty well evened up, but Whitman, after taking the lead, managed to keep it -for the remainder of the game by about 10 points. Clerin made the most points for the borne team, while Arthur was the mainstay for the visitors. Oregon Ag ricultural College was awarded five .points on personal fouls. Cutler was .substituted for Pickering in the middle of the first half. Whitman's team work showed up well as compared with that of the Corvallis players. Gensel and Garver were the stars of the Whitman aggregation, taking the hall from their opponents time after time. Summary Whitman Clearin 27, 'Tuckering 2, forwards: Garver 4, cen ter: Gensel 6, Wilson 0, guards; Cutler 4, forward (sub). Total. 37. O. A. C Arthur 19, Kincaid 0, for wards; Eikelman 2, center; Eilerton 0, Reynolds 0, guards; personals 5. To--'tal. 26. Roy BnhlT was referee. ine new JRR0W FORM-FIT Collar ; A : ' Kt. Aul- &o to the. hmMW fcffluFt t eX there. Talking of I t Sams he Vvfc VjTn , some big event over W,UL SO W JF) BP 7 TT AT THE. WAVERV.EY X INTO BUSINESS NOvr'1 COUNTS CLU& V ' - i . . . TROEH IS STUB OF 1918 VANCOUVER TRAPSHOT COVERS 2 7,000 MILES TO SHOOT. Noted and Popular Sportsman AA'ins Every American and Canadian Title Except Amateur of U. S. WHAT FRANK TROEH DID IX 1918 TRAI'SHOOTI.NG SEASON. Traveled 27,000 miles. Shot in 15 cities, 11 states and two Canadian cities. Won high average crown. He broke 6635 of 6845 registered targets an average of .9722. Won singles championship of Washington. Won doubles championship of United States. Won doubles championship of Canada. Won the international doubles championship. Won all-around amateur and open championship of United States. Tied for international singles championship. Made 49 runs better than 50, of which 15 were better than 100. BT PETER P. CARNEY. Editor National Sports Syndicate. No resume of the 1918 trapshooting season is complete without mention of the remarkable shooting of Frank M. Troeh, of Vancouver, Wash. Mere mention in a review of the sea son, however, doesn't do justice to Troeh. His deeds are worth individual description. Troeh is in every sense of the word a real trapshooting champion. If you ever have had a sore thumb you know how it stands out from the other digits. That's the best way we can describe how Troeh stands out from the others in the classic field of ama teur trapshooters. Troeh journeyed from coast to coast to participate in the tournaments regis tered . by the Interstate Trapshooting Association, shooting on 45 days, in 15 cities, in 11 states, and twice crossed to Canada. It was necessary to travel close to 17.000 miles to shoot in these touranments. Targets to the number of 6845 were thrown for Troeh, and of these he broke 6655, for a grand average of .9722. This made him the high average ama teur trapshootter of the year. After the close of the season Troeh went to the Crow Agency in Montana and engaged in a liberty bond shoot and later went to New Tork to partici pate in the united war fund vents. These two events added at least 10,000 miles to Troeh's travel-book a total of at least 27.000 miles traveled to engage in trapshooting events. Troeh started by winning the singles trapshooting championship of the state of Washington and from that time, un der all sorts of weather and ground conditions, traps, scorers and referees, in only one shoot was he outgunned. Troeh won the doubles championship of the United States and at the same tournament won second place in the Chicago Overture, as well as tieing for high average honors in the Grand American Handicap tournament. Just by way of diversion he won the All- rounod Open and Amateur Champion shis of the United States. On his two trips to Canada he tied for the inter national singles championship with Frank Wright and won the Canadian and international doubles champion ships. ' About the only thing of importance that Troeh missed winning in 1918 was the amateur championship of the Unittd States. Troeh made 49 runs of better than K0. of which number 26 were better than 75 and 15 were better than 100, with the longest run being 181. Troeh was second in the averages to Harry Lorenson, of Newman, Cal.. when he went to San Jose, Cal., to shoot September. When the shoot concluded Troeh was leading and Lorenson sec ond, for Troeh missed only nine targets in 350 and Lorenson dropped 16. In an effort to compile an average to last for a long time. Troeh went to Los Angeles for the concluding regis tered shoot of the year. On the first 400 targets he missed but three. Be ginning the third days shooting Troeh's famous gun broke down and he had to rig up one with the old bar rel and stock and another breech block He missed seven targets in the last 200. There is an interesting bit of history connected with the gun that has helped Troeh make trapshootingr history. He went into a Portland sporting goods store in 1911 and asked for a gun for duckshooting purposes which set him back $19. Troeh took up trapshooting in 1912 and never once until the gun broke down in Los Angeles did he ever use anything but the old gun purchased to bring down ducks. Those who have tried the gun swear that no one else could shoot it but Troeh. Everyone is agreed that Troeh could handle the gun. Hi3 scores and average of six years attest this. Squirrel Food. Close to Frisco. JUDGE McCredie used a lot of good judgment when he selected Crock ett as the training camp site for the Portland Beavers 35 minutes from Powell and Market streets. ... Isn't It the Trntkt It required three pens to make the prohibition proclamation "hold water." And it will take more than three "pens" to hold all the bootleggers who will ignore it. Famous Bells. Alexander Graham. Sleigh. Wedding. Fire. Fred. Liberty. Dumb. Cow. A New One. Breakfast dances are the latest craze. While you are munching on a piece of ham and scrambling the eggs the proper caper is a jazz two-step. July 1. One strictly solemn thought hits the "regular" o'er and o'er. It's "when there ain't any more to be bought, where on earth can I buy any more?" On to the water wagon. For Sale. One-half interest in stomach fire will proofing machine. Bootleggers find this an excellent sideline. Speed. A few years from now when you want to step out in your latest aero plane and see mother in Wodland and your "sweetie" wants to overtake you well, there's only one way to do it invent a machine that will get you there before you start. WASHTXGTON-BENSOX TO CLASH Teams Are in Good Condition and Fast Game Is Expected. The Washington High School basket ball team will tangle with the Benson Tech five this afternoon at the Wash ington High gymnasium. Washington has taken a new lease on life since it gave Hill a drubbing last week and lopes to go through the remainder of the season without another defeat be ing registered against them. Up to date Jefferson has been the only school to trim Washington. Benson has not won a game in the league this season and has lost three straight. The team is improving as the season progresses and the Tech school basket tossers may yet surprise tho followers of the interscholastic game. Y. M. C. A. DEFEATS MAROONS Vast Basketball Game Ends With Score of 24 to 17. The T. M. C. A. basketball team de feated the Maroon F quintet on the Franklin High gymnasium floor last Monday night, score 24 to 17. Tucker starred for the losers, while Goode and Lewis played excellent ball for the Y. M. C. A, Lineup: Maroon. T. M. C. A. Borellie ... .... .P. ............. .. Earte T.urellen - ........ ...... Goods Tturhour -.....,-'..'............ Reynolds . Thomas .........O LewU Turkr ........... .G I.en B. Thomas Spare Stafford Patrolcum Production Big. MEXICO CITT, Mexico produced in 1918 a total of 58,156,236 barrels of petroleum, according to official an nouncement, which adds that this is only a fraction of the potential produc tion of the fields. The daily potential production is estimated, at 1,422,626 barrels. ARMY ATHLETICS VALUABLE SOLDIERS ARE KEPT IX PINK OF PHYSICAL COXDITIOX. British Officers, in California After I Oversea Engagements, Tell of AA'ar Activities Abroad. DEL MONTE, Cal., Feb. 5. (Spe cial.) That the athletic training proved of untold value to the soldiers of this country and the allied nations In the fight for democracy is testified to by two British army officers, who are visiting Del Monte to recuperate after their strenuous experience on the battlefronts. Major S. Humphreys, of the regular tsriusn army, nas a reputation as a polo player in India, where he repre sented his country in a number of tour naments. He was with the first Eng lish contingent that landed In France in August. 1914. Major Humphreys fought through the battle of the Marne. for which he was presented with medal. He was also in several other campaigns, finishing in East Africa. He was wounded several times and was finally the victim of a serious ill ness, from which he is just convales cing. Major Humphreys declares that if it wasn't for his splendid condition. due to his activities in polo, he would not have been able to go through the severe hardships and campaigns to wear the distinguished service medal. Captain C. Martin, of the famous Princess Pat Regiment, played left three-quarters on the British Columbia Rugby lo, which opposed the Unlver slty of California team in the games in the north in 1913. Captain Martin cannot value too highly his athletic trlanlng, which offstood the rigors of the warfare on the western front. He enlisted in August of 1915, receiving a medal that year. Captain Martin was wounded three times, the last time rather seriously in the chest. His left arm was also badly damaged and he is just beginning to use it slightly again over the golf links. TEST IS DUE FIRST GAME WITH. OREGON BE PliAYED FRIDAY. TO Return of Sohns to Forward and Jamieeon to Center Has Greatly Strengthened Lineup. XJNIVEPITT OF WASHINGTON', Se attle. Feb. 5. (Special.) Tha real test of Washington's basketball team will come during the trip to Eugene and Corvallis, beginning Thursday night with the departure of Coach Hunt and his squad for two scries of two games each against Oregon and the Aggies. Tho local team has broken even in its four games, having been conquered by Washington State College and having In turn conquered Oregon Oregon, with a knowledge of the Washington system of play and on its own floor, is considered dangerous in the series starting Friday night. On Monday and Tuesday nights the Aggies will be met for the first time, and with a day of rest before tackling them the local team believes its chances of victory good. Marked improvement characterized Washington's play in the series last week-end and smoother team play is developing. The return of Sohns to forward and Jamicson to center has strengthened the lineup and star work is expected, of both these men. The veteran Smith is playing a strong for ward and both Cook and Cairns, guards, are hard men to score on. These men probably will be in the regular lineup, with Talbot and Sielk in reserve. Besides the four conference games scheduled on this trip, Washington Is also to meet Multnomah Club Wednes day night, on the way home. Follow Ing this contest ten days will elapse before the return series on the local floor with Oregon Agricultural College furnishing the opposition. Washing- inn's erond trio, a iaunt east of the mountains, is set for February 28 and w ,-y, i . Pullman Phone your want ads to The Orego- nlan. Main 707O. A 6035. Training .Will Open at Crockett, Cal., About March 8 and Con tinue lor Nearly Four Weeks. BT JAMES J. RICHARDSON. Judge McCredie. Portland's rotund and smiling baseball magnate, who has been attending the directors' meeting of the Pacific Coast League, pulled one clear from the clouds yesterday when he telegraphed AValter McCredie that i Harry Daubert. Portland Infielder. nau been traded to Salt Lake for Kenneth Penner, pitcher. The Portland magnate has done many clever things in his 57 years' ex istence on this old earth, but how he was able to talk the Salt Lakers out of Penner is more than AValter Mc Credie could say yesterday after pe rusing is uncle's telegram. The fact that the Judge works fast and does hia best work in a crowd such as a garner ing of "baseball magnates might ac- count for the good news which trickled north over the Western Union's copper strings. Prnnrr Portland Favorite. When Judge McCredie loft for San Francisco he was bent on trading Har ry Daubert. whom the Mormon club officials saw in action for two weeks after the Pacific Coast International league finished last season, for Henry Sands, infielder. Walter McCredie was somewhat sweet on Sands and was anxious to land him for the Beaver?, but when he opened Judge McCredie's telegram yesterday and caught a glimpse of its contents it was a bit more than he could stand, because Penner is a Portland favorite and as good a pitcher as there is in the Pa cific Coast League. Penner was turned over to Salt Lake last season by Cleveland after having spent one season in a Portland uni form. While the Salt Lake club was training at Porterville last Spring Mc Credie took his tossers to Bakersfield for a practice game. The trip was made by automobile. On the return dash" the machine which had Penner for a passenger overturned while trav eling at a high rate of speed. Penner was taken to a hospital, where it was found he sustained two fractured ribs. After a couple of months' rest he donned a uniform and pitched fairly good ball. Five Player Are Signed. If Penner comes back, and I am sure he will, I would rather have him than any other pitcher in the Coast League.' said AValter McCredie. "He has an ex. cellent spltball and his one big asset is his ability to work. I never figured we could get Penner from Salt Lake, because the fans over there and the club management like him. but Penner does not care for the high altitude in Salt Lake, and might have requested President Lane to make a trade for him if possible." The Portland Beavers roster now contains five names Penner and Lay, pitchers; Siglin, infielder; Farmer and Sullivan, outfielders. McCredie has not heard from the American Association club that wants Jack Farmer and is willing to trade an infielder for the fleet-footed outfielder. McCredie said yesterday he would take John L. Sullivan to training camp, and if he showed him as much as he did at Porterville last Spring he will probably grab off a job. Manager McCredie said he expected to start March 8 for Crockett. Cal.. where the Portland team will train, which will give the Beavers about four weeks of conditioning preparatory to the opening of the Pacific Coast League championship season. With the Salt Lake team training at Pittsburg, Cal.. and the Portland club a few miles away at Crockett, there will be plenty of excitement and com petition for the two teams. Mare Is land .Navy-yard is a short distanse from both training camps, and baseball teams from San Francisco and Oakland can reach Pittsburg or Crocket ia less than one hour, so McCredie will have Kenneth Penner. plirhrr Obtained From Salt Lake for Portland. no trouble keeping his club busy dur ing the training period. . . Fred Schrocder. former Washington State College athlete, who caught for the Spokane Indians last season until Nick Williams' club went "kerplunk." wrote Walter McCredie a letter from Kelly Field No. 2. San Antonio. Tex., asking for a tryout as backstop. While McCredie would like to give the young ster a chance, he feels he must step out and secure experienced men, because competition is going to be mighty keen in tho Northwest, with Seattle knocking on the door all the time. The young sters who are taken to Crockett will have to show a lot if they expect to stick it out. About 200 board feet is required to I build the average airplane. To get this material It is necessary to work over I rdijul i " " leci 01 prieri luinuri. una i may represent ail inai can oe usea iqr I airplanes In 15,000 board Xeet of tan 1 dard timber. '; 7 ' . ' N r' ' ' I ' r i i $.t'.-:vp- Before or After It gret3 you in the head or back Bnddenly and oh, how you suffer ! all on account of that little influenza bacillus. It is a fact that when nature tries to throw off the poisons from the body the result sometimes is in flammation of the kidneys. There fore, the best way is to assist nature as much as you can either before or after the attack by throwing: off the poisons (toxins) from the body thru the excretory organs, such as the bowels, skin and kidneys. Drink plenty of hot water, hot or cold lemonade, take Dr. Pierce's An uric Tablets for the kidneys and back ache. Then take an occasional pur FRANKLIN BEATEN, 33-18 LIXCOLX MAINTAINS UNBROKEN STRING OF -ICTORIES. B. Thomas Thrills Crowd by Ixgn Shots From Center of Floor. Personal Fouls Called. Playing a nice brand of basketball at all times. George Dewey's Lincoln High School hoopers managed to main tain their unbroken string of victories yesterday when they trampled on the Franklin High School quintet, score 23 to 16, on the Washington High gym floor. A'estcrday's victory for Lincoln makes four straight wins, and if the cardinal and white basketeers continue in their present form the opposition will have hard work trying to dislodge them out of first place in the percentage col umn. Although on the losing team, the Thomas family of Franklin High were the bright stars in yesterday's fracas. B. Thomas, forward, scored six points for his team, and two of the three bas kets he threw weref rem the center of the floor, and most difficult shots to make. That thee rowd appreciated his stellar work was evident from the ap plause which greeted his efforts. Wright and Dubinsky, of Lincoln, played in great form, the former roll ing up 12 points for the Fast Side school, while Dubinsky scored nine points for his team. At different intervals during the con test the players of both team roughed it. but Referee Leon Fabre. Jr.. used his eagle eye and inflicted a number of personal fouls. P.eynolds. of Frank lin, had wour personal fouls chalked up against him. Lincoln High played without Gurian. Its star forward, who Is taking a post graduate course at Lincoln and will be unable to play the remainder of the season. Lineup: Lincoln (33). Beck 4 I.KB-tt 2 Wrilhl (XJ) . ol- 4 i . .. . . rubinky (9 M ische liallow 2 P.oferee lrfon William Jennin; Robert Turkcr. Franklin (lt. . ) B. Thomas ...... (21 Farl.v .. . 14) Koynold's . 2 H. TlwmM l- Jones P. K . . Pi re Fabre. Jr. : Collins. Storekeeper Timekeeper MINNESOTA BARS FULTON COMMISSION GIVES NO REASON FOR ACTION. Move Said to Be Due to Heavyweight Fighter's Statement Dempsejr "Double-Crossed" Him. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 5. The Minne sota Boxing Commission, meeting here late today, voted to bar indefinitely Fred Fulton, Rochester, Minn., heavy weight fighter, from boxing or spar ring in Minnesota rings. No reason was given, but it is understood that the Commissioners took the action after discussion of Fulton's statement, made recently In San Francisco, that Jack Dempsey "double-crossed'' him in their fight on July 27 last. The commission awarded the St. Paul boxing franchise to Angus Cameron, of St. Paul. DAVEOSOX DEFEATS PLiATTS Three-Cushion Billiard Game Ends in Score of 30 to 2 9. Joe Davidson defeated Ben Pl.itts CO to 29 In one of the best three-cushion games yet played In tho annual three- cushion handicap b-lliard tournament now In progress at the lilalto Billiard Parlors. 1'laLts turned in tbe high run of five billiards for the game, but Davidson pushed his way to fame by making three runs of tour billiards In the match. Vhe -'ame was completed in GO innings, an average of one-half. The match was replete with sensational shots and was witnessed by a large crowd of three-cushion followers. Other matches were played in the tournament at the Kialto last night. Alex Merk had little trouble defeating James Martin, -i to 1.1. while) Otis Brown beat A. W. Roth 20 to 14. Merk registered a high run of elx in his match with Martin and played a strong game. The high run In the Brown-Uoth game was three billiards marked up by both player:. Rodney Berger. playing at 24 poirts for game, defeated Hay Reed, playing for 30 points for game. 24 to U3. at Bowie & Caldwell's last night. Tho Berger-Keed match was the only one played last iilght .In the three-cushion tournament. Berger ran game in 55 Innings and made four runs of three billiards. f Players Restored to Good Standing. CINCIXNATI. Feb. 5. Tho National Baseball Commission handed down no tice today to the effect that Players Allen RuekcU and H.lh, of the New the Influenza gative made tip of May-apple, leaves of aloe, jalap and made into tiny snjrar-coated pills to be had at every drug store as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pdlets. To build up after the grip to make red-blood and fill the body with vim, vigor and vitality, take an iron tonic, known as "Irontic," and sold at most drug stores or that well known herbal tonic which has been so favorably known for the past fifty years. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. This i3 made from roots and barks of forest trees and brings the freshness of the woods right to you! York American League club, bad bro'i restored to good standing in orgar.ired baseball. Both men wero carried on the reserve lit for this year. MATHEWSOX NOT CONSIDERED Stalcmrnl of Ineligibility for Lead- crt-hip of Reds Separated. CINCIXKATf. Feb. 5. President ngust Herrmann today repeated the statement he mada when he signed Patrick Moran hs manas'r of tho Cin cinnati Nationals that Christy Math ewson would not be further considered as elicible for leadership of the lleds. Herrman has received a reply to his cablegram to Mathewson asking about the tatter's future plans. Mathewson's message was brief, merely stating that he would land in America on February 15. N mention was made as to his future plans. INGLE TAKES HARD BATTLE TRAM BITAS LOSES BY NOSE IV MAIN RING BOIT. Joe Gorman 'Wins Over Eddie Mc Kcnna by Technical Knockout. Jorge Defeats William-. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 5. (Special Smiling George Ingle celebrated his return to the ring game with a victory tonight when he breezed past the wire a winner over Alex Trambitas by a nose in the main go of the pool pro gramme. It was a hairline verdict, but the Seattle boy had the edge, and the. tans were quite satisfied with Whit man's decision. in other bouts Harry Anderson was given a draw with the Bitter Root Kid; Joe Gorman won by a technical knockout over Kddie McKenna in the third round: Jim Jorire. of New York, defeated Harry Williams via the deci sion, and Mickey Brown won from th "Rattlesnake" Kid in the second frame. The main event was a clean, neat scrap, with both boys worklnir every minute. For a couple of rounds the honors' were all with the visiting Rou manian. Trambitas outfigurcd Ingle in the first frame or two, beating him to the punches with well-placed left hooks. But the third saw the local boy lake tho lead. After an exchange in the middle of the third round. Ingle caught his oppo nent with a vicious right-hand to tho temple, and the Roumanian went down for what was scored a.- a clean knock down. Trambitas was off bnlance, but the blow was a good one. From then on the local boy had the edge. A battle-scarred veteran from the hills of Montana furnished the feature of a good card. The Bitter Root Kid gave Anderson a hard fight. The de cision was a draw, but most of tho critics gave the visiting battler the credit. Joe Gorman further proved that he is a classy little performer when he won over Eddie McKenna by a technical knockout in the ttijrd round. For two rounds the loser put up a swell scrap, boxing cleverly and landing often lor points. But Gorman wore his m:m down and had him all but out In thii third round, when the bout was stopped. Mile. Simmone Micheau. who recentl arrived in this country, was first vio linist of the Society of n omen Profes sors and Composers in Paris, the mem bers of which are required to be prizo holders of the French conservatory. BASKET BALL and DANCE Arleta Club vs. Dallas, Ore. FRAXhtlX II1C1I fiYJU Saturday Mght Bahetlatl. 7i3 naarlnjr 8:HO t.ooi iniiir AdmbNloi rt-nty Cents The National Smoke r Better than most 10-centers 4. K. A MI Til CO. Dlllrit: