Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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tiuimuiuui iiliu.
Canadian Soldier Talks of War
. That . Is Over.
1 ? -i ! n Aff.irl frt,l snrl AfnnntAnv 1 1 -
Xot Efface Memory of Dam
nable Deeds Done.
There are four things about France
that Captain Tat Allen, of Calgary, will
remember the rain, the mud, the cold
and the monotony.
Then there are a few things that he
and no Canadian will ever forget
the murder of Edith Cavell, the murder
of Captain Freyburg, the bombing of
hospitals, the sinking of the Lusitania,
the gas and the crucifixion of innocent
It seems all a dream to him now, for
a room at the Benson Hotel Is far re
moved from Flanders' mud. And yet
one would scarcely expect that two
serious wounds, a game leg and a piece
of Fhrapnel close to the lung, would
keep France in the dream class.
And, of course, there Is the distin
guished service order and the Cana
dian medal for service only in front
line trenches. But about the ". S. O."
"Oh. they give them away with a
can of rations," purred the modulated
voice that only Oxford gives her grad
uates. And Captain Allen quickly
steered the conversation into other and
safer channels.
Weep Hate Is Breathed.
Captain Allen speaks in an even
monotone. But that same even mono
tone changes in inflection and breathes
x. deep, vicious hate for the Hun, his
Hunnishness and all that is the Hun's.
"They're all tarred with same damn
able brush," he said, "from top to bot
tom. Thev say it Is the Hohenzollern
that is to blame. It's not. It's the
Hun and the women are Just as bad as
the men."
Oh, yes, there. Is another memory a
vivid one, too.
Captain Allen was telling of his first
gas experience. It was the Huns' in
itial venture along those lines, April
22. 1!U5.
"Fleeting over the ploughed fields we
saw thousands of black French soldiers-
Algerians y'know not scared of
man nor beast, but scared of something
they could never understand.
" 'Gaz' we heard them say. 'Oaz.' -
"They cent us up to plug the hole. "We
lost SO per cent of our strength then
. in casualties.
iSielit Xot to Be Forgotten.
"But I'll never forget to my dying
day those poor black devils, their eyes
popping out of their heads, as they fled
from that new horror the Hun had
brought on tho world."
Ail the Canadians had and Captain
Allen was a private in those days in
the Seventh Battalion of cavalry, "al
though the only horses we ever, eaw
were those going by us," wore their
handkerchiefs moistened with water.
Three days later they had in millions
of gauze masks, such as Portland uses
for the "flu," and the gas masks came
The Captain's black eyes glittered.
'I'll never forget a remark they
were pretty cocky in those days a
remark a Hun prisoner made on the
Sorarae he spoke perfect Knglish
'you can't get through,' he said. 'One
ship will take you all back to England
when we get through with you.'"
Man ailed to Barn Alive.
Then there was the high explosive
shell that blew him into the air and
smashed his leg almost to smithereens
at Courcclete in October, 1916; then 21
months in the hospital and then back
Yes, there were some horrors. He
saw a sergeant nailed to a barn. And
because they did not want to do the
Huns any injustice they conducted a
post mortem and established the fact
that he had been nailed to the barn
door alive. But first they left him
there a whole day so the Canadians
could see and learn to hate, and not
to forget.
"No, I'm sorry," once more said
Captain Allen, "I have no memories of
the war, only the rain, the cold, the
mud, the monotony."
Spokane, "Wash., is the first bis clty
In the country to have women fire
f iehters.
lit i -7-ilrrr"-ri'a - tifrr ""il ma-m 11
BV-J EBB Wmm I 1 I1C
fit ipiiliiliip
HE monster benefit scheduled at i
the Municipal Auditorium for Jan
uary 15 and which was postponed
to February 14, promises to be the gay
est of the Valentine affairs.
The United Auxiliaries reception
committee headed by the mothers of j
Oregon boys in the service, is directing
this event. Mrs. George L. Williams
is general chairman of the reception
committee. She is giving her entire
time at the Liberty Temple assisting
Captain Convill In the registration of
discharged soldiers, sailors and ma
rines who are seeking employment.
Mrs. Williams is assisted by the women
from the various patriotic organiza
tions, each one taking their turn hav
ing four representatives working In
one-day shifts.
Funds derived from the sale of
tickets are being used at the dis
cretion of the chairman of the united
auxiliaries when cases presented war
rant the expenditure.
This entertainment benefit has the
approval of the state committee.
James SlcCarren is chairman of the
benefit committee. Mrs. George Fauss
is treasurer and M. B. McFaul, secre
tary. Other members 'of the dance com
mittee are Captain Albert Breedlove,
Mrs. H. F. Wheeler, Mrs. M. E. Daniels,
Mrs. K. E. Martin, Mrs. E. J. Eivers
and Mrs. William Coplan
All tickets sold before the "flu" ban
was placed on events of this nature,'
will be honored.
Mrs. Kenneth D. Hauser and little
daughter are visiting with the former's
father-in-law, Eric V. Hauser, at the
Multnomah Hotel. Mrs. Hauser's father,
John D. Porter, of Spokane, accom
panied them to this city. They have
been visiting In Spokane, following an
extended stay at the Hauser residence
in St. Paul. A number of old friends of
the visitors are entertaining them with
dinner, theater and dancing parties, as
well as motor trips on the highway
and about the city.
Mrs. J. Curtis Simmons entertained !
number of friends yesterday at the
opera matinee to hear "Romeo and
Juliet." Tea at one of the downtown
grills followed the opera.
The Banjo Club will give another
dance, the second of their series, at
Cotillion Hall, on February 13. The
committee in charge follows: H. H.
Kirkland. W. V. Kirkland. H. J. Scott,
Edith Bogue, Vere Herferger, Jean
. "
Oregon Rose Social Club will hold
their regular monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Jessie Barnum, 385 Mar
guerite avenue. Hawthorne car. All
members are urged to be present, as
business of importance will be dis
cussed. Visitors are always welcome.
The Alpha Chi Omega. Alumnae will
meet Saturday afternoon with Mrs. H.
VV. Hopkins, 677 East Forty-fifth street
North, to sew on Belgian dresses. The
Wellesley Club will not meet this Sat
urday. The meeting is postponed till
next month.
The Rose City Dancing Club will give
a party at Christensen's Hall this even
ing and a large attendance is antici
pated. The orchestra will consist of
14 pieces and the hall has been dec
orated prettily for the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shea are be
ing felicitated upon the arrival of a
daughter, who made her advent Sun
day. The little maid has been named
Patricia Ann.
The next dance of the Transportation
Club will be an event of tomorrow
evening, at Cotillion Hall. The Club
gives a dance each month and they are
popular diversions for the members
and their hosts of friends. This dance
will be informal and the following will
act as patrons and patronesses: Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Cochran, Mr. and Mrs.
B. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Craw
ford, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Dutton, Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Hocken, Mr and Mrs.
H. J. Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. G. It.
Mrs. C. R. Fenton is planning- on
leaving Portland Sunday for a three
weeks' trip in Southern California. She
will join a group of Spokane friends
who also are goins South and they will
make the trip together.
Grand Opera continues to be the
event of Importance socially In this
city, and each day this week devotees
of this diversion are giving their time
to attending the opera and its usual
festivities incident to the brief season
of music. Tonight society will turn
out en masse to hear the much-loved
'Mme. Butterfly" and a number of well-
known men and women have arranged
small line parties for the evening, al
though entertainment of all kinds is
decidedly tempered.
Among those noted In the audience
Tuesday evening were: Dr. X. A. J.
Mackenzie, Miss Jean Mackenzie, Mrs.
Arthur Murray Sherwood. Mrs. Solomon
Hirsch and the Misses Hirsch. Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. O.
T. Wedemeyer, Miss Genevieve Thomp
son, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bozarth, Mr. and
Mrs. V. II. Boyer, Madame Lucie Val
aire, Mrs. B. G. Skulason, Mrs. Alex
ander Shaw, Mrs. E. D. Kanaga. of
Hood River, who is in town for the sea
son of opera, as the house guest of Mrs.
Otto Wedemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Monteith, Mrs. Harry K. Brooks, Mrs.
Wrallace C. Birdsall, Lieutenant Robert
Hoffman, Lieutenant V. D. Mahoney,
Major C. C. Campbell, Captain Pat
Allen, of the Western Canadian Fight
ing Fifth Regiment, and James T.
Keena, of Seattle.
Miss Genevieve Thompson enter
tained a group of friends at the mati
nee to hear "Romeo and Juliet" follow
ing a luncheon at the University Club.
The affair was complimentary to Miss
Genevieve Church, who will leave soon
for 'Japan, and the additional guests
were, Mrs. Kenneth Robertson, Miss
Fay Nichols, Mrs. Preston Smith, Mrs.
Harold Sawyer, and Miss Elizabeth
Lord of Salem.
A series of benefit dancing: parties
are being given during the month for
the fund for re-establishing returned
soldiers of Oregon, under the auspices
of the Reveille Club. The dances are
semi-weekly events and are given Sat
urday nights at the Multnomah Hotel
and Wednesdays at Christensen's Hall.
An extra party has been arranged for
this week, and it will be given this
evening at Cotillion Hall. Lieutenant
and Mrs. W. W. Dean, assisted by Miss
Jane Gray, are in charge of the ar
rangements. Sergeant S. C. Brady and
Sergeant Arthur Strauss, will con
tribute vocal selections to the events,
and also assist otherwise with the de
tails. Monte Austin, well-known vo
calist, gave a number of excellent so
los at the dance Saturday at the Mult
nomah, and this week's dance also will
have special features.
Mrs. Hubert Morton, recently from
San Francisco, and formerly of this
city, is spending the latter part of this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Wilder, prior to leaving for New York
where she will sail to join her hus
band In England. Mr. Morton Is In
the British army, and formerly w'a'S a
resident of this city. Mrs. Morton has
been entertained the fore part of the
week at the residence of Mrs. Wajter
Mr. and Mrs. John Claire Monteith
have taken apartments at the Hotel
Mallory -for the balance of the season.
An affair that is being anticipated
by the sub-debutante set is the dance
for which Miss Margaret Cook will be
hostess, Saturday evening, at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.
Cook, in Irvlngton. The affair is in
celebration of Miss Margaret's birthday
The united auxiliaries reception com
mittee will meet toworrow evening at
8 o'clock in room 21, Courthouse, and
all members are urged to be present, as
important matters will be discussed.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Prael have
asked guests to dinner this evening in
honor of Dr. and Mrs. George F. Wilson.
Covers will be placed for 12 old friends
of the couple, who returned a short
time ago from their wedding trip.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fullenwider
are being congratulated on the arrival
of a baby daughter, born Monday.
Auxiliary to Machine Gun Company,
162d Infantry, will meet this morning
at 10 o'clock with Mrs. A. M. Smith,
271 North Twenty-fifth street Members
are asked to bring a box luncheon.
The Portland Federation of Women's
Clubs will meet Saturday at 2 o'clock
in the assembly room of the Portland
Hoter. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer, of
Washington, D. C. director of the sec
tion of institutions and reformatories
of the War Department commission
on training camp activities, will mate
the principal address.
The Woodstock Study Club will meet
Friday afternoon at 1:30 at the home
of the president. Mrs. W. F. Boire. 1060
East Thirty-ninth street. This is the
first meeting? to be held since the
epidemic and all members are requested
to attend, as special matters will come
before the business session.
Ben Butler Woman's Relief Corps
will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
ll nu
PROGRAMME of voice and piano
members of the Council of Jewish
Women yesterday afternoon at Con
cordia Club. Miss Frltzl Eppensteln,
violinist, gave a beautiful interpreta
tion of Borowskl's "Adoration." I
Carroll Day sang Jude'a "Rolling Sea"
and responded to the encore with a
lighter number, both of which were
greatly enjoyed. Airs. "Herman Politz
and Harold Hurlburt sang the soprano
and tenor duet from Verdi's "La Trav-
lata" and Miss Susie Michael com
pleted the programme with two piano
numbers, the Paganini-Liszt "Cara
panella" and Cyril Scott's "Negro
Following the programme a social
hour was enjoyed and tea was served.
Mrs. W. L. Block dispensed the hos
pitality, assisted by Mrs. Joseph She-
manski, Mrs. L. N. Levinson, Mrs. Sid
ney Mayer, Mrs. N. Solomon. Mrs. Lud
wig Hirsch. Mrs. Leo Riccn, Mrs. Julius
L. Louisson, Mrs. Isaac Sweet, Mrs.
Sigmund Ottenheimer, Mrs. Jonah B.
Wise, Mrs. A. Cellar and Mrs. J. D.
At the business meeting It was voted
to contribute funds from the treasury
to iurnisn a room at the new con
valescent hospital at Vancouver Bar
The Lonesome Club met Tuesday
evening in the Alisky building. More
than 100 members were present. The
next meeting will be held Tuesday
evening, February 11. All strangers
in the city are invited to attend.
The Portland Parent-Teacher Council
will meet Franday afternoon at 1:30 in
the Central Library. Mrs. Boudinot
Seeley will speak at 2:30 on the "Back-to-
the School" movement. At 3:15 Mrs.
F. M. Blumauer will give a talk on
"The Modern Health Crusade."
The Pure Literature committee will
meet at 10:30 in room G with Mrs. E.
H. Frazelle, chairman. In charge. The
social service committee, under Mrs.
Hirechner, will meet in room G at 12:30.
The Irvlngton Red Cross auxiliary
will meet today In the Irvington club
house to sew on refugee and hospital
The Shattuck Red Cross unit will
meet today from 10 until 4 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Glenn Foulkes. Miss
Elizabeth Rogers is chairman of the
The Tuesday Afternoon Cfub met
February 4 at the home of Mrs. Harry
E. Chipman, 300 East Twenty-second
street. The morning hours were occu
pied with Red Cross work and lunch
eon was served at noon. Mrs. Sanborn
gave a paper on "Impressionists in
Prose and Poetry." Mrs. F. C. Whitten
gave a reading from Stewart Edward
White's "Silent Places." .Miss Grace
Amos gave a reading from John Van
Dyke's "The Desert." Mrs. Mary Scott
Myers and Mrs. G. L. Eshelman were
guests, of the club.
The next meeting will be held Feb
ruary 11 at the home of Mrs. W. L
Marshall. 255 Stark street. ,
Ii.iiisiph; i.;jijjnuMMi u.wv isj
r WolrYond
"with ordinary
corn flakes and
you realize
the difference
California Health Officer Gives
Results of Campaign.
wearing of Masks In Crowds and
Adoption of Personal Hygienic
Measures Recommended.
Isolation and quarantine of all influ
enza patients is given as the mod ef
fective known measure to prevent the
spread of the disease in a study of
easures adopted for the control of
the influenza epidemic compiled by Dr.
Wilfred II. Kelloag, secretary and ex
ecutive officer of the California State
Board of Health.
Copies of this study, which give an
interesting insight into the value, as
far as could be learned, of some of the
various measures adopted in an effort
to stamp out the disease in cities
throughout the country, were received
yesterday by City Health Of f icer Abele.
Isolation Pound Effective.
In his review Dr. Kellogg: states that
rigid quarantine proved Impractical
and served successfully only as long
as the quarantine remained in effect.
The quarantine and isolation of influ
enza cases, he says, is tho most effect
ive means of checking the disease
known, but application of this meas
ure depends more upon the individual
citizen than on the health officers.
Compulsory wearing of masks, which
have been used extensively in Califor
nia, is not approved by Dr. Kellogg,
who cites various incidents to prove
that the mask does not provide an
effective Immunity from the disease.
The wearing of masks by all who rome
in contact with the disease is reco
mended, however.
Wearing of Masks Advined.
"Notwithstanding the fact that the
very complete records at the disposal
of the California State Board of Health
indicate conclusively that the compul
sory wearing of masks does not affect
the progress of the epidemic." the re
port states, "it was advised that in
dividuals wear them when in close
association with their friends, as it is
upon just those occasions that, under
a compulsory law. the mask is most
liable to be laid aside. The use of the
face mask was recommended particu
larly in the presence of anyone who
was suffering from a -cold or who had
recently recovered from influenza.
"Many instances were observed
among hospital attendants where ap
parently the mask was no protection
to the wearers. This was the experi
ence of the San Francisco Hospital
which, during the epidemic, was con
verted into an influenza hospital. In
this institution 78 per cent of the
nurses contracted Influenza, notwith
standing the fact that this Is probably
the best conducted hospital and under
the best discipline of any similar in
stitution in the state. These nurses
live in quarters, which are much better
and less subject to crowding than Is
usual among similar groups in other
hospitals, not more than three nurses
occupying any one room.
Infertlon Received From Patients.
il ine nurses coniraciea inuucnui
from, each other by reason of careless-
ness in wearing the mask in their own
quarters the expected incidence of in
fections should have corresponded
with that of the general community,
or not more than 10 per cent. Tho
fact that the percentage of Infections
in this group was 7S per cent would
seem to show beyond all doubt that
the infection was received from the
patients they cared for."
In summing up the arguments made
against the mask. Dr. Kellogg states
that, although the conclusion is def
initely established that the compulsory
wearing of the mask, is ineffective, it
does not necessarily disqualify the
mask as a useful agent for application
by 'the intelligent individual as a
means of personal protection.
Two types of vaccines, used early In
the epidemic by the California State
Board of Health, have been discon
tinued because. Dr. Kellogg asserts,
they have been found to be of no pro
tectivo value.
"Two types of vaccines have been
used, one made from the so-called in
fluenza bacillus of Pfeiffer, and the
other made of various mixtures of the
organisms associated with the
ondary pneumonia complications.
Inflnensa Cause Perplexes.
"The first type would be the most
rational if it were known that the
Pfeiffer bacillus is tho true cause.
which is not the case. We are as much
In the dark as ever regarding the
microbial cause of influenza. The
mixed vaccines directed against pneu
monia complications offer more hope I
of being of some slight benefit, al
though some recent carefully con
trolled experiments by Dr. Cr. W. Mc-
i'ov, director of the hygienic Inborn-
Likes 'Em"
er! Compare
To. Buy a Piano Direct From the Factory
Distributed From Portland at No Cost of Delivery to You
And Then at Prices Over V Less Than Local Market Prices
$15 and $25 Sends a Piano Home T"
LOT 1 Factory
Rebuilt and
Rertnlnhed T'p
rlgtat Pianos.
inal Sal
Bradford. Ehon ss;n mini
V'olmer. Oak 350 215
Slnper, Mahogany 425
Hailet Sc Davis. W. 450 2ti
Pinjrer, Mahogany 423 25
Cable. Oak 450 25
Bradford, Oak.... 450
Dixon. Klem'h Oak 450 2S
Oaylord, Oak 375 sir,
Story & Clark. O. . 425 ss.
Thompson, Ma hoc 42.1 ss.l
l A
i nompson, Mahogr. 425 sno
Schilling, Oak.... 425 21.t
Davis &. Son. Ma.. 42S..2fK
Singer. Walnut... 475 a 1 5
Kimball. Oak 450 313
Thompson, Oak... 450 313
WJ f is
a i s
Hush & Oertz. V.. 475
Thompson, Waln't 473
Thompson, Mah... 475
Thompson, Wal .. . 473
Thompson. AVal... BOO
Thompson, Mah... 500
Thompson, Mah... 500
Thompson. Oak... D00
Steger & Sons, M.. 550
Steger & Sons. M- 500
Heed & Son. Oak., f.00
Th'mps'n. F"v Oak 600
linger, Kd Oak... .500
Steger & Sons. M. 650
Ueed & Sons, M... 650
Steger &z Srn.. M.. 625
Steinway, 1. G'd...ll00
1! i 7
$450 ,23nc,ar:.V,7r,,n. S245
LOT! 411 w
1018 Models
P 5 a r
1 Bradford. Mah..
9 r a v 1 s Sc. Son,
IV'nt. Oak. ea... 42S 25
S D a v J n & Son,
Wal., Oak., ea. 450
2 Mendenhall, ea.. 450
10 M e n d e n h a 11,
W'n't, Oak, ea. 450
14 Thompson,
wn t, OaK, ea.450
1 Singer 475
w n t. Oak. ea... 500
2 Singer, Oak, ea.. 500
OtOU 3
or securities taken
organ, phonograph vr city lot.
this great money - saving event?
flRDPR YPIIR PIAMfl RY M II , tul7 nod compare oar quality, prlcea and term aa advertised and yon will learn
UOULn lUUnriMilUDI IIIMILnkjr n havr hoadrrdi of mill-oritrr nnyern. Your hov or girl working can save 1R
cash and $7 monthly, and secure a musical education now. l T - or - TOWN BIV l'.RS - VK PRKPAY AI MAKH
Kit KK DELIVERY OP I'lAMI TO YOl'R HOME within SOO tnllr. and the piano will be shipped subject to exchange
within one year, we allowing the full amount paid. This virtually gives you a one-year trial of the piano you order.
Every piano or player-piano purchased carries with It the Schwan I'imo Co. guarantee ot satisfaction, as also the
usual guarantee lrom each manufacturer
Mannfaetnrcra' a Tt
Ciiant Distributors.
Ill Fourth street.
at W asking-ton.
tory of the United States Public Health
Service, fail to show any protective
value for either type of vaccine. Tho
hygienic laboratory of the California
State Board of Health, yielding to me
popular clamor for vaccine, prepared
and distributed, free of charge, many
thousand doses of the influenza vac
cine. The manufacture of the product
has now been discontinued, as it was
conclusively proved that it had no pro
tective value."
The enforcement of anti-expeetorat-
ing laws, the sterilization of drinking
receptacles, provision of proper and
adequate hospital facilities, the educa
tion of the public in personal nygienic
measures and isolation or me cases
are the only weapons which can be
used to advantage in fighting influ
enza, according to Dr. Kellogg.
nttTV r A I O ni vro
Mult nomali Association
Larger Slate Appropriation
GRESHAM. Or., Feb. 5. (Special.)
At the meeting of the Multnomah
County Fair Association Monday, the
dates for the fair this year were set
for September 16-20. It Is planned to
ask for a larger appropriation from the
state for the support of the fair, which
combined with the money given to the
Portland Land Products Show, will
total 7000. H. A. Lewis. John M
Mann and C. D. Minton have been
named to present the matter to the
State Legislature.
County School Superintendent W. C.
Alderson and Miss Ethel Calkins were
present in the Interests of the school
exhibit. This branch of the show will
be one of this year's features.
Railroads Grant Shorter Hours.
TAKIMA. Wash.. Feb. 5. (Special.)
Sixty-nine men in the employ of the
Northern Pacific and a proportionate
number in the establishments of the
O.-W. P. A N. here are affected bv
Crescent JBaking Pdwd&s?
The very best baking powder is the double
acting: one. It raises first when moisture
is added in the mixing bowl, and then
again when heat is applied.
Crescent Baking Powder has this double
raise and it is what is needed to thorough
ly permeate the dough mass and make
PRICES lv"v FvV f'rail-M
K. . S. IU
)Ul C'.VX,
- :V - ' - 3
Canto. 7 Mo. 0 I O J 03UU 25 Cub, ll
- - - r.ysr'4r.t"
( sab. S Mo.
S-'iw"--' win i j
SO 'h. S14 Mo. OHO J
S265 S425 5I,mmS2I5
pavment of pianos or Pla yer - piano
by our Ileal Estate Department. ill
11 rdi;a lUdnuiAviuici vl new iiiuciii-ni iiiaiiuiucius.
ScSi wan. Piano Co. s
or tnese new musical instruments.
K lun
an order received yesterday directing
the officials to prepare plans for put
ting into effect an eiRht-hour clay in
all departments. The onl'T contem
plates the same pay as now received
for 10 hours' work.
University Professor Appointed.
Or.. Feb. 5. (Special.) Dr. B. W. Do
Busk, professor of secondary education
in the university, received word yes
An unmarked tablet' is of un
known quality. The Bayer Cross
guarantees the known quality
and unquestioned purity of
acKMMOT of siUflusud is tun tliu.u
Morksd with the Bave?r-Cr
for Your Additional Protection
delicious, light and easily digested treads,
cake3 and biscuits.
Try Crescent. You'll be delighted Yfith
the results. Your grocer probably has it
if not write us sending bis name and
address pnd yours, and we will send you
the Crescent Cook Book free on request.
Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash.
2 Reed & Son, Ma
hogany, each...J5S0
1 R d Je Son.
Walnut.- 50 45
1 Steger A Sons.
Many. each.... 750 45
Slodel Player Plan
4 M e n d e n h a 11.
Mah.. Oak W'n't 658
2 Thompson, Ma
hogany. Waln't. 750
Th'mps'n. M..W. 750
1 Reed & Son. M. ?00
1 Singer, Mah.... S50
2 Singer. Walnut- 900
2Reed & Son.
Mah'y, W'n't... 900
2 Stec-er & Sons,
Mah'y. Oak. eallB
w Electric PI rem
Mahogany I0S8
ed Electric Players
.1758 49S
riOT 4 Ta4 Piaaom
and Organ
B u r d e tte Parlor
Organ 125 30
Nredham M i r r or
Organs 125 3
Knabe sq. Piano.. 3.0 43
Emerson Sq. Piano 350 5
Collard & Collard
l'prlq;ht ?SO 5
R. Rord. Paris li. 2T5 73
H a I I e t & Davis
Upright 350 J1S
Story & Camp. Up. 3i8 133
The K.qulty Ooea to Yon
Thompson, Fine
Mahogany 450 SnS
Thompson. Large
Mahogany 47S So
T h o m p son. Pol
ished Mahogany 500 31
Finger. Dull W'n't 6ft 343
Sterer 5?on. Pol
lened Mahogany 6C5 37
auri:i; this sale, as also your o.d piano.
you be one of the fortunate ones to enare
awa. WR';TKF:
terday that he has been appointed by
Governor Withycombe as a delecate
from the state of Oregon to attend
the National child welfare conference,
to be held In New Tork City. February
12 and in. The conference will consider
ways and means to promote child wel
fare in this country. Dr. De Busk
said today that he is rot sure whether
he can make the trip or not. due to the
distance and his other duties. He has
not received the programmo outlining
the topic to be discussedJ
C9 ft
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