Housekeepers. .VANTbD A place to keep house for a re spectable man who has some family and needs a housekeeper, or light housework, oy an elderly woman. Bast 4700. CO.MPi.TEXT middle-aged housekeeper de sires position for gentieman where she can take full charge. A.N' S'li. Oregonian. Domestics- AV work bv Sellwood 1222. experienced woman. Call WANTED TO REM. MEIER Sc. FRANK'S FREE RENTAL, AND INFOKMATiON BUIUJAU. Reliable, up-to-date list of desirable Tacant houses, apartments and flats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers In Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them set properly and quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR. WANT furnished 3 or 4-room suburban house with or without garage, married couple; refnrcnce. Earl Gray. Oregon Hotel. WANTED at once, modern furnished house. 4 to 0 rooms; family of . Main 2bG2 between 9 A. M. and ii p. M. ,vANl house; would like pia e for chickens "nd cow, not necessary, though. Wooiilu. 4 t.S 8. WAST to rent Same residence. West Side, close in. Will buy some furniture. Call Ta bor J7r2. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house or flat. Phone 42VJ. B 12, Orego ri ian. ."WANTED Furnished house or nutiKalow, 5 or 6 rooms; slate price, locaUou when ready. C 47. 6-6-ROOJI furnished house, with garage; references. East 742. Mrs. Knight. Apartment. ritut'tbSlOXAL man wants high-class, modern 4 or 5-room unfurnished apt.. VVest Side preferred; permanent. Barge Leonard. Multnomnh Hotel. No. 4. JiY reliahle couple, unfurnished 4 or ." room apartment, or stcam-hcaicd flat. B 1 J, Oregon! ii u . IWANTED By couple, merit. West Side. J 2 or 3-room apari OregonJan. Booms With Board. !(VELL.EDUCATED and refined young man who can appreciate a good hom, wiEhet; room in private family, close in; also board if convenient. Can furnish tlio best of references. C 4li, Oregonian. MA N, with son 12 years, wants room and board in private family near Ladd school; home prlvilegeii and first-class. B 1G, Oreponian. BOTII a iady and gentieman, business peo ple, desire room and board in private Samily In nicely furnished home in high--laes district. Tabor 4407. 213 RM ANEXTfc refined home For boy 4 years old, where mother can visit oc casionally; Btato particulars and price. K fc26, Oregon ian. BY youns man, place to room, pood board la privato family. Will pay S10 per week. Al berta or Hose Cltv. V 44, Oregonian. Rooms. GESTLIMAN wishes clean, quiet room. West Side, reasonable. AV 5SS. Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. 2jADY wants clean H. K. room in private fasniJr. West Side: heat, lisht. phone; n..t over 410 month; permanent. 11 76a, Ore gonlan. i-'L'RXISHED flat or liouaekeenlnir rooms. oy man ana wue wun o-year-old Call MasEhall 3d:in. girl. WAMtD 2 H. K. rooms, close in, adults, on or befora Feb. 8. After 0 P. SI. SL Kilverton. Main 7313. THREE rooms for housekeeoinj?. by couple with best references. Tabor ai;26. Business Places. SALE and show room or part of a. window and room for business purpose, near cen ter of city. I. L. Gross, Koom SOD. Con gress Hotel. Miscellaneous. "WANTED Good private Raraee; West Side preferred. AR 23. Oreeor.lan. TOR KENT. Furnished Kooins. A iloderate-Pnced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD Bast Morrison and Sixth Hotel Clitxord is the principal Kait side Hotel and is a hotel of disnltv and re finement. Daily rate $1.23 an; two In room. $1.75: weekly rates. .6 and up. NORTONIA HOTKLTPortlands downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or sins'.e. with or without board, for families tnu uusinesa men ana women. we give you all the comforts of a home. Reason able rates. ANSOXIA HOTEL. 124 14rh St.. at Washington. Kates. $5 per week up. 7oc day. Fire proof; large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center catering especially to those desiring quiet. HOTEL OUKLEY, llorrison St., at 17th Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4.50 up; running water; free phone and bath. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the Kast Side; modern, cor.verien' hip1 quality. low price. East 3d antlgurnside! WALDO Hotel, corner Broadway and Ank eny Bts.. new management, respectable steam heat; ratca 50c per day up. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. st7;downtown location: respectable and strictly modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. r urntshed Room, ia Private Fiiniily. ONE nicely furnished sleeping room, gas and electric lights, free phone and bath suitable for two; one block from carline. Marshall 2410. ATTRACTIVE furnished room ill private home; employed people preferred: West Side, corner EvereU and 19th. Broad way 2710. 53 A MONTH Small, sunny front room; large closet, electric lights, bath and phone; 13 blocks to pootoffice. 415 Broadway: W. 8. WELL furnished room for one or two gen tlemen only; plenty of light and heat; 10 minutes' walk to city. ilaln 405. 32'J i.itn. near .Market. IslC'E large bedroom rent to one or two ket st. Main 1737. 1 private family to cntlemen; 455 Mar- fcARGE front sleeping room in modern home, suitable for two gentlemen. 751 Kearney. Main 4441. ZjARGE front sleeping room, nicely fur nished, fireplace, on West Park st. Main 7023. 2sICELY furnished Bleeping rooms with modern conveniences; also one light house keeping room; walking distaace. East 113. ULLGANTLY furnished room in a swell pri vate home, suitable for 2 men; close in 71 Trinity place. XtARGE nice furnished front room, furnace heat, hot and cold water, in a large, mod ern home. 161 N. 23d. Marshall 4753. CICELY furnished front room in Irvington home. Call afternoons or evenings. 058 Wiedler st. Phone East 2745. E69 14TH CHOICE furnished room, ins distance. Main S3. walk- JvICE. clean sleeping-room, modern. 6277. ITRXISHED room In privato family: 70S E. Flanders. Ea?t :1SB5. ONE neatly furniehed front room and one upstairs. 411 Stark st. Bdwy. 3150. IVIICELY furnished front roomfor rent 6S3 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 19th. East 7978. LARGE neatly furnished bedroom. wairlW distance, 82.25 per week. 431 Gth st! Koomn With Board. THE MAKTIIA WASHINGTON SSO 10th St. For business girls and stu dents: reasonable rates. Marshall 12T.I. liOOM and board for business girls; all mod ern conveniences; walking distance- 4 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. 4.. 2 MORRISON", cor. 13th. rooms and board modern conveniences; walking distance. ' LARGE, airy double room, with running water and good table board. 261 13th et. Rooms With Board In Private Family HAVE a nice room to rent to two, either ladies or gentiemon. or couple: home privileges: can furnish breakfast and din ner if desired. East S332. IN IRVINGTON. on Broadway carline, at troctively furnished room with fireplace; sarage. East 1020. "WANTED One or two children, good home mother's care, 2Vj to 6 ytars; cloee in." A Io74. iVILL give a bright orphan or motherless girl, age 8 to 12, good home; references. M T70. Oregonian. WILL take four young men to board in my private home; walking distance to Albina and Willamette shipyards. East 44111. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, with board, furnace heat, phona and bath, and all mooern conveniences. Wornllawn "031. JSICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two. modern flat, excellent meals, walking aia tanca. Main 8325 or 547 H 0th at. PLEASANT reom; breakfast if desired; walkins distance. West Sido. Main 9155. Boom W ith Board in Private Family. FLTliNACE-IIBATED front roornT neatly furnished; suitable for 2 gentlemen : bath, ph.. house privileges. table board if wanted. 1 blk. to carline. Phone Main 7463, 106 22d st. N. Furnished Apartments. 3-ROOM fur. apt., part of furniture for sale; adults. Phone Marshall 798. 3-F.OQM furnished apartment for rent. Call oodiawn 4405. EXPENSIVELY furnished 3-room apartment with kitchenette for rent. Call Main 1073. 4jot tlroiglietl AP&Ttmento. LORENZO Apts. 427 Salmon. Phone Main 87S. One unfurnished 2-room outside apt.; light and water, phone; no children. L,?4VZ0 APTS.. 427 Salmom Phone Main One unfurnished 2-room outside aDt-' Hfeht and w ater, phone; no children " i ie " apartment 1,2.50 per Flats. 5-KOOM flat. Glisan st. unfurnished, J15. 1840 East MSIRAULE small flat, close in; 381 st; li;, ; ruferences. Main 3018. Furnished Flats. OR Feb. o-P-OOM f;at. partly furnished, by Oregonian IICO. OIUC. I.1UEB in. I . Housekeeping Booms. room arranged for housekeeping In iirst-class apartment-house, suitable for one person; $21.50 per month; references required. Marshall 2830 WELL furnished 2-room H". K. apt.. 2;ti Union ave.. corner No children. rea- Clay. TWO large, clean, light rooms, euitabl t wu or inree aaults; spfctable. 2-17 J, 5th st. quiet ana re -ROOM SUITE fc'tuam lath yt. heat; $i!5 I." i.-1 , -v- -n . : : : v.rtf H T.i i . Kitcnenetta. first floor, - .iu'jilh. d.i;i r landers. iiirnit-hed housekeeping rooms In qiure lV "Washington. 1 MOUtl i:.V month. 4 SO College St. Main ClMO. Per NI-JIS Hlngle housekeeping room for rent. -mi niiuu m. TVl'I lirl.r V- , -.1 : 1 " k. 1-,, ; y,riB rooms; rent rva- ' " -im i. is. .Main tiM6aJ. Housekeeping jtoomnJPriratw FnmllyT- nicely furnished housekeeping room h ana electric hhtH. fre hon hill h ; nice location. on hi-r-L- t r-,-.. line -111 ,-iian tni. tLbAbANT room with kitchen privileges to ady or coupl employed; reasonable; close u i eu 1IonV rooms Tor house- ONE single houekepine roo: Phone; $10; 405 -v. prk. n.: gas. llsht. 1 I I. iu r 1, . . I-iri. V-i . p 8 room Ior or two n-- .. . . - St. THv. ... J7 . . Varnii oSn1- '", J- rooraa. prlvat. , - j ' vj. &L. C .r," montli; larse housekeeping room: water, cooking raj. 44 East 7tli ,.;2' l -i 1 orKCO!sy 'urnisi'ed home- r i. rt r . " ! t; o-iii t", 1 w-orkin? woman with lit tie girl. F'hono Marshall 2167. y . attlc roon housekeeping, suit- ab;e for one or two men. S0i 14th st. SUITE Of H. tC rr.nn.i- heat, bath and i'none. p-j v tan a e r s. fKCXT hoosekef plnrr room: phone: peo- employed. S3. loth St. XICKLY f.irniEhed. 3-room. all per month. 7:;fi Hoyt. modern. $5 5,i fii" o"eepinS room for man. NICELY furnished three-room front apart moiit; grown aduka only. 699 Everett. Hons- es. INSPECT 1030 Grand. North; excellent I Includes North. ....u .naive neeuea repairs: 1: water, owner, 141 East G9th 1 rt-lfJ liAST SIDE, large 8-room itrams repair, gas, bath, small basement, nice yard; suitable for large family. E.ast 7S20. when you move; nuKruwuilBRN ELECTRIC light Broadway 5S0. A 6747. FIXE, rent oleum 10-room. i-astmoreland home for to party who will mirrh n-- combination gas and coal ranee and gas heater. PART of house for middle-aged couple no o..j people; privileges of home; all bop 74V pretty place to live. Ta- tn k ,7Iano- rurniture and lonir-dls- service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. bTm M SifttCTLY modern S-ronm bn..o h ble garage. Apply 109S E. 22d N. A'lberta MODERN three-room house, adults only Call between 1 P. M and a P. it 1077 e" "'th st. N. -ROOM house. Northrup, near 21st; JS5. 515 i;;. ixuiox $30. 4io East 15th North. -Fiiruistietl Houses. fin lurn,3ne,J complete, bungalow "loern. !s jieryl Terrace .uunianaa aepot car. SGth st., one block MY S-KOOM HOME, nlcelv furnished; ental rugs, piano, man. furn. oOl PANAMA BLDG. Ori- uruary IT": utifuHy furnished mort- itiVn "e5c oioe. call Main I Ti VTPL'l , , w .uini:ieu lower rioor to per- 5?n,en ,co"r'" 229 EaBt lOtb- t.. near FC',R RE.N'T burnished 8-room house and o.o-c, .Aiiviiig cisiance. L 74U, Ore- pnnian. 9-ROOM well furnished house, near 20th and Ererett; ?75. AR 218. Oregonian. 5-KOOM house, furniture for sale, house for rent; price reasonable. Call Tabor 77S9. TO KENT By March 1. 7-room furnTshTd houye; ll'?u Pacific st. Tabor 2002. 'tmsSPB, lor rent' '"--nlture for sale. $200; 4f)i) Market st. Phone Main 1684. Offices. OFFICES. suitahle storeroomi and halls; also rooms for light building accommodations; rent reasonable Sweeney Investment Co.. 815 Dekum bldir ' Q and Washington. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences. J,1" ".V btwen 3d and 4th. Apply room . dlj Kailway Exchange. MOST centrally located offices, low rent. S-.vetland bldg.. 5tli and Washington. LIGHT offices, some furnished, including lignt. heat and service. 206 Stock Eich. Miscellaneous. A GOOD basement Broadway. for rent reasonable. 71 JBCSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. O manage a selling agency; something new loo Abington bldg.. bet lo and FOR QUICK SALE; List your business of anv kind with GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG PARTY invest $500. fruit, berries, chick ens; will pay interest and provide em y'oyment on place. AL 39, Oregonian. CAFETERIA on best corner in city weTi equipped; good business. J 348, Oregonian. FOR SALE Tailor shop; lady cannot man age. 3tiS N. 24th st. StwuKr taa-ftE, RtsrVfftfcs 5' 11 total-'. vdtu.' ;Ba51R.' TTTI Ti 1 i I H u 1 ff II , j fev-SRyBLiPVi 1 S ii lifil''-Jii' .'WKS'.y ''1;'JK tRAajK ouTTh ib0 Ml TMgai! T-txTT Bte,d tf- . V I Y-!SZ - L-r--VXg j silstggg I I CPJ"!t, 1 91 9L by lHwsppr Tmturm Sorric. Inc. Great Britain BUSINESS OPPORTCXTTIES. ORGANIZING PROSPECTORS' COLONY. . W. Walker, pioneer Alaska prospector. Is now forming Siberian Mineral Develop ing colony, consisting of auo prospectors. t?t . ve for the rlch alluvial uepos,t of Siberia. If Interested in Joining colony or learning about Siberian fields, send 35 cents for pamphlet, containing only up-to-oate Information published. Address t0 Pioner bldg.. Seattle. Vh. have (ur sale 3 good lunch counters. No. i lunch counter, 7 tables. U furnished rooms all rented; making good money; price J900. No. 2 lunch counter, 5 tables. 3 living-rooms; nets 2J0: price 70. No. J lunch counter, 2 pool tables and confec tionery; fine business; price J1200. Geo. TMooro Co.. Abington bldg. DOES a toy manufacturing proposition ap peal to you? 1 have a nr child's coaster over which the kiddies fight for the op portunity to play; need capital and part ner to manufacture it. Give address or ynoiie ior appointment. V 43. Oregonian WHEN WANTING to sell, buy or trade your mercantile busi ness, address J- L- HARTMAN COMPANY, .o. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark sts. X-X A l.t' . . I . . . . . omo ox tne pest-selling articles on the market. Sell state right of Wash . lngton for one of them and any part of Washington and Oregon on the other arncies. lallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. i OL NG man wi; h ability and reasonable amount of cash can secure territory to manufacture one of the best staple articles i.i uiMtieu oy traaemarK, snowing splendid Profit; handled by all Pacific Coast whole salers. L 718. Oregonian. PIcrx'KE and vaudeville theutcr for sale. Splendid equipment. Best town. Low rental. Excellent opportunity, particu larly for musical family, or "partnership that can do all their own operating. lu nuire AV 5S'J. Oregonian. WANTED Lady business mngr.; best reTs. exchsjd. $7uo working capiuil required. Handling own money. Net you ab. loir,. 1st r. r.efnrt., higii-class business. Nation-wide proposition. AC 151, Oreconian. CIGARS AND TOUACCO ptand, $:;!.",. Corner. Doing $25 to "5 day. This is a very good 'buy. Rent $12. BUSINESS SERVICE, Main 6797. tV01-2-3 oregonian bldg. WILL sell my 1-ton Ford truck, almost new, must be seen to be apprecl.'-.ted; have good established business and office: will sacri fice if taken at once. Cnll Quick Service Transfer Co.. ISO First, cor. Yamhill. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of 1'ortlnnd Realty Bonrd. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. POOL HALL. SOFT DRINKS AND CIGARS. A nice little business for two partners; $22oU canh takes It. A. J. Dt FOREST, ?13 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. FOR ciALfc! Confectionery and Ice cream business, poo! and card room in connec tion, in Eastern Oregon town: no compe tition. See owner, A. M- Chamuers, Per kins Hoiel. $95' buys a Broadway rooming-bouse; 2b rooms; rent $70 month; 2-ye:ir lease. BUSINESS SERV1CB. Main 5797. 601-2-3 oregoniin bldg GOING enterprise desires $25,000 to aid in enlarging project, offer pood eecunty with ti per cent; also unusual additional returns. E. E. Miller. 412 Fenton blrfg. CAFETERIA. $5Xrtl. on West Side, clearing between $-O0 and $:ni0 per month; cloi-ea on Sundays; selling on account cf sickness. AL 31. Oresronian. GARAGE for sale: good lease; big repair and storage busines; also sell supplies, gasoline, etc.; profits extra good.. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. WANTliD Man with knowledge of fish business and cash to Invest in a going busi ness, producing, shipping, curing. L 745. Oregonian. DELICATESSEN restaurant, ju.t right for one who can wait on customers: can clear $300 month. Will sell low. Call 511 Rail way Exchange. WANT to lease small wood-workin plant partly equipped with machinery lor fur niture making and repairing, by two ex perlenced men. N 249. Oregonian. FOR SALE General blacksmith and ma chine shop business established 14 years; will take $4000 to handle. P. O. box 130, Gaston. Or. STATE territory for sale ; airplanes, parts and supplies for eaie; representative in town a few days; arrange for interview. A V 6 SO, Oregonian. FIXE oppor unity for party with $15.000 ; manufacturing proposition. largo returns ; thorough investigation solicited. M 771, Oregonian. GROCERY. with 5 rooms, all furnished, and 5i.uu commercial papt-r to trace for ranch. What have you? Phone Main 1204. or write I. E. Spencer. Broadway. INDUSTRIOUS man. as partner in a safe business, to look a ter help. etc. ; 1j00 with services required: can make 250 month. Call 511 Hallway Exchange. FOR SALE or trade. Goodwin Transfer & Storage business in t-pokane, wash., for something in Portland; established 13 years. Prico ?fijoO. AG Si:;. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted with M( and willing to work to build small sawmill; big money can be made ; timber is near Portland. C 4S, Oregonian. WANTED A good live man with about 110.000 cash to take on dealership, for the best automobile on the American mar ket. AddreFS P. O. box 12.10, Bols-. Idaho FOR PALE Coal oil and gasoline route In Portland, including l-ton Republic truck and all customers' cans. Write Red Tank Oil Co., Portland. WANTED A partner for foundry and ma chine itiop; must have $:juoo cash. L 75 L Oregonian. A MAN with S5O00 to 10.000. with services. If possible; pood opening for right party. G (.40, Oregonian. GROCERY for eale; owner had it long time, wants to retire ; sales 1 0O day ; try It until satisfied. Room 4o3 Dekum bids. WANTED Partner, or sell outright,-csta b- iisned business: sma.l investment. 10 Stock Exchange bldg. CHEESE factory, situated in the finest dairy section in Southern Idaho. Apply oox ;o.! r tiiiii, luan tj. BAKERY and delicatessen; good nelghbor- nooa: low rent; price right. A a to, ore gonian. STOVE store and plumbing shop with sheet metal in connection, fully equipped. C. M. Conner, Dunsmuir, California. FOR SALE $",.0. Restaurant. good busi ness: cheap rent, owner going to Cali fornia. 300 E. Wash.. St. MACHINE and auto repair shop; a money- maKing Dusiness. tor t3u, tuny secured. Call room 403 Dekum bide. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good hotel in northern California. T or particulars write owner, J. H. Smith. Warrenton, Ore. WILL buy one or two thousand Idaho Gold v. tvuoy mining stocK at xuc. Box 807 Frye Hotel. Seattle. FOR SALE Grocery; well stocked and do ing gooa Dusiness; some trade or terms' five living rooms. AH 83, Oregonian. NOTICE. General merchandise store for sale bargain. W. Butler. Skamania, Wash. WE sell all kinds of barbers euDolie Agents for Koken's ba-ber chairs. Kemp Barbers' Supply Co.. 271 Washington st. AUTOMOBILE garage, excellent opening fo man w no can invest Joi'lf; proiltai $.jP year. Call 511 Railway Exchange. COFFEE-HOUSE, lunches, cigars, etc.; profits $400 month: can try it until sat l;ifid. Call room 403 Dekum bidg. RESTAURANT for sale at a bargain; doing gooa ousiness. ;s vvasnington st. SMALL general store in country town; will invoice wjiw. av 011, oregonian. BCSIXES8 OPPORTUNITIES. FOUR pool tables and one billiard table all and cues that go with tnem to make them complete. This outfit cost $2150 2 year! - Everyona knows that ti?e5 P . taOI l"t a lifetime and . .... i. . i a""". " isci rine .condition; I"'' ' a "i opportunity to get lined up Ior a poolroom somewhere. The soldiers ?"i.n '!"s .lome n" and thi wl:1 I'M goods could not be bought for less than the market for this o'u-.flt? if you are 1 $00. 1 should ask $1500. Now. get busy on this as you can't have deals like this every dav. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 7435. ywetland Bldg. iv . , .i ; . . . Portue . et De"-iiui modern homes in v iftlmol nw close lu on Broad way, walking distance; large living and dining-room, kitchen with largo pantry, 3 bedrooms with alcove and large ciothes civets, tiled bath, a toilet, linen run cement basement, furnace with hot water connections, .stationary wash trays. Will consider small modern bungalow as 1 ' i.icut not too lar out. iJnce J K.ou. I-oar 5-room flats, all modern, each with private furnace hi.i;,.m cement basement, wash trays, been hulit ii-?'! 1,ncome over 1K month. Price It is a pleasure to show this i .1, , "eM 'Pirateiy or if taken .wfaCLwec. j-nco incumbrance, ALLEN & ALLEN, 40S Stock Exchange Bldg. i OR SALK Oil TRADE. $4200 GENERAL C'OUNTRV STORE. Near Kayetteville. Oreeon: sture build ing with living-room; lot lOxlU0. and about Vltioo worth of monk; sales I10O0 per ii. , U.IHO t-jw casn, tai, trade residence in Portland preierred A. J. DeKORKST, P13 Chamber of Omiuerrf. Main 6967. GROCERY" HAKGAI.V ' nave on our list on or th very best grocery buys in tli city of Portland; -5 apartmtftitH above this fine store. Wilt lump fixtures and invoice Hm-k; about i.ok mis up. .Tent LLSINKSri S3ERVIOE, Tan 677. ttfrt-'2-:i Oregonian bldg. LSTA IIUSHKD MJ LL1NKRY Bl'SINEt J- l nit location in l'iiaiI rtintrlpt r.nm in .n JTKt .Side and doing good business ; prine o -w. inn incinaee merciiann.. furniture ana imurp.. JK. M. Brown with N HI LA N & PARK H I LL -l'J Lumbermen!; bldg.. Mh stid Ftirk st. p.-ilb, Aucnmo ehop and garage, choice location, brick building; goou lease. tutap rem; a going DUFinets. with lot worn, aiul orders on hand; a moni-y-mukr. us ttiiow. you. iaiimaars fealty Co. Rif Henrv bldg. Hatiies Opportunite 1-Yswoted. n i to least or tak position running stock layout whera there ta plenty of range; can make you sure of our auility A V .Vi!. Oregonian. WANTE uick soljlnir side line to me p. ch.iii tJ covtjrin na granges ny traveling man vwnametta alley. AG urv nAVi several thousand dollars to Invest with service in legitimate manu lacturing or commercial busineh. only rcspouible WANTEU. SECOXD-HAXD SODA KOUNTAIN'. 33. OREGONIAN. WE have 3 clients wactinx lunch counter or sin a II restaurants, :rom "tH to f luuO. Geo. T. Moore Co.. Abliig'on bldg. WANTED A meat market, either in Port land or out wide. A3! tti;. Oregon tan. WANTED 2 or 3-chalr Jlf. Oregonian. barber shop. AL WANTED To rent a fully-equipped bakery in good town. C 127. orcgonlau. Hotels anl Rooming lloune. HOTEL SPECI.VLri. Shut our eyes and ttka a pick. Evry on gooil class an'1 tiiiiny-niakern: thor oughly niodcra. Vou can t maka a mis take. 31.". rms.. corner brick". West Side. 70 rms., nets ;nn. W,t Sn13. 72 rmi, ueia tnju. Wnt Side. 00 rmn., rieu Tm), West Si.l. 74 rmi.. netn tuim. West Side.. 6. rms., nelB STou. West Side. r.H rma., neta ".oj. West Side. .VI rms.. nets 1700. Wt title. These are all bona tide propoi!t!onn; $:10uU to Jt'.noo will handle any of them. Call at our oiflre for further particular,. CEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABIXOTOX I. 1.1 Ml. nS BOOMS, MODERN'. J27.10. Rent. heat, hot water and Janitor fur nished with the rent, which ta $175 month; well furnished; a bargain. J. BKUCE GOUDARD, 502 Couch Bid. TF VOU wrsn TO BUY OR SELL. u. Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. "WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTE.R. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN. Good country - hotel, the be?t place !n town, with a pool hall and confectionery in the Fame bids. : good place for man anil wifa; $KHiu cash required. A. .1. Do KO RE ST. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 60B7. 20-BOOM rooming-house, all fixed up for housekeeping; good looking place oa the Went Side, close in; rent $;17.50; clears $t 10 net. IVIce of furnishing. $17o0: 1H00 down. bal. to suit. A. J. DeForesl, SI 3 Chamber of Commerce. Main ;t7. ALMOST new brick apartment-house, close in. West Side; 21 two and three-room apartments. Owner going to California, will sell furniture and give three-year lease to responsible party. V" 43. Orego nian. A VERY SPECIAL BARGAIN. 15 rooms, furrace. White Temple dl trlct. well furnished, clearing $i5 month above every expense: good home per J. BRUCE GODDARI), K02 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE Burlington Hotol, St. Johns, 23 rooms, close to mills and shops, plenty iwarurra. sine cnance ior people wno un tier-stand such business. Must get out; will sell at sacrifice, bee owner. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE And I will comfortably and quickly show you the best buys in rooming a-nd apartment-houses In Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD. .V2 Couch Bids. 22 ROOMS, all housekeeping; clears-iTTs per month: finest deal In Portland: wom an can run it: close In. West Side; lady moving to Spokane. Main 5t72. Call 2tJ3 5th st. No agents. 40-ROOM apartment and rooming-house; brick building, choice downtown location; income $'.U0 a month: $.1000. ia cash, hI ance terms. Tallmadgo Realty Co., 619 Henry bids. FOR QUICK SALE, List your hotels, apartment and rooming-houses with GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BI.PG. FOR best bargain in rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co. 240 4th at. 16 H. K. ROOMS, clearing $120; rent $.H) Price $000. Owner leaving town on account of health. 4r,0 Yamhill stT MARY E. LENT. HOTEL & APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. 20 ROOMS. IO apartments: clears $125 monthly: want to sell this week. 4lo Ciay. TRADE or sell, easy terms, hotel, valley town, by owner. Morris. Broadway 3123. H-ROOM boarding house for sale. Innulre at C7V N. 3d t POLLY AND Riht rvMtrrttL Rc4st4rwd ta LI. BUT PA COULDN'T EXPRESS HIMSELF In (..r.i.. . nen tney get borne, in fact this is a class of goods that will be in demand from now on. Take advantage of this sacrifice and do not let this op portunity pass you? No doubt you are well aware of ih far- . v. .. . . . . , . BCSr KSS jOFPORTUNITirS. Hotels u Room Ins-HoaseaT- ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES FOR SALE. 2 rooms, all sleeping rooms, steam heat, close In; only $1100. Terms on part. 44 rooms, modern brick bulldlnn. mostly transient, always full, close lo. East tilde. Prlca JMJtlo. Terms on part. lis room, apartment, low rent, brick buildins;, $UOOO. 63 rooms, apartments, brick buildins;. In good district. Only $400. 32 rooms. . close in, main business dis trict. N. W. heat. low rent. Price 30vo. some terius. SPECIAL. 37 rooms, apartments, all new furniture. In good location. 5-year lease, will trade for good home; want an acre or more near tow a. KEW TORK LAND CO. 03-5 Stock Exchange Bids;. Main 7678. SNAP. 18 H. K. rooms, downtown corner, clear $12A month. Phone Main E2I. MSTAJD FOO'IX WILL party who took my bag from my yard please return same to where you found It? Leave 1L Will call M. & F. or at Oregonian. The bag and knife were my "f. ""niern, ine meuicine is expensiv and of no value to vou Vmi av -' Io the money. My name Is on the library card and you know the residence where ....u lwib n. out piease give it up. THE following articles have been found o cars of the Portland Hallway. Liaht i Power Co.. Feb. 3. 11: nurses 1 wtrh I key, 1 pin. 2 gloves. 2 books. 4 packages, 1 bdle., 8 lunch boxes, 3 suitcases. 2 um brellas. Owners may ol.taln property at .-vni.-i--i.treet station. i lerby-st. fill, one black-spotted i.i-ii.Ti, o luuiiins. aoout weeks ago. 1 ward. J. L. Carter. Vancouver Wash. i none ii.', ' m ano jcriersoti. Ffliniary 2. an ciavman koo;k .o. i A . l-lnfler please re turn to 41i l-edcral bids. Reward. Num oei- oi KonaK Hmitvn to parties. LOST Tuesday mornins. Flfth-Harrixm or 'iiroaaway- I ayior. 2' bill. If finder re mrns win go ao-oo. Driver 4J. Olds. Wort man t jving. M-jn i un oodiawn car or near 3d and Alder. package containing unfinished work or black geometlo crene. Utturu to 2V W: and cet reward. un i . i .--. oucli und lieoadway. Jan. 2. kindly re .ii.i trie icatner rusnion to 40 ;;d St. LOriT Airedale terrier, about a ear and a mu, iratner collar with largo ring 2." East 3d. Liberal reward. iC 1 A handtiag. Chinese Jewelry, safe deposit key; $lo reward. Call A 298S or Lt.'ST 13ook containing eight war savings r.....-, . ieraiu. ic;i i.e r rancis. rhonc LO.-il Sniu gold-filled gents chain. Mon day, bt. 3d and Oak and Oregonian of f?ee. Hetnrn to Oreconian office ty.'.- i Liay rlii;: old keepsake; In the oriental cafe Saturday night. Finder noi.iy room i t.onradtne Ho:el. if . ."," t"'Kck pur.e 20 and change. CPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OK RECEIVER'S SALE. ine receiver's sale advertised f..r 2 P. M. on January 31. 1019. or all the stock of nier. handlse. accounts and assets of Thrsn i Company, in the suit of W. fc. Roberts n. P. w. Thorsen. hi the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County, No. G I'JS. having been postponed for one week by order ef .notice is nereiy riven that said wiij iii oo neiu on rrUsy, February 7 i'i'.. at 2 o'clock P. M.. at the place of i.-.i.'Mrieps pi sain iirm. 15- Flrt street r-ortianu. Oregon. Sstd sale will be at public auction to the hlirhevt tin hi k., tier and will Include ail of the stocks of i.iei iianuise. consisting of palms, oils. .une.i. orusnpH. outldcrs hardware, J V ',, "" tne accounts and bills recetvablo. fixtures and atoets of y.eijr ucsiripuon. saia sale will be sub jec-t to coniirinatlon by the court. All of snld stoek. accounts and assets mav ne examine, at said place of busmeas at any time during business hours previous to TJUirj1? wVPtTL'f:E'V' Rscetver. xI?NRV I- l-ONS. Attorney. " McKay Building. STOCKHOI.DKRS' MEETING " annual meeting of the stockholders , I . ,7oP' Amusement Co. will be l .at ,?irff,c of the company. People. PV Bu"""?;. W. Park, and Alder stJ, 1U10 at 2 o'clock P. M. "oruary i. D. SO LIS COHEN', Pee. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will be received -, .v,. ;,n i p unuer.ignea.4ui Courthouse, until 3 P. M. l.iursday. February 6. W19 t Purcnase or a one-story frame building at the site of the Hen. r.,.. ?.'i.h,1ic ?Yho?1- Portland. Oregon, from the v.. , , , , -Multnomah County Oregon. Bids will be opened at 4 P M same date, in room 304 Courthouse. r- 7 u ' be r'c'ved at the iiii r. Mi.; """erinienoent or Properties. Cert (fed clieeV tn. .-! u.. "."'. . lJr!'2' Paabl R- H. Thomii." School Clerk, must acenmnanu T P'""1'- , Board of Directors reserves the .. .. 1 a" Proposals. R- H. THOMAS. School r-l.elr tsALE OF r;o VP; KNM E NT-OWNED .iTheKi5urpI.u Property Division. Muni tions bldg 19th and B -. Washington, p. c. wl.l receive bids on nose bags, also .Hn,",.l":'-baKS- hat " manu'ac- T.r,7 i. V". J nmenr as Army equip ment. No bids will be accepted for less than a bale lot. which contains SO hsga . C c inaue in triplicate rorm and must be mailed in time to reach Washington for the ODenlr.c ai r vi March 3. 1913. Full particulars and forms .. .uu.,IKvijiK oios may oe obtained upon application to Surplus Property Division. 5 P."d:. No! 320. C. T'e!1"" C- K"' riNANClAU TJ. 8. BOND DEALERS. We want $1000 second 4s, $(5000 third 4 ,s and $12,UU0 fourth 4 'is liberty bonds this week. We paid $!4 7 Tuesday. for fourth 4,s; will pay highest market price this week. Why take less? TVe buy and sell liberty bonds, all la rues; also receipts. Checks mailed to out-of-town sellers day bonds are received. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY Second Floor Wilcox Bldg.. " Sixth and Washing-ton. Lslab.iolied 1009. LIBERTY BONDS. We buy them, we loan on then and w buy receipts on partial paid bonds. For prices see our display ad on market page, which Is next, to the last page. ELWOOD WILES COMPANY. Stocks and bonds. 231 U. S. National Bank bldg. . CASH LIBERTY RONDsI . " FULLY PAID OR IN PART. New York market price paid, less small brokerage. Open till 7 P. M. DONALD MACLEOD 1002 SPALDING BLDG. 3U AND WASH. $j"u. lw0 AND upward on Improved Teal estate, favorable terms: no delay; no bruk- eriiR--. John Rain. 507 Spaidlng bldg HER PALS S. Patsnit Office, TO A DEACON. BT CLIFF STEHRETT. FIN 4. TI U LIBERTY BONDS. If yon must sil your Liberiy Bonds, sell to ua. If you can buy more Liberty Bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty Bonds at the market. VOU CANNOT DO RFTTElt YOU MAT DO WORSE. On Tuesday. Februaiy 4. we paid the following prices tor United states Gov ernment Liberty Loan Honda, which was the New York market price, plus accrued Interest, lees 70c for a 100 Bond and less S2.50 for a $10UO Bond. MOO Mono Bond. W2.2S :i-..::4 .;ti.ii7 t'.T.-js lS(l.4J 07. SO lK.i.3U Bond 3"4s ;is. 1st 4s U2.73 2d 4s PI 10 lst4f,s II.1.-J2 2d 4;s &4... 3d 4 s tri 23 4lh 4 's J4.73 SAKE DEPOSIT VAULTS. MORRIS BROS. INC., The Premier Municipal Bond House. Established over 25 Years. 309-311 Slant St. B. t. 3th and 6th. (Ground floor.) Telephone Broadway 21S1. LIBERTY BONDS. CASH PA TD FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. BOND RECEIPTS BOUGHT. WILL CASH YOUR RECEIPTS FOR PAR TIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT- SACRIFICE ul"R RECEIPTS. WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOL LARS TO YOU. SEE E. PCHK1TT.' SECRETARY. CKFTON H11XI) & MORTGAGE CO. 2ij selling r.i.ui;. isi-ictixn floor) CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STS. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before buylnT or selling get our quotations. E. I DEVEREAUX & COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds. 57 S'xth st e. Betneea btark and Oak. BONDS BOUGHT. fPOT CASH. SPOT CAill. CASH FOR your r.rrnipis. Come to 725 Gasco bldg., ith and Aider. VAIL BONDS to us. We wi l remit by return mall. Send us your receipts. CUT THIS advertisement OUT ii.l KEEP IT. for vou will o..n want to DI.'Y HoNDS or sell Hour bonus or ell your RECEIPTS. Remr-nher the place. 725 Giseo t'.ig.. nod A'.der. CELLARa-MURTON CO. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT CASH PAID FOIt ANY lil'K OP BONDS WE PAY CASH FOR PARTLY PAID BONDS. OPEN EVENING UNTIL 't DAILY. ALSO FROM 2 TO I. SUNDAY. RUMMEl.L. 271 STARK sr I.IRKKTY lONIs Aso partly paid contracts bought; open till 7:30. DORCAS DORCAS, 020 N. W. Hank bids.. 01 h jind Morrison. WE BUY LIBERTY HilXUS Also equities In liberty bonns. bring re ceipts and gtt the cash, open evenings nnJ Sundaya 20 Abington bldg MoRTGAtlES and sellers' equities In es tate contracts bought. Oregon or Wash proper-.). H. E. Nol.'e. r.16 l.'int.:ii's blil Money to Loan ou Real Fstate. OUR installment pian Is the best and surest method of paying a loan. S..2 2t per month for .1 months, or $21.24 per month for t'.O month or $15.17 for 6 months pays a flOOO loan and interest. . Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. No commission charred. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1HHE1.L CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 IS. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette Valley farms. No commission. No delnvs. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. S7 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; sny amount from $500 up on improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. M. J13. . a 2815. MORTGAGE LOANS, made on improved city property; prompt action, no delays. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank Building. CITY AND FARM LOANS on Improved property. Low rates, prompt service. Se us when you need a loan J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cuaju ber of Commerce bidg. MORTGAGE LOAN?. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. SU PER CENT. S PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett B.dg. 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE MONEY on roniana nomes, 10 yrs. to repay In monthly payments protected by insur-ine. In Equlta 11a u.e i.ue OI .N 1. iso rn-r--i,i.. .... FRED H. STRONG. 3Q6 oregonian b'liz'. $20,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit: btul. urt icans, lowest rales. w . (j. Heck. 2I3-21G I .1. J U UIU. . 1 1 , J 1 1 "7 .'I J I tl JIVI. WE have money to loan on Portland mi- j.r'eta jjiwiuj, v.oine ana see ua CltlXens Bank. Grand ave. and E. Alder. $1000. 12.-0. $l.0ii. $2UOO. S2S0O AND UP at lowest rates, quick action. Gordon In vestment Co.. 1 Chamber of Co-r.merce. $a0o, $iuo. $-M"J. $7.'.0. JIOOO and up at lowesL lulck action. Fred W. i:. rn.In 732 Cli. of Com. Main t4. LOANS on city an-I farm property. 5 per cent op. r. ruens. -i-'o i rum, of Com. $iu0 TO $10.00 TO LOAN. NO COMlfTT sion. i. 0. rox 7:t. HAVE $7500 to loan oa residence property- no commission. M. A. ;?wart. so 4;h st SEE US TODAY; loans, any amounts. C-7-'r CELLARS-ML RTON CO. 72i G.isco bldg $1000 TO $iOOO at 6 per cent. W do promoi husjjiess. 412 Fenton bldg. " MORTGAGE LOANS, ti AND 7 PER CEN r Ol IS f-ALOMON & CO. 40S Selling b dp bbb ulituON INV. & MORTGAGE 1-0 22--' Chamber of Commerce. 4:h and Stark! N VESTMENTS, loans, notes. n.ortga k,-s. Mar. 10;;:. K. H. Lewis, nn-j l.ea-ls bl MONEY TO LOAN on farm -in.! improved city I ..j. . ,-v. -.awr. . i.j r-pa:cir.g bid;. 1 11 HNANfUI. Money to 1 -ojtn nn KeAl Kms4. MORTGAGE LOANS u.X IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO: LONG TIME IF DEMREO AND REPAYMENT I7.Y INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac M ASTER. :i:'.l U. S NATIONAL BANK HI.PH . PORTLAND. Money to Loan Chatties mil Salaries. SALARIEF, CHATTELS and collaterals. Loans on furniture. pianos. victrolas. Automoll,es and anything of va'ue. Security in most caies Uft in your poi sessioa. Loan companies, furniture com panies, automobile dea.ers. etc.. paid off and we advance you more money. Rat-i reasonable. You pay us back In monthly Installments. No iudorsers; uo delay; business confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Ltcenied). -00-307 Dekum B.dg. Marshall :;2?6. SALARY. LOAN'S. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. W'eekiy, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each traafjctlnn strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSES. -..ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We aiso loan on household furniture. Pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 21S Falling Hulldlnc. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. :i!4 Stark St. -established by Portland business Dtl fo protect the borrower. C. Myers liernnan. Mgr. lxans made on houfehoid furniture, pi anus, diamonds and Jewelry. MoNE to loan on diamonds, lewelry; legal rates; r.H arvicl... hld a year; established sine." t . Dan M.r. i3 Washington. MONEY r:u. s: I.. n to loan on anvtjimc of value, legal a'l arti. i. s l-.ei.l one year. Panama " fiee. 4 Third, nur GEO. HARVEY I. .am. mone gwds. le..-.,i rates. Tihor ' on bouAehoId Stm T.OHts innted. i E 2" ;iirv. lu acres plow land, bal ance pasture and .ak woods: running stream on tlic p ace: bul .lints, fenced and cross ler.ed. miles south of Portland; mii.s fr..m r.. U. (tat ion and good town. I aiil ...ttMi to titkw up present mortga-e ""' t slock and equip the place. AL a.". i r-.-"an. WANT $.1001 on Alameda H.vine worth J6 -0O. v til ray 7 per irni hut no coiniul .tslon. D ... Main iffii-J. Bveninsa. Wood i.. n 42t.;. i r , . eliv t "00: loan tndt reil e.tate se,-ur;;v worth red by National Bank. K $".! AT ;r": .-HurHv. 1 ntral improved city real ettau, alue ..'.. imM.; incoulo 20v per mni.:h K -ll. 'rec.-u!ua. $l'.ot.i ,tr eent, on In. proved res dence prpenv. p.incir.ii only. Main 2010 THi OKIV.IX IN. MORTGAGE CO. 2-2 t ha i- r of Commerce. 4th and Stark. rFRSONAL HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES- 20-inch wavy -Hch. 3 irp $1 40 Ail-arour.d tranef ormation .......... 14 lairti:essii.g. j,h a m poo;ng. faco massage, hutr boV-'-iitc. iran.cirtn. 2:.c Hair rc -itiov-d hy t .-ctric ntert.c. switch made of combing., yc. t-sniLary parlors. 4ito-4"i2 Qidg.. 31 and Wash. lan.'iall 17e2 WILL the lady who wants a su!;. coat, dress. ..1st t. I'loat ?t t ho eale prices ca.i l !',t-rsons .Manufactj:if' Outlet? SECOND FLOOR TAKE ELEVATOR. 2'l.'. PiTTO' K BLOCK. Vii! orders Prompt. y Filled. TO I K-VENT INFLUENZA rt-iiia'up your Vt.iene,! resin-n-e. S-.-ntille manipu lut.on of the bouy rl.e Just that. Iran side Institute. 3'.' I -Jt-U p.ti Mk block. Elcc trit: l.stlis anti m.tsaire. Graduate t'trse aasitants. Phone Kroadway ;;12. bl.l'.O'l'llU'AU galvanic. mineral. s-.eam L..i;h. scentiiic nerve, organic end b.ood circulating mass.-iKe. tace. sralp and sham j.viine. Prof. Smith. 212 SAciiand bids. Mam l:il. $1 WILL set hoih your feet fixed up good st Dr. Eatot. s the Chiropodist who doesTt't hurt voj; : ycr. rs litre; free. Glohe 1 i-.eater l.ldg..llth and Wash. Browy 2ii. DR. MILTONFISHER w lahejTto announce Ms return f the practice of dentistry at 60I-3 Stevens bldg., after serving lu the Army for the pa.t six months. MRS. T U LAMAR, 2:i33TH ii. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instructions in the theory of health, suc rrss ami harmory, Mi'.S. Si'EvE.N-, years l'oitland's re nowned of palmistry and crystal l-'azitifi. has crysials for sale, also her book. "Palmistry Made Easy." 37a Taylor. FEP.TET & HANNEBUT. lending wig" and tour.e m.tkers. finest stock human ha;r goods, ha:rdressu:i. mantiunng, face and so-Alp tr.air.tnt. .U! Aider. Main 54tt. $1 WILL gel both your feet fixed up good at Dr. Faston's the Chiropodist w ho doesn't hurt you ; a years here; exam, free. Globe Theater bldg.. 1 1 : h and W ash. Brdwy 224. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. etc. Hours 2 to ft or by appointment. Phone Mam ltMO. office atN C. lid. 2sL' I'E r. KLl'i iL'S hair, moles, warts removed by lO-needle method: trial free. Josle I'm. lej14 Bush Lane bidg.. Main 6303. DETECTIVE. United Service Detective u reau: only experienced operatives em ployed. r.0-1 Panama bldg. Main S&12. GOlTRt;. enlarged glandtt. cure yourself per manently. A. R. Strachan, Route A, litlla boro, Oregon. SOPHIA B. SEIP. spiritual adviser. 2o Gooduough bldg. Question meetings. Tucs.. Fri.. 8 P. M. Marshall 2303. 1. C. HAMILTON, formerly of Oregon City, will do well to answer this add. Addreas P. O. Bov 1113. Ti.Iamook, Or. LIFE insurance is the best poiicv today. Joint policies issued on husband and wife. See P. G. Lewis. 008 Board of Trade b Ids. D. C. BARTHOLOMEW, formerly cook S. S. S;oux, write 10 Homer, care of AG S4.. Oregonian. nT:v. MRS. J. C. SCHORL spiritual adviser. 13 E. Uth st. N.. cor. Burnstdc C!ues:ion meeting Sun.. Thurs.. 8 P. M. Earn 3"S4. MISS MLLLEN. and scalp treatments. manicuring. 401 Ftieduer bidg. 10th and W ash I n gton Its GERTRUDE DAN I ELS. superfluous ha.r specialist, manicuring, face aud scalp. o2'2 Fifcolner bl.ig. liruadway Sl2. Lih. W. L. HALIAJWAY. Chiropractor and other drjgltss mctliods. 7u.-70T I'cktim bt1? Main llltlt. Pes. Woodlawn 5172. iiO'' ER vacuum snecpers rented. Cle:?n rtpiit. 1 !!.iruua:j wiuiout drudgery. .Mjtf! -.11 It'-. L EST s'.eam bath, massage, vibration, elec tric and chiropractic 1:1 city. Dr. Mar ge re t Ha rru .j. M 7 Swetlsnd b il;. Main 17-jj SUPERFLUOUS ha;r cestrcyed forever. Dr. Burrh i multiple neeu'e method, lndorstd by physitlans. 0O4 swetland bidg. DR. ELN-V SOitilNSEN. SOS Panama bids. Drutess tuethod used. ktdnes. rhmma-t:s-n. cons-.rp.T te-1 : eves, by appointment. PRIM EDA BALM, lormcr'y called Balm of F'fs. S44 i-:. 3ld. selle.ood 2213 mornings. PILES can be curod without detention film buslre-a P. opa.-mtion or Tiox Ilf.l. DR. Llv Sorensen. SOS Panama bldg.. returned to the city. MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist and card teacher. Main 7p4S 2s2 Park st MME GRENEI.L relieves Itching scalp, dan tlrcff. face massage. 230 Flletiner b I d g. DOESN'T To:n. Iiick r Marry pay you'.' See lt-.-eok. collections, b'dy. ft Ii m 4 rc o 1