IS TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, FE13KUART 5, 1919. rOB. HALE ACTOMOB1LE8. WATCH THIS SPACE TOMORROW. SOMETHING BIG TN AUTOMOBILE LINE. DEARBORN? TRCCK ATTACHMENTS Convert any make of car Into an EFFICIENT ONE OR TWO-TON TRUCK AT 40 PER CENT of the cost of a new truck. lio sure and see us before buying. TOR SALE NOW. A new two-ton attachment on a CADILLAC ENGINE $1030 CUTLER MANUFACTURING CO. C51 East 10th su East 7332. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Codso S 72"' 3 Ov&rland 6 ' ' "n 1 Overlmid. No. SO " 1 Overland 1 Overland -Oil 1 Studeljaker '-r 2 Studeba kers. each Oaklands, each 15 1 Velie 3uo 1 E. M. V 1 ford 3"0 4 1-ton trucks $200 to 4n0 1 2H-ton Gersix lsuu 1 2-ton Reo 1000 1 3-ton White. LONG ft SYLVA. 45- Hawthorne. BIG TRUCK UNITS. 84-TON FEDERAL, LIKE NEW. a 'A -TON KISSEL: A WAP. 6-TON RELIANCE: OO'JD SHAPE. 3-TON WHITE: GOOD BUY. 3 H -TON FEDERAL. 1-TON FORD. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. WILLIAM L. HUG UPON CO.. BROADWAY AT DAVIS. PHONE BROAD WAY 31. ONE-TON motor truck. In firat-clas condi tion, equipped with body and top. Must be sold at once as tho owner is leaving tlm city. It will pay you to see tills truck and make an of'ter. Cash or terms. C. H. SMITH. BROADWAY" Uo. OAKLAND roadster, like new, runs fine. IS Maxwell touring, new. 37 Chevrolet touring. 17 Chalmers. 7-pafcscnp:er. Will give liberal terms and monthly payments. 525 ALDER ST. THE ACME AUTO CO., 531 ALDER ST., IS THE PLACE TO BUY' A USED CAR. WHY? COME IN AND PEE. REPAIRING AND STORAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 27Btt. 6-TON TRUCK AND HAULING CON TRACT. $00X WILL HANDLE. W. L. WHITE. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10TH AND BURN SIDE. BDWY 521. litis MAXWELL touring car, special fac tory painted; run 4..00 miles; 4 new tires, 1 spare tire, bumper, spotlight and mo tor whistle, insurance and new license. Cash sale, Sfi30. 471 Morrison St., bet. loth and 14th. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES. Insure your tires now against blow outs and punctures with our guaranteed reliners. Phone East I We will call. UNION AVENl'E TIKE SHOP, nl 4 Union Avenue N. 1117 OVERLAND, model P0 ; 4 new tires, new hatterv. I am leavlne city, must sell. $550 cash or liberty bonds. J 542, Ore- ivit.t. lie In Portland Feb. n. ti and 7. sell mv automobile. It's nearly new and will sell cheap. Am goins East. Phone Main 1 257. l'Jlo FORD tourins car, in perfect con dition. $2C0 cash. 1917 roadster, a bar train. $335. See Dickinson at Fred Dundee's Broadway and Flanders. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co. North Broadway and Flanders. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION AND AD VICE "WHEN PURCHASING A SECOND HAND CAR, ADDRESS M 778, OREGON- IAN. 1 CAN USE YOCR FORD. CHEVROLET OR MAXWSLL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 19V.1 MAXWELL AUTO MOBILE. CALL lAbUK O.iO. A 5-PASENGER 391S model Chevrolet car. as good as new; lightly used. 2US E. 36th. st Mawtnorne car. $Jo0 DOWN BUYS l'.MS MAXWELL TOUR- TVr. P i li KV'.PAINTKD. Al I'liXnTTInM CALL TABOR 630. HAKGAIN IN miS CHALMERS SIX. 1UNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOK 6.;o. JU17 FORD tourins car, speedometer, Yale lock, seat covers, spare tires, pull starter, etc.: mutt sell. $425. East 8174. JJOO DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING ; . ! , ' J. I M 1 1'.'.- . - XJ XL..O BEU. CALL iA&l JlMi-- VOKD touring car, 1SH7 model, bumpers. rteflr.irteter. batteries and other $400. Phone, isroaaway hmi. room 237. H-ToN Nash truck: will sacrifice quick sale fnenrly new). Battle Ground Co-op. Dairy Assn.. Battle Ground. Wash. ' SEDAN BARGAIN. $0.,O. 391S Ford sedan, perfect condition. M 773. Oregonlan. LATE model light ii-passenger touring in Al condition, $550. Woodtuwn 512, ask for Blew. PRACTICALLY new Briscoe, run 1100 miles, out of work, must sell; terms. Phone Tabor i)953. 10S1 East Alder st. PRACTICALLY new 11)18 Ford touring. 6 tires, speedometer, Yale lock, $500. Wood lawn 5548. 1918 CHEVROLET in fine condition; terms given-; 12 Grand ave. North. 1917 HUPMOBILE. A-l shape: no reasonable cash offer refused. East CS05. SLIGHTLY" used tires. $3 to $15 each, vul canized 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. 1917 CHEVROLET: a very good buy at $450; terms. 12 Grand ave. North. 1915 FORD touring, good as new; good 1 1 res. 4U2S 60th ave. EXPRESS body and top for 1-ton Ford truck. Call Main 4441. PEERLESS bug. 60-H. P.: 4 goo Ureal $365. East 39S0. mornings. 191 S CHEVROLET, Used Tabor 903. months, $IuU FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. COXLETS JUST. NTEW CARS. Tes, this list of cars is su&ranted 90 to J5 per cent new. 1!17 Hunrnohlle. 5-pass. : nnf eed. $1200 116 Hupmobile roadster. 8v per cent new 900 1917 Franklin. 5-pass., never wears out l.W) 1917 Oldsmobile 8,trun very Ute 12H) 11)17 Hudson super tlx. lust new 1400 1918 Cole S, wire wheels, new cord tires 1800 1917 Moon six. run C000 miles. 95 per cent new. 1200 1913 Studebaker, small 7-pass.. 90 per cent new 750 1917 Studebaker six. 7-pass., new tires 750 J017 Paige little eix, OS per cent new 1000 inHS Chandler six. looks just new.... 900 1910 Mitchell, four cord tires, new paint 750 New buys arriving; every day. A written guarantee with every car. Good urm Liberty bonds at face value on cars. ASK FOR COXLEY. The man who gives you a square deal. Our business is transacted, on the entire second fioor, not downstairs. BIG BRICK BUILDING. ENTRANCE 127 LOW.VSDALE ST.. S. W. COR. 15TH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. Phone Broadway 203S. Open Sundays and Evening, TO THOSE ON OUR. WAITING LIST. Til ill AUTO SALES CO. ANNOUNCES THE ARRIVAL OP TWENTY-FOUR. NEW AND KEARLY NEW CARS TODAT. TEj5TERTAT WB SOLD X CADILLAC, REO, NATION Al COLE. FEDERAL TRUCK And at bargains. There are many good buys left but hurry. "NORTH-WEST AUTO CO.. Alder at 18th. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. WX?CJ-TOUR OLD UAR AS PART PAYMENT AND YOUR LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE. 30IS FORD SEDAN1 USED VERY LITTLE : HAS ELECTRIC STARTER AND LIGHTS.. . ?75 1013 CADILLAC. 5-PASS.. ONLY. HI 1914 MICHIGAN-. 5-PASS. 4-CYL, "! "75 11)12 MITCHELL. 2-PASR.. 6-CYI 3"; 1918 CHEVROLET. 5-PASS.. U6ED VERY LITTLE) sno 301.! OVERLAND, 2-PASS 4-CYI '" inn 1915 MITCHELL.- 5-PASS eSvil'. iNEW TIRES) ..1175 1917 .MITCHELL. --PAPS.. 6-CvC.'.'. 1-00 1915 REO.. 5-PASS.. 4-CYL...... 550 1911 PIERCE-ARFIOW. f.-PASS S JL ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER. ONE-MAN TOP tn 1913 HUDSON. 5-PASS.. 6-CYL... S'.n 1915 MITCHELL. 6-PASS.. fi-CYL 7 V 3914 HAJ-NES. 5-PASS.. 4-CYL..... Aoo 1912 MITCHELL. 7-PASS.. 6-CY'L MM SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM WE CARRY OUR OWN PAPER AND TERMS. AME YOU MOST LIBEKaE USED CAR DEPARTMENT. tfH.HEL-L- LEWIS & STAVE R CO. EAST FIRST AND MORRISON STS PHONES: EAST 7272. B 1-16 TOU K2sOW REAL VALUES. COMPARE THEST3: MODEL S30 OVERLAND. NEARLY NEW TIRES. SPECIAL. . .V.... ...:$500 SA?? Uv TOURING. THINK OF 11. ONLY ,500 STFOR3BAKER SIX- SOMB CAR. Many other 'just'as'big 'values'. 1500 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. r-7 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnside Meet. 19m?.iLAXWELI- to'Tlns car. run only 1500 miles owner coin,- BnrCo"adwaV"24rmCe' - 19fJrtRE-5 ?ood,t're!' and mechanically per". 7S17 "wmeuue. jmiu. xabor Antomoblles Wasted. I will pay cash for any light, late model touring car or roadster. Must have starter Why leave your car anywhere to be sold when you can get real money by driving- Pain" "Co Aldr "-? A"1 AUt "r LONG & S1LVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you o0 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate tlon. Phone East (;s40. 4ii2 Hawthorne ave. FORD wanted for cash. Bring me your - 11 " mailing aDOUt hav ing buyers or asking you to leave It. Y'ou get real money here. 523 Alder st. A-l MY' equity In Walnut Park Add. for trade ore ' - - ' - to.,, uciwccii x anu 1 ' M lOKt P.arfl.lH . 2-ROOM house, lot 00x100. clear of lncunv brance. near car, trade for roadster. la. bor 7738. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK At-TION AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH.! TO trade, timber claim, 163 acres, for auto- mouue. moor "i. SPOT cash for your Fords. Francis 24otor V.l-. J-IL.I OMU Ml '1 n Ll'l'l IIB. LET ME SELL YOUR CAR. L. E. OB YE, SUOAUftAl A A 1 1 CULCH. PRIVATE party wants late Ford or Chev itjiei uiigaii ior casn. Main 1740. LATE model Ford in good condition. Must 00 a otti 1511 n tor casn. .Mar. 0474. Motorcycles. 1918 BIG twin Indian electric, equipped. fine ennrimr.n "-. -r- i. THREE-SPEED. 2-cyiinder' Indian motor FOR JIOTORCYCLES AND BICTCLES TRY Anto Tires and Accessories." SAY E your money, install a distillate gener ator 011 your Ford, $9. Satisfactory guaran tee. 711 Clinton st. Sellwood 11 82 NEW Firestone (non-skid tire) 34x4. with Inner tube never used; sacrifice for cash. WANTED To buy tire repair equipment. r . v -rnn a . - o 10 1 Automohfles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. COUCHMAN & SULLIVAN, MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1230. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G.. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN bTS. A BROADWAY 2629. 5-PAS3 Dodge for hire, touring, calling, aaoiiiiuj, 4Aiaawjr, jro4iwaf k im FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automohlleit for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rales. City Garage. 86 loth st. Broadway 840. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, WANTED. One 8-lnch or 12-lnch Jointer. One 36-inch bandsaw. Must be In first-class condition and cheap. GERBER. AUTO SHEET METAL WORKS, 65 9th St. N., corner Davis. Broadway ls73 $7.50 AND UP 7.0O for second-hand suits. J. Meyer, the tailor, pays the highest price for suits, overcoats, shoes, etc We call anywhere in the city, day or evenings. Call ilaln 533s or 253 Madison at. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's suits, dresses, etc. New buyer. Try me berore you call others. Phone Broadway 3932. 245 Burnside, be tween 2d and iid. OUR specialty is buying men's cast-off cloth ing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or mgat. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. ' Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison St. WANT SHOTGUN, KIFLE. VIOLIN, guitar, mandolin, cornet, trombone, valise, trunk, suitcase, lent and everything. Main 4495. Tabor ti7ftS. 128 First. HIGHEST PRICES PA f D FOR ANT KIND OF JUNK. FURNITURE. OLD CLOTHES, SHOES, ETC. CALL BROADWAY 2845. WANTED Puppy suitable for child; cocker or Irish terrier preferred; need not be pedigreed but must be cheap. What have you? Phone East 30i. WE BUY and sell pipe, plumbing supplies, tools, machinery, beltin and Junk. N. 1. Meshcr, 229 Front, Main 5277. OVER THE TOP. $7.50 IP. Spot cash for second-hand suits, over coats and shoes. Main 73H. WANTED Cash regisier. showcases, safes and other store fixtures. 174 First st. Main 4234. WANTED Men to sell their discarded and misfit clothes for liberal appraisment and rrot cash. Phone Main 6701. WANT good tie timber along the S. P. Must be either on the It. R. or on stone road. Pay as cut. Mill Co, 6f7 Broadway bids TO BUY used portable garage or lumber for same. Main 3294. ENGINEER'S transit. Must be bargain. A G. Bf-lsheirn. iur, Y asnlngton. WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump shutguns wanted. Hochte;d. 85 3d. WANT talking machines, also records. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. 12S First, near Alder. CABINET TALKING MACHINE WANTED. PAY CASH. MAIN 4495. TABOR 679-'. USED kodaks and pens wanted. See Sandy lirst. Two stores. 32S Wash., 155 Bdwy. JUNK Rats, old clothing. oM tools, metals, rugs, good prices. East 294. WANTED Child's sulky and screen. Phone East .";. Furniture Wanted. BEFORE YOU SELL YoLK H'RMIUhE SEE US. We are in need of all kinds of used fur-r-lture. rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and office furni ture, and we will pay absolutely tho top prices for same. Call MARSHALL 5S7. and our buyer will call at once with the cash. GEVURTZ P-URNITTRE STORE. 205 and 2o7 First St. "Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. GEVURTZ FURNITITE COMPANY, 1S5 to 191 rirst Su BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoyea, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL D9S1. A 3224. READ I.l POUTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store in the city. There is hardly an Item we do not buy and sell. We specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone. MAIN 9072, A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front St.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVEll PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOl'R CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN ,",09. USED FURNITURE WANTED. Tou will be sure to get the best possible value for your used furniture, etc.. at this store. EASTERN FURNITURE CO.. 14 First st. Main 1374. I WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. cail us for one artic'e or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer win call. .Marshall 2o9o. IF you want to sell your used furniture. stoves, carpets, etc.. call Main 4,3 and you will get quick results; good prices tor eve ryt rung. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East r41i M. H. Calef. dealer. 54u Williams ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the readv cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. imr WANTED MALE. WANTED First-class auto mechanic: must be especially good on rords and Chevro lets. Write or call personally. Independent Garage, Oregon City, Oregon. WANTED All-around primer for Job office by Feb. 1U; wages 18 to start wiih; chance for advance. Write or telegraph, Medford Exchange, Medford. Or. TWO neat-appearing young men to demon strate on mad under manager; good pay: future to mght men. Cail ouly 10 to 11:30 ) turlingamc. Venahle Hotel. WANTED First-class pressor and all- around man In cleaning plant. Mut be able to use Hoffman preis. Wilson Clean ing A- Iye Wkr.. Astoria, Or. WA N'TKD Assistant bookkeeper, one f a- niliar with real etate and in. ttate age. experience and salary expected, P. O. Box 77i, city. W A NTH U Two young men with some ex perience to work on floor. Apply after II A. M., Rial to Billiard Parlor, Park and Alder. WE have a line of confidential work for traveling men only, which Is very profit able. Write for an-ointment. Thatcher. bQf Broadway bldg. WANTED Young ingle man for farm whe understands riorums and farm work. C. Minrtinger. Board of Trade. BOY or young man for Janitor or delivery work ; chance for advancement. Buyer Printing Co., 85 Fifth street. MEN wanted to work on night shift in glueing dept. Apply in person. folumhia Paper Box Co.. Hait 'JTi h and I lolladay. WANTED ;ood auto top maker: stat wages wanted. Apply Auto top Hospiii, J3rh and Duane sts.. ArUorla, Or. WANTED Men to wear unca.ied-for suits and overcoats at 3. 50 and up. Grpheuni "leaners. Ktark St. WANTED At once, torra men to lesm uutomoMle repairing ana driving. Call at -JjJ Hawmorne ave. WANTED A oung married man to handle large laundry route in city, experience driving car preferred. C 58. Oregonlan. MAN who has had experience In building wire fence on steel posts. BJ 164, Ore gonlan. . WANTED Experienced stenographer and assistant bookkeeper. Apply Boston Pack ing Co., 3d and Ankeny sts. WANTED A handy man for warehouseman and janitor; wages $3 per day; permanent pPHitlon. Schwab Printing Co. I- WI LL repair or overhaul your car In your own parage; work guaranteed; prices reasonable. Call East 6643. WANTED A young man as baker's helper. Apply at Bonemian rant. STICKER HAND wanted for detail work. Kautz Mfg. Co., i:;th and Nlcolai. sts. MAN, with small family, to work on farm. M T6S. Oregonla n. XYLOPHONE player, must be Al. for dance work. CaH before 1 P. M. East bOL'S. BOY to work for room and board. 3G1 11th street, corner Mill. Main 2006. WANTED A man to take tie-hauling con tract. Gary Coast Agency, 7 1 Broadway. WANTED Night Janitor. Apply" 317Platt b?dg. DELIVERY boy for all day. Frank Nau. 8th and Alder. GOODWIN xylophone player. Call East 8028 before 12 today. WANTED Elevator operator, tsl Eaton, Apply Bo- SOLDIERS ATTENTION! To the boys of UNCLE SAM desiring employment The Oregonian will, for a limited time, publish free for three days the adver tisement of any soldier in uniform or those showing credentials that they have been honorably discharged from the service. ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED TO TIIE BUSINESS OF FICE OF TIIE 0RE0NIAN. TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. BELF WANTED MA1X ALT MEN eek!nff employment or am bit ions to do b)figT thincs aro Invited to tonoult the employment secretary the T. M. C A Wa- have constant demand for men In All clerical, tccbnicaL and commercial linen. Why wate your efforts when m rpctal membership cominjf only $5 tlve, ulnng with other privileges, EM PLOV M ICS T iXSL'KAN ( ' E for one year?. Put your case in our bauds and we will rauiu piy by one thousand your oppoKTu.Nirr. Our record for past 9 years: Calls for men ?n s5 Positions secured .................1,10 WANTED Good-eizfd boy or yeunc man to carry Ort-gonian route on et iMae, close in. You cun make 940 a month. Apply in person at riuiu -UJ Oreguuia.u buiid ins today. I NBRD two Al iravelinK men for territory within -0U mites of Portland. Prefer etnRle men who nre at home wherever they banc up their hat. Will pay per week, and transportation to Mart. Kxperience not necessary. What 1 want is men who will put in honest time. "eiBht hours work per day." Must be neat dresser and reference up to minute. Call today and avk for Mr. Adams, Room -U0, OregoniaQ Bldff EUauX AUTOSAND TRACTOH3. F1VK UA Yo FRLE TRIAL PAY TL'ITl ON W H K N SATISFIED. We teacli auto tractor, gun engine and auto electrical work ; big; loo-page cata log free. Address Adcox Auto & Trac tor School, Lfpt. K. L'niou ave. and Wasco su. Port land. Or. STEADY men warned to taae exciuslv con trol of good territory in Oregon and Wash tngton ; money advanced weekly, outfit and special trlniiti free, experience un necessary: our active men are making good money, you can do ine eamo. ciean, liaruy, graranibd stock. Yakima Va.ifej Nuncy Co.t.p.U, Toppenlsh, Waah. HIGH school and Keed Coilece students lookin 5 for paper routes during the com ing school year will do wll by applying to Room -uj, Oregon iaa bids., at once. WAMtiLl M.m to loan me ST-OO and work for mo at $6 pT day. keeping- time and checkinK lumber; 1'tO.floo feet of lumber to ppcure loan. Answer quick, triving 1-hone number; lumber and Job la tn city. J 43, Oregon i an. J A N IT' R for small hotel; man that under i land opera t tn ; steam pla nt ; must be t horough ly experienced in hotel work. A permanent position to a man willing to do good work; $75 a month and room. AR Va. oregoman. GOVERNMENT railway mail clerk and other 'exams, coming everywhere soon. Let our civil service ex peri, former Oove rumen t exa miner, pre pa re you. W rite today for free booklet "P.M," Patterson Civil Service School. Hochegter, is. i. WANTED One ? irst-claM sticker man. $30 per week. 9-hour day; one fir-it-claas bench ma n, $' per week. 9-hour du y ; bench man to hand le framed and cabinet work. Walla Walla Lumber Co- Walla Walla. Wash. DISCHARGED soldieri. sailors and othere to eel! "America'a War for Humanity," com plete history of great war ; Illustrated ; free patriotic pictures ; best and easiest seller, big pay. 31J Swetland bldg. HOTEL CLERK for email hotel afternoon and evening . mtuole-aKed man. i!iu.i un derstand switch board and elevator. Refer ernes required. Give phone number. AG .t, iregutnan. WAiES. ." per day: wanted men to invest 3ou in our company with services, driving or truck and help us market -ooo loadM of wood investigate. Give pliotin numucr tor qmca icpiy. j .!, ureponKin nursery stock. Young, middle-aged or maae btg money. Address Oregon Nurs ery Co . Or. WANTED Head sawmill fiier, rapab: tak ing full charge plant, cutting "0,hhj ft. per hour. Write, giving recent references and elating nalary expected. Crossett Western Lumber company, auna, or. Wrt.sTKlJ Man to d. Janitor work; munt know iiow to poll-Ii brafo and EOod mopping. Apply after ll:3U A. M., Rialto niniarq rarior, larK ana -iaer. WANTED Neat appearing young man iiiunt L.e exiiTl'in vu mureiy man and have best of references. No one but the best need apply. lamhill. ADVERTItelNG tSO LK-'l TOKS Theater Dro grammes and curtains; 40 per eek to live wire. Konincon s Advertising: toervice, o7 Stock Kxrhang bldg. WANTED A n experienced motor truck vales man to sell high-grade heavy duty motor irucas ior an ota cstauusnea agency A N SfH, Oregonian. WANTED Night clerk for out-of-town ho tel : salary f- per month and board : state experience, phone number and ad - cl r-t. ii o- 1, uresonian. WANTED 2 experienced drivers for bakery routes; mut nave saienmansnip ariiiiy Call Royal Bakery Co.. Ouo Washington il( Y.i neon ver. Wash. FJ I'.ST-CLASS stlckerman, for sash and tioor factory out or tow n ; permanent posit ion. Auply W. P. l uUcr l Co.. I ront aud Mor rison. JANITOR for night work. Must be strong a id able to furnish best of reference". Apply before 9 A. M. H. Llebcs fc Co., 14 hmaaw ay. BOY wanted. Kliest & Co., 3L'4 GM-an st. Help Wanted aiesmeau an old reliable house, sales man on commission basin only, to repre sent our line of Jewelry for men on Coat and West; only those calling on high class furnishing and clot h In g trade- need apply. Address James A. Flomerfelt Co., 1 Union Square, New York, WAITED IMMEDIATELY Good live sales men in and out of city. New-featured and meritorious investment. Good commission. Prospectus ready. Write or call at b'I Nort h western Bank bldg., Pori'-ind. Cll'Y baleeman wanted In produce business; experience necessary. irl Front st. WANTED Confectionery salesman with auto city trade. AL 20, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENCY MANAGERS to tak charge of two businesses in two of th best districts In Oregon for a sriO.OOO.ofsi company. "0 years old. Address American Central Life Insurance Company, 719 Dekum building, Portland. MARCH'S ' History of World War." Wonder Jul agents' money-maker. Introduction, General March, highest officer United States Army. Liberal commission. Outfit free. Bible Educational Society, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS at once. Sell COc per month, boa jdlai ticket. 06 CorbeU bud ITAXTED-AGEVn. THIS ONLY COM PLFTR AND AfTHEN TIO HISTORY OF" TH K WORLD WA R. liy rrof-or y. A. March, with Intro duction oy hfa brother, GnrM Mrrh, liKhmt orflror In Armv. Official plioto Kraph. l.lKh; OF KOOSFVfcll.T. Intro iitirtion by ex-Preni dent Taft. Both book illustrated. Dtinand enormous. Wnprece-dentf-d profits. spciul terms. Credit Fivrn. freight patl. Kit her outfit free. I nivrwal House. I'liiladelphia. I'm.. LIKE OK THEODOI1K HOOSEVKLT." in troduction by ex-Prea. Tuft ; "History of Worii War." by March. Ht-mt terms, choU- or both outfits free. Camera outfit, nvtka finished ponfani pictures In one minute. A sent' a profit ; phonographs on easy payments. No capital required. K.'tab. XTJ. Write Loverio dc Browne Co, 17MJ S. tftate st.. ChiraKO. A V T I IENTIC ' Life Theodore Roosevelt." In-trodu-tion by ex-Prtsidunt T.ift. Liberal a gent's commissions. rut fit free. Bihte Kflurathnal Society. Fullerton bids., si. Louis. Mo. HELP WANTED FFMAtf. YOUNG LADIES WANTED. IMPROVED WAG E SCHEDULE CALL AT TELEPHONE CO.. ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR PARK AND OAK STS. EXPERIENCED girl to feM shirts: ex perienced giri to put box pleats on shirts with 4 needle: girls can have steady work and niakft good money. ML Hood t toryoj Couch st. LADY for general office work. Eastern asnington ; mutt understand oouuif entry bunkn, operate typewriter; state whether married or nlngie, submit refer ences, photograph ; do not answrr unless u will accept and beeme permanent ; salary $7r. AV 57. Oregonian. WANTEL Capable young lady to wbU on trade in tor-; mut have fair knowiofJn of stenography and t v pew rl ting: state nee and experience; salary JtiO. Hurry. K Mt. Ore soman. W A NT EI Competent housekeeper for siua ii hotel, w it h swi ten -hoard snd ele vator experience preferred. References required. N 1' 1 , Oregonlan. WANTED A first-cisfcs -needle X'nion Spe cial machine opemtr: steady work ; good pay. Apply at once. Waterproof Garment "o.. h'2 '-3 N. fti st. WA NT ED Housekeeper on wheat ramh ; man wnn am:t;i tainiiy: cooktng and n.Mise work nnd care of liil-iren; ntf((y etntly-m-nt if Ptiitatile. Box Moro, Oregon. WA.NTI'.O An experienced beauty parlor operator, conipett-ni all-around: rerernes r-qulrid. Apply Paris Fashion Hair Store, B'te. ltubO. WA NTl'.D Baker a helper; mut be thor oughly experienced. Cosy Oairy Luncn, Sixth and Washington sts. WA NT ED Thoroughly experienced batr- dreser and manicurist. Lip man. Wolfe Co. , M e t . a n t ne I'loor. WA NTBI A woman to do f-crubbing and rieMnlng for about 10 daja at lUut Mseadam st. WANTED Experienced millinery makers and trimmers for out of town poetiiun. Apply l.ovvtngart V Co. TRIMMERS and makers for exclusive shop. J'ermanent position and good salary. Must be. first class. N -&.", regonian. WANTKU A competent and reliable house keeper, best of wagee, in good home. Ap ply at 4t7 14th st. ANY gul in rtf e,l (f a f rienl a ppi y to t tie .'al va t ion Army Reseue Horn-. JtU Las: 1 "t h st. N.. or phono V. jst 1 -3. EXPERIENCED millinery maker for French nni.lnery parlors. Mine. Bourrtt. 47 Mor rison wi. THE old, original home remedy Viavta pre vents operations; competent womnn needed. 4-3 Pi i . o c k o i o c k . Broadway EXPERIENCED nur- maid wanted for two small children; hl:he:d waces paid; ref erences required. 1 7 5. Oregonlan. TEACHER for domestic science wanted at, smary l-0 per month. ia;es-hisher leaehers Aenoy. uroaoway iuig. li A VK several positions to offer; makers, trimmers nnd managing posit ions. Apply immediately. Mu,ier & Ruas Co. WANTED 10 glr'.s for wrapping; experi enced i imiy w ra ppers preferred. Address with phone nuinter to N !''. )regon In n. Wn.MAN for kitchen w ork in light lun h from 3 P. M. to 11 P. M. I'hono Marshall V.iTS. MJ DDLE-AGV;D or young w oman to cook and keep hu9 for o men ; no children on ratten AV Oregonian. ALL-A Rt.'L'N D g.rl. restaurant; 2 bus gir.s. Hnnseii s, .-i Washington. PRACTICAL woman to help care for In valid, wtjin; CII :' "OI - ATE d ipper to work 4 hours avf ttr 0 P. M. Harris. JJO1-, itn. WANTED Al lady bookeeper and stenogra pher. N 14, -regonian. EXPERIENCED c ha m be rma nl wanted. Lind Hotel. ;;d and Ash fs. iur.ti n to wash d ishes. Hoosier I ,unr h. 1 l Hroiowav. Vttl'NG lady to work tn confeet ion-Ty ptore; Mnlit housework. Apply ''. Enst torrton EXPERIENCED telepiion- op-rators may be o';tM ined by ea li ing .M .i m H-, A -O'j- . (jlKU for upstairs work and car child rs Private family; wages -iU. call fc. ilJ. GIRL for " hours housework in exchsnge for nice room nnd breakfast. Mam ."7;.i CHORUS tMKLfi Hishest gage men ts. no tnvfling. w agt'S. long en C:ismo Theater. WANTED Middle-aged housework. Phone Main woman, general i.'o, after 5 P. AL MILLINERY" maker, muft he experienced. 9u per week to start. Aider st. WOMAN cook In small camp, 4 to S men to cook for. Lewis Km p. Co.. mj:s Burn Fid STENOGRA PH KR and peM, r;il Birl moderate salary. 14. "Jd st.. near Alder. Ml ELI NE R Y makers. Portland Emporium, p; ;th st. EXPERIENCED wrnpper-4. cnshlera. l'ort land Emporium. 1 -" Sixth ft. WA ITRESS in lunch room and bakery. Phone Marshall l. Wanted- Irae.( ies. WANTED Experienced woman. C. S. home, general liou.e-Aork, good plain cooking, home ' with modern convenience-, warm room, good wages, no hea y work; for out-of-town party. Phone Ea.-t 17"7. YoUN'tJ woman wantfd for gtmeral house work, three in family, plea -unit qua rters. good w ages. Phono Sellwood IOi. or call at 1.101 E. 17lh at. S.. bttween V and 11 A. M. WANTED Competent girl for general houne w ork, good plain cook. Family of three. West Side, war carhne. eity walk ing dlMtanci to (nter of city. Good Wage. 'Phone between Id and 1'J A. M. Main EX PERI ENCED girl for general honnew ork ; ,t In f ainii ; no wahlns; w aKes 4a. Mar shall 41u. llul Kraukiin at, Willametie Heights. Fo K general housework, neat, competent girl; good plain cuk; nice room and good w h gex. Sl 1 wood 'J 'J 1 J. RELIABLE girl for generil houwork; 2 In family ; wages Phone Main JoGO. Ml Kearney st. EXPERIENCED rook, family of four; also competent second maid; good wage. Main 4l. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework four ailiilts, no laundry; wages U. 1'hone Main WANTED Second girl and a-sol wi;h two children ; ttitzep home. Mrs. Zan, fcW 1'el t grove. EXPEPIENCFD Irl for general housework. R7 Nortn ih, bead of Kearney. Mar thall 4137. GIRL to amdst general housework, no wash In c. small fatii.iy, good home. 64o E. Sal mon m.. cor. E. " t h st. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and hourework. throe In family. Mrs. Harrison G. Piatt. Tabor 16'JS. . COMPETENT rirl for cooking and general hou-ework. good wage; 2 adults; morn ing. Main 1S77. WANTED A cook and a child's maid, small family, irood wages. Mrs, J. B. M ontgomery, S-J7 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general hous-w-ork; & In family; good wages. Call Thompson sf WANTED Second maid. Apply 73 Flin ders st. W VNTK D- General houoew or k girl, bma.l family ; good wHges. Call Main i0L'3. GIRL wanted for general housework. 6U6 Everett at. GIRL for housework, no laundry, smail family. bt.ri Marshall st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Must be fond of children. Wood law n 4UU7. WANT girl to assist In general housework ;;! Lovejoy st. Apply morning. Gllit. to help w-Rh housework ; wages L0. 4 til H assalo st. GIRL to assist with housework. Woodlawn J.'.HO. GIRL to assist with general housework. Best wages. Small family. 650 Knott. Eaat 6349. WANTED A competent second girL Phone Main 5214 or call at 1W King at. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, wadiaU pi sirred, laxauail nKLP WANTEP rtaLALF- Hani rJ I ktmrtl ict. E.PKKIEN"ED pirl for general hourcwork: high wao. Kaftt bi7l. S-H K. lMh N. HELP WANTED MALE OK IT.MAIT. WANTED Expert bookkeepers, in Portland. i-a.em. Astoiia anil other cities or Oregon, to explain bookkeeping system for making income tax report?. Recommended by Col lector of Internal Revenue. Write for information. 0i paldmc bldg., Port land, or. WANTED Man to do chores on farm and wife to help cook. A V r4Q. Oregonian. EIHTATIONAL. LEARN AL'TOS AND TRACTORS. In the largest snd best t r do school 1b the West. 60UO successful graduates. Established 14 years. We offer practical courses In au:o and truck repairing and driving, advanced ignition, lighting snd starting. tractor engineering, machine work, ovy-aceiylene welding, vulcanizing. A short term course will qualify you for a bigger Job and better pay. We help stuocnts earn living while learning. Write for free catalog. NATioN At- AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. F'gueroa at 8th. Los Angeiee. Cat. RE you mechanically Inclined 7 Learn a trade. Learn auto, tractor, iruca ana air plane business; big pav, wonderful oppor tunities. Learn by fc-weeney system prac tical instruction tn b weeks; Army school row open to you: same Instructors, equip ment and methods ued in training uuoo soldier mechanics for Government. Write for big free catalogue; tells who' story. Sweeney Auto School, Department yL wee n ey bu 1 1 d I ng. Kansas City. M o. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE lnVS' FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATIM'IE'J. We teach Auto, Tractor. Gas Enr1n and Auto Electrical Work. BIG 100-PACK CATALOG FREE. Address Adcox Aulo : Tractor School. Dept. K, Union ave. and W H-eo nt.. Portland. Or. Phono East 44 . WANTED 100 men at once to learn to operate and repair gas tractore in je clal -S course now starting. App'y Hemp hill's Trade Schools. 1J4 N. Rh st.. two blocks from Union Depot, or 707 Haw thorne ao. at MOth st. Brsnehea at Win nipeg. Uegina, Sat-katoon. Leihbridge. Ed tnontou. Ca.g.iry nnd Vancouver. B. C. HAWTHuKNK AUTO SCHOOL. 4tU Hawthorne Ave. Complete courses in day and evening clsMe.-; c cry thing mechanical aud ei : trical; unlimited practical repair experi ence. It is not teory. It is practice that makes ou a valuable nisn POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE Ok 1 ! E H N K E - W A I. K E H Business College. Portland. Enro'l any ttme. Telegraphy, sier.ography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. fte va'.a.og. CIVIL ENGINEERING. Learn to use a tranmt and level: tnn eiuueii and leei;e.V aiw:js wanted; prac tical and t heorel t al in t rue t ion bv ex perietTced ci il engineer. G. Care:h elia. 17 Carlos Apt.. 14th and Mark ft Ma. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Toung men nnd nnn w anted. Call Cl Railway l:7change Bldg. Splendid oppor tumtv to learn u. w-ll-tunl ruM.on. 1'itc bo.kiet. Railway Telegraph IncUlute. BLRSEII PRIVATE BUSINESS SClh'uL Lumbermena bldg.. At h and tark. Phuuu Bdwy o4'.4. Ms 1. Eircll. principal. DAY SCHOOL NIGH T SCHOOL. .MOLEU BARBER COLI - EG K pivs you w h lie le.trmn g ; gives jou a set of tooli. PoMtlons secured. Send tor cata logue. H4 Hurntotde. Brdwy. 1731. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINES CLLEGV: SPECIAL CoUilSE IN COM P I oM KTER. Alisky b'dg.. ;d and MorrNon. HINSDALE COMMERCIAL SC 1 lOOL. 4UJ Hippodrome bldg. A thoiouch. care ful t ra mmg ma kes you a succc&a. DA Y SC H " L. N IG II T SCHOOL. PR'.' i R ESS1 E short hand and touch t pe Hr'linK taught complete m ;M days' at tendance. Hid I vidua 1 Instruct ion-. Mrs K llgole, 1 IU h si. M ar iia 1 1 00 tV TEACHING positions secured, free r'giMra lion. 1'boiie Main 4bJu. 1 li- k. Teachers' Agency. PO RTA ND B A RBE R COLLEGE teaches trade in b weeks; pav while Warning; po sition guaranteed. touch L MEN. WOM EN. iearu ba rb- r tr:de f ree . wages while learning: po;ion guaranteed. Oregon Barber Col.ege. L'3:t AlaUisou st. XA. LOR FAITH Busineas College and School of LanKuageo; Eng., Span.. Erencb. VOI Stevens bicg.. W. Park and Van. MISS M ATT1 N iLY'S Shorthand. Tpewrit in g School. d:i ', eve n in g. $G mouth. 14th, n a r .lef feryon. Main Svii. HOIiTHAM). U moiu hs" course,. M ra. li.n rum's School. East iit. aid Tti:mook. Y AT ES-E1S HER TEACHERS' A ENC Y. I- reo regut n. PI 1 Bdwy. Mdg. M. 6J74. THE International Correspondence Setioois can ra!st- your salary. I'Jl Broadway. LEARN Knnch; simple conversational method. oUl Corbet t bldg. Main a.i.. SITl TATIONS W NTF.O MAI.K. DA I R Y FA R M SI FT. wants posit ion oil a modern dairy : ean ex p.Tience with res itcred Holslein : under--! a nd feeding, breeding, fitting, f how ing and A. R. O. Rox .1'J. Falotis-e. ah ACCOU N I A NT, c red It man, office mana cvr or financier, open for first -c las.- position with company, firm or corporation; will leave city. AB 1-. Oregonlan. MOVING PICTURE operator wants job; can give references. Phone 7. Vancouver, a&h . or Oregonian office. Vancou ver. V arh. YOUNG man wishes po?itton an .Janitor or all-round repairman; a. so fireman in office bid g. or apartment houit. AN 'JJ, ore gonian. VUL'NG married mad, experienced driver in city, wants work; ran give re tc rentes. Please give me a chance. I'honu Wood law n 1 't'i. YoUNG man of -0 would like permanent Position in cit-; will work at most a n v thin?; have had general experience. Miu JAI'ANESB boy wanted, 2 or 3 hours work mornings or alter e vemngu. AO fe i , reront an. TREES and shrubs pruned; also a few more l.i w ns to care for tlus ear. K iCJ. ore gonian. MAN and woman, cook and helper, want position In logging or railroad camp. M. Baker. Phone Main :s WANTED Wood cur ting contract: l.'.oo cords up. Seiiwood S;o E. oJtU su s. E. CA RI'ENTE It with tools, just out of de f-n. Ice. is looking for a portion at this trade. L 7oU. tnegonlan. POSITION as night w atchman. accustomed to auch work ; steady and re I iahle ; hot reference. Mnln 7-.M?. Fl RST-C LA SS carpenter, repair in r. pa tnt mg ; light contract, or day. VV oodlawn fi7H. MEDic'AL student, j.ractical iiurjse, d-sit a poi-iiion as :aeing companion to gentie m in. L 747. t)rcgotil3ii. FOR information that will Ie.d to posi tion fur student In higher accounting, with To y.-nrs" olMce experience. ..Mi". COLORED roKTtK want 2 or 3 hr-. work mom jugs or evj:i!nita. Tabor 2140 even ling. A-l J A NITOR desires position ; understands gas, Hteam and plumbing; also chief engineer. A ht0. ore k on i an. YOUNG man set-kg position auto driver or In shop; some imnW wages ex pec :ed to atart. T Ml. Or-nonian. EXPERT hort icuiturit and superintendent wants position on large project, refer ences. Aodrrss AV ."7:t. f regon t.-t n. CARPENTER work; new or repair. Urc or small jui; estimate cheerfuoy fumiaiied. Tabor 1 P..:. WANTED Foreman on fiock rnci bv u Man with nmny years experience. Address Geo. Long will. Wood burn. M MAN cook, wif pastry cook, w ah position together In hotel or restaurant. In coun trv town. Adder s fox i,L cit v. MAN w nts ..! with 1 ord truck as dv livery. I i road way ::M-"t PA PER H A NGlNG. painting and tintiug, g.Hd worK. rig ht prices. Mar. 119. FOR w mdrtw inlng and kaisomining caM Woodswn 4t'.. CARPENTER will take m ere hand lae or denial work as pay. I-Mst 7.".4. Fl RST-C LA SS chef and teeond cook. Want position In city or out. N 2T3. Oregonian. PARTY with truck wants hauling contract; ties prctVrsole. Phone Tabor f?;,4. PLUMBER wants w ork ; e x pert on rpa lr; city references, reasonable. Marshall J - 4 Jk WoRK wanted evenilngs. 6 lo 12 Sat urday a nd Sunday. A N mm;. Oregonian. KooMS tinted. 1 papering reasonable. Nickels, ituw y . . . COMPETENT farmer wants Job on ranch: wife good cook. Reference. 310 N 17th u SITUATION wanted bv middle-aged man day or night. L 753. Oregonian. E. HENDERSON, carpenter and Jobber. 633 Milwaukte L Phone Seliwood 1673. 3-PIECE orchestra wishes dunce work. Fhons East ;'7. EXPERIENCED steward or manager, hotel or restaurs n t. Heath. Marshall 3MT. YOUNG man would like work from 4 P. M. to midnight. AL 36. Oregonlan. YOUNG man wants work on Saturday. 7.S4. Oregonlan. WANTED Hauling contract for new 3-ton truck, i none Taoor ft-'77. EXPERIENCED elevator operator wan La po aUoa. iik bt'tf. Oregoman, MTCATIONS WANTED MALK. A MAN of tt.i in good health and activ- wains work that will pay board, room a rul w ipianir; can use tools, do kltchtn wor", plain cook m c. mi:Km,c; w ill not work la rair. AN M Oregoman. SPRA YIN' w anted ; biiMdings and ba inent- f all kind c lea ned and pravd . a No trees an J t-hrubbery m lots; odd Job d "nr. Lea e order t.i N. od 't. Tl. l:r.idway L'CPJ. At Tcrmiual Baggage Tran.vfvr ofliee. A MAN with IS years of experience wants to take -L-hnrgo of a band of sheep through lambing reason, or Mtady. Gunranto to frnve more Ijmh than tho average. Ad- N 1 . oregotn.m. Vvl'.Nii man. jujt alsehurged from Army, d.-.-iires posifion with a rmaMe enginoerln-r concern, high s!ir nd 1 year of collect e peri, nee. e . t her d:-a ush t ing. s hop or off U a work!.-. M 7t4. urcKonan. Book keeper-. Stenographers. Office. Ai.'.'o!.NTANT, cretUl man. office manas r or fir.a no tr. open for first -c la v Pwsittoa With co'innr tirni or eorijratioti; will !eavo iiiy. Alt i'. Oregouian. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, r eioru ible and trut worthy ; lumber expe-rv-ncej highest reference. Tabor 4014 Soldiers and Sal I or?. HONORABLY discharged sergeant, r. ad quartei prue I'todu'Hion 1'ivieton. i;. S. Army. mj:,, with mx i-.trs ex penence i-i c;v:i el:sme ring uh draftsman and esil m.itor. d.-ire.H pocttioii in fls or adver tising dept. of engineering or mauuf act ur ing f:rm. AvuiUb.c immeuiateiy. AN 61 U Orego man. DlS'"H.R(7En soldier wishes position with whoieaie or retail hardware eoncern. Will con.siurr anvihing n oilier llnt-s If it o' fers mnan. , ment. What hae you to ? fer? M 7(:., lrconi.,n Si n .VTloN wanted Iieturned toidler uu d like position w ah w h, boue hs si.esnian. Call it. C. Eidiiue. Jr., Bdwy. -'.oil. WANTED i;y dieliargcd soldier, a pvltlon. v o rivi-r ct p-ivam car. i . 11. lo o. room ,M J Y. M. C. A. Call at noon- time. Dl S-." 1 1 A KG i ' t so di- r wants w ork in fac tory or p'-.mrg ini!I In city; 6 hours on ; n overt'iii. 7'.. L'ISt'H l;GKI so.dier i.r m uork; can do I'.unii'in; or mvlunirai work.; also good r .miter i' t;o (ir pftmnn. W A N TED fly married ex -soldier, ranch to manage or work by n.ontli. L. H. Barton, l.ii.r.ton. e. Dl c H R E D so.d .or w.nii uork; good at g.! engine repair and operatte.ii or h a ti-.irip, nipp -'Ore. plone Wft'n 1M. Ll- H VRC.ED Po'li". expe-t chauffeur, we.i b' qiiHin.r.i i n vim, mouiU like popi i ton Dl "HARGEIi soMl.T. expertereed lruc" t. t, i uea Jul) u rt i uc irut il. .-t. ti t -.contan. W A N T E I Y o-k .y ex-iK "rtier w ho bs si-are time l"tw een 1" A. M- an-1 .1 P. M , f-ITTATIONS WANTII) ITMALE, ' LADY war-t p.rm.n-nt place In sood bm. to care tor children snd a;?it wit it clixm U r work; good educat'oti. long expr ricin-a w j it it!ldi-ii. good worker and o-pcno-tie. 4.-, per niuuib; give location. M Tt.'. On gonia t. CO PETE NT j nun; iady w .shea pomen a 9 h "mi- 1. t pc t for genticrnuti or c ham r crk m sm.iii htte: or rcml n g - house. l.U.i :n Rogers. Oi mpia Hoi el. 1'hone 21. Coi PETKN T Ming woman with bet of r Terences wants post' ion doing nt.i.-sage ar1 S'Afdtsh otovm titsi: reMdcntlal or . ."it work. A iod awn ""'I"t. WA N T til Pom t ion as houek-eper for and bard for inv.e. j aed emplo -d bi'hiTol: rcf.rnco clungvd. AL ST, EXPERIENCED won. an J-.-lr' pontton. jnaiiazfr morning !n'c or lodging house. M.s. S . M rtrsha :l 4- M 'TH KKI.Y woman a ho-jek er- le r. lake .: ha rse. Phone Wdin. -'.G, or Mi 'i-vl;nl 4V H'l N G lad v. p,ani.t. good sight reader, w : position in music store. BJ t tT-egotcia n. C A PA RLE woman want shot t-hour w ork In caf "ier la or congenial home. J 4. t 'regoTii-m. EM'KKIKN"Ll telephone operator wishes posn ion In ma 1 1 of f -ee or on pn ate ? I'c:, board. ('nil Mam 7.V.S. WANTED o or 4 hours' evening work. p. ana P'.-imii;: t years experience in music lino M.n. Holcate. MtrshaH fU;o. WANTED By an experienced woman to tie ironing by the hour. 41- lt'th aL Maia V ' : . LA D Y wants lio'ifeel-'itning or other work, hour, day; saul action guaranteed. Bdwy. r.oi CAPA RLE woman -nis short -hour work . (ir,"-niiikfri helper or companion. F 7 I Oreri on i a n. Kl.l INKl) v. on a n w l.l care for e hud ren cv.iiim: durint; parents' absence; ref. M " . YOl Nil lnl v, with general office experi nu dV-iren prm . ncr t office position: eanth.e. weil educated Phone F.rsT 4'.v liX PER I ENC I-'. r ban ge operator, cj n give chv r-fi. I'rotdwav ".''OI. WANTED PrU.ce ln;--t ruction in compo sition and rhf toric. Cn ' i 1 a bor 71--. ' AN wants day w ork. Phono Tabor n. w A t'oLO R EL woman war's da s" w ork, no ".Tihm;. Wood ' aw n o."ti4 . EXPERIENCED kitchen helper wants woi Tg on r- i-tinirant. Call re. K'l CoL'RED woman wants day's work or gen eral housework. East IS. W A VTLD :i;vi. -Housework, by day. Wood la wn Ii S I i 1 N us ress n hotel or office Uiiil.'inv. Mi in 4ol7. room 1. EX PERI ENCED girl waniA day work, AN '7. ' tregnnian. L. PEi 1 ENCEl cirl wants chamber work. C.Ci T iltor .''"OS. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Offlc. Ivl-.Spi NS1 RLE position by competent, en er g-t ie book keeper, CHpaMf of taking charge or ha no it ng any department ot office work ; .o steuogra ph r, medium t-P-ed. rortnnerei;il nnd lumber experience; rcf.-rt ucfH. C 1 IT-gonian. Mr. flinplover Wliy not catl Tli NoisIea Tp. writ.T Einph ynient Department. Mair ;.;4 1, w hen in need of stenographers or b--."kke pers ? We are in a position to fur it h iom petent help. W A N TE D At once, permanent posi'.ion by com pct nt stenographer, 3 ears' expe- nert e witii bct lirnis. jum uoigaie. Mar. ha : 1 0" St-n craphcrj Re cister at THE NOTSK I.Emv M 4th st. W f:11 positions daily oa 1 lie No seless of any other mak of type writer. Einpro men t Depart menu Main 144 ol NG lady, evper. cored in office w ork. d-iire position as aei-t. bookkeeper or r o al w fck. Pd wy. i:T-''. WANTKl) Position by young lady, yearn ol ace. bookk eeplng and typing ; good p-n m a n . N i 7 4 . Preg onun. l I N c, lad y w t flies good aicnocraphic po s.; i on ; experienced. Eat 74yo, between ! and . EXPERIENCED girl wishes office work. casli:er, tpltt: take dictation, good. P-n;nan. AX' 0S4. oregonian. S "FkNO'.RAPHER, knowledge of bookkeep ing. 10 y;r." b'g.ii and commercial ea-I.--i-nce. ''.bor S7'rt. G E N" KUA L "office work. kn.w;-di;e of t pe w nt'-r . also ex prrt.-nced In me t ing pui- li- and ntilwtms. livroo1 -fu. I'.-lTIoN as tM-ist or billing cierk. be-t of r. f-- nre- tf t. egrcd. Phone Main oC-")4. I'ii -1 i i i s w .in ted at once by competent storr.pher lt fV7. ol NG lady wants STf ral office work: too),,- epe-ien-. F 7."it. Oregonian. El-f I' lKNT young laiy M-noinphcr, avail- .it once. T.itwr HH. W. NT t ping f ev mngs or clerical work. c.CI Eaton Hot!, roorn '13. Mf-s Oolton, brfwinakrrv CHlLIRUNb and lnf antV elo thing speclal t v. iy the piece or 3oc an hour. Fhono Woodlawn &'l II.AIN !.;.' r-e-xitig. if brought to my home, for drv. Eft 7." 4.;. ."'4 E-jger? street. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by the day. Call Mrs. Holmes. Marshall 47C:t. COM P ET E N T youti; woman with best of re.'eren-.-es wants position doinc massage and Sw ed !h movement , residential or otT iee work. WooJImw n 1 '". CA RoLl N A Conva iesc-nt H ome. aiso board and r urse old people. 4 7 2 Sellwood blvcL, cor. E. ith Sellw-ooq 3'.i'4. VERNON M AT ER N 1 T Y HOME. 1 022 Ver non ave. Wood lawn 4-7U. Nlta EngUn. Anna. K. Fletcher. PRACTICAL nurse wanLa influenza E:ut J11', room 30. PRACTICAL nurse want flu or maternity cay-i. References. Sell 6TH. TRAINED ana unii' rgrau uate nurses ; ex Irienced: dependable. Hefs. Mnrsha!! 14. 1 1 o use k reper. MI DDLE-AGED lady housekeeper; Scandi navian pr- terred; cooking for 2 or 3 gen tienien; beat of references. J A4.&. Orego nian. YOUNG w idow wishes position an house keeper for a gentleman la tu city. Ca Mt.uU.wrd Hotel, rwoiu !, A