If THE arORXIXG OKEGOSTAy. TYEDNTSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1919. RUSSIAN ST T DECLARED BRIGHTER Ambassador Francis Hopeful of Satisfactory Solution. HOLD TROOP ABROAD, PLEA Bolshevist Forces Xow Slaster of Almost the Whole of Eastern Ukraine--Vilkomer Taken. ' PARIS, Feb. 4. David R. Francis, the American Ambassador to Russia, who was recently summoned from Lon don to Paris by Paul Dutasta, me sec retary of the peace conterence, and has held conferences here with Secretary of State Lansing and General Tasker H. Bliss on Russian problems, probably win be called upon soon by the su preme council to aid the committee, which will discuss Russian affairs. Ambassador Francis says that the majority of the Russian people are loyal to the entente, and he, together with other allied Ambassadors ac credited to Russia, is earnestly sup porting the plans for economic recon etruction in that country. Ambassador Francis Hopeful. He is hopeful, he said, that the pro posed conference at the Princes Islands will be held with all the Russian gov ernments participating. He thought such a conference would be the means of informing the Paris congress of the entire situation, and would be in no way prejudicial to the interests of the governments opposing the Bolsheviki. PARIS, Feb. 4. President Wilson had nothing to do with the transmis sion of the reply of M. Longuet to Bolshevik Foreign Minister Tchitcheria concerning Bolshevik participation in the proposed Princes Islands confer ence, according to M. Longuet's news paper Populaire. M. Longuet had re ceived a semi-official statement from the Bolshevik government concerning the conference, and the French gov ernment refused to permit the use of Its wireless in sending a reply. Communication Is Explained. "The refusal of the French govern ment," says the article, "to allow us to communicate freely with Russia compelled us to use another form of transmission without being compelled to undergo the censorship which we combat. "Whose fault is It if a press wireless Is sent from Paris to New York that it is also received by all wireless sta tions including that at Tsarskoe Selo?" PARIS, Feb. 4. The Russian soviet government will take "all measures" to bring about an agreement with the entente, according to a wireless mes sage sent out from Moscow on Sunday. It complains that the Bolshevik au thorities had received no "formal in vitation" to the Princes Islands con ference, the only word regarding it be ing a wireless message "containing press news." The text of the wireless message was addressed to "Berlin, Paris and Every where." COPENHAGEN". Feb. 4. Tn their ad vance from Dvinsk, the Bolsheviki have captured Vilkomir. 45 miles north northwest from Vilna, the capital of Lithuania, according to a report from Vilna. J LONDON. Feb. 4. Bolshevist forces are now masters of almost the whole of Eastern Ukraine, including the im portant centers of Kharkov, Poltava, Ekaterinoslav and the Konetz mining region, according to a Helsingfors dis patch to the Mail. A soviet govern ment is reported established at Khar kov. NEW YORK, Feb. 4. The Russian Economic League, comprising repre sentatives of financial, commercial and industrial interests in the United States, tonight . issued an "address of loyal Russians to the American people," urging public opposition to the pro posal now before the peace conference -for withdrawal of American and allied troops fighting the Bolsheviki. The statement declared that aban donment of resistance to the Bolshevist forces would "sign the death warrant of tens of thousands of citizens of an allied country," and eventually would subject America to the Russian radical influence, which, "if you do not destroy it there, will come to de-' etroy you here." Troops Fight for Humanity. The league, of which Alexander W. Behr, vice-president of the Russian American Chamber of Commerce in Moscow, is acting president, and A. A. Boublikoff, former member of the duma. i3 one of the vice-presidents, as serted that American troops were fighting in Russia "in the name of humanity and for the honor of the American people," and "for the protec tion of American homes from the gravest danger that has ever threat ened them." Every success of the Bolsheviki In Russia, the statement said, "makes their adherents and sympathizers raise their heads here in America. SINGING ROILS NEIGHBORS Woman Taken From Apartment House to Jail Is Released. Because her style of rendering the ballad, "Where the River Shannon Flows," did not meet with the ap proval of other occupants of a hotel at Fourth and Jefferson streets, Margaret Mathews, otherwise known to the po lice as Margaret Gallagher, was ar rested by Motorcycle Officers Scott and Ingle last night. Miss Mathews' neigh bors called the police, who declared that bay rum was the cause of her melodious eseapaae. A char-few of drunkenness and disorderly conduct was placed against her. Miss Mathews was released from the City Jail Monday morning, with the understanding that her next appear ance would mean four months la jail. DELCO-LIGHT MEN ADJOURN Ten Dealers Are Elected to Attend National Conference. The two-day conference of 22 agents and salesmen of Delco-Llght products ended yesterday at the Multnomah Ho tel. E. G. Byrne, sales engineer of the Domestic Lighting Company, the name of the firm which markets Delco Light, reported that the company had largely been engaged in war work, but that 1400 plants had been exported to China, which would be the next big market of the concern. Arrangements were made for 10 of the dealers to attend the national con ference o the concern, in March, at Dayton, O. E. H. Epperson, Western sales man ager of the company, discussed sales manship problems, and H. A. Conger, local sales manager, who arranged the conference, also spoke. Dclco Light is an electric farm Iight- 1 irig system. The purpose of the confer ence was to bring the distribution force in closer touch with the factory. MEAT COMPANY APPEALS Condemnation of Carcass Meets Opposition. An appeal to the City Council from a decision made by Chief Meat Inspector Chase and ratified by Acting City Health Officer Abele. which city offi cials say is merely a forerunner of a fight to be made against the present meat inspection ordnance, was filed yesterday by the Frank L. Smith Meat Company. The meat company requests a reversal of a decision made by Dr Chase Saturday, when he declared a beef carcass to be contaminated and tubercular. After the carcass had been examined by one of the meat inspectors and condemned appeal was" made to Dr. Chase, head of the meat inspection di vision. He refused to change the deci sion, he states, after which another appeal was made to Dr. Abele, who also refused to change the decision stating that the ordinance in effect made such a change impossible. The appeal comes as the first made by any meat company since the meat inspection ordinance was passed several years ago by the City Council. Dr. Chase says that the ordinance i3 not stringent enough in . its present form, as it permits carcasses to be shipped into the city without the organs. STEEL TO BE PLACED TODAY Structural Workers Begin at Xen Coast Plant. Actual e)eel castructlon will begin on the open hearth building of the Pa cific Coast Steel Company's new plant at Willbridge today. Oscar Dilthey, structural steel foreman, was on the ground yesterday and 20 structural steel workers will start placing girders this morning. The Grant Smith Com pany has the contract. Structural steel has been arriving at Willbridge for three months, and enough to complete that part of the open hearth building is now on the ground. The foundation of the build ing has just been completed. There will be two small buildings. Flag Ordinance Observed. The police have begun to enforce the provisions of the recently enacted flag ordinance, requiring the display of an American flag, at least 52x60 inches in dimensions, by all street speakers. Various bands of religious 'speakers equipped themselves with .he flags last night and complied cheerfully with any requests made of them by the police regarding the ordinance. The law was primarily aimed at those speakers of Bolshevik and other radical tendencies. Only speakers of religious groups have yet been affected. Chauffeur Struck on Head. L. Lawrence, 378 Wasco etreet, was struck on the head with a board at 8 o'clock last night at his home and svf- fered severe scalp wounds. He was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital. Mr. Lawrence is a chauffeur and is 31 years of age. He was u:-able last night to tell whether he was struck by accident or in foul play. J. AMCSEMETS. -c BARGAIN MAT. WK.U. 25c. STOCK. COMPANY All This Week GIRLS! OH. CilKLb! HERE COMES THE BRIDE Big-geat laughing- hit of the season. Prices. 25c. 60c. Mats. Wed.. Sat.. 25c Next week. "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine. MORRISON AT IITH PLAYS THAT PLEASE BARGAIN MAT. TODAY, 2o TONIGHT AT 8:20 Blanche Ring's Success t BKOAD WAY & UTTER MILK NIGHTS 25, 50?, 60 Next "The Lion and the Mouse" WHITE COUPONS With Barrett Greenwood. Four Harmony King.. Lunette Slaters. BURNS AND FRABITO, "Shoo's." The Ramsdella and Deyo; "Hector." Wonder Dog; Orpbeum Travel Week ly. Official War Review. BERT BAKER A CO. In "Prevarication." Tbla Show Cloaca With the C Matinee Wednesday, Feb. 3 LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Mat. Dally, 10c Only. A great big musical and girl show. "The Mardi Gras" With Dillon & Franks. 30 people and the noseoua i.norus. immense song numbers. Tues. night (.extra). The Country Store. I - i! tr,arri anaar s iif i-iiinr iisi iiii-iiiiiiwriitffr j$y THIS WEEK. "Pjv M Theda Bara 1 : M "SALOME" If The - X S1.000.000 I'rodncf Ion. ' XPOPtLAR PRICZSV ' uaaBaBBBMBaanasM.j ' I ' 1 1 : Coming; r " " VIVIAN MARTIN In- I' 1 "YOU NEVER SAW I 'i SUCH A UlllL" I j AMUSEMENTS. OPERATIC TRAINING .Personal Coaching Under PAUL PETRI Dramatic Tenor Seven years leading tenor in European Opera "Companies. David Bispham, the noted Amer ican baritone, says: "It gives me great pleasure to recommend Paul Petri, who is an excellent tenor and an efficient teacher." For particulars phone orcall ELLISON-WHITE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Marshall 4200 Broadway BIdg. GRAND OPERA AUDITORIUM dZZo, GRAND OPERA MATINEE THIS AFTERNOON, 2t30 Romeo and Juliet TONIGHT 8x20 Aida Tomorrow BUTTERFLY Friday RIGOLETTO Saturday Mat, FAUST Saturday Etc. IL TROYATORE Prices S2.00 to BOc Scats Selling; at Sherman, Clay's Tatll o'clock. Box Office Opens at Auditorium at 7 o'clock. I SATVHDA V THE ONE WOMAN by Thomas Dixon mm Dancing Tonight EVERY EVE COTILLION HALL 14th, off Washington. Portland's famous Ball Room. Ball. bearing; spring; floor. Best ventilated and Urgrat hall In the city. We are co-operatlna: with the health authorities in every may. TODAY ONLY, Clara Kimball Young: In -MAGDA." Also Comedy, "Too Much Henry,' and Fathe rsews. CIRCLE THEATER Fourth at Washington. PANTAGEC MAT. DAILY 2:30 "KVKA." The Incomparable, and her own company In a series of amazing and gorgeous dance of the Orient. LAIKIE ORDWAY The Kngllah Comedienne. OIHKK BIO ACTS Threo Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and S. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room 15S Courthouse, 6th St. totrance. Phone from 8 to 6. Main S78. Home Phone A ZoiA. Night call after office hours, VYeoti. lawn 764. Report all cases of cruelty to the above adores.. Klectric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pet communi cate wltU us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we loA after the Impounding. There Is no mors city pound, just, Oregon Humane Society. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Auction Sa'.e At K. ftth-st. Feed Barn (224) Lug.nc, Or.. Friday, Feb. 7. com mencing at 10 o'clock sharp, of cattle, horses and mules, consisting of about 60 head of milch cows, several head of high-grade lioisteln cows from 2 to 5 years old. all fresh or coming fresh soon. Entire dairy herd from Southern Oregon. Balance Jerseys and Durhams. several fresh with young calves by side, balance to be fresh by Feb One renletered roan Durham bull 3 years old. extra good one. All kinds of horses and muies, ranging In weleht from 1100 to 17O0 lbs., ages from 4 to s years. All these are Rood, blocky. heavy boned chunks, well broke and gentle and fat. Several well mated teams weighing from i-iuo to 32iiO lbs. Also several cheap farm horses will be sold. If you are In the market for a horse or cow don't fall to come to this sale They will bo sold to the highest bidder. Every horse will be as it Is represented and a trial given. Every cow is tuberculosis tested. Terms of this sale: All sums und-r cash; over ir. U0 days" credit will be given with bankable note bearing 8 per cent interest: - per cent discount given for sums over $23. L. H. Llnbarser. auctioneer, Orland. Cal.; U. S. National Bank, clerk; Chas. Taylor, owner. At Wnson's Auction House 1 A )s Furniture. 169-171 Second St. y Ethel Y "THE DIVORCEE" Ji'Ok Iady Frederick jfyti r r ill MEETTNQ NOTICES. ATTENTION! Comrades. Attend the funeral of our late comrade. W. B. Swaney. private. Co. H. 2Sth Iowa Vol. Infantry (a member of Sumner Post. No. 12. G. A. R. ) from Miller Jk Tracey's parlors. ITS Ella street, today Wednes day), Feb. 3. 1919. at 2 P. Al. C. A. WILLIAMS. Com. J. W. OOlLVIii, Adj. EAST GATE I.ODOE. NO. 1X5. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Thurs day evening. February 6. 7:30 o'clock, at East 80th and Olisan sts.. for the purpose of confer ring the Master Mason decree upon two candidates. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the work. Visit ing brethren, cordially Invited to attend. By order of E. P. ilertz. W. M. C. P. NELSON. Sec . PALESTINE LODGE. NO. 141. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication Wednesday. Febru ary 5. 7:30. Grand Master F. W. Settlemeler will pay an of ficial visit. All members urged to be prevent. Members of other lodges cordially invited. Arleta station, Mt. Scott car. , W. S. TOWNSEND. Sea PORTLAND LODGE, NO. SS, A. F. A. M. Special communi cation this (Wednesday) even ing 7.80. Masonic Temple work In B. A. degree. Visiting breth- ern welcome. By order W. M. If. J. Houghton. Sec FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 160. A. F. AND A. M., East 43d and Sandy blvd. Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening 7:30. Work in M. M. degree. Visiting- Brethren welcome. H. F. ClUrlN, Sec. MTTLTONMAH COCNCIL. NO. 11. R. AND tj. M.. will hold . stated assembly this (Wednes day) evening at 7:30 o'clock. De grees will be conferred. Re freshments. L. L. SCOTT. Rec MOUNT TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M. .Special communication this cWednes day) evening. West Side Tem ple. 6 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. EDWIN I- MINAR. W. M. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening 7:30. Esst KiKhth and Humside. M. M degree. Visitors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. 7 - y A. v. v r . ivcKunr meeting zZrif this (Wednesday) at 8 P. M.. st I. O. O. F. Temple. 226 Aldr street. Drill In the Initiatory degree. Every member is urged to be present and to bring an application for membership. EARL R. ADKINS, N. G. K. OSVOI.D. sec. ewTLOD REGULAR meeting this (Wednesday) evening. East Mitn and Alder streets. J Visitors cordlslly Invited. initiatory degree. RAY MANAGHAN. N. G. S. A. STARR. Secretary. PORTLAND LOnCE. NO 2!1. I. O. O. M. On Wednes day. February 0. a large class of candidates will be Initi ated. Clark will have some thing good In the way of en tertainment. Visitors wel come. J. F. KENNEDY. Secret p ROSCOB P. HURST. Diet. INDEPENDENT HOMESTEAD, NO. 5S. will give a dance in their hall. East Sixth and Alder. this (Wednesday) evening. Kvervhndv welcome AilmliiinH I SOPHIE L. HOTlSoN. Correspondent. miEDLANDER'S fer )eage emklssss. glass aiss sad saisds's. to Waealagtea ss EMBLEM Jewelry, eattess, charms. tas sw assigns. Jaeger aires. Sis su FCNERAL NOTICES. BRUMBAUGH At Cascade Locks. February 3. 1IH11. Abe Brumbaugh, age r.6 years, beloved husbsnd of Mrs. A. Brumbaugh, father of Mrs. Minnie Hoard, of Tucson, Ariz.; Mrs. Pearl Englescn, of this city: Mrs. Elva Knowles. also of this citv, and Ivy Rrumbaugh, of l.os Angeles; brother of George and William Brumbaugh, of I'anora. la.; Mrs. Kate Emery and Mrs. Hert Harris, also of Panora. Funeral services will be held Saturday. February 8, 301!). at - P. M., at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy Co.. &8ii-i4 Ninety second street Snuthesst. In Lents. Inter ment M ultnoman Cemetery. Friends in vited. VELAGA Tn this city. February 8. pteve Velaga. sged 35 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Thursday. Feb ruary . at 8 A. M., from the Dunning & MrEntee funeral parlors. Broadway and Ankeny street, thence to St. Pat rick's Church, Nineteenth and Savier streets, where mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Friends Invited to attend. In terment Mount Calvary Cemeterv. De ceased was a member of the National Croatian Society. STOWELL--In this city, st the Good Fa xnarltan Hospital. February . 119 Dud ley H. Stowcll. aged R.1 years b months 10 days. Deeeasod is survived by a widow Mrs. Anna Stowell; two sons. Frank R. and Victor Stowell; three daughters. Mrs M:nnle Hiddink. Emma and Ella stowell. l.emalns will be forwarded today (Wednes day). February .1. to Huxton. or., by the Skewes Undertaking Co.. where services will be held and interment made. DUNN In this city, at her late residence, f60 Brooklyn street. Annie M. Dunn, aged 71) years: wife of Frank M. Dunn, mother of Thomas F. and Mary Dunn. The funer al will leave the residence at 9:15 A. M.. tomorrow (Thursdsy). thence to fcaered Heart Church, Eleventh and Center streets, where requiem mass will be offered at !::10 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Dunning & Mc Entee. directors. HI ATT At the residence. 12 E. 8d st V Feb. 3. 1919. William P. Hlatt. aged 43 years. 6 months. i8 days, beloved father of Jessie. Florence. W. Arthur. Henry and Frank Hlatt: brother of Ruby Hlatt. Friends Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, which will held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10:30 A. M. today (Wednes day). Jan. 5, 1919. Interment River View Cemetery. JOHNSON At the family residence, Tavlor avenue, near Base Line road. February 4. Mrs. Emma Johnson, wife of H. H. John son, mother of Slgfrcd Jensen, with United States Army In France. The funeral services will be held In the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder street, at 2.30 P. M. tomorrow (Thursday). Friends Invited. Conclud ing services st Portland Crematorium. SWANEY At Stanley ststlon. Febrnsry S William Swaney. age 81 years, beloved brother of Mrs. Ssdie Tsloolt, of Iowa. Deceased was a member of the Sumner Post. G. A. R., No. 12. Funeral services will be held today (Wednesday), Febru ary S. at 2 P. M., at the chapel of Miller gc Tracer. Interment st Greenwood Cem etery. KEITH On Febrnsry 4. at the family resi dence. 4S4 East Twelfth street North. -Mar-yon Keith, age 1 year 6 months 21 davs" beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James K. Keith. Private services at the Portlsnd Crematorium today (Wednesday) at 11 A. M. Arrangements in care of Wilson St Ross. 11ENGE At the residence. S334 ISth st ' Jan. HO. 1910. Henry Menge. aged &s years Friends Invited to attend the funeral serv ices which will be held st Holman's fu neral parlors at 2 p. M. today (Wednes day). Feb. 5. 1919. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. COKEY The funeral services of the Iste Guy N. Corey will be held todsy (Wednes day), at i!::i0 o'clock P. M., at Flnlevs. Montgomery st Fifth. United Artisans' Fram Assembly, No. l-l. will conduct serv ices. Friends invited. Interment st Mount Scott Park Cemetery. DE RHIELL The funeral services of the late Ottlllie De Shlell, beloved wife of Forest De Shlell. will be held today (Wednesday). February 5. at 11 A. M.. at the chapel of Miller Ac Tracey. Services private. Interment at Multnomah Parle Cemetery. FOX The funeral services of the late Msr- die Fox. age 31 yesrs. will be held today ( Wednesday 1. February 5, at 1 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Services pri vate. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. WATSON The funeral services of the late Charles Garfield Watson will be held this (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock at Finleys. Montgomery st Firth. s-'rvlces private, by ord.r of the Board of Health. Interment at Brush Prairie, Wash. LARSEN" The funeral services of the late Anna Margaret Larsen will be held today (WVdnesday), at 1 o'clock P. M.. at Flu ley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. POTTER In this city. February 3. Ellis F. Potter, age 26 years. Funeral services will be held today (Wednesday), February 5. at 2 P. M., from Erlcaon's residential parlors. DOLjfNr Funeral services of the Iste John Dolan will be held todsy (Wednesday) February 5. at 8:30 A. M.. from the resi dential funeral home of Wilson & Ross Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Phorle your want ads to The Oreg-o-nian. Alain 7070, A 60'J5. JO A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Orerronian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AttOlNTANTS. JOHN E. CLAhK, general and cost account bW0 2 i"ut Wlu'"'nlon at. jyhone tast At (OKUlux PLKATIXU HKMST1 1XH1NU. ACCORDION PLtATLNU. .,w cul. hem unu p. eat skirts any style. . nemalliching, 10c per yard. Eastern Jovelty Co., 5fr 6th st. Broadway aoou. AGATE CtTTKKS AN U MFU. JtW ELtm, JiiW1:'hKl1 nu wa'cto repairing. Uilieia, oas Wash, st.. Majestic Theater blug. ALFALFA Al KAL. OKOIM) -fcfcl. HAY. WALTER SCOTT. Board ot Trade. M. pop:. APPRAISALS. STANDARD ArrHAlSAL COMPANY, kall wy bldg. Phon, Mar. mil a75it. Afrf.AYfc.lts AND ANALYSTS. My.N,T.AJ,iA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEY'S. iU0?.Ia A' GOLDSTEIN, practice In ail courta. b02 Northwestern Hank bldg. BRICK AND CONCRETE. fcS,Jrlckwork' concrete and cement alde walks. call Hrosdway ana. CARPET CLEANING. RUGSTho k'nd that ear ih best ar . . made from your wornout carpets by ? ,""'" K"f Co. (former address. . ve.. liag rugs woven all sixes. Cleaning, icfuuug ana resimug. PHONE EAST o0l. B 12O0. CARPET WEAVING. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Rag Ruga, all sizes. Mall orders piuinpt. Bt, Send lor booklet. fxA- Rugs, aioam or Dry Cleaned. SLS0 .. -. , PLUFF RUG CO.. oi-as Lnlon ave. N. Eaat 00I6, B 1475. CANCER TREATMENT. Jones, m. u cancer treated. at- Morgan bids. Marnliall CL 11.1 l.QI U R, I -l TO N S. ssf'v 'RW1.N-HOUSO.N COMPANY. S7 Washington. Hioadwav 43. A 1234. ( HIKOI It ACTOK. Mcji.tion, iwi',, chiropractor, inrongs pronoum iiji,- treatments easiest best. peruianenL Jl -treats 15. iioiu CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECLYUa 1. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny (he only scientllic chiropodists aim ar a spe cialists in the city, i'anors otlj Gerllnser bldg.. south west corner scond and Aiuer. Phone Main 1JUL (TKCILAR LETTERS. .LETTER CO.. olu-ll-U Royal bldg Mar. ami Multlgrapulng. mimeo graph and mail ad vert.pina. COLLECTIONS. ETH A CO, Worcester bldg. Main 17.18. No collections, no cnarge. Established luoo. CONCRETE AN l CEMENT WUKK. CAMPiiELL Z SMITH Concrete garages J'mentwork; estimates free. 0-j Clay. DANCING. MRS. HAYll'S Dancing Academy. SOS-1I Dekum bidg. Best Instructors. Beginners' class Tues eve., class party FrL eve. Les sons day and eve. by sppointment. Phone Main lo4.. BERKELEY Dsticlng School. 129 4th st Matu 3:1S. Mrs. Summers. M:rr. Lessons by 1-tiwnai ui-iumii; cluafeCS v eu., sst. ALirKY Danclns Acauemv. iriv,i. m.-,,,. tors, day and evening. Classes Friday eve nlng. I'd fioor Alisky bldg. 8 lessons. $5. illli FLECKS ACADEMY. lu; id st. Dail room snd stage duiic-ing. Class Tues.. k'ri. eve.; children espt-ciai y. Main Jluo. W. 1. KlXli Dance orclietra: union music; violins repaired. 644 Wa.ih. lltlsy. 4JS. DANCE ML'SlO furnished. Call evenings Mam lsu.t. DAM IXti A( AIIKMY. LEA KN TO DANCE at I'rolessor snd Mrs. Kown's studio; each putU Is given per sonal atttnllon; 12 private lesions, $5; 4 lessons. vr 4 for hours lo A. M. to U P. M. 60n Filers bldg., between 4th snd 5th, on Washington st. Main tQ4. IK.sl;NINi ,V l Dlt Xl-TI G. CIVIL, mechanical, architectural and pat ent de..Kntng. drafting. Open evenings. 3111-2 Spalding bldg. DOCi AND AT HIIM'ITAL HO.Sl'lTAL Dr. tl. H. llurtman. veterina rian, 41S Lj"t 7th st. Kail ls7. H IVtiZ. 1KLSMMAK1U. WHOLESALERS AND avto Tors. DL'Bltl'ILLK HL'UGY TOP CO.. Ot h snd Oak. DRY COOIIS NOTIONS. L DINKELSPIEL 00' GRAIN MERril tNTd. PACIFIC CHAIN CO.. Hoard of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOL'SEK HAT CO., .a-o5 Front St. IIIOKS, WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BItOS., li Front street. PAINTS AND I.VBKICAT1NG OILS. FL'LLKR CO.. l'-'th ar.d Davis sis VIED. STEDMAN" At Jefferson street, this city, February 4, Adelbert Stedman. aged 64 years. The remains sre al the par lors of P. . Dunning. Inc.. 414 East Alder street. Pervlct-s will be In charge of general relief committee I. O. O. F. Notice of funeral In a later Issue. STOKER In this city. February 3. John tinker, sge 4T. yesrs. beloved husbsnd of Elizabeth Stoker and father of Edward William Stoker. Funeral notice later. Ke malns are st the residential parlors of Miller & Trscey. DUNN In this city st her late residence. HtiO Drooklyn st., N. 4110. Annie M. Dunn, sged 70 years, wife of Frank M. Dunn, mother of Thomas F. snd Mary Dunn. Funeral notice later. BAL'M In Pasadena. Cal.. February 4, 1910. F. M. Ilium, of Portland. ssd S." years. FIARISTS. DISTINCTIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES. Wreaths as low as 4: sprays ti. LUBLIN ER. FLORIST. S"s Morrison. Portlsnd Hotel. Phone Marshall 753. MARTIN FORBES CO.. Florists. 354 Washington. Main l'6n. A l:t;;t. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BKoS., Florists. -S7 Morrison su Main or A lbu5. Fine flowers sod Loral designs. No branch stores. MAX M. FM1TIL Msin '"-IS. A 213L baaing H:d 6th snd Aider sts. PEOPLES FLOKAL SHOP. 243 Alder. Flow ers snd designs very reasonsbie. Mir. ul-2. lKVlNUTU.N PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th sod YsmhilL Funeral designers; lowest pries. TONbETH FLORAL CO.. Washlngtes St.. bet. 4th snd &ih. Main 610. a llol. SIONT'MENTS. PORTLAND MAKULE WollKS, '.ftt-inn 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Mala SooA. Phlup Neu & Hons, for mrmorliii. BLAESING GRANITE CO- THIRD AT MADISON STnetT Rates far Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Umiljr aad atAnday Od lino - Two cunkcutlr timr. ............ ..t3 Tbre roncutir timet .......S' ix or pso conoerutivo t i m . Tb rollowto rlsiwiifirsiMoa ezcitod. (be rote oo wliit-ta km prr Itao ixr ttmyi feltUsttioDB antel Malo. bttimtiwOt PrifMie immllies. Board and Koomi fnfite t-aiuiliaft. lioiUrrkfrplDs Kwmi Private ft-aniiOro. ai ukrn lor I tbaa two linen. Count ift vori to Ibo line. AdTerttot-metiie (except fer onaU") m lift be tekeo over tbe tele ptsone If the adverliner Is a tmbecriber lo either pbooe, o prices will be quoted ever tbe pbone. but nlatement will be rendered tbe follow ing duy. Ad vert lee menta are taken for Tbe Daily Ore son ian until f. Al. t for The biuiti Orecunlan until 6 P. at. Saturdax. LLttTKK'AL KKr.tlK HOI II. M. IL. ELECTIUC CO. n wnu.ng una i..ectritii eUepair- ' sLjci..iy. see us nuoui Hcw., or ucq UiOLors. fauwy. A lOtALrZ Clic. fc.AK. A1 Hi KAt UP iu. UuilisiUt;. cut. .iuUl. li lltlM, hi. 474, fctuiiLtiZstat. LsA VV .N. LARGE OR SMALL LOADS. EAST 533. MKMlLKfe) Kti'.UKtl). 11J UKA.N1 AVK. llsi. AmerlLein Kurmiur Huiipitu.1 ; furniture repaired, uphutsicreil ntl retinishtrd; new nl ttecona-na-uJ iurmturt bouui &ni old. beiiwooil 76u. L tiTivr'MAaN, lie ml tile niiitt c.uoping. ic cordior kiue peuc. buuoui covered, rrisiii orders, uiv Hit toe -c biuck. Broadway lu:a li.n.Mri'1 li'Cii I.Nii atia iicuL Ail worii. gujr rufcd. Mn.r frewins Mch. Co, 4i(. Hru All MC. EMIL, TgilKuliolCN. violin teacher, pupii te vcik. Wi Kl leaner bids. buwy. 16-:i- I'AL'L k'. KlbahK, viviiUsBt, Kooni 1. --v -3 HhinctutL Metia 11V. Ten leisun. $ 10. V luUeN. pi. no, birmouy. Aii string. lo- trimienis so.d. Kol Ken Deck. 4i ldmhi.i. UllUMKIKIMS A.NU OtTKIA.Ns. OLAiiLS AT A bAV'LNG. I soiicit your patronK on th minimi nf tiMfia Dkvtrons. A trlai will convince. CiieiS. W. Ouoaman, Opiometrist. ul iVIorrison. Main - 1J4J! PA ft.N X ATIOK.NEVS. IU C. W'KlGUT -u; years' experience U. and foreign patents, bul Ieturn bids'. CiOLUBbsKi;. GJu Worceator bids. Main --.. LiC li. A. Fllls-i-lHai. VOi iiroa,day bid-. Rheumatism. Icuiale aisordcrrs. skin trou bles, stomach. liver, kidneys, bowe.s, throat, tfo.tre. icalp. hl(th blood pressure. 80 CI Uicrtaeeii efficiency; d r u g I cm tO treatment. ooitre. paraoiif. head ache, ton si n us. Dr. Wattcxa. ut bweiUnd I'LlMHlNii Ml FLCMbl.Ni. isL'i'li-Ud at whoni prices. Stark-tavis o.. J1 J Third. Msin I-KIMIM.. KrJVTONiC I'KKiS J. fc. Gantenbein, Mgr. I'ruittnff and .lnotyptns. loot, front st. corner Stark. Main or A 141?. PRINTING V.. W. BALTiid &. CO.Ml'A-NV. d ujk sts. Main lt. A 11G5 M.tUMI IIAM) rT)KKS. LEV US' UDW. ac Ft K.N. CO.. 21 Front Street. Tt'e buy ana sell everything In the hsed wsre snd furniture line. Phone Main A 7174. M'.UIMi MAtlllNl.S. ED CI. A UK, tewiliK in.ichine t-xpert. Uwnftn su Phone ltrondwsy -,. fTtll LS. SsXUV'KS. furnaces rttairel. colls instsTed. II. J. Kealirook. S Salmon. Mum - jTa. TKANSH.K. TKANSKEit, heavy hauling, furniture, p.ano moving; prices reasonable, l'Uouo labor 8J77. TKANMI.K Al M-K4.t;F UkKljuN TKANoKKIl I'O.. 474 ;iln St.. corner of l:tlu Te.ephon llrosdway 1-sl or llC.. We own and operate two Urge class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. 14west Insursnce rates In the clty FIREPROOF STORAGE (il.-hS TKANSKKK tn. PIN'K. JlAUl.uN-.-T. DOCK A. WAKElHil'SE of fice lsi Madison l General merchandise snd forwarding sicrnts. I'hone .Main 1 ti'. t. rACKl.Nl! .Mo V IN U S To K I N 1 1. FECl'lini BTOKAliE & TllANSFER ro. lo5 Park su Main :.!::,. A IQ..1. CLAY S. JIOKSB. INC. TRACKACE. STOliAtiE. TKANSFER. 41S-4.'.4 tihsan St. At I ( M t I.KAMMi. tl.KCTKIC vacuum cleaning la your home. Mic a rug. Carl. Kst ir.os. VA T II Ki.l'.tlKINU liiiillEr-T prucs paid old watches snd Jew elry Condition no object. Kepatts s spe cialty. Italnler Jewelry Co.. 4f.S Wash, st. KKKIIS. I WHECK OLD DL'ILDINUS. CALL East 1SU7. MAN U t AC'l ' U UERS PAINTS, OILS AMI GLASS, KASMl'KN 41: CO.. -d and Taylor. I'll'E, PIPE PlTTINti AND VAI.VKS. M. 1.. KLINE, til-ftt Vont street. I'MAIIllMi AMI M KAM SI I'PI M. L. KLINE, b4-f.ll Front street. I'KOllt ( K COMMISSION MKKt'HANTS, EVEItDINU & FAKRELU 140 Front street HOPE AND BINDER THINK. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SAsll. HOOKS AND til.ASS. FL'Ll.Elt CO.. llh and Davis sis WALL PA IT. It. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co.. IT-' First st. MullUAX WALL PAPER CO.. 'Jd at. FTNERAL niRF.CTORS. BREEZE & SNOOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1047 BELMONT, AT 35th SUNNYS1DE fPEHAu EQUIPMENT for doing all work IN THE HOME when deatred. Our beautiful chapel for services without charge. Prices most ressonabls sod persons! st tentlon given to all. Itutil 1'hunes. Tabor 1258. B Mil. a4 7 llelnaont bt. WILSON & K0SS EAST llll AND MILTMIMAII Portland's Most Progreasit. FUNERAL DIKECTOKS FAST 54- II0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1SJ7. Tblrd and Salmon Streets. Main SOT. A lulL Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Independent Fuuerai Uirectors Wssh. st, bst Oth snd ilst. West Fids. Msin 2tyL Lady Assistant. A Jssi J. P. Finley & Son PKOORESSIVE FLNEKAL DIRECTORS Main U. Montgomery al Fifth. A Uuj. F. 8. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Aider. Phone E. 6X Perfect service, personal direction, free sse of fiorsl chspel snd auto equlpment- DCNMSO 4k M CENT EE. funersl directors. Broadway and I'm atreeL Phone Broadway 4J0. A :....v Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Pu. ersl service. ll73 E. tlllsan. Tabor 4311 P L LERCII K"1 llth ni1 c: st ER1CSON '''"tl. snd Morrison streets, 13 roadway 234l A.R.ZELLER CO. t1'-.,".'"1-11? East los. o loei. A. D. KENWoUTalf CO. t02-O4 UJd St.. Lents Tabor o2T. bKEWES LNUEllTAKlNtJ COMPANY 3d snd I'lsy Msin 4I.VJ. A '. tl-1 Lsdy sa.latant. "EW TODAY. FLUFF RUGS From old carpets. Carpet cleaning; and relating. Hag ruga woven, all aUaea Mail orders solicited. KORTllWEST HUG CO. Former adtiress 153 Lislon Ave. EASI 3580 ttu B 1280 NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Rngs snd Wools) Cletblns. fts Make Kesersibls. Uasti-narn FLUFF RUGS They Wsswr Like Ires. alaU Orders. Mend for Roefcte. Keg Rngs Woven, au Sues. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rujrs Steam Qeaned 13 VYf.srr.ltM k Li. IF lilt, CO-, 4 Liuuaa Ae- M. svsat Sets. s4 147s. uaraffes Ankeny St. Phone arsaasa; ISat. San Conneli LumDer Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city snd farm propertr, installment repuyuient privilege if preferred! uromua, reliable wn ice. A. H. B1RRELL CO. 1 17-" 13 Nnrthwnttern I tank Building. Marshall 4114. A 4 UK. Mortgage Loans 5V2 EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. rMT:i jiTATI.S BUK ntlLDIVG. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BlSLMSS AM) KEMUKM.1S I'KtlPtKTT. ROBKK1MI.N a.- KVVtNO. -0.-S ISort bw estern Hank lildg. JOHN B. COFFEY, liOBTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds JTtKAL KSTATB. For Hsie J575. VIEW T OT. SAr-niriCE. l'.osi: CITY PARK. .' W1-,1c'orn,'r Mh nnd Alameda drive. This will mire :y Fell quickly. Itunded hi. sessments only .:o and raid to date. I, fV.i."1" nt J 1- MAKTMA.V 'tM- i ANY. o. J Chamber of Commeice Lldg. WANT A LAi:r.EI.m i:ST LOT CHEti1! Conte out to Laureihurst Tract office. East o:'.h and tl.tsan strets. today. Nn. Is t ho tlmw to s. curc your lot. Tabor .n.l.'l. or East 'Jiiv, eve. bACIt l I-ICE J vell-located est-f-ont lo's '' City Park. Hitchcock, bu 4th st. For haleltuwine Property. E.ir STli: Htarttnenl?. fin Investment. net?. '. p.'r cent ; price flCim. Itdwy. ,'!. AIAUIMKNT el;.-, l.eet In . Ity: near VVaTh IliKt.m M. 1U: M.lii, lit I-r-t m. l or Sale -Ilotinc. 11 .-.00 rEAI. niftv bimcslow. like new. 4-room. licht rooms, rrm.nl baet.t white -nam.-l plumbinr. rh.iice elect, f,,.. t.uitt-iiis. ,-.v IOm. ncsr :..;i h and I-;. Hum. Son.w snap. Ow n r aick Ftnce . t. Must a ciimate; or-h sj;.o, NOW ll."'O0. lirm. Main 4vn;;. t7 c. :., .detiberg. Ahmgton Tilde. "3a lears in Put Hand." IOCS -d. SOI E l 1I1N.1 WORTH 'VIII I.E. RlT-ronm home. -.ciin-buncnlow tvpe. Compl.t.-ly furih-.l. l.o.n-1 between SunnyMd.? nnd llsthorn-. rarlmr- on -or-n-r .ot. sir. et imp. pmd; artistic buffet. tMwki-asr... fir.'pla. . mi.l pl..ndlll furna-e. Am Icavinc , uy; will s.i.ril).t. this (4l.u) home for ,ll. Will tak- T."- cash. $-' per month. Can b.! lieen only from to 4 1 . Al., -;3.s tjkrin ave. N AtJENTS. HAWTIIoliNE HKAI.TT CO. 3t'l Mawtht.rne. i 1 " VEItY ATTIlAi'TIVK lloM E e.tl.-.n. A real barcaiu. t;.ri...ni home, Al condi tion, hot w.mr heating yvt-m. el.tro llchts and gas. white rninn-l plunhms: 7..llll rorn.r lot. on K. !lh si., rot .f I'li'dmont. I'rariiv..ry iiw larpls k-o itt thl price. Wi-y casv term?. c hae a. larce 1-t Of hoils's in tlil clifri.-t 1 r.A.VK I.. Mcit lltE. AUI.NUTilX 1:1. OG. To lliiy Uur H-un. Mmn 10ns. f f i. e open Krnmn and Sundavs. i-Ari:KLnn:sT-f i,.-.n. Are ymt looking f.r a fir. hip horn t N low vn4' fw., block. to car; we want to "Mow vou a home rvf 7 rrioim anl p tnc porrh. o: k ll.. ra, fir plate. furna-. bit; ct-miit I'MSr nifiti. street pavinr ni Fwer all paid. n f-rnily l-f'iovo ita thv tict vaiue in l'urtMnd. $luuu cash, bal-A COT, A. M.-Kl-WA. Main 47, 4-IlOOM lUXOALOW, N V. $2o now v. S-,no Rany tfrrii. h:r lirinc room. 3 -!i!t tntin-l hr-t-oi.nj. t.th. whit numtl k itchn with hI bin it -in erft-i-m. r.Mui. ft. lot ; 1 Wo k ta r r. ,f. I.. HAKTNUV rnMl'AXY. No. 7 I'h.milw of Comnierct bliiK.. 4ih St Mark, .Mam -OS. A lioOO. $io;.i nriAi. v. uosn city ist.. iivi. A 1 1 p.u-t ivt lull buncalow; rloctric ltph:t mnd gii-; Dutch kith.n: hot and col.i ".trr; J white porrcluin bat h f ivturfn. flo.s to lto " ! t - car, J20O will Vf hav a-vera; good buy In this dis trict. ;e KRANK L. McCriRE, To Iluv Ynur Motii. Ablntrton building. Main lt;s. fa1n M."6. ffu--w Open snnd.ix s ami K ventrcm. IIAWTHOKK 3UNt;AUOvr f-room bunca'ow. east front. ;0x1o0 lot. all imp. in nnd paid . paras; large Itv i n a 1 1 d 'linnn t n m tZ. .1 1 1 h st . na" Hawthorne ae.; ;;7.'o. This is a rood buy and ran be banded on good trm 1 rr v Hieks. SOi1 Oak -st. liro.dw.y $j;,oO TK K MS JT'ST KAST OK PIKOMoNT. f'lH5v 5-rooni bunsalotv. farac. fircplac. all buill-in ronv., oouIm- ror.pt. ..irritire-j ; choice nrislibor liood Main 4o.1. O. C. loi den be rp, A bin rt on Bids. "TUt Year in h'ort :and. 7 T H AND A INS WORTH PPNiJALOW. " rooms Rnd bath, on 1st fioor. lane un finished nttit-. rti : I basement, cement floor, wasli trays. :.Oxbn) lot. worth JT.. Take a b4.k at rJ'.i.; 7th st. N. Make offer. Mar. ln"t bother the tenant. A. li. A keron. Sio k F. bide fctTK t "T IsY inlern .'-rooni bunculow for on pavt! street, carline runmnjr In front of door. rtixloi lot, c a race, laundry tray a In b.i.nen t, fan and eicfirity. all built-in; H'.V.O, $j.".o down, monthly pay me n tn lik rent. Womlla wrt 37.0. MOST ANY TKKMS !i7.. J-.t7." MOST ANY TK K MS. n-rom a itrat ! ive latmc, cioaa in, like Hew; ;;7xlM. 3 blot-ks cur. Ci. lioldrnixrir. A hinRton Bid jr. Yearn in i'ortland." Main 4"T IIKKK S A i(Ol VAI.IK. -room miern home. flrepla-e, furnace, oak floor; only S'ttiiM and -ity liens. F.Ky termn. lrnd Jtealty Co., 130 .Sandy bivd. Tabor liJ. ll'Nr,AL'V Amonir fine bornes. beautiful view lot, T.'l'"', 6 rooms, bath, furnace, firepla.e. laundry. For sale by owner. Call any time. No. JJ Ha letch ji-:b am make okkkr. 5-roim coiuff. b Hi, ttUet. electricity, bard - surfaced tiru Mwr : cloae tn ; i rtif t4-rins: owner. Tabor Ml U.AVIN(i town, will sacrifn. e modern Puteh colonist 1 7 -ro-.m house, h ardw mi f looi . A la m - 'la Iark rornor lot. Ca' I owner. V ood a w n M t. No t r,ir!- lVfi-h!c. BY '.'Vl.U. now vacant. $J:.m. .;. cah. balance like rent; n .t-room houn first -il a sa condition, n-ar car. 7 0 Wi,; lims ave. YotdJawn 4'i. I MAVK A ti K K AT H.XKtJAIX. Corner property. ;i lots. t-rtoTid hou, all km'- of fruit, chi. ken house nnd fiar ien. K.i?t Side; terms. Tabor .Vi $75(. CASH. My equity In my 7-roorn modem home. Cloe to one of the Itet public sehoola. SSe- Tr. Cojvert. QJ Oregonian bids. 1UVIXOTON teven-rtotn buiiKaiow. mod ern, sctl rbT. terms. Leaving city. Phone Kant .v;i. BY OWNKK .-rt-vom house, modern, 1J.31 K. th N-. take V. C. car to .Stafford at.. walk 1 b. 8. and 1 b. E; terms if deatred. 6UvlV LOT 4-room modern houae; bnth. electric Itr-rhtH, cement walka; $17tU; terms. Columbia BY . W N KR 5-room house, modern. 151 n. fith N; take V. C car to Stafford m. walk 1 b. S. and 1 b. E; terms- if desired. UAWTHOKNK Dial. 15TH ST S larpt rooms, larire lot; room for carace' vacant. Owner. Tabor S'J4. BHAUT I H' lT"l t OM RrortVand Heihte. for sa ; will consider smaller house tn good location and Mm fh. Bast &4:t. MOI'KKN 8-room houe. lonxli(l corner; 2 fir pic.. K-ra:e. nr. Sand v blvd. and K eutu. Trice. .o0u. Fhouu Illwaukiu bl-i.