VOL,. LIX. NO. 18,10. POUTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 65,000 WORKERS TO HEED STRIKE GULL YANKEE FIGHTING MEN 1BEHNE CONFERENCE HOUSE VOTES SALARY RISE TO OFFICIALS RED 'PROPAGANDA TARGET OF PROBE 5000 WORKMEN WANT FREE TICKETS HOME HENRY ALBER5 JURY TAKE OVERSEA BRIDES DEEMED HUN-MADE REACHES DECISION ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND IRISH GIRLS ARE FAVORED. SUPREME JUSTICES GET $5230 ' ANNUALLY CXDER BILL. OIIEGO: LABOR HEAD A P TEALS TO SHIPPING BOARD. Union Men Fail to Involve Jacoma and Other Cities. 2000 TIMBERMEN TO QUIT Wills and Camps Outside of Seattle Not Affected. SOUND PREPARES FOR BLOW Schools Are to Be. Kept Optn and Municipal Plants Will Be Op erated by City Authorities. SEATTLE, Feb. 4. Seattle labor tanions, defeated bo far in their attempt to secure a general strike in Tacoma and other points, and with their awn membership hero divided, announced tonight through their strike confer ence committee that all was in read iness for the strike in Seattle at 10 A. M. Thursday. This strike, involving an estimated 65,000 workers, including 25.000 metal trade workers already out in shipyards and contract shops, is said by labor leaders to be the first general strike ever held on the Pacific Coast, if not in the country. The metal trades workers struck for higher wages than those contained In the Macy award, effective until March 31, and the strike of the other unions is a sympathetic one. Support for the strikers came today In the announcement of the Seattle Timberworkers' Union that 3000 lumber workers employed in and about half of Seattle sawmills, lumber camps and shingle mills, would quit work Thurs day. Mills and lumber camps outside of Seattle may not be affected unless the walkout develops into a state-wide ttrike. it was said. Firemen Kiot Affected. The Seattle Union of Marine Firemen announced today that its members would not be affected by the general etrike. The Sailors' Union of the Pa cific, however, comprising coastwise and offshore sailors, has asked permis sion of its international organization to leave vessels Thursday. Marine cooks and Bteward3 are also awaiting word from international headquarters. The plasters' Mates and" Pilots Union will not participate in the strike. Other developments today included: Seattle echdola are to be kept open; city authorities will operate municipal light, water and other utilities, replac ing any strikers with other men; pack ers will operate their own plants and retail markets; the city-owned street car lines will operate, according to Superintendent Thomas Murphine. Mayor Hansen announced that these would be maintained by the police. The cooks' unions considered plans for op erating sufficient "soup kitchens" to feed 15,000 persons, if necessary, two meals daily. Milk for babies and in valids will be dispensed at 10 dairy depots. Guards Asked For. Requests had been made by American Uxpress Company officials for guards for company wagons if delivery of perishable foodstuffs beyond station pianorms is expected or. ine company, i Federal Department heads conferred) today and reported to their respective! chiefs at Washington as to their needs t all Eederal departments plan to op erate as usual. City civil service em ployes have been ordered to remain at work. Maintenance of telephone and telegraph facilities was still expected, from reports tonight, but the situation concerning these two means of com munication was hazy. Whether Seattle will walk after Thursday morning was to be decided ty the executive committee of the etreetcar men's union tonight. Sanc tion for the men to strike was asked of their international officers and what reply was given was not announced. Should sanction be refused, the men, it was said, would hesitate about for feiting their life insurance and other benefits arising from affiliation with the international organization. Jitneys will cease to operate, however, on Thursday. And with gasoline service stations closed, private automobile owners probabily will not be able to operate their cars long Katlng Houses to Close. Aside from the union "soup kitch ens," virtually all public eating places will be closed. . Refusal of International Typograph ical Union officers to sanction a strike of printers was discussed late today by the local union, and Secretary II. C. Koss warned all members that viola tion of the international order would forfeit them protection of priority rights. Confectionery workers, bakers and telephone operators were polling a etrike vote tonight. Electrical workers were also meeting to review the matter of exemptions for city employes. The Ministerial Federation today an nounced that it had ldorsed a $5.50 minimum wage for shipyard workers. TACOMA BREAK IS PREDICTlil) IH'icuIties Grow Out of Referendum Vote on General Strike. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 4. A wide open split of the Tacoma Central Labor Council was openly predicted by mem bers of many unions tonight as the re sult of difficulties arising out of the (Continued ua Page Columu 1.) American Privates and Officers Pronounced Persistent and Gallant ( Sweethearts. (Copyright. 1!1!. by the New Torlt "World. Published by Ai rangcmcnU) LONDON, Feb. 4. (Special.) "Nearly all the boys are picking winners." This was the comment an American naval officer made today while speaking of the European brides whom American sailors and soldiers are acquiring. These bluejackets and Sammies who have married English, Scotch or Irish girls believe the home folks will be more pleased with this variety than with new relatives from continental Europe. Several British ports, notably Liverpool and Southampton, are con gregating points for these brides, some of whom are delayed in sailing for America because of the shortage of ac commodations. Several officers say that the highest average of comeliness is among the Irish brides. Few of the girls are of the high-heeled variety, the majority having efficient acquaintance with household duties. The girls themselves are unanimous in pronouncing Ameri cans persistent and gallant sweet hearts. Another batch of 15 new wives has just sailed from Liverpool. One said her husband had told her Indians could still be seen on Broadway. WEINHARD ESTATE VALUED Inventory Tiled Gives Appraisement of $1,138,362.73. An appraised value of $1,138,362.73 Is given the estate of the late Louise Weinhard In the inventory filed in the Multnomah County Court. Of this amount oply J1540 is invested in real estate, the residue being in notes and mortgages ranging in value from 20 to J12.527. Bank deposits totaled $3500. The Baby Home was left J1000. the Open Air Sanitarium near Milwaukie, $2000; the Good Samaritan Hospital, $1000, and the foreign missions of the Reformed Church in the United States. $1000, in the will of Mrs. Weinhard. Her daughter, Anna Catherina Wes singer, was bequeathed $100,000; her son-in-law. Paul Wessinger, $100,000; her son-in-law. Henry Wagner. $100. 000, and to the three already named was left $300,000 in trust for her grand children, Milla Louise Wessinger Hart, Henry William Wessinger and Henry Weinhard Wagner. WOODEN SHIPS ALL STOP Shipment of Lumber to South Ex cites Suspicion. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Feb. 4. Orders for wooden ships on the Atlantic Coast and in the South were suspended on the same basis as those on the Pacific Coast. Representative McArthur was assured by the Emergency Fleet Corporation today. Some suspicion had been ex cited on the Pacific Coast from the fact that shipbuilding materials con tinued to move from Western Oregon to the South. With . reference to this S. M. Evans, of the division of cancellations, ad justment and salvage of the Fleet Cor poration, said: "We are transferring lumber from the Pacific Coast to be used in the place of pine-so as to re lieve the Pacific Coast lumber situation." CURRY HAS $100,000 FIRE Business Section of Gold Beach Wiped Ont by Blaze. BANDON, Or., Feb. . 4. (Special.) Fire at Gold Beach this afternoon de stroyed a major portion of the business section of the town, including the gen eral stores of the Wedderburn Trad ins Company. Blschel Hotel, B. M. Llt tler's hardware store. Dr. Schleinann's drug store. Bank of Gold Beach, and the Coos and Curry telephone station. The loss is estimated at between $75,- 000 and $100,000. The fire originated In the Bischel Hotel, and is reported to have been caused by a small boy playing with matches. Telephone communication has since been interrupted and further details are not available. 0. A. C. INSTRUCTOR NAMED First Lieutenant E. B. Hanna As signed to Military Duty. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. 4. First Lieutenant Ells worth B. Hanna, infantry, is detailed as military instructor at Oregon Agricul tural College, Corvallis, by today's Army orders and First Lieutenant Ken neth Williams Kinney, Medical Corps, Vancouver Barracks, Washington, is or dered to Camp JJodge, Iowa. DRY RATIFICATION REFUSED First Vote Against Amendment Reg istcred by Connecticut. HARTFORD, Conn., Feb. 4. By i vote of 2 to 14, the Connecticut Senate this afternoon, refused to ratify the Federal prohibition amendment Action by the Connecticut Senate is the first vote against ratification thus taken by any branch of a Legislature in the United States. SAVE EX-KAISER, IS PLEA Societies . to Oppose Surrender Former Ruler Organize. A M S T E R D A M, Feb. 4. Sociel "to save the cx-Kaiser" from be of ies ing handed over to the allies are bei ng organized in Germany, according the Volks Zcitung of Osnabruck. to American Labor Delegates Refuse to Attend. PARIS SESSION IS TRUSTED Demands Will Be Presented to Peace Conference. SOCIALISTS HAVE CLASH French and German Delegates at Berne Quarrel Violently Over Blame for Starting War. PARIS, Feb. 4. (By the Associated Press.) The American Federation , of Labor delegates, headed by Samuel Gompers, stated tonight that they had refused to attend the International labor conference at Berne because the delegation had been instructed by sev eral of the American labor organiza tions to present their demands to the Paris peace conference, which already has in view International labor proj ects, and is not likely to be Influenced by the Berne convention. The statement asserts the belief that the proposals of the Berne conference will be "German made," and points out that German labor has the right to present its demands at the final peace table. Later Meeting; Possible. The American labor delegates indi cate that there is a possibility of meet ing the German delegates after the signing of the peace treaty, but that meanwhile they will work with . the peace conference and that the interna tional labor committee will summ n an inter-allied conference at Paris of organizations not represented. BERNE, Feb. 4. A violent rhetorical duel between the French and German Socialists marked the second sitting last night of the International Labor and Socialist Conference. Otto .Wels, tno former military com mander of Berlin, defended the German position and said that the German So cialists already had settled the ques tion of responsibility for the war ' in having taken all power from the princes and kings. Wels accused Great Britain of having killed 700,000 Ger man women, children and old men by the "hunger blockade." Eisner la First Speaker. Kurt Eisner, the Bavarian Premier, was the first speaker on the pro gramme for today. Herr Wels argued that the German Social Democrats should not be charged with responsibility for the war. as none of them had been members of the government when the war began. iiiviuis, oi me rrencn aeiegatlon, recalled the attitude of the German So cialists at the outbreak of the war. He called attention also to their approval of the treaties of Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest. He declared that the ma jority Socialists in Germany had ap- (Concluded on Page 3. Column 4.) Insurance Commissioner .Granted In crease to $3600 a Year Dairy Commissioner Advanced. STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Feb. 4. The House continued its salary rais ing for state officials today by pass ing bills increasing salaries of Supreme Justices, the Insurance Commissioner and the Dairy and Food Commissioner and his deputies. Supreme Justices' salaries rise from $4500 to $5250 under the House bill by Mr. Burdick. while the Insurance .Com missioner is given an Increase of from $3000 to $3600 and the Dairy and Food Commissioner from $2000 t. $3000. pro vision being made tor allowing him to adjust the salaries of his deputy. Rep resentative Martin championed the bill for the Insurance Commissioner and Mrs. Thompson for the Dairy and Food Commissioner. Speaker Jones spoke strongly against the rise, for the Supreme Justices, say ing he was opposed to theirv receiving more than the Governor, and also op posed to their having their salaries increased during their terms of office for which, they were elected. " All of the salary bills still have to run the gauntlet of the Senate. SINN FEINERS BREAK JAIL Key Thrown Over Prison Wall to Three Members of Parliament. LONDON", Feb. 4. Professor Edward de Valera. the Sinn Fein leader, and Milroy and McGarry, also Sinn Felners, members of Parliament, escaped fron the prison at Lincoln last night, ac wording to a dispatch from Lincoln to the Evening News. Apparently, the dispatch adds, the master key to the back door was thrown over the prison walls to the Sinn Fciners. It was then an easy matter for the trio to walk out to a waiting automobile, which took, them toward the coast. 65TH ARTILLERY DUE 16TH About 160 0 Men From North Pa clfic Coast In Regiment. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash. ington, Feb. 4. Portland will have an opportunity to entertain the 65th Artil lery about February 16, Representative McArthur was advised today. There are about 1600 men from the North Pacific Coast in the regiment. FEATIREH OF THE OREGON . LEGISLATURE YESTERDAY. Senate. Senator Farrell openly charged Senator Moser of controlling Leg islature. Bill introduced to repeal law requiring medical certificates for marriage licenses. First consolidation passes in Senate. IIoase. House passes bills Increasing salaries of Supreme Justices, In surance Commissioner and Dairy and Food Commissioner. Repeals law of 1917 session which would prohibit appropria tions for state-aided charitable institutions for care of delinquent and dependent children. THE PROVERBIAL CAT. Senate Sees Plot to Over throw Government. RESOLUTION IS FAR-REACHING Public Assembly at Capital Is " Criticised by Senator. I. W. W. HELD AS CRIMINAL Expulsion of Congressmen Speaking In Support of Russian Soviet Is Vrcd by Montana Senator. WASHINGTON, Teh. 4. Sweeping investigation of Bolshevikl. I. W. W. a: . fther propaganda was ordered to day by the Senate after two hours of tempestuous discussion, in which sev eral Senators declared organizations were plotting to overthrow the Amer ican Government by violence. The Senate Judiciary sub-committee, which for more tha.i a year has been inves'igating pro-German and brewers' propaganda, was authorized by the Senate resolution to conduct the :iew inquiry. The committee will begin work probably next Friday. The chair man. Senator Overman, eaid the new investigation would cover a wide range and probably continue after Congress adjourned. Resolottoa Far Reaching. The resolution, offered by Senator Walsh, of Montana, Democrat, and adopted without a roll call or dissent ing voice, extended the committee power to inquire concerning any efforts being made to propagate in this country the principles ,f any p'rty ex ercising or claiming to exerclso au thority in Russia, whether i-'a efforts originate in this country or are in cited or financed from abroad, and further to inquire into any efforts to incite the overthrow of the government of this country or all government, by force, or by the destruction of life or property, or the general cessation of industry. Senators Joined in denunciation of the alleged propaganda t.nd also of a meeting held here last Sunday, at which the Russian soviet government was praised as superior to the Ameri can form of government Senate Expulsion Proponed. Senator Polndexter, of Washington, Republican, introduced a resolution calling for investigation by the De partment of Justice of the assembly here, which was addressed by Repre sentative Mason, of Illinois, and at which Representatives Gordon, of Ohio, and Dillon, of South Dakc a, also were present. This resolution went over for further discussion. The Senate's action looking to the suppression of the alleged seditious propaganda, came unexpectedly. Sen ator Myers, of Montana, opened the discussion with criticism of last Sun day's public meeting, held in a theater owned by the Government, and said any member of Congress who spoke at the (Concluded on Paso 3, Column ) I KAVJ6H' Traveling" Expenses of Men Sent to Pacific Coast, to Work in Wooden Shipyards Asked. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. O. R. TTart wlg. president of the Oregon State Federation of Labor, atked the Ship ping Board today to assistf in trans porting back to their homes approxi mately 6000 workmen sent to the Pa cific Coast during the war to build wooden ships, contracts for which have now been canceled. Mr. Ilartwlg said later that Acting Chairman Donald had promised that an investigation would be made and transportation furnished if the situa tion made it seem desirable. Serious unemployment is threatened by the stoppage of the wooden ship construe tion. Mr. Ilartwlg Baid, and union of ficials hold that the men moved to the Coast to work on such ships should be sent back, home. During the height of the wooden and steel shipbuilding activity last year hundreds of men were drawn here from the Middle West and South and for a time the Government op erated special trains to carry theni Larly in the Fall a curtailment took place In wooden yards and on Novem ber Z 5 orders came suspending work on certain vessels, about 28 being af fected In the Oregon district. From September 30 to February 1 851S men were discharged. There has been little variation In the number of men employed in steel plants during the past few months. PHONE RATES ARE STAYED Xcbraka Starts Suit to Prevent En forcement of New Charges. LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 4. Efforts to prevent the enforcement in Nebraska of Postmaster-General Burleson's schedule of telephone rates in intra state calls were begun here today in a suit by State's Attorney-General Clarence A. Davis. A temporary In junction restraining the Lincoln Tele phone Ac Telegraph Company from making the charges authorized by the Postmaster-General was granted. Only the Railway Commission has authority to fix intrastate rates, it is charged. WARNING SENT TO ALLIES Beware or Germany in Russia Is Advice of Grand Duke. PARIS. Feb. 4. The former Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovitch, brother-in-law of the former Russian Emperor, who has arrived in Paris, says in an in terview in Le Matin that the allies must beware of Germany in Russia. "France has every reason to save Russia," he declared. "If you do not intervene now. be sure that Germany will intervene in her own time. Be ware of Germany." COLOGNE NEWSPAPERS HIT British Stop Publication of Zcllan; and Tagcblatt Eight Days. BERLIN. Feb. 3. (By the Associated Press.) The British military authori ties, according to reports received here, have prohibited the publication of the Cologne Zeitung and the Cologne Tage blatt for a period of eight days- INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS I The Weather. TESTKRDAY'S Maximum temperature. 50 I decrees; minimum, 3S degrees. I' TODAY'S Rain; moderate south to east winds. Lrsinlatures. I Housa votes salary rise to officials. Page t. nuiiam mi (.Mympu to continue Pace 7. Force account measure Is defeated. Page a Senator Moser said to control Oregon Legis lature. Paso 7. Foreign. Berne conference 'deemed Crrntin-mlde Page 1. Stern Justice rule of American military no lle. Page ia. Russian situation declared brlshter. Face 14. Greek claims to be studied. Pace 4. Poles and Czechs receive warning from peace conference. Page 11. Berlin Keds try to revive Bolshevism. Pa co 0. Irish trouble crows swiftly to climax. Pace 2. Red propaganda tercet of probe. Pace 1. Yankee flchtlns men take oversea brides. Pace 1. National. President urges bis Cnlted States Navy. Pago 4. Casually list. Pace IS. Pacific Northwest. Seattle dared by lmpcndlnc sympathetic strike. Pace Five thousand Coast workmen want travel- inc expenses home. Pace 1. Sixty-five thousand men to strike in Seattle tomorrow morning. Page 1. Sports. Portland will open Coapt baseball season In l.os Angeles. Page 1 J. fUckard to make offer of 125.000 to Jack Dempsey. Page 1'J. Jefferson defeats Christian Brothers, 18 to li Pago IX Commercial and Marioe. Schooner Else iold to Pacific freighters Company. Pago IS. Pota'.o prices are declining. Pace 10. Stockyards quiet. Page 19. Grain pact has bearish influence on corn Page 1!- " Portland and Vicinity. Albers case goes to Jury, which quickly re turns sealed verdict. Page 1. Number of men out of work In Portland Pace 10. City officials vis.lt mystlo Chinatown. Page IS. Deportation of alien shirkers considered Page -'. Minneapolis woman Identifies property found in room occupied by officers' "victim Page O. Soldiers' reception committee makes plans for welcoming troops. Page IS. Red Cross chapter faces crisis. I'age 10. Income tax blanks expected to arrtve soon. Page io. Double opera bill dtlglits audience. Page 5 More than S1.imki.ooo In road contracts awarded- Page IX Wvalher report, data ana forecast. Pace la. Sealed Verdict Will Be Opened This Morning. CASE STUDIED THREE HOURS Attorney McGinn Makes Strong Appeal in Client's Behalf. INTENT INSTRUCTION GIVEN Cnitcd States District Attorney llaney Closes Appeal With Re cital of YVar-Time Verse. After being out but three hours and l' minutes, of which time approxi mately an hour was spent at dinner, tt.e iury in the Federal Court espion age case against Henry Albers, wealthy Tacific Coast miller, returned a sealed verdict at 7:50 la.-t night, indicating that the Jurors were practically of one mind when the case came to a close at 1:10 in the afternoon. Whether Albers has been found guilty on any or all of the seven counts against him will not be def initely revealed until 10 o'clock this morning, when Federal Judge Wotver ton asain convenes court. The bitterly contested case has been in progress more than a week. Jary Retires at 4:1. Federal Judge 'VVolverton's instruc tion to the jury began at 2 o'clock and lasted until ;10. when the jury retired to consider its verdict. Instructions were issued to return a sealed verdict, if agreement was reached, at the open ing of court this morning at 10 o'clock. In his charge to the jury Judge Wol verton made It clear that the question of intent must be settled in the minds of the jurors beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant intended by his alleged eeditious utterances to hamper America in the prosecution of the war. The court reviewed the charges contained in the indictment, count by count. "Each count sets out a separate and distinct offense." said Judge Wolver ton, "and calls for a distinct and sepa rate verdict. Therefore you may find the defendant guilty upon all the counts, or not guilty upon all the counts, or guilty upon one or more of the counts and not gui.ty upon the balance. Armistice Xct Conslderr-d. "This statute," referring to the espi onage act, "was enacted obviously to meet the war danger to the Govern ment, danger arising within the body of the people, rather than danger from the enemy on the battle line, and Its importance lies In the fact that it em bodies the policy which the Govern ment has dopted for Its protection, particularly against Internal interfer ence wilh its military operations and war programmes." Judge Wolverton made it clear that the offenses charged -.vera committed, if committed, when the United States was at war with Germany, and the .subsequent armistice should not be considered by the Jury as affecting ila deliberations. I.a vr Permits Differences, "It is not claimed that the defendant actually brought about any insubor dination or refusal of duty," said Judge Wolverton, in referring to one of the counts, "it is not claimed that he brought about any disloyalty. The charge is. that is. what he had In his heart tliat It was his purpose and be tried to bring it about, and these words that the Government claims were spoken. It is claimed, for that purpose; and that Is what you have to decide. "The :aw does not forbid differences of opinion or reasonable discussion as to the auses which Induced Congress to declare war. nor as to the results to be attained by war. nor at the end of the war, nor any easonable and tempered discussions and differences of opinion upon any and all of the measures adopted in carrying out the war. The law is limited to making it a crime to oppose by word o. act the military measures taken by the United States or under lawful authority by the officers of the United Stages for the purpose of prosecuting that war to a successful end." UrinkrnnrM Kirnr. Judge Wolverton's reference to the drunken condition of the defendant at the time the alleged remarks were uttered was as follows: "Drunkenness neither excuses the offense nor avo'ds the. punishment which the law Inflicts, when the char acter of the offense is ascertained and determined, but evidence of drunken ness is admissible tolely with refer ence to the question of intent. "The weight to be given to it is a matter for the Jury to determine, and It should be received rith great cau tion and carefully examined in connec tion with all the circumstances and evidence in the case. "You should discriminate between the conditions of the mind merely ex cited by Intoxicating drink and jet capable of forming a specific intent and purpose, and such a prostration of' the faculties a renders a jian incapa ble of forming the intent. "If the intoxicated person has the capacity to form the Intent and con ceives and executes such intent, it Is no ground for reducing the degree of his crime tha' lie was too drunk to (Conclutlsd un Page 13. Column 3. )