Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 04, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    Trm aroitxixG. okegoniax, Tuesday, February 4, 1919.
Executive Appoints W. V. Tan
ner and Dr. Suzzalio.
Appointees Will Attend to Detail
Work or Office and Consult AVitli
Governor 'YJuen Necessary.
OLYM7IA, Y.'ash., Feb. 3. (Special.)
In yielding to demands of his physi
cians that he rest for several weeks.
Governor Lister tonight announced the
selection of President Henry Suzzalio,
of the University of Washington, and
V. Tanner, Attorney-General, as his
T'ersonal advisers on legislative and ad
ministrative problems and policies dur
ing the Governor's illness.
They will arange their time so that
one or both will be at the executive
offices in the daily for con
ference with legislators, committees
cir others. Their consultations with
the Governor will be carried on at the
Matter's residence, here, where the Gov
ernor will remain until certain of re
gained tsti'engrth.
.Appointees AVell-tiiialifled.
Of his reasons for naming executive
advisors. Governor Lister in the first
f'ormal statement made since his ill
iss, says:
"The chief problems confronting the
utate of Washington today are those of
readjustment to peace conditions. During-
the war period, lr. Suzzalio, as
chairman of the State Council of De
fense, and Mr. Tanner, as Attorney
General, were in intimate touch with
conditions in the state and in almost
daily consultation with me. They are
consequently well f:tted to assist me
now in passing on the various ques
tions coming up for action, which I
am intensely anxious to have handled
in a manor that will be to the best in
terests of the state and its people.
They will spend a portion, of each day
in the executive offices."
The plan of dividing: the state ex
ecutive work with two consulting Gov
ernors will become effective tomorrow
and already has met with peneral
legislative approval. Rules committees
of both houses, which are overwhelm
ingly Republican, already have assured
Governor Lister, who is a Democrat,
that no interference with policies or
arrangements of the executive depart
ment would be tolerated during his en
forced absence from the Statehouse.
Detail Work to lie rcrformtd.
Today's statement that he had been
directed to re.-.t for several weeks is
the nearest Governor Lister has come
to admitting illness publicly. The con
sulting Governors expect to relieve him
entirely of executive detail work and
the burden of conference sessions.
If the House follows the course taken
today by the Senate on amended Senate
Mil 18, the legal limit of 5 cents
for city streetcar fare will be re
movable by action of a City Council
in the case of a municipal owned rail
way, or by the Public Service Commis
sion when the line is privately oper
ated. Following a long fight made by
home rule supporters, the bill passed
by a vote of 29 to 11. Its supporters
went into today's fight with a cer
tain strength of 25 votes and finished
with -i), or seven more than needed.
Kleven Senators voted in opposition.
They were Davis, JFairchild, l'awcett,
Hastings, Ivcrson, Lamping, Landon,
Metcalfe. O'Hara and Fhrpps, all with
one exception coming from Seattle, Ta
coma or Spokane, where the home rule
for cities support is strongest.
Quick UeciKions . Wnntrd.
The bill carries an emergency clause
and prompt application for hearings
on petitions filed by streetcar com
panies to increase fares above 5 cents
is expected if the bill passes the House
and is approved by the Governor as
an emergency action, which will pre
vent a referendum. Only in exceptional
cases has the Governor heretofore ap
proved emergency clauses.
Tacoma is at present paying a 7
tent streetcar fare through the award
of a local committee of -5 appointed
to consider relief measures for the
benefit of shipyard workers, and Walla
Walla has an b-cent fare authorized
through a city election referendum, the
question of chief political interest in
Seattle and Tacoma. The former now
is negotiating purchase of the Stone
& Webster streetcar interests and at
the samo time is operating a munici
pal line. Tacoma has a city-owned
line, and the proposition of buying the
Stone & Webster property there is un
der consideration.
As originally drawn, the bill passed
Cuticura Cares For
Both Their Skins
The puritviof Cuticura Soap recom
mends it Uv both mother and babe.
It Ivteps trie skin soft, clear and
healthy If oed (or everyday toilet
purposes For little skin troubles
thai disuefF and disnnire. bathe with
tht Soap', dry and apply touches ol
Cuncura Ointment as tieeded.
j5JSKB rvir to fet th fciscniatinff frw
rraoce of LntKBra I tlcom On CJb aKxn.
The "thoro-bread"
of breads. Good to
the last crumb.
today authorizes city councils to in
crease fares by ordinance a move to
bar the state public service commis
sion from jurisdiction within cities of
i the first class. The Senate public utili
ties committee, of which Howard I).
Taylor, of King, is chairman, revised
the bill to its present form, with provi
sions that both the companies and the
Public Service Commission have been
demanding for several years.
Politic Alleged Flayed.
In supporting the amended bill today.
Senator Hall, of Colfax, charged that
the o-cent limitation was forced into
the public service act in 1S11 for
political purposes by the president of
the Senate at that time, through sur
prise tactics at the last moment. The
presiding officer he alluded to was W.
H- Paulhamus, of Fierce County. Mr.
Hall presented the country district and
small city side of the argument in hi
contention that where fares are too low
to pay the proper return within city
limits the outside territory has to make
up the deficiency on higher suburban
Senator Coman, of Spokane, in sup
porting the bill directly opposed his
two colleagues, Senators Johnson and
Following- another floor fight, the
Senate today passed bills appropriating
125,000 for an armory at liverett and
$100,000 each for armories at Walla
Walla and Aberdeen. Senators Fred
W. Loomis, of Grays Harbor, and D.
II. CoJCiOf Walla Walla, figured prom
inently in support of the appropria
tions. A test vote of 30 to 10 in favor
of the armories was taken on the Ever
ett bill. Opponents based their argu
ment on assumptions that the Federal
Government intends to abolish National
Guard organizations.
Introduction of bills and a long con
test over a bill to require all public
printing done within the state occupied
the House today. The printing bill, after
failing to pass and being revived for
reconsideration, went over to await the
return of Representative Pliny L. Al
len, its author, who is absent in Ore
gon with the joint legislative commit
tee on veterans' welfare legislation.
Lieutenant C. S. Marblo Tiits Ore
gon Agricultural College and
Explains Offer.
Corvallis, Feb. 3. (Special.) Here is
a chance for high schools of Oregon.
The Reserve. Officers' Training- Corps
will be extended to 73 or SO high
schools in the twelfth district, accord
ing to Lieutenant Carlo S. Morbio, as
sistant inspector for the district, with
headquarters at Helena, Mont., who
spent two days inspecting- the K. 0. T.
C. at the college.
The first of the high school unit?
has been established a.t Mount t.
Charles College, Helena, and an appli
cation has been received from the
Walla AValla High School, which Lieu
tenant Morbio recently visited. It was
expected that units will be organized
in several of the best high schools in
"This college has had compulsory
military instruction as a land grant
institution since 1SS5," he said, "and
the spirit and traditions built up make
it easy to conform to the R. O. T. C.
Lieutenant Morbio announced that
because of the importance of the mil
itary work at the college he will rec
ommend that two officers be sent
here a Captain and a Lieutenant as
assistants to Colonel Alfred C. Sharpe,
Cancellation, of Naturalization Pa
pers to Escape Draft AVlll Be
Basis of Recommendations.
Deportation of aliens who canceled
their first citizenship papers durirg
the war period, thereby avoiding liabil
ity to take up arms for the United
States, will be proposed at a confer
ence of all local selective s rvicc offi
cials at noon today.
William F. Woodward, chairman of
the central selective service organiza
tion of Portland and Multnomah Coun
ty, has called the meeting. It will "e
held in room 1512 Ycon building, the
office of Dan J. Malarkey, secretary of
the Portland district draft board.
As one provision of the draft laws,
it was permitted that citizens of neu
tral countries holding only first papers
in the United States might go before
their local board and cancel their dec
laration of intention to become a
United States citizen. By so doing they
were relieved of liability to the draft.
In Oregon approx'mately 100 declar
ants resorted to this means of avoiding
military duty and remaining at home
to receive the big wages most of them
were drawing. The State Council of
Defense took the matter up and made
a complete record of all such cases.
Copies of this data were sent to al!
naturalization offices and draft boards
of the United States, with a view to
assuring that none of these men iniyht
later obtain citizen hip.
House Passes Park Bill.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. A bill urged
by Secretary Lane as the first step in
the development of the Rocky Moun
tain National Park was passed today
by the House and sent to the Senate.
Seasoned elabwoofi and inside wood,
green stamps, for cash. Holman fuel
Co. Mai a 353. A 3353. Adv.
Orlando and Harry Rorrug Have
Exciting Sea Experiences.
West Eridse. IIns Helpless After
Engines Break Poivn, Is Struct
by Two Bochc Torpedoes.
OREGON" CITY, Or.. Feb. 3. (Spe
cial.) A few days ago Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Romig. of Willamette, received
a telegram from their sons, Orland K.
t I
4 I
I i
' " f
Romig and Harry G. Romig. the only
wireless operators on the U. S. S. West
ward Ho, saying they were to leave j
January 2.1 for Danzig, Poland. The !
Westward Ho is a food vessel. These !
young men, the former 20 years of age, j
and Harry 18 years of age. were on the :
U. S. S. West Hridire when she was tor- I
pedoed. The West Bridge, with a ,
70-foot hole in her caused from the tor
pedo, is now in Brest. France, under- ,
going repairs. The boys later were
transferred to the Westward Ho.
Orland and Harry Romig are well
known boys of Willamette. They were
among the first of Clackamas County
boys entering the service. While stu
dents at Pacific University, Forest
Grove, they entered the naval service.
In a letter dated November 30, to his
parents, by Orlando, he gives some of
his experiences.
Torpedo Seen Striking:.
"Our ship, in which we had no lack
of confidence, stopped dead after a few
grinding? and grumblings in the en
gine room," writes Orlando. "The
turbine had stripped, so we were help
less. Other ships in the convoy passed
us. Then about 10 minutes later, be
ing a few minutes before 6 P. M., we
saw and heard a. big explosion on the
starboard side of one of the ships in
our convoy ahead of us. It was from
a torpedo. Then thinirs were real
lively for a while. Shots were fired
and 1 believe, a torpedo was fired at
our escort, a French cruiser, which
went wild in the wake of her. All the
ships were zig-zagging and huddling
together like frightened sheep.
"Finally our convoy passed on out of
sight, firing shots continuously. The
armed yachts convoying us came back
to pick tip the crew of the other ship,
which had taken to the lifeboats, and
to find how long before we would be
under way. We told her that we were
helpless, and our injuries irreparable.
Two Torpedoe Hit Ship.
"We Knew submarines were near, as
the y'.chts were dropping 'ash cans' all
arouid us until they found out we were
We now dropped our sa anchor and
v alted for 'Fritz' to pickle us. Dark
less cam and We began to think he
had forgotten us. but he hadn't. He
waited until midnight when we were
changing watches in the engine room,
and then sent us two, one hitting in
the fire-room killing four men and
wounding three or four others, and the
other hitting directly under the bridge.
Water began to pour in everywhere,
Harry and I, by chance, being asleep
at the time (the other operator being
on watch), were rudely awakened by
the two explosions.. Harry made his
station all right, but I had to go to
the starboard side, where my 'abandon
ship station' was, but in my path was
a booby hatch, which had its covers
blown off and down 1 tumbled on the
hatch cover. 1 tried to ascend the bare
bulkheads with the aid of some canvas
which was hanging down. This not
availing, I yelled, which brought one
man, who tried fruitlessly to lift me, so
I-yeiled for a rope, and finally a sec
ond party of rescuers r.rrived from the
after-gun, where they had been trying
to cet sirrht of the submarine, and
used in conjunction with
the best scientific " instru
ments and many years'
practical experience assure
you ease and comfort
Dr. Wheat
Eyesight Specialist
207 Morgan Building
Washington at Broadway
Why the
Lapel on
a Coat
Rolls Just
Right and
Stays . so,
instead of flattening", is a matter
of needle and thread and certain
inner fabrics.
The makers of Mathis Clothes
thoroughly understand the art of
g-ood tailoring.
Herein lies the reason why you
will come to know our clothes and
us better.
As for prices, they are moderate
easily within the range of any
Suits $25 to $60
O'Coats $25 to $100
Corbett Bldg
hauled me up. We then launched a life
raft, all the lifeboats having been
taken, after quite a little work.
"We were roused by shouts from a
boat about 25 feet away. We went
alongside the boat, which contained
only three men and our pet dog
wrapped up in a coat. We rowed
around until morning, keeping the life
raft in tow. The next morning we
pulled alongside a boat in which I saw
Harry, and was considerably relieved.
We were picked up about 7 or 8 o'clock
by the United States ship Burrows, a
torpedo-boat, that was helping convoy
some cargo ships that were returning.
"That day about 10 A. M. we saw the
Mcyitana go down. When we left water
was bursting from the vents on the
upper or boat deck of the torpedoed
West Bridge. That afternoon about 4
o'clock the Burrows sighted what she
thought was a submarine, but which
turned out to be a little dory, in which
s'ix French fishermen were huddled.
Some were boys and some old men.
They had their fishing smack sunk by
shell fire from a submarine.
"We arrived in Brest without any
thing else of interest happening."
Italy Honors American Banker.
XEW YORK. Feb. 3. Kinfr Em
manuel of Italy has appointed Otto H.
Kahn. a commander of the Order of the
Crown, it whs learned here today, in
recognition of services on behalf of the
allied cause.
Prune Growers to Get Hearing.
ington, Feb. 3. Prunegrowers of West
ern ' Oregon who have complained of
discrimination in the prices paid by
the Government for prunes for the
Armv will he given hearings at Palem.
ALL the
atten tion
it is possible
to crowd in
Is assured
Patrons at
Popular prices
in both of
Wonderful table
d'hote breakf a s t s,
lunches and dinners.
A la carte service
Fifth and Morrison
Or., soon, according to notice received
by Senator McXary from the War De
partment today. Captain H. B. Walker,
of the division of purchases, is now on
the way to the Pacific Coast to hold
such hearings.
Packin' 'Ein
In and Makin
'Em Like It.
Ask Your
The Boy Everyone
A Rollicking,
Tale of a "Go-Get-'Em"
Ford Weekly
Mutt and Jeff
Red Cross Film
All This
One of Our Newly Returnee1
Overseas Lads Says:
Why worry over Government allot
ments and the discarding of the kha
ki? 1 just bought a new SPH1X1
Suit. Latest Model, at CHEHItY'S. Som
suit and eome fit. Took advantage o
their Easy Fayment Syatem. Son".
Eay way to pay for clothe.
WaitiiDtoa St. t'illock. Elk.
Mack Seniiett's Newest
t 9' Ill W- T 'W
Vrtw JbeK LorwJoti Got rnvlnrllLr :-'sA
The Show You 11 Never Forget!
By taking LydiaE. Pinkriam's
Vegetable Compound, One
of Thousands of Such Cases.
Black River Falls, Wis. "As Lydis."
E. Pkikharn'a Vegetable Compound
eaved me lrom an
operation. 1 cannot
eay enouph L: praise
of it- I suliered from
organic troubles and
my aide hurt me so
I could hardly be up
front my bed, and I
was unable to do my
housework. 1 bad
the best doctors in
Eiu Claire and they
wanted me to bava
an operation, but
Lvdia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound cured me 6o I did
not need the operation, end I am telling
all my friends about it " - Mrs A. Y.
B Inzer. Black River Falls. Wis.
It i just such experiences us thzt of
Mrs. Binzer that has made thi- f amoua
root and herb remedy e household word
from ocean to ocean Any woman who
suffers from inflammation, ulcerction,
displacements, backache, nervousness,
irrepularities or "the blues' r.h'jjd
not rest until she has gives 4
and for snecnl adviuo I Jn C
fin, ham Medicine Co , L'os, Mass. ,
i iis: ji ;
M mm
" TJ Lj . 4 1 M ' n
1 MS 5Vfl 11 1
THE P1SK OrUft'.?
Sloan's Liniment Scatters
the Congestion and
Relieves Pain.
A little, applied without ralthfnc will
prnrlntr irnrr.rdlj.tcly aud rest and
soothe the nerves.
Sloan's Liniment is very effective in
llaytnsr external pains, strains, bruises.
-hes. stiff joints. ior? muscles. Inmba
o. nruntis. s-iati-a. rheumatic twingres.
Ke"j a bir lMttlo always on hand for
arr.'.ly urc. fruijglsia everywhere, COc.
;o.. ti.:'i.
3 -makM dellrlouy wt
S r5to!u Make A. W
4. i some f