Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 04, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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TEHRUATIY 4, 1919.
men are discharged as rapidly as new
hulls are floated. The cancellation of
wood ship contracts is held largely re
sponsible for the big slump in employ
ment, though there was a normal de
crease between September 30 and No
vember 30, due to a slowing down of
operations. The suspension order was
received November 25 and soon after
the dropping of men became more gen
eral. 3 C
The ITmtti Abmt
Shipping Board Sends Word to
Columbia River Yard.
Tentative Steamship Freight Sched
ule Will Be Discussed.
SEATTLE. Feb. 3. Members of the
Trans-Pacific Tariff Bureau, compris
ing steamship lines operating to the
Orient from North Pacific ports, today
postponed their meeting to discuss a.
new tentative freight schedule until to
morrow. With a quoted rate of J40 a ton from
New York to Yokohama, announced by
the United States Shipping Board,
the IMe (n:
Announcement From Charles Pier
Expected Today Substituting Big- I
gcr Vessels to Re liuilt of Steel
At least two of six steel steamers,
work on which was ordered suspended
at the plant of the Columbia liiver
Shipbuilding Corporation, will be com
pleted as originally planned. Rein
statement orders were received yester
day from the Shipping Board to Alfred
K. Smith, president ot the corporation.
As two of 10 vessels ordered suspend
ed at the Northwest Steel Company's
yard were reinstated last week, the
elimination of a total of 35.200 tons of
new carriers from the cancellation list
is most encouraging here.
"It is true the reinstatements on
two of the vessels have been received."
Kaid Mr. Smith last nfght. "Material
for those ships was in such shape that
no doubt the Shipping Board has re
garded it as economy to proceed with
their construction."
The impression in steel shipbuilding
circles is that there will be additional
reinstatements, based on the amount of
steel on hand for the vessels. Detailed
reports are now on the way to the
Shipping Board showing material on
hand and the amount en route, and
when those statements are checked it
will, no doubt, be realized that a sav
ing can be made in carrying out more
of the contracts.
An important announcement is ex
pected today from Charles Piez, director-general
of the Emergency Fleet
Corporation. Unofficial reports reach
ing here are to the effect that his ob
servations will place a different as
pect on the threatened cancellations,
as it is expected the Shipping Board
and Emergency Fleet Corporation will
favor the completion of the programme,
with the substitution of larger vessels
lor some of those that would have been
laid down last under the present con
tracts. Mr. Smith is planning to leaye the
latter part of the week for the East,
and it is understood his mission is in
the interest of obtaining contracts for
the larger ships. If the contracts are
awarded, some of the steel material
assembled could be utilized, though not
a greater part of it.
Six Weeks Assignment Made to
Deepen Grays Harbor Channel.
MOQUIAM, Wash.. Feb. 3. (Special.)
The Government dredge Jichie,
formerly used on the bar here and now
iri Portland undergoing repair:, will
be available for work on the outer bar
of Grays Harbor About April 1. She
will remain here six weeks and return
to Coos Bay on her permanent assign
ment. The securing of the Michie was due
to combined efforts of lumber manu
facturers, the commercial bodies of the
harbor cities and the Port Commission.
A large amount of data was compiled
by a special committee in order to con
vince the United States district en
gineer at Seattle that the work asked
lor was really needed and he has au
thorized the resident engineer to pro
ceed with the work which was dis
continued two years ago. The sum of
SS5.000 is available for this work and
the Port Commission has about $100,000
for inner harbor improvements in con
nection therewith.
The depth of water on the outer bar,
when war necessities caused with
drawal of the dredge and also the
larger vessels engaged in off-shore
'umber trade, was nearly 40 feet in the
outer channel at low tide. Now the
ciepth is about 20 feet which makes
navigation unsafe for ve sels of deep
draught and curtails output of harbor
Member of Crew or Janet Carruth
ers Washed Ashore.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Feb. 3. (Spe
cial.) Search for tho body of Dewey
.T. Walker, a member of the crew of the
wrecked schooner Janet Carruthers,
who drowned with five others when
the lifeboat was cairied away, resulted
in the finding of the body on North
Beach yesterday by his brother, Fran
cis Walker, who came here from his
home ;n Walla Walla, as soon as news
of the wreck reached him, and has kept
up a vigil along the beach ever since
the wreck. The body was in an excel
lent, state or preservation and easily
recognizable. The body will be shipped
to Walla Walla tonight and will be
accompanied by the brother who main
tained such a faithful watch.
The body of a sailor of the schooner
Janet Carruthers. picked up about a
week ago, has been identified as A.
Solders, an able-bodied seaman. The
identification was made by Captain
Carrney from the clothing which was
sent to the beach where Captain Carr
ney is looking after the wreck. Cap
tain carrney thinks the schooner can
be saved.
Two of Wood Fleet Could Be Lifted
at Same Time.
In lifting the river steamer Cascades,
of the Shaver line; on the St. Johns
drydock, in company with one of the
.".500-ton wood steamers, an illustration
has been afforded, say Port of Port
land Commissioners, of the value of a
sixth pontoon for that plant. Not alone
could the larger steel ships of the Pa
cific fleet be accommodated, but, in
such cases as the present, when there
Jire several of the 00-lon wood ships
ready to drydock, two could be docked
at the same time.
The Cascades went on the dock Sat
urday to have the hull resheathed and,
because she occupies the two inside
pontoons, cannot be floated until the
big steamer is floated from the other
three sections tomorrow. Usually, the
Shaver fleet patronizes ordinary steam
boat ways. The rush of work now at
the plant of the Portland Shipbuild
ing Company precluies ways being
available for short jobs, so the big dry
dock is the only haven.
Less Than Half as Many Men Work
ing as in September.
Between September 15 and February
1 there was a decrease in the force of
men employed in wood ship plants of
the Oregon district reaching 8518. the
payrolls showing 6793 workers when
the present month opened, whereas
September 30 the force included 15,311
And, in the opinion of Emergency
Fleet Corporation offi-ers and ship
builders, the end is not vet, lor more
steamship owners here said the North
Pacific rate would have to be cut to J6
in order to compete and absorb the
transcontinental freight charges.
Delegations From San Francisco and
Tacoma to Inspect Portland's
Water Terminals.
Borings at tho St. Johns municipal
terminal to determine if possible the
character of substrata, undertaken
when a settlement of the grain ele
vator was noticed, are progressing. The
Commission of Public Docks fully ex
pects to consider a report TTiursday, so
an adjourned meeting, scheduled for
this morning, will be continued until
Two drilling machines are being
employed. A full statement of the ma
terial gone through, together with all
data possible to obtain from such op
erations, will be laid before the com
mission. The investigation was begun
as soon as it was apparent the struc
ture was slightly below the level of
its original position, and it was de
cided a week ago to suspend work on
the roof until the investigation was
Tcrsons visiting the site during the
past few days, some of whom are re
ported to have expected to see the big
concrete bins toppling owing to rumors
circulated, have found that the settling
has ceased. Men familiar with the
situation express the view that the
settling will not be repeated.
Members of the Tort of Tacoma
Commission, among whom is Frank
Walsh, formerly chief engineer for the
Port of Astoria Commission, are due
in the city today on an inspection of
Portland's water terminals and to look
over the programme recently outlined
for additional development. Also in th
city is a delegation from the San
Francisco Board of Harbor Commis
sioners, including H. A. Oser, chief
wharfinger; A. J. Burton, purchasing
agent, and F. fi. White, chief engi
neer. The San Franciscans are bound
for Puget Sound, the trip being to
study facilities and conditions at Coast
harbors. Both parties are to be shown
over the harbor.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
ORAYS HARBOR, Wash., Feb. 3. (Spe
cial.) The ntaemer Chehalis arrived from
Kan FranciBco yesterday at 1 1 A. M.. bring
ing a cargo of uO tons, conflicting of oil
for both Standard and Union Oil companies;
a considerable shipment of lead ..sleeves for
the (Srays Harbor Motorsiiip Corporation
and some general merchandise. The Che
halis Ik loading a cargo of lumber at tho
American mill in Aberdeen.
United States torpedo-boat destroyer
Ooldsborough. which has been located at
Aberdeen since the inception of the war
and lately has been used as a training ship,
has sailed for Mare Island Navy-yard. The
extra training crew went io Puget Sound
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 3. (Special.) The
tank steamer Argyll sailed for California
at J2.-30 today after discharging fuel oil
at Astoria and Portland.
The steamer Flavel arrived at 3:30 today
from San Pedro to load lumber at the
Hammond mill.
The Kmergency Fleet steamer Jacox. from
Portland, sailed at 10 o'clock last night for
San Francisco.
Carrying a cargo of lumber from St. Hel
ens, the steam schooner CeltJo sailed at
12:30 this morning for San Francisco.
The steam schooner Klamath arrived at
7:3U this morning from San Francisco en
route to Portland with freight.
Brtnging a cargo of fuel oil for Portland,
the tank steamer William F. Herrin arrived
from California at 1 o'clock this morning.
The steam schooner Frank L. Stout ar
rived at 6:30 last evenlns from San Fran
cisco en route to Portland with freight.
Bringing a cargo of fuel oil, the tank
steamer O. V. Porter arrived at 10:05 this
morning from California en route to Port
land. , SAX FRANCISCO"! Feb. 3. (Special.)
With a large cargo of coffee and other Mex
ican and Central American products, the
Parlfic Mail's steamer City of Para arrived
shortly after noon today. The City of
Para brought 50 passenger.
Officials of the Union Steamship Com
pany announce that they expect to have
the pre-war service of the company between
this port and Australia, New Zealand and
Tahiti resumed in the near future. The
Moana alone Is now carrying pasrengers in
this service, and there is a demand from
hundreds of persons each trip who desire
to travel from this port who cannot be ac
commodated. It is not known" if the old
ships will be returned or bigger and better
vessels placed on the run.
The Hlnd-Rolph schooner Muriel has ar
rived here after a stormy trip of 21 days
from Port Townsend. with the dining
saloons and cabins flooded. Captain Olson
reported that not a drop of water had en
tered below the water line, but that quan
tities did enter through the deck seams.
The steel Shipping Board steamer tvind
ber, under Matson Navigation Company
management, arrived late last night from
Honolulu with 52,000 bags of sugar. The
"Windber will not return to the islands un
der charter of the Matson Navigation Com
pany, but will proceed to Seattle, where
she will be operated by her owners, the
Pacific American Fisheries Company.
COOS BAT, Or., Fob. 3. (Special.) The
Bay Park sawmill, of North Bend, is work
ing on an order of surfaced lumber, com
prising 1.00,000 feet, for a customer In
South Africa. The order will be loaded on
a sailing vessel arid will be the first cargo
so shipped from this port in a number of
Charles Hall, president of the State Cham
ber of Commerce, Is urging the city of
Marshfield to inaugurate a municipal dock
system, claiming such a convenience would
be of great advantage to the city as a com
mercial point.
Laden with 1.2SO.O00 feet of lumber, the
steamer C. A. Smith sailed for Bay Point
at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The Standard Oil tanker Whittier. with
a cargo of crude oil for the Mountain States
Power Company, has been off the bay since
this morning, ner entrance having been de
layed through rough water, which prevent
ed a pilot being taken out on the "Wolverine.
TACOMA, Feb. 3. (Special.) Following
a slump in the marine business out of Ta
coma the latter part of the week will see
a break, local shipping men declare, with
the arrival of three Oriental vessels. The
Osaka Shosen Kaisha has the Arabia and
Himalaya Maru. due Hhursday. and the Gar
land line the Javary, from Shanghai. Both
the Japanese steamers have full carsroes
Among the freight on the Arabia is .C
tons of frozen eggs. The Javary. Captain
Poindexter, is finishing up one of the rough
est trips she has had across the Pacific. The
usual .time of this vessel to Shanghai is
around 2S days, and this voyage 20 days
after sailing she put into Honolulu.
The imports received at Tacoma. which la
the examining port for the Huget Sound
district, totaled 2,722.J32 pounds, according
to Examiner L. C. Fenton. for January. This
is a slight decrease over January, 11)18.
rienry k. russ. secretary oi tne ross
Launch Company, has been doing much for
convalescent soldiers being treated at Camp
Lewis. He took eight of them for a cruise
oo' Puget Sound for two days and enter
tained them at dinners and the theater
Each week-end he picks up a crowd of sol
diers from overseas and takes them out
in one of bis launches.
J. A. lives, vice-president and. manager of
1" V1
the Todd Drydock & Construction Corpora-
ion, in Tacoma, is seriously ill of pneu
monia in a Tacoma hospital. Eves had
been in ill health for the past week. Friday
he suffered a severe chill during a trip to
Seattle and Sunday he was taken to the
hospital. His condition was reported slight
ly improved tonight.
SEATTLE. Feb. 3. (Special.) Skagway's
appeal for food and the necessities of life
will be answered by the sailing of the steam
ship City of Seattle Wednesday, two daya
before her scheduled departure, laaen to mi
plimsoll mark.
Orders issued wnen tne posaioimy 01 m
shipyard strike loomed up, laying off cap
tains and officers or eleven fc.mergency r leei
v.iiIr. were revoked bv telegraphed in
structions from the office of the director of
operations of the Shipping Board today. The
alter was taHen up di me .irii iiio. .
Association and It la believed to be due to
their activity that the cancellation of he
first order was made.
3Iovcmcnts of Vessels.
. . . . . i - i..a a
t'l 'H 1 I '. r fi. ... ii...., . -
M., steamer W. F. Herrin. from San Fran
cisco; at i i . . n i m m.-.
San Francisco; at I', -m., steamer .
Porter, from .Monterey: at . a. -..
Frank r. Stout, from San Francisco. Sailed
at 9 P. M.. steamer city of Topeka. for San
Francisco -via way ports.
ri'liFK A Feb. a. Arrived at 8 A. M.,
steamer Aurella, from San Francisco, for
Portland via Coos May.
POINT P.BTES. Feb. 3. Psssed at noon.
steamer Santa Barbara, from Columbia
River, for San Pedro.
. -. ........ Tr- n KlMmr
r v .n r r. imi , rrr. - -
uniamai'i. and United States dredge Chin
ook, from Tort land.
- . . v.w ir.lvi
liA.N rilA.-t '
Kl Segundo. towing schooner Monterey, from
Portland; steamer Multnomah. from San
Pedro, for Portland.
isrnptt Fh. S. Arrived at midnight.
and left up at 2:lr A. M.. steamer W. K.
Herrin. from San Francisco. fant-a i
night, steamer Celi.o. for Mn r-rancisco ana
San Pedro: sailed at S last night, steamer
Jarox. for San Francisco. Arrived at 7:30
and left up at A. M.. steamrr Klamath.
from San Francisco; at lo:.- ana ien up i
11 A M., steamer W. K. Porter, from San
Francisco. Sailed at 10:45 A. M.. steamer
Aravii. for San Francisco. ru
P. M., steamer Flavel. from San Pedro.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 3. Arrived
Steamers Lansing. " from Seattle: City of
Para, from Balboa: schooner Olvenehy. from
Seattle. Sailed Schooner Wm. H. Smith,
for Sydney.
SEATTLE, Feb. 3. Arrived Steamers
City of Seattle, from Southeast Alaska:
Governor, from San Diego. Departed
Steamer Admiral Dewey, for San Diego.
NORFOLK. Feb. 3. Arrived Steamer
War Storm, from Vancouver.
BATAVIA. Jan. 27. Arrived Steamer
Alabama, from San Francisco.
NAGASAKI. Jan. 30. Arrived StMmer
Admiral Goodrich, from Seattle.
KOBE. Jan. 30. Arrived Steamer Suwa
Maru, from Tacoma via Vancouver.
MANILA, -Tan. 21. Arrived Steamer As
tral, from San Francisco.
NAGASAKI. Feb 3. Arrived) Tenyo
Maru, San Francisco.
STDNET. N. S. W., Jan. 29. Sailed
Sonoma, for San Francisco.
TACOMA. Feb. 3. Arrived Steamer
Quadra, from Britannia Beach. B. C. De
parted Steamer Marmion. for Gran by, 13. C:
steamer quadra, lor Vancouver, ja.
Marine Notes.
Instructions yesterday reached Robert
Warrack. superintendent of the 17th light
house district, from the bureau of light
houses, that it was desired to give work to
unemployed whenever possible. Mr. War
rack says that .while there were oppor
tunities a. few months ago all posltTons
are filled at present and in most depart
ments there Is a waiting list.
Advices that the Government dredge
Chinook reached San Pedro from Portland
yesterday were conveyed to the Merchants
Exchange. The big digger Is en route to
Charleston. S. C;, and It Is assumed she put
Into San Pedro for fuel oil.
Cargo brought from the Golden Gate by
the steamer Frank D. Stout amounted to
10S2 tons, of which 20O tons were bran,
consigned to Kerr, Glfford & Co.. and the
remainer of the cargo was merchandise
for the Parr-McCormlek line. The vessel
leaves Couch-street dock early this morning
for St. Helens to load for San Pedro.
At the Grant Smith-Porter plant the hull
of the wooden steamer Alcis is to be
launched at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs.
Wl!!iam Gibson will be sponsor.
Carry ins. o paaaencera and
"Impossible!" you say. "Why, market
are selling for 1716c a pound, yet I am
rib-roast and loin-chops."
True enough. Yet these more costly cuts are only
Part of the animal. When Armour and Company buy a
hog they pay 174c a pound live weight Qanuary 20
market quotations) for the whole animal a3 it stands in
the pen 17yic a pound for meat, bones, bristles, entrails
even the dirt that clings to the animal's sides. This
price for the live hog means 23c after allowing for shrink
age and cost of handling.
Let us see how the various cuts sell at wholesale,
after the hog has been killed, the meat separated from
the inedible portions, and dressed at considerable expense.
For the feet which we bought at the rate of 17Kc a
pound we got 6c a pound; back bones and trimmed neck
bones returned 5Kc; ears which cost 17jc per pound
sold for 7c; livers brought 3 Kc; hogs' brains and knuckles
brought 8Xc a pound; hogs' heads with tongues out were
quoted at 10c, and with tongues in at lOKc; the snout
was worth 8c and the kidneys 8c a pound.
In short, the January 20 wholesale price-list con
tained some thirty-seven cuts and portions under the
pork heading, and of these, fifteen brought in less per
average cargo, the steamer City of Topcka,
of the Pacific Steamship Company's flag,
got away at 0 o'clock last night for San
Francisco via Marshfield and Eureka.
To load three Scotch marine boilers for
San Frarwlsco the steamer Johan Poulsen
will proceed today from Wfstporl to the
plant of the Willamette Iron A Steel Works.
On her first voyage here in months the
steamer W. S. Porter, of the Associated till
Company's line, urrlved yesterday from San
Francisco. The William F. Herrin. of the
same fleet, reported in the harbor from the
Golden Gate with a full cargo of fuel oil and
gasoline, also.
The steamer Klamath, of the McCormlek
coterie, arrived yesterday from California
ports with general cargo and will load at
St. Helens for the return. The vessel had
a number of passengers and at the Hollam
agency It is reported reservations for the
southbound voyage have been numerous.
River Voreeast.
The Willamette River at Portland will
continue to fall during the nest two or three
days. The stage at f A. M-. yesterday, was
5.7 feet above zero, a decline of .0 foot in
24 hours.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday.
High. Low.
3:09 A. M 0.0 feet'!:40 A. M 12 feet
3:10 P. M S.l feet, P. M 0.6 foot
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. Feb. . Condition of the
bar at A P. M. : Sea, smooth; wind, southeast.
24 miles.
Vancouver ISuiltlings Hazed.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 3. (Spe
cial.) The old stores at Fifth and
Washington Btreets were removed to
day to make room for a filling: station
and automobile accessory service sta
tion. The buildings were torn down.
Employment of Blind Topic.
The Social Workers' Club will meet
Wednesday at 8 P. M. in the Fa i line
School, where the School for the Blind
is located. A bill for the employment
of adult blind will be considered.
"TtanTni of Infineiiu XCaniflel orrer
e.OOO Time.
aloe, root of jalap, and sold in every
Pellets. Then surround yourself
fact mentioned by physicians of the
on the part of nature to throw off
, inflammation of the kidneys. It is therefore very important to assist
nature in eliminating the toxins (poisons) from the body thru the
: bowels, skin and kidneys. Not only should this be carefully attended
' to by the sick, but by the person who wishes to ward off an attack. A
; new kidney remedy called "An uric" (anti-uric) can be obtained of the
I druggist. This "An uric" flushes the bladder and kidneys and throws
' off the poisons (toxins), and should be taken with hot water or hot
lemonade. Clear the nose with some good antiseptic spray or
; Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It is, of course, unnecessary for me to
! emphasize this, keep strong and healthy, fear neither germ nor German,
and observe the three C's : A Clean skin, Clean bowels. Clean nose
I and mouth and you have half won the battle.
Portland, Oregon
Telephone Broadway 1380
Br Id sc. and Iron Company Acquires
Manufacture of Holtr, Nuts
and llivets.
Announcement was made yesterday
by the Northwest Steel Company of its
retirement from the structural steel
field, in which it lias operated since its
organization years ago. and that its fu
ture efforts will be confined to ship
construction. The structural steel
business lias been sold to the North
west Bridge & Iron Company.
W. H. Culle 3. chief engineer of the
Northwest plant since l:t0. is the head
of the Northwest Bridge & Iron Com
pany, having resigned from his former
position. For the present the latter
company will handle its product at the
plant of the Northwest Steel Company,
but 'is planning an Independent plant,
a site for which la now under conslder
at ion.
"The change means that Mr. Cullers
and his associates have acquired all of
the structural steel stock of our com
pany and they will carry on the business
hereafter." said J. 11. Bowles, president
of the Northwest corporation. "We will
continue to operate as shipbuilders
The purchasers will handle all of the
manufactured output, including bolts,
nuts, and rivets.
None of the actual plant of the
Northwest is included in the transac
tion. Mr. Cullers rump to Portland from
Influenza is produced by a baalTns
or germ coming; chiefly from dis
charges from the nose, throat and
lungs of the person who coughs,
sneezes, or spits. The person at
tacked feels chilly, develops a high
temperature usually accompanied
by headache and "ache all
over" as it is" usually described.
If you have the above symptoms
get into bed as quickly as possible,
after a hot mustard foot-bath.
Take a good purgative, such as one
made up of May-apple, leaves of
drug store as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
with hot water bottles. It is a
largest experience that the effort
the poisons results sometimes in
reports show that
paying 28c a pound
pound than was paid for the live animal before the ex
pense of dressing and distributing had been added.
Sheep are handled on a similar basis.
On the edible portion of beef animals there is an
actual loss. A 1,000 pound bullock costs from $160 to $180.
Only some 650 pounds are edible meat, and this sells
wholesale for from $125 to $145.
It is obvious that Armour and Company can make
-but little profit out of meats after the cost of killing,
dressing, cooling and distributing has been added.
Profits are made through manufacturing into com
mercial by-products those portions of the animal that
until recent years were wasted or destroyed. And on
our total business last year, we made but 1.8c per dollar
of sales. The by-products actually make meat cheaper
to the consumer and more remunerative to the producer.
Their production is the result of many years of re-investment
of earnings to make this scientific development
possible and of years of endeavor in upbuilding many
kinds of markets for them.
the Pennsylvania plant of the Cambria
interests, now part of the Midvale Steel
Company. "I feel a large amount of
new work is to be carried on in Oiecon
and Washington during the next few
years in the struct ural steel line and, in
undertaking this plant. It is believed
considerable new business will be
drawn to Portland." said Mr. Cullers.
I'ntil his successor Is appointed Mr.
Cullers will remain at the Northwest
yard in an advisory capacity.
sti:i:li tkavkls long routk
Rails for Ala-ka do to Balboa I'irst,
V.-ed as IlallaM.
Through special permfss Ion from the
Treasury I parlmcnt. the British bark
Baroda. now loading here, has been
permitted to proceed to Halboa with
1 ;o tons of steel rails destined for final
d.-livery at Reward. Alaska, where they
will be- used by the Alaska Kngincer
Ing Commission. On discharging lum
ber at lialbua the vessel will load flat
cars for the Alaska Commission, so the
cars and rails will be discharged at
the same time.
Shortage of curco available in the
Northwest for the canal and the fact
the rails serve as ballast were argu
ments given to win the consent of the
Government. The Baroda finished her
cargo at Astoria and will be towed
down the coast by the steamer Anyox.
The Baroda's lumber cargo from Port
land amounts to 1,330,080 feet and is
valued at 5S,S:o.
Thomas J'ennell Hies.
Thorns Meade Pennell. manager of
avv ."fi- i--A. JX
Phones Mai-ahall 32S. Home A 142S Portlaatd. Urttoa.
Last month we manufactured
5,800,000 pounds of
Can we serve you?
Portland, Oregon
"Specialty Foundry &
Machine Works
Iron and Brass Castings
Moulding Machines Used
Special Katea om Small Worlc
venth and Belmont. Portland, Or.
Neustadter Bros.
Ilanof acturera of
"Boss of the Road"
ronmMi, OREGON
live hogs
for pork
the machinery in? tallation department
of the Coast shipbuilding Company and.
brother or II. K. Pennell. president of
that corporation, did suddenly early
yesterday morning at the residence oC
his brother, 317 Cornell road. Tha
deceased was born at i.m Francisco
January 9. 160. and the body is to bo
shipped there today for burial. Mr.
Pennell Joined the force at the plant
about 1 months ago and had made
many friends during his short resi
dence. strike: is not tiihi:ati;m:i
Orrpun I.alxir Organizations 1 fl
uently Willi California.
Because of the attitude of Californ
labor organixa: ions, ttpposed t joinit.C
with the Washington unins in a gen
eral Coast strike, and the tact the
present agreement with the Shipbuild
ing l.abor Adjustment Board, known a
the Macy agreement, expires March 31.
the gcncnl impression here is that no
action will be taken to ba-k up the nu n
on strike in the Puget Sound distllet.
A strike last month was rumored.
The fact the Pacific Coast r'i.strk-t
Metal Trades Council adjourned Its
January meeting here with the under
standing that it will reconvene Feb
ruary 17. is thoucht to have added to
the impression. The meeting probably
will tic held. A Mrike at the plant oC
the St. Helens Shipbuilding Company
is being conducted quietly, apparently
with both sides content In the develop
meats. Phone your want uds to The Orego
nlin Main 7'7. A S!5.
Wm. Cornfoot, President,
PlMt aatl General Office. Port la ad.
Lumber Manufacturers
Foot of Spokane Avenue,
Portland, Oregon