THE 3IORNTNG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1910. 13 Bate, for Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. Uuilj and auuday f Per llao. On Hoe lie Two consecutive times. ............. .2te Three consecutive times ,3o ix o: wfn consecutive times . SSe The following classifications excepted the rate on which is o per line per dayi Hituations Wanted Muie. Situation Private 1- amities. Board and Kooiiis Private k ami Lies. Housekeeping Kooma Private A; ami lies. No ad taken far less tbau two line;. Count six words to tb line. Advertisements (except "i'er konalit") - Mill be tttken over tbe tele phone if the advertiser is a subscriber to either piioue. o prices will be quoted over tbe pUooe, but statement will be rendered tbe follow ing day. Advertlse uients are taken for The Dttiiy Ore luoiUD until 8 i. M. ; for The cuntls Li eguiiian until 6 P. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Boom 153 Courthouse, 6th St. tntrauce. Phone from 8 to 5, Mum 378. Homo Phone A 2625. Night call after office hours. Wood lawn 764. Report all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small animais. Horse ambulance fur sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any cne desiring a dog or otnar pet communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we lo:k after the Impounding. 'X here is no mor city pound, just Oresoa p ii 'n ne S'n(1f v AUCTION SAJ-E TODAY. At Wilson's Auction Hoase. Paints, oils, groceries, fixtures, etc. Maie at 10 A. 11. 100-171 2d bu J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. At the Baker Auction House, Yamhill and West Parle streets. Sais at 10 A. M. NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Hues and Woolen Clothing. tY Make lie vers. Die. Hand-Wovea FLUFF RUGS They Wear Uta Ir.n. Hail Orders. Bend for Bookl.t, Cm Run Woven. Ail Sitae, Carpet Gleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.59 WKslfeKN ILLlt HVii CO.. M I'uiau At n. ti. suut as 147JL MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property. Installment repayment privilege if pieierreii; prompt, -rHlaMe servire. A. H. BIRRELL, GO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Bulldinar. Marshall 4114, A 4US. FLUFF RUGS t rom old carpets. Carpet cleaning and refitting'. Rag ruga woven, all sizes. Mall orders solicited. NOKTHWEST RL'O CO. Former audrefaa 153 Union Av EAST 3580 E.,8B1 B 1280 Mortgage Loans SVz EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. . FMTEP STATUS BANK BVILDIKG. 3 6 MORTGAGE MONEY! on residence property. 10 yrs. to repay In easy monthly payments, projected by life insurance in Equxtablo Life of N. Y. .No commission. For information see lir. H. feTKOXG, aop Oregonian Building. JOHN B. COFFEY KOKIOACE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds MORTGAGE LOANS OH BUSINESS AM) KESIJJ EN CE PROrtKTY. ROBERTtjO.N fc KWINfl, t07-8 Northwestern Bank Bid?. REAL ESTATK. For Bale $S75, VIEW LOT, SACRIFICE HOSE CITY PARK. S. TV. corner 4St h and Alameda 3rrve This will surely son quickly. Bonded as sessments only JUOO and paid to date Huy this at once. J. L. HAHTMAN COM PANY, lNo. 1 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANT A LAURELHURST LOT CHKAP? Come out to LnurelhurRt Tract Office, East yth and Glisan streets, today. Now is the time to secure your lot. Tabor 3 33. or East 20Sfi. ere. &ACRI FICK H well-lo xted east-front lots irt Rose City Park. Hitchcock, 60 4th at. Main 113. Fur Sale Business Property. EAST SIDE apar:n;ents, f nc Investment, net- 25 p-r cent; price $V.OO. Hdwy. 639. For ;ale Houses. $2070 MODERN BUNGALOW $2070. Here is a 5 -room, very neat bungalow, with fireplace, buffet, built-in bookcases, rtf;. ; t, hit's enamel rutch ktrchen, porce lain plumWns fixture.. floored attic, pood basement and laundry trays ; ca.y terms. Jubl eat of Laurethurst ajid E. 08th fit. See FRANK L. McGt'inU, To Buy your Horn. Abineton Main 10S, Main 6156. Offices Optn Sundays and Evenings. FTJNNyP.TDE COTTAGE. $200 CASH. Good 4-room pi.-as'ered cottasre; electric ity; fine lot. 40x100, paved tercet p.ild lots of nice fruit trees; in fine location on E Mm st., near 37th. Price $ 1 St0, $20Q cash and $25 per month, including inter est. Photo at our office. J. TV. GRUSPI. ."10 Board of Trade. Main 7452. V.r.irTItTI'1. AT UfTD 4 D r v-.-. a r s-.-r.- 5 rooms, cellar and furnace; atiic;. home is finished In white enamel; about ypar oM; on pavd street ani carline: lot L-Ox 1fP; price $:-ir.on, terms, i.ook at 1210 Eapt ROih st, Not ih. and it interested call. F.tttn. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPAXT 104 , ptreet. Main flr.n. WEST SIDE COTTAGE $l.S0O. 6-roam good cottnKc, electric lights, nath, etc. lot OOxlOn, win fine barin frult trees, paved ntreets all In and paid, on carllne on Nebraska st.. in South Port land; price ?1S00. joi cash, balance to ault at 6 per cent. J. "VV. gru?p:. 316 Board of Trade. Main 74."2 OXLY innn. WORTH AiORE ' Lower heights, walking distance. 5-room and bat h. gas. electric, fire pin ce and fur nace, improved st.. only ?.jaO rah You can make $000 profit in short time. Main s rooms, absolutely modern; - fireplaces this lfi rallv the b::st buy in Irvington -.. w. t ... , H io ouuuu . uo noi Know of anytnlntr as good for $7500. fiee Battln THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY IP -Th 8'TPpr, M:i in fiSfl. " SI 00 CASH. 4-room plastered houso and bath: elec tric lihrs and gas. 4 Mocks to car; vacant move riht in. Price for quick sale, SilO'J. THH FlIKD A. JACOBS COMPANY If 5th strict. Main; no. HA W T IIORB Bt-XCALOW" fl-room bungalow, east front. f-OxlOO lot n'l imp. in and pnid; garage; large liv ing and aining rooms. E. Ii4th st . near Hawthorne ave.; 57ao. This is a BOod buv and can be handled on good term I'frr & Riggs, 301 !i Oak st. liroadway IRVTVGTOV. Strictly modern 7-room home, hardwood lioors, up to date, $4500. Eaet 1347. TTH AND AINS WORTH BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and bath, on 1st floor, large un finished attic, full basement, cement floor wash trays. .-,0x100 lot. worth $27.10. Take look at UJW3 7th st. N. Make offer. Mar 40 1 9. Don't bother the tenant. A. H Akeron. o0r Stock Ex. bldg. .STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow for sale; on paved street, carllne running in front of door, 50x100 lot. garage, laundry tras in basement, gas and electricity, all bullt-ins; $J350. $2r0 down, monthly pay ments like rent. Woodlawn 3750. MODE RN S-room house. 10xl0 cornr- '2 firr-plcs.. garate. nr. Sandv blvd. and ' E 4tHh. Price. 575QQ. Phone Sfliweuklw Sl-Y. IS-ROOM house, on paved street 842 13th near Shaver; cheap; 2C.0. Tabor 202X 51400 BUNGALOW. TERMS. A FINE BUT MARSHALL 4075. Houseboat In Kenton, unfurnished $223 fur nished $350. 1705 Derby Wocdlawn 1123. HEAL ESTAIK. For Sale Iloae. WHY NOT OWN YOUR OWN" HOME, when you can buy one and pay for it the- same as paying rent? W have got in lots of new iistments on modern houses and bungalows at vtry reasonable prices, with small payment down. Here art a. Ztrw that wa offer as good buys: 5-room cottage, large lot, good location, for $iaoO; $2.o down. Also 6-mom house, 50x100 lot. price $140ii; jjoo down. Also 6-room house, fall cement base ment, paved street; price $15ou. Also 5-room house, .Sell wood district: price $lW.r0. Also tf-room cottage, close In. C largo lots; price $2200. Also 5-room house. Hawthorne district; price $LS0n. Also 5-roora bungalow. Sunnysido dis trict. $2300. Also 0-room bungalow price $2500- These are all good buys with small payments down. We have autos to show you these places if you will call at our ofXice. NEW YORK LAND CO.. . 30?-5 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 767. $25 CREDIT as part of first payment on any of the following properties it bought this week. Bring this add with you. Five-room bungalow, $2140, 50x 100 lot near Franklin High School, modern except fireplace and fur nace. Fine home. Five-room modern, $2600, Penin eula district, 50xlOO-foot lot. built in features. Fruit. $5u0 cash, bal. $25 per month. Value In this. Extra special. Close in. West Side. 6-room house and lot. At great sac rifice; $3000. Fine warehouse prop erty. Bargains la all parts of the city. DABXET INVESTMENT CO., Koom 1. Worcester Bldg. ROSjJMEkE bungalow. Lovely 6-room with large attic, right on Sandy, ciose in, nice large rooms and well a rraned ; fireplace, A 1 furnace, garage; paved streets, all paid. This la a god buy: $3800; $10frO cash. ACHE OF GROUND AND LOVELY HOME. . Just a grand, iarga home of 7 rooms, on acre of land on hard surface street, close to Hawthorne car on A2d ; a most beautiful spot and in fine shape of re pair; close to Franklin High and Joseph Kcilogg .Schools. Let us tell you all about It; $4000; $1000 cash. THfci LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bdg. Main 6913. A 2S16. FOR SALE FURNISHED HOUSES AND BUNG A LOWS. -room modern bouse, completely fur nished, 2 large lots; St. Johns district. Price $3500. 7-rooni, strictly modem bouse, com pletely furnished, with piano, Yictrola, all swell furniture. Price $4500. Also 6-room cottage, completely fur nished, 2 nice lots, close In. Price $:.O00. Also 6-roorn house, large lot, completely furnished. Price $2-5f0. These are good buys and ready to move into. NEW YORK LAND CO r.03-5 fctock Exchange Bldg. Main 7676. ls pj.rt of first payment on any of the BEAUTIFUL LAURELMCRST HOME. Near the park; modern and nearly new; attractive environment; reception hall, large living-room, dining-room, li brary or den, all in white enamel and latest decorations, kitchen with break raet nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, fine basement, three nice bedrooms and large enclosed sleeping porch; 50x100 lot. It's a home for "people who care." Inspection by appointment; no informa tion by phone. THE CROKSLEY-VIGARS CO 270 Ftark. "SNAP !n EEMI-COLONIAL BUNGALOW IX NICE PART OF R. C. PARK and In first-class shape; of high-class build and like inside finish ; 5 rooms, re ception hall, tiled bath, floored, full and gabled attic; r elect Eastern oak floors throughout; furnace, fireplace and all higli-Kfade built-ina and garage; $3800, sod $2U00 cash. Main 1532. SOME EXCEPTIONAL BUYS. S23.V) b-rm, mortg. foreclosure; close In. $uOft 5-rm., mod., east of Union ; snap. $250 Strictly modern, nr. Alameda Pk. $300O 6-rm., mod.. Haw. dist., iiath st. $4000 Best, clean, complete Haw. bung. $5000 8-rm., West Side; great snap. $7000 Colonial, 9-rm., A-l and right. G. C. GOLDENBEKG, 15-216 Abington Bldg., lOOH 3d St. :5 Yrs. in Portland." Main 43. 20 ACRES. CLARKE CO. $:;700. 9 miles from Interstate bridge. 1 mil from Sifton car; 15 acres in cultivation; 4-room house with sleeping porch, new barn, good well, family orchard. chicken-house, good silo with concrete founda tion ; xenced with 6-in. woven wire; 9 goats. Owner leaving for Canada. Pries $37"'0. GOT'DARD & WIEPRICK. 243 Stark st. H A W T H OR N E $3 2 50. It's a bargain; the owner Is moving away and has reduced price for quick sale; S rooms and large attic; hardwood floors, firepia-ce. buffet, full cement base ment, furnace etc. splendidly located, in Hawthorne's best section. Let us show you; Just what you have been looking for. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. nfar -Id. Main 3MC. ALAMEDA PARK. $6000. Beautiful 6-room residence with fine view of city. Modern in every respect. F.irnace, fireplace, built-in features, fin ished in white enamel and mahogany. Oak floors upstairs and down. One-half block to car. J. L. TCARNOPP &. CO. 310 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 67V ROPR CITY PARK CAR. SWELL BUNGALOW $:.oOO. Oh! You just must see this nifty bun galow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc. ; located 1 bloc ks from car. Vou' 11 appreciate its value. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2G4 Stark St.. near 3d. Main G51G. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. jp- n Sunday. ) COUNCIL CRFT-FINE VI CW. N on -resident offers hi heatit Wul home on Mt. Adams drive, lot VJx 150, running back to Falrmount boulrvsrfl: four fireplace?; big rooms. Has furnace, alt-o gas-heating system, sleeping porch. Gtiod view of river and three mountains. Price onlv $S-S0. GOODARO (k. W1EDRICK. 243 Stark s. HAWTHORNE BUNGAIX5W. $1200 7 rooms and breaktast-room, fire place, furnace ; full cement base ment. This is a real home; lot 1Sx9S; entire house has the In direct lighting system. Terms. A pleasure to show th m one. J. A. W TO K MAN CO., 2f4 Railway ExchariL-.- Bldg. Main " ROSE CtTY PA R K. $5500 5 rooms with maid's room in attic, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, Lutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, imps, in cluded in price. Terms. Close in. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 2"4 Railway Exch. Bldcr. Main f.crt, IRVINGTON. This is a swell home of 7 rooms, old ivory rubbed finiFh, mahogany trimmed throughout, breakfast room. hardwood floors, garage; only $7500. East 1347. FINE home in Rose City. AH modern, new and up to date; streets Improved; best location In Rose City; leaving state on account of health ; big sacrifice; good tft:a,iS, some cash. Come and tec me at r.r?. 2'JS E. 30th si. Hawthorne car. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, large modern house, servants cottage, double garage; foWr acres highly improved land, al! klndu fruits, f ullv matured ; priced reasonable. C. E. Glafke, Oak Grove, Or. Phone Oak Grove J03M. LAUKJSLUURST BARGAIN. Leaving city: will soll my beautiful Taurelhurst home for $0250. It is worth $7uOO. Seven iarge rooms a nd enclosed sleeping porch, two fireplaces, all hard wood floors. Phone owner, Trtor 65;t7. BEAT TIPS IF YOU CAN. STC0Q bu'e 5-room bungalow, bath, fire place, electric lights, gas; 2 blocks to car; tcrTps; no mortgage. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. J04 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 53. .Stark, between 'td and 4th. y -Vou C O tl NF.U, HARD T F A C E ST S. ALL PAID. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, mat and clean; move in today; easy trms. . CLEVELAND. E. B. Holmes Co. j 7 -j stark St. Main S051. $4500 NEW. b rustic, substantially-built 5 room bungalow, white enameled, mahog any trimmed. French doors between living room a ndidning-room. fireplace, furnace, all built-in?, comer lot. Owner. East 1H14. FOR SALE 4-room house, nar Millard ave ; 2 lots, shrubbery and fruit: $1000, $300 down, $25 per month. 6 per cent in terest. Call at 5630 6frth fct. and 57th ave. S. E. . $3000 $3500 $3500 HAWTHORNE DIST. I have a new 5-r. bungalow, just com pleted: eay terms. Call , MARSHALL S601. OWNER. ASK FOR MR. STILES. ' SAVE COMMISSIONS. 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, sewer, hd. eurf. street. Close in, near car, $1200. Tabor 146. NEW 3-room bungalow, near Piedmont dis trict; all improvements paid: price $1975 $1C0 down. Phone owner. Woodlawn 3340 $4S0 7-ROOM house, thoroughly modern, fine condition, all lmprvements paia, best of locations. Call Tabor 1152. $3500 HAWTHORNE AVE. DIST. $35u0 Brand new 5-r. bung., strictiv modern T A BOH 74. O V N ER. IRVINGTON HOMES. East 01. B. T. STREET. IRV. AGENT. REAL ESTATE. For Sale 1 !. IRVINGTON. A most attractive residence of S rooms, modern in all its appointments and neariy new; hardwood floors, tiled fireplaces In living-room and front bedroom. ti!ed bath, with shower; alio bath for maid's room ; conservatory, extra large sleeping porclu which can be heated if desired; complete burglar alarm system and double electr.-: lighting and hear In system ; Iocs ted - in Uie rry Oest district of Irvington, on looxlOO corner, surrounded by beautiful homes. This house has eot the owner between $18, (MM) and $20.O00, but an attractive price will be made in seJUng, or would rccpt desirable vacant or Improved Portland property for the equltv. FA ML R. NORTON, 610 Henry Building. SNAP. $2r,rt 5 ROOMS SLEEPING PORCH. $500 down. Dandy comer lot. paved street In and all paid. Easy walking dis tance to FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL, on carltne. .0x100 lot. fir trees In yard. This is an attractive horns place. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. 4th and Stark. Main 20. A 1050, HOT-WATER HEAT IN THIS HOUSE. Not only hot-ter heat, but no dirty eeal. wood or briquettes to bother with. Automatic gsa heater cheapest of ait. Location most exclusive part of Laurel hurst. Extra large living and d inlng room; 4 large bedrooms; all beautifully finished in old Ivory and tapestry paper; sleeping porch, fine garage. You must see this place to appreciate Us superior qualities.! Come out today. Key at office. East 39th and Glisan sts., or phone Ta tor 3433 or East 2ub6 evenings. J UtiT completed, two up-to-date, modern 5-room bun ga lows. 50x 100 lot, pave st. , double constructed throughout, full cement bar.ements, fireplace, bookcase, china closets, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room linen closet, attic, shades, screens, fixtures, etc., etc.; on Ivon St., be tween E. 3fcth and E. 39th, 1 block north: Richmond car; back doors open: go look at them. Price $3750; terms. Tabor 1U4 evenings. LAURELHURST A new modern Colonial 8-room house, just finished, never occupied, in old Ivory; 2 blocks from car. Modern garage ; ou corner and in one of the choicest loca tions In Laurel hurst. This ca n be hau died on reasonable first payment and bal ance to be arranged. MR. BROWN. Phone Main 1700 or Tabor 59 evenings. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Just east of Ir vington Club grounds; white enamel f.nieh and hardwood floors throughout; just finished yesterday; ready u occupy tomor row; no better residence cistrict In Port land; homes costing $5,0o0 within ha.!f block; better go today if you want this. 42 E. 27th North, between Thompson and Brazee. Broadway car. U. G. Wilson. Main 50:l, Woodlawn 4216. " BUNG ALOW S 1 have a few bungalows in Laurelhurst and Rose City Park, modern and In first class condition; on paved streets and in desirable locations.. The furniture of sev eral can be purchased also if desired. Reasonable initial payment and balance about like rent. MR. BROWN. Main 1700 or Tabor 50 evenings. RITNGALOWS AND BUNGALOWS. Laurelhurst. 6 rooms. 2 blocks to car. High, sightly lot. in fine condition. $4lo0; cil. improvements paid. $35o ROSE CITY PARK SNAP $3050. Almost new, 6 rooms, close in. a little gem of a place. See this quick. Take Laurelhurst car to East 3ith St., apply at office, or phone Tabor 3433 or Last 2056 eve. A 9-ROOM house, partly furnished, plastered, neat and clean, arranged so that rooms could be rented, good for boarders or roomers, at Peninsula, close to Willamette boulevard ; 2 large lots, fruit ; can be bought on easy terms, it will pr fcr it self if you take the chance. t .me and see me at 29S E. 3uth St., Hawthorne car; party leaving state: this la a bargnln. COSY MODE RN BUNGALOW 4 rooms and bath with shower, attic, cement basement, fireplace, breakfast alcove in kitchen, white enamel finish and hardwood floors in all rooms; best electric fixtures: lo cated on heights, fine view of city, river and mountains; 10 minutes from down town; 5-cent fare; Just finished, ready to occupy tomorrow. D. G. Wilson. Main 5692, Woodlawn 4216. 6-ROOM, nearly new, good condition, near Laurelhurst Park, Sunnyside car; sell at mortgage cost thrice. $J750: easy terms. And a ti-room bungalow, strictly modern, in the heart of Irvington; sell at mort gage cost price, $45O0; easy terms. HENRY F. COVER, 64 Union Ave. Phone East 243 office, or E. 7fthS house. A BARGAIN $1000. Am leaving town, will sell my 4-room house with furniture, wood, etc ; lot fiox 170; chicken-house, berry bushes and fruit trees. Price $1000. some cash. Will be home Saturday afternoon and Sund ay. Lowzow. 63d st., between COth and G7iu ave. Take WS car. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden int Income ? We design and build apartments, garages, residences anything. Furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We of f "r SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L R. Bailey Co., Inc , contracting archi tects, fJ4 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON. Strictiv mod'.-rn 7-room home, hardwood floors, up to dale, $ 15u0. East 1347. AM leaving city, must sacrifice 6-room house with den, furnished or unfurnished; have all modern convenience, hard'.vood floors, all hulit-ln effects and a g;trnge; Hawthorne district. Call Tabor i:0u9 Sundays from 10 to 2; week days all day and evening. " ALAMEDA PARK. 6-room bungalow, brand new, Just he- . rc completed, hardwood floors through out, private bathroom, furnace, fireplace, garage, price and terms are right. Owner snd builder. Tabor 3S0. BARGAIN Grovcland Park, $3500. modern 5-room bungalow, ' hardwood floors, fire place, panel dining room, beautiful buffet, white e&amel bedroom, kitchen and ba th. laundry trays. Ctment basement. Tabor 14i7. ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE. See Hamblet ave. and make an offer for thin beautiful new 8-room modern home. Ccst over $fi5O0. Dut am willing to sacrifice. Open now for inspection. Phone Woodlawn 5l!QK. STRICTLY modern a-room bungalow, floort hardwood f ininh, woodwork old Ivory; Urge attic: lot 50x1 2. 718 East Madi son, near 20 th. All improvements paid. Owner on premises after 2 P. M. or call Main 2P45. BUNGALOW, ON PAVED STREET, $JJ75. 3 largo rms., fireplace, beamed sell in cs, 4mneled walls; on cariino in Montavllia ; cash, $35 month ly. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. A BIG SNAF. 5-room modern house, close In. paved streets, fruit and flowers, big sacrifice for half cash. Owner, 146 E. 6 u inner. Mies. ave. car. Wdln. 445S. FOR SALE $1S00 5-room house and two lots. 1 block from Mt. Scott carltne, near Millard ave. $400 down, balance $ JO per month, 6 per cent interest- Phono Tabor 936- $2100 $250 CASH. 5-room bungalow ; fireplace; Wavrrly Addition: near cur line; rents $20 monthly. A- H. BIRKELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank bldg OWNER must ftacrifue modern 8-room house. lOO-foot lot; trees, shrubbery ; best residence district ; leave city. F 7 S6, Or-gonian. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, on 32d, near Caruthers; house No. 433: 5ox!00 lot. 7 fruit trees: $2000. terms. See owner, 1045 Beimont st. SEE AND MAKE OFFER. B-room cottage, bath, toilet, electricity, bard-surf accd atreeu aj wor ; close in ; seme terms; owner. Tabor BY OWNER, now vacant. 2KOn. roo cash, balance like rnt; nice six-room house, first-class condition. nar car. 750 Will turns ave. Woodlawn 429. - bungaTow! $2300 bungalow for $2000. neat home, near boulevard and river; might take lot, must be sold. Owner. Main MOO. I HAVE A GREAT BARGAIN. Corner property. 3 lots. 6-roomed house, all kinds of fruit, chicken house and gar den ; East Side ; terms. Ta bor 5323. $1300 5-ROOM cottage, near E. 35th and Belmont. This t a bargain, if you want a home ee McKenna. Suth and Belmont, Tabor 6403. IRVINGTON eeven-room tunwfiow, mod ern sell chen-p, terms. Leaving city. Phono East 5939. MODERN bungalow, new. at Multnomah Station, on the Oregon Electric, for $1700, on terms. See Atchison at 404 Piatt bldg. $1050 3-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100; one block of Sunnysido car. McKeiina, C9th and B-lmont. Tabor 6i3. HAWTHORNE DIST. 35TH ST. $255u. 5 large rooms, large lot; room for garage; vacant- Owner. Tabor SS24. 60xlO0 LOT t-room modern house; hsth, electric lights. foment walks; $17ou; terms. Columbia Otifr. ON-E of the nicest bungalows in the city for pale on easy terms. Call S07 Broadway bldg. For 8a le House. For tale -liouse. 1-2-3-4-5-O-7-S-0-1". 11 -12-13-3 4-15-16-17-is. 19-20. i l-jj-L' i--4 -.'i-jij."7-'--:; 3 1-32-3 -34-;;:.-;.;.:j7-os-;,'.- m. 4 1-4'-4 t-4 4-45-40-47-4 -'.. -dU. FRANK L. Mj 'til IRE SOLD FIFTY HOMES LAST MONTH. W 1 1 V ? Because we have the largest and best list of homes frr sale lit the -ity. Because each house is personally Inspected and ap pruisfii b an expert apprMit r bIng offered lor your ton. Rfi-au? we have In our office a pi-utraph of each of The 4oo homes we are oIIV-jihk fr fle, with full data i. e.. price, tt-rius, location n n d construct ion. l!i m use WK WiLL HELP Y'U MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT IF NKCKSHAKY. Because w have seven experienced salesman with autos to show you homes. Come in and look over our phoiusraphs. FRANK L. Mr-GUIRE. A RING TON BLDG. To Huy Your Home. Main loOi an.l Main 51 Office Oj.n Eveninss ard Sundaytv $25 CREDIT, as part of the first payment on any of the following property If bought this week. Bring ad. with you. I Ivo-room bunga Vw. $2100. rnx 100 lot near Franklfn High School, moderu except fireplace and fur nace. Fine home. Five-room modern, $2600. Pen insula district. 50x loo-foot l"t. built-in features. Fruit. $50o cash, baL $3 per month. Value in this. Extra special. Close In. West Side. 6-room houiw and lot. At great sac rifice, $30O0. Flue warehouse prop erty. Bargains in all parts of the city. DABNEY INVESTMENT CO.. Room 1, Worcester Bldg. some: bargain som e ba kg a in. E. 7th and Going Sts. $J5o. Someone Is going to buy this bargain why not you ? It reai.y sterns impnb; to buy a well -built, thoroughly doutJc consirurteil house of 6 rooniB. locatil on a corner In this d:trlct with all assess ments paid. io look st it for yourself If you niiii, or phono and we will tie giad to drive you to the property in one of our auior. To-Liy Is th first lime we have advertised It. Should he sold by tomorrow. Truiy a wnmiwrful tuy. A. G. TEEFfe CU-, 264 Stark St., near ad. Msfn 310. $290 DOWN. - $100 CENTRAL K. PORTLAND $10. Here Is a wonderful huxvain; good sub stantial 6-room house, good plumblriK, nmcanam street, sewer and sidewalks iu and ail paid for: close to 10th and K. Pine t.; houbj couldn't be built tor $2uoo. and we will sell it to you at the appraised value of the lot, which is $laoO. ou terms. This is walking distance. See FRANK. L. McGUIKE, A HI NGTON BLDG. To Buy Your 1 lorne. Main 1 "t and Mam 51 30. Office Open Ever (tips and Sundays. JUaT LLSTEN TO THIS. 6-room modern home. 1 bioi k to cr.r, good horn! environment, reception hall, living-room, dining-room, kitchen, three nice large airy bedrooms and full cement baft men t, furnace, good Mx loo lot. Price only $2950; $."h0 cash, balance like rent. lm"m-dl.t.te possession. This Is not an old, tumbled down shack, but a modern, splendid I y built house and a splendid buy. One couldn't build the house for $'V5oo, THE CROSSLE Y-VIGAR8 CO.. 270 Stark $2230 FURNISHED ALBERTA HOME, $2250 5-room bun galow type heme on Emer son i-t., near 12th. .lust repainted and re tinted; house In Al condition; built-in conveniences, f uil cement basement with laundry trays; fruit and flowern. We have 30 other homes for sale in (his dis trict. See FRANK L. McOVIRE To Buy Y'our Home. Abington building. Main l6rt. Main 5130. Offices Open r-undays and Evening". $1050 BUNGALOW," ROSE CITY DI8-, $1050 Attractive little bungalow, electric lights and gaa; Dutch kitchen, hot and cold wa ter, three white porcelain batli fixtures, close to Rose Cl'y car. $20O will handle. We have several good Uuys in this dis trict. So FRAN.. L. McGUIRE To Huy Your Home. AMncton building. Main l"ti. Main M56. Offices Open Sundays and Evenings. $15 MONTHLY $275 CASH. $1030 ADJ. EAST M O UK LAN I $1930. Artistic 5-nn. bungalow, attic, enamel plumD:riff. Dutch kitchen, full bnst. elioiie elect. Iix.. i.ixioo lot; hioci.i cur. z ih. school, conv, to Reed College; 4 fruit trees. Home Is In elegant condition. G. C. GOLDKNBKK'j. - 215.-16 Ablnston hdg.. 10U'- 3d st. "35 Years in Portia nd." Main 40l. rSuijurhmt Home. ROM KS 1 T E SNA P. $40 down, for 15ox2U0, cultivated and partly fenced, balance $10 per month. Convenient for N. W. Steel Shipyard work ers. Owner, 5o0 Coi.coru Biug., 2d 'and Stark. RYAN STATION SNAP 3-room hou. with city water. 2 lots, 15 fruit trcex. chick en houses, close to station; only $1100, eury t-rnie. Sve Atchison at 404 Piatt bldg. uU the best suburban homes snd acreage out of Portland come to Awt-r umok on Oregon City car. third hou3 noriu of Rlslcy Station. $3 5 0t) PRE T T Y 5-R. bungalow; 5 seres; 3 blks. elf-Ctrl' depot and state highway. Main 3672. McFarland. 602 Yum bid;;. Homesteads, Relinquishments. FOR SALE A t bargain, relinquishment 1 tin acres. 12( tillable. Clack ma.- County. House, garden, creek, tim ber, good road, Settled neighborhood. Can make good llr- Ing from istart. 770 Aibina avenue, corner Beec h. Relinquishment 0 acres. 4 miles from Sclo; -:;! M. fir timber; operating miil ne:i r ; 65 acres tillable whrn cleared ; good spring; $350 cash. J. R. frharp. h-3 'fr 3q. 1- or ISnle Acreage. DEEP-THINKING, far-seeing men sre now looking to MKXK'o, the war heir ff over and condit Ions set t led. and arc buying up fine agricultural lands. Thy preutct on of the greatest land booms la history will iske place in Mexico. You nn secure . lands at the rlsht price now and we win contract to farm thero for you on rharrf, which will net you approximately $r25 per jear for an investment of $5oo. which is seemed by a deed for land improved and In crop. Terms can be arranged, half cash, balance easy terms How can we t!o this? Cheap land, cheap labor, splendid transportation facilities -Southern Pa cific IU R ) ; an ideal climate and hlsh market prices tor our products. Do your thinking now and write N. B. ANDERSON Son Chamber of Commerce bldg., ely. SACRIFICE SALE. By owner. 1 acre on paved highway, miles from renter of city, few steps from e'.ertrtc station; cheap for cash or easy terms, or will trade for automobile in flrs-class condition. Phone Broad way 4 ISO. 5uo0 ACRES in Soutuwest Washington for rale to settlers oiuy; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonus accepted at par. Write for map showing lora t'on. terms, etc. WliVKKHAfcUSEi: TIMBRE COMPANY. Tacomi Bid g., Tacoma, Wash. 5 ACRES. in cultivation. 5-room hou.e hie ken hous, sma 11 ore hard, no mile from Clackamas station. $1500. Half cash. balance terms. B. B. HOLMES CO. 272 Stark tt. Main 8051. FOR SALE I have the following parcels of land which I desire to sell at a ta.crifirr: ICO acres 9 miles from The Dalles; 120 acres H miles from Mc Mlnnvllic; So acres 4 mllws from Lie. lwuer, 330 Morgan bldg TWO FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. In Tualatin Vuily. 1 mile irum Aloha, on main county road; fine soil; $150 to $17S per acre. Will sell all or part. This is $0 per fi'-re under value. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARH CO., ?70 Ftark. 10 A'RES o.' land, two miles from city; 4 acres r'-ared. no build I ng: all fenced : cost $430); will sell for $-1750; lo per cent cash. 5 per cent Interest. Barnard, 21 N. 2d st. 4Vj ACRES on Rrisc Line road, close in st station, with 6-room btinpaiow. chicken h otts- a, f ru it t rets. berrtep ; pricrt and terms are right. tc this at once. 209 Oregon Broad v. n y T 0.'s. A REAL BARGAIN lO acres, fronting on the Base Line; 4 miles east of city limits; houte, barn, well, on hard and other uut buildincre; only $55oi. A. J. Farmer, 221 A bing'on bldg. Main 21-T. 1, 3 6-A CKE tracts, close to station, ou su burban electric lino from First and Al der; very best of soil; $2'm p-r arre; terms to suit buyer. Owners. 209 Broadway bldg. Phone Broadway 16 TWO acres, choice river front. aUo river view acreare and other acreage in the vl- rinlt y of Riley eta klon. Inquire of ow ner. H G. Starkweather. 602 Bdwy. bldg. ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY, near Portland, five acres or more terms. A. L. Stone, route A, box 30C; Portland, Or. Phone Greeham 21X. 10 ACRES, unimproved, on Linnton road. 40 minutes from Port, and: Ideal for coun trv homo; price $2009; terms., N .. Oregon la tl. $100 CASH and $10 per month bu s fm acre near Multnomah Station, on th Cre gon Electric Pne : city wter available. ;oe A'chison at 404 Piatt bldg. TWO acres, clear, outside city limits, 6c , fare. Call at Harness Shop. Lens. ACRE ORCHARD. - year; half price for cah. 5c fare. Marshall 1S33. 160 ACRES Lot of timber and creek, near Turtland, $1 per acre. J 4j2, Oregoniao. REAL ESTATE. For 9sde Acreage. Fori SALE 1 acre land 7-rooiu house. Call Broadway 3C2 l or mie -Inniih, NICE i'AIi.M AND i.UNTRY Hi 'ME. 10 atrn Is m ! I rom Port ".and ariti 2 m l Irs from Ore: on City; pjved rad nearly ail the wrty; r:i ncrci in cu mm tiun. hulane tirnbtT :md stumr pasture; Rood butldinss. 2 good wc;:i. nice f.?mtv orchard, i-l'if j to echooi and in th;ktv 1 1 :d rommunity; price, irduilmi pe rion : i prop i ty anil c r i n g crop ; $!. tMMt. i-ur.Mili-r $4000 o- s:.hh in Fort and. Some tasii as firt payment. ba.1. 6 pr cent. S-e li. M Br.v n, with NEIL AN At PAR KM ILL. "t Lumber mens Bl.lg, .'th and Stark. I I' LLY-eqiitpped farm $lOvo. Ne:ir K'iM. Wii.-h. : 40 acre, partly t: lea red. Good 3 room houfe. burn, chicken iiotitfe. ool1 hhed, -tc. ; 3 miles to rai troad. On good mil: U Pie. 1 row. 1 he;fr. ;o eh lr kens, all included. Must be sold this w rfk. $ J fMMi cah lo handl. C U or write I iibney In rsimrnt Co., Worcester bldr.. T'ort land. Or. 120 ACRES in acres In cultivation. 20 seres 1 n pa.itu re. has 2 line houces. good b.t rn, 40 bearing prune trM, a so Oner: this p:ace Is a snai for anyone wishing to en Kaje In the r.airy huviness In conriectioi with fruit : muM sell on uccount of ixk r'w: price C5io ; easy term a Louis Schmidt, owner. Cattle Rock. Wwh. FuR SALE One of best farms In on of best locations tributary to Port snd. 27 acres garden soil. 10 acres onion land, a-l cultivated, fair buildings, faces county ro-id. school rear, hard-surface road niot of w a v, near t wo elect ric linen ; sAcr;fiee for canh; $10,000 will handle. BF bol. Ore gonian. 10'H-A C RB wheat ranch, clone to rLRT1.50 In summer la, low wheat, rev.'t-s dwhvered. in warehouse, running water, 25 acres bottom land, very good tmllditR. The rent from thi nla-e should be. this summer, at leust 750o. Price f 25 per sere, heft tc-rniB. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of trade. FoR SALE 40 acres, no r-ck. gravel, white land or hsrdpan; level, deep soil, uitahe for walnutM. fruit, berries and all kinds of farming. None bet ler: mile to sta tion. Terms. Charles I. Wtison, Hubbard. C regon. DA 1 it Y farm. 75 r.cres; JO (n cu ill vat ion, fully equlped and stocked : 45 registered Jfrceye. 3.; miles out on New berg High way, facing on Yamhill River. l'rLe $25.oon or will sell farm witaout stock f-r $11 50o. j 76.i. Ort-Koniau. 1 clt SALE 2 acres gool iaud. In nii:iv.i. Con, no buioiink-s. 1 miles from bprmg hrook. 2 mi'ef from paved h.fhwa.y. Also 10 acres with smail house. 1 a ere Oared. W. E. Husk., Sherwood, Or.. Route ;t. 611 ER MA N Ci -UNTY JtANC i for s"ai e ; 14( 1 acres, 373 acrys in cu.ti. atlnn, 247 acres pasture; good house, burn and other ou; huilu:ngs: aiso good drilled well; $40 ier acre. M 772. O resent. in. Folt SALE. Forty-acre farm. Molalla. Ore gon; six -room house a nd barn ; 12 acre under cultivation and dx acres easily cleared, and some good timber. Terms, toce S. S herrnnn. 41' 4 24th st. Nor; h. city. WE haw a iirye lnt of wheat and inived f.irnm for sale on ta-y tcrm.i in the famed lv i iiam dist ric t. Laraoti &l MacCuiioeh. Ltd.. KiUam, Alberta. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES. Ncur l'ortland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 6o2 Yeou bldg.. Portland. A FARM. 120 acres, for sate; nice houe and 20) acres, to rent January. Near Albany. See Owner. Phone Tabor 4206. LOGGED-OFF lands. $ 10 acre up; running water, good soil. i tillable, employment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 81'- 3d st. 10 ACRES, $S"5; S acres under u 1 1 Ivutlnn. black soil; $2on down. See Mattel s, 45 Board of Trade. STOCK RANCH for sa!o cheap; 4S acre; no agent s. W. A. Wood. Gold Bcacn. Or. TEN acres. $14 00. how;e. barn. $30 .-asa. Main 3072. McFarland. 62 Yeon bldg. CU i !; improved lo-acre home. near Salem ; $lito. terms. h21 Chamber Corn. $2306 -HOUSE, barn, orchard; 6 acres. Main 3672. McFarland. 6OJ Yeon bldtr. WANTFD RKAL ESTATE. Hi-'USE seil.nsC Is my specialty. I can se-ll yours. Have cash buyurs. Ail listings given proper att-ntlon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS, C. A. Wnrnner. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 2n:-5-7 Board of Trade B dg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOUSES. Price inuft ie righ t and must be easy terms. We have sold over 3oj houses In the k'St fsr and if you want action, see us. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber cf Commerce. 1 H.Wn a client wanting modern bungalow in Rone City Par district. Reasonable - cash terms. C A. WARREN, BITTER. LOW E A CO , ?o:;,i-7 P..-ir.i of Trade Bldg. HAVE ee:-!i buyer for vmull, n;i t bme. not over $1000. Must be on West Side and S'-uth of l'ortland, netr ele trie line. Cil or v rite. Da !ney I n vert in en C14,. roo:.i 1. Worcester Blttg. WANT from 40 to sn-are firm partly im proved, good land, eout h or w est t-f Port land, Not to cx eed fllOOO -M . Oabliey 1 o ve.i: inent Co., room 1. Woroicr o. WE HAVE call for cheap land: hanu: n not 1 uiTf-; mint le priced ris ht. Coe Forucs. 3S4 Hawthorne a-e. l hor.e L1-1 4726. W A N T E l. On ea. y terms, strh 1 1 y modern a-room hnu-o. Mt. Tabor. Laurtlhurt or Rose City ltsri. t. Tabor 4Ll or D 1450. WANTKTr Munc-low, must be classy anil in rood loo.-iinn. about 5 rut:ii, Addreaj liF 1 1 . Ore iron ir n. Perm Wanted. W A N TE D 5 aorta and bo tic e, near Port land, on e'ee;rlc line. p h i rash, balance t riis Sta:e locHt.on and terms In iirst letter. B.T 224. Oregon .i n. U'antr-I to Rent iurni. FARM ERS. ATTKNTIi')" I have two thoroughly experience! farmers wli h cash money rea Jy to buy stock anJ I in p'. nien ts and pay cash for rent and r;.l seeding, if spy. See J me pirtlrnlars and 1 iil rent your farm w: h'Mit de'ii v. WATCH OUR ADP. WE GET RESULTS A. G. BINDER. RITTKR. LOWE A CO 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. TOK KENT FARMS. 1( ACT VS. 3 miles west of Newbr rg, on good grave rond. about 70 acres In cu -tl at ton, the re.-t good pas'ure; ab--ut 30 ocr-'s reeded, good barn, loo-ton -.ii... com fort bie house, nice trout st -cam; rent $tvMi pr y-ar ; farming implements and r'-'vk for enie, all vl!l arnnut to Khout $12oO, Including crop, oe $lKi- including rent. T hone Marshall 2052. 140 ACHES, near Beaverton. good hnu. large barn, half in;on, balance pasture, running water. Reasonable ca.-!i rent. R. F. Hrjun. 5'H Cham, of Com. FOR R K vf Sma 1 1 farm neTr N'e w bei e Apply by lett.-r. 414 11th street. Apt. 302. 1'ortlami, r. WANT to sell a one-jeHr lease on 130 aereT, 16 miles from Portland. S 261, Oregonian. TIMBER U.m MU..1T sell SO acres, li-new ah County Idaho 2,OuO,Oon f, ot timber. per Miit w htrc pine. hUO r.dr poles, good farm lan,! w h-n cleared; iu miles railroad; make offer ou piace or t;r:ber on st um pag basis ; fifty million timber adjac-nt can be bou&ht rea Hnn!ilf. AV ft-,, nrfi-nnian. WILL leas- 2o M. capacity Russell mill with planer, and complete lo-rginir equipment, including donkey, to re.-iponMble mill man with timber. Great Western Tie Co. 1,13 C. of C. bldg. TO HXCIIANGX: REAL F8TATI ON K ACRE. CLOSE IN. 5-room bunrralow. very attractive, with barn i,nd garage. 1 blk. from car and bard iMirfaced wtreet. Fine soil; prieo $35oO. very ea-y Prin.i. This is a, bargain, well worth $1000. as ground alone told for $23oo. PRICK A FT. HOVSR. Good income. Price $2." Including furnittire; $:im0 rash, J'sOtMl in clear prop erty', an I balancu imp., long time. MRS. (TT., 520 Montgomery Pt. Marshall 6013. 10 ACRES aii cleared. 3 mites from Newport- Fi ve-room houne. barn, view of oenn. $15ort and 50o tarh as first pav mcitt. on lion-e m Portland. Cleveland, 272 Stark fct , Main bM. TO KXCHANGB for auto, or will applv my $lsi0 equity in very fine 8-year almond grove. Just coining tnto full bearing, on a modern home. M S26. Oregonian To EXCHANGE 5-room bungalow in Hll's boro. modern, value $2fto0, f-r residence la Portland of equal value. Ella il. Ellison. Aurora. Or., route No. 3. l.s DI I'iDt'AL attention given each little fc-arn.ent for jour babies up to 3 vear? ".'ill cs!I to lake orders jnd do fUung Eait ooi'?. HAT have you to exchange for a good buMnes proper'y In sningron state J. W. Com, i7 Trinity I' lace. Phone Min 7 0. WANTED Southern California for $2o.(m'0 Porrland and vicinity, residence, hiinc-' and 160-acrc improed farm. Man-hail 2431 or IS 17rh Ft 20 Mi LLIo.N feet timber. Douglas Co.. for Portland property. Cobb, 4u Swetlar.d b'd r. REST OF EE R 12-room sanitarium. arre fruit, gardcu, modern, lurnished. Tabor TO T XCn ANGR-R K A L 1STAT It. 15 ACRES, improved i.fie.ig-. stock, impie ment. cro,s, pnp-e JiIm.o, f,,r tltv income propei ties: 2 I:ocks from Green burg Sta tion. Oregon Eiectrc ii. R. AF lu, Ore-LMTH;in. H" : ES"E House $:;, ner rn:y. Trail- for Port is ru Main 5. 2. TWO liou.t ft. income $-10 mo.; e-i!t-. hav,- ou? Cobb. 40'j ,sw 1 1.- nd b'.d :-. What TO EXCHANGE MISfEMANOr. WANT 2 or "-karat Uniniotn!, will anc r e:,r d--ed to 10 acres of Al land a:d $.'.0 In cash. It jrns-d. 21 N. Jd. D J ESS M A K 1 NG lorn, n. w'. ?;TT . e. f.y : h na ui-:ut. Woodiawn 4;;2i. 1 WILL lsk- eH orit hordes or cat tie for n-y Mii-l.Mk r tru.k. Smith. 22S Alder nt FOR fCtf.K. II orf. ehtrle. I.lve-lork. Jl ST received. earioad of icood jnrj hor-n and mareH .etching ir.itn I".' to 1 He,, : rom 4 to "j y r. hea y tm d and block y ba !lt : a I horses -ani'f.l. 24- Front at. U. i. Stable. G. D. i.luiii son. ONE 2 T 0o- pound ftrm team of trarea. one sound, t -no mu ' , one good g:av farm bor.--. lloti; te-ni of ponies, true to worm or n;; ; ' 1 kinds of waxons ami hrri. We l ike LU, ny bonda at face Value, ltitu nnd .It ft.Tton. MILCH GOVTS 5 nannies. 1 giving mi!k. cue :r-?i S'-tm anl one m March. ti ran Tlvx s m-T-.tln- ..Id nnd a 1 4-mor.t hs-old b'j'-k. I .M .-ace (t.. So. Port !a"d car. TWO ch e 1 p mtf at our o n price ; no room or time 10 care for them. Gary Tram fcr Stable, between 34th and 35th on Kai-t Yamhill st. Wil LU lte to buy 25 head of HolMein cows ca.iung frv-h soon. John liKk, sen-e.-al deliver.-. Portlan-l. Or. T 4 bl if. outik f reh cows w it, ft ea' e . very i.eay n.ukcrs. 24a I"Tont at. U. i. DEAD alo. k removed iui k;. Cach paid frr r!nd oa an I cripidd horsta. I'Lone Milwiukif for resultH. Hi: ,-Al.H :. I,i .est I i-i.ier until Feb. in. 1 young M.iv'k !.oi.-e, 14iu lbs. App.v Ceo. Hraei y. 2o7 E. ith . DEAD lutr-n and animals hauled awav free. P-Tt'tMid Rendering Co. Call Woodiawn 20. DEAD hnr.'s taken quick; ca.-h pa;d"for ce and crippled hors. s. Tabor 42o3. I WILL take -rood work horses or cat- for my Hiui. ti.ik.-r truck. Smith. 22S A.'irr st. 17 A RE. K milen Taronn. trad- for horses. ciw. farm ni je niiitry. Wnodlwn 20t4. FOR SALE Young Jersey cow. fresh ." li t.Cf. tub tert. E. 47 gt. N.. and Frenicnt t. 1-1 atios, Organa and Musical Ioaruments, SEclkjty STORAGE CO. CLEARANCE SALE. At I stored used pianos and organs. Parior omnns for l"-. $;." and...$ ::s cash Upright pianos $tW.. 75 and i5 ensh $:.5l Stor-v a.- Camp. larwe upright llt c...-h tr ni f-rl. ima:i upright lie cap 1 $175 t.ym oi lie:;:-. mahv. upright l"cas:i ."- S:andsrd. 'aice uprtcht l!oca.-:i mclJit. a;nu:. upright 5 125 Brailfrtrri, L- mls., o;: k up'sht js'.-.u Tiitmpn. nii.Voiny up'at $ i."i .i(-!ti,';nie A.- Stinc, a a ' . up'l.t $l-"''tnew a'.oreu uirilit pianos... Sf.25 l'U niod-; Su.r upricht... ii.i4l t!l model p,;ior ptar.o J75 t'.'til mod 'I pla.T piano Purt e.-iM'i. bonds and nthtr ; 2 1 5 ca.-' 1 2".o -a-i :::.. rah imp ii 4'5 c.ish fun l acctpted. Pi.-ntS ouiiKlit and sold for r.iih 1 t. ' . Storage 5l,c : y. Phone Main 2 '. -Ph St . at WagtiiiiV'-n st. SPEC I A I Fale 4f used pianos. Our nc is limited. Must make room for !i-ue inco.mng shipments uf the iamou WLmk 0 hhattui-k piano?. tt ou of thete narca ins v iu le they last. S-a i'-k A; Co., sma 11 u prirht, ebony enso $1 25 Remmo - Lfnn, sma 1 1 uprigh t L'.5 utomai ic ceiuii it pi.ino, tcolden oak 1 v file:- 1 .oudoir Ktyie. nianuauy .... 2-U Paily note 1'li.yer-piano, new $,o0 now 4' ft Genuine Shattuck r;sno, fumed oak "'4 2 A rt st y 1. Uium XIV $ . 50 new . All t hce in.-truinent s in good rdt r and arc ' ir.j jitan-. e, come and look them over. f-.a- trnis. WAKEI IMI.I) MUSIC CO., 427 Wash St. $05 YK'TKOLA and record $ SO Nearlv niw. irun t: mj ton t.ike new) $2'! S'ein stiuaro i i:sed $12." $25o pianola ami 5o rlln (fine s hap-- 1 $2v MA lit Ll S. GILBERT. a4 Yam tit II. PI .'o W A N T E i Wilt pn y li lifhest cash' p; Ire for used iiiiu, iei kiv oil nur imu nniire i n g. Seihor ! ic ir A Lul as Music Co., 12 'f tl st. Main $'.; TO jf, l.'at save l buying pi.inni i1i,r:n factory clearance sa!e; caah or Irrnn, SI or $25 c:i!h : S'l. 5. $ 1 or more toont 1 See our t:t-pUv ad v err :senf nt or c.i'l at hch wa n llano o , ill 1 ou rt h tl., at v hs'i FINK MAHOGANY $225 FD1S N MAM"'M DISC TALKING MACHINE. IVO.HU! $.1 WoriTll OF E:1S.N KM' iKI'S. ALL V, n f l To. 1 J " FI ;T. N EAR Al.l'KK. 'iKAlirl your old pi-:io or ursnn for wo phcnograt,:i uiid m -irun: .li'eral aliow.mce niH'l'-; .?,.,,ritif gid'y tlv-n. Seiber'tnc S: I.ur ii y ii'U" ( .. 12.- 4th st. Main co;. ,MV Eiiis..:i phoi.u i r aph and I'.u r-.codis (i .on s ra ph t $ T.i. records ..". w 1 ; se 1 i a . f r !" r u. N 2" tVi'tun.-n WILL i'AY CASH 'OK USED I'lANuS AND 1 1 A NO INST." M .NTS. SEI HKIiii.Nti 1.1 C S VUSI" CO . 1 '5 4TII ST. To ir-aa !'un. from one who expert t ist(r . good cart, gi'.cn; no ajrents. K .'s u esi-'cian. .'1ANO. Jui"t. us-ii short time, lata s;:e; ei 1 .it a bi u red n c Ion . terms g v- n te:ben r K A 1-' a Vom1 , 12 4 n st M Ail' G A N Y A BINE T GRAr N LA AND II Eti li I S; N IvEA .-uNAliLE uH'Lil REFUSED. 121 FIRST. CAfH paid for th- player rolis you are tired of ii;T(d'l S. Gilbert. 3M Yamhill. PIANijs tun-d, 3. George T. Peck. Tabor s.t4 , New Fnir. onsrvatry. tit.'1 ! 'Story .v Clrk' iiano fr nale al oaio. Wn.nii.iwn 1'IA.Vu an te.l . pa y t loi burAin f 1 win p-' v. Lc 1 i r i , M a rshft!! 15 1 T. I PAY CASH FOR I SED PIANOS. HAROLD S. 4.ILP.EKT. 3M YatnhiU I't'K. r-ALE t'sod t-ian-i in gov-d cond!l.ii. ""sll ' ",l Tfe--:il hnii.. Aiply -M Dots. Ral.bMs. Btrds. Pet Stork. THE PWEKF-WSK! CATTERY rif'r! at Stud Ked J?n" Ornc Txbby r.- i i n t. at ; coo l t je ; t .n h"-1 and in trkins1' fry red i.nd smitid chin : Just i-rrived from the Eat. 1 ee $5. lhcn Kant 30,7. Oi A NGE ma t I rti m ca t 4 months o d . reels: crcd stock; pr:ec $ 10. K tre- So 11 1 U. NEW ZEALAND Reds end siUer-t:ppvd l 'iMnih ; lant n. 52 1 01 n Tn ii'.iriia. 1 p." n 11 r. CJl'l'i: i.inrl. at the canary bird shop, 1151 E 2.h ST. N. C 2217. FtUt S I.M-w Zealand bucks. Mil E. Yamhill. 1at-.r 1.7. Ft 1 1 SALE Ma. k-and-lan fot hound, r ill ill 41 5 e on t new. FOR SALE Raboii, young and o'd, cueap. at 7o2 F. loth st F'-'K SALE Fox terrier pup. La?( tWi'... rnrnil ure for Sale. NEARLY new White rotary " in g m.i -chine, good wool and coal ra:is. drees r. cl- c'iic heater and other artiehs. Marshall r'.! DlNJNG-it -OM tahie. worth $::0; wii. acii fur ? 1 5 . rtion" V o o d 1 r w n 172 FURN 1 I i-'.11 E of t roome. fin condition ; l e i v n r city. ISO S k ; tl m o re e r Poultry. WHITE LEGHORNS r the muM profitable breed of pouli ry. If you are in the buai n'' ft.r profit you w ill eventually ha e th'-:ii. E.trly broil rs. early Livr.-.s -arly J'ROFITS. We re; i onlv WlilTE LEG HORN HA R V CHICKS fmm Jimw lav ing HOGAN1ZED lieiiM. Safe Jeliery of fuM-count tle chicks e-.-sranieed. Price rer lOO: February. $!."; March. $14 ; April. ' $12. An. Th.- Pioneer Htchcry. 402 6th s.. Tr:alum, Cal. ONE Plir White W,indot:e John Com bt. S D. young litre Les-horn cocker, 's. v. rv vicurou. w!l o t stanuard; hnt hins; e;:s lor ra i e. j ; l . Jiooa st. A. r . Renour.lor.a. Mar. 2.1i.. M.'it tUK S DAY-OLD CHICKS. " O. A. C. Uarred P.t-cks. I;. I. Reds. $25 per 1 ' t' : W. LetfhnrnM. $ 2 per 3 ' 0 : M -h -j;rnde Hogjnizd e.ock uniy. J. R. 2Je tiulrc, "I fieE'iu u. UARV CHICKS A LL L E PTNtJ V A P 1 1" TIES -lith t chit t at right prices." C N. Ndh:!i, box 42, S"lem. C,r". I-ettnchee and Boats. SELL or trade 2-ft t launch. 4-h. p. frsina run l ine; '.eo 2 p . . pel Icrs, sha f t col" mtff:er Mar. 5010. 2.!athcson, foot oi California et. "MOTOIBOAT." FINEST AND MOST f OM PLETF. ON THE P.IVER; ALSO BOA1-HOl'.-E. MAIN 2 5 Id. Ijot' writ era. (Tl" A F.A N TEED factory rebuilt typem ruer.. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; ePd for price ht. The Wholesale Tipe w rltr Co . retnM dep.. o21 Wah. ?t. FoR SALE No. 5 I'trli'i wood typt- r.ter. l-i'eat mode:, p-ae'iraijv n:w. Phone, Su" e iv. Kat ::'.Y werkdn vs Pr a v- 1 o-. N E W. rehui ; ', sectmd-b a ud rtu Is at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark eu Main 14o7. REBUILT tyjMe-; ritera and supphea. Corona it-HlT-.K.W. 1 Co. U'lMy.'h t. W i; w til buy vonr old t; pe riter a id ja v vou eash. Oregon 1 ritcp Co.. V4 Fi'-h. ALL makes typewriters rented and lepireT Orc.ou Typt. writln Co., 91 ith. Main Stitj&v. TOK PALE. Ty pew Titers RENT a R mington ; ratea to st u dnts. rtiir new Remington now; Immediate- deiierv. rr:it.-n:bio terma. T; f'i;ng'.on Typw rlter Conirny. Mia ellaneoue. " ROOFING PAPER. ALL NEW. 1- pv $ r 2- plv 1 21 3- ply 1-4 i N a lis and cemcn. "25c per ro'l exf ra. M moot ii t i'fic No chsn eanfied stock. M. R ARDE A SON3 ! NO, TH l Hi t " S E 4t- A MILLION BARGAINS' I 'O IT1. AN I S t N E j 1 G S L PPL H OjK SEWINiI tn:irhin'N new and second -hand. M'.'i f'T h-s; no aarents employed: eom- p te av of pr: f.r a' makes; mach:a(S r-'ptie. d stm! ren"d. M-Cn 9411. i-EIN; MACHINE EMPORIUM. F'd lid. n-ir T ylor st r,-1. WtMt-- WOD WOOD FMt SALE. $t f.-r one bit: . eu: inches lonj delivered to your curb at house.This ood 14 endrt off 'f lumber. 1'hone Tabor 7741. CoLl M PI A SMELTS carried n Flnrp freezer. 5n. p-oant boxes. $2 45 p r h . S-nl lo--tof f tee or rvprf.H oroer M unicit..i Fish Market. 1I 1 bird St., I'frr and. Or. Fl KMTl RE ReJs. 5 carp-la. f'aenport. s and, rorKer. etc. ; c ct ric a pp ancs. i:on, l-.','atr. auu.i clearer, j-erc.a-or. cu.: ti ehiap. 02.1 Gantenwein ave. Wooc ! si n 4 0,7 7. 1 IKE and bu's ar proof safe bought, ao.d u nd exchanged. Lock ep: rt ork and rvpai r: r. cr. Ni-RRIS SAFE LOCK CO. 1 0A S. r 011 d St. P to o n e Main 2 1 45 . RARE run : must be seen to apr-re- late Its In ju:y and a'.ue: as an ornament in a home or in a show window; ery nit-act tve a nd orni n.enia ). Call at 5oU F.-T"iers p-... n-ar lth si. H'T water tark.-. all izes, in good service able, condition. 30-Ral.. $7; 40-ua, $0. 2oi Ada tin st., v.tst, end t-teel bridge. Phone E 5 1 H. FOR SALE tine new Winter lop for 1PM mode; ld ire Bros, taurine car., will fit I'r.'.-mt mod .is as melt. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co.. Med'ord. Or. Y A i.l APLE ho-'k Mnd bric-a-brac, cut--cla.Kf. hand fimr.iMU fclasa and other household net eisurivn. 2titl N. 20th Apt. N. FoR SA LE 3 oil m Bona with compart ment ta'iks s-:ilahie 1 or cu n try s to res to l.andle .toline at,d lubricating oil. Ap tly Geo Er.i. ey, 207 E. t. h N. Fit. .MS 1,0:1 th-y ant them mad datidy they mail ttiem to iwindy, Port land's ko dak and pen ma :i" , m t 1. at t they re So ME real buvs in new and used kodaks: :bi-d.y J ree t rial ; If nt .a : is: actor your mo:uy cheer; u. I rc;unad. See Sandy t:r-t. IL R S A LE W at .-rproof fur auto ro:e, ex-ttl'.-n: condition, or will trade f'T laying heti. Gi Scofield 6... Kc:i:on. Wood. aw 11 7, 7 A IU "U brow n. t h ree -quarter-le-;g t h ' nr c tt ; 0 -1 e2oo. a ill te-i ir hai". H 72, 'i f p'or.ian. MA RC HA NT C A LCU I. A Tl N MACK1SK. praeti'-ally new. try n f,ir 1 days,; a bar cam to- Write AE 70S, Ore go n 1 a n . 11 ND-o;1 Fi 1 2 -f ro t mihormy cigar caee with wall cases for sale -.heap, complete. Appiy 2l t'ouch st. i;iLLI ARD and pocket billiard tables, show-c-, s ;tnd waileases. fixtures; ea-v terma W. Jtjulgley. 227 First. Main o309. A M1AL worth m hite. showcases, scales. rr"i t-1 ice r and roll-top desk. Inquire at 272 3d .-t. C."-El tueyc.e f good quality, m f:ne von c.ition; price IZzl Mil. 7:,4 Maple ;:r."t ltdd AduiMon. Now is the t;vie 10 ;lo Sprlrg painting, tmt Inu a:id p.ij'ering. get an estimate. Phone Ttor 07:i0. FOR SALE r,-:- 73-ounce fly for tent. 1. x'-'2. new in Sent., rood condition. $15 cash. Lerm:in Now ship. Linnton. Or. EN PERT stoe p! jnO-in?. parts for a.l in kes 01 tov ca and rar.gce ; repairing. I.:i5t 27. EoH Htslins. i-hrubbery and flowering p I u 11 1. Phone orders do ! ! vered prompt iv. Purt la ml Roe Nur.-e-y. T.i bor STOO. FOR S LE or rent. loe cmg and hu-s; in g crritie. a!! kind a n.achln ry. rails. ea,rr. R a 1 1 w ay 1 : ii'iuviKnt . 23." Star k st GALVANIZED wire. No-. 0 and TO. ni.out four tons. Make offer. V c.dner Eros.. V imh'-;. Or. SA KE ca hi net m orth $2"0 ; also large oak c-'.Lce fx hie; leaving chy; wiil Sell cheap, t ; 1 1 I : : 2 2 N. W Lai 1 k bl 1 1 c DoN'T ni-rrv, Sa-"' y can repair that oid f.-'ir: t am '-i- now 'i;i.t, c,!". etc.; two h!or. s., 11- Waih,. 1 . 1 troH-i -a ;- FoR SALE C.i-u register. tote. tddmg ma and fln)4c. 174 lt. at., corner Yamhill. FoR S A LE or.o pool table eli-jp at 24 Sn'no:i st. FoR S1.K No. 1 potat-.e-. at M.7. per hun-ti-ed in ."-;. ck lot-. Phone Tal-or 4 ".. s;; ERA L rood se.-r -id - ha ud .'.' at th-t richt prtoe. 4K Front tt. llreati r. 1Hi(i VAT! I'M ( o .iiicrs i. r. -.iired. rented, fv- ii..r.:rd. bought. y Co.. M.:n ;,'-2. CH'"ICK potjto'-jt, 51. 7S sack dedvered i'u ! w 4..4; evemrga ail Sell. 233. it ; iiA N lv : a toes, $2 sack, d . c reu. ?'.i:-.ha'l 171 Ft it SA L F Wji-nr bit rv carriage. .moii ii'-w. l'hrtro Mnrshall ,'.771. Al 1' m ;r: A I'll ic kodtk. vie.-tnc p-rvo.-ur. u k u : e ' e for s.. : chc p. I i r a d .4 y T '. SPAN mares. :ofd hrnss axnn. or Oide f.r fjrnnure :t2l ti:ti ?t. S E. lo R .-Al v'.- Mans Mil 1, n erroa t and rain -oat. no tie a 1 - rs. liroadway 2t.M. SAi-'ES imp i;.rr nnd one small, in perfect condition K" -.".. t - AI'TO t1.11.1T l..r a.i... $o. 1 i,", a4th : rtR salk AUTOMomi.rn. X SV1D AfTOMOl-.ILK!. TERMS, Gi EN. WE TAKE VOITi OLD CAR AS PAfvT I'AYM F.NT AND YOl.'R 1.1 TV. K T Y RON VS A T F AC E VALUE- 1U1S FORP SEDAN (USED VFRT I ITT T HAS ELECTRIC STARTER AND I.TCHT? $ 7 " piin c in. lac. a-pass. onlv.... 1M MICHIGAN, .-P.sS., 4-rTI 27 PP2 M I DM ELL. 2-PAsS. fi-CU. .. 32 l:iJ t'Ml'VR' il -FT. 5-PASr. ttSED V F R v LITTLE 1T.14 OVFKl.AVT. 2-PVSS . 4j-CVl 3(" Jills MITt'Hr-LL. S - PASS., t-CYL.. f NLW TI'tHSi 117 PM7 Mitchell. 7-pass . c-cyu... 1200 PM5 REM. J-rASf. 4-C1T 00O lO M PI IU1CK - A RROW. ."-P A SS . -OYL ELECTRIC LD.MTS AND STMTTER. ONE-MAN TOP 120 If LI HFDoN. 5-PASS. I 1TL" MITCH FLU -PAi?S.. fi-CYL.... 7 -o 1011 HAY N" US. .VPASS.. 4-CYI I5ti2 M1TOHV1I.U 7-I ASS.. 6-CYL... SFVFRAL OTHER? TO SFLKTT FROM WE CARRY OCR OWN PAPER AND M M.L NAME YOC MOST LIBERAL TERMS. 1SFD CAR DEPA RTMKN'T MITCHELL. LEWIS Al- STAVE R CO. EAST FIRST AND MORRISON STS. PHONES: EAST 7272. H 121. FCLTON MOTOR TRFCK, IS -TON. Chssis showed ereatet miles re. boi h )-K-oime and oil. of any truok of its ca -p.n-iiv or larger. nd approved by th '. . rnment for all branches of the r-.ervice. DANTFI S PALE.? AGENCY. DISTR1 HUTOTaS. SI S. Broadway. A FEW "f i"ir u-ed cars are Ii.-ted here l'.'lS tildsmcbue . touring, qua 1 i ty . . $ 1 A: o l'.Hs . !d.-mobiie ti. tourini. nearly new ll-t'O 1'tlrt Mxell. pew tires and paint... ;:.o P t K Ch- r!ct. t tires and new paint. f7.rt 1 'tl rt t'R?f. new pu int. c-rd t ires v 1'I4 tverlaid, new tire? -.7- OMsmoMle. 4-eyL. oord tire.... ;.mi 1'tlN Chevrolet, looks ROimJ 7n(i Dodee touiinr. Ijte model j,"5 LDSM HI LE Co OF (HKHON. Al Tt FOR SALE Am offer? rig for ouirk in to rlose an e.Vute, a IPix Ford tcian like new. with electric aelf-atarter and other eiias. for $iM csh; this is a inst. car is now at t h Auto Rest Garage. Ifia and Salmon streets. LlIESTKR A WAGNER. t'Xi Second CHALMERS 5 -PASSENGER. "2x3 demountable rime; 90 per cent p -. ; oversise tires ; ihia car has a gene r m t.r a nd fleet ric lights; $ 1 50 down and drive p away. White. 421 L West, m lQth Ft. Broadway 521. LH5 FO!tD TOURING. DemoanMMe rims, electric lights from F'orage bAttery: a fine running car; eav t-ni. Seo White. 421 Euraslde sL Hdwy. A21. P. C i'iC ALLY pew 101 j Ford touring i pea, pTdoruever, Yale lock. $5 XL Wo'od la it Wij. A I' To. MO BILE for sari tor r-rar 1 'i f tiKtn ''.for 1 A. M. today. 4ta Ilande-a eor. 14th ! f 1I4 Ft'KD for rale at a bargain, term 1 2 t ,ra nd se North. 101ft HLRLET for cle at a bargim t-rms. 12 t-rnd rt'r. North. A VELI L SIX in tho finest cooduton. mu tt s-n.i.U t, it;.. iua. CHFA P Ma 3 welt fmnng car. 117 rnod-l run 12.V00 t-ilea. Phone Oak Orov Iosm."