Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 04, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Motive of Minnesota!! Plain to
Fight Followers.
Jla-tcrer"s Career as Boxer Declared
Closed: Pending liiU May
Ileconie Vnpopular.
nr james i. p.icH.vr.Dsox.
What little doubt existed in the minds
of fi.stic followers here, there and
everywhere, that Fred Fulton. Minne-t-ota's
heavyweight boxer, was a cheese
(hamplon contender, has been entirely
(iispellcd since the publication of his
fcicrned statement made at Kan Fran-ci.-co
in which lie claims Dempsey
tiouhle-crossed him in their bout at
Harrison, N. J., last July, when, after
iiprreeinp to box an eight-round exhibi
tion, Dempsey knocked Fulton out in
3ess than 20 seconds.
Little credence has been griven Ful
ton's alibi, which unquestionably a joke
and which had for its purpose the
forcing of Fulton into the limelight as
an opponent far Jess Willard. but in
reality is a colossal blunder m more
ways than one.
Fnlton Is Doiilile-CroaMrd.
There is no question about Dempsey
flouble-crossing Fulton at Harrison
list July. The first -was a hard left
10 Fred's mid-section, which drew the
hijr plasterer's hands to his stomach
find immediately brought from Dempsey
; hard right cross to Fulton's jaw
which stretched the plasterer prone
upon the canvas. He almost woke up
with a lily in his hand.
When Fulton took the big dive it
marked the beginning of the finish. He
Ji.i! had to again start from the bot
tom of the ladder, and was getting
along; fairly well, shading a bunch
of middleweights and light-hea'ies
around San Francisco, but the prospect
of Jack Dempsey beating him to the
light with Willard was more than his
brain could stand, hence his latest out
burst against a fighter who has
etpped along and met all comers.
This is not the first time Fulton has
raised the cry of being double-crossed
in his bout with Dempsey. The columns
of The Oregonian carried a story some
months ago. but little attention was
Iaid to the alibi at the time.
If Fulton hoped to sidetrack Demp
Fny as an opponent for AVillard if the
tc-rap ever doss come off he used poor
judgment and taJtics in trying to fur
ther his end.
land a few months since to Join the mo
tor transport division of X'ncle Sam's
Army. Jimmy Dunn, Cleveland fistic,
impresario, was left "flat broke" as far
as having boxers in his stable was con
corned. Xow that the war is over, there Is a
different fctory to tell. Johnny Kilbane.
featherweight champion, will head
Dunn's stable again. He starts train
ing Monday. Then Dunn has Kid
Wolfe, bantamweight-featherweight :
Billy Ryan. welterweight; Johnny
Downs. Charley O'Connell and Carl Tre
maine, lightweights, and may have Joe
Lynch, bantamweight, in the near fu
ture. The announcement just made by Rev.
Melbourne P. Boynton in Chicago to
the effect that the ministers are not
opposed to boxinr as a sport, provid
ing it is not a box office affair, has
given the promoters of the boxing bill
now before the Illinois Legislature
additional confidence that the bill will
pass and will be signed by the Gov
ernor. Two bills are now before the
House, one calling for 10-round no-de
cision bouts and the other for six
rounds to a decision. The no-decision
bill, it is said, is more favored by the
legislators than the one which calls for
Jack Britton is going to be a busy
fighter next month. His manager has
lined up the following matches for him:
February 5 Jack MeCarron, six
rounds, Philadelphia.
February 6 Joo Welch, six rounds,
February 10 Billy P.yan, 12 rounds.
Xew Brunswick. N. J.
Leo Flynn, manager of Bill Brennan
and 'Kid" Norfolk. " has added Al Mc
Coy to his stable and is now lining up
several matches for the former "cham
A Xew York exchange says that
Frank Bagley is seriously thinking of
bringing his two fighters, Benny Val-
ger and Willie Jackson, to the Coast In
the Spring. Both are splendid boxers
and would be welcome here.
out by
Collins Denies Cliarcre.
MiTte Collins, -who managed
Bt the time he was knocked
.'lack Dempsey, denies Fulton's charge
thnt he was double-crossed, and says
tiiat Dempsey beat him fair and square.
'oiiin.. a Minneapolis boxing promoter,
"was the man wno brought Fulton into
the limelight. Shortly after Fulton was
Knocked out by Dempsey he broke re
lations with Collins and has been run
ning around the country like a chicken
"with its lead cut Off.
Fulton s talk of fake will have a se
rious effect upon the many boxing
measures which at the present time are
t!rt befnre the various State Legisla
tures, but it is hoped the lawmakers
will consider the source from which it
As far as Fulton is concerned, he 13
done for as a boxer. The sporting pub
lic care not for such, and no promoter
vising good judgment would ever care
to offer the bigr Mir.nesotan as an attraction.
Title Contender Willing to Meet Fal
lon Immediately.
Tempsey, potential opponent of Jess
Willard. in a proposed contest for the
world's heavyweight pugilistic cham
pionship, today returned to this city and
issued a denial to" charges alleged to
have, been made in ian Francisco last
Saturday by Fred Fulton, that a fight
between Dempsey and Fulton at Jfcir
rison Park, X. J., July 27 Ijst had been
prearranged and that Dempsey had
"double-crossed Fulton.
Deinpsey. providing Tex Kickard. pro
moter of the scheduled bout between
Willard and Dempsey, approves, is will
ing to fight Fulton immediately, said
1 oday.
3cmpcy Ready to Meet l'ulton for
Any Number or Rounds.
NEW YORK, Feb. Z. Jack Kearns.
manager of Jack Dempsey, has issued
:i sipned t-t;itemcnt denying the charge
jnndc by Fred Fulton that the result
of Fulion's bout with Dempsey was a
prearranged affair. Kearns states:
"My instructions to the referee of the
l-'ultoii-Dcmpscy bout were to. tell the
men to shake hands before hc bell
and to come out fighting. If Tex Hick
:i rd, who is expected to select Dempsey
as WiHard's opponent, says the word,
he will meet Fulton any time for any
number of rounds to prove that the
prr viou.s bout tvas not a 'l'lukc' "
Four-Ronnd Bout, as Permitted in
California, Desired by Van
couver Club Manager.
Tommy Burns, former heavyweight
champion of the world, now conducting
a boxing club in Vancouver, B. C, has
been offered a match with "Fat" La
rue in Oakland this month. The origi
nal date offered to Burns was Feb
ruary 12. Tommy turned that down,
but is willing to meet Larue on Feb
ruary 19, if that date is satisfactory
to the Oakland promoters.
Burns has been wanting the oppor
tunity to make a comeback for some
time and has been challenging the best
of them for a short bout. Burns real
izes he cannot travel 20 or even 10
rounds and best the younger batch of
heavies, but is confident he can hold
his own over the four-round route, in
vogue in California.
V .
Mick King will take on Frank Farm
er in a six-round bout in Ticoma
Thursday night. They have met sev
eral times and the honors are about
even. Harold Jones will meet Bobby
Moore in the semi-windup.
Harry Anderson will meet Clonie
Tait for the lightweight championship
of Canada, in the near future in Van
couver. 15. C Tait is the present
champion and will have a hard boy to
beat in Anderson. Tommy Burns will
stage the match. Anderson recently
fought Lloyd Madden in Vancouver,
winning the decision.
Claire Bromeo fought a four-round
draw with Joe White in one of the
preliminaries to the Benny Leonard
Joe Benjamin bout in San Francisco
the other night.
Lefts and- Rights.
Mike Collins has a new figh'.rr in his
stable. It is none other than "Kewpie"
I'.rtle, a bantamweight, who has taken
n couple of lacings the pNast six months.
Wonder what Mike intends to do with
1'rcct Fulton?
When Jack C'Kid"! Wolfe left Cleve-
The National Smoke
Eetter than most JO-centers
i. B SMIXU CO. DUtrtbntma.
Favorite Willi Portland Fans Keeps
in Condition to Meet All Com
ers Upon His Return.
Sherman Gruman. well-known local
sportsman, received a letter from his
brother, l;alph Uruman, yesterday and
the latter docs not expect it will be
long before his company will be leaving
Lnglund for the United States.
Uruman is with the 241'd Military
Police stationed at Winchester, Eng
land. Tialph has been doing a great
deal of boxing and is in good shape at
the present time. He was figuring on
entering the big tournament which was
held in London in December, but was
so busy he could not get off to train.
Sherman Gruman expects Ralph to
be ready for all comers as soon as he
gets out of the service and as the lat
ter is only 23 years old. has yet a
chance to win top-notch fistic laurels.
Gruman is without a doubt the clas
siest boxer, has gotten further than
any boy turned out of Portland in the
past 10 years and is a great favorite
in Xew York, as well as on the Coast.
Billy Koche, the famous referee now
"over seas" as Knights of Columbus
athletic director, was llruman's man
ager, while he was in the F.ast.
ill itfei mmmm Hi I
Sr. I
-. . . :
. V
Pauline Frrdfrlek In Snnr From Hrr Xew Paramount Pholoplay, A Dnorhtrr
of the Old South." at Peoplra Theater.
grass hut at Miami. Fla.. according to
the P. A., and hai his hair singed off
and colthing charred before lie fought
his way to safety.
Majestic Clara Kimball Young:,
"Cheating Cheaters."
Star Theda Bara, "Salome."
Liberty Xorma Talmadse, "The
Heart of Wetona."
Sunset Nazimova. "Revelation."
Columbia Wallace Reid, "The
Peoples Fauline Frederick, "A
Daughter of the Old South."
Olohe "The Craving."
Circle William Farnum, "True
Proposed Tax on Game Preserves
3Iccts With Opposition.
A bill introduced in the California
Legislature which calls for a tax of $1
per acre on all privately owned gun
or "duck" clubs is causing rorne excite
ment among the nimrods of that Ftate.
W. YVickani.'of Hermosa Beach, Cal., is
the father of tho amendment.
Wickam proposes to put the hill
through und cut ciown the mortality
in the duck family. Ho argues that
the free lance hunters are not re
sponsible for the scarcity of the birds
but maintains that the private gun
clubs which have a membership of 15
or 20 hunters, who either own shares
in the club or renc the grounds are re
sponsible for the ducks migrating to
safer climes.
The owners of the clubs and the
members snort loudly and viciously
t.nd set forth their side of the argu
ment, which seems to contain a bit
of logic at that. They give as their
first instance the Kmpire Gun Club
f. t Castroville in Monterey County.
This club is probably the most lux
urious and exclusive club in the state.
Twenty members belong. The rules are
few, but are observed.
In an endeavor to protect the ducks
the rules specify that there shall be
hunting but two days in every week.
No automatics or pump guns are al
lowed on the preserves. Trained dogs
are kept on the premises to retrieve
all crippled birds.
The owners of the club have the
land drained every few months and a
portion of It is under cultivation. This,
it i claimed, provides feed for the
duclcs and keeps them from migrating.
THE OBSERVER, writing in Picture
PlaV' Magazine, has thrown, down
the gauntlet to lilm fandom, pre
cipitated a controversy certain to be
come heated, by asserting that there
are but half a dozen really big names
in motion pictures today "Mary Pick
ford", Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fair
banks, William S. Hart. D. W. Grif
fith and Marguerite Clark."
He points to Dorothy Gish, Madge
Kennedy and Constance Talmadge as
the "comers." with Dorothy Gish hav
ing the edge because of her Griffith
He lists Ford Sterling. Garaldinc
Farrar, J. "Warren Kerrigan. Florence
Lawrence, Karle Williams and Henry
Walthall "and a dozen other first-class
artists" as those who have "sky
rocketed up and down." "They have
reached the top and have slipped back;
some only slightly, some all the way,"
No mention of such Portland favor
ites as Norma Talmadge, Clara Kim
ball Young, Wallace Reid. Elsie Fergu
son. Nazimova, Dorothy Dalton, Charles
Ray. William Farnum, Roscoe Ar
buckle, Dorothy Phillips, Tom Mix and
a score of others.
I'hotojlay fans are decidedly parti
son folk, quick to resent the slighting
of their favorites, and nothing so stirs
the fires of controversy as stories
guilty of omission;. m
Bill's First Shoes.
It is not generally known that Will
iam rf. Hart was 15 years old before
lie wore a pair of shoes and these he
purchased in St. Paul. Until that turn
ing point in his life Bill had worn
moccasins which brings about the fact
that he did not gain his knowledge of
the AVest in .motion pictures. It also
serves to reveal that Bill knows much
of the actual life of our frontier days,
having been brought up in the Dakota
territory. In fact, most of Bill's boy
hood playmates were Sioux Indians.
With them he learned how to ride,
shoot, hunt and track; how to play the
rugged, body-building games of the
nativo Americans which vailed for the
greatest endurance and best sports
manship. From them he learned to
speak the "silent tongue" the sign
language of the Sioux, which is uni
versally understood, by all Indian
Screen Gossip.
When Norma Talmadge had finished
making "The Heart of Wetona," on a
California Indian reservation called
Idyllwild, C0O0 feet above the level of
the sea, she was mado a princess of the
Indian tribe.
Nina Byron, who is Wally Rcid's
leading woman, is a New Zealand girl
and (Mine to America three years ago.
She attracted the attention of Thomas
11. Ince, was sent from New York to
Hollywood to work in one of his com
panies and has now worked her way
to within striking distance of stardom.
Clara Kimball Young wears some
beautiful Lucile gowns and a very
smart riding habit in "Cheating Cheat
ers," adapted from the Broadway stage
Winnifred Greenwood returns to the
Fcrcen in a J. Warren Kerrigan picture,
"Come Again Smith."
It's a quiet week when the Fox pub
licly squad can't recount a thrilling
adventure or hairbreadth escape for
one of the stars. Bill Farnum is" the
latest He was caught in a burning
Francis Ford is going to take a com
pany of players to the South Seas to
make a serial. He will sail for Japan
in March.
Thurston Hall, who has been leading
man for Dorothy Dalton, Carmel Myers
and other stars, is back on the screen.
He quit to co-star with Belle Bennett,
sister of Knid, at the Alcazar Theater,
San Francisco.
Tom Mix Is going to stage a rodeo,
or roundup, in his next picture. Tom
ha been begging for such an oppor
tunity for more than a year. Teddy
Sampson is Mix' new leading woman.
Julian Eltinge was probably the first
star of stage and screen to complete a
lilm production dedicated to the cause
of the forthcoming fifth liberty loan.
It is named "The Call of Liberty" and
discloses Eltinge in the garments ot
the Statue of Liberty and as an over
seas aviator. It will give a foretaste
bf the work he is shortly to begin when'
he leaves the speaking stage to make
at least six productions for the Julian
Eltinge Picture Corporation.
The Novagraph analysis of motion
studies of the Pathe Review employs
a camera that has reached the phenom
enal speed of 300 pictures a second; but
the upual speed takes about 170. These
run at the speed of ordinary projection
on the screen 17 a second result in
ther interesting and instructive exhibi
tion of "slow motion."
Baby Marie Osborne, Pathe screen
star, is only 7 years old. but her aver
age earnings are said to be about $1000
weekly. Most of it goes into Govern'
ment bonds to be held in trust till
arie Is of age.
Marguerite Clark beg pardon. Mrs.
H. Palmerson Williams has begun
work on her next Paramount picture.
"Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch,"
after an extended honeymoon at Wash
ington. She will play the part of
Lovey Mary in the world-famous story
of Mrs. Wiggs.
"Daddy Long Legs" is the first of the
Mary Pickford independent pictures to
be completed. Marshall Net Ian was the
director, loaned by Harry Garson, with
whom he is associated; and Miss Pick
ford was rewarded as fortunate in being
able to secure the aervices of the di
rector who made "Rebecca." "Stella
Marls," "Amarilly" and others of her
Artcraft pictures. Mnhlon Hamilton
played the name part in "Daddy Long
Legs," loaned by the Kitty Gordon Com
pany. Katherine Blythe was divorced from
John Blythe recently at Santa Barbara,
Cal. Which would not have attracted
any interest at all but for the fact that
John is our esteemed star. Jack Barry
more. His erstwhile wife is known to
screen followers as Katherine Harris
"The Triumph of Death," by Gabricle
D'Annunzio. whose recent flights from
Italy's battlefields have quite put his
poetical flights in the shade, is to be
set to celluloid by Metro, with Dolores
Cassinelll, herself an Italian, as the
principal performer. D'Annunzio act
his own cinema record when ho wrote
and supervised "Cabiria," in Italy sev
eral years ago. "Cabiria" was tho first
"feature" picture and it has never suf
fered through comparison to moro re
cent screen spectacles.
Paving Contract Awarded.
ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 3. (Special.)
This morning the County rourt award
ed a contract to the J. II. Tillman Com
pany for grading and paving the re
maining portion of the Smith's Toint
road. The pavement is to be IS feet
wide and to consist of a nix-inch con
crete base with a l',-inch wearing
surface of asphaltic concrete. The
Tillman bid was J28.5S1.S6. and the
Improvement is to he completed on or
before June 1. Work on clearing the
right-of-way wns started today.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A C095.
Aint it the limit.
the Contractor
"You'd think any
body but a kid would
know that genuine
Gravely is bound
to give more real
tobacco satisfaction
than ordinary
Good taste, smaller
chew.Ionger life is what
makes Genuine Grave
ly cost less to chew than
ordinary plug.
Wrif to:
Genuine Gravely
or tteilel cheating plugS
r . Peyton Brand
Plug packed in- poucfu
Bolsheviki! I.W.W.'s! Strikers!
Unnaturalized Aliens Leading Organized Labor of America, Demand
ing: our freedom to Work and Worship Be Replaced by Bolshc
vikism of Russia, Where Honesty, Liberty, Virtue Has Ceased to
Be Sacred. .
The followers of Bolshevism, under the uise of labor reformers
or labor leaders, have imported into the United States of America,
the seed of revolution, for the sole purpose of overthrowing our Gov
ernment, the abrogation of all laws protecting personal and prop
erty rights, and to substitute therefor unrestricted anarchy. With
a continuous reign of terror established, private wealth is to be con
fiscated and its owners put to death. Workers of all classes shall be
robbed of their right to work, as guaranteed by the Constitution of
our country, and it is now proposed that Christian people through
out our land shall be denied the right to worship their God as
guaranteed by our Declaration of Independence.
No sooner had the ink upon the signatures to the armistice become
dry than the red hand of the Bolsheviki became visible upon the
horizon of our industrial sea. With widespread fangs it has struck
our institutions with a force that cannot help but make the most
torpid mind AWAKE to the necessity of immediate action.
You workers whether by muscle, brawn or brain will you sit
idly by and allow the pillowy dream of the fanatic, with criminal ;
instincts, to undermine an institution which has built for you and
yours a structure of solidarity for present and future prosperity?
It is your America, and you, the majority, can keep its sacred rights
unsullied and untrammeled. Will you do it? Will you allow labor's
organization, which you have spent years in building for your protec
tion to be usurped and overpowered by this radical class, who can see
only personal profit and gain?
You bankers, manufacturers, merchants and property owners
who have been complacently sitting by and enjoying the blessings
guaranteed by this Government, happiness and the sanctity of the
home, AWAKE, for from the depths of hell has arisen his satanic
majesty hidden under the cloak of the Bolsheviki in a dying effort to
dethrone right and establish therefor the reign of terror.
Work and Worship
Ian has no more sacred right than the right to work in whatever
useful service he may see fit to perform. This is the very foundation
of life itself. Society penalizes vagrancy. Society, therefore, is
under moral obligation to throw no arbitrary and unnecessary hin
drances between the man and the position he is fit to fill. xThe right
to work is more sacred than the right to worship. Men may live
without worship men cannot live without work.
Yet while we safeguard the right of the man to worship or not to
worship, according to the dictates of his conscience, we are asked to
deny him the right to work, except upon terms to be described by an
organization with which he may not have any honest sympathy.
Civilization is devoid of all value if in this age we can subject men
to a tyranny of this sort.
The Great Charter we wrested from an unwilling king at Runny-,
mede, our own immortal Declaration, and all the sacred documents
in our history have no meaning worth remembering if our necks are
still to be galled by the yoke of the ancient regime.
What difference is there between the religious tyrannies of the
-time of Justinian in the East or of Charlemange in the West, and the
economic tyrannies the American people are asked to endure from a
small minority under the red flag of Bolshevism.
Movements of this character are diametrically opposed to every
thing that is right and good that America has stood for, and upset
the fundamentals upon which we have built the Republic. It breeds
class hatred, undermines respect for property and personal rights,
puts a premium upon arrogance of opinion, teaches men to break
practically all the commandments upon which our civilization is based
and lowers our National ideals.
Liberty once lost is not easily regained. We fought, bled and died
through long, dark centuries for the sacred right to live our lives in
our own way, and with the sound of bomb and shell ringing in our
ears from the victorious battlefield of the world's conflict to per
petuate this right, we cannot now surrender the ground we have
gained to the ravenous terrorist who would consume our liberties
and leave us like so many moths piled around a candle's wick.
The right to work and the right to worship without fear, coercion,
or dictation, go hand in hand in America, and to oppose either of
these rights is to oppose both of them.
We have blazed a new way and fashioned newer and higher hopes
for mankind everywhere, and it would be a crime against civilization
and a scarlet blot upon the page of history to record a submission at
this time to a force which would control our Government, and quench
the light of prosperity and happiness which we have kindled upon
these shores.
We must still stand for the right of men to work without fear or
hindrance, the same as we uphold the freedom of worship, else we
become apostates to the faith of our fathers, surrender our liberties,
and return to the tyrannies, which, for more than fifteen centuries
burdened and galled us.
Now fellow Americans, shall the democracy for which the allies
your boy and mine fought, bled and died, endure? Or shall this
Nation dedicated by Lincoln as "conceived in liberty" be shattered
to the earth by the power-mad Bolsheviki, disguised as the radical
usurpers of the workingmen's rights, by whatever name he may be
Not yet have we felt the sting of deprivation. The pale lips of
hungry children, the gaunt hand of famine, the murder and mutila
tion of civilians are all strange to us; but unless we awake to our
full responsibility of the situation, we shall find the daggered hand
of the tyrant piercing us in the back.
Shall we keep the Stars and Stripes free from the stain of
tyrannic rule, free from the heel of the despoiler of Government,
from the wrecker of society and the home then let us dedicate it
anew, and without fear mete out swift punishment to any who dare
defame it.
Frank Wesley Phelps;
Author of Work and Worship.
Fathers, mothers, can you awaken? If you are interested, read one of my little books on
work and worship, write me a letter and I will send to you a copy of last .edition. All I
ask of you, all the consideration you will owe me is your word and honor to: When you
hare read same is to give it to somrnoe you know and request the same of those who read
it to pass it on to other fathers and mothers.