Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 01, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL. L.VIII. XO. 18,1.8.
Rival Claims of Serbs and
Roumanians Presented.
Polish Industrial District of
Jeschen to Be Exploited.
Supreme - Council Announces That
Delegates Will Act in Dispute
Between Czechs and Poles.
PARIS, Jan. 51. (Havas.) President
"Wilson and the allied Prime Ministers
this afternoon considered the Balkan
problem, particularly the dispute be
tween the Serbians and Roumanians.
The commissions charged with examin
ing the labor problem, compensation
and damages shortly will begin their
The inter-allied commission on Po
land met this morning and decided to
adopt a. draft report which will be sub
mitted to the conference committee.
The conclusions will be formulated by
M. Is'oulens.
Delegates Give Conclusions.
The full text of the official communi
cation issued this evening dealing with
the session of the supreme council fol
lows: "The President of the United States
of America, the Prime Ministers and
Foreign Ministers of the allied and as
sociated powers and the representatives
of Japan met this afternoon at 3
"The delegates of the great powers,
composing the inter-allied commission,
which will shortly proceed to Poland,
were Introduced to state the conclu
sions which they had reached after
hearing the representatives of Poland
and of the Czecho-Slovak republic re
garding the provisional exploitation of
the industrial district of Teschen.
. Delegation Will Leave.
"After listening to the reports made
by M. Noulens and by General Botha,
in the name- of their colleagues, the al
lied Ministers decided to send to Te
schen allied delegates for the purpose
of assuring a peaceful exploitation of
the industrial districts in agreement
with the Czechs and Poles, pending a
territorial settlement of the question
by the conference.
"A statement of the views of the re
spective interests and rights of Ron
mania and Serbia in the Banat of Tem
esvar was then heard. M. Bratiano and
M. Mishu represented the Roumanian
government and the Serbian delegation
was composed of M. Pachitch, M. Ves
xiitch and M. Trumbitch.
"The next meeting was fixed for to
morrow, Saturday, at 3 o'clock."
Americans to Stay Out.
Whatever forces may be sent to Tur
key for garrisoning purposes there will
(be no American troops among them, it
(developed today. It is pointed out that
heir use for this purpose would be in
appropriate, as the United states nas
u-i- been at war with Turkey.
The military committee of the su-1
preme council expects witnin two aajs'
to report a plan for the allotment
among the various nations of the troops
be retained on the western front.
yt appears that by April 1, there will
Ibe 15 American Divisions remaining
'on the lines, with five divisions ready
for embarkation homeward. A month
! later it expected this aggregate
. vjil be reduced by live divisions, oi
v'whlch 10 will be on the line and five
reaay io return.
The length of the stay in France of
these 10 divisions depends upon the
time of the signing of the general
peace treaty. It is said that as soon
as that occurs all the American troops
probably will be withdrawn.
Protectorates to Be Provided.
The agreement reached by the allied
council of 10 on the colonial ques
tion, says a Havas Agency statement
today, provides that territories which
are sufficiently civilized to give an
expression of their wishes as to the
form of their government will be per
mitted to set up such a government
under the auspices of the league of
nations, obtaining either national in
dependence or living under a protec
torate of one or other of the great
powers. Arabia and Mesopotamia are
considered to be examples of this class.
In the cases of the peoples insuf
ficiently developed for self-government
the league shall choose the power most
suitable to govern, under certain guar
antees to be fixed either by the peace
conference or the league. Provisionally
the African and the Far Eastern colo
nies shall be left as they are now, in
control of the powers now occupying
As regards Asiatic Turkey, the state
ment adds, the four great powers are
to undertake its administration at once
end the council of 10 has asked the
Versailles war council to submit a re
port as to the best troops available
lor occupation of this area.
Wilson Sticks to Views.
In the discussions concerning the
disposal of the former German colonies,
President Wilson contended in no un
certain terms that to divide the col
onics among the entente nations would
he in direct contravention of the "four
teen points" wJiich were accepted as a
I basis of peace. Such a division, he is
(Concluded on Pag :!. Column 2.)
Immediate Action hj- Congress
Against War Offenders Is De
clared Most Necessary.
"WASniNGTON, Jan. 31. Immediate
consideration by Congress of a- De
partment of Justice measure providing
for the deportation of aliens interned
during the war and those convicted of
war offenses against the United States
was urged today by Representative
Burnett, of A la Bam a. chairman of the
House immigration committee, in ask
ing the rules committee to give the
legislation a. privileged status for ac
tion in the House.
"The immediate Importance of this
measure," declared Mr. Burnett, "is that
when a treaty of peace is signed these
people will have to be discharged and
allowed to run at large in this coun
try.' Action on the question was post
poned until next week by the rules
Professor Frederick Bushee Ex
presses Ills Loyalty to Nation.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Professor
Frederick A. Bushee, of the University
of Colorado, in a letter read to the Sen
ate today by Senator Thomas, of Colo
rado, protested against the presents,
tion of his name to the Senate commit
tee investigating German propaganda
by Archibald Stevenson in a list of men
whom Stevenson said held radical and
pacifist views. Professor Bushee said
he had been strongly pro-ally from the
beginning of the war and that he held
views about as radical as those of
President Wilson. He added:
"The Senate has no business to per
mit names to be printed as suspicious
when they know no more about them
than they do about me."
Captain Archibald Helps Policeman
Capture Robber.
NEW YORK, Jan. 31. Captain Archi
bald Roosevelt, son of the late Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt, aided a policeman
today in capturing an alleged robber
after a street chase in which the pa
trolman shot and wounded Frank Mar-
cello, the man pursued.
Several armed men had held up a
Columbus-avenue Jeweler in his 6tors
and were escaping with jewelry when
the policeman commandeered a passing
automobile and gave chase. There was
an exchange of pistol shots and Mar-
cello fell wounded, but, fought when
the officer came up. Captain Roosevelt,
who was mailing a letter nearby, aided
in subduing him.
French ATlalor Prevented From Fly
ing From Paris Building.
PARIS, Thursday, Jan. 30. The po
lice today refused to permit James Ve-
drines, the aviator, to attempt a return
flight from the roof of the galleries
Lafayette, on which he landed in an
airplane on January 19. The airplane
was taken apart and the pieces brought
down by elevator.
' By landing on the roof of the gal
leries Lafayette, Vedrines won a prize
of 25.000 francs for being the flrct air
man to land on a roof of a house while
in flight. The roof was 62 by 75 feet,
while the ariplane used by Vedrines
36 feet in width.
Senate and House Conferees Under
take Difficult Task.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Senate and
House conferees on legislation to vali
date and settle informal war contracts
aggregating about $2,750,000,000 will
begin work tomorrow and expect con
siderable difficulty in harmonizing wide
differences between the measures passed
by the two bodies.
Controversy apparently will center
on the Senate provision for an appel
late commission to supervise awards.
Adjourned to 11 o'clock Mon
day. Senator Norblad Introduces bill
for non-political judiciary.
Arrest of Senator Orton de
manded on legislative bench war
rant by Senator Lachmund for
absenting himself from commit
tee meeting.
Dimick bill prohibiting teach
ing of German passes after
stormy debate.
Bill introduced authorizing all
counties to appropriate $5000 for
memorials for soldiers.
Adjourned to 10:30 Monday.
Resolution introduced for con
stitutional amendment to allow
bonding for great hydro-electric
Resolution introduced calling
on Public Service Commission to
curb telephone companies from
making charges not allowed by
To beat rule shutting off of
new bills effective Monday night.
4 5 bills are introduced.
Passes House bill abolishing
County Court of Multnomah
Miller Makes Sweeping
Denial of.iarges.
Stock ierman Newspaper
Sold Within Month.
Several Persons Testify Regard Ins
Condition. of Defendant's Mind '
While in Grasp of Drink.
After J. Henry Albers had taken the
stand in Federal Court yesterday and
had firmly announced his innocence of
the crime of sedition with which he
was charged: had insistently pro
claimed that he had never made, un
der any circumstances, any of the pro
German utterances with which he is
charged, and had asserted his belief
that he was the victim of a conspiracy.
United States Attorney Haney threw
a bombshell Into the camp of the de
fense by asking Mr. Albers whether he
had ever been a stockholder In the
Nachrichten, a German newspaper of
Mr. Albers asserted that while he
had been a stockholder, he was not at
this time.
Newspaper Stock Is Sold.
"When did you sell your Btock?" de
manded Mr. Haney.
"Maybe a month or three weeks ago,
replied Albers.
Insistently, Mr. Haney urged Mr. Al
bers to admit that he had made bets
that Germany would "win the war,"
lick the world," and other profes
sions of a confidence in the ultimate
victory of that country.
Just as insistently Mr. Albers de
"Did you not bet with Jack Noyes
and Mr. Cushin? along the lines I
have Indicated?" Mr. Haney queried.
Mr. Albers replied: "No."
"I don't want to trap you, Mr. Al
bers," said Haney. "I want to be per
fectly fair with you. Rc'resii your
memory. Did you never bet concerning
the arrival of the Germans in Paris, or
the fact they could 'lick the world.'"
Once more Mr. Albers asserted "No."
Alleged Wager Is Recalled.
But a few minutes later Mr. Haney
called to the witness stand Horace A.
Cushing, manager of Lilly & Co., who
said he had had a conversation with
Mr. Albers concern'ng the war.
"What was that conversation?"
"He offered to bet mc $1000 t 50
cents and to loan Tie the 50 cents
(Concluded on Pace IS. Pas 5.)
I Official Casualty Report, j
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Casually
lists today contain. In addition to
corrections, 1240 names: 32 died In ac
tion, 24 of wounds, 10 of accident, 42 of
disease, 29S wounded severely. 413 de
gree undetermined, 391 slightly, and 33
missing. Following is the tabulated
IVatha ' Ttenorteri Tnriiv Trttal
Killed In action 30,4.vt 32 30.45
ixbi at sea M
Wed of wound..... 1 1 JSft.t i?krt
Died of disease IS. 644 41 islbm
uitn 01 accident 2. BIO 10 "J.HJO
Total death. Kt n.-.l
18 8.-,n.V
lona 4i.
Wounded 141.KJ9
Missing and prisoner.
Total casualties ....219.601 1240
Wounded severely
Eneberg. Krnest, aoo Knott St., Portland, Or.
Moser, J. K., 6cio. Or.
Davis. J4ax, Brooking. Or.
WlUnt. William F.. Halem. Or.
Wounded, undetermined (previously re
ported miftinr
rown, r. 15. , Jordan valley, or.
W oun d ed un d e te rmJ ne-d
Lufby, K'dgar i. (Sgt.), Reedville. Or.
Wounded silently
Ohrtsman, Herman R., Klamath Kalis. Or.
McMlnds. Ervln Parker, John Day, Or.
Weeks, Thomas W., Crabtree, Or.
Klliott, William, Olympia. Wash.
Killed In action
Moore. John, Fort Angeles. Wash.
Overaas, J. K-. Hodulam. Wash.
Wounded severely
Emerson. Paul Cpl.), Asotin, Waah.
Day. George, Toppenish. Wash.
Herman, Horace J., Spokane, Wash.
Rlckman, Thomas H., Rltzville, Waah.
Wounded severely (previously reported
Ristau. John W., Fpokane. Wash.
Wounded -undetermined
Hamilton, Joseph A., Seattle. Wssh.
Schoffen, Henry A., Unlontown. Wath.
Krlckson. Lawrence A., Kennewick. Wash.
Halvorsen. Andrew A., Vancouver, Waah.
Wounded slightly
Abrams, Hennie, Spokane. Waah.
Died of wounds
Poule. W. W., Salmon, Idaho.
Ranker. C. R.. lioidberg. Idaho.
MlMlng in awtlon
Llovd. John W.. Preston. Idaho.
Wounded, undetermined (previously re
ported killed)
Mittllder. Johan. Blarkfoot. Idaho.
Wounded, undetermined (previously re
ported mliwni)
Dunning. James K., Preston. Idaho.
WonndeH, degree undetermined).
Kaisner. Cheater A. (Sigt.), Meridian. Idaho.
Zimmerman, Arthur P. (Hgt.), Bonnsrs
Ferry, Idaho.
Iled off accident
Grtshara. C. B.. Athens, Ala.
Uied of disease
Bra-swell. G. K.. Fltspatrlek. Ala.
Killed In actios
Eolarl. David. Pittaburg, Cat.
Died off disease
Iskow, E. J., Kan Diego, Cal.
Mero, C. A., San Francisco. CaL
Killed In action
Kllleen. J. C. New Haven. Conn.
Roberts. C. W.. Bridgeport, Cods.
Died off wounds
Harmon. C. B. (Sgt.), Hartford, Conn.
Died off rtleeaae
Oiaehiana. James (cook), Xorwalk. Co., Conn
Hushes, T. J., Hartford, Conn.
Died off wounds
Knox, S. P., Martin, Ga.
Killed in art Ion
Charuskl, F. A.. Chicago, Til.
Kvanko. Michael, Cnlllnsville. 111.
, lied of wounds
Calvin, Walter. Shoals. Ind.
Died of accident
Carmichael, George. Munele. Ind.
Killed ha actios
Marhaeek, Inie. Clutler, la.
Died of accident
Honnolad, Louis, Leon. la,
Killed In action
Lahman, Julian R.. Winona, Kan.
Killed In action
Hayden. Forei 3tnal. Ky.
Ikied off wound
(Concluded on Page 33. Column 2.)
Educational Mission Head
and 2 Students Shot.
Triple Murder Takes Place in
Fashionable Residence.
Bodies of Orientals Are Discovered
in House, Which Shows Signs
of Struggles by Victims.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Washrhgton
police tonight were engaged In an at
tempt to solve the mystery of the kill
ing off T. T. Wong, chief of the Chinese
educational mission to the United States,
and C H. Hsle and Ben Sen Wu. stu
dents at George Washington Univer
sity, whose bodies were found tonight
at their home in the fashionable Mount
Pleasant section. ,
They were last seen alive last Tues
Absence off the two students from the
university led a fellow student, Kong
LI, who lives near by, to investigate
tonight. He entered the house through
a window and found the body of Wong
on the first floor. Police wero sum
moned and the bodies of the two stu
dents were fdupd in the basement. All
three men had been shot, and physi
cians who examined the bodies said
they probably had been killed Wednes
day. Student Makes DUcavery.
The pistol with which, the men had
been Bhot was found near Dr. Wong's
body. There were evidences of a Strug
gle. A heavy brass table lay on the
floor among the shattered remnants of
the shade and bulb. A chair in the
dining-room adjoining was overturned
and a brown-colored elastic from a
garter was on the floor.
Bodies Dragged to Basement.
The bodies of Hsie, who was secre
tary-lreasurer off the mission, and Wu,
confidential ae, retary to Pr. Wore,
1 were found Ij'sfsT liead-to-hc&d in the
furnace room and evidently had been
dragged there.
Blood stains were on the kitchen
floor and the narrow stairs leading
down to it.
" Or. Wong had a deep gash in the
back of his head and two bullet wounds
In the chest. Wu had one bullet wound
in the head and another in the chest
and lisle had one wound in the head.
Murderer Leans Little Trace.
The police are at a loss for a mo
u:or.cluded on Page :t. Column 1.)
Missouri County Judge Prepares to
fio to Jail for Refusing to
Call Bond Election.
KANSAS CITT. Mo., Jan. 31. Judge
J. G. Evans, of Dallas. Mo., voluntarily
urrendcred to the United States Mar
shal here today in preparation to begin
serving a sentence of six months in Jail
for contempt of court. Imposed last
With the two other members of the
Pallas County Court. Judge Evans was
charged with refusal to call a special
election to vote bonds to pay a $450,
000 bond issue, offered as a bonus to a
proposed railway shortly after the Civil
War. The road was never built. All
succeeding County Courts have refused
o call the election, and several mem
bers have served jail sentences for con
tempt. Judge Evans said today it would re
quire 18 cents on every dollar of Dallas
County valuation to pay principal and
merest on a judgment obtained by the
Measure Xow Goes to House for
I'inal Consideration.
STATE CAriTOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 31.
(Special.) Senator Dimlck's bill pro
hibiting the teaching of German in all
public and state-aided schools of Ore
gon passed the Senate on third reading
today, after its opponents had at
tacked it in a series of debates ex
tending throughout the morning ses
sion and part of the afternoon.
Opposition, however, was but slight
ly stronger than yesterday. 11 votes be
ing recorded against the measure. Sen
ators who opposed the bill were Sen
ators Gill, Howell. Huston, Jones, La
follette, Moser, Nickelsen, Norblad.
Porter, Smith of Josephine, and Strayer.
The bill now will go to the House,
there the opposition is expected to
gather its forces In an effort to kill lt
Plave Total Loss and Several Lives
Are Lost, It Is Feared.
DEAL. England. Jan. 31. (By the As
sociated Press.) The American steam
r Plave. which went ashore near here
Wednesday night, parted amidships to
night during a fierce storm accom
panied by a blinding snow, and is 1
t atsl loss. It Is feared that several
I. 'es were lost.
Two boats capsized while being low
ered. but their occupants were rescued
uy a nicDQai. jnirty or tne crew have
been landed at Deal. They expressed
the belief that a majority of the oth
ers of the crew were rescued by tuss
and patrolboats In the vicinity. They
assert that there is a strcng possibil
Ity of the 17 American officers on
board having been saved.
Work Available for Soldiers on Ear
Western Ranches.
CHICAGO. Jan. 31. Speakers at the
annual meeting of the American Fruit
nd Vegetable Shippers' Association to
day suggested that many thousands of
the returning soldiers and sailors will
find plenty of work at good pay on
the fruit ranches and vegetable farms
of the Far West and Northwest.
Producers expect to ship more than
500,000 carloads of fruits ar.d vegeta
bles this year and the shortage of
labor this year promises to bo greater
than usual.
The Weather.
TESTERPAT'R Maximum temperature, o
degrees; minimum. 54 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; moderate northwesterly
w inds.
Supreme CounMI studies Balkan and roiish
problems. fag t.
Strikers and police battle In Glasgow, rage 2.
Senate rhargad with blurting on campaign
contributions. Page
Enormous Increase in Navy aim of Admin
istration. Page 5.
Early expulsion of interned alien enemies
urged. Page I.
Private documents of packers produce! at
hearing. Paga 4.
Official casualty list. Pass 1.
Threa high Chinese alain in Washington.
Paga 1.
Clvll-Wer-tlme railroad, never built, still live
Issue. 1.
Four American ares arrive in New York
(rora France. Page
Nat C Goodwin, famoua actor, dies in New
York. Page J.
Republicans attack Wilson's plans for cap
tured colonies. Page 4.
Road legislation near completion. Page 6.
Resolution Introduced provides for great In
dustrial development of Oregon. Page ti.
Relief for soldiers voted at Olympia. Paga T.
Coast League magnates meet today to make
1919 season plana Pag 12.
Paeifie Northwest.
Astoria man elected President of racific
Coastmen Lumbermen. Page 14.
Commercial and Marine.
Wool dealers expect chance In Government
auction system. Page &.
Com slumps at Chicago on settlement of
Argentine strike. Page 19.
Specialties only active atocks in Wall-street
market. Page 19.
Legality of port h.vnda to be pasaed upon at
once. Pags ! i.
Portlaud and Vicinity.
Mr. Albers asserta loyalty to Nation. Page 1.
Funeral of Henry L. Pittock is held. Page 1.
Schools to glva special courses to soldiers.
Page "JO.
More orders received from South for Oregon
ship materials. Page IS.
Men. displaced by soldiers, seek jobs
Page 13.
Jack Hamilton held on forgery charge
Page 10.
Twohy Brothers file suit affainst Ochoco irri
gation district. Page 14.
Weather report, data and forecast, rage 19.
Pastor Lauds Courage and
Ideals of H. L. Pittock.
Influence Upon Community of
Life Well Lived Is Noted.
ScrrK-e for Pioneer and Vpnnlldrr
of Oregon Country Held at
Scottish Rtc Cathedral.
The lasting worth of one life, well
lived, not alone In Its material ad
vantage to tne community, but in
the lessons of fortitude, courage and
high idealism that It bequeaths, was
portrayed in. simple eloquence yes
terday at the funeral service to
Henry L. Pittock. held in the Scot,
tish Kite Cathedral. when Htv.
T. L. Eliot, pastor emeritus of tho
First Unitarian Church, spoke in trib
ute to his friend's memory.
The cathedral chapel was filled
with citizens of Portland and Ore
gon, many of them friends of pio
neer days, met at the last rites for
the pioneer publisher of the Pacific!
Northwest, and the friend and fellow
citizen so long associated with the
building of the commonwealth of
Oregon. Briefly beautiful, the serv
ice opened at 5:30 o"clock. with
Scriptural readings by Dr. Eliot.
Para He of Sower la Text.
For a portion of his text Dr. Kliot
took the parable of the sower, whose
seed fell hither and thither as he cast
it. some upon stony ground and some
to perish by drought. "But others
fell into good ground and brought
lunn iruit. some a nundred-fold. some.
sixty-fold, some thirty-fold
In a striking parallel, the ltjrn'
of Dr. Kliot's tribute rested upor. 'his
description of a stone in St. Paul's
Cath.-dral. London, dedicated to the
memory of one wl.o served long nd
well, and bearing the inscription
"Reader, if you seek his monument,
look around."
"And I ask you. dear friends." said
Dr. Kliot. "has there ever been any
one in our city for whom we could
say these words more truly, or with
a greater swelling of pride? If you
seek a monument for Henry L. Pittock.
look around."
I.CMaoa Drawn From Life.
Affirming his belief In the "great or
der and fellowship of service." toward
which both church and civic institu
tions are working in common purpose,
rr. Kliot gave Mr. Pittock's life as an
illustration of the principle and ideal of
such service.
"I believe that we "are here today,"
said lr. Kliot. "with a feeling that our
brother was a leader and an exemplar,
more than I can tell you, of the brother
hood of man."
He touched upon the fact that Mr.
Pittock was born in London, and that
both of his parents were of Kentish
descent, asking his hearers If they re
alized what potentialities that heritage
possessed what Kent stands for In the
history of Kngland and civilisation.
Their coast was the beach for the In
vasions of the Gauls, the Vikings, the
Teutons and the Romans, and their
swords the bulwark.
, "The men of Kent, as Wordsworth
well describes them," said Dr. El!ot,
"were the vanguard of liberty. "
Ploaeer Spirit Praised.
From such a heritage, eid the
speaker, it is reasonable to assume, .n
keeping with the knowledge of hered
ity's laws that Henry L. Titiock re
ceived the clarity of conception, te
nacity of purpose, deep piety and love
of right that characterized his life.
"The impression has come upon me
very deeply," he declared, "that it is
out of the heredity of such a people
and such a stock that we had Henry
L. Pittock as a fellow citizen."
He spoke of the spirit that prompted
the emigration of the Pittocks from
England, of the same spirit that bent
their sons across the plains to Ore
gon, and of its indomitable quality in
the life of his friend. He sketched the
boy as he sought his first employment
in Portland, when he entered the rough
little shack that housed the plant of
The Oregon ian at that day.
"Can you not see him the same man
that worked for six months In order
to prove what was in
pioneering, holding constant!;' be
him the ideal of service., Mr. Pittock
left to himself a lasting monument,"
said Dr. Kliot, contrasting issues of
pioneer days with the newspa' cr of th
"Mr. Pittock knew what the making
of a newspaper meant," said the
speaker. "A great ideal ever swam
before his eyes, leading him on to build
a true civic newspaper in the midst of
the community that he loved. As it is
today it is the monument of one of our
greatest and truest fellow citizens
who was a complex of strength and
"We are called upon to be makers
and creators and thinkers and tollers
in behalf of the progress of humanity.
l..'oncluud tin l'ae Column 1.)
rjn 109.P