THE 3IORXING OREGON I AX, TUESDAY, .TAXI ART 28. 1919. 13 V . INTYR OFFERING E EXCUSES FOR JONES Tacoma Promoter Gives Inter view on Portland Fight. VICTOR'S WEIGHT INVOLVED 'Close Decision" Referred to, After Jones' Opponent Administers Clem Defeat, BY JAMES J. niCHARDSO.V. We've always thought pretty well" fff Chet McTntyre, boxing: emissary from Tacoma, Wash., and formerly of Van couver, B. C. In fact, we still are the hitter is weak on a certain kind of' a delivery, that weakness is catered to throughout the game. It it is definitely proven that a certain ball troubles the batsman nfore than any other style of delivery, the batter may rest assured that only a miscalculation or loss of control will enable him to hit at some other kind of "ft ball. That is the reason why every now and then some recruit from the minors burfts up the big league for a couple of months, and then starts to slip. During the first couple of months, pitchers perhaps worked just to his liking. Then one day some twlrler discovered a vital weakness. Inside of a week that knowl edge becomes the property of the' en tire league, because pitchers are clan nish and gossipy. A year or so ago American League pitchers didn't give Babe Ruth much consideration. Most of them regard ed him as a great pitcher, but little was thought of his hitting. He was looked on as one of those batters who hits the ball a mile, if he happens to get a hold of it, but the chances are that he Is much more liable to strike out. It Is strangely true that the long clouters have a" propensity for striking out, far mores, often than the player who is content with a single, enthused with a double, and regards it as a big event when he comes through with a homer. Last season Ruth found himself, he acauired the confidence so neewsflrv w illing to give the lad who once held to a good hitter, and became a man the title of Pacific Coast heavyweight at all times to be feared, instead of champion, all the breaks until such merelv . batsman who miirht ect a time as we learn directly from Chester hold of one if you served the ball to that the remarks attributed to him in his liking. From pitching rather care R Tacoma paper, wherein he proceeds lessly to Ruth, American League twlrl- o aiiDi tor me neieat 01 nis protege, ers began to give him all kinds of seri- Warold Jones, who was unmercifully rwalloped by Peter Mitchie, last week. Bt the Heilig Theater, were not made l).v him. For the benefit of those who were ' tinablo to witness the fracas between Jones and Mitchie, in which Mitchie ous consideration. While he did most of his long hitting early in the year. his later failure was in no way due to any weakness that developed. It mere ly just eo happened. One day last Summer in the 12th tn- won by big odds, putting Jones down nine- of a came with Cleveland, the In the second round, the gong was all score standing 0 to 0, Ruth met one that saved the Tacoman from a knock- of Stanley Covaleskie's most deceptive ut. Several other times did Mitchie sDitters. and sent it far into the rirht have Jones wobbling up and Bown queer field bleachers, breaking up the ball street and it was only the wonderful game. After the game someone asked stamina of the Tacoma boxer that Covaleskle If he believed Ruth had a helped pull him through to the end weakness at the plate, and Covaleskie's vi tne sixth round, juitcnie easily win- reply just about summed up the situa Sling the decision. Menryre Makes FTxcune. When Mclntyre arrived back In Ta Toma with Jones, he immediately crashed Into print saying (at least he Is so credited) that Jones did not box In his usual form; that Jones did not have his left working well and for this reason lost the decision which "was very close." Mclntyre Is also credited with say in that Mitchie weighed In at more than 1S6 pounds. Also that Mitchie failed to put Jones down with his sup posed "knock 'em dead'" punch. Mclntyre winds up by saying that, MIt was the general opinion of those who know the game that Mitchie has Jto right to box a lightweight, but should be matched only with welters, e. class where he belongs. Jones can beat Mitchie. at that, when the Taco ma kid Is working in his usual form." Tes, Chet is credited with having made the outburst stated above. But here Is the real truth of the affair: Mitchie Made Weight. Mclntyre, In the writers presence. watched Mitchie step on the scales snd fail to move the beam, which was set at 1SS pounds. Mitchie made the weight requested by Mclntyre and Jones, and can do 13j if he has to. Contrary to Mclntyre's statement Mitchie put Jones down in the second round and all that saved Harold was the gong. Nobody In these parts argues that Jones cannot beat Mitchie. It is known that he did not do it last week, and Chet Mclntyre and Jones probably are better aware of the fact that any one else. Jones may beat Mitchie the next time they fight, but if he does lie will have to show much more than he did In a Portland ring, where his biggest a&set was to assimilate a wal loping. It is hard to believe that Mclntyre. whom the writer always classed as tlon, "speaking for the rlgbt-banded pitchers I can say positively, no!" The Cleveland pitchers during that series had been pitching inside to Ruth, keep ing the ball alternately high and low. He had hit the ball to all corners o& th lot. Chicago followed Cleveland Into Boston. Teams have a way of relaying secrets, and of course the Chicago club was wise to what Ruth had done. Kddie Cieotte opened the series for Boston. He pitched low and outside to Ruth. All the big fellow did was make three doubles to left field. Ruth isn't very fond of left-handers, but to most right-handers he fs an eyesore. FARMER AND KIXG WILL MEET Fighters Signed for Boat February 6 at Tacoma Club. TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 27. (Special.) -Frank Farmer and Mick King will tangle again for thel Ight-heavy crown when they meet here February 6 be fore the Eagles' Club. They have met three times heretofore. z Chet Cclntyre, who is handling Farmer, also has a new comer In his stable. He is Harold Bird, former San Francisco welter who has Teen sta tioned at Camp Lewis for about a year. Bird was a lieutenant when he was discharged, he having won his commis sion at an officers training school at camp. He is tall and rangy with hard clout. TACOMA MAGNATES- TO CONFER Coast League Baseball Will Under Discussion. Be TACOMA, Wash, Jan. 2T. (Special.) Every phase of the proposal to put a Tacoma luT in the Pacific Coast League this season will be discussed at -.,! cw rmnti i.r i. resnon- a meeting here tonight called by com details yith Willis Egan. Jack Sulli van and Joe Walsh, holders of tHe Ta coma franchise. If the shipyard strike is settled and eible for the statements attributed to him. He has a good boy In Jones Anyone versed in the fistic sport be lieves Jones has the earmarks of a Trrtmlinp- rincKlAr Tint tVie nnlv irav to make him popular is to accept his conditions remain good in the North defeats with grace. west' Tacoma would like x be In the the league. Should ship contracts be Decisions Are CrttlcUed. cancelled, Tacoma. like Portland and The same paper which printed the Seattle, will feel the brunt of the blow remarks attributed to Mclntyre pub Itshed the following item the day Jones CLUB MAY SECURE PRIVILEGE ieit ior rurtiana; "Harold Jones, lightweight cham pion of the Coast, is In excellent shape St. Paul Boxing Bouts Not Properly for his clash with Pete interne at Port land tonight. Mitchie, who has been winning all of his goes of late, is in for a hard night. Jones, also, will have a tough man to face, so the go ought to show a lot of class. "One thing is certain, unless Jones Conducted by Promoters. ST. PAUL, Jan. 27. The St. Paul Athletic Club may receive the exclu sive privilege for conducting boxing bouts in this city. The suggestion that the club take over the privilege was heats Mitchie 17 ways to L or puts made by Frank B. Thompson, chairman him to sleep, he stands a great chance of the State Athletic Commission, who said individuals and private clubs that have staged the bouts did not conduct them satisfactorily. Local promoters have declared that it is impossible to successfully pro mote boxing bouts, because two-thirds of coming back without his title Mitchie is a Portland kid. and Tacoma and Seattle mitt men have not always come back with glowing reports of their treatment. Portland is a city of bad fight decisions. So the Tacoma wTltera greased the of the enthusiasts insist upon passes. fillbl sKidS tor Mclntyre and Jones. Jones was treated nicely. He lost fair and square, and It wasn't even close. Portland fistic fans have seen some on.riferous decisions in local rings, but at no time has the crowd frtood by and watched a visitor trimmed out of a verdict without voicing its disapproval. Tacoma wants to turn over its own snort pages and see what was said about the draw decision given Billy Wright with Johnny McCarthy, a week ago tonight. People in glass houses should not throw stones. THE player who can hit the pill is a much-prized individual in baseball. Next to the player who can hit is the pitcher who is successful in keeping the opposing batsmen from takiug un .due liberties. There are some man agers who take just the opposite view ENGINEERS MEET FEB. 17 American and Canadian Mining Men to Confer. .-st, w 1UKK. international co-op eration in mining in North America will be one of the principal topics to be discussed at a convention of the American Institute of Mining Engi neers, to be held here February 17 to 20. In the course of the convention two joint sessions with the Canadia Mining Institute and one joint session with the American Institute of Elec trical Engineers will be held. A num ber of prominent members of tho Ca nadian Institute will be present. Improving ths relations of capital and labor ana tne possibility of a uni form mining law for North America will be among the principal subjects which the Canadian engineers will dis cuss with the American Institute. The fourth day will be given over to excursion to the Kederal shipyard Newark Bay, where the first electric OLD-TIME MINERS GONE PICTURESQUE FIGURE OF PROS PECTOR SEEN NO MORE. of the situation. Pirst in their opinion welded ship is being built. The sub is the pitcher who can keep the oppo- ject of electric welding is one of th Kitlon sruessinsr. and next to him is the principal ones to be taken up by th player who can hit. Of course that is a American Institute of Electrical En- j mere matter of opinion. Each is a gineers In Joint session with the min mighty valuable asset to a winning ing engineers on Wednesday. Fcbru team. ary 19. It is great to be famous, of course but there is a certain penalty that goes with fame in all things, and baseball is no exception. Once a ball player acquires a reputation for his ability to hit, immediately all opposing players try every possible scheme to break down that hitting strength. It Is the same with the pitching end of the game. The successful pitcher is always being watched closely, with a hope that a weakness may become apparent. If a team believes he is a poor fielder, said team at once seeks to satisfy the be lief, by laying down as many bunts as possible. If someone entertains the opinion that the pitcher becomes less effective with runners on, said club has every runner, who gets on worry the pitcher as much as possible. If the pitcher is at all off as to control, clubs are always Instructed to wait him out to the linjit. In all probability more attention is paid- to the player with a reputation lor hitting than the plary who wins fame as a pitcher. When a good hitter steps to the plate, it is the cue for the pitcher to go the limit in an effort to set him down. If there is a belief that NEVADA WILL HONOR DEAD Memorial for Boys Who Fell In War Is Proposed. RENO, Nevada- Measures Intro duced during the coming session of the Nevada legislature will provide for some lasting memorial to the state's soldier and sailor dead, who fell dur ing the war with the Central powers. Several members of the legislature are interested in the movement as is Gov ernor Boyle. Those members of the legislature who have expressed them selves on the subject favor the erection of a suitable monument at the state capital on which will be inscribed the names of the men who died in the serv ice together with the dates of their death. Arbor day, hitherto a hoHday with but little significance in Nevada, is likely to become an important date in the state's history. Plans already are on foot for a general tree-planting to be participated in by state officials at which trees will be named after Ne vada's hero dead. Costly Machinery Now Necessary to Wrest From Mother Earth Her Valuable Minerals. DENVER. Fanciful dreams of the Easterner who comes to the mountain state expecting to find the plcuresque figure of the gold" prospector searching hte hills in a never-ending chase of the precious metal are greeted with a rapid disillusionment. The roughly clad Individual with pack mules, pick and shovel, exist now largely in the movies, though occasionally one comes across a survivor of the old days to whom the appeal of hidden treasure remains irresistable. With the exception of the years of 1915 and 1916, when discovery of tung sten brought a horde of wealth seek ers to the Colorado hills, the search for gold in this and neighboring states has steadily diminished since the height of the gold rush some 2d years ago. At the time, old mining men say, the mountains were full of prospectors searching for new veins and placer miners panning the streams for gold deposits. The new generation hasn't followed In the footsteps of the old. and one of the picturesque features of Western life is becoming extinct. The explanation is simple: Hro pectlng doesn't pay. This is the state ment from mining men familiar wjth the situation. The. big majority of old prospectors spent their lives in the hills without winning the fortune they sought- They managed to eke out a bare existence, occasionally making a strike which would tide them over a Winter in Denver and give them the start for the next year's chase. But they lived and died poor men. most of them finding a resting place in the hills which they made their flomes. Discovery of their bodies in their cab ins or caves built in the aide of the mountains told the tale. If a good vein Is located, the cost of developing Is prohibitive. Expensive machinery muat be installed. 1 lie pros pector must Interest capital In his find and uncertainty as to whether the vein will fulfill expectations tends to dis courage the treasure seeker. Officials of the State Mining Com mission are of the opinion that the really big gold strikes already have been made and they attribute the dis appearance of the prospector of the al most certain knowledge that his quest will be unsuccessful. All over the mountainous region of Colorado small abandoned tunnels bored Into the solid rock bear mute ev idence of the shattered hopes of some prospector. Abandoned sluices and smelters speak of the days that are nb longer, and of streams whose deposits of the precious metal have been panned out. In certain regions, notably in the vicinity of Cripple Creek, the ore Is mined In paying quantities, but it Is by means of costly machinery that the gold Is separated from the crushed ode. Moneyed Interests have taken ths place of the individuals who found fortunes hero while the country was yet being developed Occasionally, In the Winter, one finds In the cheap lodging houses some griz zled veteran of the hills whose spirit still Is alive with the hope of success in the following Summer, and he sets out in the Spring as trustingly as he has started out into the hills every Spring for a score of years. But these are becoming fewer every year and the old life of the mountain country lives only in the movies and memories of the early days. BUILDING IS ADVOCATED SENATOR C ALDER IN FAVOR OF DEVELOPMENT. which has been deferred during the war. The division of public works and con struction development has been formed In the Department of Labor to assist In the revival of building. Three Big Steamers In Service. LONDON. Three : ew steamers, com pleted during the war, will, soon be familiar In the North Atlantic service. They are the Vedic. the Rimouskl. both 10,000 tons register, and the Reglna, a triple-screw steamer of 16.000 tons. They were built In Belfast yards and. hefora their passenger accommodations were complete, were fitted up for troops, many thousands of whom they have' already transported to France and elsewhere. Construction Declared Essential Be fore Normal Conditions Can Be Restored. WASHINGTON. D. C. "Construction is an essential industry and. therefore, a prerequisite to all normal business development." declared Senator Will iam A. Calder. of New Tork. in an ad dress before the recent meeting of the National Federation of Construction Industries at Atlantic City. The Increasing shortage of buildings of all types, he pointed out. constitutes a potential demand for construction. Such adverse conditions as the cost of labor and materials and the timidity or Investment capital are offset, he be lieved, by the necessity for Immediate housing for a large percentage of the population wno are suuenng noi oniy by the high cost of living induced by the building shortage but also In ef ficiency and morale, and by the en couragement which the Government Is giving building. Government construction, however. the Senator said, alone can constitute but a small proportion of normal build ing and will not bring the Industry back to its usual position In the life of the community. It Is necessary, he as serted, to encourage private building, which, as rapidly as possible, shall take over surplus labor and material and es tablish the industry on a sound eco nomic basis. Senator Calder declared that at pres ent there Is Utle lor no shortage of labor, nd hs warned his hearers that the country will remain In a state of arrested development unless the build ing industry not only resumes normal activity but also In the next two or three years produces an additional amount of construction equal to that JAPANESE WANT CHANGE Modification, In Immigration to United States Sought. HONOLULU. T. H. According to ad vices received here by the Nlppu Jijl. a Japanese daily newspaper. Immigra tion societies of Japan are advocating several modifications of the regula tions now governing Japanese Immi gration to the United States and other countries. One change asked is the extension from a year and a half to three years of the period allowed for the return to the United States of Japa nese who have gon to the homeland for a visit. It Is said that there is now in Japan several thousand Japa nese who cannot return to Hawaii be cause they overstayed the time limit. Another change proposed is to per mit Japanese picture brides to obtain passports for the United States lmme ditaely after their marriage has been rsported to the American authorities. At present, a picture bride must wan In Japan six months berore she can leave to Join the man she married by mall. SLAVS ARE ASSURED JOBS CItII Rights of Soldiers in North to Be Protected. ARCHANGEL Via London: Steps have been taken to create enthusiasm in the mobilisation of the army of the Rus sian Northern region to fight the Bol shevlki. Enlistment in various for eign legions, such as the "Slavo-Brit tanic" has been prohibited. All must enlist in the strictly Russian forces. The Provincial Zemstvo has 6cided that the mobilized soldiers will con serve the right to the positions they occupied before being called into mill tary service, and that if the army pay is not tas large as that which they re ceived In civil life, the semstvo will pay up to 50 per cent of the difference. MINES CLOSE: PEOPLE GONE School Bell at Tjbo, Nov., Once Thrlvlnc Center. Rings No More. TTBO. Nev. Tybo's school hell rings no more, and there is no email boy to be glad. In fact the Tybo school has been closed because there isn't even one child of school age here. The teacher. Miss Hattle Ewlng, of Tonopah. left before the holidays, after the moving van had emptied the homes which had supplied her pupils. A few months ago Tyno was a thriv ing mining community. Today the mines are closed and nearly every family has gone. A few hang on with the expeotailon that developments of the next few months will bring a re vival of activity in the mines and new life to the town. Just now there is only one child in town, and he Is not. of school age. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Main iu,u. a bis;. - - SB. -SB. a Tne new Arrow FORM FIT 25 CENTS EACH ciurrr.PEASODy t, c rcaaxne I