THE MORNING ORBGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY :5. 1010. AMUSEMENTS. SEAL ! ., STUDENT STICKS TO BED Don Oman Defies l-'ire to Drive Sim From House. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. "Get up Don; the house is on fire." This at 6:15 A. M., which is beginning: to eeem early again in these reveille less days of peace. "That so? Well, if it get serious, let me know"; and Don Oxman, of the Alpha Tau Omega, turned over and ought slumber once more. A little later he was routed out in a hurry. The fire caused more than $2000 damage to the house. For the next two or three months the members will live in the house vacated by the Phi Gamma Delta chapter, which recently took other quarters. The loss is covered by insurance and the owner will refit the premises. LONDON BUYERS CAREFUL Christina-- Shopping in England Mainly Practical. LONDON. No reckless buying of gifts marked the shopping for London's first Christmas after the war. Reports from the stores show that Santa Claus w as a careful, practical purchaser. Nevertheless, the shops did an unpre cedented business in presents of the useful kind staple articles not usually considered suitable for Christmas gifts. The crowds were enormous. Useful presents for the soldiers were more in demand and more abundant than ever, and there were large orders from Amer ica to send comforts to the American Army in France and Germany. "It is too soon to perceive the effect of peace on British industry," said the manager of a London department store, "but we have had many orders for motor cars and other goods of a me chanical nature. Prices are high." BOND OWNERS UNKNOWN 181- Securities in Illinois Treasury for Many Years. SPRTN'G FIELD, 111. Fred E. Sterling, of Rockford, has assumed the duties of State Treasurer, succeeding Len Small, of Kankakee, and Francis G. Blair en tered upon his fourth term as Superin tendent of Public Instruction. No cere monies marked the inauguration of the two officials. When Sterling took charge. Small turned over to his $19,567,109.05 of sttae funds. Harry Luehrs will be re tained as chief clerk. Included in the transfers were four 20-year bonds, dated 1S42. signed by Governor Frencn, which have been in the treasury for many years, the identity of the owners being unknown. Marshal Joffre says: "It was the weight of America, her moral and ma terial forces, and surely not the least, her very considrable Army, thrown into the balance at the crucial moment, that turned the scales and won the vic tory. And the Americans-showed them eelves true soldiers and a military power that counted tremendously in the decisive conflict." AMUSEMENTS. ngt j i i araawoaa MISS RAE SAMUELS In Special Songs by Herbert Moore i Cleveland Rronner; Harry Jolnon. JOHN ROBINSON'S I MILITARY ELEPHANTS. J William Smythe: Ssuixone and Dellla Orphenm Travel Weekly: Official War Review; Concert, Orcbeatra. I KK KOHLMAR AND COMPANY i in "TWO SWEETHEARTS." THIS SHOW CLOSES WITH r)Q MATINEE WEDNESDAY, WHY HAIR FALLS OUT vo.uu.urL ,&uoGo a. icvefisn irritation of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out faat. To stop falling hair at once ana rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of Danderlne at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little In your hand and rub well into the scalp. After several applications all dandruff disappears and the hair stops coming out. Adv. A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! Is Tongue Coated, Breath Feverish and Stomach Sour? 'California Syrup of Figs" Can't Harm Tender Stomach, Liver, Bowels. A. laxative luujy saves a sick cblld tomorrow. Children simply win not take the time from play to empty their bowels, wnicb. become clogg . up with waste, liver gets sluggisc, stomach sour. look at the tongue, mother! if coat- - V.H t .- Il.tla-. . tu, v. jiuui .A , 1 n Li t oo , us,) Lever I .011, uicdiii unit, i c.t iii..-i, uursn l eat heartily, lull of cold or has sore throat or my other children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "California yrup of Figs," then don't worry, because it is perfectly harmless, and In a few hours all this constipation, poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you nave a well, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" is ofttimes all that is neces sary. It should be the' tirst treatment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs,' whicn has full directions for babies, children of all a&rps and for ernwr-tma nminlv printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that is made by the "California. Fig Syrup Company." Adv. yXj5 rC I jfj if 1h tj Today, Tomorrow tyB nf Wif I Ml J.WARREN H j KERRIGAN Ml I n f fl Ml 1 Next Saturday f Lj I BRYANT WASHBl'RV la L-f I V ft "THK WAY OK A MAN BK(iIS lOMCH'l s:ir, TICKETS NOW SELLING tiPTT Broadway at Taylor. I1L1L1VJ Main 1 and A 1122. 32J,f,ZJ TONIGHT, 8:15 POPI LAR PRICK MAX. SAT. Oliver Morosco Preaenta CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD IN THE MUSICAL PLAY, "SO LONG LETTY" SMART SET" I CHORUS TUNEFUL MELODIES EYE'S Floor, first 11 rows $2. last 7 $1.50; Balcony, first 9 rows $1, next 4 rows 75c, last 8 rows 50c; Gallery. 50c. POPULAR SAT. MAT Floor. $1: Balcony, $1, 75c, 60c; Gallery, 50c. CITYoT'LREC'D NOW HEILIG NEXT WEEK i-Vd,syv.JAN. 30, 31 -FEB. I SPECIAL PRICE .MAT. SAT. William Morria Preaenta Julian Eltinge IV THE MUSICAL SKIT. "HIS NIGHT AT THE CLUB" TOCKTHER WITH NOTABLE COMPANY OF ARTISTS SYDNEY GRANT DAINT1 MARIE ARN AIT BROS. CLEO . A I 1 1 . M . IJ IffCING LAVARS. CAR V I LLE AN D CORDON. Eve' Floor, 11 rows $2. 7 rows $1.50; Bal.. $1.50, $1. 75c, -50c; Gal., 50c. Sat. Mat. Floor. $1; Bal., $1. 75c. 50c; Gallery, 50c. ARGAIN MAT. SAT., 25c Stock Company In the other sreat Rex Beach Drama of Alaska. The Barrier By the author of "The Spoilers." Wonderful acting and scenic triumph. Bvenings, lir.c. 50c. Mats.. Hc. Xext week, "The Mysterious Camber Cae" (new). Broadway's Delight IPPODROME Superior Vaudeville Today! Today! MISS HAPPY HARRISON'S COMEDY ANIMAL CIRCUS Featuring "Dynamite," unridable mule and "Bill," baboon violinist. ELDERT & CO. "Apple Blossom Time" EDWARDS and RALSTON Comedians HALL & BECK "Opera and Uproar" MARKEY and MONTGOMERY Impersonations 8 ALL-COMEDY FEATURES 8 G. M. ANDERSON ("Broncho Billy") in "RED BLOOD AND YELLOW" MORRISON AT TH PLAYS THAT PLEASE TONIGHT AT 8:20 THE LAUGHING SENSATION OFFICER 666 EVES., 25c, 50-S Ot MATS., WED., SAT., 25t NEXT "THE DEEP PURPLE" Dancing Tonight EVERY EVE- COTILLION HAW. 14th. off VVanbiDgton. Portland' famoua Ball Kootn. nail hearing; Mprlnit floor. Heat ventilated and lareeat bull In the city. We are co-operating; -Kith the health nuthorltiea la every wavy. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGON IAN Main 7070 A 6095 ! SPLENDID I CAST AMUSEMENTS. I I I PANTACEQ MAT. DAILY 2:30 J Young- America's blpgrest carnival of fun. Hill's Comedy Circus A three -Tin performance on tb staffe. 6 OTHKR BIG ACTS 6 Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and 9. LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Mat. Daily. 10c Only. This week the hip hip hooray burlesque Kun, music and pretty stria, "MI. ABOARD." With Dillon & Franks and the Roaebud Chorus. Chorua Girls' Contest Friday Nlghc TODAY ONLY fieraldine Farrar and Wallace Reid in "CARMEN" Also Ford Weekly and Comedy. CIRCLE THEATER Fourth at Washington. HUl'lHG NOTICES. B P. o. ELKS. NO 142 Regular ineetinc this iThurs day evening. Elks Temple , o clock. Initiation. Visit ing; members welcome M. R. SPAUI.DIXf;. Sci relary. AX. KADKR TEMPLE, A. i. st Stated ses sion Saturday. January 23. 8 n'.L - Maf.onlc Temple. Wot lark and tamhMI streets. En tertainment and social. Vlslt i" SP ,Mi cordially Invited. Hi order of the potentate. HUGH J. Bul l) Recorder. .,, A-D M Special com munication tomorrow (Frldavi memn1,iB.'J::;0 "ck. llason, ' iTrmPJf- t0 cond"L' runeral aorv lC Of our . . i . 5IR-V.?5! ii. be "held a! ward V, . -X'V.."'. t and after- ,0 t-i. nj orrlr of w v H J. HOUGHTON. Bee. SELL WOOD LODGE. NO. 131, A. F. AND A. V. Special com munication thla (Thursday) aft ernoon at 'J o'clock, for the pur pose of conducting the funeral services of our late brother, Hopkins. Members please brlnz George 1 autos. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BLTLCll. Sec. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Thursday evening at T:M o'clock. Ma sonic Temple. Ubor in the M. M. deirre. Yisitlnir brethren nl. welcome. By order W. M FUBD L. OLSON, Sec. STATKD COMMIT NIDATION O R SU N N YS 1 1 B3 LO DO B. NO Vm, A. F. AND A. M. tonlicht (ThurKdayt, t 7:.10 P. M. Of ficial vImK of grand muster, v ifitors welcome. By order of L- M. SNOW. W. M. GITT, REAZEE GROTTO NO. tm The annual dance, which was to have been held at Cotillion Hall on Thursday evenlna Jan- r uary 23. has been postponed on account of the Influenza epidemic. By or der of the monarch. R. E. FULTON, Secretary, ON EON T A TRIBE. NO. 2. I. O. R. M. Regular council this (Thursday) evening at H o'clock at 11S East Sixth street, cor ner East Alder. Members urged to attend. Visiting brothers wel come. 1. B. SMITH. C. of R. OREGON COM M ANDERY, K. T. Special conclave this (Thursday) evening at 7:30. Red Cross. Your .ittfndance will be appreciated. '. F. WIEiiAXn, Recorder. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TENT, NO. 1 Regular review every Thursday even ing at hall. 400 Alder street. All members urged to be present. Visiting sir knirhts wel come. GEO. S. BAKER. R. K. UTOPIA REP.EKAII LODGE. No. 62. I. O. O. F. Reaular meeting thla (Thursday) even inc. East Uth and Bant Alder. Drill. Vis tors welcome. ANNA HOLT, Sec. rRlEDLANDSR'Ji tor leac ambim.w claaa alna sad jtrd. Slo WaaaloaTtaa at. EMBLEM Jewatry. euttoas, ebarsaa. alas. t dbsltfns Jaeffer Bros.. 1S1-S ftth St. DIED. PRINCE In this city, at her late resi dence. 18 Sherman street, January 22. 1910. Mable Prince, aged 38 years 3 months 10 days. Deceaaed Is survived by a mother. Mrs. L. Magill : two Bisters. Mrs. Beryl Johnson and R. Weaverson; also a little daughter. Beryl Prince, and aon, Herbert Rogers. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking Com pany, corner Third and Clay. Funeral notice later. COOPER In this city. Jannary 21. 1919. William Jessie Cooper, aged 20 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Anna Cooper, father ot Verna Cooper, brother of Mrs. Alice Mills, of La Verne. Caf. : J. H. Cooper, of Potlatch. Wash.: Lee Cooper, of Company A, 137th Infantry, and U. K. Cooper, of this city. Remains at the f u -neral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co . 5802-04 '-. St., Southeast. In lnts. KNL'DTSON In this city, at his lata resi dence. 334 Fifth St.. January 22, Otto Knudtson. aged 39 years, husband of Mrs. Mayme Knudtson. father of Josephine Salome and iharlcs Leroy Knudtson, of this city, and son of H. O. Knudtson. of Flagler. Colo. The remains are at Fin ley's. Montgomery at Fifth. JACOBSON At Maplewood station, Jan. 22. Matilda Jacobson. aged 83 years. The re mains are at rlnieys, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. JONES In this city. January 21. 1919. L. T. Jones, aged 09 years. Remains at Hoi - man's funeral parlors. SMITH In this city. January 22. J E Smith, aged C8 years. Remains at Dunning Ac MC.niee s parlors, runerai notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. SCHATZ In this city. Jan. 22. Katherlne Schatz. aged 28 years, beloved wife of Albert Schatz. daughter of Mrs. Mary cooper, or tnis city: sister or Klva and May Conley and Genevieve Cooper, all of this city: Mrs. Margaret Lehman and Philip Cooper. Funeral will be held Sat urday at 2 P. H ., at the chapel of Miller v i racey. services private. interment Multnomah Park Cemetery. BERGMAN The funeral sarvlces of the late Ethyle Bergman will be held Satur day. January 25, at 3 P. M. at the chapel of Miller Tracey. Services private. SILK In this city. January 18. Thomas Silk, aged 00 years. Remain, will k. warded to La Grande. Or., for Interment i 'in'iin. o. icn.niee. tain Beat ways 1 I NEK A I. NOTICKS. TOLLS In -this city. January 22. 1919. L. J. Tolls, aged 54 years 7 months 22 days. Beloved husband of Olive B. Tolls, father of Leverltt J. Tolls, Jr.. V. S. Merchant Marine: Roy E. Tolls, U. S. Infantry. Paris. France; son of Mrs. E. A. Lake; brother of Mrs. Minnette Warren, both of St. Paul. Minn.: Eva Cantaell,' Blglnburg. Canada: Mrs. Lots Bean. Toronto. Canada. Deceaaed was a member of East Gata Lodge. A. F. and A. M.. No IBS, and Villa Lode. I. O. O. F., No. 124. Funeral service private at the reaidence. No. 10. Bast 79th at , 8 Friday. January 24. 1919. at 1 P. M. Inter ment at Riverview Cemetery. .M ...... servl.e at the grave. W. H. Hamilton, funeral director. PBNNISH In thla city on January 21. 1919. Alfred H Penntsh. aged 28 years, beloved ; "' Kazan fcnnlsh; brother of V card Pennlsh and Clara Pennlsh: nephew of Mrs. Johanna Sclulaa. and affianced husband of Miss Marie Stltt. of thla city. 1-uneral services will be held Friday January 24 at 2 P. M.. from the residen tial funeral home of Wilson & Rosa. E .th and Multnomah. St. Johns Lodge of Ma.ona will have charge of concluding services at Rose City Cemetery where In terment will be made In the family plot. Services private in accordanca with the ? "'Health. Chicago. 111., and Su perior, Wis., papers plaaae copy. PEASE In thla city. January 22. Captain -Ti,..A' Pease, aged 88 years, late of 784 l'ettygrove St.. father of Captain A. L. Peaae Mrs. Hattle M. Colbart. of Sari Francisco. Mi brother of Mrs. M A Vvarner. Mrs H. E. Pope and grandfather of Dr. c. N. Peaae and Captain A. L. Le.V-.Jr- Th funeral services will be held Friday morning. January 24. at 10 oclock at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. -Morrison and Lounsdaie sta.. friend In vited. Interment Oregon City. Masonh Cemetery. The. remains are at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. H-iyK f '' city, at her late residence. 78, Raleigh atreet. January St. 1010. Catherine E. Hawk, aged 71 yeara 7 months 7 daya. Deceased is survived by two daughters. Mrs. G. H. Walls and Miss Katie B. Hawk: two sisters. Mrs. George Cooper and Mrs. J. A. Moler; four brolh faj W. J., A. B.. H. B. and W. E. Stout : '!?, tnree grand-children. Funeral service, will be held today (Thursday), at 2:30 P 2 . Ulm ,ne chapel of the Skewes Un ?er,lnr Company, corner Third and Clay. Interment family lot Rose City Cemetery. Services strictly private. ' BAI'.ER At ln residence. 83I2 Forty ninth Southeast. January 20 ltUO i-llH - -ByIWri ld 4U Vrs 3 months. beloved husband of Tina Barker, father r Mrs Ida Cottrell. John C Barker. A g. F.. France: Albert U. Allen, Reed and Burnice Barker, of this city. Private fu neral scrvlcea will be held at Holman's funeral parlora at 10 A. M. today (Thura day) January 23. 1019. Interment Mult nomah Cemetery. NORVELL In thla city, at his late resi dence 1115 East Washington street. Stan y Oliver Norvell. aged JO years; husband Mrs. Fay ,B. Norvell. father of Marv hllzabelh. and son of Mr. and Mrs C. A. NorviIL The funeral services will be held this (Thursday) morning at 11 o'clock at Unley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Inter ment at Rosa City Cemetery. All services private, by order of the Board of Health. SHAND In this city. January 22. 1919. Janette Marshall Shand, aged 5 years: daugnter or Mr. and Mrs. Alex M. Shand. or 10S6 Schiller street. and sister of Charles. Bessie and Mary Shand. The funeral services will be held tomorrow irrday). January 24. 1919. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Interment at Mount Scott Park Ceme tery. All services private, by order of the Board of Health. MARTIN January 20. at Waahougal. Wash, aged 2I years. George H.. beloved husband of Bertha Martin, father or Marlon and Eileen, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin. 402 Rodney avenue, brother of Linus. U. S. Marines: Lillian. TeasLe. Mrs. Frank J. Foley. Funeral services at Wa shougal. Wash., at 10:30 A. M. today Thursday), at the Catholic Church. BALM ANN In this city. January 22, 1919. Ella Baumann. aged 29 years, late of 712 Kant Everett atnet: nlrce of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mueller. The runeral services will be held tomorrow Friday i. January 24. 1919. at 1 o'clock P. M.. at Flnley's. Montgom ery at Fifth. Interment at Rosa City Cemetery. All services private, by order of the Board of Health. FELIX In this city. January 21. Marv Felix, aged 45 years. The funeral will be held Friday. January 24. at St. Philip Nerl Church. 16th and Hickory sts.. where requiem mass will be offered at 11 A. kf. Interment Mount Scott Cemetery. Serv ices private. Arrangements In caro of Miller & Tracey. LEVY In this city. January 21. 1919. Jose phine Levy, aged 3 yeara 4 months, be loved wife of H. L. Levy, of 70O John son street. Private funeral services will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 1:30 P. M. today (Thursday). January 23. 1919. Interment Ahaval Shotom Cem etery. Please omit flowers. STONEMAN Tae funeral of Luke Stone man, late of 55 Weat Skldmore atreet. will be held from the Bleased Sacrament Church, corner of Maryland avenue and Blandena street, tomorrow (Friday). Jan uary 24. at o A. M. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery. Services strictly private. Arrangements in care of A. R. Zellar Co. O'RRYAN In thla city. January 21. 1019. Ernest C. O'Bryan. aged IS years 2 months 10 days, son of Harvey J. O'Bryan and Anna O'Bryan: brother of Jack O'Bryan. Private funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 2 P. M. to day (Thursdsy). January 23. 1919. Re mains m Holman's funeral parlors. WIEDERKEHR At the residence. 722 East Main street. January 21. 1919. Fannie Wlederker, aged 22 years, beloved daugh ter of S. WledVrkcr and Elizabeth Wie derkehr. Private funeral servlcee will be held at Holman's funeral parlora at 10 A. M. today (Thursday), January 23, 1919. futerment Rose City Cemetery. HAY EK The funeral services or the late Elizabeth Hayek will be held today (Thursday), at 1 o'clock P. M. at Flnley's. Montgomery at Firth, incineration at the Portland Crematorium. All services strictly private, by order of the Board of Health. ROWLBY At the family residence. 71 89th St.. Southeast. Sidney P. Itowley, aged 8u years. Funeral services will be held today (Thursday). January 23. at 2:30 P. M.. at parlors of A. I. Kenworthy A Co., r02-04. 92d at.. Southeaat. In Lent. Interment at Multnomah Cemetery. WEYGANDT The funeral aervlcea of the late Georgia Weygandt. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Weygandt, will be held today (Thursday), January 23. at 3:30 P. M. at the chapel of Miller tc Tracey. Services private. Interment lxne Fir Cemetery. NORBON In this city. January 10. 1919. Louia Norbon. aged 25 yeara. beloved aon of John 'and Anna Norbon. Private fu neral aervlcea will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors at 3 P. M. today (Thurs day), January 23. 1019. Concluding serv ices at Portland Crematorium. GARRIGUR The funeral aervlcea of the late Colonel Lewla Caaa Garrlgua will be held today t Thursday), at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Incineration at the Mount Scott Park Cre matorium. All services private by order of the Board of Health. HOPKINS The funeral aervlcea of the late George I.. Hopkins will be held today (Thursday i. at 3:30 o'clock I. M.. at Fln ley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Incineration at the Portland crematorium. Fourteenth and Bybee streets. All services private, by order of the Board of Health. GIACOMOZI The funeral of the late Frank Glacomozl will be held today (Thursday). Jan 23. at St. Michael's Church. 4th and Mill sts., where requiem mass will be of fered at 9 A. M. Services private. Inter ment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. VAUGHN The funeral services of the late Josle Vaughn. beloved wife of George Vaughn, will be held today (Thursday). Jan. 23. at 10 A. M.. at the chapel of Miller at Tracey. Interment Camas. Wash ington. Services private. PORTER The funeral aervlcea of the late Samuel Porter, beloved husband of Mary Porter, will be held today (Thuraday). Jan. 23. at I P. M . at the chapel of Miller Si Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park Cemetery. Servlcea private. MICKLOFF The funeral of the late Nick Mlckioff will be held today (Thursday) Jan. 23. at II A. K at the Greek Ortho dox Church. Servlcea private. Inter ment Multnomah Park Cemetery. Arrange ments in care of Miller &. Tracey. BENTON Funeral services of the late Julia Benton will be held at Dunning St Mc Bntee's chapel, Friday. January 24. at 1 P. M. Interment Multnomah Park ceme tery. Services private. MILLER The funeral services of the late Gertrude D. Miller will be held Saturday, January 25. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Flnljy's, Montgomery at Firth. Inter ment at Lone Fir Cemetery. All services private, by order of the Board of Health. KL1NGERT The funeral services of the late Frederick Kllngert. beloved husband of Minnie Kllngert, will be held today (Thursday), January 23. at 2 P. M at the chapel of Miller St Tracey. Interment Riverview Cemetery. Services prlvata. NEWM ASTER The funeral services of the late Richard Newmaster will be held Fri day. January 24. at 1 P. M. at the chapel of Miller St Tracey. Services private. In terment Riverview Cemetery. KOSTBR In this city. Winifred Koster. aged 32 years, beloved wife of Maximlllafi Koster. Remains are at the residential funeral parlors of Wilson & Wilson. Kilt ingsworth avenue at Kerby. WHITBECK -The funeral services of the late T. W. Whltbeck will be held Friday. January 24, at 3 P. M. at the chapel of Miller Ac Tracey. Services private. Inter ment Multnomah Park Cemetery. CAMPBELL In this city. January 2U. Will iam Campbell, age 64 yeara. Funeral serv ices wilt be held today (Thursday), Jan uary 23. at 1 P. M. from Erlcgon ical dence funeral chapel. Morrison at Twelfth. DAWSON Remilm of the late Grace Daw son were forwarded Wednesday. January 22. by Miller St Tracey to Tacoma, Waah., where Interment will take place. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOINTANTS. i J0.... 402CE-aYtVaVh S4IIO UlOKIIION PLEATlXli HKMST1T1 HI- ACCORDION PLEATING. e cut. hem and pleat skirta any style el: hemstitching. ioc per yard. Eaatern NnvtliyiCo., gtcg am at. Broadway 2QOO At.A'l ( ITTKK.'l AND MFG. JKVKLKK. ..V14 nd Watch repairing. Millers. B" j ash, at.. Majestic Theater bldg. ALFALFA MEAL. GROUND FEEDS. HAY. WALTER SCOTT. Uuard of Trade. H S7 APPRAISAL. STANDARD APPRAISAL COMPANY. Rall- way Ex. bldg. Phone Marshall 2752. ASSAY EKS AND ANALYSIS. ,.N,T,ANA sSi OFFICE. 13 Second oo.u. anver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN, practice In all coui-.a. 62 Northwestern Bank bldg. ALTO STORAGE. FIREPROOF building, s. W. corner 17th and Alder. Phone Bdwy. 1723. Live aturag . ' u.-ad storage $3.50. BARBER SUPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY Co. We buy and sell ail kinds barber supplies. 250 2d. BIlI.DINt. AND CONTRAtTlNU. CONTRACTS for new or repair work, ga "ff". sleeping porches. Manny. Sellsrood CARPET (LEANING. RUGS The klnd that wer th beat are made from your wornoui carpeta by iV"? ,"""' h'eet Rug Co. (former address. JaJ union ae.). Rag ruga woven all sizes, carpet cleaning, refitting and resiling. f?u,. -dT solicited. 18S East E:gnlu. I'll ONE EAST 35SO. B 1280. FLUFF RUG CO, B hM7? vS? CANCER TREATMENT. L. M. 312 JONES. M. D. Morgan bldg. t TREATED 0143. l.l.l.l I.OIU BlITONS. ,.J''N IKW1.N-HODSON COMPANY, op, NVaalmigton. Broadway 434. A 1234. ( I1IRQI (IITS AND ARCH SPEC IAIJsTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florelle DeVcney. the only scientific chlropodlsta and arch spe- gysaa in me cltv. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. aouthwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. C IIIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. 3O0.OU0 KNOW McXIahon. 100 per cent chl ropractor. all welcome t adjust ments: throngs pronouncing tieatmenta eaaleat. beat, permanent. 31 "treats" (15 Both phones. C1RCXLAR LETTERS. hVa u tTTrr." co - 310-11-12 Royal w '' .-- ..i u . ig: spuing. T1TIII10 ...e" -tiu man an vert laing. C'OI.I.EC TIONS. NETH & CO.. Worceater bldg. Main 1796. No coi.ections. no charge. Estabhahed loon. CONCRETE AND C EMKNT WORK. WILL CAMPBELL Concrete garages, ce- in.i.i oik. estimates ire. o5 Clav mi Main 5043. DAM INC MRS. BAYH'S Dancing Academy. 30-11 Dekum bidg. Best Instructors. Beginners' class Tucs. eve.: class party FrL eve. Lea sons day and eve. by appointment. Phone Main 1343. PROF. AND MRS. HOWN wish to announce th opening of their dancing studio. 12 private lessons S3, hours 10 A. 11. to I 1 M. Ellera bldg.. 4th and Waah.. 6th floor. Main 1123. ALISKY Dancing Academy. Private Instruc tors, day and evening. Classes Friday ev. iiliig. 2d floor A. inky bldg. 8 lessons. $5. BERKELEY Dancing School. 120 4th at. Main 3318. Mra. Summers. Mgr.: leaaona bv apt.: personal attention; claaaea Wed, and Sac MRS. FLECKS ACADEMY, loll 2d St. Ball room and stage dancing. Class Tuea. Frl eve. ; children especially. Main 2 1 (Ml. DOC; AND CAT HOSPITAU HOSPITAL Dr. G. H. Hartman. veterini rlan. 413 East 7th St.. E 1147 B. 1962. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBIt Ull.I.E BUGGY TOP CO.. 0th and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. LniMVCI CDICI On i and Office . UlnNCLorlCL -.street. GRAIN MER(IINTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. II ITS IND I l THAN'lloUSEIt HAT CO., -.",., Front at. HIDES. WOOL. ( AM AR C RAItK. KAHN BROS.. 105 Fio.-it street. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER 12th and Davie an. FY NERAL DIRECTORS. RRKKZK & SNOOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1017 BELMONT. AT 35th SUNNVSIDE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT for doing all work IN THE HOME when desired. Our beautiful chapel for aervlces without charge. Prices moat reaaonabl and person-, at tention given to all. Both Phones; Tahor 12.1a. B 2SI. 1017 Belmont St. WILSON & ROSS KANT 3TB AMI Ml I.TNOMAH I'uri In ml " lot rroKrrti FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Hat ubi tailed 1877. Third and Salmon St reets. Main 5U7. A 1.M1. lady Asplatant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Lea. Independent Funeral Directors. Wawh. St.. be:. 20th and 2lt. Weat side. Main '2fi0l. Lady Assistant. A 7S85. J. P. Finley & Son PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 0. Montgomery at Fifth. A 1530. F. S. DUNN INC. INC. 414 K. Alder. Phone E. 52. Perfect aervlce. person! direction, free oae of floral chapel and auto equipment. CLOSED CARS FOR FUNERALT Phone Woodlawn 5755. Dt'.NNINO & McKNTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 430. A 4558. Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu ner.l aervlce. 1117 E. Cllaan. Tabor 431a. P L LERCH "SB ,,,h "nd t:'' ERICS0NTelflh ,nd Morrison streeta. Broad ay 2.VU A.R.ZELLER CO. .".:'.' Williams Ave. Eaat 108H. C 1088. A. D. KEN WORTH V CO. o2-Q4 02d at.. Lenta. Tabor .',267. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 4152, A 2221. Lady aaats'.ant. FXOKI8T8. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 260. A 1260. Flowers for all occaasons artlatlcally arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 2S7 Morrison su Main or A 1805. Fine flowera and floral designs. No branch stores. Ll'KLINEK. Florist. Portland Hotel, 32S Morrison; charge accounts solicited. Mr ili.i l 7.'.:t. MAX .v.. SMITH Main 7.' I .'.. A 111.11 s, : ;-s B'.drc.. 6th and Alder ats. PEOPLES FLORAL SIIOP. 24.1 Alder. Flow ers and designs very reasonable. Mar. 5022. IRVINOTON PAKE FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices. TON8BTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington SL, bet. 4th and th. Main 5102. A 1161. I 1 I ( 1 I ; 1 ( 1 Kl.rAlK .-.HOP. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. .1 North First at.. Portland, Or. Rewinding and Electrical Repair ing a apeclalty. See ua about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1040 EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Caaeeday. speclaliat: glasses fitted .("i E. Burnslde. cor. 20th- B 1893, E. MM, 1 l.RTII.UKR. FIRST-CLASS MANURE. GARDEN. LAWN. KOSES. LARUE OR SMALL LOADS. EAST 33. Ill kWTITC'HINO. K. STEPliAN. hcmatttchlng. seal loping, ac cordion aide pleat, buttona covered, mail ordeia. 219 Pittock block. Broadway loOo. HEMSTITCHING anteed. Singer s t. All work guar ch. Co.. 4U2 Wash. Ml SIC . EM1L THIELHOilN. violin teacher, pupil Sevctk. au7 F.iedncr bidg. Bdwy. 165(9. PAUL F. KISSNEK. Mollnlat. Room 1. 245V Waablngton. Main 3310. Ten lessons, gift. VIOLIN, p.. Strunicnla string. Id 4 Oil Yamhill. OI-ro.MKI RIVTs AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage on th basis of capable aervice. Thou sands of satisfied natrons. A trial will convince. Chae. W. Goodman. optometrist. 2uu Morrison. Main 214. PATENT ATTORNEVS. It. C. WRIGHT 2 years' experience U. K. anj foreign patcnta. 6Q1 Dekum oldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. K A. PHILLIPS, Do.". Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, fewai dlaordera. skin trou bles, stomach. l.ver. kidney. bowels, throat, aoltre. aea'.D hish blood III aaama 80c ' 1 c .-r.- . - ...I T f i .., a ..v .1 r ti 1 rfw . . , . , ache, tonallitls. bldg. Marshall Waiters. 306 Swetiaad ng. health Institute, cwesaea. ate. 40V Ma. SCIENTIFIC Treata all laay bldg. PI. I MIIINt. sl PPl.lEs. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at whoieaale prlcea Stark-Davla Co.. 212 Third. Mala 797. I'RIN I 1. Gantenbein. Mgr. 1. loot Front St.. A 141ft. PRINTING F- W- BAL.TKS tt COMPANY. rniHIIHQ 1st and Oak sta Main 165. A ll'V. ROOt REPAIRING. IF your roof leaka, call a real roofer to fix It. All our work la guaranteed. American Parafflne Products Co.. 34 E. Waahlng ton at. Eaat 5764. SECOND-HAND STOKES. LEVIN I1DW. & FURN. CO, 521 Front Si reet. W buy and eell everything In the hard ware and furniture line. Phon Main 9072. STOVES, rurnare II. J. Seabrtok. d. colts Installed, ilmon. Main MT3. TRANSFER AND STOK(.E. OREGON TRANSFER Co.. 474 s: . corner of 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or 1169. We own and operate two large claaa "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Low-cat Insut.nue tales In the city. "FIREPROOF STORAGE- C. M. OI.SKN TRANSFER CO.. 24ft PINE M A I) 1S( IN" -ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE. OK -flee 180 Madison st. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 1 tit 1 PACKING MOVING STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE a- TRANSFER CO 15 Park St. Main 5U5, A in.-.. CLAY S MORSE. INC. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 418-454 Gllaan St. VACUUM CLEANING. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home 3Qc a rug. Carl. aSaat. IftOft. WATCH iTriPAIRINC;. HIGHEST pricea paid old watches and Je elry. Condition no object. Repairs a spe cialty. Rainier Jewelry Co.. 440t Waah. at. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS, oils AND GLASS, RASMl'SSEN .v CO . 2.1 an.l Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTING AND VAIAKS. M. I KLINE. S4-.-6 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SI PI'LMtS. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PRODUCE COMMISSION MKIIIIIAMv EVEKDINC F 140 Front st. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. I' Cor.lagc Co.. llth and Northrup. SAsll. DOOHS AND GLASS. W p. FULLER CO.. 12th and l via sta. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper St Pt. Co.. .172 First St. Moll. IAN WALL I'AI'HIi CO.. 2::Q 2d aa. AUCTION SALE TODAT. At the Baker Auction Houae. Tamhlll aad West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. MONl MI NTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 2(11 2C.H l;h St.. opposite City Hall. Main 5564. Philip Neu A Sona. for memoriala. S3 B LAESING GRANITE CO l HIRP v t r-ia-xii4irj 01 rrn t i j OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Iff ire. Room I .VI ourthoue. 51 b M. Kntranrr. I'liotie from K to Main Home Thone A tltft. Nicht rull after of fire hour.. oi lann Keport alt rases of cruelty to the abova addreaa. Btoctrta lethal chamber for smalt animals. Horse ambulance for alck and dis abled animals at a moment a notlre. A v one deal r in k a doit or other pet communi cate, with ua. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as e look sifter tha tmpoundins. Thert im no mor city pound, just urefon Human Society. NEW TO PAT. Send Us Your Old Carpets. Old Rngs aad Woolen Clothing. Wo Make Reversible. Uand-HasM FLUFF RUGS Tber Wear I lk. Iroa. Mall order.. Send for riookl.a Hag Kuii Woren. All Sit. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned-S1.50 WESTERN Un Bl'G CO. M Culoa At.. N. Eaat Wis. B 147. , FLUFF RUGS From old carpeta. Carpet cleanlna; and refitting. Kag rugs woven, all sizes. Mail orders sulicited. NORTHWKST RUG CO. Former addrcbi 153 Union Ave. EAST 3580 B 1280 MORTGAGE LOANS ImproTfd iit and farm ..roper. j . .nMallinrat rrpunirnt iri i if preferred ; prompt, reliable erlee. A. H. BIRRBLL CO. 217-210 Northuo.lern Hank Building. Marshall 4111. A 411 MORTGAGE LO.AJNS ON BISIN'ESK AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ROBERTSON A EWINO. 207-M Northetern Bank Bldg. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds tot WILCOX BLDG. Main 702. A S70S. K LA I ESTATE. -l-ot PORTLAND vacant lot. and timber up to (20.000 for stock ranch. U 841. Oregonian. 1.-0 100 PARK ROSE CORNER $04Kl 3 bio. kN from Sandy Blvd. and carllne. 1 bJock from Craig Road A eplendid Investment whether you ara ready to build or not. Sidewalk.. preaaur'e water, gas. electricity. Will aell on term.. J. I- HARTMAN COMPANY. N. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th ai Stark., Main 208. A-2050. FOR SALE Lot 1. block 1. Benedictine Heighta. corner 8th at., and Cora .., 6x02; ement sidewalk, water and aewer: 7oo. Easy terms. W. Corcoran, ownsr. H McClellan at. Woodlawn 4U57. fi.'.o FOR R. c. P. lot on paved street tU to Sandy. Never offered at thla price b- for-. Aihi Cunr ord HKIg.. -d .nl Stark. PORTLAND city iota. $40, 60. $75 and Khi "5 E Knuaa. 416 Slock Exchnitc f ag. Main wBn 1 WILL HELP YOU TO MAKE YOUK FIRST PAYMENT. .nec?"r Do you know we have mm 4O0 photograph, in our office of hou.ra we have for aaJe. aome for 20o or B5 .0,r.n' Drl,-"e. all tenna. all parts of clt . Many modern, attra.t.v. bnngalowa. tome In and look over the photographs b. -fore you buy. Seven experienced real es tate salesmen with aatos to show yoa .ionics. Start tbe new year right : stop paying rent on a house that might be soli any day. BUT A HOME. See K'iAN.,!C U. McGL'lRE, ABINGTON Bl.DC. To Buy Your Home. Main ili-lt. succeasor to II. D. McUnlre Co Bstabllahed 18SO. IlIKlfl-MONTAVILW DISTltI.:T iy7 5-TOom attractive bungalow, elec. and gas. white ei.amel plumbing., cloee to car J2O0 will handle, owner leaving city. We have 2.. other homes for sale In this dl trtet. I will help you make your Mm payment If necessary. Auto, at your serv ice. See FRANK U McULIRE. ABINGTON BI.DU.. To Buy Your Hume. Main loajg. open Evenings and Sundays. JUST completed, two up-to-date, mode-n 5 -room bungalows, 7.0x100 tot. paved at.; turea. etc.. etc: on Ivoa at.. be th and E. 30th. 1 block north: car: back doots open: go look 'rice $3730, terma. Tabor 104 even in ge. I4.".0 PENINSULA HOME $14." Herc la a 6-roora bargain: E Ights and gaa. white enamel piu l-nrgc lot. 2 blocks from Flsk and FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINOTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main I06. ROSE CITY PARK $4O0. Lota of clas. a real home; a rooms, eeping porch and breakfast -room. Kx -pttonally large living and dining - room k. Ivery conceivable convenience. Hardwool oors. fireplace, bookcaaea. furnace, eu . A -al home at a moderate on r-e. A. 261 Stark at., BRANCH O G. TBEI'E CO.. near Thlrl. Main .. !.. t: d $aUM gaa. wMte enamel plumbing. 73x110 cor ner lot. On E. oth at., eaat of Ptedmoti PTM tlcally new iarp.ll go at thla prl . Very easy trim.. See FRANK L. Mclit'IRE. ABINOTON BI.IX To Buy Your Home. Main .".l.'.tv tf f ice op.n evenings and Sunday. BUY ('LOSE IN. $:il."a9 - ". I err tul buffet, exquisite electric fiv 'urrs: imp. In and pd.: on 22d g; terms. J A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 r.y Krh. bldg. Main :.R:t HOSE CITY PARK. $1 ' R N' IS II ED BI'NU A LOW $2R.".0. Owner moving away and must aell. Ex ceptionally well bulM ; 3 room, and attic, fireplace, full basement, wash trays, el. See I hi., atute. A. t!. TKKPE CO.. .';4 Stark st.. near Third. Main 3M BRXNCH OFFICE. 3nth and Sandy. NOW IS TUB TIMB To buy thl. nice acre of ground, all In cultivation, good 3. room bungalow, gar age. 2 i hicken houaea. several young fruit trees. Buckley ave.. near Powell valley. Price $2MHI. term , Q A. WARRIN'ER. " RITTBR. LOWK Sc CO.. 203-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. .-..-.Oi) -ALBERTA Hl'XC.t I.HW -I3KIO rooma. attic, basement, furnace. ."rixlOO. paved street, on carllne. white en.tmel. bullt-lns. hardwood floors, mod ern to the minute, swellest bungalow on the market. Judge for yourself. Location 134 E. 30th at. N. See Battln. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 101 Mh Street. Main 6K:i. BEAl MONT HOME. Five rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, full lot. nice lawn and shrub bery. hard aurface in and paid: one block from car. Price S4.VWI terms. C. A. WARRIN'ER. R1TTER. LOWK CO.. 2Q3-3-7 Board of Trade bldg. ISOO NEAR S. P. SHOPS $18n0. SM CASH. Neat 4-room bungalow In flr.t-claae .nape, good full cement basement. s block from hard-surface: terma I'k- rent. C. A. W A It R I N E It . RITTKR. LoWE a. CO . 203-.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. M LAl'REI.IU'RST -Jt.HMl Modern bungalow of pleasing ile.lgn. .' room, and den. well arrange.!. Two fire taCMss. two bedrooms: hardwood floor furnace: full lot. Terma $IMH1 caah: bal m- monthlv. MaclNNBS. 270' . STARK. Main I7QO or Tabor 8610 Be. and Sen MAW THOU DISTRICT .".2O0. -GARAGE FI LL Lo I re thla. A real bung. Hardwood floors, fir. ant fixtures, cement NIFTY BUNGALOW You Just must se low a real home, place, bullet, elega ttascment. 50x100 lo A. TS. TE 264 Stark at., near 1 rage; near car. 1 1 . AN ABSOLUTELY MODERN . RUNGAI.o" $2730-'-Worth $.'123i. :. room., bath, fire place, all built -Ins. hdwd. floor.. ,M furnace. 30x100 lot, with the use of two more for gardening: term.. Picture In office. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2QI P.y. Exrh. bldg. M.iln I $2000 K LEG ANT 4-rm. plastered hung, low. beat of ptnmblng. cement baa't. a gorgeous buy. very neat place. 12 bearioK fruit trees, lot 50x208: $400 caah. Nea S. P. ahopa. Waverly dlat.. cloee In. G. C. GOLDENBERil. Ablngton BMg. "U Tears In In Portland " Main 4SML 1RVIN;ton. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, plastered house, garage, beet of location, white enamel and mahogany finish: abaolute'v modern. See Battln. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 101 Fifth SlreeL MalngARO :;2.-.n rose city bungalow $32M Usee la a very modern, attractive bun iralow of 3 room, and den; hdwd. floor., lurnare and fireplace, on E. 4th. clo. lo car' terms See . . I'll VN'K L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BI.IM. To Buy Y'our H.-nie Main 3136 4-ROOM NEARLY MODERN. $1330 Here is the best buy In Portland. rooma. full basement, wash traya. ery best modern porrr.aln plumbing, gaa. ele. -tncltv 50x100. two blocka from Frank Tin High: $330 cash. $13 per month. R. F Feemster. .too Ablngton bldg. LACRELHCRST 3 rooms, atrletly modern, bungalow, finished In old Ivory and oak. complete In every detail: $3300. which Is $1000 le. than actual co.t. See Petersen. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth StreeL Main wmm. STRICTLY modem 3-room bungalow, floor, hardwood finish Ivory woodwork throuelt out Urge' attic, lot 30x150. 718 E. Madi son. ner 20th. All Improvements p.ild See oh nor on premises after 2 P. M. eer day, or call Main 2843. A SPLENDID BIT 7-rm. houae. with furnace. sleeping porcii; lot 30x100: pavement paid: on Michigan ave.. nr. Beech st. Price $3309. Go DliARD A- W1EDRICK. 24.1 gtark sl HI 'PERN 3-room buncalow. hardwood floors, firep'ace. panel dining-room, beautiful buf fet, white .name' bedrooma. kiteheo and bath. laundry tray. cement basement. Cleveland Park. $..:.Q0 Tabor M-17 OWNER will furnish to suit you nd e I on easy terma modern bungalow near,y completed. 1230 Sandy boulevard. Tabor IRV1NGTON. modern 7-room bungalow and furniture for sale. Party leaving citt ; bargain; eaav terms. Phone Eatt .f ." FOR SALE 4-room cottage. Mt. Scott dlst . $630. part down, easy terms. V 5. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Modern -room house, furnished or unfurnished, excellent terms. IftT.o Alemeda Drive. Rose City Park. Eat ::7 1. HAWTHORNE DIST. 35TH ST. $2:io 5 large rooms, large lot: room lor ga rage; vacant. Owner. Tabor 8824. MOVE right In. new. 4 rooms, bath and InlleL one block lo good carllne. priced right, terms. Hitchcock. 80 4th st. OWN TOUR OWN HOME. Buna-i.ows and homes for everybody tn Irvington. from $3QQ. Esst 273. Herdmat.. IRVINCTON HOMES. East 894. R T. STREET. IRV. AGENT DEI.AIIUNT for perfect homes. Eaat 1347. $07" F.UYS plaalereci horn wor:h S1473: na roof close In: snap 147$ E Oak.