Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 23, 1919, Image 15

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    . .
" -J - "iDinu 1 11 1. All-. IE.
tional approval. The effect was startling
. vuiui. oi iiysteria. but hysteria
nuicKiy suDsided into good-natured
MCMimeni ai inc contusion of the trio
roples Dustin Farnum, "Light
of Western Stars."
Majestic Alice Brady. "In the
Hollow of Her Hand."
Star J. Warren Kerrigan, "Three
X Gordon."
Liberty Fatty Arbuckle, "Camp
ing Out"; Mrs. Charlie Chaplin,
"Borrowed Clothes."
Sunset "Tarzan of the Apes."
Columbia Charles Ray, "String
Globe Mary Pickford, "Caprice."
Circle Geraldine Farrar and
Wallace Keid, "Carmen."
"In the Hollow of Her Hand." a
George Barr McCutcheon story of trag
edy and romance in high society, with
Alice Brady, piquant Select star, in the
leading role, is the new film headliner
at the Majesth: Theater. opening a
three-day engagement yesterday.
Miss Brady plays the role of Hetty
C'astleton in this story of a young girl
who murders another woman's husband
In self-defense and is later protected
from the law by the wife of the man
she murdered. Hetty, a young English
Birl, meets Challis Wrandall, wealthy
young American, while en route to
America, and falls in love with him.
She learns, while at a roadhouse. that
Wrandall is married, and. a scene ensu
ing, she is forced to kill him in self
defense. The girl escapes unnoticed.
Kara, WrandalTs wife, protects the girl,
for she realizes the worthlessness of
ner husband.
Sar.ii attempts to arrange a match be
tween her , brother-in-law and Hetty,
but the girl is in love with Brandon
Booth, an artist. Detectives on the trail
of Wrandall's murderer accuse Mrs.
Wrandall. Hetty confesses to save her
protector, and old man Wrandall. after
hearing her story, vows that the law
shall not touch her. Brandon believes
Hetty's story and renews his offer of
Pathe News of world events and a
Lonesome Luke comedy are other of
ferings. A liolelicarted Approval, This.
"Whoop-ee! Whoop-ee!"
Merely a trio of cowboys placing the
stamp of approval on a gun fight in
the Zane Jrey-Dustin Farnum photo
play, "Light of Western Stars." at the
Peoples Theater, but the outburst, ex
ploding the tense calm of a highly dra
matic moment, almost caused a riot the
other night.
The Eastern Oregon chaps created no
little amusement with their comments
on a picture they were thoroughly en
joying, but their area of entertainment
was limited to half a dozen seats in all
directions .until the big fighting
punch" of the picture came. The film
cowboy defies the crooked Sheriff and
his two henchmen, unlimbers his guns
and dares his enemies to draw. Draw
they do. There's the bark of six guns
and four figures topple to the earth,
w ith the cowboy hero passing out with
the whisper.. "Three to one; the odds
wa.s even."
The dramatic quality of it all proSd
too mUch for cowboy flesh and blood,
ihcy simply "riz right up" and dy
namited the air with their veils of emo- -
Screen Gossip.
John A. Jennings, owner of the Sun
set Theater, is back from a trip that
took him to various points of Califor
nia, including Los Angeles, the center
v me worm s motion picture produc-
Charles French wtth I tx.-
rigan, in "Three X Gordon." is one of
the screen's hewf L-nnun "f n. - ..
fathered" hundreds of stars and pretty
ic.iu.iis women during his years before
m m m
While Fattv trhnrtl. .a hi.
uul making Lamping Out. his
ucneai cumeay, word went around that
he was erivine- h .--r,-. . ti. n
was an invasion, including such folk as
u. iv.iuniiitn ana Mack Sennett.
Charlev Rav now Vio a tn.-fn .. .
of teeth all white. He recently sacri-
nucu .vuuiniui priae in the shape of two
gold molar fillings, replacing them
with porcelain. (;olrl nhnin
ana oiacK teetn, or black-spotted teeth
.we nut. popular in pictures.
William DeRmonrl n,-.,,!..,. T - ( i
, ,,ul.Ui.:i J I 191 I III .1U
who used to be prominent in Triangle
uictures, is now leading man for Flor
ence Reed.
"Tad," the famous cartoonist, is going
iniu nitiuies. iioi as an actor, but car-
luoiiuig tor a news weekly.
Now it's "The Belle of New York
that is to be seen in nnth..
- " " " L " 1 nun ver
sion. Marion Davies, musical comedy
star, is the latest to be seen in this
picturization of the popular play of a
v. uccauejs ago.
. .
Down at San Pedro last week Dustin
ranium put nis new motor-boat "Over
the Top" through her paces for the
making of 200 feet of film to be shown
in the short-reel subjects Illustrative
Of "Stars in Their Tntirr,,
instituted by Photoplay Magazine as a
iciim itaiurs tor picture theaters.
William Farnum is On a filming trip
down in the Florida everglades. Anna
Lehr, the Australian actress, is his
icauuig woman. iox claims that Far
num's salary, said to be $780,000, Is the
largest received by any film star.
Mitchell Lewis has but one woman
in his next picture. She's Bessie Eyton
well known from the old Selig days'
The picture Is being filmed in Yosemite
Eileen Percy, who broke into pfctures
MStth "Doug" Fairbanks, is now Bill
Russell's leading woman.
n,uFa3in,Vher Is var"Pl"gT at Universal
the black and white girl" Is back
again, but temporarily out of comedy.
...Pifrht ftate's rights buyers for
if f?-nonfhe. Wrld'" pald a total r
11.1 7;.000 fnr iorr npir -r . .
States. " " n,lea
"ThoRlr,inaL?S.- co.mP" "cently
to&ooo' SS Lon "OS 8h?."
good box-office attraction.
Standard Kate Is Charged for All
Commodities Map Shows
Boundary Line-.
Application of the naw switching
Bone system in the Portland terminal
district, which became effective Mon
day, is said to have worked out most
satisfactory so far. for the same rate
la charged for all commodities and for
handling a car from one zone to an
other the rate of $7.50 with an ex
tra charge of $2.00 for each zone the
car passes into.
A map has been prepared with each
zone indicated in varied colors. In
Zone No 1 are included all tracks west
of the "U illamette River between Jef
ferson and Nicolai streets. Zone No 2
embraces all tracks on the East Side
wist of East Sixteenth street and be
tween East Clay and Russell streets.
Zone No a takes in all tracks on the
-Uest Side, south of Jefferson street
and including Nebraska street. Zone
No. 4 takes in tracks on the East Side
south of East Clay street and as far
as Sherrett street. Zone No. 5 is all
tracks on the West Side north of
Nicolai street and to the boundary of
Linnton. Zone No. 6 includes the East
Side tracks north of Russell street and
west of a line drawn from Russell
Street and Williams avenue that ex
tends north to the city boundary and
Zone No. 7 takes in tracts east of
Last Sixteenth street and as far as
East Eighty-seventh street.
Under the former system there were
commodity rates applicable while
shippers also naid for i. :,,
to the various lines concerned.
Cowlitz Bridge Trestle Out.
CH EHALIS. Wash., Jan. 22. (Spe
cial.) A portion of the trestle leading
to the Cowlitz River bridge across the
Cowlitz at Toledo was washed out by
the flood of the latter part of last week.
As a result travel via Toledo over the
Pacific Highway will have to be di
verted across the Olequah ferry and
Vader for a few days until the repair
is made. Already the work of repair
ing the damege Is under way, theCoun-bridTc-re'w'trworlf:
'"S " "" "
.1. Nelson Wisner to Be Manager or
U. S. Chamber of Commerce.
OREGON CITY, Or., Jan fSbim
cial.) J. Nelson Wisner. whoTefT?':
gon City in 1912 to become director of
the Pesca Inst'tute for the Uruguayan
government at Montevidio. has de
signed to accept the position of man
ager of the United States Chamber
of Commerce In the Argentine Republic
with office at Bartolome, .Mitre i
Buenos Aires. e
The object of the position is to
further the commercial relation be
tween the United -tales and Argen
tine. This will be done with the co
operation of the National Chamber of
Commerce Board of Trade, exporters
and importers and certain manufactur
ers in The United States.
In a letter to Mr. and Mrs. W F
Pratt, of this city, parents or Mrs'
hVto"6 he Sa'S; he w,!1 be elad to
help the exporters of 'he Pacific
Mrs. Wisner and young son J Nel
son. Jr., visited in Oregon City about
a year ago.
University or Oregon Board to Meet
to Discuss Budget.
Jan. 22. (Special.) Officers of the
board of regents of the university were
re-elected at the annual meeting of
the board yesterday in President Camp
bell's office. The officers are: Judge
R. S. Bean, of Portland, president; A.
C. Dixon, of Eugene, vice-president;
I'- Johnson, of Eugene, controller of
the university, secretary.
The regents will meet after the Leg
islature has adjourned to discuss de
tails of the budget for the year. The
elections of Sam Bass Warner, pro
fessor of law, to succeed Professor It.
S. Hamilton, now practicing law at
Bend, and Dr. W. E. Milne as assistant
professor of mathematics to succeed
Dr. R. M. Winger, now assistant pro
fessor of mn Ihcnia t at , U it.,
vm uuivei
biiv ui wasnington. were confirmed.
Members 0 the boari present at yejj
erday's meeting were: William H.
ore, Mcdford: W. K. Newell. of
Keghers; Charles H. Fisher. Salem:
James W. Hamilton, Roseburg; Mi J.
eorge x. (jerllnger. Dallas: C. C. Colt.
Portland; Henry McKlnney, Baker; J.
. Churchill, Salem, and Lloyd L. Mulit.
Portland Educator Asked to Speak
at Convention in Chicago.
Superintendent of War Activities Al
derman has been honored by the super
intendents' department of the National
Education Association with the invita
tion to deliver an address at Its annual
convention scheduled for February 24-
May 1 in Chicago.
He has telegraphed that he probably
will not be able to attend, but that he
will write a paper on the subject
"Teachers' Co-operation in School Ad
ministration" that he will send to Chi
cago to be read at the convention M --
Alderman expects passports to France
soon, wnere ne will act as Y. M. C. A.
educational director. Fnon rhti- ar
rival he will leave Immediately lor a
point oi emDarKation.
nov APTinn rri r-oni-rr-r
Union Service Held at Philomath
University Sunday.
PHILOMATH, Or.. Jan. 22. (Special.)
A union service was held In the col
lege chapel here Sunday evening in
commemoration of the rnllfvln. v,. tc
states and more of the prohibition
amendment to the National Constitu
tion. .
After devotional exercise un inter
esting address was delivered by Pro
fessor H. A. Sheak. IHentiftun1 will, , v.
prohibition work In Oregon.
ine other speakers were Mrs. Anna
Harkins. of the W c T it u a u
Henderson, of the First United Brethren
i nurcn, and President L. L. Eplay, of
Philomath College
One hundred dollars were contributes i
to the work of Armenian and Syrian
Toledo Government in New Uimil-.
CHE1IALIS. Wash.. Jan. . 22. (Spe
cial.) The new city government as
sumed charge at Toledo yesterday.
R. G. Paxton is mayor. H. . j Hurst
I Omeg, I. W. Shult:. J. H. Hanken
and J. H. Douce members of the Coun
cil. D. S. l'arre: is tre:.; urer. New
appointees for clerk, marshal and police
imiKu win not De announced until next
Damage at White Salmon Slight.
WHITE SALMON. Wash.. Jan. 22.
(Special.) The recent heavy rains have
"" no uamago along the White
Salmon River, with the exception of a
short shutdown at the Husum power
plant. A year ago considerable damage
was caused in the Trout Lake section
Didn't Quit Business
MERCHANTS and clerka, store and office
employees, factory workers, housekeeper! and
other indoor workers are subject to kidney trouble
particularly it middle-aged or older. Mr. John
Malto, Copperopolis, Calif., writes:
"I hid very irtert case ol kidney trouble and for
a time thought I would have to sell out my business,
as I could hardly atand on my feet. 1 used three
bottles of Foley Kidney Pills, sad they entirely
cured me, and I have never bsd a recurrence of
kidney trouble since. I certainly can recommend
Foley Kidney Pills."
Poor health is the worst handicap a man or
women can have in life, and good health is im
possible if the kidneys are out of order.
pieydney pills
The kidneys must do their allotted task con
tinuously without fail if the blood stream is to be
kept free from poisonous waste matter that Nature
intends to be filtered out and washed from the body. When
the kidney become inflamed, weak, inactive, alufAith ordit
ordered in any way, the blood stream becomes infected with
cloctinc impurities that cmie backache, rheumatic paint,
ttiT or swollen joints, sore muscles lumbalo, pufliness under
eye, "pecks in vision, nervousness, weakness orirrefularity
of the bladder, waxy or dry skin, bad odor of perspiration
or other symptoms.
. Jnr Foley Kidney Pilla a safe, useful and reliable med
icine that heals, strengthens and invigorates inactive, slugjiah
or dcracj-d kidneys.
r vi a.i ic c cr w ucrc.
A number of I. rider and several head
satefi of the Irrigated system were
washed out.
Rub Lumbago, Pain, Soreness,
Stiffness Right Out With
"St. Jacobs Liniment."
When your back Is sore and lame or
lumbuffo, sciatica or neuritis hsn von
stirrened up. don't suffer! Get a small
trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs
L,Inlment" at any drue store. Dour u
little In your hind and rub It rlarht Into
the puln or ache, and by the time you
count fifty the soreness and lameness is
Don't stay crippled! This soothincr.
penetrating liniment takes the ache and
pain riBnt out and ends the misery. It
is maKicai, yet absolutely harmless and
doesn't burn or discolor the skin
Nothing else stops lumbago, sela: ca
and lame bacK misery so promptly and
surely. It never disappoints! Adv.
Hurry! Just eat one tablet ol
Pape's Diapepsin for instant
No waiting! When meals don't fit
and oti belch gas, acids and undi
gested food When you feel indiges
tion nam, lumps of distress in stomach,
heartburn or headache. Here is inttant
Hundreds of thourands are af-
tScted with irregularities of the
J Kidneys, urinary passage and
bladder. Thousands have found
0 true comfort and benefit using
Balmwort Kidney Tablets, sold
by all druggists. Mrs. Frank
Monehan, 1519 Penrose St.. St.
I.ouls, writes: "I am taking Balni
J wort Kidney Tablets and must
my they are the finest thing on
the market and I feel I could
not live If I had to be without
them." Adv.
Just as soon as you eat a tablet of
Pape8 Diapepsin all the dyspepsia, Jn
digestton and stomach distress ends,
these pleasant, harmless tablet of
Papes Diapepsin always make sick, up
set stomachs feel fine at once and they
cost so little at drug stores.
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a
tablespoonful of this hamburg tea. put
a cup of boiling water upon It. pour
through a sieve and drink a tcacupful
at any time. It is the most effective
way to break a cold and cure grip, as
It opens the pores, relieving congestion.
Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking
a cold at once.
It Is inexpensive and entirely vege
table, liicretore harmless. Adr."