4fUnmmv Jill VOL. LiVIII. NO. 18.141). PORTLAND. OREGON. THURSDAY, .IWIAKV 23, 1 919. PKICE FIVE CENTS. ERS OFFER TO TREAT WITH SLAVS Recognition Given Bolshe viki and Other Groups. WILSON'S PLANS APPROVED U. S. and Aliles Aok Russians to Meet for Conference. TRUCE OF ARMS PROPOSED Official statement Declares There Is No Wish to Exploit Russia. Revolution Recognized. TARTS. Jan. 22. (By the Associated Press.) Proposal of President Wilson for dealing with the Russian situation was formally indorsed today by rep resentatives of the allied and associ ated powers, according- to the official 'ommunication isued this afternoon by the Supreme Council. In approving ;he President's proposal the asoeiated powers recognize the right of the Russian people to direct their own affairs without dictation from outside and state that they do not wish to exploit Russia. Conference Date Is SuKgeitcd. The powers invite "all organized groups in Siberia or within the bounda ries of European Russia as it stood be fore the war" to send representatives lo Princes Islands in the Sea of Mar mora, for a conference on February 15 with representatives of the associated powers. Holding of the conference is provisional upon a truce of arm being effected meanwhile. The full text of the official communi cation issued by the Supreme Council this afternoon reads: "The President of the United States, the Prime Ministers ad the Foreign Ministers of the allied and associated ' riowcrs and the Japanese representa tives met at the Quai d'Orsay between ' and 5:3 this afternoon and approved i ne proposal of President "Wilson, which reads as follows: " 'The single object the representa tives of the associated powers have had in mind in their discussions of the rourse they should pursue with regard to Russia has been to help the Russian people, not to hinder them or to inter fere in any manner with their right to settle their own affairs in their own way. Slavs Regarded as Friends. " 'They regard the Russian people as their friends, not their enemies, and ::re willing to help them in any way they arc willing to be helped. It is clear to them that the troubles and dis trust of the Russian people will steadily increase, hunger and privation of every kind become more and more acute, more nr.d more widespread and more and more impossible to relieve unless order is restored and normal conditions of iabcr, trade and transportation once ti. ere created, and they are seeking some way in which to assist the Rus sian people to establish order. " 'They recognize the absolute right of the Russian people to direct their own affairs without dictation or dlrec tion of any kind from outside. They do not wish to exploit or make use of Russia in any way. "They recognize the revolution with out reservation and will in no way and in no circumstances ai dor give coun tenance to any attempt at a counter revolution. iso sines Are Taken. 'It is not their wish or purpose to favor or assist any one of the or ganized groups now contending for the leadership and guidance of Russia, as against the others. Their sole and sincere purpose is to do what they can to bring Russia peace and an oppor tunity to find her way out of her pres ent troubles. "The associated powers now are en gaged in the solemn and responsible work of establishing the peace of Lurope and of the world, and they are keenly alive to the fact that Europe and the world cannot be at peace if Russia is not. They recognize and ac cept it as a duty to serve Russia as generously, as unselfishly, an thought fully, as ungrudgingly as they would serve any other friend and ally, and they are ready to render this service in the way that is most acceptable to the Russian people. ''In this spirit and with this purpose they have taken the following action: They invite every organized group that is now exercising- or attempting to exercise political authority or miliary control anywhere n Siberia or within the boundares of European Russia, as they stood before the war just con cluded, excopt in Finland, to send rep resentatives, not exceeding three rep resentatives for each group, to Prince's Islands, Sea of Marmora, where they will be met by representatives of the associated powers, provided in the meantime there is a truce of arms among the parties invited and that all armed forces anywhere sent or di rected against any people or territory inside the boundaries of European Rus sia as they stood oeiore me war, or ngainst Finland, or against any people or territory whose autonomous action is in contemplation in the 14 articles upon which the present negotiations are. based, shall be meanwhile with drawn and aggressive military actions These representatives are invited to Iconfer with the representatives of the issoelated powers in the freest and t Concluded on Page S, Column 1. POW MILITARY TRAINING IS URGED BY GEN. WOOD WAR DECLARED TO BE LIKE PESTILENCE. UNA K NOUXCED. League of Nations Already Exists, 1- srrlcd, Written in Blood of Common Sacrifice. It TOPLKA, Kan., Jan. 22. Calmly re ferring to "the next war," Major (Jeneral Leonard Wood made a strong appeal before a joint session of the Kansas Legislature today for a system of universal training for National de fense. He outlined what he termed "thr idea of the great leader who has gone and or others" and frequently quoted terse sayings of his fricrd, the late Theodore Roosevelt. General Wood said his plan was to train youths not more than six months. He pointed out that the Tenth Division was trained to perfection in four months. He said the' plan of industrial training along with military training, as now being tried out at Camp Funston is en tirely successful. The training system, he said, was similar to that of the present National Guard system. "To keep the smallest number of men in uniform as a standing Army, but to have the largest number thoroughly trained to be ready when the country calls, is the plan.", he said. The pre diction that therefwill be no wars is as old as time bur war is like a pes tilence. It comes unawares and the ndbst democratic method for a nation like ours is to be prepared. You can not massage away by fine rhetoric the passions of nations whose methods and morals are entirely differtnt from our own." His reference to the "fine league of nations already existing between Eng land. France and America not written in ink, but in the blood of common sacrifice," brought applause. KRUPPS WORKING FOR U. S. Party of 7 2 Faulty Canonn Turned Over to Americans, to Be Made. COBLE.N'Z, Jan. 22. tBy the Asso ciated Press.) The Krupp plant at Essen began working for the United States Government today. The task un dertaken by the Krupps consists of making parts of 72 incomplete cannon, rejected by the American authorities as part of the war material offered by the Germans under the terms of the armistice. The German commission, which has been in Berlin considering the question of the heavy guns turned down by the American authorities, has arrived at Coblenz and reported that 80 cannon have been shipped to the headquarters of the American Army of occupation to replace big guns which failed to meet requirements. With the delivery of the parts for the 72 cannon and the arrival of the other 80, the delivery of heavy artillery to the Americans will have been completed. The Amer ican allotment called for 152 heavy guns. PHONE RISE IS PROTESTED Indiana (ioiornor Issues Statement Criticising Mr. Burleson. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 22. Gov ernor James P. Goodrich, of Indiana, today placed the resources of his office ' back of the fight of the Indiana Public Service Commission against the new long-distance telephone rates ordered by Postmaster-General Burleson. He issued a statement criticising Government control of wire communi cation systems and Postmaster-General Burleson's acts. STEER BRINGS HIGH PRICE! Denver Buyer Pays 60 Cents Per! Pound for Champion Animal. DENVER, Jan. 22. Sixty cents pound was paid today by a buyer of Denver for the grand champion indi vidual fat steer at the Denver Stock Show. The steer, which weighed 1800 pounds, was sold by the Western Meat Company, of San .Francisco. The same buyer paid 27 Vi cents pound for the grand champion carload of steers exhibited by M. E. Rhine smith, of Centennial. Wyo. NEW MINOR BILL DEFINED Girls Cnder 18 Years. Even Though1 Married, Affected. STATE CAPITOL.. Salem, Jan. 22.- ( special. J under a Dill introduced to day by Mrs. Thompson, in the House, provision is made that any girl under, 18 years of age, even though married. De consiaerea a minor in so lar as labor laws are concerned. under tne taw, as it now stands, a female under IS, who is married, be comes legally an adult. POLISH PRINCE TO GO FREE Law to Prosecute AVouId-Be lutionist Is Lacking. Revo- WARSAW, Jan. 21. (By the Asso ciated P-ess.) Prince Sapieha, who led the brief and futile ... . against the Pilsudski government a fortnight ago, is still in prison. He will be re leased when the political situation be comes settled. There is no law under which he can be prosecuted. WAR LOSSES SUMMED New Zealand's Casualties Total 932; Killed 16, 500. UP 57,- WELLINGTON, New Zealand. via Montreal. Jan. 22. New Zealand's cas ualties in the war totaled 57.932, of whom only 45 were taken prisoner by the enemy. The number killed was 16,500. REDS LAUNCH DRIVE OKI ARCHANGEL LINE 4 Threat Made to Shove Al lies Into White Sea. U. S.-SLAV OUTPOSTS RETIRE Bolsheviki Attack on Main Po sitions Declared Repulsed. YANKS' BIG GUNS REAP TOLL American Front on Vologda Under Heavy Bombardment and Knemjr Is Actively on Offensive. ARCHANGEL. Jan. 21. tBy the As sociated Press.) Bolshevik troops are heavily shelling the farthest south positions of the American and Rus sian armies at Ust Padenga on the Vaga River, 30 miles south of Shen kursk They are showing considerable activity west of Shenkursk on the Tania River. It has been impossible to determine whether the attack will develop on a greater scale. The enemy has moo ilized the peasants in the vicinity of Vilsk and apparently Is prepared for a general offensive in the Shenkursk sector. Allied Oarnontn Driven In. Sunday the enemy, under cover of heavy bombardment, attacked with In fantry the American and Russian posi tions at Ust Padenga. The allied out post withdrew, but the Bolshevik at tack on the main positions was re pulsed with heavy losses. There has been no infantry action since, though there has been a con stant rain of sheila on the village. The American artillery 1" vigorously replying. Yesterday, flying in a temperature of IS degrees below zero, one Amer ican airplane bombed the enemy and secured direct hits on important Bol shevik positions. The fighting is going on in coir", clear weather, but the temperatur.- is so low that it Is difficult for the In fantrymen to remain in the open any length of time. Bolsheviki on Offensive. The Bolsheviki also are shelling the American positions on the Vologda railway. With the exception of a few days early In January, when the allied forces attempted to improve their po sitions southward on the Kadish rail road, and on the Onega sector, the of fensive on the Archangel front for sev- J I (Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.) tConcluded on Page ("otumn 1. (Concluded on Pass 1 s.. ................... ............ -s-s-s-o -- .....s.....ss... ............ ...... J THE BOLSHEVIK. t , r- VT fA v- wl fms CeV"'? I I j M vat f j s , v m v m v- A i I . T- - i I i t i I T I IV Yf I sS VsTt I L I -V J I S . I T 14 1 s w - ' II PUT TMKr'j iirviPLETON TREKC X ' ic un i-u a -runs, "A. - : ,r vxl, , ro x . s viv ni i s , i vr vsvja.'vx -j f-r-i 5 i. ' r a . ,n uu.ri.i i i I left to V -sjir T-W .ife-: V? n J 1 1 4 P V Xs VI"0tlaL IT I jh I 1 ata a f i -s v "V . FT I I K mJ i 1 : If ................. . t Li Off's- Casualty Report. W NOTON. Jan. 22. Casualty s today contain, in addition to c A, ons. 3(9 names, 69 killed. 43 died jnd. 23 or areiaeni u uvuiomi. disease. 117 wounded severely and nlasing In action. Following: is the mmary of casualties to date: Deaths Killed In action.... Lost at sea Died of mounds... Died of disease.... Died of accident... Reported. Today. Total. . . . o0.04S 381 . .. 12. 0 . . 18.202 . . . 'J.5.19 89 30.144 381 43 I - 632 97 18.20 23 2.5S2 232 R4.0-'S 117 134.210 20 13.400 ! 211. tlu Total deaths as.T'.MJ Wounded 134.102 Miaslng and prisoners. . i:;.:ts'. Total casualties . . .211.2S7 ORKtiO.N. Itleri nf ilitrai Dennis. Newman V -a.r fa- Or. Kitzmaurice. MIohn D. (tigf Condon. Or. White. Allen C Klrrky. Or. -mult-it severrlj Nottingham, William K. (I.t.i. Carlton. Or. Wnnnded. decree undetermined (previously reported killed) Gardner, Herman, North Bend. Or. WASHINGTON. Died of wounds Hughes. Thomas. Seattle. Wash. Horn. V. J.. Rldgerield. Wash. Died or disease Chaussee Wllford P.. Pacific. Wash. Sorensen. Anton B.. North Yakima, Wash. IVouaded he errlj Kloe. Stephen M. (8gt. ) . Klanwoorf. Wash. Killed in art ion (previously reported mis. 100 Cameron, Thomas (Met-h.t, Seattle. Wash. Wounded, undetermined (previously re ported missing) Wachlman, t'ullis K., Taeoms. Wash. Returned to duty (previously reported mlM-dns?) Anderson, Herman 1 . Seattle, Wash. Mowing In action Enright. Stephen A. (Cpl.). Hlllyard. Wash. in Hit Killed in action Nlbak. J. A.. Kellog Idaho. Died ol wounds Sherrer, Ray E.. Payette Idaho Mounded severely Small. Sylvester J.. Sand Point, Idaho. Returned to duty (previously reported missing-) Hampton. Marlon ('. Franklin. Idaho. ALABAMA. Killed in action Ross. A. 8. (t.t.). Birmingham. Ala. Macon, P. A., Wetumpka. Al. Died of wounds Petiland. D. A., Triuna, Ala. Died of disease Kennedy. Vernon B.. Clayton, A a. Buchanan. Benjamin. Hetlln. Ala. Darker. Oliver. Demopolls, Ala. Sharp, Richard A.. Scottaboro. Ala. ARKANSAS. Killed in action Sltz. Shelby. Canton. Ark. Died of disease Lay, Cleveland, Joneaboro. Ark. Davis, Ellhugh. Cottonplant. Ark. Salsbury, Nathaniel, Springfield, Ark. lAlltOUNU. Killed in action Davis. T. A.. Estrella, Cal. Died of wounds Stutsman. R. L... Santa. Rosa. Cal. Kroeker, Henry, Keedley, Cal. COLORADO. Killed in notion Davis, D. H.. Denver, Colo. Died of disease Uwmin, Fred C . Haxton. Colo. CONN KCT ' 1 I i Died of disease Sargis, Isrell, New Britain. Conn. X-'f AMK1DA. Died f dlsea.c Smith. Olax. Zellwood. T VKOHblt. Killed In action lvle. W. H. ILl.l. Montezuma, -a. W:'son, Homer. Atlanta, Oa. Died from accident Wlggs. Wallle W . Vldalia. lis. Died of disease Smith. Clark, Hastings, Ca. ILLINOIS. Killed in action Jewel, Bonnie I... Cornland. III. Freund. H. A., Hoffman. III. Fregeau. A. J.. Kankakee. Ill Bennett. Andrew, Makenda, Ill Died of wounds MrQuaid. Arthur (t.t.). Chicago. Storer. W. D . Jr. ( I.t. I. Chicago. Rlihannfon. R. R. . Urtin. III. McCaffey. Bernard, Chicago. III. III. Ill -sZr&!B rWTLALV '71 III s d L ""l ? SENATORS DEPLOBEjKSSEslDIWLISM ' WILSON'S ABSENCE A OPPOSED BY LABOR Interests at Home Said to Be Sadly Neglected. LEGISLATION BADLY DELAYED President's Ostentatious Dis play Abroad Attacked. EFFECT OF POMP FEARED SenaNir I. enroot Declares Peace Con ference Ceremony Doing Much to l'eed Bolslicv i-.ni . WASHIMIT .N. ,.,n 22 CrtUCteZ. of i resident vvuaon ana r ooa .vaminisira. tor Hoover was continued today in the donate during debate on the Adminis tration bill appropriating $100,000,000 for food relief in Europe, and the Sen ate again failed to reach a vote. Dis position of amendments waa begun, however, and Administration leaders hope to pass the measure tomorrow. Without a record vote, the Senate re jected the amendment by Senator Pen rose, of Pennsylvania, Republican, pro viding for distribution of the fund by a committee to be named by the Presi dent, subject to confirmation by the Senate, and to be responsible to Con gress. t soldiers- Bonus Rejected. The amendment by Senator Ashurst. of Arizona, Democrat, authorizing a bonus of 60 days' pay to privates and non-commissioned officers discharged from the Army, met a similar fate. Sen ator Ashurst vainly sought a record vote and said he would again call up the amendment for final disposition. Senator Townsend, of Michigan. Re publican, led the attack on the Presi dent, declaring that hia absence was causing neglect of interest at home and delaying emergency legislation. He also I asserted that the President was the i only American peace commissioner and I hat he was not keeping the country informed as to his plans. ouference Pomp Deplored. While supporting the bill. Senator Ltenrool, of Wisconsin. Republican, said he was sorry that the President had not remained in Paris when he went there. He deplored "ostentatious dis play" and emphaaising of class distinc tion, which he said was displayed dur ing Mr. Wilson's visit, especially to f.ngland. and said the "pomp and cere mony" attending the peace conference ' Is doing Just as much to feed Column 2.) Irovernor Wlthjcombe Affixes sign ature lo Act Immediately Fol lowing lis Parage. STATE CAPITOL Salem. Jan. 22. ( Special. ) After a particularly stormy career In the Senate, the soldiers' re lief bill, providing for an appropriation of $100,000 for emergency relief to re turned soldiers, sailors and marines, finally was passed In both House and Senate today and became a law upon its approval shortly after by Governor I Withycombe. After having passed the Senate yes terday with an amendment providing that soldiers should furnish such per sonal data to the soldiers' relief com mission as that body should demand, the bill was halted In the House, where members refused to concur In the Sen ate amendment. House members branded the amendment as an insult to the soldiers and to the House A conference committee of both houses recommended the elimination of the objectionable amendment, and their report was adopted without further debate. COAST TROOPS ON THE WAY SIxty-FrTth Artillery and Idaho Cas uals Sail From Prance. OREGON IAN NEWS BlREAl;. Wash ington. Jan. 22. The 65th Artillery, which was formed from Coast Artillery troops stationed at Columbia River and Puget Sound fortifications, sailed from Brest on the transport Haverford Janu ary 15, the War Department announced today. This transport should reach thia country about January 30. There are 60 officers and 1346 men In the regiment. Casual Company No. 130. composed of three officers and 149 men from Idaho, sailed for home on the transport Sus quehanna from St. Nasaire Januarv 17. and will land at Newport News Janu ary 30. MRS. J. R. STANNARD DIES Late Legislator s wire Did .Not Hear of Husband's Death. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Jan. 2; i Special. ) Word was brought to Salem tonight that Mrs. J. T Stannard. wife of the late Representative Stannard. of Curry County, succumbed this morn ing from pneumonia, following influ enza. Representative Stannard died last week at Bandon, while en route to Sa lem to attend the session. Mrs. Stannnard died at the family home in Gold Reach without learning of her husband's death. They leave four small children. BOY. 16. TAKES WIFE. 25 Llsteon Barber and Blache Schner inger Miirrv at Vuncnnvrr. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. tJX cm -cial.) Perhaps the youngest husband in the United States, at least. Is Llsteon S. Barber, 1C years old, who was m: - rled here today to Mrs. Blanche M. Schneringer. 25 years of age. The youth had the consent of his parents. It is unusual for a boy of 16 years to be married here. Liquor Fines Total $!.".-.. Violators of the prohibition lam- were fined 453 when brought to trial yes terday afternoon In Municipal Court Lee Ting Chin, an ex-soldier, who was arrested at the Union depot with a suitcase filled with Ohlnese gin. was fined 150. C. R. Davis, from San Fran cisco, was fined $30. L. L. Kartell, a colored porter, was fined 125; C U Fredrespl $150 and Theodore Anderson $100 for having liquor in their posses sion. Bend Ha Policewoman. BEND. Or, Jan. 22 (Special.) The first woman police officer to serve in this city took her place as a member of the force today when Mrs. Anna Curry was deputized by Chief of Po lice A. W. Nixon. Mrs. Currv has been employed as truant officer for the Bend schools. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Heather. TESTERDAT-S Maximum temperature. 81 degrees: minimum. 4ft degrees. TOUAV S Rain; southerly wind.. Official casualty list. Page 1. oi eiga. Bolsheviki launch drive against allies on Archangel front. Page 1. Powers offer to treat srlth Russia. Page 1. Socialists have only plurality in lierman lections. Pago 2. Hollweg praises Wilson peace programme. cage Definite plana laid for ax-Kaiser's trial. Page 3. Trade-union plans approved by British. Pag 6. National. Wllaon'a long ahaenco deplored. Page 1. Military training for "n.it war" urged by General Wood. Page L t ports. Rokm Fa,weett wrltaa ltvtereatlngly to Ore gon boys "over there Page 14. raraage of physical-training measura fore cast. Pag 14. legislatures. Syndicalism hill opposed by labor Pag 1. I Soldiers' relief bill paaaea both Houses. Page 1. Klood of Insurance bills before House. Page . Income tax sought for road building. Page C Washington Legislature alma at belter high ways. Page I. pacific Northwest. Prospect for striae aettlement Is remote. Psue 20. Astoria rainfall greateat ever known In ctt' history. Page -ju. Commercial and Marine. Standard stocks Improve and specialties weaken. Page t. Willamette River above flood stage. Taga SO. Portland and Vicinity. Sad tale of self-confessed bootlegger told f-ederal official i-aue la. Waather report, data and forecast. Page I City housing code paaaed by Council. Page is. Influenza death rata rises. Page 22. I'trout issued lot building dams. Pag 13. Backfire Is Set on Kubli Dimick Measure. BITTER DEBATE IS EXPECTED Vicious Use of Proposed Law Declared Possible. OTHER STATES ARE CITED Krprr-cntutic Smith Kcplirs m Sab olagc Act With Mi II Directed at Commercialism. STATE CAPITOU Salem. Jan. 22. (Special.) Labor representatives in the Legislature have set a backfire on the i rvuun-i iimii-K criminal sy ndicaiisin Dili and are prepared to fight It to the fin ish. They promise that before they are through the legislature will have soaM new ideas on the subject. The principle of the Kubli-Dlinick measure Is admit ted as good, but the labor people con tend that the bill, if enacted, can be used viciously. As a reply to the criminal syndical ism measure Representative. K. E. Smith, of Multnomah, former president of the Central Labor Council, has sub mitted House bill No. 31 on criminal commercialism. Tonight Representa tives Smith and Home appeared before the Judiciary committee to attack the Kubli-Dlmlck bill, and advocated a fa vorable report on the Smith bill. This is the second time that these labor rep resentatives have taken up the subject with the Judiciary committee. Meaanre Held Inadequate. When the bills come to the House for third reading the fireworks will start. Mr. Kubll will make a determined fight, contending that his measure Is to curb the I. W. W. and the Bolsheviki. He will declare it was designed to sup press unpatriotic agitators and sabot age. He will point out that similar laws are in effect in Montana and Idaho and that prosecutions have been suc cessful under them. Mr. Smith will declare that the t w W. Is rampant In Montana and that tha law apparently does not touch the seat of trouble. The last two sections of tha Smith bill are identical in language to the last two sections of the Kubli Dlmick measure. Strange enough. Messrs. Hume and Smith have received word from the L W. W. not to oppose the K ubli-Oimick bill, the "Wobbllea" desiring to maker capital out of the measure. Labor Protection Is laked. Under the Kubll-Dlmick bill the la bor men contend that a union meeting voting a strike would subject all mem bers present to punishment. If plaster ers struck, the plaster ready for spread ing would harden and spoil and under the bill the striking plasterers would be guilty of sabotage. After mulling over the criminal syndicalism bill for a week, Mr. Smith devised the back fire, counter Irritant, anti-toxin or whatever it may be called. The Smith bill places the shoe on the other fool and is intended to give mem bers of the Legislature something to think abouL If the Kubli-Dlmick bill curbs the Bolsheviki, the Smith bill hits Just as hard at employers' asso ciations, business firms and anyone who interferes with labor lav .-. salt a Hill Outlined. An Idea of the scope of the Smith bill is shown by the following excerpts. "Criminal commercialism is the prac tice which indulges in and advocates the change, amendment of existing or future labor laws safeguarding the health, safety and well-being of the laboring men and women of the state of Oregon in any manner, for profit or other purpose, excepting as provided by law. "The disruption or attempted disrup tion of any legal and lawful organiza tion of mi'n, women, or men and V-otzacp associated together for the purpose of peacefully anl legally bettering wage- and the working conditions of working: men and women and children in Indus try, for profit or otherwise. "The entering into secret acreement or the advocacy of the same with intant to drive from a competitive field a per son or persons engaged In the same line of business as those conspiring again them, fftr profit or other purpose." Other crimes defined are monopoly or attempted monopoly achieving or at tempting to achieve the reduction of the purchasing power of wages prior to reduction in cost of cvery-day neces sities, thereby depreciating the v;j of and labor power of any wage etvrrv r. Conditions lo Be I - Commercial sabotage is defined to consist of falae and malicious reporV made and spread of a competitor's goods, with Intent to profit or win other purpose. When Messrs. c.tiith and Horne begin their talk on sabola.. of the commercial variety they promi. to expose conditions in restaurant kitchens. In the Kront-street commission-houses and various other placus. Commercial sabotage which will bo dealt with by the: labor spokesi;reu will be the practice of firms sending large quantities of good fruit and vegetables to the municipal inulnerator and having the stuff destroyed In ocdvr to create an artificial shortage In tlast commodity and keep up prices. Criminal commercialism, contend the labor representatives, leads to the ac- l.vo.luJcd ou l'a.v ti. '.'ultima 2. i HHHHH JFMIa.Ba