TnE MORNING' OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1910. 17 FLOOR BOUGHT FOR IMMEDIATE EXPORT Government Purchases About 300,000 Barrels. and extra fancy ' continued firm at 2.50 0 2.75 per box at Northwestern shipping points, ranging firmer at f3.00ex.AO m lead ing Jobbing centers. Potatoes and Onions Quiet. The potato market was quiet, with a slow demand and prices unchanged. Oregon Bur banks were quoted locally at il.252. ac cording to grade, and Washington Gems at J1.S532 tor well-sorted stock. Five cars arrived. Shipments of Orcgons were two cars to San Francisco and one each to Stock ton. Los Angeles and Galveston. There was a fair demand for Oregon on ions, the best stock being quoted at 2.25 and ordinary grade at t l.uOi 1.75. HALF QUANTITY OFFERED Shipment Is to Be Made From Port land .find Puget Sound Ports This Week. Bids for export flour were awarded yes terday by the Food Administration to mill ers in the Pacific Northwest. Only about 60 per cent of the flour offered was accept ed, as the tonnage available for quick ship ment is limited. It is understood that the total amount purchased was close to 300.0U0 barrels, of which it is presumed that 100.000 barrels will be loaded at Portland and I'OO.OUO barrels at Puget Sound ports. This flour Is to bs shipped by January 23. The renewal of Government operations in tlour is not likely to have effect on the millfeed market or situation. The demand lor feed has fallen off materially In the past week or two. Eastern cats and corn bids were 50 cents bigher at the Merchants' Exchange yester day. Local oats and barley were unchanged. San Francisco advices are that Egyptian corn and milo maize have been nearly cleaned up In the country. Very little yel low corn has been offered lately. Weatner conditions in the Middle West, as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg, cloudy, 2o degrees; Minneapolis, foggy, 40; Kansas City, loggy, 37; Omaha, fogsy, 0; Topeka, lossy, 28; St. Louis, cloudy, 4o; Ohio Valley, cloudy, 42." Hroomhall cables as to crop conditions in Argentina: "Harvesting continues to make rapid progress, but the outturn this year will be rather smaller than crops of preced ing years. The yield is estimated at between 63.000,000 and SO.000.000 bushels, which should provide about o0.000.000 to 40,000,000 bushels for export. Old 'stocks of wheat re mailng from previous harvests are ample, however, and with the addition of the sur plus from the new crop should aggregate about 200.000,000 buphels." Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland, Tues. o Tear ago :l frfason to date.692S Tear ago oOOO Tacoma. Mon... js Year ago -7 Season to date. .4:11 Vear ago ;ii::il fciaLtle. Monday li'-l Tear ago Sc-ason to date. -44HS Year ago :;;:;;7 4 1 820 154 IDU 050 ID ti.l 1 " " iii 21S 1 a 012 10-43 S7U 12S 184 0 U 2250 12b i 12 1 92.- 11S1 4 204 S 2S17 I'BIXT fcliarp BITTER OXE CENT LOWER Cut Made in Price of Buttcrfat. Cheese Is Advanced. What appears to be a settlement of the trouble between the several city creameries has been effected, and with a further de cline or 1 cent In the price of prints the basis for buying butterfat has been placed at 5&6c below tbo former level. The new quotation on prints is 64 cents in box lots and the buying price of butterfat is G2 cents at stations. The cube butter market yester day was nominal and quotations ranged all the way from 50 to 61 cents, with practically no sales. There was an advance of 2 cents in the cheese market, the new f. o. b. Tillamook quotations being 33 cents on triplets and 3D cejits on Young Americas and longhorns. The rise was due to the advance in the East. The egg market was steady and unchanged n the basis of 50 cents for candled. Poultry was in fair supply, with a lighter demand for hens at 28&30 cents. There uas a strong call from Chineee for ducks at 40 cents. Dressed meats were unchanged. World Shipments of Wheat. World shipments of wheat, flour included. from the leading exporting countries in past weeks were: W'k end'g Wk end'g W'k end'g .Tan 1 Tan 11 lin ld'K u. s.-uanaua. .7.0SS.OOD 10.416.000 Argentina .... 4SS.O0O 1,205.010 Australia .... 52O.000 472.0O0 India CUTTLE MARKET IS LOWER PRICKS OFF 7 5 CENTS AT XORTU PORTLAND YARDS. Local Trade Fully Supplied Witli Recent Heavy Receipts Hogs Are Holding Steady. APPLES I-TKM IN LOCAL MARKETS Supplies Are "Sot Heavy and Demand Is Good Shipments Light. One car of Oregon and one car of "Wash ington apples arrived. Shipments of Oregon apples were one car each to New York, Boa ton, Cincinnati, Cedar Rapids, Sacramento and San Francisco. There was a good lo cal demand and the market was firm at last prices. The best New Yrtrk Baldwins A-2. from cold storage, were firm, ruling $t3.50 per bar Tel, carloads f. o. b. shipping points, and were firm at fG.We 7.50 In leading markets, advanfjns in Pittwburg and Columbus. Fnnny PRODUCTION AGAIN INCREASED Lut month we manufactured 6,800,000 pounds of RIVETS, BOLTS and BOAT SPIKES Can we serve yout. NORTHWEST STEEL CO, Portland, Oregon CHEAP FEED Is Furnished by INDIANA SILOS Get Our Free Feed Book SPAULDING LOGGING CO. Salem, Ore. TRAVELERS' GV1J0E. Totals ..8.076,000 12,153,000 "G.232.U00 Shipments for the season to date compare: f. R and Canada.. Argentina Australia India Totals Total since July 1. -IS. . .17o.PlU.00O . . S7.o:;.ooo . . 19,777.000 . . 5.461.000 .253,6.".f,000 1:00.087,000 The cattle market was off strain yester day. Recent liberal receipts have more than supplied home requirements and buyers are indifferent to the offering, except in the case of tho best Mock. The market as a whole was about 75 cents lower than at the opening of the week. Hobs were steady and 4.7)0. 000 "'""' o sneep vera received. !i22 ooo ' """'I"" were i. cattle, on calves ana 196 4H1.0(.'0 sheep. Shippers wero J. P. Helphrey. 3 cars Ol cattle, caus anr hops; M. M. Hoc tor, Ooldendale, - cars of cattle, calves and hogs. Tho day's sales were as follows: Wt. Price I Wl. Price. 1030 7 00' 4 steers.. 113012 5u 12nl 10.00 12 steers. . .' l an.23 .i no l steers. loi'O !.mi' x steer. . -' 7.001 1 steer. lu.iio. b steers. 7.7", 13 steers. 120. ooo Same period I-afft reason 15, l,i0tl.0(Ut 27.4.-.2.00O 10.1U7.O00 Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Cieannns. Balances. Portland - H4.fi4l.77ft s. Q7nni Seattle 7,860,509 1,S44242 Tacoma 9.M.S:;6 2:;2.:;:;i) Spokane 1,500.172 277.70O PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor. Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Northwestern grain, sacked: Bid. Oats Jan. Keb. Mch. No. 2 white feed $40.00 $13.50 $40.50 Barley Standard feed . - 4!)nn 4 nn Standard A 40.00 40.50 50.OO Eastern oats and corn, bulk: Oats No. 3 white 41.30 47.00 47.50 US-lb. clipped white . . 40.00 40.00 40 50 Corn No. :i yellow SS.50 5..1i) r.S.Xil No. mixed 57.50 57. 00 57.50 WHEAT Government basis, $2.20 per bu. FLOUR Patents. $11.05 per barrel: bakers', f 10.70& lu.83; whole wheat, !.- 10; graham, $0.05 5.U.&0; corn meals, $0.50 'if 10.30. MILLFEED MHlrun. f. o. b. mill, carlots, $45 per ton; mixed cars. $45.50; ton lots or over, $47; less than tons. $4S; rolled barley. $54i 5rt. rolled oats. IG&&60; ground barley, $54 li o. CORN Whole, ton, $67 360: cracker. $69 71. HAT Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy, $3032 per ton: alfalfa. $26.50; Vailey grain hay, $26; clover, J2CS27; straw, $05 10. Oairy ana Country Produce. . BUTTER Cubes, extras, O'JSCOc: prints, parchment wrappers, extras, box lots, flic; cartons, 63c; half boxes, V-c more: less thin half boxes, lc more; butterfat, No. 1, U2j per pound, station. EGGS Orepon ranch, case count. 52?f53c; candled. 55c: selects. 57tfr50c per dozen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 3Sc; Young Americas, r.Oc: oos and Curry County: Triplets, f. o. b. Myrtle Point. 3.".ic. POULTRY Hens, 28 30c; Spring. 2c; broilers, 3Sc: roosters, ISc; ducks, 40c; gctse, nominal; turkeys, nominal. VEAL Fancy, 23c per pound. PORK Fancy, 20c per pound. Staple Groceries, Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry. $0.55: beet. $0.25; extra C, $0.13: powdered, in barrels, $10.25; cubes, in barrels, $10.45. NTJTS Walnuts. 27 35c: Brazil nuts, 32c; filberts. 28c; almonds, 24it30c; peanuts. 13c. SALT Half-ground. 100c. $15.90 per ton; 50s. $17.25 per ton; dairy. $25 per ton. RICE Unbroken. 9Mlc per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices: White, 814 10 "4 c; colored, 8fc9c. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 23940c Frnlts and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, navels. $4.00'!i 5.00; lemons. $56 per box; bananas, 8Vatf(9c; per pound; apples, $1.258 3 .25 per box; pears, $22.50 per box; grapes, $7 per keg; grape fruit. $3 7. VEGETABLES Cabbage. $2.25 2.75 per 100 lbs.; lettuce. $34. 25 per crate; peppers, 25c per lb.; celery, $3.50t8 per crate: egg plant. 15(S20c per pound; artichokes. $1.75; cauliflower. J2 if 2.23 per crate; garlic. 50c per pound; pumpkins, l!c per pound; squash 2.c per pound; beets, $2.25 per sack ; carrots, $2.25 per sack; turnips. $2.25 per sack; cucumbers, $2.25 per dozen; sprouts, 13c per pound. POTATOES Oregon Burbanka, graded, $1.75 2; Yakimas, $1.85 2; sweets, 4 Vi 8 4V4c ONIONS Oregon, $1.50W2.25 per hundred. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice. SOSO'Ac; stand ard. SSiTjoSc: skinned, none; picnic, 27c; cottage roll. 36c. LARD Tierce basis, 27c; compound. 23 c. BACON Fancy. 51 33c; standard, '47 40c; choice. 33?r41c. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 28 34c; plates, 23 & 27c. 6 cows . . . 5 cows . . . 2 cows. . . 16 cows. . . 2 cows. . . 12 cows. .. 1 cow .... 2 cows. . . 27 cows. .. 1 Cow .... 1 cow .... 12 cows. . . 2 cows. . . 6 cows. . . 1 ') cows ... I O con s. . . 10 COWH. . . I I cows. . . 2 cows. . . 2 cows. . 1 COW .... 2 cows. . . 23 cows. . . 1 cow .... 2 cows. . . 1 cow .... 26 cows. . . 1 cow .... 2 cows. . . 1 cow .... 20 cows. .. 1 2 cows . . 2 cows. . . 1 cow .... 14 cows. . . 2 cows . . . 2 cows . . . II cows. . . 1 cow .... 1 cow. . . . 1 COW.... 1 bull 1 bull 1 bull . 1 bull 2 bulls. . . 1 bull 1 bull. . . . 1 bull 1 bull 3 bulls. .. 2 bulls. . . 3 steers. . M steers. . 1140 120O DsO OOO 1010 111-1 s.;o 1170 860 M0 !( CO "i t70 1 (HO li'i.O t'OO S.", 723 1210 h'.m 1"70 e.-.o SsO m;o tvl 5i 12MI Mill !l70 ,S7M lll'.l) 1 JiiO !' I 130 1 1 SO f-r.o 420 r.o 1 !'.n 7HO 117U 1 Wl 1 170 lSll mo S20 1 steer. 1. --l I HLftrS. 3.50i 4 calves. 6.25: 1 cult... 6.251 i calf... -501 5 calves. 501 3 calves. 7.0'j; 1 ca'.f . .. 6.251 2 calves. . 7.5'i 3 calves. j'-Jf 40 mixed. 1 Max. loit'OI in), 6.50 1.1)9 M0 l"0i SI020 .V.O MMI H30 MM) 5.00 1 heifer. . 2 heifers. 1 heifer. . 4S hops. .. & hoes. . . 2?Vlho 3 hoes. .. 6 S.'J as. - ' 32 hoes. . A- 4 Iiiid.. :"15 ItoKi. . 1 hon. . . ;:il hi.KS. . 270 1211 lo 220 lL'-l :"o 1UO i:l 1 1. 10 9S0 70 5VO 1 I'. 21l 370 21 2iiO L'Tl) 2511 3 tO 4.7! 3 llOKH . . , 1 hnK . . . 4 hog. . "1 '-' hoi;s. . I - 1 ho. .. r'.V- lO llOJfl. . i!"'.,;:;5 li'i-n. . V :;'.r 0 hoKS.. i-2.. 1 h..s. .. .;; .55 hos.. K .,-173 hoes. 6.50 'OKS.. 70(, 10 hole. . 7ihi 25 hi)Kl. . r, no 0 hoes. . 7.25' 1 1 hoR.s. . S..-.0 12 hons. . 7 lin 6 Iioks . . IviiO 47 hoes. . .M:1U hOKS. . 7.00 16 goals i local yards 2oo 3o . llo 1:ii 1 Mil 55il ::.".u 2 I II 10 2ill 3. Ml 20II 2:;il 170 ::.. 170 1 10 1614 1511 Ml 2 3i I 1HII 70 S.50 8.5U lo.oo 111. 50 0.0 J S.Oil 8. 31 l.;.D' 12.50 12.00 13.05 1.4 u') 12.00 13.O0 ll.O'l O.'iO O.50 lo.O.I 6.JO 15.25 l.-i.lo 14.9.? 16. UO 17.O0 16.00 16.SO 16 50 16.63 14.73 15 00 1 4.O0 16.60 J4 14.50 16. Ml 15.25 16.35 1 4.61 1 16 75 16.v 16. 1 5. 1 1 1 5. in I 15.23 16 7'l 14.73 13.30 1V e 16.73 4.00 Baltimore Ohio. New York Central and New Haven developed fresh vcikneal to wards the end. Sales amounted to 630,000 shares. Bonds moved with the stock list, specu lative issues recording additional looses of 1 to m per cent. Liberty bonds also shaded slightly, but Internationals were firm. Total sales, par value. $13,150,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on calL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Am Beet Sugar. American Can... Am Car & Fdry American Loco. Am Sm & Itefg. Am Sugar Rclg Am Tel it Tel .. Am Z L & Sm.. Anaconda Cop.. Atchison A iWISSL Bait flr Ohio ... Hethlehem B .. B & S Coiper . Calif Petrol ... Canadian I'aelf. Central Leather Ches & Ohio . . . Chi M & St P.. Chi ec N W C. R I St P cits. Chlno Co;.pcr . . Colo Fu & Jron. Corn Prod Refg Crucible Steel .. Cuba Cane Siig. L)iitlll ecuritu-s Erie General Electric General Motors. Gt Nor pfd Gt Nor Ore ctfs. Illinois Central, lnsplr Copper . . Int M M pfd .. Inter Nickel . .. Inter Paper ... K C Southern . . Kennecott Cop.. Louis & Nash . -Maxwell Motors Mexican petrol.. .Miami Copper.. Missouri Pacific Montana Power. Nevada Copper. N Y Central . .. NY N H & H . . Norf & West . . Northern Paoif. Paclfl.; Mall . .. Pac Tel & Tel... pennnylvanla .. Pittsburg Coal .. Kay Conaol Cop. Heading Hep Ir - Steel. . Shat Ariz Cop.. Southern Pacif.. Texas "o ...... ITnlnn Pacific . . U S Ind Alcohol V S Steel do pfd ftah Copser . . . WeM.-rn I nlon.. Westing Electric the Prices current at follow : Cattle Prime steers ......... Good to choice steers Medium to good steers Fair to good steers Common to fair :eern choice cows and heifers Good to choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows, heifers. Fair to medium cows. ,hcifers. . Canners Bulls Cal ves ...............-.. 1 1 o pt a rrinie mixed .................. Medium mixed ............... Hough heavj are as Price. $12.25 !i 13.23 10.25 If 11.2. . 8.73 'n 11.75 8 73 oi 0.73 0.75 't 7 75 6.00 7. OO 5.50 : 6.O0 I.IHI74 .1.1 'I I S.503 13.00 Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. fiiO 674 6"' 6.00H 4il 45, 4s 3.1'" eo S". 1.200 fS 5S .-.h, 15.MIO ' Bx'i 67V. 65 ' 7ll 112', 1111, 111 l.loo 1UH' 3 lliu-a liMli, ::no ii i. ni ni S.2O0 57 ' 57i, 57 l.tlliO Ol 3 fl'lH !HI, 2.1iO 1ml", list, 5.11.0 46 1, 44 44 II. 7HO 56 1, 56 loo 17 S 17-x. ' 17 4oO 22'- 22S 22 -S 2.51.0 157 " 135S 15S 6110 57 37 S 57 S 2.400 54 S 34-1, 34 . II"! 31 ' 36 36', 1.5HO III n:i 1M 5.3il 22', 22 ' 22 1.5(10 33 53 ' 3o- 7'lil 35'3 35', 3". "-3 13.4HO 46's 16 46 S 5.40H 54 52 S 53 4. HM 24 H 23', 23", 8.0HII S .".J'-a .VI 5. '.KMI 16 151, 15, :mio nt 147 lis 7..MIO 1211, 11SU l-l!3 :1,4'I0 01 v, imv 01 8.700 361, R5 36", 34IO 06 7m 06 06 2.7HII 4::S 43 'i 4.1 23.:;mi 1oiit, iim, !'., h.6io 27 25 27 5,6ml 357, 34 35 .MM) IS 1 S .1- 1.3U0 32 Vi 32 32 'i lrj', 400 .27S 27 1, 27 S 42,'. 171 163 Hi"1, 40(1 2IH 24 , 24 'i 6.6KO 23 1-s 22 22, IOO "1IV4 7'1 ', "in-, 300 1614 lrt" 16 4.3O0 71 6!i-, 70 30110 ;si; 27, 2s 6OO lnl', 104 ', 104 S 4.300 Bill a 700 37 '4 :i14 36 , 20.I 22 22 22 2.4IH1 44 'i 4 4i 44 S t'.illl 4.". l4 4.". 45 l.loo 201 211 2111, III. Mill 7', 75 77 l,7il 72V, 71H 72i .".no 12', 12 12 21.2CIO 117', !..', t6'i 14.20H 26 V, 25 1, 25 S BS.MIO 3n 16', 41, 111.200 im. is:.1, Is 0.3IIO 126H 1241, 123'i 3.iHi( Jul ;'. ::-, 96.3IIU S0T "4 Mlr 5(111 IMi, lit -, 114 , 3.5IIO 71-, 7". 70S 2011 f J', -7'i s7' 1,800 41 4"'- 4U-, CORN HAS' 3-CEfJT LIFT MAINTAINING OF HOG PHICKS AFIECTS GRAIN MARKET. ' Tone at Close of Session la Stroug. Oats Are Also Firm and Higher. CHICAGO. Jan. 21. Word that the Food Administration favored maintaining the present standard value of hogs had a de cidedly bullish effect today on earn. The cloae was strong. ISc to 3o net V.chcr. with February $1.31 H to 1.37H and May $1.26H j to n :tn,. tis ta gained ,c to miHc pro- visions finished irregular, ranging from 75c 1 decline to 23c advance. 1 Oats sympathized with com. I I t f deliveries nnlv nf nrovi.i nn. weee ' lifted by the jirice-f ixing reports concerning ! nogs. Leading futures ranged as follows COKN. Open. High. ..fl.27 $131', .. 123 1.26 OATS. '. . .65i .MS . . .66H .87 , MESS POHK. . .43 on 45.25 . .30.110 40.25 LARU . .23.30 23 35 ..23.30 23.65 EHOllT ItlBS. Bid. BONDS. U S ref 2s. reg. 87'i'Penn ran 4-- s. do coupon K74!!- Pacific 4s... V S ref 3s rcg. M IO s Steel 5s... do coUDOn S8 IS Pacific cv 5t. U S ref 4s reg.104UIAnBlo-Kr'rh 5s do coupon.... I'M Atch Gen 4s. . . f34 r R . r'f 5s r.3 NYC leb 6s.. S N Pacific 4 84 N Pariflc 3h.. BOH P Tel Sl Tel is. 91 H 16 7i . 1 ' i( 1 . 10O, 7 5-11 U S Liberty 3Hs.90.O6 do 1st con Is. .! 02 do 2d 4n. .03.72 do 1st con 4 Us. 86.02 do 2d con 4Ws.95.ol do 3d 4 lis. . . .05 S do 4th 4', 9101 Bid. 16. 0 Ti 17.00 16 5i 16 75 15.ii''i 16.(1.1 14.00 a 13.23 Pi PrtmeC?amb IVVA, Pair to medium Iambs n.oo( YearlinES 1 J' ;0, Wethers -" 10."O ORIGINS OF I.IVKTOC'K I-OAUEH Shipments to the Leading Markets of the I'ucific Northwest. State orisins of livestock loaded January 20. 1910: ,, ,, . Cattle Hordes. Mxd. calves Hogs Sheep mules slock. For Portland Booton Mining Lift!. BOSTON, Jan. 22. Closing quotations: Allouez 42 I Mil Hoinlnloii Ariz Com lmlOsceola Cal & Hecla....425 uulncy Centennial 1 2 'i I-uperlor Cop Rge Con Co. 41 'Shannon I E Bte Cop Mine H',11 tan V-011 KranKIln j-;inona I Royal le Cop.) 24 'r 1W0I verinn Lake Copper.... 3, iGfanby Cons Mohawk 50, IGrcene Cananca N Butte IO', 31 40 3S 4i 3 115 74 42 . 1 A -n-KMrnn a w 1 ivic SEES! a Admiral linee 1T Hides and Pelts. IIIOES No. 1 salted. 30 pounds and up. 13Vjc: No. 2 salted, 30 pounds and up, 12V4C: No. 1 green, 30 pounds and up, 10c; No. 2 green, 30 pounds and up, 9 He; No. 1 salted bulls. 50 pounds and up. 10Hc; No. 2 salted bulls, 50 pounds and up, 9 He; No. 1 green bulls. So pounds and up, 7 He; No. 1 green or salted calf skins up to 15 pounds, 30c: No. 2 green or salted calf skins up to 15 pounds. 28Hc; No. 1 green or salted kip skins, 15 to 30 pounds, 14 He: No. 2 green or salted kip skins, 15 to 30 pounds. 13c; dry flint hides, 7 pounds and up, 28c; dry flint calf, under 7 pounds, 38c; dry salt hides. 7 pounds, and up. 22c; dry salt salf, under 7 pounds. 32c: dry cull hides, or calf, half price; dry stags, or bulls, 18c; dry salt stags or bulls, 12c. PELTS Hry long-wool pelts, per pound. 15c: dry short-wool pelts, per pound, loc: salted long-wool lamb pelts, each $1.50 , . T,, - mii. ,hn neltjt. each S1.25rft ' "-. dry sheep shearlings, each 15 35c; salted! 000 sheep shearlings, each 33 i 50c. hea Ca.ifornia Montana Oregon Washington ... Totals One week aso. . Pour w'ks ago. One year ago. . For Seattle Idaho Montana Oregon Washington ... Totals One week ago. . Four w'ks ago. One year ago. . For Spokane Montana ..... Washington ... Tota' One week uffo. . Four w'ks hko. Ono year ao. . 5 IS 6 24 10 11 1 1(1 3 21 16 4 4 .A "i 4 14 13 37 1 Chicago Livestock Market. CICAGO. Jan. 21. (United States Bureau of Markets.) Hons Receipts, 57, 000, mar ket slow, weak, mostly 10c lower than yes terday's average. Buik of sales. $17.40 17.75: butchers, $17,553 175; light. $16.50 'u 17.23: packing. $16.30 17.45: tlirowouts. $16'. 16.5": pigs, good to choice. $13. 5015. Cattle Receipts. I7,0'l. Beef steers, butch er stuff and feeders, strong to 25c higher. Bulls and calves, slow to 25c lower. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime. $16.50?r20; common and medium. $0.75 'n 16.50; butcher stock, cows and htifers. $7.35'!i 14.50; canners and cutters, $3,7047.25: stockers and feed ers, good, choice and fancy, $10. 73-iJ 14.25; inferior, common and medium, $s.23't 1".75; veal calves, good and choice. $15.253115.75. Sheup Receipts. 22. OOO, market very dull, killing classes opening 25c to 50c lower. Lambs. choice and prime. $ 10.25 rQ 16.40: medium and good. $14. 73'ft 16.25; culls. $11.25 (n 13.50: ewes, choice and prime. $10.25Cr 10.5O. medium and good, We 10.25; culls, $4,73 4( 7.50. CITY OP TOPEKA Passengers and freight. Sailing January 21st and every 13 days thereafter. S. S. Al HEI.IA. Freigrht only, sailing January 18th and every 14 days. Blarshfield, North Bend, Eureka and San Francisco. ' Tickets sold to Los Asseln and San Diegs, Also to All Ports In Alaska. Fares include berth and meals. 101 Third SL A 3332. Main 1466. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH 8EA9 Via Tahiti and Karatonsa. Mail and pan rocer aerTice from ban Francisco rery 29 cLaya. UNION S. 8. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND, 30 California St.. San Franciaco, r local atamablu and railroad aaeucloa. TRENCH LINE ik Compagnie Generate Traualatlantlque Express Posts Service. JEW YORK BORDEAUX PARIS WEEKLY DtPARTlKEB. Tognzi Bros., Pac. Coast Agents. 109 Cherry el., Seattle, or any Local Agent. sheep Hops, Mohair, te. HOPS Oregon, 101S crop, 3SjS40c per pound: 1019 contracts, 25c per pound. MOHAIR Long staple, 50c; short staple. 40c; burry. 13 & 20c. TALLOW No. 1, 6c per pound; No. 2, 0c per pound; grease. No. 1. &c; No. 2, 4c per pound. Oils. GASOLINE Bulk. 21c; engine distillate, bulk. 12e; kerosene, bulk, 10c; cases. 20c. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $1.S6; cases. $1.93; boiled, barrels, $l.b8; cases. $1.88. TURPENTINE In tanks. 80c; cases. 09c. Prices current at the local yards are as follows: SAX FRANCISCO rllOUllE MARKET Prices Corrent on r ggs. Vegetables. Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. , SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21. Butter, 54'i 061c Ecks Fresh extras. DSUc: fresh extra puiiets. 55c. Cheese Firsts. 32Hc: young Americas. 42c. Poultry Hens 30'j:'.8c; young roosters. 57 i?7 o0c; fryers, 4oto;4oc; broilers. 4547;50c; pigeons, $2.2503; squabs. 55?f00c; geese. 30$:k2c; turkeys, dressed. 40f'j.42c. Vegetables Celery, $5.50'a 7.50; squash, cream. 75c$l; hubbard, $l.50ir2: Summer, 75cif2$l; eggplant, 5 a 8c; peppers. beli. 50!ff75c; chile, 1215c; tomatoes. $2&2.50; lettuce. Los Angeles. $2.50ra"3 craloc pota toes. Salinas, $2. oOti.tiO; rivers, $2"Jj.2.15; sweet, $3.oo4p3.75; new. 51i7c; onions. Aus tralian brown, $1. 752.00 cental; pearl, 5if6c; garlic. 25i&30c; cauliflower, 7oc$i$l; beets, $1.50.ft'1.75; carrots, $1.50'fi 1.75; tur nips. $1.25'&-'1.50: string beans. 20c; lima, 13 (g-17ic: wax, 20'3'25c; green onions, fX'gj 1.50; rhubarb, $2.50fcr2.75; mushrooms. 40r,u 60c; brussels sprouts. 84g)&c; cucumbers $2 50 S8; peas, 12M- x 17 ij.c. Fruit Lemons, $2.504.75; fer1nes, $1.75"&2.50; bananas. 738e: plnea " f-v $2.50 'r)4; apples. Nuwtown Pippins. s.5ii2: Spitzenbergs. $2.50&3.25: grapefruit, $2.50111 8.50, Bartlett pears, $2.50&3; persimmons, $1-81.25. Receipts Flour, 6104 quarters; barley, S50O centals; beans, 4803 sacks; potatoes. 4600 sacks, onions. 1800 sacks; hay. 2ti5 tons; hides, 72; wine, 185,500 gallons. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Evaporated apples, firm but quiet; prunes, stronger; peaches, nominal. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Jan. 21. Hogs Receipts. 21.- Heavy hogs higher, light hogs lower; avy, $10.BO'a 17.40; mixed. $10.85 17.13: light. l.."oa 17.25; pigs. $10(15; bulk ot sales. $16.HU1i 17.20. Cattle Receipts. 7000, strong to 10 -3 15c higher. Native steers. $12.5018.50; cows and heifers. $7.50'.14; Western steers. $10'.ji lfi; Texas steers. $'.l'r 12.50: range cows and heifers. $711.5o; canners. $0.50-1 7.50; stock ers and feeders, $J.50'f4 14.50; calves. $8.50P 13.50. fr:iccp Receipts. Bono, steady to 15i25c higher; culls, $50 9; wethers). $lly. 12.40; ewes. $0511: lambs. $ 1 4.50 (n 1 it. 50 ; feeder lambs, $1044 13.75; yearlings. $12113. Seattle I.lTe-.tocklarlrt. SEATTLE. Jan. 21. lions Re.-opis. r.23: market strfing. Prime. $17.2517-10: me dium to chloce. $17.O0'.t 17. 1 5; rough heavy, $15.00" 15.Mil; pigs. $15.00.i 10.4O. , Cattl-s RecelplH. 50. Kouii and common stock dull. Beat steers, steady. Best steers, $11.50,o 13.50; medium to choice. $10.50'9 1 11.00; common to good. $0,001x0.50: best cows and neirrH, x..,o'.i m..iu; common to me dium. $5.00'.f 7.5o; bulls, $3.00418.00; calves, $7.o01i 12.5o. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK, Jan. 21. Mercantile paper, unchanged. Sterling dav bills. unchanged; demand $4.75.S0: cables, $4.70.55. Francs, d-maiid, 5.45'; cables. 5.45'4. Guilders, demand, 41 13-16: cables. 42 1-16. Lire, unchanged Mexican dollars, unchanged. Time loans, steady: unchanged. Call money, firmer;" high. 5 per cent; low. 4' per cent; ruling rate. 4 Vi per cent; clos ing bid. 4H per cent; offered at 5 per cent last loan, 5 per cent. Jan. 21. Money and discount Cream - Keb. May Feb. May .Tan. May Jan May Low. $1.27. 1.23 :r. 4...oo 30.00 23 2n 23.30 Close. M..IS 1.20 , .7'j 43 -2-4....1J 23.20 23.00 Jan. May 24.50 22. IT ..21.80 22.23 21.80 Cash prices were: Corn No. 3 yeliow. $1.31: N. 4 yellow. $ 1. 30 r 1.3.1; No. 5 yellow. $1.2&1.2S. Oats No. 3 white. 05j0o'c: standard. 66 'j 67 c Barley Scp$l. Timothy tSji 10.50. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. I -a rd Nominal. Rlba Nominal. Minneapolis Ctrain Market. MIN'NEArOLlS. Jan. 21. Barley. 3ti!0c. Flax. $3.35J 3.37. Grain at ISan Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 21. Flour. $11.45 per barrel. Grain Wheat. Federal basis. $2.0: white feed oats. uiifiuuti ; California jtiiow corn. $2.7.v-3: barley feed. $2.17V. Hay wheat or wheat and oats. $22ft24; tame oats. $2 1 "y 23. 5o: barley. $l'5:il; al falfa. $liii20; barley straw. 5il':(80c. MeaU ATfalfa, $30; cocoanut unquoted- MeUI MarVel.. N F: W YORK. Jan. 21. Copper and Iron. nominally unchanged. I.i'iiQ. unsettled; spot and January of fered at 5.511c. Spelter, weak. East St. Louis deliver!". We Pay 2 2c for Top Quality Veal. Ve pay 20c for top quality hogs. We never charge commission. Frank L. Smith Meat Co.. "Fightinsr the Beef Trust." 22S Alder SL. Port land. Or. Adv. RAILS ME SOLD HEAVILY STOCK MARKET SCFFXIHS IX EARLY REVERSAL. Lossos Only Partly Overcome Later on Supporting Orders Steel at New Iiw Point. NEW TORK, Jan. 21. The conspicuous feature of today's broad stock market was the determined and partly successful effort of bear traders to extend their advantage of recent days, in which they were aided by the pessimistic views attributed to industrial leaders and railroad executives. L'niled Ftates Steel was the pivot around which the market revolved, and it is likelv to retain this position lor another week, when the directors meet to approve the last quar terly statement of 1910, and take action on the common dividend. Vncertalntly rearard-. Ins the attitude of the eteei board Toward future disbursements on the junior shares is having an adverse effect upon other stocks. Including raiis and coppers. Liunns its lunner decline or the morn ing;, when tfce whole market was in a Ftate ot depression. United States Bteel fell to a new low price, but rallied briskly in the afternoon, making; a .net ffain of a large fraction. Porno 20 prominent rails suffered in ttjo early reverual. High-Rinde rail! rallied substantially later, but t. Paul, LONDON, unchanged, Lantern Dairy I'rodnoe. CHICAGO, Jan. J!l. Butter, lower, erv. 5rt ?i r,Oc. . Eggs, higher. Receipts. 2001 cases. Firsts. 50c; ordinary firsts, utilise; at mark, cases Included, 57 458c NKW YORK. Jan. 21. Butter. easy Creamery hiBher than extras. Ol u ifi 02c creamery extras, file: firsts, 5K 'm ! rto c. Kegs, barely steady, unchanged. Cheese, steady, unchanged. IledclnST In Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. There was some buving by trade interests In the market for coffee futures here today, which was sup posed to be covering hedjtes against sales of spot supplies to the Interior. Closing bids: May. 13.40c: July, 13.24c; September, 13.14c: October. 13.10c; Liecember, 12.B7c; January. 12 lioe. Spot coffee quiet. Rio 7s. 14.50c; Santos 4s. 21.50c. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Jan. 21. Turpentine firm. 72c; sales, none: receipts, 245 barr. ls: ship ments. 37 barrels: stock. 30.c.::4 barrels. Itosln. firm; sales. 71.1 barrels: reicipts. 1604 barrels; shipments. 2 barrels: stock. S3.415 barrels. Quote: K. D. i.i.u; r.. 13 25: K. $13.30; a. $13.35: II. $13.40; i:: 75: K. $15.75: M. $10.25; N. $10.30 $10.43; WW, $10 73. , Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Spot cotton, quiet. Middling, 27.fc5c; New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Sugar, unchanged. Oulutli Unseed Market. DULUTH, Jan. 21. Linseed, $3.33 33.37. VALVE OF LIVrJSTOCK 18 INCREAStU Gala of Over Half Billion Dollars in I'ast Year. WASHINGTON". Jan. 21. Livestock on farms and ranges of the country on January 1 was valued al $s.;o.204.ou0 In an estimate made public today by til Department of Agriculture. This is an increase of $510,- 000. ono over their value a year ago. The number of the various animals com pared with the number on January 1, 101S and their value follow: Inerease. Value. Morses ....21.334.000 21.IHMI $2.12il.7nii.iiii0 Mlllrl 4.125,MMI rtZ.lHio iii. 7 1.7. lino Milch cows. 23. ''. mm 15. .mm I.N til h'r cattle 4 l.:::m."i"i 2V7.'inn SIH-.-P 4".i:.t.ioii l.r.ii.iiiin Swine 75.5S7.000 f..'J,IMH I. WO, l.Oltn.O"! 7".!l."l l.i'il5,li I. ono ;.niio Iiecrcase. BONANZA IV1EN HAVE FIGHT Merchant, Brecdlovc. In. George Sparraton, lured by D. C KIAMATH FALLS, Or., Jan. 22. (Special.) To have his nose broken, face lacerated and to be otherwise gen erally beaten up. by I. C. Hrecillove, waa the experience of Georce Spar raton, a well known merchant at nonan.a yesterday following an alter cation In the street. Sheriff Humphrey, who brought In Brcedlove from Bonanza on a charpe of assault, says that Sparraton, while not seriously hurt, was painfully bruis ed at thj hands of hi opponent. Ac cording; to the defendant, the alterca tion was the result of a dispute over Broods secured by the Breedlove family from the Sparraton ceneral store. As many of the witnesses have not come in from Bonanza and as Spara ton is not able to appear, the hearing of the case In the Justice Court has not been announced. Active Wool Season Loom. CONDON". Or.. Jan. 21. (Special.) Condon promises to be the most impor tant wool shipping point in Oregon this Spring. There is enough wool promised now to Krlng the total to 1.260,000 ' pounds. fevernl large clips from the interior-are coming to Condon this year, due to the efforts of local business men and to the improved con dition of the road. Mrs. Ghourley Dunn-Webb, who has laid out an especially fine atolf course in California, is one of the few women golf professionals in America. ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE SALE OF LUMBER WAft DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES SPRUCE PRO DUCTION CORPORATION YEON BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. January 18, 1919 1. Scaled proposals will be received by the t'nited States Spruce Production Corporation. Yeon building, Portland, Oregon. January 28, 1919. at 1 1 o'clock A. M.. and then publicly opened, for its entire stock of commercial lumber (air plane stock not included), including spruce, fir and Port Orford cedar, now located at Vancouver P.arracks cut-up plant, Vancouver iiarracks. Washing ton; the Monarch Mill. Kenton, Oregon, and the Hammond Lumber Company Mi.ll, arrenton, Oregon. 2. Bidders are invited to be present at the time bids are opened. 3. Only bids on all of said stock as an entirety, including ail pile founda tions, strips and tops, will be received. 4. Bidders are expected to visit the Vancouver Barracks cut-up plant, at Vancouver, Washington; the Monarch Mill, at Kenton. Oregon, and the Ham mond Lumber Company Mill, at War renton, Oregon, and carefully inspect the lumber offered for sale, so as to satisfy themselves as to quality, quan tity and conditions, description given being approximate only, and the suc cessful bidder will be required to ac cept said lumber as It now is, no guar anty whatsoever being made by the seller with respect thereto. 6. The United States Spruce Produc tion Corporation reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 6. The purchaser of tliU lumber will be permitted to allow the same to re main at the place where It is now lo cated and make shipments therefrom from time to . time, payments for all lumber to be made upon invoice as the shipments are made. 7. Bids must be on the basis of unit price per thousand as in pile. Measure ments will be based on commercial sizes of lumber as shipped, and payments ou odd lengths, widths and thicknt'fses will be made as shipped. Present pro portions of short and long lumber shall govern the purchaser s sales, and he will be required to pay for lumber shipped in the proportions of such sizes us they now obtain. 8. The United States Spruce Produc tion Corporation now has on hand a number of orders applying against the lumber offered for sale, which orders will be assigned to the successful bid der. A list of these orders is available at tile office of the Sales Board of the I'nitcd States Spruce Production Cor poration 710 Voon building. Portland. Oregon. 9. Bids must be accompanied by cer tified check, bunk draft, postofficc or express money Older, paable to the United States Spruce Production Cor poration, for the amount of $23.0uo. This amount will bo retained by said corpo ration as security for the full and faithful performance of all terms and conditions of the contract to be entered Into by It and the successful bidder, and will be applied toward the final pay ment for lumber, which final payment must be completed on or before January 1, 1920. Should the successful bidder fail to enrry out and perform the terms of his proposal, the $2.,00o accompany ing his bid will be retained by the United States Spruce Production Cor poration as liquidated damages. 10. Title to luiid lumber will remain in the Unfted Suites Spruce Production Corporation until shipments thereof are made from time to time, on sales out of said stock, in the manner hereinbefore indicated, or until final payment for all of said lumber shall have been made, und the purchaser shall keep same fully Insured under policies satisfactory to the United States Spruce Production Corporation, with losses under t-aid pol icy payable to the purchaser and the United States Spruce Production Cor poration, as their respective Interests may appear. The expense of all said Insurance shall be borne by tho-purchaser. 11. Deposits made by unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon rejection of bids. : 12. Tho United States Spruce Produc tion Corporation will not be responsible for any accident to life, limb or prop erty of any nature occurring by, through or by reason of the bale of this lumber. 13. Bids must be placed In a sealed envelope, addressed to "United States Spruce Production Corporation, Sales Board, Yeon bf.ilding. Portland. Ore gon," and marked "Sealed Bid": other wise no responsibility will be assumed for the reception or disposition of bids. SALKS BOA H O. UNITED STATUS Si'RUCK PRODUCTION CORPORA TION. - Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon. CANADIAN Investment Suggestions $81,000 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA -'l- Gold Bonds. Due January 1. 1939. Interest payable July 1 and January 1; denomination. $100. $foO and $1000. Principal and interest payable in gold In Montreal and New York. PRICK, 100 and interest, yielding S's". Popu lation. 600,000. ?27.00O GREATER WINNIPEG WATER DISTRICT 5r- Gold Bonds. Due July 1. 1921. Interest payable July 1 and January 1; denomina tion, $1000. Principal and interest payable in gold In Toronto nd New York. TRICE. 97.71 and Interest, yielding 6""c. Popu lation, $50,000 GREATER WINNIPEG WATER DISTRICT 5e; Gold Bonds. Due July 1. 1922. Interest payable July 1 and January 1: denomina tion, $looo. Principal and interest payable in gold in Toronto and New York. PRICE. 96. 88 and interest, yielding 6ci. Popu lation, 220,000. $60,000 CITY OF MONTREAL. QUEBEC. 6 Gold Bonds. Due December 1. 1922. Interest payable June 1 and December 1; denomination. $SoO. Principal and interest payable In gold in Montreal and New York. PRICE. 100.8S and interest, yielding 5.7ici. Popu lation, 00.000. $30,000 CITY OF MONTREAL. QUEBEC, 6t Gold Bonds. Due May 1, 1923. Interest payable May 1 and November 1: denominations. $100, $300 and $1000. Principal and interest payable In gold in Mon treal and New York. PRICE, $100.91 and interest, yielding 6.75rt. Population 600.000. e $16,000 CITY OF TORONTO. ONTARIO. SrS Gold Bonds. Due December 1. 1921. Interest payable June 1 and December 1; denomination, $1000. Principal and interest payable in gold In Toronto and New York. PRICE, 91.55 and interest, yielding 5.75. Popu lation. 473.829. Above Offerings Are Among the Safest and Best Inrestmenta on Earth LIBERTY BONDS If you must SELL ysjnr Liberty Bonds, SELL, to 1'. f""' If yosi ran BUY more Liberty Bonds. Bl'Y from 15. Wt bay and sell Liberty Hoads at the market. YOU CANNOT I0 BETTER YOU MAY DO 'WORSE The closing prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New York Stock Exchange, on Tuesday. January 21. were as follows: SUs 99. OS 1st 4s 91.02 4s 93 7 1st 4 Us 96.02 95.04 3d 4 ' a 95.S8 4th 4 Us 91.94 SAFE DEPOSIT VAILTS MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Boat! Mouse Established Over 23 Years 300-311 STARK STREET, BET. 3T1I AND 6TII (CnOl'MI I l.ooni Telephone Broadway SIM One Year Secured Notes to Yield Obligation of the Washington Water Power Company Dated January 15, 1919 Due February 2, 1920 Quarterly Interest (May 2. August 2, November 2, February 2) Payable in New York Funds Denomination $1000 ' The Washington Water Power Company is one of the oldest and strongest public service corporations in the Pacific Northwest. These Collateral Trust Coupon Sc'0 notes are secured by a deposit of gold bonds of the company to the amount of f 1200 of bonds for each 1000 of notes issued. Price 99 and Interest, to Yield 7.03. 71 Full details on request. Cnll- or I hone Broadnftj 051. A-SOfifl. LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS BUILDING riFTH AND TAK INSURANCE FUNDS TO LOAN ON FIRST CLASS RESIDENCE AND FARM PROPERTY Lowest Kates No Commission Commerce Safe Deposit and Mortgage Company 91 Third Street Main 3067 (Jround Floor Chamber of Commerce BIdz. Government and Municipal Bought and Sold L Devereaux Rfimpany 87 SIXTH STREET BROADWAY 101 Ground Floor Wells-Fars;o Building- The Canadian Bank of Commerce COLLECTION BUSINESS Our numerous branches, and widespread connec tions enable this Bank to render unusually efficient service in making collections. Portland Branch Fourth and Stark Streets. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE OREGONIAN, Main 7070 A 6095