TITE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JAXUAHY 32, 1010. BKAL KTATK. For frale -II onsen. FOR SALK, BUNGALOWS ALU lU'NGA . LOWS NOW IS YOL K CHANCE TO GET A MOB FCRNISHEU BUNGALOW. 4-room bun pa low, with nice sleeping porch, completely furnished, on Council Crest ; larse lot. fruit and berries, large chicken-house. This is a. real snap. Every thing for $1050, .;00 cash, balance cajjy terms. Also 6-room modern bungralow, com pletely furnished. Price $2000. S-room modern cottftsu, in Sunnyside. I well located. Price 20O0, $200 dowu, bal ance on easy terms. ii-room bungalow, Sunnyside. Price $2 .."0, $;;50 down, balance on terms. tf-room modern bungalow, close In. Price $2500, foOO down, balance easy terma. tt-room bungalow, close in on Mississippi avenue. A fine location at a very low price of 9uOOU. easy terms. Wc alsn have lots of nice bungalows In all parts of the city to sell on easy terms. if you will call at our of lice we can sure satisfy jou in bungalows. NEW YORK LAND CO., 3Uv)-0 Stock Exchange bids. Phone IV a in 7670. IN SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. 7 roomy and sleeping porch; extra fine toasement, extra good furnace, laimdry. frultroom, large reception hall wit h fireplace, connected with large living-room, dining room, kitchen, maid's room t which can be changed into breakfast-room if de aired); second floor, thnee bedrooms, mod ern, bathroom and sleeping porch; all rooms are beautifully decorated; expen sive light fixtures, all window hangings, linoleums and carpets are included; lot JtlOxloo, on corner; street improvements all paid; exceptionally flw lawn, with im ported shrubbery; beaotiful homes adja cent; present owner has no use for the property; worth at least $7000; price $6000. Telephone Main 831. TOUR OPPORTUNITY. Come out to Laurelhurst office at 39th and Glisan streets. I have 2 fine 6-room bungalows for sale. One for $41150. Im provements paid down to about $200, in fine condition, 3 blocks to car. $300 cash will handle; your rent money will nearly meet your payments. Another for $4600, close to park; all improvements in cluded. A big snap. Also a fine 8-room colonial house on a choice corner lot. Never occupied; cost $9000 when built nearly two years ago. Must be sold this mth; no reasonable offer refused. Call ihr Vey at office. East 39th and Glisan Ms., or phone Tabor 3433. or East 20SC eve. m $1300 PENINSULA BUNGALOW $loOO. VACANT. Here is an attractive 4-room modern bungalow; gas, white enamel plumbinir, good concrete foundation, nice lawn with shrubbery. Very substantial little home and real snap: terms. Portland boulevard, l blk. west of St. Johns car. We have large list of houses this district for sale. See FRANK L. McGUTRE, ABIN'GTON BLDG. To Buy Y'our Home. Main 51 "6. THE BIGGEST HOUSE VALUE FOR SALE. $3600 7 rooms, den. full cement basement with garage in basement, four nice bedrooms, with French doors sep arating 1! of them, making one im mense room if desired. Furnace. Imp. all in and pd. Near Union ave. earn. s Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Tty. Exch. Bldg. Main fi3. YOU WILL GET BIG VALUE In this 7-room house on East Taylor, rear 20th. for $4000. with a payment of $1000 cash, balance $40 per month. Full cement basement, with furnace; 4 rooms first floor; fireplace; finished old ivory; hardwood floors. 3 large rooms second floor. A refined home in a quiet section, close to car. MACINMES, 270 STARK. Main 1700 or Tabor 8619. Sun, and Eve. FOR SALE 6 lots, with one modern seven and one 8-room building, fir shade trees, bearing fruit trees, running water through grounds. water right from mountain spring. This place is 48 miles from Port land, 60 feet off Columbia Highway, an ideal spot for Summer home or resort hotel. Can be had for $4000. Address box 154. Cascade Locks, Or. WESTMORELAND HOME. 6 rooms and Inclosed sleeping porch; modern conveniences, such as furnace, tire place, oak floors, garage, etc. ; fine view of Mt. Hood and St. Helens. Lot 50x100 on level street, all street improve ments in and paid at this price, $4000. Offer your own terms. Possession soon. P. B Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Mar shall 5454. EASTM ORE LAND HOME. Near municipal golf links. 7-room mod ern house, fireplace, steam heat and usual built-lns, lot 75x100; fine native trees; a l i street improvements in and paid for. Price, $1300. P. B. Van Nice, 4Ul Con cord bldg. Marshall 5454 for terms. BUNGALOWS. VARYING IN PRICE from $2700 to $6000 in Laurelhurst, Hawthorne, Rose City Park and Alberta districts. Many can be sold on a reasonable initial pay ment down : favorable terms on balance. - CALL MR. BROWN. TABOR 50. LAURELHURST. A beautiful 7-room house, new, on cor ner lot, in a very desirable part of Laurel hurst. I can sell this huuse for less than the actual cost of construction. For prices, terms and inspection call MACrXNES, 270',i STARK. Main 1700 or Tabor 8610. Sun, and "Eve. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? W design and build apartments, garages, residences anything. Furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer ' SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects, 024 N. W. Bank bldg. WHY not buy a house with an income for the price of a single house? A two-family house, close in on the East Side, six rooms, bathroom and large attic upstairs; five rooms and bath room downstairs ; a real bargain at $4700. Phone owner. East 4871. BEST BUY IN ROSE CTTY PARK 7-room bungalow style, fine corner lot, only two blocks from car, not further out than 41st st. 5 rooms downstairs; sleep ing porch and one bedroom upstairs. Price for quick sale, $3050. Phone Tabor 3433 or East 2QS6 evenings. BUNG ALOW o fine rooms and large attic basement, fireplace, garage; right on paved at., all paid but $100; r.OxloO lot. This is an exceptional sacrifice for $2450. as owner is compelled to leave for East quickly. 20VHJ Glisan at. MV-Depot car. Tabor 854. forenoons. LEAVING CITY MUST SACRIFICE. My home in lrvlngton, less than $5000. er will sell completely furnished. THIS IS NOT A HOUSE FOR SALE; IT'S A JIOME. DEAL WITH OWNER; no com mltiions. East 4212. WALKING DISTANCE. $2500 6-room modern house In Holla day's Add.. 10 minutes' walk to P. O. ; terms $500, bal. $25 per mo. and int.; rents ror $30. M. Billings, 500 McKay bldg. M. 1390. FOR SALE $1500, partly modern 6-room plastered house on 50x100 lot. with 8 bearing fruit trees, berries, cement walk and lawn; part cash. 1287 East 12th at. North. Phone Woodlawn 2001. FOR SALE 5-room house, bath, toilet, pan try, garage, good-sized lot. some fruit, woodshed, chicken house, yard. Price, fur nished. $180o. all ready to move in: un furnished, $1650. Terms and cash. Phone morning. Tabor 8471, $150 CASH Pretty 4-room plastered bun galow ; elec. ligii ts, gas. nice bath, fruit, berries: lot 45x100. Price $1350, and a real snap. MT-8K car. 06 E. 87th at. Ta bor 854, forenoons. JUIOO Modern 6-room bungalow, Mt. Tabor; full basement, ii replace. Du tch kitchen, built-lns; 5x100 lot; $4i0 down, bal. like fot; a snap: come quick or you lose it. M. Billings. 509 McKay bldg. M. 1 3!m. SMALL CHICKEN RANCH IN CITY. Modern 5-room bungalow near car and school; some cash and terms. M. Billings, 500 McKay bldg. M. 1300. FOR SALE By owner. 7-room modern house, two lots. 20 minutes on Mt Scot t car; worth $3ftO0: would sell for $2000 cash, ferry, r-z win si. MODERN 6-room bungalow, clone in on paved street; every convenience ; easy terms; $35o0, or will trade for clear farm. Glass. U7 Broadway bldg. or Main 4"7. CHEAPER THAN RENT. Modern 6-room bungalow ; paved sts., near car and school; some cash and terms. M . Billings. ftO'J McKay bldg. m . I yo. I V 1 LL exchange my strictly modern S room lrvlngton home. $d."no. for a 5 or 6 ronm modern bungalow to $4000. AC 334, Oregon la n. JOK SALE $2400, by owner. 6-room house and sleeping porch : cement basement, paved street. Call Sell, 608. 601 E. 22d Bt. S. FO R SALE Modern 4-room bung low on 50th si. South, one block from carline and two blocks from school. Will give good terms Call Mart-hall 3402. apt, 1 4. 6-KOOMED modern, Montavilla car, full basement, laundry trays. 50x100 lot, fur nished or unfurnished: $2300 unfurnished, $400 cash. Tabor 8921. itOSB-CITY PARK Five-room bungalow, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, garage, $3250; $2000 cash. Ta bor 963. HVWTHORN'E DIST. 35TH ST. $2550. G large rooms, large lot ; room for ga rage; vacant. Owner. Tabor SS24. MOVE right in. new, 4 rooms, bath and toilet, one block to good carllne, priced right, terms. Hitchcock. 80 4th at. $175 CASH down buys beautiful bungalow, whole city block: garage; 4 chicken houses, abundance of fruit. Phone Sellwood lf59. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. ". Bungaows and homes for everybody In Irvington, from to'oi'. j-ast zit.i. Herdman. IRVINGTON. Fast R. 1. STREET. HOaU3. U04. 1RV. AGStfT. REAL ESTATE. For Pale Houses. ALBERTA BARGAINS. $2100 5-room bungalow, . blk. to Alberta car, full lot. We recently sold a duplicate of this howse for $2350. Ternw. $2950 Beautiful corner bungalow with one bedroom down and three up. 7 rooms in all, looks like $3750. Terms, owner leaving city. $3000 6 rooms, don, sewing room, furnace. full cement basement, stationary tubs. Make your offer as to terms, recently furIsed by bank, and well worth 37ro. J. A. WICKMAX CO. m 204 Ry. Ksch. Bldg. MaiPx5 TWO IRVINGTON SNAPS. $1750 'H rms.. modern ; hard wood floors, bedrooms white enamel; furna'e, fireplace, cement basement, 5u.x loo I'd, hard-surface streets. Cash payment $lo0o. balance terms. $4750 7 rms., modern, excellent home, in nice condition, owner leaving city and.ofiers this property at very at tractive prif e. A. H. BIRliELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bids'. Marshall 4114. A 4118. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. A SACRIFICE. Don't stand back thinking this ffnap has already been picked up. just because it's a snap ; you may be first. Call and find out. Five rooms and sieepins porch, fire place, furnace, full cement basement, all built-in conveniences, hard surface in and paid. 1 blocks from car. Look it over. C. A. WARRINER. RITTKR. LOWE rft CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg". JUST compieteu, two up-to-date, modern 5-room bungalows, 50x100 lot, paved st.; double constructed throughout, full cement basements, fireplace. bookcase, china closets, hardwood floors. Duu h kitchen, breakfast room, linen closet, attic, shades, screens, fixtures, etc., etc.; on Ivon at., be tween E. 38th ar,d E. 30th, 1 block north; Richmond car; back-doors open: go look at them. Price $3750; terms. Tabor 1U4 evenings. - REAL SNAP. LAURELHURST HOME. Fix rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement base ment, all hard surface in and paid., one1 block from car. Jf you are looking for a nice home in a nice location at a bargain price, this Is it. I'rice $4JOO; terms. C. A. WARRINER. R1TTER. LOWE Ac CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUY CLOSE IN. $31305 rooms, sleeping porch, full plas tered, floored attic. Finished throughout in Ivory enamel. Hd. wej. floors. fireplace. bookcases, beautiful buffet, exquisite electric fixtures. Imp. In and pd. on 22d St. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Blug. Main 533. HAWTHORNE $2S.T0. REAL SACRIFICE. Out-of-town owner wa-nus quick action : has reduced price from $34O0. Located 350 E. 46th st. Full lot. Fireplace and built-in features. If you appreciate a bargain see this. Io not disturb tenant. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3316. $.;.o0 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $3500. 5 rooms, attic, basement, f umace. lot F.OxlOO; paved street, on carllne; white enamel, built -ins. ha rdwood floors, mod ern to the minute; s we lies t bungalow on the market. Judge f or yourself. Loca tion 3240 E. 3m u North. Sec Battin, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., No. 104 Filth St. Main 6869. ' ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-room bungalow ; beautiful location, large grounds; house needs small expendi ture to put it in good condition; near car line. Owner Insists on immediate sale. Look at this and make us an offer. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4Ht. NOW VACANT. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUN A GLOW. Go right out and take a look at 425 East 46th N. ; rooms, strictly modern. garaKO. This house will stand inspection. Get busy before it's gone. Price $45)u; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 20-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg-. BEST BUY YET. This is good, a dandy 5 -roomed bunga low with furnace heat, neat and clean, modern plumbing: big. fine lot. 100x100, with garage; handy to cars and school; good location in Woodstock. Onlv $ "jot to. will lend half. See E. W. Hughes, 607 Journal bldg. Phoou Main 2858. My auto Is at your service. ROSE CITY PARK. FURNISH ED BUNGALOW $2&o0. Owner moving away and must sell. Ex ceptionally well built; 5 rooms and attic; fireplace: full basement, wash trays, etc. See this sure. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3518. BRANCH OF1CE. 50th and Sandv. 37TH-ST. BUNGALOW. $3100. A pretty white bungalow of 5 rooms, nice fireplace, full basement, paved street, block to car. This is an awfully precty home and you need pay only $500 to gain possession. - COE A. McKENVA & CO., Main 4522. 82 4th St., Board of Trade Bid g. $3600. Alameda; double-constructed modern 6 room bungalow, 2 sleeping porches, den, breakfast room, built-in fireplace, hard wood floors, hot water heat, full ceiled concrete basement, garage ; built for a home and not to sell. Owner, Woodlawn 4602; AN ABSOLUTELY MODERN BUNGALOW. $2750 Worth $3250, 5 rooms, bath, fire place, all built ins, hd. wd. floors. Furnace. ,10x100 lot with the use of two more for gardening. Terms Picture In office. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Tty. Exch. Bldg. Main 533. BEAUMONT HOME. Five rooms and sleeping porch. furnace, fireplace, full lot. nice lawn and shrub bery, hard surface in and oaid. one block from car. Price $4r.tto; terms. C. A. WARRINER. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. a 2Q3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid g . HA WTHOR NR DISTR I"T $32'0. JCTFTY BUNGALOW GARAGE Full Lot. You just much see this. A real bunga low a real home. Hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, elegant fixtures. Cement basement. 50x1 Oo lot. Garage. Near car A. G. TEEPE CO.. 261 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3516 WE HAVE client fry improved 5 to lO acres, must have good nouse and r.n good road, not too far from carline. If vour prop erty is priced right we can sell it. See Taylor. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Ko. 1"4 Flfth'St. Main 6S60. SUNNYSIDE SNAP! ' 2 Good 6-room homses: No. 912-914 R. Alder st., cor. 30th. full basement, gas electric, bath. etc. Price for both. $4000. "Will sell. separate at $2250 each; terms. J. W. GKUSSI, 316 Board of Trad. Main 7452. NOB HILL HOUSE. Fine, modorn 7-room; furnace, fireplace, all built-in effects, oak floors, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage; fine lot 60x100. Price $10,000, terms. .7. W. GRUSSI, JU Board of Trade. Main 7452. IRVINGTON. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, plastered house, garage; best of location; white enamel and mahogany finish; absolutely modern. See Ratlin, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., No. 104 Fifth St. Main 686 CI I E A P bungalow, $3000 ; fine bungalow on rarline, close in. paved street, a good buy. Come quick if von want it : easy terms. HARTOM & W I LH ELM. Room H3, Sherlock Bldg. $lo( CASH and $20 per month buys a new, modorn 5-room cottage near Union ave in Woodlawn disTrkt. I'rice $1H00. THE BRONG CO. Main 1743. 27i Oak st. W EST SI DE, modern 5-room cottage, gas, bat h. cement basement, large lot, im provements In. on paved street, fruit trees anil roses. Excellent car service. Owner. 183 Bancroft ave., Marshall 36R2. SOUTH Portland ship employe: Do you want a cheap home? We have a 5-room hous on Wiiitaker t-. we can sell for $K0, $5no down, rest $15 per month. Room 103 Sher lock bldg.. ;id and Oak. 5-ROOM bungalow in Alberta; lot 40x100, price $2000. ea.v trms. 5-Roomed cottage in Alberta. $1600, eay tortus. HoagUn At Bird, East 3505. 565 s Williams ave. M"rERN S-rooin hou.e, looioo corner: 2 fireplaces, garage: near Sandy blvd. and E. 40th st. Price $75oo. Phone owner. MILWAL'KIE 81 V. BE A I'TIFl'L 5-room bungalow, Richmond. $2875; another. $2025; paved: term.. Bar my, after 2:30, 303 Stock Exchange. Main 7676. BY OWNER 5-room bungalow. 1154 East Salmon st,. near 39th. hardwood floor, full basement, sleeping porch, buffet kitchen : terms. 5- ROOM ED houue. 2 lots ami garage, on hard surface street. Kenton district, $2100, easy terms. Huaglin & Bird, 5U5 i W'il- 1 i a m s ave. East 3 505. 6- ROOM cottage on Monroe at., close to Willliams ave, $2100, easy terms. East 3505. Hoagltn & Bird, 565'.j Williams ave. 7- ROOM modern house, barn and fruit trees. 2 blocks to car; Peninsula Park, Price $1700 Miilership, Alder Hot.-!. $330t MODERN 6-roomed house on paved street, lot 75x100, close to school and car Wdln. 3220. 4-ROOM house. Rose City ,car. 50x100 lot. $150 cash. $15 prr month. ' Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank Building. DE LA HUNT for perfect homes. East 1347. $975 BUYS plastered home worth $l47a; root close in; soap, 149 . Oak. 1- -Moms VACANT $JOi DOWN. $ l oX A TT R ACTI V K B UN GAU W $ 1 600. Here is a 4-room bungalow, w h i lo enamel plumbing and gas. built-in oak buffet. Dutch kitchen. J 1 fruit trees, grapes, etc., onlv $2HJ down. $10 per month ; Woodstock car. Vacant, move in. We have 400 photographs in our office of houses for sal. l will help you make your first payment. Autos at your serv ice. See FRANK L. McGUlRH, ABIN'GTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Mln 5156. office Open Evenings and Sundays. Rubor ban Uoaaea. SU BURBA? homeMte. $350. Nice grove of dogwood, evergreens, water, lightn, tele phone; 225x150. If you love outdoor life this will appeal to you. Only $35 down. Owner. 50o Concord Bldg., 2d and Stark. FOR the bf st suburban homes and acreage out of Portland come to Alderbrooic on Oregon City car, third house north of Risley P tat ion. For 8a le Business Property. BRICK and concrete store building for sale; income property; price $4o,ooo; will con sider good farm land In Montana or Ore-' son in trade. Write Lock Box 126$, Ta coma. Wash. FINEST a partment site in city, 100 feet from W ashing ton. W olfstein, 114 First. For Sale Acrea g e. SIXTEEN ACRES. Three and one-ha If mLea south of Sa lem on the Jefferson Highway, one-quarter off the highway; four acres 0-year-old prunes, three acres of 3-year-old prunea, two acres cherries, one acre of straw berries and one acre of Dears. 11 acr of fruit, on) acre of oak timber with good Krans unaer tne trees; 4-room house, iitrge barn and (rood well. I should ask $5ooo but only $:2uo and only $500 cash, no mortgage, property is ciear; will not con sider trade." to inspect this 16 acrea go to Saiem and get auto there and go 3 '.i miles south to a Mr. Jack Bonnie, who lives alongside of this place and a brother-in-law to the owner; he will take pleasure in showing you the' place; you can take Oregon Electric at 10th and Stark at b:20 A. M , leave Salem at 12:13 or 4 P. M. back for Portland. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 745. 506 Swetland Bldg. 3U ACRES, 5 miles due west from Court house; telephone in house, mall at door, 7o assorted fruit trees, 5-room, 2-story house, most beautiful view in the country, an ideal Summer home place; 3 acres in culti vation ; this is a close-in hom to Port land and Just what a numuer of people are looking for; the house Is newly painted, well at back porch, woodshed, garage, large barn, five chicken houses, etc. Price $35i0, with a $500 mortgage, but it taka $.;ouu casn to handle. Are you in a posi lion to handle? No trade. Let us show you t his. Fine road to the door, on Canyon road. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO., Main 7435. 506 S wet land Bldg. PORTLAND GARDENERS. ATTENTION. Anyone looking for a No. 1 garden proposition In or near Portland I think thia place will be what you are looking for: lu acres, 5 or 6 acres beaverdam land, al'. No. 1 garden tract, 9 miles from Haw thorne bridga. There are no buildings : one-half acr in timber, the rest is all clear ready for gardening. I do not know of any better garden place In the coun try. If you are a gardener you know the ideal land that you want. Lt us show you thi. ft will interest you. Price $-Hoo, about $1750 cash. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO. Main 7435. 506 Swetland Bidg. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres. $230; $10 down, $5 pr month buys five acres of land between Portland and Centralia, on the main Iin of three railroads; 1 to 35 mils from good II tt e town : sawmlls and loggings camps in immediate vicinity. Some of this land is partly cleared. Running stream ; some bottom and some bench. This acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange bldg- YOUR opportunity to buy right; owner must leave for Canada; 22 acrea. all level, well drained, w arm garden soil. 14 acres in cultivation. 9 acres pasture and timber, fair house, barn and other buiidings, lois of fruit, good water, on good road, b mile from electric line. 4 mile school ; only 6 milea from Vancouver. $30O0. only $2000 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. J. It. Atkinson. 112 West Oth atreet. Vancouver, Wash. 40 ACHES good land, direct on fine country road near Tillamook County; 7 acres under plow, enough pasture for 4 cows, young orchard and berries, good spring water, house, train, chicken house, good fishing place, IS miles from large city and 2 miiea from -a cheese factories, store, postoffice. church and school: for sale cheap on ac count of sickness. For further Information call at 722 Bidwell ave. You can talk per sonally with me Sundays and evenings. 600O ACRES In Southwest Washington for sale to settler only; easy terms, low prices, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Writ for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. FLNE 4-acre tract, good 5-room house and barn 2 miles from city limits. 1 block from carlir.e. all in cultivation; price $1950, $500 down. bal. to suit. DRYER &. BLAIR, The Acreage Men. 51ft Lewis Bldg. lfe-ACKE tract, close to station. West Side, -cent fare; city water, gas and electric lights available; soil excellent; on new county road to be rocked in the Spring; $uu0 on tertnn or will cut in half if de sired. See Atchison, at 404 Piatt bldg. WELL improved country home, near electric, 15 acres, $ ;500. Also 1.4 acres bottom land, some improvements, good road ; ex change considered. See owner nfter 2:30. IW rn v. :"3 Stock Exhan i?e. Mam 7676, 1'OIE S A LE. trad a or rent, 10 acres, ail plowed. family orchard. G-room houte w ith outbuildings, ricl in Oregon City ; worth seeing. M. II. M., 774 Pleasant ave., Oregon City. EIGHT acres, near Milwaukie. on the Oregon Railroad, good level land, some lrt trees, small house; price $3700. Phone owner, Milwaukie 81 V. : . $750 buys 5 acres in crop. Best soil, Yamhill Count v. close to eloctric station, school, storf. "postoffice, $150 down. Masters. 405 Board of Trade. . lo" ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all outbuildings. Bull Bun water, located .lust south of Lent. 6131 U2d ct. S, E. Thomas Allen. TWO acres, clear, outside city limits, 6c fare.. Call at Harness Shop. Lents. " Homesteads, Relinquishment. FOR SALE Relinquishment 16 acres, 20 milea from Salem; partly cultivated, house, timber, creek and good roads. Price $250. Address King. 770 Alblna ave. lttu" ACRES, relinquishment, 31 acrea slashed, good linui". $450. Miilership. Aider Hotel. for Bale -Farm. 00-ACRE Clackamas County farm. 45 acres plow land, ail good soil, lies nice: i mile to school, church, and stores; 24 miles to elect ric station, good road to Port land. Plse ha.s pure spring water; new 5-room bungalow and barn ; price $5500, part trade, or $ 1500 down. No. 15H-5. Ralph Ackley. 306 Corbett bldg. SIX miles west of city on Canyon road, 25 acres; 10 acres clear; house and barn, running water; will make you money as an investment and a living while you own it; $12,000; will consider city home lor part. Oregon Invest ment &. Mort gage Co.. 222 i 'hamber of Commerce. 150-ACRE Washington County farm, 25 A. cult., fine sandy loam soil, balance rolling, 40 A. good fir timber. T 'i acres bearing orchard: new 3-room bungalow, good barn and outbuildings; several head of stock and outbuilding. mile from R. R. and town; price $7000. Ralph Ackley, 306 Corbett bl dj. $c AN ACRE CASH Texas school land for sale by the state at $2 per acre; 5c per acre cash and no more for 40 years, but 3 per cent interest. Send 6c pontage for further information. Investor Pub. Co., Dehk 4, San Antonio. Texas. $50 AN acre. cash, bal, easy terms : Im proved laud In crops on Southern pacific Ry. We do the farming, approximate net profit to you, $30 a n acre. N. B. ANDERSON. 813 Chamber of "ommerc- Bldg. DAIRY farm. 4fi0 ares, completely stocked and all implements, a money -maker ; part trade considered. For sale at $33.m0. Write A. i. Mitchell, Lakeside, Coos Co.. Oregon. CROP PAYMENTS. 480 acres, good, productive wheat land, fair buildings, good water: $;'Hi0 cash, balance mo payments. R, F. Bryan, U9 Cham, of Com. bid g. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, ail slaea McFarland. 140S Yeon bldg.. Portland. 17 ACRES, irrigated, 10 acres Bing, Lambert and Royal Ann cherries : near Walla Walla ; also 240-acre alfalfa and stock ranch. M. Wilson, Carley. Wash. WAN r to meet irriga t Ion ists or farmers seeking new ground-tloor locations and propositions o high merit. 412 Fen ton bldg. FARM for sale. 160 acres, one of tJe best truck and dairy farms in Oregon, $4000 cash will handle; no agents. Address A B ."0. iregonlan. FOR SALE or trade. 7 rabbits, for nuileis. or a reclining Orcole basket, also 3 roost ers. Tabor 9464. LOGGED-oFF lands. $10 aere up; running water, good aoll. 4fc tillable, em ploy menu eaay termi. Jesse R. Sharp. 836 3d at. RICH Alberta farm land, part crop pay ments, Clauds Cole. 215 Luzuberinuus bid. RRAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 17 ACRES, well Improved, with 6-room cottage, large 3-story barn; l'0 acres now In 'cult l vat ion ; has 2o acres of young prune orchard: all febced and cross-fenced w it it w n-w ire fences. and all good soil. This farm must be fold within the next lu days, and w III sacrifice $50 per ncre. The farm lies near Lebanon. This Iti a big sna p. NEW YORK LAND CO. '303-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7676. WE OFFER SEVERAL H ICH-tjU A LIT Y PRUNE-APPLE ORCHARDS and diversi fied ranches at low value for immediate sates, all with tine new Improvements; large earning power makes these very de sirable for beaut iful and remunera ti ve homes; nothing better in Idaho or Ore gon: alao alfalfa hay in car lots. Foi par ticulars write Payette Valley Real Estate Agency, Payette, Idaho. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. For Port land or nearby property. 30 acres at Cameron, Mont.; good build ings, good decreed water right ; entire ranch fenced with Page woven wire- fence, hogtight: stock and implements go with ranch ; write for full particulars. Brokers protected. Address W. S. Faxon. Cameron, Montana. looo ACRES, fully equipped, ktock ranch. For particulars. Miilership. Alder Hotel. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE you a modern home for nale in a good district? I have a live liwt of over 200 ready buyers. Let's get together. Deal with oid-etdahlifihed firm. We never pad prices. I hare an organization of 7 ex perienced real estate alemcn with autoa; give us price and cteacriptlon of your property. Will personally inspect, appraise and phoiograi'h your haiae and cil it. We sold 35 houses this month and over mil lion dollars' worth in 118. See FRANK L. McGl IRE. Abington Bldg.. To Sell Your House. Main 5156. Main IOCS. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Established lsSO. WE HAVE cash buyers for housea. We can assist you In selling yours. WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. C. a. Warriner, HITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED By responsible people, bungalow ill Laurrlhurt. Alameda, irvington. Have 2 beautiful Sea view. Wash., lots, 1 lot KiTaing.sw orth. 4oth at'.. $250 cash, to put In as iiooo firvt payment, balance monthly. Woodlawn 41mm). REAL ESTATE WANTED. T want for spot cttnh 5 or 6-room bun galow. Rose City Park, Laurelhurst or Irvington. No agents need answer. East 2084 evening!. - SHACKS AND SMALL HOUSES. Price must be right and must be easy terms. We have sold over 3O0 houses In the last year and if you want action, ace us. Fred W. German Co. 732 Cham, of Com. IF I can buy an equity, at a bargain, in 'a 3 or 6-room modern houi". I'd do busi ness. Call Mr. Frink at Northwest Auto ' "o. io ACRES of good land. 12 miles from Port la nd. 3 acres in cultivation, some fine cordwod timber: price $2500. terms. E J. leiser. 417 Chamber of Com. WANTED Timber or homestead location; . inual be first-class : would consider re linquishment. 815 Franklin at., Vancou ver, Wash. WANT to buy 4 to 6-room modern furnished bung Mow, close in, or on Sellwood car line near river; with easy terms. AM 10, Oregonian. WE want cheap land to sell. Can handle 20.0Mi acrs If priced right. Coe fc Korbes. U4 li Hawthorne ave., Portland, WISH to buy from owner.1 to 20 acrea within 20 miles of Portland, with or without im provements. State all particulars. AE 760, oregonian. 1 REQUIRE a 5 or 6-room modern bungalow in good district to $40u0. in exchange tor my -room, strictly modern Irvington home. $65o0. T 810. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow, vood district; must take ciose-in acre tract as part payment. AM 17. oregonian. WANT improved acreage for beautiful five room bungalow and desirable lots. Owner, after 2:30. Barney. 3o3 Stock Exchange. IRVINGTON, Alameda Park bungalow ; a small home; must be modern, price around $5o00. Call Woodlawn 4664. WANTED Good bungalow on terms. Trade in good lot, close in, as first payment. M a in 3VV4. EwUITY and first mortgages bought for cash. East 1347. WANTED At onee, 5 rr 6-room house for a home. See Mr. Crawford. Main 3517. Wanted to Rent Farm a. FARMERS. ATTENTION. I have two thoroughly , experienced farmers with cash money ready to buy Mock and implements and pay cash for rent and Fall seeding, if any. Send ins particulars and 1 will rent your farm without delay. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. BENDER. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE HAVE clients who want to rent general farm. Will pay cash rent and buy crop, atock and machinerv. I.l'ElliEMANN COM PA XT, !13 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to rent or buy acreage or ranch near electric. Tabor 3810. M 830, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. 58 acres. 7 miles out, all in cultivation, good house a nd barn with water In al I hldgs., rcr.t $750 per er; personal prop erty for sale. 13 cow. 4 horses. 1 reg. bull, hofff. 2 wagont. 2 sets of harness. 1 disc, harrow and plows, cultivator, gas onciiiL. milk bottlea and route that pas $550 per month now ; price $2600. DRYER & ILA I K. The Acreage Mm, SHI Lewis Bldg. o ACRES, clone in : good bldgs.. on good roads ; rent 250 pr year. Locddernann Company. 013 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LAND. I AM offering for sale for a limited length of time the mill and logging equipment of the Kir Lumber and Manufacturing Co.. atrCascade. Washington. This la a going property of ft0.KM) capacity. Full particu lars may be had by applying to the under signed at 645 Plttock building. Portland. D. J. Finn. Trustee in Ba-nkruntev. WANTED I'arty who owns portable mill of about 20.0O0 capacity to cut ties and timber by the thousand for proposi tion located on railroad. When annw ering give detaila of mill and machinery and business qualifications and references. P. O. Box .14 6. Portland FOR SALE Fine" 20M. Russell mill, also 9x10 Seattt donkey, full logging equip ment; bargain price and terms. F. K. Bowman & Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce. 320 ACRES fine timber land. 3.000.000 feet timber, mostly pine, near Mitchell. "Vheel er County, Or. Sacrifice rlce. AV 437, O re go n 1 an. HALF section timber for liberty bonds or Portland property. t 27, Oregonian. DR t pola and old growth piling wanted. O. V. Gamble. Gerlinger bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FARM WANTED. T want a farm of about $7oiO value and offer in exchange city property of equal value, all free und clear of incumbrance, including 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace. Address P. O. Box 42, Portland, Or. WANT ranch near Portland for up-to-date bungalow, five roo.ns. large lot, fruit, ber ries, finest marine view, overlooking Oak land. Berkeley, San Kraiiclnct and bay, $5o00: will assume. Hughes, 845 Main su, Aibany. Cat. LOTS IN ROSE CITY PARK In exchange for 160 acres of fine wheat land In Canada. Clone to stores, school a nd railroad. Would consider houae equity. I'rice only $25 per acre. MACINNF.S. 27 o STARK. FOR EXCHANGE Improed 330-arre stock farm in Eastern Oregon ; near school, town, timber, creamery and neighbors, liizht size for party with limited means. Address 441 Nort h hurt h St.. Salem. r. 80 ACRES, nenr Oregon City, 17 cultivated, rbulldfngs; 2.O0O.00O timber, excellent cord w ood proposition ; want $35"o residence, balance easv. ow ner after 2:30, Barney, 3:t Stock Kucha n c. 160 ACRES fine timber land in Klickitat Co.. near Trout Lake. What have you 7 Would like a rmall suburban home. For further particulars Kn?t 34QQ. 15 ACRES bearing orchard, near Spokane, sell or exchange for Portland income prop erty or stock of groceries. Box 435. Port land $16oo Equity in $3600 bungalow. R. C. P. Exchange small, close-in acreage with houpe. Will assume. O 33, Oregonian. $5ooo ROSSMERE home to exchange for home- nearer to Grand ave. 821 Cham, of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE Los Angeles for Portland 6-room modern bungalow, lot 5oi 1 5o. im proved, clear. Owner. A J 141. Oregonian. CLEAR farm of 146 acres. 2 seta bulldingH. near Dallas: will consider trade for city property. 417 Cham, of Com. LAUR ELH URST, six rooms, strictly modern, $2750 equity, trade for 2-3 acrea. close in. West Side. Improved. AB Oregonian. $5o equity lu 6-room, modern house an part piyment on smaller bungalow. Call Bdwy. 1625 after 7 P. ii, -HEAL E8TATK. LAND GET LAND NOW. There will b a big demadd for Western land during the next few months. We have C52 acrea nir railroad In Llncotn County, clear of incumbrance, to trade for equity In lota, suburban business property or apartment property. COE A. McKENNA, 2 4th st. Board of Trads. IO EXCHANGE Five-room bungalow. 'ery neat and attractive. Jul loixltM n 42d street, hear Woodstock car; price $25oo. for five-room buiiKiow up to $4oou: want somei h ing nice, hardw ooti rimim etc.. on paved ft reel. BLAKE REALTY CO.. room I ow. over Citizen Bank. Phone East W2. Call Tabor 35vt evening. EXCHANGE for Portland Ry or country, is-room upartineiit-house, n heart or busi ness district. Walla Walla. Wash. Reined at $.0 per month. Want acreage near Port land or ro.miiniC-house. city, price $12'm equity $0OO. Will asume s.itne. Address ow ner. .1 K. Rmrduti. ;53 Morgan bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. 5-AORK tract, well improved, onlv a few miles eat of the city limits, would consider exchange for modern bungalow to the value of about $25"0 OTTO Ac HARKSoN KEALTT CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SA LE. or trade for property la Port land or Vancouver. ItHi acres oT w heat laud with lair biiildinti; all under cti!tivatlon, 3 mites f rot.. Alderdale, Kl klut Co.. Wash. Call at suite 2l p. s. Bank bldg., or phone 2. Vancouver, Wash. TO EXCHANGE MICEM.ANOr. 4o ACRES in Lake County, valued at $). to trade ui first payment on small houae and large lot or for acreage. V. J. Moore, 373 Ross. East 74".f. FOR SALE Datidv 5-room, modern house boat, or trade for late model car. Write P. O. Rox 2523. St. Johns. Or. TO EXCHANGE Home comfort range, both coils and rwrvotr. for combination coal nd gas range. Sellwood 34J. 1 WILL take good work horsea or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith. 22 Alder at. FUR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Li re lock. I HAVE several good farm wagon a. go.d spring wagon, also aome good ranch teams, fine team 2-year-old colts, one team well matched ponies, drive singl or double or ride: will sell cheap or trade for apples or potatoes. Call Multnomah Stable, 16th and Jefferson. t YOUNG Holatein. fresh row. giving over 3 gala., $t.i; n ostein and Jerey cow and calf, giving about 4 gala., $75; 2 heifers, heavy milkers, $50 tacli: also 9 heavy springers. At East 0th and Flanders WILL take jEood teams and milch cows tor n.y equity in good 5-room house and 2 lots, with lota of fruit and pav vou balance in l aali. Call at 720 E. Mow'haw k au. St. .l"hn. FOR SALE Good team of work mares, new wagon, UarneKH. fine Jeraey cow, have a steady job, good wages. See- owner. John nie Baughmau. 1 '-a imlca west of Robber son Station. $Di5 TAKES 2200 lb. team and harnes. tiliK-Uy, fat a nd sound. Thin is no plug team. Mt. Scott car to 0th ave., block ra.t. block north; house with flagpole. No. &25 e.'th t. WANT WORK TEAM AN DW AGON Will give Marion automobile and lotnn rash. See L. W. Matthews, 722 Chamber of iowiiierce. CARLOAD of strictly freh grade row of The Gut rnwey, Jersey. Durham, Holntein bree.i. Some dandy family cows. Frazier fc Mc-Clean. 2tO E. hth. DEAD slock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cow a and cnppifd horses. Phons M . waukie. T.3-J, for result a TEAM. 27ort lb. : good, true workers, single or double, with good harness, only $ 1 J." City Mat ket Fuel Co.. tor. 4th and Clay" FOR SALE Cine team. 2200 pounda; on team. :ti'oo pounds; good condition; work- DEAD hortvea and anlmala hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 2a 2 CARLOADS of good horses ami mules. Frazrer cMcClean. 240 E. Slh st. SMALL for team. $73 for quick Frazier Mr-Clean, 240 E. 8th st. bale. DE A i ' hordes taken quick; cash paid for cows and crippled hornea. Tabor 4203. I W'ILL take good work horsea or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith. 228 Alder at. CO W, Junt fresh: good re a on, for selling Call Marshall 3402. Apt. 14. A PAIR of sm.ill farm mares at your own price. lo2: East Yamhill. Piano. Organs and alueJraJ I astro oae ate. SECURITY STORAGE CoT-CLOSI NO OUT. $350 storey fc T amp used upr t. $116 cash. $4.0 Henry F. Miller used upr't. $115 caah. $4.V Kimball large mahog. up't $1!0 cash. $150 new e:ored upright pianos. $'joo cash. !50 Player-pianos. 1017 model. $.103 caah. l"ei upright piano, f i5 and $75 caah. U"J parlor organs. $J5 and $38 caah. Part csah, bonds and other securities accepted. Pianos bougnt and sold for rash only. Storage 50c mouth. Phone Main 5323. Securl'y Storage Co.. 1O0 4th at. SP EC1 A L ba rjtain In slightly uacd piano, beau til ui ma ho tf any care, sweet tone and fully guaranteed: will deliver this to you with stoll to match for $225; cash or terms. HEED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 4 35 Washington St.. Corner 12th. BEAUTIFUL Lester piano, only used a few months, .lust like new. duet bench with music compartment, all for $307. RFED-FRFNCH PIANO M KG, CO., 4:;5 Wanhinjcton St.. Corner 12th. HAVE you bond, other securities or city lot to turn In as first payment on a piano or player-piano and still buy at 25 per cent below local market price. Sea Schwaa Piano Co., Ill 4th at. STE IN WAY piano, old ttyle, roscw ood case. $125. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 435 WasniliKton it . Cor. 12th. BRUNSWICK New. never used, plays all record.-. Newly developed ultonn. wood tone-am pit f ler. automatic stop, t rimming frroMi 1'iaieu. om s--j; sen i'Jo cash, o 3 P. Oregonian. GOOD pructice piano, square, dark case $0S. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 435 Washington St., Corner 12th. ST E I N W A Y, q ua re. rose wood $125.00 W'alnut organ, mirror 3i.6 Sohincr (new) 525 00 HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. BRUNSWICK phonograph, $150 aire, prac tically ntw, Adams' brown finish : will trade for two $50 liberty bonds. Phone Marshall P7B. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND B A N D I NSTR L" M EN TS. S E 1 B ERLING- t.ltC A Al l E-H, J.. 1 4TH tT. $1$ AND $25 cash aenda home new $42$ pianos for $200. balance $8 or $10 monthly. fcchwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th at. at Wab. LlDAV'lG upr. piano, like new; full sixe. half price and on terms to responsible KIMBALL and bench. like- new. lateai etylc. big bargain, good terms, 312 Worces ter Bldg. PIANOS tuned $3. George T. Peck. Taoor 8574. Grad . New Eng. Conservatory. FOR SALE Houaeboat and launch. Phone Tabor lr.V. I PAY CASH Fr USED PIANoS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill at. WANTED Fine piano, bept standard inaTe. awn. io co .. .Main 3M4. CASH paid for the piayer rol s you are of. Harold S Odoert. US4 Yamhill are titad Furniture for Sale. EXTENSION TABLES FOR i.ESS Just arrived. A carload of dining tables from the lmz Tjble Co., Nashville. Mich igan. These tables have no superior, every on is construct.-. or solid Fastern white oak and the const ruction and finish will bear tho closest Inspection. have thm in aire from 42 to 54-inch top. 0 to t foot extension; round, square or octagon pedestal, with mission or colonial hasca: iilso the nnu-hO-ioiiiijir William and Mi'v detgn. We will quote, you price w hu h . will compel you to buy. For instance: Extraordinary charm! tic 4-inch William and Mary table, worth $4 of an v one s money, special at $33 75; other solid oak table as low as IO..'.it. In our complete line of table there la one to sutl ev.rv lionie and every pure. To match the ta blew we offer repulitr $5,541 solid oak, genuine leather slip-scat dining chair, special at $3.75, and $1.75 ..iid oak, box scat dining chair at J2.05 each: also brand-new q ua r t r-sa wed oak buffets, rccutur .17.50 value, very special at $25. Easy terms. M IS H FT R N ? T I Is K CO., 1 vg.p.tn First Sr. $65 HoT POINT electric range, worth $127: 8-f t. f4-inch round pedestal fumed -oak extension table, worth $75, for $i4 : ai x good Horary tables, special at $!. $11. AO. $14. $22.50. M. H. Calf. 040 Williams ave., phone East 6417. FOR SALE At sacrifice, furniture of b-room house; almost new. East S2w. FU KMTl'RB. garden tool-. camp stove, ros-cut saw for aale. East 471. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profitable breed of poult ry. If you a re in the buai nesa for profit you will eventua I ly have them. E i rly broilers: early !av.-m; early PROFITS. We e'l only WHITE LEG HORN BA RY rn 1CKS from heavy lad ing H OG AN I ZED hens. Safe delivery off fu'l count live chicka guaranteed. Priie per 100: February. $15; March. $14: April $12.50. The roncr Hatchery. 402 6th St.. Petal u ma. Ca I. FOR SALE SO 5-mo.-old thoroughbred Rhode 7'and sVet and Black Minorca pal lets. Tabor 901. 1723 Scott ave. TO r.XCflANOI FOR PALE. Lauarhe and Boats. CASH ONLY Modern 4-rooni furnished houseboat. Si i.th house from Sellwood Ken ft: 'li;.'I.LI.: bo.it. 3d feet long, for sale. 1 inij L. j At h ort n. t'ort'and. Machinery. WANTED Hoisting engine without boir and double diutu. to-cydnder. Call C 72. Oregonian. Typewrlt RENT a Remington, special ratea to sta ll en ts. Buy your new Remington low; I named 1st delivery. reasons tis terms. Remington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt t p writer ALL MAKES, sold on monthly paymeota; send for price list. The Wholesale Tyse mnter Co.. retail dept.. 521 Wash, at. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rsnras at cut ratea P. D Co. 2U Stark st. Main H07 REBUILT typewriter and suppilea Corona deaiera. E. W. Pease Co.. HO Stth. WE wu: buv your old typewriter snd pay you csah. Oregon Typewriter Co. t4 Fifth. ALL make typewriters rented and rensired. Orecon Typewriting C'K. P4 5tli. Main UjH. M iwrOaneoaa. HOOFING PAPER, ALL NEW. 1- ply $ 5 2 - ply 1.2d 3- I:y 1.4.. Nails and re nent 25c per roll extra. Smooth surface No t her snnded stock. 1 m. hakok sons. inc. the hoi s-; of a million hargaivs PORTLAND'S ONE L1G SUPPLY HoUSE 6-SLIGHTLY used radiators, $5 to $7-R"; garbage burner. Ilk ue : $75 hot atr furnace, complete. $'..": 5h teet assorted, new asbentoM pt pe-covering. 5c to tUc ; pheet lion stack, pipe and fittings, owner In Army and must be sold this we k. S-ll alt or any part. Shop open 11 to 2 at 212 E. l.-t st., N. Phone Sen. 233. fcE W I NG mat bine, new and aecond-hand. old for i-rss ; no acenta employed; com plete line t part for all makstt; machines repair-. I ml f nlH. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor Street. HAVE fi or six cold of old-crowth. l.ve yellow fir wood st 50S E. 52d st. Nort h. Rose Clt y Park. Finct you ever saw ; take a look and make me an offer at 2i Worcester bliiR. Main 4j7. O. G. liuh- sen. BOWSER gasoline pump complete, with reg ister and total season register: new stand ard underground gasoline tank. 210 gal lons, check vatve and pipe line: wil sac rifice for $175. Phone Mr. Eh man, Broad way II JO CASH register f , r j-ale. Ring 9 buttons 5c each: ring O buttons from l1. OOc ; ring ft buttons from $1. $0: rine 9 button fro:n $11. t.o. Holixwood system. For more in format ion a pp: y to 22 4 Couch su COLUMBIA FTiv F It SMELTST "carried lo sharp freexer. T-pound boxes. $2.45 per box. Seud Poatof fi-e or ev press oroer. Municipal Fish Market. lb Third au Portland, Or. HOT Watr tai.ka, all elxea. in good aarvlce able condition. 30-cal.. $7; 40-gai.. $a .'01 Adam iu tail end steel bridge. Pbsos E. $51 . u-PASSENGER Ford. bed. spring, mattress, k. table. Hruare on k tab, buy, sell r trade anything. 2t3 Third st. Call Marshall 2KO. Oraharn. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering plants. Phone order ucllvered promptly. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor A70O. FOR SALE Caah register, tare adding ma chine aim ahowcaae. 174 lat au coraar "i arahliL MA ECH ANT C A LCU LATIN G MACH1N E, practically new. try it for 10 0ai; a bar gain lor va-sh. Wrl'e AE 7;;. oregonian. EX PERT stove plumbing: pa; l for a .1 makes t stove and rang.-s , rcpatrtni;. East 2-7. blLLUKU and pocket Millard tables, ahew rates ar.d wallcasea. fixture; ny la rms. W. J. Wulgley. -'Ji First. Slain ZJ9 RAINCOAT, soil of wool iiuoVrwear. boy 1 2. hf df-prcids. pillow cases. 522 .Morriaon st reet . For SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinda machinery, rat la. cra. Kfkl'way Equipment Co.. 2a5 Stark at. FOLDING hahy bucgy, good new. a iao vacuum cleaner and aled. Half price. Ta bor 331". FOR SALE Electric heater, used only 10 days, call va .Morrison. Apt. U0U Do7.cn Al brooms. Boiso Broom Fac tory, Hoiae, Idaho. & VERA L good second-band safes at the right price. 4ft r ront st. Broadwiy 19t. NICKEL-IN-SLOT musical harp, $S5. Coat a . .o. ii'iis rs . u t n t t . HAND-PAINTED Japanese silk kumo:u $15; com AK 15. Oregonian. NP " K EL-IN-SLoT muaical harp. $5-5. tet V 7 .u. JtiH .v. join st. VACUUM cleaners aold. repaired, rented. changed. Doug ht. lentiy Co, M a in oS Ft R i A LE Second-hand lumlwr. brick, doors and w indow . Phone l.:t 43".". FOR SALE AlTOMOBIIFs. THESE ARE NEARLY NEW CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES: 101S Overland, model tH, new- tires. 101S Mitchell six. 391S Overland, country club. J017 Hudson super. See these for real cars. THE USED CAR EXCHN'C.E. 027 WASHINGTON S TREE I . Where Wahin5ton and Burnsido M cct. lais BL'ICK. liKht atx touring: 4 almost new tire, extra lire, many e. : ras. car looks like new and is in fir.st-clae mechanical shape. $13-t. Terms to responsible party. No trades. Cull Frank Smith. Bdwy li;;o. FOR SALE By pnxatc party. Buuk ti-paa-st-ntit-r. run loss than ishhi inihs: coru tnrs with extra; looka like new : win guarantee the earne: price $lu50 cash; iio teinia. labor 15 4:;. $450 DOWN IU YS 101 'II.1.MKRS SIN TOURiN'J CAR. Al lONDIIlO.N; HI N S AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL LAST 1 ln j. FORDS DODOES MAXWELLS. What kind do ou want? We have taem. CASH. TERMS. TRADES. AUTO SALES CO.. 1TH AND COUCIk FOR SALE $550 ah. late model 5-pas-en -ger overland; first-clasa condition. Will demonstrate. Call after 6 P. M. . Maui 31. Room 301. 32 'a Washington st. FORDS DODGES MAN W ELLS. AVhat kind do you want? We have them. CASH. TEKMs. IRADES. AI'TO SALES CO., HTH AND COl'CIf. UAMV grand Chevrolet, 4 good tires, one extra, new ly painted. A 1 mediant al con dition, bumper, other elr;. Will sacri fice for $55o. Call even inc. Woodlawn 1 vl. " DotX'.E. Look like new, runs like new; cord tire. How much will you pav ? A I " TO SM.KS CO. Hid atxl Couth. MOTORS, gearn. bearings, wheels, a a lea; wa w reck all make of cars and aeii thetr parts at ha If price, Davtd Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. C ' NSEV bl' ItCHEVR4 -LET OR MAXWELL AS l'KT I'AVMKM' ON BRAND NEW 101: M X ELL AL'lU Moilll.E. CALL 'lAHolt 10I7 Mi l MOBILE. drten 5mm iiiil'i". A 1 shape, o SALES C.. HTH AN D ' ili'H. 10 1 H II U DSON touring. sarij a new with kuhi antee. one vxti a tire, $175u; term-. ;i ashincton. HH MoDFL Dodge a r. as Rood as nv ; w. . at a b-irgatn. HiiiT Is I-miiiu httlf. Call at 2- E.ist 3;th st- Hawthorne c.tr. Fott D tourifitf. 101 h; E. start er anil oilier etra; will sacrifice and give terms. 31 Grand ave.. N.. near llurn-ide $200 down hi s m xwkll toi king CAR. Al CONDITION AND GOOD Lll B E R. CA LL E A ST 1 ti. CAN oil use a Rco Six. HH7 inoiel. in f.ist casti con i it ton t hrou;: hout ; wil pell al a price ; terms. Ca II 1 id v. 323 1 TIS M A X W E LI, a bargain, mu-t hp I lo liiy. cut from $725 to $UlU; come term.--; 4il 5 W ash ing ton. USE D ' A US AND TUM'KS HIVE THE M THE ONt'K-oVlMt AUTO SALES CO.. 1TH AM) Cl H. Hl'OSON sedan, like new. wi'l t;ke rmall car a part pmeni. $1075; term- on bal ance til 5 Washington. Dh NEW Studel-Hker touting lv owner. East 27H7. car for sale USED ton truck t a bargain price; term. 12 Crand ae.. N. ONK-ToN Ford truck, new Mitachment; easy tern:. "Jake." at 523 Alder. MONEY saved. Phone Col. 474. Autos over hauled at home. L. R- Pfeifer. 111 7 MA XWKI.U pood tire. one extra; terms If desired. $5imi. 615 Washington. FORD tourinK car at a sacrifice: term. 12 Grand ave.. N. GARAGE for rent. 32 Main st.. between fith and Broadway. Phone Mam 76'n. 101d CHEVROLET touring; car. snap at $375; terms. 12 Grand ave.. N. HUDSON touring, same a factory juaran tee. $1250. H15 Washington- P.mTVh EVR tl.ET $575. ' ATTO SALES CO.. UTM AND CiHTH. BY OWNER Six cylinder Oakland roadster. Al condition. IMw 47j. 1U18 FoUD with eiUta, $433 each. Lil 5405. FOR SAI.K ArTOMOBn.ta. THE SALE TOU HAVE BE. EN- WAITING FOE. TJHS "VTEEK ONLT. SPECIAL TRICES. SPECIAL TERMS. 40 CARS TO SELECT FROM. Durlnir This Sale' Tou Can Buy A 25M National roadster for. .$1VA A $21mi Nash six for 1275 A eJ2M Chalmers six for J"" A $lji" Michigan for An $l"oi Chalmers for. 3;." An tisott studebaker six for... lor.o A $'.kmj Maxwell for SOO Many more could be listed, but call and e for yourscl:. WE TRADE CARS. W have several late-mode! four are! sixes that we wl'l accept smaller cara an lari payment on, ba.ance on eay pa menus. "Whether you need a car now or not. yi can save money by selecting one during this sale. We will hold it for ou. WE MEAN TO DISPOSE OF 20 m-re cars this week, and It jou find it inco:-v.-ment to call durina; tho day, phone lor an evening appointment. BUT DON'T "WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE. CT-oF-T WN BUYERS SHOULD WR 1T AT ONCE I OR A COMPLETE LloT OF CARS AND FH1CES. And remember, every car sold bear tae indoraemenl ol the combiticd OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS and the PORTLAND USED CAR STORE. The Biceest and Busiest Corner on Broadway at Burnaiae. PHONE EDWT, til. iuRD BUYERS. LoOK. Ford coupe, w ire wheels. Ford edan. nearly new-. Ford Hunt delivery, pnel body. Ford PR' tourinK. now. Ford 117 louring. Ford 1017 road bier. edaa Bodies Xourlnr Bodies- Roadster Bod. EASY TERMS. Ford magnetos reehareed. $3. motor atari easy and brightens our liha. ROBINSON SMITH CO., Authorized Ford Dealer. Sti'-h and Madison .-ts. 101S VELIB CHUMMY. Feur-p-.-seniter. run very ell at substantially reduced price i.ew ,jr guarantee. This 10 the laM. avail able -Chummy for several months. D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 7 so. 6 N. ,sth at, THE ACME AUTO CO. 51 ALDKR " IS THE PLACE TO BUY A IS Li C AR. W II Y T COME IN AND P E E. RFrUHlNO AND STUKAM PHONE BROAD W A i.' 2U. AN EM-ECIALLY GOOl HyV in a luxurious Inclosed kl. DsO-N EIAN . oVi-inal cost $1000; will trade at a HAK GVIN PltlCK -nd UKe any modern car a p.rt paunfi.t on the seda n C ; 1 ;. v a s n 1 n j: xon -1- m i" - i 1-oR s-vLE at a bsigain. Overland o- lV. e car at .NUtcnell. Lewis A- Mver taViu" on E. Morrison M.. on fjMlatija Sunday. Jan. 20, 101i. only. A.k for ,. O. R tvr. ow ner. pm'IAL WINTER PRICES. Insure your tire now against r.low "'"TnION AVKNL-E1 TIBK SHOP. i4 Union Av.nua N. l-Ol:l KUADSTEK. SKW. iv . w. Ko'rJ ro-.l-t.r. run ju.-l f- J,r; t.r..iF. U .- r.-K"nUn. . MW. hV.r..,1B.,iy v,rl.;.U..i -nd mW. sooO. ,-H al a l-ricr lor uuick m c Itrni. :.J3 - JT uiiKU. .. .a.i,,.u.r n:.:.. h lender, for i.M:vwr: ' V. Bfn"' iM.ix-.K r.ii toum.a. "" Jusl t,"'7 i d 'ln Ill" !'!: Hpotl.Blll uu d nc2 "A. " no., -ul . tc ; U. i-rma 1 ,,;',, J Urc O0 d.o .. Ii.nd.r. Kat -'"'J- - r.M. i..v sirvs MAXwti.i. Toi n- . ALL ' l Uimi .;o. , 1 ". a' ..n - lirif..n in n OvcrUnH Im. lr.,irr n,i ... thi.. one. Am levins urecuu. M., Tit j;:.! j CKl'SON. repainted. Ilk. new; run ' nly li.'l" A8"- lur "Jc" - A 'Ii r. - r t iKl'VKk:K tounnc. like nm : v.ll -rt-.-'tine lerina. CO or n d avo.. N., ii-. r liurn.uie. duiyitT: p- . rord ,,rM j .Mrat. So. tasl Ji-aJ. hit Union . N - , . l(.ir.l t.-urilis. 1".17. IiUo new; 111 ell $''. Mi.h lerina. 30 Ur.nd .ve.. N-. near Barn- f.' lir kvi-i;in IN r.'is HAi.Miii:s MX. i;i ss ANL LOOKS L1KL .Nk-W. CALL lAliOl; o BI'.l.ANK ndl' r. fm condilion: ill Kai.Titi.-e. Ja.M.; .nine terms. 30 Or.nd v. N.. near Kumbldr. iTolMIK. :i-is.siriiKer. in per!ei-t nr.Jer. c "I appearance ; lol cajiU. O ull, Orffu- XWO-TON iru.-k In covd .Uape. ready 1J i.rk. -71 K. Wal'r l. $.;,Vi l'OWN buy, 1U17 lodse roajel.-r. Mar. .hall 111 7 lifICK lipht (rood lirf. new paint: a t-la-.-y Job. Ank for .lak.-. Alder. RAMBLKK auto to trail, for a lot! Call 1 1 Mr. Wo.v-i. in. lal t'HKV Itol.KT tmirinu car. mit: aiil t h t-a p : term.. I- .irand at-.. X. SLIGHTLY uaed tlret". S to 15 earn. vul. canned C5c; tlr. lepairma. 07 aladlB, VHO wanlM a '1C toril cbcau? Alaia 1 &jT. Army vaaraga.