10 THE 3IORMNG OKEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, JAXUAUY 18, 1019. FIMERAL NOTICES. rFTEUSON In this city. January 14. 1019, at her iatt rt sifJoncr, Beret I Marie. Peter son, aged 65 yea m 11 months -4 da b; be Joved wife of ivder C. I'eif rson. mother of Amelia Petrnyn, of this city and Hen Jiamin C i'eier.son. of Minnesota, and sis ter of J'cicr ft. Pederson. Kuncrl perv-i'-es will tc h -il roniui row iSn turday i, January 1 k. 1!M!, at -J P. M.. from the Trinity Lu hern Church, at Portsmouth. Intr rment River view 'cme-Tery. Arrsnge monta arc- in ,h:trL;e of Wilson & "Wilsuu, Vit-drnont undortakus. ESPliY At J he family residence, 192 East 4!nh et., .lajiuarv 17, Mrs. Lena, F. E.-pcy, astd 43 ycaj-s, wife of William G. E&pey. of th is city: mot her of Norma K. and Robert L. Kvpy. buth of thiH city. The funeral senicca will he held t the con servatory chape! of F. S. Dunning. I nr.. East Side ftmrral dire. -tor. 414 East Ai rier yt.. at lf::-rt A. M. Monday. Interment Kivervlow reinetery. All services private by order of Dowird of Health. URAWNER In this city, .lanuary 17. Da vid G. Ilrawner, a Red 3 year?, ron of M rs. Frank Sr ewait, th is city, brother of Oi tve M. let rt and Earle Fry, of this city, a nd Mn. Esther Cx, Baker, Or. . The funeral MTv-icc? w ill b held at the ' conficrv a tory cJiapcl of V. S. Dnnninfr. Inf., Kast Side fonprl d iree tors, -1 1 t Ead; Ai der st.. at 1 P. M. Monday. Interment Mt. Calvary cntieiiry. All Fervic,- private by order of th liard f Health. BLEFSINT ; At the family residence, 006 East Davis street, Jan. IS, Garry Buth Rlessing. age Rt years, hushand of Isa bella Blesing. Tuther of .Marjory, Georgia and William Peter Rlossins. Private fu neral services w til be held today (Satur day!. Jan. IS. ai 10:::o A. M. in the con p'Tvatory chapel of K. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder st. Concluding servioes at Portland Crematorium. rOHCO The funeral of the latr Frank Porto, who died Jaji. 11. I'-MO. will be held toda v Sa turf lay 1 , at ! A. M .. from the res I dene e, o('.5 Water d.. t hence to St. Mich af-l's fhurrh. Uh and Mill, where maKM will be f f ered a t ! ::10 A . M. In terment Mt. Calvary ' cmetery. Services strictly private by order of the Board of Ilea it h. Skewes Undertaking Co., di rectors. KK I t)KFj On Janua r-y 16. Merlin Claude Keidel. aped II years. 5 months. 1 day. be loved son of Mr. and M rs. Krd A. Keidel. f 310 Benton st. "St rietly private funeral services at the above residence toduy (Sat urday), Jan. IS. at " I. M. Remains will not bo taken to McMinnvjlle as stated in a previous issue. Intenuent will be mad; in Rose. City Cemetery. Wilson &. Ross, directors. CLELAND Tn this city January 36. Thalia M. Cleland. aged 'JO years, wife of Georsre A. Clela nd, of 1 T23 Scott ave. : motlier of Etouisc Cleland. The funeral fi-riees will be held today (Saturday), st 2:30 o'clock P. M-. at St. Mark's Church. 21st and Marshall r sts. Inter ment at Hivrvjow cenn-tery. All erv ict tdrictlv private by order of the Board of Health. COKDEK At the family residence. 4S47 HIM t. S. E., Hazel M. Corder, aged -fi years, beloved wife of P. B. Corder, mother of DonaHl S. Corder. aed 0 years. Strictly private funeral services will be held Mon day. Jan. !0. at 3 P. M.. from the funeral parlors of A D. Keiiworthy t Co.. r.S02-4 !Jd st. S. E.. in I -en ts. Interment Mt, cott Park Cemetery. INGRAM At the family residence. 5906 77th st. S. E., Calvin c. Ingram, aged 3 year, 31 months. 2s days. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Ca rl J n grant. St rictlv private funeral bcrvi'-cs mil be held today (Sat urday), at 3 A . M.. from t he funeral ' parlors of A. 14. Kenworthy Co.. f.HMH-Ot I'L'd st. s. E., in Lents. Interment .Mount Seott Park Cemetery. TERRY January 3 6, lf10. at 38 Vancouver ave.. Ethel Hope Terry, aged 2H years, beloved wife of E. W. Terry, mother of Leroy and infant son Jack Terry. Pri vatc funeral services will be conducted Monday. January 2(1. at 1 P. M. from Pear son's undertaking parlors. Russell sr? at T'nion ave. Interment lloso City Ceme tery. STAIN'O The funeral of the late Jasper Staino. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno S'.aino. w ill leave t lu resitiential funer.il home of Wilson Ross. East Tth and Multnomah sts., toda y Saturday). Jan. 1 . at 1 :-":o P. M., thpnee to St. Michael's Church. 4th and Mill tt.s.. whore services w iil be held at 2 1. M Interment at Mt, Calvary Cemetery. KETLSKN In this city. Jan. 17, Trving Al fred Neilseil, aged 4 years, 7 days, beloved eon of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Neilsen. late or 5!K)! MIRh ave. S. E Funeral aer-ices will be held, strictly private, at the fu neral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy. ir32 and 1.134 East 13 h st.. Sell wood. In terment Mount SuoLt Park Cemetery. PASTOR The funeral service of the late Robert Pastor, aged 34 years, will take place frMn the Dunning & McEntee chapel today (Saturday), at )S:45 A. M.; thence to St. Patrick's Church. 1'Jt h and Savlcr sis., where service will be hld at 0 A. M. Service will be strict-1 v private. Interment M t. Cavalry cemetery, CLANCY The funeral service of the late Nellie Clancy, aged 4.1 years, will take place from the Dunning & 'Mc Entee chapel today (Saturday, at h:30 A. M. : thence to St. Stephen's Ch urch. E. 4 2d and Taylor sr., where services ill be held at I A. M. Services strictly private. Interment Mt. Cavalry cemetery. HICKEV The funeral service of the late Eaurenco F. Hn-koy, aged 38 years, will take place from t he Dunning & McEntee chapel, Monday, January 2't. at :30 A. M.; thence to the cat h'd rai, 3 .1th and Dav is sts., whew service will be held at 9 A. M. Services st rictly private. Interment Mt, Cnvairv cemetrV. BEN HOW At the family residence, 2S K. 2!th st. N.. Ernest i "iia rles Benbow, aged 21) years, husband of Horn a Ben bow and father of Marie Benbow. Private funeral services today (Saturday). Januarv Is. at 1 P. M., from the residential funeral home of Wilson & Ross. E. s"eveuh and Multno mah. Interment Mount Scott Cemetery. HOB A UGH In this city, January 17, 3ili. Evelyn Hobauirh. a ged 22 years, beloved wife of John Ernest Hobaugh, of 3i3 E.J I-lncoln st. Remains lorwarflea today (Saturday , January IS. ltl!, by Pearson Vndertaking Co., Russell st. at Vnion ave., to Si 1 vert on. Or., wnere services and In terment will take place. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. BREEZE & SNOOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1047 BELMONT, AT 35th SUNNYSBOE SPECIAL, KQUIPMEXT for dolnff all work IN THE HOME when desired. Our beautiful chapel for services without Charge. Prices most reasonable and personal at tention given to all. Both Phnnm: Tnlxtr 12,8, B 2546. 1U47 Belmont M. WILSON & ROSS EAST 7TH A'D M I'LTNO.MAlI lurtland' Moot Proicreiiv FUNERAL DIRECTORS T.AVT 54- HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Thld and Salmon Streets, Main SU7. A 1511. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY i Perfect Funeral Service for Less. I Independent Funeral JJlrectorm. I Wash. st.. bet. 'JOth and -1st, West Side. I iiam 2GU1. Lady Asaistant. A 783. I J. P. Finley & Son progressive; funehal, dirjectors. Main Alontgomery at Fifth. A F. S. DUNNING, INC., 414 E. Alder. Phone E. 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free esc oi uoid.1 Liiaijei una uuio equipment. B'oaawii and Pine street- Phone firuadwaj 4i0. A 40 0b. Laay attendant. CLOSED CARS FOR FUNERALS Phone Woodlawn 5753. MR. AND MRS. W. II. HAMILTON Fa ncral service. 1973 B. Gllen. Tabor 43H. P. L. LEECH ';j8r-- KRlfSO-NT Twelfth and Morrison streets, i-.XXXOOVy.-M Broadway 2534. A. R. ZELLER CO. l'olctoTs. A. D. KENWORTHY CO. 6S02-04 02d st Lents. Tabor 8267. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main A 31. Lady aasistant. FLORISTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florists. 3S4 Washington. Main 290, A 1269. Flowers lor all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., Florists. 287 Morrison St. Main or A 1&05. Fine flowers and tlorai designs. No branch stores. Ll'BLlNER, Florist. Portland Hotel. 32s Morrison; charge accounts solicited. Mar Eliall 7J3. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215, A 2131. Selling H.ue;., mn ana .iaer sts. PliOPLICS FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flow, era and designs very reasonable. Mar. 5922. JBVINGTON PARK r LORAL, CO.. 4th and Yamhllf. runeral deaignera; lowest prices. IO.NSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S7 Washington ct.. pet. im anu am, Main iiu a ilex. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Maio 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOl NT. NTS. JOHN E. CLARK, grueral and cost account ant, 4U2 Kum. Wuainitoa u VUoa ACCOKUIAN F1.KATINO UKMSTITCHINti , ACCOKWO.N 1'LEATINO. We cut. hciu ajd pleat okirta any etyle I: lieiuBtitching. 10c per yard. Kaatern IVovelty up.. fcs;a cth ot. Broadway iioou. ACATK i'LTTBKH ANU MFG. JEWEtEBS. Ji;.IJi,I-K5f and watch repairing. MlUer1. ,KJ " "1. at.. Majeetic 'fncater bldg. AtfALfA MKAL, CKOl.Nt) fEKDIj. H.4Y. VVAL.Tt:it 6COTT. Ltuard of Trade. M. 8titi7. APPKAIMALS. Remodel your old building,, ii. iKA.NCl!) WILUAM3. A14CH1TKCT. Appraisal and valuation expert. 311 1'anaiua bids. Main yOS. lu. 71SU Portland, oreigon. STAiNDAKI AFl'lUISAL COMPANY. Rail way Ex. Bldg. Phone Marshal A'l. ASSAlKKa AU AAUT9. MONTANA ASSAV oKFlCJi. 1- Second Cold, gjiver and platinum nought. ATTORNEYS. MOJlfilS A. GOLDSTEIN, practica la all court,, boj Northwestern liauk bldg. ALTO blUKAOK. k IKE-l lioOK bldg.. H. W. cor. 17th and Alder. Phone JJdwy. 1 Livo aloragv 9': dead storage f.'t.oO. UAKI1ER StPPLlliS. uHBUOX BARBKK SUPPLY CO. We buy and cell all kinds barber supplies. 50 2a. & CONTRACTS. CONTRACTS taken Tor new work, tmns. repairs. Manny. Sellw. L't.'l. CARI'KT CI.KANINii. RUGS Tlie kind that wear the best are madu from your wornout carnets by the Northw.-st l(.ug Co. iformer ad dress. 10J Union arc. j. Ruff rugs woven all sizes. Carptt cleaning, refitting; and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1SS East htli. PHONE KAST 3a. B 12S0. FLUFF RUG CO. Vi0. CKI.I.IT.OIU Bl'TTONS. TH K inWIN-UOUSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 4S4. A 1254. H1IKOPOUISTS ANI ARCH SPKCIALISTS. WILLIAM. Kstelle and Florelie DeVeney, the only screntitlc chiropodists and arch spe cialists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldn-. southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main U1. . CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. 30O.O0O KNOW McMahon, 10U per cent chi ropractor, all welcome to compare adjust ments, throngs pronouncing; treatments; easiest, best, permanent. 31 "treats" lli. Both phones. (IKCILAK I.KTTERS. CRANE LE1TKI! CO., 010-H-12 Royal bldg. Mar. 5S22. M ultlgraphln. mlmeo graph and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NKTH A- CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17!6 No collections, no charge. Established 190U. CON V AI.KfSCENT IIOMK. CAROLINA Convalescent Home, also board and nurse old people. 472 bell wood blvd.. or. J. th. fc-ellwood 5694. IONCRKTE ANU CEMENT WORK. WILL CA MFBR1.L Concrete paragei. ce ment work. Kslimatea free. 523 Clay at. Main 01143. DANCING. MRS. BA YH'S Dancing Academy. 308-11 Dekum bldg. Best instructors. Beginners' class Tues. eve.; class party Fri. eve. Les sons day and eve. by appointment. Phone Main 134B. BKRKELKY Dancing School. 12 4th St., Main 331ft; Mrs. Sumner. Mgr.; lessons by apt.: pith, attention classes Wed, and Sat. BKKKEI.EY Dancing School. 129 4th St.. M 'i i n -131Q. M.. . , ... .- , T . I V. .. apt.; personal attention classes Aved.& Sat. A I I I.' V j i. . . i . . . . . - ... M.i.iii.. . , i iv.i ir insiruc- tors. day and evening. Classes Friday evo ning. 2d floor Alisky bldg. 8 lessons. $.".. MRS FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 2d st. Ball room and stage dancing. Class Tues.. Fri. ev.,: children especially. Main 2100. DRESSMAKING. MISS GUN I SON YA ENGELSTAD Discern ing dressmaker, designer. No patterns. Shop 1032 Hawthorne ave. Tabor S085. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9lh and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS, I niUs'EI CPI CI PH Stockroom and OIflc ui uiurvLkui is.,, uui 1 47 North Fifth street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAINCO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO., t.3-55 Front St. HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front street. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. p" FULLER CO., 12th and Davis sts. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-26S 4th St-, opposite City HalL Mala 8564. Philip Neu a Sons, for memorials. 12 BLAESING GRANITE CO. I THIRD AT MADISON STWgET I OREGON HUMANE SOClu.'Y 1) If ice. ltoom lAtf Courtboue. AUi btm .fen tra live. Phone from 8 to o. Maia S78. Horn I boa A 25-5. isnt cali uflcr uiticm hMira, WooU law a 64. Keport all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small animals Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring: a doc or other pet communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as - we look after the impounding There is no mors city pound, just Orecua Humane Society NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, 0d Buss and Woolen ClethlnaT Wo Make Keveniblo. Utunl-MorM FLUFF RUGS ThuT Wear Like Anim. Send for Has acute woven, an oixee. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN H-tfF Rl U CO, 4 l'Mu Awe. N. Xvaat liei. X4 ItTfc so FLUFF RUGS From old carpets. Carpet cleaning; and refitting. Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Mail orders solicited. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Former address 153 Union Ave. EAST 3580 B 1280 JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOAeC Insurance, Surety Bonds 302 WILCOX BLDG. . Main 703. A 3702. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Improred city and farm property installment repayment pri viler if preferred; prompt, reliable service. A. H. B1RRELL CO. e ST 17-2 19 Northwestern Bank Boil ding. Marnall 4114. A 4112. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSIN ESS A NO RESIDENCB PROPERTY. ROBERTSON EWTOO. 197-8 orttiweeteru Bank Bids'. .rrJl , 1 1 - -'- mess IXECTKICAl, REPAIR SHOP. H. M.II.ELECTPJC CO. 81 North First tt, Portland. Or. Wl3 Rewinding and Xvlectncai licpair- V3 .."o ci-rn.Hj. i-ec iu aoout new or uwed motors. Bdwy 1045. A Jo. t.. fcAK. oh; ANU ItiKuAl. Dr. F. F. Cufcdat specialist; glasses fitted. 7X E. Burnside. Tior. iuth. U. 19-.3. E. 4734. JKKTILI.tR, FIRoT-CLAt-3 MANURE. OARDEN, LA WNd, ROi-KS. LARGE OR SMALL LOADS. EAST 53H. HKMSTITCUL.VU. K- 8TKPH AN, hemstltcbinK. scalloping, ac cordian side pleat, buttons covered, mall ordera 2ia Plltock block. Broadway 1090. HEMcTIICHINU be per yard. 3.10 Morri on, room 4u0, between Broadway and Park. HKMST1TCHI.NU and Picot. All work guar anteed. Singer Peking Mch. Co., 4U2 Wash. MlblC. EM I L TH1ELHOKN. violin teachr. pupli Sevclk. 207 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 1620. PAUL F. KIS.SNKR, vioilnist. Room 1. 2I.".S Vvashlncton. Main r.r.IO. Ten lessons (15. OI'TOM KTKIST8 ANU OPTICIANS. CLASSES AT A SAVING. jV,;r I solicit jour patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou . , , sands of satisfied pttrons. A trial wll convince. Chas. W. Goodman. Optometrist. 2U MorrUon. Main 2124. PAINTING. " NOW Is a good time to do yor Inside paint ing and kalttomtning before we get busy ""ide. Call Eaat 4. Johneen. PAINTIM; ANU PAPERING. PAI.NTiNfi and papering on terms, you pay balance monthly, church ec Co.. -' Ta lor st. PATENT ATTORNEYS. .Sli yr:"J,tI -- years" experience U. B. and foreign patents, wl Dekiim bldg. l'HYSICIANiS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 905 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach. liver. kidneys, bowels. - tnroat. goitre, scalp, high blood pressure, 8ni increased efficiency; drugltn WWC treatment. Goitre, paralysis, head ache, tonsolltis. Dr. Wallers, 30t Swctland bldg. Marshall 4S02 m.MBlXG ll PPMEI4. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prlcea. btark-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 77. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotvplng. lonu Front St.. corner Stark. Main or A 1418. PRIVTIWR F- W. BALTES & COMPANY, I HUM 11! U i,t and Oak sts. Main lbo. A 1165 Roof Repairing. IF your roof leaks, rail a real roofer to fix it. All our work is guaranteed. American Taraffine Products Co., 34 E. Waahing ton St. Kast f.7t4. " bKCONn-IIANU STOKES. LEVIN HDW. FUK.N. CO.. 221 Front Street. We buy and sell everything In the hard ware and furniture line. 1'aone Mala UU72, A 7174. STOVES. STOVES, furnaces, repaired, coils installed. H. J. Seabrook. 261i Vs Salmon St. Main 2575. TRANSFER ANU STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner of 13th. Telephone Broadway 1291 or 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE OLSON TRANSFER CO. 24S PINK. MAD1SON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE. OK lice. IS9 Madison st. General merchandise aiKl forwarding agents. Phone Main 1)191. PACK IN C. M O V I N G STORAflK. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. 105 Park st. Main 6195. A 1051. CLAY" F. MORSE. INC. TRACKACB. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 444-454 Glisan Ft. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old watches and Jew elry. Condition no object. Repairs a spe cialty. Rainier Jewelry Co.. 449 Wash st. 1MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASM L'SSE.V A CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE KITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-Stf Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PRODlC E5JVIISJ;aONIERCHANTS. " EVERDlNti & FARBELU 140 FrontsT ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO., 12th and Davis sts. WAL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co.. 173 Flrat st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. REAL K ST ATE, IXOif ACRES good land, considerable aooa umber, nood sawmill and good box tac tory, all tor X10.OOO; naked land without mill or tlmoer worth more; 11 miles from Weston. LmaUUa Co. Write t". t. Watta. Weston. Or. Per Kale Lei., WHERE CAN TOC BEAT IT? 00-0n the north side or E. Salmon St.. 40 feet east or 3sth. s a 37Hxlno lot with all st. liens paid. Total price fUUO. Phone Main 5156. FRANK L. MrOriRE, ABINOTON FI.r-;. FOR SALE Lot 1, block 7. Benedictine .... 1 "hi bi. anu cora ave. : Stixdi; cement pidewalk. water and sewer 7iX. Eany terms. W. Corcoran, owner' HI MeClellan st. B-?VAIN I-ot crnr Soth and Hawthorne. 3-1 1-3 ft. front. 1MM. Owner leaving city Marshall 13'Jo. Ask for Hubbard, even Ings. 100x100 S. W. comer 17th and Clayborne. 1 block from canine. West Moreland. streets iiaiu uubccu, si-int. can centro. Main 6li4 Foil SALE At a sacrifice, beautiful acre on Hawthorne ave. carline; K-ood neigh borhood. Phone Tabor H475 For Kale -lloasea, i.".o down. J 1 goo WOOD LAWN B IT N 13 A LOW f I Don. ery atfrantlve new bungalow. w ith sleeping porch, elect, and gas. white enam el plumbing: E. 6th, close to car. We have several other good buys In this district. Help you make your 1st payment on any home we have for sale, See FRANK L. McGI'IHE. ABiXGTON BT.DG. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1064. Open evenings and Sundays. $ 1 r.Oti C LOSE-IN COTT AG E S 1 r.00. 4-roum cottage on large lot on East Stark st.. near :i:td. adlolning Laurelhurnt: walking distance. This lot alone BhnuM be worth the money. Price $1500, 0 FRANK L. McGIMRE. ABINOTON BI.TXJ To Buy Your Home. Main 106s. ST..1CTLY modern R-room bungalow, floors narawooo. uniwnea oia ivory woodwork throughout, large attic, lot 10x120. 71S K Madison, near Oth. All Improvements paid. Owner on premises every day after P Xt or eall tnl FOR quick sale. 1 BTe with four-room bun galow, .lutft oompleted; two blocks from Jenning's Lodge, on pived St.; price $2000 half cash. Phone Oak Grove 102-M, ask for Roeebraugh. HERE'S A SNAP Bungalow. 5 large rooms, bath, attic, basement, fireplace. .SOxlOO lot, garage, paved street ($100 bonded). A eoat of paint will make you a 3O00 home; $2oO hsndles; price $2450. 2090 cilisan st. FOR SALE 1500rpartly modern 6-room plastered house on 50x100 lot, with 8 bearing fruit trees, berries, cement walk and lawn: part cash. I2S7 East 12th st. North. Phone Woodlawn 2001. 777 E. MARKET St.. corner 24th. must be sold at administrator's sale. The property consists of corner lot and 6-room modern house with sleeping porch. Apply John Bain. S07 Spalding bldg. AT a sacrifice, 2-story house on E. 2Sth st. and Glisan; can easily be made in flats; also excellent business location. Tabor H47.Y . r 1RV I Mi TON HOMES. Eat H94. It. T. fcTREET. IRV. AGENT DELA1IUNT for perfect homes. East 134T. J1400 2 BLOCKS R. C. PARK CAR. Modern 5-room bungalow. Tabor 65f. 7-ROOM modern bungalow. 422.10. Terms. Inciuire 1132 iiiifiUcippl ave, fbone C H33. ipuiieiin BUL ESTATE. 1-or Sale -II oa. CI.X.RuOM modern bungalow, completely furnished, with lots of roses and fruit treea, lot 4ixloo. This u a bis snap at tuoo if taken at ence. Also u-rootti cottage. - good lota, street Improvements all In aud paid, lots of nice fruit trees and berries- Price 17u0. Ilij la a good buy. 5- roum modem cottage In Punnyslde. cn paved atrcet. full basement. This la a n!te cottage. Price tjooo. joo down, balance $Ju per month at 6 per tent Interest. Also 5-room modern bungalow, evjnny aide. -J lots. Price J.'.0. sa.")0 down. ohI ance per month at tt per cent InltreM. Also 6-room modern bungalow, paved street all In and paid, lot .".OxitO. with garage. Price 25o. :,'" down, balance -" per month. 6 per cent Interest. 6- room etnctly modern bungalow, right on Mlbsisatppl ave.. aood location, fine view. on canine, lot fjoxloo. furnace lieat, street improvement. all in and paid (or. l';ice 3ouo and easy lerma. A snap It taken at once. A. P. FEr.VK'E. ' NEW YORK LAND CO.. 3"3-a Slock Exchange. Phone .Main T?7. IOC owe it To VOi n kamil" JO OW.V YOLK HOME. Don t say you can't afford to buy a home, because you haven't enough to anako our first payment. 1 WILL HELP VOt: MAKE VOCU FIRST PA YM EN I. lr necessary. Uo ou know we harve over 4')0 photographs In our offl'-e ot houses. v e hae lor sale, some for' $200 or 9-iiM) down, all prices, all terms, all parts of city. -Many modern, attractive bungalows? Come In and look over the photographs be fore you buy. rieven experienced real eetafe salesmen with autos to show you homes, btart he new year right; plop paying rent on a bouse that mignt be sold any day BUT A HOME. See FRANK L. McGrtRE. AB1NGTOV BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main .",1 "'-10G3. Successor to H. l. Mci'uire Co. Entablished lhSO. IN SCNNYSIUK DISTRICT. 7 rooma and sleeping porch; extra fine basement, extra good furnace. lauadry. f rultroom, large reception hall wit h fireplace, connected wen large living-room, uining roozn, kitchen, maid's frMitn l which can be changed into breakfast-room If de sired I : tecond floor, three bedrooms, mod ern bathroom and sleeping porch; all rooms are beautifully decorated: expen sive light fixtures: all window hangings, linoleums and carpets are Included; lot looxloo, on corner: street Improvements all paid: exceptionally fine lawn, with Im ported ahrubbery: betutiful homes adja cent: present owner has no use for the property; worth at least 700; price $6000. Telephone Main aill. HAWTHORNE. 6-room modern bungalow. hardwood floor, extra large living, music room, fireplace, beautiful built-in features, sleep ing porch, full cement basement, furnace, every convenience; corner lot. paved and all aasCMsiuenta paid; exceptionally writ built. A real buy at $47.". or will sell furnished completely, including player piano, at $Hroo. open for Inspection to day by owner. See Peterson. THE FRE1J A. JACOBS COMPANY". 104 Fifth Mtreet. Main 6849. - Evenings. East 6727. JL'riT completed, two up-to-date, modern 5-room bungalows, fioxioo lot. paved St.: double constructed throughout, full cement basements. fireplace. bookcase, china closets, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, linen closut. attic, shades, screens, fixture, etc.. etc.; on lvon St., be tween E. :jMh and E. :;:ith. 1 block north; Richmond rar; bark doors open: go look at them. Price j7i0. terms. Tabor 194 evenings. 1 4.-,ii PENINSULA HOM E $1 450. 6-room MubHtuntial home, electricity and gas. white enamel plumbing, large lot. 2 blocks to car. on Lombard ana iik. .very easy terms. 1 will help you make your first pa ment if necessary. We have 25 other horn s for sale in this district. Autos lit vour servl'-e. See FRANK L. McGLlRK. ABINGTON PI.DG, To Ituy Your Home. Main lotiti. Open evenings and Sundays. $26.M) ALBERTA HLNG ALOW-$2G:.(. Verv attractive 5-room modern bunga low; elect, and gas. white enamel plumb ing, fireplace. Dutch Kltcnen, corner lot, cloiMi to car. We have 4 other houses In thts district. I will help make your 1st pavment on any home we have. See FRANK L. McGl'IRE, ABINGTON BLTM5. ' To Buy Your Home. Main 106S. open evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE 6 lots, with cuie modern seven and one 0-room building, fir shade trees, bearing fruit trees, running water through grounda. water right from mountain anrinr. ' This dace is 48 miles from Port land. 60 feet off Columbia Highway, an idenl snot for Summer home or resort hotel. Can be had for $40OU. Address box 154. Cascade Locks,Or. BEADTIFIT, GROUNDS. 00x100 Abund ance full-bearing fruit and walnut trca. fiaved street, near school, stores, branch Ibrary. People who know will tell you the lot alone is worth 2000. highly Im proved as It la. and yet yam get a very prettv 6-room bungalow worth MSO0, all for $2451. $300 cash; 4619 WHdlock ve. corner 47th. Tabor 854 forenoons $ 2.'. Ml KENTON HOM E $ 25" ". 6-room modern home, full cement base ment, white enamel plumbing, full lot. abundance of fruit, grapes, flowem and shruhberv. House could not be built for $.;ililii Total price. Including furniture, onlv $250D. Easy terms. Act quickly. See FKVN K L. McGlIRE. ABINGTON HI. DO. To Buy Your Home. Main H'6-. FIEDMONTDISTRlCT. $:I25. Modem six-room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-in conveniences, etc.; full basement, laundry trays; located on a corner; good garage and only 4 blocks to Cnion ave. J. L. KARNOPP CO.. 819 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6il. HAWTHORNE. Large, modern home. 8 rooms. Interior beautifully finished and every convenience vou can name has been Installed: at tractive grounds with cement drive and garage: a:l improvements in and paid: price '00. liberal terms. Phone Tabor U262. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Incomer We design and build apartments garages, residences anything. Furnish plsns and finance. Established 10 years W e offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L, R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. contracting archi tects. B24 N. W. Bank bldg. $2500 6-RM attractive Queen Ann bunga- loV on Grand ave.. near Skidmore. 60xlo lot, paved st. House liaa modern plumbing, cement baxmt.. elect, and gas. Best surroundings,' close in: onlv 'M" ''n- T G. C. I 'OLDEN R ERG, ABINGTON? BLDG. '35 Years In Portland." Main 4K"3. HOMKSKKKERS. ATTENTION Investigate this today. A beautiful mod ern tip-to-tfate home In Laure. hurst at less than half of cost to build: will stand In vestigation. If you want the best buy In Portland, see me now. Mr. Crawford. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Market street drive. 7-room house, very close In. housa is old but has modern conveniences; good surroundings; lot alone is worth the price, which we can make ::ooo (fash. Goddard sc Wicdrick. 243 Stark St. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 7 -room and sleeping porch, living-room across front of house; very fine view, hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms and one for maid: garage, ground I 75x100; splendid lo cation. Price $7000. Goddard ic Wledrick. 241 Stark st. $2501 ATTRACTIVE 5-RM. BUNGALOW. ADJ. LADD'S ADD. A REAL NEAT 'LSrABINGTON BLDG. "Sh Years in Portland." Main 403. $1900. 46TH. NEAR HARRISON. A real snap. 3 rms.. modern piumblr.jr, cement basmt., fruit treen. paving paid. SloOO Ins. policy paid; only 475 cah. Ci. ' (iOLDENBEK;, AW1NGTUN BI.DG. "35 Years In Portland." -Main 4b3. tT. JOHN'S. SU us todav about bft bungalow prop osition offered anywher?. ..'ozyhome ('.mat. ""o. Cor. Lombard and Buchanan. Col. H41. MOVE RIGHT IN New, 4 rooms, bath and toilet, only one block to food car line; priced ngbt, and terms. Hitchcock, 80 4th St. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLVPI VELI. Houses and lots of ill descriptions and prices. A few downright bargains. Marshall UKOOKB a 3S3, FOK SALB SUO0, or trade, suburban arre- agp. 2 iota. 8-room house. fncd; fine variety fruit and berries. Add reus or see V. Tuttle. 4. t nnt ft rcK SAIjE By ownir. 7-room hounf ; hard wood floors, cement basement; sacrifice. "al! Tbor 3h. BKAN U nw ciasy 3-roorn bungalow; im provements paid ; Union ave., near Pled mont; loi down. Owner. Woodlawn 334 0. 6-RM. Sunnystde, near car. 57x80. only $1750; S'J&O cash. Hirrell Co.. 217 N. W Bank bldg. Mar. 4114, A 4118. $475 CASH down buys beautiful bungalow whole city block; Karage: 4 chicken hou-, abundance of fruit. Phone feel 1 wood 1 fM. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Bungalows and homes for very body In Irvtnston. from $3000. East 273. Herdman. FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 -room modern house, full biisement, $2250, terms. CaJI Jirtao way 41 hit. ST. JOHNS, bargain. 4 -room modern fur nished bungalow, f 400 rash, eq uity for 2'tQ. See this today. 1117 Princeton PORTLAND HEIGHTS 3-room, cozy bun galow. 2 lota, ftne trees. 2 block car' clone In. BROOKE. Mar. 427. A 349. ' $075 BUYS plastered home worth SI 475: na foot cIojc in, Miap. is. a va RFAL ESTATE. For bale -llous TWO LNISI'AL HOME BARGAINS Strictly modern 6-room houe. 1 block to car: good neighborhood: fireplace, fur nace, full cement baeement. nice, large, airy bedrooms. rinlini lot; Immediate pos sesion. Price only $2950, $.J1HJ cash, bal ance like rent. MODERN .-.-ROOM" Bt'NGALOW. Haathorne diet., paved street pa!d. furnace, cement bssemclit. lots of roses, 4UxloO lot: good home environment; Im mediate possession. "Owner. In California, authorizes ua to sell for $2375; $4X) cash will handle. A "snsp" for somebody. THE CROSSLEY-VIGAR.S CO.. Specialists In Howie Propcrtlca, 270 Stark. Main 3052; Sundaii. Main 5073. BARGAIN Modem 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors, built-in bookcase and buffet, sleeping porch enclosed In glass. French windows In front room, all im provements: $1200 cash win handle this, t-ellwood .'I'M. or 5414 44th ave. b. E. for parttcu:ars. Mr. Place. t'J VE-KOOM mode.n bunga'ow. Ha thornr-; hardwood floor, ft rtpis.ee. built -In f-a-turet, white rninrl Dutch kttchrn snd bath, large attic cement has-ment. laun dry trava; (.loe to 2 carlines and fur t.is.ed or unfurnished. Owner 32, Iv. 4'Jth. NEW lUaurolburst bungalow. I bar Just completed ona or trie choicest oungsiown In sCaurelhurat. vttb. gsrsge snd finished with everything you could denires. At le l1zeUern placs T. li. Wlnsblp. Tabor 2124. UAWTHOKNK IIST. 35TH ST. 'J.'.o0. Zt larKQ rtMjnis. large lot : rxm lor cams-; vacant. ctwnr. Tator J4. llstt svad Apart meat .Property. WILL, naorlfu'e for Ions than half eight nice ly furnished 2 snd 3-room apartments In heart of good, live .sawmill town. Furni ture Invoice. SJ31H): bringing In $1M mo. Open for InvcM igailon any time. Here Is y our chance for a nlf. comforts blw iti rpme on a vmall Investment; gool lean; will take good u.ied car part payment. A'Mrf-n P. t. pox 423. Raymond. Was-h. osvbss Hosaesv 2 A ' ' K KS H A "RIM "K. 2 oU BASK LINE HUM E $-1 V). Here Is an unusual opportunity to buy ?Vj arrrm all unjir cultlvtlou. with it fout f rut.ig on lUv l.lnti road, which Is paved ail the way to city; the improve ment tot mure than price arked; larjto o-room plastered house, larcr barn and 'inml'y orchard; on Mt. 1Iok1 Kiectrli. one blo'k to (nation; total price omy 1.. trnirt. We n1i hit JO turfs at Orenco wKh houso aud barn. rtc. : mio one a re on E. Tt'Jd St.. Just east of Ked" t o!ege. Improved uiili very artistic modern bua gitlow. See 1KANK U McC.riRE. ABINOTON BLTG. T Buy Y our Home. Main M 'i. UAKL'K.N HUME. N OKKGoS EI.KCTuio. lot irartH. o.".tl7. wit rt rn. electricity, water, phones. You buy direct from owner. Prices $2."i4 to $;;0; your o n term a i-iee Mc'ormi''. owner, at Urden Home. Phone Main Pots. FOR the best suburban Homes and acreage out of Portland come to Alder brook on Oregon City car. third house nortb of KHIcy Station. For Kale Business Property. BUK K and conciete store building for sale; income property ; price S JO ooo ; w ill con sider good I arm l.ind in Montana or Ore gon in trade. Write Lock Box 120S, Ta coma. Wmh. KuR ALK The bet-t loose or apartment iHe In 1'ortlsnd. HO 74 4. orcgonian. CoST S4" . Price toHy, 31.340. lu come S3l0 monthly. t-ictl. 14'. 1'or Sale Acreage. BR PAYROLLS AND MORK INDUS TRIES GOING IN AT COLUMBIA CITY. Choice acreage within a mile to town ; rich, deep soil, good water, any ftac tracts. eamtv V.earei ; S KM K TRA"TS H A E GOOD FIRST GROWTH FTK FOR CORD WOCl3 ; main county road through lands, connecting with Columbia Highway at Co lumbia city. Every inducement to set tlers. esy tTniH, low prices can also handle ome t raue. bC AN D1NAV1AX-AMKR TC A N R E ALT Y COMPANY. 212 Lumbermen Bldg. TWO inil-s from Oregon City on extra good road. All acres of land; .lu acrert in culti vation: about 20 acrf easily cleared; lim ber will cut about (joO cords of wood; a living spring, good pant u re. For term, wrlto or Bee K. Koellcnmeler, Oregon Cta. r it. f. n. 5. OOu ACRES In Southwest Washington for sale to settlers only; essy terms. low prices, S3 psr acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc ViCYERHAEUSEH TIMBER COMPawNT, Taconu Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, houses all outbuildings. Bull Run water, located Just south of Lents. 6141 U2d St. ti. E. Thomas Allen. MERELY AN ACRE. 62nd A Schuyler sis. garage, fruit, chicken run. city water and gas. decided snap. Broadway 75. Si PER itcre, 30-acre ira.t; house, barn, farm implements, 20 miles Pom i and, 1 mile highway and good town; 1-5 cicared. Terms. 41 Board of Trade. 50 ACRES, all lcrl and cultivated, near Wood burn, 1lu per acre: terms. Would feH hif. owner. Main l4M. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 2V Acres, near station, cheap, terina. Broad- way 75. For 8-Ue Fro it Iads. CRANBERRY growing pays the largest net Income, least labor; planted once in life time; limited acreage, never overprod uc tlon; only 20 acres for sale. Will subdi vide. Grower, M.iln 7040. or 34 1 bih st. Homesteads. Kellnqulshmenls. FOR SALE Relinquishment of HJO-acre homestead. M uKseish ell County. Montana. All tillable. Price $1000 caah or first pay ment on 7-room modern house in PorUund. Charles Andersen. Box 7. Astoria. Or. For 8ale Farms. DEEP-THINKING, far-seeing men are now looking to M EX ICO. ths wsr being over and conditions settled, and are buying up fine agricultural lands. They predict one of the greatest land booms in history will take place In Mexico. You can secure lands at the right price now and we wiil contract to farm them for you on shares, which will net you approximately $325 pei year for an investment of 5oO. which Is secured by a deed for land Improved and tn crop. Terms can be arranged, half cash, balance xsy terms. How can wo do this? Cheap land, cheap labor, splen did transportation facilities (Southern Pa cific R. R. ; an Ideal climate and high market prices for our products. Do your thinking now and write N. It. ANDERSON. 13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. city. 32 ACRES of alfalfa lnd 4 miles from PrlnevilJe. or., all under cultivation and under Irrigation. This Isrm has t5 acres In alfatfa now and about 10O acres now In Fall wheat and most of the rest is plowed ready for Spring crop now; this farm has 6-room houae. large barn and otner out buildings. i head work horses. 10 head of cattle. hog. chickens and all farm tools. fed and seed, in fact everything goes snd one of the best ranches around Prtneville: 95000 will handle, balance lung time mt 6 per cent. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 3u3-5 Stock Exchange Bik. Phone Main 7176. ' FOR QUICK SALE. 60-acre ranch. 33 acres under Irrigation; private irrigation system, plenty of water at all tlm-s of the year; fenced hog-tight Into 3 fields; house and barn. This land In all level fine silt loam, no tonc?. gravel, hsrdpan or alkali : suitable for corn, beans, alfalfa and all sort of fruits; clone to tow n and high hchool ; 4 mile from cemented slate highway. An exceptional b-rgain if taken at once. No agent. Ap ply B. J. Johnson. Richfield. California. FoR hAl.K T.u acrti best soli in valley, crop is mostly wheat: 6 ax-res bearing prunes, good buildings, half xnlje electric station, quarter mtie school: stock and imple ments Including 5-passenger 1013 over land car. cost f 1200; price $M00. half cash, balance tim5. Owner. W. C. Roberts, In dependence. Or.. R. No. 2. c AN ACRE CASH Texas school Isnd for ssle by the state at 2 per acre: 6c per acre cash ana no more fur 40 yearn, but 3 per cent interest. Snd 6c postage for further information. Investor Pub. Co., De.k 4. San Antonio, Texas. DAIRY farm. 4R0 acres, completely stocked and all implements, a money-maker: frt traule, considered. For at 35.XHX Writ A. G. Mitchell, Lake aide. Cooa Co.. Oregon. FOR SALE Cash. $500. on account death, f.! acres on county road; fair buildings: close ocean, -mile school : good grass land. Call Tabor 7025. 1578 E. Glioan st. If C. Starr. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCH Ei Near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soli. Farms for sale, all sixsa, McFarland. 1409 Yeon bldg.. Portland. LOGGED-OEF lands. $10 sere up; running water, good soil. 4 tillable, employment, essy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, 3d st. FOR SALB--GoJd"littlefarmreO acre?." 20 clear; come, look at it, make price. Wood lawn 10t4. RICH Alberta farm land, part crop pay ments. Clauds Cole. 215 Lumbermeua bidg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE several buyers for modern bungalows In Rose City Park, or other restricted dis ' trlct. from $:.5n to $7m. s-e FRANK L. McGl'IRE. ABINOTON TU,IX5. To Buy Your Homn. L"m 4 OK 5-ROOM modern bungalow, easy t rnis. paved street. c've in; responsible party; no a -rents. Mar. 1425. WANT 1 to 3 acres, with good Improve ments, near rarlfne for cash. R. K. Bry an, ft QQ Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANT lot in Irvlngton or Laurelhurst; mubt be cheap for cash. R. F. Bryan, 09 Ctuuabcr &X Cuxuxuerc blUU WANTED REAL ESTATE. 1IA E you a niodsrn home for saie in the Hawthorne district? I bate a l,e lift of vi r -mi ready buyers. l-et s gel toc-ther. Ieal with old-esiaMisned f 11 tu. W c n- t r pad prices. 1 hse an or g . r.ir.a: ion uf 7 experienced re.il mate ssit-sntt-n with au to; give u- price snd dacrijuion of j.mr properiv. Will perfonailv iti-pccl anil photograph our honc and eil it. See 1- RAN K 1 McGl IKK. Ahirgton IVjc . To ie!l Your Houe. Main M .. Mam K't'.V Succteeor to H. l. lr;uire Co. Establ.shed 10. I HAVE THE BEST PliOPE- TS A All.. ABLE FOR MOl'KKN lMM.Al.OWS TO $ ..mm' AM PERSONALLY - TlUKI,i:n To IXfl'T AM Ml V. SEE ME AT NCE. C. C. GOLDEN BERG, AiilNGToN Bl.l h;. "35 Yean In Portlsnd." Main 4R"3 $ono CASH. Want 10 acre.- or more with bou-e. not tv far from carline. good r".-ad; w iH po out milri front Portland. Describe fu. ly. H Oregon la n. MiDElvN 4 or 5-room tuiiK-.o , f urn.fl id or unfurnished, near sniour ar; 1 den. rtpilon, price, cash or terms. H M'.. irfinnmn. 11 oL'EKN. i;.!.oW I P-TO-PAl E 5-6-i;oriv HI'S- WITH GARAGE I'K F.FERKED. $.;5H-$.'.5AA, t ullMiOMA.V tQl'ITT and lot tnortgsgea bought ft-r cash. F.at 1517. Wanted to Rent Farms. FARMERS. ATT1 N T I O N . f hate two thorouchiy experienced farmers with cash money ready to bui stock and iTtp.etiientM and pay cash ir rent and Kali needing, if any. Send m particulars and X will rent your farm without delay. WATCH wl K APS. W'F GET RESULTS, A. G. BEN HER. Tt I TT E R . 1 .OW E Ar CO . ?o;-.-.-7 Hoard of Trade rt dsr. TO IO s- ret with bulbllngs. wn hln 1 -1 min. of Portland. Address B. J. M NT GO M ERY. Hotel Kenwood. Portlsnd. Or. WANTED To rent huk-n ranch. Id to .'ft acren. with butldln.c. from ii to 5 years. R. E. spaugh. 1 Ht ix:er st. VOK RENT FARMS. FA R M for rent to a farmer prepared for farming. Mrs. Lc. K. It, Box l'- Dallas, Or. TIMBER HD. OOi'I) C R l W i Cl PROIM -SITU N, ' A bout 5tiiN cords gootl f rsl - g ma t it f : r, within two milt s of Columbia Itiehsav snd ra!iroMI. main county road ihruu;;a titnb-r to town, priced tight: e,sv k: t.x bC A . Dl X A V 1 A N - A M K It k A X REALTY CoM V N Y, CI 2 T-U'itt'ernieris Bd. 30 ACRES fiqe timber land. 3.00,tKrt feet timber, mostly pitte, near Mit hell, 'Vheei er County, or. Sacrifice iirlte. AV 437, Oregonisn. t FOR SA LE 'lieap. fine timber and miil ta prosperous con; ni un It v. w uh bur local de mand. Eaat .711 after 1 P. M. K. Gin. Ore:on!an. FoK S a I.K A at od imiif r c a.m in Curry ount r . regon ; easy locced. Inquire of 1. . it . t.ox .i, ii,aco, un h. it po.ss and oid g 1 o w t h pi. tug - wauiedl O. V. t;a.nib1e. ;erlincer i'dg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILL e. liarifi.' for Oresri-n TiiJ. sertioii unimproved Alberta land 1 miles from l. R. s. Mtion, nt-nrly Mil m n be lo -1 . soil is f Irs 1 -c.as . no 111 cum nrai.u . pr.11 $5 per acra. Would lake sm.v.l tract or residence (n ell y and give t m oil 1 ance; could handle merchandise no. k ; am a mii'.er and would cons:-U-r most any kind of m tiling proposition. H. R. Smith. Phone Sellwood 1::7. li'7 E liiih si. WELL-iM PROVED wheat ranch, raises good - crops without IrriKaitt.n ; irrigation u;iai crosses jlace : t ma d poi 1 1 n no .v irna 1 -ed, but can all be irrigated: close to R. U. and high w a v. ir, e IJ.i0. Wi'l con sider from $".0OO to $.'n,)MMi a- f irt pa v lurnt. In g(iil Port land Income P' opcrt ; sufficient rop now on place, under nor mal condition, to pav lor n.ttance. 'J4 E. 50! h st. North. Tabor !!. owner. $u04 fcn. buildings. IT cultivated, near e-c-tric; ,imi,'xmj timber excellent coidwood proposition ; want S-aooo bungalow ; a I mo beautiful 0. bottom hind, some improve ments, un'ncumnered. $:tOoO. tor reside me simitar val j Peedee alay foothill . JJ.'iWl, for city; would divuU-; act quickly. See cwner after U .30, Baruey. 30J ttock Exchange. FoR TR A DE- St' k ranch. LV acr s on E. fork Salmon Rit er : 0 ai r-i bottom, 4l ac. seeded grass: fair buildings. Want 3u or 40-room hous.- or good, modern dwelling up to hhm. 157s1 E. GllMut st., PnrV'inJ, Or. 1', 7o-.V H. C. Starr none labor i-'oll SA LI-:, or trado for property 111 pori land or Vantouvnr. 1 rt acren oi wheat ind with lair build 111 gi : ull under cu.t 1 v a: Ion, a mllca from Alderda'e, Klicklt.it '"o., Wa.-t.. Call at suite -ol 1. S. Lank bid,;., or phone l!. Vsmc.hiv- . 'lh. SEE the pictures of t'an.diau farm 11. 'e Mt i'antages 1 1 its p'k. Then tratle your properly here lor a f a rin 'n Canada. I can match jnn. Canada wlil boom this ear. C. W. Niemew-r. Satcn. 80 ACRES. 3 cuittval.d. fair building snl Improvement.. 4 mile-, from Hat l round. Clwrke County. Wah. Wan: a home lu Portland u nd will gie easy term. on the balance. S-e owner, 4-U ilenry bldg. 20 ACRES garden land, five-room bungalow, woven wire fence, near Canby. value 5"hi Want home In city up to $(Oim. t .ir of Incumbrance. R. F. JJryan, 5i'- Chamber of Commerce bldg. PRUNE orchard, 10 acres in bearing snd IS 'i acres unplunted, near Camas. Wash. ; will exchange same for unencumbered land In East or Miuih Texas. O. F. Ewiug, -iOJ Scanlan bldg.. Houston. Tex. FOR KXCHANOE. 1 -arre fruit and walnut raneh near New berg for 4 to SO-acre equipped dairy ranch near MeMinnville or Carlton. Owner, Mi Interstate ave. 40 ACRES. 0 acres in wheat. f-room hou, barn, 5 horses. 5 cow, o yearling hei'eis. 16 pigs. Implements and toul. $tooo. ill take clear houe or improved acrcags to $4.f 11 3d t. 1 HAVE small 4-room house. lot'xloO corner, good location, cio In. on carline n ar school, for s litf. or to axrhange for mod rn buttitalow. What have ou. owner. A Ore icon ia n. PORTLA N l propert y cli ir and ca.h up to ilnu.lMKl value for going piu. k ram li la Willamette Valley. I "refer .la k 101. Coun ty See t;. L, Rces. o. W. Ta lor' a office, 1.K1S 4th st. tt-Roo M modei n buiiKaiow . Uu.- Cli y Park, clear; one block 1 1 fom csr .splendid lo cation. Es hange for small farm near electric line; near Portland. See CI. l Rees. O. W. Taylor' t office. IftO'.. 4h t. 15 FEET on Mom pomerj- st.. with fo.ir large houses; worth $-.Yx0. will take $i.utH). natr casn. natanco cuy, o per cent. A E 70.. iregontan. W A NTFD Portland home in firhnr for good farm near Porttand. AN 714. oreco- n:an. TO exchange; 5-room house, a. so a lovxlou lot for s 6-room modern; must be N. Latt Ktde. Call Kft 1 J.M bi'ukANtl property, r-:rntd district, ex change Port land ; Laurel hurst preferred. M Oregon 1 an. TO EXCHANGE M ISCEM.ANOrW. bA FE for add in g machine. Call t4 5d st., bet. Oak and Pine Ht. 1 WILL take good work hordes or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith. "Ji'S AUler st. ft)R SALE. Hone-, ehlcle. I.I vertex' k. PA 1 K of Sli ire farui iiurvt. 7 a nd i ye.tr oid. absolutely sound and right in .ry w ay. w eight -40 lbs. Am t h rough m v work. Price very cheap. $15. Cali tear rf barn. Ewsl iHh and Eianders. A'so one bay chunky-built fa rm ma re. w e 1 g n t lJo.i lu-.. price $45. Oent.o and true in a.l harness. FRESH Jerey cow and calf; heavy milker. $mi. Red Durham giving 4 gal., f reh 1 mo., $lo: young f r .-li Jersey cow giving about 3 gal., $0O; 'J heifers, good ni.tkcr. $..ti each, also 1x springer that will be freh soon, at Eat tMh and FInderM. FoR SALE Hcxly. top ana curtains off goose -nock waon. suitable for 1-. 2 or .4 -ton truck, or wi.l sell as a t ornp'ete w agon at our price, tircon Tranfer Co., u Alder st. 1 HAVE several giod farm wapons. good spring wagon, a.no some good min'h teHin-. fine team --year-old colts; will sll chep or trade for apples or potato. Call J47 E. Alder st. REGISTERED Short horn bui I. tt moa. 01. 1, at barn. E. Bt h and i von sts. ; also regis tered Holstein boil, same age. Hoi man . Fuel Co.. VA 5th st, DEAL stock removed qun kly. asii paid for dead rowi and crippled horses. i'hone Mil waukie. '.-J. for results. FoR SAUK ne team. 2-m pounds : one team, li-oo pounds : good condi t Ion ; work 1 n g daliy. Willamette Fuel Ac Supp.y I 'o. LA EUE f;ne Holstc-in cow in best cond i tion for beef: wlil sell or trade for Ai miich cow. Tabor 14 75. FARM HORSES Five head mares and gehi ings. wt. from 13t0 to 15uo lb. Cheap. Mon Feed Ham, Oregon City. DEAD horses and animala hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodiiwn 2a DfA 1 ttrs?H taken quick; cash paid for cow-s and crippled horses. Tabor 4J03. I WILL take good work hor-.es or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith. L- Alder st, 5 OOOD mtlk cow a. Inquire 4.7 E. Clay, or- 40- Hawthorno ave. TEAM mares, ha-neit. wagou, cheap. Call FOR PALE. rtansa. Orgaws and Musical InstruTnewta. SK"I RITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OCT. " storey A;' imp Ul4 upr X Hlflcj- u $CU Henry K. Miller uaed upr't, $li cud. 4 .i Kntibll larKe nis hog. up't, $i'0cas $4"- ii.w t-red upruht pmns, f J".s cm mm,. Sj,.u p.ayer-pianos, 11! 7 mo'lrj. & casiu X J mriiN; pianos. Si5 and $75 csr.i. I. d i ir orc-ina. $'J5 and $5S caeh. lrt c.teh. bonds aud other secant I a accept ei. l'ians bought snd sold (or ran:, o.-.iy. storage 6iKr inoiuh. Phone Main S.M-'jef 1 v S-.-nite Co . 13 4T h St. HAVE you bond, other eoeurlt.es or ctty lot to turn In as ftr?t payment on a ptaco or piuyer-plano and still buy at 25 per cent b-k.w local market price. tea chw aa I'.mo Co. Ill 4tb st. tl 1 - I N W A Y . .qiiar. rosewood $1- -l W ,fii; t ores ii, mirror. ............. 11 t ohmer 1 new j 00 Ii A IUM.li S. GILBERT. 5S1 Ysmbiil. 1" I N ' . : l. SI .c ! ; til. rd ma ke. con t X".o J;or: t'T-i- jgo; n.J at bsrg.iin. trnra K t n l'--iluuns Lucas MufiL Co., 15 -1 WILL PAY CASH FOR t SED PI A M S A N U i:am insthl vents. stir.UKUNu- 1 FCAS M X. SIC CO. 1.5 4TH ST. $15 AND $-5 csiih sends home new $4'il pianos for tT0. balance $ or $10 monthly. ew-h" sn Piano Co.. Ill 4th L at Wa--h. .Mi sr r.i; sola today. Kmc ictrai and' I'.rafonola ; no rt. " offer r-fi;e.l. 1-t, nar A'dt r. WILL gi e $.m IU. rt v hond and 4 lots i'r of hi uinhmm e for a good Ford, A. I .rk ood'aw n 5 i .1 . n A No.S tuned $.V t;eorge T. Peck. Tabor -74. Orad. New Enr. Conservator- Li'itx p:.inii:r.ipi and records, good con ''''" $!. 1J5 41 : st. 1 PAY CASH PO". ffKD PIANOt " Ajl' 'l.D s r.ll.HKRT. 34 Yamhill st. CAsu paid !r 1 lio n aer ro' s you are tued o'. Harotd to. t.tlLert. VamlnlL ilAV" w-red. p.. for har74iu Iro.U PiV.N't. iifisnt. god lOiidmon. $iOv. -' "' " - A, Lucas Music t'a . 1 4ti r.. Foroitnr for &ale. 1.1N; ;mm Furniture; hIvi Leather .11 VIE uml Col CH. and Library Tsbl. T.i--.-. a- uutu Cleaner and iron all 11 go-m repair and worth, more lli.n PR1CI. d. V - r- -tn inar Clinton. I 1 ..! $....(!. I pi d r ele - no ra:,Bc. worth $1-7 . N-f 1 . o4 -ni h roup 1 ped-ta I f umed-oa 1c tah'e. worth $75, lor : s x go,.d l:(Taiy t.Mes. special st Sl $ 1 1 .o. HI. $-J r.o. M . II. valet. 5tO Wil.lama e . , li...ie Kan: l",4 17. ONI. rry fin-- b:rdee mapie dreer, gea rang.-, co.il he.,', r. eleeiric heater, I rue. h. p ii taken by nuou today. 1.. i l lAITt UK of three rooms at great mc rif. e. party leswng city. Apt. II, I.owo- fr:end Apis. A J- N 1 ' 1 tr. tml new. m-1n h gol1en oa -A roii-top .t.-h. with ssmtary ba?e. Hy owner jt riio-e. f;m( ;to;,.. ii iNlJCiiK iir s., ;e. MO Woodward av ' S- 'wood M7. K S.VI.l.- -Oak J.trol;.in dining-room Set, 4ther se.ite.1 i hurl. M.nn ? ', rt. I'K Ai.i:-.Vt s.. ritj,,. furniture of 6rvn:ii ioii... .I'-m.-t new. ;, ;,;. 1 sun bea susd Howls. 5-RM hou5-elo;it. all kind of wod. fur nished .r unfurnished ; price $.17.'. 1 n quire !7od I nioii axe. North, tocttv limits. Machinery. 1-I. f-AUU-H.- m-n Ac H.irker gas pump, --go 1 on stroke. j;.-ga;ion tank: Fair-Panks-.Murse uir comprcssvr; outfit uett i.lo:it a year: in fine shape. H. F. ijcLoll. I mi !d...rd ij.trage. Huhhanl. Or. WANTED Mo.st :ug eng.itH w ir huut boier and iKmi'io druiii. tw o-vy Under. C-vil C . J ' t ron inn. Jo. Rabhii. nirda. IVt Slock. r.i.Kl-. K.1111H boards fc'iiall dogs and toy bneda by the day, we.-k or month; pup- Pihouie broken. Imi t'nion ave. North. Foi: SALE --one M .1 1 p0.lle. 0 months n, n eWnf-i'r,t;lr K,1,1IC!,; -heap if takcu ut once. !... Ii v; 8H.1t. WANTKD-v home ior a luvelv co.iio du. -! E. 4 11 si. N. jjolCE can..r..H at the Canary Dird Shop. 11--1 E. -'vn st. N. O irri7. A :EACTIFl L Scow h collie pvn. b months Price. $ in. Tabor 7H!7. Poultry. KELLER. ST ASS While orpin: :on settmus 1 .. Mtid $J r.o. Phone s-vilwood iu43. 4-l: 4!i ave. S. E. l-Oi. s. LE or urh.nuv, fin w in.; Mmort a roo!t.-r ( lii'M.ui mmiii. raw eomh). Ail-lrtM c L :r!i,i 1 .i-mi, 1 W . c; on. Or., ii. F. I . 1. Typewriters. KENT a Remingtom; epeclai rstes to stu dent a. Buy our new Ifemlngton now; lm medial a ded very. ressonaDle terms. Remington TpewrHer Company. CiL A t.A N I'lTr.D factory rebuilt t pe writ era. ALL MAKES, aom on monthly paymeats: snd for price Hit The Wholes-tie Typa w nter Co.. retail dept.. IPJt Wash, at. i-oK SALE No. , I nil.Tttimil t p.-w riler, e' I . m-w ; $5, , ot J mi. cH 11 at r-.mc:. Motor Car Co., 13ih and lUw- hoi n--. NEW. lebul.t. sweond-hand rents. a at cat r-t c. P. D. Co.. 2A1 Stark St. l-in 1 4Q7. REUL'ILT typewriter and auppiiea Coroaa, dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. IIP Slth. WE will buy our old tpewrlter snd psy ou cash. eres.n 1 y pew r.ter Co . 14 Firth. ALL make - typewriter rented and repalre 1. Ort u:i T pew rating Co. . :4 5th. Main 35H, M lcel la nenu HCY for less in lto0 lo La or more Or.tiu tai hi 1 oia 10 sacks A fa fa sacks W ool ks from H. N. H.cn, 140G Northwestern Cin'r; Voj. Main 4t.o; bEWlN machines, new and second-hand, told for ,as; no agents employed; com plete line f parts for ail makes; mac -tines rcpairerj anl rented. Main !431 SEWlNi. MACHINE EMPORIUM. I'.'d :td. near Taylor S . ree t UoW'SER gasoline pump cotiido;.-. with reg l.ner and total reason register; new Stand ard und. rktr-Mind ga.dine tank. 'Ll ga. lo-t. check Mie and pipe htie: wl I .-a -en ice for $175. i'hone Mr. Ehman. Hroad wn y 1 1 3t. Ft d " It - I R A W ER Nat ion I cash reriMer. pr.tciically i.ew. coct $llft( will s.-ll lor H"i; term If deMrel. M .1st be seen to be appreciated. C. A. Cobb. Atty., U5- Ra'eiah I'iilg . Portland. trreon, U'LI'VUIA KiVKK 4iM r.LTS, carried in sha rp t reerer. oil-pound boxes. $ -.45 p b". Send Poiio' (u e or pr orur. Mu nu 1 pal nU Market It 7 Third al Portland. Or. W ILL liiin.i hlaik raven. tU'l raincoat. .dto 4. in lioo'l conoKion. for warm coat same size tmd pay d : f :r re n 'e : fur co. inidfKd If attractive. y pru cd. 11 stl. iiOT wster tanks, all sixes, in good service sb'e condition. 30-gal.. $7; 40-gl $4 201 Adams St.. east end steel bridge. Pbaao E s.'.lft. CL E V -M -parator for h New DoLaval mke. 1 ail he -en at rown Willamette) l-.n. n-n.j.- bridv. from Oregon City. Pr.co .vff p. t. jiarlow. Rv'SE CVSMKS. shrubbery and flowerlnc p. ant a. i'hone orders Ue! ivc red promptly. Tortiand ltose Nursery. Tabor 5710. Bl'RROPtHLS AtifiTVO MACHINE. C. HD v 'Kkinu condition, ak , oue- CmMAN. Fo K SALE Cash register, safe, adding tns china and showcase. 174 1st at-, coraar Yimhlil. MARC HAN'T CALCULATING MACHINE, pra- tic-.ly new. try u for 10 days: a bar gam lor ca-h. Wri'e AE 7r:. Oregon Ian. BIluIAKD and pocket billiard tables, abow raaes and ailc8. fixtures; essy tarms W J. Oulcley. First. Main bStfg. r'OK SALE or rent, logging snd hoisting er pine?, all kliuis machinery, rails, cars. H.i.ay Equipment Co.. t35 Stark st. Cii IN TS' ov.-rcoa C and ra Incoa 1 rt combined. J oa:. in one; air." 43; blue, good as new-, at .crtf m e. Wmxtlawn 1313. HANI soM E mink set. Will accept lihert v bond. 571 Klin at., apartment 3, PortljiiJ ll"'chii cur. til K'.IS hrfhy buggy, oak ro kT, ittri tai.e. player piano, etc Jackson :.its. ii t He. und Davis, Sunday morn .Ttff. THREE beautiful Oriental rugt for sTia cheap. tall on Mr. Adam, room 411, li uckstone HotcL FoR SALE Beautiful antique buf tet. solid w alnut. hand-carved. tuiraMe for li ing or tunii'g room. Mars hull J r 1 2. FORTY tio-poun.l cans white alfalfa honev. Jltc f o. b. Portland. Columbia 10S1, till E. Ti 'co st. LA Rc; E A x minster rug, $ J't . iron bed, m.tt tres. springs, $10, chiffonier. 1 loU Bel mont si. CHOICE Durban k po; a toes, $ J a savk. ue liv.-ed. Mitrshall 174. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at tbe right price. 4ft Front st. U road way lfltH. Fl N E lot of grocery l ixiures. Phone Eaat 417. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. chs r ged. touch t Bent ey Co.. Main &5H12. At'v'l APELLE rain Milt. M:e 4'. snd hat. go-vl f-oiidition, $5. phone MhIh b474. FoH S A I -E A Ji'-a vt r neck piece and pil low muff. $115. Call Main i.Jl 1. FOR SALK Kitchen tsble. 75c; typew ritee dAU. multigraph, tcnt. 'Woodlawn ALL kinds of tooiy, ai-j oilier aiticiea. 4P