TIIE MORNING .OllEGONIAX, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1919. SYWDICALISTMEASURE s Wilbur Methodist Church War Work Society and Ladies of the Eastern Star Will Meet for Red Cross Work Tuesday in Our Auditorium on the Fourth Floor. Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, 2d Floor Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and Draperies, 3d Floor Shoe Shining Parlors in Basement Tea Room, 4th Floor. AT TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS MARSHALL 4800 . A 6231- THE BEST VENTILATED AND BEST HEATED STORE IN x TORTLAND Picture Framing Fourth Floor Bring in your prints or photos and let our experts frame them the way you like best. Reason able prices. Double S. Stamps. Corsets Fitted By Experts Choose your next corset here and have it properly fitted by one of our expert corsetieres. Cor set Department, Second Floor. OLDS, WGRTMAN & KING House Postpones Passage Over Veto Until Thursday. Double Trading Stamps With Charge or Gash Purchases NEED OF ACTION SET FORTH i DELAYED DLYMPA Effort to irt Hill Apirord lc-tau-f of Baltic Mlnalkn Is lllm-Lrd by I .a bur Leaders. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 13. Spe cial) When th. Washington legisla ture ronvfnfd at noon today the ben ate Rrpuhliran organisation had ap parently asKimillated Its preliminary I ymptoma of insurgency together wltn the l.-isurircnta. Mouse orranlsatlon was supposed to he oiled and Insured against friction and Impatient at any prospect of Sen atorial dissension. Vet the House de veloped an upheaval that sidetracked until Thursday passage over the 5ov trnori veto of the criminal syndical ism bill passed last session. Proceed las A re Blacked. Mouse and Senate leaders had previ ously agreed to pass the bill over the veto ami later remedy by amendment approved objections to the act. The -Sfrate passed the bill over the veto by a vore of to i. and it mi sent 4m-ir.'-diMtcly to the Mouse, conservative Seattle members being particularly anxious to pass It on account of the rloinu demonstration there Sunday night. But Representative Frank t'ot terill. Seattle labor leader, blocked proceedings by moving that the bill go over to special order Thursday, to which the other vetoes had been as signed. He was opposed by E. H. Goie, also of Seattle, and supported by :.-orre N. Hodgdon. a aurriver of tie old populist Legislature, who declared that they could not run a steam roller over him. Charles Roth, of Whatcom, supported Immediate action. Elmer K. llealey. of fierce, opposed, and the House stood still until W. W. Conner, former Speaker, moved to lay the syn dicalism veto on the table, to be taken UP at pleasure of the House. The deciding factor in delaying ac tion was a showing that 24 new mem bers had never read the vetoed bill and would not vote upon It until they had done so. a circumstance that left the organixalion short of the two thirds vote required to overcome a veto. Measare la Urastle. The syndicalism bill Is designed as n special, me.ins of dealing judicially with the I. W. W. and other radical opposition to the Government, and Is stringent especially In fixing liability for encouraging or participating In such leninnstraf ions. It holds a landlord to criminal liability for disloyal dec larations a speaker may make in .a rented hall and places the same re sponsibility upon all who compose the aurilence. These are the sections that would have been modified under the plan of procedure declared to be held In re serve after the veto had been over come. On the other hand, some of the more determined supporters of strin gent regulation believed that If the bill were passed over the veto It would be eliminated from liability to a refer endum through the expiration of that time, since It was passed last session. The general Impression is that It would hei-ome effective at once if passed again. Three Republican Senators, Kairchild. Ivorson and Ijindon, and two lemocrats. Judd and O'Hara, voted in support of the veto. organisation of both houses went through according to caucus plan, plac ing Senator P. H. Carlyon. second tn Senate rank, as president pro tern, and Fred Adams, of Spokane, in the Speak er's chair without an opponent being named to either. Reaaaalag of Caaal Urged. The Senate today adopted resolu tions on Roosevelt's death, another ask ing that the Panama Canal be re named after the late ex-President, who built It. and a third indorsing National woman suffrage. The House failed to reach the resolutions of condolence, hut parsed the others. Both houses lost no time in passing the legislative ex jfnse appropriation of 1115.000, with 115.U00 more for printing, the same amount as expended last session. Announcement of committee appoint ments arou.-ed no noticeable symptoms of disappointment today, and they, with the Governor's recess appointments, went over to special order tomorrow. The more Important Senate committee chairmanships Include George McCoy, 'larke. agriculture: Joseph H. Smith, Snohomish, appropriations; H. T. Co mm. Spokane, banking: Howard Tay lor. King, public utilities: Ferryman. Chelan, railroads: Oliver Hall, Whit man, roads: W. S. Iavls. Pierce, public morals: E. J. Young. Pierce, insurance: F. G. Barnes. Cowlits. Industrial Insur ance: K. V. Kuykendall. Columbia. Ju diciary: Tan Landon. King. Federal re 1 itlons. The latter committee la an ad dition to the standing list and on count of eo-operati ve reconstruction work between the state and -Federal Governments Is regarded as one of the most Important of the session. Woaaaa (.eta t'halraaaashlp. J. S. Slier, of Lew is; retains the agri cultural committee chairmanship of the House. James H. Davis, of Pierce, ap propriations; C. W. Ryan, Cowlits, is the new house chairman on banking Fred J. Mess. King, Federal relations George McCoy. Clarke, Industrial lnxur ance; W. H. Sawyer, Yakima, Irrigation: r H. Gule. King. Judiciary: Mrs. F. M Haskell. Pierce, public morals: J. C. llubbell. Kittitas, roads. The House rules committee Includes the speaker. harles lioth. Mark t Reed, George McCoy. Maurice Smith. Phil S. Locke, K. llealey, E. F. Ranker. H. C. Lucas, . H. Rlrkmsn. Robert Grass, Pliny 1. Allen, w. w. Conner. J. ii. Davis. K. H. Gule. The Senate rules committee, against whicn tne so-called Insurgent move ment was directed, consists of the Lieutenant-Governor. - P. H. Carlyon. liver Hall. Howard Taylor, Oliver Corn well. K. I- French. Ralph Metcalf. The latter was supposed to be the In eurgrnt candidate for President pro- lm. Two Extraordinary Bargain Offerings in Women's Dresses 14. Mll 1 3t , 7 Dresses of Silk or Serge Special at $14.98 Second Floor The dresses in this lot are pood, practical styles for gen eral wear. Fine quality wool serge, combinations of serge and satin also dresses of crepe de chine, foulard, mcssaline and burella cloth. Braided, tucked and embroidered styles some hsrVe belts, QA A QO others in surplice and draped effects. Sizes 14 to 44. Now DA'x.I0 Velvet Silk Serge Dresses Special at $23.95 Second Floor Dresses of Georgette crepe, mcssaline, serge, wool jersey, wool vclour, velvet and corduroy. Neat plain styles for street wear and dressy combinations for afternoon and evening wear. Beaded, braided and fringe-trimmed styles. Excellent assortment of the C?OQ QP wanted shades. Priced special for the Inventory Sale at 5-Je7J Inventory Sales STOCK-TAKING TIME is near at hand and the various departments have orders to dispose of all broken lines, remnants and odds and ends at once. Thrifty shoppers will find countless opportunities to buy de pendable merchandise at unusual savings. In many instances prices are reduced a full half. Double Trading Stamps with charge ox cash purchases. InventorySaleof Rugs Featuring high-grade Rugs in large or small sizes at substantial reductions. Department 3d Floor. - Royal Wilton Rugs 1 REDUCED 565.00 Royal Wilton (gCO Rug, sire 8x10 ft only wJO.UU $75.00 Royal Wilton g?'7 Cfl Rug, size 9x12 ft. only DtJ t .OV $23.50 Brussels Rug, (P1Q rA size 9x12 ft, special at DV0J Wilton Velvet Rugs REDUCED $9.50 Wilton Velvet &0 A f Rugs, size 36x72 inches DOeftl $6.00 Wilton Velvet OQ Rugs, size 36x72 inches OtjOiv $5.00 Wilton Velvet PO UK Rugs, size 27x54 inches DO. 4 J Royal Bengal Rugs REDUCED $47.00 Bengal Rug, ffl size 4x7 ft, special at I JJ $95.00 Bengal Rug, flr7fr nn size 6x9 feet, now at D eJeUU $125.00 Bengal Rug, P" - f size 8x10 feet, now at wllU Val Laces 25c Main Floor These arc especially adapted for camisoles and for un derwear or fancy work. Widths 3 to 5Vs inches. Great variety of pretty patterns to select OPT from. Priced special, yard $2.50 and $3.00 Fancy Silks Special $1.79 Yard Center Circle, First Floor One of the best silk offerings made for a full year, and we advise any woman who has use for silk to take full advantage. Yard-wide fancy taffetas and satins in stripes, plaids and beautiful warp print effects high-grade silks from our regular stock. Suitable for dresses, waists, skirts, linings and children's dresses. Ex cellent assortment of patterns and colore; to select from. d?"l UCk Standard $2.50 and $3.00 Silks, priced special Tuesday; yard t Haviland China Plain White Fancy Shape Third Floor Closing out many odd lines of Haviland China at half former prices. Plain white, Berain patterns plates, ice rel ishes, chocolate cups and saucers, cake plates, sugars and creamers, bread trays and other articles. Choice this sale at HALF PRICE Syracuse China Vi Price Third Floor Syracuse Plain White China, fancy shape; plates, sugars ' and creamers, teapots, sauce boats, egg cups, salad bowls, etc. While any CCi remain, priced at just 2 Vyll Price Decorated China HAVILAND & CO. Decorated Dinner Sets at special prices. Household Supplies Main Floor HEAVY 'QUALITY BLEACHED SHEETS, torn, and hemmed. NOTE THE PRICES: Sheets size 72x90 inches Sheets size 81x90 inches $1.73 Sheets size 81x99 inches $1.83 Pillow Cases, size 4ox36 inches, priced special, at -7C Brown Sheeting, 2 yards t?fl wide, priced special, yard -$o.00 Bedspreads, fl4 Of" scalloped, cut corners D"eJJ Quilted Cotton Batts for less. 2-pound Quilted Batts at $1.25 2-pound Quilted Batts $l.,"0 3-pound Quilted Batts at $1.73 Double S. & H. Trading Stamps. SCHOONER WILL BE BUILT FIRST VESSEL. OF AFTER-TIIE-WAR FLEET IS ASSURED. Work Will Be Started by Interna tional Company at Colum bia. City Plant. Ohio (rftrrnor Inangnratrd. rOI.UMBfS. O. Jsn. 13. Jsmrs it. Cos. 47. m Democratic newspaper pub lisher of Dayton. O. today was inau gurated Governor of Ohio for a third t.rm. Nobodu misses wheat for breaV fast when COs' they have POST TOAST I ES I MADE Or CORN) Construction of the first topmast schooner controlled by I'ortlanders of tde "after-the-war fleet" is to be un dertaken by the International Ship building Company at its Columbia City plant in about two weeks. Alfred S. Hex and R. T. Lyng have Interested business men in the departure and it is said the vessel already is fixed for a Sydney lumber cargo at $42.50 with the option of Melbourne at $48. The coft of the vessel is estimated at $175, 90rt. The schooner will hare a deadweight rapacity of about 1(00 tons and is to be 10 feet lonir. 39 feet beam and IS feet depth of hold, he will be of the fourmasted type and l expected to tarry 1. 300,000 ;eet of lumber. The ves sel Is to ba constructed under the Bu reau Veritas rules, it being planned to classify her with that society. Ueorge McBride. president of the In ternational Shipbuilding; Company, said yesterday that while the buildina; cor poration would have no direct interest in the shin, some of the stockholders in the yard were also shareholders in the vessel. . I feel that we will have the schoon er ready for service in four months after the keel is in place, though we will not try for speedy work." said Mr. McBride. "In the past our plant, be cause of not havinir held Government contracts, was unable to ro ahead, but now, since the ban has been lified and we can build for private account, we expect to get under way in short or der." ' Three vessels are building at the LJnntou yard of the Columbia Engi neering Works for private interests. That I'lant has continued on private work since its establishment, not having- been called on ty the Government to undertake wood steamers, and so far has delivered nine ships, part of the fleet being of the auxiliary schooner type. The International plant was laid out Just below the yard of the Somar strom Shipbuilding Company. Buildings rrtS erected and the sites of the ways graded before it was definitely learned that the Kmerjency Fleet Corporation was not to use the property nor could permission be obtf.ir.ed to undertake private .work, except if the ships were to be of lOOO tons or less. Shipping men have advocated building of topmast schooners or even those of the auxiliary type, but in plants where Government vessels are under construction it was regarded as not the best step to lay down private hips at the. same time, builders pre f erring to iret all of the Fleet Corpora tion contracts delivered before under taking- other responsibilities. TACOMA TO GO AFTER TRADE Senator Jones, of 'Washington, revealed that President Wilson Is responsible for the yder requiring- shipyards to se cure a permit from the Shipping Board to build ships for foreign account. Only one application from Oregon for such a permit is now pending before the board, and it Is from the G. M. Standifer Construction Corporation, of Portland, which desires to construct SOOO-tons deadweight capacity steel shipping for foreign account. The board admits in the report that the British government is somewhat more liberal with its shipping industry in that the construction of merchant ships for foreign account Is permitted quite freely so long as there Is no in terference with government contracts now in hand. The board's report says it Is re ported that English yards have com mitted themselves to building 1.000,000 deadweight tons of shipping for French arcount and that one-third of the ship building labor of England, Is now en gaged in merchant sh'p construction. SAMSO.V RELIEVES WALLCJjA Wood Tug Built Here SO Yearf Ago ProTin.gr Her Worth Today. . To ply in the service of the Port of Portland Commission for a few days at the mouth of the Columbia River, tow ing ships and carrying pilots, the wood tug Samson, buiU here in 1898. leaves the harbor today for Astoria. She has been engaged because the tug Wallula is to undergo her anuual inspection Thursday. The Samson was built by the Colum bia Contract Company to be used in towing rock barges. She was con structed with diagonal planking over the frames, the outside planking, or skin," going on over the diagonal cov ering, the same as has been done with wood steamers of the Ballin type here. and also followed by the big steam schooner Katia, which 'the Kiernan & Kern Shipbuilding Company turned out last year. The Samson has been fn all kinds of service, towing In the river as well as along tne coast, ana is regarded today as one of the best specimens of wood ship construction. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. J. 1.1. Arrived at C P. M. Steamer Ashburn. from trial trip. Ar rived at 7 P. M Steamer Frank I. Stout from fan Francisco. Sailed at noon Steamer . F. Harrin. for Monterey. Astoria, Jan. 13. Arrived and left up at v A. Mi fetearaer Asnourn, xroia trial trip. Arrived at 8 and left up at 9:13 A. M. steamer Frank D. Stout, from San Fran CISCO. CALLAO, Peru. Jan. 13. French ateamcr Lieutenant Pegoud in port hero damased by lire. BlllVT.Hll Tan 1 krrlv.A ft .11 1 t h r j schooner Sierra, from Columbia River, 43 out. " L SUPREME COURT DECIDES PRE PAID FREIGHT CASE, Six Business Men to Be Selected to Vl-it the Orient. TACOMA. Wash.. Jan. 13. (Special.) Six Tacomans will leave for Japan in March to strengthen the relations be tween the merchants and manufactur ers there with this port. ' Frederick Beebe. chairman eft the trade and commerce bureau of the Commercial Club, is not ready to .an nounce the personnel of the party but says they will be leaders in different lines of business. They may be accom panied by a representative of the Osaka Kaisha steamship line which has Its terminus here. It is interested in bringing trade to this port and -will properly introduce the Tacomans to Japanese leaders of trade. SHIP BOARD FILES REPORT EnglL-h Shipyards Have Contracts for Million Tons for France. OREGOXIAV NEWS BUREAU. Wash- ilncton. Jan. 13. A report of the Ship ping Board communicated to the Senate today la' response to a resolution by NEW YORK. Jan. 11. Arrived Steamer -vit Wka. from Portland via Ban Fran CISCO. i PAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 12. Sailed at P. AI. St-amer Halco. from Columbia River, for Saa Pedro. PAS FRANCISCO. Jan. IS. Arrived Stimert Governor, from Seatt,e: I.a Brea, from Vancouver; Korrigan 111 (Mexican), from Tacoma. Sailed steamer Tatauno Xam (Japanese), for Yokohama; Wash- lenan-. or Portland. SEATTLE. Jan. 13. Arrived Steamer Horaiaan Mam, from Darlen. Departed Steamers wueen, for ban Diego; Kohnan Maru. Shlnkoka Maru, for Yokohama; Rich mond, for Richmond. TACOMA. Jan. i.t. Arrived Steamers Canada Maru (Japanese), from Victorli Fulton, from Powell River. B.C; Kurcha Maru (Japanese), from Yokohama via Se attle. Departed Apxiliary schooner Janet Carruthera, tor Orient via Seattle; steamer Valries, for Alaaka; Fulton, for Vancouver, B. C. ' Rfrer Foreea!.. The Willamette Rlvecat Portland will re main nearly stationary during the next two or three days except as -affected by the tides. Hlxh tides Tuesday will be about 5:43 A. il. ana S P. l. Columbia River Bar Report. -NORTH HEAD. Jan. Is. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M.: Sea,-4ioderaie; wind, soutu- 4 Tides at Astoria Tuesday. llish. Low. J 11:00 A. M 8.8 fect'.:20 A. M 37. fret :! P. M...-U.8 foot Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. ' Main 7070, A ovii. . . Government Order Barring; Sailings of Vessels Dissolves PrlTate Con tracts, Is Contention.- WASHINGTON", Jan. 13. Refusal of ship owners to refund prepaid freight money on cargoes loaded but not de livered, because of the Government order of 1917 forbidding sailing vessels to depart for the war zone, was up held today by the Supreme Court. Replying to questions certified by the Circuit Court of Appeals in pro ceedings brought against the Allan wilde Transport Corporation, the court held that the Government's order making impossible the delivery freight at its foreign destination, dis solved contracts between the ship owner and the shipper for the trans portation of freight. The proceedings we're brought by th Vacuum Oil Company and A. W. Pidwell to recover prepaid freight money from the corporation. The sail ing vessel Allanwilde, owned by th corporation, sailed from ew Tor with cargoes, but was forced to, turn back because of storms. Federal Court decrees, holding tha the inclusion of a "restraint of princes and rulers" clause in ship charters pre vents recovery of prepaid freight money for a voyage never begun owing to the Federal order barring sailing vessels from the war zone, were eus tained by court in proceedings brought by the International Paper Company against the schooner Gracie T. Cham bers, owing to that vessel's failure to transport a cargo of paper to France because of the order. GEORGE CONWAY WINS RATING Going From Seaman to Chief Gun ner's Mate Paves Way. Men in shipping circles who have known "Georgie" Conway since the days he toddled about the Ash-street dock office of the O.-W. H. & K., where his father. Captain George Conway was superintendent of water lines, yes terday shook hands with a broad shouldered, strapping man In the uni form of a chief gunner's mate in the Navy and found it hard to realise that he was the same person. He was member of the Oregon Naval Militia, la which he enlisted as an ordinary sea man. During a greater -part of the war Mr. Conway was In charge of a gun crew aboard the transport Mongolia, for merly the Pacific Mail liner of the same name, and, on being discharged a week ago, made for Portland to enjoy home atmosphere agajn, also to try his luck for a- third mate's license. Captain Conwajt was one of the best-known navigators on the Coast and in vol unteering to do a share against the Huns his son found that he has the same liking for a steamship career. FIRST 1919 LAUNCHING TODAY Northwest Yard to Float 22(1 Hall In l,ehs Than Two Years. LeadMg the eteel yards In launchings for 1919 will be the Northwest Steel Company, which Is to float the hull of the steamer West Tacook late this aft ernoon. The hull will also be the 22d the company has sent into the water since March 30. 1917. The Columbia River Shipbuilding Cor poration will have its 14th hull ready ?bout January 25, that being the West moden, and it is estimated that about February 1 the hull of the West Mun- horn will be floated. The West Wauna, which the Northwest Steel Company launched November 8, will be accepted by the Emergency Fleet Corporation today. The Callabasas, built by the Albina Engine & Machine Works, which was accepted last week, leaves for As toria today to begiln loading flour for New York. Marine Notes. " On the dredfe Chinook bcin; floated Xrom the St. Johns drydock today final work will be ordered to prepare for the run to Charles ton, S. C, and it is promised she wili de part before the week ends. Part of yesterday the Columbia River lleht vessel was Inside, having been ordered to leave her station for Fort Stevens, where she bunkered and returned outside early in the afternoon. The trip was necessary because efforts to coal tha lightvessel at sea Sun day proved unsuccessful. In ballast, the steamer Wm. F. Herrln left at noon yesterday on the return to Monterey for an oil cargo, and the barg-e Monterey ia to depart from Portland this morning. On her way to sea the new Freuch steam auxiliary schooner General Maunoury is due to leave the harbor this morning. The schooner Golden Shore Is to belifted on the St. Johns drydock this morning for cleaning and painting the hull. She has been lying at Albina dock, where work on her masts was under way. As the dredge Willamette is regarded bet ter fitted for handling heavy gravel ana rocks than the dredge Tualatin, the two traded places yesterday, the Willamette go ing to a point off the Albina dock and the Tualatin took up the former's work in the channel above the St. Johns terminal. The Tualatin encountered large boulders last week, said to have been dumped overboard years ago from a ship which had loaded them as ballast, and one of them was earned through the pump that was estimated to weigh J00 pounds. Aboard the pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer a survey is being held to determine what Is necessary in the way of work to place her In the same condition as when she was ac cepted by the city from the Port of Port land. The Port Commission has requested her return so that she can be used in emer gencies at the mouth of the Columbia River. Annual inspection of the tug Stimpson was conducted yesterday under the direction of United States Steamvessel Inspectors Ed wards and Wynn. and today the Seon is to be paid her annual visit at Newberg. From stem to stern and double bottoms to topside the new 9600-ton aeteet Iteamer Edgefield was inspected yesterday by Fred B. Pape, assistant manager of steel Bhlp construction for the Emergency Fleet Cor poration, and he pronounced her a good Job." The vessel was built at Seattle by Skinner at Eddy and Is the first of the new shelterdeck type to load here. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 13. (Special.) Bringing a cargo of general freight, the steam schooner Frank D. Stout arrived at 8:15 this morning from San Francisco en route to Portland. . - The emergency fleet steamer Ashburn re turned at S o'clock this morning from her :4-hour trial run at sea and proceeded to Portland. Carrying a cargo of lumber from the Ham mond mill, the steam schooner Flavel sailed at 4:15 today for San Pedro. The Columbia River lightship crossed at 9:40 this morning for repairs. After discharging fuel oil at Portland the tank steamer v m. F. Herrin will sail this evening for California. The steam schooner San Diego will be due touiorrow evening from Grays Harbor to load UOO.OUO feet of lumber at West port. Cisco. 215 miles north of San Francisco. QUEEN, Seattle for San Francisco, off Dungenoas. RICHMOND, Seattle for San Francisco, 125 miles from Seattle. CORDOVA, southbound, 165 miles from Tacoma. I.UCAS, Richmond for San Pedro, SS miles south of Richmond. ADMIRAL SCHLEY, San Francisco for Seattle, 4." miles north of San Francisco. WASHTENAW, Martinez for Portland 4S2 miles south of Columbia River. GOVERNOR. San Krnncls.o for Wil mington, It miles north of Pigeon Point. NUUANU, San Francisco for orient, & miles from San Francisco. Keep Baby Well- , FOLEr"Sj' I if: J'-"- Feverish cold" that distress the little ones, that cause difficult breathing, that irritate their sensitive little throats and give them troublesome disturb ing coughs, are readily helped and soothed by Foley's Htaey and Tar. The wise mother gives it for croup,- whooping cough, measles cough and broni chial coughs. Foley's Honey iE? Tari is just as good for grown-ups as for children. For hoarseness, tickling throat, troublesome night coughs, la grippe cough and chronic coughs of elderly people it is widely recommended. It contains no morphine, chloroform or other drug that you would cot like to give to young chil dren, delicate persons or elderly people Do not accept a substitute. "When our baby waa 10 day old betook whoopinc coufh in the worst form, and the paroxytma ot couth almost overcame htm. Our neiibbor suCiented Foley's Honey and Tar and that gave him al most immediate relief, for which we feel Tery Irate fui." Mrs. J II. Hifihtower, Odem, Texas. "My baby waa stricken with a aeyere cough and cold at ont month old. 1 .Cave him 10 to IS drops of Foley's Honey and Tar every three hours and it sure did help him." Mrs. B. il. Garrett, School- FOB SALE EVERYWHERE. GRAYS HARBOR, Wash., Jan. 10. (Spe cJal.) Following almost complete absence of ships In the harbor for tho VhjsI two weeks there were five arrivals today. The Chehalis, Charles Christenson and the Car- os arrived at 9:J0 this morning. The Car- mel followed at 10:0 and the San Jacinto at 1 o clock, all from San Francisco. The Chehalis Is discharging; cargo at the Foster dock in Hoquiam and will load at the Hul bert mill in Aberdeen. The Charles Chris tensen and the Carlos will load at the Lytle mill in Hoquiam. The Carmol will oad at the Hulbert mill, Aberdeen, and the San Jacinto at the K. K. Wood .mill in Hoquiam. Captain Lagrren, of the Carlos, reported picking up a lifeboat of the tanker George Loomis six miles off Shelter Cove, north of San Francisco. The boat was awash without oars or sail and with no indica tions as to fata of occupants of boat. The schooner Defiance, which has been loading; for some weeks at the E. K. Wood mill in Hoquiam. dropped down to the over harbor at 11 A. M. today, expecting; aet out this afternoon. She carried a miscellaneous cargo, principally timbers for lie! bourne. The steamer Daisy Freeman, which loaded at the Bay City and Anderson & Mtdleton mills. Aberdeen, sailed Sunday at 11 A. M. for San Pedro. The Daisy Gadsby, which loaded at the Grays Harbor Lumber Com pany mill in Hoquiam sailed for San Pedro the same nour. ELECTRIC STEEL FOUNDRY rnliiffrf-,irffr,lnii.-81,ilYfTHto SHlf AND MACHINERY STEEL CASTINGS Q XJA rITY. TWEXTY-FOmiH AJiD YORK STHIiETS. FERVICK. Phones Marshall 325, Home A 14-. Portland, Ureson. V. S. Xaval Radio Reports. All location reported at 8 P. M. yester day unless otherwise indicated. ARGYLL, Oleum for Portland, off Co lumbia River. CURACOA, San 1-ranciaco for beattle, 4G0 miles north of San Kranciaco. KLAMATH, San Francisco lor Seattle, 00 ilea north of Cape Blanco. ASUNCION, Point Orient for Aberdeen, 295 miles north of San Francisco. RICHMOND, towing barge So, Seattle for Richmond, 125 miles from Seattle. OLEUM, Seattle for San rrancisco, 31o ilea from San Francuco. ATLAS, Richmond for Ketchikan, towing bare P-t to- tolumbia River, 170 miles orth of Ricnmonu. JYlLLAJlJiTTtSt fceattie lor Baa rran- ALBINA ENGINE & MACHINE WORKS INC Wm. Corafoot. Prealdent. STEEL SHIPBUILDERS Plant and General Office. Portland. Oregon. Specialty Foundry & . Machine AVorks Iron and Brass Castings OF KVERY DESCRIPTION Moulding Machines Used Special Rates on Small Vork. Seventh and Belmont. 'Portland, Or. Neustadter Bros. Manufacturers of "Boss of the Road" Overalls STANDARD SHIRTS. rORTLA.VU, ORIif.-OJf. EAST SIDE MILL & LUMBER CO. ' Lumber Manufacturers Foot of Spokane Avenue, Portland, Oregon PRODUCTION AGAIN INCREASED Last month we manufactured 6,800,000 pounds of BIVETS, BOLTS and BOAT SPIKES Can we serve yon? NORTHWEST STEEL CO, Portland, Oregon I'lioin? your wai.t ads to The Orego man. Main .7UTu, A DO'Jj.