14 THE 3IORXING OREGONIAN", TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1910. RETUlli SOLDIERS MUST HAVE OLD JOBS i illS. 1 1 7 V I 7 V 1 1 I I 11:1 II I: : I ,l I - IMIVX K! HI M.3 lillillHiiUlililM Stars on Service Flags Must Be Accounted For. fctlvlli attentio I BY r.KBTRrtiE R. rORBETTl I Mi.imir.mi 1111 1. i uiu ftctuumUi EMPLOYERS ARE NOTIFIED notrmrnt Started to Make Sore Thai IIo) Leaving I. S. Sort ie Got feqnarc Ical. Evfrr tar on the ervre flags of TVrtland f rma muM finally be account ed for to the soldiers', sailors' apd ma r.nes reconstruction committee to In ntcmte that the firms have satisfacto rily completed their obligations to the sneti who left their service for that of t.lcir country. This was clearly stated at the meeting of the reconstruction committee at the Chamber of Commerce j eMtrdajr. It was reported to the committee by a representative of the Uovernment Employment Airncr here that many employers have not seriously consid ered the re-employment of their men returning from the service and that many are being refused Jobs by their former employers or offered others at lower wage, from 4 to 102 men per LPPIXC3. and their attendant ea continue to claim the n of the, younger folk. Last night Miss Marguerite Palitzsch. who will become the bride of Lieuten ant y'igglin tomorrow night, enter tained the members of the bridal party at her home with an informal dance and supper. This followed a rehearsal of the wedding at the Benson Hotel. The marriage will be a notable event at the Itenson Hotel tomorrow night, and it will be attended by hundreds of I ortland and Vancouver Larracks folk. Madame Huard. author and lecturer, who will speak tonight at the Masonic Temple, will be considerably enter tained during her stay here. Fhe ar rived Sunday night and yesterday she was the guest of honor for a trip on the Columbia Highway and at a large dinnur party, for which the Profes sional Woman's League was hostecss last night in the University Club. I'rtor to her talk this evening mem bers of the Drama League will enter tain for Haroness Huard at luncheon and dinner. aswell as another motor trip around the city. winners. There will also be a door I prize. A cordial Invitation is extended to all and a pleasant evening ia assured. e e The Luurelhurst Club Women's Tues day Afternoon Card Club will meet to day for bridge and "aOO11 at the club house. The hostesses for the day are! Mrs. Henry Rothschild and Mrs. H. G.I Rinehart. Thursday evening- the mem-1 bers of the club and their guests will I be entertained at cards at the club house by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith. WonensClubs On Sunday afternoon, under the dl rection of Mrs. Rose Eunn. the Lone some Club organization was perfected at the music studio of Roy Marion Wheeler in the Ooodnough building. Officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Rose A. Bunn. president; Roy Marion Wheeler, vice-president: Clara Olds Wright, secretary; W. W. MacClearr. treasurer; sergeants-at-arms. William Harvey. O. T. Stone and Emma S. Porter. The object of the meetings to be held bv the organization in In mmnlv fre lay have appeared at the government entertainment, or. at a nominal fee. club Kmplovment office srrking Jobs so far. but it is expected that this number win increase to 300 or 4vv dally within a fc w weeks. Heat Aaelleaata riser e. Nine-tenths of the men who have so far applied hare been placed, but it is said to be much more difficult to place the tenth man than the other nine to gether. A great many have been given jobs In the shipyards, but this Is con sidered only a temporary solution of the problem, as many leave these Jobs as soon as they learn what kind of work is required of thcrn. "When every firm has accounted for very star on Its service flag." said William K. Woodward, "then the re turned soldier problem will have been solved. Rut there will then be left a great array of men who will have been thrown out of work In order that - the returning soluirr may be placed, and our task then will be to solve this problem. The heroes come first." Msaey Allewaaee (. A complete letter will be sent today by telegraph to Senator Chamberlain, tnni by Individual members of the reconstruction committer, requesting that he introduce and exercise his greatest Influence to secure the passage vf a bill whereby discharged fighters will be given sufficient funds to en able them to secure food and lodging nd to get to their homes when dls- for m Kreat .j of entertain,nx allied countries, it was said, are re ceiving enough extra money to support them for five months after discharge. Many men already in Portland have been forced to apply to the Red Cross for loans or gifts of money or meal privileges, to any and all strangers within the city who care to take ad vantage of such an organization. The nrxc open meeting will be held on Wednesday night. January 19. There is no charge and the public is Invited. -Sweet Bella of Teare" the latest after-thc-war song, will be sung by the audience at the Tuesday night Li brary sing, to be held on next Tues day night in room A. Central Library, at S o'clock. All persons interested are Invited to Join in the singing or to lis ten at these "sings, which have started the Innovation of singing at lrast one of the late standard popular songs at each meeting. e Owing to the illness of Mrs. C. D. LamonL. of Seattle, who has been vis iting her sister. Mrs. Delia Hsbn Gear In. the trip planned by them to New York has been postponed for a short time. Mrs. Gearln's children also are 111 with Influenza, which also has de layed their trip. Mrs. Jervis Webb, of New Tork. and her small son, Jervis. Jr.. are In Port land spending a couple of months with the former's mother. Mrs.. O. L. Camp bell. Mrs. Webb Is one of Portland's mo.t popular young matrons, socially ana in me musical field, and her ores ence in the city will be the inspiration PORTLAND clubwomen have a busy week ahead of them, the presence in the city of two prominent clubwomen. who are presidents of state organiza tions Mrs. Charles H. Castner. of Hood River, and Mrs. Fred O. Schilke, of I La Grande insuring a well-filled cal endar for all organizations in the city. One of the largest meetings re sultant from the visit of the prominent I women ia the conference of the Oregon I Congress of Mothers and Parent Teach- I er Associations, to be held tomorrow at the Girls' Polytechnic School. It will be an all-day session, and many Important matters will come before the meeting. At noon the girls of the I school will serve luncheon. Another event in which all the women's organizations of Portland are Interested in the lecture to be given at Masonic Temple this evening by I Baroness Huard under the auspices of I the Drama League. The talk by Mad ame Huard is to be illustrated by pic tures taken while she was occupying her residence In the war cone during I the Invasion. Her subject for the lec ture is ".My Home in the Field of I Honor," and as many Portlanders are already familiar with Baroness Huard's book or that title, the talk will be all the more Interesting. The luncheon and programme of the Current Literature department of the Portland Woman's Club scheduled for I Thursday afternoon, at the residence I of Mrs. K. R. Pittelkau. 614 Hawthorne avenue, has been postponed on account! of the epidemic until further notice. Mrs. Albert M. Brown is chairman of I the department. Woodmere Parent Teacher Assocla-1 tlon will meet this afternoon at 2:30 1 o'clock in the schoolhouse. The Social Workers' Club will meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Courthouse, in room 446. This meet ing has been called to read a report from the committee on domestic rela tions, and also from the legislative I committee, on the child welfare bill proposed by the child welfare commit- I tee. Petoeco for a clean, healthy mouth Particles of food wedge them selves between your teeth and un der your gums. They putrify under the constant warmth and moisture. Thus "Acid-Mouth" is produced. "Acid-Mouth" is a condition which 95 in every 100 persons are said to have, and which is believed to be the chief cause of tooth agony and tooth decay. First the acid breaks down the hard enamel and then germs enter and destroy the soft interior pulp. Merely to clean your teeth is not sufficient to counteract "Acid Mouth. " But Pebeco Tooth Paste both cleans and polishes and is a scientific answer to "Acid-Mouth." Sold by druggists everywhere. I Ova SWU U OUR BOrtP V it TOOTH PASTE Counteracts "Acid-Mouth" Chairman George F. Koch, of ih n tertainment committee, announces lha the next dancing party of the O. W. R. at . tmployes' club will be held t-oiiiiion Hail Friday evening. Club members and their frfcmin tickets until th-v can find employment. I forward to this party with pleasure it An endeavor will be made by the com- I being the initial dan.-o nf th r,w .1, mittee to open the remainder or me Oregon Boys' Kmergcncy Fund, about ISOuv. for Jui-t such emergency loans or gifts as may be necessary to the men who have returned to the city. C'aisBsaltteea Are Appelated. William t Woodward, chairman of the organization committee, annou the chairmen of the following sub-committees as follows: Commute on reception at the depot. rorre A. Brown; registration at Lib erty Temple. Mrs. J. L Williams; ac commodation. Thomas J. Swivel; em ployment. W. F. Woodward: co-operation. A. F. Flegrl; transportation. Klls worth K- Benham: decoration. Julius L Meier; automobiles. W. J. Roope: de mobilisation. Lverett Ames: publicity. Ad Club; Insurance. Alma D. Katz, fi nance. Ira F. Power. Kvery organisation In the city will be assigned a part to plar in the reception of the returning soldiers, sailors and marines. A strong endeavor is being ne to have the boy return In units snd s'lccees in thi matter em likely. sea son. i he committee Includes Edith Aitnow, Irene Crerar. Mrs. Theresa C. ijepuc. Audrae Gentry, Kdna Hcpp, r ranees Howard. Mrs. N. W. Kinard Amy Jvlum. Bertha L. Morris. Mrs. R. U. .cai. Kesste Ritchie. Grace Stanton Marie Tydeman. Myrtlo Holton. I'ath- ncedcrine Mu"rnl". George Crombie. B. B. Women's PatrioticService Woman's Club will meet this morn Ins at 1 o'clock in Multnomah Hotel, gray parlors. " Council of Jewish Women Auxiliary will meet today from 1 to 4 o'clock la the Neighborhood House. Auxiliary to Company P. ltld Infan trv. will meet for Red Cross work today in the Last Side Library at 10 clock. e e The KVlitnntii) Red Cross Foeletv will meet todav In the school from 1 un til 4 o clock to frrw on hospital gar ments, i Currigan. Ira L. Davis. Charles IlofeldL George L. Jones. C. B. Knight. Anton W. Illk. Frank Laukat. John W. Magers. r r. fmiin. jr.. Roy s. Swint and Karl vt aucr. Captain (Pr.) and Mrs. Marshall K. tian and two daughters, who have been in tan hrancisco for some time while Captain Hall was stationed In the Let trrman HOKpttal as first assistant to the chief surgeon, have come to Port land and it is possible they will make tneir nome here. Dr. and Mrs. Mar shall are temporarily domiciled at the villa St. Clair. The month of January always lures a throng of rortland persons to South ern California resorts and this year the number Is unusually large, due un doubtedly to the strain of war relief and patriotic work, the cessation of which is bringing about a much needed rest for men and w omen. e Mr. and Mrs. r. L Rich. Chester B. Rich. Mrs. C. B. WoodrufT and Caroline If. Hrptman registered at the Arlington Hotel. Santa Barbara, lart week. At the Hotel Del Monte. Del Monte, are Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kendall. Mrs. A. K. Cobb, Miss Florence Kendall, F. N. Kendall and R. L. Manning. see C G. Anderson. Mrs. A. Antzen. C C Maple. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ferno. K. C, s-quire. Frank W. Wllley. Mrs. William llanley. Mis FT. l- Jacobs, Mrs. W. A. Felton. W. B. Froude and Mrs. Froude and nr. L. F. Tucker are at the Clift Hotel. The annual banquet of the Methodist Deaconess Association has been post poned indefinitely on account of the influenza epidemic The annual meeting of the Deaconess auxiliary of the Oregon Conference will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Multnomah Hotel, gray parlors. following the monthly meeting of the board of the W. V. M. F., over which Mrs. Matt S. Hughes, wife of Bishop Hughes, win preside and make a short talk. FIRST BRITISH FLAG RAISED IX CONSTANTINOPLE. Piho PricM Transferred. PAPCO. Wash.. Jan. 11. (Specials Father Bendr. who has been in charge of the local Catholic Church for scv eral years. Is expected to leave Tasro next week for Harrington, wnere ne will become pastor of the Catholic Churrh. Father P. J. Kllleen. who comes from Puluth. Minn, has been sent here to become pastor of the Pasco church. Pry slabwood and blocus. S. tc IT. green stamps for rah. llolman Fuel . Main A 53i3 Adv. Wrap me in a bundle and take me home with you Get Rid of That Persistent Cough Stop that weakening, persistent cough er cold, threatening throat or lung af fections, with Kckman'a Alterative, the toaic and upbuilder of It years' suc cessful use. 10c and $1.54 bottles from druggists, or from LCK1LLN LABORATORT, Philadelphia. Adv. Miss Helen B. Brooks. Miss Elizabeth Brooks, Sir. and Mrs. J. C. Braly, Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong are at the Hotel Lankershim. Among Portlanders who recently vis ited in Santa Barbara at different ho tels are: T. E. Tabbet. Hotel Barbara; .Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hlggins. Hotel Vir gtnla: Mrs. Maud Shaver. A. D. Kernan. A. S. Sonnen. Hotel Barbara; T. F. Holy Hotel NeaL see Devotees of Ice sports will rejoice in the announcement made by Homer A. Rogers, who has decided to open Mt. Hood Lodge for a brief season from January -1 to March 4. Snowshoeing. skiing and sleighing are especially fine at present and Mr. Rogers will enter tain parties of 10 at one time. Captain William Warren Henrv. Jr.. who had ordera to go to Washington and Chicago on Government business, has received later orders which will keep htm in Vancouver Barracks for some time. He plans to go Last short ly, however. The sudden death of Mrs. Lenihan. wife of Major Lenihan, of the Spruce Production Division, who made her home in this city, has caused deep Bor row to her many friends. Mrs. Lenihan was one of the most popular young matrons in the Army set. Her death occurred Sunday in San Francisco, where she went shortly before the first of the year. see The Illinois State Society will meet Tuesday evening. January 14. In the assembly-room of the Portland Hotel. An interesting programme, to be fol lowed by cards and music, has been ar ranged by the entertainment commit tee. A cordial Invitation is extended to all former residents of Illinois, their friends and to the men in uniform. e Mrs. Abigail Shaughnessv, of Port land. Is registered at the Hotel Clark, I .o Angeles, where she will spend the Winter months. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Ancient Order of Hibernian will entertain with cards on Monday evening. January 20, In their hall. 140 Russell street. Pro gressive -five hundred" and whist will be played. Excellent prises have been secured and win be awarded to the The French department of the Woman's Club will meet at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the Multnomah Hotel. . a e Woodlawn P. T. Association will meet today at 3:13 o'clock In the school as sembly room. Miss Lettie Holbrook will preside and she will speak to the graduating class and their mothers on ' ocational Guidance." Music will be a feature of the programme. The executive board of the Portland Industrial Center will meet this after noon for luncheon at 209 Caruthers street. Following the new programm for the ensuing year, a representative from each church In the city will be present and addresses will be made by Bishop Matt S. Hughes and Rev. W. W. Toungson. Luncheon will be served at noon. The oman s Missionary Society o the First Presbyterian Church will hold its regular monthly meeting this after noon at 2:30 In the chapel. An inter esting programme has been arranged for the meeting. Including a talk by Mrs. Charles H. Green, of Saginaw, Mich., on devotional service, and a talk on "The Indians of Our Country," illus trated with lantern tildes, to be given by Mrs. Glen Townsend. During the display of pictures, which will feature the Presbyterian Church among the Navajos. Mrs. C. M. Barbee will sing Indian melodies. The Tuesday Afternoon Club 'will meet today with Mrs. .'.. A. Bailey, 151S Hawthorne avenue. KLAMATH. ISSUE UP SOON Xfwr Courthouse Near Completion and Ready for Occupancy. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Jan. 13. (Special.) With the plastering com pleted and the marble nearly all in stalled, much of the woodwork, plumb ing and other finishing features com pleted, the Klamath County Main- street Courthouse soon will be ready to turn over to someone by the con tractors, who have been busy on its construction since early last Summer. It is expected it will be ready for oc- cupany in about 20 days. Whether the Courthouse officials will move their belongings Into the new structure and then await final deci sion of the courts, which Is to settle the Courthouse question for all time, or whether they will remain where they are until It finally is disposed of. is a subject that is being discussed by many on the streets here. YAKIMA GIRL IS AUDITOR Father of Woman Incumbent Be comes County Sheriff. TAK1MA. Wesh.. Jan. 13. Miss Ruth Hutchinson today took office as County Auditor, and her father, Samuel R. Hutchinson, at the same time became Sheriff, the first time in the history of lakima County that a woman has be become auditor and the first time in the history of the state that father and daughter have been elected heads of two county offices- Four yesrs ago Miss Hutchinson en tered the employ of Auditor C. E. Bar rett as the most Inexperienced worker in the office and now presides over the county department which has the largest patronage to bestow. She is but 24. but managed her own political campaign and received the highest number of votes cast for any candi date who bad opposition. Balkan Campaigns Prevent Waller De L. Girfard From Taking Bride in London. Walter De L. Giffard, who left the staff of The Oregonian early ia J91S to enlist in the British army, is now a major with the British Mediterranean expeditionary forces and is stationed at Constantinople, Turkey, according to information received by Richard- Wil der, Portland real estate dealer. Major Giffard was well known in Portland in 1914 and 1915, when he was auto mobile editor of The Oregonian After leaving Portland Mr. Giffard went direct to London, England, where he entered an officers' training school at Cambridge, and was commissioned a First Lieutenant in the Eighth Ox ford and Buckingham Pioneers, light infantry, 26th Division. He soon be came attached to the Mediterranean expeditionary force and was the first allied officer to arrive in Saloniki Greece, near which place he has re mained ever since, taking: part in all the battles on the Saloniki front. When Turkey surrendered Major Giffard raised the first British flag in Con stantinopic. I Pfl MTR A fTfl P'Q PAQF IQ SFT add luster to the sons-and-dance spe cialties. Jones and Sylvester, one as a huck ster with a fine line of chatter about vegetables, and the other an actor who gets into argument with the huckster, form a comedy pair which captures laughs. They both have good singing voices and a lot of new material, in which their voices are heard in harmo nious unison. A picturesque girl and a comedian who doesn't mind her poking fun at him arc the Stephens-Brunelle duo. They chat profitably with humorous punctuations and step a bit and sing a lot. all of it in cheeriest, entertain ing mood. The girl wears smart-look ing frocks. A comedy turn is offered by Eldridge, Barlow and Eldridge, In their skit, "A Rural Delivery." An old rube store keeper is a good Samaritan to a pass ing pretty maid and they proceed to sing about it and dance, too. Then the delivery maid enters and the farce be comes a riotous one. The maid is acute ly thin and emphasizes it in her striped frock and eccentricities of dance and maneuvers. The audience applauded the skinny girl to the rafters and the act ended in a burst of applause. A beautiful number, in which a fine, big, white horse, three graceful retriev ers and a man and woman pose as statues, opens the bill. The posing is exceedingly lifelike and beautiful in effect. June Mills, who capitalizes her obe sity, sings and rouglihouses, while her partner, who has a deep bass voice, warbles in the orchestra. A new series of interesting educational film produc tions preceded the bill. Before his enlistment in 1913 the ex automobile editor became engaged to marry Miss Isla Cammell. of London. Clatsop Man Seeks to Recover $1 nd has tried three times to get leave from action in Greece so that he might return to England to be mar ried. Each time, although the leave was granted, he was prevented from making the trip by new campaigns in the Balkans. He is now making an other effort to reach his homeland. Miss Cammell is a sister of Mrs. Frank Wilder, of London, whose hus band is a brother of Richard Wilder. Both Mrs. Wilder and Miss Cammell are now working in a iirmsn army hospital In London. At the Theaters. 0 00 for Road Grading. ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 13. (Special.) A change of venue has been granted in the case of F. C. Feldschad against Clatsop County and it will be called for trial in the Circuit Court at fct. Helens on February 13. The action was brought to recover about $29,000 alleged to be due on his contract for grading the Lewis and Clark road. The plaintiff claims he was interfered with so badly by the County Court, roadmaster and other of ficials he was unable to finish the worn Jn accordance wun nis original contract. Pantagcs. CANNIBAL king, who strikes ter ror to the heart of a dancing mis sionary and who is rounded up properly I and tamed by the missionary's niece. occupies first space on the new bill at antages. The cannibal king, friskily played by Gus Elmore, is a rich brown native with rings on his fingers and KLAMATH PROJECT ASSURED !300 Acres May Be TJnder Ditch During Next Tear. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Jan. 13. (Special.) Rapid steps are being- made here toward the irrigation of 2300 aefA nf 1 -i n r? near thA r.itv. known a bells on his toes, and he emits a choice tho Enterprise Irrigation Company.' and it is believed that the water win be collection of assorted noises, register ing a gamut of emotions by sounds only. He carries a huge club and, after e frightens the little blonde daughter f tho missionary, she proceeds to tame him and drag him around at the end of rope as exhibit A The niece is smart ly presented by Roberta Lloyd and the ancing missionary is neatly done Dy Walter Terry, who is an excellent step per. - A group of busy cannibal maids flowing over these lands within the next year. There are about 30 farmers interested In. the venture. The cost of the development per acre I0E30I Sale of Blouses of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe at $8.50 Big reductions on the smartest models in New Beaded, Embroidered, Ruffled, Slip-on and Other Novel Styles. A host of ' new arrivals, specially purchased for this sale, besides dozens of handsome models taken from our own stock and sharply reduced. EtiablisfiedlSg? 5 Reasons Why You Should Select the Apex Electric Washer In every neighborhood Apex Machines are proving .their superiority. Tell us where you live and we will tell you of a satisfied owner of an Apex living near your home. These are the reasons: 1 Greater Capacity Apex Washers wash faster and cleaner so you can wash more clothes. 2 Easier to Handle All metal. Tub as easy to keep clean as a pan. 3 Most Convenient Swinging wringer saves moving heavy tubs and extra handling of clothes. 4 Absolutely Safe All moving parts covered. No burn ing out of motor or fuses. 5 Economy iower first cost and lower oper ating cost less than l'c per hour. Sold on Easy Payments Visit Our Model Laundry and Let Us Show You How Easy It Is to Wash Electrically J. C. English Co. Everything Electrical 148 Fifth St 2d Floor Between Morrison and Alder a is not expected to exceed $11, although tho farmers have authorized the voting of $40,000 bonds if necessary. Enemy Alien Is Released. ATLANTA, Ga.. Jan. 13. Charles F. Banning, wealthy Pittsburg manufac turer, interned at Kort Oglethorpe, as an enemy alien, today was ordered re leased by Federal Judge Newman. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Bank Boys Dairy Cattle. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Jan. 13. (Special.) A carload of dairy cattle arrived In Walla Walla this morning consigned to the Farmers' Savings Bank. These cows are registered and are for distribution among the farm era They were purchased in the Wil lamette Valley by C. L. Jamison, the bank's agriculturist. Rub Pain, Ache, Soreness and Swelling Right Out With "St. Jacobs Liniment." Rub it on a sprained 'ankle, wrist, fhoulder, back or a sprain or strain anywhere, that's when you realize the magic in old, honest "St. Jacobs Lini ment," because the moment it is applied out comes the pain, ache, soreness and swelling. It penetrates right into the injured muscles, nerves, ligaments, ten dons and bones, and relief comes in stantly. It not merely kills pain, but soothes and heals the injury so a quick recovery Is effected. Get a small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Liniment" right now at any drug store and stop suffering. Nothing else sets things straight so quickly so thoroughly. It is the only application to rub on a bad sprain, strain, bruise or swelling. Adv. I ) f CANTILEVER j ( o l SHOES ( v A SUPPORT TrC FOOT ARCH hATURALLV CeV II W'?,iA. WITHOUT APPLIANCES 11 Specially Exdnsiva II II and Teachers. J V"?'V7ryr S56 Wet - "They Are Putting New Life in Me" Mr. W. JT. rennington, Whar ton, Ark., writes: "I am taking Cadomene Tablets and they are putting new life in me. I had a bad case of the grip the last Win ter, and my physician's prescrip tion did me no good. I saw that Cadomene was recommended for a case like mine and I sent 20 miles to get them. Now, after using only one week I am gaining strength, eating with a relish and sleeping like a baby," etc. Any nervous, weak, impoverished man or woman can take Ca domene with certainty of helping thera back to strength and vigor. Every purchase guaranteed sat isfactory to the purchaser. Sold by druggists everywhere. Adv. For Burning Eczema Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or $1.00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo. When applied as directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching; and heals skin troubles, also sorea, bums, wounds and chafing. It pene trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo It a clean, dependable and inexpensive antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we benv nothing you have ever used is fee live and satisfying. The E. W. Rose Co, Cleveland. O. .11) Lill. A dr. io o a o o D o 1 I o n o o a o o 0 o o D o o D o D o o n o io