THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAjY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. 17 BILL-IS FRAMED FAR niinrin nr minirrn BUHtAU U H I OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST Measure to Be Introduced by Senator Huston. CALIFORNIA LAW GUIDANCE Movement to Tln Higher Price to Producer and Lower Price Consumer Formally Launched. to Producer represertlnsr rlon sec tions of the state yesterday formally launched the movement for a state bu reau of markets, which, it is believed, will do much to standardise and stabil ise market conditions In Oregon. Patterned after the California law. the proposed measure will be intro duced Into the State Legislature by Elate Senator Huston, who will be backed by organisations representing; powerful Interests all over the state. The meet Ins; of producers was called by Alma D. Kata, of the Oregon Dairy men's Lea rue. who was empowered to name a committee of five to co-operate with Senator Huston In pushing the measure to completion. (Continued FYora First Pare.) Maay Interests Rep reseated.. The committee, it Is said, will be chosen from the State Chamber of Commerce. Farmers Union. State Grange. State Federation of Labor and Xalrymen's Leae-ue. They are expected to rather the facts and present them to various organisations and the Legisla ture In an effort to make the measure a law. Created by the bill would bo a State Market Director and a secretary. While the authority of the director would be limited, it la planned to Five him every I Ins possible chance to ret In touch with market condition and to advise and co-operate with other bodies. California lactase Cite. . The director must have a knowledge f market conditions that would enable him to stabilise prices and make more certain the return to the producer and li-d of dlnrase Huibinit, J. H., glebert. Colo. Steers, O. W., Colorado Sprints, Colo. COJiNECTICCT. Killed la artrao Glnsrss. A. J., Ansonla, Conn. Oeer. bamuel. New Loadon. Conn. tiled ef Ohsrs, J. K. Tsconlc, Conn. Died of dlsras Weston. Charles A. (CpL. Bridgeport. Conn." '" f McCann. John J. (Was.). Manchester. Conn. I .," ' Gilbert. P. B.. New il II ford. Conn. si,.k c, echlone. Salcan. Waterbury. Conn. Wounded severely (previously reported Olea ( tflaraae Barber. O. P. ICpl.), Warehouse Point. Conn, Killed (previously reported mlnutf) Clinton. Harry 1. Weatvllle. Coon. DELAWARE. Died ef disease Holmes. . L,. Wllmlnston, Del. FLORIDA. Johnsnn, AJvin il . Welaka. Flo- Died ef disease Frlall. Isaiah. Miami. Fla. Cabrera. J. R.. Tampa. Fla. Bellah. J. M.. Gainesville. Fla. Houston, Donald. Zellwood, Fla, GEORGIA. Killed la action Roof, J. J. (Lt ). Dover, Ga Died ef wauaas I Hamiey. Matthrar (Sgt.), Jackson, Ga. Autry. A. O.. Llndale. Oa. Jackson, Jeaao. Desoto. Ga. Forrest, Howard T., vaMosta, oa. Died of disease Louse. Jesso W. (Was.), Sparta. Ga. Powell. Clarence, savannan, ul Died front wooada (pr alaasey. C L.. Columbus, ILLINOIS. Killed la action Kelson. E. E. (Sin). Chios ro. TTL. Jonea. L. T. Cpl, Chicago, 111. Girfhom, Charles C Tremoat. EL Millard. William. Osgood. 11L Usrvnct. Mstthsav Hudson. 111. bbarvla, James. Chicago. P ted of wounds S;iejkpwil. FraDk S. (set.). Cnlcaf a. Hickman, H. C, wvmilon, I1U Gudsell. T. J.. Cantrell. 111. Died of disease Allen. A. H. (Cpl. . Chlcaso. Uore, Arno'.d (.. Cbloasot Kzeli. J. O.. Graveovllle. III. Cusan. Walter. Chicago. III. Nellon. Edwin W Chlcaso. Washburn, N. D.. Nashville. 111. Vetter. A. C Belleville. III. Trscy. J. J.. Chlcaso. IIL Killed (previously reported missing) Ftorhurskl. Michael P.. Chlcaso. chrtatoDh. Rimer B.. Chlcaso. Died of disease, previously rvportea mias- MOXTANA. Killed In action Cowan. Jos G.. Uoulstown, Mont. Died of wounds aiace. D. B., Ridge, Mont. Killed (previously reported miasms;) Cook, Harry E., Miles City, Mont. NEBRASKA. Died ef wound Helrer. Jacob, Hastings, Neb. Died of disease- Martin, Ralph E. (Lt.). Bellevue. Neb. J. P., Tllden. Neb. on. C. it.. Polk. Neb. Sloxak. Edward. Tobias. Neb. Telsen. A. L., Alnawortn, Neb, NEVADA. i Killed la action Atiken, L. C. (Lt.), Reno, Nov. NEW YORK. Killed In action Holden. E. H. (Lt). New York City. Perry. James (Cpl.). New York CHy. Shorts. William. Jr. (Cpl.), New York Cltyr Pftaler, C. H., Brooklyn. N. Y. Arnone. John, Brooklyn, N. Y. Boyankl, Anthony J., Brooklyn, N. Y. Carollo. Leon. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chandle, Arthur, Brooklyn. N. T. Evans. Henry, New York. Hasaenfratx, Walter V., New York. Hopson. Arthur. Jamaica, N. Y. Kwiatkowskl. Stanley. Buffalo. N. Y. Ostrom. Elnor. Brooklyn. N. Y. Rellly. Edward F., Long Island City. N. Y Died of wounds Fehlbehr, August (Set.), Brooklyn, N. Y. Decker. Leo B. (Cpl.). Little Fails. N. Y. Ooldmann. W. E. (Cpl.). New York. Hurell. Eugene (Cpl.), Blnshamton, N. Y. McCallster. J. A. (Cpl ). Brooklyn. N. Y. mux. Lo H-plJ. New York. ,,,, Brookes. J. W.. Falrport. N. Y. previously missing) I nnkelsteln. Michael. New York City. " I Donlcole, Arsenio. Geneva, N. Y. Culson. Ivor H., Geneva. 111. INDIANA. nif of dlseooo Ensierth. Bmnle U (Lt). Honey Creek. Ind. Byrne. Patrick J., Brooklyn, N. Y. Romaodl, John. Carthage. N. Y. Allen, H. .. Madlaonvllle. N. Y. Macnauchton, Herbert. Brooklyn, N. Y. Gartner. A. P.. Rochester, N. Y. Died from accident and other causes MeNlchel. Thomas A.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Schops, Joseph (Cpl.), Bronx, N. Y. Died of disease White. Timothy L (Sex). Loen Lake, N. Y. Robinson, Edwin (Cpl.), Jamaica, N. Y. Scanlon, Wm. Joseph (Cpl.), Fulton, N. T. Candltto. F. B., Buffalo. N. Y. -Armour, M. E.. Gloversvllle, N. T. Scott. L. J.. Etanley. N. Y. Schlerer, Joseph. Bronx. N. Y. Neidraues. J. E., Buffalo, N. Y. Lucero. Francisco, Taylor Springs, N. Y. King. p. w.. New York City. Carllle. Walter W.. New York. Schweikharrit. Conrad, Buffalo, N. Y. Salarucha. George. Utlca, N. Y, Wltmer. M. F.. Kwathmore. Pa. White. A. L.. Buffalo. N. Y. Vletelll. Salvators. Brooklyn. N. Y. Ketoraed to duty (nreviouslr reported killed eweet. ePrry. Hudson. N. Y. Killed (previously reported missing) Cannon. Robert. Brooklyn. N. Y. McCarthy. John M. (Sri ). South Bend, Ind. I Donato. . F. D.. New York City. Mhm. A C. IndlanaDolls. Ind. Killed (prevlovsljr reported missing)' Jones. George . (CpL). Attics, Jna. IOWA. Killed hi actios) Rost. Johnny K.. Hartley. la. reasonable price to the consumer.1 said Senator Huston. "He must work I Weisman, Jake. Marble Rock, la. with those interes'ed and trust more I Died of wounds Jn the power of public opinion than in Fackier. P , E.. Atlantic. Ia. any power mat may ue.egateu ,-. H.n. .(Cpl.i. Adair. Iowa. lm- I Turner. Louie J. (Cpl.). Oskaioosa. Iowa. -in caiirornia, since tne estaonsn- trank. Male. Masonvllle, la. ment of the bureau in 1914. figures I McKiroy. M. J.. Indtanola. la. show that the raisin producer Is rt- Hiuminn, William. Titonka, la. tine H cents a pound Instead of 1 cent, while the retail price remains the sam e. In other lines the conditions hive likewise Improved. "It is estimated that California pro ducers last year received 1200.000.000 more for their product than they would Crandall. H. R. (Sgt.), Pottsdam. N. T. Returned to duty. Dreviotialv renorted Killed In action Johnston. John H., Glendaie. N. Y. Neldert. Frank R.. Brockport. N. Y. Died of wounds, previously reported miss- i Killed (previously reported missing) Mogavero. Louis. Philadelphia. Caterlna. Dominlck, Washington, Pa. ' Bearhart, James, Glnter, Pa. Santee, Cylde H. (Cpl.). Athens. Pa. Bietschnelder, J. M. (Cpl.), Broughton, Pa. aicuiniey, jonn. Pittsburg, Fa. Miller, Joseph, Newcastle,- Pa. Killed In action, previously reported wounuea oevereiy Mancusi, Frank, Philadelphia, Fa. RHODE ISLAND. ' Killed In action Scott. Robert P.. Eden Park, R X. CutUng. W. H.. Hamilton, R. I. Price. Harold E.. Pawtucket, R. L Died of wounds Lafazia, Carlo, Providence, R. L SOfTH CAROLINA. Died of wounds Rhodes. L. E.. Greenwood, S. C Died of accident Gervals, Elliott, Gaston, S. C. Died of disease Chavous. Levi (Cpl.), Hawthorne, S. C Edwards. John. Ellington. S. C. Cobb. W. H.. Bolton, S. C. Power, J. H.. Banelsvllle. 8. C. Plckney. Richard. Fort Motto. S. C. Returned to duty (previously reported died or disease) loni, J. F.. Prosperity, S. C. Smith. Peter. Newell. Iowa. Wounded severely (previously reponea died of disease) o-nnvie. T. L.. Vail. Ia. Died (prevloosiy reported SBlssing ca ac tion Harter. Lester (Lt.), Keokuk, Ia. Killed (prevlenaly reported missing; ...... , is , ...-. K . MMft I jonninn, v.nris .. AioornMu. ia. ave received If the bureau had not 1 " i Elmonson. Thorolf. Webb, Ia. allied In art) KENTCCKY. been In existence. Oretron product: ruch as Royal Ann cherries and prunes are belnr sold by Oregon stores un dr the California label all because I Old ham. William M. Madlsonville, Ky. Oregon producers have not learned to I Hicks. Alfred. Louisville, ny. ro-oDerate and to find the best market I Died or wounoj The p aTreai aerree educational. i .h nobble. Wheelers MIIL Ky. I Glass. W. H.. Huntivllle. Ky, I I . 1 - - nnrnRWR f n Tfin PI trTCn 9ihia J. H.. Emerson. Ky. Vliwwmin t-wnwii a.ii-w I i- D Cumberland Falls. Ky. Killed (previously reported missing) Adelaide Lake, of Kugene, to HaTelcraig. George t rwvr. J Charge of University Pnblicatlon. UNIVERPITT OF OREGON. EuRene, Jan. t. (Special.) Adelaide Lake, of fcuerene. a Junior In the university, was elected editor of the OregafTa. the unl' Tlmm. Charles L. (Cpl.). Hamburg, N. Y. Seaman. Allen M.. Bolton Landing. N. Y. Died from wounds (previously missing) Fine. William, Brooklyn, N. Y. Died, previously reported mtalng Rovers. Newton C. (Lt.). Canandalgua. N. Y. Killed In action, previously reported wounded severely Boutin. W. J.. Troy. N. T. Pick in hospital, previously reported killed In action Jamusx, Michael, Frankfort. N. T. NEW JERSEY. Killed In action De Nourle, Elmer. East -Orange, N, J. Died of wounds Carriers. Ralph. Elisabeth. N. J. Died from wounds (previously mlsata) Lotan. C. R.. Jersey City. N. J. imonson. Thorolf. Webb. Ia. Lareiso. Angelo. Newark. N. J. Hauk. Robert. Jr.. Jersey City, N. J, Died of disease . Bailey. C. E . Vlneland, N. J. Grosser, William Peterson, N. J. Sheridan. J. J., Jersey City. N. J. Truham. Tonr. Jr.. Passaic N. J. Wounded severely (previously reported died of disease McGuire. J. P.. Jersey City. N. J. Killed in action (previously reported died from accident) Dean. C. S. (Lt). Morristown. N. J. Killed (previously reported missing) Dolan. Hugh Francis. Jersey City. N. J. Returned to duty (previously reported Died of accident (previously reported miss- Jk)7S Ins-k Walker, L. C. (Coo). ureenup, svy. LOC1SIANA. Died of wenoda Puclo. Luke. New Orleans, La, liio sf rflseaso Moore, Frank A. (8t). Jeanerette. La. Newmark. Gabriel. Newark. N. J. Wonnded, degreo undetermined, previously reported Killed Wallace. Robrt N.. Jersey City, N. J, NKW HAMPSHIRE. Killed In Actloi rerslty annual, at a meeting of the stu- bert J. (cl.). N OrZ'JV. Holland. W. H. ,CpL). Litchfield. N. H. cent council last evening. Goudeau. Sheridan. Big Cans. La. NEW MEXICO. Died of wounds , Ritchie, J. T.. Gallup. N. M. Died of disease Virgil, Deciderio. Holman. N. M. NORTH CAROLINA. Killed In action- Bowman. Isaac. Charleston, N. C Died of wounds Klncalde, James W. (Sgt). Lenoir, N. C. Creakman. F. A. (Bug ), Palmervllle, N. Moncrlef. Joe. Blackvllle. 8. C. . , . , v, k n . , rm ,).. rierm.-xn yive. ,-ow unn, i I'ira oi aisease JCO back through ail the yeara Since the I k,.ll.l. renorted killed Sou ires. James W. (Cant). Charlotte. N. The publication of the Orepana was I Adcock. J. H.. Spearvllle, La. recently assured by a subscription cam- I Howard. Fred, Elisabeth. I palm, which netted 50 subscribers. I Britton. Earl, Dixie, t. . . . , i L.jlu'hii. H 11 Ruston. La. no,J" w.. '"uacneu KVuraed t- duty (prevlonsly renorted The student council also formulated kIII-. it-.k. Local plana last night for the publication of I Killed la action (previously reported se- a history Of the university, to contain I verely wounded) records of all students and their ac- I Alexander. Harold. New Orleans. La. tivttles on the campus. The history will rorrllilux. Leon. New Orleans. La. Xounillna- of the university and will be I ,,Tlu complete. I auciud. Gordon R-. Donaldsonvllle. La, LEBANON. Or.. MAINE. TMed of disease Butler. Henry (Cook). Watervtlle, Me. Jan. f. (Special.) I Bo wen. N. L, Penobscot Me. Lebanon Seats w Officers, The new city officers took their seats last nleht. Byron Millaap succeeding J. L. Underwood as Mayor. The other officers are: C H. Wttman. Recorder, and it W. Green. Treasurer, re-elected: t'ounrllmen. A. I. Crandall and Dr. W W. KimmelL relerted. and B. L. Cotton, L. A. Tucker. S. O. Wallace and J. M. liurtenshaw. new members. The ap polntlve officers, which Include city man ha!, city attorney and city health officer, will not be named until the text meeting of the council. Coal Coal Coal! Willamette at Supply Co, Broadway 214. A 1225. p Adv. Phone your want ads to The Oreg-o rlsn. Main 70. A 50SS. OLD FASHIONED TEA FOR CONSTIPATION Allen. Hushle. Columbia Falls. Me. Harmon. Erald. West brook. Ma. Young. E. M.. Trenton, Me. MARYLAND. KHM tm artlosj Col ran. Edward. Flnksburg. Md. Brlttlngham. Ralph L.. Berlin, Md. Died of wooads Atkinson. Root H. (Sgt.). Baltimore. Md. BiarkwrM. Julius (Cpl.). Baltimore, Md. led of disease Dlsbaroon, W. W.. Salisbury. HI M AS.HACHCSETTS. Killed to isrthas Desmond. W. P. (Lt). Medford. Mass. Murdock. John J.. Gllbertville, Maaa. Fuel i Baker. 1. W.. Worcosier. Mass. Died of wouads Ryan. James (Mag). Lawrence, Mass. Fttiseraid. J. A.. Hoiyoke. Mass. Kennedy. T. F.. Boston. Mass. Hanntfy, Franria West Lynn. Maaa. Died of aertdeat and other emu Solomos. Charles P.. Allston, Ma Died of dlsea Eatman. Millard O. (Sgt.), Cary. N. C Elkina. Joaeph M.. Murphy. N. C. Blszell. Bud. Warsaw. N. C. Queen. TJ. R., Smokemont. N. C. Martin, Furman, Llncolnton, N. C. Hundley, C O., Durham, N. C. Oradr. W. M., Jacksonville. N. C. Killed (prevlonsly reported missing) McEntire, Esor.(isgt). Gilkey. N. C NORTH DAKOTA. Died ef disease Wallace. H. E.. Bonnie View, N. D. OHIO. Killed hi action Womer. F. R. (Lt), Polk, O. Butt. Charles. Lima. Ohio. ZlnksJd, Oswald, Akron, O. Walt man, G. E-, Dayton, O. Iled of wounds- Fisher. Clinton (Cpl.), North Lima, O. noyie. v imam ri.. spring Valley. O. Bower. E. M.. Marlon O. Bross. A. J Cincinnati. O. Kohnle. Frank. Cincinnati. O. Gunn. Howard W.. Holland, O. IMed or disease Grunden, Robert (Cpl.). Ohio City, O. Evans, c r.. Williamsburg. O. Dates, Morton, Wellsvllle. O. Scott Joseph. Loralne, O. Poole. K. J.. Lockland. O. SOUTH DAKOTA. Returned to duty, previously reported died or uisease ComeHtis, Christ. Roslyn, S. D. Wounded (previously reported killed) Wines, Harris R.. Sioux Falls, S. E. TENNESSEE. Killed In action Burke, Thomas C, Joseph, Tenn, Ferls. Ernest. Columbia, Tenn. Ferguson, Clarence UcK, Nobelvllle, Tetm. Died of wounds- Sharp, John T. (Cpl.), LafoIIette, Tenn. Died of disease Pryor, I. R., Dover, Tenn. House, James E., Greenville, Tenn. TEXAS. Killed m action Truley, Wesley, Houston, Tex. Banks, John L., Humble. Tex. Bohler. William. Honey Grove, Tex. Cantavespl, Henry, Pitts Bridge. Tex. Cheaney. Dan W., Aransas Pass. Tex. Secrest Luther. South Mayd, Tex. Died of eoondl Scott, Earl (Sgt.), Dallas, Tex. Bird, Charley, Ostesvllle, Tex. Cranshaw. P. C. Bryant Tex. Puckett 8. A., Cookville. Tex. Joiner, A. E., Oranbury, Tex. Died of accident- Brent Shane E., Beaumont,. Tex. Died of disease Eckhardt. Walter, Blanco County, Texas. Collins. John. Houston, Tex. Brooks. R. M.. Tolbert. Tex. Bailey. V. L.. San Antonio, Tex. Hyden, C. L.. Lewisvllle. Texas. Killed (previously reported nussuuri Arnet. P. G.. Houston, Tex. Died from wounds (previously missing;) Banderso. D. L.. Wilder Dike, Tex. Killed In action, previously reported wounded severely. Lipscomb, Addle, Waco, Texas. VERMONT. Died of disease Mayo, Wm. H. (Mech.). Burlington, VL O'Brien, F. E., Searsbury. Vt Lamothe, V. J., West Dummeraton; Vt VIRGINIA. Killed In action -Belcher. Sims (Sgt), Norfolk, Vs. Gibbs. Burnett Richmond, Vt Died of wounds Odom. Wm. F. (Sgt). Benett Creek, Va, Butler, Simon, Enfield, Va. Died of accident Byrd. Everett L. (Sgt), Central Point, Va Died of disease Birch, H. S., Chincoteague. Va. Keller, E. W., Mount Solon, Va. Haley. W. E.. Salem, Va. Killed (previously reported missing) Leonard. B. K., Galax. Va. Wounded (degree undetermined), previous ly reported died from arcldeau) Brown, W. G Alexandria, Va. WEST VIRGINIA. Killed In action Robertson, Okie E.. Ada, W. Va. " Prodes, Emmett H., Spencer, W. Va, Died of disease Wiblin. J. S., Moundsvllle. W. Va. Killed (previously reported missing) Baker, Garrett, Rawi, W. Va. WISCONSIN. Killed In action- Anderson. Edwin (Mech.). Bangor, Wis. Hamilton, G. W. E. (Mech.), Fon Du Lac, Wis. Welnsch, Joseph, Cornell, Wis. Anderson, Oscar, Argule, Wis. Losselyong. Peter, Appleton, Wis. Died of wounds Hamblet. Alvin E. (Sgt.), Barron, Wis. Lombard. George, Hudson, Wis. Krawozyk, John, Milwaukee, Wis. Died of disease Phillips, Leslie J. (Lt.),. Chetek, Wis. Feldman. P. R. (Field Clerk). Milwaukee. Connell. A. S., Janesville. Wia Lamar. J. H.. Barron. Wis. Webber. W. F. B., Saxon. Wis. Killed (previously reported trussing) Passeri. Angelo. Waukesha, Wis. , Jens. Hugo F. H.. Milwaukee. Caulklns. Clifford, Auburn, Wis. Jones, David G. (Cpl.). Pardeevllle, Wis. ALASKA. Died of wounds- Dykes, R. E.. Clearmont. Wyo. DISTRICT Ut tULLUBU. Died of disease Tarantine, George, Washington, D. C. ' Died of accident (previously reported silav Ing) Comegya, E. T. (Lt), Washington, D. C, r 3 . Why Meat Prices Vary in Different Stores Mi Good to ebaica steers. ................ 17.001S 8S Common to mediusa stsers...... ...... 10.7&VJI16.75 Yearlings, fair to fancy H.0W4 19.W Fat cows and heifers 8J615 3S Cannlnc cows and heifers 7.2 8.2S Bulls, plain to best .6012.oe Poor to fancy eatves 6.7EW16.76 Western range Hears, 10.uajis.W m Chsdwlrk. James D. (Lt). Walt ham, Maaa I Riley. Howard W.. Marion, O. Brew it yourself at home. Flnnl. L. II, New Bedford. Mass. Draper. Jason 8.. Lawrence. Masa Charbonneeji. J. F.. Iwrence, Mass. Kohlnson. Ralph. Fltchburg. Mass. Prettyroan, K. H., West Line. Maaa. Graastrom. Carl A.. East Boston. Mass. Killed (prevtowaly reported missing) Msnier. E. M. (l.t, Hudson. Maaa. Maadsll. Samuel P. (Lt). Boston. Maaa. MICHIGAN. Killed ha artloa Mapea. M. B. (Sgt). Oshtemo. Mich. -tehl. Char es F.. isaa Axe. iiicn. noninir tne pest remedy you can tlks for enwwmA un mil ri-'h liver Is one that costa very lltlie I Thornton. Edward. National Mine. Mich. - A MMAmnllK. M, I, I Died OS WOOOdS For manv vears lr. Carter'a K and Andrews. Wm. E. (Sgt ). Muskegon, Mich. II Tea has been used bv tens of thou- Horrty. A. H. (Sgt). Hint Mien. eands to keep the bowels regular and ,,b,ur '"T'' Menominee. Mien. the whole svstem In fino condition I Why not get a email package of this , V .TJ.. 7,-.V. rentle. yet sure actlnir bowel regulator JV1?0?- jtrwtlZ sJlch nd system tonic and brew a cupful ?Ti-."iri for vonrself everv nlaht for a week or Killed (previesjary reported missing) two every mgni tor a weea or McNltu Shirley a.. Bansor. Mich. Youll surely be aratefully surprised iook,T- A"" S,L)' Grmnd Uleh- At the benefit you get and will oraiae I MINNESOTA. IT. tarters tv. and H. Tea to your I siiiiea as sk-iiow frt.nH. Ir's fins foe fh. Itttls, fnlka I Bsumana. Walter. Leseuer. Minn. and they like it All drugsisls aell ltlAnsems. Thomas. Faribault. Minn. Adv. I Hosan, Harold J.. Laverne. Minn. Olsn, Axel V.HUB1H, uuimo, jama. HAYNES mi :.krfwiT ft,. Minn. ItUrNES FOSTER BAKING Ca Died of wounds McDonnell. V. J, St Cloud. Minn. Dusrhs, J. F.. Foley. Minn. Anderson. A. C. Clarissa. Minn. Pelvtt. G. K.. Breckenbrldge, Minn. I iml mt disease Haroldson. Harry (Cpl.). Albert Lea Peterson. O. E, Becker. Minn. Nsylor. W. H.. Dodge Center. Minn. Lancr. V. B.. Jordan. Minn. Killed (prevloualy reported missing) Thordson. John Gutton. Hanaka, Minn. Asmua. Hugo. Oaylord. Minn. Illed. Drevtoosiy reporiea missing- Carlson, Carl, Stanley. Minn. MISSISSIPPI Died of disease Peag. W. C. Stenatobia. miss. toe k hart Albert Doddsvllle. Miss. Holmes. Leonard. Tssoo. Miss. Sellers. Otho. Mlse. Mlsa Died from wonaids (prevlonsly missing) Crespo, H. M.. St Louis. Miss. M1SSOCRL Killed la aetloB Farria. Jackson H.. Eolia. Mo. Derringer. Guy. Saline. Mo. Tracy. It. E.. St. Joaeph, Mo, ni4l or wounds Williams. Floyd. Joplln. Me. Feaater. W. T.. Conlum, Mo. IMed of disease Neal. B. H St Louis. Ma. Lee. R. E.. Kansas City. Mo. Zeller. Michael. St Louis. Mo. Saagoo, Theo. St Louis. Mo. Sick ha beopHal. prevloualy reported killed la aetioo Martin, Vernon Arthur, Anderson, Me. Henry. John P., Fremont O, Stsata. H. M.. Mt Vernon, O. Kooney, A., Lucas. O. Killed (previously renorted missing) Simon. Clement Joseph. Columbus, O. Kramer. Albert John, Cleveland, O. Demotes. Joe. Akron. O. Baumgardner, Charles V., Pomeroy, O. Kurklletls, Joseph. Toledo, O. Iled, previously renorted mlaainr Olln, Charles, Marlon. O. OKLAHOMA. Killed la action McCartney. Raleigh O.. Pawhuska, Okie. Best Everett M.. Hennessey. Okla. Baugh. Joel L. Moyers. Okla, Died of wounds Roberts. William A., Fletcher, Okla. Talley, J. L, Chna. Okla. McClaren. H. A.. Muskogee, Okla. Grlcsemer. Emanuel, Watonga, Okla. Died of accident and other causes Rogers, Mart U, Ardmore, Okla.- Died of disease Oarvln. W. D., Austin. Okla. Killed (previously reported missing) Bratton, Hubert H. Guymon, Okie. PENNSTLVANL, Killed In action Wesoloskl, J. M. (Lt), Imperial, Pa. Bollman. A. W. (CpL). Pittsburg, Pa. Polock. Stormonth (Cpl.). Philadelphia. Pa Ssedlock, J. P., Elkland. Pa. Turner, Samuel, Philadelphia, Pa. Eaterley, Raymond A Emana, Pa. Died of woimds Covert. Ralph G. (Sgt). Doranceton, Pa. Lees, Frank (Sgt.), Moneaeen, Pa. Melick, Philip G. (Sgt). Philadelphia. Rawiings. Wm E., Peckvllle, Pa. Fanner, W. J., McKeesport, Pa. Bruce, E. M., Beaver Falls. Pa. Brougher. E. C, Cokevllle. Pa. Adam, H. P., Langeloth. Pa. Moyer. William J.. Rehrersburg, Pa. v Moore. John. Columbia. Pa. Miller, Jacob. Greensburg. Pa. Kuhn. Charles E., State College, Fa, Greaves, Percy, Irwin, Pa. Gingrich. W. H., Lawn. Pa. Died from aeroplane accident Breese, Winfield 8. (Lt). Punxsutawney. Pa. Fisher, John J. (Lt), Punxsutawney, Pa. IMed of disease- Stephens, Wm. E. (Lt), Philadelphia. Law. Malcolm r. (Fgt). Kingston. Pa. Havens, C. R. (Cpl.), Glenside. Pa. Snyder, Geo. F. (Cpl.), Slippery Rock, Pa. Evans. O. A.. Mlllerton, N. Y. Dehart, C M.. Reynoldsrllle, Pa. Curry. C. A., Kerrmor. Pa, Conley. C. T., Narberth. Pa. Buchanan. F. H., Emerson, Pa, Lonsr, O. O.. Hamburg, Pa. Koona. D. W.. Philadelphia. Pa. Htlllard. Ivan K., Dubois, Pa. Hartford. C. A.. Elmhurst Pa. Scott Eugene F.. Coatesville. Pa. Stanley. W. H., Philadelphia. Pa. Hoonded severely (previously renorted died ef disease fi.oana. C. B., Drifton, Pa. , , . .. C. H. Vehrs. 1383 East Sherman street, has received a letter from his son. Bert E. Vehrs, who was officially reported missing; in action since No vember 6. The letter Indicates the lad knew nothing; of the fact that his rela tives and friends at home had given Im up as lost It states that he wae n guard duty in the front line trenches t the time that the Government re ported him missing. Private Vehrs is member of Company G-, 306th In fantry, 77th Division. He has been over the top a number of times, ac cording; to letters received by his par nts. Before enlisting', he lived at Lebanon, Or. WASHINGTON. Jan. 9. The War De partment announced today that Will. lam F. Lavis, Anaconda, Mont., released from a German prison camp, had re turned to France, ALBANY. Or., Jan. 9. (Special.) Thousrh their son. Sidney Montg-omery, was killed in action in France October 2, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Montgomery, re siding southwest of this city, received no word of it until yesterday. The young man did not write often and no anxiety was felt at the lack of news. so the telegram from the War Depart ment announcing his death came as a sudden shock. Sidney Montgomery was 20 years of age and had spent most of his life In this vicinity. He was working In Eastern Oregon when he enlisted. OTTAWA, Ont., Jan. 9. The name of G. A. Stewart, Seattle, Wash., is listed among the dead In today s overseas casualty. These newspaper quotations represent live cattle prices in Chicago on December 30th, 1918. The list shows price ranges -on nine general classified groups with a spread of $13.85 per cwt the lowest at $6.50, and the highest at $20.35. Why this variation in price? Because the meat from different animals varies greatly in quality and weight Although the quotations shown are in nine divisions, Swift & Company grades cattle into 34 general classes, and each class into a variety of weights and qualities. As a result of these differences in cattle prices, (due to differences in weights and meat qualities), there is a range of 15 cents in Swift & Company's selling prices of beef carcasses. These. facts explain : 1 Why retail prices vary in different stores. 2 Why it would be difficult to regulate prices of cattle or beet 3 Why it requires experts to judge cattle and to sell meat, so as to yield the pro fit of only a fraction of a cent a pound a profit too small to affect prices. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Portland Local Branch, 13th and Glisan S. C. Ogsbury, Manager Is I ?fc to is made final before the parties the divorce may marry again. under the proposed law the incom patibility of temperament" divorce would be no more. The present statute gives the court the power to grant a divorce when rrom the evidence it ap pears to him that the parties can no longer live together, but the proposed law will allow the granting of a de cree only upon state statutory grounds. now visiting at his home at Hermiston, in order that he may assist in the epi demic of influensa which now holds that town in its grasp. Dr. Ilsley arrived recently on fur lough just in time to take up the work of the city physician. Dr. Mackenzie, who himself is stricken. Only one other doctor is In the city, and the aid of the soldier-physician has material lessened the death rate, his townspeo ple assert. NEW DIVORCE LAW ASKED WASniXGTOX COURT JUDGES TO PRESENT BIIX TO SESSION. Two Years Proposed, With Issuance of Decrees Only Upon Statu tory Grounds. SEATTLE, "Wash... Jan. 9. (Special.) More divorces are granted in the state of 'Washington, according to the population than in any other state in the Union, according to Judge Everett Smith, of the Superior Court, in dis cussing proposed legislation to combat the constantly Increasing number of divorces. Judge Smith, Dean Herbert T. Con don, Rabbi Samuel Koch, Judge A. W. Frater and Pierce Lonergan, former divorce proctor of King County, have collaborated In the framing of a law, which will be introduced in the State Legislature next week, making it more difficult to secure a divorce in the state of Washington. , The new law calls for two years of residence in the state, the lapse of 60 days after the case Is filed before it can be tried, one year from trial of case before decree is made final, and a lapse of one year after the decree SOLDIER FIGHTS EPIDEMIC Extension of Furlough for Hermis ton Physician Is Requested. PENDLETON, Or Jan. 9. (Special.) A request has been made by the Pa triotic Service League to the officials at Camp Lewis for an extension of the furlough of Sergeant Wilbur Ilsley. E A COLD? LISTEN SPANISH INFLUENZA A NEW NAME FOR AN OLD FAMILIAR DISEASE Simply the Same Old Grip That Has Swept Over the World Time and Again. The Last Epidemic in the United States Was in 1889-90. Tape's Cold Componnd" Ends Severe Colds or Grippe in Few Hours. Tour cold will break and all grioo misery eid after taking- a dose of Pape s Cold Compound every two hours until three doses are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nostril and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, re lleves sick headache, dullness, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape s Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice and causes no Inconvenience. Accept no substi tute. Adv. Munyon's Paw Paw Pills conceded to be the mildest, yet most effective laxa tive that medical science can produce. Compounded to gently stimulate the stomach, liver and bowels to perform their natvral func tions. Not a intg used that forces nature or forms unnatural habits. They assist nature to Jielp itself. A valuable purgative In eatee of liver complaint) jaundice, bilious affections, impurity of the blood, sick headache, costiveness and constipation. . Prepared to assist nature to cultivate the habit of regularity in the operation of the bowel All druggists 30c a bottle. ' . ORIGIN OF THE DISEASE. Spanish Influenza, which appeared in Spain in May, has swept over the world in numerous" epidemics as rar haok as history runs. Hippocrates re fers to an epidemic in 412 B. C, which is regarded by many to have been in fluenza. Every century nas nan us at tacks. Beginning with 1831, this coun try has had five epidemics, the last In 1889-90. THE SYMPTOMS. Grip, or Influenza as it is now called, usually begins with a chill followed by aching, feverishness and sometimes nausea and dizziness, and a general feeling of weakness and depression. The temDerature 18 irom ivu 10 iv and the fever usually lasts from three to five days. The germs attack the mucous membrane, or lining or tne air passages nose, throat ana oron- chial tubes there Is usually a nam cough, especially bad at night, often times a sore throat or tonsilltis, and frequently all the appearances of -a severe head cold. THE TREATMENT, no to bed at the first symptoms take a purgative, eat plenty of nour- iQhinc food, remain perfectly quiet and don't worry! Nature herself Is' the only cure" for influenza ana win tnrow on the attack if only you conserve your strength. A little Quinine, Aspirin or Dover's Powder may be given by the physician's directions to allay the ach- ine. Always call a aocior, eince me chief danger of grip Is in its weaken- ine- effect on the system, wnicn allows complications to develop. These are chiefly pneumonia and broncMtis, sometimes inflammation of the middle ,,r. or heart affections. tor these reasons, it is very important that the natlent remain In bed until his strength returns stay in bed at least two days or more after the fever has left you, or if you are over ou or not strong, stay in bed four days or more, according to the severity of the attack. EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS. In order to stimulate the lining of the air passages to throw off the grip germs, to aid in loosening the phlegm and keeping the air passages open, thus making the breathing easier, Vick'a VapoRub will be found effective. Hot,, wet towels ehould be applied over the throat, chest and back between the houlder blades to open the pores. Then VapoRub should be rubbed in over the parts until the skin Is red, spread on thickly and cover with wo thicknesses of hot flannel cloths. Leave the clothing loose around the neck as the heat of the body liberate the ingredients In the form of vapor. These vapors, Inhaled with each breath, carry the medication directly to the parts affected. At the same time. VapoRub is absorbed through and stimulates the skin, attracting the blood to the surface, and thus aids in relieving the congestion within. NO OCCASION FOR PANIC. There Is no occasion for panic In. fluenza or grip has a very low percent age of fatalities not over one death out of every four hundred cases, ac cording to the N. C. Board of Hearth. The chief danger lies in complications arising, attacking principally patients in a run down condition those who don't go to bed eoon enough, or those who get up too early. HOW TO AVOID THE DISEASE. Evidence seems to prove that this Is a germ disease, spread principally by human contact, chiefly through cough ing, sneezing or spitting.. So avoid persons having colds which mean avoiding crowds common drinking cups, roller towels, etc Keep up your bodily strength by plenty of exercise in the open air, and good food. KEEP FREE FROM COLDS. Above all, avoid colds, as colds lrrl- tr.te the lining of the air passages and render them much better breeding places f jr the germs. Use Vick's Vaponub at the very first sign of a cold. For a head cold, melt a little VapoRub In a spoon and inhale the vapors, or better still, use VapoRub In a benzoin steam kettle. If this is not available, use an ordinary tea kettle. Fill half-full of boiling water, put In half a teaspoon of VapoRub from Ume to time keep the kettle Just slowly boiling and Inhale the steam arising. NOTE Vick's VapoRub is the dis covery of a North Carolina druggist, who found how to combine. In salve form, I" enthol and Camphor with such volatile oils as Eucalyptus, Thyme. Cubebs, etc, eo that when the salve is applied to the body heat, these in gredients are liberated In the form" of vapors. VapoRub can be had In three sizes at all druggists. While com paratively new In certain parts of th North, it Is the standard home remeUy In the South and West for all form of cold troubles over six million jar were sold last year. VapoRub Is par ticularly recommended, for children's ' croup or colds, as lt Is externally ap plied and can, therefore, be used free ly and often without the slightest harmful effects. Adv.