THE 3IORXIXG OREGOMAX, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1919. 7 SPORTING OUNCE S D FOR GERMANY itiiinl'iii i'iii,'ii'ii,;i'ii,i!iiii:;i!'i :: Moving Pictur iPllil .Count Von Montgelas Urges Lenient Treatment. RECOVERY IS COUNTED ON Only Danger Lies in Food Situation, Xow Serious, Says Minister to Switzerland. BERN E. Jan. . (Ey the Associated Vtk.) Germany will Iowly recover from disasters wrought by the war. but In a democratic not in a mon arrhlal spirit. according to Count Max on Montgelas. formerly In charge of American affairs in the Forelcn office .it Berlin, and now German Minister to I Tf zenana. "This recovery." ne said, today, "will te endlessly hard and will require every ounce of German discipline, but it can be accomplished only in case the en tente nations give Germany a sporting thance. Xtw Germaay la Mafcted. Count Bfontgela Is hopeful that re cent change at Berlin indicate a be sinning for new Germany whtrh will definitely exclude threatened Bolshe vism. He believes the German people too sensible and level-headed to be overwhelmed by it. unless the food situation prows worse and the public is subjected to the alternative of dying or rioting. AMSTERDAM. Jan. t The Spartacus group Sunday eveninr made another attempt to seixe the reins of power In Herlln and occupied the office of the Wolff Bureau, the semi-official news agency. The last telesrram received here to day from the Wolff Bureau announced tbe seizure of its office. .fe-j k . l. - v. 'i r Several Mewapapera 9eised Private advices m; that the Sparta cans occupied the offices of half a dozen bis newspapers, including the Socialist Vorwaerts. The offices of the Wolff Puiau and the leading newspapers are contained in a small area eouth of I'nter den Linden, which Is accessible from Ora ntenbure. a worklncmen'a quarter. This is one of the M rone hold of the Sparta cans, who previously seized newspaper offices, but were unable to gain con trol of the city. AMSTERDAM. Jan. . The offices of the Tzireblatt. Vowslsche Zritung. L"kal Aniefger. Vrwaerts anil Morten Post were seized and vw-cupieri Sunday niitht r-y the Spjrtac.-ins. sccordina to a tele Kram from Berlin. It is added that the newspapers will not appear Monday, with the exception of the Vorwaerts. which will be Issued by a committee of revolutionary worktngmrn. .News Ageaey la Cloaed. The office of the Wolff Bureau has been closed by the Spartarans and the aaws agency has reaped operations. LONDON. Jan. . Germany Is about to take diplomatic and military meas ures aaainet the Bolshevik rovernment. according to a German official state ment received here by wireless today. The message eays: "The advance of the Polshevlkl and the presence In Berlin of M. Dadke (a Bolshevik emissary have brought about a diplomatic state of war with Kussia and a military state of war nlmost has intervened. Germany, faced with the necessity, not for the pur pose of pleasing the entente, but for protecting her own interests, must intervene energetically by taking diplo matic and military measures," TODAY'S FILM FKATl RES. Columbia "Italy's Flaming Front." Peoples D o u g I a s Fairbanks, "Arizona." Majestic Sessue Hayakawa, "Ills Birthright." Star Pauline Frederick, "Out of the Shadow." Sunset William S. Hart, "The Square D"al Mai." Liberty Xanmova, "Eye for Eye." Globe "Trotect Tour Daughter." Circle Billie Burke, "The Land of Promise." HERE are tions. hu CAULKERS G00N STRIKE "orth Bend Ilmplojr Demand In crease From 97.33 lo $7.70. NORTH BEND. Or.. Jan. (Spe cial.) As a result of the refusal of the Kruse it. Banka Shipbuilding Com pany, of this city, to comply with the demands of the caulkers' union for an increase In pay from 17. SI to 17.70 to day, a strike was declared this morn ing. All the caulkers employed in the yard walked out. The caulkers allege that the extra IS cents a day was em bodied In an agreement entered into some time ago and la within the terms of the Macey wage scale. Telegrams have been dispatched to the Federal adjustment board In hope of settling the dispute. The Kruse & Banks yard had just opened this morning after being closed down two weeks to take inventory and io transfer the yard to private own ership. Tbe yard has two emergency fleet hulls nearly finished, after which private contracts will be handled. More Film Predictions. some 1919 film predic- morous and serious, made ty Iouella O. Tarsonb In the New York Mornlnir Telegraph: All those actors who besr a resemblance to Kaiser Bii: will change their "make-up and no longer try to get a Job on the strnsth of this valauble likeness. The 'frown juinr-e" will go out of style. The lat remaining hachr-lors will get married, namely. Kugene O'Brien, J. War ren Kerrigan. Matt Moore and other un attached fiim heroes. Tbe style of vampire will change from the slinky, long earnnged. languid-eyed be;uti to the baby-doll vamp. That at least five screen players will try and Imitats Thetla Bars and Mary I'lck ford. Some of the beet of the male players will reach the electric light position of star dom, namely. Niies W'el.-ih. Tommy Meighan. Kuccne O'Brien. David Powell and others. Some of the ehiid actresses wilt grow up. No names mentioned. There won't He a well-known play left on flroadaay after Anita S'ewart. orma Talma. Irr. Mary Plrkford. Blanche Sweet, Doug. a Fairbanks. Virginia Pearson, Klsie Kergu-on and some of the rest scop buying them for picture. Curls, long earrings, beauty patches and knee. length skirts will pass out and won't tie ca!d back. William S. Hart and Tom Mix will con tinue to be popular "ehootlna: stars." Charlie Chaplin's mustache will not decrease- in popularity. r'anny Ward wi:i continue to drfy Father Time. There will he fewer notes sent to motion picture editors a-king if it is true that Fran cis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayns art married. The six rwmored matrimonial spllta will take p!ace. No names mentioned. That Virginia Pearson will buy at least one new frock. She now has only 9999 In her wardrobe. There will be no further speculation on whom Charlie Chaplin wi.l marry. It will be rumored that Charlie Chaplin. Douglas Fairbanks. Mary Plrkford. William 1'irnnm and Theda Bara have died once during tbe year. ernment officials to independents seek ing something startling for news pic torials or material for fictional pro ductions. "The Tellow Dove," the picture Harold Lock wood was working on when he died, is to be completed and offered to the public. It was three- fourths finished when the actor was stricken with the influenza. Samuel Goldfish is now Samuel Goldwyn. Tho courts have given him permission to assume the name he olncd two years ago when he formed the Goldwyn Ti-tures Corporation. The name "Goldwyn" Is a combination of Goldfish" and "Selwyn," from the names of the chief organizers of the producing concern. Jean Acker, who has been out of pictures for two years, is now stag ing; a comeback. She Is with the George Walsh Company. a "A Romance of Happy Valley" Is the name of Griffith's next Artcraft spe cial. Lillian Gish, Robert Ifarron and George Fawcctt are in the cast. Mae Marsh is wedded. It's been kept secret, or unconfirmed, for some time, for on September 2 she marr ed Louis l-ee Arms, sporting editor of the New York Tribune. Mae went West after thj wedding and Arms entered Uncle Sam's service. (LPIKB Ome toy your good teeth go Yes unless you check "Acid Mouth," you probably will be minus several teeth at forty-five and very likely minus all of them at sixty. For even though "Acid-Mouth" is a slow-working1 condition it has the power to destroy all of the teeth unless it is checked. 95 in every 100 persons are said to have "Acid-Mouth." The best way to counteract the condition is to combine twice-yearly visits to your dentist with the twice-a-day use of Pebeco Tooth Paste. Pebeco does counteract "Acid Mouth," and is a splendid pro moter of attractive teeth and firm, healthy gums. Sold by druggists everywhere ' - 9 X- oya nan u qui bowp i ) rr?rrrrs TOOTH PASTE Counteracts "Acid-Mouth1 Screen CeOsssJp. Herbert Brenon has signed Marie Poro and is going to take her. to Eng land to make a series of photoplays. Paris will be crowded with motion picture cameramen during the peace conference. Ilundrds from every coun try will be on hand, ranging from Gov- Carmel Myers believes in Christmas. She gave herself a limousine-to cele brate this belief. Dorothy Dalton during her screen ca reer has acted in some 20 differcn courtrooms and begins to believe she qualified to pass bar examinations on legal procedure and become a modern Portia. i Winifred Westover is dclifjhted ove the prospect of being featured in series of comedy-dramas in the near future. She is at present playing op pnsite Roscoe Arbuckle and last ap pearcd with William Kusscll. Elsie Ferguson will have a short rest at Palm Beach after she finishes her next picture. She has worked very steadily for the past few months and is certainly entitled to have a vaca tion. Marv Pick ford and T). w. Griffith are now working at the same studio. Thi is the first time these two film folk have been on tho same lot since the old Klograph days here when Griffith gave Mary her tirst part. Although each has what amounts to a separate studio many are the friend ly exchanges which pass between them. Griffith's portion of the lot is known as the sunset Muaio, wnue .miss ficK- ford has taken over, through a rental arrangement, that section of the .studio which Is leased from Griffith by Harry Garson. SIIOTT PUN HELD BEST IRRIGATION COXGRKSS PRESI DF.XT OPPOSKS LANK BILL. Secretary of Interior's Mensnre- De clared Drawn lo Itrncflt East and South, Not WesL ARMY MEN LEAVE BEND Work Accomplished for BctU-rmrni of Timber Workers Set Forth. BEND. Or, Jan. . (Special. ) With the departure (onlght of Lieutenant George B. Cypher and Captain McAlis ter. the existence of the Loyal Legion "t Lumbermen and Loggers in this locality, as a phase of the L'nlted States military system, passed Into history. From now on .the activities of the legion here will pertain entirely to civil life. Captain McAllister and Lieutenant Cypher were speakers in Bend tonight, explaining the work accomplished by the legion tor the betterment of lim ber workers throughout the Northwest. Juneau School Reopen. JCXEAC. Alaska. Jan. (. With the disappearance of all Spanish Influenza cases from Gastlneau Channel district Juneau's schools reopened today. The last epidemic of the disease resulted In six deaths in Juneau and four in Douglas. Palmer PoMma-lrr Wed. VANCOl'VF.R. Wash.. Jan. t . tSpe c!L William Arthur. 39 years old an. I postmaster at Palmer. t.r., and Miss I.uciMe Austin. Z 1, daughter of Mrs. Kalrlgh Rurnham. ,f this city. were married here today at the home of the bride mother. They will make -eir home in Palmer. Americas foremost breakfast cereal Grapefluts Rich to .the taste Satisfying to tha uppptite. If Oregon wants quick action in de veloping its arid lands, then Oregon should get behind the bill of Congress man N. J. Sinnott. of the Second Ore gon District, rather than the measure proposed by Secretary of the Interior Lane, declares Jay L'pton. president of the Oregon Irrigation Congress, which is to hold its session Thursday. Friday and Saturday at the Imperial Hotel. The congress will consider matters which deal with the reconstruction pe riod and will probably suggest certain matters which they will ask the Legis lature to take up. "1 am nonplussed at the apathy and inertia displayed by the people west of the Cascade Mountains toward the only real and tangible plan which has so far Leen conceived to secure devel opment of the arid, swamp and logged off lands of Oregon." says Mr. L'pton. "The plan is the bill Introduced by Representative Sinnott. of Oregon, by Ahich fl.ooQ.O90.0uO is to be appropri ated through the Reclamation Service for the building of farms In the IS Western states. Instead of Indorsing this plan, which Is real and has meat in it. a lot of people and newspapers are giving their encouragement to a naif-baked, new-fledged scheme pro posed by the Secretary of the Interior, from which the Eastern and Southern rtates will materially profit, and which was never intended to benelit the state of Oregon. "Both measures are designed to pro- vld-: homes for returning soldiers and where the results to be desired are the same, the people of Oregon should sup port the measure wMch will help Ore gon. "The Reclamation Service has S.000. 000 acres surveyed In this state: It has the equipment and the organization and can go to work carrying out the long made plans which have been held up for want of money. If Mr. Sinnott s bill is enacted, the funds will be avail able and the Reclamation Service ran get busy without delay. "On the other hand, the measure of the Secretary of the Interior calls for an involved organization, an organization in each state, and any amount of red tape. If Secret try Lane's measure pre vails rather that of Representa tive Sinnotl's. Oregon can sit down and wait for many years before Its waste anas are made to bloom and become productive. For the life of me, I can not comprehend why Oregon should not be shouting for the passage of the Sin nott bill. And then tr.ero is every prob ability that Mr. Sinnott will be chair man of the public lands committee next session, m nich will be another reason . why if this bill Is passed he can see that it Is lived up to. Fred X. Wallace, who has charge of the Tumalo project. Is secretary of the Oregon Irrigation Congress. Mr. Wal lace, who is Just recovering from a severe attack of influenza, makes vir tually the same statement regarding the Sinnott and Lane bills voiced by Mr. Upton. 1918 FEES SHOW INCREASE County Clerk's Office Kxpense Gain 815,000. Due to Flection. Fees collected by the County Clerk's office during 1018 were SST0.91 more than in 1917, according to a statement issued by County Clerk Beverldge yes terday. Expenses for the same period ncreased tla.OOO, the report showed. Increased expenses were due to the costs of the recent election, according to Mr. Beveridge. No elections were held in 117. Of the $89,202.22 earned In the office during the past year, 29.!89.0a cam from the Circuit Court, and 26,637.93 came from recording department. Other principal sources of revenue were: Cir cuit Court library lees, JS17; frobat Court fees, $8521.10; interest on bal ances. $2757; citizenship petitions, $1444 declarations of Intention, $1207; record ing marginals. $1323; Probate Court library fees, $1222; hunters' licenses, $540; anglers' licenses, $1006: combina tion licenses, $407; prohibition. 50 cents: miscellaneous fees, $10,317. During December $7320.79 was col lected by the Clerk's office. SYRIANS LIKE ENGLAKD BRITISH DOMINATION WILL LIKELY BE INVITED. Young Woman Ot Damascus Likens Ilcr Countrymen to Irish All Want to Be Leaders. "There are 200,000 Syrians in Amer ica and evervone has done more than his bit in the war," says Miss Sumayeh Attlyeh. late of Damascus, who Is at the Benson. "The Syrians at home are looking to President Wilson and Eng land to prevent their country from being divided. They know that Amer ica does not want colonics. They know that England knows how to treat her colonics better than other nation and they will ask that England take charge of Syria until the people are capable of self-government. 'A revolution in Syria will soon be launched that appears to be the first thing nations are doing these days and It will be against division. The Syrians are a good deal like the Irish, every one wants to be a leader and no one wants to be a follower, but in time the Syrians will be capable of main taining their independence." Miss Attiyeh left Damascus before the war, coming to this country to study medicine, with the intention of returning to her native land to prac tice. The war changed all that. She doesn't even yearn to return to little old Damascus now other than to eee her relatives. Miss Attiyeh comes from i literary family, her mother having ranslated into Arabic "The Last Days of Pompeii"; an uncle is a poet and she herself Is now on the lecture plat form. Roosevelt and ordered a message of condolence sent to the family at Oyster Bay. On Government ownership and Gov ernment control the hotel men were emphatic and will advise Oregon mem bers in Congress of their opinion re garding these matters. The contention is that as hotel men they are in a position to know of the discomforts and inconveniences suf fered by the traveling public, the need less expenses that are heaped on through Governmental inefficiency and the tremendous damage that is being done to the hotel industry throughout the country, one of the first five among all industries in point of investments. ALBANY REVISES 'FLU' BAN FESTIVALS TO BE MERGED ICTORY CELEBRATION AND ROSE EVENT MAY BE ONE, Some Gatherings Permitted, Others Strictly Forbidden. ALBANY, Or., Jan. 6. (Special.) A revised influenza ban, which permits motion picture theaters to operate un der restrictions and churches to hold meetings, but forbids certain other gatherings, has been announced here by the City Health Board. All citizens are requested to remain at home except those transacting legiti mate business. All dances, dinners, tea parties and similar gatherings are strictly forbidden. Athletic games also are under the ban. Stores are forbid den to conduct special sales. Billiard and pool rooms are closely regulated. The present quarantine of houses where the disease exists will be main tained. The schools will remain closed this week, but the officers believe it will be possible to reopen them next Monday. Civilian Men of Clothes for the Service For the rank and file Army and Navy they're all one grand unit. Here are business clothes for all you men who have lately done the biggest business the world ever knew. Whatever you want in civ ilian clothes you'll find here in great abundance moder ately priced; ready to put on at a moment's notice. Business suits, overcoats, evening clothes, furnishings; everything from hats to hose. Suits $25 to $60 0'Coats $25 to $100 Kami? Via. MENS WEAR Corbett Building Fifth and Morrison T OREGON STATUTE DEEMED BEST IN UNITED STATES. sues of irrigation bonds will be offered during the coining year. I may add that the success of the Oregon statutes and the business methods applied to irrigation have been demonstrated by the sale of more than $2,000,000 of ir rigation district bonds In the past 18 months, while in the past seven pre ceding years no bonds were disposed of. Committee on Organization Named and Plans for Event Are Considered. BURNSIDE BRIDGE ACTIVE More Than 2, 600. 000 -Vehicles Cross in 1918, Report Shows. Nearly a million and a half automo biles and motorcycles crossed the Burn- side bridge during 1918. according to a report made by Foreman F. G. Forbes to county commissioners yesterday. The accident In which Gateman Dan Cam pion was killed Is the only fatality shown. . The report follows: Auto trucks and wagons, 927,737: automobiles and motorcycles, 1,423,256; foot passengers and bicycles, 1,590,805 streetcars. 144,793; bridge openings, A764; boats passing through draw. 10,486. Linn lias Three Women Officers. ALBANY. Or.. Jan. . (Special.) Linn County now has three women of fleers. They are Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cummlngs. of Ilalsey, School Superin tendent; Miss Velma G. Davis, of Al bany. Recorder, and Miss Lenore Powell, of Brownsville. Treasurer. Mrs. Cum mlngs was elected two years ago for a term of four years; Miss Davis, re elected without opposition In the recent election, began a second term today. nd Miss Powell became a county of ficer today for the first time. Mrs. Cummlngs is a Republican and Misses Davis and Powell are Democrats. Whether a Rose Festival will be held here this year or at any time in the future has not yet been decided, in spite of the fact that a meeting of the Koyal Rosarians was held yesterday afternoon at the Chamber of Com merce for the sole purpose of bring ing about a definite decision on the question. It is known, however, that there will be, during the month of June, a mam moth celebration to be known as the Victory celebration, and plans for this event already are under way. This will last two days or more, the exact time to be decided upon later. In all probability the big features of the Rose Festival will become a part of the Victory celebration and the bigness of the whole thing will take on the appearance oi two ceieDrations in one. Resolutions favoring the consolida tion of the two celebrations were adopted by the Rosarians and read to the soldiers , sailors and marines re-1 construction committee, which was in session In an adjoining room. Skin Donations Wanted. Drs. A. L. Berkley ind J. O. Staats are seeking volunteers to donate 100 square inches of skin for an operation on William McGregor, a boy who was burned severely several months ago and whose life can be saved only, by skin grafting. The child was burned about the legs. In a successful opera tion performed recently 100 square inches of skin were placed on the burns, repairing half of the injured tissue Engineer Cupper Aserts Sale of $2,000,000 Bonds in 18 .Months Due to Business Methods Used. SALEM. Or., Jan. 6. (Special.) During the past 18 months more than J2.0O0.000 In Oregon irrigation district bonds have been sold, while during the seven preceding years not a bond ol this kind was disposed of. This con dition is due to the 1917 irrigation district statute, according to Engineer Cupper, in a letter sent to a Chicago! bonding-house today. He credits the Oregon statute with being the best on the statute books of any state in tbe Union. "The irrigation district law of this state was entirely re-enacted at the 1917 session, and I believe I can say without fear of contradiction that it is the best statute of its kind on the statute books of any state," wrote Mr. Cupper. "Realizing that irrigation securities had lost their standing and, in fact, were in absolute disrepute on account of Irrigation failures, we have endeav ored to place- irrigation on a sound business basis in this state. While we are, of course, much interested in the disposal of irrisation securities, we ask that these securities be given only the same scrutiny and consider ation that are given other municipal securities. "We anticipate that a number of is Vancouver Judc Recovers. VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan. 6. (Spe cial.) W. S. T. Derr. Police Judge and Justice of the Peace for Vancouver, who has been ill of influenza for three weeks, had so far recovered today that he was able to preside at both of his courts today. QUICK S. S. S. Greatest Blood Remedy Gives Results When Others Fail Nature's Remedy Troubles. for Blood The purifying and curative properties of Nature's great remedy have made "S. S. S. for the Blood" a household saying. Thousands today enjoying per fect health owe their recovery from blood or skin diseases to this univer sally used blood purifier. S. S. S. is made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, which possess ' cleansing and healing ingredients. You cannot be well when your blood Is Impure; you lack strength and energy natural with health; your complexion becomes pale and sallow: your vitality is weakened. When waste or refuse matter, which I Nature intends shall be thrown off. is left In the system, it Is absorbed into the blood and boils, pimples, rashes, blotches and other eruptions of the skin appear. S. S. S. goes into the circulation and removes every particle of blood taint or poison of every character. All skin diseases and eruptions pass away, and the smooth, clear skin, glowing with health, shows that the body Is being nourished by rich, pure blood. Rheu matism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, all are deep-seated blood disorders, and for their treatment noth ing equals S. S. S, Get S. S. S. at any drug store. If yours Is a peculiar case, write Medical Adviser, 445 Swift Labor atory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv. REUERJ) BLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard. It does alt the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster does it better and does not blis ter. You do not have to bother with a cloth. You simply rub it on and usually the pain is cone 1 i Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it gives from sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often pro Tents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. KLESN-ilfllD BREAD HOTEL MEN ENTER PROTEST GOVERNMENT OPERATIOX OF PUBLIC UTILITIES OPPOSED. Tremendous Damage Alleged to Be Done to Hotel Industry Throughout Country. X DDE A r Eat More of It A mighty good ,fri I suggestion and 'vl resolution for 1919 . Listen, Bad Stomach! Resolutions protesting the Govern ment's operation of railroads, tele graph and telephone lines were adopted by the members of the Oregon Hotel Men's Association yesterday while at luncheon at the Hotel Oregon. The hotel men also adopted resolu tions concerning the death of Colonel Don't Make a Garbage Can f . t XT C. 1 ' I uat oi i our otomacn. Spend Two Bits! Is 3'our stomach a garbage can? Does everything you eat sour or ferment, forming acid fluids and sassca which inflate the stomach? Do you feel a heavy, lumpy, all-gone misery in the stomach? Does your food come up sour, have heartburn, sickness in stomach, water brash, a puffed up feeling? The Boogie Man, dyspepsia, will get you if you don't watch out! Spend 25c for a box of STUMEZE tablets. They put out-of-order stomachs In good condition in a jiffy!. WANTED SALESMAN WITH CAR TO HANDLE A WESTERN ELECTRIC LINE. NEED NOT HAVE THOROUGH ELECTRICAL KNOWLEDGE.- Call Oar Office, WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, I. Affh St. and 1,'nlnn At ielt'i'huue tt. 250