16 TOE tfORXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1919. RIAL. ESTATX. For Sale Acmp. OUR AND NINE-TENTHS MILJ.S by iPMdomtttr from Portland P. O. : 6 beau tiful trr. Ideal for horn or platting closer than ML Tabor, on county road, now paved nearly ail tha way. balance good rock auto road, now under process of be ing paved: land beautifully timbered, high tn1 sirhtly. eterlookni Tualatin Vall-y and Comic Ksnge: country horoea for Port land residents nil cm'.'.i on surrounding land: buy at a bargain and Set the In crease and enjoy cloee-ln living la the meantime. I u. wi'son. owner. vj M st. Mill woodlawri 4216 AO ACRE3, all -good prune land In beat Drone d'etnrte Clarka Co.. no roc k arrmve;. weil drained, near R. R, station. school and store, on county road; fair buildings, good water, lots of fruit: 10 a Tee in good state ox cultivation; only $J50. eaan- 1 arrea a!l enod Boll DO rock Of rravel. en county' red 44 miiea WoediinJ. near school, church and store, fair buddings, rood water, lota of fruit: only l-iu. l cash, J B. ATKINSON. 1H Wee am Pi.. Vancouver. Wash. . ACRES la Southwest Washington for aala to settlers only: eaay terms. low prices, ti per acra and op. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc WETERBAEffflR TIMBER COMPANT. Tacoma Bldg, Tacoma. Wash. u 4-ROOM COTTAGE and tract SI. Middlesex Acres: located on the Powell Valley road. In tine residence section: the, wholo tract of ground l planted to bearing; fruit trees, about ft years old; huao vacant: will sell on eaay terms at very low price. ?.- owner at 404 riatt Mdg. JHVTED-REAI ESTATE. rarma Wanted. CLIENT will pay 11000 cash for about 40 acres In cultivation, with fair buildings. In Clarke rounly. near tewts River, Give legal description and full particulars first letter. IIODDABD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark ft. TIMBER LANDS. 3.'0 ACHES fine timber land. 3 O0O.0OO feet umT. mostly pine, near Mitchell. Wheel er county. Or. Sacrifice price. AV 437 Oregonian. HA I K section timber for liberty bonds. AE 71 H. Oregonian. Dili po.es and old growth piling wanted. O. V. Gamble. Gerllnger bldg. TO rXCHANGB REAL ESTATE. 9V ACRES. Multnomah Co.. all level, tlil- anie, no waste land, sandy loam, very choice; 5 acres under cultivation, mall at door by 11 A- M.. 4 t acres has been slashed over, drilled well. " acre orchard, small atable. chicken house. residence four rooms, whlcn la a nice bungalow, 1 Vj miles to high school and district school. Vt mile off hard surface road, close to two stores: price $2500, mis. $1400. will exchange equity for any good aula, or will sell for $.".09 cash CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTT CO.. slain 7435. 506 Shetland Bldg. FOR SALE. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt ti pewrltera ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments: send for price list- The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wash. SU Miscellaneous. A VERY fine electric motor. $22.50 Vic trola with fine assortment of 22 records and a superbly designed baby grand piano. Wilt be sold as a whole or separately. No nuonaun oner refused. Must be at leas nair earn. Applv Oregon Ellers Musi House, new location Ellera Muale bids:. seven floors devoted to music; entrance no elevators Washington street. Be iweenrirtn sna rourth sts. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. A VERY large, fancy, mahogany, regular (100 cabinet phonograph, beautiful de sign, shipped as as sample, can be had for mj: also several other nice, but used. phonographs. 335. 347. and 359. Cash or easy payments, see tnem In our new lo cation. Oregon Ellers Music House, seven iioora devoted To music; entrance and ele valors 287 Washington street, between rutn ana f ourth sts. S's ACRES and 7-room house, barn and 'other outbuilding", close to good station on the Oregon Electric: owner offering It at the low figure of $100. For par ticulars, see Atchison at 404 Plait bldg. 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all outbuildings. Boll Kin water, located lust south of Lenta, 6131 Kd St. S. E. Thomas Allen. iXin 6 ALE 10 acres 3 miles from city limits: four acres cleared, all fenced. No buildings: cheap at $3710. Call Tabor S52, r Broadway ;ifll. Easy terms. 350 WHY pay rent when you can get a nice large garden tract for $11 cash and . per month, see ai. c ae. vj vr- bett bl'ig. 20 ACRES under fine cultivation: good build in ga. water and fruit. Mr. Morris, Broad way .ii -a. el'IltKBAN acreage, sale or trade. Owner. ,74 Johnson St. Broadway 4683. llo ACRES, 116 acres In 3-year-old prunes. 13 acres In Bartlett. Cornice pears, 7 years old; 16 acres In apples, popular va rieties, 14 years old: 14 acres in English walnuts. !. years old: and four acrea of ippk 7 years old: - miles from town of 25iO. Polk County. H mile to railroad sta tion; oaianre 01 ground not in orchard all ready for plow: price $30,000; will consid er sjip.uu trade, paianca on long terms. This Includes equipment. C. C. Lowe, 830 urar-e st. pnone East 1445. KOOFINl PAPER, ALL NEW. 1- piy $ 2- piy 1.20 -piy 1.43 ralls and cement 2Se rwr roll ai-tra- Bmooth surface no cheap aanded stock. ai. nA n 1 j j& r. , 1 . m 1 ( THE HOUSE: OF A MILLION BARGAINS t-UKTLAHD o ONE BIO SUPPLY HOUBS SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for as; no agents employed; com plete line t parts Tor all makes; macmnes repaired an t 'entedf Main 8431. SEW1XO MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 3d. near Taylor Street. OK ALE or trade, property in Portland or Vancouver; 160 acres of wheat land witn lair building: all under cultivation, 3 miles from Alderdale. Klickitat Co., Wash. Call at suite Sol V. S. National Bank bldg., or phone 2. ancouver. Wash. TO TRADE 3 houses and lots, modern rented, and i'H A. on Lebanon ave. Will exchange all for lease of good farm, stock and complete equipment. U. R. Lent, 1049 t,rove at., ieoanon. .r. IMPROVED loO-acre Canada farm for city property or small acreage, AV 423. Ore-gonlan. FOR SALE or exchange. 15 acres farm land for 3 or 6-room bungalow. Seilwood 1SGL For Hale -Parma. FOR SALE. UNITED GRAIN 4TROWERS. LTD, OP CANADA. A ce-operstlve fartnera eompanr owned, Horsea. Vehlrlee, Livestock. IJL'bT received, a carload of Horses from La Grande Valley, ages from 4 to 6 years, weight from l-'0 to 1400 lbs., all blocky built and heavy boned: some well matched tiaras. If In the market for good young horses, call at the U. &. Stables, 248 Front su U. X. Williamson. controlled and operated by 3S00 farmers. 20 HEAD of good young, chunky-built horses large percentago of whom are from the United Statea For year ending Sept. 0. 1813. tMs romrnnr hand'ed over 59 MILLION BU. WHEAT. 43 CARS Of LIVESTOCK, and sold nearly 6 million dollars' worth of farm Implements and merchandise at a net profit of 141.009. This amount rep resents the actual saving the farmers vtade lo one year by conducting their own bueiceia. They own 343 elevators, amo and mules for sale or exchange: everything guaranteed as represented, .fun buetter, Crown Stables. 2.i Front at. SAO SOUND, gentle 1100-lb. maxo with spring wagon and harness; good, gentle pony, sadille and bridle, t-3; mule, 1200 Ibe., only ik". Crown Stables, 285 Front st. COLUMBIA RIVER SMELTS, carried In sharp freezer, 60-pound boxes, $2.45 per cox. ena rostotllce or express oraer. municipal risa Market, Is; laird St., Portland, Or. WE don't oxidize nor bullorlze your roof. W make, aell and apply the best roofing ma terials in the world; all our work is guar anteed. American Parafflne Products Co., 334 n. wash. st. East eiivu. HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good service able condition. 30-raL. $7: 40-gal.. 39. 201 Adams aL, east end steel bridge. Pbone is. enlo. 100 QUARTS of canned fruit, dress form lady's coat, and drophead Domestic sew ing machine, for sale cheap. Marshall FOR SALE Fertilizer from Union Stock yards for lawns and gardens; prompt ser vice. Phone Tabor 06'JO evenings. FOH SA'E Dairy manure. Portland Gar bage Co.. 8-' E, 16th St. N Woodlawa ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering flanta Phone orders delivered promptly, ortland Rose Nursery. Tabor 5790. PIPE, all sizes; coils and short orders made and installed; all work guaranteed; plbg, supplies. 229 Front. Main 5277. WHISKY kegs and barrels for sale; no coun try orders. Panama Cooperage Co.. 223 Front. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma- cnine ana nowcase. sie ast at., corner YamtillL BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases ana waucascs. fixtures: easy term W. J. Quigley. 227 First. Main 5399. TllilEU pigs and shoal, st.oat weighing over iw pounua Address zu. c. ban la. iinne mann station. farce terminal elevators and do their on ntin ...... w MI.ii.r. fxpnmns tufw "- 1 tor dead cowa and nlendld nniwin tin 1 1 lea for farmers On the broad, fertile prairies of Weatorn Canada today for grain, mixed farming and stock raising. The United Grain Growers. Ltd.. have sent a representative to furnish re lisble Information regarding thete oppor tunities, to the farmers of the W esiern states. They have selected a large list of Improved farms at prices from $2S an acre up. stock ranches and prairie lands as low as $15 an arre. No literature la pub lished, but reliable facts will be given by personal letter to all Inquiries or will make a personal call. Address at once. UXITED GRAIN GROWERS. LTD., McMINNVILLE. OREGON. ! ACRES ogged-ff land. Columbia Hllll- . v , r, .1 ,,, Ktream rtarht through prop erty! For quirk sale price Is cut to f 12.50 per acre, making a phenomenal buy. I'hone Hart, jdarsnaii a room v vu. v Ind assessed $13 per acre. -1 ACRES bottom land, well Improved and equipped ; good buildings, stock. Imple ments, etc.; southwest of Salem on county rrad. W rl'o A. L u. a., nuver. or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Kear Portland. $75 to IZOQ per acre, eaal terms: best soli. Farms for sale, all slaea. McFai land. 1403 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 40 ACRES, buildings, orchard, etc Wash ington County. Oregon. $loo cub. Call principals only. C. U. Plgott, owner, t3 Jsffersoa su. city. TOR SALE OR LEASE Alfalfa ranch, in Get cur prices down-and-out horsea Phone Mllwaukle 69-J for results. 15 COWS, fresh or coming fresh; sell or trade for Deer cattle. Take Vancouver car to t olnmbia boulevard, go 1 block north. CHEAP Four head work mules. 4 head work horses; stock at ranch on Liberty road. J. V. Sweeney. 432 Worcester bid c. DEAD horses and animals hauled away frea Portland rtendenng to. call WoodlbWn za DEAD hordes taken quick; cash paid for cows and crippled horsea Tsbor 4203. ea?h psid for Tabor 4203. o-HOLE steel range, wood or coal, fine con dition, $112.50. and kitchen treasure. 143 E. 70th- st. N. CARPENTER'S work bench. Including saw, vise, $4.50, also galvanized pipe. Main 60.15. BIO bargain in second-hand lumber, doors. winoows. pipe ana piumoing. .rnone .East eo.. The big East Side Used Car Depot !n vltea your Inspection of the following used cars and trucks: 1918 Ford touring, lots of extras, 1917 Scrlpps-Booth roadster. 80?i new. 1H1T Maxwell. 6-pass.. $525. 1917 Chevrolet roadster, new tires. 1918 Maxwell. 5-paaa, $123 down. 1916 Cole. 8-7-pass. 1915 Apperson. 5-papa. 1915 Michigan. C-pa&s. Here are a few cars yoa can tdy for $250 cash, among which are: Mitchell 5-pass.. Chalmers touring, Chalmers bug. aiercer nug-. stuaeDaker Dug Marion pass.. Overland roadster. Convenient terms to alL DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOl'SEV- East Stark and Grand ave. Phone "E. 7810. William rsooie, sales manager. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. OVERLAND roadster, first-class condition, must sell, 30. with terms. 30 Grand ave, K, near Burnslde, FORD, 191S. equipment. 5984. driven 3000 miles; $300 of For particulars, Woodlawn 191$ BUICK in Al condition; Just like new. rnce reasonapie. t;all 411 IS. Intn r,orth. HELP vrNTED MALE. Antomobllea Wanted. LONG A SII.VA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send In the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condi tion. Phone East 0840. 4G2 Hawthorne ave. 1-TON truck to trade for 2-ton: I have brand-new Ford 1-ton truck, worm drive, to trade for a 2-ton truck of standard make. Must be In first-class condition. C 33. Oregonian. WANTED TWO-TON TRUCK. I will pay cash for two-ton truck: must be In first-class condition and standard make. W 737. Oregonlan. WANTED Automobile. I want to trade a good lot as all or part payment on good 5-passenger car. Chevrolet preferred. Pbone Milwaukie S7-Y. WANTED A Ford suitable for milk deliv ery. Must be In good condition and price rlsht. Woodlawn 2137. SPOT cash for your Fords. Co., 13th and Hawthorne. PRES6ER WASTED Man who can operate Optlmus pony cylinder and work on lino type machine or floor part of time. Must be familiar with cylinder press work, but Is mostly platen work. Good Job for right party. Don't answer thia unless you can produce the goods. Light shop and con genial surroundings. Apply Oregon City Courier. Oregon City. Francis Motor . GERBER THE RADIATOR MAN. Fenders for the following cars: Dodge, zjaoy orana Chevrolet, Bulck. Hudson, Chalmers and others. ALL LIKE NEW. FROM S.OO UP. New and used Radiators for touring; cars. iew ana usea rtaaiators tor trucks. New and used Radiators for tractor. For almost all makes of cars at about nau price. GERBER'S RADIATORS ARE ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE. Call or write 53 N. 9th St. Phone Broadway 1873. Also 1 84x4 Vi S. S. U. S. tiro. Also 1 S4x4a S. S. Flak tire.. LET ME SELL YOUR CAR. BROADWAY AND COUCH. L. E. OBY& WANTED Ford delivery, not earlier than mm. 31 1 uo, oregonlan. Motorcycles, HARLEY-DAVIDSON, 3-speed. Al condition. tuny equippea, casn. terms or liberty Donas, t-none arter o p. si. East 2133. Anto Tires and Accessories. GARAGE wanted In exchange for my Port- ianu property. Af Y04, oregonian. Automobiles for Hire. .$20.00 . 18.00 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. COUCHMAN & SULLTVAN, MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, I NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV- r;KS. u. K. SMITH, THIRD AND GLISAN MS A -a.lv, BROADWAY 2629. SPECIAL. TODAT. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling. snipping mgnway. .Broadway 3547. 1918 Oldemobile light six roadster .nearly new $1350 i uiasmoone eight, touring, al most new 1650 x-ate model Dodge. 5 cord tires, ex- cellent condition, looks like new... 825 1916 Chevrolet 600 1:11 1 studebaker 11113 Overland 300 Ford roadster 300 OLDSMOBILE CO. OP OREGON. Broadwav and Cnnch. TtHwv 9-'7n The largest and best stock in the city. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OUR specialty is buying ladies' and centa' cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. viii can aay or nignt. PEOPLE S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225 or 200 Madison St. $7.50 AND UP $7.5(1 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer, the tailor. pays the highest price for suits, overcoats. snoes. etc we call anywhere In the city, day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229 or Madison st. FOR SALE or rent, logging and holstin engines, ail Kinds machinery, rails, cars anwsy r.quipment Co.. 5 stark st. VACUUM cleaners -sold, repaired, rented, it cnangeq. oougnt. zfntiey Co.. slam eSsX CASH OR TRADE FINE BICTCLB. ' NEWMAN. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. DEAD horses taken quick; cows and crippled homes. OAK rolls for all purposes. Illlhee Mill and factory, oaKiana. or. THREE fresh cows with calves; heavy milk ers. At u. s. stables. 41 Front St. ba.vfe.KAL good second-hand ssfea at th ngnt price. i front sc Broadway 196e FOUR good. Stabs. 21!.! young cows Front St. cheap. Crown FOR SALE Deitzgcn drafting set. East o!9ti afternoons or evenings. 5-ToN gooseneck wagon. 9th and E. Flan- ners st. Ask for Johnson s wagon. Piano. Organs and Mnelral Instruments. FOR SALE One pool table, cast iron base. caimon si. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. s.u.o storey A t amp used uprt. $116 cash. $4.",i Henry F. Miller used upr t, $165 cash. It..)) Klmnaii large maiiog. up t. liw cavli. $4.".o new stored uprirht pianos, $2lH cash. $K0 Plsyer-pianos. 11M7 model. $.1'5 cash. 1 sd upright pianos. and cash. Used parlor organs. $25 and $.18 cash. Fart cash, bonds and other securities accepted. 1'lanna bougr.t and sold for cash only, btorage 50c montn. Phone Main 5323. Security Smra ge 0.. 10B 4ih st. Central Oregon; good buildings and equip- I HAVE you bonds, other securities or city lot to turn in as first payment on a piano or I pisyer-plano and anil boy at -j per cent below local market price. See Schwan I Piano Co, 111 4th st. SAVE $15 Ed:nn diamond d!ie. late mod el, regular $175. machine, with 20 selec tions, for $I.'o; $50 down $2.50 a k. I Peninsula ave, St. Johns car. After I Fur liar. STEAM towboat and several tons machine pons, a oregonian. FOR SALE Ono baker's oven cheap. 4th st. .i PERFECT blue-white diamond ring tor eto. oroauway .'-too. room 404. DARK blue velvet suit, fur trimmed, size 1-, prico sou, v r.ast aist st. xanor SS4. POTATOES Choice Burbanks. keepers. 2c pouna. a sscks aenvered. East BMti. SINGER drop boad sewing machine oo.i eotn ave. s. e. Kenwood 2951. $18. ment, . No Sfkcau would consider trade. Address AV 41,4. oregonian. X-OGGLD-OFP lands, $10 acre up: running water, good eotl. 4o tillable, employment. easy terms. Jeaeo eharp. 3d su FINE lOO-acre Willamette Valley farm. Owner. E, 13th St. N. East 444. FOR SALE AFTOMOBILEa $123.00 32.50 STK1NWAY. square, rosewood. walnut organ, mirror Eohmer (new) 525.00 HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 3S4 Tarnhfll. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND I BAND INSTRUMENTS. SEIBEKL1NO- I LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 12a 4TJ1 ST. $15 AND $25 rash sends home new $425 planoe for IJW1, balance $s or $10 monthly. Sen an Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. at Wash. SLIGHTLY used Kimball piano with bench. reasonable; cash or bonds. 4414 Belmont! St., apt 1. r.ast WANTED Piano, pay cash, bargain. What have you? must be good Jaar. 0.40. WANTED B EAL ESTATE. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I have a customer for a home around star 2nth and Salmon, that Is In five to mx blo kr of this location. In this neigh borhood. Want 5 or 6 rooms and sleeping porch, want furnace, but would rather have steam h-at: will go $.1200 to $.150 and It something specially good, buy might go to gtoeo, with one-half or all cash: my party Is ready to go any time to look at this property, or will take a smaller house and a large lot In this same neighborhood. What have you In this district? CLAfPI! G. WATSON REALTT CO.. Main 7433. 604 Pwetland Bldg. OVER $500000 HOUSE SALES. We have sold over H million dollars worth of houses since January L 118. bouse a day": we are In touch with the majority of purchasers: have many buy ers for modern homes In Rose city. Haw thorne. Alberta and Peninsula dletricta 1 personally Inspect and photograph list ings: four expeilenred real estate salesmen with autoe to show your property. List your property with us for results. FRANK L. McOl'IRE, Ablngton Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 106& Successor to H. D. MrGulre Co. Established 10. 2 HAVE a customer who wants from one to I two acres. Improved, rive rooms. If possl- I b.e six rooms, and will go five to six I miles out. but prefer close In. acreage; will go as high as $3000 to $3200. with I $.0 cash. CLAUDE O. WATSON REALTY CO . Main 71.15. 5C Swetland Bldr. 1 WAVT ,nnrM & Me C,m hur ,n tOK C Hawthorne or Rose City Park district: I w,'h ,'r,",hr cu1,1n. large library -. 1 . iniuiu, i'i.-1-w. ,4i,,i oaa, in perfect condition. Phone Tabor 31190. PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANTED. l-'.l MUST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 679S. PIANOS tuned $3. George T. Peck. Tabor "'it. trad. New r.nf. conservatory. I PAY CASH i"0" USED PIANOS HAROLD S. UILBBRT, 34 Yamhill st USED AUTOMOBILES. We have them, all makes, at greatly re- uucea prices. We carry our own paper and will make you most uoerai terms. Will accept your old car as part pa v. ment and your liberty bonds at face value. HERE ARE A FEW FOR YOUR APPROVAL: 1PIS Mitchell. 7-pass. 6-cyl $1400 liMS Mitchell, S-paas. 5-cyl m.-.o 19IH Htilck. 1 -pass.. 6-cyl , ,-,o 1H18 Maxwell. 5-pass., 4-cyl 675 1915 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 4-cyl 600 1II1S Old.smobtle. 5-pass., 6-cyl 10.-.0 11H7 Mitchell. 7-pass, 6-cyl 1150 1915 Hudson. 7-pass.. 6-cyl SoO And many others ranging in price from eiu up. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVE R CO. E. First and Morrison Su. l'honea: East 7272. B 1216. CASH paid for the player rolls you are tired ot. iiaroia s. t.HDert. 3t tamhlll. Folt SALE Piano can be seen at 2C4 1st st. WANT flute or pic. "Bohem." E. 6St3. Foralture for Sale. CADILLAC engine with a new 2 to 3-ton Dearborn truck attachment. If you want a truck you cannot heat it for the money. CUTLER MFG. CO., S51 E. Tenth st. Phone East 7332. $11.95 LIBRARY TABLES $11.95 22-in. by 36-ln. brand new library tables, constructed throughout of solid quarter sawed oak. finished wax golden, worth $15 of anyone's money. Special at $11.95. xvasy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. lSR-ino First St. must be a bargain; will pay rash: would like possession in 5 weeks. Please give I location ana price. Aaarese 1 o4. ore gonian. CLIKNT wants modem house of 6 rooms and breakfast-room up to $00O. with full lot. on paved street, between Morrison and Zilviston streets and east of East 5vth su I'aT half cash. OPDDARD A WIEDRTCK. 213 Stark St. SPfeSCIAL NOTICE Want five or six-room house, moaern. will pay cash $25i0. Call taic 6-69 before 11 o'clock Tuesday tnornlnc. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANT, 1M th Street. "W ANTED A bargain for rash In a cosy five-room bungalow having fireplace, fur nace, oak floors, built-tn. close to ear. restricted district. Rose City Park ore. ferred. Client waiting. Phone descrip- SEVVIN lion toosy to joa. c. otoson. Main 69'jn WILL sacrifice furniture of 5 -room biinga- low inciuaing .vionarcn range, two beauti ful 9x12 rugs, garden tools, also caned ciurken and fruit, can ii'30 Denver ave. FORD AUTO WANTED. Will pay cash and new Victrola, Bruns wick Grafonola or Edison phonograph and records for Ford. The Hyatt Talking Ma chlne Co.. 350 Alder st. DEARBORN truck attachments, one to three ton. put on to your old car, make efficient trucks at low first cost. CUTLER MFG. CO., ftfil E. Tenth st. Phone East 7332. FORDS DODGES MAXWELLS. What kind do you want? We have them. CASH. TERMS. TRAPES. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PA IKTlVfi -r Used cars at low prices, long, easy terms and small monthly payments. Your bonus at a Donus. , we nave the following: 18 Dodge touring. '13 Maxwell touring?. 17 Paige touring. '18 Ford touring. '17 Chalmers touring. Roadsters Bulck. fine little light car. '16 Grant, 10 Saxon. Stoddard-Dayton. 11 studeDaker. All are in first-class running order. 525 ALDER ST. REAL BARGAINS IN FORDS. 191 5 Ford touring.' 3917 Ford touring. 1918 Ford roadstor. 1916 Ford louring. 3918 Ford delivery express, 1915 Ford deliverj". 1914 Ford touring. Terms If desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East 3770. East lUth and Hawthorne ave. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles and gentlemen s suits, dresses, etc. New buyer. Try me before you call others. Phone Broadway 39J2. 245 Burnslde. WANTED Two good young fox hounds, all around vainunt noca preferred, but mus be good coyote dogs and Al trailers. AV 43S. Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for misfit clothes. Altera tion department. Atlantic Cleaners, 1 North 21st St. Phone Main 6701. OVER THE TOP. $7.50 UP. Snot cash for second-hand suits, over. coats and shoes. Alain 7.13. Buyer will call. WANTED Cash register, showcases, safes and otner store lutturea. li First su Main 414. WANTED A transit and level to hire; per feet order not necessary; state rent, N 2.10, Oregonian. WANT BICYCLE. RIFLE AND SHOTGUN Main 4495. Tabor 6798. 128 First. WINCHESTER, Remlnrion automatic and pump shotguns wanted. Mochreld, 85 3d. WANTED A wheel chair in good condition; cheap for cash. Phone woodlawn 59i7. , CASH FOR CARS Do you want to sell your car for the top price. If so see ua at once, as we have the cash buyers and sell your imr ai no cost to you. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. East Stark and Grand ave. Phone E. 7810. wnuam fvoble, sales manager. JUNK, rags, old clothing, metals, sacks. tools, bottles; Kood prices, llast 294. WANTED To buy potatoes and beans at Simon s. First and Alder. WANTED A bloodhound bitch, Cuban pre ferred. Address box 147, Moro, or. WANTED Used set Nelson cyclopedia. Sale or trade. loose-leaf En East 5240. SHIP KNEES wanted for an Eastern "com pany. AV 473. Oregonian. THE ACME AUTO CO., . 5ni ALDKR ST.. im X He, PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR. WHY ? COME IN AND SEE. REPAIRING AND STORAGE, PUONE BROADWAY 2796. Furniture Wanted. 1918 FORD COUPELET. Best buy In town. Cannot be told from I new. Has Houck white wire wheels. Haas- I ier snocK ausorocrs: many other extras. Must oe sola tnis week. will take your I r oru in traue. r.asy terms at the price I oeiow wnat you wouia expect. u t&ti Oregonian. FORD touring. In fine condition, price $300, $100 down, balance $2 per month. BuicK roadster, good ail over, new tires, $32.-, $100 down, balance $25 per month. 1918 Maxwell touring, good condition, $675. Home down, balance monthly. A-l Auto v orks and Fainting Co.. 52u Alder st. FOR SALE LATEST MODEL FORD TOUR ING CAR. BRAND NEW; LOT OF EX TRAS. ALSO SOME HIGH-GRADE FUR NITURE; PRIVATE OWNER. CALL BE TWEEN 9 A. M. AND 0 P. M. (WILL DEMONSTRATE.) V-'iB E. STARK, ON E. 41D ST. SUNNYSIDE CAR. 1917 BUICK touring, looks like new, fine I mechanically; bumper, spot light, dash I switch, sprinr oilers, new storage bat tery, 7 tires and tubes. 2 extra tubes, 7 wcea cnains, extra nms. Aiust sen at 1 once: $1050 cash or terms. Call Frank I Smith. Broadway 1130. LIGHT SIX BUICK. 1913 touring car, which has been used I only in light service on pavement a'nd is I In nearly new conaition. equipped witn every convenience In the way of extras. I Phone D. M. smith. Broadway 1130. GEVCRTZ FURNITURE COMPANT. 1S5 to 191 First SL BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 5981. A 3224. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city There is hardly an Item we do not buy and sell. We specialize Id shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, nousenold goods, office furniture, a hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone MAIN 9072, A 7174, LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITTJRB COt, 221-3-5 Front St.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL fctltl-WL, TUtt SUX ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORK 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. HOW TO FIND EMPLOYMENT. ou want a Job; you have certain ability to do certain things. We have constant calls from employing firms for meo who can do just what you would like to do. Let us help you get together. We operate for your benefit and for the benefit of the employer. Satisfaction is guaranteed both ways. If we can't assist you to a position we guarantee to refund your fee. You possibly would like to talk with a man of wide experience who can help you In deciding just what vocation you should follow. Come to office No. 203 Y. M. C. A, and ask for Information and Interview. ?. cnol nd Reed College students looking for paper routes during the com ing school year will do well by applying to Room 203, Oregonian bldg.. at once. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE Baby's Boudoir, S8S Morrison St., re quires the services: Saleswoman (one fa miliar with needlework preferred); one seamstress on fine hand work; steno grapher, one familiar with office work preferred. These positions offer good op portunities for advancement and only those with best references considered. An swer by letter, giving full purijciil.vs and SHlary expected. Positively no oue inter viewed except by appointment. TOUNG LADIES WANTED. Improved wage schedule. CALL AT TELEPHONE CO, Room 6ul. 6th floor. Park and Oak su. EXPERIENCED man, with auto, or who Is willing to buy auto on installment plan, for established tea and coffee route in city. Also several outside territories vacant where a good hustler can have a nice business of his own; liberal commission; bond and references rpotHred. Grand union 'lea Co., 448 Washington. SPECIAL OFFER UNTIL JANUARY 10. Our new ItMI-nnfA rfltaloarne fullv ex- plaining our methods of teaching autos. tractors, gas engines, auto electrical work, v ttit.. can or w rite tor particulars aDou cpsviiai oirer. A.OCOX AUTO A TRACTOR SCHOOL. Union Ave. and Wasco St.. Portland. Or. WOULD like someone to finish krjtilng a pair of mens socks; state price, o , Oregonian. FIVE women over 30 years old can be Placed in a position that will pay $15u" to $11000 per year; must have some saiu manshlp ability, neat appearance, good references and expect to remain pnrma nentlv. Room 311. 4"S Washington st. WANTED Young lady with good appear ance and experience to work in market, help In grocery dept., etc. Must have best ot references. Call 249 Yamhill st, this A. 31. RESPONSIBLE party, who own their hotr,e. no otlier children, to take care of taw boys, aged 4-5. for an Indefinite period: state compensation wanted. S 228. cire- goniaTU BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. $100; dictaphone operator and stenographer, $100; assistant bookkeeper and alenugTa--Pher, 75. 301 N. W. Hank bldg: WANTED First-class repair man for go areager; must understand thermal an oxyacetylene welding. Answer only if qual ified. Good job for good man. Answei by letter, stating wagt-s wanted and e.v penence. Oregon Dredging Co., bridge port, ur. EXPERIENCED operator for Elliott-Fisher billlns machine. Call system used. Apply Lowangart A Co., 11 North Broadway. WANTED MEN AT ONCE. IN THE BIG. PRACTICAL SCHOOL to learn to onerata and renair auto mobiles, tractors and trucks specialty, day ana nignt classes, students can enter any time. Call or write Hemphill's Trade fcnoois. 1(17 Hawthorne ave.. at 2"th st. BRIGHT young man with lots of pep, high scnooi enucatlon; must reside with par ents: willing to work and mako himsel generally useful; good chance for advance ment for right party; bring recommenda tlon from last employer. Apply 10:30 A, " Remick Song Shop. .124 Washington 1i.ajij.iu GENERAL WHOLESALERS WITH SAMPLE ROOMS IN PORTLAND HAVE VACANCY FOR AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN AS SALESMAN. KNOWL EDGE OF DRY GOODS PREFERABLE. BUT NOT ESSENTIAL. AE 705, OREGO NIAN. FURNISHING goods salesman. We require the services of a highgratle salesman. orie who has local acquaintance preferred. Ap ply Wlnthrop Hammond Co.. 127 6th st. (Buffum & Pendleton Co.). Aek for Mr. Hammond. YOUNG man for office work: one with knowledge of bookkeenlnc: state ace. cx perience and salary expected; permannt position for right party; phone number. A r 4. oregonian. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper and In voice clerk with lumber experience. An swer In own handwriting, giving refer ences ana salary expected. 51 144, ore' gonlan. WE can place Tive discharged soldiers in xiermanent positions that will pay from $1500 to $2000 per year; must have some salesmanship ability and live in Oregon Call or write room 311. 408 Washington MONEY ADVANCED If you are moving to Spokane and are short of funds, forward your goods to us for storage and we will advance the freight for 110 daya Cater Transfer Co., Spokane, Wash. WANTED Experienced Installment collee. tor; must know city thoroughly; and also younp man willing to learn collecting. Ap ply 309 Stock Exchange bldg. before 8:30 A. III. ATTENTION Three young men wanted to demonstrate and take orders ror a r,a tionally advertised concern. References required. Apply 3 to 6 P. M., 313 Stock Exchange bldg. BOYS are making from $2.50 to $5 a day delivering packages lor tne merchants: paid every Saturday. Bicycles furnished if necessary. Broadway 4608, A 24G4, 15 North 12th st. WANTED Young man or young lady to drive a private car a rew hours every afternoon; one who lives in Irvington pre ferred. Phone East 2932. WANTED Worsted flannel weavers, one or two-loom job: only expert weavers waniea. Oregon Worsted Company, 27th and Uma tilla ave. THE first person who hss the nerve to hand us $100 after January 8 drives home the car displayed In window at 514 Alder street. I WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves ana ranges ana an rinas ok household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: nave tne leany casn. Phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. MAN to work 4 hours In morning. $40 month. Must understand moppinir anci cleaning. Call after 9 A. M. Harris candy store. 12QVr 5th st. JEWELER wanted for retail store; one who is good on repair and plain new work; state salary In first letter. Malmcke & Co., 914 Pacific ave., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Experienced salesmen for all departments to help with our January clearance sales. Apply Levitt s, 4th and Washington sts. l WANTED Boy to run errands: opportunity to learn a good trade. W. M. Myers Co. manufacturing Jewelers. Selliug-HIrsch bldg. WANTED Experienced salesladies for all departments to help with our January clearance sale. Apply Levitt's, 4ch and V"ashington! WANTED Young lady or young man lo drive a private car a few hours every afternoon: one who lives in Irvington pre f erred. Phone East 2932. EXPERIENCED millinery maker: good sal ary; yearly position to right person: state experience and phone number. M 490, OroKonian. WANTED Elderly lady to keep house for two; no washing; good wages. Addresn 12H0 East Yamhill, 44th St., or call after 5:311 evenings. WANTED Someone to care for 2-year-old boy for 2 weeks: mother Is 111; will pay good wages. 1H3S Grand Hve. STUDENT wanted to assist A'lth housework In exchanRe for room and board and wages. Call Tabor 3H90. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 902 East 15lh St. N., or phone East 123; WANTED Lumber stenographer, must be experienced In wholesale business. Call or address 610 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Adress of widow who does plain dressmaking, West Side preferred. F T06, Oregonian, WANTED Experienced cloak and suit salesladies, permanent positions, jiosen trial's, 143 Broadway. YOUNG lady srenogriiplicr wanted; prac tical experience not neccs.vary. xsogge&a & Co.. ir.l Front st. WANTKD- i.auntl ry, -Markers and sorters. E. Mh and Clay sts. National CHORUS GIF.LS Highest wages, long en gagements, 110 traveling, cngino I neater. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may bo oblainsd by calling Main lux. A -net. EXPERTEN' 'ED mllllnerv saleswoman for French Mllllnerv farlors. 341 worrison st. Wanted Domes! Ir. WANTED Woman, middle aged, or girl com potent take charge modern nome. j adults; must understand good housekeep- 10 to 4. BllllllS, IT1USI ,1 ,ll. oiuou .v -.... f Ing; splendid opportunity to secure a good, home, good wages. Call 747 . Burnslde, WANTED A competent and reliable woman for general housework, - aquns, smaii house, excellent wages. Call 808 North rup. Main 1879, or write W 749, Orego nian. . A RELIABLE woman wishing a comfortable home more than wages, wno "oum sist with housework and care of 18-months old baby, 2 in family, no bis washing; wajres $'-5. East 6165. . COMPETENT girl for general house work at once: would take motner anu aium ter of high school age who could assist with work part of day. 812 Lovejoy St. Main 2311. . GIRL, middle-aged woman or Japanese noy wanted lor general nouoewurn nu w full charge for family of 3 persons: wages $,"i0 per mouth. Inquire 672 Weldler sc. cor K 19th. or phone East 2250. AN opening for anyone wno appreciates an opportunity 01 a goou liwmr, nu .n., and liirht hiusework; no children. Apply in person, 63!) K. 44tn North. Good ref erences required. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. three in family, no wasmng: wast" Phone Marshall 419. 1131 Franklin St., Willamette Heights. WANTED Girl for plain cooking and down- stairs work, l'none .Marsnaii mi Hum Westover road. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work, u in lamuy. i n'h Main S233. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral nouseivora. . -o wasuuii,. iv, w-u . Main st. East HK'0. WANTED Experienced child's nurse who will do some second worn; gooa ws. Phono East3900: A MAID: no washing, Ironing or hard wora. two adults, no care 01 cniinren, rrjsinoi salary. Tabor 7431. Carfare paid. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. XAI OAKLAND Sedan. 1918. driven only 80 miles, better tnan new; a Bargain. TWIN STATES MOTORCAR CO., 614 Alder. Phone Bwdy. 494. I WANT to buy all klndi big price. Call Main 63HI furniture; A 1209. WE pay highest cash prices for hand furniture. Mam jooj FURNITURE "-room flat: a anyone wanting cosy home; Phone Bdwy. 116. good buy for good location. 1917 8-CYLINDER Scrlpps-Booth In A-l con dition; wire wneels, fully equipped; will take Ford car as part payment; this is a regular woman's car. Inquire Francis Mo tor Car Co., ask for service man. FURNITURE complete of 5-room modern nouse; also piano; reasonable. E 410, oregonian. ENGLISH Wilton carpets for sale. Oregonian. AJ 7L MODERATE priced homes wanted In good location: also flats, business houses In city, and farms near Port:and; list them with us for quirk results, iiarlola A Wll helm. IDS Sherlock bldg. 1 COUNCIL CREST. Want at once. 3 to 7-room home. $ln0 tr $000. Council Creat or similar location. Phone or wri:e your offerings. J. C. CORB1.V Co.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. riH 40 range, wooa ana coal, like new. a-hole: X22.5Q. B. W. corner Couch, 55th. KOLL-TOP desk, oak: $17.50, cost $35. 2090 ri. t.nsan St., evenings. machine, ro will trade for buffet no fowers st.. r;. ft. Johns. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale, flat for rent, call xiroaaway jt.iu. Launches and Boats. WANTED 5-room bungalow: will trade 4- room bungalow. 100x100 lot. fruit, berries. flowers, garden, etc. w 111 pay cash dif ference. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 North- I west Bank bldg. WANTED To buy. modern 5 or 6-room bungalow In Fiedmont or Rose City Park. Ma.n 3..11 Evenings. Mala 3562. Call for Mr. r'aqoen. VANT Portland property In exchange for vacant. al clear. Jn most beautl.'ul rea. section of Eugene. J. H. llartog. lOoO Lombard. tel. 1141. WANT to rent small place near canine, suitable for chickens, or would buy 5 or more sere place If a bargain. AE 687. Oregonisn. SMALL home, not over $1000; small pay ment down, ba.ance like rent. Call 14 N. Bdwy. r none Broadway 24Q2 week daya Hfc.-T Rose City Park lot that $5oi spot caah si.l bur; give location and descrip tion. A lie, oregonian WANTED to buy aa Irvington modem house ot 6 or 7 rooms and sleeping; porcn, up to synio J a: v t'regonian. WANTED & or e-room bungalow m Rose Citr Park or Laurernurst. rurnlsbed or orfqmiahed. F 7iJ. oregonian. I WANT to boy 4 or 5 room rue at once. State pn-e and location. 5 223. Oregonian. WANT v.rant lot or house and lot. Park- poee W r.aT h-ive yoa? AK :i Oregonian. FOR SALE l-rooin houseboat, 40x15 Inside;) 1 Columbia River flshboat, 25 ft. long, 7 I ft. beam, equipped with Fairbanks-Morsel 4-H. 1'. gas engine. Adrireas 11. M. Barnes. I iase roao. MiiwauKie. D. rtahhlts, ItlrdsT Pet Slork. WATCH DOG and A-l ratter, young, clean In house: win trade for trult. vegetables; also puppy. .Mam 4.t. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes ot cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. FOR SALE, or trade for cows, a three-quar ter-ton Bulck truck, in perfect condition; new tires. Address C. H. D., R, F. D. box 8"0. Lents. Or. BRING your Ford to 522 Alder st. snd ride away behind a nair-miiuon-dollar motor. Liberal allowance on the Ford, Broadway 2492; OAKLAND SIX. light, practical car. In splendia snape. r-rice soou, witn terms. TWIN STATES MOTORCAR CO 614 Alder. Phone Bwdy. 494. GREAT SACRIFICE. 191S Lexington, run only few miles. absolutely new; will sell for $600 below value. 459 Washington. Broadway 2645. 1917 UEO. 7-passenger, In first-class condi tion all through, new top, Dody and cushions in fine shape, engine all over hauled; a very good buy for person using I large car. Price $1050. Will give terms. I Call Mr. Rice. Broadway 38l. 191 7-PASSENGER Mitchell, has been run 4000 miles, is in first-class condition both mechanically and appearance; body, cush ions and tires good as new; will sell for $1150; terms. Call Mr. Kerr, Broadway 3231. FURNITURE AND RUGS WANTED. CASH PAID. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. HE1P WANTED MALE. 191S BUICK SIX. Five practically new tires, spot light, hnmner. Gabriel snubbers. chains, etc. Car looks and runs like new. $1450. cash or terms. East 24.13. FOR SALE Late model Saxon, in excellen condition, new tires, spot light, etc.; wll sacrifice If bought at once. 717 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 1300. FOR SALE Ford sedan, new tires. Fisher aluminum body, storage battery, cheap fo quick sale. 717 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 1300. 1918 FORD rdstr.. never driven. Will quote substantial discount. TWIN STATES MOTORCAR CO., 614 Alder. Phone Bwdy. 494. Poultry. NO CURE. NO PAY. Bring me your automobile troubles: the toucher the better: no guesswork. E. J. Morln. 945 Gantenbeln. Woodlawn 1340. FORD touring. In fine condition; a bargain. $275. terms. 30 Grand ave. IS, near Burnslde. MAOUIRE'S BABY CHICKS. R. I. Reds and O. A. C. Barred Rocks. 25c each: w. uttiorna, -joe each. High. grade lloganlzed stock. Order early chicks now. T7 OREGON ST. EAST 1805. Machinery. 33-TON Davenport locomotive, low wheel. atorui type. 1212 Waah, compound-geared ya-tler Gonsey. xl0 Tacoma donkey. 7 fiatcars. 34 ft., can be converted Into logging cans, light expense. 45-ton A-l 50-lb. relay rails with fittings Ivitcnen outtn comp.ete Tor tvo men. EASTERN INVESTMENT COMPANY. 316 l.umberrnens Bldg. Broadway 615. WANTED Sawmill, fifty to hundred thou sand capacity, open to thorough Inapec tion. Owners only will receive attention. Give full description and lowest cash price f. o. b. cars. Timber not wanted. o -3s. oregonian. ONE Munday donkey engine, size 9x10. with lines ana equipment, jiain j.,90. LIGHT Studebaker touring in dandy run ning condition, s-ji.i. siimi down, $20 per month. Bdwy. 2492. Kelly. DODGE touring. In good condition: must sell; a bargain, $,no. some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. IF you want a used car look over ours, as I we nave all makes, in good condition. Oldsmobile Co. CHEVROLET roadster. 1918, will sacrifice and give terms. GO Grand ave. N.. nea Burnaide. SPECIAL price on 1918 Hudann Super-Six, run 1000 miles, carries regular factory guarantee; all cord tires. Call East 1962. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, like new, $700 some terms. 30 Grand ave. IS., near Burn, side. CHEVROLET, needs some mechanical work. $.175. Portland Motor Car Co.. 10th and Burnslde. MAXWELL roadster, fine condition: a b gain. $600. some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. CHEVROLET touring. 1917. perfect con dition; a snap st .'-. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. SEP! this today. Maxwell touring, new tires; $.u.v Oldsmobile tip. DODGE touring, cord tires, etc.; cheap at oiasmooiie co. WE have an old six miles, reduced price. roadster, run 1800 Oldsmobile Co. 1018 OLDSMOBILE touring, excellent shape. I HJII. D U J I, OBK IUI illie. Typewriters. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each, vul canised zac: lire repairing, zui Madison. USED CARS The street is full. Civs them tne once over, vtn ana couch. 1917, CHALMERS light six, repainted, over hauled, runs like new, $1150. cash or terms. Call East 1962. STUDEBAKER touring, like new. will con sider Ford in trade, natance terms. Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. 1918 MAXWELL touring, runs and looks like new. Regular factory guarantee. $300 down win handle it. can laoor Kill, FORD delivery. In fine condition, good tires, wilt sell at $375. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. Washed to Itrat Tm IPF.I:IL'''ED dairyman would like to rol a dairy farm on shares, one of 15 e more cows preferred. Would aTso be willing te managa, a ranch If wsges ars satisfactory. AL M4. oregonian. liAS anyone a ranch or a small dairy that thv would flke to turn over to re- sing' man at uxa anars system J Wissosaa. RENT a Remington, special rates to sts. dents Buy your new Remington now; Immediate delivery. reasonable tarml Remington Typewriter Company. Ne,w. reDutit secona-nand rente. s at cut rates p D. CO.. -m titafK St. Mala 107. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriting Co.. 4A 6th. Mais aa$ KEQU1LT typewriter and suppilaa Coxooa sealers c w. rease CO.. no telgta. VI E will buy your old typewriter and pay sou caab, Oieeoo Typswmar Co., 94 Fills. I LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES CO.. VTH AND COUCH, 1917 PAIGE roadster, new silvertown cord tires, tine snape. can Mr. ruetson. Kast 92. 1918 FORD, fine shape, run about 2500 miles. Call Mr. Stetson. East 92. DODGE touring car, cord tires. In good shape. $5Q. Bdwy. p-ji. ask for white. FOR SALE; Late condition: terms. model Ford Tabor 7011. in best of 1917 FORD, fine condition; shock absorbers. speedometer. Broadway lies, labor abld. 1918 FORD SEDAN OWNER. In good mechanical condition; cash or terms. Phone woodlawn 004. FORD $1 down, $1 per Oh. well, come In and get our prices ana terms. Ask for "Jake." Broadway 2492. MAXWELL touring. 1916. In fine shape; a snap at $45i. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Bumside A FORD that Is right at a price that is right, terms that are right. Broadway 2492 "Jake. 1918 HUDSON Super Six, perfect condition. $200 worth ot extras; will take smaller car 01 part payment. 367 Stark st. 6-CYLINDER Buick. A-l condition, a snap: terms. Morris. Broadway S125. f" YOU are looking for a bargain In a 1918 model Overland call labor b7J2. WANTED Young man with experience In liability insurance ana accounting to travel for insurance company as payroll auditor; state experience. AB 2, Oregonian. YOUNG salesman wanted, no experience re quired, come in ana taiK 11 over witn us at once. 202 Wilcox bldg.. 6th and Wash. sts. LIBERAL commission and permanent In. come offered to live salesmen by old line life insurance company. 406 Northwestern Bank bids. WELL -educated young man wanted tor office work; email salary to begin with. but permanent position. u eo. orego-nian. WANTED Young man to work on fountain; one who knows how to serve lunches and make sandwiches. Apply at once, Riatto Billiard Parlors. Park and Alder. WANTED Practical sallmakers, highest wages, give full particulars of experience, C. H. Jones A Son, Ltd.. Vancouver. B. C. WANTED 2 shoemakers for machine shoe shop. Good wages. Apply c. Mllas. luo Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Smart young man with some office experience: reply in own handwrit ing; state salary expected. W 744, Oregonian. EXTRACTOR man. American Laundry, 140 E. 3rd. N. WANTED A middle-aged man for country place; me who understands chickens. Ap plv GUI Lovejoy st. BOX factory: 1 cutoff man and 1 ripsaw man. Apply at Box Factory, 1236 Macadam road. WANTED Men to wear uncalled-for suits and overcoats at $3.50 and up. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark sc AN expert hatter who can clean and block all kinds of men's hats; bring references. 1224 Sandv blvd., city. WANTED Man with car to teach ' driving. 2 to 4 hours per day, $1.25 per hour. K 777, Oregonian. LIBERTY labor agency, 4314 N. 2d st. Ho tel clerk, witn reierence, DTSIIW APHKR wanted. 103 6th st, Colum bia Restaurant. WANTED A capable office manager and auditor; one familiar with modern office practices. O 72, Oregonian. WANTED Boy. good steady place; m"st be a live one. Knight Shoe Co., o4. Morri son st. DELIVERY boy with bicycle. Sweeney, Var- ney & Straub, 11th and Burnslde sts. SHOE salesman wanted. Stniger Shoe Co. SHOE salesman wanted. Staicer Shoe Co. SHOE salesman wanted. Stalger Shoe Co. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED A salesman with mechanical and technical knowledge, to handle automobiles, stationary and marina engines with a re liable firm in a growing country com munity. In applying give references and experience. AV" 424, Oregonian. HIGH class auto truck salesman, having own car to call 330 Burnslde st,, immediately. WANTED AGENT". WANTED First-class porter. Board Trade barber shop, 4tn and oak. of FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO., 228 Alder St.. wants several rirst-ciass meat cutters. SHOE SALESMAN WANTED. STAIGER SHOE CO. ALL-AROUND butcher and sausagemaker. Sanitary market, oresnam. SIX experienced men for wiring; wages $4, 8 hours. Phone r.asL oa. WANTED A Janitor, living quarters, fair wages, pleasant wont. taoor owu. e NEAT appearing doorman. Apply office Peoples Theater oetween ana 10 o ciock. OVER twenty million dollars new business written In 1918: old line, compulsory re serve deposit: some openings for agents In Oregon and Washington; inoncy-maklne contracts for workers; we will teach you how. Address American Central Life In surance Company, 719 Dekum building Portland, Oregon. EXPERIENCED K"'l or woman, for general housework; must be good cook. Main 2'j4. Good wh ges. WANTED A school girl to assist with light housework ror room sua uuaiu auu auw wages. Main 7607. . W NTKD Protestant girl for general house work, small family. Rood wages. Apply 2I.-1 King st. .Main SIMS. EXPERIENCED cook and girl for second work, small family. Portland Heights. Call Main ."918. , G1I1L for housework in West Fide apart ment, close in; three adults; splendid home, good wages. Marshall 1171. Yol'NG girl to assist In general housework; good homo and good salary. 375 East 11th Nort h, near Broadway. W VNTED Experienced girl for upstairs work In private family; best wages. Main 7243. A 6198. . OI HI, or woman to assist with housework: some cooking; wages according to ability. Tabor 51 1 1. , WANTED A housework. Drive. coni potent Main 4207. girl for general 463 Montgomery WANTED Woman for general nouseworas a few hours each day. Apply 6.4 East Morrison st EXPERIENCED girl for housework and corking: 3 adults: no furnace: sultablo wages to right part;-. Main 3442. WANTED An experienced girl for upstairs work and to assist mm .......,.. VAW . NEAT girl f?r general nousoworK. ....... family: gooa nome. c ....... GIRL lor seneral housewora. liaov in.., , (109 t lacKamus ... WANTED Girl to do light nousewc.ru; uo washing or ironing, cn GIRL or w oman for ngnt nousewo. a two in family. .u"i',--. EXP. GIRL for general nouse w . ing. no wasnniK. - GIRL cr woman for general nouaewu. a, a wages. Brazee st. East 4HK5. WANTED Woman to ao nouscwora asiu take care or sic, riium WANTED A capable seconu maio, rntiaa Sellwood iii """ WANTED Lady assist housework, ota salary ana nome. a . v.. ...... WANTED Woman for cooking and general housework. 0-0 inn AGENTS Our "New. Cotnplete History of the War" readv: beat book and terms with premiums: prompt shipments. Outfit free. Write Nichols Co., .apervnic. 111. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hoS' pltal tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. PRACTICAL nurse. C 320S. 389 Schuyler. Phone SHOPPING girl wanted. Apply Bartholo mew Co., 10th and IVashlnpton sts. EXPERIENCED and 430 E. Davis SL inexperienced girls. FIRST-CLASS camp accountant. Oregonian. AN 730, WANTED Card writer for 1 day. Apply at once. Levitt a, coruer vtn a..u vu.,. WANTED A good warehouseman; must have reference, Simon s, 1st ana Aiaer. SAUSAGEMAKER wanted. Call Bay City Market WANTED EXPERIENCED TAILOR. AP- T,I-iT: DC XT OP. I IVC I . , at. DAnUO, fJ . ULllL, I-' VJ . WANTED A barber shop porter. Apply 152 2d st. PORTER for Jake's Crawfish Place. 101 ltn. cor. Clara. CARPENTER and paperhanger wanted. 113 North 6th sc. otn ana unsan. WANTED Exp. operator on chines. 305 Tllforq bldg. power ma- WANTED Girl, with M 710. Oregonian. clerical experience. DINING-ROOM girl wanted. 741 Wash St. WOMAN to cook dinners. 741 Wash. si. GIRL for 2 hrs. housework, give neat room and breakfast In exchg. Main 3730. LADY to assist with housework and care for twins 5 years old. 549 Pittock block. GIRLS for ushers at Heillg Theater, between hours 12 and 1. Call WANTED Waitress, at near Grand ave. 406 E. Burnside, EXPERIENCED milliners, makers and ap prentices. Apply Lowengart & Co. WANTED Practical nurse for old lady: per manent. Phone Marshall 52KI. A 466.".. WANTED Exp. cashier. 345 V. Wash, st Call 11 A. M. VVXNTED Middle-aged noiiscKeeper; goou home Address 144 N. 2 2d, near Hoyt. WANTED Room and breakfast for 2 hrs.' wk. a day. Mr. 3551. GIRL for general housework; three rrowa people. 707 Flanders. , GIRL to assist with housework. Woodlawn 2500. . EXPEP-IENCED cook and for general house work; no washing. 205 North 21st. GIRL to assist with cooking and housework. East 1190. 321 E. 21st St. North. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALB. WANTED today, steady, honest lao or gentleman for plain, light, office Work: small salary. $50; references and $100 or more cash deposit, security; no partner- Sh P. Suite I'll! SlOCIt cauaaia iB. EDUCATION.. I.. OREGON LAW SCHOOL AliSky bldg., Sd and Morrison. Main 977. W. E. Klcharti son. Sec. EX-SOLDIER, marnd, will work few hours daily for rent of well-heated apartment. Phone .Main 3212. RESPONSIBLE firmer with team and tawlat offered what? X 339. Oregonian. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AOBNCT. Free reglst'n. 911 Bdwy. bldg. M. 6374 SHOE salesman wan tad. Staler Shoe Co, ! WANTED A chambermaid, gists and Hoyt. Hoyt Hotel, TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posi- tlnns. Main 4W35. f lsk Teacncrs Agency. SHORTHAND. 3 months' course. Mrs. Han num'a School, East 3560. iiO Tlllamuoc..' P