14 THE 3IOKMNG OUEGOMAX, SATURDAY, DECE3IBER 2S, 1918. .0 DEEP-SEA TRIALS OF ' STEAMERS DELAYED Crews Demand Pay for AH Time Away From Plant. TWO SHIPS NOW WAITING J, B. Morris, in Charge of Machin ery Installation, Leaves Today to Join Boston Shipping Division. Pendinsr the adjustment of a wagre controversy between trial crews and the Emergency Fleet Corporation, deep sea trials of wooden steamers will be discontinued, which means none will be turned over to the operating depart ment. . Two ships are ready now for their run to ea, having undergone their river trials, which were conducted without question. A short time ago men composing the trial crews objected when a chanze was made in the wage scale, by which they were to be paid double time for every hour worked on the 24-hour run outside. They Insist that the former system of. pay for straight time for the. entire period .way from the plant be maintained. It is said that on Puget Sound deep water trials have been run on a per diem schedule. The builder's responsi bility ends with the six-hour run in the river, which Is provided for in the con tracts and. if all details are satisfac tory, the Emergency Fleet Corporation accepts the vessel on the conclusion of that performance. It is after the river run that the 24-hour sea trial takes place. Following various tests, includ ing the flooding of decks to ascertain if seams are tight, the ships are trans ferred to the operating department. J. B. Morris, in charge of machinery installation and who has had much to do with the trial runs, leaves the Ore gon division tonight for Boston to be come identified with the division of construction and repairs of the Ship ping Board. C. F. Berry, who has been chief clerk In the motive power depart ment under Mr. Morris, accompanies him East and wilf serve as chief clerk there. I-L C. Nugent, acting chief of hull construction for the Oregon Dis trict, is to supervise the machinery de partment. PORT1AXDEES ARE OX OPHIR Steamer Destroyed by Fire, With 2 Lives Lost, at Gibraltar.' After stirring experiences aboard the teamer Ophir, burned at Gibraltar, No vember 11, when on the way from New York for Marseilles, three Oregon men of her crew have returned. They are Coxswain Lewis E. Albright, of 552 Stafford street; Chief Machinist's Mate M. C. Bartholomew, 6019 Thirty-ninth avenue Southeast, and Henry F. Man ning, who. before the war, was em ployed as a brakeman between Portland and The Dalles. The Ophir left New York October 24. and carried 15 officers and 127 men. One officer died en route and two men lost their lives in the fire. The vessel carried gasoline and lubricating oil for airplanes, ammunition, general supplies and clothing. The ftjiip made Gibraltar November 8 for bunkering and left the next day, the fire being discovered in the hold when 192 miles out, and sha was ordered to return. Steam and wa ter were turned into the hold November 10 and the next day an explosion oc curred, blowing off the forward hatch. SHIPYARD WORK DECREASES Wood Plants Require Fewer Men as Work Advances. Opportunities for men in shipyards, which were general with the opening of the last quarter of 1918. have dwin dled now until the call for laborers has .about ceased and Director Smith, of the Federal Employment Bureau, estimates that not to exceed 50 skilled men could bo placed. '. according to orders on file at his office. The skilled men wanted are boilermakers and machinists. In a majority of the wood ship plants workers are being turned off as rapidly as additional hulls are floated. Some of the yards on the Columbia River will reduce their forces during the next fcew weeks to a considerable extent. Steel plants contemplate main 'taining present forces, there being every reason to look for a continua tion of the steel ship programme, and the contracts now in force assure all yards working to a capacity until Fall. GOLD CHARMS ARE PRESENTED Jj. J. Wentworth and J. W. Hall, of Wooden Ship Division, Honored. At a dinner given at . the University Club Zast night, in honor of L. J. Went- worth, in charge of wooden ship con struction in the Oregon district for the Emergency Fleet Corporation, a double surprise was a feature. A solid gold medal charm was presented to Mr. Wentworth immediately after which a x charm was given J. VT. Hall, assistant supervisor. Air. Han had been in the confidence of the chief instigators in arranging the present for Mr. Went worth, but had not the slightest in timation that- he, too, was to be re membered. Tho g-ifts were cast, one side being a replica of the official seal of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, while on the other was shown a Ferris type of wooden ship. Beneath the ship was en scribed the officials' names and office. CHARTER MARKET XOT BRISK Offer to Allot Federal Wooden Steamers Has No Response. Announcement of charter rates which the Shipping Board has fixed for wood en steamers completed here 24.000 a month for a period of four months and 520,000 a month if taken for a year failed to bring applications yesterday at the office of Charles D. Kennedy, Portland agent for the operation bureau. The terms are generally re garded as unattractive for trades tn which the ships might be used. The fact that Edward N. Hurley, chairman of the Shipping Board, was unable to dispose of Hough and Ferris chips to France is viewed here as a situation produced largely by the criti cism of wooden eteamers by Shipping Board officials. BOLTER-CP MACHLVE SUCCESS Vancouver Company Has Orders From Eastern Plants. VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 27. (Spe cial.) The Martyn Bolterup Machine Company, established here to manufac ture a machine to speed up the building of steel ships, is expanding greatly, and already has orders for machines from many of the big shipyards in the East. During the past few days chip meats have, been made to Virginia Shipbuilding Company, Vlrglnta; Mer chants' Shipbuilding- Company, Harri man. Pa.; Loa Angeles Shipbuildins & Drydock Company, San Pedro. Cal. ; Duthlese Company.-of Seattle; Skinner & Eddy, Seattle; Ames Shipbuilding Company, Seattle. The machine is used to bolt up plates before they are riveted, and one ma Ohine, operated by a man, . doea the work of four men. AGREEMENT MAY BE BROKEN Meeting of Coast Metal Trades Coun cil Monday Is on Macy Decision. Delegates from all organizations af filiated with the Pacific. Coast District Metal Trades Council are to gather here Monday to act on the Macy agree ment. A deadlock, reached by the board of review, Is taken to mean that the men lost their appeal. The council, it is said, may endeavor to have all unions abrogate their agree-, ment with the board, which might re sult in a strike, - but the opinion in Portland is that no radical move will result. Action of the Government in canceling .wooden ship contracts has worked such havoc in those yards that it is not believed steps will be taken which would cause a cancellation of steel ship contracts. J. R. Bowles Dinner Gnest. The office staff of the Northwest Steel Company will entertain with a banquet in honor of the president of the company, Joseph H. Bowles, Mon day evening at the Multnomah Hotel. Reservations have been made for 160 covers in the assembly hall and tea gardens and during the evening there will be a musical programme. The rooms and tables will be elaborate ly decked with flowers and greenery. Dinner will be served at 7:30 P. M. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. COOS BAT, Or., Dec. 27. (Special.) The tug Hercules arrived this morning from San Francisco to tow the Government vessel fort Logan to San Francisco. The tus and tow went to tho lower bay for the nieht and the pair may sail early Saturday. - Pay for ratchmen mho wtll guard the Tainax and the Mesa when they are taken possession of by the Government and moored at the railroad dock will be $3.50 per day. according to C. K. Cadman, Government ship Inspector for Coos Bay. ASTORIA. Or.. Dee. 27. Special.) Carrying a part cargo of ltiraber from West port, the steam schooner Johan Pouisen sailed at 4:30 this afternoon for Pueet Sound, where she win take on piling. The barge Charles B. Kenny is expected to finish loading shipbuilding thnber at Westport for Eureka tomorrow. The tank steamer Captain A. F. Loess arrived about 8:30 last evening from Cali fornia with a cargo of fuel oil and pro ceeded to Portland. s The steam schooner Flavel. that Is load ing at the Hammond mill, will complete her cargo about noon on Sunday. The steam schooner Trinidad Is expected I to finish loading lumber at the Hammond mill Sunday evening or Monday morning. The steam schooner Daisy Mathews will take on a full cargo of lumber at Knappton. She Is expected to be ready to sail Sunday. Carrying a cargo of lumber from Westport. the steam schooner Tiverton sailed at o this afternoon for fcan Pedro. The motor schooner Lassen is due from San Pedro and will go to Rainier to load lumber. ' i Marine Notes. tTnder the name of the Portland Shipping Agency. E. P. Dosch and H. M. Gresham nave established a sew business on Ash street dock. They propose to handle weigh ing, checking and delivery of cargo and provide watchmen for ships. On discharging her cargo of fnel oil late yesterday, the Associated Oil Company's tanker Wm. F. Herrin left on tho return to Monterey. Work of loading 830,000 feet of lumber aboard the steamer Frank D. Stout was started yesterday at fit. Helens. The steamer shlrted there from Portland Thurs day night. I It is planned to start the steel steamer I West Cobalt on her official trial at 9 o'clock this morning. The probabilities are she will not only be delivered to the Emergency Fleet Corporation but be assigned to the Navy before the year closes. With capacity lumber cargoes aboard the steamers Tiverton and Johan Pouisen got away from Westport for San Francisco yes terday. Official trial of the new wood steamer Cabura. constructed by the Coast Shipbuild ing uotnpany, will probably be held In the river today. To finish her lumber cargo for Southern California. the steamer Daisy Mathews shitted yesterday from Knappton to Stella. Arrivals yesterday Included the Pacific Steamship Company's steamer City of To peka, from the Golden Gate via Humboldt and Coos Bay. She is to leave on the re turn tonight. The vessel had a good pas senger list northbound, and bookings indi cate she will have a fair list on the re turn. She was one ship to reach port with small fir trees made fast to the masts. So far no Instructions have reached Navy officers here to permit alien enemies to board vessels for other ports, though other officials of the-'Government have been ad vised that wartime restrictions have been made less severe regarding aliens. Launching of the last vessel for the year by the Columbia River Shipbuilding Cor poration has been reset for Tuesday. The Alblna Engine & Machine Works expects to float its last hull for the year Monday. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Dec. 27. Arrived At 8:30 A. M. Steamer Capt. A. F. Lucas, from San Francisco. Sailed at noon Steamer Johan Pouisen, from Westport. for San Francisco. Sailed at noon Steamer Tiverton, from Westport. for San Pedro. Sailed during the night Steamer W. F. Herrin. for Gavlota. Sailed at 7 P. M. last night Steamer Frank D. Stout, for San Pedro via St. Helens. ASTORIA. Dee. 27. Left np at 10:30 last night Steamer capt. A. F. Lucas, from San Francisco. Sailed at 4:30 P. M. Steamer Johan Pouisen. for San Francisco. POINT RETES. Dec. 27. Passed at 2 P. M Steamer Santa Barbara, from Columbia River for Ban fcaro. GAVIOIA, Dec. 27. Sailed yesterday Steamer J. A. (Jhansior, Xor Portland. ASTORTA. Dec. 26. Arrived at 9:30 Steamer Capt. A. F. Lucas, from San Fran cisco. SAN PEDRO. Dec. 26. Sailed Steamer Rose City, for San Francisco. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 27. Arrived Steamer Alaska, from Southeast Alaska: Governor, from san uiego; LloDy Maine. motorship, irom Manila. TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 27. Arrived Steam schooner Santlam. from San Fran cisco: steamer Alameda, from Alaska: steam schooner Rainier, from San Francisco. De parted Steamer Edenton. for Panama Ca nal: auxiliary schooner Liberte. for Seattle steam schooner r. a. Loop, xor Port Gam ble: steamer Skagway, for Alaska; steam schooner Rainier, for San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. Dec 27. Arrived Steamers Celilo and W. S. Porter, from Ev erett; Daisy Freeman, from Grays Harbor; Baja California, xrom Antoiagasta. AMAPALA. Dec. 22. Arrived Steamer Fairhaven. from San Francisco for Balboa J. B. Stetson, from San Francisco for Callao. ANTOFAGASTA. Dee. 22. Arrived Steamer George W. Elder, from San Fran cisco for Valparaiso. TJ. S. Xaval Radio Reports. (All positions reported at 8 P. M. yester day unless otherwise indicated.) C. A. SMITH, San Ffancieco for Marsh field, 210 miles north of San Francisco. KLAMATH. San Francisco for St. Helens. 16 miles north of Cape Blanco. ARGYLL. Oleum for Seattle. 400 miles from Seattle. D. G. SCHOFIELD. Point Wells for San Francisco. 405 miles north of San Francisco. ALASKA, northbound off Eat Point. Y OS K MITE. Port Ludlow for San Fran ciyeo. 30 miles from. Port Ludlow. GOVERNOR. Seattle for San Francisco. 15 miles west of Sheringham. River Forecast. The Willamette River at Portland will re main nearly stationary during the next two or three days except as affected by the tides. High tides Saturday will bs about 3:13 A M. and 3 P. M. Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, Dec. 27. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. : Sea smooth. Wind, south east. Cloudy. 38 miles. Tides at Astoria Saturday. High. Low. 8:5S A. M....S.5 feet!2:rU A. M....3.9 feet 10. SO P. il....0.o leet,4:24 p. at.... 1.2 feet EDUCATORS DEMAND PHYSICAL TRAINING Compulsory School Exercises Asked by Council. MINIMUM SALARY FAVORED A. C. Hampton, 1a Grande, Chosen President of Oregon State Teachers Association. Adoption of resolutions aimed to make state and Federal education more efficient, and routine business, includ ing election of officers for the coming year, formed the programme yesterday, the opening day of the annual -.gathering of the State Teachers' Association, which, this year, is being confined to the executive council and physical training teachers of the state, because of the prevalence of Spanish influenza; The addresses and business scheduled for today will conclude the sessions. Officers chosen yesterday afternoon are: President, A. C. Hampton, super intendent of La Grande public Bohools; vice-presndent, W. C. Alderson, Mult nomah County school superintendent; directors. Miss Julia Spooner, of Mult nomah County, and TV. R, Rutherford, superintendent of the Eugene public schools. Dr. H. D. Sheldon, dean of the University of Oregon school of educa tion, is the retiring office.. Indorsement of the child welfare bill, originated and sponsored by the Port land Grade Teachers" Association, evoked considerable discussion during the afternoon .session. The bill pro vides for a domestic relations court, which will make divorces, mothers' pensions and the Juvenile Court sepa rate from either County or Circuit courts. As Portland is the only commu nity In the state which needs more attention. Indorsement of the bill was opposed at first on the ground that the state association would be intruding on what was alleged to be Multnomah County politics. The slippery Intricacies of Multnomah County politics would not be Involved in consideration of the bill. Chairman Sheldon ruled as he asked for discus sion. After extensive discussion, the bill was finally Indorsed by a vote of 49 to 3. Physical education and medical ex amination were the subjects of several reports. The state commttee on physi cal preparedness, of which L.. R. Alder man, superintendent of patriotic ac tivities In the Portland public schools, is chairman, recommended five ques tions to come befoie the State Legis lature, which were adopted by the ex ecutive counciL They include compul sory physical training and medical in spection; a state manual of physical ex ercises; a minimum amount of physical training apparatus; a grading of physi cal training work, such as is required for other subjects, so that -promotion can be retarded, unless progress in health conditions has been made; the segregation of sub-normal children. ABYSSINIA1MS ARE ROUSED Government Aids Christians in Fight Against Moslems. WASHINGTON". Dec. 27. A report from Cairo received at the State De partment today eays trouble has arisen in 'Abyssinia. It is reported that the Abyssinian government is sending troops to aid the Christians against the Moslems AMCSEMESTS. Mr. Martin Back Presents SARAH PADDEN tn The Eternal Barrier" Grace Nelson : "Four Buttercups" : "RIBEVILI.F." A Melange of Rural Mirth and Melody Kqalt.lo & Maybellff j Orpheum Travel tfteekly : Official Mar Review. I (.FORfiK MR. TrFO I. I.K MAIKK ' BCEKa I Assisted by I Clay Crouch THIS SHOW C L O S K S WITH WED. MAT. JAN. 1. X.AST DAT TOAT. 9 -Americans Sw eetiieartr. MARY PICKFORD In STELLA MARIS." Also Christie Comedy mad Pictograph. CIRCLE THEATER fourth and Washington. DANCING TONIGHT COTILLION HALL FOl nTPENTH, OFF w hi(;to, PORTLAND'S FINEST AND LARGEST BALLROOM 'Wonderful Ball-Bearli Snrln. B--1 LEAK TO DANCE AT n. ?t ituuL. EIGHT I.KSSONS "S. IT'S TONIGHT BIG JAZZ DANCE TEMPLE APOLLO 231 Mar. 50c Per Couple k-KODUCliUN AGAIN INCREASED Last month we manufactured 6,800,000 pounds of RIVETS. BOLTS and BOAT SPIKES Can we serve you? NORTHWEST STEEL CO, Portland. Oregon AMCSEMlWTg. I TICKETS NOW SELLING t TJpTT Broadway at Taylor IILILIU MaJm 1 and A 1122. FECIAL PRICE s- MAT. TODAY, 2:15 ! I Floor 1 Bal. si. 75c, BOe Cial. SOe I tiamS TONIGHT, 8:15 THE COMEDY SUCCESS BUSINESS foVe PLEASURE" PY MONTAGUE GLASS ul JULES ECKERT GOODMAN. THIS AFTERNOON 1. 75c 50c Td.MlillT 1.50, 1, 75c 50c. MORRISON AT TH PLAYS THAT PLEASE BARGAIN MAT. TODAY, O C ANY SEAT 3C MOTHER CAREY'S CHICKENS NIGHTS, U.lfS 50S 600 ,Tp5-CALL BROADWAY 37 FOR MIDNIGHT MAT, DEC. 31. MIDNIGHT MAT. - KKW TEAR'S EVE. The Famous Baker Stock Company la THE SPOILERS MiuiuuuiMiimMUiRmimiimiimt Next week. sUrUnc Sun. Mit, "BLUE JEANS" Anotber "Sis Hopkins." Klgbts, 25c, BOc; All Hsta, 5c f A N T A G E C MAT. DAILY 2:30 Monster Christmas Week Programme The World's Marvelous. Magical Entertainers THE GREAT LEONE CO. Presenting Mlw Edith Packard, the Original "It s Me Again" OirL Three Performances Dally. Night Curtain at 7 and 9. LYRIC jsg Midnight Matinee New Tear's Eve. Dillon A Franks and The Rosebud Girls la THE KING OF BING BONG Laaghter. Music and Prettr Girls. Mat. every day nights continuous. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS December 17, 1918. A 7SS. 8M. . B 71K, 771. 716. 291. CM, 7W. C 7itf, T0. 760, 766. 87, 760. 744. 6S7. 759. 792. 6S7. :!5. 842. 614. til, S10. 746, 838. 834. 86ii. S2.t. M4. E Jn7. ICS. 41'e. G 768. t47. 7i'0. 693. 724. 763, 657. 724, 657. 381. 751. 763. H 742. 7.-.C,. 744. 47, 754. SOS, 13, 743. J 4-2. 462. K .ViO, ."19. 749. 743. I -'7. 677. 624. 528. 623. 618. M Ktis, avj, 52. N 205. JhS, son. ' O IKS. 12. 2.".7. 22. 81. 191. P 610. C"!, 616. K 236. 311. 276. 173. 280, 268, 300, 237, 331. SOS. 8 1!4. 76S. 10, 2S!. T l!t. 082. 708. 761. V i3. S04. W 702. 7l. 719. 70S. X .".11. 2.-. 26. 200. 297. RS9. V TUS. bin. 74. 787. 757. 832. AB 7.14. 73. 768. 842. 770, 845. 869. 862 158. 3S7. AC 2S5. 30K. 291. 278. 200. 76S. 282. 285, 772. 273. 277, KJ7. 281, 299. AE 2S5, 670. 6U6. 67. 619. 670. A F 2!. 890. 89n, 27, 725. 9. 892. AG 722. 733. 571, 806. 726. 731, 383. 752 792. All 795, 792. 74. 807. 74S. 797. 796, 99, PUS, ill1. H4, iott, BOf, 791, 79. AJ 43, 49. 50. 41. A K S49. 826, 837. S36. 807. 26, 10S. 831. AL 79.-., 7.19. goo, 729. 809. .97. AM 841. fcr,7. 793. 814. 8U8. 842. 807. 80 S48. M)3. SOI. S12. AN 64S. 702. 634, 649. 793, 802. All 774. 714, 772. 775, 770, 770. AP 708. 663. 717. 712. 729. 6S. 963. A K 155, 2S2, 60, 100, 10S. 127. 129. BC 6H3. 664, 683, 6S0. 129, 649. 6b 1 6S2, 631. HS6. BI 29. 824. 825, 813. BK 719. 716, 74. 746. 744. 702. 6SS. 700, 715. U.I 139. 751. 139. 113. 827. 95. If above answers are not called for within six days same will be destroyed. TOO IATK TO CX AS PITT. LXPERIKNCED, competent, lady cook wanted; $17 a week. Portland Restaurant, 03 Vi N. 3d. UEETCfO NOTICES. A I, KADETt TEMPLE, A. A. A. O. N. M. 8. Stated ses sion Saturday. December 28, at 8 P. M-. Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill sts. Election of officers and representatives to the Impe rial Council. Visiting nobles cordially invited. By order of tho Potentate. HUGH J. "BOYD, Rec OREGON ' LODGE NO. 101. A. F. A NO A. .M. -'-Special com munication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work In the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order of the W. M. LESLIE 6. PARKER. Secretary. MARTHA -WASHINGTON- CHAPTER. NO. 14. O. E. S. meetlnr this (Saturday) evening, b o'clock. Esst 8th and Burnslue. uegrees. isuvra " ei come. Bv order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec MT.'TABOfl LODGE NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M.. will have a special meeting today (Sat urday). December 28. at 7 P. M. Work In the F. C. degree. EDWIN U MINOR. W. M. JEUBLEM Jewelry, nuitons. charms. sls Bw designs. Jaeger Bros. lsl- tb St. rRlEDLANDER'D tor long emblmst. ass pins sad medals. 10. Washlngtes st. DIED. HTDE At the residence. 708 Esst Thirtieth street North,. Incx P. Hyde, sged 27 years, daughter of Mrs. Caroline Hyde, sister of Mrs. a. E. Gordon and Mrs. Dr. L. M. Bolre. of this city. Francis Hyde, of Wis consin, and L. V. Hyde, of Iowa. Funeral services will not be held Saturday, as prev iously announced. being postponed to avwait arrival of relatives. Time of serv ice will be announced later by Dunning & McEntee, directors. M'KENNA At the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dolg. on the Linnton Road, December 27, Maybella McKenna. aged 30 vears; she leaves a father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dolg. sister, Mrs. Madge Boyd, and one brother, Ray Mercer, and one son, Paul F. McKenna. Remains are at Flnley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. McNETT At Fort Oglethorpe. Georgia. De cember IS. Frank E. McN'eti, aged 21) years, husband of Mrs. Marian McNett. The remains are at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth Notice of funeral hereafter. OBERDORFER In this city, at his res idence. 420 Vista avenue. December 27. 118. August Oberdorfer. aged 64 years Funeral notice later. GASS At his late resldencer"6020 Flf ty-f h-st avenue Southeast. December 27, Churles E. Gass. sged ?12 years. Remains at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors. FICKS In' this city. Dec 28. Carl Ficks. age 27 years. Funeral notice later. Ro malns are at the residential parlors of Miller Tracey. DIED. CONVELL At TTHlsboro. Or.. December 27. 1918. Grace Connell (ldow of the late Joseph Connell . aged 82 years 9 months, mother of Joseph. Thomas. John V.. and Mrs. William r. Wood, of Hlllaboro: Rich ard. Samuel. reW"ltt, and Mrs. Jane Tea baum. of Portland. I'uneral notice later. OBERDOBFER At the residence. 439 Vlsla avenue. Dec. 27. 1918. August Oberdorfer. aged 64 years. 10 months. 16 days, be loved husband of Minnie Oberdorfer. Re mains at Kolman's iuneral parlors, i'u neral notice laier. FT.NEBAL XOTlCEg. FERGUSON In this city, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. E. Fowler. 8 Fast Eighty-first street. December 27. 1918. Mrs. Minnie Chieholm Frgu:on, beloved mother of Mrs. w. E. Fowler and Miss Minnie Ferguson, of this cltv. sister of lll and Mrs. Bessie Flnley. &ummerland, B. C, A. G. Chisholm. rhatsworth. Out.. Mrs. Allen -Wilson. Toronto. Can., and Charles Chisholm. Lanadon. N. D. 1l neral services private, at W. H. Hamilton funeral chapel. East Seventy-ninth and (,llsan streets, at 3 o'clock today (Satur day l. Mr. Fowler will accompany the body, leaving at 1:10 this eveuing for Langdon, N. D. HTDE At the reeldence. 706 East Thir tieth street North. December 6. Ines P. Hyde, axed 27 years, daughter of Mrs. Caroline Hyde, sister of Mrs. S. E. Gordon and Mrs. Ir. L. M. Bolre, of this city; Francis Hyde, of Wisconsin, and L. V. Hyde, of Iowa, Funeral will be held from Dunning McEntee's parlors Monday. De cember ;0, at W:30 A. M.. thence to Church of the Madeleine, Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou streets, where requiem mass vi.i oe onsreu at A. M. Friends In- vlted. Interment Ut Calvary cemetery. HYDE At the residence. 706 East Thir tieth street North. December 2. Ines P. Hyde, aged .27 years, daughter of Mm Caroline Hyde, sister of Mrs. S. E. Gordon and Mrs. Dr. L. M. Bolre. of this city; Francis Hyde, of Wisconsin, and L. V. Hyde, of Iowa. Funeral will be held from Dunning & McEntee's parlors Monday. De cember .!. at S:30 A. M.. thence to Church of the Madeleine, Twenty-fourth and Sis kiyou streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Friends invited. Inter ment Mc Calvary Cemetery. PUTNAM In this city. December 26 Orrtl I. Putnam, aged 20 years, wife of W. E. Putnam of Wiliamlna, Or.; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huck. sister of Mrs. Ruth Darr. all of Los Angeles, Cal. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Sunday). December 29. at 2 o'clock P. M. at the Methodist Lplscopal Church at Vvlllamlna. Or. Friends invited. The re mains are at Fiuley's. Montgomery at r If th. THOMPSON December 25, at 565 Bryant street. Virginia Thompson, aged 12 years, beloved daughter of Mrs. Barbara Thomp son, sister of John Thompson and niece of Mrs. Whitcfield. Funeral services will be held from the Holy Redeemer Church. Williams avenue and Portland boulevard, today (Saturday) December 2S. at A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Remains al A. R. Zcilers par lors. OBERDORFER In th,B c,ty! at h)s uta residence. 429 Vista avenue. December 27, 191. August Oberdorfer: beloved husband of Minnie Oberdorfr and father of Harold Oberdorler. now with the A. E. F. In France; Elsie F. Oberdorfer and Doris S. Oberdorfer. Funeral services will be held at the residence on Sundev. Derember 29, at 2 o'clock P. M. Interment Beth Israel Cemetery. Please omit floaers. DCRANT In this city. Dee. 26, 1918, Albert N. Durant. beloved husband of Harriet Anna Durant. father of Bert M. Durant and Mrs. L. Baylls. of this city. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2:30 V. M. today (Saturday), Dec. 28. 1918. Interment Rose City Cem etery. BR I ED WELL In this city. December 26. Ermel Bridewell, aged 28 years, wife of Glenn I,. Briedwell. of Amity. Or., mother of Glenn L.. Jr., daughter of K. E. Mil ler, sister of Cecil and Cora Miller, all of this city. The funeral services will be held today (Saturday), at 1 o'clock P. H. st Fir.iey's. Montpomery at Fifth. Friends Invited, interment at Itlvervlcw Cemetery. MCMILLAN In this city, December IS. William James McMillan, aged 27 years, husband of Mrs. Mildred E. McMillan, of 5"4 East Sixty-first street North. The funeral services will be held to.eay (Satur day) at 4 o'clock P. M. at Finlej's, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Minneapolis. Minn. Please omit flowers, VILES At the residence. 1067 Belmont St.. Dec. 26. 191 S. Ada L. Vilrs. sged 67 years. 3 months, 22 days, beloved wife of Phil ander A. Vlles. Friends Invited to at tend tho funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral pasiors at 1 P. M. todav (Saturday). Deo. 24. 1918. Interment Mt. Scott Cemetery. MOl'LE At Manchester. New Hampshire. Dec. IS. 191S, Gracla Moule. beloved daughter of Alice J. MouJe. Friends In vited to attend the funeral services, which lll be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10:80 A. M. Monday. Dec. 80. 181S. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. MATHEWS The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Mathews will leave the residential par.ors of Miller & Tracey today (Satur day). Dec. 28. at 8 A. M. ; thence to St. Stanislaus Church, where rejulem mass will be offered at 9:30 A. M. Interment at Mt. Calvary Cemetery. VESTEL In this city. Roy Vestel. age 8 years. Remains were forwarded Friday, Dec 27, at 8 P. M. under direction of Miller & Tracey to Eagle Point. Or., where services will be held and Interment take place. HOKE The funeral services of ths lata Wealthy Viola Hoke, beloved wife of ! roy Hoke, will be held Monday. Deo. 30. at 10 A. M. at the chspel of Miller i Tracey. Interment at Multnomah Park Cemetery. CARLSON Funeral services of the late Nels Carlson will be held from R. T. Byrnes' residence parlors. 001 Williams avenue, at Mason street today (Saturday). Dec 28. 11&. at 2 P. M. Intermment Rose City Cemetery. Friends Invited to attend. HALL The funeral services of the late Thomas R. Hall, aged 29 years, will be held at P. I,. Lerch undertaking parlors today (Saturday), at 4 P. M. Frienda In vited. WEST In this city. Dec. 26. Edward West, ae 72 years. Funeral services will be held today (Saturday). Dec. 2ft, at 3 P. M. at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. In terment at Multnomah Park Cemetery. CRAWFORD At the residence. 414 College street. Grace Laurel Crawford. Private aervicea today (Saturday), at 10 A. M. In terment Mt Rlverview cemetery. Ilolman Undertaking Company in charge. FTNERAL DIRECTORS. WILSON & ROSS EAST ?T!t AND Ml I.TNOM1H FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAST 54- UOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607. A 1511. Lady Assistant. ' Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. sc. bee 20th and 21st, West Side. Main 26UL Lady Assistant. A 7h0. J. P.' Hnley & Son PROGRESSIVE FCNtnAL DIRECTORS. Main Motitromur) at Fifth. A low. DUNNING A McENTEE. Iuneral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broad was 4iI0. A 4.JW. Laqy gneuuaai. F. S. DUNNING. INf THB GOLDEN UL Lii UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder. b'L East 62, B 252H. CLOSED CARS FOR FUNERALS prone Wood I a wn 8753. BREEZE &SNOOKSnt MR. AND MRt'- W. H. HAMILTON Fu , si service- 1P73 E. Glljan. Tabor 4311 P. L. LERCH E"iaVt'?sf.nd S'!? ER1CSON Twelf lhand Morrls.yi street A. R. ZELLER CO. '"'J"? 5; A D. KEN WORTHY CO. BSOS-04 2d St.. Lenta Tabor 6267. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANYSd and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady assistant. FT.ORIST".. MARTIN A FORBE CO.. Florists. 304 Washington. Main 269. A 12. 'Flowers for all occsslons srtlsllcslly arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 2S7 Morrison st. Main or A 1S0S Fine flowers and floral designs. No brsneh stores. MAX PL SMITH. Main 7215. A 213L Selling Bldg.. 6th and Alder Sts. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flow ers and designs very reasonable. Mar. 6923 IRV1NGTOK PARK FLORAL. CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers: lowest prices IONSRTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 6th. Msln B102. A 118L LUBLINER. Portland Hotel. 323 Morrt.on. Charg accounts sullcitcd. Marshall 75. iPoptlan'dBusiriess1 Dulretin. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 20. ACCOUNTANTS. JOHN i. CLAKK, general and cost account ing. 4"2 East Washington sU fuont East 84:o. sH UKIIUIX PI.KAT1NG II KMS MTC HI NO Wn CUT. HEM. A.SD PLEAT SKlK'lS A--V WTVLK. Iuk L iltMdTlTClilNQ luo PER l'AHD .... E ASTERN KOVELTT CO.. 85H FIFTH ST. BDWV. 2000. AGATE t CTTfcKS AMP Mil. JEVVtLtK JEWELRY anij atch lepalrlng. Miller a, 351 Wash. S'.. Majestic Tneater bids- ALFALFA MEAL. 4.KOIM) tt.KIW. HV WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. Oooi- ANT1QI KS AND ARTS. OLD BRASS, copper, curios, tapestry and art jewelry bought and sold. a02 ad St. AI'I'KAISALH. STANDARD APPRAISAL COMPANV. Rall wsy Ex. Bldg. Phone Marshall 2753. AbSAlKKS AND ANALYSTS. Montana assay office. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN', practice In an courts. b02 Northwestern Bank uldg BARI1KK M Pl'l.lES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buj and sell all kinds burner supplies. 2t) 2d, CAXl'tR. L. M. JONES. M. D. C.NNCER TREATED. 812 Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. CARPET CLEANING. DIIPO The kind that wear the best are I1UUO made from your wornout carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress. lr3 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refilling and resizing. Mall orders solicited. lis East 8th. PHONE EAST 3C8U. B 12S0. Fl IIFF PUR On Phones: East 6516. .wil IIUU UUi B 1475. 54 Union ave. N CtLLl l.Oll) BUTTONS. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANT. S97 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1234. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECIALISTS WILLIAM. Eitelle and Florelle DeVenry. the only sclentifio chiropodists and arch spe cialists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnser b:dg.. southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. DR. GARTNER. Ingrown nails, bunions a specialty; foot arches made to order. 311 bwetland bldg., cor. 6th-Wash. Main 108L CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. DR. McMAHON. Macleay bldg.. luo chiro practic World's beeL Adjustments mad eay Obstinate cases 5oc rate. (IRCl'LAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. M0-11-12 Royal bldg Mar. OS22. Multigraphing, mimeograph m n i ttimii avorupinil. COI.I.i:(TIOX. NETH CO.. Worcester bldg. Maui ITU No collections, no eharg". Established 19no ROCK SPRINGS and Castle Gate coal; Im mediate deliveries on large and small ordrs. Central Fuel Co. Main li6. DANCING. MRS. BAYH'S Dancing Academy. 80S-H Kuril cmus- rjest instructors. Beginners caas Tues. eve.: claaa nunv t.r-l L , i ... sons day or eve. by apopintment. Phons ALlsKY Dancing Academy. Private Instruc tors, day and evening. Classes Friday ftl Ing. 2d floor Allsky bldg. 8 tenons. MRS. FLE.-K'S ACADEMY. 10S 2d St. BalU room and stage dancing. Class Tues.. Frl. eve.; children especially. Main 2100, BDICATIONAL Armstrong-llolmea BCS1NESS OI IX.K. WHOLESALERS AND At TO TOPS. DUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 8th and Oak. COAL DEALERS. MENDOTA COAL CO.. 413 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 7472. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. LDINKELSPIELCQ.n k room and office North Filth street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bidg HATS AND CAPS. THAN HOUSE R HAT CO., 03-05 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA U.VKK. KAIIN BROS.. 195 Front St. PAINTS AND LI BRICATING OILS. P. FULLER CO.. 12trj and Davis Sis. MONIMENT9. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 284-20H 4tb St., opposite CHy Hall, Main S0O4. Philip Neu a Sons fur memorials. Iri BLAESING GRANITE CO. I XT THIRD AT MADISON ST REFT OREGON JUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room IV) Courthouse. 0th St. Entrance. Phone front 8 to . Main 37. Home Phone A 2525. Night call after office hours, ood lawn 764. Report all esses of cruelty to the sbovs address. Electric lelhsl chamber for small animals. Horse smbulance for sick and dis abled animals st a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pet communi cate with us. Cad for all lost or strayed stock, as we look sfter the Impounding. There la no more cliy pound. Just Oregus Humane feoclely. NEW TODAT. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Rngs and Woolen Cletlilng. We Make Beteraible. MaaU-YVorea FLUFF RUGS Thy West IJke Iron. Mail Order-. Send for Booklet, Hag Bugs Wowen. All Slses. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WKSTEKN LIKK Klli CO, 4 tulos Ave- N. - el. B 1471. COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT 15c ,rr . ... ' 1 1 V Sir.--lft frozen. properly packed to arrive in Rood con dition in 5 -pound to 13 -pound lot. within liO miles of Portland. Write for quotations on larger quantities. NORTHWEST FISH PRODUCTS CO. SOS Yamhill rortlnnd. Or. Phone Mala 47KO. MORTGAGE LOANS Isisrawa Hty and farm property lBstalltnsat nuainwl vrltlUfo If preferred! (Wetnv. niwu - rcllKb. svrrtee. A. H. iilKRliLL CO. i-j -19 Ta'orthwestern Bank Building. Marshall 411. A 411s. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds 103 WILCOX BUMi. Main 70S. A 1103. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BVINFS AM) REblDENCB I'KOrtKTY. RORF.KTXN KWDTO. 9?- ISortbwest ro tunk Uldx. REAL ESTATE. ACRt'.VGK. hu!?i and Iota ch.ip. to th real e.ntMt) oitica at With and .Division fti-v in ihorno a e. cur. tor ale U.'.', J J 5 DOWN. $r p-r n:oi)tn. ftOxlOO lot. 100 feet N. of Uurnslci. facing- W., on L FHANK U McGt'lFvE. ABINGTON BLDG. 50xl0O $300 ON" MALL ST.. T0 f u from o'Jtix 1rm. Ownr. Tabor X WO Bod cornr lot, (rood location; CO min. from city. Iiroiway EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. fr. F. F. Casseday, specialist: glasses fitted. 00 F. Burnside. cur. 2 nth. B 13.. E. 4734. tit I II HER. WELL-ROTTED cow and horse manure de livered, tun or hair truck load. Mar. 1332. Hitf KtU AND HA(i Bid FACTORY'. NOKTHWEST KL'G CO.. established 1UOJ. 1-lur; rus and rag rugs woven, ail sisoa. East bth and Taylor. East 35ti, it 12S. HKMSIlrCHING. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, bullous covered; mall orders. 21l PitlocK blocK. Broadway 1UMX m vf iRLts ixtnta MATTRESSES fluffed In one day. Guaraa- vecu. Lott prices In town. East t. MOVING. MOVING. sl.oO per hour; auto van. Sellwood 1760. Ml St, EM I L THIELHoRN. violin teacher, pupil K.vllf ' 1 1 T t. i . u .. .. i.: . OPXOMETKlSIa AND PIT I CLANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. fry--.'-j 1 solicit our pair .4L basis ot capaole sel sands of saitsued tronags on ths service. Tbou- Datrons. A trial will convince. Chai. W . Good man. Optometrist. 2U:l Morriaou. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. 8.' and foreign patrnts. bol Dckum bids. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. U00 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, leinale disorders, eiun trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. 80 Of increased efficiency ; drucUsi iO treatment. Goitre- paralysis, bead- ache, tonsiiitls. Dr. Waiters. ud SweUaudl bldg. Marshall 492. PLUMBING flTPUKS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Tn'rd. Main 7D7. PRINTINO. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Ccntenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. tOOSs Front street, corner Stark. Mam or A 1413. DDIWTIWf! F- W. BALTE3 & COMPANT. rnlN I lltU lft end oak sis. Main 165. A lleVi fECOND-MAND STORES. LEVIN HDW. & FURN. CO, 221 Front Street, "We buy and aell eveothlug In the bars ware and furulturs Una. Phons Mala I.H72. A 7174. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. AMERICAN TRANSFER a STORAGE. We do Laullng of all kinds In or out of the city. Bagxage and furniture moving our specialty; 7 days' free etorage. Get our prices. Ws hurry. Broadway 41&3. S"1) Oak St. OREGON TRANSFER CO- 474 Gil. an st, corner of loth. Telephone Broadway 121 or 11C0. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouFes on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. flLCON TRANSFER CO.. 248 PINK, MAD1SON-ST. DOCK 4: WAREHOUSE. OK. flee 1st Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main lill. PACKING MOVING STORAGE. PFCI KITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 10.", Park et. Main 5103. A 1QU CLAY S MORSE. INC. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 4)3-404 Gllsan St. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old watches and Jew elrv. Condition no object- Repairs a spo clalty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 44Wi Wash, st. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO. East 204L Short blocks, mined s'ab. good furnace wood. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RAS.MI SSEN & CO.. I'd and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE HTT1NO AND VAtVKK. XL L. KLINE. S4-S3 Front gt. Pl.t MBINU AND ST F.AM SIPP1 IES. M. L. KLINE. 84-!o Front St. PKOIHCE COM.Mlsr.ION MERCHANTS. EVEKLilNG & FARRKLL. 140 Front St. KOI'E AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrusv SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12lh and Davis ata, WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & PL Co.. 172 First St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 2?.i) 2d s- REAL ESTATE. For ffale -I-ots. GREATKST SNAP EVEH HEARD OK. Two Iota. costlntT $-70i. will tuke $1200 C35h; a:rrctB hard surfaced pavrm(nt, sewers, cai, waier ami clertrtc hpht; be-twe-u 2Sih and riuh. on Schuyler il ilt S. K. cor. 71th and Euro. 0x100; liens to ausum. Mum 4i'J. i; J. GOt.DL;.HKlU,, ABPffTTON BT.DG. For Sale FTone. 3-IiooM .Mastered hous-; bath and pantry, electricity and gjs. full basement., fou: finer tin i ry trees on lot. ine-blf blui-k. Irnjn 1t car ner ice, in f in location ; pr e Ju'.joO; w.M ta.k auto as jTirt or llrL payment of flwuo. liy owner. ;;(0 Ivy tw f:won Williama ave and Union ae. ST t I 'TL.V nioUrn lionie In Irvtnpton ; lidwd. floors, Raragt, every buKi-m convenient-; 7 rooms, rleepintt porch: jufL an eVtjart liotnn; worth 7u0. IT! bo toM b- ldniv woman, owner, for $V-Hi. -a!f cbmi. No nptntf. Call Tabor M:71. LiiiATTIKr I- OKufNDS, UV.xllO. all kind fnjtt. b rrie. grpta, fehrubs. elegant. 7-routn rr-sWK-nee. f urnac ; li block e L trt. J ear. off Portland b!vd. l.'i-SO Ourila ave. Price f ..".0. Very ea?y term. Owner. Tjtor .'-4. fnrnoon. HAWTHORNE bunnn'.ow; awfully cosy lit tle home; elect i It ilshia. (tat, fine bath. b,irmciit, .'Ua I wo lot, 4 rooms but an o:her can b added for fl.'tO. My irlce ta vfrv, verr low; f irM. cany pavmrnii. I T li E. Iran t. Tabor hM. lorenoonr N A P. 5-room houw. E8t Grant, near 4Ati ?.. C')tHifc ttne rondltioTi, hard-surf need street, ait linirovemcnt; ca.y terms. Owner, EjjI A BI'.NT.ALOW IV LAUKEURR6T. x room, near IaurelhurM 1'arlc, pr,c f;.0. which tncludos everjtriint: modfFt ir.Ki.il payment w)U put you In posbf-ion; reMboniil lo terms on balance. Tabor il. W i:ST S1UH, neat r-room house, walking tll..',anc". betAn. "I.-t and IMd on Kar ney. Ttils is part of corner, on ty TiHM. pa rt caeh. W. J I. Burley. tSo Irving tot. M a r.sna 1 1 Cf6;. v 1 -."tO. 4V 1 IA buy O-ro-Tii houe in F-.ut-i lrtlH nd. Tli ib protrty mut be 5old at oTi-e aa own'-r is loavincr towu; tiinail pa rt'fTrt do n. LdUnce monthly. Phone Mar. luK SALt: One acre prouinl. 7-rooin bou', barn. cht ken hon,.e, Irmt, lxrri ae.l all or part, s deaircd, terms If rciuireu. t'.'!;! T'tA'S a icji ii At home, li rooms. uely patntC'1. fflK' fm. ... C. .OLPi;NI!Kir;. ABTNGTON ELTX. " Yea r n lort ' n nd." Mi'n 4-0.1. $Jt" KCI'TIBS i;or.ta City Ia rk. fn r-M-rifnc, ruct front, al! modern, 5o. no lot. H block bouiJi Fand. o7tli. Price $ ... Ow nr, T: bor foren-xtlt. LOO K NL A Ti TO N I ft-roon houe. with f urniturf. on'y $4.,Om; jf t.oo down, easy brnip ; i:.r tut i:h and Morrison. Call R Vo04 M I " .T eel rioa- C i t y Pa rk modi-ro r-. i d n. e quickly. Imm diato posrcusion ar'-n. KurniphetJ r unfurnished. iec Atiorn-y Wi.on. 14oH Yen hi dp. Man l--. l-.AKi.ifc; 0-room hou.-.e. good condition, ouxioo-foot lot. Alberta district: I'nlon av. and Alberta, carst- Owner, Scllwood 74. HAWTHOFNH DIST. 35TH ST. JoiO. 6 largo rooms'. l-rge lot ; room for rag: vacant. O ner. Tabor SM'i SOI-DIKK'S widow muM so;i 6-room rtt dence. close In. 3 carlinc. 7 J 1 lirook -lyn ft. S'!lwood SI"-. 6-I.OOM and acrv. 110J. f.'uO cmkii. tt Pir m on t h. tn- ludi 6 per cent tntcrc w t-v-rr. M i n .'.-l 7. ti-KOOM houee. barpain It bought quickc. 34 San Hafael t. Mod rn. IRVINCTON. HOY K5. It. T. STRfc tl. IT5W AGKNT. e-.-l. DLTLAIIVNT for perfect hours Esst 1347. 4-KOOM house. $1"J0.; terms or take ma -chine as part payment. 7MO Dkum bldt;. 6-ROOM hous. t4"0A; terrna" to responslbto pa.rty. O a born. 7u0 Dtkum bld